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Lec1 Power Electronics ____________________________________________ EE405

Course EE-405

Irtaza M. Syed

A. Prof
Electrical Department HITEC University

Contact Info
Office: Email: R # 22 syed@hitecuni.edu.pk HITEC University

So Plz Keep Silence in the Class



Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Introduction EE405

Course Structure
- Lectures - Design Projects (2) 20% - Quiz (4) 20% - Session Exams (2) 30% - Final Exam 30%

Course Outline
- Introduction & review (1 Wk) - PE Principles & Devices (3 Wks) - Rectifiers (3 Wks) - DC-DC Converters (4 Wks) - Inverters (3 Wks) - Switching mode power supplies (1 Wk) - Pluggable or Future trends (1 Wk)

- P. Electronics Ccts, Devices & App, M.H Rashid - P. Electronics Converters Apps & Design, Ned Mohan etc

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Triangle & Circle

RAT: Three sides, base, perpendicular & hypotenuse One of the angle is 90o Sine =P/H Cos =B/H Tan =P/B

Pythagorean's theorem:
or Radian:

1 rad = 57.32o
1 Circle = 6.28 rad (360o/57.32o) 6.28 rad = 2 (3.14) rad 2 (3.14) rad = 2 rad

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE422

Complex Numbers
locate a point on a plane Rectangular R. Coordinates are in the form (x, y), where x & y are the

horizontal & vertical distances from the origin

x jy Polar P. Coordinates are in the form (r<), where r is the distance from the origin to the point & is the angle r Cos , r Sin Conversion: Make a right angle triangle to the point (x, y) P R: x = r Cos , y = r Sin R P: r = (x2 + y2), = tan-1( y/x )

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Source , Load & Equipment

Source: Delivers power Conventionally, if I comes out of a +ve terminal Load: Receives power Conventionally, if I flows into a +ve terminal Equipment: Electrical equipments are rated in VA.

Q: What is VA & why are equipment rated in VA?


Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

P, Q & S
P: Active Power, yields usable result, unit is Watt Flows in one direction P = VI Cos = I2R Cos (any other ?) Q: Reactive Power, yields no usable result, unit is VAR Direction reverses Q = VI Sine = I2X Sine (any other ?) S: Apparent Power,

, Unit is VA

* One can not be converted into other * P flow independent of Q * Pt = Vt x It, at any instant t irrespective of Cct type (R, L, C) * Pac = VI Cos (to include phase) 7

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

R, L & C
R: Opposes flow of charge (current, I) & I = V / R V & I remain in phase & V = IR & P = I2R Static phenomenon i-e f independent L: Opposes change in current (I) & I = 1/L V dt V leads I by 90o & V = L (dI / dt) & E = LI2

Dynamic/Reactive phenomenon i-e dependent (XL = 2L)

C: Opposes change in voltage (V) & V = 1/C I dt

I leads V by 90o & I = C (dV / dt) & E = CV2

Dynamic/Reactive phenomenon i-e dependent (XC = 1/2C) * L , magnetic field & polarity reversal (ELI the ICE man) 8

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

3 sys (Balanced)
3 sys: Sys of equal voltages 120o apart Each voltage/phase reaches max 120o after previous phase Phase voltage = X n (start neutral, call it Vp)

Line voltage = X Y (start start, call it VL, VLL)

Y: Ia + Ib + Ic = 0 (@ any t or ) & IL = IP Vp = Van = Vbn = Vcn 120o apart

VL = Vab = Vbc = Vca 120o apart & VL Vp

VL = Vab = Van + Vnb = Van Vbn From triangle BPH, B = H Cos 30o From Isosceles (2 Triangles of 30o) VL = 2 Vp Cos = 2 Vp 3 / 2 = 3 Vp Q: if Vp = 100 V, find VL & conclude ?

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

3 sys (Balanced)

Va + Vb + Vc = 0 (@ any t or ) & VL = VP
Va = Vb= Vc 120o apart VL = Vab = Vbc = Vca 120o apart & IL Ip VL = Vab = Van + Vnb = Van Vbn IL = 3 Ip 3 Power : S for Y connected system in each branch is S1B = (V/3) I S for connected system in each branch is S1B = V (I /3) To all 3 branches S3 = S = 3 (S1B) = 3 VI

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

3 sys (Balanced)
Y Conversion:
Zy = Z /3 (Z = 3Zy) Seq: Order in which 3-line voltages becomes +ve a-b-ca-b-c is a +ve Seq a-c-ba-c-b is a -ve Seq Inter-converted by interchanging any two phases pu sys: Choosing arbitrary units, itself is dimensionless

Facilitates comparison and calculations


Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Regions of Operation: Saturation point is a point on a load line where I = Max & V = Min, in other words device behaves like a closed switch with no resistance Cut-off point is a point on a load line where I = Min & V = Max, in other words device behaves like an open switch with infinite resistance Active region is a combination of all operating points excluding cut-off & saturation points, where device behaves linearly as resistor (or amplifier) Load line is a plot of all possible operating points including saturation & cut-off points Semi-conductor device is either operated at Saturation & Cut-off points to use it as switch


Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Regular Switch: Two states, On & Off

On state:
Ron 0, Ion max, & Von min Off state: Roff , Ioff min, & Von max Manual operation Bi-directional e.g. Mechanical switch Q: Vs = 100 V, a Sw in series & 10 load. Find I & V in on & off states across load as well as Sw ?


Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Uncontrolled Electronic Switch: Two states, On & Off

On state:
Ron 0, Ion max, & Von min Off state: Roff , Ioff min, & Von max Voltage polarity sensitive operation Uni-directional e.g. Diode Q: Vs = 100 V peak ac, a Diode in series & 10 load. Find I & V for +ve & -ve halves of ac source across load as well as diode ?

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Controlled Electronic Switch: Two states, On & Off

On state:
Ron 0, Ion max, & Von min Off state: Roff , Ioff min, & Von max Voltage polarity + Gate controlled operation Uni-directional e.g. SCR Q: Vs = 100 V peak ac, a SCR in series & 10 load. Find I & V for +ve & -ve halves of ac source across load as well as diode with VG = 0, -ve & +ve ?

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Commutation: Natural or line commutation, where line voltages switch device on & off

Forced commutation, where devices are turned on & off by additional Cct
at higher than line Switching Losses: Switching involves 4 stages, Turned on (T2) & Turned off (T4) (stable states) Turning on (T1) & Turning off (T3) (transitional states) T = 1/ = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 ELoss = P1T1 + P2T2 + P3T3 + P4T4 PLoss = (P1T1 + P2T2 + P3T3 + P4T4) / T PLoss = (I1V1 + I2V2 + I3V3 + 0) / T PLoss = (I1V1 + I2V2 + I3V3) Q: Why 0 in T4 ?

Q: Interpret last equation ?


Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Power Factor

PF of an ac device or Cct is the ratio of P to S (PF=P/S)

Way of stating what part of S is P (active or usable) Expressed as a number or percentage Can never be greater than 1 or 100% (?)

Due to the phase difference b/w V & I in ac Cct

PF of R is 100% while of an ideal L is 0 (?) Also, cosine of angle b/w V & I PF is leading if I leads V, lagging otherwise (?) PF = P/S (1) (2) (3)

PF = (VsIsf Cos f)/(VsIs) PF = (Isf /Is) Cos f


Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Harmonic distortion

Exact multiples of fundamental (f)

Usually divided in Even & Odd harmonics Why:

Some loads cause V & I to lose pure sine wave appearance & become distorted
Distortion consists of predominately harmonics Main sources of harmonic current are rectifiers and inverters Demerits: Causes poor line power quality Reduces P. available from outlet ( up to 2/3) Shortens P. converters DC-side C life EMI issues Causes sys miss-operation or even failure

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Harmonic distortion
Total harmonic distortion: THD, of a signal is a measurement of the harmonic distortion present Ratio of sum of powers of all harmonic components to power of f i-e PF & THD: from (6) from (3) & (7) (7) (8) (4) (5) (6)

* IEEE standard IEEE-519-1992 restricts THD to 5%

Q: Ia + Ib + Ic = ? in & Va + Vb + Vc = ? In Y Q: b/w Ia & Ib , Ib & Ic or Ic & Ia = ?

Lec1 ____________________________________________ Lect:1 Review EE405

Power Factor
PE Sys Features : Size Weight Efficiency Cost




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