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Serial port interface using Labview

By, Sandip Nair sandipnair06@yahoomail.com sandipnair.hpage.com

VIs for serial port communication

Configuration: - used to open up the serial port with the specified or default parameters Write: - used to write the string to the output buffer of the serial port Read: - used to read the string data from the input buffer for the specified byte count Close: - used to close the port and release the resources associated with the port

VIs for serial port communication

Byte count: - specifies the number of byte present in the input buffer Break: - sends a break to the output port for the default duration or specified duration Flush I/O: - flushes the I/O port buffer Buffer size: - sets the I/O buffer size

Writing a data on the output port

It is to be remembered that the data which is to be written onto the output port should be a character or string Specifying a buffer size is an optional step, if not specified it takes the default buffer size

Writing a data on the output port

Writing a data on the output port

Reading a data from the input port

Note: - Please ignore the warning shown in the error out of the above figure

Reading a data from the input port

Writing and reading

Note: - Please ignore the warning shown in the error out of the above figure

Writing and reading

Note: - The writing and reading can be tested just the sorting the Tx and Rx terminals of serial port

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