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2 LISTENING Listen to the conversation between two frends. Check(v) the place they decide to go to. B QE Listen again. Why do they decide not to go to the other three places? 3 GRAMMAR A HB Listen and choose the correct answers. 1 {don't want anything spicy So (Neitheb do! 21 Int something quick and simple o 100, either 3. Im trying to eat healthier Either ($0 2:7) 4: I don't want to waitin ine, | don't neither (either B 4% What are two ways to say you agroe with an affirmative sentence? What are two ways to say you agree with a negative sentence? Leatn mote about $0, to, either, and neither > Grammar Reference p. 129 € Write responses to these sentences using 50, too, either, or neither. 1 Have coffee. $0 do 1/1 fo too, /Mi to. BBV Yo can sso 2 Vim tired of fast food | don't hike salty food \ always eat healthy food 3 4 5 I'm crazy about Mexican food 6 1 dost enjoy spicy food. 7 fm not in the mood for anything greasy. 48 Toke turns responding to the sentences above Give your own responses. 4 SPEAKING ‘A What kinds of food do you like and dislike? Write down three in each column, B_&& Ask a partner about the foods above. Follow the flow chart below to choose the correct response. =e Do you like Do you like chocolate? 0 you tke trnonade? Yeah, 1 love chocolate Na, tant 1.0, 100 1 tke sweet things 1 dort ener. don $0 do Me neither © BB Find out moro food you bath like and dishike Mako a list 1D. &3& Share your food list with the class. Diego and 1 both ike We both disike Pronunciation 1 QAM Liston tothe following responses. Notice thatthe fast word of oach response is sessed : ragtlg dol. meat onthe 2 Ab Practico the dialogy stross correctly.

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