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Accenture Placement Paper

1. WRITTEN+ESSAY WRITING 2. GD 3. HR INTERVIEW 4. TECHNICAL INTERVIEW 1. WRITTEN-(1 hour) Easy to clear, It has 3 sections a) ENGLISHTotal 20 questions.10 Fill in the blanks of prepositions, synonyms & antonyms, 2 passages related to computers. b) APTITUDERefer R.S.Agarwaal. Topics on which questions were asked are: Blood Relations Directions Time & Distance Questions like if 100 people like to watch cricket, 200 like to watch football & so on.. c) VERBAL & NON-VERBALRefer R.S.Agarwaal Topics on which questions were asked are: Mathematical Operations Data Sufficiency Logic Puzzle Test d) ESSAY WRITING10 mins, 100-150 words IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA. 450 people cleared the written test out of 3000 people. ON 25th August we had our GD & Interview. We reached our centre at 10:00AM. Firstly we had a 40-45mins PPT (Pre-Placement Talk). Listen carefully as it will help you in HR interview also. 2) GDFirstly the coordinator asked us to suggest some topics but he gave us the following topic: IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA AFTER 10YEARS. " In GD you must put your points confidently & speak something. If you put your points confidently they will select you. In our group 6 people were selected from 12. In GD 150 students were selected from 450. 3) HR Tell me about yourself? Why your 12th % was low? Do you know C? What is linked list? What is stack pointer? (I didnt know the answer & I simply said I dont know. Remember if you dont know the answer tell them. It will be beneficial.) What is a register? What is the difference between LAN & WAN? (As I have asked her to ask from Computer Networks.) What is the difference between Routers & Switches? What is OSI?

Name all the 7 layers of OSI.

Then the interviewer asked me if I was having any questions. I asked her that I want to pursue my MBA, how will Accenture help me out? The HR interview carried out for about 10-15 mins. After my interview the interviewer told me to wait outside. I was told that I had cleared my HR & be ready for myTechnical interview. After 10mins I was called for my technical interview. 4) TECHNICALIt was carried out for about 15-20mins. Tell me about yourself? Which sport do u like? Why Accenture? Why should I hire you? Why your 12th% was low? Some concepts of addressing. Which subjects have you studied? What was your GD topic & questions related with GD topic? Why were u selected in GD? The interviewer told me to wait for the results. At around 9:30PM our results were announced. My name was also there. 34 students were selected on that day & some of the students were having there interviews the next day as it was very late.

Accenture 2010 placement papers

Latest Sample Placement Paper Of Accenture For Year-2009-10 (Mathematics, English)
1.Find the approximate value of the following equation. 6.23% of 258.43 - ? + 3.11% of 127 = 13.87 1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 6 5) 10 2. A train overtakes 2 persons walking at 3 km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively in the same direction and completely passes them in 8 seconds and 10 seconds respectively. Find the speed of the train. 1) 15 km/hr 2) 13 km/hr 3) 10 km/hr 4) 10 km/hr 5) None of these 3.The ratio between the radius and height of a cone is 3:4. What is the curved surface area of the cone?

1) 15p m2 2) 12p m2 3) 9p m2 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these 4.A man stands on the top of a pole and makes an angle of 60 on the surface of a ground. He slides 20 m down and makes an angle of 30at the same point. If he takes 10 seconds to reach the ground from here, find his speed. 1) 6 km/hr 2) 5 km/hr 3) 10 km/hr 4) 8 km/hr 5) 10.80 km/hr 5.Which of the following values of 'n' satisfies the in-equality n2 - 24n + 143 < 0? 1) n < 11 2) n > 13 3) 11 < n < 13 4) 11 > n > 13 5) None of these 6.If 2x+y = 11, 2y+z = 12 and z+2x = 8, find the value of 2x + 3y +4z. 1) 29 2) 33 3) 25 4) 39 5) None of these 7.A shopkeeper labels the price of article 15% above the cost price. If he allow Rs 51.20 discount on an article of Rs 1024, find his profit percent. 1) 10% 2) 8% 3) 12% 4) 9% 5) 9.25% 8.Which of the following numbers are completely divisible by 11? A. 3245682 B. 283712 C. 438416 D. 36894 1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Only D

5) All are divisible 9.The sum of a number and its square is 1406. What is the number? 1) 38 2) 39 3) 37 4) 29 5) None of these 10.In a business P and Q invested amounts in the ratio 3:4, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by P and R was 6:7. If Rs 106501.50 was their profit, how much amount did Q receive? 1) Rs 40572 2) Rs 30429 3) Rs 35500.50 4) Rs 34629 5) None of these Directions (Q. 11-15): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 5). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.) 11. 1) To the best of 2) my knowledge and belief beyond approach. 5) No error 3) his moral character was 4) is

12. 1) This suggestion was 2) placed down a few years ago that 4) the best officers will quite. 5) No error

3) because of a suspicion

13. 1) Successful privatising calls for 2) a broad-based programme rather than preoccupation with getting the 4) best for individual companies. 5) No error

3) a

14. 1) There can be 2) little doubt that 3) he was the author 4) of his own downfall. 5) No error 15. 1) He became a 2) prickly person able to 3) get on with old friends 4) and new colleagues. 5) No error Directions (Q. 16-25): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words.

It is a 16 that Communists are opposed to economic reforms. The fact of the life is that Communists are the most 17 fighters for economic reforms, the reforms that lead to selfreliant and democratic economic development with social justice. To term the marketoriented changes as reform is a 18. The development strategy 19 under Structural Adjustment and dictated by the World Bank, IMF and WTO is a strategy for the 20 development of capitalism under which the working people, who are the main productive force, are made 21, kept unemployed, thrown out of jobs, and so on. It has no social relevance. In the phase of globalization, no country can develop in 22 and entry of the foreign capital can not be 23 altogether. Integration with world economy has to ensure the free and speedy 24 of the national economy. Foreign capital has to be allowed in the areas where we really need huge investment, which our resources cannot meet, and where we need technology, not available in the country. Economic 25 should not mean license for plunder by MNCs. 16. 1) problem 2) mysticism 3) curiosity 4) misconception 5) mistake 17. 1) liberal 2) demanding 3) strident 4) detrimental 5) horrible. 18. 1) misnomer 2) terrible 3) danger 4) tragedy 5) shame 19. 1) reached 2) verified 3) assembled 4) hurled 5) envisaged 20. 1) westernised 2) unfettered 3) gross 4) accumulated 5) astounding 21. 1) labourers 2) culprit 3) redundant 4) escapists 5) icons 22. 1) unison 2) liberalisation 3) coalition 4) association 5) isolation 23. 1) forced 2) loaded 3) denied 4) stated 5) scrutinised 24. 1) development 2) empowerment 3) unity 4) mobilisation 5) cohesion 25. 1) growth 2) potential 3) strategy 4) reforms 5) vitality

answers will follow Here are the answers

1. (4) 2. (2) 3. (4) 4. (5) 5. (3) 6. (1) 7. (5) 8. (5) 9. (3) 10. (1) 11. (4) 12. (2) 13. (1) 14. (5) 15. (2) 16. (4) 17. (3) 18.(1) 19. (5) 20. (2) 21. (3) 22. (5) 23. (3) 24. (1) 25. (4)

1) APTITUDE TEST: Questions = 55 time limit = 60 minutes Along with that an essay to write in the same sheet in another 10 minutes. No sectional cut off, no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test Directions for Questions 1-3: Choose the option which will correctly fill the blank. 1. My home town ___ California is a wonderful place to live. I live ______ a suburb not far from a busy city. ___ ___a fast pace A. at, in B. in, at C. in, in D. at, on Ans: C 2. In the evening, all the kids _____ our neighborhood play ball on the street. Some play basketball _______ a court marked by chalk. Others play ping-pong ______a neighbor's garage A. at, out, in B. in, on, in C. at, on , in D. in, on, at Ans: B 3. Mary goes ________ school _______ 9 O'clock ______bus. A. to, at, by B. to, in, by C. to, at, by D. to, in, with Ans: C Directions for Questions 4-6: Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word in ITALICS from the given options 4. The man vehemently denied all the charges of corruption that were leveled against him A. Forcefully B. Serenely C. Devoutly D. Hysterically E. None of these Ans: A 5. The notice said that the meeting would begin precisely at 9.00 am. A. Exactly B. Accurately C. Concisely D. Approximately E. None of these Ans: A 6. The art movie I watched this evening has put me in a pensive mood A. Confused B. Depressed C. Cheerful D. Reflective E. None of these Ans: D Directions for Questions 7-10: Choose the answer option which will correctly fill the blank. 7) They are ___ group of law breakers living in _____ heart of this city

A) the, a

B) The, the

C) A, the

D) in, the

8) The US is ______ open economy and _____ strong proponent of free trade globally.. A) an, a B) The, the C) a, the D) in, the Ans : A 9) _______ study compares office occupancy costs in 202 key locations across 57 countries around ______ world. A) the, an B) the, the C) an, the D) a, the Ans: B 10) It is pleasant to have ______sleep in ______ afternoon A) a, a B) A, an C) An, the D) a, the Ans: C Directions for Questions 11-15: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage. No effort is made to understand the reasons for these recurring disasters. Nobody has or the time or the inclination to understand the reasons. Unless and until we make an effort to understand these disasters will continue year after year with everincreasing intensity. The paramount need of day is information, education, and planning. Information would mean gathering data from all over the world about environmental degradation, loss of forest cover or mangroves, and pollution of all kinds. Education would mean informing the rules the mankind the reasons for these distressed. People must be made aware of the phenomenon of global warming. The vaporous by products of human activities create gas, like carbon dioxide-CO2 which traps vast amount of heat resulting in the increase of earths temperature, which boosts sealevel, shifts seasons. Unseasonal floods, rains, droughts etc. are the direct pattern of seasons but not so under E1 Nino. Increase of two degrees in global warming can cause a havoc. Greenhouse effect is another phenomenon, which haunts us, incoming sunlight has an energy equivalent to about 3,100 watts bulbs per sq yard. Lower air layers, which contain a number of gases, water vapour , CO2 and many others, trap the heat when these gases warm up, some of the heat is radiated back to earth s surface. This is broadly known as green effect. CO2 emission accounts for 60 percent of warming and has a life span of about 100 years in the atmosphere. Water vapour in contrast has a life span of eight days only. Ozone-level depletion is another cause of series concern as it causes killer cancer for which as yet there is no cure. Once we understand the causes, it is easy to take to remedial measures. This brings us to planning. Effluent management planning is the dire need of the day. There should be steering committee of governmental ministers, scientists, industries, NGOs, to devise means to develop and install machineries to prevent major cause of polluting effluents mentioned earlier. Within a time-bound framework, these devices must be installed, failing which the erring industries must be closed down. No new industries should be permitted without efficient effluent management and treatment. Chemical pesticides should be phased out gradually. Indian farmer for centuries depended upon organic fertilizers. Let us opt for them again. Recently, studies showed that mother s milk has DDT contents, obviously from consuming food having agrochemicals or pesticides. The indiscriminate use of pesticides kills both predatory and beneficial insects also. Let us bring back use of Neem for pesticides, which kills only predatory insects, or Tulsi for cleaning the atmosphere from suffocating pollution

. Planting these trees on war footing in the urgent need of the day. A country needs more than 30 percent forest cover. Trees retain water in soil and act as buffers against the waves. They are necessary for maintaining the regular cycle of seasons. India has less than 20 percent of forest cover. All this is possible if we opt for information technology. Vast sources of information are available. Let us use them to bring the knowledge to the doorstep of a common man, the executive, the politicians and the judiciary. Environment is a finely-tuned and extremely well balanced ecological mechanism. Flora and fauna, birds, animals and, of course, humans play a vital role. Touch one adversely and all suffer. We are courting irreversible disaster. We have turned our back on Nature. Let us go back to Nature- at least for our survival. 11. According to the author, the various constituents of the environment are A. Supplementary B. Independent C. Mutually in exclusive D. Interdependent Ans: D 12. According to the author, the first step toward any remedy is A. Understanding the cause B. Analysis of the existent resources C. Planning D. Sound implementation of ideas Ans:A 13. Which of the following is not inferable from the passage? I. Cancer is Incurable. II. The present nature of mens interaction is unsustainable. III. Mothers milk is not advisable. A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. All I, II and III Ans: B 14. Which is the main culprit that causes greenhouse effect? A. incoming sunlight B. trapping gases C. gaseous radiation D. lower air-layers Ans: C 15. Indias forest cover is roughly A. Half of what is needed B. Adequate C. Adequate for mangroves D. None of these Ans: A 16. Which of the following would not get the authors support, in your view? A. Genetically modified rice for eating B. Food grains produced by robots

C. Drinks containing artificial flavors and preservations D. All of the above Ans: D Directions for Questions 17-20: One recent example of industrial hyper growth has taken place in the recycling industry, led by the rapid expansion of the recycled paper market. Though many laws were enacted in the late 1980s to encourage (and in some cases require) the collection of waste paper for recycling, there were not, at that time, companies with sufficient capacity to recycle it all. Consequently the collected paper accumulated in storage, usually at the expense of the recycling companies, thereby adding to their overhead and squeezing their already thin profit margins. Today a different situation exists. Fifty-seven new paper mills have been built since 1991, and of these, at least twenty-nine use recycled fiber. This surge in capacity has resulted in a concurrent rise in profits. The price per Ton of waste paper has quadrupled in the past year, as have the prices of corrugated cardboard and used newsprint. Trash haulers have benefited from these conditions by combining their trash hauling and recycling operations. Recycling centers are connected both to the clients to whom they sell end products and to those from whom they collect refuse; thus, the company gets paid twice for the same trash, once for hauling the waste and once for selling the usable material. Industry profits have increased more than tenfold during this period. As the industry has become more competitive, some haulers have chosen to rebate a portion of this money to their clients in the hopes of ensuring their loyalty. 17. According to the passage, which of the following is a reason for the increase in profits in the trash hauling business? A. Haulers' ability to sell both services and products. B. Money offered by haulers to preferred customers. C. Foresight exhibited by the leaders of the industry. D. Haulers' willingness to adapt technology to a changing industry. E. Passage of stricter environmental legislation. 18. It can be inferred from the passage that the price of waste paper A. will increase steadily over the next few years B. will increase as more companies get involved in the industry C. is closely related to the availability of trash haulers D. is not as important to trash haulers as the price they charge for hauling waste E. is sometimes set by the weight of the product 19. The author of the passage would most likely agree with which of the following? A. Competition between trash haulers and recyclers will prevent the recycled paper industry from reaching its full economic potential. B. Pressure from anti-environmental groups has increased pressure on the government to oppose recycled paper initiatives. C. The recycled paper industry may continue to grow at its present rate as long as the industry remains profitable. D. The profit-seeking of recyclers have overshadowed environmental concerns in the recycled paper industry. E. Government negligence prevented the recycled paper industry from becoming successful until the early 1990s.

20. According to the passage, all of the following are results of the increase in the number of new mills using recycled finer except A. The price of waste paper has risen dramatically. B. Trash haulers are earning increased revenues. C. Profits at recycling centers have increased more than tenfold. D. The price of corrugated cardboard has risen. E. Trash haulers have been forced to compete with recyclers. Section 2: Analytical Ability No. of Questions: 20 Duration in Minutes: 20 21. A can do a piece of work in 36 days, B in 54 days and C in 72 days. All of them began together but A left 8 days and B left 12 days before the completion of the work. How many days in all did C put in till the entire work was finished? A. 48 days B. 24 days C. 12 days D. None Ans: B 22. A person travels through 5 cities - A, B, C, D, E. Cities E is 2 km west of D. D is 3 km north-east of A. C is 5km north of B and 4 km west of A. If this person visits these cities in the sequence B - C - A - E - D, what is the effective distance between cities B and D? A. 13 km B. 9 km C. 10 km D. 11 km Ans: A 23. The horizontal distance of a kite from the boy flying it is 30 m and 50 m of cord is out from the roll. If the wind moves the kite horizontally at the rate of 5 km per hour directly away from the boy, how fast is the cord being released? A. 3 km per hour B. 4 km per hour C. 5 km per hour D. 6 km per hour Ans: D 24. Two liquids A and B are in the ratio 5 : 1 in container 1 and in container 2, they are in the ratio 1 : 3. In what ratio should the contents of the two containers be mixed so as to obtain a mixture of A and B in the ratio 1 : 1? A. 2 : 3 B. 4 : 3 C. 3 : 2 D. 3 : 4 Ans: D 25. A closed wooden box of thickness 0.5 cm and length 21 cm, width 11 cm, and height 6 cm, is panted on the inside. The cost of painting is Rs 70. What is the rate of painting in rupees per sq. cm? A. 0.7 B. 0.5 C. 0.1 D. 0.2 Ans: C 26. If a number 774958A96B is to be divisible by 8 and 9, the values of A and B, respectively, will be: A. 7,8 B. 8,0 C. 5,8 D. None of these Ans: C 27. The price of a Maruti car rises by 30% while the sales of the car came down by 20%. What is the percent change in the total revenue? 1. 4 2. -2 3. + 4 4. 0 Ans: C

28. A man travels three-fifths of distance AB at a speed of 3a, and the remaining at a speed of 2b. If he goes from B to A and back at a speed of 5c in the same time, then: A. 1/a + 1/b = 1/c B. a + b = c C. 1/a + 1/b = 2/c D. None of these Ans: C 29. A cube of side 12 cm is painted red on all the faces and then cut into smaller cubes, each of side 3 cm. What is the total number of smaller cubes having none of their faces painted? A. 16 B. 8 C. 12 D. 24 Ans: B 30.I bought 5 pens, 7 pencils and 4 erasers. Rajan bought 6 pens, 8 erasers and 14 pencils for an amount which was half more than what I had paid. What percent of the total amount paid by me was paid for the pens? A. 37.5% B. 62.5% C. 50% D. None of these Ans: B 31. A man has nine friends, four boys and five girls. In how many ways can he invite them, if there have to be exactly three girls in the invitees? A. 320 B. 160 C. 80 D. 200 Ans: B 32. In a watch, the minute hand crosses the hour hand for the third time exactly after every 3 hrs 18 min 15 seconds of watch time. What is the time gained or lost by this watch in one day? A. 14 min 10 seconds lost B. 13 min 50 seconds lost C. 13 min 20 second gained D. 14 min 40 second gained. Ans: B 33. Two trains, 200 and 160 meters long take a minute to cross each other while traveling in the same direction and take only 10 seconds when they cross in opposite directions. What are the speeds at which the trains are traveling? A. 21 m/s; 15 m/s B. 30 m/s; 24 m/s C. 18 m/s; 27 m/s D. 15 m/s; 24 m/s Ans: A 34. A, B and C can do a work in 5 days, 10 days and 15 days respectively. They started together to do the work but after 2 days A and B left. C did the remaining work (in days) A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 4 Ans: D 35. A can complete a project in 20 days and B can complete the same project in 30 days. If A and B start working on the project together and A quits 10 days before

the project is completed, in how many days will the project be completed? A. 18 days B. 27 days C. 26.67 days D. 16 days Ans: A 36. f log 2 = 0. 3010, then find how many digits are contained in the number 256. A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. Cannot be determined Ans: C 37. After a discount of 11.11%, a trader still makes a gain of 14.28%. At how many percent above the cost price does he mark his goods? A. 28.56% B. 35% C. 22.22% D. None of these Ans: A 38. The average marks of a student in ten papers are 80. If the highest and the lowest scores are not considered, the average is 81. If his highest score is 92, find the lowest. A. 55 B. 60 C. 62 D. Cannot be determined. Ans: B 39. The sum of the areas of two circles which touch each other externally is 153?. If the sum of their radii is 15, find the ratio of the larger to the smaller radius. A. 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. None of these Ans: A 40. A student gets an aggregate of 60% marks in five subjects in the ratio 10 : 9 : 8 : 7 : 6. If the passing marks are 50% of the maximum marks and each subjects has the same maximum marks, in how many subjects did he pass the exam? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 Ans: C Directions for Questions 41-45: Follow the directions given below to answer the questions that follow. Your answer for each question below would be: A, if ALL THREE items given in the question are exactly ALIKE. B, if only the FIRST and SECOND items are exactly ALIKE. C, if only the FIRST and THIRD items are exactly ALIKE. D, if only the SECOND and THIRD items are exactly ALIKE. E, if ALL THREE items are DIFFERENT. 41) YYIIYIYJIYJL, YYIIYIYJIYJL, YYIIYIYJIYJL A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E Ans:A 42) 1110001010010101.01101, 11100010110010101.01101, 1110001010010101.011101 A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E Ans:E 43) PQPQPQPQPQQPPQPQ, PQPQPQQPQPQQPPQPQ, PQPQPQPQPQQPPQPQ A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E Ans: C 44) 77566141667811.122123, 77566141667811.122123, 775661141667811.122123 A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

Ans: B 45) 0471-2245771, 0471-2246771, 0471-2246771 A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E Ans: D http://www.ChetanaS.org Directions for Questions 46-50: Follow the directions given below to answer the questions that follow. Seven instructors - J, K, L, M, N, P and Q teach management courses at a premier institute in east India. Each instructor teaches during exactly one term: the first term, the second term, or the third term. The following conditions apply: K teaches during the third term. L and M teach during the same term. Q teaches during either the first term or the second term. Exactly twice as many instructors teach during the third term as teach during the first term. N and Q teach during different terms. J and P teach during different terms. 46. Which one of the following could be an accurate matching of instructors to terms? A. M: the first term; P: the second term; Q: the first term B. J: the third term; L: the third term; P: the third term C. L: the first term; N: the second term; P: the third term D. J: the first term; M: the third term; N: the second term Ans: D 47. Which one of the following cannot be true? A. L teaches during the first term B. M teaches during the second term C. M teaches during the third term D. N teaches during the second term Ans: A 48. If exactly one instructor teaches during the second term, which one of the following must be true? A. J teaches during the third term B. L teaches during the first term C. M teaches during the third term D. P teaches during the second term Ans: C 49. Each of the following contains a list of instructors who can all teach during the same term EXCEPT: A. J,K,M B. J,L,M C. K,L,P D. K,P,Q Ans: D 50. If more instructors teach during the second term than teach during the first term, then which one of the following instructors must teach during the second term? A. J B. M C. N D. P Ans: B

Directions for Questions 51-55: Refer to the data below and answer the questions that follows.All the roads of city Z are either perpendicular or parallel to one another. The roads are all straight. Road, A, B, C, D and E are parallel to one another. Roads G, H, I, H, J, K, L and M are parallel to one another. i. Road A is 1 mile east of road B ii. Road B is 1/2 mile west of C. iii. Road D is 1 mile west of E. iv. Road G is 1/2 mile south of H. v. Road I is 1 mile north of J vi. Road K is 1/2 mile north of L. vii. Road K is 1 mile south of M http://www.ChetanaS.org 51. Which of the following statements is necessarily true? A. I is 1 mile north of L B. D is 2 miles west of B C. E and B intersect D. M is 1.5 miles north of L Ans: D 52. If E is midway between B and C, then which of the following statement is false? A. D is less than 1 mile from B. B. C is less than 1.5 miles from D. C. Distance from E to B added to distance of E to C is 1/2 mile. D. D is 2 miles west of A Ans: D 53. Which of the following possibilities would make two roads coincide? A. L is 1/2 mile north of I B. D is 1/2 mile east of A C. I is 1/2 mile north of K D. C is 1 mile west of D Ans: C 54. If X is parallel to I & X is 1/2 mile south of J & I north of G, then which road would be mile apart? A. I and X b B. X and H C. J and G d D. J and H Ans: B 55. If road E is midway between B and C, then the distance between A and D is A. 1/2 mile B. 1 mile C. 1.75 miles D. 2.5 miles Ans: C

75 questions, 75 min. No negative marking. Pattern of test: 1. Written (non tech + tech). 2. HR interview. 3. Final interview. (tech + hr) 1. I sow her -__ airport At , on , in , across 2. Masi specialises __ plesent ,well balanced wines into, about ,in, with 3. By the time I arrived __ the pub she all ready left in, on , at, into 4. erbiage the act of doing something the use many words witout nessecity a vegitable non of the above 5. frutful means justify futile efficient productive 6. aestheically means tastlessly artistically hazardously colurfully

7. ___panda & white tiger are in denger species ? a ,an ,the ,none 8. __ doctor who you met yesterday was my father ? a, an, the, none 9. __ university of its status doesnt eevn need to advertise ? a, an, the , none of the article reqiuered 10. 45students , 12 in debate only ,22 in singing only how many in both ? 9 ,11 ,25 ,45 11. 10 play cabaddi,20 play kho kho only ,5 both how many in total ? 35,28 ,40,cant say 12. 100 spoke english, 40 speek french ,20 both at least one? 13. 200 total 125 like piza 115 berger both? 15,40,72,80 14. 10 friends meet for movie 20 for picnic and 5 for games 4 for m& pic 2 for m&g 0 for p&g 2 for all hoe many are students? 11,16,25,35 110,100,140,120

15. A poll poniting towards east by accident started to point towards south. A man was travelling thing west what is the actual dir ?N,S,E ,W 16. Sagar was riding bike towards north,turned left road 1 km turnes towrds left &road 2km found himself 1km west of starting how far did he road north? 1,2,3,5 17. 600 to be seated.10benches are less.so 2 more persons are required to be seated in each bench.so how many benches. 209 36 44 60 18. Selling a ac gains 25% on SP.what %gain on CP. 15 25 33.33 47.5 19. Students from different universities. A speaks hindi and bengali. B hindi and english. C english and bengali. D tamil and hindi E bengali and tamil 20. Interpretor between C and D A only B only E only A ,B and E 21. Can't speak without interpretor B&E A&B A&C B&E 22. 5 children were born on the same day but on different years in b/w 1999 - 2003 . Abhya is younger than dinesh and frahan vaskar is naughtiest of all. girish is older than dinesh and farhan. If Abhay is born in 2002, then in which year farhan is born : 1999-2002 2000- 2001 1999, 2000, 2001 2003 23. Order in which childrens are born ? B,D,G,F,A G,D,B,F,A G,A,B,D,F F,B,D,A,G 24. * = +, / = *, + =- , - = / 2/9*11+10- 8 A) 20.8 B) 27.8

C) 27.8 D) 25.8 25. *= -, /=+,+=/,-=* 12/20*4+80-4=31.8 20*4/4+80-4=-8.2 12*4/20+12-4=-12 4*12/4+80-4=-8 26. ------stores a log of changes made to db,which are then written to _,which are then written to _,which is used if db recovery is necc. a) db buffer share pool b) program global area,shared pool c) system global area,large pool d) redo log buffer,online redo log 27. ----means allowing objects of difference types to be considered as examples of a higher level set : ans: Generalization 28. The primary characteristic of key field is that it must be unique 29. Manager-------------- --emp managed by ans:one of many recursive relationship 30. If a member initialiser is not provided for a member object of a class .The object - is called a) static fn b) non static fn c) default constructor d) none 31. class constest { private: const int i; public: constest():i(10) } 32. Inheritance b) abstract base class c) specifies a way to to define a const member data d) none 33. Iimplement polymorphism when by object belonging to different class can respond to the same message in diff ways. a) late binding b)dynamic binding c) dynamically created object d) virtual fun 34. Member function---------- and ----------- set and reset the format state of flags. a) set,reset b) set,get c) set, unset d) set ,unsetf

35. #include<iostream.h> struct abc { int i; abc(int j) { i=j;} public: void display() { cout<<i;} } void main() { abc ob(10); ob.disp(); } a)10 b) error : constructor is not accessible c) abc: i not accessible d)none 36. # include<iostream.h> class sample { public : sample(int **pp) { p=pp;} int **p; int **sample:: *ptr=&sample ::p; 37. In a file A...Z characters are written.if we open the file using fopen and lseek(fp,-10,2); c=getc(fp); printf("%c",c); what will be the output.? Ans . Y.(please verify Here last parameter is the integer value to seel_end 38. Same question with lseek(fp,10,0); c=getc(fp); printf("%c",c); ans. 11th character will be printed "K" verify. 39. Theory question about far pointers. Hint: Far pointers are 4 bytes in size and local pointers are 2 bytes in size. important: i saw in a previous question paper of accenture which is in the chetana database, some lady wrote that size of an integer in C is 2 bytes and for C++ it is 4 bytes. This is

absurd.The size of types is entirely dependent on the compiler used.for DOS Turbo C sizeof int is 2 and float is 4 bytes for windows borland C,C++ size of int is 4 bytes for linux gcc, size of int is 2 bytes. All these depends on the Operating system.Please keep this in mind. 40. Now some questions about extern variables. 41. #include<stdio.h> main() { char str[]={"hell"}; int i; for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("%c%c%c%c ",str[i],i[str],*(str+i),*(i+str)); getch(); } ans. hhhh eeee llll llll note that str[i] and i[str] are the same.in the question paper, the original word is "hello". 42. Which of the following is not defined in string.h strtod,memchr,strspn,strchr ans . strtod.(defined in STDLIB.H) it is used to convert a string to double. 43. Questions on macros with arguments .same pattern given in TEST UR C SKILLS eg.#define SQUARE(x) x*x main() { ....... y=SQUARE(2+3); printf("%d",y); } ans. when the macro expands we get 2+3*2+3 = 2+6+3 =11.11 is the correct answer not 25. 44. Remember an inline function does type checking and so it is better than a macro a question on this.

45. Some memory is allocated using memalloc and then realloc is called. and now to write the size of the variable.better learn memalloc and realloc. what it does and syntax.

Accenture Aptitude Sample Placement Paper 2010 Subject: Accenture Aptitude Sample Placement Paper 2010 Date Posted: 12Apr2010 at 9:43am
Accenture Aptitude Solved Sample Paper: 1) 3 blocks are chosen randomly on a chessboard. What is the probability that they are in the same diagonal? Answer There are total of 64 blocks on a chessboard. So 3 blocks can be chosen out of 64 in 64C3 ways. So the sample space is = 41664 There are 2 diagonal on chessboard each one having 8 blocks. Consider one of them. 3 blocks out of 8 blocks in diagonal can be chosen in 8C3 ways. But there are 2 such diagonals, hence favourables = 2 * 8C3 = 2 * 56 = 112 The require probability is = 112 / 41664 = 1 / 372 = 0.002688 2) What is the area of the triangle ABC with A(e,p) B(2e,3p) and C(3e,5p)? where p = PI (3.141592654) Answer A tricky ONE. Given 3 points are colinear. Hence, it is a straight line. Hence area of triangle is 0. 3) Silu and Meenu were walking on the road.Silu said, "I weigh 51 Kgs. How much do you weigh?"Meenu replied that she wouldn't reveal her weight directly as she is overweight. But she said, "I weigh 29 Kgs plus half of my weight."How much does Meenu weigh? Answer Meenu weighs 58 Kgs. It is given that Meenu weighs 29 Kgs plus half of her own weight. It means that 29 Kgs is the other half. So she weighs 58 Kgs. Solving mathematically, let's assume that her weight is X Kgs. X = 29 + X/2 2*X = 58 + X X = 58 Kgs 4) Consider the sum: ABC + DEF + GHI = JJJ .If different letters represent different digits, and there are no leading zeros, what does J represent?

Answer The value of J must be 9.Since there are no leading zeros, J must be 7, 8, or 9. (JJJ = ABC + DEF + GHI= 14? + 25? + 36? = 7??)Now, the remainder left after dividing any number by 9 is the same as the remainder left after dividing the sum of the digits of that number by 9. Also, note that 0 + 1 + ... + 9 has a remainder of 0 after dividing by 9 and JJJ has a remainder of 0, 3, or 6. The number 9 is the only number from 7, 8 and 9 that leaves a remainder of 0, 3, or 6 if you remove it from the sum 0 + 1 + ... + 9. Hence, it follows that J must be 9. Accenture solved Placement Papers - general - part 2 Here are some solved questions from Accenture Placement Papers 1) Using two 2's and two 3's and using a maxm of three mathematical signs, symbols, can you have a result in between 14 and 15 ? concatanation ( clubbing of digits ) allowed. Solution: ( 23 + 3! ) / 2 = 14.5 2) what is the 28383rd term in the series 1234567891011121314............ a) 3 b) 4 c) 7 d) 9 Solution: there are 9 no. of single digit there are 180 no. of double digit there are 2700 no. of three digit now total 2889 no. till 999 remaining no. are 25494 that is devided by 4 and the q is 6373 with reminder of 2 so 28381 is 6373+999=737(2) n next no is 7(3)73 so ans is 3 3) a*b*c*d*e + b*c*d*e*f + a*c*d*e*f + a*b*d*e*f + a*b*c*e*f + a*b*c*d*f = a*b*c*d*e*f and a,b,c,d,e and f are all positive nonrepeating integers then solve a,b,c,d,e, and f. Solution : Start with 1/2 + 1/2, then progressively split the last part x into 2x/3 + x/3. This gives the following progression: 2,2 2,3,6 2,3,9,18 2,3,9,27,54 2,3,9,27,81,162 4) 729 ml of a mixture contains milk and water in ratio 7:2. How much of the water

is to be added to get a new mixture containing half milk and half water? (i) 79 ml (ii) 81 ml (iii) 72 ml (iv) 91 ml Solution: Milk = (729 * (7/9))=567ml Water = (729-567)= 162ml Let water to be added be x ml 567/(162+x) = 7/3 1701 = 1134 + 7x x = 81ml Accenture solved Placement Papers - general - part 1 Here are some solved questions from Accenture Placement Papers 1) If one-seventh of a number exceeds its eleventh part by 100 then the number is (i) 770 (ii) 1100 (iii) 1825 (iv) 1925 Solution: Let the number be x. Then X/7 - x/11 =100 11x-7x = 7700 x=1925. 2) If 1.5x=0.04y then the value of (y-x)/(y+x) is (i) 730/77 (ii) 73/77 (iii) 7.3/77 (iv) None Solution: x/y = 0.04/1.5 = 2/75 So (y-x)/(y+x) = (1 - x/y)/(1 + x/y) = (1 - 2/75)/ (1 + 2/75) = 73/77. 3) The smallest number which when diminished by 3 is divisible by 21,28,36 and 45 is... (i) 869 (ii) 859 (iii) 4320 (iv) 1263 Solution: The required number = l.c.m. of (21,28,36 ,45)+3=1263 4) If x and y are the two digits f the number 653xy such that this number is divisible by 80, then x+y is equal to: (i) 2 (ii) 3 (iii) 4 (iv) 6 Solution: Since 653xy is divisible by 2 as well as by 5, so y = 0

Now 653x0 is divisible by 8 so 3x0 is also divisible by 8. By hit and trial x=6 and x+y = 6

Section 1-ENGLISH 1) In this section 2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each ) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mix of lagan story .In this answer of first question was (Ball tempering) the second passage was based on Gadar movie.(same story). Synonyms: 1)Candid:ans frank 2)Specifaction :ans documentation 3) Extradite =deport 4) Cursory= scold 5) ----------= very high fill up the blanks with proper word(5 questions) pick the sentence which has grammatical mistake.(5 questios). Section 3-Verbal (20 questions) Here few questions are from logical reasoning (eg.)(6 questions) Sentences: ( type of question) (logical deductions) i.some cats are dog ii. no dog is lion conclusion : i. some dogs are lion ii. some dog are cats options: a. only (i) follows b. either I or ii follows c. none follows 2 questions on +means *, %mean -, etc.answers of those questions are 4 and -20/3.. letter series example aabb-abda?bbaa this type one question a question of this type find the next term in AM ,BA ,JM like this Aptitude questions: 1) it has 20 mixutre conatins mil and water in the ratio 3:5,replace 4 litres of mixture with 4 litres of water what is the final ratio of milk

and water. 2) + means * and * means / and / means % what is the value of these question 2+3*5/7 it was two question of these type. 3) The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not exact question). 3) work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men (similar to this) 4) one man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in ---- dyas 5) (998-1) (998-2) (998-3)????.. (998-n)=------- when n>1000 ans is zero 6) in how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if i) the last digit is 9 ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit. numbers are from 0-9 7) if a man reduces the selling price of a fan from 400 to 380 his loss increases by 20% .cost price of fan is. 8) There are 76 persons. 53 can read hindu,46 can read times,39 can read deccan and 15 can read all.if 22 can read hindu and deccan and 23 can read deccan and times then what is the number of persons who read only times and hindu??? Ans 18 9) in pure milk if 20% replaced by water and in this again 20% is replaced by water and again 20% is replaced by water then what is the praportion of milk in that mixture 10) after 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years Ans 49 11)races and games ---- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by ) 12)in the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve) Ratio and Proportion (4 questions) Ages (3 Qus. ) Races and games Time and distance

Time and work Percentages Note:if u don?t get answers please tick ?C?, u will be shortlisted See there will be mentioned that negitive marking is there but I am sure that there is no negitive marking Do not be afraid of attempting all questions Attempt all In the last part you will get option E as answer but there is no option E to tick in the answer sheet please be careful Group Discussion (GD) Per team 8 members and they tell us to choose a topic of ourown interest The topics we faced are Advantages and disadvantages of Internet Betting in cricket should legalized or not Education system in India A discussion on Iraq and America war After finishing the GD you will be given a form Please fill the form very very very carefully because based on that they pose the questions in the interview Remember those who have year gap in acadamic career will have less chances (happened to our batch),Those who do not have consistant percentages in their academics also . Interview Two interviews First HR then Technical HR questions are based on the form mentiond above it is very cool and do very very carefully be aware of the things whatever you say Technical interview comprices basic questions in every subject and the projects done in your curriculum

Capgemini Placement Paper

1.Elle is 3 times older than Zaheer. Zaheer is as old as Waheeda. Yogesh is elder than Zaheer. What is sufficient to estimate Elles age? i. Zaheer is 10 yrs old ii. Yogesh and Waheeda are both older than Zaheer by the same no of yrs. iii. Both of the above iv. None of the above 2.Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the info above i. Yogesh is elder than Waheeda ii. Elle is older than Waheeda iii. Elles age may be less than that of Waheeda iv. None of the above Ten coins are distr. Among 4 people P, Q, R, S such that one of them gets a coin, another gets 2 coins,3rd gets 3 coins, and 4th gets 4 coins. It is known that Q gets more coins than P, and S gets fewer coins than R a. If the no. of coins distr. To Q is twice the no. distr. to P then which one. is necessarily true? i. R gets even no. of coins ii. R gets odd no. of coins iii. S gets even no. of coins iv. S gets odd no. of coins b. If R gets at least two more coins than S which one of the following is necessarily true? i. Q gets at least 2 more coins than S ii. Q gets more coins than P iii. P gets more coins than S iv. P and Q together get at least five coins c. If Q gets fewer coins than R, then which one of the following is not necessarily true? i. P and Q together get at least 4 coins ii. Q and S together get at least 4 coins iii.R and S together get at least 5 coins iv.P and R together get at least 5 coins 3.In a race from pt. X to pt Y and back, Jack averages 0 miles/hr to pt Y and 10 miles/hr back to pr X. Sandy averages 20 miles/hr in both directions. If Jack and Sandy start race at same tIme, wholl finish 1st a.Jack b.Sandy c.they tie d.Impossible to tell

4.A man engaged a servant on a condition that hell pay Rs 90 and also give him a bag at the end of the yr. He served for 9 months and was given a turban and Rs 65. So the price of turban is a. Rs 10 b.RS 19 c. 0 RS d. 55 RS 5.Three wheels make 36, 24, 60 rev/min. Each has a black mark on it. It is aligned at the start of the qn.When does it align again for the first time? a.14 b.20 c.22 d.5 sec 6.If 1= (3/4)(1+ (y/x) ) then I. x=3y ii. x=y/3 iii. x=(2/3)y iv. None 7.The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.? I. 147 ii. 148 iii. 149 iv. 146 8.Find min value of fn: |-5-x| + |2-x|+|6-x|+10-x|; where x is an integer 1. 0 2.17 3.23 4.19 9.units digit in expansion os 2 raised to 51 is: 1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 8 10. men at same tym start walking towards each other from A n B 72 kms apart. sp of A is 4kmph.Sp of B is 2 kmph in 1st hr,2.5 in 2nd, 3 in rd. n so onwhen will they meet i in 7 hrs ii at 35 kms from A iii in 10 hrs iv midway 11. (8*76+19*?-60) / (?*7*12+3-52)=1 a.5 b.2 c. 1 d. 3 12. If 70% of a no. is subtracted from itself it reduces to 81.what is two fifth of that no.? a.108 b. 54 c. 210 4. none 11. If a certain sum of money at SI doubles itself in 5 yrs then what is d rate? a. 5% b. 20% c. 25% b.14.8% 12. If radius of cylinder and sphere r same and vol of sphere and cylinder r same what is d ratio betn the radius and height of the cylinder i. R= H ii. R= (3/4)H iii. R = (4/3)H iv. R=2/3H 13. Which one of the foll fractions is arranged in ascending order i. 9/11 ,7/9,11/13,13/14 ii 7/8,9/11,11/13,13/14 iii 9/11,11/13,7/8,13/14 iv none

14. A is 4 yrs old and B is thrice A>when A is 12 yrs, how old will B be? a. 16 b.20 c.24 d.28 15. Boat goes downstream from P to Q in 2hrs, upstream in 6hrs and if speed of stream was of boat in still water. Find dist PQ a. 6 b.4 c.10 d.none 16. grinders brought @ 2215/-.transpot expense 2190/-.2760/-on octroi . Find SP/piece to make profit of 20% a. 2585 b. 2225 c. 2670 d.3325 17. in a 2 digit no units place is halved and tens place is doubled.diff bet the nos is 37.digit in units place is 2 more than tens place. a. 24 b. 46 c. 42 d. none 18. if x-y + z = 19 , y + z =20 , x-z=3 , find d value of x+4y-5z a. 22 b. 38 c. 17 d.none 19. Find approx value of 39.987/0.8102+1.987*18.02 a. 72 b. 56 c.86 d. 44 20. If the ratio of prod of 3 diff comps A B & C is 4:7:5 and of overall prod last yr was 4lac tones and if each comp had an increase of 20% in prod level this yr what is the prod of Comp B this yr? a .1L b.1L c.1L d.none 21.A robot moves on a graph sheet with x-y axes. The robot is moved by feeding it with a sequence of instructions. The different instructions that can be used in moving it, and their meanings are: Instruction Meaning GOTO(x,y) move to pt with co-ord (x,y) no matter where u are currently WALKX(P) move parallel to x-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in ve if p is ve WALKY(P) move parallel to y-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in ve if p is ve 22.The robot reaches point (5,6) when a sequence of 3 instr. Is executed, the first of which is GOTO(x,y) , WALKY(2), WALKY(4). What are the values of x and y?? i. 2,4 ii.0,0 iii.3,2 iv 2,3 23.The robot is initially at (x.y), x>0 and y<0. The min no. of Instructions needed to be executed to bring it to origin (0,0) if you are prohibited from using GOTO instr. Is: i. 2 ii. 1 iii.x + y iv. 0 Direction for Qn 1-8 Ans A using I only

Ans B using II only Ans C using both I and II Ans D not solvable 1.Raman and Gaurav Brought eggs from a vendor. How many eggs were bought by each of them i. Raman bought half as many as Gaurav ii. The dealer had a stock of 500 eggs at the beginning of day 2.What is the age of Ramprakash? i. Ramprakash was born when his father was 26 yrs old ii. Ramprakashs mothers age is 3yrs less than his fathers 3.How much time is reqd for downloading the software? i. The Data transfer rate is 6 kbps ii. The size of the software is 4.5 megabytes 4.Sanjay and Vijay started their journey from Mumbai to Pune. Who reached Pune first? i. Sanjay overtakes two times Vijay and Vijay overtakes Sanjay two times ii. Sanjay started first 5.Is the GDP of country X higher than Country Y? i. GDPs of X and Y has been increasing at a compounded annual growth rate of 5% and 6% over he past 5 yrs ii. 5 yrs ago GDP of X was 1.2 times Y 6.A boat can ferry 1500 passengers across a river in 12 hrs. How many round trips does it make during the journey? i. The boat can carry 400 passengers at a time ii. During its journey, the boat takes 40 mins time each way and 20 mins waiting time at each end. 7.What are the values of m and n? i. n is an even integer, m is odd integer and m is greater than n. ii. The product of m and n is 30 8.How much is the weight of 20 mangoes and 30 oranges? i. 1 orange weighs twice that of 1 mango ii. 2 mangoes and 3 oranges weigh 2 kg Direction for Qn 9-12 9.Five teams participated in Pepsi Cup. Each team played against each other. The top teams played finals. A win fetched 2 pts and a tie 1 point 1) South Africa were in the finals 2) India defeated SA but failed to reach the finals

3) Australia lost only one match in the tournament 4) The match between India and Sri Lanka was a tie 5) The undefeated team in the league matches lost in the finals 6) England was one of the best teams that did not qualify 10. Who were the finalists? i. SA & India ii. Aus & SL iii. SA & SL iv. none 11. Who won the finals? i. Aus ii. SL iii. SA iv. Cant be determined 12. How many matches did India Win? i. 0 ii. 1 iii. 2 iv. cant be determined 13. What was the outcome of the India England Match i. India won ii. England won iii. It was a tie iv. Cant be determined Direction for Qn 13-14 14. These qns are based on situations given below: 7 Uni crick players are to be honored at a special luncheon. The players will be seated on a dais along one side of a single rectangular table. A and G have to leave the luncheon early and must be seated at the extreme right end of table, which is closest to exit. B will receive Man of the Match and must be in the centre chair C and D who are bitter rivals for the position of Wicket keeper dislike one another and should be seated as far apart as possible E and F are best friends and want to seat together. 15. Which of the foll may not be seated at either end of the table? i. C ii. D iii. G iv. F 16.Which of the foll pairs may not be seated together? i. E & A ii. B & D iii.C & F iv.G & D Salad problem.. Four girls Robin, Mandy, Stacy, Erica of four families Miller, Jacob, Flure and Clark prepare four salads using the fruits Apples cherries bananas, grapes .Each girls uses 3 fruits in her salad. No body have the same combination. 1 )Robin not a Miller girl uses apples. 2) Miller and Mandy uses apples and cherries. 3) Clark uses cherries and grapes but Flure uses only one of them. 4)Erica is not Clark nor Flure. htt Then 4 questions asked. 1. Which is robins family: a. Miller b. Jacob c.Flure d.Clark

2. Which fruit is not used by Mandy? aa a. Cherries b. Grapes c. Apples d. Bananas 3. Which is the combination by Erica? a. Apples, cherries, Bananas b. Apples, Cherries, Grapes c. Apples, Grapes, Bananas d. Cherries, Grapes, Bananas 4. Which is robin's fruit combination? a. Apples, cherries, Bananas b. Apples, Cherries, Grapes c. Apples, Grapes, Bananas d. Cherries, Grapes, Bananas 5. A garrison had provision for a certain number of days. After 10 days, 1/5 of the men desert and it is found that the provisions will now last just as long as before. How long was that? a. 15 b. 25 c. 35 d. 50 6. Find the equation whose roots are 9 and 5? 7. Find the 20th term from the last in the sequence 3,7,11............407 ? 8. The sum of first 20 numbers in an A.P. is equal to the sum of first 30 numbers. Find the sum of first 50 numbers of the A.P.? 9.. Find the next term in series - Y W U S Q O M ? a. P b. J c. L d. None of these. 10. Find the missing term in series - 1, 27, 125, ?, 729 11. Find the next term in series - 25, 37, 49, 61, ? Result anounsed on 21st September They select 169 student out of 240 My Name is also there in the selected list... Interview Questions 1.Different type of DBMS? 2.What is DDL & DCL? 3.What is JAVA? 4.What is linked List?

5. What is Stack? 6.What is Difference between C & C++? ME : ans TM : What is function, public & protected specfiers & how & where we use them!! ME : ans TM : 10 min for my project ME : ans briefly TM : They also ask about javascript & sql. ME : i said, i am not comfertable with this.. TM : Atlast they told to me to ask any question. ME : I ask. (In technical round also they look for fluence & they only check urs basic concept) After 10 min they call for HR Round HR : About yourself HR : Some Question related to resume HR : About Strenghts.& Example HR : About Weakness & example HR : Why Capgemini..? HR : one puzzle HR : Atlast they told to me to ask any question

1.Quantitative Aptitude (1 to 25 questions). Important topics in Quantitative Aptitude a. numbers (5 question) b. average(2) c. speed ,distance(5) d. simple compound interest(2) e. profit and loss(3) f. progression (2) 2.Logical (26 to 50 questions). Section : 1 (Quantitative Aptitude) 1) how many prime numbers r between 1 to 100? Ans :-25 (1 is not prime) 2)a problem on speed ,distance, time like superman flies at 25mph, spiderman flies at15mph and phantom take 2 hrs to fly from NY to DC. If speed of spiderman is twice

that of phantom .and distance between NY to DC is same as distance between NY to Washington (I dont remember it well) there where couple of question like 3) what is the distance between NY and DC? 4) how long will superman take to travel from dc to Washington and back? 5) I donno remember the 3rd ? 6)the largest no between (7)-(2),(3)+(4),2*(2),6+(2)(X)=square root of X 7)Arrange some numbers in descending order? Section 2:- Logical Questions 1)a problem on playground i.e A,B,C,D want to play on ground P,Q,R,S.A plays on p and Q. B on Q & R. C on Q and S.5 question where asked on the data more.. Interview Questions :1.Tell me about your self? Ans: Example (this is the main part. mention u r name ,birth date , birth place, academics 10th ,12th B.E ,the order of mentioning should be ascending, dont directly start from u r B.E ,also mention u r hobbies, which u pursued in 10 ,12 and B.E ,also mention achievement if any) 2.can u develop database relation schema for a movie theater? 3.what do u mean by normalization? Ans: about 1NF, 2NF, 3NF etc 4.write a program for Fibonacci series? 5.explained about your project in detailed 6.what about u r family background? 7.which technology r u aiming for career and why? 8.where do u see u r self 5 years from now? 9.do u know any recent news about the booming IT sector? 10.any problem shifting to other locations?

Test Location : S.R.K.N.E.C ,NAGPUR Posted By : VIRENDRA D. UPADHYAY CAPGEMINI PAPER ON 22ND APRIL 2010 Hi Capgemini Aspirants, I am a VIRENDRA UPADHYAY a MCA student of S.R.K.N.E.C, Nagpur. Although I am not selected for Capgemini but I can guide you better than anyone. I want to tell you specially to all MCA students because they are more technically strong but generally avoid to prepare aptitude and gd ,so be reffer to the latest papers. I was cleared the first 2 rounds but eliminated in the final round. Total consist of 3 rounds. 1)written test 2)GD 3)TECH/HR interview Written test1.) Quantitative 25 questions 2.) Analytical 25 questions Hello friends..... Section A 1.Fresh Grapes contain 90% water by wt. Dried grapes contain 20% water by %age. What will b wt of dried grapes when we begin with 20 kg fresh grapes? a)2kg b) 2.4kg c) 2.5kg d) none Answer. C 2.How many 5 digit no. can b formed wit digits 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 which r divisible by 4 and digits not repeated a)144 b)168 c)192 d) none Answer. C 3.There is a rectangular Garden whose length and width are 60m X 20m.There is a walkway of uniform width around garden. Area of walkway is 516m^2. Find width of walkway a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 Answer. C 4.If 1= (3/4)(1+ (y/x) ) then a)x=3y b) x=y/3 c) x=(2/3)y d) none Answer. A 5. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.? a)147 b)148 c)149

d) 146 Answer. B 6. 1,27,125,?,729,1331 find missing number. Ans: 343 7. Find approx value of 39.987/0.8102+1.987*18.02 a)72 b)56 c)86 d)44 Answer. C 8. Asish was given Rs. 158 in denominations of Rs 1 each. He distributes these in diff bags, such that ne sum of money of denomination betn 1 and 158 can be given in bags. The min no. of such bags reqd a)10 b)17 c)15 d) none Answer. D 9. If a certain sum of money at SI doubles itself in 5 yrs then what is the rate? a)5% b) 10% c)25% d)20% Ans: D 10. A man engaged a servant on a condition that he,ll pay Rs 90 and also give him a bag at the end of the yr. He served for 9 months and was given a turban and Rs 65. So the price of turban is ? i)Rs 10 II) Rs 19 iii)Rs 0 iv)Rs 55 Ans: A 11. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.? i. 147 ii. 148 iii. 149 iv. 146 Ans: B 12. In a race from pt. X to pt Y and back, Jack averages 30miles/hr to pt Y and 10 miles/hr back to pr X.Sandy averages 20 miles/hr in both directions. If Jack and Sandy start race at same tym, who,ll finish 1st ? Jack/Sandy/they tie/Impossible to tell Ans: they tie ( check it) 13. 2 men at same tym start walking towards each other from A n B 72 kms apart. sp of A is 4kmph.Sp of B is 2 kmph in 1st hr,2.5 in 2nd, 3 in rd. n so on.when will they meet i in 7 hrs ii at 35 kms from A iii in 10 hrs iv midway Ans: D 14. If the ratio of prod of 3 diff comp,s A B & C is 4:7:5 and of overall prod last yr was 4lac tones and if each comp had an increase of 20% in prod level this yr what is the prod

of Comp B this yr? i. 2.1L ii.22.1L iii.4.1L iv.none Ans: A 15. If 70% of a no. is subtracted from itself it reduces to 81.what is two fifth of that no.? 108/54/210/none Ans. A 16. If radius of cylinder and sphere r same and vol of sphere and cylinder r same what is d ratio betn the radius and height of the cylinder i. R= H ii. R= (3/4)H iii. R = (4/3)H iv. R=2/3H Ans: C 17. Which one of the foll fractions is arranged in ascending order i. 9/11,7/9,11/13,13/14 ii 7/8,9/11,11/13,13/14 iii 9/11,11/13,7/8,13/14 iv none Ans: C 18.10^10/10^4*10^2=10^? i. 8 ii. 6 iii. 4 iv. none Ans: C 19. units digit in expansion os 2 raised to 51 is: 2/4/6/8 Ans: D 20. Three wheels make 36, 24, 60 rev/min. Each has a black mark on it. It is aligned at the start of the qn. When does it align again for the first tym? 14/20/22/5 sec 21.one question on determinant having 4 colm and 3 rows I do not remember what exactly it. I had not solve it 22. one question on zeometry on triangle one side and angle is given like AD is

perpendicular to BC ,BD is Given find AC? I had not solve it 24. one question on progression , a simple one. 25. one question on share .a tough one. Section B Direction for Qn 1-4 An employee has to allocate offices to 6 staff members. The offices are no. 1-6. the offices are arranged in a row and they are separated from each other by dividers>hence voices, sounds and cigarette smoke flow easily from one office to another Miss R needs to use the telephone quite often throughout the day. Mr. M and Mr. B need adjacent offices as they need to consult each other often while working. Miss H is a senior employee and his to be allotted the office no. 5, having the biggest window. Mr. D requires silence in office next to his. Mr. T, Mr. M and Mr. D are all smokers. Miss H finds tobacco smoke allergic and consecutively the offices next to hers are occupied by non-smokers. Unless specifically stated all the employees maintain an atmosphere of silence during office hrs. Solution: Arrangements= D T M B H R. 1. The ideal candidate to occupy office farthest from Mr. B will be i. Miss H ii. Mr. M iii. Mr. T iv. Mr. D Ans: D 2. The three employees who are smokers should be seated in the offices i. 1 2 4 ii. 2 3 6 iii. 1 2 3 iv. 1 2 3 Ans: C 3. The ideal office for Mr. M would be i. 2 ii. 6 iii. 1 iv. 3 Ans: D 4. In the event of what occurrence within a period of one month since the assignment of the offices would a request for a change in office be put forth by one or more employees? i. Mr D quitting smoking ii. Mr. T taking over duties formally taken care of by Miss R iii. The installation of a water cooler in Miss H,s office

iv. Mr. B suffering from anemia Ans: D(check it) Direction for Qn 5-7 Ten coins are distr. Among 4 people P, Q, R, S such that one of them gets a coin, another gets 2 coins,3rd gets 3 coins, and 4th gets 4 coins. It is known that Q gets more coins than P, and S gets fewer coins than R 5. If the no. of coins distr. To Q is twice the no. distr. to P then which one of the following. is necessarily true? i. R gets even no. of coins ii. R gets odd no. of coins iii. S gets even no. of coins iv. S gets odd no. of coins Ans: D 6. If R gets at least two more coins than S which one of the following is necessarily true? i. Q gets at least 2 more coins than S ii. Q gets more coins than P iii. P gets more coins than S iv. P and Q together get at least five coins Ans: B 7. If Q gets fewer coins than R, then which one of the following is not necessarily true? i. P and Q together get at least 4 coins ii. Q and S together get at least 4 coins iii.R and S together get at least 5 coins iv.P and R together get at least 5 coins Ans: A Direction for Qn 8-9 Elle is 3 times older than Zaheer. Zaheer is as old as Waheeda. Yogesh is elder than Zaheer. 8. What is sufficient to estimate Elle,s age? i.Zaheer is 10 yrs old ii.Yogesh and Waheeda are both older than Zaheer by the same no of yrs. iii.Both of the above iv.None of the above Ans: A 9. Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the info above i.Yogesh is elder than Waheeda ii.Elle is older than Waheeda iii.Elle,s age may be less than that of Waheeda iv.None of the above Ans:B

Qns 10-11 are based on situations given below: 7 Uni crick players are to be honored at a special luncheon. The players will be seated on a dais along one side of a single rectangular table. A and G have to leave the luncheon early and must be seated at the extreme right end of table, which is closest to exit. B will receive Man of the Match and must be in the centre chair C and D who are bitter rivals for the position of Wicket keeper dislike one another and should be seated as far apart as possible E and F are best friends and want to seat together. 10.Which of the foll may not be seated at either end of the table? i. C ii. D iii. G iv. F Ans: iv 11.Which of the foll pairs may not be seated together? i. E & A ii. B & D iii. C & F iv. G & D Ans: i Direction for Qn 12-13 A robot moves on a graph sheet with x-y axes. The robot is moved by feeding it with a sequence of instructions. The different instructions that can be used in moving it, and their meanings are: Instruction Meaning GOTO(x,y) move to pt with co-ord (x,y) no matter where u are currently WALKX(P) move parallel to x-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in -ve if p is -ve WALKY(P) move parallel to y-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in -ve if p is -ve 12. The robot reaches point (5,6) when a sequence of 3 instr. Is executed, the first of which is GOTO(x,y) , WALKX(2), WALKY(4). What are the values of x and y?? i. 2,4 ii. 0,0 iii. 3,2 iv. 2,3 Ans: C 13. The robot is initially at (x.y), x>0 and y<0. The min no. of Instructions needed to be

executed to bring it to origin (0,0) if you are prohibited from using GOTO instr. Is: i. 2 ii. 1 iii. x + y iv. 0 Ans: A Direction for Qn 14-17 Five teams participated in Pepsi Cup. Each team played against each other. The top teams played finals. A win fetched 2 pts and a tie 1 point 1) South Africa were in the finals 2) India defeated SA but failed to reach the finals 3) Australia lost only one match in the tournament 4) The match between India and Sri Lanka was a tie 5) The undefeated team in the league matches lost in the finals 6) England was one of the best teams that did not qualify 14.Who were the finalists? i. SA & India ii. Aus & SL iii. SA & SL iv. none Ans: C 15. Who won the finals? i. Aus ii. SL iii. SA iv. Can,t be determined Ans: C 16. How many matches did India Win? i. 0 ii. 1 iii. 2 iv. can,t be determined Ans: D 17.What was the outcome of the India England Match i. India won ii. England won iii. It was a tie iv. Can,t be determined Ans: D( check it)

Direction for Qn 18-24. Ans A using I only Ans B using II only Ans C using both I and II Ans D not solvable 18. Raman and Gaurav Brought eggs from a vendor. How many eggs were bought by each of them i. Raman bought half as many as Gaurav ii. The dealer had a stock of 500 eggs at the beginning of day Ans: D 19. What is the age of Ramprakash? i. Ramprakash was born when his father was 26 yrs old ii. Ramprakash,s mothers age is 3yrs less than his father,s Ans: D 20. How much time is reqd for downloading the software? i. The Data transfer rate is 6 kbps ii. The size of the software is 4.5 megabytes Ans: C 21. Sanjay and Vijay started their journey from Mumbai to Pune. Who reached Pune first? i. Sanjay overtakes two times Vijay and Vijay overtakes Sanjay two times ii. Sanjay started first Ans: C 22. A boat can ferry 1500 passengers across a river in 12 hrs. How many round trips does it make during the journey? i. The boat can carry 400 passengers at a time ii. During its journey, the boat takes 40 mins time each way and 20 mins waiting time at each end. Ans: C 23. What are the values of m and n? i. n is an even integer, m is odd integer and m is greater than n. ii. The product of m and n is 30 Ans: C 24. How much is the weight of 20 mangoes and 30 oranges? i. 1 orange weighs twice that of 1 mango


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