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Alternative technology It is referring to technologies that are environmental friendly compared to the technologies that commonly used in most

t manufacturing companies.1 [Definition] Act as an alternative to resource-intensive and wasteful industries. Aims to utilize the resources with : o o o o careful considerations minimum damages to the environment affordable costs a possible degree of control over the process

Examples :
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Anaerobic digestion Fuels for automobiles (besides gasoline and diesel) Alcohol (either ethanol or methanol) Biodiesel Vegetable oil Solar panels Silicon-based Photosynthetic "Gratzel cells" (Titanium dioxide) Mechanical biological treatment Recycling

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This sustainable development sometimes also known as environmental technology.

Recycling o Recycling is a basic application towards the concept of Green Technology. o It encourages people to reuse items that can be reusable (cans, papers, plastics and glasses) o Allows the items to be used in the future for several other purposes.


o Hence, it helps protect the environment and cause less waste/pollution.2 Sewage treatment o It purifies water in levels of its pollution. o The more the water is polluted, it's not used for anything. o The least polluted water is supplied to places where water is used affluently. o It may lead to vaious other concepts of environmental protection, sustainability etc.3 Environmental remediation o The removal of pollutants or contaminants for the general protection of the environment.4 Solid waste management o The process of purification, consumption, reuse, disposal and treatment of solid waste that is looked after by the government or the ruling bodies of a city/town.5 Renewable energy o The energy that can be replenished easily. o Energy that can be produced by natural objects like wood, sun, wind, etc. is considered to be renewable. 6

^ Recycling 101 in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_technology

^ Sewage Treatment. Retrieved June 17th, 2009 http://www.euwfd.com/html/sewage_treatment.html Environmental remedies and water Resource in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_technology

^ Livescience. Retrieved June 27, 2009.10 top emerging environmental technologies, http://www.reference.md/files/D052/mD052918.html in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_technology

^ Retrieved June 16th, 2009. http://www-esd.lbl.gov/ERT/index.html Urban Waste Management. Retrieved June 16th, 2009. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTURBANDEVELOPMENT/EXTUSWM in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_technology

^ Retrieved Sept 21,2009. NREL official website in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_technology

Inventions and Innovations

Invention is about creating new things or processes where as innovation is about improving the inventions you have made earlier (to become multipurpose, more attractive and maybe more practical as well) By having technologies allow you to do all the above. Not just that, by having technology awareness also allows people (community or businesses) to demand for more technologies. Thats why big companies such as Intel, Mattel and Shell can make those inventions and innovations happen in their company as they have all the technologies (including financial capitals and professional workers) needed to accomplish those and therefore can fulfill the demands of people on having new technologies that can simplify their lifes. For example, o Apple Inc. have came out with lots of inventions (Mac, iPods, iPhones, iPads, etc2) and also innovations (iPod shuffle, iPod nano, iPod touch, iPod classic, etc2).7 One of the Shell innovators is Aad van Helden has came out an idea in transforming plastic drink bottles into floor tiles. Through the processes they have developed, poorer quality of plastic are combined with other substances to form a new composite that can be used for tiles and claddings. Plus, recycling the waste is always handful to the environment.8

http://www.apple.com/ipod http://www.shell.com/home/content/innovation/about_us/our_innovators/

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