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Контрольна робота з теми «Їжа»

I variant
1. Match the words and word combinations with their translation:

1. a cutting board a) сковорідка

2. a set of knives b) терка
3. a (frying) pan c) дерев’яна ложка
4. a grill d) міксер
5. a pot e) вимірювальна чашка
6. a food processor f) каструля
7. a wooden spoon g) набір ножів
8. a grater h) кухонний комбайн
9. a vegetable peeler i) гриль
10. a bottle opener j) відкривач для пляшок
11. a can opener k) пароварка
12. a ladle l) ніж для чистки овочів
13. a hand mixer m) дошка для нарізки
14. a measuring cup n) відкривач для жестяних банок
15. a vegetable steamer o) ополоник
2. Put a (an) with the countable nouns and some with the
uncountable nouns.
… bread, … carton of yoghurt,... spaghetti, , … potato, … sugar, … loaf
of bread, … salt, … milk, … bottle of water, … cheese, ... can of Coke, ...
tea, ... carrot, … oil, … apple, … tomato,… kilo of flour, … bottle of oil
3. Complete the sentences with “to let do smth” or “to be allowed
to do smth”
1. Father reminds me that I ____________ to eat junk food.
2. The doctor _________ us to eat sweets.
3. I _________ to go to my friend in the evening.
4. Olena ________ to eat burgers and free.
5. They ___________ me to go with them.
4. Fill in the sentences with the verbs in the Past Perfect Tense.
1. Oleksiy _________ (to go) home by the time I arrived.
2. Ann realized that she _______ (to leave) her mobile phone in the
3. Mum was angry because I ____(not to clean) my room.
4. __________ they _______(to study) English before they went
5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. After Ivan _______(to spend) his holiday in Italy he
___________9to want) to learn Italian.
2. Lilly _____(to phone) her dad before she ______ (to leave) home.
3. Semen _________(to turn on) the radio after she ________(to
wash) the cups.
4. When she ______( to arrive) the play _________( to start)
5. After the woman ______(to come) home she _________(to feed)
the cat/

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