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all | unread #Christianity IRBMe has engaged in behavior which violates this subreddit's community policy

expand all collapse all [-] from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 1 hour ago

IRBMe has engaged in behavior which violates this subreddit's community policy. Screencap, since IRBMe has a habit of changing what he writes long after dong so, as well as to address the fact that the thread in question includes comments which were scrubbed from your forum by at least one vindictive mod : http://i.imgur.com/o29DM.png Has he been banned for his nasty behavior? If no, why not?
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov sent 1 hour ago

Stop spamming the moderator mail.

spam permalink [-] from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 59 minutes ago

I made a valid point... IRBMe has violated the subreddit's community policy. If you had one ounce of decency within you, you'd ban him from the forum immediately. Besides, I don't count you as a real moderator. You're a nasty & vindictive person who is FAR from being the Christian he wants folks to think he is. Putting someone like you in charge of a forum labelled r/christianity is akin to letting a pedophile babysit.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov from X019 (_) [+27] [M] via Christianity sent 30 minutes ago

Reading through the screencap, I have found nothing he wrote being against our policies. You, however have. Please stop spamming the moderator mailbox. We've banned you. Not just individual accounts that you create and then post screen caps up when you complain to others seeking pity. Have a good day.
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 23 minutes ago

I have found nothing he wrote being against our policies. You are either a really bad reader OR are purposely covering up for him. Your community policy is supposed to be against ".. Conduct detrimental to healthy discourse." His name-calling and derisive nature don't qualify? Have a good day. I am having a great day already. Unfortunately, part of it involves pointing out that you do not treat all redditors equally. If Jesus really existed, do you think he'd be proud of your dishonesty?
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 13 minutes ago

We've banned you. Not just individual accounts that you create Then NONE of you are Christian. At all.
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 12 minutes ago

I have found nothing he wrote being against our policies. Then you can't read. He engages in harassment and conduct detrimental to useful discussion.
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov from X019 (_) [+27] [M] via Christianity sent 8 minutes ago

His name-calling and derisive nature don't qualify? Point it out to me. In the screen cap you've provided he doesn't do any name calling. The only line that seems remotely offensive is "Oh yeah, the great martyr that you are for assholes everywhere!". We took action on the thread, I don't see what your hangup is here.
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] from X019 (_) [+27] [M] via Christianity sent 6 minutes ago

Wow. This guy seems really obsessed about this.

permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 3 minutes ago

Wow. Don't you just hate it when people want there to be justice in this world?
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 3 minutes ago

We took action on the thread WHERE?!?!

permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov from X019 (_) [+27] [M] via Christianity sent 1 minute ago

We banned a user who was previously banned from /r/Christianity and shut down the thread.
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 1 minute ago

n the screen cap you've provided he doesn't do any name calling. The only line that seems remotely offensive is "Oh yeah, the great martyr that you are for assholes everywhere!" That's CALLING ME AN ASSHOLE, shithead. He also calls me a LOW-LIFE. No name-calling? WRONG. Engaging in conduct that is detrimental to healthy discussion? YES. You fuckers are hypocrites. You pick and choose who you will engage in enforcing /r/christianity's bullshit rules against because you are too afraid to subject your inane religion to honest inquiry. Please don't breed. We need less people like you on this planet. Seacrest out!
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 1 minute ago

n the screen cap you've provided he doesn't do any name calling. The only line that seems remotely offensive is "Oh yeah, the great martyr that you are for assholes everywhere!" That's CALLING ME AN ASSHOLE, shithead. He also calls me a LOW-LIFE. No name-calling? WRONG. Engaging in conduct that is detrimental to healthy discussion? YES. You fuckers are hypocrites. You pick and choose who you will engage in enforcing /r/christianity's bullshit rules against because you are too afraid to subject your inane religion to honest inquiry. Please don't breed. We need less people like you on this planet. Seacrest out!
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to X019 from s3m9p5yb5y9w5gyns8ov (_) [-12] via Christianity sent 55 seconds ago

n the screen cap you've provided he doesn't do any name calling. The only line that seems remotely offensive is "Oh yeah, the great martyr that you are for assholes everywhere!" That's CALLING ME AN ASSHOLE, shithead. He also calls me a LOW-LIFE. No name-calling? WRONG. Engaging in conduct that is detrimental to healthy discussion? YES. You fuckers are hypocrites. You pick and choose who you will engage in enforcing /r/christianity's bullshit rules against because you are too afraid to subject your inane religion to honest inquiry. Please don't breed. We need less people like you on this planet. Seacrest out!
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expand all collapse all [-] from outsider (_) [+7] [M] via Christianity sent 4 hours ago

I'm just adding his newest name to the ban list. It's getting old and he's already been banned.
spam permalink


Does anyone here have the decency to explain this?

expand all collapse all [-] from [deleted] via Christianity sent 1 day ago

permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother from keatsandyeats (_) [+59] [M] via Christianity sent 1 day ago

Are you asking why your post was removed?

permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to keatsandyeats from [deleted] via Christianity sent 1 day ago

I'm asking for an explanation as to why someone deleted my comments in the thread referred to in the linked screencaps. I'd also like to know why they were reinstated soon thereafter. Additionally, it would be nice to know if more than one person was involved in the activity. Essentially, what is up with the mod(s) in r/rchristianity?
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to keatsandyeats from [deleted] via Christianity sent 1 day ago

I'm asking for an explanation as to why someone deleted my comments in the thread referred to in the linked screencaps. I'd also like to know why they were reinstated soon thereafter. Additionally, it would be nice to know if more than one person was involved in the activity. Essentially, what is up with the mod(s) in r/rchristianity?
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother from keatsandyeats (_) [+59] [M] via Christianity sent 1 day ago

You'd have to ask outsider for sure, but I imagine it's because you were banned from /r/Christianity as rick_sparkz and it appears you're trying to circumvent that ban. Even were that not the case, the deleted comments demonstrate an unwillingness to abide by this subreddit's community policy. Furthermore, we expressly disallow crossposts to /r/atheism, particularly when they're aimed at stirring up drama. This is plainly stated on the submission page. Please understand that no one here is trying to be unfair to you. The reasonable rules we have in place exist because it would be impossible to entertain reasonable discourse in this community otherwise. Your history in /r/Christianity makes it very difficult for me to believe you're actually interested in sharing in a mutually respectful dialogue. Anyway, I hope I've answered your questions satisfactorily. If you have any more questions, please do review our Community Policy.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to keatsandyeats from [deleted] via Christianity sent 1 day ago

Is it /r/christianity's delete whatever my truly that vindictive every Christian who

policy to ban people for LIFE? It's not like I use multiple accounts. I current username is before creating a new one. If the sub-reddit is when it comes to the posting habits of participants, then it seems supports it should ask himself this very relevant question:

Who would Jesus ban? no one here is trying to be unfair to you At least one person deleted (then reinstated) my comments. The redditor(s) who deleted my comments were VERY unfair. Your history in /r/Christianity makes it very difficult for me to believe you're actually interested in sharing in a mutually respectful dialogue. It is your religion's nature which makes it impossible to engage in respectful dialogue 100% of the time. You can't demand respect; it is EARNED. Christianity falls far short of deserving such respect.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother from keatsandyeats (_) [+59] [M] via Christianity sent 1 day ago

By your own admission, you find it impossible to be respectful in /r/Christianity; therefore, you will not be allowed to participate. This is in accordance with the standards prescribed in our Community Policy. Since the very definition of fairness is compliance with certain standards - in this instance standards by which you are either unwilling or unable to abide preventing you from impeding healthy discourse cannot be described as "unfair" in any respect.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother sent 1 day ago

Rick, we aren't opposed to lifting bans in general. Yours is one that has a very low probability of being lifted for many reasons. There is simply no compelling reason to subject anyone in this subreddit to your posts is the start of those reasons and one that stands just fine on its own. Your goal is to harass people. Our goal is for people in this subreddit to not be harassed. The nature of your harassment is such that even IRBMe and moonflower agree with your ban. Even people who are ostensibly your peers on reddit know your game and oppose it. And as for bans being lifted, I can tell you that circumventing them with 4-5 different accounts to harass people and further continue to ignore the basic rules we have in place is not the first step to being reinstated. You need to understand that YOU are banned. That we can only ban your accounts is incidental to the nature of the banned.
spam permalink [-] from [deleted] via Christianity sent 19 hours ago

That we can only ban your accounts is incidental to the nature of the banned. Who would Jesus ban? Please answer honestly.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother from X019 (_) [+27] [M] via Christianity sent 13 hours ago

Jesus would do a much better job of convicting you on your own wrongs than we can. We can not come close to doing that, which is why we ban.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to X019 from [deleted] via Christianity sent 6 hours ago

That's a pretty good answer, but there's still a real problem with it: Banning people involved JUDGING them. You are, by JUDGING me as ban-worthy, going against the religion you supposedly adhere to. You should be glad the "hell" your faith describes doesn't exist. If it did, you'd most certainly be going there.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother from keatsandyeats (_) [+59] [M] via Christianity sent 5 hours ago

The very nature of moderating a subreddit is that a moderator must be able to assess whether or not an individual is adhering to or violating the community policy. You determined that you shouldn't need to follow the rules; outsider determined on this basis to enforce the rules. I suspect you already know that judging in the sense that it is used in the Bible is rather a different thing than examining, evaluating, drawing a conclusion about one's behavior.
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to keatsandyeats from [deleted] via Christianity sent 5 hours ago

judging in the sense that it is used in the Bible is rather a different thing than examining, evaluating, drawing a conclusion about one's behavior Is that really what you think? If so, you should review this: http://www.openbible.info/topics/judging_others It seems to me your entire goal here is to attempt to justify judgmental fascist activities. I'm not impressed.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother from keatsandyeats (_) [+59] [M] via Christianity sent 5 hours ago

Yes. It says "the spiritual person judges all things," and "judge righteously," and "in righteousness judge your neighbor," and "the world is to be judged by you." I'm not going to have a semantics argument with you.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to keatsandyeats from [deleted] via Christianity sent 5 hours ago

I'm not going to have a semantics argument with you. I doubt you could do so if you truly tried. At least you're aware of the fact that the scripture you're attempting to support contains vague contradictions. Why are you Christian? Brainwashed during childhood, or indoctrinated as an insecure juvenile/adult?
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother from keatsandyeats (_) [+59] [M] via Christianity sent 5 hours ago

I've entertained this conversation long enough. The matter is closed.

permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to keatsandyeats from [deleted] via Christianity sent 5 hours ago

please do review our Community Policy. Speaking of which, IRBMe has violated it. He should be banned from r/christianity.

permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to keatsandyeats from [deleted] via Christianity sent 5 hours ago

The matter is closed. You are a pathetic, intellectually dishonest coward. I pity anyone who comes into contact with you.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother sent 5 hours ago

This is beyond absurd. Rick you're banned. Any account you generate shares that ban. You wore out your welcome to post to r/Christianity. Such is your behavior that even some of those whom are the most critical of our subreddit's policies support your ban. Truly you have burned your bridges. At this point all you're doing is trolling and spamming moderator mail because you aren't getting your desired responses when you try to generate discord. I know you'll accuse me of trolling you via moderator mail because that is simply what you do. Other moderators can continue this discourse if they want, though I'd recommend ignoring and removing his posts from here on. You won't have your ban lifted barring some very compelling argument from someone who isn't you Rick, and every outburst you make like this makes it even less likely. Though you will read this with the lens of condescension I would hope that you do not. I suggest you seek out psychiatrist to evaluate why every month-and-a-half or so you have those urges to freak out on people and insult them. It might be something perfectly treatable or it might be that you're just normal but a jerk. Your quality of life and everyone else around you will improve if it is something treatable.
spam permalink [-] from [deleted] via Christianity sent 4 hours ago

Any account you generate shares that ban. When you woke up this morning, did you think to yourself, "BOY, do I wish I could ostracize people from society for expressing views which don't match my own! Your quality of life Is something you know little to nothing about. Quit trying to JUDGE me, you religious freak.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] from [deleted] via Christianity sent 4 hours ago

you aren't getting your desired responses By the way, and I realize this is giving up a bit more than I probably should, but you should keep in mind that every time a fascist moderator like you proves in a permanent message that you're incapable of engaging in discourse about the fictional nature of your religion, I save an easily-linked copy. For future use. Have a nice day, fuckface!
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother sent 4 hours ago

Stop spamming this inbox.

spam permalink [-] from [deleted] via Christianity sent 4 hours ago

Did you really just accuse me of sending you SPAM? Unbelievable. (updates saved PDF copy of this conversation in order to show folks down the road that outsider is such a coward that he'll accuse people of spamming him when that person has done no such thing) You REALLY need to think about how much of an immoral liar you are. A lot.
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to caucasianbrother sent 4 hours ago

I'm forwarding this along to reddit admins as well.

spam permalink [-] from [deleted] via Christianity sent 4 hours ago

I'm okay with that. They should be aware of just how dishonest you really are. The piety you enjoy is undeserved. I'm going to knock you down a few pegs, mainly because I can't stand fascism. I've done so to others, and both you and IRBMe have raised my ire to the point that it's now your turns. I'd wager you think yourself a lover of freedom! Perhaps you think that also includes the right to exclude others, or the right to LIE, or the right to make false claims. By the way, what does your idiotic religion say about those things? The best part is, I'll do the majority of pointing out what a miscreant you are to other folks in private. Sure, a few will forward every message to you. But most won't. It's called attrition, and I hope you keep in mind that you brought it on yourself. If you were an honest person, you wouldn't receive this kind of attention. Enjoy.
permalink remove block user spam reply


Caught in the spam filter?

expand all collapse all [-] from malakhgabriel (_) [+9] via Christianity sent 10 hours ago

Hello, mod friends. I think one of my posts to r/Christianity got caught in the spam filter. Might I prevail upon you to release it? Thanks. http://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/ing50/doubt/
permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply [-] to malakhgabriel from rainer511 (_) [+35] [M] via Christianity sent 10 hours ago

The dark deed you have requested has been done.

permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to rainer511 from malakhgabriel (_) [+9] via Christianity sent 10 hours ago

My thanks.
permalink remove block user spam reply [-] to malakhgabriel sent 5 hours ago

I'm going to go ahead and add your name to the approved submitters list. I've never seen spam from you but I seem to remember you getting caught in the spam filter from time to time.
spam permalink [-] from malakhgabriel (_) [+9] via Christianity sent 4 hours ago

It does seem to happen from time to time. Thank you for that. :)
permalink remove block user spam reply


For the record

expand all collapse all [-] from keatsandyeats (_) [+59] [M] via Christianity sent 4 hours ago

Just thought I'd leave this here.

permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply


removal reporting...

expand all collapse all [-] from rainer511 (_) [+35] [M] via Christianity sent 7 hours ago

WhyMe69 posted this, which I removed and left this response.

permalink remove block user mark unread spam reply



expand all collapse all [-] from outsider (_) [+7] [M] via Christianity sent 16 days ago

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