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Maimon and Gershwin (1987) developed a method for real-time scheduling and routing of material

in a Flexible Manufacturing System FMS. The purpose of this paper is to develop an algorithm to calculate real-time loading and routing decisions for a Flexible Manufacturing System. The purpose of this paper deal with systems in which machines are not identical but where different machines may perform some of the same operations. Authors takes example for his research work. one from the electronics industry and one from the metal cutting industry. The input to the problem is the production requirements and process data in the form of process plans and routing sheets. That the solution of linear programming problem provides a satisfactory scheduling and routing algorithm even if an approximate function is used. We can develop local operational rules which follow the system routing decision

Sauve and Collinot (1987) focused on investigation in object oriented languages to represent the relevant information of a scheduling problem particularly knowledge about constraints and flexibility factors in a shop. Authors gives detail of the off-line daily scheduling prototype SOJA. They implemented a daily scheduling prototype called SOJA. The main consideration of the project is to develop a general method for the representation of scheduling constraints criteria and flexibility factors. An important aim of the selection task is to construct groups of operations, gathering similar operations with respect to tools, raw material, preliminary finishing operations. Researcher representing flexibility factors and common-sense knowledge to improve local choices among alternatives. Andrew and Agostino (1987) described the existing approaches to design of expert scheduling
system. A single-model tandem architecture of expert scheduling system are discussed. Based on these architectures two expert systems for scheduling flexible manufacturing system are designed. To develop expert system the following approaches have been used: (i) hierarchical (ii) non-hierarchical (iii) opportunistic (iv) constraint-directed. A typical expert system generates a solution to the problem for which it has been designed. Such an expert system is called a stand alone expert system. An alternative design to the stand alone expert architecture. The solution generated by the algorithm is evaluated by the expert system. If the solution is acceptable, it is sent to the manufacturing system: otherwise the expert system may generate new set of data for the model, and the cycle is repeated. Three rules are detailed to present the notation of the expert system.

Doulgeri et al. (1987) considered the problem involved in the development on assessment of schedules
and proposes on heuristic simulation based approach to the production of schedules. They presented scheduling algorithms which embed an FMS simulation model with can take account of these factors and some assumptions are considered. In order for a good scheduling decision to be made, knowledge of the status of the complete system is required. The algorithm belongs to category of heuristic dispatching. At each decision stage it selects the alternative which gives the best performance. Algorithm is work on reducing makespam.

Grady (1989) described the present development and trends of FMS. First FMS is defined and the motivation for pursuing FMS described. The trend in FMS towards a gradualist approach , building up from FMC is described. An example is given for motivation of FMS and installation example is also given. Author focused on FMS problems related to higher initial cost and expectation regarding degree of flexibility, automation, productivity and economic efficiency could not be fulfilled by complex systems during the first phase of implementation. In this research work researcher shows FMC over FMS. Some of the major FMS problems have been indicated including both technical and justification aspects. The trend in FMS towards a gradualist approach building up from FMC has been described. The increasing no. of FMC would indicate FMS will show considerable growth over the next few year

Henry et al. (1989) focused on the problem batching in an F M S. A linear zero-one integer
programming model of the batching problem is presented. When parts are 'batched' in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS), they are scheduled to join different queues before they are introduced to the shop floor. using a closed queuing network model authors found that maximum expected production is achieved when all machines of the same type are pooled. Mathematical formulation is done in this paper. Authors gave an example about batching of jobs. They presented by addressing the problem from the viewpoint of assigning a set of resources (tools) to a set of production facilities (machinery) and assigning these facilities to serve a set of processing requirements over time and some simple mathematical models for solving the problems of batching and configuring the tool magazines of flexible manufacturing systems.

Kuhn (1990) is focused on scheduling problem for medium size (5-10 machines) flexible manufacturing system. The general philosophy is to divide the scheduling problem into a number of local decentralized problems: the optimal sequencing and routing of the jobs within flexible manufacturing systems or small workshops. The predominant goal of the local on-line scheduling algorithms must be the minimization of the lateness of the local jobs, despite the inevitable disturbing factors. Author therefore investigated the behavior of local on-line scheduling algorithms. Author gives example of ABBs Turbine plant in Switzerland with machines description and job flow from one station to another. Three types of scheduling algorithms are explained: (i) basic algorithm (ii) mixed algorithm (iii) antishadowing heuristic. They conclude that for the cell considered here, the SL-rule with anti shadowing heuristics achieved a small flow factor. The results are even slightly better if the relative slack is used.

Slomp and Gupta (1992) developed an innovative interactive decision making tool for scheduling jobs
in a flexible manufacturing environment. FMS set-up is described in the paper. To deal with complex planning, scheduling and control problems of FMSs, two basic approaches can be used. In off-line approach, several main decisions are periodically taken prior to the start of actual production activities. These decisions such as batching, loading, and scheduling are based upon a previously defined model of the specific FMS. In on-line approach, the main planning scheduling and control decisions are dynamically taken based upon the actual status of the system at the time a machine completes a specific job in the shop. This interactive tool work as assume that during a certain period, a machine is processing four jobs, A, B, C, and D. A job consists of a number of parts of a certain type that have to be manufactured. On each part just one operation has to be done and Gantt chart is used to show scheduling jobs. Real life application is shown with in the help of table. The interactive tool can also be used for traditional manufacturing situations not only in FMS. It is possible to extend the tool with heuristics and optimization algorithm for a broad range of application area.

Christopher and Ramadge (1992) considered a model recently proposed by Perkins and Kumar for
real-time control of flexible manufacturing systems. In this model, a machine can process a finite number of part types at specified rates, but only one part type can be processed at any given time. we derive a new lower bound on the performance, as measured by average buffer size, of any stable feedback scheduling policy for a single machine. the optimization problem has at least one, and most two, external points. For the first external point all the trajectories are nonidling. A second external point exists whenever IC holds for some part type

Rabelo et al. (1993) developed a scheme for the scheduling of flexible manufacturing system which
integrates neural networks, parallel monte-carlo simulation, generate algorithms and machine learning.

Modular neural networks are used to generate a small set of attractive plans and schedules from a larger list of such plans and schedules. In this paper investigates the development of a modular neural network architecture for candidate rule selection for a FMS cell. Intelligent controller does four functions: planning, scheduling, monitoring and execution. reserchers briefly review the generic architecture for intelligent controllers. The assessment function (AF) formulates the planning and scheduling problem facing the controller based on the three sets of inputs. Author described four phases of frame work. C programming language is developed for computer simulated model consisting of a workstation , that is member of a cell with five workstations and one material handling robot. A genetic algorithm is utilized developed in pascal having as initial populations the selected schedules and some tandomly generated schedules. Several learning techniques are being investigated: TDKA, neural networks and genetic algorithms. Future research can be concentrate in the integration of the optimization function with the other functions under the intelligent controller framework and its implementation with higher hierarchical element

Kim and Dae-kim (1994) developed a simulation based real-time scheduling method for flexible
manufacturing system. The real-time control system periodically monitors the shop floor and checks the performance value of the system. Author also use dispatching rules for more operations for the priority of jobs rules such as SPT,SJT,S/RMWK,EDD,MOD and whole simulation process is described. There is an advantage to checking the system performance periodically and responding to a change in performance by rescheduling. The real-time control system sends all scheduling controller information to the shop floor and dispatches jobs to machines accordingly. Also, the real-time control system periodically monitors and checks the actual performance value of the shop floor. If the difference between actual and estimated performance values exceeds a predetermined limit at a point of monitoring, a new series of discrete event simulations is performed with the remaining operations under the current state to select a new dispatching rule. If the difference is within the performance limit, the remaining process is continued with the current rule. In this mechanism information of current state of shop floor is fully used estimate system performance when a certain scheduling rule is executed. To maximize performance of a manufacturing system, an effective and timely means of scheduling and control needs to be developed. The research work can be extended by using another method sensing system disturbance, such as by checking queue lengths, machine utilization, and/or completion times of operations. In this methodology such limitations are there like machines are not reliable and urgent orders arrive often. Further research can be done on these unreliable systems.

Heikkila et al. (1994) developed a control algorithms and methods for flexible manufacturing cells and
systems, the flexible manufacturing cell acting as a test bed for such methods. Then a dynamic programming algorithm, which minimizes the weighted idle times of the machining stations, was applied to reach an optimal control. Shop Floor Control is a software framework for developing and building control systems for factory automation and featured are described in this paper. The basic structure of SFC is called virtual operative/ organizational unit (VMD) defined by manufacturing message specification (MMS) of manufacturing automation protocol (MAP). The controls of the two machining stations and measuring station have common features and consist of three control layers: work level control, device dependent station control and signal level monitoring. Porting the software to OS/2became necessary. when SFC software was selected as development tool.

Mcduffie et al. (1995) described about flexible manufacturing system and their relationship with smart
scheduling is explored. FMS has the ability to handle a number of different jobs composed of many tasks, the scheduling problem quickly becomes too complex to be managed without computer assistance. The implementation of a unique set of these ideas has been tested in the smart scheduler program (SSP). This program is the direct result of this set of ideas, which can collectively be called the concept of smart scheduling. In this paper the foundation of smart scheduling which is the recursive Allen temporal algebra

(RATA) will be formally defined and explored. Handling interrupts is defined an interrupt occurs whenever the normal processing of a job is terminated prior to completion. It is important to determine the type of interrupt handling that occurs in any given system. There are two basic types, "interruptrepeat" and "interrupt--continue". In an interrupt-repeat environment, when a task or a job is interrupted, the entire operation must be repeated from the beginning. On the other hand, in an interrupt-continue environment when a task or job is interrupted it can be restarted at the point of interruption. A fuzzy rulebased expert system is embedded in SSP. The concepts of smart scheduling have been implemented in SSP and tested. The program is written in Pascal and is PC-based.

Lee, Chen (1996) had made an attempt to study of integrated effects of inspection sequencing rules and
part scheduling policies in flexible manufacturing. After analyzing it is shown that inspection sequencing has a significant impact on FMS performance, and the selection of a part scheduling policy relies heavily on the inspection plan implemented in the system. In this research work researchers explains system parameters like they select Caterpillar East Peoria Plant for there investigation, that plant was previously studied by Stecke and Solberg, it is chosen for the empirical investigation of the performance of selective inspection sequencing rules due to its generic representation of a typical FMS construct. The objective of this research is therefore threefold:- (i) investigation of effectiveness of already developed inspection sequencing rules at the FMS environment. (ii) exploring the impact of FMS scheduling policies (iii) examining if fluctuations of critical system parameters would differentiate the performance of inspection sequencing rules. Some rules are defined e.g inspection sequencing and part scheduling. This paper extended the inspection location problem at serial production system into an inspection sequencing problem at flexible manufacturing settings. Proper Selection of inspection plans has been found to have a significant impact on the FMS performance. The interactions existing between part inspection sequencing and part scheduling in flexible manufacturing environment is of tremendous value. Future research on assessing performance of inspection heuristics at different FMS constructs for generalization purposes should be undertaken.

Xiong (1996) developed hybrid search algorithm for scheduling flexible manufacturing systems (FM$.
The algorithm combines heuristic Best-First strategy with controlled Backtracking strategy. Petri net theory has been applied for modeling, analysis, simulation, planning, scheduling, and control of flexible manufacturing systems. In this research work researcher used bottom-up method to to synthesize the Petri net models. once the modeling is done, the hybrid heuristic search algorithm which is combined with the execution of the timed Petri nets is implemented to search for an optimal and deadlock-free schedule. An example with sequencing of job is described in paper. Further development will be conducted on making of more efficient heuristic algorithm for petri net based FMS scheduling problem.

Yim and Lee(1997) proposed a method for timed-transition Petri net to model these features and
applies a search algorithm to the reachability of the Petri net model to generate an optimal or near-optimal schedule. In this paper the machine setup is considered as the activities that attach a tool to the machine and detach the tool from the machine in order to perform the required operation. These activities require some time delays. In this situation, if a common operation is performed consecutively at a particular machine, that machine need not to be set up again. Authors investigate the tool management issues of FMS in a Petri net framework. Petri nets can be used to model formally the flow of information and the control of events in discrete event systems that exhibit a high degree of concurrency requirement of synchronization and sequencing, and sharing of common resources. This makes Petri nets an ideal tool to formulate scheduling problems with routing flexibility and shared resources. A heuristic search algorithm is applied to the reachability graph of the Petri net to generate an optimal or near-optimal schedule for the modeled FMS. Researchers use the heuristic algorithm to generate a schedule with minimum makespan. Algorithm L1 is explained in paper. After the construction of model authors apply heuristic search to generate a optimal schedule in rechability graph.

Lee and Kim(1999) developed a scheduling algorithm in flexible manufacturing system. Scheduling
problem arises because of loading plan obtained for the configuration of the partial machine grouping, where machines are tooled differently, but multiple machines can be assigned to each operation. In this paper two solution algorithm in which a given planned workload is maintained are suggested based on decomposition of the entire problem into route selection and job shop scheduling problem. In one algorithm, the two subproblems are solved simultaneously annealing algorithm and dispatching rules. Problem description and some assumptions are made by author. Two types of solution algorithm (i) priority scheduling (ii) hybrid- are described in this paper. In the priority scheduling algorithm, the route selection problem and job shop scheduling problem are solved simultaneously by employing rules for machine selection and part selection and in hybrid algorithm the subproblems are solved by a search algorithm where dispatching rules are used for job shop scheduling. In priority scheduling algorithm part selection rules and machine selection rules are described. The research work can be extended firstly one can consider a case in which processing time of an operation may differ on different machines. This reflects a case where an operation can be processed on machines of different types.second, it is necessary to combine the scheduling algorithm with those for system setup problems, such as the part type selection problem and loading problem.

David et al. (2002) focused on scheduling problem associated with the assembly-driven product
differentiation strategy in a general flexible manufacturing system are defined, formulated, and solved. The scheduling problem is to determine the sequence of products to be produced in the system so that the maximum completion time (makespan) is minimized for any given number of machines at the machining stage. Heuristics for solving effectively the scheduling problem are developed. The heuristics solve the scheduling problem in two steps. First, an optimal aggregate schedule is determined by solving the scheduling problem as a two-machine fowshop makespan scheduling problem. The optimal aggregate schedule is then decomposed by solving a simple integer programming formulation model to obtain a feasible solution to the scheduling problem. A tight lower bound on the optimal makespan is also developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the heuristics. The aggregate scheduling problem is modeled as the two-machine flow shop scheduling problem. Second type of a scheduling problem solved in the literature is the flow shop problem with parallel machines. Researcher developed branch and bound algorithm to solve the makespan scheduling problem. Two parts of method development is described, first part involves developing effective solution methods for solving the scheduling problems. The second part is to develop methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the solution methods and shows with the help of Gantt chart.

Moro et al.(2002) presented the combination of Petri nets (PNs) as an analysis tool for discrete event dynamic systems and artificial intelligence heuristic search has been shown to be a promising way to solve flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) scheduling problems. Two techniques are used :- a systematic method to avoid the generation of futile paths within the search graph and a novel hybrid stage-search algorithm. The new algorithm is based on the application of A* guided by a PN-based heuristic within a limited local search frame. Authors presenting a limited-selection limited-backtracking algorithm called DLSS which stands for PN-based dynamic local stage search A_. The aim is to reduce the scope of evaluation of the A* algorithm so that we may apply a more exhaustive local search and to enhance the usefulness of an admissible heuristic function based on the PN model. To enhance the power of the algorithm in selecting promising paths, we also propose a branching scheme for DLSS called controlled generator of successors (CGS) that avoids the generation of both schedule permutations caused by concurrent transitions and certain nonactive schedules. DLSS algorithm is used to solve the problem and the aim of DLSS is to implements an A*strategy that employs hRCR but avoiding the exponential generation of heuristically equally valued markings as the search progresses. The A_ search is constrained by a number of markings that are contained in structure called the Search Frame (SF) which is

conceptually identified with the OPEN list in the A* algorithm. maximizing admissibility further research is required on DLSS.

To reduce search effort while

Sharafali et al.(2003) has stressed on the problem of production scheduling in flexible manufacturing system with stochastic demand. FMS is flexible in operations but it is not always that the entire mix of parts can be processed simultaneously. As such, grouping of the part types is needed. The problem complexity increases when both demand and processing times are random. In this paper authors model the problem as a polling model with the objective of minimizing the total average cost. Here, three situations are compared: (i) no mixing is allowed among part-families; (ii) a particular part-family, with an independent production schedule, can also be produced with other families; and (iii) a particular partfamily with no independent production schedule but can be mixed with all the other families. Comparing the random and dedicated FMS, some advantages in limiting the variety of parts in each family include minimizing bottlenecks caused by delays in data communication and processing, maximizing pooling of machines and added protection against tool breakage, and streamlining the material flow thus simplifying production planning. Ultimately, the reduction in the variety of parts under a dedicated FMS will lead to a random FMS situation. Two approaches are used to solve this kind of problem:- (i) Mathematical programming approach (ii) group technology approach. Some assumption and notations are described that pertain to this model in paper. In many research work it is conclude that small variety of parts at a time will inevitably put some machines in idle if they are not capable of processing such a part-type and hence the FMS may become a tremendous waste. Authors conclude that part mixing should be done with only one other part-family.
Sankar et al. (2004) is generated a Niched Pareto genetic Algorithm (NPGA). In the proposed method authors have applied Pareto ranking to identify the elite solutions and their fitness values are derated using fitness sharing method. The procedure is evaluated with sample problem environment found in literature and results arc compared with other available heuristics found in literatureIn this work, it is attempted to employ A Genetic Algorithm with Pareto-niching implementation to solve the scheduling problem of FMS ,with multiple objectives. The Niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm (NPGA):-In the standard GA cycle, the random initial population is iterated through the three genetic operators namely Selection, Cross Over and Mutation. After the required number of iterations, the population finally converges to one or two alternative acceptable solution. However in case of a complex solution space this convergence does not guarantee a global optimal solution. To avoid such convergence Nitched Pareto Genetic Algorithm (NPGA) is designed. The problem is tested with an example problem environment and result are compared with that of the other available heuristics procedure and other nontraditional algorithms viz. GA with rank order selection method, simulated annealing.

RODUCTION Ecker and Gupta(2004) focused on problem of scheduling on a flexible machine where each task
required exactly one of the tools during its execution. Authors developed new algorithmic approach for general task precedence relations when it is desired to sequence the tasks in such a way that the total time required for tool changes is minimized. The proposed algorithm is of polynomial time complexity in case of task precedence of limited width. it is assumed that each task requires a certain set of tools during its execution. Since installing tools in the magazine is usually time consuming the aim is to sequence a given set of tasks in such a way that the number of tool allocations to the machine is minimized. This paper related to scheduling tasks on a flexible manufacturing machine with tool changeovers neither consider the influence of different tool changeover times nor include the influence of precedence constraints in the determination of the processing sequence of a given set of tasks in the least amount of time. Authors Applied branch and bound technique for solving the problem and SIT graph concept is used which is constructed from subsets of independent tasks, each representing a subproblem of the given instance and

relations between them. Algorithm uses the concepts of the SIT-graph construction and is of exponential time complexity for general task dependencies, but solves the problem in polynomial time if the precedence relation is of bounded width. Further research can be done on application of the proposed SIT graph approach to multiprocessor scheduling problem, including communication delays and resource constraints.

Das and Canel (2004) considered the problem of scheduling batches of parts in a flexible manufacturing system. Branch and bound method is developed which exploits the special structure of the problem to develop strong lower bounds. With the use of branch and bound algorithm solution will taken taken in reasonable time of large size problem . The automated interchange capability in a FMS implies that there is less need to consider a machine setup time between consecutive operations at the same machine tool. It is the setups between batches that are more important. to minimize the completion time of the last batch on the last machinecell. Authors are solving a SDST problem across all the cells in the MCFMS. They are consider some assumptions during solving problem. Branch and Bound method is used in this research work to solve the problem. The algorithm is coded in FORTRAN and tested over a wide range of test problems on a SUN/UNIX system. Researcher conduct test of B&B algorithm on different problem sizes. The problem tested range in size from 2 cells-4 batches, to 20 cells-10 batches. Authors used this procedure to solve a variety of test problems (both small and large sizes) optimally. They validated the branch and bound procedure by testing over a number of problems obtained from the literature and randomly generated for testing purposes. Liu et al. (2005) developed a powerful scheduler for FMS because he observe it is necessary to develop
to achieve good performance. This paper presents a support vector scheduler, which is based on the support vector machine (SVM), to achieve the goal of dynamical scheduling. Some steps of online scheduling is explained. Several assumptions are made to carry experimental setup. The dispatching rule is assigned randomly at each decision point. Author consider time between the arrivals of various jobs is 31 minutes. The FMS model used in this paper is simulated by using the software EMPlant. The design process used in this paper is automatic instead of using numerous IF-THEN rules exhaustively suggested by engineers when they face a new layout or other conditions. The support vector scheduler is able to output appropriate dispatching rules to machines based on the real-time system attrib

Wang et al.(2005) developed a new heuristic scheduling algorithm for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) with partially overlapping machine capabilities. Unlike traditional routing then sequencing methods, the algorithm solves routing and sequencing sub-problems of FMS scheduling simultaneously by combining several dispatching rules. The heuristics behind the design of the dispatching rules are to take advantage of the system flexibility provided by partially overlapping machine capabilities and various processing speeds associated with different machines in FMSs. A complete formulation of FMS scheduling problem needs to take data from several aspects, such as machines, jobs, tools, storage, material handling, transport and I/O ports, into consideration. For this paper, our focus is on investigating the effectiveness of proposed dispatching rules in the partially overlapping machine environment of FMSs rather than a complete FMS scheduling system. Computational experiments have been carried out to validate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed dispatching rules and the heuristic algorithm. He and Wang (2006) developed search algorithm for scheduling flexible manufacturing systems
modeled by Timed Petri nets is presented in this paper. The algorithm is based on the application of the A* algorithm and combines the structure theory of Petri nets. deadlock problem can be divided into two categories: deadlock prevention/avoidance types and deadlock recovery type . The deadlock prevention approach establishes the control policy in a static way so that once established. we are sure that the system cannot reach undesirable deadlock situation. A Petri net-based branch-and-bound search scheme

for scheduling problem is presented in this research work. Authors is utilize the siphon concept in structure theory to help searching optimal deadlock-free schedule of FMS modeled as a Petri net. The situation deadlock in FMS can be checked by the behavior properties in its Petri net model such as liveness. If the Petri net model is live then the modeled FMS is deadlock-free. But even for a simple Petri net, the entire reachability graph may be too large to be generated. Instead of generating the entire reachability graph a heuristic function can be used to guide the search process, with which only the necessary portion of the reachability graph to find an optimal path. The algorithm is adapted from the well known heuristic search algorithm A* and utilizes the minimal siphon concept for deadlock judging. Further work can be done on developing more efficient heuristic function by considering addition priority rules. Venkateswaran et al. (2008) developed fuzzy logic in FMS to control speed of conveyor. Fuzzy logic relates with handling of uncertainties in an evolved and structured manner and is adopted as the solution. Author have made an attempt to increase the efficiency of the control action, the fuzzy controller is implemented at two levels for the system. In this paper system description is given and objective of this system is to provide maximum throughput in the both the conveyor with minimum wastage of time and resources. In this system input variable is input buffer state, output buffer state and out put variable is speed of conveyor. This fuzzy controllers basic theme is control of the speed of conveyor. 50% of the speed of the conveyor as the normal speed is that at any given time, the process is supposed to be running at with default speed.. The Fuzzy controller are simulated in MAT LAB using fuzzy logic toolbox. The working of fuzzy controller is whenever the input buffer is empty or nearly empty, the speed of the conveyor is reduced to avoid idle running of the conveyor. On the other hand, if the output buffer is empty, the conveyor operates at maximum (provided input buffer is sufficiently full) to increase productivity. For FMS a supervisory controller using fuzzy logic is designed This makes it possible for the handling of the speed of the system in effective manner increasing productivity. The improvement possible is the rule base can be fine tuned to suit the different production schedules.

Solvang et al.(2008) developed an architecture for inter-machine communication and control based on
an existing middleware framework. a vision system for rapid/simple/secure and low cost data retrieval from old computerized numerical control (CNC) machines is presented as a system key component. Some short coming of M and G codes used in CNC machines is described and to overcome these shortcome STEP-NC standard derived. in many smaller FMC setups they found that the industrial robot acts as a cell controller and these robots have excellent capability for I/O communication. OpenRTM-aist software solution is available for RTC assembly. OpenRTM-aist includes a tool for making RTCs, a tool for combining existing RTCs into a new RTC, and a graphical user interface for linking and setting up the system functionality. The communication between RT-Components is realized with CORBA objects that are called InPort / OutPort. In older scenario To monitor the state of a manufacturing process an operator should always observe the screen of the NC machine. This operator can now be replaced with a vision system, which can supervise and also provide input for digital/analog communication with the other elements in flexible manufacturing systems. For training of the neural network a back propagation learning algorithm and for activation the bipolar sigmoid function was used. A vision system for data retrieval from FMC components has been develope

Wang et al.(2008) developed an analytical method to evaluate the quality performance of flexible
manufacturing systems with batch operations. The issues of investment cost, flexibility measurement, inventory, scheduling, and the tradeoffs between productivity and flexibility, etc are addressed in most of the flexibility studies. The question of quality is usually neglected. analytical studies have shown that production system design and product quality are tightly coupled. Some example are given like paint shop, machining, welding, assembly regarding quality of the product. Thus introducing batch production to reduce losses due to quality degradation during changeover and to meet customer demand is of

importance. Some assumptions are considered in the research work. Authors considered two types of cases (i) Two prduct types with batch size two (ii) General multiple products multiple batch sizes case. Authors compare the quality performance using batch policy with strict sequencing and random mixing policies. an analytical method based on Markov chain is presented to evaluate the quality performance in a flexible manufacturing system with batch productions. Continues improvement of batch production through developing optimal batch and sequence policies are having possibilities for further improvement. Wadhwa (2009) developed a Knowledge Based Genetic Algorithm (KBGA) for the scheduling of Flexible manufacturing system. In this work the researcher used the simple genetic algorithm and proposed a new methodology to handle a complex variety of variables in a typical FMS problem. Three new genetic operatorsknowledge based: initialization, selection, crossover, and mutation were introduced. KBGA, improved the performance of traditional GA through introducing the knowledge base system which includes both explicit and implicit knowledge. The author reported that the proposed algorithm can be expanded to the various combinatorial problems in the real FMS world

Cao and Xu (2008) developed a novel approach combing data mining technique, and the multi-agent simulation platform to find the optimization of production scheduling. In their first study to the production
scheduling problem based on multi-agent platform, the waiting time of every stage is not considered too. But in FMS, the waiting time is so important that it can contribute to the optimization of production Scheduling in real environment. Two stages initial and second stage are described in this paper. Some assumptions are explained to carry out experiment and an example is given. In the long run,we will study further to overcome these drawbacks. So the study is provable and valuable overall.

Gnanavelbabu (2009) stressed the problem of the simultaneous scheduling of jobs, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). It deals scheduling by non-traditional optimization technique called Artificial Immune System (AIS) to generate optimal schedule. author gives problem description in which information about AGV,FMCs and AS/RS. And assumptions taken. Principals of Artificial Immune System are:(A) Cloning selection principal (B) Affinity maturation principal (a) Inverse mutation (b) Pair-wise interchange mutation (c) Reception editing Artificial immune system (AIS) algorithm Implemented for optimizing the sequence of parts into the machines, the AGV sequence and the AS/RS sequence for problem. The proper allocation of the subsystem in the FMS is important to achieve higher efficiency and productivity. Scheduling of FMS is not meant without considering the important subsystem such as AGVs and AS/RS in the FMS have been scheduling procedure with Artificial Immune System is developed in the JAVA language. The author conclude that the problem consider in this text is AGVs scheduling and AS/RS scheduling linked with Jobs scheduling.AIS parameters given to the objectives can also be varied in future work.

Savkin and Somlo (2009) employed We employ hybrid dynamical systems to model such networks. The main and new achievement of the paper is that we propose a distributed implementable in real time scheduling rule such that the corresponding closed-loop system is stable and optimal. In stable systems the processes converge to periodic ones. The paper gives computing relations for the determination of the parameters of the periodic processes. HDS are those that combine continuous and discrete behavior and involve, thereby, both continuous and discrete state variables. it is possible to determine optimum arrival rates which result in the minimum of the upper limit value of the over-time coefficient which is the

relation of upper limit value of production time to the net manufacturing time on the generalized bottleneck machine group.

Giovanni and Pezzella (2010) presented a deterministic and cyclic command, that is optimizes criteria
like work in process and workflow. Authors survey the system output and compare it to the deterministic schedule. In this paper authors focused on the monitoring of failures of the operative part. Our approach of detection consists of making sure that the system evolves in accordance with the expected behavior specified by its designer. Technique used for monitoring is called direct if it is based on monitoring sensors. It requires a specific instrumentation of the plant so as to allow detection and the diagnosis. At the opposite, the indirect techniques exploit logical sensors. An example is placed for cyclic scheduling and then monitoring of process the objective of the monitoring is to determining any reduction in the performance of the process. The main assumption is that suppose a performance reduction is due to an increase in the operational durations. This increase can result either from cataleptic failures or from failures by degradation. In case of cataleptic failure, the duration of the operation tends to infinity since the breakdown is complete. Let us suppose that the failures are coherent and recurrent. The occurrence of a failing operation can lead to a disturbance of the production which can only increase by time. Then detection to be continue..

Lee, S. Lee (2010) developed a new heuristic functions for A* algorithm that is based on the T-timed petri net. In minimizing makespan, the proposed heuristic functions are usually more efficient than the previous functions in the required number of states and computation time. They derive its T-timed PN model for FMS scheduling. Based on this PN model, they use A* algorithm. Before T-timed PN model the P-timed PN model is widely used because of its marking or states are well defined in each firing. Thats why scheduling algorithm can be easily developed in the P-timed PN model. But its main drawback is the large number of involved transitions and places which can exponentially increase the computation time. On the other hand T-timed PN model was not actively used because marking are not well defined particularly from the beginning of the transition firing to the end. They described an LBR matrix that is find a minimum time required to move a subpart from a given place to its goal place. Then they use LBR matrix to propose a new heuristic function. They use a random problem generator to generate random FMS scheduling problem. Then measures are introduced to compare the algorithms using different heuristic functions. Some modification is possible in A* algorithm to achieve more efficient scheduling. Zeballos et al.(2010) developed contribution presents an integrated constraint programming (CP)
model to tackle the problems of tool allocation, machine loading, part routing, and scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system. Constraint programming (CP) approach is apply. Many efficient algorithm are nowadays included in commercial CP systems like ILOG Solver (ILOG Solver 6.0, 2003) and ECLiPSe (IC-Parc, 2003), as well as in free software packages like Oz (Mozart Consortium, 2007). Further authors explained the model nomenclature, including model subscripts, sets, parameters, and model variables. Problems are identified through an alphanumeric code, where the first two characters refer to the problem itself, and the last one the OF being considered ; for example, M for makespan, T for TNTC as wellasUandU0 for both multi objective functions. CP formulation problem cover the scheduling problem of a certain class of FMSs and has several remarkable characteristics. The model takes into account constraints that appear in industrial settings, like keeping the machining, material handling, and set-up costs within certain limits. This approach can also be adopted in future to reduce their dimensionality.

Mohammad Pour et al. (2010) developed a new algorithm called Hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Petri Net
(HGA-PN) is using Timed Petri Net and combinational genetic algorithm. In this purposed algorithm, first the flexible manufacturing system is modeled by using timed Petri net, and then an appropriate scheduling is manufactured using combinational genetic algorithm. After modeling FMS by Petri Net, an appropriate scheduling for modeled system is produced by combinational genetic algorithm. First of all the chromosomes are selected through ranking method. To perform crossover, a job-based crossover operator is used. advantage of his crossover operator is that it never produced invalid chromosome, as it does not change the sequence of operator of a job. C#.Net 2005 programming language is used to test our proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm is compared with two other ones, i.e. TPN-MA and PN- A. To compare these three algorithms, five test datasets are produced. Naming of these data test is as SetX where X is data set number. In our proposed algorithm, first a FMS is modeled using Timed Petri Net and then a proper scheduling is manufactured using a combinational genetic algorithm. manufactured
using a combinational genetic algorithm

Damrongwongsiri is discussed about industrial automation and future of industrial automation is FMS and author giving the details of FMS. FMS is a philosophy. "System" is the key word. Philosophically, FMS incorporates a system view of manufacturing. The buzz word for todays manufacturer is "agility". An agile manufacturer is one who is the fastest to the market, operates with the lowest total cost and has the greatest ability to "delight" its customers. FMS is simply one way that manufacturers are able to achieve this agility. In studying FMS, we need to keep in mind what Peter Drucker said: "We must become managers of technology not merely users of technology". Today flexibility means to produce reasonably priced customized products of high quality that can be quickly delivered to customers. flexibility is applicable in the field of Manufacturing, Operational, Customer, Strategic, Capacity. Here is the example of Volvos process structure that makes car on movable pallets, rather than an assembly line. Process gains in flexibility. Also, the Volvo system has more flexibility because it uses multi-skill operators who are not paced by a mechanical line. Actually, the need is for flexible processes to permit rapid low cost switching from one product line to another. This is possible with flexible workers whose multiple skills would develop the ability to switch easily from one kind of task to another. Different FMSs levels are:(a) Flexible Manufacturing Module (FMM) (b) Flexible Manufacturing Group (FMG) (c) Flexible Production System (FPS) (d) Flexible Manufacturing Line (FML) Author is telling about many advantages and disadvantages over traditional manufacturing system and also the future of FMS. In FMS robots is playing major role. Today only 50% are in automobile plants, with the other half spread out among other factories, laboratories, warehouses, energy plants, hospitals, and many other industries. The large, centralized production plant is a thing of the past. The factory of the future will be small, movable (to where the resources are, and where the customers are). For example, there is really no need to transport raw materials long distances to a plant, for processing, and then transport the resulting product long distances to the consumer. In the old days, this was done because of the localized know-how and investments in equipment, technology and personnel. Today, those things are available globally.

kodeekha introduced a new scheduling method. This method uses multi-objective optimization and simulation. The method is called Band Build Method, BBM. The BBM procedure has three stages, in the first Building stage; the steps are to build up some schedules using any scheduling methods for example: heuristic ones which are tested by simulation. In the second Breaking stage optimum sizes of batches are determined. In the final Rebuilding stage, the most proper schedule is selected using simulation.. In BBM the optimum schedule of tasks of high number of parts (HNP) are divided into optimum subseries (batches), then rebuild the schedule again and overlapping production can be realize at

certain condition and tested using one of the simulation methods. The BBM Procedure, Scheduling problem, Assumptions and Applications are described in paper. With the sub-division of batches we can improve the quality of FMS scheduling. The research should be directed to generalize the method to multipart, multi machine group cases.

Qiao developed a innovative approaches in realizing and exercising MCM in theoretical and practical applications. Strategies of generalized production line platform and modularization are explored to support dynamic reconfigurations of MCM. NISTs XML-based Shop Data information integration. specification is utilized to derive a data driven reconfigurable MCM modeling methodology. The goal of MCM was to produce and deliver customized products rapidly while keeping costs at the massproduction level. MCM implementation strategies can be divided into three different categories according to the different stages when customization is introduced in the value-chain: (1) form MCM (2) optional MCM (3) core MCM In presented paper author highlights the benefits of using MCM and Strategy of production line modularization is to group the production line into functional modules. Each functional module stands for a typical manufacturing capability. Author conclude that the full potential from exercising MCM on both the manufacturing shop floor and in the simulation modeling has yet to be fully discovered Chung integrated RTP and TRP decisions into the overall MPC system. Mathematical programs are formulated to represent the RTP and TRP problems. The interfaces between these planning activities and other subsystems are discussed and several implementation issues are identified. Lack of proper planning of tool availability would hamper the smooth flow of production. The failure to have adequate tooling or a general lack of tool preparedness can result in increasing queues and increasing confusion in production schedules.Wrong tooling and unnecessary duplicates of tools are expensive wastes. Researcher presented a framework of the hierarchical planning and control system for flexible manufacturing. This framework extends the traditional manufacturing planning and control (MPC) system by incorporating various decisions associated with an FMS. Researcher described OFM which is calculates rough cut tool equirements for each major tool type based upon the ratios of tool usage during the previous year. Further research is necessary to find out which methods work best in what environment. Choi, Malstrom focused on the use of a physical simulator to evaluate work scheduling rules in a flexible manufacturing system. The purpose of this research has been to evaluate traditional job shop scheduling rules by using a physical simulator. The authors found that the FMS operated best when relatively few parts were on off-shuttles or carts. The analysis tool used has been computer simulation. authors used the simulator to analyze the performance of the actual FMS. Fixed parameters of the simulator's operation included the processing sequence, part selection, the machine center selection, and the maximum queue length. Time scaling was a method used to accelerate the model's operation to rates faster than real time. Criteria is applied to choose appropriate part selection rule for traditional job shop dispatching rules and seven rules are selected. Physical simulators more reliability than are microprocessors on which digital simulations are performed. We can work further on physical simulator for other fms system because of their reliable performance.

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