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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT For the first time, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah SWT, L ord of the world for

blessing and mercy to finish this thesis entitled A STUDY ON THE STUDENTS ERROR IN WRITING RECOUNT TEXT MADE BY THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS AT SMP NEGERI 1 PASREPAN. In accomplishing this thesis, I would like to express my great gratitude and respect to my first advisor, Lestari Setyowati S, S.Pd, M.Pd. And my secong advisor Lila Herdianti, SS who always gives their guidance, time, correction, p atience, support and encouragement for the mistakes in writing this thesis. And also Yudi Hari Rayanto, SS, M.Pd my lecture of STKIP PGRI Pasuruan who gives me advice, support and motivation. Second, I would like to thank for M. Nadji Nurdin,S.Pd, M.Pd the headmas ter, and Endang Hartatik, S.Pd the teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Pasrepan who helped m e in conducting my research. And the students of SMP Negeri 1 Pasrepan for their help so I can finish my thesis. Next, the special of big appreciation and thanks are addressed to my bel oved parents, my brother, my sister, Iis families, Wiwit, Yeyen and Dian, who ga ve me prayer, patience, support and motivation to finish my thesis. I also thank to all my friends especially my best friends Yohana, Mita a nd Denok who always give their help, time, correction, patience, support, motiva tion, prayer and encouragement in finishing this thesis. The researcher ABSTRACT Aminah, Arianti Dwi. 2010. A Study on the Students Error in Writing Recount Text Made by the Second Grade Students at Smp Negeri 1 Pasrepan. Thesis, English Depa rtment STKIP PGRI Pasuruan. Advisor (1) Lestari Setyowati S, M.Pd, (2) Dra. Lila Herdianti, SS. Key Words: error analysis in writing recount text. The ability to write well is not a naturally acquired skill. In writing paragrap h, there are some factors which is involved in it. Beside we have to write corre ct sentences, connect the sentences into paragraph, and develop the paragraph in to a unified thought in written discourse, the students have to master not only on the vocabulary skill, but also on the grammatical skill. Among those material s, structure usually needs more time than the others, and among the common probl ems have to be overcome by all students and also the difficulties they find are similar in all parts of the word This study was intended to describe the error in writing recount text made by th e second grade Junior High School students. Base on the background of the study and the title the researcher identifies the problem into: (1) What type of error s is made by students in writing recount text, (2) How frequent are the errors o ccurred is the students writing of recount text. And the limitation of the study focused on the errors on tenses, word-form, and function word which their made in writing recount text. The researcher conducted in the second grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Pa srepan. This thesis was a descriptive study, which was conducted to describe the students errors. The data is documentation which collected from the teacher. She assigned to make recount text on January 22, 2010. In this documentation, the r esearcher knows the students errors by analyzing the students assignments. The result show that there are 174 errors made by the second grade stude nts in their writing recount text. Consisting of errors on tenses 123 times or 7 0, 7%, errors on word-form 20 times or 11, 5%, and errors on function word 31 ti mes or 17, 8%. While the type of error on tenses, the researcher founds that fiv e type of error consist of: errors on addition of be 40 times (23%), errors on o mission of ed 17 times (9,8%), omission of be 7 times (4%), errors on misformatio n of main verb of past tense 101 times (58%), and errors on misordering 9 times (5, 2%).

So, the conclusion is the error analysis in writing recount text made by second students of SMP Negeri 1 Pasrepan that the highest of error is the error s on misformation of main verb of past tense are 101 times with the percentage 5 8%. It shows that the students ability of structure in writing especially simple past tense is low. TABLE OF CONTENT Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF APPENDICES CHAPTER I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 CHAPTER II 2.1 2.2 2.3 11 2.3.2 11 Omission Addition Misformation 15 15 16 2.3.3 17 Developmental Errors 17 Interlingual Errors 17 Ambiguous Errors 18 Other Errors 18 Errors Types Based on Communicative Effect Taxonomy Misordering Error 16 Errors Types Based on Comparative Analysis Taxonomy Alternating Fromn Errors Archiforms Errors 12 12 Double Marking Regulatation Simple Additon 14 Regularization Errors 13 13 14 Errors Types Based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy

i ii iii v

INTRODUCTION Background of the study 1 Problem of Study 4 Purpose of the Study 4 Scope and Limitation of the Study Signification of the Study Definition of Key Terms 6

5 5

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Error and Mistake 8 Error Analysis 9 Category of Errors 11 2.3.1 Error Types Based on Linguistic Category

2.3.4 18 2.4 20 2.5 Global Errors 19 Local Errors 19 Writing at SMP Based on the KTSP English Curriculum Grammar on Tense, Word Order and Function 2.5.1Tense 21 Simple Past Tense Past Progressive 20 21 21

2.6 CHAPTER III 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 CHAPTER IV 4.1

2.5.2 Word-order 2.5.3 Function Word Previous Study RESEARCH METOD Research Design Subject of the Study Researcher Instrument 3.3.1 Documentation Data Collection Data Analysis 24

22 22 22

24 25 25 25 26


FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Findings 27 4.1.1 Identifying Errors 28 4.1.2 Classifying Errors 28 4.1.3 Tabulating Errors 38 Discussion 39 4.2.1 Errors of Tense 40 Addition of be 40 Omission Errors 40 Misformation of Main Verb Misordering Errors 4.2.2 Errors on Word-Form 42 4.2.3 Errors on Function Word 42 4.2.4 Interlingual Errors 43 4.2.5 Intralingual Errors 43 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion 45 Suggestion 47 5.2.1 For the Teacher 47 5.2.2 For the Students 5.2.3 For the Others Reseacher

41 41

CHAPTER V 5.1 5.2

48 48


LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I The Analysis of Students writing

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