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--racle Database 10g V$SYSMETRIC view contains several excellent response-time metrics select from where METRIC_NAME, VALUE

SYS.V_$SYSMETRIC METRIC_NAME IN ('Database CPU Time Ratio', 'Database Wait Time Ratio') AND INTSIZE_CSEC = (select max(INTSIZE_CSEC) from SYS.V_$SYSMETRIC);

-- Last one hour metrics select end_time, value from sys.v_$sysmetric_history where metric_name = 'Database CPU Time Ratio' order by 1; --minimum, maximum, and average values of overall database efficiency by querying the V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY view with a query such as this: select CASE METRIC_NAME WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then 'SQL Service Response Time (secs)' WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then 'Response Time Per Txn (secs)' ELSE METRIC_NAME END METRIC_NAME, CASE METRIC_NAME WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((MINVAL / 100),2) WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((MINVAL / 100),2) ELSE MINVAL END MININUM, CASE METRIC_NAME WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((MAXVAL / 100),2) WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((MAXVAL / 100),2) ELSE MAXVAL END MAXIMUM, CASE METRIC_NAME WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((AVERAGE / 100),2) WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((AVERAGE / 100),2) ELSE AVERAGE END AVERAGE from SYS.V_$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY where METRIC_NAME in ('CPU Usage Per Sec',

'CPU Usage Per Txn', 'Database CPU Time Ratio', 'Database Wait Time Ratio', 'Executions Per Sec', 'Executions Per Txn', 'Response Time Per Txn', 'SQL Service Response Time', 'User Transaction Per Sec') ORDER BY 1;


case db_stat_name when 'parse time elapsed' then 'soft parse time' else db_stat_name end db_stat_name, case db_stat_name when 'sql execute elapsed time' then time_secs - plsql_time when 'parse time elapsed' then time_secs - hard_parse_time else time_secs end time_secs, case db_stat_name when 'sql execute elapsed time' then round(100 * (time_secs - plsql_time) / db_time,2) when 'parse time elapsed' then round(100 * (time_secs - hard_parse_time) / db_time,2) else round(100 * time_secs / db_time,2) end pct_time from (select stat_name db_stat_name, round((value / 1000000),3) time_secs from sys.v_$sys_time_model where stat_name not in('DB time','background elapsed time', 'background cpu time','DB CPU')), (select round((value / 1000000),3) db_time from sys.v_$sys_time_model where stat_name = 'DB time'), (select round((value / 1000000),3) plsql_time from sys.v_$sys_time_model where stat_name = 'PL/SQL execution elapsed time'), (select round((value / 1000000),3) hard_parse_time from sys.v_$sys_time_model where stat_name = 'hard parse elapsed time') order by 2 desc; --to view individual wait events to understand waits and bottlenecks



from (select WAIT_CLASS, TOTAL_WAITS, TIME_WAITED from V$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS where WAIT_CLASS != 'Idle'), (select sum(TOTAL_WAITS) SUM_WAITS, sum(TIME_WAITED) SUM_TIME from V$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS where WAIT_CLASS != 'Idle') order by 5 desc; --view current session wait activity using the new wait classes using the following query: select a.sid, b.username, a.wait_class, a.total_waits, round((a.time_waited / 100),2) time_waited_secs from sys.v_$session_wait_class a, sys.v_$session b where b.sid = a.sid and b.username is not null and a.wait_class != 'Idle' order by 5 desc; --wait classes in these two modified views with Oracle Database 10g. select sess_id, username, program, wait_event, sess_time, round(100 * (sess_time / total_time),2) pct_time_waited from (select a.session_id sess_id, decode(session_type,'background',session_type,c.use rname) username, a.program program, b.name wait_event, sum(a.time_waited) sess_time from sys.v_$active_session_history a, sys.v_$event_name b, sys.dba_users c


a.event# = b.event# and a.user_id = c.user_id and sample_time > '21-NOV-04 12:00:00 AM' and sample_time < '21-NOV-04 05:00:00 AM' and b.wait_class = 'User I/O' group by a.session_id, decode(session_type,'background',session_type,c.use rname), a.program, b.name), (select sum(a.time_waited) total_time from sys.v_$active_session_history a, sys.v_$event_name b where a.event# = b.event# and sample_time > '21-NOV-04 12:00:00 AM' and sample_time < '21-NOV-04 05:00:00 AM' and b.wait_class = 'User I/O') order by 6 desc; --top five SQL statements with the highest user I/O waits

select * from (select sql_text, sql_id, elapsed_time, cpu_time, user_io_wait_time from sys.v_$sqlarea order by 5 desc) where rownum < 6; --query to get the individual wait events associated with the query along with the corresponding wait times, -- files,and objects that were the source of those waits: select event, time_waited, owner, object_name, current_file#, current_block# from sys.v_$active_session_history a, sys.dba_objects b where sql_id = '6gvch1xu9ca3g' and a.current_obj# = b.object_id and time_waited <> 0;

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