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Business Opportunities in Hong Kong

Volume 7, Issue 9&10 Consulate General of India, Hong Kong

Contents 1. Hello --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2. India-Hong Kong bilateral trade report --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3. Trade Queries from Hong Kong: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 4. Tenders --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 5. Event Alert: Major Exhibitions during the period of Sep-Oct, 2007 -------------------------- 15 5. Contact us ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 1. Hello Dear Friend, (Email ) We are happy to put the latest issue (Volume 7 / Issue 9&10) of Business Opportunities in Hong Kong on your monitor screens. Previous issues can be accessed by clicking on the Publications Head listed on our Consulates website www.indianconsulate.org.hk. We look forward to receiving your comments, queries, and suggestions.

Commercial Wing Consulate General of India Hong Kong

2. India-Hong Kong bilateral trade report

At t he end o f July 2007, India-Hong Ko ng bilat eral t rade st ood at US$ 5.65 billion, a growt h of 28.7% co mpared t o the same per iod in year 2006. Ind ia is t he 12th largest t rading partner of H ong K ong. Indian export s t ill Ju ly, 2007 was US$ 3387mi llion wit nessing a growt h of 25.3%. Of t his, go o ds wo rt h US$ 1977 mi llion were re- export ed t o ot her count r ies via Hong Ko ng. Ind ian import s fro m Ho ng Kong t ot aled US$ 2265 mi llion (+34.2%). The t rade balance for t he per iod January-Ju ly 2007 is in I ndias favor to t he ext ent of US$ 1122 mi llion.

Table 1: India - Hong Kong trade

[Amount in US $ million]
2005 Total Indi a to H ong K ong E xpor t s t o Hon g Kon g H ong K ong t o In di a Dom e st i c E xpor t s Re-E xpor t s T ot a l E xpor t s t o In dia Total B i l ate r al Tr ade T ra de Ba l a n ce for In dia 128 2662 2790 7361 + 1781 + 118. 8 + 30. 7% + 33% +25. 6% 157 2794 2951 7, 670 +1, 768 + 23. 2% + 4. 9% + 5. 8% +4. 2% 82 2184 2265 5653 + 1122 -8. 9% +36. 6% +34. 2% +28. 7% 4571 + 21. 4% 4719 + 3. 2% 3387 +25. 3% G r owth Total 2006 G r owth Jan-J ul y 2007 Total G r owth

(So urce: Census and St at ist ics Depart ment , Hong Kong) Indias share in Hong K ongs total t rade for t he per iod Jan-July 2007 is abo ut 1.4%.

Table: Month-wise break up of India-Hong Kong trade

[Amount in Millions of US$]
M onth Jan Fe b M ar c h Apr i l M ay June Jul y INDI AN EXPO RTS TO H K 2006 2007 % Change 329 423 28. 7% 367 351 - 4. 5% 481 634 31. 5% 411 472 14. 7% 371 442 19. 3% 372 509 36. 5% 372 559 49. 9% INDI AN IM PO RTS FRO M H K M onth 2006 2007 % Change Jan 226 245 8. 6% 229 219 -4. 2% Fe b 244 350 43. 1% M ar c h 264 324 22. 8% Apr i l 219 316 44. 5% M ay 248 378 52. 3% June 251 433 72. 3% Jul y

A ug ust Se pte mbe r O c tobe r Nove mbe r De c e mbe r

358 446 440 395 378

A ug ust Se pte mbe r O c tobe r Nove mbe r De c e mbe r

218 239 269 272 266

[So urce: Hong Kong Census and St at ist ics Depart ment ]


Dur ing July 2007, India expo rt ed a tot al of US$ 559 mi llion (+49.9%) wo rt h o f pro duct s to Hong Kong. Indias basket of export s to Hong Kong ma in ly inc luded pear ls, prec ious & semi-precious st ones (US$ 454 millio n), fo llo wed by Raw Hides & Sk ins [US $ 27 millio n], E lect r ical machiner y [US $ 17 millio n], Copper & Art icles t hereo f [US$ 11 millio n], Cotton [US$ 11 millio n], S ilk (US$ 6 millio n), Iron and St eel [US$ 6 millio n], Organic Chemicals [US$ 4 millio n], Fish & Crust aceans [US $ 2 millio n] and Ino rganic Chemicals [US$ 3 millio n].

Table 2: Indian Exports to Hong Kong - Top 10 products

[Amount in US $ million]
HS CO DE 71 41 85 74 52 50 72 29 38 Commodi ty Pea r l s, Pr eci ou s St on es/ M et a l s Ra w Hi des a n d Ski n s E l ect r i ca l Ma ch in er y Copp er & Ar t i cl es t h er eof Cot t on Si l k Ir on an d St eel Or gan i c ch em i ca l s In or gani c ch em i ca l s Fi sh an d Cr ust a cea n s JanDe c 2006 3, 722 275 104 70 122 47 89 28 40 4 Jan 2007 331 22 12 8 9 8 5 3 Fe b 2007 279 14 14 9 8 3 3 4 M ar 2007 528 23 19 18 15 6 4 Apr i l 2007 367 27 16 8 13 10 8 3 M ay 2007 329 27 18 17 10 8 7 2 June 2007 393 26 16 14 9 12 10 6 Jul y 2007 454 27 17 11 11 6 6 4 % G r owth* 55. 7% 1. 5% 143. 6% 241. 1% -17. 8% 140. 2 -0. 3% 255. 4% -7. 5%

3 2


(So urce: Census and St at ist ics Depart ment , Hong Kong)

Pearls, p reciou s stones and metals. A t ot al o f US$ 454 millio n wo rt h of pear ls and prec ious st ones were export ed dur ing t he per iod Ju ly 2007, a growt h o f 55.7% co mpared t o t he same per iod in year 200 6. Indias t op export s in t his cat egory included Diamonds of less t han 1 3

carat-metric per piece (US$ 395 mil lio n, +51.8%) ; Arti cles of jewell ery & part s of gold, Diamond mounted or set (US$ 20 millio n, 88.8%), Diamonds of more than 1 carat-met ri c per pi ece, no nindust r ial, worked (US$ 19 millio n, + 236.3%), Diamo nd, Nonindust rial, un- worked diamonds ( US$ 11 millio n, +9.1%); Ot her precious st ones and semi-precious st ones (US$ 5 millio n, 13.2%) and Articles of jewellery & parts of silver, Di amond mount ed or set (US$ 1 millio n, + 158.6%). Leather and leather items Export s to HK for t he per iod July 200 7 st ood at US$ 27 millio n, +1.5%). In 8- HS Code t er ms, I ndias t o p leat her export it ems included HS 41071210 or Whole Hide/Skin of Bovine Animal, Grain Split s, Prepared (US$ 9 millio n , -0.%), HS 41131000 or Goat /Kid leat her furt her prepared aft er t anning/rust ing (US$ 8 millio n, - 17.9%); HS 41079200 or leather f urther prepa red (US$ 4 millio n, 36.6%) and HS 41120000 or leat her furt her prep ared aft er t anning or crust ing including par chment -dressed leat her o f sheep or lamb wit hout wool on (US$ 2 millio n, 7.8%). Machinery India export ed Machiner y wort h US$ 17 millio n t o Ho ng Ko ng for t he per iod July 2007, wit nessing a growt h of +143.6% co mpared t o t he same per iod in 2006. Our major it ems o f export under t his cat egory included Mobil e tel ephones (US$ 10 millio n,), Elect roni c Connectors f or a voltage not exceeding 1000V ( US$ 1 millio n) and Ot her elect ronic int egr at ed circuit s (US$ 1 millio n) Coppers and articles thereof: I ndia export ed copper and art ic les t hereo f wort h 11 millio n t o Hong Kong dur ing July, 2007, a growt h o f 241.1%. Our major it ems o f export under t his cat egor y includ ed Refind copper cat hodes and sect ions o f cat hodes (US$ 6 millio n) ; Wir e of refined copper, wit h a maximum cross sect io nal dimens io n o f no t over 6 MM ( US$ 4 millio n, + 49%), P lat es, sheet s and st r ip o f copperZinc base allo ys ( brass), over 0.15 MM T hick, in co ils (US$ 3 millio n) ; Wir e o f refined copper, wit h a maximu m cross sect io nal dimensio n of over 6 MM (US$ 1 millio n, - 6.1%. Cotton: Export s of co t ton have wit nessed a negat ive growt h of 17.8%% wit h export s tot aling US$ 11 millio n dur ing July, 200 7. Indias basket o f cot ton export s included: HS 52010000 or Cotton, not carded or combed (US$ 4 millio n, - 34.2%); HS 52052300 or Co tton yarn, 85% or more by weight of cotton, not ret ailsal e, single, comb ed f abric (US$ 2 millio n, 25.7%) and HS 52052400 or Cotton yarn, 85% or more by weight of cotton, not ret ail sale, si ngle, combed f abric, measuring less than 192.31 DTEXBUT (US$ 1 millio n, -19.1%). Silk: I ndia export ed Silk wort h US$ 6 millio n t o Hong Ko ng for t he per iod May, 2007, wit nessing a growt h of 140.2%. Major it ems o f export under t his cat egor y included Wo ven fabr ics, cont aining 85% o r 4

more by weight of ot her Bombyx Mor i S ilk, ot her t han no il silk (04 kg.) (US$ 5 millio n, + 180.4%) and Ot her woven fabr ics, cont ain ing 85% or more by weight of s ilk or silk wast e (US$ 1 millio n, + 33.4%). Iron and st eel: India export of Iron and St eel t o Hong Kong st ood at US$ 6 millio n for t he mo nt h o f July, 2007 (- 0.3%). The major it ems under t his head included Flat -rolled st ainless st eel product s 600MM o r more wide, co ld-rolled ( US$ 2 millio n, + 1%) and Flat -ro lled, st ain less st eel in co ils, 600 MM or more wide, Cold ro lled (US$ 1 millio n, + 43.9%).


Ind ia import ed US$ 433 mi llion (72.3%) wort h of goods fro m Ho ng Ko ng dur ing July 2007. The impo rt ant it ems of import s are pear ls, precio us and semi-precious st ones [US $ 274 millio n], E lect r ical machiner y [US $ 9 0 millio n], Nuclear React ors [US$ 22 millio n], Knit t ed or crochet ed fabr ic s (US$ 5 millio n) ; Opt ical, P hotographic, Measur ing, Medical inst rument s and part s (US$ 4 millio n) ; Miscellaneous Manufact ured Art icles [US$ 4 millio n], Clo ck s & Wat ches [US$ 3 millio n], Cotton (US$ 3 millio n) ; Paper and Pap er Bo ard [US$ 3 millio n] ; and P last ics [US$ 3 millio n].

Table 3: Indian Imports from Hong Kong - Top 10 products

(Amount in US $ millio n)
HS CO DE 71 Commodi ty Pea r l s, pr eci ous st on es/ m et a l s E l ect r i ca l m a ch in er y Ma ch in er y Kn i tt ed or Cr och et ed Cot t on Fa br i cs Opt i ca l , m edi ca l i n str um en t s Mi sc el l a n eous m an ufa ct ur ed a rt i cl es Cl ock s, wa t ch es & pa rt s th er eof Cot t on JanDe c 2006 1465 726 260 34 Jan uar y 2007 130 53 18 2 Fe br uar y 2007 97 67 16 M ar c h 2007 197 83 29 Apr i l 2007 187 75 17 M ay 2007 169 74 21 June 2007 226 90 19 Jul y 2007 274 90 22 % G r owth* 139. 2% 38. 8% -21. 5% 143. 3%

85 84 60



- 35. 9%



7. 1%


38 122

4 3

11. 9% 40. 6%


48 39

Pa per an d Pa per boa r d


2 3

2 3

3 3

3 3

3 3

2 3

3 3

1. 5% - 38. 8%

Pl a st i c and a rt i cl es 35 t h er eof * Com pa r ed t o Jul y 2006

(So urce: Census and St at ist ics Depart ment , Hong Kong)

Pearls, Gems and jewellery, etc.: India import ed Pear ls, Gems and jeweller y wort h US$ 274 millio n, +139. 2%) fro m Ho ng Ko ng dur ing July 2007. Top Indian import s under HS 71 include US$ 211 millio n wort h of Diamonds of less than 1 carat -metri c per pi ece (94CM), a growt h of 177.7%; US$ 22 millio n worth o f S ilver, unwrought Neso i (Ot her t han power, 94G, 02KG) ; US$ 22 millio n wort h o f Nonindust rial diamonds, un- worked or simply sawn, a growt h of 24.2% ; US$ 12 millio n wort h of Diamo nd o f 1 or more t han 1 Carat - met r ic p er piece, no n- indust r ial, worked (94CM) a growt h o f 165.5% and US$ 4 millio n wort h of Art icles of jeweller y and part s t hereo f (+ 142.9%). Machinery Ho ng Ko ng export ed wort h US$ 90 millio n t o India dur ing July 2007, a posit ive growt h o f +38.8% co mpared t o t he same mo nt h last year. Ind ian import s in t his cat egory inc luded Mobile t elepho nes wort h US$ 16 millio n; Ot her machines for t he recept ion, conversio n and t ransmissio n or regener at ion o f vo ice wort h US$ 13 millio n, part s of t elepho nes for cellular net works or for ot her wireless net wo rks wort h US$ 8 millio n; Ot her elect ronic int egrat ed circu it s, wort h US$ 5 millio n; Ot her e lect r ical st at ic convert ers NESOI wort h US$ 5 millio n + 248.8% ; P art s and accessor ies suit able for use so lely or pr inc ipall y wit h t he apparat us o f head ings 8519 to 8521, Neso i (US$ 3 millio n, + 724.9%) Lead- Acid st orage bat t er ies, NESOI wort h US$ 3 millio n. Miscellaneou s manu factu red articles: I mport s by I ndia for Ju ly 200 7 tot aled US$ 4 millio n, + 7.1%. Major import s under t his cat ego r y inc lude Buttons of base metal ( not covered wit h t ext ile mat er ial) (US$ 1 millio n, + 43.5%) ; But tons o f plast ic( not covered wit h t ext ile mat er ial) (US$ 1 million, - 2.3%). Optical and Medical In st ru ments (HS Code 90) import s by I ndia fo r t he mo nt h o f July 2007 t ot aled US$ 4 millio n, a growt h o f 35.9% co mpared t o t he same mo nt h last year . Major import s under t his cat egory in 8HS code include Microt imes; part s and accessor ies fo r inst rument s and apparat us for phys ical or chemical analysis (US$ 4 millio n, - 35.9%) and Li quid crystal devices (US$ 1 millio n, + 388.9%).


and watches - I mport s by I ndia for t he mo nt h o f July 20 07 tot aled US$ 3 millio n (+ 11.9%). Major import s under t his cat ego r y inc lude wr ist wat ches, elect r ically operat ed (US$ 1 Millio n, 7%). or Croch eted Cotton Fab rics I mport of Knit t ed o r Crochet ed Cott on fabr ics for t he Mont h of July 2007 t ot aled US$ 5 millio n, + 143.3%). Major it ems under t his cat egory included Ot her knit t ed or crochet ed fabr ics, ot her t han t hose of headings 6001 t o 6005 of cotton, dyed (US$ 4 millio n, + 266.4%).

K nitted


and Articles of Paper I mport of paper and art icles o f paper for t he Mont h o f July st ood at US$ 3 millio n wit h a growt h of 1.5%. Major it ems under t his cat egor y inc luded Paper and paper board labels of all kinds, pr int ed (US$ 2 millio n, + 11%).

[Amount in US $ million]
HS CO DE 85 Commodi ty E l ect r i ca l m a ch in er y a n d equi pm en t an d pa rt s th er eof Pea r l , pr eci ous st on es, gem s a n d je wel l er y Nucl ea r r ea ct or s, boi l er s, m a ch in er y a n d m ech a ni ca l a ppl i an ces; par t s Kn i tt ed or cr och et ed fa br i cs Mi sc. m an ufa ct ur ed a rt i cl es Cot t on Cl ock s, wa t ch es a n d par t s th er eof 29 4 3 1 2 3 3 2 12. 1% JanDe c 2006 Jan 2007 Fe b 2007 M ar 2007 Apr 2007 M ay 2007 June 2007 Jul y 2007 % G r owt h*



44. 7






33. 6%




2. 4










12. 4









1. 2

2. 4

146. 3%


32 32

3 3

2. 5 1. 7

2 2

4 3

4 2

16. 1% 39. 5%

52 91


Spe ci a l woven fa br i cs Pa per & pa per boa r ds; a rt i cl es of pa per


1. 5

-11. 6%



1. 7

1. 2

15. 2%


Opt i ca l an d Medi ca l In str um en t s


-5. 7

Com pa r ed t o Jul y, 2006

(Source: Census and St at ist ics Depart ment , Hong Ko ng)

[Amount in US $ million]
HS CO DE 41 Commodi ty Ra w h i des a n d skin s (ot h er than fur ski n s) a n d l ea th er Pea r l , pr eci ous st on es, gem s a n d je wel l er y Cot t on Copp er an d a rt i cl es t h er eof E l ect r i ca l Ma ch in er y In or gani c ch em i ca l s Ma ch in er y JanDe c 2006 Jan 2007 Fe b 2007 M ar 2007 Apr i l 2007 M ay 2007 June 2007 Jul y 2007 % G r owth*








3. 6%










- 8. 9%

52 74

82 40 32

5 6 2

4 5 2

10 8 4

8 5 4

7 10 3

6 8 4

6 5 4 3

10% 54. 4% 72. 3% -163. 1% 49. 5%

85 28 84 29

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

2 1

Or gan i c ch em i ca l s * Com pa r ed t o Jul y 2006

(So urce: Census and St at ist ics Depart ment , Hong Kong)


Tab le 4: Hong K ongs total t rade for Jan-July 2007 2005 2006 US$ US$ Growth % billion billion 288.5 +11.4 315.5Total Exports Domestic 17.4 +8.0 17.2 Exports 271.0 +11.7 298.3Re-exports 298.6 +10.3 333.3Imports 587.1 +10.9 648.8Total Trade -10.2 N/A -17.8Trade Balance January-July 2007 US$ Growth % billion 189.4 +10.1 7.7 181.6 202.5 391.9 -13.1 -25.7 +12.4 +10.7 +12.4 N/A 9

Total Exports Domestic Exports Re-exports Imports Total Trade Trade Balance

Hong Kongs total world trade for Jan-July 2007 totaled US$ 391.9 billion, a growth of +12.4% compared to the same period last year. In 2006, export grew by 9.4%, stepping up from the 11.4% in 2005. Exports were spearheaded by the steady demand from mainland China, especially for industrial inputs for export production, notably electronics parts and components, which constituted the single largest product in Hong Kong's export basket. Table 5: Hong Kongs top trading partners [Jan-May 2007]
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Countr y Ch ina USA Ja pa n T a i wa n Si n ga por e Kor ea Rep Ger m an y UK Ma l a ysi a T ha i lan d % 47. 2% 9. 1% 7. 5% 4. 6% 4. 4% 3. 1% 2. 4% 1. 9% 1. 6% 1. 6% Inc r e ase / De c re ase + 13. 7% + 3. 7% + 5. 7% + 4% + 16. 5% 0. 6% + 6. 5% - 0. 3% + 8. 7% + 10%

(Source: Census and Stat isti cs Department, Hong Kong)

Hong Kongs Top 10 Imports from the world [May 2007]

[All f igures in US$ bn = Billion]
HS CO DE 85 84 71 39 95 61 27 62 90 91 Ma ch in er y Pea r l s, pr eci ous st on es/ m et a l s Pl a st i cs T oys, ga m es a n d spor t s r equi si t es Ar t i cl es of a ppa r el & cl ot h in g, k ni tte d Mi n era l fuel s/ oi l s/ wa xe s Ar t i cl es of a ppa r el & cl ot h in g, not k ni tte d Opt i ca l , m edi ca l in str um ent s Cl ock s & wa t ch es Commodi ty E l ect r i ca l m a chin er y Amount 12. 3 bn 4. 0 bn 1. 4 bn 1. 3 bn 1. 0 bn 1. 0 bn . 915 bn . 812 bn . 757 bn . 565 bn Imp or ts fr om Indi a . 017 bn . 002 bn . 454 bn . 002 bn . 001 bn . 002 bn --% Shar e of In di a 0. 13% 0. 05% 32. 4% 0. 15% -0. 1% -0. 24% ---

Fro m t he abo ve t able it can be seen t hat t here is t remendous pot ent ial fo r Ind ia t o incr ease it s share in Hong Ko ngs glo bal import s, part icular ly in areas o f I ndian st rengt h, name ly plast ics, machiner y, t oys and foot wear.


Hong Kongs top 10 exports to the world [May 2007]

[All f igures in US$ bn = billion]
HS Commodi ty CODE 85 84 61 62 95 39 71 90 64 42 E l ect r i ca l m a chin er y Ma ch in er y Ar t i cl es of a ppa r el & cl ot h in g, k ni tte d Ar t i cl es of a ppa r el & cl ot h in g, not k ni tte d T oys, ga m es a n d spor t s r equi si t es Pl a st i cs Pea r l s, pr eci ous st on es/ m et a l s Opt i ca l , m edi ca l in str um ent s Foot wea r s, ga it er s an d th e l i ke Ar t i cl es of l ea t h er, h an dba gs, et c. Amount 12 bn 4. 1 bn 1. 6 bn 1. 3 bn 1. 3 bn 1. 2 bn 1. 2 bn . 779 bn . 659 bn . 606 bn Exp or ts t o Indi a . 090 bn . 022 bn . 001 bn . 002 bn . 001 bn . 003 bn . 274 bn . 004 bn . 001bn . 001 bn % Shar e of In di a . 75% . 53% . 06% . 15% . 07% . 25% 22. 8% . 51% . 15% . 16%

[Source: HK Customs & St atisti cs Depart ment]

3. Trade Queries from Hong Kong:


MR. AJIT JAGTIANI SUPER BLOOM DEVELOPMENT LTD 41-43 GRAHAM ST., CENTRAL 8/F TIN ON SING COMMERCIAL BUILDING, HONGKONG Tel: (852) 2813 6381 Fax: (852) 2813 6739 E mail : sales@superbloomltd.com MR. JERRY KWONG Dollar General Global Sourcing Ltd 11/F One Kowloon, 1-11 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 121-5751 Fax: (852) 2722-1370 E-mail: jkwong@dgglobalsourcing.com MS. GLORIA DIU

- RAW COTTON - COTTON YARN 24S - COTTON GREY 52" 24X24 72X62, 24X21 72X60 - POLYESTER/VISCOSE (T/R) YARN 30S/1, 32S/1 AND 32S/2



Natural source Limited Hong Kong Tel: (852) 92290881 E-mail: gloria@naturalsource.com.hk 4 MR. ELAINE TONG Canful Motors Ltd Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2782 2000 Fax: (852) 3012 1990 E-mail: elaine@canful.com.hk MR. TONY XIAMEN JIALING IMPORT & EXPORT CO., LTD Address: Room 1708 Hongyun Building, No. 108 Hexiang East Road, Xiamen 361004, China E-mail: sales@iamatrading.com Web.: www.iamatrading.com Tel.:+86-592-8520203 Fax.:+86-592-5812803 MS. PAUL LIU 3rd Floor, United Plaza No.1468 Nanjing Road West Shanghai 200040,P.R.China TEL: +86 21 6247 1135 FAX: +86 6247 1129 CELL: +86 (0) 13817818681 Email: paul.liu-sh@akzonobel-pc.com MS. ELSA MAN Truth Fortune Company Limited Room 2001, 20/F Mongkok Commercial Centre 16 Argyle Street Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 25787372 Fax: (852) 25787371 e mail : elsa_man@truthfortune.com MR. FRANCO HO San Yang Textile (HK) Limited
Suite 2812, Shell Tower Times Square 1 Matheson Street Causeway Bay, Hong Kong








Hong Kong Tel: (852) 25662292 Fax: (852) 25662116 E-mail: sdsyt@sanyangtextile.biz.com.hk


Website: www.sanyangtextile.com 9 MR. MARK PONG Continental Alliance Limited Suite 12C, 235 Wing Lok Street Trade Centre 235 Wing Lok Street Sheung Wan Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2527 0035 Fax: (852) 2527 9566 E mail: calhkg@hotmail.com MR. LAWRENCE K.K. MIU Room 3501, 35/F, Tower II Metroplaza 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Fong Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 26151488 Fax: (852) 26159711 E mail : lawrence@otlgroup.com.cn Website : www.otlgroup.com.hk IMPORT 1) USED RAIL R50-R65 2) LEAD MINERAL ORE


IMPORT 1. BELT STEEL Specifiactions:

(1) Temper: Annealed, (2) Hardness: HKC (3) surface finnish: bright (4) edges: sheared (5) thickness: 1.0 to 2.0 mm (6) width: 1219 to 1250 mm


(!) density > 680 (2) dimension: 1220 * 2440 mm (3) thickness : 9 mm & 15 mm


MR. REX Transtec International Ltd Hong Kong Tel : (852) 2758 2686 Fax : (852) 2758 2696 E-mail: rex@transtec.com.hk MR. MIKE FUNG 1301, Beverly Comm. Centre, 88 Chatham Rd., TST, Kln. Hong Kong Tel-(852)3493 8339 E-mail: fung3k@yahoo.com







4. Tenders
1. Provision of Waste Collection Services in Tai Po District

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

FEHQ 1020/07 21 Sep., 2007 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)

Provision of Waste collection services in Tai Po District .

2. Supply of windbreakers to the Hong Kong Police Force

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

PT/0255/2007 (A3710522007) 8 Oct., 2007 (12:00 Noon Hong Kong time)

Supply of 11500 nos. of windbreakers to the Hong Kong Police Force from date of acceptance of offer to fulfillment of contractual obligations.
3. Supply of .38 special +P ammunition to the Hong Kong Police Force.

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

PT/0265/2007 (A3710622007) 21 Sep., 2007 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)

Supply of 19300000 rounds of .38 special +P ammunition to the Hong Kong Police Force and the Customs and Excise Dept. from date of acceptance of offer to fulfillment of contractual obligations.

4. Supply and set up of 2 sets of on-board vehicle emissions analyzing systems.

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

PT/0266/2007 (A6910632007) 25 Sep., 2007 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)

Supply and set up of 2 sets of on-board vehicle emissions analyzing systems for measuring gaseous pollutants to the Environmental Protection Department within 17 weeks upon receipt of order.
5. Supply and set up of 2 sets of on-board vehicle emissions analyzing systems for measuring particulate matter

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

PT/67/2007 (A6910642007) 24 Sep., 2007 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)

Supply and set up of 2 sets of on-board vehicle emissions analyzing systems for measuring particulate matter to the Environmental Protection Department within 17 weeks upon receipt of order.
6. Supply and installation of 1 complete set of digital photogram metric mapping system

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

PT/0289/2007 (A7410852007) 20 Sep., .2007 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)


Supply and installation of 1 complete set of digital photogram metric mapping system to the Lands Department within 6 weeks after award of contract.
7. Purchase of unserviceable vehicles

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

PT/0310/2007 (AAD2110222007) 20 Sep., 2007 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)

Purchase of unserviceable vehicles from the Government of the HKSAR as a 12-month contract from date of acceptance of offer to fulfillment of contractual obligations.
8. Supply of toilet liquid soap

Reference No. Closing Date

: :

PT/0316/2007 (A9911072007) 24 Sep., 2007 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time)

Supply of 627 000 liters of toilet liquid soap to various government bureaux/departments as a 24-month contract commencing 26 January, 2008 or from date of acceptance of offer, whichever is the later.

5. Event Alert: Major Exhibitions during the period of Sep-Oct, 2007

One of the most interesting events is Asian Financial Forum, which is being organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) on 21 September, 2007. Full details of the programme and the speakers are available at the website: http://www.asianfinancialforum.com Interested parties can also get further information from Mr. Kevin Chan of the HKTDC at kevin.chan@tdc.org.hk. Details of other important trade exhibitions and conferences are given below. Please click on the hyperlinks to get the organizers address and more information about the event.
2007 Sep 05 - 09

Hong Kong Watch & Clock Fair 2007

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers Association Ltd. The Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Ltd. Key Media International Ltd.

2007 Sep 06

ALB In-house Legal Summit

The Excelsior Hong Kong By registration.


Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. China Focus Series: Lessons Learnt Hong Kong Securities Institute,

Hong Kong Securities Institute


Sep 06

from Establishing Joint Venture in Mainland China

Training Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$100 (member) HK$200 (non-member) Hong Kong Club. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$280 (member) HK$360 (non-member) Hotel Miramar. By registration.

2007 Sep 06

Breakfast Briefing: Share the Responsibility, Tackle the Environmental Challenges Ahead

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 06

Seminar on Food Safety

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

2007 Sep 06 - 07

Admission Fee: Free of charge (member) HK$100 (non-member) The 30th Hong Kong International Hong Kong Convention and Computer Conference (HKICC2007) Exhibition Centre. Theme: The China Factor: IT Impact By registration. for the Next Decade Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. CMA Training Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$1000 (member) HK$1100 (non-member) Roundtable Luncheon: ''Competition The Chamber Theatre. Policy Trends in US and Europe and Implications for Hong Kong'' By registration. Admission Fee: HK$100 (member) HK$200 (non-member) Hong Kong Science Museum. By registration. Admission Fee: Free of charge Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: Please visit the website for details.

Hong Kong Computer Society

2007 Sep 07

Workshop on Performance Appraisal

The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong

2007 Sep 07

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

2007 Sep 11

Seminar: Analysis of the Past Accident Cases on Material Hoists

Occupational Safety and Health Council

2007 Sep 12

Portable Alpha Asia 2007

Terrapinn Pte Ltd.


2007 Sep 12

Breakfast Briefing: Cleaning the Air Hong Kong Club. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$280 (member) HK$360 (non-member) LexisNexis Conference Center. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$1200 HKIHRM Training Room. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$280 (member) HK$340 (non-member) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 12

Half Day Seminar: Landlord and Tenant Law Update

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 12

Sharing Session on ASTD 2007 International Conference & Exposition

Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management

2007 Sep 13

Staying Ahead for Business Success - Green Logistics Logistics Conference in conjunction with Hong Kong Logistics Awards By registration. 2007

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

2007 Sep 13

Admission Fee: Free of charge Lunch Seminar: The Insider's Guide The British Consulate General to creating a successful Business Conference Room. Plan By registration. Admission Fee: HK$200 (member) HK$250 (non-member) Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel. By registration. Admission Fee: Free of charge (member) HK$100 (non-member) ''Safety Compliance of Textile Clothing Industry Training Products'' Workshop Series: The EU Authority Seminar Room. and US Concerns on Flammability of Textiles and Apparel By registration. Admission Fee: HK$500 Hong Kong Club. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$280 (member) HK$360 (non-member)

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 13

Seminar : Plant Infrastructure & Information Technology System

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

2007 Sep 14

Clothing Industry Training Authority

2007 Sep 14

Breakfast Briefing: Taiwan Business Matters

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong


2007 Sep 14

Half Day Seminar: Recent LexisNexis Conference Center. Developments in Tax, Trusts, Wills, Estates and Domicile By registration. Admission Fee: HK$1200 FHKI Conference Room By registration.

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 14

Casual Lunch Gathering: Bringing Clean Energy to Hong Kong

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

2007 Sep 15 - 16

Hong Kong Wedding Fair

Admission Fee: HK$90 (member) HK$130 (non-member) Hong Kong International Trade & Wedding Message Monthly Exhibition Centre.

2007 Sep 16 - 20

Open to public, free admission. The 12th Annual Conference and Hong Kong Convention and General Meeting of the International Exhibition Centre. Association of Prosecutors (IAP) 2007 By registration. Admission Fee: Please visit the website for details. JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. By registration. Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. Hong Kong Club. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$280 (member) HK$360 (non-member) The Climate Imperative: Power UP, The Ritz Carlton Hotel. Emissions DOWN By registration.

International Association of Prosecutors, Department of Justice

2007 Sep 17 - 20

Super Return Asia 2007


2007 Sep 18

Breakfast Briefing: Carbon Neutral For Beginners

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 18

The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 18

Material Impacts of PRC Employment Contract Law

Admission Fee: HK$390 (member ) HK$510 (non-member) The Chamber Conference Room. German Industry and Commerce/German Chamber of Commerce By registration. Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. The Marco Polo Prince.

2007 Sep 18

Special Luncheon: The New Terminal Cluster in South China

Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association


By registration. Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. The Chamber Theatre.

2007 Sep 19

Americas Committee Roundtable Luncheon: ''Sino-U.S. relations: How do Americans see China?'' By registration.

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

2007 Sep 19

Admission Fee: HK$100 (member) HK$200 (non-member) Morning Presentation - The Unique The Chamber Conference Room. German Industry and Challenges of Delivering IT in Asia Commerce/German Chamber of CommerceCo-organisers : By registration. Hong Kong Arts Centre Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. 2nd Annual High Yield Debt Summit Island Shangri-La Hong Kong. Asia By registration. Admission Fee: US$2199 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: No admission fee. Trade, government and business visitors only. Hong Kong Convention and Hong Kong Trade Development Council Exhibition Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: US$270 (with 10% Early Bird Discount for application on or before 31 July 2007 US$300 (full fare for application after 31 July 2007) CMA Training Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$550 (member) HK$600 (non-member) Science Park, Shatin. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

2007 Sep 19 - 20

Euromoney Seminars

2007 Sep 19 - 21

Rail Solutions Asia 2007

TDH Exhibitions Ltd

2007 Sep 21

Asian Financial Forum 2007

2007 Sep 21

Workshop on Strategic Marketing and Brand Management in China-(1)

The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong

2007 Sep 21

Environmental and New Energy Technology, Opportunities for PRC & HK By registration.

Hong Kong Productivity Council

Admission Fee:


Free of charge 2007 Sep 21 Workshop on ''China Export Processing Policy: Changing Business Model to Face Challenges'' TDC Business InfoCentre. By registration. Admission Fee: Free of charge AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Hong Kong Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge. September Hong Kong Jewellery & Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Watch Fair AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Conrad Hong Kong. Hong Kong Trade Development Council

2007 Sep 23 - 26 2007 Sep 23 - 27

Asia's Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair - September September Hong Kong Jewellery Show at Wanchai

CMP Asia Ltd

World Trade Fair Limited

2007 Sep 23 - 29

CMP Asia Ltd

2007 Sep 25

The 2nd Annual Asia Pacific Real Estate Congress

Euromoney Conferences

2007 Sep 27

By invitation only and preregistration required. China's Banking Sector - En Route JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. to a Two-Way Street By registration. Admission Fee: HK$420 (member) HK$520 (non-member) Hong Kong Club.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 28

Breakfast Briefing: The Emerging Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade and By registration. National Security

The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Sep 28

Workshop on Strategic Marketing and Brand Management in China-(2)

Admission Fee: HK$280 (member) HK$360 (non-member) CMA Training Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$1000 (member) HK$1100 (non-member) Hong Kong Central Library. By registration. Admission Fee: Free of charge

The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong

2007 Oct 03

Seminar: Relieving Occupational Foot Pain

Occupational Safety and Health Council


2007 Oct 03 - 05

Interstoff Asia Autumn International Hong Kong Convention and Textile Show 2007 Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

2007 Oct 03 - 05

2007 Oct 04

Fashion Access - Handbags, Travelware, Footwear, Leather Garments and Fashion Accessories (an APLF Fair) Trade Only. The Role of the Criminal Process in Island Shangri-La Hong Kong. Business Disputes in China By registration. Admission Fee: HK$300 (member) HK$380 (non-member) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Open to public. Admission Fee: Free of charge. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. InterContinental Hong Kong. By registration. Admission Fee: To be confirmed. AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee:


The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

2007 Oct 04 - 09

Sotheby's Hong Kong Fall Sales 2007

Sotheby's Hong Kong Limited

2007 Oct 08 - 09

Hospitality Design Asia Exhibition and Conference

Nielsen Business Media Asia

2007 Oct 10 - 12

18th Annual Hotel Investment Conference Asia Pacific


2007 Oct 12 - 15

China Sourcing Fair: Electronics & Components

Global Sources Exhibitions

2007 Oct 12 - 15

China Sourcing Fair: Fashion Accessories

Global Sources Exhibitions

2007 Oct 12 - 15

China Sourcing Fair: Underwear & Swimwear

Global Sources Exhibitions


HK$100 2007 Oct 13 - 16 electronicAsia 2007 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Hong Kong Trade Development Council MMI-Munich International Trade Fairs Pte Ltd

2007 Oct 13 - 16

Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2007 (Autumn Edition)

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

2007 Oct 20 - 23

China Sourcing Fair: Gifts & Home Products

Global Sources Exhibitions

2007 Oct 21 - 24

15h Asian Gifts, Premium & Household Products Show 2007 (Mega Show Part 1)

Kenfair International Limited

2007 Oct 21 - 24

Trade Only. 16th Hong Kong International Toys Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. & Gifts Show 2007 (Mega Show Part 1) Project Leadership for Success by BMC Consultants Trade Only. The Hong Kong Management Association. By registration. Admission Fee: HK$4700 (member) HK$4950 (non-member) AsiaWorld-Expo.

Kenfair International Limited

2007 Oct 25

The Hong Kong Management Association

Oct 27 - 30

Hong Kong International Building Materials & Construction Equipment Fair 2007 Trade Only.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council CIEC Exhibition Company (HK) Limited Hong Kong Trade Development Council Kenfair International Limited

2007 Oct 27 - 30

Hong Kong International Furniture Fair 2007

Admission Fee: Free of charge. AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only.

2007 Oct 27 - 30

Admission Fee: Free of charge. Eco Expo Asia - International Trade AsiaWorld-Expo. Fair on Environmental Protection 2007 Trade: Whole period; Open to public: October 30, 2007 Admission Fee:

Hong Kong Trade Development Council Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.


Free of charge. 2007 Oct 27 - 30 Sports Source Asia 2007 AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge. Hong Kong International Hardware Hong Kong Convention and & Home Improvement Fair 2007 Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge. Hong Kong Trade Development Council MMI-Munich International Trade Fairs Pte Ltd Kenfair International Limited

2007 Oct 28 - 30

Mega Show Part 2

2007 Oct 28 - 30

Table Object Asia

Kenfair International Limited

2007 Oct 28 - 31

Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2007

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

2007 Oct 28 - 31

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

5. Contact us The following Officer can be contacted for any assistance regarding your business with Hong Kong. MRS. SRIPRIYA RANGANATHAN CONSUL (COMMERCIAL) CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA 16 D, UNITED CENTRE; 95, QUEENSWAY; HONG KONG Tel: 852-2866 4027; Fax: 852-28664124 Email: commerce1@indianconsulate.org.hk Web: www.indianconsulate.org.hk Mr. R. PRAKASH CONSUL (COMMERCIAL) CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA 26-A, UNITED CENTRE; 95, QUEENSWAY; HONG KONG Tel: 852-2528 4475/76; Fax: 852-25290421 Email: commerce2@indianconsulate.org.hk Web: www indianconsulate.org.hk We look forward to receiving your comments, queries, and suggestions. If you do not wish receive this email newsletter in future please send an email to commerce1@indianconsulate.org.hk & commerce2@indianconsulate.org.hk with subject Remove from BOHK.


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