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Title(s) Power level Dominion Alignment Portfolio The Watcher The Great Protector Intermediate deity Gates of. Lawful Good
Duty Loyalty Courage Good fighters and clerics, guardians, knights, loyal courtiers, paladins LG NG LN N LE NE CG CN CE


Cleric Alignments

Domains Favored Weapon

Justice, Protection, Strength, Good, Travel Duty's Bond (Warhammer)

Taranis or The Great Protector, is a god of courage and protection. A lawful good intermediate deity, whose portfolio consists of duty, loyalty, and righteousness. His symbol is a shield, which his watching eye, much like the symbol of Tyr. Clergy and Temples Taranis worshipers consist of those who favor the cause of both good and right. Righteousness, honesty, loyalty and truth are their primary pursuits. In the Post-Spellplague world, which is more dangerous and darker than ever, they shine as beacons of hope and courage. Members of the clergy are expected to uphold the codex of Taranis. They usually work as guides and protectors of travelers, caravans and others in need. Many serve as bodyguards, protectors of caravans or as adventures seeking to see good prevail in an otherwise corrupted world. The sacred shrines and temples of Taranis are mostly...... Typically, a shrine to Taranis is.... Because the clergy members love to wander, his few temples constantly have new clerics arrive as others leave.

Taranis clerics wear a dark swirling cloak over garb appropriate for the trail, and favor dark colors and silver in general. Many wear their holy symbol on the back of their gauntlet. Taranis church is well organized, with a central power. There exist a few branches that are largely independent. There is formal hierarchy..... Since the Time of Troubles, some military orders have been founded in the name of Taranis.

Watchers over the Fallen The Watchers over the Fallen formed a small fellowship of battlefield healers. Only clerics in high favor were allowed to join. Everwatch Knights The Everwatch Knights is a group of dedicated bodyguards whom temples hire out to generate revenue and reputation. Vigilant Eyes of the Deity This was the order of the paladins who worshiped Taranis. All paladins could join this guild after squire hood. This order has ceased to exist. They Who Watches Over Travelers This was a relatively new order, sprung of The Vigilant Eyes of The Deity, of clerics who saw to the blessings of those about to partake on long journeys, such as hired protectors of merchants and other travelers.

Titles / Ranks High Lord Chevalier of Taranis Dogma

Salvation may be found through service. Every failure of duty diminishes Taranis and every success adds to his luster. Strive to maintain good and rightfulness. Obey your masters with alert judgment and anticipation. Stand ever alert against corruption. Strike quickly and forcefully against rot in the hearts of mortals. Bring painful, quick death to traitors. Question unjust laws by suggesting improvement or alternatives, not additional laws. Your fourfold duties are to the greater good of men.

Codex of Taranis Holy days

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