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''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''


Part 31.
The Sign Of His Coming In A New Age!
''While He was seated on the Mount of Olives, the disciles came to Him !ivatel" and said, Tell us,
when will this ta#e lace, and what will $e the sign of %ou! coming and of the end &the comletion, the
consummation' of the age('' Mat 24:3. AMP This age aion that we are now experiencing is not jst a
ti!e period" #t a #rand new wa$ o% thin&ing ' it is ca((ed )RAC*. )race withot +A," )race withot
in part +aw" )RAC* withot R*+-)-./" )RAC* withot an$ inhi#itions. The sa(0ation to #e re0ea(ed in
the (ast da$ is )RAC* ' +.1*. - Pet 2:1. )race p(s nothing #t +.1*" this is tre (i#ert$. Can we
recei0e it 3 ,ithin each ' e0er$ one o% s is or tre se(% P*AC*, the peace that 4ess so o%ten re%erred to
"I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does.
So don't be troubled. Don't be afraid.'' 4n. 14:25. *R1.
'')esus said to them, T!ul" I sa" to "ou, in the new age * ''paliggenesia'' or spiritual rebirth - +the
Messianic !e$i!th of the wo!ld,, when the Son of Man shall sit down on the th!one of His glo!", "ou
who have +$ecome M" disciles, sided with M" a!t" and, followed Me will also sit on twelve th!ones
and -udge the twelve t!i$es of Is!ael.'' Mat 16:27 AMP. /otice the word rebirth, p(ease a(so notice in
the %o((owing passage the new birth day. A /*, birth-day.
''The and )esus said to them/ Indeed I sa" to "ou, that "ou the having followed me, in the new $i!th
da" when ma" sit the son of the man uon a th!one of glo!" of him, shall sit also "ou uon twelve
th!ones, -udging the twelve t!i$es of the Is!ael.'' Mat 16:27. )8 Diag(ott. - wo(d sggest once again
that this enhances the thoght that the c(!ination o% or new #irth does not ta&e p(ace nti( the birth o%
the Man-child which shers in the new-birth DA9.
This 0!esent Age 1oomed To 0ass Awa"!
''we do ima!t a +highe!, wisdom &the #nowledge of the divine lan !eviousl" hidden'2 $ut it is indeed
not a wisdom of this !esent age o! of this wo!ld no! of the leade!s and !ule!s of this age, who a!e
$eing $!ought to nothing and a!e doomed to ass awa". 3 4ut !athe! what we a!e setting fo!th is a
wisdom of 5od once hidden +f!om the human unde!standing, and now !evealed to us $" 5od66+that
wisdom, which 5od devised and dec!eed $efo!e the ages fo! ou! glo!ification +to lift us into the glo!"
of His !esence,.'' - Cor 2::#;5.
This Age which is doomed to pass away ' a now setting %orth o% a wisdom once hidden decreed
$efo!e the ages, T. +-<T => -/T. T?* )+.R9 .< ?-> PR*>*/C*" i.e. Ta#ernac(es" The Most ?o($
P(ace" which is within us. This wi(( e0enta(($ c(!inate o% corse %irst in those who %(%i( the %o((owing
0erses. P(ease notice that this was not an a%terthoght o% )od #ecase the origina( p(an went wrong. /.@@
This what !an&ind has in the past ' are now experiencing is a(( in the p(an o% )od" D*CR**D A*<.R*
T?* A)*>. Praises to or wonder%( )od ' >a0ior.
In This 7utu!e Age The" Cannot 1ie!

''4ut those who a!e conside!ed wo!th" to gain that othe! wo!ld and that futu!e age * aion - and to
attain to the !esu!!ection f!om the dead neithe! ma!!" no! a!e given in ma!!iage * meaning after they
attain -2 7o! the" cannot die again, $ut the" a!e angel6li#e and e8ual to angels. And $eing sons of and
sha!e!s in the !esu!!ection, the" a!e sons of 5od.'' +&e 2B:32;3:. AMP.
''5od, who c!eated eve!"thing, wanted me to hel eve!"one unde!stand the m"ste!ious lan that had
alwa"s $een hidden in his mind. Then 5od would use the chu!ch to show the owe!s and autho!ities
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
in the si!itual wo!ld that he has man" diffe!ent #inds of wisdom.'' *ph 3:6;1B. C*1. The %o((owing
wi(( he(p s to rea(ise how a(( o% this wi(( ta&e p(ace.
Coming In Clouds, In The Co!o!ate 4od", The Sons Of 5od
O! Cloud Of Witnesses!
''Which also said, %e men of 5alilee, wh" stand "e ga9ing u into heaven( this same )esus, which is
ta#en u f!om "ou into heaven, shall so come in li#e manne! * tropos - as "e have seen him go into
heaven.'' Acts 1:11 841.
The words li!e manner are %ro! the word " )2127 tropos trop';os <ro! the sa!e as )2125C a trn" that
is" D#$ i!p(icationE mode or style Despecia(($ with preposition or re(ati0e($ pre%ixed as ad0er# (i&eEC
%igrati0e($ deport!ent or character: ; De0enE as" con0ersation" FG like] manner DG #$ an$E !eans" wa$....
This word H tropos # does not !ean as we ha0e #een taght %or so (ong H e$actly the same # to
nderstand jst what it !eans we on($ need one other exa!p(e to nderstand.
''How often would I have gathe!ed "ou! child!en togethe! as a * tropos - mothe! fowl gathe!s he!
$!ood unde! he! wings, and "ou !efused!'' Mat 23:35#. AMP. The words H as a # are %ro! the word
t!oos. /ow it goes withot sa$ing that 4ess was not a hen or a %ow(" #t in H li!e manner # as a hen" in
the ro(e o% as it were a H mother hen # he %e(t this wa$ towards 4ersa(e!. -n this exact wa$ in li!e
manner 4ess Christ is ascending once again. Ascending in ?is great C(od o% witnesses. As the p%% o%
s!o&e on the ocean's horiIon was a sign that a stea!ship was co!ing" so the c(od o% a man's hand was a
sign to *(ijah that !an$ c(ods were on the wa$" ' the sond o% a#ndance o% rain. That these c(ods
depicted !en or !an&ind or the H sons of %od # is rea(($ not too hard to nderstand.
/ow to Jote %ro! )eorge ?awtin. :; <or $ears we ha0e #een taght that the hope o% the chrch is to
#e raptred out of the world to escape the tri#(ation. <or $ears - went a(ong with that #e(ie%" #t - cannot
he(p #t %ee( that !ost o% the hope %or a raptre is #i(t pon !an's h!an desire to escape s%%ering '
tri#(ation" not &nowing that it is through much tribulation that we enter the !ingdom of %od. ,hi(e we
ha0e so!e state!ents that appear 0er$ de%inite a#ot or #eing caught up, we !st re!e!#er that Pa(
was caught up to the third hea0en ' re!ained right here on earth. 4ohn at Pat!os was twice caught up to
to higher ' higher rea(!s in the spirit in one ' the sa!e experience $et re!ained here to #ear witness to
it. Co!pare Re0. 1:1B. 4:1. Then again the sa!e trth is e0ident in Re0. 12 where the !an;chi(d was
caught up to )od ' ?is throne $et was %ond %eeding the wo!an in the wi(derness e0en as *(ijah did.
- ha0e no desire to change the !ind o% an$ !an a#ot these things" %or we can sa%e($ (ea0e this to the
re0e(ation o% the +ord. ?owe0er" the sons o% )od are not to #e raptred ot o% the tri#(ation #t wi((
wa(& 0ictorios($ throgh it. The$ are not #e #rned to a cinder #$ the %ier$ %rnace o% tri#(ation" #t
the$ are to wa(& as >hadrach" Meshach" ' A#ednego with the >on o% )od" preser0ed in its se0en%o(d
%(a!e" to e!erge (i#erated" nscathed" 0ictorios" ' withot the s!e(( o% %ire pon the!. The$ are not to
#e eaten #$ the (ions o% the den" #t to stand as Danie( nscathed ' nhar!ed as the ange( sht their
!oths. The$ are not to perish o% thirst in its wi(derness" #t to drin& as *(ijah o% the #roo& o% the (i0ing
waters. The$ are not to die o% hnger in its %a!ine" #t to spp($ the woman with !ea( ' oi( ti((
jdge!ent is sent %orth nto g(orios 0ictor$. The$ are not to #e s(ain #$ its 4eIe#e( H &abylon # #t to
de%eat her prophets" destro$ her a(tars" ' race #e%ore the chariot o% the &ing proc(ai!ing rain pon the
earth. ;: =nJote.
Out of Ime!fection into 0e!fection!
,hat - a! a#ot to sa$ wi(( not #e eas$" #t p(ease #ear with !e. As the per%ect >on o% )od 4ess Christ
was #orn o% an imperfect virgin na!e($ Mar$" so a(so the great 0ast %a!i($ the sons of %od are co!ing to
per%ection in the wo!#" ' wi(( #e #orn ot o% another imperfect virgin" that is the now &nown chrch
which is torn #$ stri%e" tr!oi(" di0ision" inconsistencies" ' carna(it$ he(d capti0e #$ Aa#$(on in a
!ixtre o% - law grace, part 'udaism mi$ed with the law of liberty in (hrist 'esus # ' nder the
do!inion o% a %oreign spirita( power.
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

- a! a!aIed in that so %ew Christians %ind it hard to see an$ di%%erence #etween the chrch ' the
!ani%ested sons o% )od" #t !$ %riends there is a 0ast di%%erence ' as - write - pra$ that )od wi(( he(p s
a(( to see this. ,ithot ?is he(p no re0e(ation is e0er %orthco!ing. -n an$ !arriage there are two bodies.
,e ha0e the body o% the !a(e bridegroom ' another body o% the wo!an bride. /ow when spea&ing o%
the wo!an we are not nderstanding in the sense o% the h!an nderstanding o% a %e!a(e with #reasts '
sexa(it$. >pirita(($ )od has a %e!inine side to ?i!" ?e is #oth !asc(ine ' %e!inine" Ada! was
created #oth !a(e ' %e!a(e in the -MA)* o% )od #e%ore he was e0er endowed with h!an %(esh.
The %e!inine side o% the #od$ o% Christ is the gent(er !other($ side which the chrch needs toda$ ' is
in no wa$ in%erior to the !a(e. The chrch toda$ has pt a gi(t trip on the wo!an in that she was the one
that sinned ' #roght the !an down" this is dar! age tradition. This )od wi((ing" we wi(( (oo& at
so!eti!e in the %tre. ,hen Ada! was !ade both male female neither was in%erior to the other" the
*+;>?ADDA- feminine part o% )od is in no wa$ in%erior to ?is masculine side a(( o% this co!es down to
the western wa$ o% thin&ing. -n ending this (itt(e discorse it is interesting to &now that in the #rning o%
witches a %ew hndred $ears #ac& it was a(wa$s the wo!an" there is apparent($ not one record o% one
!a(e wiIard e0er #eing #rnt or conde!ned" this is what we ca(( prejdice to say the least. ,e are right
now #oth in the #od$ o% Christ ' in !an$ other spheres recti%$ing this. A(( o% what - ha0e said here is
a((ding to the !ingdom of %od which is within $o ' is a part o% $or tre spirita( #eing. Chrch
histor$ has shown that #iJitos($ the re(igios s$ste! has de!onised #oth wo!an ' sexa(it$ %or ages
in #ringing pon the! an in%erior gi(t co!p(ex which sti(( has a ho(d !ore than !an$ rea(ise e0en toda$.
The #od$ o% the !an is a co!p(ete #od$ o% its own without the wo!an" separate" with head" torso" %eet"
#one ' !sc(e. This #od$ has its .,/ ?*AD" its .,/ A.D9" ' its .,/ <**T. ,hen there is a niting
in !arriage" this ,?.+* MA/ #eco!es the head o% the wo!an" ' the wo!an #eco!es the body of the
man. >o a(so it is with Christ ' the Chrch. ,e !st nderstand that the sons o% )od ' the chrch are
two distinct comanies! .ne thing that is not readi($ nderstood is the sons of %od #eing the full
perfected corporate body, or the many membered body of the &)ID*%)++M even (,)IS- ' the tre
chrch #eing the &+D. +/ -,* &)ID*. ,hen #oth are co!p(ete ' per%ect the$ wi(( then #eco!e ./*"
as Ada! was before he was pt into a deep s(eep ' then a%ter separated into two distinct entities which is
a(so a metaphor o% what happened within a(( o% s. >o the the %ina( res(t o% the %irst son of %od Ada!"
wi(( in the corporate +A>T ADAM as the %(( re0ea(ing or !ani%estation o% the (hrist within, not on($ #e
recti%ied #t co!p(ete($ %(%i((ed in that the sons of %od wi(( #eco!e life giving spirits with an
incorrpti#(e g(ori%ied #od$. )en 1:25" 2:21;22. - Cor 12:42. Ro! 7:23. /ot %orgetting that it wi((
e0enta(($ #e every man in his own order which wi(( incorporate a((. ?a((e(jah@@

,hen 4ess to(d s that ''toda" : tomo!!ow I heal the sic# : cast out devils : the THI;1 1A% I
shall $e e!fected.'' .ne 0ersion states that ''I reach my goal'' another ''I finish or complete my course'' '
then again '' I come to resurrection life''. ,hat ?e was sa$ing in essence was that ?is 'many membered
son' or ?is corporate #od$ wo(d reach per%ection ' that ?e Christ wo(d #e who(e or co!p(ete. This
Man;chi(d wo(d #e the co!p(eteness o% Christ ?i!se(%. The ai! o% Christ has a(wa$s #een to co!p(ete
?-> .,/ >P-R-T=A+ A.D9" as Christ was ' is the ?*AD; >./ so there is now a #irthing o% the rest o%
?i!se(%" other >./>. /o (onger wi(( ?e jst #e the ?ead" #t now the <**T wi(( #e #orn" the (ast part o% a
#a#$ to #e #orn in an$ nor!a( #irth is the %eet. - >?A++ A* P*R<*CT*D" - R*AC? M9 ).A+" - <-/->?
.R C.MP+*T* M9 C.=R>*" - the rest o% M$se(% wi(( C.M* T. R*>=RR*CT-./ +-<*" ' together we
are ./* A.D9 or ./* */T-T9. To %rther 0a(idate this thoght" (et s consider these two prophetic
''I, even I, am the <O;12 and $eside me the!e is no saviou!.'' -sa 43:11. ''And saviou!s shall come u
on mount =ion to -udge the mount of >sau2 and the #ingdom shall $e the <O;1'S.'' .#a 1:21. 841.
This is once again showing the p(ra(it$ o% the ./* A.D9 o% C?R->T.
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
0!otecting His 4!ide!
-n the 12
chapter o% Re0e(ation we see in 0erse 2 the #irth o% the Man;chi(d who is caught up to the
throne destined to r(e the nations with a spirita( sceptre. ,e a(so see it is %rther !entioned that the
wo!an is ta&en into the wi(derness" 0erse : ' 14 where she is %ed #$ the Man;chi(d" which is si!p($ a re;
enact!ent o% *(ijah when he went to the wo!an in the wi(derness who was a#ot to die o% hnger #t
%ed her with meal oil" this is the %irst action o% the tre responsi#(e hs#and who is to (o0e ' cherish his
wi%e who is in need o% (o0e ' spp($ ' protection. /otice care%(($ that it is a Man-child ' not jst a
Male-child, there is a 0ast di%%erence" this chi(d was a %(($ de0e(oped MA/ at #irth. A !ost nsa( '
wonder%( e0ent.
The Mothe! and Wife!
At this point a !ost interesting passage o% scriptre %ond in -saiah deser0es an exp(anation. ''7o! as a
"oung man ma!!ies a vi!gin, so shall th" sons ma!!" thee/ and as the $!ideg!oom !e-oices ove! the
$!ide, so will th" 5od !e-oice ove! thee.'' -sa :2:2" ,e#ster. >ons !arr$ing their !other preposteros" '
as the AR-D*)R..M rejoices o0er the AR-D*. The sons who are the man"chi(d" who a(so sit on the
throne are the %((ness o% the Christ ' are the C?R->T who is the !ani%estation o% )od" or in other words
in who! dwe((s all the fullness of the %odhead wi(( !arr$ the #ride" who was once their !other. There it
is ' what a wonder%( trth is in this 0erse. As !entioned ear(ier the sons of %od were #orn ot o% an
imperfect virgin the present chrch" which is in t$pe their !other. A%ter the #irth o% the man-child ?e the
co!p(ete corporate many membered #od$ o% Christ wi(( then !inister to ?is #ride - the church in the
wilderness - the one ?e was #orn %ro! who is now #eing per%ected" to %eed" care" ' norish her" ?is now
/*, AR-D* Re0 12:: ' 14. This wi(( #e the %(%i((ing o% the a#o0e prophec$ that -saiah a((ded to in
that the imperfect chrch who was once the !other o% the >./> has now #eco!e ?is wi%e. ''4ehold, I
am doing a new thing! Now it s!ings fo!th2 do "ou not e!ceive and #now it and will "ou not give
heed to it( I will even ma#e a wa" in the wilde!ness and !ive!s in the dese!t.'' -sa 43:16. AMP. ,hat a
wonder%( )od we ha0e within s ' what a wonder%( con%ir!ing word o% prophec$ that ?e has gi0en to
encorage s. /ow - !st !ention that as the !ingdom of %od is ,-T?-/ => this #irth is not ta&ing
p(ace an$ where other than within, $es o% corse it wi(( !ani%est on the otside. At the o0erco!ing" the
te!p(e" the throne" or p(ace o% athorit$" the increasing o% or (o0e" is a(( happening ,-T?-/" as we
en(arge within we throw ot the o(d" T?* /*, R*P+AC*> T?* .+D. As so!eone stated recent($ we are
not in need o% !ore new wine #t it is the /*, ,-/*>8-/ that we are a%ter.
To Jote %ro! a recent paper %ro! Michae( ,ood. :; This gigantic" paradig!;sha&ing shi%t" wi(( on($
#e !ade possi#(e" when we are sccess%( in esta#(ishing a /ew ,ine >&in Dnot !ore /ew ,ineE or a
/ew Kant! Paradig!. A /ew >pirita( Perspecti0e" which is proper($ )od;centred and not !an;
centred. .ne" which is esta#(ished %ro! or Christ Conscios Awareness" %ro! the &now(edge o% the Tree
o% +i%e" and not %ro! or o(d da(istic &now(edge o% good and e0i(.
To do this" we !st see&" to !o0e #e$ond or e(e!entar$ sorces o% in;part 8now(edge and the +aw"
into an a((;inc(si0e" a(( enco!passing Kant! Paradig! o% +o0e and )race ; throgh <aith. ;: =nJote.
The 0!omised <and!

''%ou +)udah, shall no mo!e $e te!med 7o!sa#en, no! shall "ou! land * our dwelling place0 within - $e
called 1esolate an" mo!e. 4ut "ou shall $e called Heh9i$ah +M" delight is in he!,, and "ou! land $e
called 4eulah +ma!!ied,2 fo! the <o!d delights in "ou, and "ou! land * our conscious awareness - shall
$e ma!!ied +owned and !otected $" the <o!d,.'' -sa :2:4. AMP. -n ti!e there wi(( #e the %(( enact!ent
o% this !arriage. Their wi(( #e no !ore deso(ation in s. At e0en now as there was no (one(iness in 4ohn's
experience on the (one($ -s(e o% Pat!os" his spirita( experience was sch that he was %(( o% the presence
or co!pan$ o% his H true identity (hrist - ' needed nothing e(se. >o it is with s. ,e !a$ sa$" we(( - a!
not 4ohn@ That sa!e 0ei( that was rent %or hi! was rent %or $o ' -" ' the access into the Most ,oly
1lace that was a0ai(a#(e to hi! is a0ai(a#(e to each ' e0er$ one o% s #$ %aith ''Since then, $!eth!en, we
have f!ee access to the Hol" lace * ,oly of ,olies - th!ough the $lood of )esus, $" the new and eve!6
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
living wa" which He oened u fo! us th!ough the !ending of the veil66that is to sa", of His ea!thl"
natu!e.'' ?e# 1B:16;2B. ,e$!oth. There is no need %or s to %ee( deso(ate %or or (and H consciousness
- is i% we wish is in A*=+A?;+A/D" in that the wa$ has #een !ade a0ai(a#(e into the Most ?o($ P(ace"
not #$ deeds" or rewards" #t #$ the si!p(e ' aweso!e H and far from yet fully realised - trth o% the
grace o% )od" ''who has now aea!ed a second time, not ca!!"ing an" $u!den of sin * our mista!en
identity # o! dealing with sin, $ut $!inging to 7?<< salvation, those who a!e constantl" : atientl"
waiting fo! : e@ecting Him.'' ?e# 6:27#. - Pet 1:2#. The %o((owing is again %ro! )eorge ?awtin.

Kote:; +et s not tr$ to re0i0e the age o% grace with its %(ic&ering (ights" -ts spirita( gi%ts" ' a(( its
i!per%ections" #t (et s %o((ow the increasing (ight into the per%ect da$ where e0er$thing in part is done
awa$. -% $o want to sta$ there" !$ #rother" #$ a(( !eans sta$" #t don't as& !e to sta$ with $o" %or the
?o($ >pirit is rging !e within to stand with ,is feet on Mount 2ion and proc(ai! the g(orios &ingdo!
o% eterna( peace. <arewe(( to things that are in part. <arewe(( to seeing throgh a g(ass dar&($ and good
morning to that which is per%ectC good !orning to that which is co!p(eteC good !orning to seeing face to
face.-: =nJote.
9et once !ore wi(( - sha&e ' !a&e tre!#(e not on($ the earth #t a(so the starr$ hea0ens. .et once
more" indicates the %ina( re!o0a( ' trans%or!ation o% a(( H that can be # sha&en ;;; that is" o% that which
has #een created H for a purpose, short while to bring us to a higher understanding - in order that what
can #e sha&en ' re!ain !a$ contine. >o (et s there%ore recei0e ' contine in a &ingdo! that is %ir! '
sta#(e ' cannot #e sha&en. <or or )od is a cons!ing %ire ' wi(( #rn p a(( that is dross" ' se(ess %or
the co!ing age. -t is se(ess to &eep carr$ing a (oad o% that which is o% no #ene%it %or the Age aion to
co!e. P(a$ to$s ' gi%ts were wonder%( when we chi(dren #t as we !atre or when the co!p(ete '
per%ect co!es" the i!per%ect wi(( 0anish awa$ #eco!e antiJated" 0oid" ' sperseded H and are right
now being sha!en - so when - was a chi(d" - thoght (i&e a chi(d" - reasoned (i&e a chi(dC #t when we
!atre we do awa$ with chi(dish" ot o% date things ' pt the! aside %or the sa&e o% not ha0ing an$
hindrances in or !atring ' %or that which wi(( #ene%it ' eJip s %or that which is ahead e0en or
MA/-<*>TAT-./ A> >./> -/ T?* C.M-/) A)*. '*+3.' ,hen we re%er to the sha!ing we are not
a((ding to the recent Tsna!is or the ,or(d Trade Centre or that which is on the otside o% s #t that
which is within orse(0es" which we orse(0es ha0e created. The on($ thing that wi(( re!ain wi(( #e that
which was ne0er created #t always has been e0en ).D ?-M>*+< or or true (hrist Identity which is"
was" ' a(wa$s wi(( #e *T*R/A+.
The 7eet Coman"!
,hen in 4n13:2;15" 4ess pored water into a wash#asin ' #egan to wash the discip(es %eet" ?e ca!e to
Peter" ' Peter said. Are !$ %eet to #e washed #$ 9.=3 4ess rep(ied $o do not nderstand /., what -
a! doing" #t $o wi(( nderstand +AT*R. Peter rep(ied" $o sha(( ne0er wash !$ feet@ 4ess answered
hi!. =n(ess - wash $o" $o wi(( ha0e /. PART or share in co!panionship with Me ' what - a! doing.
Peter then said" +ord wash not on($ !$ %eet" #t !$ hands ' !$ head too@....>o when ?e had %inished
washing their %eet ' had pt on ?is gar!ents" ?e said to the!. Do $o nderstand what - ha0e done to
$o3 *ar(ier in 0erse 5 4ess had said to Peter" $o do not nderstand this now A=T you will understand
this later on, or as in another 0ersion but you shall !now hereafter. -n 0erse 15 4ess said ''If "ou ANOW
these things, "ou shall $e $lessed if "ou do them.'' A #etter wa$ o% sa$ing this to %it or topic toda$ is if
you !now the meaning of these things. 4ess the Christ was as ?e so o%ten did" (a$ing a %ondation %or
that which was to co!e" e0en %or toda$" R-)?T /.," %or the <**T C.MPA/9. This is the hor that a
0er$ i!portant co!pan$ o% peop(e are #eing c(eansed" the ?ead is pre" the hands ha0e #een washed (ong
ago" the on($ !e!#ers that are de%i(ed #$ earth are now #eing washed ' are co!ing ot o% Aa#$(on.
As we ha0e !entioned ear(ier in an$ nor!a( chi(d #irth the %irst part to e!erge is the head ' then
(ast($ the %eet. This is 0er$ signi%icant as the dirt ' gri!e o% re(igiosit$ ' Christian tradition ' (ega(is!
is now #eing dea(t with ' washed %ro! the +A>T T. C.M* $et %ar %ro! the +*A>T" %eet co!pan$. ?ear
what the Apost(e Pa( has 0er$ !eaning%(($ inserted into his narrati0e to the *phesians" ''And "ou! feet
shod with the !ea!ation of the gosel of eace.'' *ph ::12.
''4wa!e0 4wa!e0 1ut on your strength, 2ion5 put on your beautiful robes, + 'erusalem, the holy city. /or
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
never again shall come to you uncircumcised and unclean ones. Sha!e yourself from the dust5 rise up0
Sit, 'erusalem0 /ree yourself from your nec!-bands, + captive daughter of 2ion. /or so says 'ehovah,
.ou were sold for nothing5 and you shall not be redeemed with silver. /or so says the 6ord 'ehovah, My
people went down before into *gypt to stay there5 and the 4ssyrian oppressed them without cause. 3ow
therefore, what have I here, says 'ehovah, that My people are ta!en away for nothing7 -hose who rule
ma!e them howl, says 'ehovah5 and without ceasing My name is blasphemed every day. -herefore My
people shall !now My name5 So it shall be in that day, for I am ,e who spea!s5 behold, it is I. ,ow
beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings , ma!ing peace heard5 who brings
good news, ma!ing salvation heard5 who says to 2ion, .our %od reigns0 -he voice of .our watchmen
shall lift up0 -hey lift up the voice together5 they sing aloud. 7o! the" shall see e"e to e"e, when 'ehovah
shall bring again 2ion.'' -sa 22:1;7. M841.

?ow wonder%(($ do the prophets descri#e the !inistr$ o% the feet. A((ow $or spirit to soar as the$
expond to s this trth. ''The glo!" of <e$anon will come to "ou, the fi! t!ee, the ine t!ee, and the $o@
t!ee togethe!, to $eautif" the lace of M" sanctua!"2 and I will ma#e the lace of M" feet glo!ious.''
A(so ''The sons of "ou! afflict6e!s shall come $owing to "ou2 and all "ou! desise!s will $ow down at
the soles of "ou! feet . And the" will call "ou, The cit" of the <o!d, The =ion of the Hol" One of Is!ael.''
-sa :B:13;14. And again. ''4ehold uon the mountains the feet of him that $!ings good tidings, that
u$lishes eace! O )udah, #ee "ou! solemn feasts, e!fo!m th" vows/ fo! the wic#ed shall no mo!e
ass th!ough thee2 he is utte!l" cut off.'' /ah! 1:12.
''And His feet will stand that da" on the mount of Olives.'' Lec 14:4.
-s it an$ wonder that 4ess said to Peter that - what I do you will !now hereafter or later on - the
di%%erence ' the in%inite re(ationship #etween the %irst;#orn >ons who are co!ing into the exact i!age '
(i&eness are !e!#ers o% ?is %a!i($ ' are !e!#ers o% ?is Aridegroo!. As 4ohn to(d s in the 1
' 14
chapters o% Re0e(ation ''one li!e the son of man'' 0er$" 0er$ (i&e ?i!. The exact i!age o% ?i!. This is
Christ in a(( o% ?is co!p(eteness. '',ere I stand I the children that you have given me.'' ?e#. 2:13.
This is the %(( co!p(ete #od$ o% a(( o% those o0er the past !an$ $ears who in their part o% the #od$ stand
per%ected in one g(orios #od$ or #ridegroo!.
''His e"es we!e as a flame of fi!e, : His feet His glo!ious feet, li#e $!ass as if the" $u!ned in a
fu!nace2 : His voice was as the sound of man" wate!s. Out of His mouth went a sha! two6edged
swo!d : His countenance was as the sun shining in its st!ength.'' Re0 1:12;1:. ,e#ster.

''Thou hast ut all things in sub8ection unde! his feet. 7o! in that he ut all in su$-ection unde! him,
he left nothing that is not made su$-ect to him. 4ut now we see not "et all things su$-ected to him.''
?e# 2:7. /ote not yet all things, not nti( the %eet co!pan$ are c(eansed" pri%ied ' %or!ed.
The Seed Of The Woman!
''And the <O;1 5od said to the se!ent, 4ecause "ou have done this, "ou a!e cu!sed a$ove all cattle,
and a$ove eve!" $east of the field/ uon "ou! $ell" shall "ou go, and dust shall "ou eat all the da"s of
"ou! life/ And I will ut enmit" $etween "ou and the woman, and $etween "ou! seed and he! seed/ it
shall $!uise "ou! head, and "ou shall $!uise his heel.'' )en 3:14;12. ,e#ster. ?ere the %irst pro!ise o%
the co!ing o% Christ" the seed o% the wo!an" is !ade. -t is a(so a pro!ise o% the ,ead ' sons the many
membered body co!ing in ?is i!age ' (i&eness" o% ?is %(esh ' o% ?is #ones. The co!p(ete Christ that
4ohn saw whose feet were li!e fine brass # -udgement * as i% the$ had #een burned in a furnace.
To (oo& at this )enesis 0erse in the natra( or the in! on the paper" we wi(( not %ind an$ rea( answer as
this is a !etaphor or an a((egor$" which is what 4ess sed !ost a(wa$s. As a point o% interest" tradition
wo(d te(( s that the serpent was a %a((en ange(" #t i% we care to do a (itt(e honest research we wi(( no
do#t #e srprised. <or instance %or a Jic& ' eas$ re%erence i% $o wo(d care to ta&e a (oo& at the
%ootnote o% -saiah 14 in the A!p(i%ied Ai#(e there is a 0er$ in%or!ati0e re%erence as to the tre identit$ o%
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
+ci%er" which is trans(ated %ro! light bringer or shining one ' is sed as a tit(e o% Christ in 2 Pet 1:16.
Things are not what the$ see! i% we are ta&ing notice o% hand me downs instigated in the DAR8 A)*>.
The seed o% the wo!an which we are now re%erring to as #e%ore;!entioned" the sons o% )od - the
many membered body - #orn ot o% an imperfect virgin, has had his hee( #rised #$ his mista!en identity,
the antichrist, the serpent the one who sits on the throne in the in the ,oly 1lace in the p(ace where he
ought not. 2Thes 2:4. As )o(iath had his own wa$ with -srae( %or a period with his #(%% ' siIe ' was
#rising the hee( o% -srae( as it were" a(ong ca!e Da0id whose spiritual seed we are" ?e not on($ #rised
the head o% the serpent #t ct o%% the head o% the then serpent )o(iath.

The serpent or )o(iath's o% toda$ are that which is within s that wo(d %ight against progressi0e '
re0ea(ed trth" those that ho(d tenacios($ %or past traditions" rites ' an$thing that re%ers to a )od on the
otside a )od who has a &ingdo! p in the s&ies ' is co!ing to raptre s into the s&$ so!ewhere '
wo(d e0ade the isse o% sta$ing with the tea! when the going gets hot ' the need is in the right here '
now ./ *ART?. That tre Da0id;ic seed is now ctting o%% the head o% a(( %a(seness" is now #rising the
head o% religiosity whi(e at the sa!e ti!e !an$ who thin& that the$ are right are bruising the heel o% the
<**T C.MPA/9. At &now this that it is written that the head o% a(( o% this" the serpent wi(( #e #rised '
e0en re!o0ed per!anent($ ' e0en as Pa( has stated. ''%ou have ut all things in su$-ection unde! his
feet.'' ?e# 2:7. - #e(ie0e that Pa( is re%erring to the sa!e thing when he wrote. ''And the 5od of eace
shall $!uise Satan * the adversary # unde! "ou! feet sho!tl".'' Da0id a(so said ''Thou has ut all things
unde! His 7>>T.'' Re!e!#er that we were to(d that we were to tread on serpents scorpions. /ow
this !a$ ha0e #een done to a degree in the in;part rea(!. - #e(ie0e that this is on($ a t$pe o% that which is
to co!e" to coin a phrase you aint seen nothin yet. Ro! 7:23. -n the !ani%estation or in the %(( adoption
o% or son-ship that is ''to wit, the redemption of our body'' the %(( enact!ent o% what this tr($ !eans
wi(( #e %(($ carried ot. - wish to sa$ here that it is a(wa$s a !ista&e %or an$ !an or wo!an to i!agine
that the re0e(ation the$ ha0e is co!p(ete" that !ista&e wi(( (ead the! into end(ess di%%ic(t$ ' !a&e the!
#igoted in their ideas ' so esta#(ished in their wa$s that )od can ne0er gi0e the! an$ greater (ight.

''7o! whom he did fo!e#now, he also did !edestinate to $e confo!med to the image of his Son, that
he might $e the fi!st6$o!n among man" $!eth!en.'' Ro! 7:26. ,e$!oth te((s s ''That He might $e
the eldest in a vast famil" of $!othe!s!'' A 0ast %a!i($ o% #rothers $et one many membered entit$ Christ
in ?is entiret$. - sa$ this to (ead into or next thoght.
''4nd I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the !ey of the bottomless pit and a great chain in
his hand. 4nd he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him
a thousand years. 4nd cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he
should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled5'' Re0 2B:1;3a. An ange( is
a !essenger" co(d it #e that ta&ing into consideration a(( that we ha0e said that the corporate son ./*
>P-R-T=A+ */T-T9 as an ange( or messenger who is to tread on ' crsh the ?*AD o% the serpent co(d
#e doing so right here. There is no do#t that this !essenger is Christ ' we need to re!e!#er that at this
ti!e the MA/;C?-+D is #orn ' the sons o% )od are now !ani%esting.
A((ow !e to Jote at this ti!e %ro! 4. Preston *#$. Kote :; +et s re!e!#er that >atan is not the
''ange('' o% the pit" nor does he ho(d the ''&e$'' to the pit" nor is he the ''&ing'' o0er the pit. A(( o% this has
#een trans%erred to or +ord 4ess Christ who is +ord o% a((@ >atan is a no#od$ and has no power at a((.
>o!eone sa$s" ''At" #rother *#$" it sa$s that the na!e o% this ange( o% the #otto!(ess pit" or this &ing
o0er the (ocsts" is 4baddon and 4ppolyon --- which !eans D*>TR.9*R@ >re($ that can't #e (hrist0'' -
wi(( con%ess that !$ 0iew o% A#addon and Apo(($on is 0er$ di%%erent %ro! !ost. - !a&e no e%%ort to
connect these na!es with the de0i(. The antichrist. /or an$ other dar& personage o% power. Apo(($on is
the ''ange('' o% the a#$ss or the one who has power and contro( o0er the a#$ss. ?ere he has the ''&e$'' to
the a#$ss and athorit$ to open it..... /ow (et s consider so!e pertinent Jestions. -n this symbolic
scene" who is it that has the &e$ to the a#$ss3 An ange(@ 9here is the angel from7 /rom hea0en@
There%ore" where did the &e$ to the a#$ss co!e %ro!3 <ro! hea0en@ ,hat did the ange( do3 ?e bound
the devil, shut him up in the pit, and loc!ed it with the &e$@ ,ow, then, could Satan be the one who has
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
the !ey7 Impossible0 ,ho is it that has #ond" and does #ind" the power o% >atan3 .r +ord 4ess
Christ@ 9ho is the symbolic ''ange( %ro! hea0en'' a(( throgh the #oo& o% Re0e(ation3 (hrist is0 Ah"
can we not see #$ this that the ''destro$er"'' that is" A#addon and Apo(($on is the Christ o% )od@ This is
not so!e negati0e entit$ ot o% a rea(! o% dar&ness ;;;; this is C?R->T. -: =nJote.
- repeat - see this as the co!p(eted" many membered corporate #od$ o% C?R->T crshing the ?*AD o%
the >*RP*/T. The ange( - messenger - is %ro! hea0en" or heavenly places. *ph 2::. -% $o can recei0e it"
a(( o% this is happening within. The ad0ersar$" or mista!en identity, is #ond" (oc&ed p" ' cast into a
bottomless pit or that which is withot a <.=/DAT-./. There is a(so no %ondation to that which is not
*T*R/A+" na!e($" or mista!en identity. -n si!p(e ter!s it is a rea(isation within orse(0es o% that
which is rea(it$ ' TR=T?.
The 4!a9en 7eet!
''And his feet li#e fine $!ass, as if the" $u!ned in a fu!nace2 and his voice as the sound of man"
wate!s.'' Re0 1:12 ''Who has e"es that flash li#e a flame of fi!e, and Whose feet glow li#e $!ight and
$u!nished and white6hot $!on9e/'' Re0 2:17. Dan. 1B::.
A %ew da$s ago - !et a spirita( #rother" A(an Mc8enIie" a Pastor who is on a high spirita( path ' he
shared with !e an experience in which he was caught up where the +ord ?i!se(% !inistered to hi! '
showed hi! !ch o% what !an$ o% s are seeing toda$. -n this 0isitation ?e saw Christ as in the a#o0e
0erses" #t one thing that he did not see were ?is %eet. ?e wondered a#ot this. .n (ater thin&ing on what
he said it co!e to !e 0er$ strong($. .% corse the %eet were a#sent %ro! his 0iew as the$ are right now
#eing c(eansed ' pri%ied ' are not $et re0ea(ed.
The Sign Of His Coming In A New Age!
'';emem$e! "e not the fo!me! things, neithe! conside! the things of old. 4ehold, I will do a new thing2
now it shall s!ing fo!th2 shall "e not #now it( I will even ma#e a wa" in the wilde!ness, and !ive!s in
the dese!t.'' -sa 43:17;16. The sign - #e(ie0e is %ond in a /*, T?-/). ''And this 5ood News a$out
the Aingdom will $e !eached th!ough all the wo!ld fo! a witness to all eole2 and then the end will
come.'' Mat 24:14. - i!p(ore each o% s to ha0e an open searching heart that we !a$ see& to see i% these
things are so. Tradition or or %or!er wa$ o% thin&ing" has in the past ' wi(( a(wa$s #e" the greatest
hindrance to )od's /*, T?-/)>.
Anothe! Boice 7!om The 0ast!
'-he Son's 'brea!ing in pieces' ,is enemies is for the sa!e of remoulding them, as a potter his own wor!5
as 4er17::" says: i.e. to restore them once more to their former state.'' *se#is o% Caesarea" 2:2;34B
AD. Aishop o% Caesarea in Pa(estine. Ro! 7:2B;21.
A(essings to a((.
#ritten by Ralh $nowles% &'ly ()**!
-% we ha0e #een prone to h!an error in this artic(e it is not prpose($" ' - trst that a (itt(e &indness wo(d a((ow %or an$ %a(t" ' that we wi((
consider ' i!#i#e the #etter or spirita( part o% that which is presented ' intended. R,8..

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