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Re: Connecting a stored procedure to a crystal report 08-16-2007 07:05 AM After much trial and error, here is a simple

solution for connecting a stored pr ocedure to a crystal report, passing values to a stored procedure for a crystal report and logging into a database through the report viewer. The code is in vb .net, but it can easily be converted to C#. What you will need for this example: Visual Studio 2005, crystal reports, sql server 2005 Crystal Reports will prompt you to supply a username and password before you can see your report in your application. To automatically log in to the database a nd avoid this, you can do this programmatically. Instead of placing the code in the Load Event, place it in the Init event. Here is the sample code to bypass the database login prompt: 1) Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Han dles Me.Init ConfigureReport() End Sub 2) Set up the ConfigureReport() subroutine: Private Sub ConfigureReport() If Not Page.IsPostBack Then Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo() myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = DatabaseName myConnectionInfo.UserID = userid myConnectionInfo.Password = password Dim ReportPath As String = Server.MapPath("YourReport.rpt") ReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportPath SetDBLogonForReport(myConnectionInfo) End If 3) Set up the Database Logon subroutine: Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo) Dim myTableLogOnInfos As TableLogOnInfos = ReportViewer1.LogOnInfo() For Each myTableLogOnInfo As TableLogOnInfo In myTableLogOnInfos myTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo Next End Sub 4) Make sure you have the following Import statements at the top of the code pa ge. Imports Imports Imports Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine CrystalDecisions.Shared System.Data System.Data.SqlClient

Note: the last import statement is if you decide to use a sql connection. 5) Create your parameterized stored procedure in sql server

Sample stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_YourProcedure @value1 int, @value2 int AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT * FROM Table WHERE column1=@value1 and column2=@value2 END 6) Connect this stored procedure to your crystal report (if you haven't created a report already with its connections) To do this, go into Visual Studio 2005, go into your project, click website>add new item>choose crystal reports Name your report and continue through the wizard. In Database Expert, expand cr eate new connection, expand oledb (ado), select SQL Server, enter server info, s elect database. Click Next. Expand your server node, expand your database node, expand the dbo node, expand stored procedure node, select your stored procedure and place it in the Selected Tables column by clicking the ">" button. Click O K. Somewhere in the process, they will ask for values for your parameter values, do n't provide any, just click OK. 7) When the report comes up in vs2005, go into Field Explorer, expand the Databa se Fields Node, add whatever columns to your report by drop and drag. 8) Go back into your code page. Add these lines of code to the ConfigureReport () subroutine after the line "ReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportPath" Dim field1 As ParameterField = Me.ReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo(0 ) Dim field2 As ParameterField = Me.ReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo(1 ) Dim val1 As New ParameterDiscreteValue() Dim val2 As New ParameterDiscreteValue() val1.Value = "value1" val2.Value = "value2" field1.CurrentValues.Add(val1) field2.CurrentValues.Add(val2) Because I have two values, I need two discrete values. Whatever the values of your parameter values, it will be passed to value1 and value2. These values can come from anywhere, a user textbox, combo box, etc. I have used session variab les myself, but that has drawbacks. Here is the complete code: Imports Imports Imports Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine CrystalDecisions.Shared System.Data System.Data.SqlClient

Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Han

dles Me.Init ConfigureReport() End Sub Private Sub ConfigureReport() If Not Page.IsPostBack Then Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo() myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = DatabaseName myConnectionInfo.UserID = userid myConnectionInfo.Password = password Dim ReportPath As String = Server.MapPath("YourReport.rpt") ReportViewer1.ReportSource = ReportPath Dim field1 As ParameterField = Me.ReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo(0 ) Dim field2 As ParameterField = Me.ReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo(1 ) Dim val1 As New ParameterDiscreteValue() Dim val2 As New ParameterDiscreteValue() val1.Value = "value1" val2.Value = "value2" field1.CurrentValues.Add(val1) field2.CurrentValues.Add(val2) SetDBLogonForReport(myConnectionInfo) End If End Sub Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo) Dim myTableLogOnInfos As TableLogOnInfos = ReportViewer1.LogOnInfo() For Each myTableLogOnInfo As TableLogOnInfo In myTableLogOnInfos myTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo Next End Sub Run your report and it should show up without prompting for a username, passwor d or parameter values. I hope this helps someone else who was just as frustrated as I was trying to get info on this. Please feel free to comment on this solution if you like. Code Or Die!

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