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Please Note: This eBook is col l ect ed by Mysterious China Blogger. I share it with you now.

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Mysterious China Blog is a blog that introduces China to the whole world. The blog main purpose is to let the world know the
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China today, Chinese life, Chinese kung fu, Chinese legend
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Blog URL: http://www.mysteriouschina.com

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Ilruce Let! (jasl",d like a meu.oT through the world.:.f
mOlftin! IlIU and motion l'lcturotl . Then. o nJuly 20. 1973. in Honll
Kong, !Ike a meU!ur-he vO.>,"hoo. extinglllshro ... dden deaUl.
110 was just 32.
BruC0 Lee began h .. martial \lfU with wing ehun. under
the tUI<)!ago of the lat.. Yip Man. to alleviate the peROna!
in,nlled by Hong KO:"'11 Clly life. bealU8e
Lrainlng onveloped him to thtr point or he wali
eventunlly ablo to refine. di9t11l and mature into" philoooph .....
and innovator of the mlll11lO1 Qrtt .
After In",J'l4ive nudy of martl,,1 ruu lIty"" and
t heori('f , r.,e.. do,-eloped' con""pt of mart ",l aru fOT the Individual
man. 'l11i6 l'OnColpt 110 later labekod JeIll KUlle J)Q, the of the
",t<:rceplinll r"t. n II .. anteef!dento not o nly in h!4
tnLlning and mlun>lnou, rrwtial IlIU lIbrary t wo thoU<:lnd
bc>oks). bot in It .. f"rmlll education u w"ll \a philosophy at
the of WlI6l1lngton, Sem! .. ).
Lee also oombinro h .. martial arts expert .... h" knowlNl",
of acting .kiU.! and cinematic techniqUIlI. rtamng in ,",venl motion
p'ctUres: The Bil Boa. of Fury. Way Qf Ih , Vro8<>" nnd
f.nrcr Ihe Drugo".
Bruce Lee" death plunjp!<! both mart ... 1 arts and mm enthll5ian ..
",(0 "" abyllO of diflh6l\of. Oul of Ihelf ""winll de mand 10 know
mQre Qf 8nd 800ut him, h.. TIw Qf Do ",,,",
publiohed-whlllll iI now follow"" by l:IRUCr. LEE'S rIGHT ING
Th" fourth In . which has and
orpnr.eod by h. lonflhue friend. M. Uyehara, uull",-," ""me of
many thou""nd. or pictures from Lee', r>erwnal phuto tilel .
Uyehara .. former I t udent of Druce w .
To ell the end Itlldfnlf or lll'\lce 1M
Our 6inoo!'\l to Joe who .., mud,
time in and film. Our ppreciation
aJro 1I()eO to who in U>ia book; Dall Illo"""W
and TOld Wonll. They both Lol', devQt..u .!udent..
TQ Rainb<.>w Pub!i<aliom, Inc., for the usol of """"raJ phQw.
(II"l<ph. by Oliver l'lonw.
TIIII book .... In tht makinl in 1966 and moot of the photo-
IIfII. phl wen: MOt t lltn, '"'" Rruce \() publish tlli!;
book "go but dacll1o!d 1111'1"" It whfn lie leanwd that nmnuol
u.n. inttructo .. WBtI ullnl hll "ame to )ll'0lllo\e themselves, It ......
quite COlllmon to h_ CQ.,noenu like' " I tauaht IlC\lce .""," or
"lIruce I.- tAu., t me jftt tune ,\lId Btu"" ..... y new. """"
..,.", Or !tno_ U>ete martial artU\.o.
lIN.:. didn't wanl people w _ hi. name to promoUl
lhenW'lvOll or ..,hoolll wit.h tab\: pl(:knlH. lie didn't WAnl
them to Itl l'llttltudc"C. lhll ..... y .... .,....,iaUy the youR( _n .
BUI .ru.. hil II;' .. >do .... IJn .... ftlt that Bruce h.d
oon\l'lbuted to m\>dl in the world of the martial wt. that it would
be 11""\ 10. it the mowledte of Rruoo "'<>u1d difo .. n.h lulU,
A1lhoullil the book can ne\'er the .,tl1al l<'ach"'l ..,d
Illat 8r\I"" Lee po 'e""", It will .. ,1,'e you, the
se.lo .... martial KrtiJt, in d.""lopinS your .kUl ln fillt>tin,.
Brual 11"10)'1 II .... ! all martial onifuol.raJn dlliFntly fo<
one Ilnll. der..,d t.hemJcl ..... \\'bel.her we an: in judo.
wido. kllnl ru. OUt ullimal.e ItO&l it \0 pfeJW"l
01.1 ... 1"", tor any .IILlallon.
To train yourself for !bio 11"1'1, )'Ou "'us, tnUn ..,nously.
Nulhinall ta ken for wanta<!. "You h,a to kklt or I."",ell \he bq
c-on.-.!ntrllted ertorU," """" to uy. "11 you ... to
\to.il, wl!bout tile euncej.l\ that mis II \he rnl mini, ),ou are
yo"",",lt. WIlen you k>ek or puneh 1110 bag. you
ha .... to lma.aln. that you = actually an ...Jwrsary. RHlIy
concflIlJt.Unl . puU1na 100 In yOUt kocks and pUnehM. If
lhe ,,"ly 'QY)'OU are lOin. to be p>Od."
If ),ou h.,. alrewy o!.her tiln. ... rolumeo of /lrUIlt 1_',
Fflhrln, "'<lllod. enlitled SIllfD.(_"", Thnlqueo. Tr/Iillllll
"nd Slim In 1"ecl" ,,'Q'''''' you are nuW with 11011 rUUM
.,-,<.1 nnat bo>ok, Ad.-oncord Wilh mb book you now
.... "'" \he OIIly and OOIIlI>le\.ll lie!. of le""m left by late Btu""
Lee. 1"-111 .... Iume. bHidH tNdtlng you thl more fl(bt.ml
Wdu,Iq,,'" UplaLl" how to "'" your m-,,,. apt"S! your OPP<>-
,_to!. 110'" 10 mant'Llver and what to do apl"R dINe"'''1 1)'1"'" of
fi&hU)'rs; how to ", ke 1101' ofren' ''"f! and II"W to C?un",roIUl<:k,
w::e1.(!n. i\lmool all \he phol<M in U,\I book are bcmM pUhluhed
... for Ih.lint
It yOU have nOt n!"Id flIo of .11 KI"" Do b)' ,..- (Ohano
Publlutions, Inc.), l'ieuC retld It . 1\ _ "'<&Il\ to romp1.emenl th ..
book, and \he knowlcdp from both boo .... will V" yOll I. full
picture of I!rUCOl"

.hel KUMe Do UI"" by lku L
Ml'tJU,", he felt
Ihe marllDlarls Wf!I'f/ 100 ronfined.
You Clfn"f fighl in perl/em h, uxd 10 *,y
MCIf""' aM allaelr
tv" M /HIff/iMI gnd 1101 ... fintd .
.11 Kune Do WGf by lk"u Lu
10 show 'If
Ihalall old arl mU51lr11nf(o-m,
/,ike Ihe day lumllO nighlond
nighl, 10 day
Ihe ""'y of fighlin, musl oW
BtuColIM Jut Kune Do
bUI wllhN
h"lIe a ""me for II!
8eCIfUfC Ihe Vtry words. JUI Kune Do,
"ut(Jdy i"dlClfle
fhal II "nOlhtr m(UI/a1 arls form.
AllY form or "yle dou I'f/"rlCI
"lid I,;, IHlief i$ "Ow ,II ro,,/lfcl,
Sourc .. :
TIl<> of Jnt Do by Bruce lee
by t:thrin !..
CII,\PTER XI I: lJand Teehnlqu.es for Offense (1'r.Jn l} .... 18
Simple .nd Compound AllA<'k$
withLeadine Uand
CHAPTt.:R XUI : I ..... d Teelu"llq ..... for Often .. (Par1. II) ... " -I
SUa.iCht to the Body
Proper Usc of the Baddilt
Hoot l'unch
Leadio. Shin .nd Knee Klct
Powerful Side K>c: t
Feint with Kick
Hook. Spin and Sweep Kick
CHAPTER XV: [)ere",", and Counter
Art of Countenn.ackinl
St.op-hlt with Puneh
Stop-hil wLth Kic k
OIhft. Counlerini Kic:kI
......... 66
. . . . . . 92
CHAPTER XVI: Alt:ributel.nd 'hclico .......... 118
Mecht.nicaland [ntemp"! FiJht.en
Preparation and Es....,.,tion
Chopt .. XII
Hand Techniques fo, Offense

YOllr off .. llu mould "- limpl. ""d d' .... d
"""""'''' it may "" hard to conlrol
Bul Q6'ins/ IOmw"" who CllII projllct
o rompl"" a/loc/r U10uld b your ""I.
1lm/nK. the by /00 oompln: allock,
mU&"1 "" p=lI<:<'(1 u"hl YOU/lilt''' thfl lmock.
Th" ("inl &IIould M J",t .nou,(h 10 d'l/ru,,/
alld C/'t/lr.r on openiJ., so yo .. """ ocl.
In Jeet ku"c do, therc "hardty any dir<'Ct .U.ack. Pr:lctically 01]
the offen.ivo mGneuven are indireo:t-perfonncd afte. a or in
the ronn ofa "" .. nW",Uack,
A perfect attack .. the blending M speed, dc,
<:<:ptl<m ond keen judj,:ment. A superior fighter .Iri",," toward mas.
u.rin, _U Ih_ elomcnts in h .. daily
'['hQ aU.ack .hould IJO,l launched at yo" r oWn volition, upon your
opponMl'" .ction or "1>1)01 h .. inti:tion, For instance, II
attack can bol delivcmd whom your oppon(ml ;" wilhdrawln/l:' his
arm fnlm the PIllh in wllkh you int.1nded to atteck, [n othe.
words. attack "'hen the line it! Qpen in.U,A<.! of dOKd, You. oppO-
nent iii movine in the OPp<nlt.e direction and m, mUlt his
ilircctiou or .ltu it suDst:mtilllly. allowing you more time to $<Ie.
Simple atlSck will not alw"Ys work "i"inll evefY opponent ..
You must \Q vary your att.ack and This will Ix>thu
your opponell\ hut also help you " .. th vario ... otykls of rotht-

You mUSt study your Thke of his w<)O.k.
nesse. and .""id his .t.enrtl\.l. For in<l3nC$, if your oppon""'t it
eoDd parrying. you .hould (il'St use R rr-. feint or beat bMo ...
attackUlK to confu.., him in h .. parry,
The mcthorl M aU .. cking I, dictated by Ih@ form ofddcnilo! . It
opponent Is In your eaUber, your attack can hardly be ""c-
cessful un!.. .. it outwit& the defense_ instance. to deceive you.
opponent's hand defense, your hand offen ... Is usually made of
... ",l-eircul:!r or circular "'<>Vem .... /.<_ Rut nn orten';"" circular
movement will not work if it IS "",un"'red with a .imple or lateral
motion of a parry. Therefo .... your 'troke <IIould be t.a...d upon
yQ\lr anticipatiml or the opponent" ... action_ '
[t i! 1'"",".10118 \Q attack with 'Illy thing that com ... to mind or
10 laullch you_If luI.<) complicated compound allowing
your ol'pon@nl IIlIv"",1 .... ror a .tofHllt. The more cumpk!x
thll attack. the Ill .. your chance or ex<!<;ut.ing II with <JQnl.r<ll.
your IIu.aci<o .hould be simple.
B .. t if your opponent is equal In speed and in skill, with a good
..,n .. of distance. a limplc atUlck may not score, Against ouch an
opponent you hive to Ule compound attack and take advantage of
the di'tonce.
Compo .. nd attack iI II .. y aellon .uch as feinl, heat.
etcelera, before launching thll teal attack, The suCC<!a of the (:Om
pound attack dcJ"'tId$ directly On the p=y of thA feint Or initiat
attack by ynur opponent. Ynu havo to study tha opponent', ",ac
ti"n betortJ apptylng the compound Attack,
Compound attack depends on timing and opportunity. Many
lXlmponnd attack, fail bow:>lIOO tha attacker dOO8n'l time hil! feints
coTW<;t1y, They ""QUid be jusl slil:htly ooro'" the rea.l at.-
tack. Comp<.lun<.! attackJ! CRn 00 short, r .. st (V,n or d\.'ep,
{'l$t and
Simple compoun<.! altllck-jUit one 0. preliminary aC-
a boIu.er chanCO! to tt.'(l'" if it is u",",uted on the oppo
nent', prePll'at;on. tspeci..lly if he il stepping forward, Againil ""
oppOnent who It..s sl<.lw or is axhaulted. use the double lnd,
In atlackinJr. you tJ",uld Qnd look boldly rie"", U Q wil<'!
aniRU<! to "psych" yOut OPpoMnt, Y<.IU lhould attack with
",inotion but not it iI risky to .ttack halrhearte<lIy.
.""'n WIth JlQOO te<;hniqu ... you csn bol fru$\rst.e<l by skilled
opponent" defensive m ...... ,..,., 11,erefo ... , you ohoul<'! t,me your
attack perfecUy iO yo .. r 0PI){]/lent cannot .. yuur blo,.., Fol
lowinll arc ""mc of the hond techni'!u .... used in ""'t kune do,
1_<1;"6 Fi"IlI!.,J,.b
The jab. like th, .hin <.Ir kn.'O! .;dekick. it the {int
line in offcnfIe or defe,,", !t,JJuwl you an atkhl;on", three or rour
InchllO In re.ach and provw ... a ran .trlko boca" .. It It"lvt'il only i
short dlatance to the target..
Like ulher .kULMI m<w ... menlll. "nll1. he l>Hel$rod when you
are it"",. WhfneVfl' you ... ratieued. your u.ndency .. > uti('
oIoppy moUnn. f"r and iC"erailrAld otforU for Specific
on .... By utinJ eonunuow oloppy mo""",,I'Il"', your is
.... d R\a)' even you are uht.u.iled.
chan,. your dnll from .killed to tYfN!I of ex"'"c .....
The fin.,. JIlb io exuted from an on1lU.m pu .. tion, as In
photo 1. Jwt before thou>ung, \he fmflll'l of your ,trlkinll hand
mould be utendl.4d ... in photo 2. Vou should comp\el.e )'Out
Itrlke dOJeCtly in front of your nOOM! ... In pho> 3. WId not like
photo A, wllich Ie"'''' an lIpenl"._L Iha upper
To aUac. d,,\!O:tly ....tth fingff .lab .. lnat ,kdled :.
quite diffICult. 8nK<: Lt<! uwd It with fun. For
1n3l.an,,", in photo I, Ib> .tand$ I" t ..... on"iUllrd pOoiti(", lit he
races h;' opponent. who 1$ In a .Imlla. polliti<.>n. He then feint.llow
by crouching slightly and moV<)$ forw.rd .. if to attack the oppo.
nent'" mid....,!ion. This eaU$Ct the Oppon""t to lower his gu.:trding
0. N!1I1 hand, ." in photo 2. AI SOOn .. the openlllg develop', Leo!
' l ulckly thrum his IIlto the eye, .. in photo 3.
Notice that Lee pia""" his right foot next W the opponent', to
p",vent any Mtall.l.tion fI'om the opponent', foot. " feint iI
p",llminary motion to yoor opponent I<> ",gct. You draw
him to pUTy to a paniculM line and then you ... an attack In
0Il0\h9.' line or path.
Agalnil an opponent with left 1 .... <1 8tanCll ... III phnto A,
r- fak ... with h,. right hand lead to low(!r tl'e opponent'. leading
hand, ;II in photo B. In thil Instance, Lee io only oonoomed
the l\,ad hand;ll it Is O!)olructin8 his path 10 the tar",,!. Once
the obiSkuct.ion is remove<!. U!e quickly takes with a
quick tI,rwst to h;' eye as In phOto G. ill this attack. Lee ill
able to accomplish hiJ from a farther <listance. 'I'he feint
can alio be a low .hin kick to -dilturb the oPlX'nent', compoRll.
I\eside$ 1.IlIinK It .. B feint, It allo prev<"nta the opponent r",m
kick. . .
Whether It iI a jab, or kick, Jpe<ld " so Important when
you want tu lead him. You must nv'" your o.>pJ.'O""nl
and let hIm k""l> up Or c, tcl> up to you.
and timing should work WKetl1cr. Vou ohouW be able to
dictate the rhythm \0 your by either opeeding up QT
010 ... ''', do..., yDllf OlDllcmen\.o. Another .... y II to elUblish
.... t" .. 1 rhythm and then .. u.ldo!"ly .Ua('k ....... your oppan .... t
in the dold"" ...... his motion bolIinl to d .. S_
.:':onomy vf motion .nd k .... your ne>:iblC! ct.n In.
IUUlI your &peed. II fault of moot novice c:ompoitlto .. ill tII.1 they
uy too h..-d to r .... sh the .... tch quickly end IM!dn to JftSI end
""'ten activ.ty. Thlo only mn ... them leloI effectlVl! .. the
tenolon CIOueel unnalary muecular .. hieh act at
hrak_ducin, thn lpeed end their
A hlJhf perfomwl"" II ... hen an athlete 10 free end
unren .. lned, th.., .. I>on he trre. to f,,,,:e or h.'mse!!. \\1,en I
runnCt 10 lQlnll at fut as he ClLn. he should nOt (foel that he ought
to be r .. te .
Another dfectlw technique iI to ell....., your 1:Im",,....I0'"
down Inite"" vf up your before Impect.
In DUtil!" w"nlJ, the lau""h.lnll of the l irike has. moment o{ peUte
in ill fo ..... d path. """,po-Ulnl your opponnnl to open the V\llner
able Ime ........ thl9Wll DIIt of 11m"" .
1'\nunl .... y mean JUcreM Dr reu"", In your offM';ve and defen
I-ive ... The attack Dr co""ter should oeeur .t the mo_
ment ot your opponent's stale of inel,lllude. Attack should ""me
when your opponent iii in Pnlparinc hll otle ..... .11 he ..
momentarily ronnli"lllnK marc on .tUck than defente. Other
tim ... am wlw!n I.here ill .... I>o<!nc.! of touch,
Dr .. ehanljln,1n the eOPK"ment and ... hom h. io in moUon-
_ppin, f" .... <I.. blekward or beuu"" he cannOt In
ehlrll!" dItootIon until 11... .etlon 10 completed.
It takGl .. &reJt or cun""nlnltion Qnd practice to rl""rivp
this o{ your 0l>VDMnl'. wc.k ",oment. You muot abo
INm not to be Inpped by. ",,"Indio r.1oe rhythm "man.ted by
.. ck:_ n."ter.
UDd,n. Srnti,s"lIf R{fhf
Th' leadJn, stnll'lt ill ' breed and butler" punch In jee\.
kund do. It II a ",liable ",spon ... the itt
oIIon, MC<;\,rate Ind
It CIo be .. blo) ... it you Iwill your hiIII' IUA .. ..,lit
...,.,nd bero.., debVt!ry. ".. blo .. Ihould land in ront of your
...-, .. In photo A ""d "ot hk<l R. Your ""ard h..,d &houtd be
dooe to defeod your h .. d -.:aIM!. any T1>e blvw
ihould be din!ctJy.t the f...,." at in photo C.
ThQ Rl1Ill!ht right "'ould be <.Ielivend directly trom !.he un.
iUlir<l po.;.Itl"n ..... In I>hotm 1 and IA. Your han<.lshoUI<.l not Illl.:..
graph your intention before delivery. Do "'" add e"lNo mow"",,,t
IUm .. it Jun boIlo", d..!i""'}'_ The only motion
""Quid (;()lne a. .. wnoequence or your &lidlt wf'av;n8 and bobbing
you 1I."l looking lor an "penin, or waiti", t,() Q!lunt<!T. Punch
Itnlaht out, In plu:'101 2 and 2,\, with your n.t in tha
wrtlC1U YOUr rev ..... <.1 mould in !.he il'ard
ready to block any blow. By PUUini your ''Illoukle.'' into the
blow, you earl in"",_ you. I'<tOO;h by as (Queh r<>u. incbeo and
not ndUCII the imj)K1 or your "..nch . Ionl .. you U5e your
body prnperlyand punch Ihroup in photoli 3 .,><1 3A (JIIIie 28).
Apl.out .... meone ..... din. clt>loer to him ... U1 1>0010 1.
do.l1ve ... quick. t.elegral>h;nl." In pOOIO 2.
8o.0I .... 1n1t lI00ne0n" otandinl ruMe WIIY. '" In pholO A. or woo
hal \he IJIdm.tion to "'Ina!. toM pemltnleO "ttl.! .k!t!per to
Lounch h. blow. as III photo H.
In all hand Udmiques. the hand mOCII berore the D<:liv
.,._bo .. ___ , ......... '_,110
.. __ ...... "'." ... AI> _ bo.. "., or .. ....,. ...
_. _odI7 ..... yow _. 10 _ .... _, ""_
--.."' ...... -.. .............. -
.,..110._01 ___ 1 ... 1 .... ""-..
_____ ,",_--..._01I00I ... _
_ ..... _ ....., v ... _____ .. _
... _ ...... __ .,
1_ .. -,.
,\/""""'" .... _. "&hI '" .... bod, .... _
-. ......... _bo __ ~ .. ___ ,
__ ."" .-.1_. If ... _._ .. ",tIoo_
""""" kl_ .. _ ....... tIoo _,." to ...... A
To the liiht to OOd)l. lund in oo-(ll1artJ
pooitlo". u In photo I (fi'ont vorwlllr1d IA (side ,"",wI. Then drop
)'OUl body torw.d ...,d ot.ep in III pIIoloo 2 0IIII.1 2A.
Your fronl 10. thould bo: 1IIi&ll\l)l bent wd )lour ... Ie, mom
f\cdhl<i!. AI you hll in an on ..... )10'" chin Jhould n.lurall)l moft
into )lour nchl lIhould.er. At lhe lull thrun. )'Our UIIr hand
be gu ... }'our lace ... in photol 3 ,"d 3A. and )lour ""'<'1"'1
ihould WlIl'l alon ..... comJlll'tely to )lOUl front lool.
1\ It Imporu.nt thlt you follow lhmuah with your l'urlCh. Try
1.0 link yOW" body 10 the ....... of th .. W'get 10 your blow will be
doli..-J IHahUy up_d or"_ horiwntally. Thill delivery po.
llOOn 10 .. r ....... d rnoN'd'uve.
Let: l\arldJ in the on...,..ro poiltion .pinlt oWO-
rwnt, .. Ii. pholO 1. Ii<! mO'ia in quickly with. blow 10 the
midlodlon lmullanl'OtWy ulln, hit left hind t.o block. hill'> Iud
punch, II In phot.o 2.
Mo.t J>I'OIIIo: are woak in th" low line and blow. IOWon! thlt
oeclion In' <'Ipe<"iIIUy {rom di5enplI'!ment. A di.enPi"
ment ill .ini\e m.......,mml or your hind Pl"inll (rom line or
"'PII" .... nl ",10 lh. oppollte line-throonnR hit trom I dOled
lin. In"> .n optn lin . Tim"". very Importlnt. II you mUll .1Ilt
your .ttack .. the opponent'. ann mann, ICfOIIJ Of in \h.
o""""te d.recuon.
ApLnIt left-lnd OppOnenl. II In pho"> A, Loot r.",11 wllh b.
lead hand t.o draw bil Ollpo .... nl .. hlndo upwn," In 1111010 B.
....... n .. the openin, develop&. Lee dri ..... I hud L<I*1 nah! 10
the .... w pit."" &I '" phot.o C. lie It now In poeition 10 delJnr I
comb",atlon of lefl.and nllht.
To ddend aplnlt. sttaiJllt lead from a riSht otln"", you ""n do
""v"",1 thin,,: (1) kO!O!p your 1m. hond and hold It lllShUy
Ulan normal. i<Hpin, it weav\nK. All the opponent'll punch
laun.chw u,'I'I'afrl your fa...,. Ieltn a little 1.0 yow Ie" and PUTY
til, blo .. willi your Ie" han<! by h .. WNI and forearm
No .mount of ,treflCtl\ ",quirt<! to dll!n..<:t e'\-ro , IIDWerrul
erik .. ".. MnecUon will yow oPPOM'llt ott"t'Uard'nd orr.
bllanoI fM. quick counl/:" U, h. lace Dr body.
(2) 8",,", to your left by 'lI:'ppinj: III ..,t11 your rI .... 1 fouI..,d
lei ., hard rI",1 1.0 body M face. (3) MoW' to th, righl by
Wlppin, In .. 1111 your ril/tll fOOl ..,d throw tlon, Ioott to the
body OT hM!! In C..,.-cou.nt(oT. Take IU'p t.t"k and ... unl<!r
II you ...., ..... forward.
Th. Strd/tllIU(1
ItI.I"'1 II , I)t>werful blow If Mllv"",d I'mPKly. It if
wed ... counwr or ... oombiTUl\,on. The 1'0WO)l' II
mo ... thall. punch 1)eco.u"" you st.lndinl forth.,. .way..,d
COn In.,......., th .. momtfltum of th .. blow bero", cont.lrt. F\lrIher.
mof1!, you h.vt tuU 11M of your body be/llnd pund>.
But for""",," rI",Wiand ... , usinlllle lett II u""'tural. totpedally
when throom from ,diotance. To develop Ikill III puncl"". with
yow len, pnctictl with II c<>nllantly 0" h .... "Y 1>"1 until it 10
jUl4" prolldl"1 as Ih .. other hII'd
To Ihrow , flrlUllhl Io:fl. oUond In the on...,..:! l>OIoIllon ... In
phnu,. 1 ..,d IA. Rol&llI your c\ooCk ...... pivotlnl moIlly...,
yo,"", flexed, .K' fOOl, II in pho1O$ 2 and 'lA. Your weiChl
Iho"ld Ih'fl 1.0 your front foot ...,d y<>ur \cad hand \a dnown
toward your face fn. protection ... In I'hotnt 3 and 3A Your
puneh .hQuld be Illa,,,,! in front or your nOlle and nOt
photo X, which, al'U!r the leav .. your uPI>er li""
unguarde<.l, Your target be lUlywhttl! on your op""ncnt'.
head, the mort vuln<!nlblol &""t is the !lid" of the jaw, as in
photo y, But do aim at the hud all the time, Sometimes
UUQugh the toward the
Apinlrt IOmeOM with the IIIOmc otanee (rI"'t Indl, as in phol.<J
I, Lee "" by K feint, .. in photo 2. Fin! h.
Lhrov."i a .i&ht by s!epplnil out with his right fOOL, The op""nent
respond. by rair,inll hill hand, I<> moot the bk>w. Jun befo"" u..'.
nlht ""nn",U, obltructing tha ,;",t, I>e deliven a
tnlght Ipft to !he op""nenn face, as in photo 3. Thill uph .... ry
, done with" twist of hill hip !Q lIle r;ght ... he pivots on the
,f his left fool. The pivol Mould be dolle "" .... ply, with a snap of
.Is hip, and completed with" onap of hi!; lett "",oulder.
If you, op""nent lIeps back without parr)' inK Or bk>cking. It ill
ften a good JIlIUleuvcr to renew Ille attack, aiming mt the ad-
a".,.d '''ch II> th. dlln or knee. It is alJo effective lIpin,t
lmeone who of>'!\l' him..,lf by rntreating with wide mOvemenU 0,
gIIlnll one who trle. to VarTY hut Is offbQlan"", lUld ill caught 8t
11.' hesitation.

r.cht.er ",ho ploceo his ...... 101'1 the I'1!U fOOl Instead
of win.a.hort Ilep "-"t. attack that rear foot. The ettectiven_
of. renewed Ilta"t d."..,d:!I "'Chly on you. knowledge of the .... y
your opp(m.nl tlghta. It can hardly IUcceed wi\houl p,dimin.,y
planl. You must 0.1$0 have good foo\wOI'k tor a quick {orwaM
recno"'Y and In ,bUllY 10 keep yOll' oJ1JIOnCIlt ottbIIl"",,,,,.
The technlqut'S on. ",newell u\.ock can be. $\t1Iiihl lhrust,lnd
feinl, t-I or triP with by oombinatiOll II
USUally of oeHlps. II if ....... , Qf p\U1cheo. or kk:b
... nu"ltlI)' and to blO", than <me line. flUJ1><>".' of the
aUKk .. to dr. .. or your opponent tnto pft'C1lrio ...
!ion for. rtnlilbml blo .. ,
Combination 1110"" come in <;eTtaln ot'luenca. for It
is natural to pIU'lCh (In' to the lINd and then "' the bOO)' ; I
IUa.irtht punch then. hook;. rich! hook then I otn.\shlt..fl, or.
l\.nlil;ht then I rip,1 )lb.
Inl .wo the trIple blows in combinations . '0. in'lane<!,
you "an ilI'l to your opponent by """din, two blows to hif body
after a dip. This ",norally r"",,lt. in your opponent droPP"'1 hill
cuard and leavin, In opening for the r",oJ blo", .
There iI .... the ".fety tnl>le." in which the first bLa.and the
ronal blo .. land.t the ume pw.". For ""'mp ... . ,fthe ,nihal puncb
;. 10 the body I.I1d the .econd 10 his ....... thft1 the lui punch
IhOllk1 be 10 hill body.
lhe Id't or ..... th",. is uN<.! ... COl,lnlerinl blow. Thill
can be done by d .. your OPI'OI'''lnl 10 lctId. When he does,
you duck your h('Qd slightly and .I<!p mslclll his right l.ad, letting it
dip 0"'" you. left Then throw your ldt with
pawn by 'nappin, your lIhoukler. Keep your "yeo const.tnUy
on h. left hand Ind SlOp it .. ith you 11th! It he """ iL
Apin" lOm40ne In the 0ppDll<! ltan,,*, In photo 1. 1a
feinU with hill ri&llt. .. in photo 2, and tlMn quickly detiVff1
Jtn.illht 101ft to the 0pp""mt', face. II in 1>1'1010 3. Noti in photo
2. pqe 41. ar>d photo 2. opp<:Mil<! PII\I, thll who.-n Ihe opponent
Iblnm In the oppoolte POIilion from his, Lee Mve to fl'!n ...
IN.Ie too OOeply.
"""oy Dr f.tH Itt .. .,k is "",ploy!, not with In",n\lon of
hitting. but to draw Dr enlke you, oppon.,nt to ,".ack in" lpecific
line"" you can parry the blow lind coun"". The l11<1ck is not.
lunlll' bill lilA.. Illght "",,,,,men! of the foot Dr body to =.'"

Honel Techniques fO( Offense
It If not )'Oti, lila of'l'Nd
Ilwt yow lhin" you rNlly "Nd
&1 _, trm8 WI YOllr .trnH.
rltjr! )'0" IlU ...... ltIot all (oJ/u.
n<!), MIl)' ""I """I (or fl8ht
II) YOU.f\' coltfuMd IUId roo nptl
1.c<Irn and the rlg/lt IIloWl
III (lIlt! ""tter lllIl'n.lall fDa.
A1tholJ8h '(>I!f'd iI important, too many flahu.n put too mum
empbUII on It, When a fip,uo. fails in h. blows, "WI)'
times he ..... the wrong llroke ..,d bla"," hil fallun! to lack ot
A ri&hter muO! UM the prop"" 'ttokes u the n&h' time
his o]' ponenL To ul<' the oorrect Ilrok.,., hft h .. I<> .(udy hili
opponent', styk> trom diU .. ",nt an"," and ' Iudy hill t.cllCl and
tunlnl, Includ/!d In thill action are lOme of th" 'ttokes th.t ant
UO<>d in jeet kllM do,
StrGigtu urI to the Body
Tile ilnl&ht k>tr. blow I<> the body, lib the 'tnl",t lett, it
and can be uoed '" a counter, u.e<.! atle,. with the
lNodinll hand Or used In comblOauon. Like thalHdin,jlb or
ltadinlillalght, the body should foUo .... the punch.
It it a punish I". punch inti can applied with lOme . rety
beo;a u"" )"011 at1I In a crouch 1"""lion BI you d"Uve, Ihe punch.
Op]X>rtun'ly to .. III th. pund, 10 OOcaUIll! ,III one or Ihe
""' oounten apllut lin opponmt who .... ndl Opp<>IIlII to y<.Ou,
opOllinl h. rip,t &!dt
It .. abo c(telve in <ha .... In, your opponent .. lJUard do .. " and
.... been .... d tnumplWlIly "'II'Iln'l t.all fieht.era. nu. te<:hnlque
Ihould boo uled pnmo.ril)' apin.t In <.Opponent who kN!p5 hll .....
hand hi'" I<> proteCt his lace: wh&n ddive';n!! a I".d IlUncll .
ThQ punch II delivered aimOlt like U.C ,lall!l,t lett u'])t
blow " d .. ..,1e<,I 10 ",ic\uo(:tion area, .. In pIIoto A, or to
the solar plexUs. From an on.guard niht I .... d pmi!ion, IbI ii,
photo. 1 and 1,1., bend YOut fron' kn ... "Iilhtly and k""p your nlAr
h'K tlexcd, .. in ph<)i.04 2 w,d 2,1.. Vour lead hand II;
drawn toward yOlI< face and now be<;ometl the Il'u,!'(! as you thTUal
your lelt hand. Vour weight ohifa to tI'e rront as you plVOL
on YOut back foot. For" mOTe powerful blow. yo" tan Slep .Iiiht.
Iy to the right blo", is thrown. to your poIli.
tion. keep your lead ""oulder to protect "pinst your oppo
nent' len. ero .. or left hook.
Meenwhilc, you, rieh! or guard hand should ho and
placed cl"", t<> yOut by the time your thru$l." completed, at
in phol.vl :I and :lA. Sink yout body so the blow Can be
thrown slightly upword or alm"'! bo,i .... ntoJ to your ta...,t . flon"!
"'" lb. p,"",ch,'" In photo Y. uposU'li" the upper Ime ....... .
A(!J.lllrt an opponent in right as In photo 1. Loo
aWl an by de<!p false attack, Ill! in photo 2,
winS hif opponent to .aioe his handJ to meet the attack. Then
Quickly hill body ""d sm ... hco a Left to the midsection, ...
photo 3. 'ill" he..d is down ah,m, the lett and weU.
tected asauI31 a counter.
,\gainst an opponent who) in the oppo$lte pooition, .. in
,too A, .. penellation ill not \.0() o,1e(,p. Inotud, h" feinl6 a
j right U his face, as In photo B, ot the ... me time stepping in
""r, When the opponent oommill to feint, Lee
dri"'" a Iw'd t\.t\li(lht left to his br>tly, .. in photo C. At this
point, I....,. nght hand Is up and open and II .. elbow is down to
guard agllinl!t any . .
Sometimes, inllead of feinting to draw the ,["ad,
wait for him to and quickly _tLack when 11",1'<: III an "penmll
to his body. Body attack doe. have an &.h-antagc "ve. h('3(latta<::k
as your target I. billllC' and IeSli mobile.
To .wI' a rnar Uu"at to your boxIy, jUst lea,vc your r'''"L ann
IICf'Q\IlI your body and noise your Iud Ih"ulder III c_ your Opro-
,,,,M throws. double hit or a loop" punCh.
lAod ./oI1t
'I'tw! II'b n.ot I pow"",,,] WIeII b"l ..- to WI' yOtir
Ol'pontlht orrt.lance, 111m L'rom bein' .... \," It ill I f .. l,
.,app"'l p""eII and not . pu"' . Your hand mo .. 1d be held and
""'tum hlah to off ... t a . hand o:.>""te . .,."'" Mo .. ld be
ftllaxlld and Mould _Ink In.U,oatJ of p .. lling back wilen belnl
b ..... ghl blOCk to the on"i\1ard posltlon.
It II p .. ctlcal to la .. nch more thllll Ono Jl'b became the INlOnd
one h IIO"d clunoe to land l! the prcv!ou. On" ill d"hvered with
"""nomy. n... "''''''''q .. ent one if r.bo ooWer-up for mM-Sed jab.
A mul\.Ol .. cIe of jabs be thrown to .""1' your opponent on 1M
... ve .. yo" prno hl.lQ. ottennll him no rest
THE .... (1( "5T
,." .. F"i6c
bftck rlf' iI one of the mOlt ""'lINing punchH yo ..
becau"" il ill rut. aco: .... tc and "Vtl\.,]cppluc. II can be
launched !Yom pith' th" onguard flO'ition 0' even w .... n you Ill"e
",:"nd;nll" n(NlchalMnUy with your handt hlUttPnil loosely by your
ht)ll. AI the latttt. po$I\.Oon, yo ... ", In nonb<>Ui.,. .... nt """,t/on to
MInk. blow befo", your opponent can be p"".-ed.
The dch"n'Y " f the leadmK IIKk rllt Ihould rome d"""ll), &om
th' front h .... d without teh!Pl>hln" .. In photo X, and the blo'"
.,o"ld be coming oveml.lld nol lik" ph(lto y, ... the
hand b .... ""11 hortzon1olU), t..c""111 It ..... fint wl!hd .. wn, Thc
1:>low Cl.ll 1H diredoed on your opponent', r..,. but
temp\<- b the bet! .. In pIIoto Z,
5101: VIf.W
.'rom the on-CUr.nl p"'llion ... III 1'00101 ] and lA. ~
INdIO, bock fisl II d..li .,-.d "" venK:1Il .. mlc:tn:1llar motion ... In
vlwWf 2 IlfId 2,\. Y"u. bodY ... iht 0h,(U t" U>e front .. your
In< hllfld IImult&nrouely moveo tlip.tly d"",n..-.d to protect
qt."'" b:b U ... tU .. any ""-"""'" to your head or b o d ~ ... 11\
phol.<>I:I .nd :lA. Open yOUI' I'Hf hand f,n I*"'yiol_
a righl.lead .. tance-<lpponmt. 1'/1 in photo I, LH mil$"
opponml'. arm with h .. right and placeo h .. frOM foot on the
opllOno!n\', niht to l'r<:'vent "lID from kkking In pholi) 2.
'['hen quickly .""tchl'O his hand., ulln, his left 10 Immobilize
!he opponenr. and hi< right 1.0 apply a back r"t.$ he 010',," In, as
In photo 3.
Aplnst so_one 8l4ndLnI;n thp J"fI,le1l<l pOl1Uon, u In phQIi)
A Lee Ute. the a11lQ to:<;hnlque as In tlw pnQr llIuilnulon.
from the on"fUarn poIluon he ullel his right twld 10 Inp W
left. ao ,n phutQ tI, placing h\$ lo:-ad foot next to the
opponent" to P""'ent hun from any oo"nwrlng.lr.kk. TMn he
_ ...... In .wiftly aJ he Iwitch ... hit hand$. "iOng hll left for pair
bin, and hll; right to deliver .. blow, as in photo C. thaL
Lee ulel hill left to}elk hll opponent luward him lIS he i\mult.llnf
uudy deliven. blow. .
'l'rIopping or is a hll!lhod of your 01'1"'""
from muvin, Certll.in 11M'" uf his body and live< you ""fet)' at
)'Ou launch yO\lr . '0. IIII\.I.nce. one hand (An bill .... d fo.
pinninK and th" other for Ilriklnl. It (:lIl> be ... 1ied at.> .. a prot.fC.
LIve ....a.na><T .. t..... you are oounterin, <>< illllpini. ""'Ppln, It
bai""lly ute"<! to coUide me Une mgqcmCllI.
Tru.ppinR. or engagin, the hand or your op.
I'unenl will " .. ulll! him to oonll"acl Uf re<i"t'c: hlll"ilact iou. or fOre<!
him I.u parry 100 lOon or 10M of h. The lool
can abo be "oed to your opponent from
y"" can hmR your opJl'.>Mnt from C:lecuWl(" IUCOdlAtul .top.
h,l 01 y"" will <kllo!a <>< \nip h. hand while Nl>PinC forwllf'd.
Wh"n (niPPIng. you Ihould your lm"" o. ulll other meam ..
l/Uardl and k""p you. moven"",t Allo. at you arc t rsPI';"1 o.
hay" .. trapped your Ol'l"'nent'l hondo u&<l ltol'-hit '"
thmt-l1l1 If III dlscnparo!menl
'Ill. """I i'1Jnfh
The hook 11 IIood COUnl.<>nni or .. roou ....... p bk> .. be<:o.u.lt.
buicaO)' weapon, cnchi"na the uppooent movlne ill.
The lead hook eRn be "",d at a lead alII<> when )'our opponent h ..
failed to n,o"" out of you. "'),. But usually \hll pund! if uled
I .. K ... ... >\nI!cht lead lilre a jab Or lfU!. lOme oth ... tactic. . '0.
inotance. ,I can 1M ... OO!<I .ft.. fdntln, a .::ro., oot 100 exlnme,lO
ubtalll lc..,."., and dill.t.nce.
The hook should not be tI,rown '" a wide. lOOl,lnR WlY but
lloould be cUY napp), and 1<>OIe. In 100"" hookinR, the whip of
the arm ;., the .e.ult of the body turning a way !"rom the 'rm until
the play ur the ;oint .....-d to !.I,e Hmil. Then II"1"II
mUll foUo. the tumlnr body. It don" rudOenly, Ihil callie. tbe
arm to whop fo,....ard Ukear, arrow (rom. bow,
The h .... d ""ould not tl!lepph by withdrawlnl d. lowerina 1.1<>.
fo .. del,Yef)'. It II nOt \0 puU )'ou, hand back like man)'
b<n:en_ 'n,,,,,, I. enouah pOwjOt w,thout doing that If )'ou ... IIe yu...,
foolwori< pmpmy. K"",,, your h 11 rn.ed outward to tbt.t the
body "an pivot eully. The weICht of the body"ouId .. if! to the
oppoQle side fmm Ihe vunchllli band. Ir)'ou ... thm..nnca Ie..::l
hook. )'ou mU515lep in with '-he pundo in ord<-r to oonlacl.
In a lead hook, k""ll your .... ar hand high as. ""'Id to yuur fa
and the elbow to prut.....1. )'our .ide_ The hook ""uuJd 1M
thrown frolIl an on.",anI lKlOlltJon to !ieee,,,,, )'ou, OI)pO".."t ""d
arter it .. (0IIlp1o:1ed, you should .... wm to th" NfD(! ,Ian"". Keep
the lead ohoulder hiP> for fuU when )'ou hook 10 the
of (hln, a. In photo V.
Mlnimiu your moUon I)() ti,. $Clion i, jUrl ""ouKh to
!\IIye Ih .. muim ... m dtcet with""t "ooklng unoontroUably. II you
""...,..le tit, out.lidtt hool \\ wtll emanale '"to irW,nr, II In
pho\.O X. Vo ... mUll It...,. it 11..,1, Ii In 1>110\.0 Y II
you open hook, .. IIso .... uce yOOf der ......... n.e ......,.Ihatp-
I), )'0 ..... "Lbo ... II ben!.. u in 1>11010 Z. \h. uPll.tr and mDN
OplosiVII the hook your .. m I Iitlle rigid JIIA bef" ...
To dcl!ver tht hook from ttl<! "n-cull'd IK*lion, ..
1. kt'llp your ....... lUud 11>&\, ... in 1>11010 2. ""d your
hf<ol lai...d (".mn.d l.O plrot WIth ...,. Then rotolle YOW" h,,,,
,wlfll), coun\lnck>cl< ..... as YOU deliver hook .... In pOOl<> 3,
shlNnl your ... elght 10 your fNl foot. Throw the blow ..,.ppily
w,th your conDRIIInUon on optI. Like other hIo ..... dn""
you. hook thm .... the OPf>O"",I. 1'110! Dloot dIfficuLty In lhe hook
it to IlIro .. your punch with com"le", control of yout body.
The lead I" .. "t ""auld be I,lse<;I wlMlly. Aplnlt I clev.". detent1 ...
II"'"", lb;. !IUIy be lila only WII)' to 1"'fIC'lla1O! 1111 or 01*'
'1 lip by hIm to \l1Ie olb .. 1aI:ticI. But the hook. mo.Uy
effoctlVe ",h.,., you move or mCM! Qut. It you are "11'11"'1 an
opponent who throw. In <>VII:n"tKhin. $VOI]",t Or ,whIp. hook
1oI ... 1"lbl.
Apinrl an opponent on the Arne oUnce, ... in ph!)tQ I ,
lead hook iI often delivered when he has lowm!<i hil rell hand
(lUllI'd, 8$ in photo 2, or 3W,. he hB< thrown a lead jab, ' j 'he
punch ill delivered with the weight on the reM foot, the hipo
rot.atinr .nd the pivoting on the ball of the nlioed front foot , "" In
photo 3.

Ai"ill$l. an standinll in the ol'J ..... iUl ""silion, ... In
pho(.o A, Lee eml'loya a ralsa attack by crouchln(l llljhtly and
feintinK H relll' $l.ftli&hL thrust, ... in phol.O H. AS the opponent
drops hls lead to block the punch. Lee retaliates with a hilt!> hook
tQ hiS jaw .... In photo C.
The hook is a natural pUn(:h whom combined with. side.tep.
You are woving and your dim<:uon facilitate< an cUy
I Winll: the opponent. wll"" your is ,ide.
Iteppinll:, a hook is the l''''ctlcaJ punch to deli. er. Loo.
The lead hook is also good in do.., or in(iihtinll. The blow is
lIlTQWn from the lide or Lhe opponenC, .,.nl/O! of vision.
Ik>sidel, it """ also go AllIund the guard, an Important offense
I)!;pe<lilllly after the opponent i< "haken up by a , tro.lR!lL blow.
The hook to lhe body is more dam"lPng when infightinK. Addi-
tioMlly, the body is an c$$ier .. than the jAw and Ie ...
mobilq. To clOH in. foint to t.he head, Ihcn 'wiftly Ito:p [o"'"lIn!
with the front fOOL and Ihn)w your lead hook Into his midsection
Or the n ... rellt target. The iI""in is a ROod Wjj\1t because il is harder
to block th.". for the jaw. When the punch in
cI....,. duck \0 the oPflOI'ite gide "f the h."d that i$ throwing the
hook. To do thil. you \0 bmd your tront kn .... OQ y"ur
should.,. will be almost Ille .... level with the $tTikinlll point.
Ro!t.o.ln you. baJan.:e by the toe or yOUr back foot weU
extended. K,*p your guard ha,," constantly to your
E;.en thouih straight pu"ch"" lU"I:! =ommended for medium_
fighl.ing, the hook shuuld be used agalnijL an upponent
who is hlQ(;king. cvaWnK o. the stnught punches. Vary
yOul" "uHelle. (rom high to low l-O high and from 6ingle . trike to
The hook is an a_L for cl<nc fighting, ,,"]l"Cially when you
1.o"""kln, aw.y Q' wh..., the opponent is b""akll1r away from
you. This punch ""n abo dist",.;t the opponent away from the
leAd hook.
TIle hook II mo;;te",d by t-rlIinin8 on a _peed bag. Hit it
$harply without Iw;etinr your body Into To defend
apinllt it. do not mO ..... awa,y from the QPwnent but move into
Ih" hook and Ini! pfl$$ UQUlld you.
The UpJM!rcul ill _d in clO5ll fightinC. The blow. an up...,.r<l
tcoopin8 motion with the palm radn, you, can be administe .... od
with e,ther the "'ad Or rear hand. The upptn::uI ill almo>! ua>l1l$S
again,t a r""t., uprihl boxl who ...... Ions lead jIlbol \0 your face.
But II is " ""tu",) technique apinot IOmeon. who p .. hie head
down and ch"'"l winging wildly.
To II,,, erfP.<;llve short k .... p Y0ul" kn(!(>i bent
befQre otriking and them a. you thmw punch. At
Impact. you ,hould be on your to"" and il!aning .lightly backward.
't1l.e weight .hould be on YOul" laft rO"1 If the blow a right and
vice vena if the blow is a lett.
Agwut right lead opjXlnent uoe your left hand to trap the
opponent', right arm u you deliv"," a right lead up]>olTCUI. To
exOC"Ute the lett fur upP<l'"eul. the lead hand drawn back to
protect your head and aiso to be prcl'l""cd f(lr ,",untering. The left.
hand should brt so the inertia of the bl(lw is aeros. and u".
ChaptOl XIV
Attacks With Kicks
Th. /ltighly Ffe/
I( yow..,.., aMpl willt yo.." {ul.
probably. yow a,.. /lord /0 ml
.Q>...., you COli yowr al ooy
witll P<JWf!r(w/llicb IIIat Nil .u.y,
TIre mlllllicl< Nil .top Gil allae"
tlte , ideI<ick con breall It,. oock,
71Ie N" "" a .."priMI
10 Milt. yowr Opp<m<lllt down 10 .ue.
Tht ."",.plI/d, w
'otWIOf yowr .... " only bo! bruie'Od.
For InOVIft. II ', a piclu1W(ju" offill.
bwt for _I. il h", 110 might .
In .uacklnK, \h, bNt ltleb to uae ..... the qukk, fut. llnet. A
kkt h. to be deUven!<! berllre yllUl """"""'t can defend .pIn ...
or move.way from It. Be lUre your IIPI>!IfIe'II \.IIk'Mlnn
'""'" of your commitment... Attempt to Yllur opponent with
punifhillK blo .... lnDictirl'lharp pain.
In your InIlninl be ........ of your delivtt"y.Ian<liIlC .... d _.
Of)'. Uoc!ln""plnc tic4 from t,h., knee for mon! po .. er and com-
blne both kn ........ d hip for m<we _peed.
Levn to control your body 10 you CM kick from hil/h, low or
lP""und level and while you an: in l1I11tion ...... dvancinK, 1"C'tn!.l.inll.
drdllli to left of IU the riKht.
Ladm, ShiM aMd Kiln Kkk
It II n.tura! for mort mMtlU anll'" to u. or .. lyon thl'll feet
II the m,ll.ll ,,",.pons In .ttad<inR- .."., II .... d lonll"'<.
In jHI tune do the 10 .. Dele kict to the liIin or 1m .. If u.ed
inLtLally ,n 1II, fa'lt '""""nlef. The bet II ""p ........ whether ultd
'" tJuurun, or mIPP"'1 and can WftCt!.he oppon .. t'lltn .. WIth
""'" blow. It _ a IGOd technique to bru\eI! the PP ill order to
employ combination. Ewon 'f the kict io not thrown it
diU can d .... -ou"""'" .... uppOnent from tUml ,n'Iiall"'" and
keo.p him It a dillatlOlL.
Aplnot .,,,,,,,,ne standinl In "'m& lIInCOl .... in photo 1.
IAoI 'Wi!el" hi! "'ad hind Ul'ward to dillllCt hill at In
photo 2, .nd quickly lunK" f"""am to his low aide kkk to
thQ Imee, fon:InC him In lP"<'und. U he ""nt,nu", to I.hruot
Wilh,,.,! 101l1n. "I';" )" I,hol." 3. Notice how far Ue 'Uond! from
h\l opponent when the Idek Is dt>llvered, at in photo 3.
Apinst IOmoMlfIt 1tandin8 oppc!tiU'. u In photo I. Lee' UII'l the
ame appro.ctl by IweepinK IIlI hand upward. iii in photo 2. and
quickly dnvt'$ his .id" kick to Ihe kft knee thil; bme, ILl in photo
3. Notice thaI L<>e a.,pwachC'S Oil opponent with I". eye. "''''''' the
t""" and not on the \&JiCI .rea. He doa; th .. I<> c."noun"", hio
intention-kceplIlll h. oppor1l.'fll til_ina.

The .ide kick is the ",ott \Xl", ... f ... l blow in JKD. II II 10 Itrong
lba! many tim .. , even a bioi'll. ... ill nol. p",vent it from kn.o<;kinl o.
hunmlj: yo .... opponent. kick can be btuncl,.,.:t from. mo!dium
diJtanoo boll ;. IOOre power If It ;. launchOld f'mm ruth .... out,
YO\l can ,,,creaM your momft'lWm before <:On\aCl.
AII'I\nllL in ... me l\.IInce ... in photo 1. tAle ... 1seI
his hBlld r .... m a medium distance. as in photo 2. h-epinR his
oth .. hand down \Q prol.eel from ... tuck. He quickly
delivMI a luLft kick to the in photo
hurllng hIm backward. as in 4. Althoullh the kick II powerlul. It
is quite difficult I.U hit your opponent If he ill a delen .. ""
fight.<!r. The .... m .... ru '"'"* oeilller 10 move awa)' IV
en""", from Ille penCU"alKln or f ..... m Ill" kick. Anoth ...
way if; to parry th blow w,th. chance of (p"Ibbinll
AgalnJt "nl8Ofle '" the urn .. WIn ..... , at in photo 1, Jull

__ in, ,,"ud)'In, thl of the opponent, at in 2 When
the opponent IlArtI to '-cl; off from the attack, Lee lun.,. wlth
out an)' hesil.U;On, .. In JlholO 3. Moving falter than the oppo-
nent. LIM diU ...... hlo old<! kick. at In
In Ihe sene. of pho"",. "ppOtiw pee<:' ... Ollp"n ... ! ,undo in
Ib_ ow<*W 1Il&n<>e ... in vboto I . I.- tneI h. fAmIliar hand-
",ioed ffinl" he 1D<>Vft forward, II In photo 2. But lbll (.jme lb.
(lpponent rotu .. , to nI'pond 0(> Lee dUlJlgeo hll1.llcUco..,d u_"
tug!> 'ida kk:k. over Ol'ponenl" guU"dinl hand!;. 10 the f.ce,"
In photo 3.
Hoolr Kkll
The 1I00k kick lithe mostdomln.1lnr kick in J KD bee." .. II 10
_y to hit your OI'I)Onenl-ihe way the kick it deU_od giv"," you
monl oppOt"l.uruty thm olbc ......... d at the _me off_ you
weunly room .. ngbti"ll. II .,.n b40 dtbvered
Quickly and If V"y .. tlk. II <,:3n be lImed .1 the h .... d, mldIe-e-
(.jon . nd .""n the imino
Apin'" r'lcht-loead-cU,MOoOpponenl. as in photo I , LeoQ ftm
(emu. klle.:! tiel<, d .... lnr th'l"ardmlf h.and down, '" in phOto 2
Once \.he 0PI/Onent r"leu to tho feint, Lee ... nlll. hook kick
to hill face. as In phOU>1 3 IIIld 3'\ (bird' ... )'e VI\Iw).
The relnt must b<> lmpretllve enoUjJh to c",.l<I "'iponO(! fTOm
\be o!,ponl!l>t. 11t" numb of remu mould be It) be dfe<:.
ti .... It it ".lty to t.ry an attack with _ tlLan two femU. 'IlMI
11>0 .. tomphc.kd the mane" ...... of the compound IUack, the IeII
the prol'>llhihty
Tht relnt ;. one IfWll"Jd of pinIng dinance. Your rlf\lt feint
shnuld Jhortcn at lo:uc. o"e.half thB dIStance between YQU and
your opponent. Your nut motion should <:OVff th, last half of u...
di$t.aI\Ce. 'lOll' fein\. should be prolonged to 111"- yOW" opponent
..... 1' .. lime to But nOI too Ion, ... he II .. t,ma to bi<Xk your
att.., ..... '1'0\1 \(> be Iud ah<Sd of It. All y .... , motio ... ohould
be Wplt, jull. enoul#> for. Ttspon ....
111. $pUi Kkk
'I'ht Ipln kick II u..ed caullously 1lI,.,.1 k unl do !...aUIII! apinll.
a dtlfelUlve M I .... Iw-,n filll,""r. you ""'y be with your
_k to him while y()\l ...... uunlllK. Rul n ... it ... nlu-
ailla kick a .. lnllt an unWJrY opp<><lftlt who k_l_on rulhin,.
'nI111,1n kick .. one of moot <liflie .. !l \.0 perform be<:ause 1\
<:&II leave y()\l nl'YQIvIn,. WUlnJlhe taIl:t'l un
l:1li I problem too bcca_ l<.>r a momenl y"u have to take your
eyee from it and .til! hil ,\ while yuur lJody Is
't1>e Ipin kick is uil,d moody .. I ""unl<!r but from time to time
II an be ....,d .. lUI lilack to .wrpri$e your opponent. Aplnn
oomC'OM in the Slme ... In p/><Ito 1, Lft IWffPl his band
upward to dioln.ct u he 1110"" toW_ hla upponent. 'l'Mn at the
"eI'I1 ""ii", be pivOli on bio ri&hl fOOL and rot.ate. hill body I\Id
denly. u In piwto 2. lloP uieo to kcep hll cy. on his oppont!llt
to )udce his distance. 80.>10'" the OpponRnt ..... ' ..... ct. he
'pm kick to hi> midiCcliun ... In p!H>LO 3. $<:Ime mmial artists
employ Ihupin kick in t IWeo"l,in,O ...... 'pinC motion'" Il.a blow
II pro)f>cted (rom the Ilde, Rut in JKO it 10 mt)n) t thrult, with the
blow h.ltin. dlrertly In froM of the tarpt.
To IPply I higtl "p1D kiek qai ... hil opponHIt In the .......

""nOlI, U In photo 1, Lo!e f.k", wllh hlo lead hand, a. In photo 2.
Bul till! oPilOnenl doesn't ""pOnd to th .. (!"It""" in photo 2, 10
l..ee quickly PNO" on h" 'ill1>l fOOl ..,d ~ n d s a hid> kick w hil
f ~ , .. it1 phou. 3, dnvinl him back ... in phou. ".
1\11'11"11. mHM'Ie '" tke oPp<Mlltt otanoe .... n photo I. '-
, w<"'PI' hi> kand ... In phl>ll> 2. llI.d quickly tum. hiA body com-
III ,n phol<> 3. 10 kkk btlw""" the upponent'
...... <1&. fO"'U'1 hlm off hio In I'how <4_
Althou,t> tht ",in kk:k ,,"orb .pina an unw:or)'. 'UI1'_lve
typl! of '''"n"ll m .. it iA al.., Wit)' Mfectiv plnst a fl(lh""
who 't ""p""I It In JKD!hill iA 0"" of th. II m ... tke leh
tOOL II UIM tor kk:klnl !'rom !hI on .... ud po;t;IItiun .
n... ..... o kick is iQld() m UiIO!d JKO 00.:."''"' .
5Omeonc in the &amenanoo ... you, the lead hand is always
his tace. Second. the kick .. delivered hilt> )lJ1d is .pt to
be caught ap.in" an experienced fiihll! . Thinl, kk;k is nOt
enoUih to knock your down.
'n>e kick h"" iu ette<:tive!1<>'f apinn an UOW1lly tidIl<"
who tend. only to p<ote<:t hilo left .ide while In the right
Icad JI06Ition. It is one of the few kickl that will pcnetnl((: against
B fighter who habitual.ly leav,," his lead tool high above the Il'0und
10 jam ",hUe ,uaeking.
Against IOmwM in lIle .. me ltan"" ... in photo 1. JM beglnl
to deliver a .weep kick. u in pholO 2. The dell",,'Y ot the
kick 11 .imUar in th. c..., to. front k"'k and do:cclYI!I the oppo
nMt who attempt.. low block. Unencumbered. the kick flndo il&
...... jet. u In pholO 3. .... th ()f kick is from lort 10 rillh!
In .... nucIf""iar motion. u in diapm A.
Apinlt .n 0PllOflent In the oPI'O'It.e .tanOl'. III m phO\.Of; 1 ",,0.1
lA viol .... ). L<'e mo"O)$ In JUdI a .... ay tl'Mt till! 0PI""""ut
th,n'" he if aboot to oend a ,Ide tlek to his midlO!cUon ... b,
Jltlatol :l ""d :lA. tile 01'1>0""'" ... the .. d. kick.
I..H .. 1Ii1 r.ce b)' drivin, hia r<)Qt lbo .... the l!UardmM h""d
.. In photo. 3 Ind SA.
Chof>t-t xv
Defen .. and Counter
COUllft" .... ""'JI IooJr j,j,e"
bl<lll',." tW<,,"d form of O(ff"-
.IId .... 1 / '"
Oolllflf"", "''' "'n:p )'01" oppOnent nlc
np:ilIl/y ",hile: yO<! ..,., "",illn,
CAJUllun", .. be.t whfn hf'.IfluJ,,,.
hf """"01 do milch ",IIrdm,.
O::I .. nlolntlAlckllll ... cnft)' ................ It If q .. at. to ...
.,,(1 earl too very d ......... 'lo your Oppontollt bec1I ........ 1I1OMR1.
I), <'Iu.,t movIn. on.
;f you ......... tchl ap.uut ... _ne "<luaU)' II .1"Utld
II )'OU, )'OU hlVoe the att..."",11'1 I.>o!ca ..... y<) .... oPP<I"",t 11 bound
to expotO roo ... of hlnlWlr "' he .. lHdinl .,d W",,,,,lt,,,. h'm ... lf.
In the m"lHh"..., )'001 ..... rem .... ' .. "'n the on-.uard ltan"., ,...!I.-
In, for the Opl'nu'(j. It .. p ... 10 f"int y ...... opponent to lead
;n$lcad of .. .111"8 for him to lake thG .
Tile In of can "1'1'111 prowlw\R )'our
to .\llck or (I .... wlll. and Illrin, hIm by I,",,,,, yOIl ..... lf
purpotOly opm. '!"he Id .. Qf w .... wr .. to 1.<)1<1 th, bk>w and
)'OAM opponent he " QU\ of bllann Of /lO1 In pooItlQn to
(I'll .... hlllllelf
eounwriro. real prufic","cy in u.. art Qf f4lhuna. Ac
'UIU)' 11 .. In ......... oed (<>rot of QUenH. }'w ndllud, th .... .....
nUmffl.)UI coun(o:r1 but )'QU "'ou.ld select u.. _ eff.-ctl .... Dnf
inIlantl)'. Th. eM QRty be do .... b), COJ1ltarlI pnct_ .. nl1l ),0" an-
OO .... ,llOlIed 10 reid 'p<ml*neoU$l),.
AfU'r COU""'rinl, foHow up by P ........ II )'our Ol'ponent .. nW he
k do ... " Or .. nW he re ... ti>old. "" """' ful of an OI'l'O'1"'t who .. _
th" dou" hll 1-111 finl bk> .... If ...ed to tnuce Yl/ll..,d h"lIICOnd
blo ........ 111 be Ih" 0"",,,'" yOU attempt to ""<>11"1 ....
tMd,n6 fln." Jal>
11>e fin., jo.b ... IIQO<I do!ferllive and "" .. "tenn, w",p-
011 to lIWp .n .\1ack ""fo", II ""folds ..,d ""1IIIt<i"""'"'", It
rnnt .... ta y ...... opponent_ It II _)' to emplo), anll .. <luick-so
qulel'. th.t the OppotlCIII Flo. It III h. eye t.>cfQ.., be ClIII ... _ hit
pUnch. II "thro .... n Wllh )'Qur flnll"'""' outot.-elChed,,,,"!Ied u
\nR<>n Qf )'0 .... hand. '
It ... IOOd lIWp-il1t _I"''' ..,d you Ulould UioII It .t e.-et)'
QPportullily dunn. c;o .. nMI of fiChtin,. It e-nobloH ),Q" not only
lu teo ... .. lYely and CI"f!OI\.I! openi/lii but II can 'Iuk:kly d(o,
.W-w. Illd <:<>nl,d(ont
J.- w ... Ikdlrul UI"'IU11l1 01 the stop"'!t. 1Icr\', heahOM how
10 UiOI il apllllt.n opponent l14ndlnJ In the u in
photo 1. LH quictly moves in at he _ lb. oppoocm' ... rinC
oomlna. u in pholD 2. WitJl bill Iud h .. ,,], .. Ilkh only halO tnlftl
a mum Ihorter than a Iw]nl, IAe t.hru.to it to .... d h.
opponent'l taCI!. as in photo 3. LN oonllanUy keepo hi> lluard
hand h\ih to block. &II in photo 4.
A .top-hil mwl b<I tim'ld just at the OPP<I"ent bootIinl
Ius atUck. n.. idea is to anLlcipat.e an(! the aUacker In
Ius path Ind at 1.1 lII"If' lime bIG .. , It.pinl ,_If
by out 0( u. ... ttlCUr); _h or by \he UII! or other
m\ftUIlo Suco:o. do:!pMdI on proPf" antkipation aDd limine III
wdl .. 'utUn, the w.t pf!I'feo::Uy.
An eff..ctl1 maneuver IIPJDA IwlnlJill, opponent" to roun-
Ier-lime Into hll ..,UOn or st<>p-kio;-k Into h. advan<:>td t.aI1I'!t Of
er.poooed _.
In lba oaqwnc. . ..pIn. someone In lhe oppooite !Ita"""
... in pholo A. IA. p,""""n!I for the attack. AI.,.," 31 hil 0lll)()'
Mnt '" about to deliver a ot ... illht "'ad, Lee quickly int.erccp .. the
blow and conllnuet with hk ngllt finll'" JRb to oPI"'Mnt'. eye.
II in photo B. He k""P6 II" "'If hand 110&1> to protect Illy
oou.nterinl. Tlmln, 1110 .mpootont In the lltack On development.
AIlOr. Intldpalln, your opponl!n('I 1m .. or attack. you inter1)t
hill arm Or root '00 countorr, jLl1l as "'" If about to

l,Ndlll8 llJprr
The Iead,", nih\" lib the I"Mhng ntlK'" ;'b. is. rood d<!fenll ...
"""ell epUlliI b.,uu,", YOllr hlo ... d<X'6ll't hlW! to
100 far. lYen whoen inilll"" the punch. you eaR_I
hll" 10 lui dtllvuy. BH.ida, lIpIllil wild or ." ....
mavin, tilhtft, you can _Uy frusmte and diaturb 111m II)' not
oJlowin. him to 11:"1 "It, by you. ronRant blow' to hio r..,.,.
Aplnl! an opponent tn th .. opP<>I'iU' lun.,. -' .. In I.hot" 1 -' l..ee
oounlCf1 with tnight rijJllt I .... d .. the opponent IlI.empli B rilIht
.win, ... In 1'1>0\.0 2. LH ltopll!he .Uacll wh ... hi> punch tonttI
the .... In \WlOto 3.
Actually -' 011 ltop-Im If UIfd to.,....,.\ the Itt...,k .. ,t It unfold
mi. It can be an indlf'l!ct or dl'''''1 attol" . It mo.)' be u.eed while Ihe
opponent 1\01011 forw",d 10 or kick. whill> he III feinting. Of
whilt lie II movlo" betwft'n' combinallon.
AJIIlinst IOmI!<>ne IAndin,in the 01'110"11" <tan"" ... in photo
A ... ho IU."mpU; Iw .... WIth lui left lef,d. LH counto.n quickly,
.. '" phut<> O. e<>unu ... when ho _ Ih" OPI ..... ent dllOw hit
hand I<l launch his uck
Of len II " neISar)' 1.0 51A!p o. """0 (<wan' 1.0 .mplo)' an
Il.Opohll beyond the oppOnerln foeus. BeIi<Ift, Wlthoul
gIoIRM lel), you .... y nol bat tum 10 the puncll
Sh.1I or 1m Kid.
thin I), knee low lOde IdI:k, ""mellm. ref.....:! U> ill Ihe
kick, iI (In" I)( the ml)fl formidable In
JKD If done plOfieiently, ynu ean JUIl ab<>ut Rop My kllld or
attack apilUl. ti.e J}Unch ..... kiCk. 1'ho eonoept 1)( thll kiCk II
!.>tat your !NOn the .tUCk. 1'hlt m.,.,.., you tl) atop yow
whUe he iI In motion. IUJI. Of juJ!.
he aUIC". To do that.. you mUll. mud! qu",kor than hp
\1;. '11111 tl"llil can by trainIng "'-vii) in .,lMce ot
._ Dr th. art of
TH[ ""nlt KICK
AI ..... ouo.-ed in a prior cbapter, 8mce Leo! .... IllWIoY" ftqI
ahetod or hill)ppor>ml beaux of hll kffn, cultivated .... _ .. e..
He UIl'd to it JnllllnUy 10 h .. oenslt;Yity of lui
mobile lurroundil".
To employ th .. 10 ... aide kJck ..,.Inlt IOm"",n" 'tandinlj: in th ..
me l>OSItlon, ... in 1'11010 1. Lee otudiolo It .. oppOnent, ( ...
walllni for hll fint mOve. Ao lOOn ... the opl'""ent belln. h ...
u In ph"l0 2. Lee ''''''''1'" hll INd h-.od ""wltd butlate
hif; mo"",ntum. Set"", hili "ppotIMt ean land It .. blow, LH ... tal!.
alel"ll'lth alowlide klock to Itil knff 1n 3.

If tho! opponent .. III tlIe Oppollte aanO! ... III photo I. and
Is plannln, 10 Uilil hit block r<.><>l \.0 doeli"", .. front kick ... in photo
2, l.o!<! quickly m.,.,q with h. l<!rod fOOL above
th" noor to the opponent'!; kiekln, foot in mid .. ",,, in
photo 3. You mullt ..... b,.., th.t the Itop-kick II not neceAAly
"countHlng blow but sometime. uOft! Wictly to <top or block an
"rtenol .... maneuYe',
An opponent who fIIh'" from .. <=uchlnl IlOIitiun .. _lH to

handle bteauOfl of hit bmlted "''''"' ........ bihty, .. III photo A.
] iii low ltan.,. IlIld ""loIn<loo r...,t "",riel h,m frQm atlackin, ... ,d
quie kly. In photo B, """ Ju!t movet Mway from
rishl lud punch thrown II)' his oppOn""t. Lee "'U able to mOve
away e .. !ly hvm the pI.Inch bee.ute .. Iow.t.an.,. fichter h. ,.,
te .... paph hill m<wemt'lll .'""'_ he tries to IUInd to
move fo ...... d Or b...,kw.d. Alter .voldio. tile blow, Lt!e d<.li...".. ..
crushinglhln kick, ali In 1'11010 C.
an opponent who llands on the opJ>OSlt.ol Itlnce .. '"
pilato 1, 10 nOI dll'lcrent from OM whole foet ani In the IUD!!
poaItlon .. yOWl. In>t..bly it II tuier to je.m hllo lead Let beauoe It
II IUIP'I!d with yo ..... In ph<>'O 2. when the opponent lungeo at
LN, he mfIeU Ihe EYen with the opp.ment hlVllll
hud .tArt, Lee'. quick reaction itoI>' tho attack from
malerWilioJ, U In photo 3.
,\pin", an opponent '" doter ""'II!'. u in photo A, and .. ho
llando in the potIRli<.1I1. ta left lead pundl ... d
.tmuitaneolUJy dl6v",",. kick to UIe lnd kn .... U In photo B. Thill
II filiI." ""ra countering move be\:$u5e tl". 1&8 h"" alonge. read'
tln,1I the hand.
Sid_ Stop.Kiclr
The oi\k tt.op.klc.k "' almOft Like Ihn low ohm I.ud knee kick
"eepl Ibu the !aWl. kic:k II ,mpk>y<!d me- as 1M
kick is dncled hftw'. The> oideatop-tclck iI...ed not only to"'p
!he aU.ao;.k but ,110 to knock the opponent down.
Ule kick is uxd uto:rn;vely In JKD boM."ulO! It can be u-:l In
medium and fot-<lilt;m<:t tl&htlnS. ee.,w"I, It II Lhe mOllt
blow. When propoldy. you nwd Just one kick 1<1 com
plelaly IIOP In oppot>enl
AplnM .... opponont ItaI>WnI in 1M OIlJlOGU pmltlon at

THe: SIDe: nOl' KI CK
.... ""y diltanOll, .. In phOl.O 1. I. .. ". In I ond ....
IlIOn! time to for on I\lack ... In photo 2. A*"" .tudy"'8
the he mo_ him and unl .. oh. e
ade kick to .. ohelt, .. in photo 3. The imllllet from
the kick 001 only Ito ... the attack but d,wn the opponent beek-
wwd to th" Ooor," in phOto 4.
l.lminllnd .... trnpnttanl in \h" .""hctotion or
on .rr""tive itOlHlit. Y."hnl the dilltan.,. 10 WIde. the opponent
II"n ..... Uy noodo lOme kind or plannln, In hil attack. At th .. mo
you mould launch you. attack.
A omart t'l.l!l>ter doesn'l .ttack until .... IniLiaUy atl.llna ronl.rol
of Opponl'l"lt'. uminK or hand He endftovon to dr. ..
the at<.>p-bit by Illy me\hod 10 brine hll opponlmt'l hond ... d lee
wlthln 1"11\11" In 01", to control it.
UsuaUy thQ ltolHlit ii <.'mployed with th"'lt Or kick,
but It may be uaed In. diJen&qe"""'t or counW-di ....... F""'nt Or
.. hU, d''':''tnllnd oIippinli.
From I mkldloo dilltance, q .... k1y ltop-hiu an oPPOllmt who

to kklt with MI,.,at foot. u in phot.o I. One!he aUack
is Laur>dwd, LN. orIlhout ... y hCRlaUOn, counl.t .. by lllidin. h.
"*,,, tOOt fM"Ward and emplor- a nglll .. <k bek to 1M ol>POf\om('.
ch<!lt, as In photo 2. The lion! blow tendo! the OI'l'O"ent 1'('eUn,
bl><;kward, ... In photo 3.
Apinot an onnuhlnr_ult from I middle dlllan". ... in .,holo
A. 1_ maYa 11\10 h. O)1pOMflt u Iw! _ "etlL Iw.nl 00n>
inC- \\1lh quick lunp-not U>o deep. u the oppon<!nl ill
In-r .... IoU! lID powerfw .. de ",cit ... In plio,"" 8. no. blow
Aopl the lilack IlrId dn_ Ihe t.ekward, .. In I'hoto
A .. an defMIM! .inll ... 0""",,,,,1 who
.Uackl w\ldly w,thout "'y kin<! of coWlIng or qauut .,"" who
"*,,dI too nov. So""etlm'" you to anll_ y"". body to rom!
till and to control the oppOn .... ls hand.
"'-in. an opt"",.n! who '" In W JU.n<:e ... In photo
I. and who m<>v .. C.ullously from. dostance. Lee carefully
...alII for the 'lUIck. As lOOn as hlo OppOn""'l ""ova In with I
wai&l1t Icot'!.. Lee Jlepl ili,,".Iy ..-.y. just mou'" to ..-old the
blow ... In pho\<> 2.
.",en he qUICkly .hll'tl hili and utili,'lI' right lid .. kick,
III Ul ph"'" 3. The kick must be o;\oJiveN<i wilh hll body oIn!t;l or
mo'''''1 fO .... ard. Oth_lM. then! io 1>0 Co",", belllnd il.
MOth ... .y '" teO ... io to UK I dIIKI. or """pill ItlaCk w!'len
the opponent .. w,thlll d.\an"" and "" doNn't _I wh.h ru.
pUTy. To be ""rtaIn. hit him "a II IUlppln, fonnrd in",
.... .. , willie hi II Ihiftlnl h. weight fo .... d Or lndl<:a'- "weipl1';.
ne. .. '
In another clo .. 4>1,-""" rogbtina. I.- apln .... U for theoppo .
nenl'l Inillal action, .. In photo A. AI lOOn AI the opponent
oommlU hlmllt'tf. LH ..... pI back oIilhtly. O"Ndytnll both hands
ap.lnst In une"pted blow ... In photo B. 'Ill"" he c""nten with
a side kick .. h "'lI'Ii[tl his balance ... In photo C.
THE HOOI( 1(1(:1(
Sot>letilUft io wioe 10 Indu .. yOIU opponent 10 luUy,
pre'l'fntinl hi'" fiom meowrin, aplnst I parry and a counwra1.-
tack. Bu.t be "' thaI he doeln't r .. ",I 1.lOpll1t 10 Waw y.,..
inlO a Itlp.
Hooft Kick
Th. hook is one 01 the lasten and '11It<:ken klckJ In }!leI
ku"," do and II mainly as an offelllive "'_/>on. It can be
.unehfd .w,Ny wtthout th .. dellW!f'y. It 10. JIOO(I
off@nslve .nd coun""ring kick. It lac:kJ pO ...... w'- compuM to
the aide kkk. but it. can be "et'Y ellfCtjv@ly. It u
yOUI' opp<O'>elll" ruln .... b\e lpOU.
Apinot an OnnUhlllK Ittack, at in photo 1, Leoe Quickly p .. OU
On roar foot and ... ik ..... his weight to Ie, the rum by
m<lvlnl ''''IIY from the path "r Ihe It\.act hut .till hils
OOlan ... u In photo 2. II"pllhe attack with a high hook kICk
to thn I..,.,. at in photo 3.
a ... Ii"'"," who Jtan<h from. middle dIlUln .......
in photo 1. w f.k .... "..t pund> to hil faot ... In pholO 2. AI
the oppoMnt ""mm,tI. hu"",-It WII.b hil own otfl,-'l1 W
parnes and almM 111 on. omooth motion. __ the OppoMl'lt'.
riplt wrist. Then he lilts '" hook kick to 11.11 groin. at 1ft
photo 3.
Thit ill 10 .. the Mqu .... ot of o.,t.Ioek on oompt..tlon.
After lb. oppontnt hu Lunpd. you party hiol blow and d1vm hll.
pnmary attack. 'Illen you OOU"to.'r ",hlll! the "PI>O"""'" body II
ext..nded from lun", Uf dunnll Itbo IOCt of recovery- t here '- no
mo ... ment uf you. durinllhia bn<>t phalo'
ullnll "'ft oomllOuOO preponllo", wl ... reb)' he
"""pi rorwant and 'mploy. Itil h"nd llimullaneuuliy, II<!<Inomi<;aL
InIppin( II UI/e1'ut to elt .... Immobilize n. crute, NacUn" ICl you
an punc:h or kick
Spill K,d.
The "Vin kick ill , "''1,,;,,,, ""nnlHlrll tactIC. It .. not
_ndod 10 be ulO'd U an nlltlW"" or ,u.ackinll w_l>on. It ill
dirrk:ull kiolt 10 m_r, but on.,.. yOll ..... adopt In "';"1 It. II mI)'
I,Je )'OU' but _ron.pbut ... 1tiIIo<I Opponml.
'"'_ ",In kiI:k Ihould I,Je u.td span""r ond mOltI), on
....... ve filii""', .. ho corw.antly ",lhet It VOIJ. It II
d,fflcult to employ api>\$t o",,,,!V1n, and
1M and hil OpponMI stand at .. tar don&nce. feelm, each
OUI," III pholO l. Suddenly, hil oppOO"'-' "'sh<el fo.....ru AI Lee
to mH1. the aUadl, .. ,n ph"'" 1. Lee of the
opul tIel dcohwn kio:t 10 hil faa> .!1.lI _. as In
photo 3
Standln'ln the modellC' dlItance, Lee too"", .. "uti" ... OI'I>OIIenl
.... In A. Norrna1ly ... spin kick 111101 the Uocllc to ute hero!,
but Lcc applieo il dfc<:livdy .... u. photo 8 . 'Thil may .. Mk It u.e
opp<.>nenl ill u"",ary Or ill t1"w .... ""U"1I fi(llltolr,
Chapt.r XVI
Atttibutes and Tactics
Tbclic;, (or
who .. ,/"p """d or Itia opponent
He """ hio b""/ILI in .. {ipl
whilo- onolll .... C<rn " I I/.e Iilht.
1k ,"'" "" 1""& with Hell (ot:,
wilh p"ndo. 4nd hid .. Ihrown hi#< lind low.
.Iudl It" "pf>OMnl ullih "IT"
and wllh '''dlmenl end
'lbctk a/oM C<rn'l boo ........... en.;
altr/IiM tI pt'Tt of Ih ..
)I (,''',., wllh """,I C(m(ld,,"ce
p"'''' II" ""co",,te, with IOOd KIIK.
A ""..,n m ..... have .ttcibulet In ord .. to be. Ikilled
Tht .ttributef 1M)' bt leemed Or inNOu.. "or inlUn ....
opecd it.n but.,." ,110 be deeIoped furth . If you
.... born with .... t.pftd t hm you h,,,,, to doHy to "",ulrll
it Or if Y"u d" have ev-I but want to lnerHM It. you mull. Innn
an: IOlv ..... 1 different tY)18 of .peed. A per<l<lptuallpMd II
the qulclulCll of your ey"" to tee '" opening t.hrouglt tllo I(:l.Ion or
in..,tion of y"ur o""""ent.
Mmtllo] IfX!Ed It the .bUlty of y .... r mind to ""Le<:t rapidly the
nih! t.edlniquel to atuw::t or oounu. In$!. an opponent. 1'.
Cormance IIpe(!d \I your ability to .oeeleo1lto your body. feet Of
hands from' uartlnC 0. _ potillon .nd continUoll to the
.peed once ),ou. body or are In motlon.
n...n tlll'N It the.l\eratlon ,peed ... hlch "the .billly to eh .....
dired.ion qulckl)' In mldW'efo"'--J",bUlty or altoring tllo dlr<w:tlon
while in nif(h\..
SJ,>OO<l io confusin" atui!>ut... It teventl e"'mcnu
.... ch .. your mobilily, "PrinK o r ..... ilim<"e.l\.II.mma. pbylical an<J
menl.e.] needed to Ilnd "me to
The mom oompk"x the lituation. the 010 ....... you lend to
react, iii It lit.,. your mind. lonpt tl me to rompn!hen.ci.
'I'M foUo ..... ao.pe<;le needed to ,lain Jpeed : (I)
warmin,...,p t><=ite to rE<Juee vIt<:ooIly .nd In=_ your flexib,li,
ty: (2) ..,itI,bie It.anoe: (3) ritual and ,..,d .. 1 awaren_. and
(4) qUlCt rellding habitual pllternl.
Vilion ' .. a:reneJI Or keen perceptual .peed mlllt be \(>arnoo
tltro..," tonltllnt praeti""" It IIn'T. Inherite<l. It "'ould be rwt or
your d.ti.ly tnlninr;u6l. . "'ort. oonotntnc.d pnoetJ to
"pidly, Out th. should b""uPI'k!m ... tI .. ,th tnlinln,!>u\-
_de of tlte dojo, .. ""plo.lnod In <l>ap\tr V or Book Tl'tdnilf'
........ n yO\ll .-oeption It di_11!<! on , ...... pLe <:Oncepl IUd> u
h"""'I' lUn CO off or ch. droPP1'" of. (hoK, yout probability of
improvin. your po!f"eptual.peec! bom" k!st. nw:. fHIOn II lhn
you can TNet .Imost to your fuU cap81:,ty to. simple ac\.. But yOU
can Improve upon Ihe prep" .. illry movement to .11-
.pondin, lime. [n och ... words, you. ,ml"owmcnt of keen a ........
.-can .Il"""o your ... actmn t,me.
1'119 foUowing fNSOns can lenlll.he-n ),our reaction lime: (1 ) it
you ... e mobonal ; (2) wilen you are (3) .. hen
you are nOllnlntod, .nd (4) wllM you r..,t co",,"ntntion.
Choice ",aet.ion requir ... _ o:ompnohml.ion and delil!enUon
than ","lion ",hich IIln.unetl .... quir ....... and molt 1Ce\I.
1'1.\'. 1.1 ... if you h .... 10 on more tit.., OM
.tem or act. yoW' ","lion 1<riIJ be ............ ""!u'"" IOmtI
dP.jJoe of concenlnltioQ befo .. you ean respond .
During tnining you Mould f9du"" unn"""""Y eho",," ... act,onl
",,(I If p_lhle p .... nt your wilh variely of probllble
foreing him \0. ,low<!l', polition.
You. opponent'. rndi"n tlme II wtw.n Ihe 'timuli
Ilfe oombined: when he io inhalinll. whl'll h.
t.e<:hnique, when hio attention or peroeptlon "'" distracted ..,d
_'- h .. 10 offbalance.
A who low III reopoodin, and In can 0_
conle thlo d .. d ...... lall" thro .... qukt pen:elring. An orftnSl ....
t'ilhw,. who can u .. OQIy h. riaht f .... land tlJht lI ... d e:rte"., .... Iy.
should lum to u .. both h ... d. and botll (""I. o..pIaYIIl one-
lided offen ... Uo"'. h. ... o pponent Ihe quicker . p.llOn ....
"" hll conceotroti<.>n lll1IB ill belnl tonflnl!<! .

An athlete with a winninl 'ltltude" II telf-oontid...,t .IId >fl.
_...t. He feoelo him""lr in command o( the OItuatioQ. He n .. y.lto
I poyclloloop:a:t err..:t of MnO""''''. "butteTfllto; In
you h ..... him In U'Ouble. 0.. .. him to _I' ronorvd ..,.;I when he
doe$, attack him. eono.ntnotft your attac:b on hi! Wftk..- omd
w a l t ~ him fLCht "your n."t.." r><>t his.
'IlIe difference be\. .. oen an ...... !eur and an C:lptft is Ihat when
an uJM'rI. _.n opportunity, he ... w. Lt quickly. 1I' rna ........
of h. _nal and inleUill'l'n ... , de/i"'lrinl pur>eh_ and lucb in "
w<:U-thou,ghw>ul DULnner---o:...,.tln(l "pMing after openlllil "",til h.
dchven. powerful, danueinK blo ....
1.\0 OF JUT IlO
I" Bruce 1ft (:'"k ,\,
I\RlO' u n FlGIIU"G .\lLTI [O!) \"0J. 1, TMIq.>t>
("J,,, 1("".'.1" -1".'
IiRI"O: II.E'S n GIITI.'iG .'I.t;THOI) 101. 1, &a.1c Tnlnln8
, dJ""."/d mld.lf ,. I, .'
BJl.LU LEE"S nf.HllSG \"<>l3, in
1m ,I.!, .. \."/
CIIISbL Gl:.G tl l
III em,. /.<'('. C", ,\"
n!f LEGL"DJuIY 8RI:<:r LEI
I, L ,,'{II ... .! "-J,"-""" .f. .\,
nu; UtCE W STORl'
Il'. W
nlE L'U)\\PAR,.WU: r lGHTfR
\I [ ,..,,,, 0.1.-" ",,/

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