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Lahore University of Management Sciences

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Financial Assistance Scholarships

H E C -Jap an e se N eed B ased S c h o lar sh ip

in an c ia l Asistan c e


Th e HE C -JN B S Pro g ra m me i s o ffe rin g s ch o l a rs hi p s t o MB A a n d Ms s tu d en t s co ve ri fo l lo wi n g tu it i on s , b oo ks & m at e ri a l s , lo d g i ng , tra n s po rt at i o n an d o th e r e xp en s es . s ch o l a rsh i p i s a wa rd e d o n th e b as i s o f ve ry hi g h ne e d . S u i S o u th er n G as C o m p an y L td (S S G C )

ars h i ps

l it y C ri t e ri a

G ra n te d t o on e to t wo st ud e nt s p e r ye a r u nd e r n a t io n a l o ut re ac h p ro g ram me (N O Pre fe re nc e i s g i ven to St ud e nt s d om i c i le d i n S in d h , B a l uc h i st an , S u kh ar o r Pun j ab U nd e r t hi s c ol l a b o ra t io n , s uc ce s s ful st ud e nt s wi l l re c ei ve th e fu l l am o un t o f sc ho l t he c om p l et e p ro g ra mm e . P I CI C C o m m er c ial B an k

n al Ou t re ac h Pro g ram m e

G ra n te d t o st ud e nt s i n BS c a n d MB A Pro g ra m me wh o h a ve a ge nu i n e ne e d fo r fi n a a i d . Th e s ch o l a rsh i p c o ve rs o n l y t he t ui t io n fe e co m po n en t . M o b ilin k S c h o lar sh ip

G ra n te d t o on e MB A a nd on e Ms (C om p ut e r S c ie n ce ) st u de nt pe r ye ar. A c ri t e rio n g en u i ne ne ed an d m e rit . L ah o r e S to c k E xc h an g e(L S E ) G ra n te d t o on e MB A a nd on e BS c st u de nt b as e d on N ee d a n d Me ri t . I C I S c h o lar sh ip G ra n te d t o on e MB A a nd on e BS c (E co no m i cs ) st u de nt pe r ye ar. Th i s sc ho l ars h i p g ra n te d o n th e b as i s o f hi g h a c a de m i c m e rit . K h u sh h ali B an k - U S AI D S c h o lar sh ip

Kh u sh h a l i B a n k i n co l l a b o rat i on wi th U SA I D is offe ri n g sc ho l ars h i ps to st ud e nt s fr B a l uc h i st a n a n d Si n d h , a d m it te d t o t he 2 ye a r fu l l -ti m e LU MS MB A p ro g ram me or B Sc Ho n ou rs d e g re e . Th e S ch o l a rsh i p c o ve rs t ui t io n fe es , e xam in at io n fe es as we b o a rd in g , l o d g in g , b oo ks a n d l i vi n g e xpe n se s . U nd e r t hi s c ol l a b o ra t io n , s uc ce s s ful st ud e nt s wi l l re c ei ve th e fu l l am o un t o f sc ho l t he c om p l et e p ro g ra mm e . S u lem an Dawo o d

G ra n te d t o st ud e nt s i n a l l p ro g ra m m es who a re Pa ki st a n i N a t io n als an d h ave a ge n ee d fo r fi n a n ci a l a id . Th is s ch o l a rs hi p c o ve rs p a rt i a l t ui t io n fe e fo r e ac h ac ad em t he s tu d en t . N ag in a

G ra n te d t o st ud e nt s i n th e BS c Pro g ra m me be l on g i n g to a s pe c i fi c in c o me b rac ke t d e mo n st ra t in g g oo d a c a d e mi c p e rfo rm an c e . B ah r ain

G ra n te d t o st ud e nt s i n th e MB A Pro g ra m me wi t h g oo d a c a de m i c p e rfo rm an c e an d n ee d fo r fi n a n ci a l a id . Th is s ch o l a rs hi p c o ve rs a pp ro xi m a t el y 5 0 % o f th e tu it i o n f fi rs t a c a de m i c ye a r o f t he s tu de n t . Asian Dev elo p m en t B an k

G i ve n t o a st ud e nt (n a t io n a l o f a n AD B m e mb e r c ou n t ry) in t he MB A Pro g ram m e f ve ry h ig h o n ou r a d m i ss i on me ri t l is t wi t h su b st a nt i a l wo rk e xp e rie n ce an d g en u i n fo r fi n a n ci a l a id . Th is s ch o l a rs hi p c o ve rs a l l e xpe n se s o f t he s tu de n t th rou g ho u t t ye a rs o f t he Pro g ra m m e F r o n tier E d u c atio n F o u n d atio n G ra n te d t o st ud e nt s i n th e MB A a nd MS Pro g ra m me s wi t h in a ce rt ain i n co m e b rac a c a d em i c p e rfo rm an c e , do m i c i le o f N W F P, a nd ge nu i n e ne e d fo r fi n an c i al ai d . Ar if a Asad S c h o lar sh ip F u n d

G ra n te d t o on e st ud e nt i n t he B Sc Ho no u rs Pro g ra m me who has a g e nu i ne ne ed fo fi n a nc i a l a id ; th e sc ho l a rs h i p wi l l c o ve r th e tu it i o n fee e xp e ns e s o f hi s e du c ati o n

Scholarships and Funding

Scholarships for Undergraduate Students
I m po rt ant i n fo rm at i on fo r St ud e nt s

The table below shows scholarships for prospective UCL undergraduate students. Further details can be found by clicking on the name of the scholarship in the table below. Name of Scholarship
U CL Gl o b al E xc e l l en c e S ch o l arsh i p s

Value of Award 5,000

Eligibility Prospective undergraduate students



U CL U PC Pro g re ss i on S ch o l arsh i p

5,000 p.a. for the UCL UPCSE/UPCH students duration of admitted for undergraduate the study at UCL undergraduat e degree 3,000 First and second-year undergraduate students


U CL F ac u lt y U nd e rg rad u at e S ch o l arsh i p s fo r


E xc el l e nc e

A b be y "1 - UC L" E xc el l e nc e /E nd e a vo u r A ward s

1,000 donation to a charity of the winners' choice

Students currently enrolled at UCL

1st May

D en ys Ho l l a n d U nd e rg rad u at e S ch o l arsh i p

9,300 for a Prospective UCL maximum of 3 undergraduates in financial years in total hardship

Scholarsh ip currently closed, re-opens 2011/201 2 extended deadline 2nd June 2009

E rne s t He c ht U CL S ch o l arsh i p s

(overseas 2,000 p.a.

Prospective UCL undergraduates in any field from Latin America

E rne s t He c ht U CL S ch o l arsh i p s


500 p.a.

Prospective UK extended undergraduates intending to deadline pursue Spanish and Latin 5th May American Studies 2009 Prospective UCL undergraduates, nationals & residents of Africa, schooled in Africa, who lack the financial means to study at UCL Final-year UWC students (except UWC KaMhlaba) liable to pay overseas tuition fees, admitted to UCL for undergraduate studies, who lack the financial means to study at UCL Prospective UCL undergraduates resident in

U CL A fri c a E du c a ti o n a l Tru s t Un d e rg ra du a t e I nt e rn at i on a l Ou t re ac h B u rs arie s

Tuition Fees, maintenance, international economy travel and further benefits Tuition Fees, maintenance, international economy travel and further benefits 10,000 toward fees

apply for admission by January latest

U CL - Un i te d W o rl d C o l le g es Un de rg ra d u a te I nt e rn at u io n a l O ut re a c h B u rs arie s

apply for admission by January latest 1st April

U CL Ho n g Kon g A l um n i S ch o l arsh i p s

Professor Denys Holland & Cowan Cheung Scholarship for a UCL Hong maximum of Kong Alumni four years Scholarship Vinson Chu Charitable Foundation Scholarship Weekly stipend of 190 for the duration of the project work up to 8 weeks

Hong Kong and other regions of the People's Republic of China

We l l co m e Tru st V a c at i on S ch o l arsh i p s

Current students from a university in the UK or Ireland in the middle year(s) of their undergraduate 16th degree in science, dentistry February or medical degree, on a 2009 summer placement on a biomedical research project at UCL 2009 deadline to be confirmed contact funding organisatio n

A me l i a Zo l ln e r I PPR /U C L I nt e rns h i p A wa rd

5000+ for a 3-month IPPR/UCL Internship

final-year UCL students, about to graduate (Bachelors, Masters or Research degree) in any area

Haro l d & O l g a F o x U nd e rg rad u at e S ch o l arsh i p s i n B i o lo g i c al Sc i en c es

Up to 5,000 p.a. for a max. of 3 years.

Prospective full-time undergraduates liable to pay 15th July tuition fees at the international rate. Deadlines: Project Awards: 1st Septembe r General

S ch oo l s C om p et i t io n A ct S et t le m en t Tru st A wa rds

Bursaries and Students having attended project one of the Trust's list of awards of schools varying value

Bursaries: 30th Septembe r

C oc h l e ar Gra e me Cl a rk S ch o l arsh i p


Nucleus implant recipients admitted to or enrolled at UCL.

please contact funding organisatio n

B ri t is h C he ve n i ng S ch o l arsh i p s C o mm o n we a lt h S ch o l arsh i p a n d F e l lo ws h i p Pl a n Th o m as Cu th b e rt UG B u rs ary

Bursary 10k Prospective Home/UK p.a. Undergraduate Bursary

Deadline 1st August

Further Sources of Funding

Some international organisations, such as UNESCO or the European Commission, operate their own scholarship schemes. Details are available through your own government's Ministry of Education or Education Department. There may also be some scholarships and sponsorships available from British industry. Details are available from the British Council or British High Commission or Embassy in your own country. Some jointly funded schemes operate with British industrial/commercial firms and grant-giving foundations. If available, these will be advertised in the British High Commission or Embassy in your own country. Finally, some voluntary organisations, such as the Rotary Foundation, operate their own scholarship programmes, though these may be limited in size and scope. For further information, contact the appropriate organisations in your own country.

H om e | P U a t G l a n c e | S e a r c h | S i t e Ma p | F e ed b a c k | C o n ta c t U s

About Us

A d m i ni s t r a t i o n

A d m i ss i o n s

A c a d em i c

HEC Need Based Scholarships

E x am i n a t i on s

JICA-I Only for Academic Session (2005-06) This Scholarship is only for students who are enrolled in Academic year 2005-06 and may be currently in 2nd/ 3rd Semester or in 2nd Annual Year.

F a cu l t i e s

U n i v e r si t y N e w s

A f f i l i a te d C o l l eg e s

Click here for Eligibility Criteria

J o bs i n P U

Discipline wise allocated seates are Total Nos. of Scholarship (05-06-07-08) 6 14 26 25 Scholarship Offered for Year 2005-06 UG 1 2 0 0 G 1 2 6 5 Total 2 4 6 5

PU Newsletter

Name of Discipline

P U D e v e lo p m en t s

IT/ Telecom
1 D a y E x c u r si o n T ou r

Business Administration Social Sciences Basic Sciences

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Scholarship amount per month B Inci Lod Transp oo den Total ging ortatio ks tals A+B+ C+D (A) n (B) (C (D) ) 375 50 225 0 0 5125

----- ----- ------ ------ ------ ----Bottom of Form

Name of Discipline

UG/ Tuition G Fee

IT/ Telecom


As per 2000 Departm



50 225 0 0 25 125 0 0 25 125 0 0 50 225 0 0 50 225 0 0


Business Administratio n Social Sciences Basic Sciences


1500 ental Tuition 1750 Fee 2000










Financial Assistance/Scholarships Information

Merit Scholarships for Bachelor Students

Merit scholarship is awarded to the Top THREE position holders of each Board. This scholarship is for four years of un-interrupted studies with full course load and is equal to the full tuition fee. Continuation of merit scholarship is subject to maintaining semester GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Top Three position holders in each semester

The university awards prize money and a certificate to those undergraduate students, who are the top three in their department. Students are selected from each of the four years of every degree program. Only those students are eligible who have undertaken the prescribed course load and have SGPA of 3.00 or higher.

HEC Scholarships for MS and PhD students

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) provides liberal scholarships to students desirous of studying for the MS and PhD degrees at this university. The scholarship covers tuition fee, monthly stipend and book allowance.

HECJICA Scholarships

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in collaboration with the Japanese Government offers need-based scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate level Computer Science students. This scholarship covers full tuition fee plus a monthly stipend to the student.

Sindh Government Endowment Board Scholarships

The Sindh Government offers scholarships to students of Karachi campus on need-cum-merit for both undergraduate and graduate studies. The scholarship covers full tuition fee for entire duration of the program, renewable every year. The quota for students from rural sector is 60%, and the remaining 40% is for the students from urban sector. About 25 new scholarships are offered every year under this scheme.

Other Scholarships
In addition to the above scholarships there are various community based scholarships offered by various committees and foundations such as, Memon Community Scholarships, Bohra Community Scholarships, INFAQ Foundation scholarships, Agha Khan Foundation Scholarships, etc.

The University may utilize the services of its graduate students in its different activities. These students are compensated for rendering their services. Preference is normally given to indigent students.

Bank Loans
PICIC Commercial Bank, NIB Bank, Bank Alfalah, Bank Islami and MCB offer loans to students.

Study Loan
Realizing that the fees may not be affordable for some of its students, FAST arranges financial assistance in the form of interest-free study loans for bright indigent students. This assistance is subject to renewal every semester in light of the students academic performance. Financial assistance is limited to tuition fee only and is discontinued if the students CGPA falls below the minimum specified to avoid warning. Loan recipients MUST take full load of courses offered. C lic k h er e to d o wn lo ad th e F o rm .

Applying for Study Loan

Applicants desirous of seeking study loan should apply for this purpose on the prescribed form available from all campuses or downloadable from the University web site.

Repayment of Study Loan

The repayment of loan starts three months after graduation or soon after getting employment, whichever is earlier. The total amount has to be repaid within a period of four years after graduation. Students are required to sign a contract allowing future employers to deduct loan repayments at source and remit it to the University.


First Liberal Arts University of Pakistan
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Ho me Intr odu ctio n to BN U VC' s Mes sag e Boa rd of Dire ctor s Boa rd of Gov ern ors City Ca mpu s Tar ogil Ca mpu s BN U Dire ctor y

BNU Degr ee Progr ams Acad emic Calen dar Acad emic Regul ation s Fee Polic y Schol arshi ps Dean' s Hono r List Meda lists & Grad uates


Studen t Resour ces Clubs/ Societi es Studen ts Work

Admi ssion Sche dule Admi ssion Crite ria Admi ssion Form Shor t Cour se Form Pros pect us

Seminars/W orkshops


Job Opportunitie s General Notices School Notices Time Tables

BNU Degree Program s Academi c Calenda r Academi c Regulati ons

Scholarships/Financial Assistance Merit Scholarship For New Admissions: All Board position holders/students with more than 80% marks and students with two A Grades in the CGE A level examination will be eligible for a scholarship of 25% of the prescribed tuition fee for one Academic Year. For Existing Students: All students who have attained a CGPA of 3.5 at the end of each academic year will be entitled to a scholarship of 25% of the tuition fee in the next academic year provided they take full workload of 15 credits per semester for Undergraduate program and 12 credits per semester for Post Graduate in that Academic Year. Financial Assistance (Scholarship) For New Admissions: Students will have to apply for financial assistance to the Registrar office on the prescribed form along with required documents. Scholarships equal to 25%, 50% or 75% of tuition fee may be granted for one academic year after checking the proven need due to financial hardship on the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee. For Existing Students: A scholarship award would initially be granted for one academic year which would be renewable provided (1) the student maintains a CGPA of 2.5 at the undergraduate level and 3.00 at the postgraduate level (2) the student takes full workload of 15 credits per semester for Undergraduate program and 12 credits per semester for Post Graduate in that Academic Year
Madanjeet Singh Art Scholarships

Fee Policy Scholars hips Dean's Honor List Medalist s& Graduat es

The Madanjeet Singh Art Scholarships are awarded to talented young students from Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Maldives , Nepal , Pakistan and Sri Lanka under the auspices of South Asia Foundation. Boys and girls from each of these countries are pursuing

degree level courses in art and design at Beaconhouse National University

Fc college
Forman Christian College believes that deserving, qualified students should not give up their dreams of an education because of financial needs. The College therefore dedicates a significant portion of its budget each year to providing both merit and need based financial assistance. There are different forms of financial aid available for each program. Eligible candidates may apply for scholarships or fee concessions at the time of admissions by submitting an application to the Rector. The Rector, in consultation with committees comprising selected members of the faculty, will make the financial aid awards. Priority for scholarships and financial aid is given to students who show promise and have achieved high merit in their academic studies, to those who receive recommendations from others, and to students with special talents. In all cases, the awards are made without regard for caste, color, or creed. The application for financial aid is available here . This application is for need-based assistance only. The merit scholarships are awarded based on scholastic results, irrespective of financial need. For specific information on the scholarships and financial aid available for each program, click below on that program to get more details:

Intermediate A Levels Baccal au reate Master's of Bu isin ess Admin istration

General Information for All Need-Based Financial Aid Applicants: In order to be fair to all those who apply for assistance, the College insists on securing appropriate documentation and attestations for all applicants for financial aid. Because of the high demand for financial aid, the College cannot entertain incomplete applications. Be sure your application is complete and accurate. All applications need to address the following: 1. The College need-based financial aid program is available only to families with monthly incomes under Rs20,000. Accurate, attested documentation of this income is required in order for the College to consider your application. If you have secured admission under the Self-Finance scheme for intermediate students, you are not eligible for financial aid. Telephone and electricity bills for the most recent three months must be attached to the application. Student performance, conduct and attendance are important considerations in the financial aid decision process. Students whose performance in any of those areas is lacking will lose their eligibility for financial aid.

2. 3. 4.

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