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21 aug Psalm 124 Exodus Romans 12: 1-8 Matthew 16: 13-20
10am Charlotte Martin 10am Christine 10am Rosie 10am Nancy 10am Patrick Fred
Helper Megan Beaty Martin

14 aug Psalm 133 Genesis 45: 1-15 Romans 11: 13-32 (33-36) Matthew 15: (10-20)21-38
21 aug

7 aug
readIngs Psalm 105: 1-6, 16-22 Genesis 37: 1-4, 2-28 Romans 10: 4-15 Matthew 14: 22-36 14 aug

Mustard Seed: Jan Carroll T: 9299 7240 E: jancarroll09@gmail.com

Wardens: Charlotte Blackley 9295 4241 Brenda Marissen 9299 6723 David Bryde

Rector: Fr Chris Bedding T: 9299 7274 T: 0405 525 476 E: rector.darlington@live.com.au Day off: Friday

Office: Monday and Friday T: 9299 7274 E: stcuthberts@bigpond.com

Cnr Darlington Rd and Hillsden Rd, Darlington

contact detaILs

MUSTARD SEED - pentecost 8 7 august 2011

Anglican Church
Diocese of Perth

MISSION PLAN PRAyER: Thank you, God, for all who share in the distribution of Holy Communion. Renew them in the love of Christ who gives himself in bread and wine.



10am Jan Krys

8am Sheena Bernard

8am Shirley Britt 8am Bernard 8am David H 8am Jill 8am Brenda
Storyteller Jan Jill Gill Brian

10am Cheryle David 10am Helen 10am Murray 10am Debbie Mark 10am Sarah Philip
Helper Charlotte

8am Britt Sheena 8am Pat 8am Ian 8am Brenda 8am Marea
Storyteller Michelle W


10am Graeme 10am Kerry 10am Ellie 10am Ellie Graeme

Leader Michelle W

8am Trish 8am Bernard 8am Maureen 8am Ian

Storyteller Michelle W

IntensIve LIteracy Programme succesfuLLy Launched The volunteer team at Clayton View Primary School got off to a great start on Tuesday. The volunteers were impressed by the friendliness and positivity of the students, and the dedication of the staff in this great school. When the six-week pilot is nearing completion, we will start recruiting volunteers from the wider community as well. catch musIc starts thIs Week. Posters are available in the Meeting Room - please take one or two to put up on public notice boards in your area. Do you know someone that you would like to invite to participate in the first session of Catch Music on Tuesday 9 August at 7.00pm? Catch Music is a network of people who love music and want to help build a more inclusive, supportive, and friendly community. Their goal is to come up with as many ways as possible to support people to pursue their love of music.

August Rosters


Leader Megan

Leader Jan

Helper Jan

Throughout August, Shirley will be co-ordinating donations for the annual ANGLICARE WINTER BLANKET APPEAL. If you can give to people who do not have sufficient blankets or a sleeping bag to keep warm at night, please place your donation in an envelope marked blankets and place it in the offertory. There have been some donations of handmade blankets which will be blessed this Sunday and then given to Anglicare ASAP.



Graeme David


Rona Brian

Val Barb

PRAYER We pray for those sick and in need: Jean, Lyn, Fazal, Rose, Anna, Ken, Beaty baptism: Luke Adams, Sunday August 21 in the diocese we pray for: Parish of Kellerberrin; Members of the Legislation Committee; Multicultural Ministry Commission for a celebration of diversity. in the Province we pray for: Anglicare South, Great Southern Regional Manager, Regional Services, staff and clients, Diocese of Bunbury; Parish of Carnarvon, Diocese of North West Australia. in the Anglican Communion we pray for: Archbishop Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Recife (Brazil), Bishop Sebastiao Soare LITURGY IncLudIng the WhoLe PeoPLe of god In the 10.00am eucharIst Over the last several months, there has been a review and discussion of our approach to faith formation for children and their involvement in liturgy. Until the end of the year, the following will take place: The input for children will take place during the Ministry of the Word inside the church building. A number of adult leaders are involved in storytelling. Children will then go into the Meeting Room to respond to the story. This will take a variety of forms. They will also have prayer together. During the offertory hymn, children will return to the church building and participate in the Great Thanksgiving and Holy Communion. There are a number of other initiatives to be unrolled over time. The particular focus will be on providing children with a framework of pastoral care and faith formation as part of the Whole People of God. Refugee And MigRAnT SundAy, 28 AuguST: An initiative of the National Council of Churches in Australia, Refugee and Migrant Sunday is is a celebration of the dignity of people who are refugees and migrants and the contribution they have made to life in Australia. The liturgies on this day will reflect the theme. chrIstmas ... is not so far away. As this is his first year as Rector, and because there have typically been small changes from year to year, Father Chris is asking for your feedback about the best times and styles of liturgy to offer. Below is a proposed list of Christmas liturgies to use as a starting point. Please email rector. darlington@live.com.au or phone 08 9299 7274 to pass on your thoughts. Sunday 11 December, 5.00pm Saturday 24 December, 6.00pm Saturday 24 December, 11.30pm Sunday 25 December, 9.00am Carol Service Childrens Nativity and Carols Midnight Mass Christmas Day Eucharist

FORMATION medItatIon is now happening at 5.15pm each Thursday in St Cuthberts . It usually runs for about forty minutes. Why not clear a space in your week for silence and stillness? CHuRCHSAfe TRAining: The Professional Standards Unit will be conducting ChurchSafe training in the Parish Centre on Sunday 14 August from 1.00pm-5.00pm. Anyone in any position of responsibility, or who is seen to represent the Anglican church in any way needs to undertake the training. Childcare will be provided at the Rectory, with a trip to the oval. It has been suggested that we enjoy a bringand-share lunch following the 10.00am Eucharist. On Sunday 7 August, we will write on the whiteboard what we intend to bring. MediTATiOn AS LibeRATiOn: Saturday, 20 August 2011 from 10am to 3:30pm a Community Day led by The Rev Stuart Fenner at St Marys Church, yule Avenue, Middle Swan. Donation $10. ByO lunch. Tea and coffee provided. RESOURCES

We now have a presence on on Facebook called Hills Anglicans. If you use Facebook, type Hills Anglicans in the search bar, find the page, then click like. you can also invite your friends to like the page as well. Its another way of keeping in touch with parish news and activities, and for us to share information about what were up to. PLAnned giving: Over the next four weeks, the Mustard Seed will include information about the current state of planned giving in our Worshipping Community. How are people participating in Planned giving? 12 households (50%) are giving electronically - that is via direct debit or funds transfer. 12 households (50%) are giving by cash envelopes or cheque. Has there been a change in giving? The information from last year is not available, however electronic giving has doubled since January this year. What is the median percentage of income given? Only seven households provided this information. Of those seven households, the median percentage of income is 6%. (This means that half those households give more than 6% of their annual income, and half give less) PASTORAL CARe POLiCy And SySTeM: The system of pastoral care in the parish is currently under review, particularly in the light of Rosie stepping back from her very dedicated leadership role in this area. Over the next three Sundays, the preaching will have an emphasis on Pastoral Care. With the Mustard Seed email of 21 August, a draft policy document will be distributed and you will be invited to give feedback about the policy.


Wite Nite Spring Dinner

SuPPORT THe WORK Of ST bARTS HOuSe And buy your tIckets noW! Shed your winter cocoon, don your most glamorous white gear and flit off to the friends of St Cuthberts Wite Nite Dinner on Saturday 3 September @ 7.30pm. Tickets are available now at $25 for a fabulous night of entertainment and fine food. Pre-dinner drinks will be provided but other drinks are ByO. Please support this very worthy fund raiser for the work of St Bartholomews House which provides life changing accommodation and support services for over 1,200 people whose lives are in crisis due to homelessness, mental illness or unsuitable housing. for tIckets see gILL or sheena or BarB (or any of the fabulous friends)

Every Thursday at 5.15m Meditation in the church Most Wednesdays 9.15am Eucharist

Tuesday 9 August: Sunday 14 August: Wednesday 17 August Saturday 20 August Sunday 28 August Saturday 3 September Sunday September 11

Catch Music at St Cuthberts ChurchSafe Training in Parish Centre Church Council meeting 7.30pm Meditation as Liberation at St Marys Refugee and Migrant Sunday Wite Nite Dinner at St Cuthberts Back to Church Sunday

Philippa, Pat, Judy, David and Fr Chris went to St Georges Cathedral to hear Dr Ian MacLeod from the WA Museum explore spirituality with reference to his work with Aboriginal elders, Celtic church sites and Pacific ship wrecks. By all accounts, Dr MacLeod was a knowledgeable, lively and entertaining speaker. BTW the sculpture in the background of the photo is Ascalon by Marcus Canning and Christian de Vietri. It is an abstract interpretation of the story of St George and the Dragon depicting the triumph of good over evil.Ascalon was the name of St Georges lance in medieval romances, and is derived from the city of Ashkelon in Israel. The angled pole, white billow and black base are reminiscent of the lance of St George, the cloak and steed of St George and the defeated body of the dragon.At night a white laser beam shines from the tip if the lance. It was dedicated to the Glory of God on 3 April 2011

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