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Power Women Magazine December 2010 Issue

In case you are not aware of it, December is set aside to raise awareness for HIV/Aids. December has what is known worldwide as Worlds Aids day. According to Avert.org effects more than 33.4 million people worldwide have HIV/Aids in 2008. Among those numbers, 31.3 million are women and 2.1 million are children. I would like you to meet Cristina Pena. She and her mother Louisa, ( pictured on front cover) both have the HIV/Aids virus, who only found out when her father became very ill with pneumonia in 1986.He was then diagnosed with full blown Aids and only months to live. To say the least the family was in shock. Cristina learned she had this virus when she was only 9 years old, however her family knew since she was only 2 years old. She being one of twenty of the very first pediatric cases in Los Angeles County. Now a 26 year old woman, she speaks to others about her disease and how it affects people. Not only the person with HIV/Aids but the entire circle of people around that person. Cristina reminds us all that even though she was born with HIV/Aids she is still a person who has likes and dislikes. You are so much more than just the virus says Cristina recently when we spoke. I have dates just like everyone else but it does make it complicated. For a long time I was frightened of dating. While in High School, she met Chris Ondaatje. As they became closer she knew she had to tell Chris about her disease. He took the news very well and picked her up the very next day for a date. Since the age of 16 he has been by her side. He continues to test HIV-negative. There is hope for a family for the couple. With the correct medicines and care from the medical world. Today many women who are HIV positive can give birth to an HIV/Aids negative child. The child, once born, will also need to go through a series of medicines and tests. Many women just like Cristina live daily with the HIV/Aids virus. Yet in today's medical environments one can live a longer and more productive lifestyle. Cristina says she can not stress enough as a woman speaking to other women, take responsibility into your own hands when it comes to your love life. This disease is in fact 100% preventable. Women are at a high risk group for contracting HIV/Aids. It is also as important to teach our children as mothers about this disease. Don't just teach HIV/Aids prevention, also teach HIV/Aids understanding and compassion too! she tells me. Women need to protect themselves. Even if you've been married for 12 years or with only one partner, it's important to still have conversations about safety and honesty and risk. Women are the life-bearers and teachers, we must stand up and educate our community about HIV, starting with our family and loved ones. HIV/AIDS isn't removed; it's not just in Africa or another far away country; it's here in our very community and it's important to not be complacent and to not forget. Educate, educate, educate ! stresses Cristina. Cristina says this about her futureI see myself continuing a career in the non-profit and public policy sector---concentrating on HIV/AIDS, Health and Youth issues. I will always be an HIV/AIDS activist. I also see myself married to Chris and starting a family, having kids and being a mom. I also see myself enjoying my family and friends and just living life. Traveling would also be a plus. Again, despite being born into so much tragedy, I've had a very wonderful life and for all the struggle, I love every bit of it. Life throws us curve balls and we just have to find peace with the time we are given.

When your Light seems to be burnt out! I want to share with you that there are times when you dont feel like getting up and going and if you allow that feeling to control you, you will find yourself being controlled but an emotion that can destroy you. You deserve so much more. Ask yourself these few questions: Are you surrounding yourself with people with low energy and not very positive? Are you allowing others to steal your dreams? Are you getting out and meeting new people? Are you doing what you are passionate about or what you were taught to do? Here is what I know, when I changed things and people in my life, my life started to shine and become brighter. If I was around negative people, I quickly disassociate with them. I still love them, but I had to let go of negative and dream stealers. I started to join groups that I found in www.meetup.com and in your area there are many groups you can join and find yourself surrounded with likeminded people. Everything from crafts to social to business related. It is wonderful. Join today, it is free and you will wow yourself. Do yourself a huge favor and step out of your comfort zone and into a world that can bring you happiness and prosperity. Whether you are happy with your career or not, this is truly away to meet new people and mastermind with them. You never know who you are going to meet, but if you keep doing the same the things day in and day out and expect change it is never going to happen. You can always go to my site and enjoy laughter and great blogs. www.lyn-dee.com I can tell you one thing, it is up to you to become everything and more. You cannot allow anyone to steal a moment of your happiness and as soon as you turn things around in your life, the sooner you will be free of sadness and frustration and you will have brighter days and more peaceful nights. Take the day today and start over, it is yours to own and enjoy! {{hugs}} Woobie

YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON CHANGE CHANGE So many of us fear the word it means things changing, evolving, moving, action. It can mean unsettlement, different NOT THE SAME! Its time we learn to embrace not only the word CHANGE but the ACTION behind the word change. Leo Tolstoy once said, Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. To resist change is to fear the unknown. We must realize that things are always in transition always changing, if we can only see that. Change is difficult; no one has said to change is easy but we must accept the path ahead of us, accept that it may be difficult and then dive into the change. I ask myself, why do we fear change? Some people rather stay in situations, in relationships, in jobs that do not serve them, then to change the situation or job so I come to the question I asked before why do we fear change? At times, pain accompanies change to change means we must take action and actually do something about it. The fear comes from the action and the reaction of a circumstance. We would rather stay in an unhealthy situation or job then to actually do something about it and make the changes. Change can also be positive but we must have the insight to see it that way. So I give you a challenge; I want you to ask yourself what is it that you would like to change in your life? Once you know that, then take the necessary steps to go in that direction of change. I realized that we cannot change anyone else but ourselves. We are so quick in wanting to change others. In the book, Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz he states, when we want a dog, we out and buy a dog but then when we bring the dog home, we want the dog to behave like a cat. Thats what we do with people. We must accept our relationships for what they are. We must be willing to change in order for change to happen. Lets not waste our time to try and change others when there is so much work to do within us! The only person you can change in life is YOURSELF! I saw an inspirational poster and it said, In the winds of change, you will find your true direction. Remember, may the possibilities of today excite us all!

Holiday Stress It usually starts around late October. Subtle holiday hints in stores and on television let us know its time to start preparing for the busiest time of the year. During the holidays, we can push ourselves past our limits, working so hard to make everything perfect that we hardly get to enjoy time spent with family and friends. With shopping, decorating and planning family gatherings, the time between Halloween and the years end is a whirlwind of activities that can leave us physically and emotionally drained. Although holiday stress can affect anyone, women experience higher levels of anxiety than men, as we are more likely to over-extend ourselves and less likely to take time to regroup. As the holiday season approaches, women can experience depression, fatigue, disturbances in sleep and appetite, as well as excessive worrying, headaches and muscle pain. To make matters worse, we often use unhealthy behaviors to manage that stress such as overspending, excessive eating and drinking, smoking and more. The combination of unhealthy habits and holiday stress can make the most wonderful time of the year feel like the most dreadful. Its understandable that we have high expectations for the Christmas season, but the question is how do we put together a memorable and enjoyable holiday experience without driving ourselves to the brink of insanity? One of the most common causes of holiday stress among women is money. 61% of women list lack of money and the pressures of gift giving as the top causes of holiday stress. We all want to make the holidays enjoyable, especially those of us with young children, but we have to ask ourselves what is gained from overspending on holiday gifts. Accumulating debt during the holidays has effects that can linger well into the New Year, especially when items are purchased with credit cards. To avoid this issue, make a budget for holiday spending and stick with it. Avoid impulse buying, and shop around for the best prices. Most importantly, dont equate love with the cost and quantity of gifts and make sure that your children understand what the holiday season is truly about. In addition to overspending, many women are guilty of trying to do everything themselves and working to live up to standards set by others. Regardless of what our mothers did, its okay to ask others for help and simplify any traditions that may be overly stressful. Involving the family in the preparations will take some of the burden off of you, and also allow them to make a contribution to the festivities. It also helps to manage time wisely by prioritizing family activities. If you are usually bogged down with baking, arts and crafts, caroling and sending hand written cards, pick a few of your favorites and skip the rest. This will allow you to leave some time unplanned to be present with family and friends, and gives everyone the break they need. The good thing about holiday stress is that it is predictable. We know when it will begin, and when it will end, so we can be proactive in trying to reduce stress before it becomes overwhelming. If all of your Christmas memories involve you running a marathon from October to January, make this the year you actually get to enjoy the season, by cutting out unnecessary activities and focusing on the gift of family and friends.

Courtney Franklin www.movingyoungladiesforward.com

Dear Joan and PonchoIf I arrive at a friend's home dressed well, and they haven't trained their dog to keep from jumping, what should I say to keep the peace, while keeping my clothes in one piece as well? Cheers! Lisa, Dear Lisa, Allow me and Poncho to commend you on taking such a proactive approach to helping your friends dog develop good canine manners, including helping them train their dog to not jump on guests! As a certified professional dog trainer I appreciate when folks like yourself take the initiative to help pet dogs learn proper social skills. Poncho and I both agree that your question What should I say? is a great way to begin the training process: youre opening your friends eyes to their dogs behavior, while enlisting them in taking part of the decision making Although using your voice is ideal, we recommend you also use non-verbal communication to help teach your friends dog to greet politely. In other words, allow your body language to do the talking for you. This way, if you prefer not to confront your friends (humans can be touchy about these things), or you dont have time to discuss it, or the situation doesnt allow for it, youll still be able to teach your friends dog how to greet politely. We know, its kind of passive, but its simple, effective, and fun! Plus, your friend will probably want to have you over more often! Whether your friend requests something specific or not, you can still use the following steps as your backup plan to help their dog greet you politely: Reward what you want: Reward the dog only if he or she is sitting, lying down, or at the very least has four paws on the floor when greeting you! The owner gives petting, praise, and food treats for sitting/lying down, etc. Then the final reward is you saying hello! Either a scratch under the chin, a food treat, or a Good dog! from afar. Ignore unwanted behavior: If the dog gets up and begins to launch him or herself to greet you, then you retreat (or turn away) and ignore this inconsequential behavior! Practice! Either actively set up sessions with your friends and their dog when youre wearing your casual clothes, or passively set up practice sessions by arranging to stop by and say *hi*. Providing some situational awareness to your friends, along with a little practice should help set everyone up for success! As the saying goes, It takes a village. On behalf of myself and Poncho, we thank you for being part of our village and taking the time to help dogs become better accustomed to our human environment. Dear Inquisitive Canine is written by Joan Mayer and her trusty sidekick Poncho. Joan is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer founder of the Inquisitive Canine and developer of the Out of the Box Dog Training Game where her love-of-dog training approach highlights the importance of understanding canine behavior. If you or your dog have questions about behavior, training or life with each other, please email them directly.

Dangling Over the Precipice of 40 Although Im not quite sure how it happened, I turned 39 this year. This came as a huge shock as I remember my 20s so vividly- as if they were yesterday. It seems to me that once you hit 20, the process of ageing accelerates exponentially until youve barely gotten used to the decade youre currently in and no sooner-whoosh! - It disappears in a flash of lightening and youre propelled (or catapulted as it often feels) into the next decade kicking and screaming all the way. Even with all of the blessings that have come in my 30s (i.e., material comfort, wisdom, grounding, and a great marriage), I am completely bewildered at how I could possibly be turning 40 on my next birthday and dont exactly relish the thought. Ideally, Id love to be able to magically mix my 20s looks with my 30s wisdom and stability and stay 30 forever, but as we all know, this is an impossibility (maybe not for long due to how advanced science is these days...) So I guess my only choice is to proverbially like it or lump it...I choose liking it-okay, maybe I dont exactly LIKE it, but I am choosing to feel positive, excited, and empowered about growing older. I guess it beats the alternative- being fearful, resentful, and living in regret or staying stuck by denying the entire ageing process altogether. I definitely dont want to become one of those women who do anything and everything in her power to stay youthful looking as long as is humanly possible. I definitely dont find that empowering. The fact is, we are all going to get older (thats if we live long enough and are lucky enough), so we might as well have a positive attitude about it. To end, Ill leave you with a list of some things I hope to enjoy in my 40s- the next decade life will soon hand me: Continuing the amazingly rewarding and successful career I have and trying some new things like doing more video/television work, seeing more and more clients via Skype and telephone, speaking at conferences and doing more tours with my books. Enjoying more of the good life with my darling hubby- taking fun trips, more dance lessons, more barbeques on our back deck, and enjoying our dear friends.Richer and more satisfying friendships with other women- I have started to build these in my 30s and look forward to nurturing and enriching these amazing bonds with my peers. More time with my family- travelling to exotic places together and enjoying family vacations/family time. Letting go of painful things, which happened in my past in other words-more therapy! Enjoying my hardearned wisdom and passing it onto future generations of girls and women. Accepting my looks and body, as they are no matter what age I am.Enjoying more hobbies I love but dont spend enough time doing like reading, knitting, mosaic-making, dancing, and doing hot yoga. Doing more writing and publishing. Esther Kane, MSW, Registered Clinical Counsellor, is the author of the book and audio program, Its Not About the Food: A Womans Guide To Making Peace with Food and Our Bodies (www.endyoureatingdisorder.com) and Dump That Chump(www.dumpthatchump.com), and What Your Mama Cant or Wont Teach You(www.guidebooktowomanhood.com). Sign up for her free monthly e-zine, Womens Community Counsellor, to uplift and inspire women at: http://www.estherkane.com.

Holidays With Your In-laws Some people look forward to spending the holidays with family, while others would rather be run over by a reindeer. Some folks anticipate a time of love and joy-- while others can't wait for this season of guilt and manipulation to be over. It's true that some in-laws are stereotyped unfairly, but others really are difficult to be around. Some mothers-in-law gossip about us, pry into our personal lives, and manipulate us with guilt. Some fathers-in-law criticize us, offer unwanted advice, and meddle with the way we raise our kids. Spending time with our spouse's family is part of the marriage commitment, so we might as well learn to make the best of it. Here are five ways to improve visits with your in-laws: 1. Get out of victim mode. You are an adult on equal standing with your in-laws, so don't behave as though you are a child on an inferior level to them. Their needs and opinions do not outrank yours. Be confident and assertive (but not antagonistic, hateful or vengeful). 2. Unite as husband and wife to deal with difficult in-laws. Make decisions based on your needs as a couple, and then communicate and draw (reasonable) boundaries with Hubby's folks as needed. If your partner struggles with making you a priority over his parents, then educate yourself on how to gain his loyalty. 3. Learn how to minimize destructive gossip. Avoid criticizing your husband's parents in his presence because that will trigger his instinct to defend them. When necessary, vent your frustration to a counselor or support group instead of your family or friends. Apologize to your in-laws for gossiping about them, tell them you intend to stop doing so, and ask them to show you the same respect. Ask your spouse to refuse to listen if his folks start to talk behind your back. 4. Be prepared to handle difficult situations with your in-laws. Memorize some key phrases to use when they ask intrusive questions, interfere with the way you raise your kids, offer unwanted advice, manipulate you with guilt, etc. "That's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."Let's talk about something else instead. "You're entitled to your opinion, but I've made my decision." "I know you're just trying to help, but this isn't your decision." 5. Learn to let your in-laws be upset. When you start behaving as a confident adult, they may act offended, cry, throw a tantrum, gossip about you, accuse you of being disrespectful, etc. They might test you to see how serious you are about setting boundaries (just like a toddler would), so it's very important that you stand your ground (in a respectful manner) instead of arguing, apologizing, or giving excuses for your behavior. When you start to behave in a new way, your in-laws will begin to treat you differently. And who knows? Someday you may actually look forward to the holiday season. Jenna D. Barry is the author of "A Wife's Guide to In-laws: How to Gain Your Husband's Loyalty Without Killing His Parents." To join her support group or find a counselor, please visit www.WifeGuide.org.

How Can I Miss You, When You Wont Go Away? Sometimes as a parent, I feel like Im in a dysfunctional romance with a crazy person. I might be the center of the universe, but before I know it; Ive been relegated to the bottom of the heap. In the center of the universe moments, Im the only person that can make my child happy. I receive tearful messages on my cell phone. Where are you? she cries. When will you be home? The fact that I just left the house 5 minutes before to run to the local grocery store is lost on her she wants me NOW. I have at times reacted to her emotions by moving faster in order to hurry home - after all, she needs me! I am the center of the universe! I am SUPER MOMMY! I run through the grocery store, grabbing bananas on the fly, throwing milk in the basket and balancing eggs under one arm as I leap over the meat counter to cut and wrap my own chicken. Within minutes, Ive zipped through the checkout, thrown the bags in the car, driven 90 miles an hour in a 35 mile hour zone to screech into the driveway, expecting her to be waiting for me outside with arms outstretched. Instead as I walk in the house, I find her happily reading a story to the cat and indifferent to my appearance. What the heck??! And its not just the little ones. Spend a week or so with a teenager and you might see a similar pattern. The same child that is begging you to sit down and watch their favorite u-tube videos or play a game on the X-Box, could drop you so fast your head will spin the next time you go to the mall or end up on the High School campus together. Again, what the heck??! I have a few theories and none of them are proven, but here goes: 1. Kids experience in the now. It is what it is.. they are not concerned with whether their behavior makes sense. The concept of whether feelings make sense, is in the world of adults and frankly, Im not sure its all that useful but thats another article. 2. Kids really adore us and need us. And then kids really dont need us and then they do. Its all true. Nothing negates anything else. Its a roller coaster ride. Enjoy. 3. We can help matters by keeping a balance. We dont need to rush through the grocery store to sooth a crying child and we dont need to feel hurt if our child doesnt want us around. We can be the holder of the BIG truth as they navigate their childhood, as opposed to the moment by moment truth. The BIG truth is that we love them completely and they love us. The gift we give is to exhibit the love we have for them during those moments when we might find ourselves thinking; what the heck?!! Riding the coaster, Jamee Tenzer


How Can I Get My Boyfriend to Want Me Again - 3 Things That Work Like a Charm It's not an easy thing to try and get inside the mind of a man, and if that man happens to be the guy that you want to get back in your life, it can really get frustrating. Guys just don't think about things the way that you do, and so, it's almost impossible to make that connection that will bring him back into your life and make him want you again. Almost impossible. See, there are some things that will work like a charm to help you get your boyfriend back and it does not have to be so frustrating for you. Here are three things that work like a charm to get him back and make him want you again: You have to become scarce in his life so that he will value you a little more. It's natural for him to kind of take you for granted if you are always around him and he knows that you will always be there when he wants you to be. When you become scarce in his life, it kind of forces him to value the time that he spends with you and this can help to build back those feelings of love and desire that he needs to feel so that he will want to have you back in his life. Let him see that out of all the women out there, you are the one that he can trust. Most guys will not take it for granted when they have a woman they can trust in their life. After all, that is a rare quality to find in another person. If you let him see that you can be that woman in his life that he can trust, it will be hard for him to just forget about you and take you for granted. Just don't be too invasive with trying to show him that he can trust you, let him come to you and show him through your actions that you are that woman. Get him back by being aloof and play hard to get.You might think that you really cannot play hard to get with him if he is pulling away from you, but you can. All you have to do is flirt with him a little to get him thinking about you in that way again and then play hard to get. Be aloof and mysterious and drive him wild with curiosity and he will start to come back around and want you. About the Author If you are struggling with trying to win back your ex boyfriend, then you need to really know what works and what does not. You can find the solution and win him back by http://singlegirlsdatingtips.com/articles/how-to-get-your-boyfriend-back Copyright (c) 2010 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

Safe Driving Tips for Teens One of the most nerve-wracking moments of any parent's life is the first time you turn the car keys over to your newly licensed teen. Whether we are too aware of the dangers of driving, or remember our own mistakes as a teen driver, it's almost impossible to feel completely comfortable watching our teen drive away. While we can't protect them completely, in addition to teaching them driving laws, there are a few rules parents can put in place to help teenage drivers stay safe. Driving at Night can be a hazardous driving time: visibility is diminished, and more drunk drivers are behind the wheel. If your state does not restrict night driving for teens, set your own driving curfew. It may mean more inconvenience for you to resume chauffeur duties, but it is an effective step in allowing your teen to gain more driving experience in the daytime before placing them in more challenging driving conditions. Distracted Driving is a major cause of many accidents. First thing a parent can do to reduce this hazard is to forbid their teen's use of a cell phone while driving. Though it is a hard rule to enforce, the first step is talking. Share your concerns and facts about accidents involving cell phone use. Also, establish consequences: cell phone use while driving means loss of both driving and cell phone privileges. Also, teens are easily distracted when their friends are in the car. Not only is it harder to hear and see other cars around them, but it's harder to pay attention to the road. Some states actually limit new teen drivers to a set number of passengers. However, a parent can also restrict the number of passengers in their teen's vehicle. Doing so not only decreases distractions, but also decreases your liability in the case of an accident. Another concern is car breakdowns and flat tires. Not only must a parent worry about a teen being stranded, but they are likely aware that many people are struck by vehicles while stalled or attempting to change a tire on a busy roadway. First, make sure your teen has a cell phone for emergencies. For flat tires, remind your teen that no tire rim is worth more than their lives, so they should drive slowly to a safe location like a gas station, rather than pull to the side of the roadway. With car failure, try to drive to a safe location. But if they cannot, pull safely to the right side of the roadway and off the road if possible. Turn on their hazards, but do not stand next to or near the vehicle. If they can reach a safe location nearby without walking on major roadways, go there and call for help. If they cannot, do not exit the vehicle, but call for safety using a cell phone. Your teen also needs to protect their safety with other teen drivers. Know whose car your teen may get into, that teens history, and their parents driving rules. Also, even sober teens have been injured or killed because they got into an impaired friends car. Make a pact with your teen that they can always call you if they do not feel safe, no questions asked. It is more important in this case that your teen make it home safely than giving them the third degree. If your teen is involved in an accident while riding in someone else's vehicle, contact www.millonpeskin.com Chicago personal injury lawyer</a> who can provide you with assistance. Brooke Haley marketing associate at Millon & Peskin, Chicago workers compensation lawyer that practice in the areas of Civil Litigation, Workers' Compensation, and Personal Injury. Millon & Peskin is a General Civil Litigation Practice with the goal of representing the interests of injured workers, throughout all applicable Courts within the State of Illinois.

Omega 3 - How Will It Benefit You? Thinking about adding Omega 3 to your daily diet? There is no doubt about Omega 3 offering benefits to a lot of people, we will get into more about that later. The essential fatty acids in Omega 3 have long been known for their many health benefits. Many clinical studies have proven that the biggest benefits come from DHA and EPA, these fatty acids are only found in fish oils, although you would still get some health benefits when taking Omega 3 from plant sources, it is recommended that you include Omega 3 from fish oils, either from eating fatty fish at least 3 times per week, or buying an Omega 3 supplement. Of the two essential fatty acids mentioned above, DHA offer the most benefits, most supplements however, contain much more EPA than DHA, so when shopping for a supplement, be sure to choose one with as much DHA as possible. Another thing you should be aware of when looking for an Omega 3 supplement is toxins (PCB's), ask the manufacturer about the levels of PCB's and heavy metals in their product, also ask if they can supply you with test data on the purity of their product. Now, let's take a look at the benefits of including Omega 3 in your daily diet, these have all been proven in clinical studies. Fish oils, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) have been shown to significantly reduce deaths from heart disease. Clinical studies have shown improvement for people who suffer from depression. Lower aggression in teenagers. Improved memory Lowered risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. When taken by mothers during pregnancy, it may help protect babies from allergies. Improves the body's immune system. If you have, or are in danger of developing type II diabetes, research has shown Omega 3 helps regulate blood sugar levels, and decrease insulin resistance.

Want To Read Individually For Omega 3? Visit /www.dietbuzzer.com/blog/hcg-indeed-help-you-lose-weight.html About the Author Melisa Nathan

New Warning Labels For Cigarettes From corpses to cancerous lesions to a man smoking a discount cigarette while sporting a tracheotomy tube, 36 proposed new warning labels for cigarettes are eye-catching but may not be life-altering - say psychology and anti-tobacco advocacy experts and longtime smokers. The federal Food and Drug Administration has proposed the first major change to labels in 25 years, with the warnings expected to shift from a line or two of text to graphic photos and drawings depicting the health risks of smoking. The new warnings, which will be narrowed to nine different images and should be in place next October, would also be required to take up at least 50 percent of a pack of cigarettes. "These types of messages fear - do work, but only under certain conditions," said Mark Sibicky, professor of psychology at Marietta College. "These graphic pictures are not going to be very effective for adult smokers. It may help for some, but the majority of long-term smokers are not going to be impacted." Bobbie Raper, 43, of Marietta, said she's one of those likely to continue smoking when the labels change, although that doesn't mean she's not bothered by the images.After seeing them on the news recently, she was left angry and questioning whether such warnings were needed for a product already commonly referred to as "cancer sticks." "I know the risks, I think all smokers know the risks," she said. "It's a choice we have a right to make, and I don't want to have to look at photos of a diseased lung or a graveyard sitting on my coffee table." Sibicky said for the messages to work, the smokers would have to believe they can stop smoking and have knowledge about how to quit. Otherwise, fear is ineffective, he said. "Smoking changes brain chemistry, and it is very difficult to stop," he said. Stephanie Davis, director of the Washington County Tobacco Prevention Project, which is taking part in the Great American Smokeout program today in Marietta and Belpre, said she agrees that new warning labels may only persuade a small percentage of smokers to stop. About 20.6 percent of American adults smoke, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "They're already aware of the dangers," Davis said. "But it may persuade younger people from starting, so I think it could be valuable there.The larger, more graphic labels may be new to the U.S., but other countries have had them in place for a decade or longer. In Canada, which had the first government-required graphic health warnings now adopted by 39 other nations, cigarette packs show yellow teeth, children inhaling secondhand smoke and even a cigarette drooping over next to the slogan "Tobacco Use Can Make You Impotent." "Most people think they might get lung cancer, but it affects your brain, your vision, your hearing, your bladder, so many things," Davis added. Warnings on cigarettes sold in America began in 1966, with the vague words "Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health." Over the years, the text has grown longer but remains informational in nature and in the same color as the rest of the writing on the packages. More modern-day warnings read "Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema and May Complicate Pregnancy" or similar versions of that information. On the new U.S. labels, Davis said she hopes to see a more detailed list of ingredients. With tobacco there are more than 4,000 ingredients, and they're only required to list nicotine and carbon monoxide," she said. "The FDA has never regulated anything tobacco-related while they regulate everything else from water to bubble gum. I think we've been slow to do this because of all the tax money associated with tobacco sales." Under a new law that allows the FDA stronger regulations in the industry but stops it from being able to ban products outright, tobacco manufacturers will have to provide their formulas to the agency for the first time so all ingredients are known. Most will be kept confidential under trade-secret laws, but a list of potentially harmful ingredients will be published in June. Marketing Manager World Technology Network 2013 H Street, NY, 10001, USA Cigs4girls.com is a Discount Cigarettes News with a vast source of information and articles related to smokers world.

Elizabeth Smart And Her Psychological Journey News are everywhere about Elizabeth Smart and her ordeal eight years ago when she was abducted from her Salt Lake City, Utah, bedroom. She was only 14 years old then on June 5, 2002. The Elizabeth Smart kidnapping was a tough one. After nine long months of searching, she was found on March 12, 2003, in Sandy, Utah, about 18 miles from her home, in the company of Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Ileen Barzee, who were indicted for her kidnapping. They were initially ruled unfit to stand trial. Her abduction and abuse by the couple and recovery were widely reported and were the subject of a made-fortelevision movie and a published book. The question now is, how can a 14-year-old girl kidnapped from her home and abused for 9 months be who she is today? We are sure she went through an ordeal no ordinary child can handle. Her experience was definitely a horrific part of her life. The Chief Psychologist at the Children's Center in Salt Lake City said, "Our thinking begins to change. We don't think rationally." There are constant and real death threats on Elizabeth and her family that somehow forced her into a sort of survival mode. People are wondering why she didn't scream for help when she heard searchers call her name. If we were in her position too, I guess that would be impossible if she is being threathened like that. Someone was in control of her life then. And unfortunately, it wasn't her.It was Elizabeth's strong belief and conviction about her parents love for her made her survive her ordeal. She knew they wouldn't give up on her. They would keep looking for her come what may. At first, she hesitated to share her true identity, but came forward eventually with the truth. After 8 years, she seems to show no signs of unresolved trauma.Elizabeth went to college after, is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is considered to be healthy young teenager.God bless Elizabeth and her family as they continue their fight. Their story is truly an inspiration to everyone. About the Author Kristine Pierce manages a customized wordpress web design company and several niche websites. Her team is proud of their quality yet very affordable rates. We understand your end, and we wish to extend our help and support making your business a success through affordable website packages. We are also open to your budget needs, so please feel free to let us know your budget constraints so we can customize a package for you. http://kristinesendy.info

Recycle More Than Just Trash When you think of recycling, what is the first thing that pops into your head? Garbage, right? Things that you would normally send to the landfill, but you chose to recycle instead. Items like aluminum, newspapers, glass bottles, etc. Have you ever given thought to recycling everyday items such as toys, clothing, and working appliances? In today's tough economy, more and more people have to get by on smaller paychecks than they did a few years ago. Unemployment is soaring and we are all trying to tighten our belts and make things last longer. Since so many people are struggling, it just makes sense to do what we can to help out. Even if you can't do a lot, you can do something. One of the things you can do is to donate your useable goods to a thrift store or food pantry. How many of us have closets full of clothes that are hardly worn, yet we don't ever put them on? Wouldn't those clothes be better off being worn by someone who truly needs clothing? What about all the toys your children have, do they really play with everything or could they give a few to charity to bring joy to another child? The perfectly good television that you just replaced with a flat screen could bring hours of entertainment to a family who doesn't have a TV. When you think about it, most of us have more than we need and plenty to share. We have lived lives of abundance for many years and now our homes are overflowing with all the wonderful things we have accumulated. But do we really need it all? There is something to be said about simplifying our lives and recycling the excess we collect. Freeing our homes from the clutter of extra stuff can give you a sense of freedom. Giving that excess to someone who is in need will give you a sense of charity. Teaching your family about sharing what they have with those less fortunate will give them a sense of compassion. Recycling doesn't have to just mean bottles and cans. In addition, recycling doesn't just save the planet. When we recycle the extra stuff we have to help someone in need, the recycling helps us show love and concern for another. In turn, this type of recycling saves us from a life of selfishness. About the Author Cathy loves spending time with her family playing games and doing service projects. She also enjoys making a cup of cocoa with her www.hotcocoamaker.com/keurig Keurig hot drink machine on a cool, fall evening. Of course Cathy makes the best hot cocoa using her hot cocoa maker for the perfect cup of cocoa every time

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