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The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release July 16, 2011

WEEKLY ADDRESS: A Unique Opportunity to Secure our Fiscal Future

WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama called on both parties to work together to find a balanced approach to solving our nations deficit problem. The President emphasized the importance of compromise and shared sacrifice so that we can overcome our fiscal challenges and move our country forward. To get our fiscal house in order, we must cut spending, but we must also close tax loopholes for special interests and ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share. Through cooperation and a bipartisan approach, we can get our economy on firmer ground and give our businesses the confidence they need to create more jobs across the United States. Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House July 16, 2011 Today, theres a debate going on in Washington over the best way to get Americas fiscal house in order and get our economy on a stronger footing going forward. For a decade, America has been spending more money than weve taken in. For several decades, our debt has been rising. And lets be honest neither party in this town is blameless. Both have talked this problem to death without doing enough about it. Thats what drives people nuts about Washington. Too often, its a place more concerned with playing politics and serving special interests than resolving real problems or focusing on what youre facing in your own lives. But right now, we have a responsibility and an opportunity to reduce our deficit as much as possible and solve this problem in a real and comprehensive way. Simply put, it will take a balanced approach, shared sacrifice, and a willingness to make unpopular choices on all our parts. That means spending less on domestic programs. It means spending less on defense programs. It means reforming programs like Medicare to reduce costs and strengthen the program for future generations. And it means taking on the tax code, and cutting out certain tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest Americans. Now, some of these things dont make folks in my party too happy. And I wouldnt agree to some of these cuts if we were in a better fiscal situation, but were not. Thats why Im willing

to compromise. Im willing to do what it takes to solve this problem, even if its not politically popular. And I expect leaders in Congress to show that same willingness to compromise. The truth is, you cant solve our deficit without cutting spending. But you also cant solve it without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share or without taking on loopholes that give special interests and big corporations tax breaks that middle-class Americans dont get. Its pretty simple. I dont think oil companies should keep getting special tax breaks when theyre making tens of billions in profits. I dont think hedge fund managers should pay taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries. I dont think its fair to ask nothing of someone like me when the average family has seen their income decline over the past decade and when many of you are just trying to stretch every dollar as far it itll go. We shouldnt put the burden of deficit reduction on the backs of folks whove already borne the brunt of the recession. Its not reasonable and its not right. If were going to ask seniors, or students, or middle-class Americans to sacrifice, then we have to ask corporations and the wealthiest Americans to share in that sacrifice. We have to ask everyone to play their part. Because we are all part of the same country. We are all in this together. So Ive put things on the table that are important to me and to Democrats, and I expect Republican leaders to do the same. After all, weve worked together like that before. Ronald Reagan worked with Tip ONeill and Democrats to cut spending, raise revenues, and reform Social Security. Bill Clinton worked with Newt Gingrich and Republicans to balance the budget and create surpluses. Nobody ever got everything they wanted. But they worked together. And they moved this country forward. That kind of cooperation should be the least you expect from us not the most you expect from us. You work hard, you do whats right, and you expect leaders who do the same. You sent us to Washington to do the tough things. The right things. Not just for some of us, but for all of us. Not just whats enough to get through the next election but whats right for the next generation. You expect us to get this right. To put America back on firm economic ground. To forge a healthy, growing economy. To create new jobs and rebuild the lives of the middle class. And thats what Im committed to doing. Thank you.

It is Funny Really GreenPeace Always Yellin about Global Warming... Whos Payin for that Gas of Yours? If they care so much about climate how come they don t use their foot and feet to move everywhere from, let s say, Holland to Hong Kong? The First Man Moved That Way... What Keeps them? Gas Prices?

14 Trillion Dollars We Owe

Still They Want to Add Cameras In Atlanta... Who Is Paying the Bill? Will This Thing Work By The Way or they Are Supposed to Watch Out For Any Fireworks and send The Message to all "New Americans" Out there? A Invisible Firewall that will keep the Monsters Out from your Real Backyard... Flesh And Blood May Be Real... Of Course, You Are a Terrorist if you write that... Or You Like Thrillers... They Had Cameras in London but that did not Help Much in 2005 Sold Out Patriots...

With Or Without You Around Me?

Fucking Anti Publican Bastards... You Would Make Sure the Most Horrific Scene would come out from whatever is called Real World to make sure nobody would watch your move... A Weak Political Opponent is the Opponent who does not have True Followers... Media Empire My Ass... While Your Ass is Virtually on the Line...

Have the Benefit of Sustaining all the pressure they can get since extreme pressure easy passese through them causing both forces non existent or indifferent towards one another... You Can not Hit What you can not See... Unless you Fall On It...

Turkey is Next to Europe

But Yet Dear Brother In Smell What Civility is that you have not named Yet... Please Clarify Yourself... Or Go Get A Bath... America Does Not Exist in Your Head... All That Ice and You Can not Use It to Cleanse Your Feelings? Nothing Really At All... That's Odd... Iran is Not...

What Default Would Mean For America

Nothing Really...

All this Painfull Truth

Makes Me Smile All The Fucking Time...

I Saw An Angel Today

And She did not Look At Me...

Good People who know what Our Civility Means Knowingly Wrongly Presenting To Aliens what Civility from "our side" is supposed to mean... Who is We?

Not One Eye s Smooth Touch... Still I am Not Depressed For She Is an Angel And I Believe In Every Day Miracles

When Entire Brigades were surrendering no one gave a shit...

Truly, Now, Is That Really a Sin?

Now u recall a not so valid magazine about what happened on the River Line 60+ years ago... It is not even About Ideals... Plain Money and Power... --I Felt Her Blue Eyes Piercing My Existence While Walking Next To me

To Call It A Union
People have to Abide by the Law or At Least Have Strong Common Values, An Asset which until whatever is called globalization nowadays was based on Heritage, Cultural and / or Racial... Alien People approach this Union as if this is some kind of Orgy where only one is allowed to have fun only to recall how bad fun is... That Means Corrections have to be Made, According to them to Call it again Union the Way they Want... We Become The Enemy in the Eyes of the Enemy while even if we think as their Friends we are still their Enemies since it is proven that they never forget who is the True Enemy... That Middle Eastern Pre Revolutionary Feeling that seems to Dominate Europe, North America and even the Russian Federation should (until proven else) nothing more than an illusion imposed by Media obeying Those who will Recognize as their True Owners depending on where the Balance of Power and Flow Of Money will Trend Best on the Surface(?) forsaking Contracts and even who is supposed to run the show even using ways that seem to these "New Think Tanks" as "Old" or "Corrupted" so that they will prevail their own Manners and Call Whatever they want as "Moral" / Moral or Immoral / "Immoral"... In an Orgy Nature Prevails... You Can See or Feel a Penis or a Tit moving somewhere in the dark while people either laugh happy or make sounds full of lust for one to another... At least this is how an Orgy Starts or Conceived... The Pursuit Of Happiness or perhaps a Chance to Meet as Safely as possible the Animal within and even make friends (Or Something Like That (Could be Your Nice Tight Ass))... Or else if it is all about Pain and Suffering I Wonder who would "Join" that "Party" of Yours... And Fuck You Too... Conservative Pretenders of All Colors, Races and... Pick A Bad Word Could Be Yours... Not Your Mate Truly...

The Term Western Implies Humans or Countries Established by People Of Northern European Descent... That is Wrong in My TextBook... They Are not the Only One but if you want to blame someone in a Straight Forward Manner Be My Guest and I ll See what Answer Fits for Everyone's Interest as my side is Concerned...

A National Threat is Called National When

All People Share this Threat... Also All People Share this Warning... Are We Speaking the Truth Here or What?

International Cyber Diplomacy: Promoting Openness, Security and Prosperity in a Networked World
Fact Sheet Bureau of Public Affairs July 14, 2011

FoxNews Says "Iranian President Wants to Openly Develop Nukes"

Jbingfa Says : "I Believe In Allah... Finally Someone Speaks the Truth...Even In Iranian...How Do you Say 'Truth' In Iranian?"

n. Short for internetwork. A set of computer networks that may be dissimilar and are joined together by means of gateways that handle data transfer and conversion of messages from the sending networks' protocols to those of the receiving network.

We seek to maximize the Internets tremendous capacity to accelerate human progress, while sharpening our response and our tools to deal with the threatsthat are part of cyberspace. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton


" ...

" ... ?

n. 1. The advanced shared virtual-reality network imagined by William Gibson in his novel Neuromancer (1982). 2. The universe of environments, such as the Internet, in which persons interact by means of connected computers. A defining characteristic of cyberspace is that communication is independent of physical distance.


n. The condition at a particular time of any of numerous elements of computing-a device, a communications channel, a network station, a program, a bit, or other element-used to report on or to control computer operations. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have identified cyber issues as a key priority of American foreign policy. The President issued a National Cyberspace Policy Review in 2009. In May 2011, the Administration released an International Strategy for Cyberspace, which lays out our foreign policy priorities regarding cyberspace. Secretary Clinton has described these priorities as a new foreign policy imperative for which the State Department has been exercising and will continue to have a leading role.

To Visit A Party Is Interesting As Long as Everyone is Invited... It Sounds Selfish when everybody knows where the Party is but only a Few Are getting the Call... Or think they are Self Invited...


vb. To reverse the action of selecting an option, a range of text, a collection of graphical objects, and so on. Compare select.

The United States' International Cyber Policy Priorities


y y y y y y y

Promote innovative, open markets Enhance security, reliability, and resilience of global networks Extend law enforcement collaboration and the rule of law Prepare for 21st century security challenges Promote effective and inclusive Internet governance structures visit Build capacity, security, and prosperity through international development n. Precedence in receiving the attention of the microprocessor and the use of system resources. Within a computer, unseen and unnoticed levels of priority are the means by which many different types of potential clashes and disruptions are avoided. Similarly, tasks running on a computer can be assigned priorities that determine when and for how long they receive time from the microprocessor. On networks, stations can be assigned priorities that determine when and how often they can control the communications line, and messages can be assigned priorities that indicate how soon they must be transmitted. See also interrupt.

n. A session during Support fundamental freedoms and privacy which a person views one or more pages in a particular Web site.

Vision for the Future As detailed in the International Strategy for Cyberspace, the United States seeks a cyberspace environment that rewards innovation; empowers individuals; strengthens communities; builds better governments; expands accountability; safeguards human rights and fundamental freedoms; enhances personal privacy; and strengthens national and international security. As Secretary Clinton has said, building a global consensus around this vision will take patient, persistent and creative diplomacy. [And Real Time Human Based Architecture]

"China to U.S.: Get your debt under control" - It Your Ambition Presides Everything Else Your Excellency...

The Sister Says to the Sister The Sister Says to the Sister
How s Your Vagina? If it is filled with what you know you ought to be happy...

I Met a Doll Today, Who Apparently Escaped from an Art Shop s Screen The Dark Haired Doll Fled To a Super Market where she stood waiting for what a Lady s Shopping Bag would Need I Stranded My Time Watching Her Waiting For Her Orders to be Filled I Wasted a World s Second For You But It Would Be a Life a Time If You Asked Me to

I Beg Of You Lawlwess People

I Beg Of You Give Me Money.... I Need All the Money In the World and More... On the Other Hand it is the Law of the Land who Guarantees the Value of this Greenish Paper... When The Law is Forsaken the Paper becomes useless even For Toilet Use... Poor Uncle Sam... At Least He is Not Live to See this Dark Brown Thing Coming On Him...

please people for the love of god seed! there are like 30 people with 100% and NONE of them are seeding, at this rate its going to take 2 years! 1.4k/s is ridiculous. please people i beg you.

This Bitch Is Gone

Long Live This Bitch... Enjoy while she still can come...

I think it is necessary to keep formats intact

The Final Outcome For the Day is the Final... If not me Respect Your Master's Teachings... Give Me the Chance to Respect them Through you... Knowledge no matter how powerful it may temporarily seem is infertile compare to the Collective Eternal Wisdom Of Man...

I am Made in US... Where You are made of? Name Your Metal...

[US Weekly Presidential Address Assessment Phase A.a Start Of]

CORE MEANING: an adjective, the definite article, used before a noun denoting somebody or something that has already been mentioned or identified, or something that is understood by both the speaker and hearer, as distinct from "a" or "an"

[ Old English h s < Germanic]

The White House Office of the Press Secretary

[ Old English wice < Germanic, "series, succession"]

For Immediate Release July 16, 2011

WEEKLY ADDRESS: A Unique Opportunity to Secure our Fiscal Future

[15th century. Via French < Latin opportunus "favorable" (used of the wind) < ob portum veniens "coming toward port"] [14th century. Via Old French adresser < assumed Vulgar Latin addrictiare "direct to" < Latin directus (see direct)]

WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama called on both parties to work together to find a balanced approach to solving our nations deficit problem.
[14th century. Via Old French aproch(i)er < late Latin appropiare "go nearer to" < prope "near"] [13th century. Via French < Latin nation"birth, race" < nat-, past participle of nasci "be born"]

[Early 17th century. Via French < Latin praesidere "sit in front of" < sedere "sit"]

The President emphasized the importance of compromise and shared sacrifice so that we can overcome our fiscal challenges and move our country forward.
[13th century. Via Anglo-Norman mover < Latin movere] y [ Old English forweard "in the direction of the front" < fore (see fore)]

[Mid-16th century. Directly or via French < Latin fiscalis < fiscus "rush basket, purse, treasury"]

What is the Real Treasure inside a House? Is It All About Money?

To get our fiscal house in order, we must cut spending, but we must also close tax loopholes for special interests and ask the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.
[12th century. Via Old French payer "pacify" < Latin pacare < pax "peace"] [Late 16th century. < ecclesiastical Latin cooperat-, past participle of cooperari "work together" < Latin operari "to work"]

Through cooperation and a bipartisan approach, we can get our economy on firmer ground and give our businesses the confidence they need to create more jobs across the United States.
[Late 16th century. < French remarquer < marquer "to mark"] [ Old English n (o)d < Indo-European]

How Does an Indo European Say Need?


[b m ] [p m ]

(plural bamas) or pama

(plural pamas)

Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address

Australia Aboriginal person: an Australian Aboriginal, especially from northern Queensland

The White House July 16, 2011

[13th century. < Old French debat < Latin battere "to fight"]
[ Old English hw t < Indo-European, "shine"]

y [ Old English ofer < Indo-European]

How Does an Indo European Say Shine?

[14th century. < Old French guider < Germanic]

Today, theres a debate going on in Washington over the best way to get Americas fiscal house in order and get our economy on a stronger footing going forward.
[15th century. Directly or via French < Latin oeconomia < Greek oikonomia < oikonomos "steward of a household" < oikos "house" + nemein "manage"] [ Old English strang < Germanic]

[15th century. Via French < late Latin decad- < Greek deka "ten"]


n. On a FDDI network, a special frame generated and passed along when a node detects a problem. See also frame (definition 2).

For a decade, America has been spending more money than weve taken in. For several decades, our debt has been rising. And lets be honest neither party in this town is blameless. Both have talked this problem to death without doing enough about it.
y [ Old English onb tan "on or around the outside of" < on (see on) + b tan (see but)]

[14th century. Via French and Latin < Greek probl ma "projection, obstacle," literally "thing thrown in front" < ballein "to throw"]


n. A hardware device or a program that controls or regulates another device. A line driver, for example, boosts signals transmitted over a communications line. A software driver is a device-specific control program that enables a computer to work with a particular device, such as a printer or a disk drive. Because the driver handles device-specific features, the operating system is freed from the burden of having to understand-and support-the needs of individual hardware devices. See also device driver.

Thats what drives people nuts about Washington. Too often, its a place more concerned with playing politics and serving special interests than resolving real problems or focusing on what youre facing in your own lives.
last in, first out
[14th century. Directly or via French < Latin resolvere "loosen up" < solvere "loosen, dissolve"]

n. A method of processing a queue in which items are removed in inverse order relative to the order in which they were added-that is, the last in is the first out. Acronym: LIFO. See also stack. Compare first in, first out.

[ Old English nu < Indo-European]

How Does an Indo European Say Now?

But right now, we have a responsibility and an opportunity to reduce our deficit as much as possible and solve this problem in a real and comprehensive way.
[15th century. Directly or via French < late Latin realis "relating to things (in law)" < Latin res "thing, fact"]

special-purpose language

n. A programming language whose syntax and semantics are best suited for a given field or approach. See also Prolog.

[13th century. Via Old French < Latin (libra) bilanx "(scales) with two pans" < lanx "plate, pan"]

Dragonic Balance

Simply put, it will take a balanced approach, shared sacrifice, and a willingness to make unpopular choices on all our parts.
[Pre-12th century. Directly or via French < Latin part-]


n. 1. Any program that transforms one set of symbols into another by following a set of syntactic and semantic rules. 2. A program that translates all the source code of a program written in a highlevel language into object code prior to execution of the program. See also assembler, compile, high-level language, interpreted language, language processor, object code.

That means spending less on domestic programs. It means spending less on defense programs. It means reforming programs like Medicare to reduce costs and strengthen the program for future generations.
fuel cell

medicare noun

[mddi kr]

n. An electrochemical device, similar to a battery in function, in which the chemical energy of a fuel, such as hydrogen, and an oxidant, usually oxygen, are converted directly into electrical energy. Unlike batteries, however, fuel cells do not store energy, and they never run down or need recharging as long as the fuel and oxidant are supplied continuously. The principle of fuel cell technology was discovered more than 100 years ago, but until recently it had found use only in laboratories and in space travel (the Apollo missions and the space shuttle). Today, large and small fuel cells are being developed that will power portable devices such as laptop computers and cellular phones, to generate electricity and heat, and to replace automotive combustion engines.

Canadian health insurance scheme: in Canada, a government health insurance scheme funded by a tax levy in each province

[Mid-20th century. Blend of medical + care]

[Late 20th century. Via Bangla k < Sanskrit a ka "stamped coin"]

Is this How an Indo European Says Stamped Coin?

And it means taking on the tax code, and cutting out certain tax breaks and deductions for the wealthiest Americans.
[Mid-16th century. < modern Latin Americanus < America]


vb. To post the results of a survey or vote in short form to a newsgroup or mailing list after collecting the results by email.

Now, some of these things dont make folks in my party too happy. And I wouldnt agree to some of these cuts if we were in a better fiscal situation, but were not.
[15th century. < late Latin situat-, past participle of situare "place" < Latin situs (see site)]


n. 1. The protocol or protocols operating at a particular level within a protocol suite, such as IP within the TCP/IP suite. Each layer is responsible for providing specific services or functions for computers exchanging information over a communications network (such as the layers in the ISO/OSI reference model) and information is passed from one layer to the next. Although different suites have varying numbers of levels, generally the highest layer deals with software interactions at the application level, and the lowest governs hardware-level connections between different computers. See the table. See also ISO/OSI reference model, protocol stack, TCP/IP. 2. In communications and distributed processing, a set of rules and standards that handles a particular class of events.

[14th century. Directly or via French < Latin promissum < promiss-, past participle of promittere "send forward" < mittere "send"]

wildcard character

Thats why Im willing to compromise. Im willing to do what it takes to solve this problem, n. A to show that that can even if its not politically popular. And I expect leaders in Congresskeyboard charactersame be used to represent one or many characters. The asterisk (*), for example, willingness to compromise.

typically represents one or more characters, and the question mark (?) typically represents a [Mid-16th century. < Latin ex(s)pectaresingle character. Wildcard characters are often used in "look out for" < spectare "look at" < specere operating systems as a means of specifying more than "to look"] one file by name.

n. A control character used in communication with printers and other computers, commonly designated as CAN. It usually means that the line of text being sent should be canceled. In ASCII, which is the basis of character sets used by most microcomputers, this is represented internally as character code 24.

The truth is, you cant solve our deficit without cutting spending. But you also cant solve it without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share or without taking on loopholes that give special interests and big corporations tax breaks that middle-class Americans dont get.

Its pretty simple.

[ Old English prttig < Germanic, "trick"]

Too Crazy to be Tricked by Beauty Can Such a Thing Occur to a Crazy Person?

printer file

n. Output that would normally be destined for the printer but has been diverted to a computer file instead. A printer file is created for any of several reasons. For example, it allows output to be transferred to another program or to another computer. It also allows additional copies to be made at any time by simply copying the print image to the printer. Occasionally, the term printer file is used, incorrectly, to refer to the printer driver. Oil For Data, Oil For DNA? Does God Have DNA to Exchange with Mortal Human Beings? How About Real Time Data?

I dont think oil companies should keep getting special tax breaks when theyre making tens of billions in profits. I dont think hedge fund managers should pay taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries.
[ Old English encan < Indo-European]

How Do Indo Europeans Think?


n. The quality of sameness or equivalence, in the case of computers usually referring to an error-checking procedure in which the number of 1s must always be the same-either even or odd-for each group of bits transmitted without error. If parity is checked on a per-character basis, the method is called vertical redundancy checking, or VRC; if checked on a block-by-block basis, the method is called longitudinal redundancy checking, or LRC. In typical modem-to-modem communications, parity is one of the parameters that must be agreed upon by sending and receiving parties before transmission can take place. See the table. See also parity bit, parity check, parity error.

I dont think its fair to ask nothing of someone like me when the average family has seen their

income decline over the past decade and when many of you are just trying to stretch every dollar as far it itll go.
long way: a long way in distance or character

y [ Old English manig < Indo-European, "many, often"]


n. A choice made by a program when the user does not specify an alternative. Defaults are built into a program when a value or option must be assumed for the program to function.

How Many Times Indo Europeans Say Many?

vb. In reference to programs, to make a choice when the user does not specify an alternative.
U r the Master Of My Verse What is your User Name and Password? U r not the Master Of My Verse. Please Try Again --How Do Indo Europeans Say I am your Master ? How Do We Say No? How Can They Understand? Will They Ever Understand? Will We?

Only The Deaf Can Not Listen the Flow Of the Water... Surdi audite fluxum aquae non tantum Can ... ... ...

We shouldnt put the burden of deficit reduction on the backs of folks whove already borne the brunt of the recession. Its not reasonable and its not right.
right click

[Mid-16th century. Directly or via French < Latin recessus "going back" < recedere "go back"]

vb. To make a selection using the button on the right side of a mouse or other pointing device. Doing so in Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 and later typically brings up a pop-up menu with options applicable to the object over which the cursor is positioned. See also mouse, pointing device.

Godwin's Law

n. As originally proposed by Internet activist Michael Godwin, the theory that as an online discussion grows longer, a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler will inevitably be made. When a participant in an online discussion resorts to invoking such a comparison, other participants might cite Godwins Law to indicate both that the person has lost the argument and that the discussion has continued too long.

If were going to ask seniors, or students, or middle-class Americans to sacrifice, then we have to ask corporations and the wealthiest Americans to share in that sacrifice.
[ Old English scearu "division, portion" < IndoEuropean, "to cut"]

How Do Indo Europeans Say Cut? How Do Indo Europeans Say 9? How Do Indo Europeans say 11?

[ Old English scian < Indo-European, "to wish"]


n. The unit consisting of both the plastic case and the magnetic tape it contains. Cassette tapes are used for backing up large amounts of computer data.

We have to ask everyone to play their part. Because we are all part of the same country. We are all in this together.
y [ Old English is, es < Indo-European]


n. 1. A unique structured data object or message that circulates continuously among the nodes of a token ring and describes the current state of the network. Before any node can send a message, it must first wait to control the token. See also token bus network, token passing, token ring network. 2. Any nonreducible textual element in data that is being parsed-for example, the use in a program of a variable name, a reserved word, or an operator. Storing tokens as short codes shortens program files and speeds execution. See also Basic, parse.

thin film

adj. A method used in the fabrication of integrated circuits. Thin film technology operates on the same basic principles as thick film technology. Rather than using inks or pastes, however, thin film technology uses metals and metal oxides that are "evaporated" and then deposited on the substrate in the desired pattern to form the integrated circuit's passive components (wires, resistors, and capacitors). See also molecular beam epitaxy. Compare thick film.

So Ive put things on the table that are important to me and to Democrats, and I expect Republican leaders to do the same. After all, weve worked together like that before. Ronald Reagan worked with Tip ONeill and Democrats to cut spending, raise revenues, and reform Social Security. Bill Clinton worked with Newt Gingrich and Republicans to balance the budget and create surpluses. Nobody ever got everything they wanted.
[14th century. Via Anglo-Norman < medieval Latin superplus, literally "more beyond" < Latin plus "more"] event-driven programming

n. A type of programming in which the program constantly evaluates and responds to sets of events, such as key presses or mouse movements. Event-driven programs are typical of Apple Macintosh computers, although most graphical interfaces, such as Windows or the X Window System, also use such an approach. See also event.


n. 1. The purpose of, or the action carried out by, a program or routine. 2. A general term for a subroutine. 3. In some languages, such as Pascal, a subroutine that returns a value. See also function call, procedure, routine, subroutine.

But they worked together. And they moved this country forward.
[13th century. < Old French cuntre < assumed Vulgar Latin (terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite" < Latin contra "against"]


n. A command or instruction to transfer information from one location to another. Depending on the operation involved, a move can affect data in a computer's memory or it can affect text or a graphical image in a data file. In programming, for example, a move instruction might transfer a single value from one memory location to another. In applications, on the other hand, a move command might relocate a paragraph of text or all or part of a graphic from one place in a document to another. Unlike a copy procedure, which duplicates information, a move indicates that information either is or can be deleted from its original location. Compare copy.

expert system

n. An application program that makes decisions or solves problems in a particular field, such as finance or medicine, by using knowledge and analytical rules defined by experts in the field. It uses two components, a knowledge base and an inference engine, to form conclusions. Additional tools include user interfaces and

[ Old English gecynde "innate, natural" < Germanic]

That kind of cooperation should be the least you expect from us not the most you expect from us. You work hard, you do whats right, and you expect leaders who do the same.
y [12th century. < Old Norse samr < Indo-European, "one"]


vb. To transmit a message or file through a communications channel.

How an Indo European Says Out of Many We Become One?

You sent us to Washington to do the tough things. The right things. Not just for some of us, but for all of us. Not just whats enough to get through the next election but whats right for the next generation.
[ Old English gen g < Germanic]


vb. To align lines of text and other display elements so that the right edges form a smooth line. See also align (definition 1), rag. Compare left-justify.

You expect us to get this right. To put America back on firm economic ground. To forge a healthy, growing economy. To create new jobs and rebuild the lives of the middle class. And thats what Im committed to doing.
[Mid-18th century. < Italian]

exchangeable disk

Thank you.

n. See removable disk.

[US Weekly Presidential Address Assessment Phase A.a End Of] [US Weekly Presidential Address Assessment Phase A.b Start Of]
A Machine, Device Intellectual Or Other is supposed to Free People s Movements Not Enslave Them In Both Times of Peace and War.
Def Lepard - Photograph Remastered by JBINGFA.mp3

Someone Chooses To Think Wrong To Promote His / Her Business.

Verba Movere Loco; Verses Lead to Places

The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release July 16, 2011

Verses Fac Populum Fly Verses Make People Fly

WEEKLY ADDRESS: A Unique Opportunity to Secure our Fiscal Future

[US Weekly Presidential Address Assessment Phase A.b End Of]

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