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Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA Cards Free E-Book

Copyright 2009 by Jenny Cox all rights reserved. In order to share the insights contained in this book with as many individuals as possible, Jenny Cox gives you permission to copy this book in any form you wish for your own use or to give it to others. You are not given permission to modify it in any way, or sell or charge money for this book in any form under any circumstances.

The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION......................................... 3 BASE CHAKRA ........................................................ 5 SACRAL CHAKRA ....................................................6 SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA ......................................7 HEART/THYMUS CHAKRA .................................8 THROAT CHAKRA ................................................. 9 BROW CHAKRA ........................................... 10 CROWN CHAKRA .................................................. 11


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox Welcome to the Balance Procedure (TBP) a unique energy technique, its a tool that you can use for personal transformation and growth, its easy to learn and simple to use. Although the technique appears simple the theory and principles behind it are from Ancient philosophy and the new discoveries in science, which are based on energy or Life force. The purpose of TBP is to reconnect with our Life force and learn to live in the PRESENT. Our spirit is the creative energy of the universe, it moves through us to manifest in the world; the medium which our spirit moves on earth is our physical body, our mind and our personality. With the use of TBP and practice, most people can connect with their innate intelligence. This can lead in very practical ways to dissolve limitations and expand creativity in all areas of their lives. I believe that it is only through this type of individual personal awareness that we can live a life of integrity and BALANCE. Using TBP we can transform our world. BALANCE is a symbol of dynamic potential; the sense of anything is possible. Throughout my professional life as a Holistic practitioner, Healer and teacher, I have studied and worked with many techniques which include the following: Meditation, breathing techniques, Colour and Crystal therapy, Holistic therapies (Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Massage), Reiki, Laughter Yoga and Energy Techniques (EFT, TAT BSFF) I have found these techniques are all excellent for balancing the mind body and spirit but can be time consuming. Using TBP and the Universal energy cards is a much simpler way. I know many of you have been using the TBP Universal energy cards and the comments and feedback received has led me to produce a series of E-Books of which this is the first in a series of four:

TBP and the Chakra system TBP and Numbers TBP and the Zodiac Wheel TBP Reflective Masculine and Feminine form and Colour


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox TBP and the Chakra System

Crown Chakra - Top of Head - Violet Brow Chakra - Above & between eyebrows - Indigo Throat Chakra - Base of throat - Blue Heart Chakra - Centre of chest - Green Solar Plexus Chakra - Just above navel - Yellow Sacral Chakra - Just below navel - Orange Root/Base Chakra - Base of spine - Red

Any form of energy work is based on the principles that our bodies are electromagnetic and energetic in nature, and when the energy is influenced positively it promotes BALANCE and harmony. BALANCE is not necessarily a state of inertia, BALANCE is a symbol of dynamic potential, a sense of anything is possible. The chakras are openings for energy to flow into and out of the aura, and therefore exchange energy with the Universal Energy Field. This energy is experienced in terms of seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, intuiting, or directs knowing. Universal Energy is then translated by the chakras into the glands of the endocrine system, so when we BALANCE the chakras, we are, at a physical level BALANCING the glands of the endocrine system. There are seven major Chakras. They are located at the base of the spine

(gonads), the abdominal (adrenals), the solar plexus (pancreas), the heart (thymus), the throat (thyroid), the brow (pituitary) and the crown of the head (pineal). It is important to remember that there are other minor centres in the body. Traditionally the Chakras function and nature are described through symbolic images not through word.


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox


is about our safety and security, this chakra

represents our relationship with our physical bodies and with the material world, it grounds us in physical existence. When balanced its energy helps us to blend the physical and spiritual: eliminating that which is no longer needed for growth. It will also enhance our physical existence and allows all our needs to be met. When unbalanced we may be afraid of life, feel a like victim, withdraw from physical reality or operate only in our own interests. When we feel threatened this centre will reflect this. Think of the phrase we use I felt my legs go from under me. Physical imbalances associated with this chakra can include any difficulties with feet legs or lower back, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal problems, puberty and infertility. Balanced we feel safe and secure anywhere on the planet. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: awareness of life; SELF AWARENESS: I am open to expanding my

I belong; I am safe and secure; I am dynamic; I am tenacious; I am

active; I am Life, I am a pioneer; I am powerful. LOCATION: Perineum, the area mid-way between the anus and the genital. COLOUR ASSOCIATION: Red lowest vibrational frequency, signals lifes energy, the zest and driving force of creation ENDOCRINE GLAND: Gonads reproductive organs male testes, female ovaries and growth. ELEMENT: Earth - a balance of both Yin and Yang, the feminine and masculine together. BODY: The Physical the cells, tissues, organs and systems which make up the human being GEMSTONES: Ruby vitalises, nourishes and bonds. Bloodstone message Be here NOW, Smokey Quartz balances the Yin & Yang energies POLARITY: Growth <-> Destruction MANTRAS/TONES: LAM (C) SOUND: UH


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox

THE SACRAL CHAKRA is our centre of desire, emotion, creativity,

sexuality and inspiration. It generates joy and has the power to encourage freedom and movement on all levels. Water is the element associated with this Chakra as it brings a sense of movement. Water is also linked to the Moon; symbolically it is interpreted as governing our emotions. We have all experienced that gut feeling or the feeling of

butterflies in our stomach. A balanced sacral will nurture our creativity and will bring us freedom and enhance our relationships, with ourselves and others. An imbalance in this chakra may lead to sexual problems, obsessive behaviour and guilt over our feelings of desire; we can become introverted, feel inadequate and harbour grudges. On a physical level it can manifest to lower back problems and the holding of toxicity in the body; POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: SELF RESPECT: I am enough; I trust the process of life; I am creative; I am spontaneous; I am independent; I am optimistic; I am sociable; I am flexible, I am Passionate LOCATION: Two fingers below the navel above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis COLOUR ASSOCIATION: Orange, gut instinct links our physical intuition joy, movement, creativity, ENDOCRINE GLAND: Adrenals produce several hormones including adrenalin, which stimulates the "fight or flight" response. ELEMENT: Water symbolically it brings a sense of movement. BODY: Etheric GEMSTONES: Carnelian increases physical energy personal power, creativity and compassion Topaz promotes individuality and creativity confidence in trusting decisions. POLARITY: Activity < - > Laziness MANTRAS/TONES: VAM (D) SOUND: OO


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox

THE SOLAR PLEXUS is connected to our digestive system and to the

physcial assimulation of food and its nutirents. Assimulation in the widest sense, includes mental psychological digestion of knowledge and experiences. The colour yellow tones and cleanses the system, it relieves constipation, which subconsicously represents holding on to the past and the fear of letting go. When balanced this Chakra is connected to our personality it can transform the I cant to the I can. A balanced chakra enchances cheerfulness, spontanaity and keeps us relaxed and uninhibited This centre is inquistive and it helps our mind explore all possibilties When inbalanced we may experience loneliness, guilt, psychosomatic illnesses, digestive problems and addictions; anorexia through to peptec ulsers and diabetes. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: SELF WORTH: I live my life to the fullest; I am psychic; I am authentic; I am honest; I am intelligent; I am clear; I am wise; LOCATION: Just Below the Sternum COLOUR ASSOCIATION: Yellow is a mental colour, relating to wisdom; wisdom in thoughts, words and deeds. ENDOCRINE GLAND: Pancreas secretes substances for the digestion of food, such as insulin. ELEMENT: Fire, without Fire (i.e. the Sun) there would be no light. BODY: Mental GEMSTONES: AMBER helps bring that which is desires to reality. YELLOW CITRINE gives mental and emotional clarification. YELLOW TOPAZ activates and stimulates the first 3 Chakras. TIGERS EYE Solar energy promotes intuitive impressions POLARITY: Expansion< - > Contraction MANTRAS/TONES: RAM (E) SOUND: OH


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox

THE HEART CHAKRA links our physical and non-physical aspects

and is our centre of love. It has the power to unite positive and negative energy and transform into harmony and balance. Balance or equilibrium is the key to our Heart Chakra energy, it helps us adapt to continuous change on all levels. Our heart and thymus share the same energy; on a physical level the thymus gland is our centre of immunity it also anchors our deliberate intention. Our Heart Chakra is associated with the colour green which is our gateway in the spectrum as the heart is in the body. Green is made up of two colours: yellow and blue. Yellow is the last colour of the magnetic side of the spectrum and blue is the first colour of the electrical side. Yellow clarifies and blue brings the wisdom, together as green, they help us to remember who you really are. The

Heart/Thymus Chakra is the Balance Centre in TBP. When balanced with feel at peace with ourselves. Imbalances: passiveness, anxiety, indifference, jealousy, anger, heart and circulatory problems. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: SELF LOVE: I am love; I am generous; I am receiving; I am adaptable; I am compassionate; LOCATION: Heart/Thymus COLOUR ASSOCIATION: Green, is the great harmoniser and balancer of the universe. ENDOCRINE GLAND: Thymus produces lymphocytes, a vital part of the body's immune response. ELEMENT: Air BODY: Astral, connects with living people and with spirit ancestors. GEMSTONES: Jade is known as the Sovereign of Harmony. Emerald is known as Successful Love stone and Rose Quartz as the Gentle Love stone. POLARITY: Unity < - > Instability MANTRAS/TONES: YAM (F) SOUND: AH


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox

THE THROAT CHAKRA is associated with our self-expression,

communication, wisdom and creativity. It helps us to communicate our inspired ideas into reality, creating and expanding our future. When balanced we communicate easily and

effectively both in verbal and written form. We naturally hone our powers of expression that encourage us to channel our inspired ideas into creative achievements. When

imbalanced we find it difficult to get our point of view across, get a lump in our throats or cry from anger and frustration. We have a fear of change a feeling of being trapped. Physical and emotional imbalances associated with this chakra can also include problems with our throat, respiratory system, hearing, mouth issues and eating disorders. It can also bring on feelings of shyness, moodiness, frustration, and a lack of faith. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: SELF EXPRESSION: I am free; I am affectionate; I am inspiring; I am inventive; I express my true self and fully participate in my own creation. COLOUR ASSOCIATION: Blue the colour of the sky and the ocean gives us the feeling that life is and endless process. Blue is connected with sound and voice. ENDOCRINE GLAND: Thyroid producing thyroxin, which controls the rate, at which the body converts food into useful energy. ELEMENT: Ether other wise known as Akasha or Spirit BODY: Etheric Template connects with spirits and spiritual energy. GEMSTONES: Aquamarine connects the physical and ethereal bodies, facilitates communication. Turquoise is for intuition and communication. Celestite fluency in communication POLARITY: Knowledge < - > Ignorance MANTRAS/TONES: HAM (G) SOUND: I


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox

THE BROW CHAKRA is our chakra of time and awareness, often

referred to as the third eye. In Sanskrit, this chakra is called Ajna, which means command. Using the brow chakra with intention we can attain greater command of our lives and respond with enhanced awareness and sensitivity to the command of our spirit. This Chakra also brings insight, which links perception with understanding. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. When balanced it opens our psychic abilities and our understanding of archetypal identities. It also allows us to see clearly, in effect letting us see the whole picture. When imbalanced we are not able to focus on the job in hand, we lack concentration and have a distorted view point. Physically imbalances manifest in headaches sinus problems and eye problems, mental confusions, nightmares and absent mindedness. When balanced it widens our perspective, brings us visionary talents and heightens our powers of intuition. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: SELF RESPONSIBILITY: I am fully responsible for my thoughts words and actions; I am a visionary; I am intuitive; I am calm; LOCATION: Above and between the Eyes COLOUR ASSOCIATION: Indigo can see more than can be seen. ENDOCRINE GLAND: Pituitary releases hormones influencing the whole body chemistry. ELEMENT: All Elements BODY: Celestial, mainly composed of light, it reflects our attitude and thought patterns. GEMSTONES: Sapphire gives joy and peace to the mind. Sodalite gives access to the laws of the universe. POLARITY: Devotion < - > Blind Faith MANTRA/TONE: KSHAM (A) SOUND: AY


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The BALANCE Procedure (TBP) Enhancer CHAKRA cards E-Book by Jenny Cox

THE CROWN CHAKRA is our chakra of consciousness, our master

chakra that controls all the others. Physically this chakra gives energy to our pineal gland, and is linked to our nervous system which can affect mental ability and the psychic potential in every human being. The pineal gland is also light sensitive and controls our rhythmic circadian clock. The Circadian rhythms are important to life controlling and activating several physiological and genetic functions. This Chakra is about enlightenment, dynamic thought, truth and being at one with the world; a state of bliss. When balanced we appreciate our uniqueness we have a perfect understanding and union with the universe. Imbalanced we compare ourselves to others or to our internal checklists; which can manifest in negativity, shame, depression and ridged thought patterns. POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: SELF RESPONSIBILITY: I am fully conscious and open to my higher self; I am inspirational; I am a humanitarian; LOCATION: At the top of the head COLOUR ASSOCIATION: Violet enhances spirit power and creativity. ENDOCRINE GLAND: Pineal gland lies deep within the brain and produces melatonin. ELEMENT: All Elements BODY: Casual, connects our spiritual, mental and emotional aspects. GEMSTONES: Amethyst gives complete metamorphosis. Suglite a reminder for being in the physical POLARITY: Peace < - > Conflict MANTRA/TONE: HUM (A) SOUND: EE


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