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ALL THIS ANDand other fine fil-rns and events corningTOtoTHE ALAMO! MORE, COMING soon the Alamo!

Look for these

0n FRIDAYS ond SATURDAYS, lhe AIAMO DRAFTH0USE CINEMA will help poy for your porking!
Presenl this slub lo your woiler lor o discounl ol 52.50 oll your lood purrhoses. (Good some doy only)



I.AVACA Pl.AzA GAMGT THIS CONTMCT I.IMITS OUR UABII.ITY - READ IT. Thit is q license to pork only. No boilmenl i5 creoled. ln ocepting thir controcr, Holder ogrees to use Operslor" gdroge or lol ot Holder'i own risk. Tlle owner{5) ond operotor(s) ol thir porking ldcility bereby rpeciticolly dis.loim sny rerponsibility, express or implied, lo prolecl ogdin5t the los5 ot or donoge to your vehicle or ib ronlenb. No employee or sgenr ot the owner(r) or operotor(s) (sn (honge thi5 ogreement ordlly or othruise. Your o.cepton(e ol this ti.ket sholl conililule on ocknowledgenent ord aoc.eptone of this condition o. your righl to use ou. pqrking lociliry ond thot you hsve reod ond undersond rone. Operdto" oltendont ir on dlty for (ollection of lee only ond not lor the pupose

of prividing se(uriry seruices. Pleoie lock your cor ond tcke your keysNO FREE PARKING ANYTIMI


i{tfifJtn - s*&{!fr6Ft. $.


As the downtown warehouse distdct becomes busiet our custome$ ha\.c been finding it increasmgly difficult b find parking on Friday and Sahuday nighis. We know the tedium of the etemal circling, the frustration of the too-small space, the rage at the &t#51 who just stole the spot you were l\,aiting fot md worst of all, being late for the noriell We hale been negotiating for some time with the nclghborhood parking compan-l md have finallv come up h.ith a solulion. Now on Fridav and Saturday nights, ihe parklng garage on 5th Street beilreen Lavaca and Cuadalupe is open for parkjng at night. When you park thefe, you pay the parking fee and the attcnLlani will issue a ticket (sec above) that is also a coupon that will rcduce your check at the Alamo. That rvay wc can help offset the cost ol parking as (.ell as eljminate the time{asting process ol finding a spot. The parking garage is conyenientlv located; onlv a block and a half fi.om the theatcr, with the parking entrmcc on 5th street directlv across fuom Hot
Jumbo Bagel. For those who jnsist on absolutell free parking, the structure betwecn 3rd and 4th strcets on SanAntonio is free in the evenings and almost alwavs has a\.ailable spots.


This yeat the Alamo was awarded top honors in the Auslin Anerican Slifr'srrd, theater survey', onlv 1 ol 2 theaters with ar1 A rating. Yet, even with top marks, the reviewer still nofed the lackluster quality of the seating at the Alamo. When we opened, r'e preferred to think of our seats as vintage, refurbished seats arom a 19![0's movie palace. In 60 vears, hoil,eler, the industry has made signilicant improvements in seating comfort, and at last, thc Aiamo is readv to joirl tanks and update our senting. Noq there will be no cupholder armrests (il'e supply tables instead, and thc cupholders don't work h'ith il'ine glasses) and the seats u.ill not rock back and forth (rcpeated h'aiter concussions were predicted). They rvill, however, be olerstuffed and cushy and have built in lumbar support. ln short, thesc chairs will be nice and comf1,. If all goes according
to sched!le, the seats should be installed the u'eek of Dccembor 13.


review bv Marc Savlo!', Alistin Chrailicle, (1 o[t of 5 sta$) lkea kills. That's the message of FSllf Clnr, an incendiar)', psychotic film sureiy guarmteed to polarize both crjtics md audiences alike, and one of the nost intcresting screeds jn a long r,hile. There's no middle ground nlth Frgit C/a! -you're either going to bask in its pervcrse sense oi empowerrnent or tvrite Congrcss demanding director Fincher be tared and feathered u'ith his own cufring room sweepings. It's that grin, !es, but that's also missing the point for all its rerolutionary, fuck it up fer\.oL Frgrt Crlr's dirty little secret is it's one of the best comedies of the decade. Forgei the blood, the explosions, ihc Nietzchean verbal joustiig, the r.eird gender mutation, and the Robert Blli chest-thumping scrotal frce for'all - this is some fumy, subversive stuff. And I suspect that's what Fincher intended all along. The film opens rvith the umamed narrator (Norion) sbuggling to speak arormd the oilv b[Lc gag ol the gun jammed in his mouth. Phallic Jokes aside, he begins to recount just how it tas he ended up in this predicamcnt, taking us back six monihs to his initial meeting h'ith the world's oddesi iraleling salesman, Tvler Durden (Piit), a dealer of pdcey honemade soaps lrhom he meets on a plane. Beaten dorm and adrift in Anrerican consumer cullure (though, it should be noted, Fjncher


nerer tells us s'hat city we're in - it looks suspicioilslv like Ridlel.Scott terrjloiy to me), thc narator spends his davs at a job he despises and his nights ransacking the mail-ordet catalogs of lkea, Sharper Image, and the 1ike, desperate to give some meaning to his life. Th chance arrives with a bang, Jitera]ll r'hen his condo mvstcriorslv erplodes, temporarih leaving him without a home to call his or,n. Rc-enter the grittily sexual, scarily stoic Ty1e4
s,ho offers to put him up (if he'll just ask). Before vou can say roomies suck, the narrator is ensconced in Tvler's ranshackle mansion, all leaknlg pipes, filthy corners, and stinking of ick. Fincher takes flight here, as the warrior and
the wannabe create the


Clu.l, an undergrourd flsticuffs group designed to

putting the old seats through the paces one last time on Dccember l1, wjth the Halry (roar.s' Butf-Nutnb-A-Thoil, a21hou movic marathon. !!jth 24 hours of contlnuous sitting, these chairs are destined to yield, to pennanenfly conform to thc shapes of ach sitter's postcriof, Thcrefore, following Brii Ntr?, A IJor, rvc will be alloning patrons to take their scat h'ith thcn for $20. A rare oppo.tunity io oh'n a vinhge theater seat that vou personally molded to the shape of vour on'n butt (this also helps defray the cost oi the ner! seating). Thosc seats not purchased bv Brli Nrnl A T//0, attendees will be ar-ai1ab1e for a limited timc to to thc gcneral public.
C)n a related note, $'e are

retum nren to a time il'hen thev werc, apparentll,, animals. SpoLlting neo fascist pabulun and hittinB iikc he means it, T].ler rvatches the group's ranls swe1l, rthile other covert cells begin to dot the cultural landscape. Enter botfum feeding Bonham Carter as a freakish lole irltetest to the pait toss irl some homemade terrorist acis, ild you've got a film as scarilv intelligent as it is cxasperaiing. ilratching FrSftf C/'l leares you il.ith the ieeling you'ys;$i
rcad Mein Kampf as re rvdtten by Jesse Ventura and Soupy Sales. There's not a shred of sanity ir1 iis soggt gore-soaked 140 minutes (and at that it's 20 minutes too long), and yet you can almost empathize il'ith the sbry's anarchic zeal. Is it sick and h,rong? Or sick and right? I can imagine which side Bob Dole's going to go r\,ith, bui from a purely filmic standpoht it's dead-on. 1\4rether vou're repulsed or invigorated by the film, Finchet Pitt, Norton, and Bonham Carter are aLl at the top of a very nasty litll game here. Do vour laundry belore vou go -- you're going to il'ani a fresh towel after this one.

''(]l1 December 11tb at High Noon.... We rvill be scated inside our perilous vessel... the Alamo l)rafihouse. We \^'ill strap outseh,es in for 24 hours of.... FTLM. lvhat sorts of films you ask? The entire gamft. From silent shorts to cartoons to serials to a giant lizard movie (that you probably have never seen) to blaxploitation to sexploiiation to classics to a director s cut ,,ou haven t seen to at leasf one h.orld premiere for a geek flick you ll quote all the days of your life..- if vou survjve. \{e ll have one of the greatest digital adventure films ever, we ll har,e sn'ords and batile,axes and kung fu vampires-. . We ll have death cults and bank robbedes... We $'ill havel to a lonely momtain and have glimpses of thjngs you have never seen. This is an expetience made only {or thc strong. The type of event that you get one shot at. I ll be there.... Moriarty h'i1l be thete.... Iiobogeek $,i11 be there.... Massage Therapists will be there.... There will be a tingling surprise for those rvho doze and for those that tN to escape.... Armed off duty police officers armed h,ith a big rubber stamp for your forehead with a scarlet L for LOSER.... It is only $5 to get in, but more to get oui. All proceeds h,i]] be going to create a new event here in Austin. A Saturday Momirlg Fun Club for


chlldren. The monev lvlll go to secure prints of movies that kids NEED to see yomg. Soon I ll be giving vou ALL the details... We re still h'orking it all out. But this is definitely happcning. I 11 be setting it up where through the site you can secure vour tickets in advance..-. BUTI Know this... There wjll onlv be under 250 seats a!ailable lor this odvsselr I ve already been coniactecl b]- people that are making plans to .one from C.rlifomia and Arizona.... This is what being a film geek is about. The test io stand up against. You will be Kubrick s Alex... ),ou will enclurc it all. You ma,vleave with a ne\\' facial tick and a cramped asscheek or tu'o... but vou rvill sun.ive... uniess vou are an L.Are you an L ? lVhat do you get for your $5? A ticket. A tin of Pcnguin Caffinated Peppermints. lf you survive to thc end.... A t-shirt of champions... and... Birthday Cake. Tf you leave ear11i.. You ll be pooret and lill be marked with an L . Horv far can vou push yourself? What are lour limits? Join me and one day you can sa!.... I u'as there rrith HatI.. The film geek... At the tables with the becf,... and a hall about the tables dd a marquee outsidc the hall.... i. Austin Like I sald... \'lore details by il'eek s end... Stay tuned for ntre on.... BUTT-\U\1B--{-THO\ A 21 llou Film-Coing Odyssel Remember.... l\:e re doing it... tbr ihe kidsl" - Hary Knowles, Aia'i li Cool Nms

A PREVIEW OF ALAMO COMING ATTRACTIONS! the Chronicle or www.drafthouse.corn for showtirnes these
check Statesrnan,


upcorning fikns!

review by Marc Savlor; Austh ChronicLa, (1 otrt of 5 stars) \Nhat Ailrricail Beailtyhas io say isn't prett),, ai least not in the conventiona] fashion, but it is a brilliani, erhilaraling piece of filmakjng. It may even be the best nainstrcam film oi the year thus far; and by marnsheam I mean produced by a major studio (in tlis case, Dream!\brks SKC). In fact, hov tlxs tempestuous, bleak comedv ol suburban mores and the sudden renegotiation of one man's deal lvith Life made it Past the initial pitch meeting is a mvster)' in itself. It did, though, and movicgoers are the better for it Sam Mendes, the theatrical direcior nho recentlv shphcrded Nicolc Kidman to ner, helghts of stagebound erotica in Tl. Brlp Roo,n, tackles his film debut with gusto, altemateh savaging the Aneri.an Dream and the mi,ih of the suburbs and then ofFering a flicker of hope. It's a head\i ntoxicating mix, made all the more so bv the ecstatic, swirling cincmalography of Conrad L. Ha]] (Cool Hatd Lilkt, i/ltilalhjn Mnil) arld a quietly seething score bv Thomas Nertman. lt's all of a piece, md though a fert of those pieces dor't work as s,ell as others, as a whole, it's tough, furny stuff. Spacei,, an lctor whose mastery oF the mspoken internal dialogue and weasel! demeanor is second to none, pla,vs Lester Burnham, a hack magazine Nriter who, apProaching middle age, suddenly realizes thai somewhere ahrng the line he stumbled and fell, rqithout knowing, onio the slippery slope of complacent mediocdtv This rcvelation arrives Nhile he and his wife Carollm (Bening), a rabidly materialistic, Eo-getting real cstate agent, arc watching their dalrghter Jane (Birch) cheerlead at her high school. Lester's eye falls on Jme's best ftiend Angela (Suvari), all blond insouciance and ripe loluptilousness, and lingers, smitien. L1 \'erv short order, Lester is pumping iron in the nude, zipping aboui in his nelv vintage Firebird, and smoking up a ganja storn $,ith the new neighbor kid next door. It's t1 mldlile cdsis of such iniensltr ihat ii throws you for a m omen t: !\fto is this creep? Turns ou i he's the soul of lrrariann Bt r il, tha t's who. This is Lestcr's (ild Spacey's) film, but it's also his wife's, and here Nlendes strunbles Bening's characier is not onlv a foil, but a nasty one. Nobody seems rvilling to gi\,e het a brcak, least of all ihe filmmakers, and she becomes a shrill parody of herself by the end. Not so for fane's budding paramour Ricky Fitts (Bentle,v), a \,ol'eurlstic fetishjst Niih a cmcorder permmentlv affjled to his arm. Quicil)' intense, he's Leste/s flipside, and Bentlev is mesmerizing. lr fact, thcre's precious little about A,tsricdt Bdrtlr/ that doesn:t engage the mmd and tweak the e,ve, from the ptoduction desi$1 on down. lls messagc of redenption ma]t be a bit muddled -- Lester docsn't exactly trlilnrPh in the end - bLrt the filmmakers sccm tobe saying, he),, that's lile. And it is.


inventive, unrclenting thrill that amazes us \\'ith its visual and intellectual heats and dazzles us rvith its on8oing ingeiujt)r That this is the first feature film by Spike fonze only adds to its lustet aithough anlone familiar with Jonzc's imaginative commercial work for srch adlertiseN as Nike and Nissan will not be aitogether surpised. Screen$,riter Charlie Kauiman, however, is also a firsFtimer and though it might be natural k) rvonder from rvhat inner sanctuns ihis r.riter chamcled his storv's ideas, its probably best to just sit back and enjoy the result. Cusack plays a ptppeteer named Craig Schu,artz whose ba$dy street performanccs manage to keeli him permanently unemployed in his chosen profession. At home he is surroundeci by a menagerie of animals, which his h.ife Lotie (Diaz) brings home from her job. Craig's nimble fingers get hun a job as a file clerk in a strange companl on the 7 1/2 floor, whose boss (Bean) is 105 years o1d. Soon Craig discovers aportal bchind a file cabinet that sh'ooshcs him insidc lohn \,fa1ko!ich's brain rvhere hc rtmains for 15 minutes bforc bcing dropped uncercmonioush alongside the N$r Jersey Turnpike. At rfork, the devastatingiy alluring brt curt Maxine (Keener) lrhom Craig lusts aftel figures out a way to sell tickets to i\4alkolich's brain and prolii from the ociditr. Ther Lotie takes thc ridc and discovers that she's a transsexual or a lesbiar and she and Maxine are setting up tete'a-tetes inside John Malkovich. It all sounds mad but, hust ne, it works - cxccpt, I think, for the con luding subplot, $,hich pushes the film's realism further than ii can stand. lor this may be what is nrost amazing, ultinateh', about this movie: It incorporates a bizarre unrealitv rvithin its strictly realistic narrati\.e and visual shuctllrc. lt stimulates mental gymnastics that excite the soul as our brains scramble to )ncorporate all the nor,ie's polarities while ou gut intuitively responds like a zoom lens at a[ amusement park. All the actors seem to have fomd a freeclom here to go places iheir careers have never taken them before. Both Cusack and Diaz look unlike any character the,v've played before, it could be a n,hi1e before vou eren re.ognize Diaz as the fdzzed out, dou'dv Lotte. Malkovich seizcs this plum role for all it's worth. AnLi Keenet a longlime darling of indie filmmaking is breaihtaking in her prfectly controlled pcrformancc as the singular Maxine. Nothing I can say hcre feels like it evcn rernotely capturcs the brilliance of Bsir,S /0r, Mrllooi.L. Bui like the people in the nrovie u'ho line up for their 15 mirutes irNide the brain of the a.tor - or for that matter, hsidc anyone other than thcmseh:es - thc time for qucuing up is now. lt's really one hell of a ride.

re\,ieh'bv Nlarjorie Baumgarten, Ar6iin Crlonlcld, (-1.5 out of 5 stars) Rarely is there a movie about rvhich )ou can honestl)'say that it's like nothing yoli've eler seen before. Bentg lofu Malkorith is one such mo\'ie a wjldlv


revie$' by Nlarjorie Baumgarten, ,4ilili7 C//r?rr.lc, (4 out of 5 stars) Feh. are the ilays that remain to beha|e as an original ouilalv or antihero in American movjes these days. So it practicall! moles us io stand up and salute when Trldr Kiirgs shows how sedition can, indeed, be an act of heroism. fjrrJt (i,r,gs is a war movie wiih a.onscierlce, an aciion mo|ie rvith a fuu\ bonp,: caper movie with a shiftinfi agenda. This blrrrmg ol lines is not su+irising. ho$,cvet given the fact that the film spilngs from the creati\e mind oi Dalid O. Russell (based on a story by U-Turn's John Ridley). Russell is ihat oddiiu.k dircctor, h.ho, with his first two fihns gave us Sprillirg ild ,\f.rin/. an amazingly funny and unforced drama about masturbation ild ncest. and Fliting With Disrsls/, a truly oflbeat comedv about a grown man's search ior his birth mother The unsuspccting might have feared that Russell and his glam/pop stars, George Cloonel; A4ark \A/ahlberg, and lce Cube, nould gir e us little.lo{e than a Nineties re\rorkjng of ihe beloved Clint Eashvood/Telh Snvalas s'ar/heist movie, Kr/ly's Heroes, updating that movie's theabe of lrar from iis W\tll action backdrop io ihe 1991 Culf \ /ar arena. But it turns out that Trr?e l(,rgs has more in common wlth,4lo.allpse Not0 Lhan with,(ellv's Helo?s, using its prcmise of the rencgade U.S. soldiers' search for Saddam's stolen gold much like Coppola used Captain Willard's trek updver to find Colonel Kurtz. Both ilolies' frameworks proride their heroes with missions that heip guide us through the s.ars'madness and pose moral diienmas aboft the intentions of the order-gilers and the erpression of fuee lvill. 'ffuae Ki]1gs also has in comon il'iih such late-Sixties antivrolence time bombs as Boilnie afrd Clld( dnd f/ 1V.,, B,,r r, .r- .rb lih Lo .ha, p ^ur vrl-no .ercn,,.. .o Eurp i\ dnd I .e mortal deyastatio. of bullets by its use of highly styiized and startlingh' visceral depictions of gunshot u'ounds md bod,v cavities filling rrith sepsis. Oh, but this doesn't sound right. This review makcs Thrce Kirls somd too hear,],, as if ii's all about \,iscra and traitors and morality - and it's not. lt's n good action movie (.ith suspensefurl sequences, witty dialogue and inserts, and enjoyablc performances. The three primar! leads all deliver quite dlnarnicalllr even if their fourth mcmber - an igrorant ha]-seed played by Spike Jonze (the director of the soon{o-be-released Eerr,g /ofin Mrlftoricl) - is alloh'ed to car\. his performance a bit over the top. Making up for his cxcess is Nora Dum's spooky smooth portrayal of the story's TV war correspondent '. a bullse\'impersonation of a behind-the'scenes Christiane Amanpour'jsh reporter who ruthlessly does rvhat it takes to gct her exclusive storv. If tlis characterizaiion veers too urcomforttrblv tolvaid the bitchy side, tve might chalk it up to the fact that Russell still clearlv has issucs h.ith women (as his first two movies abh demonstrated). It could also be said that George Clooney's character, the nominal leader of the group, perhaps undergoes his moral transformation with too much alacrity and easc and not enough provocahon. Nevertheless, when the moment comes to dell a specific U.S. policy in lraq, there is no doubt rve are \vihessin8 the actions of desert heroes, of swamp rats with human hearts (e!en if one of them is crudelv punping s.ith the assistance of mechanical tubing) instead oI Purple Hearts- George Brsh is the enem)'nnd we are the camp followen. Tlrcc (lngs servc irs our ambassadors.



Silent Films With Lirte Musical Accompnniment
''Austjnites rvere luckv enough k) see fiore than half a dozen scorcd 'silents" this vear. Thc .\lamo Drafthouse gave us Guy forsyih and friends doing Buster Keaion's Trr Grnerul, ST37's retoo-futufist take on Mdi/oprls, and Nos/d/rtil paired $'ith thc unclassifiablc stylings of 8rc10n Whrnef. Addiiionally, thc Ctpsies pro\,ided silitablv eerie backup for Todd tsrowning's LInhnuil, lhe Golden Arm Trio ronsed the rabble $,ith Biflleship Ptliltkin, and Craham Ilcynolds did a siark solo piano accomparliment for Lillian Cish's Il!. Wr/d. Facior in the privilege of hearing Cillian Armstrong conducting the restored score of l4higs wjth a Iull orchestra at the Paramount, and you have Austin's most pronising new film tradition.' (Taken front the Arstifl Cln"ri.fu, 1999 Best of Austin,Arrards.)

Three all new silent filtn pairings are slated for this winter calendar: On November 19 $'e present ihe quiitessential German cxpressionist film, T/re Cnbircl of Doct'or Caligalr, with ii's wild, exaggerated st designs. The eerje pedal steel guitar sounds of The Fritnds af Dern Mufi,?e: lvill accent the fihn.
sets that

Decenber 15th brings the Russian Sci Fi classic, Aelifa, Qres, o/Mnru, featuring inspired Fritz Lang's M.i/opolls and a proletatiat uprising on the antry Red Planet. Improvisatjonal tr\o, Fillwn provides the space-age sounds to this cosmonaLrl Iantast.
On Jan

ArLstin's belo\ed


Strcet Spailters deliver a suitablv prospectur era

score for Charlie Chaplin's masterpiece, The Gold Rush. A pairing so ernotiolally porverful,rvc wi1lbe providingKleerlex at thcdoorto dab youi tearsof jo\:

With each event, we get nore and more loyal conveiis to the scrics. Advalce ti.kets are always avajLable for the sileni film classics, get voru tickets carlv or miss outl

A$INO FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY. MEETING, or GROUP OUTING! Reasonable rates, full catering, state-of-the-art AV casual atmosphere. Parties of 2-250, no problem



Austin Film Socjety presents: The films of Shohei Imamura


CHANGE, PLEASE CHECK OUR W.EBPAGE, CHRONICLE OR STATTSMAN AD OR CALL 867-I839 TO VTRITY: In addition to our regular new-release Hollywood features, the Alamo offers up the following special screenings this fall. For our regular daily features, please check our ads in the Chronicle and Statesman or our web page at u'ru'.drafthouse.com. For home
delivery of this calendar, e-mail or send us your postal addrcss.

(d. lmamura, 1963 123 minutes) Ilecently proclaimed one of Imamura,s masterpieces by aufiority Donald l{ichie, n'ho called it Imamura,s 'most complete portrait of the Japanese u'oman as she is, T7?e lasecf lvondn was chosen as the besi film of the Vear by The Vilh&e Voicc when it was released there in ihe late Eighties. An electrifyirg rccount of the rise of a young na vc peasant woman who leaves her mountain village to become the boss of a call girl ilng in Tok]'o,Tlrc Insect lvoflr, has been compared b boih Fassbindeis Tl e-Maningi of ttlatia Brdun andsrrk's tnitntiofl;f Lit'e. Imamura celebrates three generations of women il'ho ifFore conventional noiions of ethics and beauty in their jnsect like determinaiion io suNive. "Brilliani one of the best Japanese films of recent years" (Joe Mellen).



Amual High

Times Film Fest & Stoner Olympics

i1.lu -rrire ccient.t hno c\frrrment- \\ tl^ po\ctiu rinJ-alterirg jrug. in a quert for l-i- pr.ma -e t. e rad-,r lr. hp oderA,.c. a \erier,'i mental erper e-ce. ,ome -pin.-chillinr ha lu. iralion'. laddr ( rar et." r - n.rel i- l-.outl^t to lirp s irl the helf o. .ore rhocl'ng. -rale-ol- he arr \pec;dl effe(r-.

(d. Ken Russeil, 1980, 102 nin.) This fantastic assault on the senses is one of Russell's best films. In his first staning role, William Hurt portrays an

A1TERED STAIES (& PrzzA tAilltc c0ltilsil FRI, DEC 3, MIDNIGHT

rrd phr.rcal l"rn-rurrdt'or- rnd

The Ausiir Film Society presents: The films of Shohei Imanura

(d. lmamura, 1966, 128 minutes) Among imamura's most impottant



sroilIR otYftipr(t How MANY ptpprRor{t ptzzas cAN you rAI tN 5 MtN?


audacious films, The Pornograplter; is a pen'erse, hilarious portrait of a haried little mm who makes his 1i'ing from 8m porn movies for impotent men, all ihe u'hile juggling police, yakuza, blackmailers, and hjs makeshift famiiv: a widow rvho keeps a carp she believes is her reincarnated husband, a stepson u'ho js an insolent blackmailer, and a stepdaughter rvho is a censorious seduchess who carouses with vakuza. (The pornographer is attracted to the daughter or, more particularll,, to the scar on her leg.) In ihe end, his assistant, a master of masiurbaiion, teaches him how to escape the demands of his ljbldo. The making of home-made pom provides the film with its mosi biza.re {ancl sometimes troubling) set pieces, u'hich must 'rafk as some of ihe funniest sequenccs ever to appear in a Japanese lilm'(Donald Richie)

The Ausrin Film Society presents: Full Moon Madress

minutes) This film is one of the most underappreciated horror gem's of ihe 1930's. Colin Clire plays a conceil pianist whose hands are .rushed in an accident. Peter Lorre is the sliny bald tne, l lh" d,, tor n lro perturm. r'F..p, -Jio- u r. p.Jrrnts r L - .a-d. rr tlno-p or an n,eculeJ kil er - n.{,u-r rn . .dinar. I rller but .. brre th onr Cogol thcn develops an insanc obsession for Clive's il'iie plaved bv Frances Drake md devises a plot to get his out of the wa): Karl Freund's rekrolvn cinematographer for such masterpieces as Mriropolis djrects the film. leier Lorre gives one of the most unusual and bizarre performances ofhis career

WED, NOV 24, 9:3O PM (d. Karl freund,1935,83



Amual High Times

Film Fest & Stoner Olympics

The Austin Film Society presents: The Texas Documentary Tour


Jennifer Fox's Blll nnd Knru: An Arrcriatn Lors Sto/V has been called an intimate epic, and there's no doubt it's one of the most conprehensive explorations o{ an Amedcan fanily that e\ists. AFS brings ,l cpisodes of Fox's
PBS-bound series about a black man and a lvhite u'oman who have stnrggled for thirtv years of marriage against hatassmeni, Gclal slurs, and other societal


prejudics.'...enormously engaging, deepli' affecting and profoundly unsettling..." -Vadetl. The first show consists of segments 1 & 3; the second show is segments 7 & 9. There is a serpatate admission lor each show

(d. Tommv Chong, 1981, 87 min) America's favodie pothead duo are back to their juvenile antics once again, this time selling rveed ftom the back of an ice crean truck. Stacey Keach resumes his role as dre vein-popping cop who could best be served by a good long toke and Pee-Wee Herman, long t mi pn ,'l ( l-eerh ino ( lerg -lrdl. tl.e .hoh .. Hou ie rhe Hamou-gei Dude. ' WI PRoV|Dt AN ARSINAL 0I P0WIR AND HAND T00tS Al{D At{ ASSoRTt'trilr Ot fiostHor.D rTrflrs. (oNTrsTAr{Ts wtil. HAV! 5 MtN T0 (0N5IRU0 AilD USr A rutly tut{oroiltNG waTtR ptpr.



Col{ilSil MtDNtGHT




s0 tafioR [,tTo THt s(oRtr{G.


The films of Shohei Imamura


(d. lmamura 196'1 150 min) Considered bv manv to be Imamura's niisterpiece - John Hatkncss lists it as one of the ten greaiesi in history of cinema lrlanlilrTs of lvlurtlet oilers the most extreme example of the director's belicf in $'hat Joan Mellen calls the basic irrationaliiJ, of human exjstence. ' Based on a irue stor),, it focuses on Sadako, the slot enly wife of .' trr.r[]i( Jl ih- r' :n. n ho I'rIrph\.r\(r h(r tJr.i\.,r\er re b,rg a- u ho assaults her, and over ihe tradiiional Japanese code that calls for a u,ife to conmit suicide after she has bcen raped. (For those partial to irain ii1ms, Donald Richie cites Irtu lirrts Ltf Murder as 'the quintessenfial train
piciure in his essa! on Trains in



The Ausiin Film Society presenis: The films o{ Shohei lmamura

'':r,td ll:i',Ii'r,l:'


(d. lmamura,1968 150 minutes) Imperative Imamura. Cinephile extrordinaire Betrand Tavernier lists ProJ\uild Des[te of the Gods as one ol hiSlfrrE-filoiile Japanese films, Cahicrs du clnema as Imamura's masterpiece, and Jonathan Drmme as one oi ihc tef greaiest films in the historr oi c:re.mr. !r:nu:a's lird


The Austin Film Society prgsents:

I()O HIGH. I(lO WIDE. IO(l l(lNG FRI, DEC 1O, 7:45 PM
(d. Karen Dinitz, 1999, 52 min.) World premiere benefitint the Texas


(d. Imamura, 1983 128 minutes) A truly great film A masterpiece of Japanese cinena to stand beside Ugetsu, Tokyo Story or The 7 Samurai ' (Michael Wilmington). The first of Imamura's films to win the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film lestival, Ballad is a characteristically earthy and elernental version of the famous Narayama tale. Ftdl of brusque sex- the film u'as condemned by some as pornographic - and fierce pageantrv llallad is the poetic story of a man from an impoverished village compelled bv tradition to carry his aged mother to the top of a mourtain and leave her to die of star\,aiion and exposure. Imamura predictabl\r tums the tale to his own uses, celL'biating the primer,al ways of thc villagers.

Production Fmd and the Film Texas Fund. A Texas Style Road and directed bv Karen Dinitz. This s2-minute documentary takes us on the road wiih artisi Bob 'Daddy-O Wadc and his iguanamobile. We meei Texans of all kinds as rve visit Daddy-O's monumental Teras u.orks, like the 40Joot high cowboy boots in San Artonlo, the 7[)joot high saxophone in Houston, and Iggli the 40joot iguana who spent the 80s on top of ihe Lone Siar Cafe in Nerv York.

Filmakers' lrip - produced

By crealing the extraordinary from everyday objects, Bob \\iade's art

affects one's sense of u,hat is art and what is Texas, and makes it acccssible to cveryone, children and adults alike. Artist Bob Wade, Kinky Friedman, and other Texas icons will be in attendance. Tickets $12 ($10 AIS members) available from AFS beginning Nor,ember 15. Call 322-01-15.

Annual Srvord and Sandal Film Fest!

Jolu Milius,1982,121 min) The fiim that thrust Amold to the fore is siill tops in the genre. Dino delaurentis' grand adaptation of the popular novels contains a pastiche of elements that made series such a success: Yoluptuous women, bralvny men, a vile wizard, grotesque monsiers,

CONAII IHT BARBARIA]I (& ut|E GRrco RofiiA]{ ti,REsrillrcl FRI, JAN I4, MIDNIGHT

EurrilllluB-ArtH|'H nrAffAl"ldv
it's only $5 to get in, but \ou lea\,e jn the first hour jt's $200 b get out. lt goes doNn fuom ihere. The firra I film lear,cs thc film gate at noon on Sundal Make it all the r{ar through and vou cmleave for free, plus you get a novelt! T Sliri to bootl
24 hours of the rvildest iilms ever laid down on acetate. see giant nonsters, r,ampires, kung fu, blaxploitation, grandiose musicals, sexploitaiion, satanic cults and so much morel Now that Hariy is a big iime Hollywood icon, he is pulling strings to get his director prls to come in and screen films from iheir pdvate collections. Guillermo Del Toro (Nllrri., Cro,rs) will present DePalma's Phrntan 0f lhe Ptlrdrsc, RegerAvery rvill present and debut his Klllrg Zoe Director's Cut; Rich,rrd Linklater has a surprise movie; there rviil be norld premiere films, and morel 100''/" of the door proceeds go to charity, to help fund a free children's film series in associaiion with Big Brothers/Big Sisiers. Advmce tickets are a\,ailable for this event. Penguin Caffinated Peppermints has sponsored ihe event by providing an unlimited supply of their product, to get er:eryone past the 1 8 hour wall. We

r{anflY r<fltilLEg'

faithful sidekicks, and plenty of violent, bloody batile action. The violence is cxireme, gratuitous, and above ail, wonderful: giant snakes butchered, dozens of foes slaughtercd in the gladiator pits, and camels are pm.hecl out leii and right by our stalu.art hero. Traditionally challenged bl, acting roles, young Arnold performs u,ithout parallel, {lexing his muscles, looking good in fights, and grunting on commancl. Also, don't miss romd 2 of the Battle for the Alamo Maiden'sr tonight: Greco-Roman Wrestlingl

will be screening

A z4-}lrlt.H ISC'YIE


Johmy Legend and The Show With No Name present

\bu will



(d. loimny Legend, 1983, 56 min) Andy's biopic feature siarring Jim Carrev opens up just before Chrisimas. While rve are ln full suppori of that film, and we encourage everyone to see it (\\,ait though, and see it at the Alamo),



u.e also feel ihat a liitle Kaufman background is in order. We rrill be showcasing an assortnent of rare film clips, live appearances, game shon' cameos, -Fred and Andv's Letterman appearance, and short features, culminatin8 in a 16nm presentation o{ trI,u Brenkt'rst Wllr 8/nssie. Cult filn icon and preservationist, Johm_v Legend, direcied this oddball film, and the 16mm print we are sholving comes directly from his library the only print in existence. ,LIv Breakfnsf l{rl, Bldss?d is'comedy meets u.restling $'ith a side order of bacon.' A spoof of Louis Malle's cerebral My Drnner ittith Andre, Brdak s, chronicles a meeting of Kaufman and $'restling luminary Fred Blassie, as thev share breakfasi and philosophy over pancakes ai Sambo's.



Su'ord and Sandal Film Festl

(& llvE

The Austin Film Society prcsents: the films of Shohei lmamura

lnamura, 1981, 151 min) Ei1naarlo quickly earned the reputation as a classic of posts.ar lapanese cinema. Sprarvling, frenzied and ve4'




(t'ans i\hattheHet)

'Excalibur is exquisiie, a near pcrfect blend of aciion, romrnce, faniast and philosophv Vnti.ttt Nlt3nzine (d. John 'D,litrdmr.t" Boorman, 1981, 1-10 min) Set in ihe lush grcen scenery of Ireland ihis film balances the beautiful setiing wiih the gritty'over-red'story of the Arthurian legend, ba.sed on Morte d'Atlhut. It also seems to be a sort of 'stars in thc making' as Helen Mirren plavs one of the most terdfying lvitches e\.er seen. Patrick Stewart and Liam Nceson also join the tanks of the round iable, bdnglng yet more pre star glory to ihe cast. The leal shining performance comes from Nicol lVilliamson as \{erlin, neiiher good norbadjusi menacing. This is a film you will jusi have to see if onlv for the reason that yorl'll probablv never see another like it. If vou like yod myths a little on ihe black side though, if you thought the Wicked Wiich of the Wcst should have had a better chance of getting Doroih; if vou fancv a verv \,ery addictive mix of action, romance and fantas)., then go and see this film. lf not then go and see jt 61q1,31r' Anlrew Hesketh, Eilirrhrrl/r llrril,rsilt Filtn Sati.ttl



6:3O PM

beautiful-the loving recreations of the Edo period settings are among the film's many pleasures-Eijanaika strains its u'idescreen frame u'ith compositions so dcnse and energetic that the chorcogiaphed tumult threaiens to burst ifs borders. A carnival huckster on ihe Pa]troll of both the Emperor's forces and the Shogun dynast)', and his backn'ood's girlfriend are swcpi up in the lou.er-class riots that Pluged JaPan into thc 20th centun'. A deliilous exercise in sex, crime and h'eirdness . with an

appailing, visionarl'beauty" (J. Hoberman, fhe Viilage



Live music by Grcry Boal before each showl

An Angieer \eni h, j'.-. . :-:i p'im L re .ucien r'hich, ac,ordu8 r

-: -. -. -::r-. i r \'i. ,: : ---ii':..: :-; r,:::r rr,. r: :re product oi trvo generations of incesi. The finale r..n; r: -i: :.1: :::.-:s ::: debated in all of Imamura's work. Wld, fm,v md slt:e l*;': :::er + : gemrine grandeur (Dave Kehr) in its portrayal of the .onilid bthr+r :r. modern and the pdmiii\,e, technology and hadition, the olticial md rer ..-_ -r : -,. .-dP,ne-PpeoPe Therslmdersreg*dhr r : : god and present him with a sexualh milhii:r=; r::::

Japar 'Ahamting and sensuous expedence. The flighi of 1olers at the end is r.n
of cinema's mostbeauiiful sequences' (Edinburgh International Film Festn al).

The Austin Film Society presents: The Texas Documentary Tour



This cinema veriie docunentary captures a behind the scenes look at ihe band on tour in 1969. This documentary u'as Tobe Hooper's fint featurc lengih film. He later used some of the money he ea rned ftom ihis film b finance Tle Te-rns C/rarnsau Mdssacre. Although T/ie Sfo/y /s Looe was one of PBS'S iop fundraisers between 1969 and 1979, the finr has failcd to receive the accolades it desen'es such as that given to the comparable Dor'l Look Bnck. Producer Fred W Miller, also producer oI For All Mankind, willl, introdu.e the show

PEITR, PAU1 & IUIARY: The Stoty is Loxe, diected by Tobe Hooper WED, DEC 8, 7:OO

(d. W D. Richter,1984,103 min.) Join Team Banzai, the Hong Kong

Cavaliers and the astounding Blue Blaze lrregulars on their action-packed assauli againsi the evil Lectoids from Planet 101 ExPerience the hotols deep h'iihin the slim], rvalls of Yoyodyne ProPulsion Systemsl Thrill to iile sights and sounds trapped in thc mvsteious formless void of the Eighth Dimensionl Be there as Buckaroo fights against impossible odds to rescue Pemy Priddy from the hateful Dr. Lizardo, the diabolically possessed alien diciator hom outer spacel A box office disaster in its initial release, Buckaroo BaMai was just too strange for 20ih Century lox to undeGtand or market. The legend of Buckaroo has, horvevet been kepi alive by a loval underground culi of believers, some of whom, we hope, live in Austin

d:ilda.+j?,:bdi;/a4 r,i

ir 1.r arf dia6i 4f":l$t#i4#ftftnndd.tds,il"n

High Times recently releascd it's compendium of ihe top 25 drug fjlms of all time. Check out a sampling kom the stoner archive this il'eekend couftesv of High Tntes. Also, eveiv night, compete for fabulous prizes in the stoner Olympics, wherein we will cron'n Austin's 'Stoner of the Year. '




"" '





to the High

Times Film Fesi

complcmentary issue of Hrgl Tirrrs, a list of the top 25 sbner movies of all times, md a free pack of cigaret{e papen. Advance tickets will be availabie for the High Times Film Fcst Pass, single night tickets available at the door.


DR CABINEI OTmusic bv CAIIGARI live the

{d. Robert Wiene, 1919, 88 mln) The most chedshed film of German Expressionism, The Cabhet 0j Dt Caligati amazes boih wiih the psvchological ramifications of the story md with its Srotesquel-Y beautiful visuals. As a horor film it stands side bv side with Dreyer's VauPyl and Murnau's Nos/eratu as thc mosi astoundjng examples of the genre lts roots lie in the aftermath of \{WI and the tormented world of the Cerman national consciousness at that iime. The film conveys through its sbrv and aesthetics a world of chaos and disorder n'hele the indlvidual existence is overshadon'ed by fear of its osn Past exPerience and the hostile pou.ets enbodied within the esfahliqhmenr

&11ee. *+eilx1:+rsr$Fi




Amual High Times

Film Fest and Stoner Olympics!


1st Amual High Times Film Fest & Stoner Olympics (d. Gus Van Sant, 1989, 100 min) 'Dlrjsford Cotr,&oy is one of the best tilns in ihe long tradition of American ouilail' road movies -a hadiiion that includes B1nnie nnd Clyde, Ensy Ridet, Midniglll CD\lbay and Bndlands. It is about criminals u'ho do not illtend to be particularly bad people, but r.hose lives run away u'ith them. The heroes of these films aln'ays have a u'eakness, md in Drajstorp Co?rboq the weakncss is drug abuse.

world of guilt Wiene and his photographer Willy Hameister placed the story u'ithin the context of angular structures and decors - most notabl, the town, the fiorest and the asyium - rendering the "paranoid' individual captive of a claushophobic society. The central performances are terrific especiall,v Veidt's somnambulist, it is psychologically ingenious, and few will rcsist the power of its visual auihenticity.'Spiros Gmgas,Edinbutough Film Society
To achieve this portrayal of a nighimarish The live music for this e\.ent has been composed and will be performed b1, TIE Ftiefrds of Deafr Marti1rcz. 'Tltr: l:ricnds sound like the house band in .r



ghosi-tou'n saloon, lacing slow jams s-ith the parched tu'ang of

landlocked surf music and the creamy scream of Bill Eim's slightly fuzzed pedal steel." - Rollitg Stoile Mnyzine . Bill Eim, front man for.Frierds, a iecent Austin hansplant, wiil be joined by his California bandmaies and select 1oca1 players for ihis sPectacular fusion of film and music. Advance
tickets available and recommended.

Like all trul,v great movies, DrrSJiorc Cottboy is a joyous piece of rtork. I believe the subject of a film does noi determine h'hether it makes ts feel happy or sad. I am unutterably depressed after seeing stupid comedies that insult my intelligence, but I felt exhilarated after seeing Dragslore Coaboy, because every person comected with this project is rvorking at top form. li's a high-u'ire act of darjng, in u,hich ihis unlikely subjecl matter becornes ihe occasion for a film aboui sad people we come io care
very deeplv about." Roger Ebert,



San Tlmes



ouAt{Ttry ouaurY AND cRtAllvlfi. JUDGIS Wll.t WIIGH SillI AilD SKlLl AND (RowN IHt (HAXIP 0r RoUilD 0Nt IABUT.oUS SToNtn PRTZIS AWAIT IHI WNt{tR

(d. Johr Boorman, 1972, 109 min) 'We never sau.anvthing that scared us as much as Deliaerance...an adaptation of Janres Dickey's Southem gothic nove1, Delioeralce looked fun enough, the story- of four city slickers who take their canoe dom some secluded river canyon. Burt Reynolds, belore he became GafoL Bondit, or Hooper, alI buft no toupee, u.ith his highpowered hunting bou'. Cool. Then came one of the mosi chilling scenes in cinematic history - the rape scene; Ned Beatiy sguealing like a pig ... a glimmer of u'hat men are capable of.... to ihis da\t Dtdlirg Bdilldrs still gives rre the u'illies. Raoul Hernantlez, Atrstirr Chronicle




Burt Revnolds. The film reads almost as good-ol boy cinema vedte, with Burt Reynolds and Jeny Reed just handing out, wreaking havoc and having a good old time. Thc bo).s are out on a teat having take11 a bct to fast-track a semi fuli of Coors io Georgia and back. The first time direction by former stuntman Hal Needham focrises on those ejements he knows best, daring driving and crashing cars. Snapshois can be taken in the 1obb1,, behind the wheel of our noveltv semi itailer fuli of Coors (suitable for framing). The beefy Graay Boaf foursome spent yeaN driving lE-wheeicrs, I'orking on offshore oil rigs, hanging high iron and roofing nuL-e: be'o-e,onirB t,'Scher lo Fl.) -on8. br band- a- to-ed.r // Top, Steve Earie, Merle Travis, Ceorge Jones, Charlie Daniels and Muddy Waters (as wcl1 as a bunch of originals). If u'e ask real nice, they mav even belt out the theme to CONVOYI Also, you can bet that the Coors u,ill be floiving fast, furious and chcap.

(d. Yakov Protazanov, 1924, 81 min.)

discoveries of the Soviet silent cinema,

of the most


is a siuming big budget


It's your grandma's music, but h,e're not youi grandma. -Christina Marrs, Asvlum Street Spankets

science fiction speciacle. Enormous futuristic sets and tadical

corstruciionist cosLmes were designed by Alexandra Extet to criance this story of romance, comedv and danger. A Moscorv engineer designs a spaceship and travels to l\'lars to meet the womm who haunts his dreamsHe succeeds but finds himself embroiled in a Martian proleiafim updsing. ,4difa, with its exagterated production design and political undertones, rvas a profound hfluence on Filtz Lang's M.f/opolls three vears later spage-age, jazz infiuenced, ryihmic, indefinable, improvisaiional trio (DJ, bass and guitar) r'il1 provide the live musical acconrpaniment. The Austin Crlorlcl. rvfltes af Ftluru, 'Like another Austin improvisational trio, Drrnrs I hba, the members offillrld share experimental wanderlust, technjcal prowess, and musical vision. lf thai somds va8ue, it's bccause latuitt's style is flexible and proficient enough to haverse established Eenres... Live, the eifect is like riding in the back of a speeding truck with

frfirrr, Austin's

The Auslin Film Society presents: Full Moon Madness

(d. Charlie Chaplin, 1925, 81 nnt ln one of his most famous fi1ms, lone Alaskan prospector Chapiin aticmpts to stave off hunger bv dining oi his shoe, nu(h l.' l r( Lo r.lelt.rtiu' of ,ab rr rrrte qsai s -n r.rglne- ll-Jt ( h.-lt. t. d giant .hi.kcn. Chaplin conceived this oddball iale from accounts of the Domcr part)r camibal tragedv in the wesiern Sierras. In iact, much of the film was shot outside Truckee, only njles tiom the site of the fmous incidcnt.


l9 & 20 7:O0 & 9:3O

vour eves pointed tou,ard ihe evaporating horizon. You know what just tvent b1; you can sort of make out the perjphery, but you don't have my idea whai's up ahead." Advance tickets available for this event.

(d. Tod Brorvning, 1936, 79 nb) An unsettling hoiror classic, direcred bv Tod Brorvning and co-rvritten by Eilc von Shoheim. Lionel Barrymore escapes from Devil's Island. He is deteimined to gct ielenge againsi ihe three men who framed him for thcir crimes and to clear his name for the sake of his daughter Maureen O'Suliivan, who has nevet mei him. He teams up with the crazed lvife of a dead scientist he'd befriended. Thev shrink humans fo doll -.ze und tur. rn|T l. J, L - b.odinp, nhe' lhc oo I peofl, ..e unle.\hpJ thev are like r,ilv rodenis on the loose. E\celient special effectsl


Austin's infamous old-timev a.oustic ensemble, THE ASYLUM STIiEET

SPANKERS, perfectly compliment

ihe mood and st)le of the hard-drinking,


fh, \'r ur

living prospector town. The Orange Couriv Regisier recentlv wrote, \lrepl \oan\r-- a-v J .e a .rc-tr,r;pcd brrro or -o r'. ul o.p

collecti\,c radios ceased bluriing anything tecorded after 1955. Started as a side project among nemben of several Amiin, Teras combos, the tvpical Spankers set rms the gamut irom old'20s jazz and cabarei iuncs to grittv gljtzless comtry songs and the occdsional Robert lohnson cor,er, such as '!\hlkin' Blues or'lf I Had Possession Ovcr ]udgmeni Datr Ad|afce tickets are available for this pedect slnthesis of rvonderful film and equally rvondetful music.

nnil $anilal
Sitm Sustiunl



each Sword and Sandal epic, see live and in the flesh,



BRUTISH MODERN DAY CLADIATORS in AMAZING FEATS OF STRENCTH and SKILL. before Sword and the Sorccrer sec SUMO WRESTLING before Conan the Barbarian: see GRICO-ROMAN WRESTLING before Excalibur: see FENCING. The winner of each besFts'Gout-of-three-falls bout rvil1 win an erening of pieasure (date) wjih one of the fair Alamo maidensl Come in gladiator gear and gei in 1 /2 price. THREE DAYAD\ANCE TICKETS AVAILAtsLE ior th-" festl Plus, as an added attraciior, ali belerages requiring lime and/or huit wedge will come with complimentaru cocktail sword at no exfa chargel 3 dav fesiival passes will be ar.ailable in adlance.

Frar* 02,93 nin) Backbv popular dcmand, Jim Henson's magical woricl of good and er.il comes alive for one night onhl Sure, it's for kids, but you'd hal,e to be prettv cvnical to not gct a charge oui oi ii as an adult.
(1982, Jim Henson,





Annual Sword

and Sandal Film Fest!




(d. Heroy Sellick & Tim Burton, 1993, 76 mn) "NightilMrc Bet'ote Clltislmds ;is deeper in my heafi thm my othei film. It is more beautjful than I imagined it would be, thanls tu Henry and his talented crel'of artists, iihimators, and designers. As I s'atch it, I know I u'ill never have ihis fieling again. Nigltmare Befn Cltrisfrrns js special. li is a film that I hale aln'ays knonn I had to make. More important, it is a film I have always wanted to see. Norv I can. Ii has been worth the u,ait. I think there are ferv projecis like that in your life.' -Tim Burton This is THE holiday classic for the midnight movie generation, an epic siop motion tiiumph that will sti1l knock your socks off.


(d. Albert Pyun, 1982,100 min) "l havcnt even gotten around to that of his. lTS AWESOMEIIII I love flrat sword. Oh.... Lest I forget. GORE! Tons of it. NUDITYI Tons of it. A great Monster Cool Clowv Fingers. Sparks that shower fron srvords as ihey clang togethei. Super swords that break all others. AND THE SCOREI My god... I love the score to this movie. [... ] But ya knou' nhat.... All this raving. All this excitement. lt s for a tu.o star oovie. +*** THE ILATINGS MANI What the helll This movie is fun. A helluva alot of ft1n. lvlassive gigantic loads of sieaning thrilling fun." -Harry l(norvles, Ain't It Cool Nes's
**nning sword


Has it been a whoie )'ear aheady? For those of you lvho har.ebeen


it has finally arrived, SPIKE AND MIKE" 2000, THE SICK AND Tl\rlSTED" FESTIVAL OF ANIMATION"! A massive collection of new films icady to stain your brain and pui a hole in your sou1. The Sick and Twisted" Festival is home for animaied pieces which are simply too revolting or adult in nature for any other forum. This sholv is noi rccommmded for those of delicate constituiion. When the Sick & Ttvisted'show ailives in town, be prepared for a wild and iasieless cartooll super bash. Spike & \{ike's" team ofhooligans takes over the Alamo and tums it into a chaotic den of debauchery \ /eird costumes, raucous emcees and a rowdy audience make foi a hard-core party

Don't miss the 1st installment of the Battle for the Alamo Maidens, a sumo wrestling bouil Winner of the bout gets an evening of pleasure (a date) wiih one of the fair Alamo maidensl lree with admissioi, Srvord and the Sorcerer ll comic book, see the stor\r that a'as promised but never delivered at the end of the film.

Ihe Sick and Twistedo shorv is the biilhplace of the dynamic duo, Bear.is & Butthead. The next icrrorizjng hrosome to hit the animation mdertlornd mal be Miles Thompson's Summer and Tiffanv of Hut Sluis fame. Their next film is
a sure sleaze fest as ihcv venturc into the L.A. club scene. Also look for a neu' Home Honey I'm Higher, Forest Dump and loreskln Gurnp, Bevond Crampa

ll a-o o,c.,,r. -lph gro.-ot|,,o-. \ri,FF.rrl\, .d!Jno,rr.r.

aIJruoI{J ur}snv - ,,ar^otrAl e pue rauurc }sag 'suorssaJrroJ +sag,, Lreursate+S LreJrraurv ur+snv-u4snv ur ralear{I pa}E>I lsaq8r11 Xplaarryl luaunfleua+ug- ,,ur+snv ur raleaqJ +sag,, 666L llo.J srapeax alrrtrorr{J uqsnv - ,,ul}snv ur raleaql ar^oIAI lsag,,

arsr3 3uiHn ANV og AHA






vt t=Nlc



The Alomo Drofthouse Gnemo is unlike ony movie theqter in Austin The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema has established itself as the premiere movie experience. As the action unfolds on the screen, waiters serve our version of theater snacks: stonebaked pizzas, zesty salads, pastas, sandwiches on fresh-baked bread, beer, wine, and coffee with desserts. Movies, however, are just the beginning at the Alamo.

Meeting ond Conlerence Fodlity

The Alamo also serves as the most unique meeting and banquet room in Austin. The screening room seats 200 people. A lounge area makes socializing easy. Hundreds of

groups and companies have already discovered that the Alamo offers a great setting and powerful audio-visual presentations. The Alamo is ideal for meetings, team building exercises, presentations, or just a fun night out for a group. It's a perfect site for parties
of all sizes.

Bunquet Servite
Our catering facilities are on-premise, and are equipped to satisfy every need and every budget, from buffet style hors d'oeuvres to full dinner service, or just movie snacks. Our bar serves beer and wine, a variety of sodas, Italian sodas and full espresso service. As an added bonus, the Alamo can offer a fun and unique way to unwind following the business at hand: a private showing of a movie of your choice on the big screen, making your event truly an affair to remember. To book 0n

evenl or lor more informotion, coll 476'1320.

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