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Este trabalho foi-me proposto pela formadora Teresa Nunes, no mbito da disciplina de Ingls. O tema do trabalho foi escolhido pelo aluno de acordo com uma lista de temas possveis fornecidos pela professora. Com a realizao deste mesmo pretendo mostrar a importncia de consciencializar os jovens para os aspectos negativos que os vcios lhes podem provocar a nvel de sade. Como tal, resolvi escolher o tema vcios e sade dos jovens, uma vez que so cada vez mais os jovens que na adolescncia tm tendncia para iniciar o consumo de substncias que trazem problemas para a sade. O trabalho est dividido em duas partes: a parte oral atravs da apresentao de power point e outros e a parte escrita em formato de papel.

What are the risks of excessive drinking? Many teenagers dont think about the negative side of drinking. Although they think about the possibility of getting drunk, they may not give much consideration to being hungover or throwing up. You may know from experience that excessive drinking can lead to difficulty in concentrating, memory lapses, mood changes, palpitations, high blood pressure and other problems that affect your day-to-day life. But excessive drinking carries many more serious consequences, such as: haemorrhage; cirrhosis; infertility; mouth cancer; throat cancer. Irresponsible use of alcohol can lead to: Drinking too much on a single occasion. Drink driving Unsafe sex Impaired brain development Injury or death. Common effects of excessive drinking episodes include: Hangovers Headaches Nausea and vomiting Shakiness.

Why do people excessive drinking? Off-licences, wine stores, bars, and alcoholic beverage companies make drinking seem attractive and fun. Its easy for a high school student to get caught up in a social scene with lots of peer pressure. Inevitably, one of the biggest areas of peer pressure is drinking.

Other reasons why people drink include the following:


Theyre curious- they want to know what its like to drink alcohol. They believe that it will make them feel good, not realizing it could just as easily make them sick and hungover.

They may look at alcohol as way to reduce stress, even though it can end up creating more stress.

They want to feel older

A few thrills at what cost? For a teen, life is all about developing an individual identity, finding, a place among peers, establishing loyal friendships, and or feeling the excitement of trying new things. But when that exuberant spirit of adolescence gets damaged by alcohol and drugs, something quite different is waiting around the corner. Drugs are inviting substances. All drugs- nicotine, alcohol, inhalants, prescription drugs, and illegal substances- offer an enticement to the teenage user. Some offer euphoria, relaxation, stimulation, or a rush. Other seem to offer a sense of belonging or sophistication, popularity, or a novel experience. Although drugs may even deliver on that promise for a time, eventually adolescents who abuse drugs find themselves experiencing the other side of drug use. Alcohol is tolerated as a socially acceptable drug, yet it is responsible for most drugrelated deaths in the teenage population. Alcohol is also associated with a variety of serious health risks. Its difficult to prevent teenagers from experimenting with alcohol, but parents can encourage sensible drinking habits. Despite education programs and media blitzes, teenagers still hold many

misconceptions about addiction to drugs and alcohol. For example, most teens know that smoking causes cancer- someday. But most do not know that up to half of teens who just try cigarettes end up smoking regularly and ultimately become addicted to nicotine. They are unaware that practically all teen and adult addicts began habitual drug use with cigarettes, or that heavy marijuana smokers risk cancer, too, and maybe sooner than tobacco smokers.

Com a realizao deste trabalho percebi a importncia que os pais como elemento presente na vida familiar em termos de educao, tm em relao aos comportamentos e hbitos dos seus filhos adolescentes. Isto fez-me reflectir seriamente nos valores que se tm perdido ao longo de geraes, muito provocado pela evoluo dos tempos que correm rapidamente. Cada vez mais se vm adolescentes a iniciar uma vida nocturna, frequentando locais nocturnos abertos at s tantas da madrugada, em que consomem bebidas alcolicas e estupefacientes. Esta uma realidade que muitas das vezes afectada por acidentes de viao, pois estes so a maior causa de morte de jovens. Cada vez mais se torna imperativo que os jovens adquiram conscincia de que no so as bebidas alcolicas ou os estupefacientes que lhes do liberdade, porque essa liberdade no passa de uma simples sensao to momentnea quanto passageira. A nica realidade so o desconforto da ressaca, a dor provocada pela ansiedade da necessidade de satisfazer o vcio que se gera e ganha vida prpria.

What are the ri

of excessi e dri

Many t nagers dont t ink about t e negati e side of drinking. Alt ough they think about the possibility of getting drunk, they may not gi e much consideration to being hungover or throwing up. You may know from experience that excessive drinking can lead to difficulty in concentrating, memory lapses, mood changes, palpitations, high blood pressure and other problems that affect your day-to-day life. But excessive drinking carries many more serious

consequences, such as: haemorrhage; cirrhosis; infertility; mouth cancer; throat cancer.

Irresponsi le use of alcohol can lead to:

Drinking too occasion. Drink driving Unsafe sex Impaired brain development Injury or death. much on a single

Common effects of excessi e drinking episodes include:

Hangovers Headaches Nausea and vomiting Shakiness.

Why do people excessi e drinking?

Off-licences, wine stores, bars, and alcoholic beverage companies make drinking seem attractive and fun. Its easy for a high school student to get caught up in a social scene with lots of peer pressure. Inevitably, one of the biggest areas of peer pressure is drinking.

Other reasons why people drink include the following: Theyre curious- they want to know what its like to drink alcohol. They believe that it will make them feel good, not reali ing it could just as easily make them sick and hungover. They may look at alcohol as way to reduce stress, even though it can end up creating more stress. They want to feel older

A few thrills at what cost?

For a teen, life is all about developing an individual identity, finding, a place among peers, establishing loyal friendships, and or feeling the excitement of trying new things. But when that exuberant spirit of adolescence gets damaged by alcohol and drugs, something quite different is waiting around the corner. Drugs are inviting substances. All drugsnicotine, alcohol, inhalants, prescription drugs, and illegal substances- offer an enticement to the teenage user. Some offer relaxation, stimulation, or a rush. Other seem to offer a sense of belonging or sophistication, popularity, or a novel euphoria,

experience. Although drugs may even delive r on that promise for a time, eventually adolescents who abuse drugs find themselves experiencing the other side of drug use.

Alcohol is tolerated as a socially acceptable drug, yet it is responsible for most drug-related deaths in the teenage population. Alcohol is also associated with a variety of serious health risks. Its difficult to prevent teenagers from experimenting with alcohol, but parents can encourage sensible drinking habits. Despite education programs and media blit es, teenagers still hold many misconceptions about addiction to drugs and alcohol. For example, most teens know that smoking causes cancersomeday. But most do not know that up to half of teens who just try cigarettes end up smoking regularly and ultimately become addicted to nicotine. They are unaware that practically all teen and adult addicts began habitual drug use with cigarettes, or that heavy marijuana smokers risk cancer, too, and maybe sooner than tobacco smokers.


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