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Anlisis Instrument ESP Focused towards the customer service industry and in this specific case focused towards

the workers of the Sheraton Miramar Hotel. Evaluator will hand - out a survey in which we created to find the necesities of the future students in order to develop the proper material. Questions 1.- Has estado en alguna situacin en donde se te ha acercado un pasajero y no has podido responder? 2.- Has perdido alguna venta y/o cliente por no poder responder apropiadamente? 3.- Sabes como decir que el tiempo esta caluroso? 4.- En caso de alguna emergencia, puedes indicar las salidas de emergencia? 5.- En una escala del 1 a 7 siendo el 7 como nota mxima como evaluaras tu nivel de ingles? 6.- Si un cliente te pregunta donde queda el tocador, sabes como indicar preposiciones de ubicacin? 7.- Sabes como indicar que habr mal tiempo? 8.- Sabes como decir que el total es de 25 mil pesos?

According to the workers necesities at the Sheraton Miramar Hotel,the workers need to learn the following: Objectives: To describe weather condtions. To give and ask for personal information. To give directions of location. To properly use numbers and figures. To correctly use prepositions. What to do in emergency situations. Linguistic Contents FUNCTIONS: To ask for diferent points of View. MORFOSINTAXIS: enjoy + verbo - ing have been + verbo - ing since - for LXICAL NOUNS: level, management, weather, ADJECTIVES: fluent, large, massive VERBS: travel, collect, take part NOUNS: advertisement, knowledge,business. ADJECTIVES: in-service, fast- growing, further. VERBS: apply for, advertise, achieve, set up, let COGNATES: Pharmacy, Supermarket, Police man.

The following are the 7 topics that will be taught in 10 sessions. 1.- Introduction of the Program 2.- Describing Weather Conditions 3.- Personal Information 4.- Giving Directions 5.- Numbers and Figures 6.- Usage of Prepositions 7.- Emergency Situations

Lesson Plan:
Date/Sesin 10 number.1 4th july. Session 1. 5th july. Session 2. 8th july. Session 3. Objective/Skills. To recognize diferent expresions of weather conditions To memorize expresions of weather conditions. To reproduce short sentences and expresions learned. Activities/Materials. Role play asking and giving informing about weather conditions. Divide the students in to clients and recepcionists. Show the students through the power point presentation pictures of weather conditions and have the students identify. Review of weather conditions. Activity to give and ask for personal information. Role play, some being clients, and other being the receptionist.. Create the process from the beging to the end of a client. For example how to get to the rest room.. Give examples of objects on a table and ask if they are in or on the table./ Give examples of emergency situations and learn how to properly give correct and acurrate information. Create situations in which clients will ask many questions such as weather condtions, or facility locations.. The teacher will be a client in which will go student by student asking for information.

11th july. Session 4. 12th july. Session 5. 15th july. Session 6. . 18th july. Session 7.

To activate previous knowledge. To explain personal information To create questions using the 5 Ws about personal informtion. To provide instructions of directions and locations of the hotel`s facilities.. To recognize the proper usage of prepositions ane emergency situations

19th july Session 8.

22nd july. Session 9.

To demonstrate if they understand the clients needs To apply everything learned

25th july. Session 10.


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