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Dear Friend: In November 2012 a measure will appear on Minnesotas ballot to place the traditional and biblical definition

of marriage one man and one woman into our state constitution. As you no doubt know, Minnesota Family Council has been working for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since 2004 and your prayers and financial support helped make it happen. Now we have to get the amendment passed. To help make this happen we have become part of a broad coalition of leaders who are assembling the campaign to ensure this amendment passes, and I am writing to ask you to join our coalition as a volunteer. The coalition is called Minnesota for Marriage and includes Minnesota Family Council, Minnesota Catholic Conference, and National Organization for Marriage to name a few. This proposed constitutional amendment is necessary because opponents of traditional marriage have consistently threatened to use both the Legislature and the Courts to redefine marriage in our state to allow for same-sex marriage. By placing the traditional definition of marriage in the Constitution, we can ensure that it will always be Minnesota voters, and not politicians or unaccountable judges, who will have the final say on marriage in Minnesota. We dont want our state to be like Iowa or Massachusetts where activist judges imposed their own views on the people of their states, or New York where legislators redefined marriage without a vote of the people. Even though this campaign promises to be a great struggle, we are very confident of victory if we receive your help and that of thousands of other Minnesotans who believe in Gods design for marriage. With your support, we will help the voters of our state see the timeless institution of one man-one woman marriage as the foundation on which our society is built and the best environment for producing and raising children. While death and divorce too often prevent it, children do best when raised by their mother and father in a low-conflict marriage. We want to give every child in Minnesota the best opportunity for success. Whatever one may think of so-called same-sex marriage, every gay marriage intentionally deprives a child of either a mother or a father. For our campaign to be successful, however, we need people of faith to rise up, speak, and participate in the campaign. We know that those who want to redefine marriage to their own purposes will benefit from millions of dollars in support from wealthy donors in Hollywood, New York, and other centers of popular culture. They will not lack for resources. We must counter that with the power of our people, who will volunteer their time, speak the truth, and contribute of their resources to help our campaign. Our campaign plan relies on recruiting and deploying thousands of volunteers throughout the state of Minnesota. We will be conducting a massive voter education effort speaking one-on-one with every Minnesota resident about the amendment and why it is necessary to preserve traditional marriage in our state and prevent activist judges or legislators from ever redefining it without the support of voters.

Will you be one of the thousands of volunteers that serve as the backbone of our campaign? Please click this link to sign up as a volunteer. Our campaign will be in contact to explain how you can assist us. In the coming weeks and months, we will be mounting a Voter Identification effort, conduct precinct canvassing, telephone voters, distribute materials, attend rallies and events, and take other actions to preserve marriage in Minnesota. We are counting on you to be one of the thousands of volunteers who will make the difference in this campaign. CLICK HERE to volunteer. The media is overwhelmingly against the amendment and they slant news coverage to make it seem as if we are going to lose. However, traditional marriage has been on the ballot in 31 states, and in every single state, voters have risen up to support traditional marriage even in deep blue states like California and Maine! The polling in Minnesota shows that we enjoy stronger support here than in many other states that have passed marriage amendments, and we are confident that Minnesota voters will pass the proposed amendment next year. By signing up as a supporter at Minnesota for Marriage you will be kept informed of campaign developments and get the straight scoop about the campaign. Well share important research, news stories and keep you informed about what people are doing across the state to pass the marriage amendment. We know that when people of faith who support marriage stand together and participate in the kind of grassroots activities we have outlined, our campaign for traditional marriage will succeed. You wont read about it in the newspaper, but voters have stood in favor of traditional marriage in 31 out of 31 state election battles. We are confident that voters in Minnesota will stand up to preserve marriage in our state. The key to securing victory in our campaign is recruiting thousands of volunteers throughout the state. Wont you please join us? CLICK HERE to volunteer. Our opponents will raise millions and will have the support of the media, Hollywood and many of the political elite. But they will be no match for our thousands of volunteers who are working with us behind the scenes to spread the word about why we need to preserve marriage and enact the amendment to prevent activist judges and legislators from redefining marriage in the future with no vote of the people. Passing the marriage amendment is the ONLY way to ensure that voters, and not judges of politicians, determine the definition of marriage in our state. God is the author of marriage, and our campaign will fight to preserve His vision of marriage as the union of one man and one woman for the benefit of families, children and all of society, and for His glory. Please join me in becoming a supporter of the marriage amendment today! CLICK HERE to volunteer. Faithfully yours, John Helmberger Chief Executive Officer

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