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INTRODUCTION Lesson Plan is a plan which shows the procedure and the organization of the teaching learning process (can be in the classroom, laboratory, or out door teaching learning). It is designed to reach basic competence in Standar Isi. The first process which the teacher should do before developing their lesson plan is developing a syllabus. From the definition above, we can say that a lesson plan is a teachers preparation before entering a real class. Lesson plan can be a scenario of the interaction between the teacher and students. So in a lesson plan, it should be clear what will we do or what is the goal of the teaching learning process which will be done; what are the materials will be given to the students; how are the steps (teaching activities arranged), how is to check that the process reach the goal (assessment) . To develop all of them, the condition and the characteristics of the students (the students level of physical and intellectual development) should be the first consideration (it is like the principle of KTSP). Why the teacher should develop a lesson plan, the answer is that it is to make the teaching learning process has a direction. And teacher must be sure that doing everything with preparation is will be better than without any preparation. Unfortunately, up to now there are still some teachers do not make a lesson plan by themselves. They only copy from some resources which may be not suitable with their students characteristics and condition. Usually, they do it just to complete their administration. This paper tries to give short explanation about how to develop and write a lesson plan. A model of lesson plans are provided as an illustration that the writer hope will clarify the way how to write or develop it. 2. DISCUSSION 1

Before developing a lesson plan, there are steps should be done by the teacher. First, the teacher should see the curriculum which have been developed. Then they must develop their syllabus. After that they can develop their lesson plan. In developing a lesson plan, we can follow the steps: Langkah-langkah Penyusunan dan Format Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) oleh Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional, dalam acara Bimtek TPK Kota/ Kabupaten 2010 I. Langkah langkah menyusun RPP

Mencantumkan identitas Nama sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Alokasi Waktu Catatan: Standar Kompetensi, Kompetensi Dasar, dan Indikator dikutip dari silabus yang disusun oleh satuan pendidikan Alokasi waktu diperhitungkan untuk pencapaian satu kompetensi dasar yang bersangkutan, yang dinyatakan dalam jam pelajaran dan banyaknya pertemuan. Oleh karena itu, waktu untuk mencapai suatu kompetensi dasar dapat diperhitungkan dalam satu atau beberapa kali pertemuan bergantung pada karakteristik kompetensi dasarnya. A.Standar Kompetensi Standar Kompetensi adalah kualifikasi kemampuan peserta didik yang menggambarkan penguasaan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan yang diharapkan dicapai pada mata pelajaran tertentu. Standar kompetensi diambil dari Standar Isi (Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar). Sebelum menuliskan Standar Kompetensi, penyusun terlebih dahulu mengkaji Standar Isi mata pelajaran dengan memperhatikan hal-hal berikut : a. urutan berdasarkan hierarki konsep disiplin ilmu dan/atau SK dan KD b. keterkaitan antar standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar dalam mata pelajaran c. keterkaitan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar antar mata pelajaran. 2

B. Kompetensi Dasar Kompetensi Dasar merupakan sejumlah kemampuan minimal yang harus dimiliki peserta didik dalam rangka menguasai SK mata pelajaran tertentu. Kompetensi Dasar dipilih dari yang tercantum dalam Standar Isi. Sebelum menentukan atau memilih Kompetensi Dasar, penyusun terlebih dahulu mengkaji standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran dengan memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut : a. Urutan berdasarkan hierarki konsep disiplin ilmu dan/atau tingkat kesulitan Kompetensi Dasar b. Keterkaitan antar standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar dalam mata pelajaran c. Keterkaitan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar antar mata pelajaran C.Tujuan Pembelajaran Tujuan Pembelajaran berisi penguasaan kompetensi yang operasional yang ditargetkan/dicapai dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Tujuan pembelajaran dirumuskan dalam bentuk pernyataan yang operasional dari kompetensi dasar. Apabila rumusan kompetensi dasar sudah operasional, rumusan tersebutlah yang dijadikan dasar dalam merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran. Tujuan pembelajaran dapat terdiri atas sebuah tujuan atau beberapa tujuan. D. Materi Pembelajaran Materi pembelajaran adalah materi yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Materi pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan mengacu pada materi pokok yang ada dalam silabus. E. Metode Pembelajaran/Model Pembelajaran Metode dapat diartikan benar-benar sebagai metode, tetapi dapat pula diartikan sebagai model atau pendekatan pembelajaran, bergantung pada karakteristik pendekatan dan/atau strategi yang dipilih. F. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Untuk mencapai suatu kompetensi dasar dalam kegiatan pembelajaran harus dicantumkan langkah-langkah kegiatan dalam setiap pertemuan. Pada dasarnya, langkah-langkah kegiatan memuat unsur kegiatan : a. Pendahuluan Pendahuluan merupakan kegiatan awal dalam suatu pertemuan pembelajaran yang ditujukan untuk membangkitkan motivasi dan 3

memfokuskan perhatian peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. b. Inti Kegiatan inti merupakan proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai KD. Kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan secara interaktif, inspiratif, menyenangkan, menantang, memotivasi peserta didik untuk berpartisipasi aktif, serta memberikan ruang yang cukup bagi prakarsa, kreativitas, dan kemandirian sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan perkembangan fisik serta psikologis peserta didik. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara sistematis dan sistemik melalui proses eksplorasi, elaborasi, dan konfirmasi. c. Penutup Penutup merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mengakhiri aktivitas pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk rangkuman atau kesimpulan, penilaian dan refleksi, umpan balik, dan tindak lanjut.

G. Sumber Belajar Pemilihan sumber belajar mengacu pada perumusan yang ada dalam silabus yang dikembangkan oleh satuan pendidikan. Sumber belajar mencakup sumber rujukan, lingkungan, media, narasumber, alat, dan bahan. Sumber belajar dituliskan secara lebih operasional. Misalnya, sumber belajar dalam silabus dituliskan buku referens, dalam RPP harus dicantumkan judul buku teks tersebut, pengarang, dan halaman yang diacu. H. Penilaian Penilaian dijabarkan atas teknik penilaian, bentuk instrumen, dan instrumen yang dipakai untuk mengumpulkan data. Dalam sajiannya dapat dituangkan dalam bentuk matrik horisontal atau vertikal. Apabila penilaian menggunakan teknik tes tertulis uraian, tes unjuk kerja, dan tugas rumah yang berupa proyek harus disertai rubrik penilaian. II. Format Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas/Semester Alokasi Waktu : : : : SMP........................... ................................... ................................... ..... x 40 menit ( pertemuan) 4

A. Standar Kompetensi B. Kompetensi Dasar C. Tujuan Pembelajaran: Pertemuan 1 Pertemuan 2 dst D. Materi Pembelajaran E. Model/Metode Pembelajaran F. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pertemuan 1 Pertemuan 2 dst G. Sumber Belajar H. Penilaian Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Penilaian Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Instrumen

Explanation : 1. Standard Competence and Basic Competence To write the Standard Competence and Basic Competence in our lesson plan, we can look at Standar Isi. 2. The Objectives Here we formulate the objectives or the target of the teaching learning process which we done. 3. Teaching Material. The teaching material must be in accordance with the Basic Competence. The language elements needed to be developed are (a) English Skills Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (b) Genre 5

and functional text (c) Conversation Gambits (d) Structure (e) Vocabulary (f) Pronunciation. The material is in the form of texts either of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The sequence of the content should be based on some criteria. They are: 1.Simple to complex To sequence the teaching material, it is common to put the order according the simplicity to the complexity. One of the criteria is the grammar content which is involved in the material (either in reading or listening text presented to the students). The grammar content presented earlier should be simpler than the later. 2. Chronology The content of the material can also be based on the events occurring in the real world. It is such as from (a) brainstorming (b) drafting (c) revising (4) editing. 3. Need The sequence of content can be concerned with topics in the order of importance of students lives. They are such as (a) family (b) daily activities (d) school activities ( e) shopping (f) health etc. With this sequence of topics, the vocabulary taught should also be sequenced. In the 1995 curriculum ( see appendix), the topics/themes are sequenced according to the students levels. 4.Prerequisite Learning In sequencing the content, there is also a consideration about prerequisite learning. Prerequisite learning can also be a set of grammar content for a paragraph writing and some expressions of certain language function for speaking. 6

5.Spiral Sequencing Spiral sequencing is in the form of recycling of items. With recycling of items of language students have repeated opportunities to learn them. The same new words can be repeated in different sentences in different English lessons. Or, different content structures can be reused in some texts in some lessons. 4. The Teaching Method The teaching method here can be Text Based Approach (Four stages : BKOF, MOT, JCOT, ICOT), Content Based Instruction, Task Based Instruction (PPP :Presentation, Practice, Production) etc. 5. Teaching and Learning Activities Discussing learning activities and teaching activities as mentioned in syllabus and RPP, some approaches and various techniques of teaching /learning can be put forward. In this 2006 curriculum, a literacy approach is implemented. This consists of some steps, they are BKOF, modelling of text, joint construction of text and independent construction of text.

ORAL CYCLE 1)BKOF BKOF or building knowledge of field is basically the development of overall knowledge of the cultural and social contexts of the topic built ( Hammond, Burns, Joyce, Brosnan, Gerot, 1992, Helena, 2005). The tasks and activities at this stage enable learners to : a. Explore cultural similarities and differences related to the topic 1) The class discusses pictures/other media about the topic 2) The class discusses the language items ( structure, vocabulary) needed in such object b. Practise grammatical patterns relevant to the topic or text type. 7

In this stage students produce grammatically-well formed sentences. In the teaching process the teacher can use deductive or inductive approach. Some techniques possibly used in this case are content explanation, drills/imitative, intensive ( Brown, 2000) Some techniques possibly used in this case are content explanation, drills/imitative, intensive ( Brown, 2000) c. Build up and extent vocabulary relevant to topic or text type. Some study techniques can be demonstration, explanation, discovery, accurate reproduction, immediate creativity, check questions ( Harmer,2006) 2)Modeling of Texts (MOT) Students listen to a listening text, either of monologue or dialogue type of text. To help the students understand the text, the teacher can use the techniques: pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening. In a dialogue type of text, the teacher can ask the students to practice the dialogue which has been listened to. The students continue this activity by doing role-play about the topic. 3)Joint Construction of Texts (JCOT) In this JCOT the students can do a role play in pairs. Other speaking activities are acting from a script, communication games, discussion, prepared talks, questionnaires, simulation ( Harmer, 2000 ). 4)Independent Construction of Texts (ICOT) At this stage the students are supposed to create their own speaking text on the genre

WRITTEN CYCLE 1). BKOF BKOF or building knowledge of field is basically the development of overall knowledge of the cultural and social contexts of the topic built ( Hammond, Burns, Joyce, Brosnan, Gerot, 1992) The tasks and activities at this stage enable learners to : a. Explore cultural similarities and differences related to the topic 1)The class discusses pictures/other media about the topic. A teaching technique can be such as 2001) 2)The class discusses the language items ( structure, vocabulary) needed in such object. b. Practice grammatical patterns relevant to the topic or text type. In this stage, students produce grammatically-well formed sentences. In the teaching process the teacher can use deductive or inductive approach. Some techniques possibly used in this case are content explanation, drills/imitative, intensive ( Brown, 2000) c.Build up and extent vocabulary relevant to topic or text type. Some study techniques can be demonstration, explanation, discovery, accurate reproduction, immediate creativity, check questions ( Harmer,2006) 2). Modeling of Texts Students read a reading text, either of monologue or dialogue type of text. To help the students understand the text, the teacher can use the techniques: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading (Gibbons, 2004). 3). Joint Construction of Texts brainstorming ( Brown,

In this JCOT the students can write a text of the same genre as given in the modeling of text together in a group. 4). Independent Construction of Texts In this ICOT the students can write a text of the same genre as given in the modeling of text individually. The PPP lesson or teaching also can be implemented in our teaching learning prosess. The principles of a P-P-P lesson or teaching format: Presentation: The new grammar structure is presented, often by means of a conversation or short text. The teacher explains the new structure and checksstudents comprehension of it. Practice : Students practice using the new structure in a controlled context, through drills or substitution exercises. Production : Students practice using the new structure in different contexts often using their own content or information, in order to develop fluency with the new pattern. Basically, teaching learning activity should be exploration, elaboration and confirmation. 5. Resources Here we can write the resources which we used to develop our material 6. Assessment Here we write our assessment planning. The assessment should be in line with the indicators which we have written. 10

About indicators some statements are as follows ( Diknas, 2006)

1) Merupakan penanda pencapaian kompetensi dasar yang ditandai oleh perubahan perilaku yang dapat diukur yang mencakup sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan 2) Indikator dikembangkan sesuai dengan karakteristik peserta didik, satuan pendidikan, dan potensi daerah

3) Rumusannya menggunakan kerja operasional yang terukur

dan/atau dapat diobservasi.

Indicators are components which indicate the students achievement revealed in the changes of students behavior which is measurable including attitude, knowledge and skills. Indicators are developed in accordance with the students characteristics, units of education such as schools or classes and regional potency. The statements of indicators must be operational, measurable and observable. In the English programs, the micro-skills mentioned can be used as indicators of each competence.

3. LESSON PLAN Before develop a lesson plan, it is better for us to make the mapping of material. Here is the example of mapping material for seven grade students in the second semester.




Jumlah Minggu Efektif : 68 x 40 menit Minggu untuk UTS dan UAS tatap muka: 44 x 40 menit Minggu Untuk Pembelajaran : 8 x 40 menit Cadangan

: 17 minggu : 3 minggu : 13 minggu

Jumlah jam efektif Jumlah jam Ulangan Harian

: 1 minggu

Un it 1

Listening B Material C 7. 1 Responding explicit meanings : Asking and giving information, things and facts

Speaking BC Material 9.1 Expressing meaning : Asking and giving information, things and facts Expressing meanings :

Reading BC Material -

Writing BC Material -

Gramm ar focus - Y/N question - Whquestion - there

Vocab/ gambit s

Time allotme nt 4

7. 2

Responding Implicit


- Like - better

What do you


meanings : - Asking and giving opinion - Like dislike - clarification

- Asking and giving opinion - Like dislike clarification

than - prefer question tags

think about .

8. 1

Responding explicit meanings: Letter / Email

10. 1

Expressing meanings : Letter / Email Expressing meanings: - Descriptive

11. 1

Responding meanings Letter / Email Responding meanings: Descriptive

12. 1

Expressing meanings Letter / Email Expressing meanings: - Descripti ve

Simple present Tense Simple present Tense

Dear. Your trully Describi ng people

8. 2

Responding Implicit meanings: - Descriptive

10. 2

11. 1

12. 1

6 Describi ng favourit e things Describi ng place Words related to recipes 6 6

Responding Implicit meanings: - Procedure

10. 2

Expressing meanings - Procedure

11. 1

Responding meanings - Procedur e

12. 1

Expressing meanings - Procedur e

imperati ve


Words related to electric applianc e


LESSON PLAN School Name Subject : SMP : Bahasa Inggris

Class / Semester : VII / 2 Standard Competence : 11. Membaca Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat 12. Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat Basic Competence :

11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam esei sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive. 12.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat ,lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descptive. Indikator dalam mendiskripsikan orang. 2. menyusun noun phrase yang biasa digunakan dalam mendiskripsikan orang 16 : 1. mengidentifikasi kosa kata yang biasa digunakan

3. mengidentifikasi kalimat yang dominan digunakan dalam menulis teks descrptive 4. Mengenal bagian-bagian yang harus ada dalam teks descriptive 5. menyusun teks descriptive untuk mendiskripsikan orang Teks Cycle Theme Time allotment : Descriptive : Written : Describing People : 4 x 40

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat menulis teks descriptive untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang B. Materi Pembelajaran 1. Kosa kata : Noun yang berhubungan dengan bagian tubuh yang sering digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri fisik seseorang. Adjective yang biasa digunakan untuk mendiskripsikan orang 2. Noun Phrase : NOU N Looks ADJECTIVE Female: beautiful, pretty, charming, cute, attractive Male : handsome, good, looking 17 NOUN PHRASE A beautiful girl

High Body Face Hair

ugly, boring, silly Tall, average tall, rather short, short Fat, thin, skinny Oval, square, round Straight, wavy, curly, kinky Long, short Black, grey, blond, white

Tall man, short woman fat body round face long hair, blond hair, long black hair long wavy and blond hair. large eyes, large black hair a pointed nose, a flat nose dark skin, brown skin

Eyes Nose skin

Large, round, small, slant Black, brown, blue Pointed, flat Dark, bright, brown 3. Simple Present Tense

C. Media Pembelajaran

: Gambar

D. Teknik/Metode Pembelajaran : Four Stages E. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran 1. a. b. c. 2. a. Pendahuluan : Greeting - Good morning class. How are you all today? Checking attendence - Is the whole class here? Preparing the class condition Kegiatan Inti BKOF menanyakan kepada siswa ciri ciri fisik dari orang yang mereka kenal dengan baik. 18

Do you know our president? Is he fat? Is he handsome? How is his hair? Mengidentifikasi kata dan frase yang biasa digunakan untuk mendiskripsikan ciri-ciri fisik seseorang dengan menggunakan media gambar.

Which man is
tall - short thin - fat


Hair : curly, straight, wavy, kinky, short, long, bald, black, blond, red

How is her h


Compare their
Nose : pointed, flat

Eyes : large, slant, round black, blue, brown

How is the
Skin : dark, bright, brown

How is his skin? I

Memperkenalkan Simple Present tense untuk mendescripsikan seseorang. b. MOT - Membaca teks descriptive Okay class, I would look to show you a descriptive about famous person. Can you suggest? Who is he or she? He is hansome. He has a pointed nose




Guru memperlihatkan gambar Tukul dan memaparkan teks descriiptivenya di papan tulis. Kemudian mendiskusikan teks tersebut tentang kosa kata dan bentuk kalimatnya TUKUL Tukul is a comedian. He is good looking. He is tall. He is well built. He has short straight and black hair. He has a flat nose and an oval face. His eyes are large and dark. He likes eating fried chicken. He does not like sate.

Mengidentifikasi kosa kata Task 1. Complete the table according to the text about Tukul. NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THING WHICH IS DESCRIBED Face High Body Hair Nose Face Eyes ADJECTIVE

Mengidentifikasi kalimat yang dominan terdapat dalam teks descriptive. Simple Present : nominal verbal : using have and like


Hal ini dilakukan supaya: Siswa bisa membedakan, kapan mereka harus menggunakan is, am, are. Siswa bisa membedakan kapan mereka harus menggunakan V1 and V1+s. Siswa mampu menbedakan kapan harus menggunakan do not dan does dalam kalimat negatif. He is tall He is thin He has straight hair He has bright skin. They are tall. They are thin They have straight hair They have bright skin.

Checking students understanding tentang Simple Present Tense. Task 2. Complete the text using is, are, has, or has. I have two sisters. They ..are Pintan dan Pingkan. They (1) students. They (2)cute. Kintan (3) short hair but Pingkan (4) long hair. Kintans nose (5)pointed but Pingkannose (6) flat. Both of them (7)bright skin.

Mengenal bagian-bagian dalam text descriptive. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari model teks. Title Identificatio n

TUKUL Tukul is a comedian. He is good looking. He is tall. He is not fat. He has short straight and black hair. He has a flat nose and a oval face. His eyes are large and dark. He likes eating fried chicken. He does not like sate. 22


Membaca contoh lain teks descriptive. Read the description and answer the questions. Dea Dea is a very good and helpful student. She is in Year Seven at Mondial Lower Secondary School. Her teacher is very proud of her because she is very good at Mathematics, English and Science. Her friends often ask for her helps to solve math problems. All her friends and teachers like her. Now she is thirteen years old. She is tall. Her hair is long. She is not fat. She is diligent and kind. She is also very helpful to her friends. She likes reading stories, cycling and playing badminton. Answer these questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What kind of student is Dea? What school does she go to? What subjects is she good at? Do her friends like her? How old is Dea? How does she look? These questions help you answer how Dea looks: What colour is her hair? Is her hair long? Is she fat? Is she tall? You use adjectives when you describe someone or something. 7. Underline all the adjectives in the text. Then write them down. ______________ ______________ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ _____________ These questions help you describe behaviour. 8. Is she kind? 9. Is she diligent? 10. Is she helpful? 11. Which part of the text is Identification? 12. Which part of the text is Description?


Menyusun teks descriptive bersama-sama berdasarkan gambar.


JCOT Guru menyiapkan gambar sesuai dengan jumlah kelompok. Pada gambar, guru bisa menuliskan nama dan profesi untuk membantu siswa menuliskan identification. Dan untuk membantu siswa menemukan ide teks, guru bisa menentukan apa saja yang harus mereka deskripsikan. Task 3. Describe the person in the picture in group of three. Describe her/his: looks, face, hair, eyes, nose, and skin.



ICOT Task 4. Choose one picture then describe the person in the picture.


Penutup Summarizing So what we have learnt today? 25

Is it important to use to be able to describe people? Do you know when describing people is needed? Reflection How do you feel about our discussion? Is it interesting? Further Guidance Leave taking Okay, thats all today. See you next meeting. F. Penilaian Rubrik Penilaian (untuk menilai hasil kerja siswa dalam ICOT) No 1 Aspek Akurasi Skor 4 3 2 2 Isi 1 4 3 2 3 Hubungan antar kalimat 1 4 3 2 1

Sangat baik Baik Cukup Kurang baik Sangat baik Baik Cukup Kurang baik Sangat baik Baik Cukup Kurang baik

As a preparation before entering the real class, a lesson plan should be developed. Teaching uses a preparation will be more effective and efficient. The purpose of our teaching learning process will be clearer and easier to reach. Basically, a lesson plan consists of : the information about what we will reach, what we will teach, how we will teach, and how we measure that the competency has been reach .


To develop a good lesson plan we must take consideration in how to formulate clear objective, how to develop teaching material according to its principals, and how to plan a good assessment so it really can be a equipment for us in knowing that the competence has been reach.



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