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In this closing quarter of the 20th century, we live in an era emphasizing the achievement of inner peace and harmony. Institutions, groups and individuals have dedicated themselves to helping others attain personal enlightenment and self awareness; synthesizing the mind and body into one smoothly functioning unit is the goal. Physical well-being is an indication of mental well-being, yet when we speak of the healthy individual, we refer to more than the akppearance of a trim, active and disease-free body. Some people have the ability to mask their mental and emotional instabilities with an external personality facade designed to give an impression of inner balance. Occasionally the facade is so complete that even the person himself is fooled and the communication with deeper needs and feelings is lost. The outer behavior protects the vulnerable self within; the individual has succeeded in constructing a protective shield against the pain of negative experience. While we cannot read minds, we can see certain body movements. Tone of voice, gestures, posture, body structure and manner of dress can be interpreted as clues to inner psychological make-up and behavior. Often, the outer style reflects the inner one. It is possible through thoughtful observation to penetrate the disguise and reveal the inner character behind the mask. Certain facial expressions are associated with certain moods. We can watch a conversation taking place inside a telephone booth and without a sound escaping, still sense the mood of the conversation. The caller tells all with facial expressions and body posture. Thus we demonstrate thoughts arid feelings through the silent yet expressive language of our bodies. Handwriting, too, is an expressive and silent gesture. As you write you are consciously attempting a message. Beyond the conscious information contained in the written words, the handwriting also divulges information about you and how you felt unconsciously as you wrote. Writing is a physical process. The brain sends an order through the nervous system to the arm, hand and fingers, where together they manipulate the writing tool. In this way, the intent to write forms deep within the creative processes of the mind and makes writing an expressive gesture representative of the mind behind the pen. Despite the teaching of a standard letter model to form the letters and words necessary to express our ideas, no two writings are exactly alike. An American statistician determined that the possibility of two writings being identical is one chance in 68 trillion!

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