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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918 www.lebanonroadchurchofchrist.org

Current Resident or

Volume 59, No.28

July 10, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Valley View Begins Today

After a year of waiting, it is time for camp to begin again. Countless hours have been spent by so many in preparing for the week, and each of us who attendsfrom our young people as campers to us who are not so young anymore as camperswill be the beneficiaries of this work. We ask you to do two things this week. First, please remember the camp in your prayers on a regular basis. The weather is always hot, and sleep is at a premium, so please pray for safety for us. More than that, though, please pray for the spiritual growth of each who attends. We truly want this to be Bible camp, not just camp. Also, please visit one evening. From the church building, it is less than 30 minutes to Valley View. Come out and see the facilities, which have been recently updated, and see all the great things that happen each day of our week. There is a great mix of learning, social time, and fun, and we want you to see it! If you can take just one evening and visit, you will be pleased by what you see, and you will want to come back more often to enjoy just a slice of what our young people get to experience for the entire week.

Adam Faughn
Greater Things are going to happen at camp, and we desire your prayers that we can each be part of all the good that happens at camp! Since our camp theme is When I Speak Your Name, I have prepared a sermon to help us all think about that topic to begin our week. Gods Name is holy, and we need to be reminded of that. I hope this mornings sermon helps us all treat His Name with even more respect. I want to take just a moment to thank Harry Middleton. Harry is a delight to work with, and he often changes his preaching schedule (as he has in this month of July) to allow me to be away (such as tonight, so I can begin camp with everyone else). When I get to hear him preach, I am thankful for his Biblical knowledge, and it is a comfort to know that he is preaching the truth when I cannot be here. Harry is often mentioned in prayer in many areas, but take a moment and thank him for the time he spends preparing for the sermons he presents. Lebanon Road is blessed to have him with us!

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

If you buy a Sonicare toothbrush, you may not notice one minor mechanical issue that is programmed into it. These electric toothbrushes are made so that, the first time you use one, it will not brush your teeth at full power. Instead, it takes 12 uses for it to build up to full speed. Why? Because, in testing, the company learned that, if a user was allowed to feel full power on the first time using the brush, it hurt, and they would stop. Almost no one who was allowed that setting ever used it a second time. However, by allowing the brush to build up over several uses, the mind and body is ready for a tiny change in power, until, after 12 uses, the brush it at full power, and the user feels no difference from the first use. It amazes me that companies can make a toothbrush that is this smart, but it also gives a great illustration of our lives in sin. How many of us start with what we might perceive to be

Adam Faughn
a little sin, but over time, it begins to build and build until we are totally ensnared? How many of us dont think there is anything wrong with watching sin on a TV show or movie, or hearing it in a song, only to see the sin in those outlets to get worse and worse, while we dont feel it? Do you see the point? Subtle changes often do not bother us, and we excuse them as no big deal. In fact, though, these subtle changes are often tearing away at our conscience, and are taking us away further and further from lives of purity and holiness. We must learn to avoid sin. Paul wrote clearly: Abstain from the appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22). So, when we see even a hint of sin, we need to run, instead of allowing that sin to change us in what we think is just a small, or unimportant way. If we dont, eventually, we will feel the full power of sin, and that is something we should always avoid.

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: Speak the Name of the Lord (Psalm 111) (Adam Faughn) PM: (Harry Middleton)

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
Tena Burnette is at Summit in room 602 and plans to go to rehab soon. Maxine Cox had total knee replacement and is recovering at home. Tina Rich had surgery in Memphis and staying with her son while she recuperates. Cliff Wilson is at Donelson Place room 105. Limited visits please.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Opening Prayer: Joel Greene Read Scripture: Marion Schow Closing Prayer: Ralph Brewer Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Mike Windsor 1 Tim Mullican 2 Al Cravens 3 Wayne Gordon 4 Billy Hutchens 5 Gene Duke 6 Keith LeSuer 7 John Thomas Baker 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer Sammie Hunter Closing Prayer: Nelson Cluck Read Scripture: Philip Denny Sermon: Harry Middleton Song Leader: Lynn Wright Serving Lords Supper (Room) Ted Fox 1 Tommy Moore 2 Wednesday, July 13th Read Scripture: Opening Prayer: Speaker: Song Leader: (Contact: Keith 889-7366) Bill Myers Gary Schow Lynn Wright

by Harry Middleton
The story goes of an almost illiterate salesman who had been sent on a selling assignment. His letters to the boss are worth reading. Dear Boss: I seen this outfit which they aint never bought a dimes worth of nothin from us.I sole them a coupel hunerd thousand dollars worth a guds. Im now in Chkawgo. Two days later a second letter arrived at the home office. It read simply, I cum hear and sole them half a milyun. Both letters were posted on the bulletin board with a note added by the company president. Catching the spirit of the situation, the president wrote in the following fashion: We bin spendin two much time hear tryin to spel instead of sel. Let watch these sails. Im a wantin everybody shud read these here letters from Gooch who is on the rode doin a great job fur us here. Yall should go out and do like he done. As a fellow Christian, let me say this: Peopul are movin into this hear town and we aint been getting um invited and visitud like we shud. Least wise, not fast enuf. Wes been spendin two much a our time belly achin about how we aint visitin each other we would should a done been out tryin to bring people that downt even no the Lord inta the church. Pepul are livin all around us and we aint a Karen likie we should be enough to invite em to worship with us and study in Bible Skul with us. Les do like ol Gooch done and jus do our level bess with what we have in this here place and work for the Lord and His church! (Guess Who?)

We express our sympathy to Mary Neal Alexanders family. Mary Neal passed away on Thursday night. Her funeral was on Wednesday.

Teacher Workshop

Joshs Jargon
It is almost time for camp and I cant wait to spend another awesome week at Valley View with such a wonderful group of Christians! Every now and again people complain about going to camp for reasons like, there is no A/C or I have to take a shower with bugs. While in some miniscule ways these could be considered valid complaints, I believe that the good that comes from Bible camp far outweighs any perceived inconveniences that are inherent in living in a cabin for a week with bugs, snakes, raccoons and the occasion camper who has forgotten to shower for the past 4 days. Here are just a few reasons why Im excited about camp: 1. at camp we are able to spend a week with God at the center of our every activity (Mar. 12:30); 2. at camp we are able to focus on a study of Gods Word with limited distractions (II Tim. 2:15); and 3. at camp we are blessed to be surrounded by Christians (Heb. 3:13). I look forward to another great week of camp!

Give Away Day

Announcements: Harry Middleton - Johny Baker Nursery Attendant: Mandi Cofer

Mark Your Calendar...

Today: Going to camp!!! Last chance to bring SNACKS!!!! Tonight: Visitation team 2 and letter writers will meet following services July 23-28: Mission Trip July 30: Teachers Workshop August 6: Give Away Day September: Crisis Care Class October 21-23: Ladies Retreat

The Record
Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Wednesday Night: Contribution:
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324 221 240 196 $10,857.50

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