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Trust Number <<123456-123456-123456>> Office of Trustee

To: Office of Clerk of Courts <<Street Address>> <<Suburb.City>> <<State, Postcode>> Trust Reference Number: <<xx-yy-zz>> Formed: [12 March 2011] Beneficiary: <<FULL NAME IN UPPER CASE>> Great Public Register No<< 123456-123456-123456>> Record of Event<< E8:Y3209:A19:S2:M11:D5>> Street Address: 123 Main Street Campus: Test Town Province Cadastre Trust No: 932225-000047-000000 Province Cadastre Trust Name: VIRGINIA University Cadastre Trust No: 932225-000000-000000 University Cadastre Trust Name: UNITED STATES Union Location Trust No: 932000-000000-000000 Union Location Trust Name: AMERICAS UNION


Let it be known to all that fourteen consecutive days have passed without any executor or administrator being appointed since the above mentioned constructive trust was first formed by form of action naming Our property <<FULL NAME IN UPPER CASE>> as beneficiary. We hereby give formal notice as witnessed before all Heaven and Earth, that as you and your agents abandoned your duties and obligations, a General Executor has been duly appointed for the above mentioned constructive trust in the form of <<Full name in Proper Case>> also known as Trust Recipient Number <<123456-123456123456>>: FIRST: The one, true and only executor of the above mentioned constructive trust hereby orders you to submit in writing within four (4) days a certified copy of your oath for the Office of Clerk of Courts, accompanied by any and all bonds, sureties, indemnifications and insurance for such office as proof you are under oath and possess the proper authority to serve in this matter; and SECOND: The one, true and only executor of the above mentioned constructive trust hereby orders you to submit in writing within four (4) days a the complete and full certified copy of all associated documents with the constructive trust including any and all financial promises, bonds, sureties and account information as recognition and acceptance you acknowledge the rule of law, trust law and hold the proper honor to deal with trust property; and THIRD: In the First instance, should you fail to comply with the above mentioned orders, then under <<Latin/English motto of state/province>> you shall be in contempt of court for refusing to divulge your oath and proof of proper authority to proceed and demurrer shall be called on such contempt of court to have the matter immediately dismissed with extreme prejudice. In the Second instance, should you fail to comply with the above mentioned orders you shall be in contempt of trust law and demurrer shall be called on such contempt of trust law to have the matter immediately dismissed with extreme prejudice. By Executor, <<Thumbprint in Red Ink>> <<Full name in Proper Case>>

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