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The Nature of Spirits

By: Punkerslut

Whenever we read the great tales of ghosts and goblins, of gods and their helpers, of
priests, lore, and magic, we are always struck with the idea that these spirits have
emotions, that they are suffering from human frailties, and that they have a will power.
The origin of the idea of the soul, of the spirits and the gods, all comes from the most
human desire: immortality, freedom from fear of death. As it so happens to be natural,
humans desire to avoid pain, suffering, misery, and death. The idea that death or the end
of life is not really the end of life, and that a misery-less future awaits those who die, this
idea is a relatively attractive one. With an afterlife, there is no death, so it is easy to see
why one might enjoy such a theory, regardless of the lack of any evidence whatsoever.
Since this idea in an afterlife flourishes considerably, there is are other popular ideas
about spirits, souls, and other items that exist in this afterlife theory.

Our memories, our experiences, our thoughts, ideas, notions, character, attitude, and
feelings are all stored within the mind. Science, or at least all honest investigative studies,
would tell us that our mind is located within the physical brain of the body. So far, no
other theory has come up with any verifiable evidence to the contrary. Another theory,
with much less evidence, does exist. It is the idea that the mind is a part of the soul -- that
when the body dies, the mind leaves the body with the soul. Some individuals have
offered evidence on behalf of such a trite idea. They have argued that since it is a part of
the spiritual realm, one which tools and devices and technology cannot reach nor see, that
it is out of their jurisdiction of judgment. An interesting idea, I admit. One might as well
claim that they have invented, discovered, or uncovered something that is wonderful and
beautiful, but that is completely unsensible by human senses. (i.e. we might have a tourist
trap with the holy grail, only to find a plaque "If you have sinned, you cannot see or feel
it, but you must believe it is there.")

One might be so educated and thoughtful enough to feel that the theory of a soul is so
discredited, that it needs no further examination; it becomes a moot point. However, there
are some things in this field that might want to be considered, just in a hypothetical point
of view at most. So it indeed happens that every folk story and every old religion regards
spirits as vibrant and powerful beings. In Greek mythology, the gods often came down
from their clouds, to mate with earthlings, or kill them, or have dealings with them. In the
stories of these gods, they all seem to have the exact same characteristics of any human
being. They have desires, wants, fears, hopes, beliefs. They react to their environment.
When they are informed that their plans have failed, they react with disappointment, and
maybe rage or violence. When they are informed that their plans have succeeded, they
react with happiness, and maybe feasting or gloating. The gods are essentially the most
human of any theoretical being, and this is no surprise when we think of their creator.

I cannot, for the life of me, suppose any idea or theory as to why any of the gods are
endowed with desires or wants anyway. When I think of the origin of such psychological
phenomena in humans, or any other organism, my question is immediately answered.
Humans are endowed with a complex brain because it is necessary towards survival. The
same can be argued for any other living creature. Desire motivates, it creates movement.
When a predator, either a crocodile or a lion or any other for that matter, is hungry, it
hunts to satisfy its desire. In this situation, the component of the brain that creates desire
and want, especially for satisfying hunger, this component is essential. Those predators
that were born without this capability could not hunt or eat as effectively, and could not
fight for breeding rights very well either, since they could not want them. And, so, it
would die, leaving no offspring, leaving no other organisms on this planet with their
DNA -- DNA which contains a lack of desire. We can apply this to other organisms, too.
Prey that is born without a desire to flee its natural predator, for example, will not live
long enough to reproduce. The same can be said of prey that does not want to eat to
satisfy its hunger, either. It will waste away to weakness and then be taken by its predator.

Desire definitely plays a strong and important role in the psyche of all consciousness-
endowed organisms. However, it is not the only important part of consciousness. For
example, there is also pain, the physical affliction, or misery, the mental affliction. An
animal can suffer, and it is this suffering that they will forever be afraid of. Their fear and
their suffering gives them something to desire: happiness and security. Without pain, an
organism will not react negatively to another trying to kill it -- at least, if instincts were
gone as well. Without happiness, an animal would not know whether it was doing
something right or wrong. The social instinct, to be in a collective of like organisms, is
natural to almost every mammal. When wolves hunt in packs, they are more effective
killers. When humans band together to form societies and civilizations, the fruit of their
labor increases. When zebras feed and mate in packs, all of their stripes form a natural
defense, by disallowing predators from knowing where one zebra starts and another ends.
The social instinct has given each organism a strong advantage in survival. And, when
organisms survive, they can reproduce, and more organisms like themselves, with the
same emotions and mental faculties, will be produced.

Let us not forget the importance of the mating instinct. The sexual arrousal caused by
flirting or foreplay plays a significant role in the mating act. The orgasm itself and the
sexual drive to achieve are important to every creature. It seems that in every group of
thoughtful organisms, there is not competition for the right to reproduce, some how or
some way. Often, it is the male competing for the female, but this is not the only case. In
some cases, there is polygamy, and in others, there is polyandry. Every rule of behavior
that we can think of for other organisms will always have exceptions to it. The underlying
fact that sex plays an important role in the mental faculties of conscious organisms is
important to my thesis. The mind is full of complexities and faculties that make it
conscious. All of these emotions, these feelings, play a strong sense in the conscious

Now that I have covered a great deal on the complexities of conscious organisms, one
might be curious as to why I brought up this subject in the discussion of spirits. First of
all, all of the components of the mind that I mentioned above -- desire, fear, social
instinct, sex -- all of these components have a reason for existence. By this, I mean that
they all exist because of the natural and perpetual struggle that goes on in the natural
world. Without desire or fear or sexual impulses, an organism would not reproduce, and
therefore, no other organisms with that mentality would be created, except by chance of
reversion, which is very unlikely. My question is this: why is it that spirits and souls are
endowed with these psychological aspects?

In all of the stories I have read of the gods, I have uncovered all of these impulses. I have
encountered the sexual urge of the gods of Greece and Rome. I have discovered the
ability to desire and feel accomplishment or disappointment in the gods and spirits of
Animist cultures. It seems that there is no god, excepting the god of Deism, that has no
interest in being involved with the people who believe in him. The Christians believe
their god will save them. The Hindus believe their god will reincarnate them. The Jews
believe that their god has smashed societies and cultures for the tiniest of reasons. Every
religion remains identical in this fact.

Okay, so, we have spirits, souls, and gods, many of them endowed with human mentality.
I am quite curious, though. Why is it that no playwright in ancient Greece ever described
one of the gods as rubbing his belly and hungry? Why have I seen no spirits that get
hungry? Some cultures feed their spirits, but that's even more absurd. They leave only
enough food for a few days or a weeks. And why leave any food at all? Will the spirits
decompose and go to the state of the after-afterlife? The sexual urge that seems so
prevalent in so many religions, from the god of Christianity violating a virgin meant to be
married to the Greek gods that committed such fornication on a regular basis -- just why
does the sexual urge prevail? Of what use is it? Are the gods going to mate and then
produce spiritual offspring?

What seems a thousand times more odd is that the gods are lacking those parts that make
sexual activity useful, for procreation or recreation. The penis and the vagina, these two
parts that are responsible for producing the pleasure of sex, are non-existent on ghosts. If
a human loses such a part, it is impossible to engage in sexual activity. And, it seems that
these ghosts have lost all their bodies. Yet, the urge to have sex is prevalent, while their
sex organs are not prevalent. One may argue with me, "But the gods and ghosts have
physical bodies that they can use!" If this is true, then it shouldn't be even slightly
difficult to get evidence of god. Whenever pressed for evidence, the religionist usually
claims, "But they are noncorporal entities -- they are not physical, they are spiritual." No
thoughtful spiritualist will claim their god is actually physical, because in doing so, they
have opened the doors to dispelling their beliefs in a heartbeat.

The need to eat is as absurd as the desire to have sex for the gods. Other things, such as
the social instinct and any desire at all, seem to also be quite absurd. Why animals and
other conscious organisms are equipped with desires and the social instinct is easy to
understand. With regard to the social instinct, it has helped organisms to survive against
the natural elements, or predators, or aided in obtaining their prey. When organisms had a
social instinct, they were more effective at survival, and that means they were more
effective at reproducing. When organisms had no social instinct, they died rather quickly
-- not able to reproduce something like themselves, leaving the world destitute of such
types of species. (And while there may be exceptions to this rule of the social instinct, the
previous description is how Evolution works: those unfit, do not survive.) Why would the
gods ever be needing of the social instinct? Why ever should the gods band together with
other gods? In all honesty, I m bankrupt of any answer. The gods cannot die, they cannot
suffer afflictions caused by natural disasters, they cannot be wounded. Everything that
makes the social instinct desirable and useful is nonexistent with the gods. Banding
together does nothing for them. One might argue "It cures loneliness," but loneliness may
in fact just be that instinct to band together unsatisfied.

Then there is the idea of desire. In all my studying of literature, I must say that the
mythology of Greece, Egypt, and the entire Fertile Crescent is full of gods with more
desires and wants than any sane man. Since it seems very easy to believe that the gods are
simply an image of mankind, exaggerrated in many aspects, so it seems that these gods
are endowed with many supernatural wants, needs, impulses, desires. Sometimes the
drowning of an entire civilization in blood is not enough to quell the heart of the least
dominant deity. I am also curious here... Why is it that the gods have been endowed with
this ability of desiring? To what use is it really, when one is a god? It has no use. For, if
god, or the gods, are capable of doing anything, then they would not desire, but simply
have. I can see the use of the desire ability in organisms and animals on our own planet.
When there is hunger, or sexual lust, or gaining security in society, all of these desires
push and motivate the organism to do what is necessary to live and to reproduce. And,
once reproduction has occured, the cycle can happen all over again. When an animal is
not fit enough to reproduce, or cannot live to that stage, then the genes that cursed it to a
sexless life will not be found again, exception in the rare instances of reversion perhaps.

Many of the Freethinkers and philosophes of earlier years, and even our own day, have
attacked the idea of religion. God created man in his own image was a questioned idea,
and we reversed it: man created god in his own image. This would seem to be the more
credulous case of the matter. We find gods in each civilization, taking the race and
species of its people. This has varied in some cases, where gods take on the forms of
reptiles, mammals, and birds. However, there is one thing in the nature of gods, spirits,
and souls that seems to be consistent in every religion we investigate: they have wants,
desires, lust, hunger, and needs. Where every human being -- no, where every living
creature is the same, in having a consciousness, we find that same consciousness in a
rather inplausible place: in a god, or a soul, or a spirit. It is clearly understood, then, that
these gods and spirits are based on human ideas, that they come from the minds of men,
that they spread by our mouths. And, it must also be clearly understood, that the gods are
nothing more than an imperfect creation by the hands of man.

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