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New Discovery: BIOMACHINERY. Example: biomachinery of improving water quality (self-purification) in aquatic (freshwater and marine) ecosystems. S.A.

[Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 8]; additional key words: biomachinery, selfpurification, biogeochemistry, pellets, new, chemical elements, fluxes, methodology, bivalves, mollusks, molluscs, detergents, surfactants, inhibit, ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, water, quality, sustainability; aquatic, ecosystems, freshwater, marine, resources, ecosafety, environmental safety, biodiversity, protection, conservation, services, hydrosphere, pollution, control, carbon, climate, change, global, warming, prevention, environment, protection, Lymnaea stagnalis, Unio, Mytilus, Crassostrea, pollutants What is new It is the first time, a new concept and the term biomachinery is formulated; in these publication, it is the first time that the new term 'biomachinery' was introduced;
References and comments Ostroumov S.A. Integrity-oriented approach to ecological biomachinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: stopping an ecological time [disturbance] [...]. - Limnology and Oceanography: Navigating into the Next Century. February 1-5, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico. ASLO, Waco, TX. 1999. P. 134; Dr. S.A. Ostroumov initiated and chaired the session "Ecosystems as Hi-Tech Water Purification Biomachinery" at the ASLO Meeting Limnology and Oceanography: Navigating into the Next Century. February 1-5, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico;

It is the first time that the new concept and term biomachinery was applied to Ostroumov S.A. Filter-feeders as part of ecological biomachinery to purify ecosystem. water // XXIX Congress of International Association of Theoretical and
Applied Limnology (SIL). Abstracts. Lahti (Finland) 2004. P.239;

It is the first time that water selfpurification in aquatic ecosystems was considered as an example of functioning of biomachinery. biomachinery

Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders // Hydrobiologia. 2005, 542 (1): 275 286; [Ecological and biospheric role of organisms that filter water, filter-feeders, e.g. freshwater, marine invertebrates]: http://www.scribd.com/doc/44105992/ Ostroumov S.A. Filter-feeders as part of ecological biomachinery to purify water // Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 2005. Vol. 29/2 (Stuttgart, E.Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung), p.1072-1075; http://www.schweizerbart.de/pubs/books/es/verhandlun-167002902desc.html; http://www.borntraegercramer.de/publications/detail/isbn/9783510540662/XXIX-Congress-LahtiFinland-8---14-August-2004; http://www.springerlink.com/index/R9PTJEQ5FK8VLA6M.pdf; http://blog.researchgate.net/masterblog/619_Vital_role_of_aquatic_organis ms_in_improving_water_quality; Ostroumov S.A. Biomachinery for maintaining water quality and natural water self-purification in marine and estuarine systems: elements of a qualitative theory // International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography. 2006. Vol. 1, No.1. p.111-118. www.vliz.be/imisdocs/publications/100141.pdf; Advantages of using the concept and term biomachinery: (1) it provides an excellent framework to integrate knowledge on biotic and abiotic processes contributing to improving water quality; (2) it provides excellent

opportunities to compare natural and technological processes , and as a result, to draw useful conclusions and lessons from ecological facts, to apply them to technology of water, and to management of water resources

In another format: Innovation / Discovery Why it is useful Which questions were answered
The following questions were answered to a degree - in the papers: Is ecosystem an organism or mechanism? Is it possible to find analogies between attributes of ecosystem and features of technological devices? Which conceptual innovations could be found in how aquatic ecosystem maintains water quality?

Where this innovation / discovery was published

Ostroumov S.A. Integrityoriented approach to ecological biomachinery for selfpurification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: stopping an ecological [disturbance] [...]. - Limnology and Oceanography: Navigating into the Next Century. February 1-5, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico. ASLO, Waco, TX. 1999. P. 134; Dr. S.A. Ostroumov initiated and chaired the session "Ecosystems as Hi-Tech Water Purification Biomachinery" at the ASLO Meeting Limnology and Oceanography: Navigating into the Next Century. February 1-5, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Ostroumov S.A. Filter-feeders as part of ecological biomachinery to purify water // XXIX Congress of International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL). Abstracts. Lahti (Finland) 2004. P.239; Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders // Hydrobiologia. 2005, 542 (1): 275 286; [Ecological and biospheric role of organisms that filter water, filter-feeders, e.g. freshwater, marine invertebrates]: http://www.scribd.com/doc/441 05992/ Ostroumov S.A. Filter-feeders as part of ecological biomachinery to purify water // Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 2005. Vol. 29/2 (Stuttgart, E.Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung), p.10721075; http://www.schweizerbart.de/pu bs/books/es/verhandlun-

Advantages of using the concept and term biomachinery: (1) it It is the first time, a new provides an excellent framework to integrate concept and the term knowledge on biotic and biomachinery is abiotic processes formulated; contributing to in these publication, it is improving water quality; (2) it provides excellent the first time that the new term 'biomachinery' opportunities to compare natural and technological was introduced; processes, and as a result, It is the first time that the to draw useful conclusions and lessons new concept and term from ecological facts, to biomachinery was apply them to applied to ecosystem. technology of water, and to management of water It is the first time that water self-purification in resources. aquatic ecosystems was Biomachinery of water considered as an self-purification is an example of functioning excellent example of of biomachinery. self-organization Application: biomachinery To improve understanding of what is ecosystem; The first discovery of biomachinery To improve water quality; To attain water sustainability; modeling of aquatic environment; To improve management 2

of water resources

167002902-desc.html; http://www.borntraegercramer.de/publications/detail/isb n/9783510540662/XXIXCongress-Lahti-Finland-8---14August-2004; http://www.springerlink.com/in dex/R9PTJEQ5FK8VLA6M.pdf ; http://blog.researchgate.net/mast erblog/619_Vital_role_of_aquat ic_organisms_in_improving_wa ter_quality; Ostroumov S.A. Biomachinery for maintaining water quality and natural water selfpurification in marine and estuarine systems: elements of a qualitative theory // International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography. 2006. Vol. 1, No.1. p.111-118. www.vliz.be/imisdocs/publicati ons/100141.pdf; In Russian, -: . . , . . . , N, P, Si, Al // . 2001. . 379. . 3, .426-429. http://www.moip.msu.ru/?p=16 5

OTHER EXAMPLES OF KEY DISCOVERIES in ecology, environmental sciences, biology: [Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 1]; Innovative conceptualization of how ecosystems improve water quality (water self-purification) http://www.scribd.com/doc/60659939/; additional key words: ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, water, sustainability; aquatic, ecosystems, freshwater, marine, resources, ecosafety, biodiversity, protection, conservation, services, hydrosphere, pollution, control, prevention, habitats, decontamination, [Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 2]; New facts on hazardous biological and toxic effects of surfactants and detergents http://www.scribd.com/doc/60757545/ ; additional key words: book, detergents, surfactants, [Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 3]; Inhibitory analysis: New method to explore top-down control in ecosystems: eutrophication, algal bloom, self-purification; http://www.scribd.com/doc/61179989/3-Legendary-discoveries-top-Down-Control-Inhibitory-analysis; 3

[Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 4]; New: a solution to the problem of criteria for ecohazards of chemicals, and negative anthropogenic effects on organisms and biota. http://www.scribd.com/doc/60891549/; [Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 5]: A new solution to the problem of eutrophication: http://www.scribd.com/doc/61241602/ [Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 6]: New Measurements. Role of Pellets of Mollusks in Fluxes of Chemical Elements. http://www.scribd.com/doc/61247059/; [Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 7]; New Discovery: Pollutants Inhibit Fluxes of Chemical Elements. http://www.scribd.com/doc/61251644/; A list of other fundamental discoveries: http://www.scribd.com/doc/59437439/; CITATION: Scientists of which countries cited those discoveries: http://www.scribd.com/doc/54504932/-Table-worldWideCiting3-05; Scientists of which institutions cited those discoveries: http://www.scribd.com/doc/60225505/ A list of who cited those discoveries: http://www.scribd.com/doc/58228788/; Citation of publications authored by S.A.Ostroumov / ... .. Updt/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/58353188/Cited-ostroumov-big-Listupd-June21-2011-Nov8; OTHER EVALUATIONS of works of this author: Evidence of merit. Comments in published editions, reviews; other forms of evaluation of publications and works by Dr. S. A. Ostroumov: http://www.scribd.com/doc/59068679/; On the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow University Press, 1986: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/4575; Reviews, evaluations of books by Dr. S. Ostroumov: http://www.scribd.com/doc/45111401/; About the publications by S.A. Ostroumov (opinion of a member of Russian Academy of Sciences): http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/5724; Opinion on and rating of Dr. S.A. Ostroumovs works: comments of international experts of 10+ countries, citation in scientific literature worldwide. Updated April 26, 2011 : http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/7034; 4

About the author: http://www.famous-scientists.ru/3732/; On Twitter: http://twitter.com/Sergeiost;

Additional references and sites: a series of relevant papers by the same author, in Doklady Biological Sciences and other journals: www.scribd.com/ar55/documents?page=7; List of relevant papers with sites, abstracts, and key words online free (39 pages): http://www.scribd.com/doc/46454069/List-scribd-7January2011; List of relevant papers with sites, some of them with abstracts, and key words online free (6 pages): http://www.scribd.com/doc/50651350/-PAPERS-online-S-Ostro; EDUCATION : The discoveries and made by this author, and the new factual data generated have a proved innovative potential to be used as a refreshing addition to the following lecture courses and educational seminars on a number of subjects including: Environmental monitoring; Environmental sciences ; Environmental studies ; Environmental chemistry ; Environmental toxicology ; Environmental ethics ; Environmental protection ; Environmental conservation ; Environmental policy ; Environmental management ; Environmental engineering ; Ecology ; Ecotoxicology; Aquatic science; Sustainability ; Biotechnology ; Limnology ; Zoology ; Pollution ; Water quality ; Biosphere ; Aquatic bioresources ; Biodiversity conservation ; Conservation biology ; Biochemical ecology ; Chemical ecology ; Ecological chemistry ; Bioassay ; 5

Assessment of environmental hazards ; Man-made effects ; Anthropogenic impact ; Natural resources ; Eco-ethics ; Nanomaterials ; Nanoscience ; Biogeochemistry ; Geochemistry ; Phytotechnology ; Phytoremediation ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Biological oceanography ; Water resources ; Water pollution ; Organic pollutants ; Soil, water and air pollution ; Inorganic pollutants ; Applied ecology ; Xenobiology ; Xenobiotics ; Invertebrates ; Freshwater biology ; Marine biology ; Plant-animal interactions ; Conservation of nature ; Hydrobiology ; Aquatic ecology ; Biotesting ; Phytotest ; Plant biology ; Biotransformation ; Global change ; Interations among organisms ; Toxicology of environment ; Protected areas ; Some of Dr. S. Ostroumovs scientific results were used in lectures delivered to university students in the U.S.A., Germany, Netherlands, and other countries. More detail on how Dr. S. Ostroumovs publications are being used to modernize education: http://www.scribd.com/doc/53784108/Modernizing-education-Ostroumov; http://b23.ru/nlov; ** KEY WORDS IN several LANGUAGES: biomachinery, self-purification, biogeochemistry, pellets, new, chemical elements, fluxes, methodology, bivalves, mollusks, molluscs, detergents, surfactants, inhibit, ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, 6

water, quality, sustainability; aquatic, ecosystems, freshwater, marine, resources, ecosafety, environmental safety, biodiversity, protection, conservation, services, hydrosphere, pollution, control, carbon, climate, change, global, warming, prevention, environment, protection, Lymnaea stagnalis, Unio, Mytilus, Crassostrea, pollutants, , , , , , , , , , , - , , , , , ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , C, N, P, Si, Al, , , , , , , , ; Biogeochemie, Pellets, neue, chemische Elemente, Flussmittel, Methodik, Muscheln, Weichtieren, Waschmittel, Tenside, hemmen, kotoxikologie, Umwelt-Chemie, Wasser, Nachhaltigkeit, aquatische, kosysteme, Swasser-, Meeres-, Ressourcen, ecosafety, Biodiversitt, Schutz, Erhaltung, Dienstleistungen, Hydrosphre, Umweltverschmutzung, Steuer-, Kohlenstoff, Stickstoff, Phosphor, Silizium, Aluminium, C, N, P, Si, Al, Klimawandel, globale, Erwrmung, Prvention, Umwelt-, Schutz-, ecosafety CNPSi ; ; biogeoqumica, pellets, nuevos, elementos qumicos, los flujos, la metodologa, los bivalvos, moluscos, detergentes, surfactantes, inhibir, ecotoxicologa, qumica, ambiental, el agua, la sostenibilidad, acuticos, los ecosistemas, de, agua dulce, marinos, recursos, seguridad ambiental, la biodiversidad, la proteccin, conservacin , los servicios, la hidrosfera, la contaminacin, control, carbono, nitrgeno, fsforo, silicio, aluminio, C, N, P, Si, Al, el clima, el cambio, el calentamiento global, la prevencin, medio ambiente, proteccin, biogochimie, des pastilles, de nouvelles, les lments chimiques, des flux, la mthodologie, les bivalves, les mollusques, les dtergents, tensioactifs, inhiber, l'cotoxicologie, la chimie, de, l'environnement, l'eau, la durabilit; aquatiques, les cosystmes, d'eau douce, marins, les ressources, la scurit environnementale, biodiversit, la protection, la conservation, les services, l'hydrosphre, la pollution, le contrle, carbone, azote, phosphore, silicium, aluminium, C, N, P, Si, Al, le climat, le changement, rchauffement global, la prvention, l'environnement, la protection, C N P ;

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