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One Page Comic Batwoman By Mathew R Wilmot

Based on the DC Comics character created by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, Keith Giffen & Ken Lashley

www.twentytwopages.com mathew@twentytwopages.com

EXT. DOCKS. GOTHAM HARBOUR. NIGHT. 1: Two men are unloading crates from a small, private boat. Each of the crates is covered with the same none de script army green sheets. 2: BATWOMAN is crouched behind a stack of containers watching the two men. 3: BATWOMAN takes down the first man from behind. The second man is lifting a crate off of the boat when the attack starts. SFX: CRACK! MAN 2 huh? 4: BATWOMAN lunges at the second man who drops the crate he was holding. MAN 2 (contd) holy-5: BATWOMAN activates here comm-link. BATWOMAN Colonel? I have the location secured 6: BATWOMAN begins to open the dropped crate. COLONEL (radio) we should have another nineteen minutes until their transport arrives for the next shipment 7: BATWOMAN pulls out what appears to be a grenade. It has glass sections which show a glowing yellow liquid. BATWOMAN how many drops have they made so far? COLONEL (radio) this is the second day we know of. Who knows how many before that 8: BATWOMAN holds the grenade up to he face and examines it closely.




BATWOMAN Ive seen these before... We need to stop any more getting into Gotham END.

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