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Can you believe it, over half the year is gone.

Summer activiAu gust 2011 ties are coming to a close, Christmas in July sales are over, 4H Cicero United fair is finished, school supply sales are going on and soon we Methodist Church will be seeing the sights as we drive down the road differently because the corn will be harvested. Some things seem to P AST OR B yron Frit z change so quickly while others never change. God has said P. O. Box 617 that He never changes, well most of the time. No, God never Cicero, IN. 46034 changes, but there are a few times in the Bible where persons persuaded God to change His mind. Over all God is a very practical God; things that God asks us to do are for our own Pastor 1 benefit. Being a minister, I meet all types of people. I have a couple getting married in September. The wife is a Jewish General News 2-5 Christian, and we have talked about what is Kosher (not eating pork, and certain seafood). As we discussed this issue, we Those Serving 5 looked at the Israelites in Moses time, and we can see where Birthdays & eating such meats without the proper way of taking care of the Anniversaries 6 meat would be very dangerous. You see, God was watching out for His people when He told them not to eat certain meat. Prayer Requests 9 Along with those types of commands, God also told the people to rest on the Sabbath, for it to be a day of worship. This came Just for Kids 10 from when Gods finished creation and on the seventh day He rested. Some people look at this as God trying to take from us Calendar 11 a day to enjoy doing what we want to do, because all the other days are already taken by our work. Let me remind you what the Sabbath is all about. It is taking time from our busy schedule to put our spiritual lives in order. It is so easy in our busy lives, to let that fall away. It is a time to come before God and find our true worth in the One who created us. It is a time of healing. If you go back to read in the Gospels what Jesus did for the people, you find him healing lepers, blind men, withered hands; and some of those took place on the Sabbath. You see, God has set aside a special time for us to step away from our busy lives to come before Him and worship, Shalom, Peace, Healing, Forgiveness, and Renewal. God has not changed over the centuries, and Gods plan to make us whole has not changed, especially in those areas of practical life. You know, in August we are continuing to worship at 10:00. People are renewing old friendships, new families that are moving into town have come to see what we are all about, we have new families wishing to join our church in August and we have seen the healing of souls, minds and bodies, as we worship together. More than half the year is over. God is waiting to bless you!

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There will be no Fellowship Meal this month. All Committees Meet 1:00 p.m. Sunday, August 14 Church Council Meets 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 14 It is important that everyone involved plan to be present at their meeting!!!!

Kids Jam Continues thru August 14th! JESUS AND ME! FEATURING THE VEGGIE TALES!
All children from preschool to age 10 are invited to join us during the 10:00 service for a rocking good time!! Come to worship with your parents and follow us to a Veggie Adventure after the childrens message. UMW / Naomi Circle These groups will resume meeting in September. Naomi Circle meets at 7:00 the first Thursday of the month, September 1st; and UMW meets at 1:30 on the third Wednesday of the month, September 21st. If you do not presently attend and are interested in more information about the groups, please contact Karen Mann or Helen Nelson.


L Update

Our meals will begin on Wednesday, August 3rd. We are always in need of host/hostess teams, clean up crew, and other volunteers. Please check the signup sheets in the narthex or call Jeannie Ecker at 984-4802, if you would like to help. We would still like to "fill the freezer" with ground meat so please put any donations in the LOL freezer in the basement storage room directly under the nursery. We are also in need of a meal coordinator. This person would NOT have to be at every LOL meal but would coordinate the meal teams.



The next Outreach Planning Team Meeting will be Sunday, August 14, at 1:00 p.m. in
the fellowship hall. Please plan to attend. We are looking for a volunteer to stencil the words "Welcome Center" above our welcome center in the narthex. Our committee coordinates LOL, shut-in visitation, and visitor welcome services. Please feel free to join us if you are interested in the outreach programs at CUMC. Anyone is welcome. Please contact Jeannie Ecker (984-4802) if you would be willing to tackle this project, or for more information.

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The needs remain about the same at Angels' Attic. . . . . .crackers, jelly, spaghetti sauce, macaroni and cheese and toilet paper. Many thanks for your continuing support of this much-needed ministry. People on food stamps cannot purchase these items with their food stamps:
Dish Soap Laundry Soap Lotions Bar Soap Toilet Paper Paper Towels Deodorant Toothpaste Toothbrushes Cleaning Supplies Waxed Paper /Plastic Wrap Feminine Products Diapers, etc.

HHELP - Summer Lunch Program

We still need microwavable macaroni & cheese cups for the childrens summer lunch program (HHELP) You may bring them in anytime.

CUMC will pack lunches for HHELP on Saturday, Aug 6th & 13th, at 10:00 a.m. at Angels Attic. Please contact Karen Mann 984-4005.

Gosh, this article is for the August Newsletter. I know the kids won't want to hear this, but school starts in August. Didn't school just end for the Summer? Where does time go? I'm not sure that our kids get to enjoy the summer like I remember back in the olden days. We always started to school the Wednesday after Labor Day and got out around the 5th of June or so. Of course, in the old days, we didn't get Fall Break and the long break at Christmas. So, what does all this talk about school have to do with our church? Well, our Pre-School will be starting shortly after the schools start up and that will bring 25 - 30 small ones to our church everyday to learn social skills, letters, numbers, colors and even hear stories about the Bible. This also means that we, as adults, have the opportunity to sign up for Bible studies and other classes that will be offered through the year. I don't have official word, but I would assume there will be one or two Disciple Bible Study classes. If you have not taken these classes, I highly recommend them. You must take Disciple I first as that lays the foundation for the three other studies that follow. It is important that everyone get the basics first and then go on to the more in depth studies later. You will gain so much knowledge about the Bible and the foundations of our beliefs. In addition, Chris Osborn is working to get ladies to sign up for a Women's Bible Study. They will be using one of the Beth Moore courses that are available. Dennis Lafferty is working on a Men's Bible Study using Coach John Wooden's book. I am excited about all of these studies. I hope you will consider signing up for, and participating in, a Bible Study course. It is an opportunity to learn more about the Bible, to expand your knowledge as a Christian and to strengthen your Christian faith. It is also an opportunity to get to know other members of our family and strengthen the bonds that makes our church family so great. I hope to see you in a Bible Study. ~Dennis Schrumpf - Lay Leader & Council Chair
Our sanctification does not depend as much on changing our activities as it does on doing them for God rather than for ourselves. ~Brother Lawrence

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Fresh Cut Flowers for the Sanctuary

There is nothing better than beautiful, fragrant flowers! There have been many requests for fresh cut flowers in the Sanctuary for a special occasion or in honor or memory of a loved one. Here is the new procedure: 1. There will be a sign-up sheet for you to pick a date, and to specify the occasion. 2. You will need to call and arrange for the flowers to be designed and paid for. You can buy anywhere you want and spend what you want. 3. Make sure the flowers are at the church by 8:30 am that Sunday. I can't wait to see what beautiful arrangements you bring! On days that no one signed up, we'll use the church's silk flowers. ~Jen Dunbar, worship committee/flowers

Shut-In Visitation Ministry

There are slips of paper by the Care-a-Grams each week. Each one has the name and contact information for one of our shut-ins. Please take one as often as possible and send a card, visit, or call the person listed. Just sign the card From your friends at CUMC if you dont know the person. We all know what a card or visit can do to brighten our day! Thank you.

Care-A-Gram Ministry Our Care-A-Gram ministry continues. If you know someone who needs to be remembered in any way, please contact Peggy Richards or the church office. It does make a difference!

Liturgist Opportunities & Expectations I would like to thank all who are willing to serve as liturgists this year. It is a blessing that we have several of you dedicated to this vital service to our church. This is one ministry that is well-supported, especially in our 10:30 am service where we continue to schedule volunteers on a 3 or 4 month rotating schedule. Our 9:00 am service could use additional volunteers, but we are blessed to have enough participants to fill each month. If you serve in this capacity or would like to do so, below is a clarification of our current expectations for liturgists. The schedule is published in the monthly newsletter. If you cannot serve on your designated Sunday, either contact the office and we will find a replacement, or, if you wish, you may take it upon yourself to switch with another person if they are willing to do so. If you do agree to change, please notify the office so the bulletin will be correct. Please come fifteen minutes early on the Sunday you serve. It is important that we know you are there, and also it will give you time to receive notes for announcements and other information. The office will update you with your Scripture reading the week before your assigned Sunday. Please read through this and become familiar with the passage. If there is an unfamiliar word (this is highly likely), ask the speaker how they would pronounce it. It is helpful to synchronize pronunciations in many cases. If you have further questions or a last minute change of plan, please contact Karen Rice at (317) 984-4527

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THOSE PERSONS SERVING THE MONTH OF AUGUST: 1st Sunday, August 7: 10:00 Greeters & Ushers: Rusty Miller, Marilyn Gerber Lonnie & Karen Whitehead 10:00 Liturgist: Jay Dunbar 2nd Sunday, August 14: 10:00 Greeters & Ushers: Dennis & Tiffany Lafferty, Evelyn Schrumpf, Su Simpson 10:00 Liturgist: Paul Gibson 3rd Sunday, August 21: 10:00 Greeters & Ushers: David Wallace, Brad Hanni Chris & Zach Osborn 10:00 Liturgist: John Kidwell 4th Sunday, August 28: 10:00 Greeters & Ushers: Monte & Sandy Alexander, Keith Ecker, Mary Johnson 10:00 Liturgist: Lonnie Whitehead If you cannot serve as listed, please contact the Secretary. If you would like to participate in this service let the office know. Thank you!


The Penny Raiders for August will be Birthright. Birthright starts by listening with love and understanding. We don't make decisions for you and we don't pressure you. We work with you to meet your needs. Birthright initially started in 1968 in Toronto, Canada. Birthright is a pregnancy help center where anyone concerned about an unplanned or untimely pregnancy can find assistance as near as the telephone. Birthright offers services to help the woman with her pregnancy, both materially and through community referrals.

As the summer is quickly passing by, Rainbow Promise Preschool is busy registering new students for the coming school year. Our pre-k classes are full and we have a few spaces left in our 3-4 classes. If you know anyone who might be looking for a preschool, please send them our way by calling the church office. Thank you again for all of your support. So many children are benefiting from your generous sharing. Susan Adda, Preschool Director(317) 984-4971

has given us two hands: one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for sharing. ~Billy Graham

In summer, the songs itself. ~William Carlos Williams

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Kudos this month go to:

Marilyn Gerber for faithfully changing the colors and preparing for communion Mike & Susan Murphy for continuing the ministry to Batesland School by taking the additional books collected for them Sondra Fruth for using her God-given musical talent in our Worship Those members who help so many ways by working our booth at the various Farmers Markets, who continue to support Angels Attic and our other various missions Our summer special music providers for their valuable contribution to our worship service Monte Alexander, our faithful adult Sunday School teacher The volunteers who have provided a children's program during service this summer (Karen Rice, Megan and Joe Greene, and others) Our mowing volunteers and the weeding crew who have kept our outside yard looking attractive


3 - Missee Foster 4 - Susie Browning, Keith Ecker, Drew Maynard, Meghan Peterson 7 - Lauren Maynard 9 - Andy Baitz, Rosemary Lewis, Emily Peterson 11 Joe Foster 12 Alexandra Smith 14 - Jeannie Ecker 18 - Bob Brown, Mick Hoover 20 - Tyrll Hoopingarner 21 - David Jordan 22 - Bob Mann, Kate Hunter 24 - Tracy Johnson 27 - Jenna Peterson 28 - Linda Neff 29 - Callie Webster 31 - Peggy Richards

5 - Jo & Jon Kidwell 6 - Keith & Jeannie Ecker 25 - Ray & Karen Young 26 - David & Tammy Baitz Byron & Carol Fritz

If you are not presently on our birthday & anniversary list and would like to be added, please let us know. We will be more than happy to add you.

Chick Mix
The children in the Dog Park are making Chick Mix Snack (Candy Corn and Peanuts or Plain Candy Corn). Each bag is $1, and helps to purchase 1 chick for a family in Uganda. You will find them on the table across from Byrons office.

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Taking the Long Way Its human nature to look for shortcuts. We want the quickest, surest route to our destination. Delays, detours and dead ends are frustrating and discouraging. Consider this: When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was nearer . . . . God led the people by the roundabout way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea (Exodus 13:17-18, NRSV). The Red Sea looked like a fatal wrong turn, but God was protecting the Israelites. He had a plan in place to lead them to the Promised Land. When God seems to prefer delays and detours in your life, keep in mind that the long way just might be Better.

It has been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish..., all before creating human life. He made and provided everything that we would need before we were born. Below are some of the items God provided for us to eat. These are best and more powerful when eaten raw and, as you will see, God left us a great clue as to what foods help what part of our body. A sliced CARROT looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... And YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes. A TOMATO has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and are indeed pure heart and blood food. GRAPES hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food. A WALNUT looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function. KIDNEY BEANS actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys. CELERY, BOK CHOY and RHUBARB look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body. AVOCADOS, EGGPLANT and PEARS target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them). FIGS are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility. SWEET POTATOES look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics. OLIVES assist the health and function of the ovaries ORANGES, GRAPEFRUITS and OTHER CITRUS FRUITS look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. ONIONS look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body. God's natural pharmacy truly is amazing!

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Scouting News
The Troop enjoyed a good week at Summer Camp in June. The boys worked on a lot of Scouting skills and advancement. Again this year, the Troop camped at Adventure Point at the Ransburg Scout Reservation on Lake Monroe. The Troop does their own cooking and runs their own program during the week. The boys have the opportunity to experience more Scouting in one week than they can experience the rest of the year. Members of Troop 103 again assisted us with our annual Fish Fry. The Scouts bussed tables, cleaned trays, took care of trash and assisted wherever they were asked. Their assistance is greatly appreciated as this allows our members to focus on selling the tickets and serving the food. Our Cub Scouts with Pack 103 as well as the Boy Scouts from Troop 103 participated in the Cicero 4th of July Parade. They received many compliments along the way for being active in our community. Thanks for the Cubs and Scouts for representing the Scouting Ministry at Cicero UMC. Troop 103 will be taking a High Adventure Trip to Kentucky from July 28 until August 1. The trip includes a tour of the Falls of the Ohio, a couple of tours in Mammoth Cave, hiking in a National Park, as well as a day at the Kentucky Action Park which is a fun park. They will return to Cicero the evening of August 1st. We wish them a safe trip and lots of fun. Troop 103 will hold their Summer Court of Honor on Monday, August 29 in the church sanctuary. The Scouts will be recognized for the awards they have earned over the summer and the annual activity calendar will be presented. This is always a great evening for the Scouts and their families. Thanks for making the Scouting Program available in the Northern Hamilton County area. Dennis Schrumpf - Chartered Partner Representative

Ultimate Comfort For each of us the time is surely coming when we shall have nothing but God. Health and wealth and friends and hiding places will all be swept away. . . . . .To the man of pseudo faith that is a terrifying thought, but to real faith it is one of the most comforting thoughts the heart can entertain. ~A. W. Tozer

Recycling Facts

If Americans recycled every phone book each year, an estimated 650,000 tons of paper could be saved. Recycling one stack of newspapers about 6 feet tall saves the life of one tree 35 feet tall. Recycling approximately 1 ton of newspaper saves 17 trees. The EPA has found that making paper from recycled materials results in 74% less air pollution and 35% less water pollution. This means that every ton of recycled paper keeps almost 60 pounds of pollutants out of the atmosphere that would have been produced if the paper had been manufactured from virgin resources. Every ton of recycled paper saves approximately 4 barrels of oil or 4,200 kilowatt hours of energy which is enough energy to heat and air-condition the average North American home for almost 6 months. For every 15,000 tons of old newspaper recycled annually, 30 jobs are created to collect the paper, 40 jobs are created to process the paper, and 75 jobs are required to manufacture the newsprint. Plastic soda bottles can become carpet fiber or park benches. Rubber from used tires can be used for floor mats, or as an additive in asphalt. A used aluminum can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf as a new can, in as little as 60 days. There is no limit to the amount of times aluminum can be recycled. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours, or the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline. The energy saved from recycling one glass bottle can run a 100-watt light bulb for four hours. A typical family consumes 182 gallons of soda, 29 gallons of juice, 104 gallons of milk, and 26 gallons of bottled water a year. Thats a lot of containers; make sure they are recycled.

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Prayer list policy: Those added to the prayer list will remain there for two weeks. After two weeks they may be deleted. You will need to call the church office in order to reinstate your prayer concerns. CICERO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PRAYER LIST
Dorothea Bowers (6220 E. Broadway Road, Apt. 238, Mesa, AZ 85206) Marge Marquis (Harbor Manor, 1667 Sheridan Road, Room # 218, Noblesville, IN 46062) Ethele Wheatley (860 Nantucket Drive, Cicero, IN 46034) Lena Ketring (989 Beacon Lane, Cicero, IN 46034) Elna Alexander (Monte Alexanders mother) Bob & Jo Brown (7269 Riverwalk Way S., Noblesville, IN 46260) Margie Hunt (c/o Mark Hunt, 760 S. 9th St., Noblesville 46060) Naomi Lenon (Jeannie Eckers momreceiving in-home hospice care) Ruby Fetty (Harbor Manor, 1667 Sheridan Road, Noblesville, IN 46062) George Kanouse (The Lodge #15, 1667 Sheridan Road, Noblesville, IN 46062,317-770-3456) Grant Stafford & Nadine Stafford Harold & Doris Chattin Our Country and its Leaders Doug Bures Our Missionaries & families Jason Young Our Servicemen and Women & their families Martha Clanton The people of Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, China, Japan, Allegra and Ken Hibma and all those providing relief for them Kyle ONeill Susan Peterson The families impacted by the recent outbreaks of tornados Thomas Richards Yolanda Richardson Tiffany Lafferty Kaley Hight Sherry ONeill Sherry ONeill Kelly King The Martin Family Bill Nelson Jeannette Johnson Kathy Tate Joe Hughes Don Swickert Suzanne & Paul Rutledge Patty Bowman Linda Williamson (cancer treatment) Tyrll Hoopingarner Connie Brown Owen Morey Heidi Vaughn Landon Hight (4 yr old with health issues) Gordon Robertson Carl Hagg (Dan Grose brother) New Addresses: Wilma Ross, 2933 W. Applewood Court, Muncie, IN 47304, 765-216-6138 Jane Rupel, 333 W. Continental Vista Place, Green Valley, AZ 85614, 520-867-8067 Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders.


We still need your old, used candles (any type, any color).

WEBSITE NEWS Webmaster, Dan Grose, will place your event on our website. Please provide all the details of the event along with contact information. Photos, web-links, etc., may also be included. Place your information in the WEBSITE MAILBOX at the church, call him at 317-984-2070, or e-mail it to: grosechef@gmail.com Please allow 7 days for Dan to enter information on the website. The church Face book link is as follows: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ manage/#!/pages/Cicero-IN/Cicero-United-Methodist-Church/300048687866 Please check out our new website. . . . www.ciceroumc.org

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How many animals did God tell Noah to bring into the ark? A. Two of each kind B. Seven pairs of clean animals and one pair each of unclean animals C. Both A and B D. None of the above
LEFT BEHIND. . . . . . A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city, he said, but his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. The boy asked, What happened to the flea?

1 6:30 Boy Scout Troop Meeting 7 p.m. CUMC Emmaus Reunion 7 8 6:30 Boy Scout Troop Meeting 9 10 6-7:30 l.o.l. & The Dog Park 11 2 9 a.m. Tri-Town Ministerial Meets 3 6-7:30 l.o.l. & The Dog Park 4









14 Fellowship Meal 1:00 All Committees Meet 2:00 Church Council Meets 7:00 Venture Crew Meeting

15 6:30 Boy Scout Troop Meeting


17 6-7:30 l.o.l. & The Dog Park 7:00 Adult Troop Leaders Meeting





22 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 6:30 Boy Scout Troop Meeting


24 6-7:30 l.o.l. & The Dog Park




Lifeline Screening

28 PENNY RAIDERS Birthright

29 6:30 Scout Troop Court Of Honor


31 6-7:30 l.o.l. & The Dog Park

August 2011 Cicero United Methodist Church P. O. Box 617 100 E. Jackson Street Cicero, IN 46034 PASTOR Byron Fritz 1-317-440-1391

Phone: 317984-4971 Fax: (317)984-4971 Website: www.ciceroumc.org Email: ciceroumc4u@gmail.com

Address Service Requested Want on or off the mailing list? Call (317)984-4971

Let go! Much attention is being paid to the heavy backpacks kids now lug to school. My fifth-graders backpack weights nearly 20 pounds - more than one-quarter of her body weight! This year I both my kids backpacks with wheels to ease the muscle strain. Problem solved? Wrong. They continue lugging the packs on their backs, and I keep reminding them to put the packs down and roll them. I dont understand it - or do I? We adults carry heavy burdens, too. They Pile up and weigh us down. The cumulative weight can be crushing. But we dont have to carry our troubles. Jesus tells us to let him shoulder the load (see Matthew 11:28). Jesus already took away our biggest burden by dying on the cross. So we can truly Let go and let God. ~Kari Myers

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