Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 463

Table of Contents iii

Author: Marco Chacon
Co-Author / JAGS Simulator Creation: Eric Chacon
JAGS Revised Archetypes Featuring the Artwork of
Alexis Cass
Carlos Cara
David Chow
Derek Stevens
Grant Alward
Hector Busamante
James Shields
Jason Moser
Jin Kim
Philip Atherton
Santiago Ibora
Tedora Chinde

Editing help by Lera Chacon

Additional Input From:

Todd Yankee
Kenton Hillis
Michael Klasfeld

JAGS Revised Archetypes Copyright (C) 2015

iv Table of Contents

Things To Know When Buying Archetype Powers�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xlv

Vibratory Field [4 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������xlvi
Quick [TAP .55] Combat Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������xlvi
Money [1 AP] U GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������xlvi
Combat vs. Utility Power���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xlvi
L1/L+ Costs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xlvii
Summon Gun [Varies] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xlvii
Built [8 ap] L+ GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xlviii
Attack Cost (A-Cost) Basics���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xlviii
Total AP (TAP) Costs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xlix
Inv Threshold [Varies] Combat Super�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������xlix
Built [8 ap] L+ GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������l
Armed vs. Unarmed Strength��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������l
Power Modifiers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������li
JAGS Revised Archetypes��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1
What Is JAGS Revised Archetypes?����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1
Our Plan�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
What’s in the Back of the Book Chapter?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
The Simulator�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Major Concepts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
What We Will Cover�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Basic Terms You Should Know�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
How Many Points Do I Get?����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Which Archetype Traits Are We Using?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Do I Pay Archetype Points for Equipment?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
Buying Archetype Traits���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
Major Concepts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
Archetype Point Cost����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
Combat vs. Utility Powers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Deduct Utility Powers from TAP Total�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Utility Point Groups�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Attack Powers: Level 1 and Level +�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Spending a Few APs on an Attack Pays Off����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Some Traits Just Sell L+�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Table of Contents v

Armed vs. Unarmed Strength��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9

Attack Cost (A-Cost)�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
The “+” Notation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
Attack Chains�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
Stacking and Non-Stacking Bonuses�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
Types of Archetype Traits������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Basic Ability (Fixed Cost)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Night Vision [1 AP] U Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Attack Power�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Plasma Blast [8 AP] L1/L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Compound Ability�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Vibratory Field [4 AP] L+ Domain�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
TAP Cost�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Quick [TAP .55] Combat Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Armed vs. Unarmed Cost�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
Super Strength [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
Combined Ability��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
Artificial Reflexes [TAP .22] +3 AP Combat Genetic�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
New Acronyms and Rules������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15
ADP: Ablative Damage Points�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Power Field�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Fire Effect���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Armor Piercing Attacks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Blood Toxins����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Activation Rolls�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Charge Up and Cool Down���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Vital Strike (or Ultra Sharp)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17
Resisted Attacks�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17
Enhanced Blocks (and Dodges)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17
Bullet Round����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
vi Table of Contents

Generic Archetype Traits������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19
GATS and Super Powers (and the Meta Game)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19
Covered in This Section���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Combat GATs and Non-Combat GATs��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21
How GATs Are Described������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
Unarmed [8 AP] L1 GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
Hard Core [TAP .07+3] Combat GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
Vital Strike [8 AP] L+ GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
Applying GAT Bonuses����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Equipment GATs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
Success Point Pools�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
Buffs and “Unlock” GATS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
Combat GATs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27
Athletic [8 AP] L+ GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Armed & Dangerous [8 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Bodyguard [8 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Bronzed [8 AP] L+ GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Built [8 AP] L+ GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Cleave [8 AP] L+ GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Counter Puncher [4 AP] L+ GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Defender [8 AP] L+ GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Focused Strike [8 AP] L+ GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Massive [8 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Mobility Soak [8 AP] L+ GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Now I’m Really Angry [8 AP] L+ GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Soak [8 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Tank [8 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Tough Guy [8 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
Vital Strike [8 AP] L+ GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
Vital Strike – PEN Only [8 AP] L+ GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
Zen Strength [8 AP] L+ GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
Weapon/Armor GATs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Table of Contents vii

Unarmed [8 AP] L1 GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31

Weapons [8 AP] L1 Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Weapons and Armor [8 AP] L1 Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Total Archetype Point GATs��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Analyze Opponent [TAP] Combat GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
Commander [TAP] Combat GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
Defensive Moves�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
Dual Wield [TAP .30] Combat GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
Executioner [TAP .31] Combat GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
Exotic Training! [TAP] Combat GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Expertise [TAP] Combat GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Flurry of Strikes [TAP] Combat GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Hard Core [TAP .07 +3] Combat GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Hard to Hit [TAP] Combat TAP���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
I’m Not Left Handed [TAP] Combat GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
Manic [TAP] Combat GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
Mass Attack [TAP] Combat GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
Mobile [TAP .10 +2] Combat GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
Quick Strike [TAP .19] Combat GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
Speed [TAP] Combat GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
Strategist [TAP] Combat GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
Technique [TAP] Combat GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
Unblockable [TAP] Combat GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
Agents [2 – 24 AP] U GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
Animal Companion [4 AP] U GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
Believers [1 – 4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������37
Fans [1 – 4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������37
Non-Combat GATS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
Money and Toys�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Cool Gear [1 – 4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Extreme Vehicle [4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Installation [2 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Money [1 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Exotic Training or Expertise��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39
viii Table of Contents

Mesmerism [4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39

Natural Talent [1 – 6 AP] U GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Seduce [4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Weapons Training [2 AP] U GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Esoteric Knowledge�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Back Up Plan [4 AP] U GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Drive Anything [4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Intrusion Expert [4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Inventor [4 AP] L1/L+ GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Investigator [4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Jack of All Trades [4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Mastermind [4 AP] U GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
Mysticism [4 AP] U GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
Super Science/Mad Science [4 AP] U GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
Urban Tracking [4 AP] U GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43
Witchcraft/Warlock [4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43
Unusual Attributes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43
Dreamer [2, 4 AP] U GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43
Feeling of Being Watched [2, 4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44
Reader [2, 4 AP] U GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44
Sense Trap/Ambush [2, 4 AP] U GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44
Sensitive [2, 4 AP] U GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44
Smell Trouble Coming [2, 4 AP] U GAT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Mental Traits����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Brainiac [2, 4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Memory Palace [2, 4 AP] U GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Sharp [2, 4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Steel Mind [2, 4 AP] U GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
SP Pools������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Come Back [4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Engineer [4 AP] U GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Loser [4 AP] U GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
Lucky [4 AP] U GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
Rabbit’s Foot [4 AP] U GAT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
Rock Star [4 AP] U GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
Table of Contents ix

Role Model [4 AP] U GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46

Theme Song [4 AP] U GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
Innate Powers�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������47
Covered in This Section���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������47
Character Types�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������47
Character Points and Archetype Points�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48
Kinds of Innate Abilities���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48
Negative Point Traits���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49
Trait Tags�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49
Racial Traits�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49
Example Racial Traits��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
Slight Physical Racial Trait [-1 CP]�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
Burly Physical Racial Trait [-1 CP]�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
Deft Physical Racial Trait [-1 CP]���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
Building Non-Humanoid Characters�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
An Overview of Some Special Rules for Animal/Non-Humanoid Characters���������������������������������������������������������50
Animal Body Type Powers�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52
Natural Attacks and Preferred Bio-Weapons�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53
Approved Bio-Weapons���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53
Larger Pisciform/Avian/Serpent [Varies] L1/L+ Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������54
Pisciform [-2 AP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54
Larger Humanoid (Giant) [8 AP] L1 /L+ Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
Other Options with Non-Humanoid Attacks�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
Buying Bio-Weapons and Base Damage Separately�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
Larger Quadruped Herbivore /Insectoid [Varies] L1 /L+ Natural���������������������������������������������������������55
Larger Quadruped Herbivore /Insectoid [Varies] L1 /L+ Natural���������������������������������������������������������56
Stinger Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
Buying a Non-Approved Bio-Weapon����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Swapping Bite for Jaws�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Larger Quadruped Predator/Insectoid – Bite Only [Varies] L1 /L+ Natural�����������������������������������57
Jaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Jaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58
Buying Hands For Animals���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58
Larger Pisciform/Avian/Serpent [Varies] L1/L+ Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������58
x Table of Contents

Modifiers for Bigger and Smaller Characters�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������59

Size Table�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60
Quadruped – Predator [-2 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������61
Larger Quadruped Predator/Insectoid [Varies] L1 /L+ Natural����������������������������������������������������������62
Avian [0 AP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������63
Smaller Size (All) [TAP] Combat Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������63
Playing Very Large and Very Small Things��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64
Advanced Size Rules����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64
Animal Combat Techniques��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65
Animal Mind and Animal Combat��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69
Traits List�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
Animal Body Type Traits�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
Standard Size Body Types�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
Avian [0 AP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
Centaur [3 AP] U Extreme�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
Humanoid [0 AP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
Insectoid [-2 AP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
Pisciform [-2 AP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������73
Quadruped – Bite Only [-2 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������73
Quadruped – Herbivore [-2 AP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������74
Quadruped – Predator [-2 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������74
Serpent [0 AP] L Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������75
Smaller Body Types�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������75
Smaller Size (All) [TAP] Combat Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������76
Larger Body Types�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77
Larger Humanoid (Giant) [8 AP] L1 /L+ Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77
Larger Insectoid [Varies] L1/L+ Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77
Larger Pisciform/Avian/Serpent [Varies] L1/L+ Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������77
Larger Quadruped Herbivore/Insectoid [Varies] L1 /L+ Natural���������������������������������������������������������77
Larger Quadruped Predator/Insectoid – Bite Only [Varies] L1 /L+ Natural�����������������������������������77
Larger Quadruped Predator/Insectoid [Varies] L1 /L+ Natural����������������������������������������������������������77
Super Sized [TAP] Combat Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������78
Animal Traits���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79
Animal Mind [-2 AP/-4 CP] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79
Beast of Burden [1 AP/2 CP] U Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79
Biped [0 AP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79
Table of Contents xi

Breathe Water/Air [2 AP/2 CP] U Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79

Carnivore [-2 CP] Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79
Cold Blooded [-2 AP/-4 CP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������79
Exoskeleton [0 AP/2 CP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
Herbivore [1 AP/1 CP] U Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
Hydrostatic Skeleton [-3 AP/-4 CP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
Long Lived [1 AP/2 CP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
Low to the Ground [-1 AP/-2 CP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81
No Arms or Hands [-2 AP/-5 CP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81
Nocturnal [-1 AP/-2 CP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81
Omnivore [0 AP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81
Plant Biology [- 6 AP] U Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������81
Poor Senses [-3 AP/-6 CP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
Predator Senses [2 AP/4 CP] U Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
Prey Senses [1 AP/2 CP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
Radial Symmetry [0 AP] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
Scavenger [1 AP/1 CP] U Natural�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������82
Sessile [-4 AP/-6 CP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Short Lived [-1 AP/-2 CP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Undying [1 AP/4 CP] U Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Warm Blooded [0 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Unusual Animal Powers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Ergovore [1 AP] V Extreme�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Life Drain [0 AP]* L1/L+ Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������83
Body Powers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
Alien Biology [Varies] U List�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
Aquatic [Varies] U List�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
Immortal [Varies] Utility Mystic�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������84
Extreme Body Types���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������85
Automaton [TAP .17] + [Varies] Combat Mystic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������85
Crystalline Body [TAP .10] +2 Combat Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������85
Energy Body [TAP .12] +12 Combat Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������86
Gas Body [TAP .05] + 10 Combat Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������87
Liquid Body [TAP .60] + 7 Combat Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������88
No Vital Organs [TAP .10] Combat Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
Robot Body [TAP .24] +2 Combat Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
xii Table of Contents

Stretching Body [TAP .29 +2] Combat Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89

Dense Physique [Varies] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90
Hyper Strength [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90
Strength Boost [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90
Super Strength [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������90
Bullet Rounds [.80] Combat Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
Quick [TAP .55] Combat Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
Super Speed [TAP . 52] Combat Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
Swift [TAP .37] Combat Extreme��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91
Albino [Varies] U Mutation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
Annoying/Unpleasant [Varies] U Extreme�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
Desert/Arctic [1 AP/2 CP] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
Fur [Varies] U Varies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
Highly Visible [Varies] U Extreme����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
Luminescent [Varies] V Varies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Mutant Skin [Varies] U Varies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Non-Human Humanoid [Varies] U Extreme����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Reflective [2 AP] L+ Extreme�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Translucent [1 AP] U Extreme�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������93
Adaptation [4 AP] L+ Mystic���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������94
Armor [4 AP] L+ Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������94
Armored Bio-System [8, 4 AP] L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������94
Blubber [4 AP] L Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������94
Bullet Proof Skin [8, 4 AP] L+ Super�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Carapace [Varies] L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Diamondoid Shell [22 AP] L+ Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Hide [Varies] List������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Impenetrable [1 AP] L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
Neonium Plates [TAP] Combat Super�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
Plates [Varies] L+ List���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
Resistance [4 AP] L+ Mystic����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
Table of Contents xiii

Skeletal Lattice [4 AP] L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������96

Spectral Skin [4 AP] L+ Mystic�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
Steel Skin [10 AP] L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
Energy Defenses�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������97
Force Field [5 AP] L+ Super�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������97
Force Sphere [4 AP] L+ Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������97
Power Field [4 AP] Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������97
Acid Blood [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������98
Electric Shock [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������98
Quills (Spines) [8 AP] L1/L+ Varies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������98
Skin Toxin [8 AP] L1/L+ Varies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99
Spikes [4 AP] L1/L+ Varies���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99
Bio/Innate Weapons����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99
Beak [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Belly Mouth [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 100
Bio-Blades [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Claws & Teeth [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101
Jaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101
Pincer Claw [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102
Shooting Spines [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 102
Talons [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 103
Chemical Sprays�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Horns [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Ink Spray [TAP] Combat Natural/Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Skunk [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Toxic Cloud [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Curses������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Basilisk [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Imprison [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 104
Nullifier/Power-Drain [8 AP] L1/L+ Super/Mystic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 105
Petrification [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
Remove Curse [2 AP] U Mystic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
Shrink [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
Transmutate [8 AP] L+/L+ Mystic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Transmutate Power-Up [2 AP] U Mystic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
xiv Table of Contents

Attack Tails���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106

Razor Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Stinger Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Striking Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 106
Thunder Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Energy Attacks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
Detonate [8 AP] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 107
Energy Fists [8 AP] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
Energy Torpedo [8 AP] L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
Optical Beams [8 AP] L1/L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
Plasma Blast [8 AP] L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
Plasma Bolt [8 AP] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 108
Plasma Breath [8 AP] L1/L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108
Power Blast [8 AP] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 108
Force Attacks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108
Force Beam [8 AP] L1/L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 108
Force Bubble [8 AP] L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109
Force Hammer [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 109
Force Punch [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109
Tractor Beam [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109
Particle and Quantum Beams��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Ion Beam [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 110
Ion Lance [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Particle Beam [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Particle Bolt [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Q-Beam [8 AP] L1/L+ Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Quantum Blade [8 AP] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 110
Quantum Torpedo [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Exotic Energy Attacks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 111
Laser Vision [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 111
Neural Disruptor [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 111
Rad Field [8 AP]* L1/L+ Mutant������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 111
Venoms and Poisons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 111
Lethal Neurotoxin [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
Narcotic [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
Neurotoxin L1/(Incapacitating) [8 AP] L+ Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
Table of Contents xv

Paralysis Venom [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112

Rattlesnake Venom L1/L+ Natural ral��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
Tangle Attacks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
Slime Thrower [8 AP]* L+ Mutant������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
Web Spinnerets [8 AP]* L+ Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
Web Thrower [8 AP]* L+ Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113
Movement Traits������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 114
Brachiate [2,3 AP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Burst of Speed [2,3 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Climbing [Varies AP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Flight��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Aerobatics [.16] Combat Natural/Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Float Pod [2 AP] U Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Hover [Varies] U Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Powered Flight [Varies] U Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Rocket Flight [4 AP] U Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Wings [Varies] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Ground Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 115
Digigrade Legs [0 AP] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Extreme Free Running [2 AP] U Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Fast Runner [Varies] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Hop/Jump [2 AP] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Hyper Running [2 AP] U Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Exotic Movement & Teleportation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Flicker [TAP .16] +4 Combat Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Partial Phase [TAP .05+8] U Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Phase [TAP .07+12] U Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Snatch [TAP .15] +2 Combat Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
Snatch Resisted Attack [N/A] L1/L+ Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
Strategic Teleport [3 AP] U Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
T/Phase Dodge [4 AP] L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
Tactical Teleport [8 AP] U Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
Teleport Portal [3 AP] U Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 118
Defensive Innate Powers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 118
Extreme Resistance [TAP] Combat Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 118
Healing Factor [Varies] U Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 118
xvi Table of Contents

Inv Threshold [Varies] Combat Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 118

Invisibility [TAP] Varies Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 119
Invulnerability [TAP] Combat Super�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 119
Regrowth [2 AP] L+ Extreme����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 120
Ultra Cameo [Varies] U Extreme��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 120
Senses and Perception��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 120
Antennae [Varies] U Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 120
Bloodhound [1 AP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
Chemical Communication [1 AP] U Natural����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
Detect [Varies] U Mystic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 121
Elephant Ears [1 AP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
Heat Pit [2 AP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
High Range Hearing [1 AP] U Natural���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
Long Range Senses [2 AP] U Extreme�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
Perfect Hearing [2 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
Radio Hearing [1 AP] U Extreme���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Sonar Sense [2 AP] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Unusual Eyes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Eagle Eyes [1 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
Eye Stalks [1 AP] U Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
Glowing Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
Multiple Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
Night Vision [1 AP] U Natural�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Oversized Eyes [1 AP] U Mutation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Shielded Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 122
Striking Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Third Eye [3 AP] U Mystic����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Manipulation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 123
Club Hands [-1 AP] L+ Mutant�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Four Arms [TAP .34 +2] Combat Extreme������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Prehensile Tail [2 AP] L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Tentacles [4 AP] L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 123
Trunk [1 AP] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Unusual Fingers [Varies] U Natural��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Mutation and Corruption��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Disease Carrier [8 AP] L1/L+ Mutant������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Table of Contents xvii

Face Mutations [Varies] U Mutant������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 124

Giant Brain [4 AP] U Mutant���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Manna Organ [Varies] U Mutant�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Many Mouths to Feed [TAP .34-1] Combat Mutant���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Metamorphosis [4 AP] U Extreme��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Mutant Appearance [Varies] U Mutant�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Odor [Varies] U Mutant�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Shape Shift [8 AP] U Super���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
Weaknesses��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
Helpless [TAP .34-1] Combat Weakness���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
Major Weakness [Varies] L+ Weakness����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
Minor Weakness [Varies] U Extreme��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
Vulnerable [Varies] L+ Weakness�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126
Conclusion���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126
Cybernetics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 127
Covered in This Section������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 127
Using Cybernetics in a Game��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 127
Types of Cyber-Tech������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 128
Cyber-Tech Modifications����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������129
Character Point Traits���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������129
Cyber-Cult [-2 CP, -4 CP] Trait�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Cyber-Sick [-2 CP] Trait�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
ID Tattoos [-2 CP] Trait�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Rejection Psychosis [-4 CP] Trait��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Archetype Point Traits���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������129
BLOC Technology [-2 AP] L+ Trait����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Exotic (Bio-Mech?) [1 AP] U Trait������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Radioactive [-2 AP] L Trait�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 130
Shielded [2 AP] U Trait���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 130
Augmented Traits����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 131
Science Agents��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Buying Science Agent Packages����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Science Agent Class Delta [TAP .31] Combat Genetic����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Science Agent Class Epsilon [TAP .25] Combat Genetic������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Science Agent Class Omega [TAP .66] Combat Genetic��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Science Agent Class Omicron [TAP .56] Combat Genetic������������������������������������������������������������������������ 132
xviii Table of Contents

Additional Science Agent Combat Upgrades������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132

Artificial Reflexes [TAP .22] +3 Combat Genetic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Genetic Muscle Therapy L+ Genetic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 132
Hardened Bone Structure L+ Genetic����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Neo-Adrenaline L+ Genetic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Overdrive Glands [TAP .23] +2 Combat Genetic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Sensory Mesh U Genetic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Cybernetic Enhancements�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Cybernetic Arms and Hands���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
CyberArm [4 AP] L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
CyberHand – Engineering [2 AP] L+ Cyber�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
CyberHand – Medical [2 AP] U Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 134
CyberHand – Spider Drone [2 AP] U Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
Extendable Arm [2 AP] U Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 134
Machine Arm [4 AP] L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
Cybernetic Legs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
CyberLegs [4 AP] L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
Cybernetic Jump Jets [2 AP] U Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Machine Legs [4 AP] L+ Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
CyberPlating/CyberShell����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
CyberGrid [8 AP] L+ Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
CyberShell [8 AP] L+ Cyber�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Infra Skin [8 AP] L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Internal Armor [8 AP] L+ Internal����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Hardwired Reflexes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 1 [TAP .25] Combat Internal����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 2 [TAP .41] Combat Internal����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 3 [TAP .50] Combat Internal����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 4 [TAP .59] Combat Internal����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Artiforgs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 136
Armored Lungs [4 AP] L+ Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 136
CyberHeart [TAP .22] + 3 Combat Internal�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
CyberKidneys and Liver [TAP .12] + 2 Combat Internal�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Heavy Fuel (Artificial Blood) [4 AP] L+ Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Regenerator [TAP .13] + 2 Combat Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 137
Slick Skin [4 AP] L+ Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 137
Table of Contents xix

Cyber Senses������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 137

CyberEye [1 AP] U Cyber�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 137
CyberEye Modifications������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 137
Facial Recognition Scan [2 DP] U Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
Range Finder Laser [1 DP] U Internal����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
Schematics Database [1 DP] U Internal��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
Tactical Analysis [4 DP] U Internal��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
Thermal Tactical Vision [2 DP] U Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
Video-Link [1 DP] U Internal���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138
End of CyberEye Enhancements���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Cell Decrypter [3 AP] U Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Comm Scanner [1 AP] U Internal��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Millimeter Wave Scan [4 AP] U Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 139
Parabolic Mic [1 AP] U Internal���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Tactical Scan [4 AP] U Internal���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Target Lock [TAP .14] Combat Internal�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 140
Ultrasound Weapon Scan [1 AP] U Internal����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 140
Intellect Enhancement�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 140
Artilect [2 AP] U Internal��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 140
Hacker Suite [4 AP] U Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 140
Internal Computer [1 AP] U Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 141
Skill Load [1 AP] U Internal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 141
Cyber Weapons�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 141
Cybernetic Weapon Mounts����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 141
Hand To Hand Weapons����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
Brass Knuckles [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 142
CyberClaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
CyberSaw [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
CyberScythe [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
Injector Talons [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
Pneumatic Rams [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Ranged Cyber Weapons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 143
Coil Gun Harpoon [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
CyberCannon [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
CyberDart [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
CyberFlamer [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
xx Table of Contents

CyberGun [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143

CyberMissile [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Flash-Bang Launcher [8 AP]* L1/L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Personal Rail Gun [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Cyber-Toxins������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
Anesthetic [2 AP] U Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
Class Five-Neuro-Tox [8 AP]* L1/L+ Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
Evolved Boomslang Venom [8 AP]* L1/L+ Cyber ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
“K-Smart” (Smart Ketamine) L1 Tranquilizer [8 AP]* L+ Cyber������������������������������������������������������������ 144
Necro-Tox (White-Tailed Spider Venom) [8 AP]* L+ Cyber�������������������������������������������������������������������� 145
Sequenced Acalyotiophis L1/Venom [8 AP]* L+ Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 145
Smile-5 Narcotic [8 AP]* U Cyber�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 145
The Absolute Truth (Serum) [8 AP]* U Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 145
Character Point Cybernetics����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Ear Jack [1 CP] U Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Head’s Up Display [1 CP] U Cyber��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Healing Augmentation [4 CP] U Genetic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 146
Immuno-Boost [1 CP] U Genetic����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Optical Tattoo [1 CP] U Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Party Glands [1 CP] U Cyber����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Plastx Surgery [1/2 App Cost] U Cyber���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Skin Port [1 CP] U Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Sound System [2 CP] U Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 147
Vampire Glands [1 CP] U Cyber������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147
Conclusion��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 147
Fast Company���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149
Covered in This Section������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 149
The Fast Company “Vibe”��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149
Fast Company and Weapons����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150
Fast Company Levels 1-4���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150
Fast Company Packages������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
Fast Company Level 1 TAP [.40] +11����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
Fast Company Level 2 TAP [.50] +16����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
Fast Company Level 3 TAP [.58] + 21���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
Fast Company Level 4 TAP [.60] +26����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
Table of Contents xxi

Some Additional Rules�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153

The Bullet Round����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
Things Re-Set During a Bullet Round�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
Surprise, Waiting, and the Bullet Round��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
Going Unconscious�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
You Don’t Fall Twice as Fast������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 154
Continuing Attacks Generally Do Go During a Bullet Round��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 154
Movement Around Opponents in a Bullet Round����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 154
Explaining the Bullet Round����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 154
Getting Caught Flat-Footed������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 154
Fast Company and Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 154
Gun Fu��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Auto-Fire [TAP .13] Combat GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Block a Bullet with a Bullet [4 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Bullet Ballet [4 AP] L+ GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 155
Golden BB [TAP .25] Combat GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Gun Kata [4 AP] L+ GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Pistol Whip [4 AP] L+ GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Ricochet [4 AP] L+ GAT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Fast Company Only Traits�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Extra Agile [TAP .13] Combat GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 155
Heightened Def [TAP .13] Combat GAT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Character Point Moves�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Instant Reload [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Kill Shot [4 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 156
Quick-Draw [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Two-Gun [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Weapon Swap [1 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 157
Special Martial Arts Moves������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 157
How the Moves Work���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 157
Hey! I Trained That Move!�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Warrior GAT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Warrior [TAP] Combat GAT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Basic Moves (1 CP)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Back Kick [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 158
Block/Dodge Ranged Attack [1 CP] Move��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
xxii Table of Contents

Breaking Blow [1 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158

Circular Block [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 158
Clinch Block [1 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Crane Stance [1 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Face Smash [1 CP] Move��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Grabbing Block [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 159
Haymaker [1 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Immovable Stance [1 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Kidney Punch [1 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Knee/Elbow Strike [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 159
Leopard Fist [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 159
Power Block [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 159
Power Uppercut [1 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Sacrifice Throw [1 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Serpent Kick [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 160
Slap-Block & Strike [1 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Spinning Back Fist [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Submission Hold [1 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Sweep [1 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Takedown Defense [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 160
Vertical Fist [1 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Whirlwind Dodge [1 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Advanced Moves (2 CP)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 160
Advanced Immovable Stance [2 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Cobra Strike [2 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Combination Strike [2 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Counterstrike [2 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Float Like a Butterfly [2 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Hurricane Kicks [2 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Jump Kick/Punch [2 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Jump-Spin Power Kick [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
One Inch Punch [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 161
Perfect Back-Fist [2 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Power Kicks [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Punch-Grab [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Punch-Throw [2 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Table of Contents xxiii

Reverse Punch [2 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162

Side Step [2 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Sliding Delivery [2 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Spinning Heel Kick [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 162
Sting Like a Bee [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 162
Stop Kick [2 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 162
Elite Moves (4 CP)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Advanced Counterstrike [4 CP] Move����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Blind Fighting [4 CP] Move�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Lightning Block [4 CP] Move���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Photographic Reflexes [4 CP] Move��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Power Techniques [4 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
Pressure Points [4 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 163
Thunder Punch [4 CP] Move������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 163
Conclusion��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
­­­­Psionics�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 165
Covered in This Section������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 165
Psionics in General�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 165
Visibility of Psionics������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
Psionic Traits������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
Psionic Skill/Training���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
Extra Sensory Perception Traits����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
Character Types�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167
Partial Information�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167
Handling ESP in the Game������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
Protected Information���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
Examples of Modifiers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
Specific Questions����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
Hard Questions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
Getting Rich��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
What the Future Holds��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
The Future����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������171
The Question������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������171
Hearts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 172
Diamonds������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 173
Spades������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 174
xxiv Table of Contents

Clubs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 175
Using the Cards and the Futures�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������176
Blind Spot [4 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
Clairvoyance [6 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 177
Knowing Things [6 AP] U Mind�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 178
Medium [6 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 178
Precognition [6 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 179
Psychometry [6 AP] U Mind�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 179
Scry [6 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 180
Spiritual Advisor [2 AP] U Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 180
Strategic Intelligence [6 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 181
Visions [2 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
Tactical ESP��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
Precognitive Fighting Style [TAP .58] +5 Combat������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 181
Situational Awareness [6 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
Threat Assessment [8 AP] U Mind�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
Telepathy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 183
Covered in This Section������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 183
Basic Telepathy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
The Nature of Thoughts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
Scanning Minds�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������183
Hearing Thoughts�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������183
Lying to a Telepath���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������184
Mind Shields������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������185
The Telepathic Mind Link���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
Telepathy Traits�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 186
Mind Probe [4 AP] U Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Mind Reading [4 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 187
Overmind [TAP] Combat�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Telepathy [12 AP] U Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Telepathy Levels [4 AP] L+ Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
Mind Manipulation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
Burn Mind [8 AP] L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
Slumber [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
Table of Contents xxv

Memory Manipulation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 189

Memory Manipulation [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 189
Power of Memories��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������189
Memory Holes and False Memories������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������190
Inserted Memories���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������190
Memory Links����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������190
Photographic Memory���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������191
Memory Modification without Mind Probe����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������191
Forget Me [N/A] L1/L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 191
Insert Memory [N/A] L1/L+ Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 192
Short Term Wipe [N/A] L1/L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 192
Suppress Long Term Memory L1 /[N/A] L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 192
Examples of Implanted Memories���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������193
Mind Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 193
Fighting Back�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������193
Charm [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 194
Delusion [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 194
Dominate [8 AP] L1 /L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 194
Influence [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 194
Mind Trigger [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 195
Puppet Master [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 195
Telekinesis���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 196
Basic Telekinesis�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 196
Proto-Telekinesis [2, 4 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 196
Telekinesis [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
Advanced TK Techniques����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������197
Lockdown [8 AP] L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
TK Ballistic Shield [8 AP] L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
TK Slam [8 AP] L+ Mind��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
Tractor Beam [8 AP] L+ Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
TK Techniques���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
Multiple TK “Arms” [1 CP] TK���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
Ranged Melee [2 CP] TK�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
Telekinetic Bomb [4 CP] TK�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198
Telekinetic Talent [2 AP] L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 198
TK Blade/Razor Ball [4 CP] TK������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 198
xxvi Table of Contents

TK Healing [Varies] TK���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 198

TK Kill [8 CP] L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
TK Sense [8 CP] U Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
Unlock [4 CP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
Force Field Manipulation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
TK Armor [8 CP] TK����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
TK Object [2 CP] TK���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
TK Wall [2 CP] TK�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
Astral Projection����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
Storming the Gates of Heaven: The Astral Game����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
The Astral World������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 201
The Astral Body�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
Sensory Drift������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
Astral Combat with Real Things���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 201
Astral Travel (Navigation)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 202
Astral Combat/Damage/Death������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 202
Astral Projection Traits�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 202
Astral Avatar [Varies] L1/L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 202
Astral Crypt [2 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Astral Domain [2 AP] U Mind��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Astral Guide [2 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Astral Navigator [2 AP] U Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Astral Projection [4 AP] U Mind��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Broadcast Empathy [8 AP] L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204
Dream Walker [2 AP] L+ Mind��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204
Push [4 AP] L1/L+ Mind���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204
Empathy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 205
Emotional Vampire [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 205
Empathy [2, 4 AP] U Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 205
Harmony [8 AP] L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 205
Positive Energy [4 AP] U Mind�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Emotions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Anger [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Fear [8 AP] L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Joy [8 AP] L+ Mind�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Sadness [8 AP] L+ Mind����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 207
Table of Contents xxvii

Conclusion��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 207
Domain Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 209
Covered in This Section������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 210
How Domain Control Works��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 210
Rating Scales, Attacks, and A-Cost������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 210
Examples of Domain Control Characters������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 211
Domain Control Bonuses��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 211
Domain Control Traits�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 217
Avatar������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 217
Avatar [TAP .12] +1 Combat Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 217
Minions and Allies���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 217
When Do You Pay APs for NPCs?��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������217
A Few “Edge” Cases�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������217
Very Strange Characters������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������218
Very Powerful Very Loyal Allies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������218
Sidekicks and Companions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������218
Agents, Bodyguards, and Henchmen����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������218
Types of Minions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������219
Allies [TAP Varies] Combat Varies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Battle Beast [.75] Combat Varies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Unusual Ally [2 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 220
Unusual Minions�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������220
Disposable [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Generator [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Psi-Link [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Fire Control��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Rating: FIRE�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������221
Animate Fire [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 222
Azure Flame [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 223
Breathe Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 223
Burning Man [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 223
Control Fire [4 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
Fireball [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
Fire Lance [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 224
Fire Shield [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
Fire Starter [1 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
xxviii Table of Contents

Flame Thrower [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224

Heat Ray [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Ignite [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Incinerate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 225
Inferno [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Jet of Flame [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Phoenix Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
Ring of Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
Sense Potential (Fire) [1 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
Throw Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
Wield Fire [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
Wild Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Super������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 227
Air/Wind Control����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 227
Wind Storms������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������227
Applying Wind Effects���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������227
Rating: WIND����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������229
Animate Air [4 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 230
Control Air [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 230
Create Air [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Mini-Tornado [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Purify Air����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Wall of Air [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Whirlwind Defense [TAP .12] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Wind Blast [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Wind Block [8 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Wind Flight [Varies] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 232
Wind Tunnel [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 232
Magnetic/Metal Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 232
Rating: MAG������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������233
Animate Metal [4 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 233
Control Magnetics [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Mag Lev [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 234
Metal Shield [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Sense Magnetic Fields [1 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Surge [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Table of Contents xxix

Water Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 234

Rating: WATER��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������234
Swamping Boats�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������235
Animate Water [4 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 237
Control Water [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 238
Drown [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 238
Liquid Armor [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 238
Purify Water����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 238
Water Cannon [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 239
Water Horse [1 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 239
Water Movement [2 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 239
Water Sense [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 239
Earth Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 239
Rating: EARTH��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������239
Animate Earth [4 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 240
Control Earth [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 240
Earth Sense [1 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 240
Purify Earth������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 241
Rock Armor [4 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 241
Subterranean Support [2 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 241
Throw Boulder [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 241
Uplift [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 241
Gravity Control��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 241
Rating: GRAV�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������242
Gravity Grapple�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������242
Anti Gravity [8 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 243
Gravity Control [4 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 243
Gravity Field [4 AP]* L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 243
Light Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 243
Rating: LIGHT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������243
Darkness [TAP .41] Combat Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 244
Dazzle [8 AP] L1/L+ Super����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 244
Hologram [4 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 244
Illuminate [Varies] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
Laser [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
xxx Table of Contents

Light Control [4 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245

Microwave Storm [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
Shine [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 245
X-Ray Laser [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
Darkness Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 245
Rating: SHADE��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������245
Animate Shadow [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 247
Cloak of Shadows [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247
Darkness Control [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247
Hide in Shadows [2 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247
See in Darkness [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247
Shadow Block [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 247
Shadow Boxing [TAP .24] Combat Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Shadow Strike [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Shadow Walk [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Silhouette [4 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Wall of Night [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 248
Armor of Night [TAP .20] +4 Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Lunar Strength [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 249
Lunatic [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 249
Nightfall [1 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 249
Sandman (Sleep) [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 249
Total Eclipse [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 249
Ice/Cold Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 250
Rating: FROST���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������250
Aura of Cold [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 250
Breathe Frost [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 250
Cryogenic Freezing [2 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 250
Freeze [8 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Freeze Ray [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 251
Frost Bolt [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Ice Armor [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Ice Bomb [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Ice Control [4 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 252
Ice Storm [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 252
Table of Contents xxxi

Ice Surfing [Varies] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 252

Time Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 252
Double Time [TAP .75] Combat Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 253
Duplicate [TAP] Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 253
Hidden Ace [N/A] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 254
Hidden Ace [TAP] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 254
Rewind (Save Point) [TAP] Utility Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 254
Slow Others [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 255
Stasis Field [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 255
Time Stop [.22] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 256
Time Travel [TAP] Utility Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 256
Sound Control����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 257
Rating: SOUND�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������257
Amplify Voice [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 257
Echolocation [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 257
Mimic Voice [1 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 257
Razor Wind [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
Shockwave [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
Sonic Flight [Varies] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 258
Sonic Force Field [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
Sonic Scream [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 258
Sound Control [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 259
Sound Sense [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 259
Thunder [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 259
Throw Voice [1 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 259
Vibratory Bolt [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 260
Vibratory Field [4 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 260
Lightning Control����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 260
Rating: CHARGE�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������260
Chain Lightning [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Electrical Control [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Ion Field [4 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Lighting Bolts [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Lightning Breath [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Lightning Strike [4 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Shock Block [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
xxxii Table of Contents

Taser Shock [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262

Thunderbolt [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
Travel Through Phone Lines [8 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 262
Death Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 262
Rating: DEATH��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������262
Cold Heart [TAP .22] +10 Combat Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 263
Death Control [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 264
Death Ray [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 264
Death Walker [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 264
Ghost Dance [TAP .14] +3 Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 264
Life Leach [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 265
Necromantic Bile [4 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 265
Necro-Talons [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 265
Necrotic Heart [TAP .16] +5 Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 265
Necrotic Rot [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 266
Re-Animate [6 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 266
Smell Death [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Soul Jar [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 267
Summon Skeleton [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Wear Corpse [2 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Weather Control�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 268
Weather as a Weapon����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������269
Creating Tornados���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������269
Blizzard [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
Call Down Lightning [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
Heat Wave [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
Storm Horses [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 270
Tornado [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Weather Control [4 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Body/Chi Control����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Air Run [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Armor Block [TAP] Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 271
Chi Attack [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 271
Chi Leaping [TAP .12] +1 Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 271
Chi Stealth [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 271
Chi Strength [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 272
Table of Contents xxxiii

Endurance [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272

Golden Bell Technique [2 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Harmonic Field [TAP .18] Combat Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Reflection Block TAP [.20] +1 Combat Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Round 2: FIGHT! [TAP] Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Suspended Animation [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Technique Training [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Vanish [4 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Walk Through Wall [3 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 273
Round 2: Fight! Unlocks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������273
Death Dance [TAP . 18] Combat Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Dragon Glow [4 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Iron Fortress [2 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 273
My Turn Now! [TAP] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Second Wind [2 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Tornado Blocks [TAP] Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 274
Water Technique [TAP .18] +4 Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 274
Technology Control�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 274
Hacking ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 274
Black Out [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 276
Ghost in the Machine [4 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 277
M-Path (Machine Empath) [Varies] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 277
Mechakinesis [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 278
Sense and Analyze Tech [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 278
Spoof Computer [Varies] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 279
Summon Device [2 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 279
Technical Omniscience [Varies] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 279
Technology Control [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 279
Tech Support [1 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 280
Tele-Mechanics [Varies] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
Upgrade [2 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 281
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Naturally Occurring Animals����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������282
Animal Psychology���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������282
Abusing Animals������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������282
xxxiv Table of Contents

Rating: ANIMAL�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������282
Levels of Control of Animals�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������283
Animal Aspect [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 284
Animal Empathy [4 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 284
Animal Spies [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 284
Battle Beast [.75] Combat Varies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 284
Control Animal [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 285
See Through Animal’s Eyes [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 285
Swarm [25 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 285
Swarm (Immunity) [TAP .69] Combat Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Life Control���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Cure [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Healing Touch [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Instant Cure [2 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Life Control [4 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Life Sense [8 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 287
Resurrection [6 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 287
Love Control�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 287
Love Rating��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������287
All You Need Is Love [TAP .19] Combat Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 288
Bitter Rejection [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 288
Change a Hawk to a Little White Dove L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 289
Charm/Seduce U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 289
Cupid’s Arrow/Love Potion #Nine [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 290
Don’t Need No Credit Card to Ride This Train [1 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������� 290
Find True Love [4 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 290
Flower Power [TAP] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 290
Give Love a Bad Name [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 291
Healing Love [4 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 291
Heart of Gold [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 291
Heart to Heart to Heart [TAP .24] Combat Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 291
Lion Heart [4 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 291
Love Bomb [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 292
Love Hurts [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 292
Love Shield [TAP .12] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 293
Pompatus [8 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
Table of Contents xxxv

Power of Friendship [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 293

Stronger Than Steel [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
Summer of Love L/L+ Super��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
Tough Love [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
Tougher Than Diamonds [4 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 294
Hate Control�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 294
Note: Targets of Hatred�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������294
Black Heart [4 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 295
Blades of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 295
Dig Two Graves [4 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 295
Execration [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 295
Eyes of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 295
Fists of Hate [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296
Get Your Hate On [4 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296
Hate the Game�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296
Hate the Player [TAP .06] Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296
Hate Vision [4 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 296
Hate Worm L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
Perfect Crystalline Contempt [4 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
Purity Test [Attack + Type Cost] U Domain ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 297
Rage Bank [TAP .23] Combat Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
Shards of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
Spines of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
Two Minute Hate [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
Probability Control��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
Beat the House [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 299
Fortune/Bless [TAP .08] Utility Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 299
Harmony with the Tao [TAP .20] Utility Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 300
Jinx [TAP .09] Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 300
Luck [TAP .12] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 301
Lucky Dodge [TAP .16] Combat Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 301
Lucky Guess [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 301
Lucky Me [TAP .12] Combat Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 302
Lucky Shot/Strike [8 AP] L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 302
Nemesis/Curse [TAP .08] Utility Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 302
Probabilistic Accuracy [TAP .20] Combat Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 302
xxxvi Table of Contents

Random Walk [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 303

Void Control�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 303
Abnegate L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 303
Maelstrom [8 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 303
Pocket Universe [2 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 304
Sphere of Oblivion L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 304
Troll Void [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Void Blades [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Void Bolts [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 305
Void Gate [4 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Void Prison [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Summoning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 306
Home Dimensions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������306
Rifts and Summoning����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������306
Aura of Awe/Fear L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 307
Eviscerate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 307
Extra Dimensional Being Class 1 [6 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 307
Extra Dimensional Being Class 2 [8 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 307
Extra Planar Teleport [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 307
Protection Circle [Varies] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 308
Rule-Bound [Varies] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 308
Step “Outside” [TAP .30] +6 Utility Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 308
Summons Being Combat Varies�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Summons Being [Varies] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Wrong [1 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Illusions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Phantasmal Damage�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������310
Advanced Glamour [6 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 310
Basic Glamour [2 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 310
Disguise [1 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 310
Distract [1 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 311
Draw [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 311
Illusions [4 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 311
Illusory Double [TAP .08] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 312
Light Tricks [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 312
Table of Contents xxxvii

Phantasmal Attack [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 312

Self Glamour [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 312
Steal Visage [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 312
Vanish Item [Varies] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 312
Plant Control������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Animate Plant [Varies] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 313
Bark Armor [5 AP] L+ Natural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Become Tree [4 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Camouflage [2 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Commune with Plants [2 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Forest Walk [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Mutate Plant (Para-Botanist) [4 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 314
Naturalist [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 314
Plant Control [4 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 314
Plant Wall [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 314
Card Suit Domains��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Hearts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Big Tent Extraction [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 315
Healing Aura [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
I’m Your Rock [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Lend Strength [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Radar Love [4 AP] L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Suit of Cards: Hearts [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Take the Hit [2 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Spades������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Dai Katana, Sucker! [TAP .40] Combat Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Dark Aura [6 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Pass Locks [4 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Sometimes I Think I’d Like to Watch It Burn [Varies] L1/L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������� 316
Suit of Cards: Spades [1 AP] U Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Summon Gun [Varies] L1/L+ Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Wrath [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
Diamonds������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
I’ve Got My Mind Set on You [8 AP] Utility Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
Land of Confusion [8 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 318
Pass Unnoticed [2 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 318
xxxviii Table of Contents

Sedate [8 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 318

Shocking Thought! [8 AP] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 318
Suit of Cards: Diamonds [1 AP] U Domain���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
The Absolute Truth [8 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
Voice of Command [8 AP] L+ Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
Clubs��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
Battle Buddy [4 AP] U Domain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
Clone Powers L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 320
Get a Clue [2 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 320
Locator [4 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 320
Positive Feedback Loop [Varies] L+ Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 320
Rage [5 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 321
Rock [5 AP] L+ Domain����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 321
Suit of Cards: Clubs [1 AP] U Domain������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 321
What Doesn’t Kill Me [4 AP] U Domain��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 321
Conclusion��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 321
Modifying Abilities������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 323
Covered in This Chapter����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 323
The Math: How Modifiers Work���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 323
Math for a Single Modifier��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 324
Math for Multiple Modifiers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 324
Optional Rules for Fractional AP Costs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 324
Examples�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 324
Modifier List������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 325
Modifier Themes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 325
Summary Tables�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 325
Weapon List�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������325
Defense Modifications���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������325
Device Form Factors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������326
Attack Modifiers: Charges, Rate of Fire, Shots, Etc.�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������326
Cybernetic Mount Modifiers�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������326
Power Linkages & Side Effects���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������326
Power-Ups & Conditional Usage����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������326
Activation Modifiers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������327
Trigger Modifiers & Conditions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������327
Table of Contents xxxix

Breaking Things��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������327
Limited Scope ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������327
Targeting Types��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������327
Modifier Descriptions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 328
Defensive Modifications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������328
Devices & Device Form Factors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������328
Weapon Form Factors���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������330
Thrown Weapon Rules & Modifiers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 330
Thrown Weapon Rules���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������330
Throwing Knife/Throwing Axe L1/L+ Weapon�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 331
Throwing Stick/Boomerang L1/L+ Weapon�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 331
Thrown Weapon Rules���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������332
Fragmentation Grenade L1/L+ Weapon��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 333
Shoulder Launched Missiles������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������333
AT Rocket with Shaped Charge L1/L+ Weapon������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 334
Revolver (Single Action) -2 Recoil L1/L+ Weapon����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 335
Charges, # of Shots, Rate of Fire, Endurance Mods��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 335
Attack Modifiers: Charges, Rate of Fire, Shots, Etc.�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������335
Cybernetic Weapon Mounts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 336
Power Links, Power Combinations, and Side Effects������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 336
Power Ups and Conditional Usage��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������338
Activation Modifiers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������339
Targeting & Fire-Control Modifications���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 340
Triggers & Conditions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������343
Trigger Sense U Innate���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 345
Breaking Things Modifications������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 346
Trumps����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 346
Limited Scope ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 347
Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 347
How Do You Know if You Pay APs for Gear?������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 348
How Different Games Handle Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 349
xl Table of Contents

No One Pays for “Standard” Gear��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 349

Paying APs for Exceptional Gear���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 350
Using AP to Enhance Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 350
Paying AP for Gear��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 351
Adventure Games: Finding Gear���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 351
Paid for vs. Not Paid for Gear��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 352
Common Devices: Weapons����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 352
Optional Rule: Special Firearms Ammo Types���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 354
List of Common Guns��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 354
Common Devices: Armor��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 355
Power Armor����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 356
Expectations for Power Armor������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 356
Power Armor Modifications����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Systems Ablative Damage Points���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Fragile System����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������357
Power Plant���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Power Armor Traits������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Advanced Mechanics/Big Generator [8 AP] L1 Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Cyber Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Heavy Metal [16 AP] L+ Gear���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Hyper Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Integrated Hyper Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Power Carapace [16 AP] L+ Gear��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Power Mail [16 AP] L+ Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Power Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Jet Pack/Flight Rig/Drone���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Expectations for Jet Packs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������358
Drone [Varies] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Jet Pack [Varies] U Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 359
Para-Glider [FREE] U Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 359
Other Combat Devices�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 359
Restraints L+ Weapon����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 359
Shield [TAP Varies] Combat Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 360
Tear Gas [8 AP] L1/L+ Weapon��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 360
“Normal” Equipment Traits������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 360
Access [2 AP] U Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 360
Table of Contents xli

Clothing [FREE] U Gear�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 361

Communications [FREE] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 361
Fire/Light [FREE] U Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 361
Medical [Varies] U Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 361
Pain Killer [2 AP] U Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 362
Protective Gear [FREE] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 362
Recording [FREE] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 362
Repair [2 AP] U Gear��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 362
Sensors [FREE] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 363
Stealth Suit [Varies] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 363
Swing-Line [2 AP] U Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 363
Tool/Appliance [Varies] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 363
Tracking Device [2 AP] U Gear������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Vehicle [FREE] U Gear����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Inventions (Super Science/Mad Science)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Inventions Rules������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Lab Scenes and Science! Dramas���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Lab Scenes and Laboratories���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 365
Science! Dramas�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 366
Complications����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 366
Need Funds���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 366
Mad Science Errors��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 366
Super Science Errors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 367
General Errors����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 367
Back of the Book������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 369
In This Section We Cover���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
Rules Changes���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
Character Generation Rules Changes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
New Skill Cost Tables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
Skill Cost Change������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 369
Skill Change: Kung Fu���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370
Trait: Ambidextrous������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370
Trait Natural Fighter������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370
Combat Rules Changes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370
xlii Table of Contents

Getting Up Off the Ground������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370

Modifiers to Hit��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370
Shooting Into Combat���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 370
Grappling Rules��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 371
A-Cost and Defensive Grapple��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������371
Pins, Holds, and Locks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������371
Hold and Lock����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������371
Break Grapple����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������373
Using Weapons in a Grapple�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������373
Flying Tackle������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������373
Level 1 Jujitsu Throw�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������373
Damage from Throws and Falls Against Plate Armor����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 373
Computing Damage Modifiers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 373
On the Damage Mod Table�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������373
Auto-Fire Rules��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 373
New Rules���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 374
New Initiative Rules (Surprise)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 374
Skill Rolls for Detecting and Defusing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 374
Grenade Fuse (Optional Advanced)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 374
CORE Becomes DRIVE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 375
Plate Armor Against Explosives/Falls������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 375
Area of Effect������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 375
Resisted Attack Rules���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 375
Intensity and Power������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 375
The Roll���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 376
ADP Adds to DP if You Have It����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 376
Swapping Resisted Attack Effects��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 376
Categories of Resisted Attack Charts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 376
Resisted Attack Delivery Types������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 377
Success Points���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 378
Types of Success Points������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 378
Table of Contents xliii

Spending Rules: Standard Success Points�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 379

SP Pools: Offensive and Defensive Pools��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380
When SPs Are Spent������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380
Inanimate Objects��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380
Machines Have DP and Take Damage Like Characters�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 380
Archetype Points (and Character Points)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 381
Major Concepts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 381
Archetype Points������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 381
Utility Archetype Points������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 382
Attack Powers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 383
Basic Attacks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������384
Buying Attacks: L1/L+���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������385
Some Abilities Don’t Have an L1 Cost��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������387
Armed & Dangerous Level [4 AP] L+��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 387
Additive Powers (Attack Chains)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������388
Only One L1 Power in a Chain�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������388
Armed and Unarmed Strength��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������388
A-Cost (“Attack Cost”)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 389
Abilities with A-Cost and Other Things������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������391
Optional Advanced: Damage Conversion��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������392
Effective APs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������393
TAP Cost (Total Archetype Points)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 393
Dual Wield TAP [.38, .28, .22]������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 394
Scale Rules��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 394
Scale Number������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 394
The Simple Way��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 394
Picking a Scale Number������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 395
Scalar and Non-Scalar Stats������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 395
STR and BLD and Grapple�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������396
Minimum Base Damage Is ½ Scale Number����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������396
Other Numbers Modified by Scale��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������396
Base Line������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 396
Adventure Games���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 397
Classes and Levels���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 397
Classes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 397
Class: Gear User�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������397
xliv Table of Contents

Class: Innate�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������398
Gear: Wield and Wear���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 398
Bosses������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 399
Experience Points����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 399



There are six “key concepts” to JAGS Archetypes that you should be
basically familiar with as you get into the powers list. The full rules are
in the back of the book, but this section is meant to introduce the ideas
and provide just enough detail so you can decode the powers listings as
you read them.
1. Combat vs. Utility Power: Powers are categorized as “combat”
powers (usually attacks or defenses) and utility powers (everything
2. L1/L+: The first eight Archetype points you spend on some attack
powers gets you more damage than every point you spend after
3. A-Cost (“Attack Cost”): If you buy more than one attack power,
you pay full cost for the first and 1/3rd for each attack power
4. TAP: The cost of some powers is based on the Total Archetype
Points (TAP) of your character (or, if you want to get fancy, the
total cost of your Combat powers).
5. Armed vs. Unarmed Strength: If you buy extra strength, it’s
cheaper if you aren’t able or allowed to use weapons.
6. Power Modifiers: You can modify the cost of powers by making
them more or less useful.

The next four pages provide an overview of these rules and some
illustrative examples.
These are not complete rules! For all the detail and nuance, see

the Back of the Book.

Powers are categorized as “combat” powers (usually attacks or defenses) and utility powers (everything else)
Rationale: We’ve done a lot of work to get the cost for powers that do damage (“attack powers”) or let you take

Combat vs. Utility Power

damage (armor, force fields, damage points, etc.) “right.” That means we have special rules for combat powers
such as:


• Getting more damage from the first 8 Archetype Points spent on attack powers (L1/L+ rules)
• Basing the cost of some powers on how much of your total AP you’ve spent on being good in combat (TAP)
• Extra strength being cheaper if you can’t or won’t use weapons (Armed vs. Unarmed Strength)

You can tell if a power is a Combat power by looking at the table header

Combat Powers Utility Powers

Combat Powers have either... Utility Powers have a Pale Purple Header
a Navy Blue Header
L1/L+ rules
(this power Money [1 AP] U GAT
only has L+) Description: The character is rich! You get 4 CP in Wealth.
Cost per level
Consult the GM/other players before buying this more
than once (extreme wealth may be problematic for some
games but is relatively cheap).
Vibratory Field [4 AP] L+ Domain Trait Buy Cost Wealth DP
Description: You create a humming field of vibratory force! Money M 1 AP 4 CP +2
This can be used to deal extra damage in HTH combat as • They do not generally have special rules for
well as to protect yourself. It functions as a Power Field
their costs and do not generally do damage or
defensively as each point adds 1 pt of PEN Defense and
each hit reduces the number of points at 1 per point of provide armor
damage. While active, it deals the listed damage with HTH
attacks. • They may provide a few Damage Points
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Field Damage
Vibratory Field M 4 AP +2 AP +10 PF +4 IMP

What you get

The power is an
“attack power” and
has an “A-Cost”

Or a Red Header

Quick [TAP .55] Combat Super

Description: You are exceedingly fast! You get:
™™ +4 REA
™™ -4 Damage Modifier against all attacks
™™ You may Dodge or Block ranged attacks at no
negative modifier and you get your full AGI bonus
against them
™™ Your AGI Bonus is at least 4 (if your AGI-10 is 15 or
higher, use that modifier)
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Quick 4 9 13 18 22 26 31 35

L1/L+ Costs


“Level 1” (L1) and “Level Plus” (L+) Costs: The first eight Archetype points you spend on some attack powers gets
you more damage than every point you spend after that.
• Based on our tests, you should get more damage for the first 8 Archetype Points you spend on an attack
• Normal characters get a certain amount of Damage Points (DP) for free and so the L1 rate ensures basic
weapons (long swords, 9 mm pistols) can cost 4 AP and have reasonable results against regular humans

Some attack powers have a “Level One” cost that gives you more “bang” for
your first 8 Archetype Points spent

A character wants to buy a big gun. He has 12 AP to spend on it.

• The Gun Power gives:
◦◦ 1.4 PEN damage per AP for the first 8 AP (“Level 1” cost)
◦◦ Every AP after that gives .9 PEN damage (“Level Plus” cost)
• The first 8 AP he spends (Level 1 or “L1”) give the Level 1 damage rate
◦◦ 8 AP x 1.4 = 11 PEN Damage
• The next 4 AP he spends gives the “ Level Plus” rate
◦◦ 4 AP x .9 AP PEN = 3.6 PEN, rounding to 4 PEN
• The Big Gun does 11 + 4 = 15 PEN for 12 AP

Not all combat

powers have
L1 costs; some
only have L+. The
header notes this
Summon Gun [Varies] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP

Damage per AP for Description: You can call a gun (or other weapon) to your
hand. Summoning the gun is a 5 REA Medium Action or a
the first 8 AP
0 REA Medium Action with a weapon skill roll. Damage per AP
for each AP after
Note: This is the “cost” of Gun with the Super Tag.
the first 8
Damage in 8 AP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
Summon Gun 1 8 AP 8 AP 11 PEN
increments (each Summon Gun L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 7 PEN
8 AP = “a level”)

A-Cost (“Attack Cost”): If you buy more than one attack power, you pay full cost for the first power and 1/3rd for
each attack power thereafter

Attack Cost (A-Cost) Basics



• We want to encourage characters to have multiple attacks—we feel it makes for a more interesting,
dynamic game
• Having a secondary attack is often a lot less useful than having a single, more powerful attack, so we want
to give characters that do buy multiple attacks a significant cost break on them
• Having a low-powered attack is often much less useful than its “list cost” would indicate, so low-powered
“backup” attacks should cost a lot less

Example 1: Buy two attacks—one costs less

Shock Trooper carries both an assault rifle and a .45 caliber hand gun.
• The Rifle costs 16 Archetype Points (AP)
• The .45 Handgun costs 8 Archetype Points
Because of A-Cost Rules he pays only 1/3rd the cost of the cheaper attack and
only pays 3 AP for the handgun (8 AP/3 = 2.66, which rounds to 3 AP).

Some powers are “part attack.” They get the cost break on the
portion of the power that’s “attack”
Example 2: Strong Guy with a Crossbow
X-Bow is big and strong, buying one level
the Built power (8 AP), and also carries a
crossbow (16 AP)
Armed Built has an “A-Cost” of 5 AP
(per 8 AP spent)
Built [8 ap] L+ GAT
Each 8 AP spent on Built buy Description: You’re massive and ripped like a mammoth
body-builder! Note: Regardless of how many levels of Built
• 5 AP of “attack” (STR and BLD) the character buys they only get +1 CON once.

• 3 AP of defense (DP, CON) Note: The BLD bonus is listed as +10 but the player can
choose any number of extra BLD from 1-10 as wanted.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP CON
X-Bow pays full cost for the crossbow Built (Armed) M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +10 +10 +1

(most expensive attack) and 1/3rd the Built (Unarmed)

Buff (Either)
8 AP
4 AP
+6 AP
+3 AP
A-Cost of Built. A-Cost rules reduce 5 of
the 8 AP spent by 2/3rds: X-Bow pays 3 +
(5/3) = 3 + (1.66) = 5 AP for Built
If he bought 2 levels of Built, he would
spend 6 + (10/3) = 9 AP instead of the
16 AP “list price”

Total AP (TAP) Costs



TAP Cost: The cost of some powers is based on the Total Archetype Points (TAP) of your character (or, if you want to
get fancy, the total cost of your Combat powers)
• Powers that modify JAGS Rolls (that make you hard to hit, for example) usually can’t be purchased more
than once and need to have a cost that reflects their value equally well for characters of any point total
• Powers that are absolute (invulnerability, immortality) are best modeled as a % of character points

Example 1: Invulnerability Threshold

Inv Threshold [Varies] Combat Super
Hard-To-Hurt Guy is a 64 AP character Description: You take damage normally—but only up to a
who can never take more than 1 point point. Any damage exceeding your Threshold is ignored.
This can represent a form of invulnerability where the
of damage from any attack. character is still able to get roughed up but is very hard to
take down.

He buys Invulnerability Threshold: 1 DP A character with Threshold gets 4/10 Armor per
8 Total AP (so a 24 AP character will get 12/30
which has a TAP cost of .90—it costs Armor). They can purchase armor normally as well
90% of his points, or 64AP x .90 = 57.6 with any remaining points.
Trait Cost
= 58 AP. He has 6 AP to spend on other Threshold: 1 DP [.90]
Threshold: 3 DP [.88]
things. Threshold Minor-Wound – 1 [.80]
Threshold: Minor Wound [.75]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
His son, Hard-To-Hurt Boy, is only 24 AP. Threshold: 1 DP 7 14 22 29 36 43 50 58
Threshold: 3 DP 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56
H2H-Boy pays 24 AP x .90 = 21.6 = 22 AP Threshold: MW-1 6 13 19 26 32 38 45 51
Threshold: MW 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
for the same power.

Advanced Rule: Calculate TAP costs from the points spent on

combat powers only

Example 2: Invulnerability Threshold TAP Cost on Combat APs only

Hard-To-Hurt Guy is a 64 AP character, but he spends 8 AP on non-combat
super-senses and a secret hideout.
His only combat power is a 6 AP Taser he uses to stun bad guys.
Instead of calculating the cost of Invulnerability Threshold from 64 AP, he
calculates it from 64 – 8 non-combat APs = 56 APs.
56 APs x .90 = 50.40 = 50 APs. He has enough left over to afford his 6 AP Taser.

Calculating from Combat APs only lets characters with high TAP loads
afford more non-combat powers


Armed vs. Unarmed Strength

Armed vs. Unarmed Strength: If you buy extra strength, it’s cheaper if you aren’t able or allowed to use weapons.
• Characters who use weapons can turn strength into penetrating (PEN) damage by picking up a sword.


Because of this, most characters should buy strength at the cost of PEN damage under the assumption
they’ll use a sword or knife if they need to
• HOWEVER: If a character can’t or won’t use edged weapons, then strength cannot be turned into PEN
damage and should only pay the rate for Impact damage (IMP)

Example: Strong Man and Barbarian

Two strong characters buy a single level of the Built [8 ap] L+ GAT
“Built” power, which makes a character big and Description: You’re massive and ripped like a mammoth
strong. body-builder! Note: Regardless of how many levels of Built
the character buys they only get +1 CON once.
Grog the Barbarian: A strong fighter who cleaves his
enemies with his great sword. He buys the Armed Note: The BLD bonus is listed as +10 but the player can
choose any number of extra BLD from 1-10 as wanted.
version of Built. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP CON
Built (Armed) M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +10 +10 +1
Strong Man: A super hero who never uses weapons Built (Unarmed) M 8 AP +6 AP +5 +10 +10 +1
and relies on his fists to fight. He buys the Unarmed Buff (Either) 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +5 +4 +0
version of Built.

Strong Man is allowed Grog must buy the

to buy the Unarmed Armed version of Built
version of Built, which which only gives +3
gives +5 Strength per Strength per level.
However, he can use
He cannot, however, a sword if he chooses,
use weapons during making his damage
the game. He can only Penetrating (PEN).
use his prodigious
strength to do Impact
(IMP) damage.

If you’re not sure which version of a power to buy, go with the Armed
version. It’s less likely to cause problems later if you hoist the black flag
and start slitting throats.

Power Modifiers


Power Modifiers: You can modify the cost of powers by making them more or less useful.
• Power Modifiers allow players to build new powers by taking powers listed and changing them to be exactly
the power they want
• Changing a power to make it more flexible, powerful, or otherwise useful (e.g., removing an inconvenient
aspect) should make the power cost more than the listed price
• Making a power more limited, weaker, or otherwise less useful (e.g., taking a power that can do many
things and making it do only one) should reduce the cost
Power modifiers multiply the AP cost of a power by a percentage.
• Enhancements make a power cost more, and their percentage is greater than 100%
• Defects make a power cost less, and their percentage is less than 100%
• You can apply more than one modifier to power if you want to. Just multiply the cost by each modifier
• If you want to modify a TAP power, calculate its AP Cost and then apply the modifiers
• In all cases, if you get a fraction of an AP, round normally to get the final AP cost

Modifier Description Type Percentage
Device The power comes from a device the character carries. Defect 97%
Subtle The power is more quiet and less visible than it would normally be Enhancement 103%
and may require a Perception roll for people not directly affected by
it to notice its use.

1. Burt the Assassin spends 24 AP on a sniper rifle. He takes the basic PEN damage attack power and applies
the “device” modifier to represent it coming from a gun.

The cost is 24 AP x 97% = 23.28 AP. That rounds down to 23 AP. Burt saves 1 AP by defining his power as
coming from a carried device.
2. Burt wants to wear bullet-proof clothing that is tailored to look normal and classy. He buys 16 AP of armor
and takes the “subtle” advantage so it won’t look like armor to people around him.

The cost is 16 AP x 103% = 16.48 AP, which rounds down to 16 AP. It doesn’t cost him any extra AP to define
his armor as “subtle.” If he’d bought 24 AP worth, it would cost 24 AP x 103% = 24.72 = 25 AP.
3. Burt then decides to put a silencer on his 24 AP sniper’s rifle. This is the “subtle” enhancements (people
won’t hear the shot or see a muzzle flash).

The cost is 24 AP x 97% (device defect) x 103% (subtle enhancement) = 23.97 = 24 AP. The enhancement
and defects cancel each other out!

Welcome to JAGS Revised Archetypes—We’re glad you’re here! This book is the list of special abili-
ties (paranormal, super-science, mutation, super-powers, magic, etc.) for use with the JAGS Revised
roleplaying game. There’s a lot of information here and we’re doing our best to make sure everything
is as clear as it can be. Let’s get started:
• If you don’t have the JAGS Revised RPG, you can download it at www.jagsrpg.org. It’s free—

Buying Archetype Traits

we sell a printed version!
• If you have deeper questions, you can find the discussion at the JAGS Blog: http://jags-rpg.
blogspot.com/. If you have any questions for us, post them there and we’ll do our best to

JAGS Revised Archetypes

answer them.
• We have / will have some software tools to help with character creation. Look to the JAGS
Blog and the site to download them (they’re free, and written in Java so they should run on
almost any computer).


The JAGS Revised Archetypes book is, at its simplest, a shopping list of powers broken into several
logical categories that your character can buy. That isn’t all, though: there are new rules, revisions to
existing rules (such as Resisted Attacks and the Grappling rules) and several key concepts that we’ve
tried to break up into digestible pieces so you don’t have to tackle more than you want to in order to
get started. Here’s how we’ve laid this out:

JAGS Revised Archetypes

Buying Archetype Traits

This chapter is the “Quick Start” chapter that covers the

minimum necessary to get started making characters. It
covers the basic rules you need to know to get started.
Once you’re comfortable with this you should go the Back-
Of-The-Book chapter where we cover everything in much
more detail. This is where you’ll see advanced rules, more
detail, and some exciting options that are available.


We saved all the lengthy stuff for the Back of the Book
chapter so that you could “get playing right away” by
reading this, relatively short, intro chapter. However, you
should know what’s back there. It is:
1. Rules Revisions to JAGS Revised. We’ve changed
a bunch of stuff—including skill costs and some of
the Grappling rules.
2. New Rules. We have new rules for Resisted
Attacks and several new basic “power types”
(Ablative Damage Points, Power Fields, etc.)
3. Some Guidance. We have rules on “how to build
bosses” for characters to fight. We have some
notes on how to structure games that heavily use
Archetype Points.
4. Adventure Games. We support a specific type
of game called “Adventure Games” which are modeled after MMO Computer Games and have rules for
keeping balance with found gear and the like.
5. Modifying Powers. You can customize your abilities. We go into how this works in the Back of the Book

One more thing before we get started: over the course of trying to figure out how to make JAGS Revised work the
way we needed it to, one of the things we did was build a computer combat simulator that let us run, literally,
millions of simulated combats to test various combinations of attacks and defenses. This led us to changing our
thinking about how to structure costs for abilities. For example: The first eight Archetype Points (APs) spent on
any attack power should be more cost effective (more damage per AP spent) than each Archetype Point there-
after. Why? Because that’s how our tests came out. We also determined that a class of abilities is worth some
percent of your Total APs, i.e., being-really-hard-to-hit is worth the same percent of your character whether you
are very powerful or comparatively weak. And so on. If you see references to “the simulator” that’s what we’re
talking about.

Before you get started, here are the basic concepts you should understand:
1. Your character will have Character Points (CPs) with which to buy “normal people stuff” (Skills, Traits, Stats)
as outlined in the JAGS Revised Basic Book. You will also, likely, get Archetype Points (APs) with which to buy
unusual or even super powers, like cybernetics, mutant abilities, magic, psionics, etc.
2. Exactly which Archetype Traits (also called Archetype Abilities, Powers, Super Powers, etc.) are legal for a
given game is determined by the nature of the game and the GM; for example, if you are playing near future
cyborgs then magical powers are probably off the list.
3. We have listed APs for things like gear and carried weapons (guns, worn armor, night vision goggles, etc.).
Whether or not a given character will actually need to pay APs for their gear depends, again, on the nature
of the game; for example, a super-hero will pay APs for their Armored Super Suit; while your average

modern-day infantry man, who might have a few APs to spend on something, won’t usually pay APs for his
assault rifle; but a super-spy might pay APs for really unusual gear. We discuss that in detail both up front
and even more-so in the back of the book.
4. There are a lot of rules around buying attacks with Archetype Abilities (such as “Plasma beams you can
shoot out of your eyes” or bio-weapon claws). Most of these rules are designed to make it cost-effective to
have more than one ability or to help spell out how one ability, like super strength, enhances other abilities,
i.e., if you are super strong, claws do more damage but laser blasts do not. We have tried to be clear here

Buying Archetype Traits

and give lots of examples.
5. When trying to figure out how many APs the characters will have we suggest using multiples of 8 APs (or 4
if you must) since that was what we did when designing the powers. Each 8 APs a character has is called a

JAGS Revised Archetypes

“level” and that can be used for some more complex rules which you’ll see referred to and expanded in the
back of the book.


This chapter covers the following ground:
1. The Basics. The terms should you know (Archetype Points, Character Points, etc.). How many Archetype
Points do you get? What kinds of Traits are there to choose from? What’s legal for this specific game?
2. Buying Archetype Traits. The specific rules on “how to buy Archetype Traits” from the very simple (Night
Vision always just costs you 1 AP) to the more complex (Speed is based on a percentage of your Total APs).
We also cover rules for:
a. Utility Powers vs. Combat Powers. Some powers are marked as “Utility Powers” and there are some
optional/advanced rules around those.
b. Attack Cost (A-Cost). We introduce the concept of A-Cost which is the cost of your most expensive
attack. Other attack powers get a cost break if you are using these rules.
c. Armed vs. Unarmed Strength. If your character will commonly carry a PEN Damage weapon you need
to use the “Armed Strength” versions of powers that improve your character’s base strike damage.
3. New Rules. Explanation and overview of some of the most critical new rules such as Ablative Damage Points.

Basic Terms You Should Know


Buying Archetype Traits

Here’s a list of the terms you absolutely need to understand to get started!

Term Abbreviation Description

Archetype None All these terms mean the same thing. Technically, all abilities in the book are called
Trait, Power, “Traits” but we interchangeably use the term Power, Ability, or even “Defect” (for some
Ability bad ones that get you more Archetype Points for taking them).

Character CPs Character Points: The currency you use to buy “normal abilities,” such as stats and Traits.
Points A few unusual abilities are listed here with AP and CP costs (especially some bio-powers
like “night vision” indicating they can be bought with either.
Archetype APs Archetype Points: the currency you use to buy Archetype Abilities (special powers).
Success Points SPs Success Points can be used to improve the degree of success of roles. SPs can be gained
through special powers, awarded by the GM, or may even found as treasure in some
Success Point SP Pool(s) Many of these traits give you “Success Point Pools.” These are allotments of Success
Pools Points that typically “refresh” at the beginning of each combat or game session
(depending on the specifics).
Total TAP Cost Total Archetype Point Cost: Many abilities don’t have a “fixed cost” but instead have a
Archetype TAP-Cost. This is a % of your Total APs. We have calculated the cost for common Levels
Point Cost of Play for these abilities so you don’t have to do any math. If you are playing on a weird
number of APs (not within the listed range or not divisible by 8) you will want to do the
math yourself or use the JAGS character builder.
Attack-Cost A-Cost A-Cost is the total number of APs required for an attack (so if you spent 20 APs on
“Plasma Blast,” its A-Cost is 20 APs). The reasons we call this out are as follows:
™™ You only pay full cost for your most expensive attack (equal or less expensive
attacks are 1/3rd cost!)
™™ Many attacks combine, like Super Strength that makes your claws hit harder, so it’s
good to know the total, combined, A-Cost for those.
™™ Some abilities combine both attacks and defenses (or other things) so if you know
how much of a combined cost was spent on the attack you can, if using advanced
rules, reduce the cost of that ability (if it’s not the most expensive attack in your
™™ Advanced: You can add [A-Cost / .70] for any attack that does NOT add directly
to Grapple to your Defensive Grapple (or Offensive for purposes of Break Grab/
Grapple or Resist) due to using your attack powers directly against the grapple. This
even applies to psionic attacks or magical terror-fields or whatever.
Armed vs. A or U When you are buying STR. BLD, or anything else that effects armed hand-to-hand damage
Unarmed you must decide if your character could or commonly does use a sword or knife or claws
Strength or other PEN-damage attack. If your character does (or could and maybe would) you
should buy the Armed cost. This is because Hand-to-Hand PEN damage is better than
IMP damage and any bladed weapon converts all your HTH damage into PEN damage.
Note: Examples of characters who clearly should not buy the Armed version are “brick,”
super heroes who fight with their fists. Adventuring types usually will pick up a sword if it
behooves them.
Utility Combat U for Utility We have divided up the powers in the book into either Utility or Combat powers. In many
Powers games there is no real distinction between them in terms of how you buy them—but if
you are using some advanced rules, there can be.

The number of Archetype Points, like the number of Character Points, that you have to spend depends strongly on
how powerful you are expected to be in the game.
Rule: We strongly advise giving out multiples of 8 APs as we have structured the costs of various abilities around
that assumption.
Some Recommended Point Totals

Buying Archetype Traits

Game Type Total APs and CPs Notes

How Many Points Do I Get?

Absolutely Mundane Zero APs, 30-50 CPs These characters are pretty “basic.” Maybe they’re meant for
Characters “victims” in a horror game or a very gritty “drama.”
Colorful, Competent 8 AP, 50 CP This is a base-line for competent, but not hyper competent,
Characters characters. The characters may be limited to Generic Archetype
Traits (GATs) which are generally “non-paranormal” abilities;
although a few may be semi-paranormal.
Super Agents or 16-32 AP, 50-75 CP At this level the characters are movie style heroic super-agents.
“Costumed Adventures” You may want to use Generic Archetype Traits and the Fast
Company (“action hero”) Traits. “Costumed Adventures” is our
term for “Street-Level” super heroes.
Super Heroes 64 or 128 APs, 50-75 CP For playing super-hero style characters you’ll want at least 64 to
128 (the maximum we generally recommend) APs.


Not every character in every game will have access to all the powers in this book; in fact, usually only anything-
goes super heroes have access to everything in here—and maybe not even then. The GM will usually work with the
players to determine what makes sense during the game.

Archetype Traits Notes

Generic Archetype Traits (GATs) These are “basic abilities” and are almost always legal for any game. They make “better
than average” characters who can, with enough points, border on the super human.
Usually if any Archetype Traits are legal these will be legal too.
Fast Company These rules are for “action heroes.” This is good for bullet-dodging super-spies, master
martial artists, and so on. Characters like the Watchmen, GI Joe super soldiers, and even
guys like Jason Bourne can use the Fast Company rules.
Innate Powers Innate Powers covers “natural” and “extreme” abilities used for creating animal (or
monster) characters as well as some “super powers” like flight and teleporting.
Domain Control These are groups of powers like “fire control” and the like. They are usually “super
powers” similar to what is found in Innate Powers but grouped by theme.
Cybernetics Man/machine hybrids. These rules can make cyberpunk mercenaries, space-knights,
near-future augmented super-soldiers, and so on.
Gear The Gear power list covers specific things like jet packs, power armor, and more
mundane gear (swords, guns, etc.). This chapter has a bunch of optional/advanced
rules in it for turning other abilities into gear and trying to replicate “real world” items
in game terms.
Psionics Psionics include ESP, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and so on. At the lower levels, you might be
a psychic detective. At the higher ones, you can be a mind-controlling or car-throwing
psychic warrior.

How Many Points Do I Get?
Buying Archetype Traits

We have “tagged” most of the abilities in the book with a term like “Natural” or “Super” or “Cyber” to designate
what “kind” of power it is. At the beginning of each section we discuss the tags and what they mean. If you want,
for example, a game where characters can only have abilities found in nature you might restrict any “super powers”
or “mutations” to the Natural tag.
Here are some examples:
Tag Similar To Other Tags Means
GAT Natural Generic Archetype Trait. These Traits represent fairly advanced human potential and,
in a few cases, very exotic abilities but generally stop short of paranormal abilities or
represent basic paranormal abilities some people think “really exist.” They are colorful
but are generally allowed in almost any game.
Natural GAT The Natural tag refers to abilities that exist in nature even if humans don’t have them.
Both echolocation and cat-like night vision are natural; but the ability to see in complete
absolute darkness is not. Therefore, characters building “biological mutants” might be
limited to GATs and Natural abilities.
Extreme Fast The Extreme tag isn’t quite “super” but is definitely above what is “seen in nature.”
Super Domain The Super tag refers to “super powers.” Flight, force field, etc., are all examples of Super
abilities. The Domain tag is similar but usually refers to a specific related “grouping” of
powers such as “Fire Control.”
Cyber Gear, Weapon There are a number of different Cyber tags and we also have the Gear and Weapon
tags. Cyber represents technological augmentation; which means things can “go wrong”
or they might be vulnerable to “infection by computer viruses” and so on.
Mystic Domain, Mind The Mystic tag refers to powers we think generally come from magical sources. Things
like necromancy may well be mystical.

The “tag” for a power can be changed at any time by talking to the GM. The tag system is used to (a)
determine what is legitimate for a given game (“No Super or similar powers”), (b) to make some general

statements about how that power shows up in the game (a super-tech nullifier might not work on Mystical-
tagged abilities), and (c) as an organizing principal for the book.


This is actually a more complicated question than it sounds and it is covered in detail in the Gear chapter and the
Back of the Book under Adventure Gaming. The short answer is: “It depends on the kind of game you are playing.”
Here is a quick, handy reference:
Common Rules About Paying APs for Gear (Examples)
Game Type Do I Pay APs for Gear?
Super Hero Game You pay APs for “Super Gear.” If you have a flying ring or a suit of battle armor you pay APs for it.
Modern Day Cops Game No—usually not. Your characters would have issued gear (sidearm, bullet proof vest, etc.) and, if
(or other “mundane the characters even have Archetype Points (probably 4 or 8 APs for a “Modern Day Cops Game”)
characters” game) they would tend to spend them on Generic Archetype Traits representing native abilities.

Fantasy: Dungeon No. In these games you usually find gear or buy it using in-game money. Note: We have some
Adventurers special (advanced) rules for these sorts of games under Adventure Games in the Back of the
Book chapter.
Space Adventurers No. As above, these characters would tend to buy gear with in-game money or find it.
Super Spies/Agents Maybe. Your characters might pay APs for special “super-spy gear” or they might pay APs to
“enhance” gear they are issued “for free.”

We do supply rules in various places (mostly the Gear chapter—but also in Generic Archetype Traits) on how
much gear costs in terms of Archetype Points. For some games, if you are playing with the advanced rules, you
may want to keep track of that. Otherwise you can pretty much skip them.

Buying Archetype Traits

JAGS Revised Archetypes is, at its core, a big shopping list of powers divided into sections (Cybernetics, Innate
Powers, etc.) with costs rated in Archetype Points (and sometimes, for a few abilities, Character Points). Once you

Buying Archetype Traits

know what categories are legal to buy from and how many points you have to spend you’re ready to start shopping.
Let’s look at what you’ll need to know to figure out how to buy Archetype Traits.

Here are the general things you need to know about buying Archetype Traits before we get to more specific
examples later:
1. Archetype Point Cost Types: There are a few different “kinds” of Traits so this is the high-level overview.
2. Combat vs. Utility Powers: Traits like attack powers and defense abilities are described as “combat traits.”
Things like senses, movement abilities, and other things that don’t directly relate to combat mechanics, are
called Utility powers.
3. Attack Powers: Level 1 and Level+ (L1 and L+): The first 8 AP spent on attack powers (example: “Power
Blast”—the ability to shoot energy beams from your hands) does more damage per AP spent than every
8 AP after that. We’ll explain why this is and how it works.
4. Armed vs. Unarmed STR and BLD: For powers that increase STR and BLD we have two cost listings: Armed
and Unarmed. If your character commonly uses a bladed/edged PEN damage weapon in hand to hand
combat, buy the Armed version. If you fight bare-handed, use the Unarmed version.
5. Attack Cost (A-Cost): We have an advanced rule that you only pay full points for your “most expensive
attack.” Each separate attack thereafter of equal or lesser value costs 1/3rd the normal number of points.
6. Stacking and Non-Stacking Bonuses: If you buy three different abilities that add to STR, you get all the
bonuses added together (for a much higher STR!). This is true for things like traits that give Armor, Damage
Points, and so on. We say these kinds of bonuses “stack with each other”—that is, you get all the extra
points combined. However, if you buy Traits that add to, for example, CON, you only get the highest bonus
(so it doesn’t make sense to buy something that gives +1 CON and something else that gives +2 CON since
you just get the +2). This is an example of a bonus that does not stack (“with other such bonuses”). This
section explains how that works.

This section—and even the following set of examples—is just an overview. The full rules for these are detailed in
the Back of the Book chapter. This overview is meant to be enough for you to get started.


Every Archetype Trait has a cost in APs. There are a few different ways this works:
1. Fixed Cost. Some Archetype Traits just cost “X” APs and that’s it. An example is “Night Vision,” which costs
1 AP. You can’t buy it more than once. Its cost never changes. It just cost 1 AP to be able to see in the dark,
and that’s that.
2. Level Cost. Some AP Traits cost “X” APs per level. This means you can buy it as many times as you want for
“X” number of APs and each time you buy it you get some extra bonuses. An example is the Gunslinger Trait
which gives you extra damage points and more damage with a gun for 4 Archetype Points. If you buy it 10
times it costs you 40 APs and you get 10x the listed bonuses.
3. Unit Cost. Some AP Traits have a “unit cost” meaning you can spend as many or as few APs on them as
you want and you get some bonus “per AP.” These are usually attack powers or defense powers and we’ve

Buying Archetype Traits

designed them so that if you spend 4 or 8 APs the math is very simple—but you can spend 14 APs or 37 APs
Buying Archetype Traits

or whatever and figure out exactly how much damage they do (or how much armor you get or whatever).
4. Total Archetype Point Cost (TAP Cost). Finally there are abilities that have a cost based on how many
Archetype Points you have to spend in total. These are called TAP Cost Traits. An example is being super-
fast: it cost a certain percentage of your APs to be super-fast so the exact cost changes based on whether
you are an 8 AP character or a 128 AP character. In these cases we have done the math for you and the
ability comes with a chart.


We’ve broken abilities down into two basic categories: Combat powers and Utility powers. Under most conditions
there is no real difference in how the powers work, but sometimes there is a difference, which is useful to know.


As an Advanced rule, when calculating the cost of a TAP Cost power, you are allowed to deduct points spent on
Utility Powers from your TAP Total. This is because having extremely good senses or being able to teleport does not
enhance being super-fast (but, doing a lot of damage does boost super-fast). So if you were given 32 AP to spend
(Total AP Cost) and spent 8 AP on Utility Powers (flight, super senses, etc.) you can calculate the cost of any TAP-
Cost powers based on 24 AP Total AP Cost instead of 32 AP.


In some games the GM may assign a certain number of APs only for Utility Powers. This is useful to do when the
group wants everyone to fight at about the same level and also wants to make sure that people have points spent on
things other than just attack/defense powers. This is good for super hero games, mystical martial arts warrior games,
and other genres where you want high-powered, combat-oriented characters that still have a lot of extra “color.”

Note: Utility powers may be VERY good in a fight

Movement powers, senses, things that impact appearance or
manipulate the environment are generally classed as Utility
Powers. Clearly these things can be very good in a fight or
maybe even all important. If you are fighting out in the open
and you can fly and attack at range, and your opponent
cannot, you will generally win every time. The reason we have
made this categorization is not because Utility powers are
“unimportant” (despite the use of the term “color” above) or
because they are “not good in a fight” but rather because of
the specific way they impact combat mechanics.


During our work on JAGS Revised Archetypes we built a computer
simulator for testing literally thousands or millions of trial
combats. One of the things we learned was that the first few (8)
APs spent on an attack power needed to do more damage per
AP than each AP after that. This led us to the concept of a “First
Level” attack Power and then “each level of the attack after that.”
When we sell abilities that do damage we sell them as Level 1
(L1) and Level+ (L+). What does this mean?

Buying Archetype Traits
Buying Archetype Traits
If you only have a few APs to spend on an attack you’ll usually buy it at L1 cost (that’s how most weapons or attacks
are sold) and thus do more damage per AP than later on.


A good number of Traits—especially those that add to damage done by other attacks (such as “Gunslinger” which
adds to damage any gun you carry does) pay the L+ cost. This is all computed for you when you see the Trait’s listing.


There are a lot of powers that enhance your Strength (and Build) making you hit harder in hand-to-hand combat.
For these we have included two sets of costs: Armed and Unarmed. Which cost you will pay is based on whether
or not you commonly use a Penetrating Damage weapon (Armed) or not (Unarmed). If your character uses (or can
use) a sword, knife, spear, etc., then you pay the Armed cost.
If your character is only ever likely to fight unarmed/bare-handed (or just use blunt Impact Damage weapons) then
you can pay the Unarmed Cost.
We have done this because PEN damage is better point-for-point than IMP damage and your STR and BLD add to
either one. If you are unsure which you should buy, use the Armed cost. Examples of characters who would prob-
ably buy the Unarmed version are:
™™ Super strong super heroes who fight with their bare hands.
™™ Mystical martial artists who use empty-handed combat techniques and don’t use weapons.
™™ Fantasy monsters like “ogres” or “trolls” which either don’t really know how to use bladed/edged weapons
or simply always choose not to.


We have a rule that you only pay full points for your most expensive attack power and every separate attack of
equal or lesser value (in AP Cost) is 1/3rd the normal number of APs. This is because it is very inefficient to have
a character “split their points” between two different attacks (the added versatility does not, in our experience or
testing make up for it) and we want to encourage characters by giving them more options. As noted above, the full
rules are in the Back of the Book.

Buying Archetype Traits


Buying Archetype Traits

Any ability that is an attack power will be listed with its “A-Cost.” (For abilities that are nothing but attack powers
the A-Cost is just the cost.) Sometimes that cost will have a “+” sign by it, which means that the ability in question
usually adds its damage to some other attack. For example, any ability which increases STR and BLD adds its attack
to the character’s Base Damage (strike damage). Another example would be special traits that add damage to any
gun the character uses.

There are a lot of Traits that add damage to others. Consider things like “Super Strength” and “Claws”—a waste-
land mutant who is super-strong hits harder (for more damage) with his claws than one who is of normal strength.
When abilities that add damage work together we call that an “attack chain.” This concept is important for figuring
out A-Cost (if you are playing with these rules).

In any attack chain there can only be one L1 Cost attack power. All others must be L+. This means, for

example, if you bought “super strength” at L1 cost you can’t also buy various bio-weapons at L1—you have
to use the row for L+.

When computing A-Cost for Attack Chains you add up all the abilities that can possibly add to a single

attack’s effect. This includes Traits which add damage as well as any “combined attacks;” so, if a single to hit-
roll inflicts, say, both Damage and a Toxin effect, the A-Costs of both attacks would be added.

Unless otherwise explicitly stated, any weapon that the character gets “for free” is L1. This means that when
you are building characters who carry weapons they did not pay Archetype Points for (say, super spies or

super-ninja, who come armed with specific weapons but do not pay APs for them) all Traits that add damage
bonuses must pay the L+ level. Therefore, if you are making a super-strong mystical ninja who will carry a
sword they did not pay for with APs, buy the L+ level.


Traits often give bonuses of some sort to stats or rolls. When two or more Traits change the same attribute (or
provide the same sort of bonus) sometimes you get to add both bonuses together and sometimes you just get the
benefit of the highest bonus. This difference is called “stacking.” If a kind of bonus “stacks,” then all bonuses of that
time are considered additive. If a kind of bonus does not stack then you only get the highest.

Bonus Type Examples Notes

Physical Stats STR, BLD, DP, Armor, PEN Def While you might sometimes be asked for a STR
roll it is generally not considered a “stat you roll
Damage Any sort of damage
Initiative, Ground Speed Initiative bonuses stack and so do Initiative is a weird case since you do “roll against
bonuses to running speed it” but it is kind of considered a “resisted roll” in
most cases.
To-Be-Hit Modifiers Size, Speed, Range, AGI Bonus When calculating the to-hit modifiers for
a character, everything adds (or subtracts)
Stats you Roll Against AGI, COR, RES, MEM, WIL Bonuses to rolls or stats you commonly roll
against do not stack.

Bonuses To Skills Pluses to combat or non-combat If you have bonuses for different skills you can
skills still use those separately but you can’t get two
abilities that give bonuses to combat skills and
use both sets of bonuses on the same skill.
AGI Bonus and Cover You only get the largest AGI Bonus As noted above, you still get to add other
your character has (if two powers bonuses and cover, etc. But you can’t get -4 AGI
give different AGI bonuses only one, Bonus from one power and -2 from another and

Buying Archetype Traits

the largest, counts) get a total of -6 AGI Bonus.
Negative Damage Mods You only use the highest –DM
Success Point Pools You can’t buy the exact same type of You can however, have multiple types of SP pools

Buying Archetype Traits

SP pool more than once. and even if the SPs generated can be used in the
same way, that’s okay.

Buying Archetype Traits


Buying Archetype Traits

Here are some example Archetype Traits and what they look like in the book:

We have chosen Night Vision from the Innate Abilities

This is an example of a basic ability with a fixed AP list. It looks like this:
Cost, meaning Night Vision only costs 1 AP and you
Night Vision [1 AP] U Natural
can’t buy it more than once.
Description: You have cat-like night vision. You ignore -3
points of darkness modifiers and can “see normally” in
RULES very low-light conditions.
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Here are some further explanations of what you’re Night Vision 1 1 AP or 1 CP +3 Night vision (ignore -3)
looking at there:
Name: Sometimes we had to make a decision about
what to call something and where to put it. Name is ATTACK POWER
just the “most common name” we could think of for a This is an attack power: the ability to fire explosive
given power and should be considered a guide. plasma beams! Let’s take a look:

Cost: If the cost says VARIES it means there are several Plasma Blast [8 AP] L1/L+ Super
different “versions” that get explained and there’s not Unit Cost L1: 2.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
one fixed cost.
Description: You can fire a powerful blast of explosive
Some powers, like most attack powers, have a Cost of ™™ The Plasma Blast costs 8 REA per attack.
8 AP. In those cases you can spend more or less than ™™ The attack is Explosive.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
the listed amount. You just have to do some math. Plasma Blast L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 21 IMP
Plasma Blast L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 10 IMP

Combat or Utility: The term “Utility” means it isn’t

directly useful in most combats (although being able RULES
to see better in the dark is very useful for fighting at Here are the rules for Attack Powers:
night). We’ll discuss this more later.
Unit Cost: Any ability that has a Unit Cost line under
Tag: There are a lot of tags. Natural is straightforward; the title can be bought for any number of APs the
as is “Super,” which means “super powers.” player wishes to spend. The [Cost Bracket] says 8 APs
because that’s the “suggested” cost per level at which
Buy: This is usually “1” (you can only buy it once) or
you will have to do no math—but you can spend 1 AP,
“M” (you can buy it Many times).
10 APs, 157 APs, etc. The listed damage for L and L+ is
Character Point Cost: Many of the Innate Abilities based on the 8 AP Cost. If you spend other numbers,
have a Character Point cost since, in our opinion, look at the Unit Cost.
small animals don’t usually have Archetype Points (or
L1/L+: As noted above, the first 8 APs you spend on
at least not many.) If you pay for this with Character
any attack power get you more damage per AP than
Points it has to be okayed by the GM and you do not
thereafter. Thus, the buy column in the stat-block is
get the Damage Points.
“1” for L1 and “M” for Many in the L+ column.
DP: In cases where a power costs “less than one
Archetype Point” we “give you back” some Damage
Points. In this case, if you spend 1 AP on Night Vision
your character gets +3 Damage Points.

Example: A character has 10 APs to spend on pays 1/3rd the cost for the Vibratory Field attack. It
Plasma Blast looks like this:

The damage is 21 IMP for the “first Level” (L1) and Power Cost Modified Cost
then adds +2.6 rounds to +3 IMP damage for the
Plasma Blast 10 AP A-Cost None: Remains 10 APs
next 2 AP bought at the L+ level (look at Unit Cost
L+). The total damage for the Plasma Blast is 24 IMP Vibratory Field 16 AP Cost which A-Cost is reduced to
has an 8 AP 1/3rd Cost or 3 APs

Buying Archetype Traits

explosive. A-Cost
Final Cost for Vibratory
As this is a pure Attack Ability, the A-Cost is exactly Field: 11 APs
equal to the APs spent: this blast has an A-Cost of

Buying Archetype Traits

10 APs. What happened? Half the cost of the Vibratory Field
is its attack-power. That portion of the cost was cut to
1/3rd value since it’s not the character’s most expen-
COMPOUND ABILITY sive (and therefore most effective) attack.
A compound ability usually mixes an attack with some-
thing else. This example ability does not have a Level 1
version which means that however many levels of it Quick has a TAP cost and therefore has a cost based
you purchase the effects are constant (+10 Vibratory on the Total AP of the character. A character built
Field and +4 HTH Damage). If a character invests 24 AP on 24 AP would pay 13 AP for it. A character built
in Vibration Shield they get a 60pt Power Field and +24 on 40 AP would pay 22. If the character is not built on
HTH damage. multiples of 8 AP that’s okay: use whichever value they
are closer to (more detailed rules will be described in
Vibratory Field [4 AP] L+ Domain
the TAP cost section).
Description: You create a humming field of vibratory force!
This can be used to deal extra damage in HTH combat as Quick [TAP .55] Combat Super
well as to protect yourself. It functions as a Power Field
defensively as each point adds 1pt of PEN Defense and Description: You are exceedingly fast! You get:
each hit reduces the number of points at 1 per point of ™™ +4 REA
damage. While active, it deals the listed damage with HTH ™™ -4 Damage Modifier against all attacks.
attacks. ™™ You may Dodge or Block ranged attacks at no
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Field Damage negative modifier and you get your full AGI bonus
Vibratory Field M 4 AP +2 AP +10 PF +4 IMP
against them.
™™ Your AGI Bonus is at least 4 (if your AGI-10 is 15 or
RULES higher, use that modifier).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Compound abilities combine an attack (in this case the Quick 4 9 13 18 22 26 31 35
extra striking damage you do when the field is up) with
something else (in this case a Power Field defense).
Example: 24 AP Character with Quick
They list the A-Cost for the attack part of the power.
A player is building a character on 24 APs and
Example: The Character Buys 4 Levels of Vibratory wants the ability Quick. He takes a look at the cost
Field chart and determines that the cost for Quick is 13
AP for their character.
The character with 10 AP in Plasma Blast in the first
example wants a Level 4 Vibratory Field. This would Later, the character gains 8 AP’s of “Experience”
cost 16 AP (each level is 4 AP) and would give: bringing them to 32 APs Total. The cost of Quick
™™ +40 Power Field changes to 18 AP (meaning the player only gets to
™™ +16 Hand-to-Hand strike damage spend 3 of those new APs).
™™ It would have an A-Cost of 8 AP (each level
has an A-Cost of +2 AP). Example: A 128 AP Character
A Player is building a super hero on 128 APs and
However, we can use the A-Cost rules to reduce wants Quick. To determine how much it costs he
the cost! The character’s highest A-Cost is 10 AP for multiplies Total APs (128) x the TAP-Cost (.55) and
Plasma Blast (see the above example) so the character gets 70.4 which rounds to 70 APs in cost (they could
just double the 64 AP cost).

Buying Archetype Traits

Buying Archetype Traits

Example: Deducting Utility Powers (Advanced)

The character in the first example has 24 APs and As discussed above, if your character uses or is likely
wants Quick. However, they have also spent 2 APs to use a PEN damage HTH weapon, buy the Armed
on super senses and 4 APs on Flight—both of these version of any such abilities. If you either will not,
are Utility Powers. This reduces the character’s cannot, or simply never see it happening, use the
“effective” Total AP Cost from 24 to 18 APs (24 Unarmed version.
– 6 APs spent on Utility Powers = 18 APs).
The cost for Quick becomes 18 x .55 = 9.9 rounds to In the event that a character with Unarmed STR
10 APs. picks up a PEN-Damage weapon, just convert the
A-Cost of the STR, BLD, and any other bonuses to
RULES AP’s in that weapon (this is Advanced—but it can
Total Archetype Point Cost powers have their cost based allow players willing to do the math to “be stronger”
on the Total APs the character has to spend (Advanced: than they would otherwise).
minus those spent on Utility Powers). We have included
the divisor in the [COST] Brackets and have provided a
cost-chart up to 64 APs for easy reference. COMBINED ABILITY
Ability groups can combine combinations of these
If you are creating a character and do not know (TAP, A-Cost, and even Armed and Unarmed). When
the “Total APs” the character “should come this happens there’s a fixed cost that’s added to the
out to” you can reverse engineer their cost as TAP cost. It looks like this:
Artificial Reflexes
1. Take all Fixed AP Cost Traits (assume a
[TAP .22] +3 AP Combat Genetic
minimum of 4 AP if the character either
Description: You have “implanted” reflexes that give you

has no Fixed AP Cost Traits or they are all

an edge in combat skills! Activating the Reflexes is a 5 REA
in Utility Powers).
Medium Action that requires an adrenaline-based trigger (it
2. Add up all TAP decimals the character can only be done after an Initiative roll during combat). The
has. This is TAP-TOTAL and it must effect lasts for the duration of the fight. These enhance:
be less than 1. If it is 1 or greater the
character is “too expensive.” ™™ +2 Skill Roll with any one Combat Skill
™™ +5 Damage with any attack using that skill
3. Divide the Fixed Cost Traits total by
(+2 AP A-Cost)
[1 – TAP Total]. ™™ +3 Initiative
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Art-flex 5 7 8 10 12 14 15 17
Here is an ability that increases Base Damage (armed
or unarmed HTH damage). It comes in two flavors:
Armed and Unarmed. You can buy at L1 or L+.

Super Strength [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super

Description: You are super strong—much stronger than
normal (although appearing normal).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
L1 Unarmed 1 12 AP +8 AP +16 +16
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +6 AP +8 +8
L1 Armed 1 12 AP +9 AP +13 +15
L+ Armed M 8 AP +6 AP +7 +9

The cost-notation [TAP .22]+3 means whatever the TAP multiplier came out to for the character’s Total AP.


The Back of the Book sections will go into more detail on the new complex rules that we’re presenting here but
before we start throwing around terms like ADP (Ablative Damage Points) or Resisted Attack Intensity (a measure

Buying Archetype Traits

of how an RA, like “poison” fares against a character) we want to at least have a quick description (and, note,
we’ve defined most of these above to a small extent). The rules here are designed for quick reference and we will

New Acronyms and Rules

expound on some of them later, specifically Resisted Attacks.


One of the new kinds of defenses a character can have is ADP. Each point of ADP absorbs 1pt of damage and then is
gone for the remainder of the combat. When all your ADP are gone you start taking DP. (If a given hit does enough
damage to use up all the ADP and then start doing DP, the character will take the ADP and then the remaining
damage as DP.) Taking ADP never forces a CON roll or Wound Effect. ADP doesn’t confer any Penetration Defense.
Here are a few other quick notes:
™™ Recovery: Short of some kind of regeneration, characters don’t recover ADP in combat. Unless otherwise
noted, however, they will get all their ADP back after a “period of recovery.”
™™ Against Resisted Attacks: When computing “how many Damage Points” you have for purposes of resisting a
Resisted Attack (see the new rules) you add whatever ADP you currently have. Note that your number of DP
is based on your fully-healed number but your number of ADP will change as you take damage. If a Resisted
Attack must do 1pt of damage (a blood-toxin) to take effect, taking a point of ADP will count if it did not
come from armor or equipment (GM’s discretion, if it’s not clear).
™™ Visual Effect: ADP can represent a lot of things but usually if a character is hit and takes ADP they may have
minor scrapes or bruises.
™™ Coverage: A character may have ADP with a “coverage number” like Plate Armor. When hit, if the attacker
decides to “hit the ADP” the damage comes off of that first.
™™ Taking ADP after Armor and Force Field (and Power Field): A character “takes ADP damage” when they
would take DP damage—that is, after Armor or a Force Field are applied.

A Power Field works like ADP but each point gives 1pt of PEN Resistance. When the Power Field is used up, all the
PEN Resistance it gave is gone.
™™ 0 REA Short Action To Raise: A Power Field may be raised as a 0 REA Short Action (in response to an incom-
ing attack). If you are aware of the attack, you may take your Power Field defense against it.
™™ Take Power Field Before Armor and Force Fields: Power Fields will be reduced by incoming attacks before
Armor and Force Fields but Armor and Force Fields will be applied to the Armor Save.
™™ Reinforcing: Usually a Power Field cannot be reinforced during a battle (like a Force Field can) but can be
re-raised about a minute or so after a battle.
™™ Taking Power Field Damage Will NOT Count As DP: For purposes of figuring out if a blood-toxin or other
Resisted Attack works, taking Power Field damage will not count.

When hit by a Fire Attack the rules that are commonly used for these purposes are: if the attack hits by 4+ the char-
acter will burn next round at the start of the Round for the listed damage with a Damage Modifier of whatever the
initial attack hit by. After that, the fire will go out. (Note: Some fire attacks do NOT require a hit by 4+ if they use a
burning liquid or gel or some such and some fire-like attacks can burn for more than 1 Round, if so noted.)

New Acronyms and Rules


Buying Archetype Traits

An Armor Piercing Attack is a PEN Damage attack that, if the Armor Save fails, ignores all armor. It will have no
special reductive effect on Force Fields but, often, Armor Piercing Attacks will have PEN Values higher than their
damage, usually 2x their damage in PEN Value.

A blood toxin is a “carrier” Resisted Attack which means that (a) there is some Pen Damage attack that must hit the
target (such as poisoned fangs), (b) the target’s Armor Save, if any, must fail, and (c) the target must take 1 DP of
damage (or 1 ADP if the ADP comes from anything “biological in nature”). When that happens, in addition to what-
ever damage the PEN attack does, the character will also suffer the toxin effect (see Resisted Attacks).

Some attacks have an “Activation Number” (usually 9 or less, but it can be other numbers). This means that on any
given Round, if the character wishes to use the attack they must have made a JAGS Roll at the start of the Round of
a 9 or under to “activate” it. Usually these attacks are either “monster attacks” like breath weapons or attacks that
cost 1 REA and are the result of having multiple limbs or using 2 guns at once.
™™ One Roll Activates Everything: If you have more than one Activation Attack for your character, just make
one roll and apply it to all of them.
™™ Using your Initiative Roll: It sounds confusing but, if you want to avoid making an additional roll for your
Activation Attacks, just use the Initiative roll the character is already going to be making and apply that roll
to the Activation numbers (not what you made or missed your Init roll by, just the number you rolled).


Some attack types will be noted with a Charge Up or Cool Down limitation and a number of Rounds. This represents
the number of Rounds of combat before (charge up) a weapon can be used or after (cool down) it has been fired
before it can be fired again. The rule is that Charge Up prevents the attack from being used on the first Round of
combat (a Charge Up of 2 Rounds would allow the attack to be used on Round 3) and Cool Down allows the use of
an attack on the first Round (or any Round) but prohibits use again for that number of Rounds.
™™ When an attack is active it can be used for its full Rate of Fire. (So, an attack with a ROF of S and a Charge
Up or Cool Down of 5 could be fired several times when it is active for that Round but then not used again
™™ Charging Up an attack is a visibly aggressive move that will usually instantly call for Initiative rolls (observers
can see the attack is being readied). It also usually makes noise. If the PCs are in an ambush position where
the potential targets cannot hear the attack being charged then it can be used for ambush but this is usually
difficult to arrange.
™™ Charging Up or Cooling Down costs no REA (unless otherwise specified) but does usually require that the
attack be “ready” (a weapon must be “in hand” to be charged).
™™ Charged Up attacks cannot be “held.” They must either be used on the Round they are ready or the Charge
is lost.

When an attack is described as a Vital Strike or Ultra Sharp it is a PEN damage attack that gets extra damage when
it hits by 6 or more. This extra damage is added to the Base Damage of the attack before the Damage Modification
roll. Also note: Some attacks add additional damage when an Armor Save is failed.
™™ A Vital Strike’s PEN Value is the “normal base damage” plus the Vital Damage if it hits by 6 or more.

Buying Archetype Traits

Resisted Attacks have been heavily modified from the basic book. These rules will be given in detail later; this is a

New Acronyms and Rules

brief overview. Resisted Attacks now have: a POWER Stat, the Intensity, and the effect list (as originally described).
When a character is hit with a Resisted Attack that can affect them (i.e. a gas attack doesn’t count if they are
wearing a gas mask) the way to resolve it is:
1. Compare the POWER Stat to their Resistant Stat (CON for chemical attacks, WIL for psionic ones). Note the
difference. The POWER of an RA is usually 12 unless otherwise specified.
2. Compare Intensity to the character’s full, undamaged DP plus whatever ADP they currently have. This is the
basis for a Resistance Roll. The roll is usually made by the Player involved (as opposed to the GM—although
it’s the same either way). If the attack is from one Player to another then the defender rolls.
3. The Resistance roll is modified by the difference in POWER vs. the character’s STAT. If the comparison of
Intensity to DP + current ADP yields a 13- roll in favor of the attack and the target’s CON is 10 (vs. POWER
Stat of 12) then the roll would be modified to a 15- because of the difference in stat.
4. The result of the Resistance Roll is used on the Effect table to determine the result of the attack.


Archetype Traits can confer several different types of “Enhanced Blocks.” This takes the form of giving the character
some kind of defense, such as Extra Armor, Negative Damage Modifiers, etc., if the defense is tried and failed. (If
the defense succeeds the attack will usually miss.) Here are the specific rules:
™™ Although the term used is usually “Block” this will generally apply to any defense roll (a Block, a Dodge, or
anything else). Note: Some Enhancements will specifically only apply to a Block or Dodge, in which case the
character must use that form of defense.
™™ Usually, when the character has the ability, unless otherwise specified all the character’s defenses get this
enhancement (regular Blocks, 1 REA Blocks, Dodges, uses of things like Defensive Teleport, etc.)
™™ If the attack cannot be blocked or dodged (such as an explosion) the character can spend the REA and get
the defense anyway.
™™ If the character, however, is prohibited from taking a defensive action (due to being grappled, immobilized,
hit from complete surprise, etc.) then they won’t get to enact the defense.
Some Common Enhancements
Enhancement Rules
-4 DM Block When the block (or dodge) fails and the attack hits the character the Damage Modifier gets
a -4 applied to it. This is done before checking for PEN Doubling. Usually (unless otherwise
specified) this will not add to other –DM’s (just use the highest).
Armor Block The character gets some amount of Armor and PEN Defense applied to the attack (added to
whatever armor they may otherwise have) when they declare a block.
Block Applies Vs. Range Blocks usually don’t work against ranged attacks and Dodges take a -4 Modifier. If the enhanced
block applies “vs. RNG” then the character gets their full roll normally against ranged attacks as
though they were HTH.
AGI Bonus When the character declares a block or dodge (usually a dodge) against an attack they get an
extra AGI Bonus. This AGI Bonus applies fully against HTH or Ranged attacks.


Buying Archetype Traits

Characters with a “Bullet Round” move far faster than normal people. They get two Rounds (or more, if they have
more than one Bullet Round) to an ordinary character’s 1 Round—and that Bullet Round always goes first. A Bullet
Round (they move in “bullet time”) takes place before a regular round and only characters with a Bullet Round
can spend REA for attacks. All characters with a Bullet Round will roll Initiative normally and proceed through
their Round, each taking their Turn. Characters that are attacked may spend REA to defend themselves but will be
treated as being 5 or more Initiative slower when it comes to special “counter-strike” moves.
After the Bullet Round is over, the “regular Round” will begin with all characters—including those who went during
the Bullet Round taking their Turns. Characters without Bullet Rounds who spent REA during the Bullet Round
will NOT recover that REA when the “normal” Round starts. Characters with Bullet Rounds, though DO start the
“normal Round” with their full REA.

Meta Game Notes

Characters will a Bullet Round get “more time” than other characters. Exactly how this is represented in the game
can vary a lot. Generally they will expend bullets twice as fast but will not fall during a bullet round; that is, they
don’t fall twice as fast as normal characters. Driven vehicles will generally only move during regular rounds and
move normally.
Attacks that have Charge Up or Cool Down requirements will use the Bullet Round in order to charge or cool.

This chapter is meant to be an overview of the material so you can get started. Check the “Back of the Book”
chapter for more detailed explanations about almost all of these topics. If you still can’t figure something out, write
us on the JAGS Blog or email us (contact information on the JAGS Blog).
On To the Powers!

Generic Archetype Traits (called GATs) are unusual, special, or exceptional abilities that are both not
specific to any particular genre and fall into the category of not-quite-super powers. As a general
rule, they are available in any game where you have APs although checking with the GM and other
players is always a good idea.

Generic Archetype Traits

Generic Archetype Abilities are meant to be used to build “heroic” characters for various genres of
fiction. (For bullet-dodging higher-powered “action heroes” also look at the Fast Company chapter.)

Generic Archetype Traits

Using these rules, along with enough APs, you can be quite a bit more than humanly possible.
This raises some questions about what exactly a Generic Archetype Trait is. In this section we sell:
™™ Extra size and strength. If you buy enough of it you will be stronger than any human who has
ever been measured.
™™ Extra Toughness and actual armor. If you interpret this literally as an innate ability it
means, for example, armored skin so the character is able to absorb bullet fire without
(much) consequence.
™™ Abilities explicitly described as equipment such as “Chainmail.” This could mean paying APs
for “mundane equipment”—something that usually doesn’t happen for most games. (This is
covered in way more detail in the Gear chapter for when it does happen.)
™™ Extreme abilities, such as the ability to unleash flurries of attacks or a “hail of bullets.”
You can also buy the ability to apply your full Dodge roll against ranged attacks (bullets
and lasers)—even though this is likely to fall into the category of a “super power” in many
people’s minds.

Generic Archetype Traits

So what does this all mean? Are GATs super powers or not? Are they equipment? Can you actually have a “normal
Generic Archetype Traits

person” being armored with the GAT “Tank”?

Here is our thinking:
1. One of our goals with GATs was to take a set of abilities that many games would like to use (and which
didn’t have a specific flavor) and put them all together in one place for convenience. We left actual super
powers (like “teleport”) for the Powers chapter; but even so, some things (such as Armor in the ability
“Tank”) are listed here. There are a lot of conditions where a character might have an ability like Armor and
you might want to track it with APs; so we put a “Generic” version of Armor in a centralized place where
you would likely go looking for it.
2. The interpretation of a GAT is left up to the players and can change from game to game or even between
characters in the same game. Consider a character with 8/40 Armor bought as a GAT. In one game that
would be a literal super power: armored skin! In another game it might be that the character is just
“really, really tough.” In yet another game, the armor-effect could be defined as luck—attacks always
seem to “miss” or “don’t get a good hit” or whatever. In many games that ability wouldn’t be legal if the
characters aren’t allowed to have abilities like that. Finally, it might be worn armor if that piece of gear was
not normally available to the characters without their spending APs for it. How the in-game fiction treats
things can be quite different from how the mechanics treat these. That said, we expect a more literal game
than a less literal one—the “luck” interpretation could get hard to explain after a while. Also note: We
have specified some GATs as extreme meaning that they are not available when playing with either a low
numbers of APs or with more “mundane” games.
3. A GAT can indicate equipment. We included GATs that read like equipment even though characters don’t
usually pay APs for mundane equipment and even though there are more detailed equipment rules later
on. We did this because of the way that weapons work when they are bought; for example, the “Level 1” vs.
“Level +” Costs for damage. We wanted a (small) section of GATs that would buy damage at the Level 1 cost
so that if players were playing a game where they were expected to pay APs for weapons the rules would be
centralized. We described these as weapons and armor even though they could represent other things in a
given game.

A Final Note on GAT Names

We’ve tried to give the GATs somewhat colorful names because it’s more interesting and they are “generic”
already. Just because a GAT has a specific name doesn’t mean that’s the only way it can be interpreted. Usually
the mechanical effect can be attributed to many different things. Work with the GM and other players to deter-
mine what is appropriate for a given game.


Here’s what this chapter covers:
™™ Combat GATS and Non-Combat GATS (Utility GATs): We have divided the GAT list into two basic sections
called Combat GATS (abilities that primarily improve your physical prowess or ability to fight) and Non-
Combat GATS which do something else (like, let you find clues or be a super scientist). The complexity here
is that even Non-Combat GATS (classed as “Utility Powers”) often have some element that can improve
your ability in a fight. Many give extra Damage Points and some give Success Point Pools that can be used in
combat as well as for other things. The distinction is usually around how dedicated the Generic Archetype
Ability is to improving your combat ability and not “whether it improves it at all.”
™™ How GATs Are Described: Clarification on what specific GAT notations mean. This section also covers the
two basic ways GATS are sold. The first is simply a fixed AP cost of, usually, 4 or 8 AP per level of the GAT.
They are also sold from a “Total Archetype Point” Cost-table where the cost of the GAT is based on the Total
AP of the character (so a 40 AP character pays more than an 8 AP character).
™™ GAT Bonuses: Discussion of the different things a GAT may provide and how to manage them.
™™ Equipment GATS: Most GATS are simply innate abilities. But we spend a bit of time talking about Generic
Archetype Abilities that are described as equipment (so you might see a GAT listed as “Chainmail.” Depend-
ing on how the game is being interpreted, even something described as “Gun and [Bulletproof] Vest” might,

in some games, be like a super power or something. Here, we have included a short list of equipment-style
GATS (especially for weapons) because it’ll help get some games going faster. There are more extensive
equipment rules later in the book that you should look at if you are having trouble deciding if a character or
game ought to have Equipment GATs in use.
™™ Special GAT Rules: This section covers some specific GAT rules such as:
◦◦ Buffs: GATs that improve other character’s abilities. You “aid your party members” with these.

Generic Archetype Traits

◦◦ Combat Enhancers/Unlocks: Some GATS don’t take effect until certain conditions in combat are met;
such as, you block someone a few times (to learn their striking style), or you take damage, or so on.
◦◦ The 8 AP Game: Although almost all GATS are legal when other Archetype Traits are legal that doesn’t
mean all GATS are legal in every game. Some GATS are labeled “Extreme” and should be prohibited if

Generic Archetype Traits

the flavor of the game is meant to be grittier or more mundane.


The two major sections of this chapter are Combat GATs and Non-Combat GATs. As the names imply, Combat
GATs are primarily concerned with such attributes as physical toughness or combat ability. They represent things
like special training, extreme physical prowess, unusual toughness, special moves, and so on. It should be noted,
however, that even “Non-Combat GATs” often give extra Damage Points (which are certainly useful in combat) or
even Success Point Pools (see below) which can be used in a fight. Some even primarily give what could be consid-
ered combat abilities (such as extreme vehicular skills which could be applied to flying a fighter plane).
What gives?
The distinction is important because Non-Combat GATs usually have a primary focus that isn’t on Combat or, if it
is, it is usually for a very specific element of combat (such as in the vehicular skills example). When Non-Combat
GATS grant some “combat ability” they usually aren’t as good as the Combat GATs for the same points; for
example, a Combat GAT Success Point Pool is usually fully charged at the beginning of every combat—a Non-
Combat SP Pool might only charge up once during a game session.
The specific rules for a given game may state that some of your APs can “only be spent for Combat things” and
another group of APs can be only spent on “Non-Combat things” (see Point Partitioning in the back of the book). In
either case, Combat GATS always count as Combat-abilities and Non-Combat GATs, even if they help with Combat in
some ways, don’t.

Generic Archetype Traits


Generic Archetype Traits

The basic GAT formats look like this:

Name (Vital Strike): The name of the GAT. Note that
Vital Strike [8 AP] L+ GAT
many GATs have colorful names but the actual in-game
Description: You’ve been trained to strike vital locations
representation could differ greatly.
(veins? nerve clusters? Vital organs?). On a hit by 6+ you
add the listed damage to your attack! On a hit by +0 to Purchase Type [8 AP]: This is a Fixed Cost GAT. It is
+5 the vital-strike has no effect. Note: Negative Damage purchased in Levels costing either 4 or 8 AP and the
Modifiers effect whether a Vital Strike can trigger (if the character can buy multiple levels.
target has -4 DM you have to hit by 10+ to trigger the extra
damage). Attack-Buy (L+): This GAT (and, indeed, all GATs other
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage than the yellow ones) buy damage at the Level-Plus
Vital Strike – Punch (HTH IMP) M 8 AP +8 AP +18 IMP
Vital Strike – Sword (HTH PEN) M 8 AP +8 AP +13 PEN
Rate rather than the Level-1 rate. This means that the
Vital Shot – Gun (RNG PEN) M 8 AP +8 AP +10 PEN damage done by Vital Strike can be added to whatever
Vital Shot – Blaster (RNG IMP) M 8 AP +8 AP +12 IMP attack is appropriate.
Vital Strike – Punch (HTH IMP) 1 4 AP +4 AP +9 IMP
Vital Strike – Sword (HTH PEN) 1 4 AP +4 AP +7 PEN Buy Column (“1,” “2,” or “M”): This column indicates
Vital Strike – Gun (RNG PEN) 1 4 AP +4 AP +5 PEN
Vital Strike – Blaster (RNG IMP) 1 4 AP +4 AP +6 IMP
how many times the trait can be purchased for a given
character. Usually the numbers are “1” or “M” where
“M” indicates Multiple (the character can buy as many
levels of the GAT as they have points for).
A-Cost Column (+X AP): Attack Cost is explained in
detail in Chapter 1. In this case the “+” means that
the attack adds to a chain of attacks (Vital Strike must
be paired with another attack of the appropriate
type—even if it’s just a regular unarmed punch);
consequently, Vital Strike adds the listed AP cost to the
“total cost” of that attack.

Unarmed [8 AP] L1 GAT Purchase Type (L1): This (and the yellow color) indi-
cates that the damage done is bought at the Level-1
Description: You can kill with your bare hands! This GAT
Rate. Any attack the character launches can only have
allows you to buy L1 “weapon” style damage for bare-
handed attacks. This is probably due to extreme training one Level 1 set of damage in its Chain (see Chapter 1).
of some sort but could be natural talent or something As explained in Chapter 1, Unarmed Damage is higher
even weirder. than Armed Damage on an AP per AP spent basis.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Weapon
My Body Is My Weapon 1 8 AP +8 AP +16 Unarmed (HTH IMP) Damage
Deadly Hands! 2 4 AP +4 AP +8 Unarmed (HTH IMP) Damage

Hard Core [TAP .07+3] Combat GAT Total Archetype Point Cost [TAP.07]+3: This (and the
red color) indicates that the GAT’s cost in APs is based
Description: You are tough! You double your Hurt Condi-
on the character’s Total AP cost. If the character is
tion. This does not affect Minor Wound Score.
built on 40 AP’s, “Hard Core” costs 6 APs (40 x .07) +3
™™ The character gains +12 DP = 6.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Hard Core 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7
TAP cost items can only ever be purchased once for
a given character.

Combat: This is considered a “combat” power (as

opposed to a Utility power).

Buying a Level GAT
A wandering swordsman has 24 APs to spend and decides to spend 12 APs on Sword Saint. The Type is listed as
Level [4 AP] meaning it is sold at 4 AP per level. Each level gives +3 Sword Damage and +6 ADP. The character will
deal +9 PEN damage with a sword blow (above whatever they get for their STR and the sword itself) and has +18
Ablative Damage Points.

Generic Archetype Traits

Buying a TAP GAT
The wandering swordsman then decides to buy some Expertise GATs. The player selects Level 3 Expertise

Generic Archetype Traits

(+3 Skill, +3 Init) and checks the Cost Chart for 24 AP: 9 AP. The character has spent 12 AP on Sword Saint and
now has spent 9 AP on +3 Expertise. The player applies the +3 Skill to their Melee Weapon skill moving it from a
respectable 14- to an awesome 17- ! The character now has spent 21 AP and has 3 AP remaining.
The character invests the remainder in ADP, getting +18 APD for 3 AP.


Here is a list of common advantages GATs give and what they mean:

Bonus Type Applying The Bonus

The Four Basic Damage Types: Often you will see combat Traits that give a bonus to a specific “Damage Type.”
“Sword,” “Gun,” “Blaster,” and There are four basic types—the names here are descriptive only (“Sword”
“Punch” could be knife, claws, teeth, pincer, etc.):
™™ Hand to Hand PEN Damage (Sword)
™™ Hand to Hand IMP Damage (Punch)
™™ Ranged PEN Damage (Gun)
™™ Ranged IMP Damage (Blaster)
When buying a damage bonus you get the listed numerical increase (e.g. +2
Ranged PEN Damage per level) with the listed damage type (Guns, thrown
knives, lasers, any Ranged attack that does PEN damage).
This damage bonus can be used with any attack the character has of the
appropriate type (so +2 RANGED PEN will help with thrown knives or guns but
not with a blaster or a punch or a sword-blow).
Scalar Values: STR, BLD, DP, Each level of a Trait that increases these adds its increase to the character’s
Armor, ADP, Damage (any sort), stat. If you have a Trait that gives +2 STR, +5 BLD, and +8 DP per level and
Grapple, PEN Defense, etc. purchase 3 levels of it, the character has +6 STR, +15 BLD, and +24 DP.
Non-Scalar Values: CON, AGI When a GAT or any other archetype ability increases one of these you only use
(Bonus), RES, MEM, WIL, Initia- the single highest increase from any source. Furthermore, if a GAT increases
tive, Negative Damage Modi- one of these (as Built gives +1 CON), even if you buy more than one level you
fiers (-DMs), or REA, Perception only get the bonus once. So if you have a Cyber Heart (+2 CON) and you want
Modifiers, Extra Attacks to buy Built (+1 CON) you will not get the +1 CON Bonus for Built and should
probably look into some other GAT.
Note: The bonuses are added “after” all figured stats are computed. Getting
extra CON from a GAT increases your CON Roll but will not also increase your
Damage Points the way it would if it were purchased using Character Points
and the Resilient Trait.
Pluses to Skill Rolls Some GATs give +1 or more to Skill Rolls. These bonuses are added to a specific
skill (i.e. a combat skill or, perhaps, a science skill) and may only be added to
one specific skill. The plus to the roll is added “after” the roll is purchased (so
the cost to increase the skill roll is based on the level the character paid for in
CP and not the combined roll of CP + Bonuses).

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Success Point Pools Success Point Pools (SP Pools) are listed in the form of X/Y [Type]. The
value “X” is the total-points in the pool when it is full. The value “Y” is the
“threshold” or number of SPs from the pool that can be spent on any one roll.
example: 10/4 Offensive means the pool has 10 SPs when full, the player can
spend up to 4 on any given roll that is being modified, and they may only be
spent on OFFENSIVE rolls.
Special Bonus A listed Special Bonus (such as extra CP for Appearance) is handled by the
specific rules (no more than L4 appearance for Bronzed, for example).
Damage Points/ADP Many GATs give extra DP or ADP even if they are not a Combat GAT and even if
they seem to have nothing to do with being physically tougher. This is done for
various reasons (such as rounding out the point values).
Extra Attacks If a GAT gives “extra attacks” (+1 Attack, +2 Attack, etc.) that means a 5 REA
attack (strike or shot) may be launched for 1 REA. Special moves that increase
the REA cost of the attack may be launched for 1+the extra cost. Kicks can be
launched for 2 REA.
Quick Blocks/Dodges If a GAT (or other ability) gives a Block for 1 REA this can apply to Dodges
or any other defensive action as well. The 1 REA cost only applies to 3 REA
moves. If a move costs more than 3 REA the difference is applied (so a 5 REA
Dodge would be reduced to 3 REA if taken as a Quick Dodge).

Characters with SP Pools can use them in a few specific ways if you are employing the advanced rules. In the
back of the book we go into this in detail. Here are some of the basics.
Bidding Wars: If several characters with a stake in a die roll have SP Pools they may all spend SPs against (or
in favor of) each other. When this is the case, the player making the roll will start by declaring an SP point
spend (“I increase my Armor Save by +2, spending 2 SPs”) and then other players may spend for or against
going around the table. If the asking goes around once with no one changing their spend then the roll
happens. All SPs declared are spent and once a spend is declared you can’t get them back if someone out-
bids you.
When You Spend: Usually you have to “make your roll” to be able to spend SPs on it at all. There are a few

exceptions to this (Armor Save spends). It’s also the case that sometimes you have to declare before the roll
is made but other times you can declare after it is made. Here are the basics:
Armor Save: Spending 1 SP before an Armor Save is made can increase the Armor Save roll (Defensive
spend) or reduce it (Offensive Spend). Usually only characters who are involved in the attack (the attacker or
the target) can spend SPs on an armor save; an exception is someone who has a special ability “lend points.”
If characters are working against each other this may result in bidding.
Initiative: If an un-modified Initiative roll is made successfully then SPs can be spent to increase the amount
it was made by, thus making the character go faster in the Round order. These points are spent after the roll
is made and may result in bidding.
Block/Dodge Rolls: Characters with Defensive Pools can spend SPs to increase their Block/Dodge rolls. The
roll must have been made—but, if it was not made by enough, the player may spend SPs to increase the
amount made by in order to successfully avoid the attack.
Hit-By Rolls: After a to-hit roll is made (if it was made as an un-modified roll) the player can spend SPs to
improve the amount hit-by. This adds to the Damage Modifier roll and counts for getting around blocks/

There is a section of combat GATs called “Weapons and Armor” which provide weapon-like effects (“Broadsword, 6
PEN HTH Damage”) and have equipment-like names. Here is what you should know about these:
1. They are included here for simplicity if you are playing a game where you are expected to pay AP for
weapons and armor (such as a super hero, super-martial artist, super-spy, or similar game). There is a more
complete weapons listing in the back of the book.

Generic Archetype Traits

2. They may represent some kind of paranormal or mutant ability (especially the armor) if your character is
allowed to have those. We usually don’t say how a specific effect must be portrayed in the game so if you
buy “Sword” but work with the GM to allow it to be a martial-arts “spear hand” that’s okay. (Note: There

Generic Archetype Traits

may be some better moves for that sort of thing in the Chi Martial Arts section—but, again, we’ve listed
these here for simplicity.)
3. Weapon GATs buy L1 Damage (and can usually only be bought once). Other GATs buy at the L+ rate (fewer
points of damage per AP) and can be bought multiple times. If you are using the GATs to create characters
who will use APs for their attacks, you should consider investing 8 AP in one of these GATs so as to take
advantage of the L1 damage rate.

Buying Equipment GATs and Other GATs

A player is making a 32 AP “gunslinger” in a post-apocalyptic game where most people don’t have any access
to firearms. The players are told the rules for the game require them to pay APs for attacks if they wish to have
them. The character pays 8 AP for the Equipment GAT Magnum which gives an 11 PEN gun (buying at the L1 cost)
and then buys two levels of Gunslinger for an additional 8 AP getting +2 PEN damage (at the L+ rate) per level
of Gunslinger as +4 ADP per level for a total of +4 PEN Damage (final damage with the gun: 15 PEN per shot)
and 8 ADP.


Several of the GATs provide Success Point Pools (SPs). These are groups of SPs that can either be used for a specific
purpose (as noted by the rules) or anything the character wants (some can even be given to other PCs—a viola-
tion of the “generic” Success Point rules!”). The specific GAT will tell when these pools refresh: usually either every
combat or once per game session. In the latter case, the GM can declare that the pool has refreshed if a sufficient
length of time has passed in the game (a day, usually).

Meta-Game: How Supernatural are GATs?

One of the things your group may want to think about is how “supernatural” GATs are. Certainly at high enough
APs (24+) you start seeing characters who can easily absorb a bullet without too much trouble. We also don’t say
precisely what certain things represent (ADP could be raw physical toughness, reliable luck, a convention where
the character just “isn’t hit directly,” and so on). We don’t go into detail on this because different games, even
with the same participants, will often work in different ways.
Success Points are usually not something a character will be aware of (unless the character is in a “video game”
reality or some such). They may, of course, “feel lucky” or the in-game effect of loaning another character
Success Points could be handled by the character shouting advice or even just giving moral support—but,
however it is handled, the specifics are up to the group.
As such it is possible to take two characters with exactly the same list of GATs (such as the gunslinger in the
example above) and interpret them in two different ways. When the PC pays APs for an ability the convention
is that it can’t be permanently removed and won’t be duplicated by others without the points. If, in the above
game, the characters are captured they can temporarily take the PCs gun—but the character can’t permanently
lose it. If it is thrown off a cliff the character will get another one somehow and the GM and player should work
together to have that make sense.
It could also be interpreted as a mystical ability (even though there is a separate magic section and that would be
a better choice for games where magic is an option). In this case, the ability to project damage is innate. Our take
on these abilities is that they are usually on the “mundane” side but don’t have to be.

Generic Archetype Traits


Generic Archetype Traits

Some GATs allow you to “lend” your bonus to others as well as yourself. These are called Buffs (they “buff up” your
teammates). Others only take effect when they are “triggered” or “unlocked.”

Buff GATS can give bonuses to “everyone on your team,” to characters who you lend the bonus to for no REA cost,
or to characters who you “lend the bonus to” for a listed REA cost. Exactly how these work “in game” will be up
to the players. Lending SPs could be in the form of yelling advice, training, etc. Usually the effect is limited to less
than 10 people and the distance that the advantage can be loaned is usually limited to a single field of battle.
If playing with armies or where the PC is a commander of troops then specialized GATs for that purpose will be
more appropriate.

Unlocks, as stated above, are bonuses that only come into play after some condition is met (such as a number of
Rounds of combat have passed or the character has been damaged, or so on). Usually an Unlock ability is usable
immediately when the condition is hit and remains for the rest of the combat.

These are the Generic Archetype Traits that impact physical stats and/or directly improve the combat ability of
the character.

Athletic [8 AP] L+ GAT Bronzed [8 AP] L+ GAT

Generic Archetype Traits

Description: You have developed speed and strength Description: You are lean and striking looking. You might
and have excellent athletic capabilities! This trait gives appear as a bronzed Greek god or svelte, sleek goddess.
extra AGI Bonus, REA, or Initiative without using the TAP Your unusual skin color (or other nature) acts as armor
rules. The REF bonuses (but not STR, DP, and ADP) given even though it may be biologically normal.

Generic Archetype Traits

do not stack with other bonuses to the same things. Each Special Bonus: The listed CP under APP (appearance) are
of these traits except Strong can only be purchased once spent on any form of Appearance (Statuesque and Exotic
per character. are the most common)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP ADP Bonus Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP Armor App
Spry (Armed/Unarmed) 1 8 AP +1 AP +1 +8 +16 +1 AGI Bonus Bronzed (Armed) M 8 AP +3 AP +3 +12 2/8 4 CP
Speedy 1 8 AP +1 AP +1 +4 +12 +1 REA Bronzed (Unarmed) M 8 AP +2 AP +3 +14 2/8 4 CP
Quick Reflexes 1 4 AP +0 AP +0 +8 +6 +2 Init Striking (Either) 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 +4 1/6 2 CP
Strong [Armed] M 8 AP +4 AP +4 +10 +9 None
Strong [Unarmed] M 8 AP +4 AP +5 +10 +9 None
Built [8 AP] L+ GAT
Armed & Dangerous [8 AP] L+ GAT Description: You’re massive and ripped like a mammoth
body-builder! Note: Regardless of how many levels of Built
Description: You have extra damage, extra armor, and
the character buys they only get +1 CON once.
some additional resilience. The armor will add to any worn
(or purchased) armor and may even apply (depending on Note: The BLD bonus is listed as +10 but the player can
the level of meta-rules) if the character loses all gear. choose any number of extra BLD from 1-10 as wanted.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage Armor DP/ADP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP CON
Gladiator (HTH PEN) M 4 AP +2 AP +2 PEN +2/5 Cv3 +4 ADP Built (Armed) M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +10 +10 +1
Guardsman (HTH PEN) M 4 AP +2 AP +2 PEN +2/5 Full +1 ADP Built (Unarmed) M 8 AP +6 AP +5 +10 +10 +1
Sword Saint (HTH PEN) M 4 AP +3 AP +3 PEN None +6 ADP Buff (Either) 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +5 +4 +0
Officer (RNG PEN) M 4 AP +2 AP +2 PEN +2/5 Cv3 +2 ADP
Space Ranger (RNG IMP) M 4 AP +2 AP +2 IMP +3 FF None
Judoka (Grapple) M 4 AP +2 AP +4 Grapple None +6 DP
Gunslinger (RNG PEN) M 4 AP +3 AP +3 PEN None +4 ADP
Defender (HTH IMP) M 4 AP +2 AP +2 IMP 1 REA Blk +5 DP
Black Belt (HTH IMP) M 4 AP +3 AP +4 IMP None +5 ADP

Bodyguard [8 AP] L+ GAT

Description: You have the ability to defend others from
attack by “lending” them bonuses and other benefits.
You may:
™™ Lend AGI Bonus: You can give a single target a -2 to-
be-hit AGI Bonus against a single attack as a 5 REA
Short action or a -1 to-be-hit AGI Bonus as a 3 REA
Short Action. This must be done when the attack is
declared before the to-hit roll. The target must be
reasonably close by.
™™ Block Attacks At Teammate: You can use your block
or dodge roll (if a dodge is “getting the target out
of the line of fire”) against an attack directed at
someone within Step distance. You may do this once
per Level of Bodyguard per combat.
™™ Quick Block: Once per level of Bodyguard per combat
you may take a short defensive action (Block/Dodge)
for 1 REA. Jug (16 AP / 50 CP Fantasy Pit Fighter)
Trait Buy Cost DP Init Q-Block Escapedfromtheslavepits.Seeksfortuneintheforbiddenwastes
Body Guard 1 8 AP +7 DP +1 1x
+1 Person M 4 AP +4 DP +1 +1
Built (Armed) 8 AP (Combat) Large physique 8 AP
Technique TAP [ .13 ] Increased skill 2 AP
Chain Strike TAP [ .12 ] Multiple Attacks 2 AP
Vital Strike 4 AP (Combat) Hits veins / arteries 4 AP

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Cleave [8 AP] L+ GAT Defender [8 AP] L+ GAT

Description: You’ve been taught to deal a powerful strike Description: Defender is a collection of defensive options
once per Round. The “Cleave Strike” (which is named for that a character can purchase.
HTH attacks but can be bought to be applied to a ranged Quick Blocks: You can block or dodge as many times as you
attack) costs normal REA for whatever attack it is added to want each Round for 1 REA each. Note that the Defender
but increases the damage the character deals. The Cleave Blocks/Dodges are only applicable to attacks against the
must be announced before any blocks or rolls to hit are owning character (even if you have some ability that lets
made (“I”m attacking the Goblin using my Cleave strike.”). you defend other people—you must pay normally for
™™ If purchased more than once, each level the those defenses). Quick Blocks can block ranged attacks if
character has can be used with a different strike the character is otherwise able to (such as if they also have
or they can all be added together for one more Block Ranged Attacks).
powerful attack (or various groupings, decided by Block Ranged Attacks: The character is trained to block or
the player when the strike is declared). Example: A dodge incoming ranged attacks at no negative.
character puts 16 AP into HTH PEN Cleave. They can Defensive Stance: The character gets a -4 Damage Modi-
strike 1x per round for +18 PEN or twice per round fier with any defensive attempt if the defense (Block or
for +9 PEN with each strike. Dodge) fails. Note: If the defense is done for 1 REA it costs
™™ A Cleave attack can only be added to attacks of the 2 REA if using the Defensive Stance.
same type (Ranged/HTH and PEN/IMP) however, Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
when added, if the enhanced attack is not a Quick Blocks 1 8 AP 0 AP +16
Block Ranged Attacks 1 4 AP 0 AP +12
“standard” attack the Player can simply add the
Defensive Stance 1 8 AP 0 AP +10
A-Cost to the value of the attack to determine how
much extra damage is done. If the attack’s Profile
(see the back of the book) is worse than ROF 1, Focused Strike [8 AP] L+ GAT
usable every Round, then the Cleave adds the listed Description: You are trained to deal focused blows (or
A-Cost. If the attack’s Profile is better (i.e. the attack precision shooting) with your attacks. Each attack will do
has an ROF of “S” and can be used every Round) the listed damage and you will gain additional DP as well
then Cleave adds 2x its A-Cost to the AP value of the (toughened up through training).
attack for purposes of calculating damage). Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage DP
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage DP Focused Strike – Sword (HTH PEN) M 8 AP +5 AP +5 PEN +14
Armed Cleave HTH-PEN M 8 AP +6 AP +9 PEN +9 Precision Shot – Gun (RNG PEN) M 8 AP +4 AP +4 PEN +14
Unarmed Cleave HTH-IMP M 8 AP +5 AP +13 IMP +10 Focused Strike – Punch (HTH IMP) M 8 AP +6 AP +7 IMP +10
“Gun Cleave” RNG-PEN M 8 AP +6 AP +7 PEN +9 Precision Shot - Blaster (RNG IMP) M 8 AP +5 AP +6 IMP +10
“Blaster Cleave” RNG-IMP M 8 AP +6 AP +11 IMP +8 Heavy Hands – Punch (HTH IMP) 1 4 AP +2 AP +3 IMP +6
Dead-Eye “Gun” RNG-PEN 1 4 AP +2 AP +3 PEN +6 Cutting Blow – Sword (HTH PEN) 1 4 AP +3 AP +3 PEN +5
Dead-Eye “Blast” RNG-IMP 1 4 AP +3 AP +5 IMP +5 Kill Shot – Gun (RNG PEN) 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 PEN +7
Furious Strike HTH-PEN 1 4 AP +3 AP +5 PEN +4 Kill Shot – Blaster (RNG IMP) 1 4 AP +3 AP +3 IMP +7
Furious Strike HTH-IMP 1 4 AP +3 AP +7 IMP +4
Massive [4 AP] L+ GAT
Counter Puncher [4 AP] L+ GAT Description: Massive means you are large, muscular, and
Description: The character can take a devastating strike fat. Characters who are Massive suffer the following nega-
after a successful block or dodge. Note: Only the next tive modifiers:
attack gets the damage bonus but the character may use
™™ -2 Initiative
the ability several times a Round so long as they have
™™ -1 AGI Bonus
Blocks or Dodges available.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP ADP
The defense must work—that is, the character must Massive [Armed] M 4 AP +4 AP +2 +15 +8 +0
Massive [Unarmed] M 4 AP +4 AP +2 +10 +8 +0
successfully Block or Dodge. The attack must be against
Massive [Armed] M 4 AP +4 AP +2 +15 +0 +12
the original attacker. Massive [Unarmed] M 4 AP +4 AP +2 +10 +0 +12
If the character has the Counter-Strike move (purchased
with CP) they may launch their Counter-Strike out of
initiative order.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage DP Unlock
Punch M 4 AP +4 AP +8 IMP HTH +2 Block/Dgd
Sword M 4 AP +4 AP +6 PEN HTH +2 Block/Dgd
Gun M 4 AP +4 AP +5 PEN RNG +2 Block/Dgd
Blaster M 4 AP +4 AP +7 IMP RNG +2 Block/Dgd

Mobility Soak [8 AP] L+ GAT Overwhelm [8 AP] L+ GAT
Description: Mobility Soak is the term for ADP defenses Description: You can really turn it on! Overwhelm allows
that only apply when you have your AGI Bonus. This the character two rounds of amplified damage and
usually represents a character with specific mobility that, combat when activated and cannot be used again for the
for a time, anyway, mitigates damage due to being hard remainder of the battle. Activation is a 0 REA declaration
to hit well. If the character is grabbed, grappled, tangled, that happens during Initiative. It lasts that Round and the

Generic Archetype Traits

attacked from surprise, tied up, shot with “a gun held to entire next Round.
the head,” or otherwise does not get their AGI Bonus, the
Overwhelm is visible: opponents can see that the character
attack bypasses this ADP. This ADP does not apply against
is fighting in an amplified state and will understand it is
Psionic attacks.

Generic Archetype Traits

time-limited (perhaps it is burning intensity in their eyes).
Note: A character should not be constructed to get all their Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP Damage
enhanced defenses from this as it will make them very Overwhelm Unarmed M 4 AP +2 AP 18 +4 IMP
Overwhelm Armed M 4 AP +2 AP 20 +3 PEN
fragile if grabbed, etc.
Overwhelm Blast M 4 AP +2 AP 18 +3 IMP
Note: As an Advanced/Optional rule, the GM can rule Overwhelm Gun M 4 AP +2 AP 18 +3 PEN
that grabs or Tangles or other things that only somewhat
degrade motion can halve the ADP available. In this case
every other point of damage taken is applied to the ADP
pool. Soak [8 AP] L+ GAT
Trait Buy Cost Defense Description: Soak is purchasing DP, ADP, or Power Fields (if
M Soak [8 AP] M 8 AP 64 ADP
M Soak [7 AP] M 7 AP 56 ADP allowed) as a defense. As DP and ADP are generally consid-
M Soak [6 AP] M 6 AP 48 ADP ered “natural” and Power Fields are not, it should be noted
M Soak [5 AP] M 5 AP 40 ADP here that we have listed Power Fields for simplicity and
M Soak [4 AP] M 4 AP 32 ADP reader convenience (not because that will be a common
M Soak [3 AP] M 3 AP 24 ADP use for this ability).
M Soak [2 AP] M 2 AP 16 ADP
Trait Buy Cost Defense
M Soak [1 AP] M 1 AP 8 ADP
Soak [8 AP] M 8 AP 32 DP, or 48 ADP, or 40 PF
Soak [7 AP] M 7 AP 28 DP, or 42 ADP, or 35 PF
Now I’m Really Angry Soak [6 AP] M 6 AP 24 DP, or 36 ADP, or 30 PF
Soak [5 AP] M 5 AP 20 DP, or 30 ADP, or 25 PF
[8 AP] L+ GAT Soak [4 AP] M 4 AP 16 DP, or 24 ADP, or 20 PF
Description: This is a Combat Enhancer that kicks in after Soak [3 AP] M 3 AP 12 DP, or 18 ADP, or 15 PF
the character has taken some damage or a wound effect. Soak [2 AP] M 2 AP 8 DP, or 12 ADP, or 10 PF
Soak [1 AP] M 1 AP 4 DP, or 6 ADP, or 5 PF
™™ Damage Points are NOT “unlocked.” If the Trait
grants extra DP the character always has them.
™™ ADP on the other hand is unlocked when the ability
activates (the character does not count the ADP
until it is unlocked). The pool is available at full once
Tank [8 AP] L+ GAT
per combat. Description: The character is armored. This usually applies
™™ In order for the Unlock to happen the wound result to worn gear but can be a kind of super power or some-
must be rolled—but if some other ability negates it, thing equally exotic if the game allows for it.
the unlock still counts. Trait Buy Cost ADP Armor
Armor [8 AP] M 8 AP +0 8/20 Armor
Triggers: The triggers that unlock the bonuses are: Armor [7 AP] M 7 AP +0 7/17 Armor
Armor [6 AP] M 6 AP +0 6/15 Armor
™™ Seeing Red: The unlocks occur after the target has Armor [5 AP] M 5 AP +0 5/12 Armor
been Stunned. Armor [4 AP] M 4 AP +0 4/10 Armor
™™ Rager: The unlocks occur after the target suffers 2x Armor [3 AP] M 3 AP +0 3/8 Armor
Minor Wound damage or more to Damage Points or Armor [2 AP] M 2 AP +0 2/5 Armor
is Dazed. Armor [1 AP] M 1 AP +0 1/3 Armor
Breast Plate M 4 AP +3 4/10 Cv 4
™™ Second Wind: Happens when the target hits Hurt Plate Armor M 8 AP +0 4/10 Full 5/15 Cv4
Condition or suffers a Dazed result. Plate Armor M 8 AP +0 4/10 Full 6/15Cv3
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage ADP DP
Seeing Red (HTH IMP) M 4 AP +3 AP +4 IMP +10 +2
Seeing Red (HTH PEN) M 4 AP +2 AP +3 PEN +15 +2
Seeing Red (RNG PEN) M 4 AP +2 AP +3 PEN +13 +2
Seeing Red (RNG IMP) M 4 AP +2 AP +3 IMP +10 +2
Rager Strike (IMP HTH) M 4 AP +4 AP +7 IMP 2x MW/Dazed
Rager Sword (PEN HTH) M 4 AP +4 AP +5 PEN +4 2x MW/Dazed
Rager Gun (PEN RNG) M 4 AP +4 AP +5 PEN 2x MW/Dazed
Rager Blaster (RNG IMP) M 4 AP +4 AP +6 IMP +3 2x MW/Dazed
Second Wind M 4 AP +0 AP +25 +4 Injured or Dazed

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Vital Strike [8 AP] L+ GAT

Description: You’ve been trained to strike vital locations
(veins? nerve clusters? Vital organs?). On a hit by 6+ you
add the listed damage to your attack! On a hit by +0 to +5
the vital-strike has no effect.
Note: If Vital Strike is being applied to an unusual attack
(such as Armor Piercing, Ignores Armor, etc.) double the
effective A-Cost when computing the extra damage. That
is: Treat, for example, 8 AP of Vital Strike as 16 AP of the
attack which only applies on a hit by 6+.
Note: Negative Damage Modifiers effect whether a Vital
Strike can trigger (if the target has -4 DM you have to hit
by 10+ to trigger the extra damage).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
Vital Strike – Punch (HTH IMP) M 8 AP +8 AP +18 IMP
Vital Strike – Sword (HTH PEN) M 8 AP +8 AP +13 PEN
Vital Shot – Gun (RNG PEN) M 8 AP +8 AP +10 PEN
Vital Shot – Blaster (RNG IMP) M 8 AP +8 AP +12 IMP
Vital Strike – Punch (HTH IMP) 1 4 AP +4 AP +9 IMP
Vital Strike – Sword (HTH PEN) 1 4 AP +4 AP +7 PEN
Sir Overton (8 AP / 50 CP Fantasy Knight) Vital Strike – Gun (RNG PEN) 1 4 AP +4 AP +5 PEN
Vital Strike – Blaster (RNG IMP) 1 4 AP +4 AP +6 IMP
gear he acquires. Vital Strike – PEN Only
Tank 4 AP (Combat) Adds 4/10 to Armor 4 AP [8 AP] L+ GAT
Weapon 4 AP (Combat) Adds +4 AP L1 to wpn 4 AP Description: In some cases a Vital Strike will only apply if it
hits by 4+ and Penetrates. If the attack hits either by 0-3 or
does not Penetrate the extra damage will not apply.
Tough Guy [8 AP] L+ GAT
Note: If Vital Strike is being applied to an unusual attack
Description: You might be tougher than you look—but you
(such as Armor Piercing, Ignores Armor, etc.) double the
probably look pretty tough! You get some PEN Defense
effective A-Cost when computing the extra damage. That
(even if no actual Damage Reduction) and extra ADP. You
is: Treat, for example, 8 AP of Vital Strike as 16 AP of the
also improve your Hurt Condition.
attack which only applies on a hit by 4+.
Special Bonus: The Hurt (Hrt) bonus adds +1 to the
character’s Hurt Condition per level but not their Minor Note: Negative Damage Modifiers effect whether a Vital
Wound score. Strike can trigger (if the target has -4 DM you have to hit
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR ADP DP Arm Hrt by 10+ to trigger the extra damage).
Tough Guy (Armed) M 8 AP +4 AP +4 +8 +11 0/4 +1 Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
Tough Guy (Unarmed) M 8 AP +4 AP +5 +7 +10 0/4 +1 Vital Strike – Sword (HTH PEN) M 8 AP +8 AP +20 PEN
Thug (Either) 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 +6 +4 0/4 +0 Vital Strike – Gun (RNG PEN) M 8 AP +8 AP +14 PEN
Vital Strike – Sword (HTH PEN) M 4 AP +4 AP +10 IMP
Vital Strike – Gun (RNG PEN) M 4 AP +4 AP +7 PEN

Zen Strength [8 AP] L+ GAT

Description: Your force of will is strong enough to give you
greater physical strength! This GAT increases STR, DP, and
WIL. No matter how many levels of Zen Strength the char-
acter gets, however, they only get the WIL increase once.
Overcome Physical Weakness: The character can, once per
level in any given combat, make a WIL roll instead of a CON
roll if they so desire.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP WIL
Zen Strength [Armed] M 8 AP +5 AP +5 +8 +2
Zen Strength [Unarmed] M 8 AP +5 AP +6 +9 +2
Zen Strength [Either] 1 4 AP +2 AP +3 +6 +1

These are Generic Archetype Traits that may represent
gear. There is an entire chapter of gear including far
more detailed guns and the like in the main section of
the book. This section is meant to serve three purposes:
1. It is a quick and easy place to get started if you

Generic Archetype Traits

are in a game where you are expected to pay
APs for weapons and want a simplified list of
what things cost.

Generic Archetype Traits

2. It provides “barehanded” weapons that will
let unarmed characters keep up with armed
ones since, unlike other damage-dealing GATs,
the abilities here let you buy the GATs at the
L1 damage rate (the other GATs are at the L+
damage rate).
3. If the game/GM allows it, these can function as
quick and simple “super power” lists.
Weapons and Armor [8 AP] L1 Gear
Unarmed [8 AP] L1 GAT
Description: The character has a “standard complement”
Description: You can kill with your bare hands! This GAT of weapon and armor. This is designed for either fantasy
allows you to buy L1 “weapon” style damage for bare- or modern-day games; if playing with exotic or future
handed attacks. This is probably due to extreme training weapons, look to the Gear chapter.
of some sort but could be natural talent or something Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Weapon Armor ADP
even weirder. Gun and Vest 2 8 AP 4 AP 6 PEN handgun 4/16 Cv 3 vest +6
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Weapon 1-H Melee
My Body Is My Weapon 1 8 AP +8 AP +18 Unarmed (HTH IMP) Damage Man at Arms 2 8 AP +4 AP 3/6 Full +8
Deadly Hands! 1 4 AP +4 AP +9 Unarmed (HTH IMP) Damage 1-H Melee
Broadsword and Chain 2 8 AP +4 AP 4/10 Full +0
1-H Melee
Weapons [8 AP] L1 Gear Sword and Breastplate 2 8 AP +4 AP
5/13 Cv 4 +0

Description: These rules allow the character to just 1-H Melee 2/5 Full, 3 AGI
Sword & Shield 2 8 AP +4 AP +4
Weapon Bonus Shield
purchase a weapon for either 4 or 8 AP (8 AP being the Gun and Body Armor 2 8 AP 4 AP 6 PEN handgun 4/8 Full +0
most you can spend at the L1 damage rate).
Note: If these represent “real weapons” they will have all
the specific rules associated with them in the Basic Book. TOTAL ARCHETYPE POINT GATS
However, as they are paid for with AP at the GM’s option
they may disregard things like maximum number of attacks These Combat GATs improve things like REA, AGI
per level and so on. In that case they will have an REA cost Bonus, and Skill Rolls. GATs that modify rolls have a
of 5 and can be used however many times a Round the cost based on the total AP count of your character as
character can pay for. they are essentially a percentage of your total points.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Weapon As such, we have given you a cost table for each GAT
Great sword 1 8 AP +8 AP +12 PEN, 2H Long Reach Sword
Magnum 1 8 AP 8 AP 11 PEN Ranged Firearm (six shooter)
instead of a fixed cost. Choose the value closest to your
Maul 1 8 AP +8 AP +16 IMP 2H hammer character’s AP value to get the cost for your character.
9mm Handgun 2 4 AP 4 AP 6 PEN Ranged Firearm (11 shots)
SMG 1 8 AP 8 AP 12 PEN, 6 PEN Val Full-Auto Sub Machine Gun
Broadsword 2 4 AP +4 AP +6 PEN Medium Reach Sword
Mace 2 4 AP +4 AP +8 IMP Medium Reach Mace/Hammer Each GAT has 3 decimal numbers after the word
‘Agent Zero’ (32 AP / 75 CP Elite Agent) TAP. These are the decimal multipliers we got from
testing at the 16 AP, 32 AP, and 64 AP levels. The
%-cost of a TAP GAT changes at each level for most
on demand.
Elusive TAP [.42] Hard to hit 13 AP
Def Moves L2 TAP [ .11 ] SP Pool for dodging 3 AP This is explained in greater detail in the back of the
Tech L2 TAP [. 19 ] +2 to Firearms skill 6 AP
Gunslinger L3 8 AP (Combat) Extra Gun Damage 8 AP
Soak L1 1 AP (Combat) +4 Damage Pts 1 AP

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Commander [TAP] Combat GAT

Description: You can lend SPs in battle to your brothers
in arms! Lending is a free action: you simply spend SPs
for others on your side as though you were involved. The
Commander gets:
™™ An SP Pool that applies to both Offensive and
Defensive spends
™™ A bonus to Recruitment Score
™™ Their side gets the listed bonus to INIT rolls
Trait Bonus Cost
Commander: L1 Lieutenant +1 Init, +2 Recruit, 10/4 [.18]
Commander: L2 Captain +1 Init, +3 Recruit, 20/4 [.21]
Commander: L3 Colonel +2 Init, +4 Recruit, 20/8 [.24]
Commander: L4 General +3 Init, +6 Recruit, 40/8 [.31]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Commander L1 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11
Commander L2 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13
Commander L3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15
Commander L3 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20

Defensive Moves [TAP] Combat GAT

Harmoic Tiger (32 AP / 75 CP Kung Fu Master)
Description: You’ve got some moves! Defensive Moves is
Oneof5survivorsofthedestructionofhistemple,HarmnicTigerhas an SP pool that recharges every combat that can only be
escaped to Los Angeles where he still works for justice! used to improve a Block or Dodge roll. If the character can
Internal Mstr TAP [.25]+2 AP Block bullets, etc. 10 AP block or dodge ranged attacks they must buy the Enhanced
Analyze Opp2 TAP [ .11 ] Read opponents style 4 AP (ENH) version.
Trait Bonus Cost
Zen Strength 8 AP (Combat) Extra STR and WIL 8 AP Defensive Moves L1 10 / 4 [ .06 ]
Bronzed 4 AP (Combat) Chisled bronzed muscle 4 AP Defensive Moves L2 20 / 8 [ .08 ]
Defensive Moves L3 40 / 8 [ .10 ]
Focused Strike 4 AP (Combat) Extra Punch Damage 4 AP Defensive Moves L1 ENH 10 / 4 [ .08 ]
Soak L2 2 AP (Combat) Extra Damage Pts 2 AP Defensive Moves L2 ENH 20 / 8 [ .11 ]
Defensive Moves L3 ENH 40 / 8 [ .14 ]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64
Analyze Opponent [TAP] Combat GAT Def Moves L1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
Def Moves L2 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5
Description: When fighting an opponent you can gain Def Moves L3 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6
insight into how they fight and you can predict their Def Moves L1 ENH 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5
moves. In order to activate/unlock this ability you must Def Moves L2 ENH 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
attempt to block or dodge the opponent 3 times. After that Def Moves L3 ENH 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
you may use the SP Pool for the remainder of the combat
against for any roll the opponent is involved with. Dual Wield [TAP .30] Combat GAT
Note: The blocks or dodges will count even if the opponent Description: You fight with two weapons at once! The
misses or the block or dodge fails. All that matters is the character gets two 1 REA Attacks per Round.
attempt. Trait Attack 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Dual Wield +2 3 5 7 10 12 14 17 19
Note: The cost is the same whether or not the character
can apply AGI Bonus or Dodge/Block against ranged at- Executioner [TAP .31] Combat GAT
Description: Every time you kill an enemy in battle you
Trait Bonus Cost
Analyze Opponent L1 Unlock 10/4 Either SP Pool [.08] gain 6 ADP up to a maximum of Level (Total AP/8) x 12.
Analyze Opponent L2 Unlock 20/8 Either SP Pool [.11] When not in combat (when combat begins) the character
Analyze Opponent L3 Unlock 40/8 Either SP Pool [.15] will have 6 ADP per Level of the character (a 32 AP char-
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ acter with Executioner) will have +24 ADP.
Analyze Opponent L1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5
Analyze Opponent L2 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 When an enemy is killed the character immediately gains
Analyze Opponent L3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 6 AP. This applies to any enemy that is a “reasonable foe.”
Ants or insects don’t count, but minions do.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Executioner 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20

Exotic Training! [TAP] Combat GAT Flurry of Strikes [TAP] Combat GAT
Description: You have unusual training and abilities. Description: You are trained to unleash a storm of blows
Trait Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus Cost or shots. This takes a Round or two to “charge up” and
+2 Dmg (Rng can only be used once every 2 or 3 Rounds. When active a
Archer +2 RNG Skill +2 Init [.16]+2
PEN) 5 REA attack may be launched for 1 REA.
+4 HTH
Martial Arts +2 Martial ™™ If the ability has a 2rnd Charge then the strike-flurry

Generic Archetype Traits

+1 Attack Unarmed [.28]+3
External Arts Skill
Damage may be launched on Round 3, Round 6, Round 9, etc.
+2 MA skill -4 DM Block Block vs. RNG
+2 HTH
™™ If the ability has a 1rnd Charge then the strike-flurry
Martial Arts Unarmed may be launched on Round 2, Round 4, Round 6, etc.

Generic Archetype Traits

+4 HTH +3 Sword Trait Bonus Cost
Blade Master +2 Init Block vs. RNG [.50]+3 Storm of Blows/Shots +3 Attacks, 2 Rnd Charge [.16]
Weapon Skill Damage
Blizzard of Strikes/shots +3 Attacks, 1 Rnd Charge [.25]
Lightning +1 Sword Hail of fire/Chain Punches +2 Attacks, 2 Rnd Charge [.12]
+1 HTH Skill +2 Init +2 Attacks [.28]+1
Strikes Damage Flurry of Blows/Rapid Fire +2 Attacks, 1 Rnd Charge [.19]
+3 Gun Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Marksman +4 RNG Skill +2 Init [.34]+3
Damage Storm of Blows — 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
+1 Attack Blizzard of Shots — 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Two-Gun Kid +2 Init +1 Attack None [.18
Activate 9- Hail of Fire 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Trait A- Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Rapid Fire 3 3 5 6 8 9 11 12
Archer +2 AP 5 5 6 7 8 10 11 12
External +3 AP 7 7 10 12 14 16 19 21
Internal +2 AP 5 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 Hard Core [TAP .07 +3] Combat GAT
Blade Master +3 AP 7 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Description: You are tough! You double your Hurt
Lightning Strikes +1 AP 5 5 8 10 12 14 17 19
Marksman +3 AP 8 8 11 14 17 19 22 25
Condition. This does not affect Minor Wound Score.
Two-Gun Kid +0 AP 3 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 ™™ The character gains +12 DP
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Expertise [TAP] Combat GAT Hard Core 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7
Description: You have received elite training! Each level
gives a bonus to a combat skill of the character’s choice Hard to Hit [TAP] Combat TAP
and a bonus to Initiative. If Expertise is purchased for more Description: You have excellent agility and movement! You
than one combat skill the Initiative bonus will add. are elusive in combat and may take less damage when you
Extra Attack: At Lvl 4 the character gets one 1 REA attack are hit.
once per Round. Enhanced Block (or Dodge): If the character has “-4 DM
Level Skill INIT Attack Cost Blk” this means they can perform an “Enhanced Block.”
Lvl 1 +1 +1 +0 [.09] When the character attempts to block or dodge an attack,
Lvl 2 +2 +2 +0 [.19]
Lvl 3 +3 +2 +0 [.25] if the character is hit (either because the roll failed or even
Lvl 4 +4 +3 +1 [.41] if the attack is something like an explosion that can’t be
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ blocked) the character will apply a -4 Damage Modifier
Lvl 1 — 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 against the attack.
Lvl 2 — 3 5 6 8 9 11 12
Lvl 3 — 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Instinctual Acrobatics: All of these give the character 8 CP
Lvl 4 — 7 10 13 16 30 23 26 towards the Acrobatics Skill as part of a native instinctual
AGI/Blk v. RNG: This ability means that the character’s
Block, Dodge, and AGI Bonus apply fully against Ranged
Attacks (rather than being unable to Block them Dodging at
-4, and getting half the character’s AGI-10).
Level Bonus Bonus Bonus Cost
-4 DM (no AGI/Blk v.
Elusive +2 AGI Bonus [.42]
block needed) RNG
AGI/Blk v.
Artful -4 DM BLK +1 AGI Bonus [.16]
AGI/Blk v.
Hyper Agile -4 DM BLK +3 AGI Bonus [.30]
-4 DM (no +2 AGI Bonus, AGI/Blk
Off the Chart Reflexes +3 REA [.53]
block needed) v. RNG
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Elusive 3 7 10 13 17 20 24 27
Artful 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
Hyper Agile 2 5 7 10 12 14 17 19
Off the Chart Reflexes 4 8 12 17 21 25 30 34

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

I’m Not Left Handed [TAP] Combat GAT Mass Attack [TAP] Combat GAT
Description: After a few moments of combat you get Description: You are trained to fight multiple opponents at
your “second wind” and can really pour it on. I’m Not Left once! Mass Attack gives the character extra attacks which
Handed gives bonuses to skills that unlock starting the must be used against different targets. Attacks which are
3rd Round of combat. They remain for the remainder of paid for normally can be used against any target in the
the fight. fight but the 1 REA attacks gained through Mass Attack
must each be used on separate entities (you can use
The character gains +8 DP which is useful at all times.
one cheap attack against a target you have otherwise hit
Trait Bonus Unlock Cost
I’m Not Left Handed +1 Skill 2 Rnds [.04] normally but no more).
I’m Not Left Handed Either +2 Skill 2 Rnds [.07]
Mass Attack has a Cool Down rating so it may be used on
Next Time I Won’t Miss +3 Skill 2 Rnds [.14]
Next Time I Won’t Either! +4 Skill 2 Rnds [.21] the first Round of combat but, on any Round in which it is
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ used, it may not be used for the listed number of Rounds
I’m Not Left Handed — 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 thereafter (so if it has a Cool Down of 2 Rnds and is used
I’m Not Left Handed Either — 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 on Round 1, it may not be used again until Round 4).
Next Time I Won’t Miss — 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Trait Bonus Cost
Next Time I Won’t Either! — 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 Mass Attack +3 L1 +3 Attacks, 2 Rnd Cool [.14]
Mass Attack +3 L2 +3 Attacks, 1 Rnd Cool [.25]
Mass Attack +3 L3 +3 Attacks, 0 Rnd Cool [.33]
Mass Attack +2 L1 +2 Attacks, 2 Rnd Cool [.10]
Mass Attack +2 L2 +2 Attacks, 1 Rnd Cool [.19]
Mass Attack +2 L3 +2 Attacks, 0 Rnd Cool [.27]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Mass Attack +3 L1 2 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
Mass Attack +3 L2 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Mass Attack +3 L3 5 5 8 11 13 16 18 21
Mass Attack +2 L1 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 6
Mass Attack +2 L2 3 3 5 6 8 9 11 12
Mass Attack +2 L3 4 4 6 9 11 13 15 17

Mobile [TAP .10 +2] Combat GAT

Description: You are highly mobile in combat.
1. Once per Turn you may take a “free step action” in
the direction of an attack (HTH) so long as you pay
REA for the attack. If you made your Initiative roll by
5+ you can do this twice in a Round.
The Operator (16 AP / 50 AP Fantasy Duelist) 2. You may take a Continuing Move for 3 REA instead of
Ashadowyswordsmaster,availableforhirewhenajudicialduelis 5 (this is still a Long Action).
called for. 3. You may “Step With Intent To Keep Moving” for 3 REA
Dual Wield TAP [ .30 ] 2 Weapons 5 AP instead of 5. This Step may not be taken “for free”
Overwhelm 4 AP (Combat) Limited time xtra dmg 4 AP with an attack (as noted above).
Sword Saint 4 AP (Combat) Increased damage 4 AP 4. Any time you pay REA for a Step or other Move action
ADP Soak L3 3 AP Extra Defenses 3 AP (Continuing Movie, Full Move, Acceleration, Step—
where REA is paid for the move) you get a free Dodge
Manic [TAP] Combat GAT action along with it. This may be taken even during
Description: You have blinding energy and fury! Manic the commission of a Long Action.
characters strike quickly and, often, harder. 5. When taking a Move Action away from an attacker
Extra Damage: The character gains +3 damage with who using ranged attacks you get your Full AGI bonus
either hand to hand strikes or a weapon (damage is against the Ranged Attack. If you already get your Full
counted as Armed). AGI Bonus, you get an additional -2 to be hit.
Level Bonus Bonus Bonus Cost
Fury +3 Initiative +3 HTH (either) [.06]+3 6. You get +8 DP.
Frenzy +3 REA +3 HTH (either) [.19]+3 Trait DP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Maniac +3 REA +1 Attack +3 HTH (either) [.38]+3 Mobile +8 3 47 4 5 6 7 8 8
Psychotic +3 REA Bullet Round +3 HTH (either) [.63]+3
Trait A-Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Fury +3 AP 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
Frenzy +3 AP 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15
Maniac +3 AP 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
Psychotic +3 AP 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43

Quick Strike [TAP .19] Combat GAT Technique [TAP] Combat GAT
Description: You are trained to unleash a rapid strike or Description: You have expert combat training which gives
shot. The character gets +2 Initiative and a one 1 REA you positional advantage, exotic footwork, and so on. The
attack each Round. first number is the total SPs per combat. The second is the
Trait Attack Init 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ number that may be spent on any one roll.
Q-Strike +1 +2 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12
™™ These pools are fully charged at the start of Combat

Generic Archetype Traits

and do not recharge during combat.
Speed [TAP] Combat GAT
™™ If you have a block or dodge that works at full
Description: Far faster than normal, you have uncanny roll against ranged attacks, you must buy the
reflexes and speed!

Generic Archetype Traits

ENHANCED (ENH) version.
Level Bonus Bonus Bonus Cost
Speedy +3 REA +2 Init [.27] SPs may be spent on the following:
Lightning Fast! +8 REA [.51] ™™ Offensive Spends: Increase Initiative rolls, improve
Slow -1 Init -2 AGI Bonus [-.22]
Bullet Time Bullet Round [.41] the amount hit-by, and reduce a target’s Armor
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Save.
Speedy 2 4 6 9 11 13 15 17 ™™ Defensive Spends: Increase Armor Save, Improve
Lightning Fast! — 8 12 16 20 24 29 33 the amount a CON roll was made by, and improve
Slow -2 -4 -5 -7 -9 -11 -12 -14 the amount a block or dodge roll was made by.
Bullet Time — 7 10 13 16 20 23 26
Trait Bonus Bonus Cost
Small Pool 10/4 [.09]
Strategist [TAP] Combat GAT Med Pool 20/4 [.13]
Large Pool 20/8 [.16]
Description: Your knowledge of strategy and tactics allows Huge Pool 40/8 [.19]
you to give combat-enhancing advice. Taking a 3 REA Short Small Pool ENH 10/4 [.16]
action, you can lend SPs for either Offensive or Defensive Med Pool ENH 20/4 [.19]
purposes to a member of your team. If you have Strategy Large Pool ENH 20/8 [.22]
Huge Pool ENH 40/8 [.28]
and Tactics, you may make a roll at -5 to lend an additional
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
point each time you lend for free (a Lend of 4 SPs will Small Pool 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6
become 5 if the roll is made). Med Pool 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Trait Bonus Cost Large Pool 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
Strategist L1 12/4 SP Pool, 3 REA [.18] Huge Pool 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12
Strategist L2 24/4 SP Pool, 3 REA [.21] Small Pool ENH 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
Strategist L3 24/8 SP Pool, 3 REA [.24] Med Pool ENH 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12
Strategist L4 50/8 SP Pool, 3 REA [.31] Large Pool ENH 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Huge Pool ENH 2 4 7 9 11 13 16 18
Strategist L1 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11
Strategist L2 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13
Strategist L3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 Unblockable [TAP] Combat GAT
Strategist L4 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 Description: You can unleash a strike that is hard or almost
impossible to block (or dodge).
Trait Bonus Cost
Smashing Blow ROF 1, -10 TBB [.06]
Deceptive Technique -3 TBB ALL strikes [.07]
Sucker Punch -10 TBB, ROF 1, Activate 7- [.03]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Smashing Blow 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
Deceptive Technique 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
Sucker Punch 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Bonus Type Applying The Bonus

Event Success Point Pool An Event Success Point Pool is an SP Pool in the form of [Total SPs/Amount You Can Spend On
Any One Roll]. This SP Pool recharges when some specified event happens (such as when the
character beats someone at a game of chance/skill that has real stakes). The thinking is that
the player will try to maneuver the character to set up these situations to recharge the SP
pool. The pool can be recharged as many times in a game session as the activity allows.
Session Success Pool A Session Success Pool is an SP pool in the form of [Total SPs/Amount You Can Spend On Any
One Roll]. It is recharged at the beginning of every game session and doesn’t recharge during
the session except at the GM’s discretion if “sufficient time” passes (usually a day or so of no
important activity—but just “waiting for the pool to recharge” may not work.

RESOURCES Animal Companion [4 AP] U GAT

The character has access to unusual resources of some Description: You have a trusted animal companion! This
sort. animal is built on 1/10th your AP (round normally) and an
equal number of CP. It is generally a normal animal biologi-
cally speaking but you may spend your APs on it normally.
FOLLOWERS It is assumed to be “movie-level intelligent” meaning it can
You have fans, believers, agents, etc., who can help “all but speak.”
you or even carry out your will! These characters are If killed or lost (or terribly mistreated) the character can
“generally normal people” or whatever qualifies in the usually get another one—but this should be rare.
game world. The costs will determine how many there Note: This will usually give a dog, wolf, falcon, raccoon,
are and their level of competence. etc. For pet dragons or mighty war-horses the GM should
be consulted as to whether the AP cost to build these out
Agents [2 – 24 AP] U GAT is necessary or not (it may be quite possible to have a
Description: You have a group of people who will carry out horse companion for 4 APs if it is not a “battle horse” that
your orders. These are generally “normal people.” does all the character’s fighting for them). The character
Assistance: Minions take orders and will often break the may spend their remaining AP on the animal if wanted.
law. Minions are usually loyal but may not be fanatically Trait Buy Cost DP
Animal Companion 1 4 AP +8
loyal. They are not suicidal (although sufficient Recruit-
ment rolls can lead people on “suicide missions.”)
Points: Minions are built on the listed number of CPs.
Each extra AP adds 4 CP to the individual agent. Agents
usually get 1/10th the number of APs the character has.
The character will buy both the Base Level (which deter-
mines the number of Agents) and then pay additional AP
for extra CP.
Note: For Agents there may be smaller numbers of “elite”
agents who are more CP than the “norm.” While this will
vary from situation to situation, the general effect is that
1/10th of the Agents may be up to 10-20 CP more than the
rest. These are usually not easily replaceable.
Extra Character Points for Agents
Type Number (min 2)
+2 AP +4 AP +8 AP

Crew Recruit -10 +20 CP +30 CP +40 CP

Gang Recruit +10 CP +20 CP +30 CP

Agency Recruit x10 +8 CP +16 CP +24 CP

Army Recruit x100 +4 CP +8 CP +16 CP

Trait Buy Cost Base Points DP
Crew 1 2 AP 40 CP +1
Gang 1 4 AP 40 CP +2
Agency 1 8 AP 40 CP +3
Army 1 16 AP 40 CP +4

Believers [1 – 4 AP] U GAT Fans [1 – 4 AP] U GAT
Description: You have people who believe in you—they Description: You’re a rock star or other celebrity. There is
follow you as a religious or cultural icon. a body of people out there who are fans of your work and
Income: Each level of believers offers some CPs in Wealth. support you. Fans provide the following:
Income: Each level of fan-dom provides the listed CPs
Assistance: Believers will act in general as the char-
in Wealth. If the character spends time and makes an
acter instructs them so long as it is in keeping with the

Generic Archetype Traits

Artistic or other relevant skill roll (Sports?) by 5+ they can
character’s general doctrine (changing that can require
generate Wealth Level ^ 10 dollars (so at Wealth Level 12,
Recruit rolls at -2 to -10 depending on the shift—failure
playing a concert generates 10MM). Note: This can usually
will, at least temporarily, lose believers). Believers can be
only be done once per year, season, etc.

Generic Archetype Traits

mobilized more than fans can but usually will not perform
blatant law-breaking or take complex orders. A group of Assistance: Fans will provide assistance if they can. They
followers exists in a general area on a successful Location don’t usually operate as minions or servants but will often
roll. This can get a +1 to +4 modifier based on the actual help out. This can come at the expense of unwanted
location (usually a location is a “town”). Large areas (cities) publicity. To get assistance from a fan the character must
tend to get +1 to +8. succeed with a Recognition Roll. Recognition rolls get +1
per level of Appearance and an additional +2 if the char-
Doctrine: The character must profess a doctrine (the GM
acter is otherwise especially noticeable (either by dress or
must okay it) and behave within its context or they will
otherwise). Being in an area conducive to meeting fans can
lose believers (and will need to take time to re-group). An
give a +2 to +6 depending (a fan convention is automatic—
example of a radical doctrine is one that implies criminal
a counter-culture hang out for a counter-culture celebrity
behavior. The character is probably actively wanted. An
is usually +4 to +6).
edgy doctrine stops short of criminal behavior but can
strongly imply it. A moderate doctrine is one that is not Price of Fame: Characters with fans can also have haters—
necessarily main-stream but does not attract immediate enemies who hate the character (usually in some propor-
attention. A main-stream doctrine is just that. tion to their fame). They can also lose fans through public
actions. If they have more than 2 AP invested in fans they
The character has a small group of followers but can have
Cult will be a target for paparazzi.
a radical doctrine.
The character has a moderate group of followers. They Cult Classic The character’s fans are a sub-group.
can have an “edgy” doctrine. The character has low general name recognition but can
The character has a large group and may have a Star Power
Leader be easily recognized by people in “the scene.”
moderate doctrine. The character has good “general” name recognition. A
The character has a huge group and must have a Super Star
Icon solid B-list actor or sports hero for example.
mainstream doctrine.
Mega-Star The character is known by practically everyone.
Trait Buy Cost Wealth Location DP
Cult Classic 1 1 AP 1 CP 8- +2 Trait Buy Cost Wealth Recognition DP
Star Power 1 2 AP 2 CP 10- +3 Cult Classic 1 1 AP 2 CP 8- +2
Super Star 1 3 AP 4 CP 13- +4 Star Power 1 2 AP 4 CP 10- +3
Mega Star 1 4 AP 6 CP 15- +6 Super Star 1 3 AP 6 CP 13- +4
Mega Star 1 4 AP 8 CP 15- +6

Generic Archetype Traits

Generic Archetype Traits

Non-Combat GATS tend to give bonuses that aren’t focused on improving stats or damage. They may well help with
combat in other ways (such as providing a Success Point Pool that can be used for any purpose—including combat)
but are usually not as good as combat GATs in the same range (the pool in question may only recharge once per
game session instead of every combat).
Advantages that Non-Combat GATS give tend to fall into one of several categories:

MONEY AND TOYS Installation [2 AP] U GAT

The character has more money than normal due to Description: The character has an unusual base of
either status, inheritance, or some other force. They operations. The exact size of these can vary a lot however
may also have cool gear or other unusual items. assume they are as large as a 4-bedroom house (with
garage) if no other size is relevant.
Cool Gear [1 – 4 AP] U GAT Secret Base: The character has access to a secure secret
Description: This gives the character access to a general location that is relatively lavishly furnished. There is at
category of gear such as “spy stuff.” Often the GM will be in least one secret entrance and an exit that can allow any
charge of what, exactly, they get from time to time (such as vehicle the character owns to come and go unseen.
exotic building climbing gear or cars that turn into subma- Operations Center: The character has very well connected
rines) but it can also represent some signature pieces headquarters with global communications, access to aerial
of gear that the character pays APs for from the Gear defense radar, impressive computer power, back-up multi-
Chapter. Note: While it’s possible to have, for example, a hour power supply, and so on. It’s highly secure and may
Time Machine as Gear, as a GAT this is usually limited to have cells rated to hold someone of the character’s power-
plausible real-world style stuff (and then is appropriate level if they are unusually powerful or resourceful.
only in games where APs are charged for Gear). Trait Buy Cost DP
Trait Buy Cost APs In Gear DP Secret Base 1 2 AP +6
Gear M 1-4 AP 4 MP +0 Ops Center 1 2 AP +4

Extreme Vehicle [4 AP] U GAT Money [1 AP] U GAT

Description: You have a vehicle that is “extreme” for the Description: The character is rich! You get 4 CP in Wealth.
circumstances of the game. Examples are: A personally Consult the GM/other players before buying this more
owned space ship (space games), a private very high tech than once (extreme wealth may be problematic for some
helicopter (modern day), a talking Artificially intelligent games but is relatively cheap).
cyber-car (modern day), an armed high-tech ATV with a Trait Buy Cost Wealth DP
Money M 1 AP 4 CP +2
force field (Post Apocalypse), a super car with guns (post
apocalypse), etc. The character gets +2 to Vehicle Ops skill.
Trait Buy Cost Skill DP
Extreme Vehicle 1 4 AP +2 +2

EXOTIC TRAINING OR EXPERTISE Attack Strength Special Delivery Type 4 Beam
Effect Result
The character has unusual levels of training (Note: Fail No Effect
Enhanced combat skills are purchased with the Target can recall things expertly. Can be induced to do things
Generic Archetype traits above—these bonuses do not they might do if (a) pretty drunk, (b) didn’t worry about
feeling foolish, or (c) had a lot of willpower (such as holding
add directly to combat skills). Standard up a stack of books at arm’s length). They can have moderate
psychological traumas ameliorated and can do things like get

Generic Archetype Traits

Mesmerism [4 AP] U GAT a good night’s sleep, etc. Character may be persuaded to tell
bunt truths—but not secrets.
Unit Cost Intensity per AP (Groups of 4, usually)
Character can have a post-hypnotic suggestion that doesn’t
Description: You are capable of hypnosis—especially of significantly compromise them. Examples: give someone

Generic Archetype Traits

an unwilling subject. At the 4 AP level, this represents a your Facebook password (but not your bank codes). Telling
very unusual ability but not (arguably) a super-human one. an embarrassing secret will work at Major Success—but
This is handled as a Resisted Attack where the character’s not serious blackmail secrets. Character can make a wanted
major life change (stop smoking, cut back on food, etc.)
Persuade roll or WIL (whichever is higher) is rolled against
Character is under a good deal of control. They will take (in
the target’s WIL. The Intensity is the Mesmerizing charac-
a sleepwalking state) basic actions for about WIL minutes.
ter’s Damage Points. The character can do things that endanger their financial or
1. In order to work the target must be reasonably business standing. The character may reveal secrets under
hypnosis. This deep state lasts about 30 seconds. After
calm (or, possibly, restrained) and listening to the
that they will not accept any more seriously compromising
mesmerist. It won’t work in a fire-fight. commands. A post hypnotic suggestion can be pretty
2. A willing subject drops their WIL to 9 or, if they are complex but will only trigger once.
deemed especially susceptible, to 7. As above—but the deep state lasts longer. The character
can induce WIL-10 (or Persuade – 10) commands if they
3. There are a lot of limits as to exactly how this can Catastrophic have access to the subject. The whole event can last about
work. Mostly you cannot hypnotize someone into (a) 30 minutes. Post hypnotic suggests can be “permanent”
taking long term complex actions (sell all your stocks, (meaning they trigger over and over).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
your house, etc., and give me the money), (b) self- Mesmerism M 4 AP 0 AP 8 WIL or Persuade
destructing in some significant or obvious fashion, or REA ROF Rng
(c) doing anything they would find morally reprehen- 8 1x A few feet
sible (murder, etc.). They can be hypnotized to take
actions and then forget they took them.
4. A Standard result is usually good enough for most
therapeutic purposes including recovering memo-
ries—but sometimes a Major success is required.
5. Actions taken can’t be intrinsically self-destructive
or destructive of others (unless the character usually
rolls that way)—but there is some wiggle room in
trickery. If a person shot their roommate with a toy
gun regularly getting them to substitute a real gun
would work on a Standard roll.
6. Hypnotizing someone “on the street” is hard—but
not impossible. Usually (a) the hypnotist must get
their attention for at least a few seconds and (b) an
attack may be made (no roll to hit) which is at Power
-5. If the target is “serving the hypnotist” or otherwise
engaged beyond a chance meeting, the roll is at -3
Power. The use of a glim, a shiny object to hold their
attention, gives a +1. A Psychology roll that succeeds
by +5 or better can usually give a +1 as well. (To work
the character must profile the target reasonably
accurately—if they have no idea who the target is, the
specific words to help them slip into a hypnotic state
can’t be guessed.)

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Natural Talent [1 – 6 AP] U GAT ESOTERIC KNOWLEDGE

Description: You’re a natural! The pluses can apply to You know secrets or other bodies of esoteric knowl-
any non-combat skill. A skill can only benefit from one edge beyond the range of normal people.
level of training—but you can buy this multiple times for
multiple skills.
In order for this to be available the GM must agree
Trait Buy Cost Plus DP to it. Usually the character must have the “ordinary”
Level 1 M 1 AP +1 +2 version of the skill and can then augment it with this.
Level 2 M 2 AP +2 +4
Level 3 M 4 AP +3 +8 The Plus is given to the skill roll (this cannot be
Level 4 M 6 AP +4 +12 combined with Natural Talent).

Seduce [4 AP] U GAT Back Up Plan [4 AP] U GAT

Unit Cost L+: 2 Intensity per AP (Groups of 4, usually) Description: In a jam you have a back-up plan! When
activated—when something has gone wrong or there is an
Description: You can bend targets to your will by means of
unexpected surprise—the character can either gain one of
seduction. This is similar to the Charm effect (Psychology)
the below advantages (negotiated with the GM) or activate
but will work on PCs and Named NPCs. It acts as a Resisted
an Event SP Pool.
Attack Strength Special Delivery Type 4 Beam ™™ Special Gear. The character can have “remembered”
Effect Result to bring along some kind of specialty gear. It must
Fail No Effect
Target is induced to make a poor decision. They will generally be something the character could reasonably have
not do things that are out right stupid or dangerous. They had along. Hidden lock-picks are usually reasonable.
may: 1. Get more drunk than planned, go somewhat further A specific key to a random car in a parking lot isn’t.
than otherwise intended. 2. Talk more freely but not reveal A small radio might be.
damaging secrets. 3. Give in to desires if there are no clear ™™ I Planned For This. The character can have a pretty
negative consequences. unlikely get-away vehicle or maybe have scoped out
Target can be induced to make a bad decision. They will give an escape route or diversion.
in to desires if either: 1. They are pretty sure they will not get
Major caught and 2. There are no dire consequences (divulging state
™™ We Discussed This. The character will have “thought
secrets would have dire consequences—getting in trouble with ahead” with other characters to have both some
a spouse is not necessarily dire). signal and some planned behavior (the players can
Target can be induced to make a terrible decision. They will work this out at the table in real time). Thus they
pursue the target in the face of dire consequences if there is coordinate “what to do if “X” happens.”
some reasonable indication they might get away with it. This Trait Buy Cost Plus Skill DP Pool
can include talking about state secrets, letting the target into Back Up Plan 1 4 AP +2 Strategy +6 10/4
secure areas, etc. The subject is temporarily entranced with
their seducer.
As above: the target’s infatuation is deep and can lead to incred- Drive Anything [4 AP] U GAT
ibly bad decisions. The effects can last several days. Description: You’re a hell of a driver, or pilot, or navigator.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power You can use a single vehicle operations skill to drive or pilot
Seduction M 4 AP 0 AP 8 WIL or Persuade
any vehicle that can remotely be controlled by one person.
5 1x A few feet (A completely alien space ship might take a little while
to figure out.) You get 4 SPs to be spent on any Driving
related roll once per combat/drama. These can be spent
Weapons Training [2 AP] U GAT defensively to reduce the amount the vehicle is hit by if
Description: You can use a hand-to-hand weapon with your someone is trying to shoot out its Drive. This can be done
Martial Arts skill. You block at Skill roll and, if your Martial even if the vehicle skill is non-combat.
Arts is L3+, you can use the L3 bonuses for that weapon. Trait Buy Cost Skill Bonus DP SPs
Trait Buy Cost DP Drive 1 4 AP +2 +8 4
Weapon Training 1 2 AP +4

Intrusion Expert/ Scout [4 AP] U GAT Inventor [4 AP] L1/L+ GAT
Description: You’re trained “like a super spy” or scout to Description: You can invent things during the game. This
navigate tough-to-get-into places. The skill roll can be Secu- Trait gives you a “pool of Archetype Points” to be used
rity Systems, Spycraft, Streetwise, Surveillance, Survivalist for inventions using the Invention rules (see the Gear
or any other applicable roll. When you make a roll you get Chapter). It also gives you a Workshop/Lab, assuming the
information on how the security is likely structured and character has at least L2 Science skills.

Generic Archetype Traits

what the challenges will be to get in or out. Yiou get the
Without Super Science or Mad Science this does not allow
SP Bonus per mission to apply to Traps, Perception Rolls,
the creation of technologies well beyond what normally
Security Systems, Locksmith, Stealth, Climbing, or other rolls
exists (energy weapons, of a basic sort, are probably
to break in (Con Artist? Disguise?)

Generic Archetype Traits

Trait Buy Cost Skill Bonus Skill DP SPs
okay—but force fields flight rings, weather control devices,
Intrusion M 4 AP +1 Security +4 8 and teleportation rigs are probably not allowed).
™™ Break Through: If your science breakthrough applies
to a restricted set of concepts you get 3 APs instead
of 2 APs per level of Inventor. An example would
be “only for power-armor” (but allows almost any
sort of ability so long as it is part of a set of power-
armor). Note: The GM and other players will get
a decision (GM vetoes) as to whether the break-
through makes sense (weather control probably
does not fit with most power-armor conceptions).
™™ Narrow Break Through: If the APs can only be used
for one basic sort of thing (weapons, super vehicles,
etc.) then you get 4 APs per Inventor Level. Note:
Power-Armor, unless it was just one of the basic
types without any extra abilities like flight, would be
too broad. An example might be “different kinds of
bombs” or “various kinds of armor,” etc.
Trait Buy Cost Plus DP Pool
Inventor M 4 AP +0 +2 2 AP

Investigator [4 AP] U GAT

Description: You can get a clue! When activated you will
either find a clue that advances your understanding of a
mystery, crime, missing persons case, or other such situ-
ation—or activate an event pool. Usually this can only be
done once per session but it can be attempted again when
new information comes up. The GM decides if the clue is
given or if the pool is activated.
Trait Buy Cost Plus Skill DP Pool
Investigator 1 4 AP +2 Police Procedure or Research +6 10/4

Jack of All Trades [4 AP] U GAT

Description: You are good at a lot of things. Maybe you’re
lucky? Maybe you’re smooth? You get a Session SP pool
usable for any non-combat skill. You are allowed to spend
1 SP if you miss the roll to be allowed to spend more in
order to make it. (This is a specific roll to these kinds of
™™ If you are “helping” another character with an
activity (actively) you can loan your SPs to them.
Trait Buy Cost Plus DP Pool
Jack of All Trades 1 4 AP +0 +2 10/4

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Mastermind [4 AP] U GAT Mysticism [4 AP] U GAT

Description: You are a master planner and strategist. In a Description: You have studied and trained in the mysteries
3-roll drama with another character, if you win, you will get of the mind and the universe. This usually has an occult
to know parts of their plan—so long as you (as a Player) bent but could be a theological or even philosophical one.
don’t tell any other players and your PC doesn’t inform any With a -5 Philosophy roll (or similar, Occult?), the character
other characters! can:
Session Pool: If you win the roll the GM can either ™™ Meditate: The character can remain absolutely
recharge your session pool or reveal portions of the plan motionless, absorbed in their own mind (either
(to the degree it was won by). If the target doesn’t have completely blank or perhaps “wandering”). This
Strategy they can make RES rolls. gives the character triple the duration of oxygen
usage and they can remain impassive for 2 hours
You can force another check for every new plan you
per point the roll was made by. They get WIL x 2
encounter or, if you lose, once each session so long as
Mind Shield when doing this.
some new twist has been revealed.
™™ Channeling: The character can contact
Won by <5 Drama Points: You get information on the likely “intelligences” in the “outer reaches” of thought
“next move.” space. These intelligences can converse with the
Won by 6-10 Drama Points: You get information on their character, usually imparting wisdom. The wisdom
likely objectives and responses. tends to “evaporate” as with a dream and be pretty
inscrutable anyway—but characters can learn some
Won by 11+ Drama Points: You get pretty detailed infor- enlightening things.
mation on the whole plan. ™™ Total Knowledge: A roll at -5 can be made to have
What if they Don’t Have Strategy/Master Mind Or Have extreme situational awareness (how many chairs are
No “Plan”? In this case the GM can simply have a specific in a crowded restaurant? What is the exact number
target number, usually based on the skill level or RES of the of side-walk tiles from here to your house? Etc.).
person they are trying to analyze, modified by the amount Usually this takes some concentration.
of information the GM assesses the character has. ™™ Knowledge of the Self: The character can have a
very structured knowledge of their own strengths
If the target “doesn’t have a plan” the Mastermind can and weaknesses. This gives +2 to WIL.
estimate “how they will react to a situation.” Trait Buy Cost Plus DP Skill WIL
The Not Telling Anyone Anything Is Really Annoying: Mysticism 1 4 AP +2 +2 Philosophy +2
It’s meant to build up drama where a character behaves
like people in fiction who don’t give everything away. Super Science/
If it’s too annoying, drop it. The GM should “okay” this
anyway—it’s powerful.
Mad Science [4 AP] U GAT
Note: You don’t need to know who your adversary is but Description: Maybe you’re a super genius, or a mad
you do have to have some information about how they scientist. (Or trained by aliens?) Your skills with science
are operating. This can be done by finding clues or by go beyond the ordinary. This allows you to understand
analyzing a known pattern of behavior. If you do know who super-technology and use Inventor APs to build things that
you are up against you get +2 to your roll. go well beyond what is normally allowed (Weather Control
Trait Buy Cost Plus DP Skill SP machines, super-robots, etc.).
Mastermind 1 8 AP +2 +2 Strategy or Psychology 10/4 ™™ Super Science allows a roll on the Super Science
table (see Inventions).
™™ Mad Science allows a roll on the Mad Science table
(see Inventions).
Note: A character can have both Super Science and Mad
Science and get +8 to distribute around their Science rolls.
Note: A character with Mad Science may take Disturbed
[Driven to Create Mad Science] where they will always
take a roll on the Mad science defect table for their
Trait Buy Cost Science Plus DP
Super Science 1 4 AP +4 to roll +8
Mad Science 1 4 AP +4 to roll +8

Description: They can run but they can’t hide. You can find In this category are things that just maybe might be
just about anyone so long as they are in anything resem- psychic or (in some cases) mystical abilities. They are
bling “modern society.” This can be handled as a 3-roll listed here because (a) we want them to be easily
drama if the target has this ability as well. accessible and (b) some people believe these kinds of
Note: To find someone you must have a concrete idea things exist in “real life.”

Generic Archetype Traits

of who you are looking for—a name, a face, something. As with almost all of these the GM should be
Just looking for “the guy who stole my bike” may not be consulted before just bringing them and the explana-
tions for them can vary a lot from “supernatural” to

Generic Archetype Traits

However, if the target is “low level” it might be. You will simply “unexplained.”
have an uncanny ability to question the right people and
navigate the right paths. Usually going on no information
against a soft-target is a -5 roll. This can also be used to INTUITION
track stolen merchandize. You perceive things others usually don’t. This might
Trait Buy Cost Skill Bonus Skill DP be a psychic 6th sense or just really keen perception.
Tracking 1 4 AP +2 Streetwise +6
When describing these abilities we are going with two
levels. The first is “more mundane” and the second is
Witchcraft/Warlock [4 AP] U
the “psychic upgrade.”
Description: You understand things about magic and the In either case the actual mechanics don’t specify the
super-natural that most people do not. With rolls against source of the ability (so the “psychic upgrade” may
your skill -5, you can do things such as: not actually be a super power) but the players and GM
should consider the second level to be markedly less
™™ Correctly identify and deal with ghosts and
possession with a skill roll (usually a 3 roll drama
involving some sort for possession or serious
hauntings). Dreamer [2, 4 AP] U GAT
™™ Create magical wards that will, for a lunar cycle, Description: At the basic level you have dreams that
repel supernatural harm. Exactly how this works is reveal things to you about the past that you might not
up to the GM (think of it more as mosquito repellent have picked up consciously. This can provide clues, insight,
than a force field). and warning (often delivered cryptically but the character
™™ Brew potions that create intoxicating effects similar should have a reasonable shot at figuring it out). Rolls
to “love” or that can create a very deep sleep lasting when called for are RES or WIL +1.
a couple of days (Treat as all or nothing Resisted Upgrade: You have dreams about the future and can get
Attack with a Power of the character’s RES and images of things to come that will be important to you.
Intensity of their Skill roll + their Damage Points: Rolls are at RES or WIL +2.
works against WIL). Trait Buy Cost DP
™™ Create “hex curses” small items that, if positioned Dreamer 1 2 AP +4
on a person’s body or near where they sleep, (or if Dreamer+ 1 4 AP +8
they eat cursed food) create a “negative SP pool”
equal to the character’s roll that will both force
rolls when they might not otherwise be called
for and subtract from character’s rolls when least
™™ Banish or even control spirits. This will usually
require a drama and specific knowledge of the
spirit’s type, past, etc.
Trait Buy Cost Plus DP Skill
Occult 1 4 AP +2 +2 Occult

Generic Archetype Traits
Generic Archetype Traits

Sense Trap/Ambush [2, 4 AP] U

Description: You know if an action, place, or item is
dangerous. This will give the character a Perception, WIL,
or RES roll at +1 to get a “sense of danger” before going
into a dangerous situation. The player can ask for a roll to
“scan for danger,” picking up potential ambushes or traps.
Upgrade: At this level the roll is at +2 and it gives additional
information as to the type of danger and how to avoid it
(i.e. it can be used to disarm a bomb or circumnavigate a
trapped floor).
Trait Buy Cost DP
Sense Trap 1 2 AP +4
Sense Trap+ 1 4 AP +8

Sensitive [2, 4 AP] U GAT

Description: You can sense magic or detect the unseen.
You get creepy feelings in haunted areas or from magical
objects. Usually Occult is necessary to figure out the fine
Feeling of Being Watched points. Rolls are RES or WIL.
Upgrade: You can see ghosts. You can detect evil spirits
[2, 4 AP] U GAT
and get a sense of what they are like. You can determine
Description: You get a feeling of being watched when you the properties of mystical objects or at very least get a
are under surveillance. This can apply to people following sense of how dangerous they are and what might trigger
you, electronic surveillance, or even mystical means. The them. Usually Occult is necessary to figure out the fine
character gets a Perception, RES, or WIL roll at +1 to get a points. Rolls are RES or WIL+2.
feeling of being watched. They can make normal percep- Trait Buy Cost DP
tion rolls to see where it’s coming from (if it’s visible). Sensitive 1 2 AP +4
Upgrade: The upgraded version of this is more specific— Sensitive+ 1 4 AP +8
the character gets an image or impression of who is doing
the watching (it acts as if the perception roll to determine
was successful). The character can also make a roll to know
if an area is being watched before they enter it. Rolls are
at +2.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Watched 1 2 AP +4
Watched+ 1 4 AP +8

Reader [2, 4 AP] U GAT

Description: You can “read people.” This gives you the Lie
Catcher ability at 4 CP worth and also lets you size people
up reasonably well with a RES or WIL roll at +1 when you
meet them. You will get a sense for their generic intent,
their hidden feelings about you, and so on. You can usually
spot Con Artists this way.
Upgrade: At this level you get commentary about the
person you’ve met with regards to specific intentions and
also specific psychological weak points. It can give you
general motivations, ideas about character, and so on. If the
character has actual ESP abilities it can use an ESP drama
to give actual flashes of visions about the character (High
Information could reveal secrets, etc.). Rolls are at +2.
Note: Characters using Con Artist or Actor get rolls against
Reader (at either level) to avoid being “read.” Characters
may also get a WIL roll against Reader to simply be seen as
“carefully under control” yielding very little.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Reader 1 2 AP +4
Reader+ 1 4 AP +8

Smell Trouble Coming Steel Mind [2, 4 AP] U GAT
[2, 4 AP] U GAT Description: Your mind is strong! You get WIL bonuses
Description: You can get a sense of danger about a person. listed below and can get SPs to be used either for WIL rolls
When you meet or even see someone you can make an OR for CON rolls (including CON rolls for Wound Effects).
RES or WIL roll at +1 to get a “sense of danger.” Usually These are replenished once per combat.
this will trigger if they are planning trouble directed at the Trait Buy Cost WIL SPs DP

Generic Archetype Traits

Steel Mind 1 2 AP +1 4 +2
character or their friends. Steel Mind+ 1 4 AP +2 8 +4
Upgrade: The upgraded version of this is more specific—
the character may get an “image” of the kind of danger

Generic Archetype Traits

(a concealed weapon?) or can get an uneasy sense if the
person is capable and likely to be dangerous to them even
These are traits that grant Success Point Pools that
if there is no specific plan. A roll made by 5+ will usually
indicate triggers to the danger or some sense of the recharge every session and don’t carry over from one
person’s plan. The roll is RES or WIL +2. to the next.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Trouble 1 2 AP +4 Come Back [4 AP] U GAT
Trouble+ 1 4 AP +8
Description: You’re at your best when the odds are against
you! You get the 4 SPs each game session and, when you
Resistance Roll
are facing odds that are overwhelming or strongly against
As an optional/advanced rule, trying to “Read” or you, you get 4 additional SPs that you can save and keep
sense an ambush of a more powerful character between sessions. Usually what counts for this is either
may be difficult. The GM Can give a Level vs. Level (a) 1-on-1 combat with a higher AP significant character
resistance roll to the defender to avoid giving up (b) being surrounded, imprisoned, or otherwise defeated
sensitive data, being found out, etc. In this case, or close to it (the group being in serious danger of being
beaten with multiple members being dazed or unconscious
each Level is 8 AP (and any Scale Number multiplier
could count) or (c) making a decision to go up against
“overwhelming odds” (such as fighting The Government or
The Evil Empire).
MENTAL TRAITS Trait Buy Cost Pool DP
Come Back 1 4 AP 4 SPs +4
These are a few Generic Archetype Traits that add to
mental statistics and skills in some fashion. Engineer [4 AP] U GAT
Brainiac [2, 4 AP] U GAT Description: You design, build, and repair devices, gear,
machines, electronics, etc. You get 4 SPs every play session
Description: You’re smart! You get +1 or +2 RES, and +2 or and 4 SPs when you make a science skill roll to build
+4 skill roll bonuses to assign to MEM or RES based skills something or otherwise solve a problem. You also gain 4
(the bonus points are divided amongst the skills as the Character Points in a science skill (or skills) of your choice.
player sees fit—so you could get +4 to one skill or +1 to NOTE: the skill roll or the attempt to construct does not
four skills or any other combination). have to be successful--but it must make sense within the
Trait Buy Cost RES Skill Bonus DP
scope of the game.
Brainiac 1 2 AP +1 +2 RES/MEM +4 DP
Brainiac+ 1 4 AP +2 +4 RES/MEM +8 DP Trait Buy Cost SPs Bonus DP
Engineeer 1 4 AP 4 SPs (session) 4 CP +4

Memory Palace [2, 4 AP] U GAT

Description: You have a spectacular memory. You get a
bonus to MEM, pluses for skills that are MEM based.
Trait Buy Cost MEM Skills DP
Mem Palace 1 2 AP +1 +1 MEM +4
Mem Palace+ 1 4 AP +2 +2 MEM +8

Sharp [2, 4 AP] U GAT

Description: You’re quick-witted and observant. You get
+1 or +2 RES, +2 or +3 to Perception rolls, and +2 or +4
to MEM or RES based skills (the bonus points are divided
amongst the skills as the player sees fit—so you could get
+4 to one skill or +1 to four skills or any other combination).
Trait Buy Cost RES Skill Bonus Perception
Sharp 1 2 AP +1 +2 +2
Sharp+ 1 4 AP +2 +4 +3

Generic Archetype Traits

Loser [4 AP] U GAT Role Model [4 AP] U GAT

Description: You’re … well … a loser. You get 4 SPs per Description: You have excellent leadership capabilities.
session which cannot be saved. Once per session, if you You get 4 SPs per session and, once during a session, if any
you suffer a meaningful loss or humiliation (i.e. not a PC or named NPC “follows your lead” (takes your advice,
manufactured loss to another PC done solely for the emulates you, etc.) you get 4 additional SPs to keep. You
purposes of losing) you get 4 SPs to keep. Note: The losing can loan these SPs to anyone who is in some way inspired
situation or humiliation can be narrated by the player: If by you, taking your advice, or recognizes you as a leader.
the player wishes to describe the character spilling their Trait Buy Cost SPs DP
drink all over themselves at a party, that’s fine—and it Role Model 1 4 AP 4 SPs (Session), 1 to keep +4
counts—so long as the group (including the GM, who
Theme Song [4 AP] U GAT
has veto power) agrees that the effect is in some way
significant. Description: Select a song or music for your character and,
Trait Buy Cost Pool DP once per session, when you play it, sing it, or even hum it
Loser 1 4 AP 4 SPs +8 (if people are totally fed up with it, you may not even need
to do that) you get 4 SPs for the remainder of the session.
Lucky [4 AP] U GAT These cannot be saved.
Description: You’re fortunate! You get 4 SPs per session If the theme song is deemed appropriate for the situa-
which go away if unused at the end of the session and 2 tion (i.e. it’s about fighting and you are fighting or implies
SPs to keep. These can be spent on any random roll the stealth and you are sneaking around) you get the 4 SPs
GM makes concerning your character to increase the and 4 more SPs you can save (if not used). This can only be
target number (if the GM is calling for a 7- roll to see if you done once per session.
can find an unlocked car in a parking lot, you can spend 4
An Aspected Theme song means the SPs only apply to
SPs to raise it to an 11-).
Trait Buy Cost SPs DP
combat (if non-combat, the character gets +8 SPs). A
Lucky 1 4 AP 4 SPs (Session), 2 to keep +6 Narrow Pool usually applies to only one roll type (a specific
skill category, usually, like Axel-F for Street Skills).
Trait Buy Cost SPs DP
Rabbit’s Foot [4 AP] U GAT Theme Song 1 4 AP 4 SPs +8
Description: Not only might you be lucky—but other Aspected 1 4 AP 6 SPs +8
people are lucky around you! You can lend your SPs to Narrow 1 4 AP 8 SPs +8
other people who are “on your team.” You get 4 SPs per
session and 1 SP to keep.
Rabbit’s Foot 1 4 AP 4 SPs Session, 1 to Keep +4
This ends the discussion of Generic Archetype Abilities.
Rock Star [4 AP] U GAT Keep in mind that these are some of the most basic
building blocks when it comes to being anything “more
Description: You are a rock-star or other kind of artist (this
can also be for visual arts, photography, dance, etc.). You
than mundane.” They will be used for Super Heroes,
get 4 SPs per play session and get an additional 4 when mystical martial artists, aliens, and fantasy races as well
you play a gig or create a work of art. If you make your as to just build “general competent” protagonists.
roll by 5+ you get an additional +1 SP to keep. By 10+ you
get +2. Note: usually you can only do this once per play
session at most, it usually takes some time to do and/or
time to set up. If it’s a big production the GM can grant +4
SP to keep (so you get 4 for the session, 4 for the event,
and then 4, 5, or 8 to keep if the “show’ is a major deal to
arrange). Note: A “tour” won’t count as major events even
if they kind of are.
Trait Buy Cost SPs Wealth DP
Rock Star 1 4 AP 4 SPs (session) 2 CP +6

These rules cover a wide range of “natural” abilities such as fantasy races, animal PCs, post-apoca-
lypse mutants, and super powers. They are the basis for building monsters, superheroes, aliens, and
so on. While there is a mystical abilities section for more definitely magical talents, innate abilities
could stem from mystical biology or from some other unexplained source. This list includes:
™™ “Super Powers” (although some of the energy and matter manipulation abilities like “Fire
Control” will be covered in Domain Control).
™™ “Animal Powers” (the natural abilities real animals have).
™™ “Mutations” (weird or even disadvantaged abilities that post-apocalypse or magically mal-
formed characters might possess).


Innate Powers
In this section we will cover:
™™ Character Types. What kinds of characters typically use these abilities?

Innate Powers
™™ Character Points and Archetype Points. Many of these Traits have a cost expressed in CP and
APs. We do this to assist in the creation of characters such as “elves” who are very close to
human and may have some unusual capabilities without spending APs.
™™ Trait Types Overview. We have several different sections here and this covers them and
how the different abilities may be used. Note: Some Traits cost “negative points”—these
represent defects.
™™ Building Races and Monsters. Some brief notes on how these rules will be used to construct
fantasy or alien races or monsters (used here in the “traditional fantasy RPG” sense of the
word “monster”).
™™ Building Animals. A brief discussion (with more detail later) on how to go about building
animals or animal PCs.
™™ Size Classes. A brief note on how these abilities give you the ability to be very big or very small.
™™ Trait Origins. We have categorized these traits with tags such as “natural” or “extreme” or
even “super.” The “tag” associated with a trait can be used if you are trying to design a cer-
tain kind of game and want an easy way to, for example, keep ‘super powers’ like Teleporta-
tion out of the characters hands but might want a bunch of ‘natural abilities’ let in.

Here are some notes concerning various character types these rules might help you make.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Character Type Notes

Animal PCs If you are playing an animal with human intelligence you can use these rules to simulate most animals
you might want to play.
Fantasy/Alien These rules can be used to make races (elves, dwarves, pointed-eared people from a volcanic planet,
Races and so on). We have a section on this and some advice as to how to approach these kinds of charac-
ters. In this case the player may spend points (either CP or AP) on racial abilities (which all members
of the race have) and then might spend more points on other Archetype Abilities for traits that are not
common to the race.
Super Heroes Certain types of super heroes will be easy to make using these rules (super speed, extra size and
strength, skin armor, and so on).
Many of these abilities provide more STR or Armor if the character is abnormal looking.
Characters who are supposed to be higher-powered will want to use the Scale Numbers if they are
supposed to throw cars around.
Post Apocalypse We originated these abilities from the JAGS world book Have-Not with bizarre post-apocalypse muta-
Mutants tions. That is why you will see a number of negative-point traits which represent drawbacks the char-
acter has. You will also see some somewhat disfiguring mutations that the character may have. These
are designed to help make “fantastic” mutants for these styles of games.
Mental Mutants Although there are some “mental” mutations in the rules we have kept most of the psychic powers in
the Psionics chapter. If you are making a character with the “innate” ability to move objects with their
mind you will want to look there.
Bio-Engineered A character from a future society might well have bio-weapons instead of cyber-weapons or have
Characters alternate skin coverings (or whatever) as a result of bio-engineering. In games where this is allowed
characters might well have any capability (often other than “super”) from these rules as well as anything
that’s let in from the Cyber-Rules section.


You will notice that some of these abilities (mostly the less
expensive ones listed as “natural”) have two costs: an Arche-
type Point Cost (AP) and a Character Point Cost (CP). This is
done for the purposes of building “fantasy” or alien races. If
an ability has two different point costs the character can pay
either one as they see fit.
If an ability gives additional Damage Points you only get
those if you pay the Archetype Point Cost for that ability.


As noted above, this chapter combines several different kinds
of Traits from “animal traits” to “super powers” and beyond.
In part we have done this because certain kinds of abilities
share similarities (such as when building “monsters” many of
the animal bio-weapons and senses apply) and in some cases
because we didn’t want to have very short lists (“mutant
powers”?) and didn’t want to separate out some “super
powers” when it was obvious many things could fit into that
In order to help resolve some of this we have done some
specific things with our Traits here that can help you deter-
mine when and where things are reasonable.

Some Traits get you more AP to spend than you started with—these are defects. A few of the Traits listed here get
you more Character Points (the same way “defect” Traits in the basic book get you those points). As with Character
Points, there is a 10pt limit (i.e. the most points you can get from negative CP Traits is 10pts) as to how many nega-
tive AP points you can get.

A character can have either one Negative AP Trait (for any amount of points) or get no more than -2 or -10%

Total AP (round normally) from a collection of them. When getting Negative CP Traits the character is still
bound to the -10 CP total limit from the Basic Book.
What’s the difference between a –CP and a –AP Trait? Basically this: things that fall more into the “it could happen
to a normal person” (such as an unpleasant smell or an appearance that makes you look hideous—even if it’s
“inhumanly hideous”) tend to be Character Point Traits. Things that, more or less, “could not happen to a normal
person” (Such as being mildly radioactive or emitting a constant humming noise) tend to be Archetype Traits.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers
Trait Tags are listed with each Trait and give a high-level category as to how we think it fits into a continuum from
natural (occurring in real creatures) to super, where it is most at home for comic book super heroes. We have
also added a few additional tags to help out. Usually when trying to limit characters to specific types the GM may
impose restrictions on what tags are legitimate. If the PCs are all “supposed to be animals” or have “mutations
from animal DNA” then maybe only Natural Abilities are okay for that game.

Tag Description
Natural The ability occurs in nature in real animals.
Extreme The ability is similar to one that may occur in nature but is amplified greatly. An example would be
“regeneration” that repairs the animal in minutes.
Super The ability is a super power and is comic-book like in scale (example: regeneration that repairs the
organism in seconds or “instantly”).
Mutant The ability has some clear visual drawback or in some way “taints” the character (even if the ability is
a net-bonus). In some cases a Mutant ability may be a defect where the character actually gets APs for
taking it.
Mystic The ability usually has magical origins. Note: There will be a separate Magic chapter—but some attacks
seem to be generally within the realm of the mystical even if they are commonly going to be used to
make monsters (Example: Petrification gaze).
Weakness This represents a kind of “super-powered” weakness the character has. Things like vulnerabilities to
special substances or conditions where you “lose your powers” are all covered here. Note: Having
specific powers that don’t work under some circumstances or have specific limitations is not the same
as the whole character having a weakness—those kinds of defects are covered in the Trait modification
rules in the back of the book.

One of the things you may well want to do with this power list is build non-human races for fantasy or science
fiction games. In this context a “race” is a package of abilities costing APs, CPs, or maybe even some of both, that a
player takes when they wish to have a character of a certain race. Examples could be aliens for a sci-fi game, elves
and dwarves (or stranger things) for a fantasy game, or even PCs who are of a race of “monsters” such as dragon or
Minotaur characters.
In most cases building the package is straight forward since you can just pick the traits off the list (or other lists as
necessary—GATs will work well for some traits) and say “that’s the package for this race—they all have these and if
you have any points left over you can further customize.”
The only special options here have to do with Statistical Requirement Traits which are specific Traits you can attach
to a Race that say “to be of this Race you must do “X” with one of your Stats” where “X” can be something like
“Spend more on REF than PHY” or “Have a Reason higher than their STR” or something like that. These usually get

Innate Powers

you -1 CP and they don’t make the modification cost any less (or more), they just dictate how the Race tends to
Innate Powers

turn out.
The other part of that are mental “Essentialism” traits where the creator of the Race ascribes some mental Trait to
the race as a whole (such as “All Dwarves are stubborn”) and that counts as a Trait they all must either take or buy
off. Again, these Traits don’t modify the rules in any way (you are still constrained to the normal -10 pts of defect
Traits)—they just make a specific statement about how the race tends to act as a whole.

The rules for Racial Traits are:
™™ A race can have several Physical Racial Traits but only get points for the first. Any racial trait gets a -1 CP cost
and does not count against the -10 Defect list.
™™ A race can have several mental Racial Traits. These give the listed CP cost (usually, but not always negative)
and do count against the -10pt limit.


Here is an example of Racial Traits you might choose from. More can be created, check with the Game Master for a
final ruling.

Slight Physical Racial Trait [-1 CP]

Description: The race is lithe or slim. To qualify the character’s PHY must be less than their REF and they must sell 1pt of BLD,
taking the listed reduction in DP.

Burly Physical Racial Trait [-1 CP]

Description: The race tends to be tough and strong for their size. The character’s PHY must be higher than their REF and they
must buy up one point of a PHY based secondary stat (STR, BLD, or CON) as determined by the race’s creator.

Deft Physical Racial Trait [-1 CP]

Description: The race is dexterous and often exhibits speed and grace. The character’s REF must be equal or higher than their
PHY and they must purchase one additional REF base stat (COR, REA, or AGI) as determined by the race’s creator.


There are some special rules for building Non-Humanoid characters that we want to discuss before we get to the
big list of powers. For purposes of these rules, Non-Humanoid characters can be:
1. Animal characters (or animal opponents).
2. “Monsters” like dragons, unicorns, etc.
3. Any character who is much bigger or smaller than human-scale (this can include humanoids—such as tiny
“Fairies” or giants).


We’ll walk you through the rules for building non-humanoid characters. We will explain these rules in more detail
and give some examples after we introduce them to you.

Rule Notes
Body Type Powers There is a set of powers called Body Types. When playing a non-humanoid the first thing you’ll do
is take one of these. They include things like “Quadruped” to play four-legged creatures, “Avian” to
play birds or flying things that are non-human (like dragons), and so on.
Natural Attacks and Each Body Type comes with a list of Natural Attacks (attacks which that bio-form gets in place
Approved Bio Weapons of human punches and kicks) and a list of Approved Bio-Weapons for each attack (such as the
weapon “Hooves” for the Trample attack). So long as the character sticks with these attacks they
can (a) Get the listed Bio-Weapon at no additional AP cost (they just buy the Armed Strength
version of the Trait Larger) and (b) they pay fewer points to be Larger than a Humanoid would.
Smaller/Larger Body When playing something that is substantially bigger or smaller than a human you will need to buy
Types either the extra BLD (for bigger) or the advantageous size modifiers for smaller characters. If you
are smaller and substantially more fragile than a human (as real-world small animals tend to be)
you will get a negative AP Trait for being more fragile.

Innate Powers
Special To-Hit Rules For There are some Advanced/Optional rules for playing things off human scale. Consider that while
Big/Small Things very small things are hard to hit by, say, a human gun-man trying to “shoot the wings off a fly,” two

Innate Powers
tiny characters would hit each other normally. We have a few special rules to help out with non-
human scale characters.
Buying Unarmed STR In some cases we recommend buying Unarmed (IMP Damage) STR and BLD for large animals—
and BLD for Big Animals even if they are equipped with Penetrating Bio-Weapons! Why is this? It’s because we have a
(simple) special rule that can separate the damage a character does because it’s very big from the
damage they do with a bio-weapon. This allows you to accurately portray real-world animals and
build large creatures for fewer AP than you might think you’d need.
Monster Size When buying Larger Size we usually give you a choice between Damage Points (DP) and Ablative
Damage Points (ADP). For building “monsters” we recommend taking more ADP than DP for
reasons that’ll be discussed in the back of the book explanation on monsters, (Short answer:
you want the PCs to be able to do a Minor Wound without having to get a best-possible role; or
combat becomes pretty frustrating and less interesting. So we have provided both options.)

Innate Powers
Innate Powers


When playing a non-humanoid character the first thing to do is figure out what Body Type you want to use. Here
are the JAGS Revised Archetype Body Types:

Body Type Description Cost Natural Approved Bio Notes

Attacks Weapons
Humanoid The character is nominally human 0 AP All normal Any, as well as Humanoid characters are
shaped. Humans/Humanoids get strikes and carried weapons. assumed to be bipedal with
arms and hands for free. Other forms weapon two arms and hands. They are
must usually buy them. strikes assumed to be air-breathers and
Herbivore This is used for four-legged animals 0 AP Charge, Ram, Horns and Quadruped characters get extra
Quadruped that are not armed with claws and and Trample Hooves ground speed and are hard to
large sharp canines and incisors. knock down. They are assumed to
Horses, rhinos, deer, pigs, and be air-breathers and have no arms
elephants all fall into this category. or hands.

Note: Because of the limited Note: We use Herbivore as an

nature of their Natural Attacks it is easy-to-recognize descriptor. It is
comparatively cheap for Herbivores possible to use the body-type for
to be big. a character with another diet.
Predator This Body Type is used for animals -2 AP Claw, Bite, Claws & Teeth, As above.
Quadruped that are armed with claws and teeth Pounce Jaws
(or, in some cases, just teeth). Lions,
tigers, and bears are examples of
animals in this category.
Bite-Only This form of quadruped is a quadruped -2 AP Bite, Pounce Claws & Teeth As above.
Quadruped with a dangerous bite but no claw (Bite-Only), Jaws
attack (usually because the animal has
digging claws or even hands). Dogs,
raccoons, and rats are examples.
Pisciform “Fish shaped.” Has no arms or hands, -2 AP Charge and Jaws Pisciforms get water-movement
can breathe in water but not air (by Ram (swimming) and have no arms
default), can swim fairly quickly. This or hands. They are assumed to
is used for fish, sea-mammals, and breathe only water (if you want
even things like squid. to create some kind of flying
pisciform, buy Breathes Air and
Note: Because Pisciforms are flying).
expected to either have Flight or live
in water they have a lower STR than
their BLD would generally indicate.
Avian Bird form or other flying thing. Can be 0 AP Dive Grapple, Talons, Beak, Note that any character can
used for Dragons or Wyverns. Comes Charge, Ram Jaws purchase Wings. Avian gives the
with Winged Flight. character a more “inhuman”
Insectoid Insects or crustaceans (depending -2 AP Charge, Ram None The character has biological
on whether you buy them the ability susceptibilities but is quite
to live under water or not). Trades different than human in most
Damage Points for an armored regards.
Centaur A Centaur is a humanoid form 3 AP All human As per non- You can use this to build
crossed with another body type strikes for human body type mermaids (cross with pisciform)
(technically a horse for an actual the human for example.
centaur but can be other things as portion, all
well). The character gets hands and other attacks
arms as well as the other traits. for the
Serpent 0 AP Coil, Strike Coils, Jaws The character is snake like with
coils. They can slither, constrict,
and may be able to “strike.”

Humanoids “come with” (meaning naturally get for no point cost) the ability to punch, kick, cross, and use hand-held
weapons. Horses, for example, come with the ability to Charge, Ram, and Trample at “no cost.” They can’t use the
Punch move (no hands) or the human Kick move. (They can do a move called a Mule Kick but that’s a special move).
A ‘Native Attack’ is a hand-to-hand attack that a particular Body Type gets “for free.” An “Approved Bio-Weapon” is
a Bio-Weapon that works with that attack. So the Bio-Weapon Hooves works with the Native Attack Trample in the
horse example.
When playing a Non-Humanoid character you will start by buying one of the listed non-humanoid Body Type Traits
which will limit you to a certain list of Natural Attacks and Bio-Weapons. If you stick with that list you can buy the
Larger Trait for that Body Type which makes it considerably cheaper to be bigger and stronger than human.
Why? The basic answer is because the Natural Attacks (and Bio-Weapons) for the most part give you attacks that
are ‘less efficient’ than the list of human strikes. For example, Charge, Ram and Trample (the horse attacks) are all

Innate Powers
Long Actions and cost more than 5 REA in many cases. They leave the character fairly vulnerable compared to a
punch or standard human kick.

Innate Powers
When buying Armed Strength with any of the Body Types you must use one of the Approved Bio-Weapons.

So long as you purchase Armed Strength you may assume the character has the listed Bio-Weapon at no
additional AP Cost (purchasing the Armed Strength version assumes the cost of the weapon).

An “Approved” Bio-Weapon is a bio-weapon that works with a Native Bio-Attack. Here’s the list:

Body Type Native Attack Approved Bio-Weapon

Humanoid Punch/Cross None
Kick None
Melee Weapon Strikes As HTH Weapon (may not be “Bio-Weapon”)
Quadruped Herbivore Ram Horns/Antlers
Charge Horns/Antlers
Trample Hooves
Mule Kick* Hooves
Quadruped Predator Bite/Claw Claws & Teeth or Jaws
Any Bio-Weapon By Bio-Weapon
Pounce* Any Bio-Weapon
Quadruped Predator Bite-Only Bite Teeth, Jaws
Pounce* Teeth, Jaws
Insectoid Ram Horns/Antlers
Charge Horns/Antlers
Avian Dive-Grapple Talon
Charge Beak
Pisciform Ram-Bite Teeth
Charge-Bite Teeth
Bite Teeth
Serpent Constrict Coils
Strike Jaws
Any attack with an * means that a special ability must be purchased to use that attack—but if it is, the Bio-Weapon
is approved.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Example: A Shark
When creating a Shark you will buy Pisciform and then Pisciform – Larger Armed to get the Jaws Bio-Weapon and
the Charge-Bite maneuver that works with it.
Step 1: Purchase the Body Type Pisciform. This gets you -2 AP since it is a water-form, has no hands or arms, etc.
Step 2: Purchase Larger Pisciform. To be larger than normal human size, purchase the Larger Pisciform Trait. In
this case, as the shark will be equipped with teeth, we choose the Armed version. The character has 14 AP to
spend on Larger Pisciform.
In this case the first 10 AP go to L1 Pisciform Larger (Armed) which gets +4 STR, +25 BLD, +23 DP or +35 ADP. The
character takes the DP option.
The next 4 AP are spent on a ½ Level L+(Armed) which gets +1 STR, +10 BLD, and +8 DP. The character’s total STR
is +5, BLD is +35 (or 525 lbs) and +31 Damage Points. The character is a 600 LB shark.
Step 3: Calculate Base Damage. The character does 3 for STR and 7 for BLD. This is 10 PEN with a Charge-Bite
attack. If the character wishes to do extra damage they must purchase more of the Jaws Bio-Weapon. The charac-
ter’s current AP cost is 12 (14 for Larger Pisciform, -2 for Pisciform).
They also get their natural STR/BLD added to the damage as well as the damage for the particular move itself (a
Charge-Bite gets +2). Assuming a 12 PHY, the shark would bite for 14 PEN.

Pisciform [-2 AP] U Natural Larger Pisciform/Avian/ L1/L+ Natural

Description: You are a sea creature! Pisciform characters Serpent [Varies]
(our take on ‘fish form’) can swim at their normal move- Description: You are a larger-than-normal Pisciform. You
ment rate in the water. The character has fins and a tail must have the Body Type Pisciform (a Utility Power) before
instead of arms and legs. (Note: If it is something like an buying any levels of Larger.
octopus or squid it may have other limbs but tentacles are Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
purchased separately.) L1 Armed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +25 +23 +35
½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +11 +17
Unless the character buys Breathe Water it cannot remain L+ Armed M 8 AP +4 AP +2 +20 +16 +24
underwater indefinitely but can hold its breath for CON-3 ½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +2 AP +1 +10 +8 +12
minutes (double if Size Class Enormous or greater—a Killer L1 Unarmed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +30 +25 +38
½ L1 Unarmed 1 5 AP +2 AP +2 +15 +13 +20
Whale can hold its breath about 15 minutes—and 10x if
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +4 AP +3 +20 +19 +29
the creature is Elephantine or larger as a whale can hold its ½ L+ Unarmed 1 4 AP +2 AP +1 +10 +9 +14
breath for 80 minutes or more).
™™ Water Movement: The character starts with regular
movement underwater and the ability to hold
breath for CON-3 minutes.
™™ No Arms or Hands: Pisciform characters have no
arms or hands.
™™ Breathe Air or Water: A Pisciform usually only
breathes in the water—but you can choose to swap
that for air breathing. Note: Without some form of
flight a Pisciform can’t move on land.
Natural Attacks: Charge, Ram, Charge-Bite (Armed)
Approved Bio-Weapons: Bite-Only Claws and Teeth
(Charge-Bite), Horns
Note: This form can be used for very unusual shapes as
well (characters who are floating spheres, or some such,
for example).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Pisciform 1 -2 AP +0 AP +0

Example: Two Different Body Types
Below are two different forms of the Larger Trait. The first is for humans (or any character with standard strikes,
weapon use, etc.). The second is for Quadrupeds who follow the herbivore rules. We have simplified them to only
show the L1 Armed version.
You can see that although the Herbivore L1 costs 10 AP vs. the Humanoid’s 8 AP, the difference is substantially
greater. For +4 A-Cost the Herbivore gets +9 Damage (+5 STR, +25 BLD) vs. the Humanoid’s +6 (+3 STR, +15 BLD).
This is because the Herbivore is limited to attacks that are generally a great deal less efficient than the humanoid
(Armed Attacks are either horn or tusk gore attacks which make the animal vulnerable). This difference in
efficiency in dealing damage makes up the difference.

Larger Humanoid (Giant) L1 /L+ Natural Larger Quadruped Herbivore L1 /L+ Natural
[8 AP] /Insectoid [Varies]

Innate Powers
Description: You are a humanoid character who is larger Description: You are a larger than normal-human sized
than normal-human—a giant. quadruped who is generally not armed with claws and

Innate Powers
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP teeth. You must buy the Body Type Quadruped to take
L1 Armed 1 8 AP +4 AP +3 +15 +15 +23 levels in Larger.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
L1 Armed 1 10 AP +4 AP +5 +25 +24 +36

So long as a Non-Humanoid character sticks with their Natural Attacks and their Approved Bio-Weapons they

may buy the Larger Trait specific to their body type.

A Little More Depth

We have decided that humans are treated as “maximally efficient” with regards to how their Base Damage and
Strikes work. Most animal attacks involve Close Combat (biting) and where they do have powerful bio-weapons
(such as a lobster’s claws) they rely more on the strength of that weapon than their entire body.


If you are looking at some other options for non-humanoid attacks, here they are.
1. Buying Bio-Weapons and Base Damage separately.
2. Buying non-approved Bio-Weapons that use Base Damage.


When building very large characters (which is expensive as they are big and strong) an option that you may want to
consider is buying unarmed STR and then buying bio-weapons separately (at 1/3rd the cost if they are not the most
expensive attack). This is especially appropriate for attacks that will be more easily usable than Natural Attacks and
do not require the animal to charge into combat (such as a scorpion’s tail or a lobster’s claw).
Example: A Giant Scorpion
A GM is trying to create a very large giant scorpion. He wants to give it:
1. An Insectoid physiology.
2. As much physical size as he can get for 18 AP.
3. A Pincer Attack.
4. A Stinging Tail Attack.
5. Armor (not covered in the example).

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Trait Description AP Cost

Insectoid Physiology The Insectoid Body Type -2 AP
Size (18 AP worth) The GM decides that to make this big, the actual size of the scorpion will NOT 18 AP
add directly its “grip with the pincers” or the potency of its tail (although they will
have an impact). The GM buys Unarmed Insectoid Larger (This is the same cost as
Herbivore). It’s this:

Larger Quadruped Herbivore L1 /L+ Natural

/Insectoid [Varies]
Description: You are a larger than normal-human sized
quadruped who is generally not armed with claws and
teeth. You must buy the Body Type Quadruped to take
levels in Larger.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
L1 Unarmed 1 10 AP +4 AP +6 +30 +24 +36
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +4 AP +4 +20 +18 +27

This gives the scorpion L1 (Unarmed) Larger and one full level of L+ (Unarmed)
Larger. This is an A-Cost of 8 AP and BLD of +50! The GM goes with the Monster
Option for the L+ level and decides on +24 DP and +27 ADP. The scorpion’s body’s
STR is +10.

These numbers are used when (a) someone tries to grapple the scorpion (or it tries
to grapple them) and (b) when it does a charge or ram attack (unlikely).
Pincer Claw This is the Pincer Claw Bio-Weapon: 3 AP

Because the GM bought Unarmed Larger he does not add the scorpion’s STR and
BLD (gained through Larger) to the damage done by the pincer and does not add the
A-Cost. Instead the scorpion gets 8 AP worth of Pincer L1 (he can buy L1 because this
is being treated as a separate attack) for 1/3rd the price using the A-Cost rules.

The pincer claw does 14 PEN damage (plus the character’s natural STR and BLD
Stinger Tail Here is the Stinger Tail Trait: 3 AP

Stinger Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural

Description: Your tail comes with a toxin-injection stinger.
The tail delivers a blood toxin (choose from the toxin list).
™™ REA Cost is 5 REA Per Attack.
™™ The Stinger Tail has a 1 Round Cool Down.
™™ Unless Extreme, the tail has three doses of venom
before it must take an hour to recharge.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
Stinger Tail L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 26 PEN
Stinger Tail L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 15 PEN

The scorpion, again, does not add its Larger BLD/STR to the tail damage. Instead, the
tail is treated as a stand-alone attack and is allowed to buy L1 levels for, again 3 AP.
The tail gets a full 8 AP L1 Level doing 26 PEN damage and injecting a chosen toxin.

If a Non-Humanoid character does not add their Base Damage to the damage of a HTH attack they may still
buy the Larger Trait specific to their body type, even if the attack or bio-weapon is not approved. The A-Cost

of any bio-weapons (or other attacks) is not added and the attacks are treated as separate chains (so they
can be purchased starting at the L1 cost).


If you are buying Bio-Weapons that are not approved for any creature, use the Humanoid costs for Larger or

Armed Humanoid for a land animal that is non-human.


The rules allow a character to substitute Jaws (a big mouth full of teeth) for the Bite attack from Claws & Teeth. You

Innate Powers
can also substitute Beak (and other bio-weapons). How does this work?

Innate Powers
The way it works is that you take the A-Cost from any Armed Size you bought and simply apply it to that bio-weapon.
You do not then add in the character’s STR and BLD from that Size—you use the Bio-Weapon damage instead.
Example: An Alligator with Jaws
A GM is building an alligator and selects Bite-Only Armed Size Quadruped. The character has a 5 A-Cost.
According to the stats this would do Bite Damage equal to Base Damage+0 (see the list of Animal Attacks).
Considering that our Quadruped Bite-Only Alligator has 5 A-Cost, this means the GM spent 10 AP on L1 Armed
Size. The animal has +4 STR and +20 BLD. That’s +8 PEN damage with a bite. Assuming the animal’s normal STR is
12 (the common assumption for predators) the damage is 10 PEN.

Larger Quadruped L1 /L+ Natural Jaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural

Predator/Insectoid Description: You have a massive array of teeth!
– Bite Only [Varies] ™™ Attacking with Jaws counts as a Cross: the character
Description: You are a larger than normal-human sized gets +1 to be hit and -1 to defend (Block/Dodge)
quadruped who is armed with teeth (but no combat until their Turn next Round).
claws)! You must buy the Body Type Quadruped to take ™™ The character can Worry once they hit with a Bite.
levels in Larger. ™™ REA Cost of 5 REA per attack.
Note: The Unarmed Predator version can apply to any Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
character that is non-human and is not armed with IMP Jaws L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 17 PEN
Jaws L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 11 PEN
weapons that add to Base Damage.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
L1 Armed 1 10 AP +5 AP +4 +20 +23 +35
½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +3 +10 +13 +20
L+ Armed M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +15 +12 +18
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +5 +7 +11

When we swap out Bite for “Jaws” the A-Cost remains the same but the damage goes up! Why? The reason is that
the Jaws attack costs the same REA, has the same Reach, and can Worry—but it acts as a Cross: when a character
with Jaws tries to bite you, they are at +1 to be hit and -1 to defense rolls until their next Turn!
How much does the damage go up? We have to do some math: 8 AP of L1 Jaws does 17 PEN damage. So each AP
does 17/8 =2.125 PEN damage. We have 5 AP worth of Jaws so that’s (17/8) x 5 = 10.6 = 11 PEN (instead of 8 PEN).
With the +2 for the character’s natural STR the damage is 13 PEN instead of 10!
The character DOES NOT then add the STR and BLD for Larger Quadruped to their damage. Their STR is still +4 and
BLD is still +20 and if the alligator rams or charges something those numbers are used to compute that damage.

Innate Powers

Advanced: Using Monster Jaws

Innate Powers

Let’s say that in the above case you wanted to use Monster Jaws, a kind of bio-weapon designed for monsters,
instead of “ordinary jaws.” Is that legitimate? Yes—in fact you can use any bio-weapon you want using the same
method. Here are Monster Jaws:

Jaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural

Description: You have a massive array of teeth!
™™ Attacking with Jaws counts as a Cross: the character
gets +1 to be hit and -1 to defend (Block/Dodge)
until their Turn next Round).
™™ The character can Worry once they hit with a Bite.
™™ REA Cost of 5 REA per attack.
Monster Jaws
Monster Jaws have the following modifications:
™™ 1 Round Charge Up.
™™ ROF of 1x per Round.
™™ REA Cost of 6 REA per attack.
™™ Can Worry for 5 REA.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
Monster Jaws L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Short 35 PEN
Monster Jaws L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Short 14 PEN

The damage for 8 AP of L1 is a whopping 35 PEN! So the damage per AP is 35/8 = 4.375 PEN. As our Monster
Alligator has 5 AP A-Cost, that’s (4.375 x 5) = 21.9 = 22 PEN! With the +2 for Natural STR, the Monster Bite does 24
PEN damage. Note that it has an REA cost of 6 and can only be used once every other Round after the first. (It has
Charge Up so it cannot be used on the first Round of combat).


At least one animal, the Raccoon, has hands—and since you are able to make anything you want, you can buy Arms
and Hands as an ability—for anything, like, say, a horse. How does that work? Firstly, you buy the ability for 2 AP.
That gets you the right to use weapons and such.
The Easy Way to do this is to simply assume the hands are not “proportionally strong” to a large animal and simply
use the character’s natural STR (plus any additional STR bought through Traits other than Larger). If you want to
get more advanced you can simply take the A-Cost for the character’s size (through Larger) and anything else that
increases size/strength and convert it into Punch Damage or Weapon Damage (Sword) for whatever is carried.
Example: An “Evolved” Dolphin
In a far future game a character is an “uplifted” dolphin which has human level intelligence and has been modified
to have arms and hands.

Larger Pisciform/Avian/ L1/L+ Natural

Serpent [Varies]
Description: You are a larger-than-normal Pisciform. You
must have the Body Type Pisciform (a Utility Power) before
buying any levels of Larger.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
L1 Armed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +25 +23 +35
½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +11 +17
L+ Armed M 8 AP +4 AP +2 +20 +16 +24
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +2 AP +1 +10 +8 +12
L1 Unarmed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +30 +25 +38
½ L1 Unarmed 1 5 AP +2 AP +2 +15 +13 +20
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +4 AP +3 +20 +19 +29
½ L+ Unarmed 1 4 AP +2 AP +1 +10 +9 +14

The GM starts with Pisciform, Unarmed and determines the dolphin will weigh about 800lbs (a medium large
dolphin). This is 53 BLD and since the character starts with 10 BLD, the GM must by 43 more BLD. This is L1

Unarmed Pisciform (10 AP) for +30 BLD and then 1/2 L+ Unarmed for 4 AP for +10 BLD for a total of +40 BLD (the
rest will need to come from either normal character or the GM will have do some trickier math to get a 1/4th
Unarmed Piscifiorm level—something we have not already computed).
The cost for this is 14 AP. The A-Cost is 6 AP.
When the dolphin punches something how much damage does it do? The answer is that you can convert the 7 AP
of A-Cost to Punch. Punch damage is 16 IMP for L1 and 10 IMP for L+. As the character has a 6 AP A-Cost, that’s
within L1 (up to 8 AP) and each AP spent on punching damage does 2 IMP. So the dolphin hits for 7 x 2 = 12 IMP
damage (plus natural STR).
Note: If the dolphin has a sword, you can calculate the damage from size and strength using the Sword Damage
numbers: 12 PEN for L1 and 9 for L+. That’s 1.5 PEN per AP up to 8 AP, so the sword damage would be 6 x 1.5 = 9
(plus natural STR).

Innate Powers
Compare this to a charge by the dolphin: the dolphin has a BLD of 53 and a STR of +5 for 14 Base Damage (plus
natural STR) + 10% for the Charge maneuver is (assuming STR is 12) = 14 (Larger) +2 (STR) + 2 (Charge) = 18 IMP.

Innate Powers
Being larger or smaller than human gives the character modifiers in addition to changing STR, BLD, and DP. Things
like size-modifiers to be hit, the character’s reach with attacks, and their CON all factor in. For humanoid characters,
their ground-speed will change as well. Here is the table:
Bonus Type Applying The Bonus
Weight, Animal, and Human Height This column gives the final (estimated) weight of the character or creature, a
possible animal of that size, and their estimated height if humanoid.
SMALL and LIGHT Characters in who are NORMAL to MINISCULE but are lower than 8 BLD (such
as most wolves, dogs, etc.—not to mention insects and the like) can buy SMALL
BODY which gives them lower BLD, STR, and DP. This is a NEGATIVE AP trait. Note:
Small characters are not required to purchase this. A Miniscule super hero would
probably NOT reduce their DP or STR even though they had lower BLD scores.
That’s fine. This Trait is most used to simulate small animals.

Even “Animal PCs” may not take it unless there is a strong need for verisimilitude.
PCs or Named NPCs with low Damage Points might be realistic for some games
but may not be good for gaming in general.
Name For color and ease of reference we have given some of these size-classes names
like Miniscule or Titanic.
To-Be-Hit (TBH) HTH/RNG This column gives the plus or minus to hit the character both at Range and in
Hand To Hand combat. The first number is HTH and the second is Range.

There are some specific rules about how to use these listed below. In short-form,
these numbers add to the character’s AGI bonus and the Size Modifier can be
reduced by Level 3 or Level 4 skills.
BLD to Buy (‘To be this size’) If you want to be this size, this is the amount of BLD you have to buy assuming
your character starts at the average 10 BLD. Use the Larger Trait to buy up
however much you need.
Human Stride If the number is a set of 3 numbers and you are humanoid, they are added to
your Ground Move (Walking/Running/Sprinting) due to being big. If the number
is a fraction your Ground Move for each level is multiplied by it due to being
small. If you are not humanoid, your speed will remain unchanged unless you
purchase an Animal Speed Trait (which you are encouraged to do if modeling a
real-world animal).
Reach This number is added to your Hand To Hand Reach (if you just have “fists” it starts
at Close and +1 goes to Medium, +2 goes to Long).
CON This number is added to you Constitution Stat due to being big.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Weight Example Human Name Total BLD To To- Reach Human Stride CON
Animal Height BLD Buy Be-Hit
1 lb or less Insect, Mouse 1” MINISCULE 1 -9 -6 -2 1/8th +0
2-10lbs Rat, Small Dog 1’ MINUTE 1 -9 -4 -1 1/4th +0
11-35lbs Bald Eagle, 2’ 3” TINY 2 -8 -2/-3 -1 1/2 +0
Med Dog
36-75lbs Wolf, Dwarf 4” 3” SMALL 5 -5 -1/-2 -1 -2 +0
76-100lbs Large Wolf 4’6” LITTLE 6-9 -1 to -4 -1/-1 -1 -1 +0
100-150lbs Normal Human 5’ 8” NORMAL 10-12 +0 +0/+0 +0 +0 +0
151-200lbs Komodo 5’10” 13 +3 +0/+0 +0 +0 +0
201-300lbs Big Gorilla 6’6” BIG 20 +10 +0/+1 +0 +0/+1/+2 +0
301-340lbs White Tip 7’0” 23 +13 +0/+1 +0 +0/+1/+3 +0
341-413lbs Male Lion 7’6” LARGE 28 +18 +1 +0 +1/+2/+3 +0
414-550lbs Largest 8’3” 37 +27 +1/+2 +1 +1/+3/+4 +1
551-600 Tiger 8’6” HUGE 40 +30 +2 +1 +1/+3/+4 +1
601-660lbs Giant Squid 8’9” 44 +34 +2 +1 +1/+3/+4 +1
661-800lbs American 9’5” ENORMOUS 53 +43 +2/+3 +1 +2/+4/+5 +1
801- Horse 10’ 2” 67 +57 +3 +1 +3/+5/+6 +1
1001- Moose 11’ 1” 87 +77 +3 +1 +4/+5/+7 +1
1301- Grizzly Bear/ 11’ 8” GIGANTIC 100 +90 +3/+4 +1 +4/+5/+8 +1
1500lbs Bull
1501- Walrus 12’ 1” 111 +101 +3/+4 +1 +5/+6/+9 +1
1673- Rhinoceros 13’ 9” 161 +151 +4 +1 +5/+7/+10 +1
2421- Hippopotamus 15’ 7” COLOSSAL 233 +223 +4 +1 +6/+8/+12 +1
3501-4400 Great White 16’ 10” 293 +283 +4/+5 +2 +6/+8/+13 +2
lbs Shark
44001- Asian Elephant 17’ 11” 350 +340 +4/+5 +2 +7/+9/+14 +2
5250 lbs
5241- T-Rex 24’ 11” 933 +923 +5 +2 +10/+11/+21 +2
14000 lbs
14001- African Bull 25’ 6” ELEPHANTINE 1000 +990 +5/+6 +2 +10/+12/+22 +2
15000 lbs Elephant
15001- Killer Whale 27’ 2” 1200 +1190 +5/+6 +2 +12/+14/+24 +2
18000 lbs
18001-80k Medium Kiaju 21 TITANIC 15x107 15x107 +10/+10 +3 +102/+150/+204 +3
Tons+ (Godzilla) stories

Example: A character is playing an intelligent tiger
Step 1: The player wishes to play an intelligent tiger and buys Quadruped – Predator. This starts with buying the
Body Type Quadruped which is -2 AP and then buying Larger. Note: The character will get the Pounce version and
will use Claws & Teeth to do damage.

Quadruped – U Natural
Predator [-2 AP]
Description: You have four legs and are generally some
sort of dangerous predator equipped with fighting claws
and a powerful bite. Examples: Lions, tigers, bears, some
dinosaurs, etc.
Quadruped Traits:

Innate Powers
™™ Hard to Knock Down: You get +2 to any CON or
AGI rolls to avoid being knocked down. If you are
knocked down you may stand for a 1 REA Medium

Innate Powers
Action unless specifically “knocked on your back.”
™™ No Arms or Hands: Quadrupeds generally have no
arms or hands.
™™ Difficulty Defending the Back: If an attacker is
explicitly positioned behind you and can “grapple
your back” you use your Defensive Grapple instead
of your Offensive Grapple. If you do not have hands
and they do, this number is halved. Usually in a
1-on-1 battle an attacker cannot just “run around
behind you” (doing so is a long action that allows a
0 REA Turn-to-Face move—however, attacks from
surprise or if surrounded can result in an attack to
the rear).
™™ Pounce: You can make a pounce maneuver using
your teeth.
™™ Bio Weapons: Your STR and BLD counts as Armed
and you can have Claws & Teeth for no additional
charge dealing your listed Base Damage with those
attacks. You may also convert your A-Cost (for Size)
into Jaws damage if you choose to have a large,
toothy maw.
™™ Many Legs: You get a cost break on the trait Fast
Natural Attacks: Claw, Bite, Worry. Also: Any bio-weapon.
The Pounce Attack does not get the listed +2 DP.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Quadruped - Predator 1 -2 AP +0AP +2
Quadruped Predator with Pounce 1 -2 AP +0 AP +0

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Step 2: Determine what BLD you need to be a 600 Lb. Tiger. Using the size chart we can see that the character
needs to buy around +30 BLD.

Larger Quadruped L1 /L+ Natural

Description: You are a larger than normal-human sized
quadruped who is armed with claws and teeth! You must
buy the Body Type Quadruped to take levels in Larger.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
L1 Armed 1 10 AP +5 AP +4 +20 +20 +30
½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +10 +15
L+ Armed M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +10 +13 +20
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 +5 +5 +8

Weight Example Human Name Total BLD To To- Reach Human Stride CON
Animal Height BLD Buy Be-Hit
551-600 Tiger 8’6” HUGE 40 +30 +2 +1 +1/+3/+4 +1

This is a full L1 Armed for 10 AP and a full L+ Armed level for 8 AP. Total cost 18 AP. Total STR: +7, BLD +30 and
+33 DP.
Step 3: Look at the Size Chart to see how this new Size affects your character. The character gets +2 To-Be-Hit, +1
Reach for all attacks, and +1 CON (for being huge). There is no cost for these modifications. The character does
not get the Human Stride bonus because the character is not Humanoid.
Total Cost: -2 +18 = 16 AP
The character gets Claws & Teeth “for free” since the Larger Body Type is Armed and does 13 PEN damage with a
claw or bite attack.

Example: Playing a Song Bird
A player wishes to play a small song-bird. The character is built on 8 AP.
Step 1: Find the Body Type Avian. This is 0 AP and the character gets Wings for free. The character suffers a -4
Damage Point defect and loses 5 BLD. Note that as the character starts at 10 DP they are now a 6 Damage Point

Avian [0 AP] U Natural

Description: You are a flying form. Most likely a bird (to
which the term Avian applies directly) but this could also
work for a winged dinosaur or even a bat. The character gets:
™™ Wings: You get 4 AP worth of Winged Flight. This
replaces your Arms and Hands.

Innate Powers
™™ Fragile/Light: You have light bones and a lighter
frame. The character gets -4 Damage Points (if

Innate Powers
this brings the character to 0 or below, it will
result in halving the DP). The character gets -5 BLD
(minimum of 1).
™™ No Arms or Hands: The character has no arms or
hands (it has wings instead). It can perform a Dive
Grapple with its feet.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP ADP
Avian 1 0 AP 0 AP -0 -5 -4 -0
With Hands 1 0 AP 1 AP -0 -5 -4 -0
Non-Fragile 1 0 AP 0 AP -0 -5 -0 -0
NF With Hands 1 2 AP 0 AP -0 -5 -0 -0 AP

Step 2: Select the Smaller Body Trait to be the size you want. In this case, to be, well, really tiny. In this case we
are using the size “Miniscule” which is for things smaller than 1lb.
As the character is built on 8 AP they pay 2 AP for being quite small (-6 to be hit) and because they chose to lower
their stats they get -6 AP for a total of -4 AP. The character’s Damage Points are reduced to 1 ADP: any hit for
damage will kill the character! (Note: Hits from other very small things will not—but this uses special rules for
being tiny).

Smaller Size (All) [TAP] Combat Natural

Description: You are smaller than human. There are
several size classes and each one will reduce BLD and
damage done. To determine the character’s final height
see the Size Class Chart (below).
Note: The Size Chart’s modifiers to be hit at range also
apply to Perception rolls to spot the character if they are
being sneaky.
Level STR BLD DP HTH/RNG STAT Cost Slow Cost
Miniscule -8 -9 -12 -6/-6 -6 AP -4 AP [.18] - 6
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Miniscule 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 10

Step 3: Look at the Size Chart to see how this new Size affects your character. At “Miniscule” the character gets
-2 to Reach (all attacks require Close Combat range. Their Ground Move is 1/8th what it would be for a human
character. Their CON is unchanged.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Weight Example Human Name Total BLD To To- Reach Human Stride CON
Animal Height BLD Buy Be-Hit
1 lb or less Insect, Mouse 1” MINISCULE 1 -9 -6 -2 1/8th +0
551-600 Tiger 8’6” HUGE 40 +30 +2 +1 +1/+3/+4 +1
1301- Grizzly Bear/ 11’ 8” GIGANTIC 100 +90 +3/+4 +1 +4/+5/+8 +1
1500lbs Bull

There are a couple of ways to “be smaller.” You can choose to lower your STR, BLD, and DP (for “realistic” small
animals) or keep your stats (for “small super-hero types”). In this case the character decides to lower their stats.


It is possible to use these rules to play very large or very small characters. (We had a game where the PCs changed
into dinosaurs—big ones.) In order to do this smoothly, here are some Advanced (and Optional) rules.
Using the Scale Rules
The first thing you should be aware of is Scale Rules. These are covered in detail in the back of the book. In a
nutshell, what they do is provide a multiplier (or divisor) to most of your scalar stats like STR, BLD, DP (and Armor,
Damage, and so on). If you want to play very large things you might use a Scale Number of 2 or 4. If you are all
playing tiny insects you might have a Scale Number of .01.
When using those rules the idea is that since “every important character in the game” is the same scale you can
just sort of forget about the actual numbers unless it becomes important. So in the “ants” game your character
might have a STR of 15—a strong ant—but that becomes a “.15 STR” at the human scale or ‘incredibly weak.’
To-Hit Modifiers and Large Weapon Bonuses
If two giant monsters (+28 to hit) are fighting they can still miss each other—although if you are trying to shoot one
it’s like trying to hit a skyscraper from up close.


For games where characters might be the size of elephants or T-Rex’s (or larger)—or smaller (everyone is playing
insects?)—we have some special size rules that you can utilize. Here is the over-view:

Rule Overview
Comparable Sizes Two battling elephants don’t always hit each other even though the Size Class table gives them
+4 in HTH combat. If using this rule you subtract the Size Bonuses for the characters in play so
that two elephants (+4 HTH) always hit each other at +0 but would hit a T-Rex (+5) at +1 (instead
of +5). Note: This implies that an elephant is at -4 to hit a human—which is not necessarily the
case (see the full rule for that analysis).
Hitting Small Moving As noted in the basic game if you are attacking something smaller than you it is hard to hit
Targets at range (try shooting a cockroach with a gun!) but hardly impossible to hit up close (you can
stomp on an ant pretty easily). The key element here is how fast is it moving. If the GM judges
that the target, although small, is not moving fast enough to be “fully mobile” then it is at +0
to hit unless it can hide inside of things.
Large Weapon Bonuses If you are hitting a fly with a fly-swatter you get pluses to hit! That’s why you use a fly-swatter
instead of, say, chopsticks. This can apply at other scales too. The table list the scales for humans.

Comparable Sizes
The assumption made here is that you target things of your own size by nature and are skilled at hitting things
in that range. Thus you compare the bonuses both for Range and HTH and you use the difference. The exception
to this is when hitting things smaller than you: if you are +3 HTH Size Class (Horse Sized) you are not at -3 to hit
smaller objects so long as they do not have crevices to hide in (or similar) and they are not extremely mobile/fast.
Here are the optional rules:

™™ Smaller Targets that have cover due to their size do get the modifier. So if a sky-scraper sized monster is
trying to stomp a specific human on a fast-moving motor-bike the GM may rule that it has a -10 to hit the
individual so long as the human can weave between buildings and the like.
Fully Mobile Smaller Targets
If the target can move as fast as the attacker (or, say, within around 50% of the attacker’s walking) and is currently
moving then it gets its full HTH size Modifier against HTH attacks (as well as ranged attacks). However, if the GM

Innate Powers
rules that the target is very slow compared to the attacker (such as an ant vs. a human) then it is at +0 to be hit in
HTH combat. Note that the hard to hit, in our opinion, American Cockroach has a clocked speed of about 4mph or 2

Innate Powers
yards per second.
Large Weapon Bonus
At the GM’s discretion, if the target is small and the attacking weapon is large, the attacker may get a LWB due to
half their HTH bonus to be hit. Thus, in the example above, the Kaiju would be at -10 to hit the human but get a +5
Large Weapon Bonus so it would average out to -5 so long as the Kaiju’s feet were judged “large” (a stabbing tail
might not get the LWB).


Each Body Type has a list of “natural” attacks and there are some specific Animal Attacks (such as Pounce and
Worry) that come from common bio-weapons. These attacks are detailed here.

Move Type REA To-Hit Note Damage

Charge Long 8/5 +0 Acts as Cross +1 (or +10%)
Ram Long 6 -1 Acts as Cross -2 (or -20%)
Trample Long 8/6 +0 Must Be Bigger +2 (or +20%)
Mule Kick Med 7 -2 Acts as Cross +2 (or +20%)
Animal Kick Med 6 -1 Acts as Kick -1 (or -10%)
Charge-Bite Long 8/5 +0 Worry/Cross +0
Dive-Grab Long 8/5 -1 Worry/Cross +2 (or +20%)
Pounce Long 8 +0 Worry +0
Dodge/Block Short 3 N/A AGI or 12- N/A
Bite Medium 5 -1 Worry +0
Claw Medium 5 +0 None +0
Jaws Bite Medium 5 -1 Worry/Cross +0

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Move: A Charge is a move by any Body-Type that involves barreling into the target.
REA: 8 REA Long Action if moving from a stand-still; 5 if moved last Round.
Cross: A Charge counts as a Cross: the character will be at +1 to be hit and -1 to Block/Dodge until their Turn
next Round (the Round after the Round in which they Charged).
To-Hit: +0 (AGI or Combat Skill).
Requires: Must move at least a Walk Move’s worth of distance.
Defense: Dodge only.

Damage: Base Damage +1 (or +10%).

Charge Movement: If the character hits the target and wins a Grapple Contest they can keep moving; other-
wise they stop. A Miss will have them continue their move at least a 1-Second Run’s worth of distance past
the target if they could run that far to begin with (not 1 Round’s worth, just 1 second’s worth).
Advanced/Optional: Taking Damage When Hitting Something “Bigger.” When a character Charges another,
if the target (a) doesn’t take any damage and/or (b) wins a Grapple Roll by +4 or more, the attacker suffers a
hit at +0 Damage Modifier for half damage. Use this when looking for verisimilitude and, also, when playing
games that deal with charging as a fairly desperate maneuver.
With Horns/Antlers: Charging with Horns or Antlers will deal PEN damage and the attacker won’t take
damage if playing with the optional rule.

Move: A Ram attack is one that has the character taking a short-distance “headbutt” charge at the target.
REA: 6 REA Long Action.
Cross: A Charge counts as a Cross: the character will be at +1 to be hit and -1 to Block/Dodge until their Turn
next Round (the Round after the Round in which they Charged).
To-Hit:-1 (AGI or Combat Skill).
Requires: The character may Ram from Long Reach Range or Medium Reach range. At the end of the Ram
they may “retreat” to Medium Reach (if desired) or stay at Close Reach.
Defense: Dodge at +2.

Damage: Base Damage -2 (or -20%).

Ram Movement: If the character misses a Ram they will be at +2 to be hit and -2 to Block/Dodge until their
next Turn next Round (the Round after the Round in which they Rammed).
Advanced/Optional: Taking Damage When Hitting Something “Bigger.” When a character Charges another,
if the target (a) doesn’t take any damage and/or (b) wins a Grapple Roll by +4 or more, the attacker suffers a
hit at +0 Damage Modifier for half damage. Use this when looking for verisimilitude and, also, when playing
games that deal with charging as a fairly desperate maneuver.
With Horns/Antlers: Charging with Horns or Antlers will deal PEN damage and the attacker won’t take
damage if playing with the optional rule.

Move: A Trample is a move used by Quadrupeds who are larger than their targets. It is a move where they
run down and trod over the target in question.
REA: 6 REA Long Action if already moving or 8 REA Long Action if moving from a stand-still. If the target is
prone or significantly smaller than the trampler it can be done for 5 REA.
To-Hit: No modifier.
Cross: A Trample counts as a Cross: the character will be at +1 to be hit and -1 to Block/Dodge until their
Turn next Round (the Round after the Round in which they Trample).

Requires: Must be moving, must be Quadruped or Insectoid, and must be larger than the target or the target
must be knocked down.
Defense: Dodge only.
Damage: Base Damage + 2 (or +20%, whichever is greater).

Innate Powers
Trample Movement: A character who tramples another character can continue moving if they win a
successful Grapple Roll against the target. The attacker uses their Off Grapple against the target’s Defensive

Innate Powers
Grapple. If successful the movement doesn’t halt.
Attempts to trample more than one target during the same move hit at a cumulative -1 per target.
With Hooves: Trampling with Hooves adds the Hooves damage.

REA Cost: 8 REA Long Move.


Distance: Up to a Full Move.

Description: The creature leaps on the target, biting or clawing into them. If the character does not have
Claws and Teeth, then they usually can’t grapple—they just trample and perform an Animal Pin (see below)
that is essentially sitting on the target.
The Pounce terminates in a bite or claw move and the target can choose to either defend against the attack
(Block or Dodge) or attack the character on the way in.
Bite/Grapple: If the attacking animal hits with a bite, they can, then, on a subsequent turn, try for a Take
Down for 5 REA (as though a Grapple were established).

Requires: Quadruped or other Trait with specific listing Mule Kick.
Back Swing: +2 to all Mule Kicks after the first for the remainder of the Round.
Cross: The character throwing the Mule Kick is at +1 to be hit and -1 to all Dodge/Block rolls until their next

To-Hit: -2.
Requires: None (although usually the target must be “behind” the attacker in some respect.
Defense: Any.
Damage: Base Damage +2 or +20%.
Note: Usually a Mule Kick may be thrown in any direction including directly behind with the assumption that
during the attack the character rotates slightly so as to throw the kick (the kick is traditionally thrown directly
to the rear).

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Requires: Any animal with legs other than Insectoid.

To-Hit: -1.
Defense: Any.
Damage: Base Damage -1 or -10%.
Note: An “Animal Kick” is a smash with a leg that, while damaging, does not usually involve the entire body
in the dramatic way a “Mule Kick” does.

REA: 8 REA Long if attacking from stand-still, otherwise 5 REA Long.

Requires: Armed Pisciform.
Cross: A Charge-Bite counts as a Cross: the character will be at +1 to be hit and -1 to Block/Dodge until their

Turn next Round (the Round after the Round in which they Charge-Bit).
To-Hit: +0.
Defense: Any.
Damage: Base Damage (PEN).
Note: The Animal darts in and bites! This allows a Worry attack if the attacker wishes to hang on and wins a
Grapple Roll (plus the Base Damage of the Bite).

To-Hit: AGI or HTH Combat skill that allows Grappling.
Requires: Must have Hold with target.
Defense: Dodge or Resist.

Damage: Base Damage + Coil Bonus.

Constricting: When a character with the Constrict move gets a target in a Hold they can then begin to
squeeze. The character should track what the initial Grapple hit by and use that as the damage modifier. If
they wish to improve their position, once the target is Grappled, they can try to hit again and, if the attack is
successful (if they win a Grapple roll) the new amount hit by is the Damage Modifier. (Note: If they fail to hit
or fail the Grapple roll they will not lose the Grapple they already have.)
If the target does a Resist Move (5 REA Short Action) they get a Break Grapple roll against the constrictor
(Offensive vs. Offensive). If successful, the Constrict does no damage.

REA Cost: 5 REA.
REACH: Close (must already be grabbing or have Trampled or Bit).
Damage: Crush (see below).
Defenses: Break Grapple.
Description: The animal tries to take down the target, pinning them under their weight. Since animals don’t
have hands, they cannot usually “Hold” Targets well or get an actual “Pin” on the target. They can, however,
use their bulk to try to immobilize the target.
The target must be knocked down first to be pinned.

Crush: Being sat on by an elephant can be lethal. A character pinned under an animal will be crushed for 0
REA on the animal’s Turn for a +4 Damage Modifier. The damage is BLD -20/5.
Grapple Roll Effect

Innate Powers
Missed No effect.

Innate Powers
+0 to +3 Target is not “pinned” under the animal but they must spend 5 REA or make an
Acrobatics roll at -4 to get out from under the animal (if the roll is failed, the character
can still spend the REA).
+4 to +6 Target is stuck under the animal. Treat as a Basic Grapple for purposes of Damage
+7 to +9 Target is stuck under the animal, treat as a Hold for -6 DM.
10+ Target is stuck as though a Hold: treat as -8 DM.

REA Cost: 5 REA Medium Action.

To-Hit: None. Must have a Bite/Grab established.
Damage Mod: Whatever the original bite hit by.
Defense: The target must Break Grab to release the jaws.
Description: The creature has bitten the target and then shakes its head back and forth in order to tear the
target to shreds.
™™ The character first must hit with a bite or pounce attack.

™™ Once hit, the character can continue to make attacks for 5 REA Medium actions using the same to-hit
Damage Modifier as the original attack.
™™ The target must win a Break Grapple against the Base Damage +10 to get out.
™™ If the Base Damage of the bite is less than the target character’s Offensive Grapple score the attacker
must win a Grapple roll to hold on before any Worry attacks can be made.
™™ The characters in a “worry” are treated as Grabbed (no AGI bonus, limited movement).
™™ A Worry exceeds the number of attacks per Round a bite-attack can make. (Some bio-weapon jaws
limit the attack to 1x per Round. This is only a limit on the number of to-hit rolls. Once a target is hit
they can be “worried” for 5 REA as many times as it can be paid.)


To assist in playing animals (and animal-like monsters) we have listed several abilities that create limitations (such
as not having arms and hands) which many animals share. We have also listed several “mental traits” that may help
create animal characters.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

What About Traits (or Mutations) That Counter-Act These?

What if you are making a tiger with “No Arms and Hands” and then you want to mutate it so that it has hands?
How do you do that? Well, essentially you “buy off” the defect and don’t take it. In some cases (such as Cannot
Grapple) you are still allowed a bio-weapon like teeth that can do some kinds of grappling (a bite and hold) and
still get the defect.
If you buy “Sessile” (can’t move) and then take Teleport as a super power you have to give back the points for
Sessile unless the GM rules that some specific of how the abilities work is still relevant (for instance, if the char-
acter can only teleport at night and is immobile during the day then that might still count).

Some of These Are Crippling!

We don’t expect too many people to play sessile or blind characters. In fact, in the animal kingdom most of these
defects aren’t that crippling to the animal in the first place (a sea anemone may be blind but it gets plenty of
food as fish swim into it). In a role-playing context many of these will simply not be purchased for PCs who have
found some way around the defect. On the other hand, a carnivorous plant monster might be sessile and blind
and be a serious hazard for PCs who walk into its clutching vines.
Mostly these are here because some of them will make sense and the rest will be used for completeness.

Having covered the up-front discussion we now bring the actual Traits list. Enjoy!


These Traits make the character larger or smaller.
Remember to refer to the Size Class Table to get the Centaur [3 AP] U Extreme
additional modifications. Description: You have a humanoid body-segment as well
as a quadruped or insectoid (or other) body segment. The
Note centaur character buys Size as a Quadruped or Insectoid
Avian, Centaur, and Serpent are all Body Types but (or other body type) but does not use that STR or BLD
do not change how “size” is brought. for any attacks that stem from the humanoid portion. A
character can have a horse body with a very high STR and
still have a normal human STR with which to use a sword

Innate Powers
or throw a punch.
This section is where you go to buy Body Types when ™™ A Centaur Body type automatically gets Arms

Innate Powers
you are “generally human sized” (for whatever Body (the character may not take the no-arms Animal
Type you choose). limitation).
Note: The character still gets the STR/BLD for defensive
Avian [0 AP] U Natural grapple unless the attack is specific to the human portion
and if the player wishes, they can buy STR for the human
Description: You are a flying form. Most likely a bird (to
portion of the character using either the Humanoid Size
which the term Avian applies directly) but this could also
rules for the entire character or using the A-Cost rules to
work for a winged dinosaur or even a bat. The character gets:
buy the humanoid STR separately.
™™ Wings: You get 4 AP worth of Winged Flight. This Many Legs: If the other form is Insectoid or Quadruped the
replaces your Arms and Hands. character gets a cost break on Fast Runner.
™™ Fragile/Light: You have light bones and a lighter Natural Attacks: All strikes (including weapons), as well as
frame. The character gets -4 Damage Points (if this those for its form.
brings the character to 0 or below, it will result in Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
halving the DP instead). The character gets -5 BLD Centaur 1 3 AP +0AP Natural +2
(minimum of 1).
™™ No Arms or Hands: The character has no arms or
hands (it has wings instead). It can perform a Dive
Grapple with its feet.
Natural Attacks: Avian characters get Charge, Ram, and
Dive-Grapple as their natural attacks.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP ADP
Avian 1 0 AP 0 AP -0 -5 -4 -0
With Hands 1 0 AP 1 AP -0 -5 -4 -0
Non-Fragile 1 0 AP 0 AP -0 -5 -0 -0
NF With Hands 1 2 AP 0 AP -0 -5 -0 -0

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Humanoid [0 AP] U Natural

Description: You are bipedal humanoid in structure and
get your BLD score from Character Points rather than AP.
Natural Attacks: All strikes (including weapons)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
Humanoid 1 0 AP +0AP Natural +0

Insectoid [-2 AP] U Natural

Description: You are an insect or other invertebrate with
an exoskeleton, around 4 to 8 legs, a segmented body
(usually three segments—but sometimes more like a
™™ You buy Larger Size using the Quadruped cost scale.
™™ You must buy some form of exoskeleton armor. If
not, you get 1/3 Armor but lose 4 Damage Points (if
this brings you to zero or below you are not viable
as a life form!).
Insectoid Traits:
™™ Slow Breath: Insectoids take 5x as long to suffocate
as other biological entities.
™™ Alternate Biology: Insectoids are susceptible to
certain toxins (insecticides, of course) but largely
immune to most chemicals and diseases that would
hurt other bio-forms.
™™ No Arms or Hands: Insectoids have no arms or
™™ Insect Senses: An insect can have either “normal
sight” or Antennae. Antennae are a super-
developed sense of smell which, combined with
touch and very poor sight allows them to navigate
normally. With Antennae, the insect cannot read or
discern colors but can detect and identify beings (by
smell) within Perception x 5 yards even if invisible.
Targeting using only antennae is at -5 for ranged
attacks (but no modifier within Long Reach Hand to
Hand range).
™™ Many Legs: Insects are hard to knock down as per
quadrupeds. You get a cost-break on Fast Runner.
Natural Attacks: Varies. Insectoids will purchase attacks as
per Quadrupeds (so they buy Quadruped – Predator if they
have bio-weapons beyond just a bite or horn that benefit
from their physical size).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
Insectoid 1 -2 AP +0AP Natural +0

Pisciform [-2 AP] U Natural Quadruped – U Natural
Description: You are a sea creature! Pisciform characters Bite Only [-2 AP]
(our take on ‘fish form’) can swim at their normal move- Description: You are four-legged and have a powerful bite-
ment rate in the water. The character has fins and a tail attack (but not claws). Examples would be would be dogs
instead of arms and legs. (Note: If it is something like an and wolves, rodents (rats, squirrels, etc.).
octopus or squid it may have other limbs but tentacles are Quadruped Traits:
purchased separately.)
™™ Hard to Knock Down: You get +2 to any CON or
Unless the character buys Breathe Water it cannot remain AGI rolls to avoid being knocked down. If you are
underwater indefinitely but can hold its breath for CON-3 knocked down you may stand for a 1 REA Medium
minutes (double if Size Class Enormous or greater—a Killer Action unless specifically “knocked on your back.”
Whale can hold its breath about 15 minutes—and 10x if ™™ No Arms or Hands: Quadrupeds generally have no
the creature is Elephantine or larger as a whale can hold its arms or hands.
breath for 80 minutes or more). ™™ Difficulty Defending the Back: If an attacker is

Innate Powers
Pisciform: explicitly positioned behind you and can “grapple
your back” you use your Defensive Grapple instead
™™ Water Movement: The character starts with regular

Innate Powers
of your Offensive Grapple. If you do not have hands
movement underwater and the ability to hold and they do, this number is halved. Usually in a
breath for CON-3 minutes. 1-on-1 battle an attacker cannot just “run around
™™ No Arms or Hands: Pisciform characters have no behind you” (doing so is a long action that allows a
arms or hands. 0 REA Turn-to-Face move—however, attacks from
™™ Breathe Air or Water: A Pisciform usually only surprise or if surrounded can result in an attack to
breathes in the water—but you can choose to swap the rear).
that for air breathing. Note: Without some form of ™™ Many Legs: You get a cost break on the trait Fast
flight a Pisciform can’t move on land. Runner.
Natural Attacks: Charge, Ram, Charge-Bite (Armed) Natural Attacks: Bite, Pounce, Worry
Approved Bio-Weapons: Bite-Only Claws and Teeth Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
(Charge-Bite), Horns Quadruped – Bite Only 1 -2 AP +0AP +2
Quadruped – Bite Only with Pounce 1 -2 AP +0 AP +0
Note: This form can be used for very unusual shapes as
well (characters who are floating spheres, or some such,
for example).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Pisciform 1 -2 AP +0 AP +0

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Quadruped – Herbivore U Natural Quadruped – U Natural

[-2 AP] Predator [-2 AP]
Description: You have four legs and are generally not Description: You have four legs and are generally some
equipped with combat claws (like a cat’s) or highly sort of dangerous predator equipped with fighting claws
dangerous teeth (like a dog or tiger’s). Note: The term and a powerful bite. Examples: Lions, tigers, bears, some
“Herbivore” is used because this is the best choice to build dinosaurs, etc.
large animals like horses, rhinos, and elephants. However, Quadruped Traits:
it can be used for other diets such as insectivores (or even
more exotic things). ™™ Hard to Knock Down: You get +2 to any CON or
AGI rolls to avoid being knocked down. If you are
Quadruped Traits:
knocked down you may stand for a 1 REA Medium
™™ Hard to Knock Down: You get +2 to any CON or Action unless specifically “knocked on your back.”
AGI rolls to avoid being knocked down. If you are ™™ No Arms or Hands: Quadrupeds generally have no
knocked down you may stand for a 1 REA Medium arms or hands.
Action unless specifically “knocked on your back.” ™™ Difficulty Defending the Back: If an attacker is
™™ No Arms or Hands: Quadrupeds generally have no explicitly positioned behind you and can “grapple
arms or hands. your back” you use your Defensive Grapple instead
™™ Difficulty Defending the Back: If an attacker is of your Offensive Grapple. If you do not have hands
explicitly positioned behind you and can “grapple and they do, this number is halved. Usually in a
your back” you use your Defensive Grapple instead 1-on-1 battle an attacker cannot just “run around
of your Offensive Grapple. If you do not have hands behind you” (doing so is a long action that allows a
and they do, this number is halved. Usually in a 0 REA Turn-to-Face move—however, attacks from
1-on-1 battle an attacker cannot just “run around surprise or if surrounded can result in an attack to
behind you” (doing so is a long action that allows a the rear).
0 REA Turn-to-Face move—however, attacks from ™™ Pounce: You can make a pounce maneuver using
surprise or if surrounded can result in an attack to your teeth.
the rear). ™™ Bio Weapons: Your STR and BLD counts as Armed
™™ Four Legs: You get a cost break on the trait Fast and you can have Claws & Teeth for no additional
Runner. charge dealing your listed Base Damage with those
Natural Attacks: Trample, Charge, Ram, Animal Kick. attacks. You may also convert your A-Cost (for Size)
into Jaws damage if you choose to have a large,
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Quadruped - Herbivore 1 -2 AP +0AP +2 toothy maw.
™™ Many Legs: You get a cost break on the trait Fast
Natural Attacks: Claw, Bite, Worry. Also: Any bio-weapon.
The Pounce Attack does not get the listed +2 DP.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Quadruped - Predator 1 -2 AP +0AP +2
Quadruped Predator with Pounce 1 -2 AP +0 AP +0

Innate Powers
Innate Powers
Serpent [0 AP] L Natural
Description: The character has an elongated shape like a
worm or snake. The animal gets the following advantages:
™™ Cannot be knocked down (ignore any knock-down
™™ No “sprint” movement (maximum movement is
Running Speed).
™™ If the character can constrict, buy the constrict
attack in the Bio-Weapons section. SMALLER BODY TYPES
™™ The character can buy Coils (see row at bottom) If you are significantly smaller than human normal: in
for additional constrictive ability. This bonus will the 7 or less BLD range (Note: BLD stops at “1 BLD”
help for a Grab, a Grapple, or a Hold, and will
even if the character is technically smaller or even
work against Break Grapple attempts. It will help
with a Constrict Attack as well. It does not help for
much smaller) you will use the Smaller Traits.
establishing a Mount, a Slam or other moves. Note
™™ Character can fit through any hole that will admit its
head. This is not scientific—we do not say exactly As with all the “Size Traits” this changes the char-
what the circumference and length of a given BLD acter’s “starting BLD” (whatever the character’s
will be for a Serpent/Worm, however a general rule BLD would be without APs spent). The character is
would be that the head of the serpent is Weight (in still assumed to get their PHY bonus for BLD unless
Lbs)/45 in inches (a large anaconda weighed about they have Smaller Size in which case they do not (a
550 lbs and reportedly had a circumference of about 12 PHY insect is not 30 lbs heavier than a 10 BLD
a foot). insect). The character still gets the DP bonus for
Natural Attacks: Constrict, Strike. their natural BLD however.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Grapple DP Dmg
Serpent 1 0 AP +0AP N/A +0 +0
Coils M 1 AP or 4 CP +1 AP +5 +1 +1

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

When Must You Buy This? Smaller Size (All) [TAP] Combat Natural
Smaller characters need a bit of explanation. Description: You are smaller than human. There are
several size classes and each one will reduce BLD and
1. Any character significantly smaller than
damage done. To determine the character’s final height
human size will need to buy SMALLER SIZE see the Size Class Chart (below).
to indicate that they are harder to hit in
Note: The Size Chart’s modifiers to be hit at range also
combat. Note: If the character cannot move apply to Perception rolls to spot the character if they are
at least 4y/s, they will not get the negative being sneaky.
to be hit in HTH combat (it is not hard to Statistical Modifications: Small things tend to be weaker
stomp on ants—it is hard to shoot them). and more fragile. We have provided some suggested statis-
This may or may not lower the character’s tical modifications for each smaller Size Level but these are
Damage Points and STR. This is done with a optional—a very small superhero, for example, could be
combination of the below Traits: Smaller Size very strong even if “pint sized.”
(which makes you harder to hit) and Small These modifications have a STAT Cost that the character
Body (which optionally lowers BLD and STR may take (it is negative) if they take the statistical modifica-
and DP). tions. Here is how you apply the negatives:
2. It is generally considered “not good for the
™™ STR: If the character’s STR drops to 7 or below
game” for Player Characters (and Named the character essentially does 0 damage (keep
NPCs) to have fewer Damage Points. As such, track of negatives if below 7 at -1 pt for each point
we have made it optional for you to have of STR below 7 if using a bio-weapon). STR rolls,
fewer DP and STR—but not BLD (if you are however, will be at the character’s PHY if the lift is
small, barring unnatural density, you will proportional to the character’s size. If the character
have lower BLD). buys STR as a secondary stat the rolls will be against
3. If you are trying to “build a (natural) animal” that; if, again, the GM rules the task is proportional
as it would appear “in the wild” then you (such as an ant carrying a crumb of bread).
™™ BLD: The lowest BLD can go with the game rules is 1
will want to have DP equal starting BLD. This
but if the character’s BLD is 1 they may be assumed
means that if a big dog, for example, is 7 S to weigh less than 15lbs down to almost “zero”
Size. weight at the player’s discretion.
4. Player Character (and Named NPC) ™™ DP: The lowest a character’s DP can go is 1 but,
characters, “animal or not” will usually take again, the GM can keep track of unmodified DP if
Small Body and, maybe, Smaller Size (if they the attack is deemed proportional to the PC’s size
are below human-normal in size) but will (i.e. if one ant bites another both do “zero” damage
not reduce their DP or, likely, STR. They will in terms of the normal rules but would do scaled
simply write in whatever BLD makes sense. down damage at the ant-level).
This may reduce their HTH strike damage Slow: The character’s movement rate is not changed if the
by -1 or -2. This is worth -2 CP per point of character has a non-human body type (foxes, for example,
are small and run very fast. Squirrels run about as fast as
damage reduced.
a normal man). However, if you are humanoid or take the
Slow modifier that reduces the cost. This will not count if
you have some other movement form.
Level STR BLD DP HTH/RNG STAT Cost Slow Cost
Small -0 -5 -4 -1/-2 -1 AP -0 AP [.02]
Little -1 -7 -4 -2/-2 -2 AP -1 AP [.08]
Tiny -3 -8 -6 -2/-3 -3 AP -2 AP [.12]
Minute -5 -9 -8 -4/-4 -4 AP -3 AP [.14]
Miniscule -8 -9 -12 -6/-6 -6 AP -4 AP [.18] - 6
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Small 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
Little 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
Tiny 1 3 4 5 5 6 8 8
Minute 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Miniscule -4 -4 -1 0 1 2 4 4

LARGER BODY TYPES Larger Quadruped L1 /L+ Natural
If you are either significantly larger than human or get Herbivore/Insectoid
your BLD through Archetype Points then use these [Varies]
rules for buying Larger-than-normal bio-forms. Description: You are a larger than normal-human sized
quadruped who is generally not armed with claws and
Larger Humanoid (Giant) L1 /L+ Natural teeth. You must buy the Body Type Quadruped to take
[8 AP] levels in Larger.
Description: You are a humanoid character who is larger Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
than normal-human—a giant. L1 Armed 1 10 AP +4 AP +5 +25 +24 +36
½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +2 AP +3 +10 +13 +20
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
L+ Armed M 8 AP +4 AP +4 +15 +15 +23
L1 Armed 1 8 AP +4 AP +3 +15 +15 +23
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 +10 +8 +12
½ L1 Armed 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +6 +12
L1 Unarmed 1 10 AP +4 AP +6 +30 +24 +36
L+ Armed M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +15 +12 +18
½ L1 Unarmed 1 5 AP +2 AP +3 +15 +13 +20
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +5 +5 +8
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +4 AP +4 +20 +18 +27

Innate Powers
L1 Unarmed 1 8 AP +5 AP +6 +15 +15 +23
½ L+ Unarmed 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 +10 +10 +15
½ L1 Unarmed 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 +10 +8 +12
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +6 AP +5 +10 +11 +17

Innate Powers
½ L+ Unarmed 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +5 +8 +12 Larger Quadruped L1 /L+ Natural
Larger Insectoid [Varies] L1/L+ Natural – Bite Only [Varies]
Description: You are a larger-than-normal insectoid. You Description: You are a larger than normal-human sized
must have the Body Type insectoid (a Utility Power) before quadruped who is armed with teeth (but no combat
buying any levels of Larger. claws)! You must buy the Body Type Quadruped to take
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
levels in Larger.
L1 Armed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +25 +23 +35
½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +11 +17 Note: The Unarmed Predator version can apply to any
L+ Armed M 8 AP +4 AP +2 +20 +16 +24 character that is non-human and is not armed with IMP
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +2 AP +1 +10 +8 +12 weapons that add to Base Damage.
L1 Unarmed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +30 +25 +38 Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
½ L1 Unarmed 1 5 AP +2 AP +2 +15 +13 +20 L1 Armed 1 10 AP +5 AP +4 +20 +23 +35
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +4 AP +3 +20 +19 +29 ½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +3 +10 +13 +20
½ L+ Unarmed 1 4 AP +3 AP +1 +10 +9 +14 L+ Armed M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +15 +12 +18
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +5 +7 +11
Larger Pisciform/ L1/L+ Natural L1 Unarmed 1 10 AP +5 AP +5 +25 +21 +32
½ L1 Unarmed 1 5 AP +2 AP +3 +15 +13 +20
Avian/Serpent L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +15 +13 +20
[Varies] ½ L+ Unarmed 1 4 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +5 +8
Description: You are a larger-than-normal Pisciform. You
must have the Body Type Pisciform (a Utility Power) before Larger Quadruped L1 /L+ Natural
buying any levels of Larger. Predator/Insectoid
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP [Varies]
L1 Armed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +25 +23 +35
½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +11 +17 Description: You are a larger than normal-human sized
L+ Armed M 8 AP +4 AP +2 +20 +16 +24 quadruped who is armed with claws and teeth! You must
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +2 AP +1 +10 +8 +12 buy the Body Type Quadruped to take levels in Larger.
L1 Unarmed 1 10 AP +4 AP +4 +30 +25 +38 Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP or ADP
½ L1 Unarmed 1 5 AP +2 AP +2 +15 +13 +20 L1 Armed 1 10 AP +5 AP +4 +20 +20 +30
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +4 AP +3 +20 +19 +29 ½ L1 Armed 1 5 AP +3 AP +2 +10 +10 +15
½ L+ Unarmed 1 4 AP +2AP +1 +10 +9 +14 L+ Armed M 8 AP +5 AP +3 +10 +13 +20
½ L+ Armed 1 4 AP +2 AP +2 +5 +5 +8

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Super Sized [TAP] Combat Super

Description: This ability makes you bigger than human-
sized. It does not grant any of the physical statistics such as
Strength, Build, or Damage Points—but it does give:
™™ Height/breadth (Given as Humanoid Height)
™™ Extra Reach. Each + adds to the Reach of a bio-
weapon attack.
™™ Pluses to be hit in combat (you are big and therefore
easier to hit). These are in the form of pluses to be
hit in Hand To Hand and vs. Ranged Attacks (HTH/
™™ Extra “stride (see the size chart above)
™™ Large Weapon Bonus (see the size chart above)
Usually this must be brought along with the size increase
for statistics according to the size chart (see above).
However, it may also be bought with a lot less size than is
normally recommended if the character is simply “lighter”
than a “normal organism” would be for their height.
Note: Size is a “negative” Total AP Point Cost—meaning it
is a defect. You get points for being “big.” This is because
most of the game-effect takes the form of pluses to be hit
(bonuses for reach, stride, etc. make up fairly little of the
effect). Example: If you have Huge on a 32 AP character the
cost is -2 AP. The character now has 34 AP to spend and is
easier to hit. Example
Note: The size table gives a bonus for CON. Characters do A player has 64 APs and wishes to make “a giant.”
not get the bonus for CON unless their BLD as at or above They purchase L1 Larger Humanoid (10 AP) and 6 L+
the recommended level of size for that entry on the chart Levels for 48 AP (all Armed). This gives a total of 58
(see examples below).
AP for: +90 BLD, +21 STR, and +87 DP. By the chart
Note: Being larger than your BLD implies always requires
the character would be 100 BLD or Gigantic (around
GM permission. You can be 10 BLD (or even less) and
skyscraper sized (+10 to be hit) if the GM allows it (you
12’ tall).
are probably some kind of energy projection at that size/ The character can take the Size Modifier for -7 AP
weight ratio). (optional) but can also choose a larger size modifier
Level Humanoid Height Rec BLD AGI Bonus Reach Cost
Big 6’6” 20 +0/+1 — [-.02] (Super Size Me) if they wish and get GM permission.
Large 7’6” 28 +1/+1 +1 [-.05]
Huge 8’6” 40 +2/+2 +1 [-.06] The character wants to be two stories tall—around
Enormous 9’5” 53 +2/+3 +1 [-.08] 20 feet. He goes for Elephantine—which is around
Enormous+ 11’ 1” 77 +3/+3 +1 [-.09] 25’ tall with exactly the same statistics. This gets him
Gigantic 11’8” 90 +3/+4 +1 [-.11]
Colossal 15’7”” 223 +4/+4 +1 [-.14] 11 more AP to spend. He is at +6 to be hit in combat.
Colossal+ 17’11” 350 +4/+5 +2 [-.16]
Elephantine 25’6” 1000 +6/+6 +2 [-.17] Now, the character is substantially lighter than a
Titanic ?? 1200 +10 +3 [-.34] “normal biological giant” of that size—but, with
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ GM permission, that’s okay (certainly, numbers-
Big -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Large -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3
wise, most opponents won’t be able to tell much
Huge -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 of a difference).
Enormous -1 -1 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5
Enormous+ -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -5 -6
Gigantic -1 -2 -3 -4 -4 -5 -6 -7
Colossal -1 -2 -3 -4 -6 -7 -8 -9
Colossal+ -1 -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -9 -10
Elephantine -1 -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 -10 -11
Titanic -3 -5 -8 -11 -14 -16 -19 -22

ANIMAL TRAITS Breathe Water/Air U Natural
Body Type Traits are a collection of Traits that are [2 AP/2 CP]
(largely) specific to real life-forms or, alternatively,
Description: You breathe water and air with equal ease.
provide rules for common monsters. Here are things like
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
“Nocturnal” or “Omnivore.” Note that many of these are Breathe Water 1 2 AP 0 AP +6
0 AP cost because humans have them for free.
Carnivore [-2 CP] Natural
Animal Mind U Natural
Description: The animal must eat meat, usually in propor-
[-2 AP/-4 CP] tion to its body mass (about 1/10th of its weight—a 400
Description: The animal thinks “like an animal”—in any lb. tiger reportedly eats 40 pounds of meat a day). The
combat they are forced into, they will not use tactics (they cost for this assumes that meat is fairly expensive and
either attack the most obvious target or flee). If hunting, large quantities might require a significant daily effort to
they may hunt as a pack but will not account for things like obtain. In advanced societies this trait simply means a 50%

Innate Powers
weapons on the part of targets (although they may fear increase (estimated) in food costs. If meat cannot simply
them after they are understood). be purchased in quantity then it means the animal must
hunt all the time.

Innate Powers
Animals will not count normally, understanding bigger and
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
less-than terms but not exact numbers. They probably see Carnivore 1 -2 CP +0 AP +0
beyond a certain number as “many.” Animals will not be
able to use technology at all—not even clumsily.
Cold Blooded U Natural
Communication for an animal PC is assumed to be normal [-2 AP/-4 CP]
between members of its species or, for game purposes,
Description: The character requires an external source of
similar species but limited beyond that to basic concepts
heat for its body temperature. Scientifically it can either be
(“I am afraid”). The PC may have one other character with
the case that the animal relies on an external heat source
which they communicate “normally” (the character who
or, more commonly, that the creature’s internal tempera-
has known them the longest).
ture simply varies along with the ambient temperature (as
Note: Clearly this is not suitable for all games and should is the case of amphibians or reptiles).
be discussed with the GM and group before being taken.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP ™™ Cold Blooded creatures tend to have a “low
Animal Mind 1 -2 AP 0 AP +0 metabolism.” If the temperature is cool (below 75
degrees F as a general point of contact) the creature
Beast of Burden U Natural will suffer -2 Initiative and will feel sluggish and
[1 AP/2 CP] lethargic.
™™ If the temperature is cold (around 30 degrees F) the
Description: The animal can carry heavy weights. Usually animal will suffer a serious lack of energy and will
the character is a quadruped (but this is not strictly take a -4 to Initiative and -2 to most skill rolls if they
required). The character acquires only 1/4th the normal require exertion.
Endurance when moving at Walking Speed and can carry ™™ Below zero degrees the character will be in a stupor
4x the normal amount of weight for their STR. and will die in a CON-4 hours if their temperature is
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Beast of Burden 1 1 AP +0 AP +2
not restored.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Cold Blooded 1 -2 AP +0 AP +0
Biped [0 AP] U Natural
Description: You are two-legged (default for humans
with no cost associated). This confers the Ground Speed
movement as listed in the Basic book. If purchased for
something that naturally has more than two legs this
overrides the natural state and gives the creature the
normal listed movement.
If purchased for something that is naturally non-mobile it
costs 1 AP.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Biped 1 0 AP 0 AP +0
Biped for non-mobile 1 1 AP 0 AP +2 DP

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Herbivore [1 AP/1 CP] U Natural

Description: The animal can only eat plants and must eat
a fair amount of them. Being a herbivore is an advantage
if plants are plentiful since the character may eat cheaply
and may be able to graze (eat grass which is usually not
considered a food-source for human characters).
™™ A herbivore eats about 15% of its weight in plant
material a day (a 700 lb cow can eat about 90 lbs
of grain and grass). If grazing the character will
eat about 3lbs of grass per hour of grazing (a 1000
lb horse is estimated to eat 2.5 to 3.5 lbs/hr.). A
herbivore may eat cheaply but it may take all day to
feed it.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Herbivore 1 1 AP +0 AP +3

Hydrostatic Skeleton U Natural

[-3 AP/-4 CP]
Description: A hydrostatic skeleton is what things like jelly-
fish have that reinforce the body with a fluid-filled cavity
surrounded by muscles. Although far more fragile than a
normal skeleton it makes the character a good deal more
fluid in shape and size.
Exoskeleton [0 AP/2 CP] U Natural
™™ The Hydrostatic skeleton gives a -1 to the character’s
Description: An exoskeleton is a rigid external structure CON.
that supports and protects an animal’s body. An exoskel- ™™ The character will sustain PEN doubling on a hit by
eton acts as armor as well as providing skeletal support +3 or better instead of +4.
and is different from a shell (such as a turtle has). A natural ™™ The character gets +8 to their Defensive Grapple
(CP Cost) exoskeleton allows the character to trade 4 DP due to being hard to grab.
for 1/3 of Armor up to 4 times (for 2-8 CP). If a heavier ™™ In the water they can swim at Running speed.
exoskeleton is wanted, they may purchase Enhanced ™™ On the ground they are able only to manage
Exoskeleton using AP. Walking speed without buying some additional
™™ Exoskeletons are heavier than endoskeletons. An movement forms.
exoskeleton gives the character a -1 AGI Bonus and ™™ The character heals quickly (without bone to repair
-2 Initiative if they are human sized or larger. the tissues can regenerate more rapidly). Each day
™™ In nature they limit the creature’s size, make it hard will heal 1/5th the character’s DP instead of 1/10th.
to regulate temperature, and require shedding ™™ The character gets a -4 STR for purposes of lifting
(molting) during growth. For the purposes of these or striking (no bones). They get -4 to their Offensive
rules we assume that the specific problems have Grapple score.
been worked out for whatever size the character is. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
™™ The coverage for an exoskeleton is full. If the Hydrostatic Skeleton 1 -3 AP +0 AP +0
character has additional armored plates they must
buy them as armor from the general armor list. Long Lived [1 AP/2 CP] U Natural
™™ An Insectoid body usually has 1 level of this if they Description: The character has a lifespan that is, nomi-
choose to trade 4 DP for 1/3 Armor. nally, 200 years. They are assumed to reach adulthood at
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Notes roughly the same age as a regular human. There are some
Exoskeleton 1-4 2-8 CP +0 AP -4 DP per level 1/3 Armor (up to 4/12)
further expansions on long-life in the Innate Traits section.
Enhanced M 1 AP +0 AP +1 Armor, +2 ADP per AP
Plates M 4 AP +0 AP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Long Lived 1 1 AP/2 CP +0 AP +3

Low to the Ground U Natural Omnivore [0 AP] U Natural
[-1 AP/-2 CP] Description: The animal can eat either plants or animals
Description: The animal is horizontal to the ground and and is able to process both types of food. This is the
its head does not stick up sufficiently to give it a normal human standard and cost 0 AP.
human range of view. Small quadrupeds will get this but A Mega-Vore can eat almost anything (biological, that is).
for larger animals the body-form this represents is some- In practice this means the character won’t starve so long
thing like an alligator. If the creature can generally stand up as there is any biological material around.
easily (such as a bear) this is not appropriate (it also would Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
not be appropriate to horses or giraffes). Omnivore 1 0 AP +0 AP +0
Mega-Vore 1 1 AP +0 AP +3
™™ The character has difficulty in a humanoid-centric
environment being, generally, lower than most
artifacts. Standing for a short time makes all rolls Plant Biology [- 6 AP] U Natural
at -3 and requires rolls where they might not Description: The character has the biology of a plant. This

Innate Powers
otherwise be asked for (such as making a COR roll to means that they have virtually no metabolism to speak of
open a door). and exist on minimal nutrients and photosynthesis.
™™ The character is at -4 to visual perception rolls in a

Innate Powers
™™ If the character wishes to play a walking fantastical
normal human environment.
plant they should simply take “Inhuman Biology”
™™ The character can get full cover behind low objects.
from the Innate Traits list and Ergovore.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Low to the Ground 1 -1 AP +0 AP +0 ™™ The character is “always awake” but has about
four hours of “down time” during the night where
perception rolls are at -4 if the character is not
No Arms or Hands U Natural engaged with something.
[-2 AP/-5 CP] ™™ The character does not bleed, is immune to
Description: The animal form has no arms or hands but standard animal toxins, and will treat a Dead result
can get some manipulation with its mouth and/or paws. as Dying unless the wound was calibrated to sever
The character is greatly limited in how it can manipulate critical body parts (GM’s determination).
things. Usually COR rolls to accomplish things characters ™™ The character is considered sessile (non-mobile),
with arms and hands would not need to roll for (such as has no tracked need to eat (the character will need
opening a door or driving a car) require rolls at -2 to -6 oxygen, sunlight, and eventually nutrients—they will
(Average -4). need water once every three days).
™™ The character is extremely long lived.
™™ The character cannot punch and can’t block (but ™™ The character may purchase BLD and ADP for a very
may dodge). reduced rate. This assumes the character has no STR
™™ The character cannot grapple. and cannot move under their own power (or attack
Note: Body Types that list No Arms or Hands cannot also with any physical force).
take this Trait—they already have it and it is factored into Note: The character may not also take “Sessile”—it is
the cost. included in this Trait.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
No Arms 1 -2 AP +0 AP +0 Note: The GM should be consulted on the creation of
psionic plants that are carried around or some such. We’re
not sure what role “sessile plant characters” have in the
Nocturnal [-1 AP/-2 CP] U Natural
game—but we’re including these rules for completeness.
Description: The creature is most active during the night Trait Buy Cost A-Cost BLD ADP
and suffers from sleepiness during the day. The character Plant Biology 1 -6 AP +0 AP N/A N/A
will get a -1 to rolls requiring concentration during the Plant Size M 1 AP +0 +20 +18
day and may require WIL rolls not to doze off (at the GM’s
option. The character will be assumed to stay awake if they
are feeling threatened).
™™ The character ignores -2pts of darkness modifiers
automatically but very likely has some other sense
or package that lets them operate in the dark.
™™ If the character gets -2 to visual perception rolls
during the day they get +2 DP with this package.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Nocturnal 1 -1 AP +0 AP +0

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Poor Senses [-3 AP/-6 CP] U Natural Radial Symmetry [0 AP] U Natural
Description: The animal has serious problems in the Description: The creature exhibits no left or right sides but
human world because of its senses. Usually, as for real instead could be (in one’s imagination) divided up like a
animals, they will have some senses that allow them to pie where each “slice” is nearly identical. Creatures with
function so this is appropriate when (a) the character has radial symmetry do have a “top” and “bottom” (dorsal and
enough senses to “get around” but lacks something serious ventral surface, more scientifically). Examples are star-
like sight or normal hearing or (b) the character really can’t fish and jellyfish (Note: Octopuses appear to have radial
sense very much and is limited dealing with things that symmetry but don’t—we checked. If you were playing an
“walk into it.” octopus character, however, as this trait is not scientific,
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP you could purchase it for them as that is how they gener-
Poor Senses 1 -3 AP +0 AP +0 ally appear).
™™ If the creature can grapple, Radial Symmetry usually
Predator Senses U Natural means they grapple well. This is not automatic
[2 AP/4 CP] though, this is accomplished through the purchase
Description: The character has excellent senses. They get of bio-weapons.
+4 to all perception rolls and can track/distinguish targets ™™ Radial Symmetry gives the animal no “front or
by sense of smell. They can detect targets at long range if back.” Their perception is automatically 360
the target is downwind of them (over a few miles in some degrees. They can see (or otherwise detect)
cases). anything around them without negative modifiers
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP for having a blind side. They can block or strike in
Predator Senses 1 2 AP +0 AP +4 any direction without negative modifiers.
™™ Radial Symmetry poses serious issues for
Prey Senses [1 AP/2 CP] U Natural locomotion. Their maximum speed is Walking. Their
Description: The character is attuned to things sneaking up first round of movement from a standstill must be a
on them and has excellent peripheral vision. The character Step for half-distance (the first round of movement,
gets +2 to perception rolls and is at no negative for things for 8 REA, they move half a Walk—after that, they
coming in “from behind” unless the target makes a Stealth may move a full walk).
roll by 4 or more. If downwind of a being, they can get a Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
Radial Symmetry 1 0 AP +0AP Natural +0
perception roll to smell them (and can identify targets by
smell) if within 100 yards.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Scavenger [1 AP/1 CP] U Natural
Prey Senses 1 1 AP +0 AP +1 Description: The term “scavenger” here is used to mean
an omnivore that can eat just about anything (biological)
without negative effects. It combines a sort of “cast iron
stomach” with the ability to eat many kinds of plants (such
as grass) that many omnivores cannot eat. This character
can reduce their food costs to 30% of what is normal
(more if there is plentiful garbage they can get to—or lots
of grass/foliage).
The character gets +4 to CON against any ingested toxin.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Scavenger 1 1 AP +0 AP +2

Sessile [-4 AP/-6 CP] U Natural UNUSUAL ANIMAL POWERS
Description: The creature is immobile. It must be moved These are grouped here as they involve the character’s
around by someone else or is stationary (perhaps planted diet—but they are usually not natural.
in the ground). Usually this will appear in games where
there is some means of locomotion for the character. Ergovore [1 AP] V Extreme
(If the character is an intelligent plant, perhaps the Description: You consume energy. Plant Biology includes
characters will wheel it around in a wheelbarrow or the natural photosynthesis.
character will have rigged an automated wheelchair.) Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Sessile will reduce to half value if the form of locomotion You can draw nourishment from a wall socket,
is deemed significantly inconvenient (i.e. the character Ergovore 1 1 AP +3 battery, or other electrical source. This may be
often doesn’t get to go along with everyone or has trouble had for 1 CP if this is all the character can eat.
with certain kinds of participation). You get 7/28 Armor against energy attacks.
Absorption Being shot by an energy attack replenishes your
M 6 AP +0
™™ The animal gets a +5 to be hit for being non-mobile. Defense Endurance. Lose 1 Endurance point per point of
™™ The creature cannot take a move or dodge actions.

Innate Powers
damage dealt up to Maximum Armor.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Sessile 1 -4 AP/-6 CP +0 AP +0
Life Drain [0 AP]* L1/L+ Extreme

Innate Powers
Short Lived U Natural Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
[-1 AP/-2 CP] Description: You can drain life energy directly from a target.
You must have a Grab or Grapple and, once the character
Description: The character has about half (or, possibly,
has scored a hit, Life Drain works as a Worry attack.
less) the lifespan of a human. In this case the animal
reaches maturity in 1 year and lives about 20 years. The ™™ The attack costs 5 REA and ignores armor.
costs for this trait assume that the character is not “just ™™ The damage is treated as Impact.
about to die” (if that is the case, work it out with the GM ™™ Each point of damage inflicted heals 1pt of damage
and other players). or, if 1/3rd CON is taken, nourishes the character for
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP 1 meal.
Short Lived 1 -1 AP +0 AP +0 ™™ The damage from Life Drain is not added to by STR
or BLD.
Undying [1 AP/4 CP] U Extreme Trait Buy Cost A-Cost REA Reach Damage
Life Drain L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 5 Close 10 IMP
Description: You go beyond having a long life-span and Life Drain L+ 1 8 AP 8 AP 5 Close 8 IMP
into the “will not naturally die” range. This can also repre-
sent lifetimes of thousands of years.
Old: You have lived a long time already. You have 2 CP in
History and 4 CP in any other skill that you have studied in
that time.
Ancient: You have lived a very long time and have 4 CP in
history and 8 CP in other skills.
Trait Buy Cost Skill DP
Long Lived 1 1 AP or 4 CP +0 CP +2
Old 1 2 AP +4 CP +2
Ancient 1 4 AP +8 CP +4

Warm Blooded [0 AP] U Natural

Description: The default condition for characters (their
bio-systems generate their own heat).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Warm Blooded 1 0 AP +0 AP +0

Innate Powers

Innate Powers

Immortal [Varies] Utility Mystic

These Traits are more extreme and unusual than the Description: You do not age and die naturally and may not
Animal Traits. be able to be killed at all!
Note: The cost of Immortal is based on the length of time
Alien Biology [Varies] U List it takes the character to return from the dead and what, if
Description: You may appear normal but have entirely any, restrictions the character is under if they do.
non-human physiology of some sort. Death Proof [2 AP]: The character ignores any Dead or
Note: Having “No Vital Organs” is covered under Defenses. Dying result and will only be killed at -5x DP. They may,
Trait Buy Cost Tag DP Notes however, take quite a while to recover. Drowning or
You get +20 DP for purposes of burying them will put them in a coma.
Inhuman Biology 1 1 AP N +2 resisting normal toxins or diseases Resurrection Ready [4 AP]: The character can be “put back
due to your abnormal biology. together.” This may involve for, example, finding all the
You can live in extreme conditions pieces, having some kind of ritual, or “rebuilding them.”
(high pressure, space, etc.) It does It requires an outside agency and usually takes several
Extreme Atmosphere
1 1 AP E +1 not stop damage from such attacks
Survival weeks. If a full body can be recovered this can be acceler-
however. Usually this applies to only
one “extreme condition.” ated but still takes time (and maybe special skills such as
You do not breathe, eat, sleep, bleed, medical skills or engineering skills).
etc. You are immune to all diseases Immortal – Season [4 AP]: The character returns from the
No Biological and poisons. You require only 4 dead after a season. They may return sooner (a week) if
1 2 AP S +2
Weaknesses hours of “down-time” a night (a they are under certain restrictions such as “cannot seek
waking state). You are immune to all
CON-based Resisted Attacks.
Immortal – Week [8 AP]: The character returns in one
week or so. They may return in three days if under some
Aquatic [Varies] U List significant restriction.
Description: You can breathe water and swim quickly (in Immortal – Day [.15] +8: The character returns within a 24
most cases). hour cycle.
Trait Buy Cost Tag DP Notes
You swim at Running Speed +2 y/s. Immortal – Instant [.40] +10: The character returns
Aquatic 1 -2 AP /-4 CP N +0 “almost instantly.” They will suffer a few Rounds of “being
You will suffocate on land.
As above but you can go down to dead” if they suffer a Critical Wound or Unconsciousness.
Deep Dive 1 1 AP N +3 Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
6000+ feet.
Immortal - Day N/A 10 12 13 14 15 16 18
The character can breathe air or
Amphibious Immortal – Instant N/A N/A 22 27 32 37 42 46
1 -1 AP/-2 CP N +0 water but needs to be submerged
more than 12 hours per day.
The character can swim at Walking
Amphibious speed underwater (and breathes
1 1 AP N +2
(dry) water normally). Does not require
The character moves at 2x Sprinting
1 1 AP N +2 speed under water (15 y/s is the
speed of a fast Mako shark).
The character can move at 25 yards
1 1 AP E +1 per second under water (approx.
speed of a submarine).
The character can move at an
astounding 50 y/s under water plus
Super their natural sprint speed. Presum-
1 1 AP S +0
Swimming ably due to some super-force they
do not push the associated amount
of wake.

These Body Types can be mixed with others. They
make the character “Living Energy” or “Animate Rock”
or some other unusual bio-form.

Automaton Combat Mystic

[TAP .17] + [Varies]
Description: You are made of some form of animate
matter that is non-biological (or at least not recognizably
biological). This may be used to build Golems, animate
“rock” aliens, and other such beings.
™™ The character has No Biological Weaknesses from
Alien Biology.

Innate Powers
™™ The character gets +1 CON.
™™ The character does not suffer Condition Effects of

Innate Powers
Hurt or Injured Condition.
™™ All damage is treated as IMP damage—there is no
PEN Doubling (the character has no vital organs).
™™ The BLD gained from each level will not (necessarily)
increase their Size—it may be density. This can be
combined with Size to create larger characters.
™™ The character will not suffer the Stunned Wound Crystalline Body Combat Super
Effect until at Injured or worse condition (treat [TAP .10] +2
Stunned as No Effect). Description: You are composed of living crystals. A Crystal-
™™ If the character is listed as Slow they get -2 Init and line body is quite hard but fragile. Once they take damage
-1 AGI Bonus. they are in danger of falling apart.
™™ The character can, once per combat, choose
to change any Wound Effect to No Effect and ™™ Crystalline bodies have No Biological Weaknesses
instead suffer the loss of an arm or leg (which will (see Alien Biology).
regenerate or can be re-attached with a few hours ™™ Hard. Crystalline bodies convert ½ their DP (round
of work after the combat). Losing an Arm (assuming down) into Armor at 4 DP per 1 Armor (if this
they have two) will result in all Hand attacks for the produces an odd number of DP, refund the DP). A 10
rest of the combat having a +1 Back Swing. Losing DP character will have 6 DP and 1pt of Armor after
a Leg will cause the character to fall to the ground, conversion.
lose AGI Bonus, and move at 2 yards per 5 REA. ™™ Shatter Resistant. The Crystalline Body’s armor gets
Level STR BLD DP Arm ADP Slow Cost A-Cost Armor x3 in PEN Defense (which is more than the
Basic -0 +0 +0 0/0 +0 NO None +0 AP 2.5 that most armor gives).
Rock Body Unarmed +5 +25 +0 4 +24 YES 16 AP +8 AP ™™ The Crystalline Body does not suffer Minor Wounds
Rock Body Armed +4 +25 +0 4 +24 YES 16 AP +8 AP and does not suffer Hurt Condition.
Iron Unarmed +10 +50 +0 8 +48 YES 29 AP +13 AP
™™ PEN Damage doubles on a hit by 2+ instead of 4+
Iron Armed +8 +40 +0 8 +48 YES 30 AP +14 AP
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ ™™ Fragile: At Injured Condition a “Minor Wound”
Basic 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 (1/3rd DP) is treated as a Major Wound.
Animate Rock N/A 13 14 15 17 18 20 21 Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Animate Iron N/A N/A 22 23 25 26 28 29 Crystal Body 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8
Trait (All Automatons) 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Automaton (TAP Cost) 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 11

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Energy Body Combat Super Containment Breach

[TAP .12] +12 Containment Breach / Vengeance represents attacks which
automatically trigger when the character incurs some damage
Description: The character’s body is composed of
result (e.g. being stunned, dazed, having a force field knocked
“coherent energy” wrapped in a Force Field. They may down, etc.).
appear as a glowing “entity.” Something composed of
sentient fire, etc. They do not take damage normally as This could represent
they are not flesh and blood. Energy body characters whose damaging energy is released when
their force field is taken down
™™ Energy Bodies have No Biological Weaknesses (see
Alien Biology). Robots that explode when “killed”
™™ Energy Body characters get a 12 Power Force Field
Characters who require concentration to control powerful,
or CON or WIL, whichever is higher. damaging energies and whose energies are released if they are
™™ The character can fly as per the Float Pod ability. stunned or knocked unconscious, etc.
™™ The character has no vital organs and does not take
PEN damage or PEN doubling. Containment Breach is not a power, but rather a modification of
an attack power. For detailed rules about modifications, see the
™™ Any Wound Effect (Dazed or Stunned) that costs REA
back of the book. Modifications change the behavior and the cost
gives the character a free Recover Field action which of the power.
regenerates 10% of the character’s Force Field for a
Stunned Effect or 20% for a Dazed effect. To create a containment-breach power the player should
™™ Any Round in which the Force Field is down costs 1. Choose an attack power
the character 5 REA (as per Stunned) and gives them
a Recover action. Apply any appropriate modifiers such as explosive or no-range to
the power
™™ When the Field is down the character is “dispersed”
as a blob of energy. They can be scooped up by 2. Choose a “trigger condition” under which the power will
Force Fields or magnetic fields but are immune to automatically fire
physical damage and take -8 Damage Modifiers Apply the listed trigger condition modification to the cost of the
from Energy attacks. While Dispersed the character power
cannot take any action other than a Recover action
when the REA is paid to come back together. If How The Containment Breach Works
unconscious the character will stay in a Dispersed When the trigger condition occurs, the power will fire
state until they recover consciousness. immediately, for 0 REA, at the character that caused the
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ condition (i.e. whoever hit the character and caused the damage
Energy Body N/A 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 result), and rolling to hit with the character’s attack skill.
In many cases the power will represent an area of effect or
explosive attack that will center on the character (and will
affect everyone nearby, friend or foe). If the stock power is not
explosive or is ordinarily ranged, apply the appropriate modifiers
(see below).
Choosing an attack power
Containment Breach is usually applied to a stock ranged attack
power with a 5 REA Medium action to fire, a Rate of Fire of
“Standard” and no charge-up or activation cost.
Applying Appropriate Modifiers
Powers with Activation REA, Rate of Fire other than ‘S’ or limited
uses need to remove those defects, increasing the power-cost.
Further, the character may wish for the Containment Breach
ability to be explosive or persistent (to keep affecting characters
in the area after the initial trigger event).
Explosive Containment Breaches
If the power represents the character exploding (say, when an
Energy Body is dispersed) the attack power should be modified
to be explosive and no-range -- multiply the cost by 125%
(Explosive). If the power is usually ranged, the cost is 90% Normal
(for a combined modifier of 113% cost).

Containment Breach Continued Gas Body [TAP .05] + 10 Combat Super
Explosive, Persistent Containment Breaches Description: You are intelligent vapor. Usually you can switch between a
solid form and the Gas Form (as an 8 REA Long Action). In Gas Form you are
If the power is explosive and contaminates the area in a way that extremely resistant to damage and can fly, go through vents, etc.
keeps affecting characters who enter it, and automatically affects ™™ Gas Bodies have No Biological Weakness (see Alien Biology). They
them each round they are in the area, multiply the cost by 174% have no vital organs and don’t suffer PEN Damage (treat as Impact)
and no PEN doubling.
Buying Off Defects That No Longer Apply ™™ Turning Into Gas: A Gas Body character can spend a 5 REA Medium
Action (3 REA Short, or less, if they buy T-Dodge, see Exotic
For powers that have a charge up period or an activation cost,
Movement). This allows them to select a “degree of intangibility”
the character treated as a negative Damage Modifier (see below).
™™ Gas Body character can attack—but they suffer negative damage
“Buy off” those defects, increasing the cost of the ability
modifiers against their own attacks (making them less effective).
or ◦◦ A character can be partially in gas form choosing a Negative
Damage Modifier from -1 to -12. This applies to all physical
Pay the listed cost, but the power will not trigger unless it is attacks (from the character and from others) and is applied
activated or the charge up period expires fully to energy attacks the character launches but half to

Innate Powers
attacks directed at the character (so at full -12 DM, the gas
For powers with an RoF of 1, or powers that require either a long character gets a -6 against incoming energy attacks—but -12
action or more than 5 REA to use, the character must first buy off effecting those they themselves launch). To fly or go through

Innate Powers
openings the character must be at -8 DM or greater.
those defects:
◦◦ The same modifier is added to the STAT of any Resisted At-
If the power is RoF 1, multiply the cost by 135% tacks launched (so if at full -12 DM against incoming attacks,
a Resisted Attack against a 12 CON target will treat it like a
If the power requires 8 REA to use, multiply the cost by 145% 24 CON!).
◦◦ Any negative DM is added to a defender’s Grapple roll. Being
The GM should review other aspects of the power and ensure in gas form makes it difficult—but not impossible—to hold
that they make sense or modify the cost appropriately. or grab someone or something. If unopposed a gas body
can direct their Grapple Score divided by their –DM in STR
Choose A Trigger Condition and Apply The Modifier against a target (so a –DM of -4 would divide a Grapple Score
by 4. If the resulting number is 7 or less, the effect is that of
The more rare a trigger condition is, the less the ability will cost. a wind or breeze rather than actual force).
The GM is free to invent additional trigger conditions, but here is ™™ Impossible To Grapple. Gas Bodies can be trapped in bubbles or
a common list with the modifier % sucked into vacuum cleaners but cannot be traditionally grappled,
even by other Gas Bodied characters.
Stunned -- 75% ™™ No Armor effects in Gas Form. If the character does have armor, it
acts as ADP (6x Armor) in Gas Form.
Dazed -- 70% ™™ Dispersal: a hit with a Large Weapon (energy or physical) is rolled
for “Damage.” If the “damage” is equal or greater than the Gas
Unconscious -- 20% Bodies, Minor Wound causes a CON Roll at -1 per LWB. If missed,
the character is treated as Stunned. If missed by 4+, Dazed. In any
Dead - 5% event, unless the attack is Energy, no damage is actually done to
the character.
Force Field Knocked Down (Energy Body Dispersed) - 70%
™™ Floating. Gas Bodies can float at Walking Speed. If they purchase
Power Field Knocked Down - 90% Flight, they can fly at the listed rate.
™™ Suction/Wind Susceptible. Gas Bodies are susceptible to wind and
Powered Armor System ADP destroyed - 90% suction. The idea is to compare BLD to the “size of the wind” (i.e.
a fan or small vacuum vs. a hurricane) and assign an appropriate
Successfully Grappled - 90% negative modifier to a CON roll as above to push the character
around and roll for dispersal.
Successfully Grabbed95% ◦◦ Comparing BLD to Wind “Size” is done as a generality by
taking the wind speed in blocks of 20 mph and giving a -1 to
Example: CON rolls if the wind “size” is appropriate. (An industrial fan
is appropriate for up to about 40 BLD of character—environ-
Vortex Lord has a L5 Sphere of Oblivion that activates at No mental winds are suitable for almost all BLDs up to “cloud
Range when he is knocked out. Sphere of Oblivion is Rate-of- sized.”)
Fire 1, which must be bought off, multiplying the cost by x135%. ◦◦ Wind can cause a roll at +2 (slightly gusty) to -10 (hurricane
Triggering on Unconscious is 20%. Changing from a ranged attack force) with failures treated as Dispersal and pushing the
to a no-range reduces the cost by 90%. character around at wind speed.
◦◦ Suction devices can trap the character if a Dispersal roll is
The cost of the power 40 AP (Level 5) * 135% (RoF1) * 20 % (no missed. They usually suck in 4 BLD per -1 to the roll. Usually
range) * 90% = 9.72 = 10 AP. if the storage area is too small to form in, the character
simply cannot shift back to physical form.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Gas Body N/A 11 11 12 12 12 13 13

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Liquid Body [TAP .60] + 7 Combat Super

Description: You are animated, cohesive fluid. You might look normal and
biological (until hit) or act as animate sand, water, or some other liquid.

™™ Liquid Bodies have no Biological Weakness (see Alien Biology).

™™ Difficult To Grapple. Liquid Bodies are very hard to hold.
◦◦ Auto-Escape. So long as the character is not trapped in a
Force Field or grappled by another liquid body, they may
perform a Break Grapple action for 1 REA that is automati-
cally successful.
◦◦ Hard To Grab. Liquid Bodies get +APx5 Grapple Defense.
™™ Flow Movement Form. The character can move at 2x Sprinting
Movement Rate after taking a 5 REA Medium action to “fully
liquefy.” The character can move through any tiny area that is not
water-tight at the rate of 4 BLD per Round.
™™ The character can move through bars, chain-link and so on as
though it were not there. They may need to ditch clothing or,
within the context of the game, it may be acceptable to assume
clothing and basic gear liquefy as well (this is more suitable for
magic or super hero games).
™™ Puddle Defense. As an 8 REA Medium Action the character can
splash into a “puddle.” This gives them a -8 Damage Modifier from
Physical Attacks but they are at +5 to be hit (however this +5 acts
as a Large Weapon Bonus and does not add to Damage Mod as
there is no specific vital area to shoot at). They can take no action
other than flowing at Walking speed while in puddle form. (They
can still speak and see, etc.)
™™ Hard To Hurt Physically. Liquid Bodies get 2x BLD in ADP against
physical attacks.
™™ No Vital Organs. The character does not take PEN damage or PEN
™™ No Hurt Condition. The character does not suffer Hurt Condition
™™ No Injured Condition. The character does not suffer Injured
condition effects.
™™ Serious Condition: any damage taken is a Major Wound.
™™ Splash-Effect. Liquid Bodies are susceptible to being “Splashed.”
This means that when they are hit they are fairly easy to
“destabilize” but harder to really damage. Splash-Effect works as
◦◦ The character’s Splash Threshold is DP/3.
◦◦ When hit for damage BEFORE any defense except for ADP
(including a Damage Modifier, Armor, or a Force Field) is
applied: if the damage from the Damage Modifier Roll is
equal or greater than the Splash Threshold then the char-
acter makes a Wound Roll. A result of NO EFFECT becomes
Stunned. If the character rolls UNCONSCIOUS or Worse they
are treated as Dazed but with a cost of 10 REA instead of 8
(“Splattered”). No effect is worse than that.
◦◦ Each Wound Effect of Stunned (but not NO EFFECT—which
is treated as Stunned) gives a cumulative -1 modifier to the
character’s CON roll for the remainder of the Round).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Liquid Body N/A N/A 21 26 31 36 41 45

Stretching Body Combat Super
[TAP .29 +2]
Description: Your body is plastic! You can stretch, deform,
and mold your body at will. This is different from Liquid
Body in that you are not quite as fluid but you can grapple
exceptionally well.
Stretching has two cost components: Basic Stretching Body
and then Levels of Stretching. All characters must buy one
of the first and then at least a half-level of the second.
Basic Stretching
The Basic Stretching power is a TAP power purchased once
for all Stretching characters. It gives:
™™ Plastic Body. The character gets a -4 Damage Mod

Innate Powers
from all attacks (even energy).
™™ Plastic Body. The character can take a 1 REA Break

Innate Powers
Grapple Move.
™™ No Vital Organs: The character does not take PEN
™™ The character can Super Grapple (apply a Hold
No Vital Organs [TAP .10] Combat Extreme without having a Grab/Grapple first).
™™ Flow. The character can go under doors or through
Description: You are still biological but have no vital organs
grates. Any baseball sized hole will allow the
and do not suffer PEN Doubling (hits by 4 or more do not
character to move at 20 BLD per Round). Flowing is
double their damage modifier). Damage is still rolled on
an 8 REA Long Action and goes at 2x Ground Speed
the PEN damage table, however.
(2x Running then 2x Sprint).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
No Vital Organs 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 ™™ Stride. The character can spend an 8 REA Long
Action to grow long legs and walk around, moving
at 4x Running Speed for Walking Endurance. While
Robot Body [TAP .24] +2 Combat Super Striding the character has no AGI Bonus. It is an
Description: You are a robot or other “mechanical” being 8 REA Long action to shrink. The character gains
of some sort. Robots are generally made of component BLD/5 yards of height.
parts and may have, for example, Drive-Units for special ™™ Collision Defense. Stretching characters get a -10
vehicle like movement (this is covered in other sections). Damage Mod from large collisions (falls, collisions,
™™ Robot Bodies have No Biological Weakness (see etc.). They will bounce!
Alien Biology). ™™ Stretching Attack. The character can build a large
™™ Few Vital Components. PEN Doubling happens on a “hammer hand” with which to strike. This costs 5
6+ instead of a 4+. REA to create, gets +2 Large Weapon Bonus, and
™™ No Hurt Condition. The character will not go to Hurt operates at Long Reach.
Condition. Levels of Stretching
™™ Mechanical Design. The character must be at Injured Each level of Stretching costs 8 AP with a L1/L+ Cost struc-
Condition before taking Minor Wounds. ture and gives:
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Robot Body 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 17 ™™ Additional Grapple
™™ Armor
™™ Extra DP
™™ Extra Damage with Stretching Attack
Level Buy Cost A-Cost Grapple Armor DP Damage
L1 1 8 AP +4 AP +10 +2 +5 +2 IMP
L1 Half 1 4 AP +2 AP +5 +1 +2 +1 IMP
L+ M 8 AP +3 AP +7 +2 +4 +1 IMP
L+ Half M 4 AP +1 AP +3 +1 +1 +1 IMP
Trait DP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Stretching +2 4 7 9 11 14 15 18 21

Innate Powers

Innate Powers

Strength Boost [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super

These are a variety of abilities that increase Strength Description: You can “pump up” or enhance your Strength
and Build and the like. (and maybe BLD) by taking a 10 REA action to activate your
Strength Boost reserves.
Dense Physique [Varies] L1/L+ Super
Doing this counts as an “activation” and is both visible and
Description: You are composed of extremely dense audible (either with a glow or increase in physical size—
material. This makes you stronger and heavier but does accompanied with sounds) and will provoke an Initiative
not increase your size. roll from everyone who can see it. The Boosting character
Dense characters get -1 AGI Bonus and -2 Initiative. This will be committed to performing the Boost on their first
cannot be taken if the character has Animated Material Round of combat.
Body as the “Density Factor” is already figured in. The length of the boost can vary depending on the needs
The character buys however many levels of Dense of the game however if no other measure can be reached
Physique are wanted and then applies the Dense Cost the boost time is CON Rounds. If the game structure allows
Modifier (which will reduce the total cost paid). for the concept of a scene, however, the boost can last
“the remainder of the scene.” The intent is that the char-
Level of Dense Physique
acter must boost at the beginning of the fight and does not
™™ Each level gives STR, BLD, DP, ADP, and Armor.
walk around permanently in the “Boosted” state.
The armor has a slightly higher PEN Defense than
normal. ADP: The character gets the listed ADP only while the
™™ Dense Physique must have a positive cost of at least Boost is active.
1 AP. Therefore, for example, a 40 AP character must
spend more than 8 AP on it (probably buying one BLD Option: If the character does not want the BLD they
level of L1 and one half level of L+ for a total of 12 may take it as extra STR at +1 STR per 5 BLD.
AP – 11 AP = 1 AP cost). Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD/STR ADP
L1 Armed 1 12 AP +8 AP +13 +50/+10 +26
Level Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP ADP Armor L1 Half Armed 1 6 AP +4 AP +6 +30/+6 +!4
L1 Full Unarmed 1 11 AP +4 AP +3 +25 +10 +10 +3/10 L+ Armed M 8 AP +6 AP +5 +25/+5 +12
L1 Half Unarmed 1 7 AP +3 AP +2 +15 +5 +10 +3 /10 L+ Half Armed M 4 AP + 3 AP +2 +15/+3 +8
L+ Full Unarmed M 8 AP +5 AP +2 +15 +1 +14 +1/3 L1 Unarmed 1 12 AP +8 AP +15 +45/+9 +26
L+ Half Unarmed M 4 AP +2 AP +1 +10 +1 +4 +1/3 L1 Half Unarmed 1 6 AP +4 AP +7 +35/+7 +!5
L1 Full Armed 1 11 AP +5 AP +3 +20 +5 +14 +3 /10 L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +6 AP +5 +20/+4 +14
L1 Half Armed 1 7 AP +3 AP +2 +14 +4 +11 +1/3 L+ Half Unarmed M 4 AP +3 AP +2 +10/+2 +10
L+ Full Armed M 8 AP +4 AP +2 +15 +1 +14 +1/3
L+ Half Unarmed M 4 AP +3 AP +1 +10 1 +3 +1/3
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Super Strength [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super
Dense [-.30] -3 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -11 -12
Description: You are super strong—much stronger than
normal (although appearing normal).
Hyper Strength [12/8 AP] L1/L+ Super Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
Description: You have super-strong “energized” muscles— L1 Unarmed 1 12 AP +8 AP +16 +16
L1 Half Unarmed 1 6 AP +4 AP +8 +9
but using your full strength slows you down. You may use
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +6 AP +8 +8
half your Hyper Strength bonus normally but any use of L+ Half Unarmed M 4 AP +3 AP +4 +5
more than that means that the next use of STR costs +3 L1 Armed 1 12 AP +9 AP +13 +15
REA if used within 3 Rounds. Thus the character may throw L1 Half Armed 1 6 AP +5 AP +7 +6
one half-power punch and then one “Hyper Punch” in a L+ Armed M 8 AP +6 AP +7 +9
L+ Half Armed M 4 AP +4 AP +4 +3
Round for the normal 10 REA—but the next use of STR in
the next Round will cost 8 REA instead of 5.
This also applies to using Hyper STR for any grappling roll
but not for purposes of Defensive Grapple (unless the
character is declaring a Resist move and using more than ½
Hyper Strength bonus).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
L1 Unarmed 1 12 AP +8 AP +23 +17
L1 Half Unarmed 1 6 AP +4 AP +12 +9
L+ Unarmed M 8 AP +6 AP +8 +8
L+ Half Unarmed M 4 AP +3 AP +4 +5
L1 Armed 1 12 AP +8AP +20 +15
L1 Half Armed 1 6 AP +4 AP +10 +8
L+ Armed M 8 AP +6 AP +8 +9
L+ Half Armed M 4 AP 3 AP +4 +5

SPEED Quick [TAP .55] Combat Super
These abilities make the character faster than normal! Description: You are exceedingly fast! You get:
™™ +4 REA.
Bullet Rounds [.80] Combat Super ™™ -4 Damage Modifier against all attacks.
Requires Character Have At Least 1 Bullet Round AND ™™ You may Dodge or Block ranged attacks at no
Uses Base Line (Scale Number Rules) negative modifier and you get your full AGI bonus
Description: A character using the Scale Number rules against them.
can have more than one Bullet Round. Being so much ™™ Your AGI Bonus is at least 4 (if your AGI-10 is 15 or
faster (moving like a blur) than other characters makes higher, use that modifier).
them easy to hit, defend against, and bypass. Look at the Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Fast Company rules for expanded information on Bullet Quick 4 9 13 18 22 26 31 35
Rounds. The character can buy one of these per Scale
Number reduction (each halving of Scale Number allows
+1 additional Bullet Rounds).

Innate Powers
Extra Bullet Rounds: When a character is that much faster
than normal some special rules apply. This is the case

Innate Powers
where someone has more than 1 Bullet Round above
their opposition: Note: These modifiers ONLY apply to the
Bullet Rounds 2 or move above the target. So if a target
is normal, and the attacker has 2 Bullet Rounds, these
bonuses (other than Ignore Attack) during the first Bullet
Round. The second Bullet Round and their normal round
happen normally.
Ignore Attacks: For each Bullet Round “burnt” with any
Defense action, the character gets +8 to any Dodge or
Block roll as it comes at them in ‘slow motion.’
Ignore Defense: A character attacking with 2+ Bullet
Rounds above a target is at -5 to be able to be blocked if
they are even able to block (must make an Initiative Roll at
-5 per Bullet Round over 2 above them).
Ignore Opponent: Opponents cannot respond to charac- Super Speed [TAP . 52] Combat Super
ters moving past them in 2 Bullet Rounds or more above Description: You are super-humanly fast. You get +10 REA
them without making an Initiative roll at -5 per 2 Bullet and can perform mundane tasks at double the normal rate.
Round above them. Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Super Speed 4 8 12 17 21 25 29 33
Easy Hit: A character with 2+ Bullet Rounds above a target
gets +5 to hit the target and suffers no AGI Bonus against
them. Swift [TAP .37] Combat Extreme
Description: You are very fast! You get:
Too Fast To See: At 3+ Bullet Rounds, the hyper-speed
character is a blur to normal characters. Make perception ™™ +2 REA.
rolls at -5 per additional Bullet Round to see the character ™™ -2 Damage Modifier against all attacks.
during these action Rounds. ™™ You may Dodge or Block ranged attacks at no
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ negative modifier and you get your full AGI bonus
Bullet Rounds +1 6 13 19 26 32 38 45 51 against them.
™™ Your AGI Bonus is at least 3 (if your AGI-10 is 14 or
higher, use that modifier).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Swift 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

Innate Powers

Innate Powers

Unlike the ability Disease

Carrier which is a Resisted
These Traits impact (usually dramatically) the appear- Attack (see Other Abilities) this
ance of the character. If the character has more than Minor Disease just means the character has a
1 -4 CP -4 Charm
one negative appearance modifier they may only take Carrier more minor—but transmissible
the highest modifier and may only get either AP or disease. It makes the character
“unfit” for polite company in
CP—not both. many aspects.
Note that many things that “impact appearance” are
covered under Armor and Bio-Weapons. Desert/Arctic U Natural
[1 AP/2 CP]
Albino [Varies] U Mutation Description: You can survive in very hot or very cold
Description: You lack all pigmentation and (generally) climates without special gear. If the character is allowed
appear as pure white with red eyes. The (real) form of Extreme abilities, this Trait can allow the character to
Albinism gives the character an unusual appearance with survive both extremes. Otherwise, the character must
limited protection from ultraviolet rays. The rules here give choose one.
some more extreme forms as well. Trait Buy Cost DP
Trait Buy Cost Tag Notes Desert/Arctic 1 1 AP/2 CP +2
You sunburn easily and are at higher risk
than normal for skin cancer. You are distinc-
Achromatosis 1 -2 CP M tive and (some would say) unsettling. You
Fur [Varies] U Varies
take a -1 visual modifier in bright light if not Description: You have body hair or a pelt. This serves as
wearing sunglasses. protection against cold temperatures and, in some cases,
Your skin is pure white and “perfect.” You protects against vulnerability to heat.
treat sunlight as a Dazzle attack of Intensity Trait Buy Cost Tag DP Notes
equal to your DP and Power 12 for normal sun Soft Fur 1 0 CP N +0 Standard animal fur.
Vampiric 1 -2 AP M
and 14 for extremely bright light or a very The character has exquisite fur that
bright day. After the flash wears off you will is extremely pleasant to touch. In
re-adjust and just take a -3 Damage Modifier. Pelt 1 2 CP/1 AP N +3 some cases the character might be
As above, but you actually take damage and hunted for their pelt. Character gains
burn in the sun. At the beginning of each +2 in an appearance of choice.
Round you are exposed you will suffer a hit Character has no hair and gains -1 to
for 10 IMP damage with a +4 Damage Modi- Hairless 1 -1 CP M +0
Charm and Persuade.
fier. No defenses apply to this—but coverage Dense Fur — — — — See Armor
Extreme Vampiric
1 -4 AP M or heavy sun-block can reduce the damage
modifier or even the damage (a heavy cloak
and face-wrap might reduce the base damage Highly Visible [Varies] U Extreme
to 2. If removed the character would suffer Description: You are, for whatever reason, easy to spot
a Dazzle attack as above and begin taking and/or easy to identify. This makes it easier for enemies to
damage immediately. find you and may let everyone know what your abilities are.
Trait Buy Cost Psychology Notes
Annoying/Unpleasant U Extreme Perhaps you emit radio waves or
visible trails of light that let people
[Varies] Easily Tracked 1 -2 CP None find you pretty easily? This can also
Description: You have some native aspect that is annoying be the case if you are tracked by
or unpleasant to those around you (for more extreme electronic or radioactive signature.
mutant versions, see Mutant Skin). Your identity and/or abilities are well
Known 1 -2 CP None
Trait Buy Cost Psychology Notes known and catalogued.
Electronic hum? Other odd
Constant Noise 1 -2 CP -2 Persuade/Charm sounds (loud, constant
The character emits electrical
crackles and sparks. This can
disrupt electronic equipment,
shock people nearby, and
possibly even start small fires.
Energy Discharge 1 -2 CP None
The character must concentrate
(5 REA each Round) to be sure of
suppressing a discharge which
makes them dangerous in situa-
tions with flammable material).

Luminescent [Varies] V Varies Reflective [2 AP] L+ Extreme
Description: Your skin glows in some fashion! Description: Your skin is a mirrored, reflective surface.
Trait Buy Cost Tag DP Notes This looks bizarre—but not ugly (it may have some tint
A dim, controllable flash of light or highlight to it). Oddly enough the character takes ½
Lure 1 1 AP/1 CP N +3 that may draw targets to the damage from lasers (which many attribute to the light
creature. reflecting—but which scientists decry as patently absurd).
A 360-degree light source out to
Bio-Lantern 1 1 AP/2 CP E +2 In any event, the character is at -3 to Stealth rolls.
CON yards.
You glow so brightly you are hard Trait Buy Cost DP
to look at! Turning this on is a Reflective 1 2 AP +2
5 REA Medium action and creates
Incandescent 1 2 AP E +0
a -2 Visual Modifier for anyone Translucent [1 AP] U Extreme
trying to target you. This lasts
CON x 2 Rounds before it must Description: Your biological tissues are light-permeable.
cool off for 2 hours. Sunglasses You can see right through them! This gives +2 to Stealth
and can provide a disquieting or engaging show as it

Innate Powers
will prevent the modifier.
eats (depending on one’s disposition). This gives -2 to all
Mutant Skin [Varies] U Varies Psychology rolls except Persuade.

Innate Powers
Trait Buy Cost DP
Description: Your skin is “damaged” in some way. Each -1 Reflective 1 1 AP +3
AP or -2 CP gives -2 to Charm, Persuade, and (at the GM’s
discretion) Recruit rolls.
Trait Buy Cost Tag BLD Notes DEFENSES
You have hanging folds of skin. If
you do not have access to hygiene This section collects Armor, Energy Defenses (Force
Extra Skin 1 -1 AP/-2 CP M +1
your smell will become very bad Field and the like), and Bio-Defenses (Spines, Spikes,
after a few days. Acid Blood, etc.).
You are covered with thick lumps
Lumps 1 -2 AP/-2 CP M +2 or growths. Normal clothes and
armor may not fit well.
You ooze a viscous slime from ARMOR
your pores. It has an unpleasant Various types of damage-mitigating skin coverings are
Ooze 1 -2 AP/-3 CP M +0
smell, creates a mess, and may handled here. Note that as some forms of armor give
allow others to track you. extra BLD, the Armor may increase strike damage and
Your skin rots and slights off
(underneath the skin is healthy).
therefore have an A-Cost.
“Rotting” 1 -2 AP/-3 CP M +0
You will smell and attract insects.
You may appear “undead.”
Pitted 1 -2 AP/-3 CP M +0
You have large abscesses or pits We have included several 1x Buy versions of armor
across your skin. meant to represent less extreme versions of the
ability. These are marked Light and are usually
Non-Human Humanoid U Extreme suitable to “regular animals.” They may even have
[Varies] a CP Cost.
Description: The character appears “non-human” (while
still humanoid) in some fashion. Usually this acts as a form
of “Appearance” if it is rendered in an attractive manner.
™™ If these traits are allowed they imply that the
character is non-human in a human (or similar)
society and will stand out.
™™ This is a way to purchase Exotic at double value IF
the character is allowed to buy “Extreme” traits.
™™ If the character does not especially stand out (an
alien in a sci-fi game full of aliens) then the trait gives
the listed Cost in Exotic (if they are exotic at all).
Trait Buy Cost Appearance Notes
Wild Skin Colors 1 2 CP 4 CP Exotic Violet? Aquamarine? Blue?
Pointed Ears 1 1 CP 2 CP Exotic +1 Hearing Perception
Strange Eyes 1 2 CP 4 CP Exotic Glowing? Pure-black?
Bizarre Hair 1 1 CP 2 CP Exotic Color changing? Moves?
Small Horns 1 1 CP 2 CP Exotic Could also be small tusks
Tail 1 1 CP 2 CP Exotic +1 to keep balance

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

One Time Buys and Buying Armor Armor [4 AP] L+ Extreme

We have created a number of armor types that Unit Cost Armor 1/2.5 Armor per AP
are either designated LIGHT or just have a 1x Buy Description: You have armored flesh. Armor must be
(examples are hides and Diamondoid Carapace). apparent in the texture of the skin unless the character
Here are our reasons for doing so: has access to Super Traits in which case it may look normal
(when striking someone with armor, though, you will know).
1. If you want to just buy armor and call it hide Trait Buy Cost Armor Plate DP ADP
or super-skin or whatever, you can do that Armor M 4 AP 4/10 None +0 +0
using the Armor Generic Archetype Trait. Reinforced Armor M 4 AP 2/5 None +0 +12
Reinforced Armor M 4 AP 3/5 None +4 +0
Just pay the AP’s and work with the GM to Plated Armor M 4 AP 2/5 2/8 Cv 4 +0 +2
describe it however you want. If you are Plated Armor M 4 AP 2/5 2/10 Cv 3 +0 +4
not allowed “Super” abilities then, usually,
armor is obvious.
2. If you are creating an animal having the
LIGHT versions of things, availability with a
CP-only cost is good since animals may well
be created without any APs for things like
hide. (Bio-weapons will cost AP’s most of the
time though.)
3. A few oddballs like Diamondoid shell have
been included because (a) there were in
previous versions of the rules (and we liked
them) and (b) they were cool and colorful—
but we didn’t want to make them with a TAP
Cost for scaling purposes.

Wearing Armor and Natural Armor

We make note of whether “normal” (or “regular”) Armored Bio-System L+ Super
armor can be worn over the armors listed here.
[8, 4 AP]
This is done for an Adventure Game context where
Description: Your body is armored internally and exter-
characters may have natural armor (perhaps they
nally. The character may appear normal (if taken as an
are post-apocalypse mutants) and will find armor Extreme power the character will appear armored) but is
tailored for normal people. quite hard to hurt. The Armor has Cv 8.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP BLD Armor
Although the specifics will be up to the specific Bio-Armor M 8 AP +0 AP +8 +0 8/20 Cv8
game, group, situation, etc. we have not applied a Half Level 1 4 AP +0 AP +4 +0 4/10 Cv 8
cost modifier for the ability to wear armor and it
may be assumed that most found armors can be Blubber [4 AP] L Natural
somehow tailored to fit the character (or the restric- Description: You have thick, dense layers of protective fat.
tion can be ignored completely). This gives:
™™ Additional BLD, which adds to HTH damage.
Adaptation [4 AP] L+ Mystic ™™ Penetration Defense.
Description: Adaptation allows you to increase your ™™ ADP.
defenses against a specific attack during combat. Each level ™™ -2 to Initiative rolls.
provides a listed amount of Armor against every attack— ™™ Sprinting movement earns double the Endurance
but when you are hit, if you sustain any damage from the it normally would if the character’s STR-10 is lower
attack against DP or ADP, against that specific attack type than their BLD/5.
(Fire, Electricity, etc.), you gain +1x your armor and PEN ™™ The character cannot wear normal armor over their
Defense against it for the remainder of that combat. blubber.
Note: You always get the DP (it doesn’t “increase”). Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP BLD Armor
Unarmed M 4 AP +2 AP +15 +15 0/15
Trait Buy Cost Armor DP Type Armed M 4 AP +3 AP +13 +15 0/15
Adaptation M 4 AP 1/5 +4 Increases LIGHT 1 2 CP +1 AP +2 +5 0/5

Innate Powers
Innate Powers
Bullet Proof Skin L+ Super
[8, 4 AP] Diamondoid Shell [22 AP] L+ Super
Description: Your skin looks and feels completely normal Description: The character has a thick shell glittering with
assuming the character is human (it may even stand up carbon tetrahedrons. This has Coverage 5 and has extremely
to a basic medical exam)—but under stress it becomes high Pen Defense but is (comparatively) lightweight.
puncture-resistant armor! Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Plate Cv 5 BLD
Note: The skin still has weak points (eyes, perhaps) so it Diamondoid Shell - Unarmed M 22 AP +2 AP 28/400 +20
has Coverage of 8. Diamondoid Shell – Armed M 22 AP +2 AP 28/400 +15
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP BLD Armor
Bullet Proof Skin M 8 AP +0 AP +16 +0 6/15 Cv 8 Hide [Varies] List
Half Level 1 4 AP +0 AP +9 +0 3/7 Cv 8
Description: You have thick hide, fur, or scales. Your skin
appears non-human but you can wear normal armor.
Carapace [Varies] L+ Natural Trait Buy Cost Tag Armor DP ADP Notes
Description: You have a thick armored shell. Hide LIGHT 1 1 AP, 2 CP N 1/2 +1 +2 Thick skin
Ultra Hide M 4 AP E 3/8 +2 +7 Wild colors?
™™ You cannot wear normal armor over the shell. Scales LIGHT 1 1 AP, 2 CP N 1/3 +0 +2 Weather resistant
™™ The extra BLD adds to the character’s Base Damage Ultra Scales M 4 AP E 3/12 +0 +5 Glittering Armor
Fur LIGHT 1 1 AP, 2 CP N 0/4 +2 +2 Thick fur
and therefore has an A-Cost.
Ultra Fur M 4 AP E 1/10 +8 +0 Exquisite armored fur
™™ Heavy Carapace may have a modifier to the AGI
™™ Adaptive Plates are ADP rather than armor that is Impenetrable [1 AP] L+ Super
only applied when the Coverage area is hit. Description: You are much harder to cut or puncture than
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Plate AGI BLD normal. This provides “pure” Penetration Defense without
Heavy Carapace any Damage Reduction.
M 4 AP +1 AP 6/14 Cv 5 -1 +10
– Unarmed Trait Buy Cost A-Cost PEN Def
Heavy Carapace Impenetrable M 1 AP +0 AP 8 PEN DEF
M 4 AP +1 AP 6/14 Cv 5 -1 +5
– Armed
Carapace Plates
M 4 AP +1 AP 4/10 Cv 5 -0 +10
– Unarmed
Carapace Plates
M 4 AP +1 AP 4/10 Cv 5 -0 +5
– Armed
Adaptive Plates
M 2 AP +1 AP 36 ADP Cv 5 -0 +10
– Unarmed
Adaptive Plates
M 2 AP +1 AP 36 ADP Cv 5 -0 +5
– Unarmed
Natural Shell – Unarmed 1 1 AP, 4 CP +1 AP 2/5 Cv 5 -1 +3
Natural Shell – Armed 1 1 AP, 4 CP +1 AP 2/5 Cv 5 -1 +3

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Neonium Plates [TAP] Combat Super Resistance [4 AP] L+ Mystic

Description: You have metallic ultra-hard plates made of Description: You have specific resistance to certain types
some kind of “super-metal.” of damage (such as damage from fire, lightning, etc.).
Note: The Armor listing is multiplied by the character’s Usually a specific resistance is either:
Total AP cost. So if the character is 16 AP, the Armor’s ™™ Common: Swords or other melee weapons (for
Damage Reduction is 16 x 5 = 80/200 (PEN Resistance is DR fantasy) where attacks are common, Unarmed, etc.
x 2.5). Magic in high-magic fantasy. 2 Armor for 1 AP
Level DP Armor Cost
™™ Uncommon: One basic attack type. Fire, bullets,
Coverage 3 +4 5 x Total AP [.38] +1
Coverage 4 +4 5x Total AP [.45] + 1 Magic in low-magic fantasy. 4 Armor per AP.
Trait DP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ ™™ Rare: A specific or very unusual attack type (Frost).
Cv 3 +4 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 8 Armor for 1 AP.
Cv 4 +4 5 8 12 15 19 23 26 30 ™™ Very Rare Something the character is very unlikely
to run into. 20 Armor for 1 AP.
Plates [Varies] L+ List Trait Buy Cost Armor DP Type
Fire Resistance M 4 AP 16 / 40 +0 Uncommon
Description: You have armored plates of some material. Lightning Resistance M 4 AP 16 / 40 +0 Uncommon
Regular armor cannot be worn over Plates. Frost Resistance M 4 AP 32 /80 +0 Rare
Magic Attacks M 4 AP 8 / 20 +0 Common
™™ ADP coverage means the ADP is only applied when Technology Attacks M 4 AP 8 / 20 +0 Common
the coverage is hit (using Armor Coverage rules).
Trait Buy Tag Cost Armor ADP DP
Chitin LIGHT 1 N 1 AP, 3 CP 0/0 +11 Cv 3 +0 Skeletal Lattice [4 AP] L+ Super
Ultra Chitin M E 4 AP 1/8 Cv 3 +16 Cv 3 +0 Description: Your skeleton is reinforced with some kind of
Bone LIGHT 1 N 1 AP, 4 CP 1/3 Cv 3 +0 +2 super-strong material or energy structure! This gives armor
Ultra Bone M E 4 AP 4/10 Cv 3 +0 +5
Bio-Carbon M E 8 AP 4/12 Cv 4 +24 Cv 4 +0 plating under the skin with a Coverage of 4.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Plate ADP
Skeletal Lattice M 4 AP +0 AP 4/20 Cv 4 +1

Spectral Skin [4 AP] L+ Mystic

Description: You have strange skin that has an uncanny
look to it. When struck the character may, as a 5 REA
Short Action, activate the protection. This has a visible and
audible effect. The character may begin to glow, sparkle,
etc. The skin may light up with arcane designs or otherwise
glow. Once activated (which gives both the armor and a
Power Field) the effect lasts several minutes.
Note: Usually the activation must come in a combat Round
when the character is the target of a hostile attack.
Trait Buy Cost Armor Power Field
Spectral Skin M 4 AP 3/7 20

Steel Skin [10 AP] L+ Super

Description: Your skin looks metallic in nature. You may
wear normal armor over steel-skin. You hit for additional
damage in HTH combat due to heavy metal-like hands.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DMG Armor DP
Steel Skin- Unarmed M 10 AP +1 AP +2 IMP 7/20 +5
Steel Skin – Armed M 10 AP +2 AP +2 IMP 7/20 +4

ENERGY DEFENSES Force Sphere [4 AP] L+ Super
Energy Defenses are the Power Field and the Force Field. Unit Cost Force Sphere 2.5 Force Sphere per AP
Description: The character generates a Force Field using
the normal rules but has the option to “expand” it into a
Force Sphere. This can be handy for protecting others.
™™ Expanding the field is an 8 REA Long Action. Anyone
who reacts with a Step action should be able to get
outside of it (if they can react).
™™ Once expanded ALL attacks that pass through it,
even by the owning character will be stopped by the
™™ The generating character is always in the center. If
they fly the bubble will move with them.

Innate Powers
™™ If generated on the ground, the sphere will conform
to solid objects and flow around them. Once

Innate Powers
created, however, it will not be mobile unless the
character takes a 5 REA Medium action each Move
action to “re-flow it.”
™™ Once expanded ALL attacks that pass through it,
even by the owning character will be stopped by the
™™ The sphere can be 2 yards in Radius per 4 AP in the
Trait Buy Cost POWER DP
Force Sphere M 4 AP 10 +0

Power Field [4 AP] Super

Unit Cost L+: 5 Power Field per AP
Force Field [5 AP] L+ Super Description: A Power Field is a kind of force field that
degrades quickly. Each point of damage done to a Power
Unit Cost Force Field L+: 1.4 Force Field per AP Field degrades it 1 pt. The PEN DEFENSE of the Power Field
Description: You can erect a glowing force field around is equal to its current level.
your body.
™™ Activation is a 0 REA Short action (as a Force Field).
™™ Activation is a 0 REA Short action. If attacked when ™™ When a Power Field is destroyed entirely it takes
the field is down they can raise it as a reaction (like about 20 minutes to recharge.
a block). If they are 5 Initiative slower than the ™™ A 5 REA Medium Recharge action will restore 20% of
attacker (or attacked during a Bullet Round) they the field (taken from its undamaged total).
must make an Initiative roll to get it up in time. Trait Buy Cost Power Field
™™ Reinforcing the field (adding 20% of value) is a 5 REA Power Field M 4 AP 20 Power Field
Medium Action.
™™ The rules for Force Field degradation are covered in
the Basic Book.
™™ Keeping a standard Force Field raised is a Walking
Endurance action.
™™ Once a field is knocked down, it is an 8 REA Long
Action to regenerate it.
™™ The Slow field requires a 5 REA Short Action to raise.
The field costs Walking Endurance (so it can be kept
up so long as the character is alert).
Trait Buy Cost POWER DP
Force Field M 5 AP 7 +0
Force Field [SLOW] M 5 AP 7 +3

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

BIO-DEFENSES Quills (Spines) [8 AP] L1/L+ Varies

Bio-Defenses are things like quills, spines, acid blood, Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
and so on.
Unit Cost L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP
Acid Blood [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme Description: You have a body-coating of sharp but narrow and brittle quills
or needles that serve as a deterrent to grappling or biting attacks.
Unit Cost L1: 2.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
™™ Quills work as a Damage Field, protecting the character and
Description: You bleed pressurized acid when blood is responding to any successful hit with a Grab, Grapple, or Bite.
drawn! In order for this to take effect the character must ™™ Quills have a Coverage of 5 against Grab or Bite attacks but will
automatically work against Grapple Attacks of any sort. They will
take damage from a Penetrating attack where the Armor automatically hit any time any character (the owning character or
Save fails. At this point the Acid Blood is in play. an attacker) expends REA for a Grapple move.
™™ The quills can be used with a Strike, using the forearm against an
™™ The Acid Blood hits up to Medium Reach attacks (or attacker, but hit at -2.
a bare handed strike from any range).
Quills, in their basic form, are very painful but do not usually inflict mortal
™™ It gets an immediate 0 REA 14- chance to hit the damage (deaths from porcupine quills more commonly come from dehydra-
target. tion over a matter of hours). A hit with Quills does the following:
™™ Regular (non-magical, non-AP point cost) weapons 1. The Quills have a listed PEN Damage but usually stay at 1 PEN for
will get a 9- save: +2 for 2-handed, +3 for fine normal animals.
manufacture or high-tech materials, -1 for each 2. If the target takes a point of damage that penetrates, they suffer
additional level of Acid Blood. If the save is failed a Quill Resisted Attack (detailed below).
3. If the character was attempting a Bite attack of any sort, increase
the weapon is destroyed. the Effect by 1 level (No Effect becomes minor).
™™ If hit with the acid the target will take damage 4. Poisoned Quills: The character can exchange the Quill RA for a
immediately. Base Damage is doubled against a Bite different Resisted Attack. Simply choose the attack, the delivery
type is Blood Toxin/Damage Field, and adjust the Intensity
Attack. accordingly.
™™ The acid will BURN for 1 Round, dealing damage Attack Strength C Delivery Type Blood Toxin/Damage field
again on the next round on the target’s TURN before Effect Result
they act. It will use the same Damage Modifier the Fail No Effect
original hit had. Stuck! The character suffers pain from the quills. Make a WIL roll
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Tag Reach Damage at -1 or take a -1 to all actions next Round. If the attacker is not
Acid Blood L1 1 8 AP 8 AP E Med 18 IMP dedicated to the fight they may choose to go away and try to
Acid Blood L+ M 8 AP 8 AP E Med 12 IMP remove the quills.
Punctured. The character is stuck with quills. Suffer a Stunned
Effect and make a WIL roll at -2 or suffer -2 to rolls next round.
Electric Shock [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme Pin Cushion. The character is stuck with numerous quills. Suffer a
Unit Cost L1: 1.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP Critical Dazed result. Make a will roll at -3 or suffer a -3 to rolls until the
quills come out.
Description: Your body emits powerful electric shocks Catastrophic
Dangerous. Dazed, Will-4 or suffer -4 until the quills come out.
when struck. Character cannot eat or drink until receiving medical attention.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Tag Damage Intensity Power
™™ When the character is hit with a HTH attack or one Quills LIGHT 1 4 CP +1 AP N 1 PEN Char’s DP 11
that will transmit electrical shock (GM’s decision) Ultra Quills L1 1 8 AP +8 AP E 10 PEN 36 12
Ultra Quills L+ M 8 AP +8 AP E 9 PEN +20 12
after the damage from the incoming strike is
resolved, apply the damage from the strike.
™™ This is a 0 REA event on the part of the shocking
™™ The damage is as listed with an automatic +4
Damage Modifier and a -1 to the target’s CON roll if
any is required.
™™ The shock effect can be triggered intentional once
per Round by the owner.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Tag Reach Damage
Electric Shock L1 1 8 AP 8 AP E Short 14 IMP
Electric Shock L+ M 8 AP 8 AP E Short 12 IMP

Skin Toxin [8 AP] L1/L+ Varies Spikes [4 AP] L1/L+ Varies
Unit Cost L1: 3.4 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP L1: 1.3 DMG
Unit Cost Spikes L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
per AP
Description: Your skin emits a contact poison much like
that of a Gila Monster or poison toad. This functions as a L1: 1.0 DMG
Unit Cost AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
Damage Field-style defense which hits opponents when per AP
they try to grab, grapple, bite, or hold you. L1: 1.0 DMG
Unit Cost Tox L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
per AP
™™ The Poison attack hits automatically for 0 REA when any
grab/grapple move is used on or by the toxic character. So Description: You have sharp, bony spikes that extend from
grabbing, grappling, biting, worrying, etc. will provoke a joints, the head, the back, the shoulders, etc. These spikes
Resisted Roll attack. In the case where the toxic character serve as a Damage Field against incoming attacks and can
has a victim grabbed or grappled they can provoke an be used as bio-weapons with Medium Reach.
attack for 5 REA.
™™ The exception to this is that a target trying to Break Grab/ ™™ The Spikes have Coverage 3 and can act against
Grapple will NOT provoke a roll if they are grabbed/ close or Medium Reach incoming attacks. This is a

Innate Powers
grappled by the toxic character. 0 REA strike that gets an automatic +4 Damage Mod.
™™ Biting a toxic character doubles the Intensity of the attack ™™ They act as a bio-weapon allowing blocks and

Innate Powers
™™ The Toxin deals damage (as IMP) each Round. It is not strikes. They are 5 REA strikes with no back-swing
modified—there is no Damage Modifier roll. It ignores cost and a -2 to-hit mod as they are not extended
from the arms “as a held weapon.”
™™ The victim must have “bare biological skin.” If the subject
has a force field or power-field up the toxin will not take
™™ Spikes can be Poisoned (see the cost-mod) or
hold. If the subject has metal skin or other non-biological Armor-Piercing (see the cost-mod).
coverings it may not penetrate either (GM’s decision). Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Tag Reach Damage
Heavy gloves and sleeves will allow someone to grab a Spikes L1 Cv 3 1 8 AP +8 AP N Med 10 PEN
toxic character safely—but ordinary clothing won’t prevent Spikes L+ Cv 3 M 8 AP +8 AP N Med 8 PEN
AP Spikes L1 Cv 3 1 8 AP +8 AP E Med 8 PEN, +8 Pen Val
the effect.
AP Spikes L+ Cv 3 M 8 AP +8 AP E Med 7 PEN, +7 Pen Val
Attack Strength C Delivery Type 4 (Damage Field but Grapple Only) Toxic Spikes L1 Cv 3 1 8 AP +8 AP E Med 8 PEN
Effect Result Toxic Spikes L+ Cv 3 M 8 AP +8 AP E Med 7 PEN
Fail No Effect
Standard Damage is A-Cost/2.
Major Damage is A-Cost. BIO/INNATE WEAPONS
Critical Damage is A-Cost x 1.5.
This section groups various attack forms such as Claws
Catastrophic Damage is A-Cost x2 and Teeth, Slashing Tails, and more exotic energy
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Tag Intensity Power attacks like “Laser Eyes.”
Skin Toxin L1 1 8 AP 8 AP E 27 12
Skin Toxin L+ M 8 AP 8 AP E 15 12
Monster Versions
Some attacks have a version marked “Monster” that
has an Activation Roll. These versions are intended
to be bought for “monsters” (although they can, of
course, be bought by anyone).
The Activation Roll is made at the beginning of the
Round (your Initiative Roll can do double-duty) and
if the roll is equal or less than the Activation number
the attack is available from that Round until used.
Once used (which could be the same Round or
sometime after) it is unavailable again until the roll
is made.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Beak [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural Bio-Blades [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme

L1: 3.0 DMG L1: 1.9 DMG
Unit Cost Standard L+: 1.6 DMG per AP Unit Cost Standard L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
per AP per AP
Unit Cost L1: 3.8 DMG L1: 1.6 DMG
L+: 1.9 DMG per AP Unit Cost Scythe L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
Monster1,2 per AP per AP
Description: You have a large sharp beak you can use to L1: 1.3 DMG
Unit Cost AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
eviscerate opponents. per AP
™™ Beaks are at -1 to hit. L1: 1.5 DMG
Unit Cost Poisoned L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
™™ They may only be used once per Round. per AP
™™ They get Medium Reach. Description: You have large blades—larger than claws!
Monster Beak Type 1 These are not usually retractable unless playing with the
The beak is at +2 to be Dodged and has a 1 Round Super Tag (although they can be with GM approval).
Charge-up. ™™ Blades have a +1 REA Back Swing meaning the first
Monster Beak Type 2 attack each Round costs normal (5) REA but each
The Beak is at +2 to be Dodged and has an Activation Roll attack the same Round after the first costs 6 REA.
of 9-. Scythe
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Damage Ridiculously over-sized blade with Long Reach.
Beak L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x 5 24 PEN
Beak L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x 5 13 PEN Armor Piercing Blades
Monster (both) L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x 5 30 PEN These Blades have the Armor Piercing factor. If a PEN Save
Monster (both) L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x 5 15 PEN fails the armor Damage Reduction drops to 0 against the
Blade Attack.
Belly Mouth [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme Poisoned Blades
Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG The Blades may carry any venom as a Blood Toxin (armor
L+: 1.4 DMG per AP save must fail and the target must take 1pt or more PEN
Standard per AP
L1: 4.4 DMG
Unit Cost Monster L+: 1.8 DMG per AP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Damage
per AP Blades L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 15 PEN
Description: Your stomach has a massive maw in it. This Blades L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 10 PEN
has Close Reach and acts as a Cross (the character is at +1 Scythe L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 13 PEN
to be hit and -1 to Block/Dodge until their next Round after Scythe L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 9 PEN
AP Blades L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 10 PEN
using the Belly Mouth). AP Blades L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 8 PEN
Poisoned L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 12 PEN
™™ A Belly Mouth has a +1 REA Back Swing meaning
Poisoned L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 8 PEN
the first attack each Round costs normal (5) REA
but each attack the same Round after the first costs
6 REA.
Monster Belly Mouth
The Belly Mouth is at +2 to be Dodged and requires a
1-Round Charge Up.
Note: Unlike a Cross, the Belly Mouth can be used more
than once per Round if the owning character pays the REA
for it.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Damage
B-mouth L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5 16 PEN
B-Mouth L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5 11 PEN
Monster L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5 35 PEN
Monster L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5 14 PEN

Claws & Teeth [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural Jaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural
L+: 1.0 DMG L1: 2.1 DMG per L+: 1.4 DMG per
Unit Cost Standard L1: 1.5 DMG per AP Unit Cost Standard
per AP AP AP
L+: 0.9 DMG L1: 4.4 DMG per L+: 1.8 DMG per
Unit Cost AP L1: 1.3 DMG per AP Unit Cost Monster
per AP AP AP
L+: 0.9 DMG L1: 1.3 DMG per L+: 0.9 DMG per
Unit Cost Toxic L1: 1.4 DMG per AP Unit Cost Saber
per AP AP AP
L+: 1.3 DMG L1: 1.4 DMG per L+: 1.0 DMG per
Unit Cost Bite-Only L1: 1.8 DMG per AP Unit Cost Snake
per AP AP AP
Description: You have retractable claws and teeth like a L1: 2.3 DMG per L+: 1.9 DMG per
Unit Cost Venom
cat! These give bonuses to Grapple in Close Combat (and AP AP
allow the character to grab). They can be used to climb L1: 1.5 DMG per L+: 0.9 DMG per
trees and the bite can perform a Worry attack. Unit Cost Armor P.

Innate Powers
™™ Claws, the Bite, and the Worry attack costs 5 REA Description: You have a massive array of teeth!
each. ™™ Attacking with Jaws counts as a Cross: the character

Innate Powers
™™ A Bite is at -1 to hit. It can be used to Worry after a gets +1 to be hit and -1 to defend (Block/Dodge)
hit. until their Turn next Round).
™™ Claws & Teeth add their damage to Offensive ™™ The character can Worry once they hit with a Bite.
Grapple for a Grab or Grapple (this includes the ™™ REA Cost of 5 REA per attack.
Grapple for a Bite-Worry).
Monster Jaws
Armor Piercing Claws Monster Jaws have the following modifications:
These are not as sharp as cyber-claws but do have the
Armor Piercing effect (if an Armor Save is failed, the ™™ 1 Round Charge Up.
targets’ Armor drops to 0 against the attack). ™™ ROF of 1x per Round.
™™ REA Cost of 6 REA per attack.
™™ Extra Pen Value. Armor Piercing Claws have ™™ Can Worry for 5 REA.
+Damage in PEN Value (The damage bought by APs
Oversized Maw
in Claws & Teeth only, not additional PEN Value for
The character has an extraordinarily big set of Jaws (like a
STR, BLD, or other bonuses).
T-Rex or Crocodile)!
™™ Extreme. This Trait is considered Extreme.
Poison Claws and Bite ™™ Reach is Medium.
The claws and bite carry a Blood-Toxin effect (the target ™™ ROF of 1x per Round (but can Worry at Rate of Fire
must fail an Armor Save and take at least 1pt of damage). of S).
Any toxin can be used (adjust Intensity appropriately). ™™ REA Cost of 5 REA per attack.
™™ Can Worry for 5 REA.
™™ Extreme. This Trait is considered Extreme.
Saber Toothed
Bite Only: If the character has “digging claws” like a dog, The character has a set of particularly long bladed teeth.
the damage for a Bite is +2/+1 (L1/L+). A hit by 6+ deals 2x listed damage (see the Vital Strike GAT
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
for more detail).
Claws/Teeth L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 12 PEN
Claws/Teeth L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 8 PEN ™™ REA Cost of 5 REA per Attack.
AP Claws/Teeth L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 10 PEN
AP Claws/Teeth L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 7 PEN
™™ Reach is Medium.
Toxic Claws/Teeth L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 11 PEN ™™ Can Worry for 5 REA.
Toxic Claws/Teeth L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 7 PEN Serpent Strike
Bite Only L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 14 PEN The character has a long neck and can strike at Long Reach
Bite Only L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 10 PEN
™™ 1 Round Cool-Down after striking.
™™ Acts as Cross (+1 to be hit, -1 to defend until next
™™ ROF of “S” (on Rounds it is active, it can strike more
than once).
™™ REA Cost of 5 per attack.
™™ Can Worry for 5 REA.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Venomous Bite Shooting Spines [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme

The character has fangs that inject venom (a Blood Toxin).
The character can choose any venom from the list. Unit Cost L1: 1.1 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP

™™ ROF of 1x per Round. Unit Cost L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP
™™ Extra PEN Value equal to damage from the Fangs Description: You have spines (see the Spines Trait)—but
(but not STR, BLD, etc.). you, as per legend, can actually shoot them from your
™™ Acts as Cross (+1 to be hit, -1 to defend until next body!
™™ To “ready” the spines to be shot is a 5 REA Medium
™™ Transmits any chosen poison as a blood toxin.
Action. Walking around with the spines at the ready
™™ REA Cost of 6 REA per Attack.
is difficult as they will stick out, catch on things, etc.
Armor Piercing Bite Give a -2 to all rolls while having them “out.”
The bite has the Armor Piercing effect. ™™ Shooting the spines is a 5 REA Medium Action.
™™ Armor Piercing: If an Armor Save fails Armor’s ™™ The Spines have a 1 Round Cool Down after being
Damage Resistance drops to 0 against the hit. fired.
™™ Extra PEN Value equal to the damage from the Bite. ™™ They have a Rate of Fire of 1.
™™ Can Worry for 5 REA (but not STR, BLD, etc.). ™™ The character gets the Spines Defense otherwise.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage Attack Strength C Delivery Type Blood Toxin Damage Field
Jaws L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 17 PEN Effect Result
Jaws L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 11 PEN Minor No Effect
Monster Jaws L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Short 35 PEN
Stuck! The character suffers pain from the quills. Make a WIL roll at -1 or
Monster Jaws L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Short 14 PEN
Standard take a -1 to all actions next Round. If the attacker is not dedicated to the
Sabertoothed L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 10 PEN
Sabertoothed L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 7 PEN fight they may choose to go away and try to remove the quills.
Snake Strike L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Long 11 PEN Punctured. The character is stuck with quills. Suffer a Stunned Effect and
Snake Strike L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Long 8 PEN make a WIL roll at -2 or suffer -2 to rolls next round.
Venomous Bite L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Short 18 PEN Pin Cushion. The character is stuck with numerous quills. Suffer a Dazed
Venomous Bite L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Short 15 PEN result. Make a will roll at -3 or suffer a -3 to rolls until the quills come out.
Armor Piercing Bite L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 12 PEN Dangerous. Dazed, Will-4 or suffer -4 until the quills come out. Character
Armor Piercing Bite L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 7 PEN cannot eat or drink until receiving medical attention.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Tag Damage Intensity Power
Shooting Spines L1 1 8 AP +8 AP E 9 PEN 36 12
Pincer Claw [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural Shooting Spines L+ M 8 AP +8 AP E 8 PEN 20 12
L+: 1.3 DMG
Unit Cost Standard L1: 1.8 DMG per AP
per AP
L+: 1.0 DMG
Unit Cost Small L1: 1.5 DMG per AP
per AP
L+: 1.6 DMG
Unit Cost Monster L1: 3.3 DMG per AP
per AP
Description: You have a crab-like claw you can use to grab
and crush targets. The Offensive Grapple treats damage as
STR (including STR bonus)
™™ The Pincer can be used to Worry once it hits.
™™ REA Cost of 6 REA per Attack.
™™ Worry cost 5 REA per Attack.
™™ Medium Reach.
Small Pincer
™™ REA Cost of 5 REA per Attack.
Monster Pincer
Designed for use by monsters.
™™ -2 to hit
™™ ROF of 1x.
™™ Can still Worry at ROF of S (for 5 REA each attack).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
Pincer Claw L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Med 14 PEN
Pincer Claw L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Med 10 PEN
Small Pincer L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Med 12 PEN
Small Pincer L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Med 8 PEN
Monster Pincer L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Med 26 PEN
Monster Pincer L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Med 13 PEN

Talons [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme Ink Spray [TAP] Combat Natural/Super
L1: 1.8 DMG Description: You can produce a dark cloud, usually as a
Unit Cost – Std L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
per AP defense. The Natural version of this works only in the
L1: 1.3 DMG water. The Super version creates an inky cloud of darkness
Unit Cost – AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP in the air.
per AP
L1: 1.5 DMG ™™ The attack is a 5 REA Medium Attack action.
Unit Cost – Tox L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
per AP ™™ It covers a CON or 12 yard + (BLD/5) Radius.
Description: You have bladed claws that can grasp and tear ™™ The visual modifier for everyone within it is -6 (make
(like a bird’s talons). Talons act like Bio-Blades but confer a Perception roll at -6 each Round or fight at -6 for
the Worry attack (see Worry). They have a +1 Back-Swing that Round—unless the character can see in the
(each attack after the first costs +1 REA, not cumulative). dark).
Dive Grapple: When used with a Dive Grapple attack, ™™ It can be triggered once per 10 minutes per point of
Talons are part of an 8 REA Long Action with a -1 to hit. CON above 10 (minimum of 1).
™™ If this only works in water, the cost is halved.

Innate Powers
They add the Base Damage of the Avian body type.
Armor Piercing Blades ™™ If the character cannot see through their own ink
spray the cost is 2 CP (not AP).

Innate Powers
These Blades have the Armor Piercing factor. If a PEN Save
Trait Cost
fails the armor Damage Reduction drops to 0 against the
Natural Ink Spray [.52]
Blade Attack. Less Potent Spray [.44]
Poisoned Blades Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
The Blades may carry any venom as a Blood Toxin (Armor Ink Spray 5 8 12 17 21 25 29 33
Save must fail and the target must take 1pt or more PEN Lighter Spray (-4 Visual) 4 7 11 14 18 21 25 28
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Damage Skunk [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural
Talons L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 15 PEN
Talons L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 10 PEN Unit Cost L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP
AP Talons L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 10 PEN Description: You can spray a noxious chemical. It has a
AP Talons L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 8 PEN range of BLD /3 yards, gets a +3 Large Weapon bonus, and
Tox Talons L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 12 PEN
Tox Talons L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5* 8 PEN it gets a roll to hit everyone in a 90-degree arc.
™™ The attack is a 5 REA Medium Action.
™™ The character has one charge per point of CON
CHEMICAL SPRAYS above 10 (minimum of 2).
The character has some form of offensive (or, some- Attack Strength C+ Delivery Type Breath Weapon (Chem Spray)
times, defensive) chemical spray. Note that where Effect Result
On 0 to -3: The character stinks. This lasts several hours and forces a WIL
the toxin is specified the effect can be swapped for Fail roll or the character (or anyone near them) takes a -2 on any roll that
another toxin (see the Toxin rules). takes concentration over time (i.e. not combat rolls).
Standard As above but the WIL roll is at -2.
Horns [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural Major
As above but all rolls, including combat rolls (but not CON), will take the
effect. The character that is hit will be Dazed for the first Round.
L1: 2.0 DMG Critical The character is vomiting. Treat as disabled for 2 Rounds then as above.
Unit Cost PEN L+: 1.4 DMG per AP
per AP Catastrophic The character is helplessly vomiting for several minutes.
L1: 2.5 DMG Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Unit Cost IMP L+: 2.5 DMG per AP Skunk L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 36/20
per AP
Description: You have horns or antlers extruding from your BLD/3 5 1x
head. They may be pointed, bladed, or blunt. Horns are
usually used with a Charge or Ram attack. When used with
a swing of the head, they cost 6 REA and count as a Cross
(leaving the attacker at +1 to be hit and -1 to defensive
rolls until their next Turn).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost REA Reach Damage
PEN Horns L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 6 Med 16 PEN
PEN Horns L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 6 Med 11 PEN
IMP Horns L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 6 Med 20 IMP
IMP Horns L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 6 Med 14 IMP

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Toxic Cloud [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme Aura: The Aura attack hits everyone in the combat once
(per combat) on your Turn in the first Round (or when
Unit Cost L1: 4.8 INT per AP L+: 2.3 INT per AP they move into range). It costs 0 REA. Unless designated
Description: You can emit a poisonous cloud around a Curse, it can be turned off (in this case it costs 5 REA to
you. This has a Radius of 6 yards (or BLD/2, whichever is activate it).
greater). Vengeance Strike: When the character is hit with a
™™ The attack is a 5 REA Medium Action. hand-to-hand/weapon attack at up to Long Reach range
™™ Everyone in the radius susceptible to inhaled toxins must the attacker will suffer a 0 REA effect which auto-hits.
make a Resisted roll against the character. To trigger it, the attack the character suffers must be
™™ Characters in the cloud do not need to roll every Round: Penetrating and do 1pt of damage or more with a failed
They only need roll when coming into contact with the Armor Save (i.e. “draw blood”).
cloud the first time. The cloud lasts CON (or 12) Rounds. Attack Strength B Delivery Type 6 (Aura), 3 (Blood Toxin)
™™ The cloud gives a -2 to Perception rolls to see/target Effect Result
through it (but if within 0-6 yards you can target Fail No Effect
opponents normally). Buy Ink Spray if it is very dark. Standard Character suffers Dazed Result and takes a Minor Wound.
™™ The character can pick any of the toxins from the table. Major Character suffers a Dazed Result and takes a Major Wound.
The one provided here is “Tear Gas.” Critical Character suffers an Unconscious Result and takes a Critical Wound.
Attack Strength D Delivery Type 5 (Gas Cloud) Catastrophic Character suffers a Dying Result and takes a Critical Wound.
Effect Result Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Curse
Fail No Effect Basilisk Aura L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 11/8 14/15
Target makes WIL rolls at -2 at the start of each Round. If missed all Basilisk Vengeance L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 22/14 N/A
actions requiring targeting or concentration or perception are at -2 (if Radius REA ROF
Standard BLD/2y Special 1x
you have a grapple already you can grapple at no negative). Charac-
ters not EXTREMELY motivated will leave the area in pain.
Major Target is Stunned and rolls as above.
Imprison [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic
Critical Target is Stunned and rolls at -3 as above. Unit Cost Gaze L1: 2.4 INT per AP L+: 2.1 INT per AP
Target is treated as blind and Dazed. Then takes -3 (or worse due to
Catastrophic Description: You teleport the target to some kind of
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity mystical prison. They can be removed at will as an 8 REA
Tear Gas L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 38/18 Long Action appearing on solid ground somewhere within
Rng REA ROF Radius 10y of the character. While imprisoned the target will not
BLD /2 5 1x 6 yards die of exposure or hunger and will be conscious. There
may be a way to escape—that’s left up to the GM and the
nature of the ability.
CURSES Attack Strength A Delivery Type 4 (Beam)
This section of abilities (bio-attacks—but also defenses Effect Result
to a degree) represents either very, very unusual Fail No Effect
Target is immobilized for 1 Round and the attacker can try again next
innate abilities or, more likely, mystical curses! With Round if wanted – OR – the target is imprisoned for 10 Rounds (1 minute)
the “curse” modifier it means the ability is always-on and will re-appear in the same place they were imprisoned (they cannot
and indiscriminate (you turn everyone you look at to be carried). The target decides. An immobilized character takes no actions
but gets a -8 Damage Modifier (unless the attacker decides to drop it as a
stone). This is usually makes the ability much more
0 REA Medium Action) due to being only partially “in reality.”
powerful but is intended to be very inconvenient. Major Target is imprisoned immediately.
Critical Target is imprisoned immediately.
Basilisk [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic Catastrophic Target is imprisoned immediately.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
L+: 1.0 INT per Imprison L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 19/17
Unit Cost Aura L1: 1.4 INT per AP
L+: 1.9 INT per -1/10y 0 1x
Unit Cost Vengeance L1: 2.8 INT per AP
Description: You have an “aura of decay” and a specific
“toxin” in your blood that will attack anyone who damages
you! This is named after the fabled basilisk (this effect can
also be done slightly differently with petrification).
Note: Decay does not work on characters with No Biolog-
ical Weaknesses.
The Wound Effect is still rolled. If it is worse than the listed
result the character suffers the worse result.

Nullifier/ Un-Stoning: Characters can usually be restored through a
Mystical process.
Power-Drain [8 AP] L1/L+ Super/Mystic Attack Strength A Delivery Type 6 (Gaze)
Unit Cost Aura L1: 1.4 INT per AP L+: 1.0 INT per AP Effect Result
Fail No Effect
Unit Cost Ray L1: Standard Character is Turned To Stone for 3 Rounds.
Major Character is Turned To Stone for 1 hour.
Description: You have a ray that can shut off character’s Critical Character is Turned To Stone for 10 Days.
powers. Usually this only works against Traits of the same Catastrophic Character is Turned To Stone Indefinitely.
Tag (and since Power Drain is not a “Natural” Power it Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
cannot usually shut down Natural Traits.). Having it work Gaze 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 8/7
against other Tags is usually a Medium Enhancement (see Curse 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 10/9
Rng REA ROF Note
Modifying Powers) for each additional Tag.
BLD yards 0 1x These are for Gaze attacks.
Attack Strength B Delivery Type 4 (Beam)
Effect Result
Fail No Effect Remove Curse [2 AP] U Mystic

Innate Powers
Standard Character loses their abilities for one Round.
Major Character loses their abilities for 10 minutes. Description: You can undo curse effects and other “effects
Critical Character loses their abilities for days. added by Resisted Attacks.” Usually the tag (Mystic, Super,

Innate Powers
Catastrophic Character loses their abilities for days or weeks: maybe permanent? Etc.) determines what can be removed (the same type).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Curse Removing a curse is usually a matter of a 5 REA Medium
Nullifier Aura L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 11/8 14/10 Action and touching the target. The removing character
Nullifier Ray 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 22/14
then gets a Resisted Roll of their DP (plus ADP) against the
-1/5y 5 1x original Intensity of the attack. If successful, to any degree,
the curse is broken. Usually this can be tried a few times
(three times) but usually only once a day.
Petrification [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic Trait Buy Cost DP
Unit Cost Gaze L1: 1.0 INT per AP L+: 0.9 INT per AP Remove Curse 1 2 AP +4

Unit Cost Beam L1: 1.3 INT per AP L+: 1.1 INT per AP
Shrink [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic
Description: You can freeze people or “turn them to
stone.” In the full-on Mystic configuration it can be literal Unit Cost L1: 2.8 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP
stone—in the “Super” version it simply puts the target into Description: You can shrink your targets down to a very
a frozen stasis and “hardens” their skin. small size. While this makes them substantially harder to
Note: Creatures with “no biological weaknesses” are hit (at range, anyway) it also has the effect of making them
immune to Petrification. very fragile.
Being Petrified: When petrified you get 4/10 armor The attack “inflicts” the Smaller Size Class with the listed
(“stone skin”) in addition to any armor you used to have. division of DP. Damage Points can be reduced “below 1.” If
Archetype Points invested in other Defenses become 5x that happens the character is generally considered to have
ADP and your DP become 2x ADP. You have no biological “1 ADP” (so 1pt of damage will “kill the character”).
weaknesses in stone-form. Being Petrified is considered a
Note: In order to be mobile and get negatives to be hit in
SMALL Defect (over being “dead”).
HTH combat the character must be pretty mobile (either
Petrification Gaze Curse: In the Gaze Attack form of this flight or a very high ground move).
ability it hits as a ranged attack (Does not miss, etc.—see
Gaze attacks). However, in the curse form it’s “always on.” The effect generally lasts 10 minutes at Standard Effect and
This makes an automatic attack in a 90-degree arc in front doubles each time thereafter (80 min at Catastrophic).
of you every Round on your Turn (if dead? Turn INIT +0). Attack Strength B Delivery Type Beam
This is assumed to be “not suitable for PCs” under most Effect Result
Fail No Effect
circumstances. If the curse effect can be controlled by, for Little (1/2 DP, STR, and BLD or -4, whichever is worse). (-2 TBH), -2 yards
example, a visor, use the Controlled Curse number (which Standard
Ground Move. The divisor affects all attacks as well.
may be suitable for PCs). Generally if used with friendlys Major
Tiny (1/4th DP, STR, and BLD or -6, whichever is worse), -2/-3 TBH, 1/2th
they will be hit on an 8- if they are “unlikely to be in the Ground Move. The divisor affects all attacks as well.
Minute: (1/8th DP, STR, and BLD or -6, Whichever is worse), -4 TBH, 1/4th
line of fire,” 11- if “maybe,” and automatically if “in front of Critical
Ground Move. The divisor affects all attacks as well.
the character and probably in the line of fire.” Miniscule: (1/16th DP, STR, and BLD or -6, whichever is worse), -6 TBH,
1/8th Ground Move. The divisor affects all attacks as well.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Shrink L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 22/15
-1/5y 5 REA 1x

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Transmutate [8 AP] L+/L+ Mystic Stinger Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural

Unit Cost Gaze L1: 2.4 INT per AP L+: 2.1 INT per AP Unit Cost
L1: 3.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.9 DMG per AP
Description: You can transform/mutate a target! The basic
form of this is to “turn someone into a frog” but it can be Unit Cost AP L1: 2.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
used to spawn random mutations or even “turn henchmen Description: Your tail comes with a toxin-injection stinger.
into monsters!” Here are the basic rules: The tail delivers a blood toxin (choose from the toxin list).
™™ Unless you buy Power-Up you can’t turn someone ™™ REA Cost is 5 REA Per Attack.
into something with more AP/CP than they already ™™ The Stinger Tail has a 1 Round Cool Down.
have. Most small animals will be zero or negative AP, ™™ Unless Extreme, the tail has three doses of venom
however. before it must take an hour to recharge.
™™ At a critical or catastrophic level, mutations can be Armor Piercing Stinger (Extreme)
“eventually fatal” (no nose/mouth, for example). The tail has extra PEN VALUE equal to the damage the tail
If the character is not exactly in control of the does (I.e. not including extra damage from STR and BLD).
mutation the GM can assign a chance, usually a roll If the target’s Armor Save fails its Damage Reduction drops
of a 15+ (but it can be a 12+ if the attack is basically to 0 against the tail attack.
intended to be fatal). Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
Attack Strength A Delivery Type Beam (4) Stinger Tail L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 26 PEN
Effect Result Stinger Tail L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 15 PEN
Fail No Effect AP Stinger Tail L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 22 PEN
Standard Target is transmuted for 3 Rounds. AP Stinger Tail L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 12 PEN
Major Target is transformed for 1 day.
Critical Target is transformed for 1 week.
Catastrophic Target is transformed indefinitely. Striking Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Transmutate L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 19/17 Unit Cost L1: 2.5 DMG per AP L+: 1.6 DMG per AP
Rng REA ROF Note Unit Cost
-1/10y 0 1x L1: 4.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.9 DMG per AP
Description: You have a powerful tail you can use to lash
Transmutate Power-Up U Mystic or hit with.
[2 AP]
™™ REA Cost is 5 REA per Attack.
Description: You can add AP to a target with Transmutate! ™™ The tail is at -1 to be blocked.
This bonus assumes that (a) the mutation is inconvenient
Monster Tail
and highly visible and (b) that it lasts only as long as the
A larger tail that has an Activation Roll of 9 or less.
effect lasts. Each level adds +2 AP to the target. The char-
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
acter cannot use Transmutate Power Up on themselves. Striking Tail L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 20 IMP
Trait Buy Cost DP Striking Tail L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 13 IMP
Transmutate Power Up M 2 AP +4 Striking Tail Monster L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 34 IMP
Striking Tail Monster L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 15 IMP

ATTACK TAILS Thunder Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme

These are bio-weapon tails that can be used to attack!
Unit Cost L1: 3.1 DMG per AP L+: 1.9 DMG per AP
Razor Tail [8 AP] L1/L+ Natural Unit Cost L1: 4.9 DMG per AP L+: 2.0 DMG per AP
Unit Cost L1: 2.9 DMG per AP L+: 1.6 DMG per AP Description: You have a huge, muscular tail used for striking.
Description: You have a bladed tail that can be used to ™™ The tail costs 7 REA and is at -1 to be blocked.
slash and stab. ™™ It may only be used once per Round.
™™ The tail gets a +2 Large Weapon Bonus.
™™ REA Cost is 6 REA per Attack.
™™ The tail is at -1 to be blocked. Monster Tail
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage A larger tail that has a 1 Round Charge-Up.
Razor Tail L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 23 PEN Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach Damage
Razor Tail L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 13 PEN Thunder Tail L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 25 IMP
Thunder Tail L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 15 IMP
Thunder Tail Monster L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 39 IMP
Thunder Tail Monster L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x Long 16 IMP

Energy attacks are usually in the category of “super
powers or “extreme abilities.” Some of these are
even classed as mystic in origin (but included here for
convenience when making monsters and such).

Detonate [8 AP] L1/L+ Super

Unit Cost L1: 4.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
Description: You emit an explosive force from your body.
The Detonate effect has no range and does not damage
the character using the explosive effect.
™™ Firing the Detonate effect is a 5 REA Medium action.
The effect must first be charged (also a 5 REA action,

Innate Powers
see below).
™™ Detonate is explosive hitting everyone within range

Innate Powers
for a +4 Damage Modifier (Range handled as per
explosives OR 2y Rad per full 8pts Damage for
™™ It has a 2 Round Cool Down after being fired.
™™ It costs 5 REA to charge up and once charged the
Energy Torpedo [8 AP] L1/L+ Super
character is seething with energy, clearly ready to Unit Cost L1: 2.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.6 DMG per AP
explode. Keeping the ability ready cost Running Description: You charge and then unleash an explosive
Endurance. blast of energy.
™™ Detonate has a Rate of Fire of 1x.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG ™™ The torpedo has a 1 Round Charge Up.
Detonate L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x None 5 32 IMP ™™ It is Explosive.
Detonate L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x None 5 10IMP ™™ It has a Rate of fire of 1x.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Energy Fists [8 AP] L1/L+ Super E-Torpedo L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/5y 5 21 IMP
E-Torpedo L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/5y 5 13 IMP
Unit Cost L1: 2.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
Description: Once you activate your power your fists glow Optical Beams [8 AP] L1/L+ Super
with energy dealing damage with every strike you take.
Unit Cost L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.4 DMG per AP
(Note: This can apply to kicks or other HTH attacks at the
player’s discretion.) Description: You fire concussive force beams from your
eyes! These must be charged up (your eyes start to glow
™™ Activating the Fists is a 5 REA Medium Action. The and crackle with energy). Keeping them charged is a
character’s fists glow with an energy halo. Running Action.
™™ The damage done adds to the character’s unarmed
HTH damage. This will not add to other weapon ™™ Optical beams get +2 to hit (this is a full +2 that
attacks. increases Damage Mods and so on).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG ™™ Activating the character’s Optical Beams cost 5 REA.
Energy Fists L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Short 5 21 IMP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Energy Fists L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Short 5 8 IMP Optical Beams L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 13 IMP
Optical Beams L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 11 IMP

Plasma Blast [8 AP] L1/L+ Super

Unit Cost L1: 2.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
Description: You can fire a powerful blast of explosive
™™ The Plasma Blast costs 8 REA per attack.
™™ The attack is Explosive.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Plasma Blast L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 21 IMP
Plasma Blast L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 10 IMP

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Plasma Bolt [8 AP] L1/L+ Super Overload Example

Unit Cost L1: 1.9 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP SuperNova spends 12 AP on Power Blast and then +4
Description: You fire balls of plasma from your hands! You AP on the Overload option. Her blast is as follows:
get two Turns of fire before you must take 1 round of Cool-
™™ Power Blast does 18 IMP (13 +5) with an ROF
Down. The bolts have a -2 Recoil.
of S (she can fire it twice a Round for 5 REA
™™ The Plasma Blast costs 5 REA per attack. each shot).
™™ Plasma Bolts are not Explosive (unlike other plasma ™™ Power Blast in Overload Form: if she elects
attacks). to charge the beam for 5 REA she gets +12
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Plasma Bolt L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 17 IMP Damage on her next shot (total of 30 IMP)
Plasma Bolt L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 12 IMP but can only fire it one time that Round.

Plasma Breath [8 AP] L1/L+ Super

Unit Cost L1: 3.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP FORCE ATTACKS
The character creates and wields concussive force. In
Description: You can exhale a super-charged blast of explo-
addition to having some Force Field like capabilities
sive plasma.
(such as trapping someone in a Force Bubble) these can
™™ The Plasma Blast costs 8 REA per attack. also push targets back or pull them in a tractor beam!
™™ The attack is Explosive.
™™ The attack has an Activation roll of 9-. Knockback Effect
™™ The attack has a 1 Round Charge Up. A target hit with the Knockback effect will be
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Plasma Breath L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 8 29 IMP
violently pushed backwards by the attack. Usually
Plasma Breath L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 8 9 IMP this forces an AGI or Acrobatics roll to stay standing
at -1 per yard traveled.
Power Blast [8 AP] L1/L+ Super Targets will usually be knocked back by Damage /
Unit Cost L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP (BLD/5) yards—although if the target is moving
Unit Cost towards the character they can deduct their move-
L+: 3.0 DMG per AP
Overload ment speed. Flying characters, similarly, may be
Description: You can fire a beam of kinetic force! knocked back—but will not be knocked down.
Overload Option Finally, if a target is grabbing something the Offen-
The overload option costs 5 REA to charge on a given sive Grapple score of the Force Beam is Damage +10
Round and the blast may be fired for another 5 REA on against the target’s Offensive or Defensive grapple,
the following Round with a Rate of Fire of 1x. APs spent whichever is higher (if the attack wins, the target is
on Overload add to the damage done by the Power Blast.
knocked back, otherwise there is no motion).
If the entire attack is bought Overload, then it may not be
fired without first being charged and has a ROF of 1x.
Note: When fired in the Overload form, the entire attack Force Beam [8 AP] L1/L+ Super
has a ROF of 1. Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per
L+: 0.6 DMG per AP
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG Standard AP
Power Blast L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 13 IMP
L1: 1.5 DMG per
Power Blast L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 9 IMP Unit Cost HB 4+ L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
Overload L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 1x -1/5y 5 24 IMP AP
Description: The character fires a yellowish ray of kinetic
force. Any hit will knock a character back.
™™ The +4 Beam only knocks the target back on a hit
by 4+.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Force Beam L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 10 IMP
Force Beam L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 5 IMP
FB +4 L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 12 IMP
FB +4 L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 6IMP

Force Bubble [8 AP] L1/L+ Super Force Hammer [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super
Description: The character fires a beam or sphere that, Unit Cost L1: 2.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
when it hits, encases the target in a floating ‘force bubble’
Description: The character charges up a powerful ray of
that they can’t get out of. The Force Bubble has Armor and
concussive force.
DP based on its Level (see below). Until all the DP are gone
the bubble is stable and the character can’t move out of ™™ The Force Hammer costs 10 REA to Activate at the
it. The bubble will generally float a few feet off the ground beginning of the fight.
and expand around the captured character. It is glowing ™™ It costs 8 REA to fire thereafter.
and translucent. Inside the bubble the character is some- ™™ It knocks the target back on any hit.
what weightless although they can move or strike freely. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Force Hammer L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 8 22 IMP
™™ Attacks from within the bubble may be directed at Force Hammer L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 8 12 IMP
the bubble itself for +5 to hit or through the bubble
at another target (in which case the bubble simply Force Punch [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super
provides defense). If fired at a target outside the

Innate Powers
bubble the bubble gets a separate Armor Save: if Unit Cost L1: 1.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
successful the attack is rolled as IMP damage against Description: Your hands glow with power. Your punches do

Innate Powers
the target. If the bubble’s Armor Save fails a second extra damage and when you hit by 4+ you get the knock-
Armor Save is made for the target. If both fail the back effect.
attack is rolled as PEN damage otherwise the attack
is resolved as IMP damage and the Bubble’s Armor ™™ The effect takes 5 REA to activate after which all
and DP apply first, then the target’s defenses. strikes thrown get the extra force damage and
™™ The maximum BLD the bubble can encase is 20 BLD knockback effect (on a hit by 4+).
per level. It will simply “pop” if fired at a larger or ™™ Damage is added to the character’s HTH damage
heavier target. (for everything, including kicks, grapple damage,
™™ The target may take a reaction attack on the bubble etc. not just punches).
as per a Tangle Attack. If they destroy it, they will Trait Buy Cost A-Cost REA DMG
Force Punch L1 1 8 AP +8 AP Strike (any HTH) 14 IMP
not be lifted off the ground or contained. Force Punch L+ M 8 AP +8 AP Strike (any HTH) 10 IMP
™™ If the character is grappling with another person
or holding something the GM may rule both are
trapped if the BLD is sufficient or the bubble may
Tractor Beam [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super
make a Grapple 16 for Level 1, +8 Grapple for L+ Description: The character can snare a target in a “tractor
attack to Break Hold (make them let go). beam” and move them closer or further at will.
™™ The bubble is at +2 to be Dodged (it is slow or ™™ Tractor Beam hits as a 5 REA Medium action attack.
perhaps takes a moment to form). ™™ It has a Grapple Score of 10+Listed Damage and
™™ Bubbles must be anchored to a target (you can’t must make a successful roll when it hits the target
create empty bubbles). to “lock on.”
™™ Bubbles will filter air like a good filter mask and ™™ Once locked on it may move the target “Damage”/
are water tight. In space they will allow for at least (Target’s BLD/5).
temporary survival. ™™ A target in a Tractor Beam gets no AGI Bonus. They
™™ Already moving characters get an Overrun attack can still move their arms and legs to fight and block
against the bubble. If a character in a bubble has but they cannot change their location without
Powered Flight they can choose to fly the bubble breaking out of the beam.
around although it is hard to maneuver. A character Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
doing so moves at 1/2 speed and has no AGI bonus. Tractor Beam L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 18 IMP
™™ A target can only be encased in one bubble at a Tractor Beam L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 10 IMP
time. Multiple bubbles have no effect (they don’t
™™ If the bubble is used in mid-air it will gently drift to
the ground unless the character is falling; in which
case, apply the Overrun rules to the collision.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng Arm DP
Force Bubble L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5/40 +10
Force Bubble ½ L1 1 4 AP 4 AP 1x -1/15y 3/20 +5
Force Bubble L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 3/20 +8
Force Bubble ½ L+ M 4 AP 4 AP 1x -1/15y 2/10 +4

Innate Powers
Innate Powers


Particle beams are energy weapons that deal PEN Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
damage. Quantum Beams ignore armor.
Description: You fire a Quantum Beam pulse that travels
through several centimeters of material before “decaying
Ion Beam [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super
into real-space” and doing damage.
Unit Cost L1: 2.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.6 DMG per AP
™™ The Q-Beam requires 5 REA to Activate after which
Description: You can charge up and release a vivid red it may be fired normally for the remainder of the
particle beam. combat (keeping it active is a Sprinting action for
™™ The particle beam has an ROF of 1x. purposes of Endurance).
™™ It has a 1 Round Charge Up. ™™ The beam ignores armor.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG ™™ The Q-Beam does Impact Damage.
Ion Beam L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 22 PEN Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Ion Beam L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 13 PEN Q-Beam L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 11 IMP
Q-Beam L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 8 IMP
Ion Lance [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super
Quantum Blade [8 AP] L1/L+ Super
Unit Cost L1: 1.1 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
Unit Cost L1: 1.1 DMG per AP L+:0.8 DMG per AP
Description: Your ghostly blue “Phased Ion Lance” ignores
armor. Description: The Quantum Blade is a very short range
energy weapon that operates in “phase space.” It ignores
™™ The Ion Lance requires 5 REA to Activate after which armor, deals PEN damage, and has Long Reach (although it
it may be fired normally for the remainder of the is statted as a ranged weapon).
combat (keeping it active is a Sprinting action for
purposes of Endurance). ™™ The Q-Blade hits using COR or Melee Weapon skill.
™™ The beam ignores armor. It does not exist when not being “fired”—but when
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG fired it exists for several fractions of a second.
Ion Lance L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 9 PEN ™™ The Q-Blade can be used to block incoming HTH
Ion Lance L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 7 PEN attacks as a Melee weapon with a skill roll.
™™ The beam ignores armor.
Particle Beam [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super ™™ It does not get damage bonuses from STR or BLD
(but will from L3+ Melee Weapon skill or other GATS
Unit Cost L1: 2.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
that add to Melee Weapon damage).
Description: You can discharge a brilliant glowing lance of Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
hyper-accelerated particles. Q-Blade L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S Long R 5 9 PEN
Q-Blade L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S Long R 5 6 PEN
™™ The particle beam has an ROF of 1x.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Particle Beam L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 18 PEN Quantum Torpedo [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super
Particle Beam L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 10 PEN Unit Cost L1: 2.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
Description: You fire a bolt of blue quantum energy that
Particle Bolt [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super explodes. The damage is Impact and ignores armor.
Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
™™ Quantum Torpedoes have a 1 Round Charge Up.
Description: You fire pulses of glowing light. ™™ Firing the torpedo is an 8 REA Medium action.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG ™™ The damage is explosive.
Particle Bolt L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 11 PEN Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Particle Bolt L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 7 PEN Quantum Torpedo 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 8 18 IMP
Quantum Torpedo M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 8 12 IMP

EXOTIC ENERGY ATTACKS Rad Field [8 AP]* L1/L+ Mutant
This is a catch-all for a variety of energy attacks. Unit Cost L1: 1.0 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 DMG per AP

Laser Vision [8 AP]* L1/L+ Super Description: You glow with damaging radiation field. When
“inactive” the character may still “leak radiation” unless
Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.4 DMG per AP they pay +1 AP for a Clean Effect.
Description: You fire a laser pulse from your eyes. This
™™ Activating the field is a 5 REA Medium Action.
attack “does not miss.”
™™ The Rad Field hits everyone within Damage/3 Yards
™™ Laser Vision takes a 5 REA action to charge up after Range when activated. It gets a +4 Damage Modifier
which it may be used normally for the rest of the and deals Impact Damage that Ignores Armor.
combat. (Keeping it running is a Sprinting Endurance ™™ Keeping the field running is a Sprinting action for
action.) purposes of Endurance.
™™ Once Activated, using Laser Vision is a 5 REA ™™ It hits everyone at the start of the owner’s Turn for
Medium Attack action. 0 REA thereafter. Characters within the field will

Innate Powers
™™ The attack gets +2 to hit. It also gets a +4 “Targeting experience the damage coming.
Bonus” (for a total of +6). If the attack misses with ™™ If a target suffers a Wound Effect they will suffer

Innate Powers
the +2 but not with the additional +4 the attack will “Radiation Poisoning” which is handled as a sickness
be a hit-by-zero. The +4 targeting bonus will NOT (hair-loss, vomiting) until the damage is healed. The
help the attacker hit around Cover or around Armor. damage heals as PEN damage.
™™ The attack may be dodged (or blocked if the ™™ Inanimate objects will suffer 1/10th damage.
defender can block ranged attacks). Note: There are a number of ways JAGS handles “radia-
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG tion.” This handles radiation as a ranged field that does
Laser Vision L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 16 PEN damage and has an additional “make you sick” effect if the
Laser Vision L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 11 PEN
character suffers a Wound Effect—this is considered one of
the easiest, fastest ways to handle the effect.
Neural Disruptor L1/L+ Super Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
[8 AP]* Rad Field L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -- 5 8 IMP
Rad Field L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -- 5 5 IMP
Unit Cost
L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP

Unit Cost (RA)

L1: 2.9 INT per
L+: 1.6 INT per AP
Many attacks can deliver venoms or other Resisted
Description: You can fire a pulse that deals (light) damage Attacks. When the character buys one of these they
and disrupts the target’s nervous system. This is commonly
may choose to “swap any Resisted Attack effect”
referred to as a “stun ray.”
for another so long as (a) there is not a specific rule
The beam must inflict 1pt of damage for the stun effect to prohibiting it and (b) it makes sense or is okayed by
work. It does Impact Damage so there is no Armor Save. the GM.
Attack Strength C Delivery Type 4 Beam
Effect Result These Resisted Attacks have an Intensity based on the
Fail No Effect
Standard Target is stunned.
Letter Grade (A+ for death-toxins through D for minor
Major Target is Dazed. irritants) and a delivery Type numbered 1 (for ingested
Critical Target is Unconscious. toxins—the hardest to deliver) through 8 for “Aura”
Target is Unconscious and may suffer a worse medical result (especially
if fragile).
effects that hit everyone in the area automatically.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power Damage
Stun Ray L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 23 12 10 IMP If you find the normal method of resolving

Stun Ray L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 13 12 7 IMP Resisted Attacks too cumbersome, you can opt
-1/10y 5 S for a simpler method. In this case the roll is
made (either by the defender or by the Player
involved if the defender is an NPC) based on a
comparison of the Intensity to the character’s DP.
™™ Intensity is less than DP. Roll at +2, if
missed Quick Effect (usually Major).
™™ Intensity is more than DP: Roll at +0. If
missed Quick Effect (usually Major).
™™ Intensity is more than 2x DP: Roll at -4. If
missed Quick Effect (usually Major).

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Lethal Neurotoxin [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme Paralysis Venom [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme
Unit Cost L1: 3.4 INT per AP L+: 1.7 INT per AP Unit Cost L1: 4.9 INT per AP L1: 3.4 INT per AP
Description: This is a deadly neurotoxin that, even in small Description: Paralysis Venom (as listed here) simply immo-
doses, can kill. bilizes the target at most results (real life paralysis venom
Attack Strength A (Blood Toxin) stops the heart and lungs—this is covered under Lethal
Effect Result Venom).
Fail No result. Attack Strength B (Blood toxin)
Character is unconscious and may die if not given medical attention (make
Standard Effect Result
a CON Roll at +2 or die if no medical attention). Minor No Effect
Character is unconscious and will likely die if not given medical attention Character gets 2 Turns of actions and then is immobilized for several
Major (make a CON roll at -2 or die if not given medical attention). Death may Standard
take several hours. Character gets 1 Turn of actions and then is immobilized for several
Character is unconscious and will likely die if not given medical attention Major
Critical (make a CON roll at -4 or die if not given medical attention). Death may Character is treated as Dazed for their next Turn and then immobilized
take several minutes. Critical
for several minutes or hours.
Character is unconscious and will likely die if not given medical attention Character is instantly immobilized and may die if not given medical
Catastrophic (make a CON roll at -4 or die if not given medical attention). Death may Catastrophic
attention. Will be down for several hours.
take several seconds.
Narcotic [8 AP] L1/L+ Extreme Rattlesnake Venom L1/L+ Natural
Unit Cost L1: 7.9 INT per AP L+: 4.4 INT per AP
Unit Cost L1: 11.3 INT per AP L+: 5.3 INT per AP
Description: This is a venom that destroys red blood cells
Description: This poison can actually make you feel good—
and otherwise causes organ and tissue damage. This effect
or maybe just drunk. When the character is incapacitated
is very painful and somewhat slow to cause death in larger
the GM is free to be something of an unreliable narrator
victims. This is a generalized toxin that does damage to the
with regards to how events are transpiring (The girl really
target. The damage is based on the A-Cost of the attack
seems to like you).
that carries the venom.
Attack Strength D (Blood Toxin)
Effect Result ™™ An afflicted character suffers the listed damage
Fail No effect. Character may feel pleasant and relaxed.
immediately and then suffers some damage every
Treat as stunned then “buzzed.” Character may feel euphoric or have minor
sensory hallucinations (seeing colors brighter, etc.) for around 30 minutes.
X minutes until a CON roll is made (ending the
damage) or sufficient healing or anti-venom is
Character must make WIL rolls to maintain normal social inhibitions. Last
1-3 hours. Character may fall asleep if they miss a WIL roll by 4 or more. administered.
Character must make WIL-1 rolls to maintain normal social inhibitions. Last ™™ This damage is not modified by a Damage Mod roll.
Critical 1-3 hours. Character may fall asleep if they miss a WIL roll by 2 or more. ™™ The target suffers Wound Effects and Condition
Behavior may be significantly impaired and there will be no memory. Effects normally.
Character must make WIL-3 rolls to maintain normal social inhibitions. Last ™™ The damage occurs at the beginning of a Round if
Catastrophic 3-6 hours. Character may fall asleep if they miss a WIL roll. Behavior may
the subject is in combat.
be extreme and there will be no memory.
™™ The damage is not mitigated by Armor or Force
Fields. It is applied normally to ADP and then to DP.
Neurotoxin L1/L+ Natural Attack Strength C (Blood Toxin)
(Incapacitating) [8 AP] Effect Result
Fail No Result
Unit Cost L1: 3.9 INT per AP L+: 2.6 INT per AP Character instantly suffers A-Cost Damage. Make a CON roll every 10
minutes or ½ A-Cost Damage.
Description: The toxin affects the nervous system Character instantly suffers A-Cost Damage. Make a CON roll every Round
adversely. This form of it tends to cause unconsciousness Major
or ½ A-Cost Damage.
rather than death. Character instantly suffers 2x A-Cost Damage. Make a CON-2 roll every
Attack Strength B+ (Blood Toxin) Round or 1x A-Cost Damage.
Effect Result Character instantly suffers 4x A-Cost Damage. Make a CON-4 roll every
Fail No Result Round or 1x A-Cost Damage.
Standard Character is Dazed at -2 to recover.
Major Character is Unconscious.
Critical Character is Unconscious for several hours.
Character is Unconscious for several hours and could die without medical

TANGLE ATTACKS Web Spinnerets [8 AP]* L+ Natural
Tangle attacks are a class of bio-weapons that work Unit Cost L+: 1.8 GRAPPLE per AP
to hinder targets. These range from web and glue
Description: You have silk producers and can “spin webs.”
systems to stranger weapons.
Spinnerets do not “shoot webs” but rather ‘spin the
threads.’ Spinnerets can:
Slime Thrower [8 AP]* L+ Mutant
Unit Cost L+: 2.0 GRAPPLE per AP ™™ Allow the character to create a “silk line” they can
climb or anchor to an object to swing from. Usually
Description: You can produce sticky slime/glue that is fired the character produces their body-length per
as a bio-weapon! second and can climb the web at double that speed.
™™ The attack has the listed grapple and is treated as a ™™ The web can be used to trap characters. Once a
Hold Attack. Grab is established, the character can take an 8
™™ If the glue is attacked directly it has a -4 Damage REA action to “spin the web.” This increases the
Modifier (it is hard to damage) and has DP equal to character’s Grapple by the Web’s Grapple each

Innate Powers
Grapple. Round for the purpose of doing a Hold. This is up
™™ Additional attacks against the same target allow to 6x the listed Grapple. At this point the target is

Innate Powers
another roll (a worse result is treated at no change) cocooned and can only attack the web itself. If the
with +1/2 Listed Grapple per application of glue up webbing character lets go of the target, the grapple
to 2x listed grapple. is reduced to that of the web itself.
™™ The slime hardens over a few minutes and can ™™ The character can “web up” an area. This usually
cover a Grapple square foot area per attack (it is takes about 1 minute per square foot that is
a Sprinting action per attack and after 12 shots or webbed. Webbed areas have a Grapple equal to 2x
CON, whichever is higher, it must recharge for 30 the listed Grapple.
minutes). Once hardened it gets 2 Armor but loses ™™ The web has DP equal to Grapple (2x for a doorway
the -4 Damage Mod. web and 6x for a Cocoon).
™™ Someone moving into a glue covered area is Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Grapple
Spinnerets L+ 1 8 AP +8 AP S Close 8 +14
attacked at 1x Grapple. If they suffer a Minor Effect
or greater they must make an AGI roll at -1 for
walking, -2 for running, or -3 for Sprinting or fall into Web Thrower [8 AP]* L+ Super
the glue. This doubles the grapple (roll again). Unit Cost L+: 1.5 GRAPPLE per AP
™™ Glue attacks get a +2 Large Weapon Bonus.
Description: You can “shoot” webs. Shooting webs is a
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Grapple
Slime Thrower L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 8 +16 5 REA Action and has a Range of -1/5 yards as noted below.
The web has only the listed Grapple (it does not benefit
from the character’s STR or BLD).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Grapple
Web Thrower L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 +12

Innate Powers

Innate Powers

These abilities provide movement powers There are several forms of flight and each form has a
few specific statistics. To recap from the Basic Book:
Brachiate [1,2 AP] U Natural
Flight Movement
Description: The character can swing from limb-to-limb in
the forest or among buildings with the (Extreme) Urban During a Round a flying character will make:
model of the power. This could be a superhero’s swing-
line, spider-web swinging, or simply a form of super-
1. A 3x Current Speed Move as an 8 REA Long
leaping, grabbing, and propelling oneself. In the Natural Action (or 5 REA if they moved last Round).
form it gives one somewhat unusual looking arms (in 2. Accelerate with the move for 8 REA.
the Urban / Extreme version the character may appear 3. Move 6x Current Speed as an “All Out”
normal). Move. This gives them no AGI Bonus, no
The character adds 1x the Speed Bonus to their Walk, 2x to
Block or Dodge, costs 8 REA, is a Long Action,
their Run, and 4x to their Sprint. They can cover Move x 2 and gives them +1 to be hit.
yards of distance with a jump / swing allowng as an 8 REA
Long Action from a standing stop or a 5 REA Long Action if Aerobatics [.16] Combat Natural/Super
moving last round.
Required: Flight with Medium Maneuverability or better.
The character also gets the listed CP bonus for Acrobatics Description: You are extremely maneuverable in flying
skill (although they do not need to make regular rolls to combat.
swing so long as they have at least L2 13-).
™™ You must have L2+ Acrobatics.
The character can climb at 1x listed speed (8 REA Long ™™ When flying your full AGI and Dodge applies against
Action) and cling to any wall with a finger-hold. The char- Ranged Attacks.
acter loses their AGI bonus when hanging off a wall. ™™ You may spend 3 REA for a “Flight Step” move
Trait Buy Cost DP Speed Acrobatics
Natural 1 1 AP or 4 CP +2 DP +3y/s 2 CP
(that is 1 second of flying speed) if starting from a
Urban 1 2 AP +2 DP +5y/s 2 CP standing stop (on the ground or hovering).
™™ You may spend 3 REA for a Continuing move (instead
of 5).
Burst of Speed [2,3 AP] U Natural
™™ Any time you move with Flight you get a 0 REA
Description: The character can improve their movement Dodge action with that move for that Round.
speed (for any ground or air movement) by +50% (for 1pts) ™™ If the character declares a Dodge action against
or +100% (2pts). This lasts CON x 4 Rounds and requires an attack they get a -4 To Be Hit. This replaces AGI
1 hour of rest for each CON Rounds “burned.” Bonus. It applies fully against Ranged Attacks.
Trait Buy Cost DP Speed Acrobatics Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Burst of Speed L1 1 1 AP +1 DP 15y/s 2 CP Aerobatics 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
Burst of Speed L2 1 2 AP +2 DP 30y/s 4 CP

Float Pod [2 AP] U Super

Climbing [Varies AP] U Natural
Description: You have an anti-gravity organ. You can hover at
Description: You can climb vertical or inverted surfaces.
12 yards per second going up to about six feet off the ground.
Insect Climbing works for Very Small characters and sticks If falling from a greater height you can float gently down.
them to the surface. They can make a full Running move. Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover
Float 1 2 AP 4y/s 12y/s 6ft High Yes
Wall Crawling works for characters of any size and allows
up to a Sprinting Move. Characters do NOT lose their AGI Hover [Varies] U Super
Bonus on a wall.
Trait Buy Cost DP Speed Description: If you can hover with some form of flight that
Insect Climbing 1 1 AP or 2 CP +0 Running does NOT generally provide Hover (that is: Hover is “No”
Wall Crawling 1 2 AP +1 Sprinting in the listing) you can buy the ability to Hover separately
(perhaps it is due to training).
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Hover 1 2 AP +3 Character can Hover as per the rules.
Character gets no AGI bonus and cannot
Semi-Hover 1 1 AP +2
dodge or block while Hovering.

Powered Flight [Varies] U Super Extreme Free Running [2 AP] U Extreme
Description: You fly and hover by means of a force field. Description: You have a supernatural level of agility and
Although not as fast as Rocket Flight, it is much more the ability to move through environments with great ease.
maneuverable. You can move at vehicular speeds through urban environ-
Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover ments, make incredible jumps, and perform acrobatic feats
Powered 1 8 AP 15y/s 60y/s 1000ft High Yes associated with free running/parkour.
Pulse Drive 1 12 AP 50y/s 230y/s Inter-System High Yes
Hyper-Space 1 14 AP 100y/s
600y/s in
Interstellar High Yes The character gets the listed CP in Acrobatics and adds
atmosphere the listed Speed Bonus to their Walking Speed. They get
2x added to Running, and 3x Added to Sprinting. They
Rocket Flight [4 AP] U Super can make vertical moves (not exactly “jumps” but jump
assisted climbing) of half that with an 8 REA Long Action.
Description: You fly by means of some kind of energy exhaust.
Climbing requires a non-sheer surface.
Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover
Rocket 1 4 AP 30y/s 150y/s 1000ft Low No The character can clear obstacles of height equal to their

Innate Powers
Ramjet 1 6 AP 45y/s 250y/s Edge of space Med No move without any Acrobatics roll. They can climb at half
Scramjet 1 8 AP 60y/s 450y/s Edge of Space Med No
their move rate (but the initial jump up can be 1x their

Innate Powers
Move). They can cling to almost any wall if there is a finger-
Wings [Varies] U Natural hold. The character loses their AGI bonus when hanging off
Description: You have wings! a wall.
Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover Note: Acrobatics L1 or better does actual free-running.
Bird/bat 1 3 AP 5y/s 30y/s 1000ft Med No This ability grants some CP with Acrobatics and gives
Falcon 1 5 AP 10y/s 50y/s 1000ft Med No supernatural agility and balance for purposes of long range
Humming bird 1 5 AP 5y/s 40y/s 1000ft Med Yes
Insect/Fairy 1 4 AP 10 y/s 20y/s 1000ft Med Yes
Trait Buy Cost CP Acro Speed
Free Running 1 2 AP 2 +6y/s
Free Running Enh 1 3 AP 2 +10y/s
GROUND MOVE Free Running Super 1 4 AP 2 +20y/s
These Traits apply to the character’s legs and feet.
Note that having 4 legs comes without additional cost Fast Runner [Varies] U Natural
for being a quadruped. Description: If you have many legs you can run faster than
normal for fewer points than if you have only two. There
Digigrade Legs [0 AP] U Natural are two costs for each level. The first is Non-Human and
Description: You walk on your toes with legs like a cat the second is Humanoid. SPD is estimated miles per hour.
or dog (or most other animals). For 0 AP this is merely Note: This only modifies the character’s “natural” Ground
cosmetic but it can improve Stealth. Speed score (what they would have without AP Traits).
Trait Buy Cost Notes Things like Extreme Free Running add after the multiple is
Basic 1 0 AP No modifier
Stealth 1 1 AP/2 CP +2 Stealth applied.
Trait Buy Spd Non-H Cost Humanoid DP Speed
Very Fast 1 55 2 AP or 6 CP 3 AP or 12 CP +4 6x
Fast 1 45 1 AP or 4 CP 2 AP or 8 CP +2 4x
Quick 1 35 0 AP or 0 CP 1 AP or 6 CP +0 3x
Above Avg 1 25 -1 AP or -2 CP 1 AP or 4 CP +1 2x
Slow Animal 1 15 -2 AP or -4 CP 1 AP or 2 CP +2 1.5x

Hop/Jump [2 AP] U Natural

Description: You can jump like a frog. This is a 5 REA Long
action and moves you Running distance. You can only
make one jump per Round (if the jump is vertical, height is
half the distance).
Trait Buy Cost
Jump 1 2 AP/4 CP

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Hyper Running [2 AP] U Extreme Partial Phase [TAP .05+8] U Super

Description: You move much faster than your running Description: You become insubstantial but not to the same
speed indicates. degree as full Phase Out.
Trait Buy Cost Notes
You can move 3x normal Sprint Move. This multiplier ™™ A Partial Phase is a 3 REA Short Action to enter and
Hyper-Sprint 1 2 AP is applied to your natural (i.e. without APs) Ground a 3 REA Short Action to leave.
Move). ™™ Partially Phased characters hit each other normally,
Your Running speed is increased to 30 yards per
second (60 MPH) and you can sustain it for Walking
are affected by Telepathy and so on.
Endurance. Your Sprint adds your full REA in ™™ A Partially Phased character can attack and be
Ultra Running 1 3 AP attacked by others. Both characters take a -8
yards-per-second to this number. Your Step distance,
however, is unchanged. You must pay 8 REA to Damage Modifier for physical attacks (punches,
maintain this speed every Round. bullets, etc.). Energy attacks (made or received) take
Your speed is increased as per Ultra Running but a -4 DM. Phartially phased characters get 2x ADP
the speed is 60 yards per second and you can make and DP in Resistance Value vs. Resisted Attacks.
Super Running 1 4 AP
a continued move for 5 REA. Your Step distance is ™™ Partially Phased characters move through walls at
20 yards.
about 1 yard per second and can go through chain-link
fences and the like as though they were not there.
They cannot be grappled but can be temporarily
EXOTIC MOVEMENT & TELEPORTATION trapped in debris, etc. Partially Phased characters get
This section covers a few very unusual methods of 2x their DP against chemical attacks. They do need
locomotion. For more complex forms of Teleport, see to breathe. In a grapple or restraint, they increase
Magic. their Defensive Grapple by 1x each Round with a
5 REA Step action. When they Break Grapple, they are
Flicker [TAP .16] +4 Combat Super successful in moving out of the restraint.
Description: You can teleport quickly around the battle- ™™ They cannot fly or walk up air (and going into solid
field. You must activate your “flicker mode” paying 5 REA surfaces is like swimming through dense water) but
(Medium Action) to start it. You appear to flicker “in and they have a BLD of 1 for purposes of jumping and
out of existence.” falling.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Flicker-Strike: Once active, your strikes have a -2 to be Partial Phase 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11
Blocked and you can move a Step distance towards a target
for 0 REA with a strike.
Phase [TAP .07+12] U Super
T-Dodge: Once active, you may make a 3 REA dodge action
that applies fully against Ranged or HTH attacks. It gets +2 Description: The character can become insubstantial and
to any AGI, Acrobatics, or HTH Combat Skill roll. For 5 REA walk through walls.
the character can move a Step Action with it. ™™ Phasing in or out is an 8 REA Long action.
Flicker-Move: You can take a 5 REA Medium Action to ™™ Phased characters affect each other normally.
retreat from combat or move 12 yards (or WIL, CON, or ™™ Phased characters can usually be hit by Telepathy
RES +3). and may be able to affect others with Telepathy—
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ however, this is a huge advantage and should be
Flicker 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 monitored by the GM/Group.
™™ The character can “walk” up the air spending
Walking endurance to remain aloft. Solid objects
will keep the character buoyant. The character can
“swim” down into the ground but will, again, need
to pay Walking endurance to remain within a solid
™™ The character does not need to breathe while
Quantum beams and other unusual attacks may affect
Phased-Out characters (but this does not work both ways).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Phase — 13 14 14 14 15 15 16

Snatch [TAP .15] +2 Combat Super Strategic Teleport [3 AP] U Super
Description: You can teleport objects at range—usually Description: You can teleport long or even vast distances.
bringing them to you. This works three ways. There is no specific limit on Strategic Teleport in terms of
distance. As a baseline it is 1000 miles, double for each
1. Against inanimate objects which are not part of
AP invested. The character must (usually) have Tactical
a named NPC’s inventory it simply works. It is a
Teleport first.
5 REA Medium action with a range modifier of
-1/5y and an ROF of 1x per Round. This gives the character the ability to:
2. Against either characters themselves or gear
1. Go anywhere they have been as an 8 REA Long
owned by PCs or Named NPCs it functions as a
Action. They appear safely. If the location is not
Resisted Attack.
safe they will either appear at the closest safe
3. Usually the objects must be no bigger than the
location or get a “danger signal” that it is not safe.
character themselves and it is quite hard to use
That can be due to a number of reasons beyond
against human-sized targets.
environmental hazards (if the area is currently

Innate Powers
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Snatch 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 being shelled, for example).
2. They can teleport to grid coordinates with the

Innate Powers
same safeties in place.
Snatch Resisted Attack [N/A] L1/L+ Super Trait Buy Cost Notes
Unit Cost L1: 1.8 INT per AP L+: 1.7 INT per AP Teleport 1 8 AP 1000 miles or more.
2x Range M +1 AP +3 DP
Unit Cost
L1: 1.3 INT per AP L+: 1.1 INT per AP
T/Phase Dodge [4 AP] L+ Super
Description: You gesture at something or someone and
they are teleported to you! The BLOCK version means that Description: You can teleport or phase (or otherwise
this ability can be used to interfere with an attack (they are remove yourself) from the direction of an incoming attack.
teleported and miss). You get two T-Dodges or Phase-Dodges per Round for
1 REA each. These apply against Ranged or HTH attacks
Note: The cost of the Snatch TAP ability is invested in the equally.
Resisted Attack (so if you are a 40 AP character you start
with 8 AP in this attack). More AP can be added to improve The roll is AGI or RES +2 or any combat skill +0.
it. Note: This can be purchased for other kinds of unusual
dodges as well (Stretching? Energy Body? Etc.)
If the RA is bought as a Block effect the character who is Trait Buy Cost A-Cost REA DP
teleported can be reoriented so that the attack misses. Special Dodge 1 4 AP +0 AP 1 +8
At a Major effect or better the attack can be aimed at
someone else (use Teleporting character’s COR or Ranged/ Tactical Teleport [8 AP] U Super
HTH to-Hit roll).
Attack Strength A Delivery Type 4 Beam Description: The character can disappear from one place
Effect Result and re-appear in another.
Minor No Effect
Target vanishes, appears either in character’s hand or within ™™ Teleporting is an 8 REA Long action.
Standard ™™ The maximum range is 200 yards. This can be
2 yards of them (on safe ground).
Target vanishes, appears either in character’s hand or within increased.
2 yards of them (on safe ground). Redirect attack. ™™ If the Teleport will land the character in a solid
Target vanishes, appears either in character’s hand or within
Critical object they pay the REA but will not move. You
2 yards of them (on safe ground). Redirect attack.
Target vanishes, appears either in character’s hand or within cannot Teleport through Force Fields.
Catastrophic ™™ The character can carry anything they can lift. An
2 yards of them (on safe ground). Redirect attack.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity unwilling target may make a Break Grab move as
Snatch RA L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP +8 AP 15/14 their Reaction.
As A Block L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP +8 AP 10/9 ™™ Bio-powered Teleport is often noisy and may have
-1/5y 5 S other effects (a smell of sulfur?).
Trait Buy Cost Notes
Teleport 1 8 AP
2x Range M +1 AP +3 DP

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Teleport Portal [3 AP] U Super Healing Factor [Varies] U Extreme

Description: You can create a “hole in the air” or otherwise Description: You recover Damage Points quickly. Any of
teleport groups of people. Usually this is combined with these will turn a Dying result into Internal Damage and
either Tactical or Strategic Teleport. Internal Damage into Unconscious.
Creating a Portal takes three 8 REA Long Action. It costs Usually the character must rest or get some kind of
Walking Endurance to keep it open. The other side can be medical attention (bandages, etc.) for this to work (the
seen through it. The portal is “sealed” in that the environ- same way that in most games a wounded character would
ment on either side will not come rushing through. Usually need to have some level of medical care to recover).
there must be an action on the part of the character to go
™™ Level 1: The character recovers a Minor Wound’s
through it.
worth of damage in a day.
Going through is a Long Step action (as is emerging). ™™ Level 2: The character recovers a Major Wound’s
worth of damage in a day.
If this is stand-alone, the cost is 8 for Tactical range and 12
™™ Level 3: The character recovers a Critical Wound’s
for Strategic Range.
worth of damage in a day.
If this is simply Group Teleport, the cost is 16 REA and it ™™ Level 4: The character recovers a Major Wound’s
must be used on willing participants. It can take up to 10 worth of damage in an hour—but does not recover
participants at a time, x2 per AP added. damage in combat.
Trait Buy Cost Notes Trait Buy Cost DP
Portal 1 8 AP Level 1 1 2 AP/4 CP +4
2x Range M +1 AP +3 DP Level 2 1 3 AP +4
Level 3 1 4 AP +4
Level 4 1 6 AP +4
These are a variety of defensive traits beyond Armor.
Inv Threshold [Varies] Combat Super
Description: You take damage normally—but only up to a
point. Any damage exceeding your Threshold is ignored.
This can represent a form of invulnerability where the
Extreme Resistance [TAP] Combat Super character is still able to get roughed up but is very hard to
Description: Similar to Invulnerability—but the character take down.
instead gets a -10 Damage Modifier applied to the attack A character with Threshold pays double for Armor or Force
form. Fields (so a 24 AP character will get 12/30 Armor). They
Full Resistance: The -10 DM applies to all attacks. can purchase armor normally as well with any remaining
Common Resistance: Resistance to a common set of things points.
Trait Cost
(Guns, Melee Weapons, Unarmed Attacks). It can also
Threshold: 1 DP [.55]
be “everything but X” where X is something (like “Fire & Threshold: 3 DP [.40]
Silver” for Werewolves) is both well known and is reason- Threshold Minor-Wound – 1 [.30]
ably available if a bit exotic for the game in configurations Threshold: Minor Wound [.15]
that could hurt the character. Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Threshold: 1 DP 4 9 13 18 22 26 31 35
Uncommon Resistance: Uncommon attacks could be Threshold: 3 DP 3 6 10 13 16 19 22 26
groupings of attacks that are, for the game world, not Threshold: MW-1 2 5 7 10 12 14 17 19
uncommon (Fire, Lightning, Magic, etc.) Threshold: MW 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 13
Rare Resistance: Very specific attacks (either singular
abilities or rare groups like ‘Dragon’s Breath’) can count as
Rare attacks. Less common magical attacks like Frost might
count as well.
Trait Cost
Full Resistance [.60]
Common Resistance [.45]
Uncommon Resistance [.20]
Rare Resistance [.05]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Full Resistance 5 10 14 19 24 29 34 38
Common Resistance 4 7 11 14 18 22 25 29
Uncommon Resistance 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 13
Rare Resistance 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3

Invisibility [TAP] Varies Super Invulnerability [TAP] Combat Super
Description: You can become completely invisible (the Description: You are immune to some form of damage (or
“cloak field” covers you, your clothes, carried items, etc.). maybe all forms of damage). This requires GM permission.
If you can be located (a Hearing perception roll, some envi- Full Invulnerability: The character takes no damage from
ronmental agent, etc.) you can be attacked normally. physical attacks (this includes “energy” attacks, burning,
If you know you are in combat with an invisible attacker falling, etc.). The character may still drown, get sick, or
you get a -6 Perception modifier (Perception roll at -6 or suffer damage from Telepathy attacks.
take a -6 to all rolls to hit or defend). Common Invulnerability: You are invulnerable to a single
group of common attacks. Guns, Melee Weapons, or
Becoming Invisible is an 8 REA Long Action. Unarmed attacks can fall into this category. NOTE: The
Stealth Field: A stealth field is an invisibility field that character usually can’t take this for a game where the
collapses when the character attacks through it or is struck attack is the most common (i.e. unarmed in a Chi Martial
by an attack. It otherwise confers invisibility (if an observer Arts game).
has reason to believe the character is in the area they Uncommon Invulnerability: The character is immune to

Innate Powers
make a Perception roll at -6 to detect them). common attack groups that are not “basic.” Fire or Light-
The loss of Invisibility is instant and reinstating it is an ning could count.

Innate Powers
8 REA Long action. Rare Invulnerability: The character has immunity to rare or
Note: Psionic attacks might not drop the field depending singular forms of attack (Frost, Ion Beam). Specific origins
on its nature—but if that is the case the character may of attack (Dragon’s Breath) could count.
need to buy Full Invisibility. Trait Cost
Full Invulnerability [.85]
Transparent Biology: The character is invisible but only Common Invulnerability [.20]
their biological body. Carried items, worn clothes, and Uncommon Invulnerability [.10]
so on will show up normally. This means that to get the Rare Invulnerability [.05]
Full Invisibility effect the character must be naked and Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Full Invulnerability 7 14 20 27 34 41 48 54
unarmed. Common Invulnerability 5 10 16 21 26 31 36 42
Note: The cost for this assumes the character is not armed Uncommon Invulnerability 2 5 7 10 12 14 17 19
with bio-weapons or exotically trained. If the character’s Rare Invulnerability 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10
preferred mode of attack is innate the character may need
to buy Full Invisibility. Regeneration [TAP] Combat Super
Glimmer: The character is covered with a light-distortion Description: You recover Damage Points during combat at
field that makes them hard to see—but not completely an accelerated rate. Regeneration happens at the end of
invisible. This acts as a -4 Perception Modifier in combat a Round and the Damage Points or ADP taken are simply
(attackers must make a -4 Perception roll each round or removed. This will improve Condition if it crosses a Condi-
attack and block at -4). tion Level. It will also:
™™ Activating the field is an 8 REA Long Action. ™™ Stop bleeding. A character may still “bleed” until
™™ Once the perception roll is made the attacker does all the damage is healed but they will not suffer
not have to make another roll unless the character significant ill effects from it.
takes a Move action (other than a free Step with a ™™ It will stop Dying Conditions (a character
Strike). with Regeneration treats Dying Condition as
Trait Cost Unconscious).
Full Invisibility 6 + [.45]
™™ Heal broken bones, etc. This turns Internal Damage
Stealth Field 4 + [.20]
Transparent Biology [.38] into Unconscious.
Glimmer [.14] ™™ Unconscious characters will wake up when their
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ total damage is healed.
Full Invisibility -- 13 17 20 24 28 31 35 ™™ The healing can be applied to ADP as well.
Stealth Field 4 7 11 15 18 22 25 28
Transparent Biology 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Absolute Regeneration: The character will regenerate a
Glimmer 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 Minor Wound each Round until healed. This will happen
at any condition, under any circumstances, unless they are
Slow Regeneration: The character will heal 1 DP each
Round until healed. This will happen under any condition
unless they are dead.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Partial Regeneration: The character will Regenerate 1/10 Ultra Cameo [Varies] U Extreme
of their Damage Points per Round so long as they are
Description: You can change the color of your skin to blend
above Serious Condition. If at Serious Condition they will
with the environment.
heal slower (about once per minute).
™™ Activating Ultra Cameo is a 5 REA Medium action
Players will choose a type of damage (such as burn
and if active when in visual range, it forces a
damage) that they heal at the slower 1x-per-minute rate.
Perception roll on the part of observers unless:
Trait Cost ◦◦ The character is engaged in combat activities
Absolute Regeneration [.33] +2 (they will be instantly seen).
Slow Regeneration [.33] ◦◦ The character is interacting with people (talk-
Partial Regeneration [.20] +1
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
ing, touching, etc.).
Absolute Regeneration 5 7 10 13 15 18 20 23 ◦◦ The character is carrying or wearing something
Slow Regeneration 3 5 8 11 13 16 18 21 not covered by the cameo that does not blend in.
Partial Regeneration 3 4 6 7 9 11 12 14 ◦◦ The character is moving quickly (faster than
Walking speed or about 5 yards per second)
Regrowth [2 AP] L+ Extreme or otherwise taking actions that would make
Description: You cannot be permanently crippled and them visible (glowing, etc.).
will re-grow limbs. The most common effect of Regrowth ™™ The character gets a -4 modifier against being seen
is that Internal Damage results and Dying are treated as if stationary (this adds to Stealth or other modifiers).
Unconscious. A Dead Result is treated as Dying (over a ™™ The character gets a -2 modifier against being seen
matter of minutes and able to be stopped if the character if moving at a Walking rate.
receives aid) if the character makes a CON roll. Note: In some games, as a Super Ability this would be
Note: For some character types limb-regrowth is not a “Cameo Field” and would work over clothes and gear
necessary. For example, a tail can be re-grown for most effectively changing the color of them as well.
Trait Buy Cost DP
characters. For radial symmetry characters with multiple Level 1 1 2 AP/4 CP +4
legs can regrow lost ones with normal healing. This repre-
sents an extreme ability to re-grow almost anything.
Note: The general rules do not specify how characters SENSES AND PERCEPTION
lose limbs (the general approach is that when a character
suffers a Dead or Dying result they might be able to substi- Antennae [Varies] U Extreme
tute a crippling injury instead). The exact utility of this Description: The character has stalks that provide unusual
ability will be contingent on rules in play. detection capabilities.
Trait Buy Cost DP Note: Insects get Insect Antennae for free with Insectoid
Regrowth 1 2 AP/4 CP +6
form (if they choose not to have normal vision).
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Antennae give a complex sense of smell that
provides information on who/what is nearby,
Insect 1 1 AP or 2 CP +2
can be used to locate food, and they detect
chemical traces with a normal perception roll.
Detects any living mind within WIL x2 yards.
Can determine if it has psionic capabilities
and may be able to discern a known person
Telepathic 1 2 AP +1
by the “signature.” Does not hear thoughts
(but may get a sense of the state of the
Detects movement of anything larger
than 5 lbs within WIL x 2 yards. This will
Vibration 1 2 AP +1
work through walls so long as they are not
designed to muffle sounds and vibration.

Bloodhound [1 AP] U Natural Elephant Ears [1 AP] U Natural
Description: You can track and distinguish people with Description: The character can hear at great distances
your extreme sense of smell! The character gets +4 to and distinguish certain kinds of sounds (like things
smell Perception rolls and can make rolls to: approaching). The character has huge floppy ears.
™™ Distinguish the scent of a person on a garment. ™™ +4 to hearing perception rolls.
™™ Track a person (smell degrades at about -1 per ™™ Can distinguish presence and nature of things
hour). approaching.
™™ Tell if a person is within Perception yards (or 12, Trait Buy Cost DP
whichever is higher). Elephant Ears 1 1 AP or 2 CP +2
™™ Catch scent of a person “Down wind” for up to
Perception (or 12) x 100 yards. Heat Pit [2 AP] U Natural
Trait Buy Cost DP Description: The character can discern people by their
Bloodhound 1 1 AP or 4 CP +0
heat signature. Gives a normal perception roll, unmodified

Innate Powers
by darkness, to see and detect within 15 yards.
Chemical Communication U Natural Trait Buy Cost DP
[1 AP] Heat Pit 1 2 AP or 3 CP +1

Innate Powers
Description: You can communicate with others of your
species (or others with the same ability) by chemical High Range Hearing [1 AP] U Natural
signals. Usually touch is required (unless Pheromone Description: You can hear sounds above the normal
communication is purchased, which works at talking audible human range. Gives +2 to Hearing Perception rolls.
range). You can leave a simple message by touch that will Trait Buy Cost DP
last several days. Chemical Communication is invisible, High Range 1 1 AP or 1 CP +3
silent, and considered undecipherable to those without it.
Trait Buy Cost DP Long Range Senses [2 AP] U Extreme
Touch 1 1 AP or 2 CP +2 AP
Pheromone 1 2 AP or 4 CP +2 AP Description: You have some kind of long-range detection
capability (possibly literal Radar). These are mostly active
senses meaning that:
Detect [Varies] U Mystic
Description: You have a sense that can scan/detect things ™™ It requires a 5 REA Medium action on the part of the
within its range (usually 12 or WIL yards). The sense character to make a Perception roll (the character
usually requires “active use” (the character declares they must declare: “I am using my Radar” or whatever
are detecting) and may have some audible or visual effect. sense is relevant).
If the sense is truly biological or always on, the roll to ™™ Any character using one of these senses alerts
detect naturally is usually at -2 (if passive). everyone else with the sense (whether or not it is
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes active) if the two maximum ranges meet.
Character can sense precious metals at 5x normal Note: Many of these are described in a “technology based”
Gold 1 2 AP +0 range, knowing their distance, direction and a manner but are listed here for ease of use purposes.
sense of the amount. Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
The character can detect living beings larger than WIL or 12 miles distance. Only works vs.
Life 1 2 AP +0 20lbs within a WILx4 yard radius. Gives a general Radar (air/Space) 1 1 AP +3 Airborne targets. Distance is 100x in space.
sense of direction and size. Can exclude plants. Gives distance, size, and speed.
The character can detect the casting of spells WIL (or 12) x 20 miles range. Only works
Magic 1 1 AP +1 within a WIL x 5 yard radius and can determine if Long Range Sonar 1 1 AP +3
under water.
items have magical properties by touch. Works to “map” targets with a high degree
The character can sense/see ghosts, psionics, of precision/resolution. Acts as “sight” and
and the undead within a WIL yard radius. The “ranging” (dimensions of the target area can
Spirits 1 1 AP +2 character can tell if a place is haunted or not, LIDAR (Light/Laser be determined with great precision). Also
1 2 AP +2
even if the ghost is not active and may get some Ranging) returns speed of a target. Operates at WIL
sense of its nature. (or 12) Miles range and acts as “sight” (plus
The character can determine if a subject has an speed and dimension data) for a WIL (or 12)
unnatural nature. This may include Cybernetics, x 5 yard radius.
mystical properties, etc. In a Super-Hero world Works at WIL (or 12) yard range and the
Unnatural 1 2 AP +0 character “locks on” to a target (no roll) the
this will cost 2 to 8 AP based on how the GM and
players feel this will bear on “revealing secret target can then be tracked at WIL x 5 miles
Tracker Lock 1 2 AP +0
identities.” range with distance, direction, and speed
information. It will also tell if the target is
destroyed or otherwise severely altered.
The character can see with crystal clear
precision at WIL (or 12) miles distance
Long Range Vision 1 2 AP +0
covering up to a WIL (or 12) mile radius and
zooming in up to 100x magnification.

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Perfect Hearing [2 AP] U Natural Multiple Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme

Description: You have almost flawless hearing. You get+6 Description: You have 4 eyes, one set on top of the other
to hearing perception rolls. (or some other configuration). This gives the character +1
Trait Buy Cost DP to perception rolls and ignores -1pt of Range modifier.
Perfect Hearing 1 2 AP +1 Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Multi-Eye 1 1 AP or 2 CP +3
Radio Hearing [1 AP] U Extreme
Description: The character can “hear” radio signals and Night Vision [1 AP] U Natural
the like. Description: You have cat-like night vision. You ignore -3
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes points of darkness modifiers and can “see normally” in
Character can pick up conventional very low-light conditions.
Radio 1 1 AP or 1 CP +3
radio. Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
The character can pick up restricted Night Vision 1 1 AP or 1 CP +3 Night vision (ignore -3)
bands such as police frequencies.
Restricted Bands 1 1 AP or 2 CP +3 (Note: As an AP based power there
is no cost difference between this and Oversized Eyes [1 AP] U Mutation
normal bands.) Description: You have large eyes. Helmets may not fit. This
Character can listen and transmit on gives +2 to Perception rolls but -2 to most psychology rolls
Long Range 1 1 AP or 3 CP +2 Citizen Band, Police, and Ham Radio
(The character is unsettling—this is above the “cute” level
of large eyes).
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Sonar Sense [2 AP] U Natural Oversized 1 1 AP or -1 CP +3 +2 Perception, -2 Psychology
Description: Character uses sound to guide them. This
allows “vision” in the dark and underwater. Range is WIL, Shielded Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme
RES, or CON x 10 yards (or 12, whichever is higher). It Description: You have black or dark-colored eyes. These
cannot “read” but is very sensitive and can detect things protect against bright lights and flashes of light. The char-
around corners or through thin walls within a WIL x 2 yard acter takes no negative modifiers from and is immune to
range. blinding-light attacks.
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Sonar 1 2 AP +2 Shielded 1 1 AP or 2 CP +2 Immune to bright lights

Striking Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme

Description: You have eyes of a bizarre color or shade
Eagle Eyes [1 AP] U Natural (or other modifications). The character gets +2 to the
Psychology attribute of choice (not +2 to roll).
Description: Character has very acute vision: +2 to visual
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
perception rolls. They provide 32 x magnification, like a Striking 1 1 AP or 2 CP +3 +2 Psychology
really good set of binoculars.
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Eagle Eyes 1 1 AP or 2 CP +2 +2 perception rolls Third Eye [3 AP] U Mystic
Description: You have a mystical “third eye” (usually in the
Eye Stalks [1 AP] U Natural middle of your forehead). It can see normally but also has
a mystical aspect to it. It can detect:
Description: Character can extend their eyes from stalks.
These are at -6 to be targeted, come out a few inches, and ™™ The presence of magic, especially magical or
can be used to see around corners. cursed objects. It does not analyze the spell or
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes enchantment but can usually determine nature and
Eye Stalks 1 1 AP or 1 CP +3 See around corners. possibly trigger options (what activates it). It would
see a curse as “dangerous radiation.”
Glowing Eyes [1 AP] U Extreme ™™ It can see ghosts, psionics, and so on.
Description: Character’s eyes glow with energy. ™™ The character gets a Perception roll at +1 to detect
lies (if the character is using Con Artist skill the roll is
Note: If the character has any optical beams power this is contested).
free. Gives +1 to Intimidate roll, ignores -2 points of visual ™™ The character with the Third Eye may get flashes of
modifier due to darkness. Usually can be turned off. “truth” about a place or object when examining it.
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes This might include a murder-weapon’s eye view of a
Glowing Eyes 1 1 AP or 3 CP +3 Eyes glow
murder or a scene of death if a person was killed in
an area.
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Third Eye 1 3 AP +4 Mystic vision.

MANIPULATION Unusual Fingers [Varies] U Natural
These abilities deal with manipulation, limbs, and Description: You have somewhat unusual fingers.
hands. Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
You have 9” or longer fingers with
Club Hands [-1 AP] L+ Mutant extra joints. You get +1 to rolls to
Spindly Fingers 1 1 AP or 1 CP +2
Description: Your hands are like brutal clubs. You deal +2 do fine work (such as lock picking or
damage with hand-strikes but take a -4 to do any kind pickpocketing).
You have unusual finger-shapes.
of fine work (objects can be carried but you may have to Two/Three fingers 1 0 AP/0 CP +0
There is no specific effect.
make COR rolls at -2 when doing various kinds of work like
washing dishes).
A HTH weapon (such as a gun or sword) is at -1 to hit, not MUTATION AND CORRUPTION
reduced by L3 skill. For those afflicted by mutation!
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes

Innate Powers
Club Hands 1 -1 AP, -2 CP +0 Disease Carrier [8 AP] L1/L+ Mutant
Unit Cost Fluid L1: Special L+: Special
Four Arms [TAP .34 +2] Combat Extreme

Innate Powers
Description: You have four functional arms and hands. This Unit Cost Dam L1: 3.4 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP
gives: Unit Cost Aura L1: 2.3 INT per AP L+: 1.3 INT per AP
™™ +1 Block rolls. Description: You carry a self-generated fairly contagious
™™ +2 to HTH combat skills. disease. You are immune to most diseases (including your
™™ 1x 1 REA attack per round. own) getting +3 to CON rolls against them.
™™ +1 1 REA attack per round on an Activation roll of 9-.
™™ +4 Grapple. The disease acts a Resisted Attack that is transmitted
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ instantly by blood or fluid and may be acquired over time
Four Arms 5 7 10 13 16 18 21 24 if in proximity. The mutant will probably be a pariah,
however, once this is known.
Prehensile Tail [2 AP] L+ Natural Carrier Trait: If the character is simply infectious (exchange
of fluids) and this is very difficult to use in combat then the
Description: You have a monkey-like tail that you can hang
Intensity is the character’s DP, the POWER is their CON,
from, use to climb with, and so on. You get:
and this is a -2 AP Combat Trait Defect.
™™ +2 to rolls to maintain balance and climb. Note: Characters can exist in proximity to the mutant. If a
™™ +4 Grapple. character suffers a Major Effect or worse they may make
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes a CON roll afterwards to have acquired immunity to it. It
Tail 1 2 AP or 4 CP 0 Prehensile Tail is also possible to be either inoculated or simply made
resistant to it.
Tentacles/Coils [4 AP] L+ Natural
The onset of the disease determines the Type of Delivery.
Unit Cost L+: 1.8 GRAPPLE per AP Exchange of fluids, touch. Sets in in a
Attack Strength D Delivery Type 1
Description: You have tentacles that allow you to grab and few hours.
Damage Field: Any hit that spills blood.
grapple things. Each purchase gives additional tentacles Delivery Type 4
Sets in immediately.
and improved grapple. Tentacles allow for a Super Grapple Aura (immediate area effect). Costs 5
Delivery Type 6
(a Hold attack without having to first establish a Grapple). REA to activate.
Effect Result
Storm of Tentacles: If a character wishes to have many Minor Target feels “out of sorts.” Mildly ill for a few days.
tentacles, they can purchase Storm which gives a +2 Large Standard Target feels very sick for a day (-2 to all rolls, probably staying in bed).
Weapon Bonus to attempts to hit with tentacles. Even if Target feels very, very sick. Out of commission for 15-CON days (minimum
of 2).
purchased many times, the +2 doesn’t go up. Target incapacitated for 20-CON days. May die if they fail a CON roll at -2
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Grapple Critical
half way through.
Tentacles M 4 AP +4 +7 Grapple Catastrophic As above but 30-CON Days and a roll at -4 or risk dying.
Storm of Tentacles M 8 AP +4 +12 Grapple Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Carrier 1 -2 AP N/A DP CON
Trunk [1 AP] U Natural Disease 4 L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 27/15 12
Disease 6 L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 18/10 12
Description: You have a long “nose.” This allows for
distance drinking or breathing (if underwater the trunk can
serve as a snorkel).
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
Trunk 1 1 AP +3 None

Innate Powers
Innate Powers

Face Mutations [Varies] U Mutant Metamorphosis [4 AP] U Extreme

Description: Your face or head has mutated. Description: You have more than one form and can switch
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes between them.
You have more than one full face. You Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
get +1 to Perception rolls if facing The character has two forms of equal AP and can
Chrysalis 1 2 AP +2
Multiple Faces 1 -1 AP, -2 CP +0 another direction. Otherwise you are switch between them given 4 hours.
very strange looking (-2 to Persuade The character has a secondary form that is in some
and Charm rolls). way inconvenient (appears as a monster, etc.) The
You have a second head. You get 4 CP form has full AP while the character’s normal form
Two Headed 1 1 AP +1 has only 75% AP. The trigger condition for the
in RES or MEM Based skills.
You have a tiny head. In addition to change is not under the character’s control (things
Lycanthrope 1 -4 AP +0
Pinhead 1 -1 AP or -4 CP +0 getting -2 to Psychology rolls, you such as full moons, night and day, and so on). If
suffer a -1 RES. the condition is quite rare (a full moon) or the
character is partially an NPC in the alternate form,
consider this a -10 AP defect—but it should be
Giant Brain [4 AP] U Mutant carefully cleared with the GM.
Description: Your head is larger and longer than normal to The character has all the same attributes in one
accommodate more brain tissue! You get: Monster Out 1 0 AP +0
form as the other with the exception of physically
visible changes (so DP totals do not change).
™™ +2 RES. Changing is a 5 REA Medium Action.
™™ +2 MEM. Bad Moon
The character can change form but as an 8 REA
™™ +1 WIL. 1 2 AP +0 Long Action. The new form can spend 20% of the
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes AP differently.
Giant Brain 1 4 AP +0 Extra brains.
Mutant Appearance [Varies] U Mutant
Manna Organ [Varies] U Mutant Description: You appear unnatural and mutated.
Description: You produce some unusual and valuable Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
material. Asymmetric 1 -2 AP , -4 CP +0
Character appears lopsided or
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes disproportional.
You produce healing milk that can regenerate Character appears ethereally attractive
Healing Milk M 4 AP +0 10 DP or ADP per dose. You produce 2 doses Angelic 1 1 AP, 4 CP +1 and fair. Gives +2 to all psychology
per day per level. statistics other than intimidate.
The character has a misshapen,
You produce … gold (or some other valuable
re-arranged, or melted face. They get
commodity). This is enough to count as 6 CP Disgusting Visage 1 -1 AP, -2 CP +0
Golden Egg M 2 AP +3 -8 to psychology statistics and may
of wealth per level—so you get quite a lot.
need to wear a mask or hood.
People may want to capture you for it.
The character appears as a “demon or
You can sustain 4 people per level for a day’s
undead.” They get +2 to intimidate
worth of food. You only need the food for half Horned One 1 -1 AP or -1 CP +0
Sustenance M 1 AP +3 but -2 to other modifiers and may be
a person (or less if you are photosynthetic or
hunted by the superstitious.
otherwise don’t eat normally).

Many Mouths to Feed Combat Mutant Odor [Varies] U Mutant

[TAP .34-1] Description: You have an unusual smell. Note that most of
these are graded in terms of Character Points rather than
Description: You have multiple mouths—possibly all over Archetype Points.
your body. They can be of any sort the character has a bio- Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
weapon for. You emit a wonderful perfume. This gives +4 to
Roses 1 2 CP +0
Persuasion and Charm statistics.
™™ You may make 2x 1 REA attacks each round with the You stink. -2 to all Psychology stats, save for Intimi-
mouths. Stink 1 -2 CP +0 date. People will not want to be in the same room with
™™ Some or all of the mouths may be “invisible” until the character.
opened. None 1 1 AP +3 You cannot be tracked by sense of smell.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Many Mouths 2 4 7 10 13 15 18 21

Shape Shift [8 AP] U Super Major Weakness [Varies] L+ Weakness
Description: You can adopt the shape and voice of a target. Description: You have an unusual vulnerability to some
You can mimic clothing—but not gear. You must have a environmental factor. It hits you either as a Resisted Attack
picture to model them off of. or, in some cases, as damage. The amount of points it is
worth is based on the commonness of the trigger as with
™™ Shifting is an 8 AP Long Action.
Minor Weakness.
™™ The character can only change BLD by 5 points in Attack Strength C+
either direction. Effect Result
™™ The character must remain the same species unless Fail No Effect
buying Transform. Standard
Character suffers ½ Minor Wound once and may suffer again with
continued exposure.
Note: Interacting with a Shape Shifter will give off lots Major Character suffer Minor Wound each Round.
of little clues that they are not the same person. Usually Character suffers a Major Wound once. May suffer again with continued
a RES roll is made once per hour or so (or per minute if Critical
closely or intimately involved) and once the shifter’s INT SP Catastrophic Character suffers Critical Wound. Suffers Minor Wound each Round.

Innate Powers
is reached the other person has serious doubts. The shifter Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Weakness 1 Var 8 AP Character’s DP 14
can make Con Artists rolls against being found out (the Con
Artist skill is a resisted roll against the target’s RES). Rolls

Innate Powers
0 N/A None
can be made any time information is needed which the Very Common -8 AP At this level the character cannot “leave the house” easily.
shifter doesn’t have as well. Common -6 AP The weakness can be “easily used against” the character.
Trait Buy Cost DP Notes The weakness is extant but is uncommon enough not to
Uncommon -4 AP
Shape Shift 1 8 AP +0 Take anyone’s form and voice. show up very often.
The character can shed any amount of
BLD and the character can change species. Minor Weakness [Varies] U Extreme
The character might grow things like extra
Transform 1 12 AP +0 Description: You have an unusual susceptibility to things
arms—but they will not be fully coordinated.
Same for Bio-Weapons: They may look fear- that “normal people” are immune or largely immune to. A
some but will not operate well. Minor Weakness usually does not debilitate the character.
It can, however, cause things like:

WEAKNESSES ™™ Negative modifiers to rolls (usually -2), especially

those requiring concentration and focus.
Weaknesses are things that hurt you that don’t (gener- ™™ Headaches, pains, minor nausea.
ally) hurt other people. This can be a greater suscepti- ™™ Making the character unpleasant to be around (surly).
bility to attack or it can be things like an allergy, losing
Uncommon Triggers:
“your powers” in some conditions, etc.
™™ Strong electromagnetic fields.
™™ Unusual elements.
Helpless [TAP .34-1] Combat Weakness ™™ Black-Light.
Description: You become either helpless or very ineffective ™™ Strong smell of garlic.
when faced with a particular condition or environment. ™™ The full or new moon.
The specifics can vary but they are usually on the order of:
Common Triggers:
™™ Losing all powers (possibly not “Natural” ones or ™™ Large crowds.
GATs). ™™ WI-FI.
™™ Becoming “weak” (if your major form of attack is ™™ Smell of coffee.
STR based). Attacks are lost, the character’s STR is
treated like 7. Very Common Triggers:
™™ Becoming lethargic or slow. This would be the loss ™™ Sunlight.
of 5 REA (going no lower than 8). Trait Buy Cost Notes
Trait TAP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Uncommon The GM has to rule that this trigger is still capable of
1 -1 CP
Uncommon .05 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 Weakness coming up in the campaign.
Common .10 -1 -2 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -6 A common weakness would be one that makes a daily
Very Common .20 -2 -3 -5 -6 -8 -10 -11 -13 1 -2 CP routine in need of some changes to keep the character
At this level the character should probably be taking
Very Common serious steps to avoid the trigger altogether (staying
1 -4 CP
Trigger indoors?). The GM may assess CON rolls or WIL rolls and
give the character penalties more often.

Innate Powers

Innate Powers

Vulnerable [Varies] L+ Weakness

Description: You take double damage from some attack. This ends the Innate Powers section. As noted, a
The Base Damage is doubled before any Damage Modifica- good deal of what has been included here could go in
tion rolls are made. other areas but we expect this to be heavily used for
Super Hero games as well as the creation of animals
™™ Impact or Pen: Very Common.
™™ Fire, Electricity, Magic: Common (Note: This would and monsters—so we decided to group things
be for something like a “super hero game” or a around that utility. If you have a printed version of
“fantasy game”—not modern day). A common but the book, consider downloading the PDF for ease of
very specific weakness (“bullets, but not knives”) electronic searching.
could fit here.
™™ Uncommon: Sonic attacks, Mind attacks, etc.
Aggravated: The character’s defenses (Armor, Force Field,
or Power Field) does not apply to the attack. The character
must have at least 4 AP spent on such a defense.
Trait Buy Cost Aggravated
Very Common 1 -6 AP -10 AP
Common 1 -4 AP -6 AP
Uncommon 1 -2 AP -4 AP

This section covers Traits gained through some kind of artificial “augmentation” whether it be
genetic, technological, or otherwise (alien implants?). Not every character who uses these rules will
be a product of advanced technology—some of these could be natural in origin, super powers, etc.


In this chapter we’ll cover:
™™ Science Agents: genetic and chemical bio-enhancements.
™™ Cybernetic Enhancements: cyberarms, legs, and so on.
™™ Artiforgs: Artificial Organs: cyberheart, cyberlungs, etc.
™™ Cybersenses: mechanical eyes, targeting systems.
™™ Intellect Enhancements: cybernetic mental augmentation including built in computers and AIs.
™™ Cyber Weapons: a list of weapons that cyborgs might have built in.


We’ve played, over the years, many games that utilized cybernetics. These ranged from post-apoc-
alypse, waste-land games to 1980’s style cyber-punk adventures, to near-future, super-soldier type
characters, and superheroes. Clearly there are a lot of different kinds of cybernetics and a lot of
different styles that they could use.
Our goal here is to provide enough of a framework for some kinds of games (cyberpunk and post
apocalypse especially) with the thinking being that for any specific game world some restrictions,
expansions, or customizations will be preferable. As such, for example, we have not included a lot of
cybernetic energy weapons as those can be purchased off the Innate Abilities and Domain Control
lists if they’re available in a specific world.
We’ve also shied away from using, for example, corporate names for each of the pieces of cybergear
(even though we did a version of that and liked the color) because it seemed to limit the material to
a specific genre (Corporate run cyberpunk dystopia). So this is a chapter where we’ve decided to be
less prescriptive than we could be about the world.


For purposes of ease of use we have broken down cybernetics into three basic categories:

Category Notes
Genetic These are modifications that usually use either advanced gene therapy or some kind of nano/bio-technology
to improve the organism. These may well be basically invisible showing up only on certain kinds of advanced
medical scans.
Cyber If the Trait is marked “Cyber” that usually means it is external and visible (or at least easily seen with any kind
of scan like an airport X-ray machine).
Internal These are technological implants that are generally “invisible” but will show up on medical or security scans.

For any given game, the GM will determine what is available and how the technology looks/works. They may also
decide if there are some specific drawbacks to certain kinds of cyber-tech.
It is entirely possible that these abilities might not be cybernetic at all for a given character—the category is, as
always, just a guideline. Similarly, many (perhaps even most) of the GATs or Innate Powers could be described
as cybernetic or genetic manipulation. All of this is contingent on the game world and in a game with heavy bio-
modification at a high level of technology this list would just be a starting point.
SCiecide x-forcer Package Veng Bio-Rebuild
Designed for street-cred and surivability in contemporary Created for gov-corp agents and ind-mil investigative
urban encounter scenarios, the X-Forcer package is popular units, the Veng Rebuild balances capability with aesthetics.
with security personnel as well as freelance pharmacedical Chrome only shows for complete replacements--and then,
entrepenures only if you want it to. Be more than human. Be Veng.
Artifical Reflexes [ TAP .22 ] +3

Cyber Grid Armor [ 12 ] Cyber Eye [ 1 AP ]

Infra-Skin [12 AP]

Amplified Recovery Increased Reflexes

Cyber Arm [ 12 ] Improved Resilence

Brass Knuckles [8 AP]

Science Agent Class Epislon TAP [ .25 ]

There are many possible kinds of technology around cyber-modification and genetic augmentation. We wanted to
include some example Traits that you can give to cyborgs in order to indicate a specific type of technology.


Here are some Traits that a cyborg might take around certain kinds of Character Point issues.

Cyber-Cult [-2 CP, -4 CP] Trait Rejection Psychosis [-4 CP] Trait
Description: You are a member of a cult, faction, or group Description: Your cyber-mods have made you a rage-
(possibly a terrorist group) that centers around extreme machine. You tend to go into poorly controlled rages, seek
modification. Perhaps you are constantly replacing weak physical confrontations, or otherwise start fights (using
biology with strong metal and polymer to become “more your cybernetics) when angered. The character should
like the Machine God.” This may include the implantation play up any annoyance-inducing event as a potential
of weapons for “religious” purposes. The -2 point version for combat. The GM may award an SP for specifically

applies if you simply hold strange beliefs and are modestly interesting or entertaining (or risky) instances of getting
evangelical about them (if you hold strange beliefs but into fights.
don’t tell anyone, you get no points for it). In this case you
It is also acceptable to intimidate some targets and not

are identified as a member of “the cause.” The -4 point
attack them if they back down sufficiently quickly (this
version applies if your group can get you to do things for
is at the Player’s discretion if the character is otherwise
it and you have a strong sense of responsibility around
not a killer). On the other hand, the “native” version of
“missions” or other tasks. (Example: going to help other,
this combined with a “general street ethic” makes the
less modified, members who are in trouble.) Cyber-cultists
character a lethal combatant.
usually get a -2 to Persuade and Charm rolls from people
who are “more mainstream.” Note: This is worth points because it gives the character a
very bad reputation very quickly and draws trouble from
the authority. If the character is starting a lot of boring
Cyber-Sick [-2 CP] Trait fights the group should discuss removing it or toning it
Description: You suffer a cyber-tech rejection sickness that down.
has you taking medications on a regular basis. The cost
presumes that these are cheap and the general effect is
some mild discomfort and lots of popping multi-colored ARCHETYPE POINT TRAITS
pills. It may also make you even edgier. The Cyber-Sick These are traits you get or pay Archetype Points for.
sometimes get discriminated against (No sympathy! You
brought it on yourself!) and they are sometimes obnoxious BLOC Technology [-2 AP] L+ Trait
to non-cyborgs because of their discomfort.
Description: Your technology is below the regular
standard. You have cables running outside and back into
ID Tattoos [-2 CP] Trait the flesh. Cyberarms look like massive metal prostheses
Description: You are a walking billboard for cyberware. with 2 or 3 fingered hands. You make clunking sounds and
You have visible marks (which may be normal tattoos—but grinding noises walking around, etc. The technology still
can also be glowing, moving, etc.) which have visible and performs the same way but it is very obvious, loud, hard to
electronic signatures that promote your wares. This gives hide (your silhouette is changed) and so on.
people who look at you a very good idea of what you can do.
You can also get (some) money for “hanging out and being Exotic (Bio-Mech?) [1 AP] U Trait
cool” (if your psychology scores are 12- or better for any of
Description: You use a technology that is uncommon in the
the scores, including Intimidate). This isn’t usually enough for
world. It may be detected by modern technology but is not
a sole income but will recoup some spending cash.
generally understood. The character probably appears as
exotic (get 4pts of Exotic) and may appear bio-mechanical
or ultra-sleek, or whatever. You get +4 DP or +2 DP and the
ability to conceal what any piece of gear does. (Weapons
may be recognized as such but the specific type will not be
known.) This may also be a precondition for taking Force
Fields, Power Fields, and energy weapons.


Radioactive [-2 AP] L Trait

Description: Most cybernetics run off of bio-electrics or
some kind of clean “micro-generator”—however, lower-
tech, often-militarized technologies from the “BLOC
Regions” run off of “nuclear cells.” Sometimes these are
leaky. The radiation level isn’t enough to scare off most
“street types” but it terrifies/infuriates the upper classes
and you show up on common rad-scans and can be traced/
tracked at range (about 100 yards) if authorities or people
with “rad scanners” are looking for you. You will set off
alarms in any generally secure location and are usually not
deemed fit for “polite company.” Plus, your friends may
need to take some anti-rad, you know, just to be safe?

Shielded [2 AP] U Trait

Description: Your technology does not easily show up on
scanners. In order to get points for this you must have
some piece of “Cyber” rated tech (or, if not, then the
technology is shielded from medical scans). Usually this is
calibrated to beat most detection systems and gives a -6
Perception roll to good scanners. Usually it will NOT stop a
“complete medical” such as a character going into prison
would get. Weapons are shielded until deployed.

Bonus Type Applying The Bonus
Cyber Dodge A Cyber-Dodge is provided by “augmented reflexes.” The character uses a combination of
training, ‘hard-wired reflexes,’ and computer intelligence to avoid damage. The effect is a
-4 Damage Modifier that is only applied when the character takes a Block or Dodge against
an attack (and then, of course, only if hit). This can be taken against explosions or other
attacks that “do not miss.”
Healing Charge A “Healing Charge” is a quick “regeneration” that can only be used a few times per combat.
The use of a Healing Charge is declared after damage and any Wound Effect has been
rolled. The player then declares the expenditure of the Charge and (a) regains the listed
number of DP (usually a Major Wound’s worth) and (b) reduces the Wound Effect to No
Effect from whatever it was. Usually this can only be done one or two times a fight. A
Charge is recovered after about 3 hours. The visual effect may be modest: limbs will not
regrow and skin will not instantly close but bleeding will slow and effectively stop and

broken bones may be supported by muscle fibers as they re-knit internally.
No Hurt Condition The character never suffers “Hurt Condition.” The character will remain at “Normal”
Condition until they reach Injured Condition. This means that after taking 1/3rd Total DP a

sub-Minor wound does not become a Minor Wound (until reaching Injured Condition, at
which point it does and a Minor Wound becomes a Major Wound).
Hurt Condition Increase This increases the character’s Hurt Condition score—the point at which they go from
“Normal” to “Hurt” as the result of cumulative damage. The Hurt Score can never go above
the character’s Injured Score.



Science Agents are Trait packages that are given to Science Agent Class
characters that have been “upgraded” by Science! They
Omicron [TAP .56] Combat Genetic
could be actual “secret agents,” members of an Inter-
stellar Police Force, almost-modern-day prototypes, or Description: You have state of the art enhancements and
upgrades. You get:
products of black-market genetic enhancements.
™™ -4 Damage Modifier.
As usually conceived, Science Agents have bio-chemical ™™ 2x Major Wound Healing Charges.
enhancements and are not full of metal and electronics. ™™ 1x 1 REA Attack each Round.
™™ 1x 1 REA Block or Dodge each Round.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
BUYING SCIENCE AGENT PACKAGES Omicron Class (Mk3) 4 9 13 18 22 27 31 36
Usually a character will buy a TAP package and then
one or more levels of Upgrades (to enhance damage
These are GAT-like combat upgrades. (Usually all the
Science Agent Class Delta standard GATs are available as well.) Note: These are
[TAP .31] Combat Genetic normally given with Science Agents but are available
Description: You have a “basic set” of upgrades which are even if the character does not have those upgrades.
still quite powerful. These include:
Artificial Reflexes
™™ +2 CON.
™™ +2 INIT.
[TAP .22] +3 Combat Genetic
™™ +1 AGI Bonus. Description: You have “implanted” reflexes that give you
™™ 1x Major Wound Healing Charges. an edge in combat skills! Activating the Reflexes is a 5 REA
™™ No Hurt Condition. Medium Action that requires an adrenaline-based trigger;
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ therefore, it can only be done after an Initiative roll during
Delta Class (Mk 2) 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 combat. The effect lasts for the duration of the fight.
These enhance:
Science Agent Class Epsilon ™™ +2 Skill Roll with any one Combat Skill.
[TAP .25] Combat Genetic ™™ +5 Damage with any attack using that skill (+2 AP
Description: The Epsilon package is similar in construction to A-Cost).
the Delta Package but places the emphasis on survivability. ™™ +3 Initiative.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
™™ +1 CON. Art-flex 5 7 8 10 12 14 15 17
™™ +2 INIT.
™™ 2x Major Wound Healing Charges.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Genetic Muscle Therapy L+ Genetic
Epsilon Class ( Mk 1) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Description: You are given genetically enhanced muscles.
These are easier to grow, easier to maintain. They are also
Science Agent Class Omega extra dense providing structural improvements.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP STR Armor
[TAP .66] Combat Genetic Armed M 8 AP +4 AP +10 +4 2/5
Description: State of the art prototype combat upgrades. Unarmed M 8 AP +3 AP +12 +4 2/5
You get: Half Level 1 4 AP +2 AP +6 +2 1/3

™™ +2 AGI Bonus.
™™ +3 REA.
™™ +2 INIT.
™™ -3 Damage Modifier.
™™ 1x Minor Wound Healing Charge.
™™ 2x 1 REA Attacks each Round.
™™ Full AGI Bonus and Blocks/Dodges vs. Ranged.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Omega Class (Mk 4) 5 11 16 21 26 32 37 42

Genetic Cybernetic enhancements are machine-augmentations
Description: You have had your skeleton enhanced in attached to biological systems. In the most extreme
terms of strength and hardness. It still retains flexibility case this represents an almost totally mechanical body
and ability to absorb impact. This provides: making the character effectively a robot.
™™ Plate Armor Coverage 3.
™™ Improved unarmed strike damage.
™™ Ability to block weapon attacks as though they were CyberArm [4 AP] L+ Cyber

Cybernetic Enhancements
unarmed strikes. Description: You have one or more arms replaced with a
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Plate ADP DP DMG functional human-looking technological replacement.
Full Level M 8 AP +3 AP 3/8 +10 +8 +3
Half Level 1 4 AP +3 AP 2/5 +5 +4 +1 ™™ Using the STR incurs a +1 REA to all subsequent uses
of the STR during the Round (this is a Back-Swing
Neo-Adrenaline L+ Genetic cost, it is not cumulative).

™™ Cyber Arms allow the character to block HTH
Description: You have been genetically altered to produce
weapon attacks as though they were unarmed
an enhanced form of adrenaline which places your
body into over-drive. It can only be activated during a
™™ Cyber Arms provide Armor with the listed Coverage.
combat like activity following the first Round of combat.
™™ Cyber Arms provide extra DP as noted.
When active the boost lasts 8 Rounds and improves the
character’s Strength and ability to absorb damage. Note: Extra levels can represent one more powerful arm or
two (or more) Machine Arms.
™™ Activating Overdrive is a 5 REA Medium Action. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP Armor
™™ The ADP doesn’t exist until activated. Armed M 4 AP +2 AP +3 +5 2/5 Cv2
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP STR Unarmed M 4 AP +2 AP +3 +7 2/5 Cv2
Armed M 8 AP +5 AP +20 +8 Half Level 1 2 AP +1 AP +2 +3 1/3 Cv2
Unarmed M 8 AP +5 AP +24 +8
Half Level 1 4 AP +2 AP +12 +4

Overdrive Glands
[TAP .23] +2 Combat Genetic
Description: You are fitted with glands that release a
powerful stimulant that enhances reaction time making
everything seem to slow down.
Overdrive must be activated after the first Round of
combat (the system must already be flush with adrenaline
for the drug to work).
Activation costs 5 REA. The effect lasts for the rest of the
combat. The effects are:
™™ +1 Attack (1 REA Strike).
™™ Full AGI and Dodge work vs. Ranged Attacks.
™™ +3 REA.
™™ +5 HTH Damage (unarmed, +3 Armed).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Overdrive 4 6 8 9 11 13 15 17

Sensory Mesh U Genetic

Description: Your senses are enhanced with bio-computer
sensors. You can take a 5 REA Medium action to declare
“enhancing your senses.” This gives a +4 to all Perception
rolls. This state lasts CON minutes after which it is not
available for an hour.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Sense
Sensory 1 4 AP +0 AP +2 +3 Perception

Cybernetic Enhancements

CyberHand – Extendable Arm [2 AP] U Cyber

Engineering [2 AP] L+ Cyber Description: You must already have a Cyberarm. This puts
Description: An engineering Cyberhand is a built in tool. in an extendable tentacle-like system that allows you
The fingers can extend any common tool-kit item for Long Reach (about 10’) or +BLD feet, whichever is longer.
screws, bolts, etc. It also has: Extending is a 5 REA Long action.
Note: Grabbing someone with an extended arm does
™™ Cyber Torch: Burns for 18 IMP damage. It takes a not reduce their AGI Bonus to 0, nor does it reduce the
10 REA action to light and hits at -1 in combat. It grabber’s—the AGI Bonus reduction only applies to both
only works in Close Combat. parties involved in the grappled (if someone is grabbing
™™ Adhesor: A “binding unit” that can stick things you at long reach range their AGI Bonus against you is 0
together with a 30 Grapple Score. This takes an and yours against them—but not 3rd parties).
8 REA Long action and the target must be Grabbed. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Reach DP
™™ Structural Monitor: Uses sonic pulses to determine Extendable Arms M 2 AP +0 AP BLD y +4
the structural material and “health” of an object. It
can find studs, detect fracture points, find leaks in Machine Arm [4 AP] L+ Cyber
walls, and so on.
Description: One or more of your arms have been replaced
™™ Volt Meter, Power Sensor: The hand can determine
with high-tech machine prostheses. They are powerful and
at a few yard’s range where electrical outlets are, if
fully functional (i.e. can feel, do fine work, etc.) but do not
batteries are charged, etc.
look human. They may have hydraulics showing, cables
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP
Engineering 1 2 AP +0 AP +2 extending and re-entering, have only two or three fingers,
and be externally metal. Even seen as a profile silhouette,
the Machine Arms are not humanoid looking.
CyberHand – Medical [2 AP] U Cyber
Description: You have a specialized medical sensor built ™™ Using the STR incurs a +2 REA to all subsequent uses
into your body. This has: of the STR during the Round (this is a Back-Swing
cost, it is not cumulative).
™™ Sensors: Gives heart-rate, EKG, etc., by touch. It can ™™ Machine Arms allow the character to block HTH
analyze blood for standard tests. This gives +2 to weapon attacks as though they were unarmed
Medical rolls to diagnose. strikes.
™™ Stabilizer: The system comes with a drug factory ™™ Machine Arms provide Armor with the listed
that has 5 doses which will replenish over 24 hours. Coverage.
The agent will turn a Dead or Dying result into ™™ Machine Arms provide extra DP as noted.
Internal Damage or Unconscious if administered Note: Extra levels can represent one more powerful arm or
within a few Rounds of the wound. two (or more) Machine Arms.
™™ Healing: The hand can heal 4 DP of damage per Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD DP Armor
level. This also acts as a fairly potent painkiller. Armed M 4 AP +2 AP +5 +1 +6 2/5 Cv2
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP Unarmed M 4 AP +2 AP +6 +1 +8 2/5 Cv2
Medical M 2 AP +0 AP +2 Half Level 1 2 AP +1 AP +3 +1 +4 1/3 Cv2

CyberHand – Spider Drone [2 AP] U Cyber

Description: Your hand can detach and crawl around under
your control!
CyberLegs [4 AP] L+ Cyber
™™ Move 4 yards per second. It is at -4 to be hit for Description: Your legs are replaced with very human looking
size. It can transmit audio and video. It can climb on prostheses. These give the following enhancements:
™™ It has 8 DP and 4 armor. ™™ Cyber Kick: A kick using the enhanced STR of the
™™ 100 yards range. legs. This gives a +1 Back Swing (+1 REA cost to all
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP further use of the leg during the Round).
Engineering M 2 AP +0 AP +2 ™™ Run Bonus: The run bonus is added to the
character’s Run and Sprint speeds.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR ADP Run
Cyber Legs M 4 AP +3 AP +6 +4 +3 y/s

Cybernetics can often encase the skin in metal or even
encase vital organs with other materials bypassing the
skin entirely. It is also possible for cyborgs to have an
“armor plated” appearance.

CyberGrid [8 AP] L+ Cyber

Description: You have infrastructure under your skin
that makes you stronger and harder to hurt. You look

Cybernetic Enhancements
completely normal unless you take damage; however,
when scanned with sensors the grid does fluoresce
looking like interlocking hexagons under the skin.
(Cybergrid is a favorite of high-net-worth executives as
well as combat troops.)
Cybernetic Jump Jets [2 AP] U Trait Buy Cost A-Cpst Armor ADP DP STR

Cyber Grid U-A M 8 AP +2 AP 2/5 12 +8 +3
Grid Armed M 8 AP +2 AP 2 /5 13 +10 +2
Description: Your legs have gyro-stabilized fuel enhanced Half Level 1 4 AP +1 AP 1/3 9 +4 +1
“jump rockets” in them. A Jump is an 8 REA Long Action.
The character does not need to have Cyberlegs to have
Jump Jets. This effect can also come from a backpack CyberShell [8 AP] L+ Cyber
“Jump Pack.” Description: You have cybernetic plating over your body. It
is made of visible external plates along with a sub-dermal
™™ Jump: The force of the rocket. You move Distance undercoat.
yards per Level. Trait Buy Cost Undercoat Plate Hurt ADP
™™ Hang (Hang Time): Some Jump Jets allow for a few Cyber Shell M 8 AP 4/10 4/10 Cv3 +2 +6
seconds of “flying.” Additional levels will increase Half Level 1 4 AP 2/5 2/5 Cv3 +1 +3
this number. Each Hang point is one additional
Round of movement. Infra Skin [8 AP] L+ Cyber
™™ Recharge: The number of Rounds that must be
Description: The character’s skin is extremely puncture
taken between jumps. Each level does not increase
resistant. This gives low amounts of armor but high PEN
this number.
DEF. The character’s skin may be some unnatural vibrant
™™ Kick: Damage from a Jump-Jet assisted kick. Burns
hue or even have designs on it. If the character’s skin
a Jump.
appears normal, reduce the ADP by 2pts.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost JMP Hng Rech Kick
Mk 1 Jump Jets M 2 AP +1 AP 15y 0 3 +3 Trait Buy Cost Undercoat Hurt ADP
Mk2 Jump Jets M 2 AP +1 AP 10y 1 2 +3 Infra Skin M 8 AP 5/40 +2 +12
Mk3 Jump Jets M 2 AP +1 AP 10y 1 1 +3 Half Level 1 4 AP 2/20 +1 +6

Machine Legs [4 AP] L+ Cyber Internal Armor [8 AP] L+ Internal

Description: Your legs have been replaced with obvious Description: The character appears quite normal—but
machine replicas. These may be “digigrade” in appearance under their skin they are armored. This gives plates, armor,
or otherwise, clearly non-human. and extra DP.
Trait Buy Cost Undercoat Plate DP
™™ Cyber Kick: A kick using the enhanced STR of the Internal Armor M 8 AP 4/10 4/10 Cv 4 +4
legs. This gives a +2 Back Swing (+2 REA cost to all Half Level 1 4 AP 2/5 2/5 Cv4 +2
further use of the leg during the Round).
™™ Slow: Machine legs are heavier and slower than
biological ones.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD ADP Run
Machine Legs M 4 AP +3 AP +8 +2 +8 -1 y/s




Hardwired reflexes use technological implants to Artificial Organs or “Artiforgs” are potential enhance-
greatly improve your reaction speed and precision. ments any character can have.

Hardwired Reflexes Mk 1 Armored Lungs [4 AP] L+

[TAP .25] Combat Internal Internal
Description: You have “standard” upgrades to your reflexes. Description: Your character’s lungs have improved oxygen
flow and are re-built for extra PEN Defense.
™™ +2 REA.
™™ Cyber Dodge (works vs. Range): -4 Damage Mod if ™™ You get the listed PEN Defense.
attempt to dodge or block. ™™ You get the listed ADP bonus.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ ™™ You Double your CON for Endurance purposes.
Mk 1 HW Reflexes 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Trait Buy Cost PEN DEF ADP
Lungs M 4 AP +12 +18
Half Level 1 2 AP +6 +9
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 2
[TAP .41] Combat Internal
CyberHeart [TAP .22] + 3 Combat Internal
Description: You have “standard” upgrades to your reflexes.
Description: Your heart has been replaced with a machine.
™™ +2 REA. You get +4 CON, +12 DP.
™™ +2 AGI Bonus (Full AGI vs. Range). Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
™™ Cyber Dodge (works vs. Range): -4 Damage Mod if Cyber Heart 5 7 8 10 12 14 15 17
attempt to dodge or block.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ CyberKidneys and Liver
Mk 2 HW Reflexes 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26
[TAP .12] + 2 Combat Internal
Description: Cyberkidneys or Liver detoxes you rapidly and
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 3
improves your general toughness.
[TAP .50] Combat Internal
Description: You have “standard” upgrades to your reflexes. ™™ You reduce the Intensity of any chemically based
attack by 10 per full 8 AP of the character.
™™ +2 REA. ™™ You only suffer PEN Doubling on a hit by 5+.
™™ +2 AGI Bonus (Full AGI vs. Range). ™™ +8 DP.
™™ +2 Skill (any one combat skill). Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
™™ Cyber Dodge (works vs. Range): -4 Damage Mod if Cyber Kidneys 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
attempt to dodge or block.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Heavy Fuel (Artificial Blood)
Mk 3 HW Reflexes 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
[4 AP] L+
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 4 Internal
Description: You have cybernetically enhanced blood! This
[TAP .59] Combat Internal
Description: You have “standard” upgrades to your reflexes.
™™ STR.
™™ +4 REA. ™™ Hurt Condition.
™™ 2x 1 REA Attacks Per Round. ™™ Damage Points.
™™ +2 AGI Bonus (Full AGI vs. Range). ™™ Will not bleed to death. Treat Dying as Internal
™™ +2 Skill (any one combat skill). Damage.
™™ Cyber Dodge (works vs. Range): -4 Damage Mod if
Note: The character may still die from bad enough
attempt to dodge or block.
wounds—but the system will not explicitly track that.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Mk 4 HW Reflexes 5 9 14 19 24 28 33 38 Heavy Fuel clots quickly.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP Hurt
Blood Armed M 4 AP +3 AP +3 +4 +2
Blood Unarmed M 4 AP +2 AP +3 +5 +2
Half Level 1 2 AP +1 AP +1 +5 +1

Regenerator [TAP .13] + 2 Combat CyberEye [1 AP] U Cyber
Internal Description: A basic cybernetic eye has several functions:
Description: You will recover with a Healing Charge that it can put up any area-data in a Head’s Up Display. This can
gives you back a Minor Wound’s worth of points. It will include GPS, Augmented Reality Games, and other ambient
also only reduce the effect of a wound by 3 levels (so data that other sources produce (if it is freely available).
Unconscious becomes No Effect but Internal Damage The Cybereye ignores -3 points of darkness modifier and
becomes Stunned and Dying becomes Dazed. Dead can see reasonably well in low light conditions.
becomes Unconscious).
It can “zoom in” at range and provide binocular levels
™™ The character gets +8 DP. of magnification to the user. It is “calibrated” and can
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
accurately judge speed and distance of visible targets
Cyber Regenerator 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
down to a few millimeters.

Slick Skin [4 AP] L+ Cyber A 1 AP Cybereye gets two MP of the listed upgrades as
part of its basic package. Additional upgrades cost more
Description: You can give yourself an almost frictionless
(see below).

skin coating. This is activated as a 5 REA Medium Action
Trait Buy Cost DP Upgrades
and usually requires either special clothes or no clothes to Cyber eye 1 1 AP +1 2
be fully effective. (If the cyborg is wearing street clothes

Cyber Senses
assume it is half as effective, adding half the grapple.
This adds the listed DEF Grapple score to the character’s
Defensive Grapple and to Offensive Grapple for any Break
Grapple style attempts.) Slick Skin can be active for about Cybereye modifications cost a listed number of
an hour before it wears off and takes 2 hours to recharge Damage Points (each AP is worth 1 DP). The char-
(usually the character is coated with some kind of nano-gel acter can either “trade in” 1 or more DP for the listed
from their pores). enhancements or purchase 4 DP per AP (and use
Trait Buy Cost DEF Grapple ADP those to buy mods).
Slick Skin M 4 AP +16 +4
Slick Skin 1 2 AP +2 +2

These are sensory upgrades for cyborgs or other
augmented characters.

Cyber Senses

Note: This is simply a way of charging less than 1 AP


Tactical Analysis [4 DP] U Internal

for most of these mods. Having a cybereye does not
Requires: Cybereye
make the character “easier to hurt.”
Description: Tactical Analysis gives a combat-read-out
Facial Recognition Scan [2 DP] U of seen targets. This takes a 5 REA Medium Action and is
visible as a low-intensity laser scan. It will provide:
Requires: Cybereye 1. A list of cybernetics (unless shielded genetically
such as with Science Agent modifications).
Description: In a crowd the cyborg can use sophisticated
2. Statistics for weapons (including cyber-weapons,
computer systems to look for and find known faces. This
carried weapons, and bio-weapons). This is similar
can be linked to a database of known people to give
to what the Schematic DB will provide but more
basic information (name, contact) if the person would be
reasonably found in an online or phone-book (if you knew
3. Statistics for Armor, STR/BLD, and Damage Points if
their name).
the GM thinks they can be reasonably determined
Trait Buy Cost
Face Rec 1 2 DP (which, again, it mostly can be unless the target is
completely unfamiliar to the computer system—in
which case its guesses may still be very accurate).
Range Finder Laser [1 DP] U 4. Information on likely training levels judged from
Internal how weapons are carried, combat stances, etc.
Requires: Cybereye It can distinguish different martial arts, weapon
Description: Your cybereye emits a very low intensity skills, etc.
laser that will not only accurately judge distance (which 5. Even if it does not give full information it may
any cybereye can more or less do) but will also give you provide a “Threat Level” calibrated to the owning
a visible trajectory plot for any thrown object or carried character.
weapon. This ignores -1pt of Range Modifier. Trait Buy Cost
Tactical Analysis 1 4 DP
Trait Buy Cost
Range Finder Laser 1 1 DP
Thermal Tactical Vision [2 DP] U
Schematics Database [1 DP] U Internal
Internal Requires: Cybereye
Description: The cybereye can identify any object in its Description: The character can see in the heat-spectrum,
database providing schematics, usage, etc. This will allow rendering concealment, such as hiding in a bush, using
proper identification of almost all weapons, vehicles, tools paint-on camouflage, etc., obsolete. The character can also
or other devices, etc. The user sees the object with a small track heat trails of targets that recently passed by: up to
mentally-selectable “toggle” that will bring up information 10 minutes for barefoot targets or 1-2 minutes for those
on it as needed. wearing normal shoes.
Trait Buy Cost
This can allow the character data on how to drive vehicles, Thermal Tactical Vision 1 2 DP
repairing mechanical or electrical devices, analyzing
machines (or explosives, for example), and so on.
Video-Link [1 DP] U
Trait Buy Cost
Schematics DB 1 1 DP Internal
Requires: Cybereye
Description: The character can record and transmit video
through a secure channel to any receiver (standard cell
phones will work). The user can choose to black out or
pixelate any area of the visual field (including moving areas).
The eye can record audio or provide real-time sub-titles.
Trait Buy Cost
Video Link 1 1 DP

END OF CYBEREYE ENHANCEMENTS Millimeter Wave Scan [4 AP] U Internal
This ends the Cybereye enhancements. The remaining Description: The cyborg has See Through The Wall
cyber-sensor gear can be used without a cybereye. technology that uses a high tech system of radar to look
through solid surfaces and then reconstruct them with
Cell Decrypter [3 AP] U Internal computers in the cyborg’s brain to appear as normal sight.
Description: An unusual and generally illegal piece of For a 5 REA Medium action the cyborg can remove a wall
gear that allows the character to listen in on cell phone or other barrier (there are limits—it will not penetrate
conversations. There may be military levels of encryption bank vaults or reinforced concrete bunkers—but will see
that are immune to this but most civilian gear, even if easily through several layers of interior walls). This allows
“hardened” is not. The cyborg must be within 1200 yards targeting.
of the broadcast (either end) and know the number or be Trait Buy Cost DP
See Through Wall 1 4 AP +2
able to visually see the person using the cell.

Trait Buy Cost DP Parabolic Mic [1 AP] U Internal

Cell Decrypter 1 3 AP +2
Description: The cyborg has can hear things at long range,

amplifying the sound. This gives +2 to hearing rolls and can
Comm Scanner [1 AP] U Internal detect human speech at about 75 yards range.
Description: The cyborg has the equivalents of built in cell Trait Buy Cost DP

Cyber Senses
phone, police radio, short-wave radio, citizens band radio, Parabolic/Directional Microphone 1 1 AP +3
and internet connection.
Trait Buy Cost DP Tactical Scan [4 AP] U
Comm Scanner 1 1 AP +3
Description: The cyborg has sophisticated sensory that
can detect heartbeats, heat signatures, power supplies,
chemical explosives, and other threats. This works in a 50
yard radius and is an 8 REA Long action.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Tac-Scan 1 4 AP +2

Intellect Enhancement

Target Lock [TAP .14] Combat Internal Artilect [2 AP] U Internal

Description: You can lock onto to a target and then hit Description: The character has an artificial intelligence in
them with extreme accuracy. Locking on is a regular attack their mind. This can have up to 4 CP worth of non-combat
action (5 REA Medium) and every attack thereafter with skills, its own personality, and so on. It can use the
a ranged weapon gets +4 to hit. Breaking line of sight will character’s perception (at -2 if the character is asleep) and
break the lock. speak to them as a “voice inside their head.” The Artilect
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ has an INT of 12.
Target Lock 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 Trait Buy Cost DP
Artilect 1 2 AP +6
Ultrasound Weapon Scan [1 AP] U Internal
Description: As a 5 REA Action the character can “scan a Hacker Suite [4 AP] U Internal
target” for weapons, armor, or other hidden gear. The scan Description: Your internal systems can “project” data
works at about 12 foot range and requires the cyborg to connections out and can “tap” encrypted communication
stand reasonably still. systems. This is usually highly illegal and might be a
Trait Buy Cost DP military prototype.
Weapon Scan 1 1 AP +2
™™ Remote Access: The character can remotely access
computers by being near them. This allows a Hacker
INTELLECT ENHANCEMENT roll to access the system without having to touch it.
™™ Network Penetration: If there is a network, even
Augmentation can apply to the brain as well as the
if it is not wireless, within WIL x 10 yards, the
body. This section covers built in computers as well character will detect it and can access it as though
as certain kinds of “programming” for augmented they were a system “on that network.” Hacking rolls
characters. may be required if the system is protected.
™™ Hacking Tools: The character gets +2 to Hacking rolls.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Hacker Suite 1 4 AP +0

Internal Computer [1 AP] U Internal Arm An entire forearm is replaced with
Description: The character has their own very powerful Replacement a weapon-mount. Usually this
computer hooked up directly to their brain. This allows Mount is the result of either battlefield
them to run software, programs, and so on. surgery or street-surgery as anyone
Trait Buy Cost DP with time or money will not wish
Internal Computer 1 1 AP +3
to replace an arm. On the other
Skill Load [1 AP] U hand, it gives a lot of space to work
Internal with and gives fully articulated
aiming without needing any extra
Description: You have had a skill “implanted” in your mind.
cybernetics (the arm is already
This can take the form of a chip that was inserted with “the
skill on it” or some kind of super-training. “fully articulated”).

™™ The character gets 4 CPs in a combat skill or 6 CPs

in a set of other skills. This can only be done once The loss of use of the arm (and
per skill.

Trait Buy Cost DP
obvious weapon attachment)

Cyber Weapons
Skill Load M (but 1x per skill) 1 AP +0 reduces the deployment REA to 2
REA (the weapon still ‘activates’).
There is no change in cost.
We’ve included a list of a few of the basic “cybernetic Example: Heavy Mount With Arm Replacement
weapons” and rules for “mounting a weapon on/in A Cybermissile requires a Heavy Mount but a
your body.” character wishes to replace their left arm with a
permanent Cyber-Missile mount, which is factored
CYBERNETIC WEAPON MOUNTS into the cost. The cost remains unchanged but since
the Cyber-Missile is arm-mounted, it only costs 2
Cybernetic weapons often are housed in, or partially
REA to deploy.
in, the body and must be extended and deployed to
be used. This costs REA and, in the case of deploying The arm mounted Cyber-Missile still costs the
a “heavy weapon” can slow the character and reduce character their AGI-Bouns and movement when
AGI bonus while the weapon is out. activated but only costs 2 REA to deploy.
These mounts can be applied to many different attack
forms (see the rules for ability modification). In these
cases we have said when we applied the rule here.

Cyber Deploying is a 5 REA Medium Action and

Mount the character loses 1 point of AGI Bonus
when it is deployed.
Modifier 75%

Heavy Deploying is a 5 REA Medium Action

Cyber and the character loses all AGI Bonus
Mount when deployed and cannot move
more than a Step Action.
Modifier 64%

Cyber Weapons



CyberSaw [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber

These are hand to hand or “cyber-gladiator” style Unit Cost L1: 2.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.8 DMG per AP
weapons. Description: You have a built-in chainsaw extension! This
is terrifying against low-armored targets: its PEN Value is
A Note About A-Cost and Cyber Weapons 1/4th Base Damage (Round Normally).
The way the rules read, if you have super-strength
It counts as a Regular Cyber Mount: when extended the
(through Archetype Points) and then buy Cyber-
character cannot use the primary hand (-2 to all rolls dealing
claws you add up all the damage you do, add the with COR for the off-hand) and the saw makes noise.
A-Costs, and you do a bunch of damage that’s
“super armor piercing.” It has a Back Swing of +1 (the second attack in a Round
costs 6 REA—as does every attack thereafter).
That’s fine—but it’s not mathematically balanced. Note: It does not necessarily roar like a gasoline powered
The “correct way” to handle the damage is to take saw: it is magnetic/electric but it does make an audible
the A-Cost of your Strength and the A-Cost you paid sound.
for your cyber claws and add them and take the Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Reach Dmg
Saw L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5/6 Med 18 PEN (1/4th PV)
total A-Cost as Cyberclaws. Saw L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5/6 Med 14 PEN (1/4th PV)
This is a little more complex but it stops things like a
30 AP investment in Strength and a 1 AP investment CyberScythe [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber
in Cyberclaws to make it all super-armor piercing. Unit Cost L1: 1.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
Description: You have an articulated blade that unfolds
If this isn’t being done, other than buying Armed
on its own mechanical arm! This is a Heavy Cyber-Mount
Strength, you mostly don’t need to worry about hand-to-hand weapon! Note that it costs 6 REA to use.
it—but keep it in mind that it’s the “mathematically
correct way to do this.” The Cyberscythe is Armor Piercing with 2x its PEN Value.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Reach Dmg
We are using a “^”Symbol with the A-Cost where we Scythe L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 6 Long 14 PEN
Scythe L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 6 Long 10 PEN
think the attack is significantly better or worse than
Armed or Unarmed STR (and, therefore, if there is
a lot of STR and a little of the weapon, the A-Cost Injector Talons [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber
method should be used). Unit Cost L1: 4.4 PEN per AP L+: 3.8 PEN per AP
Description: Injector Talons are finger-mounted tungsten-
steel retractable hypodermic needles. When used they
Brass Knuckles [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber can inject a variety of toxins into a target. The injectors
Unit Cost L1: 2.4 DMG per AP L+: 1.4 DMG per AP are Armor Piercing: if the target fails an armor-save, armor
Description: Your hands are reinforced with metallic drops to zero. To deliver their toxin, the target must both
knuckles that hit for extra damage. The character’s hands fail an armor save and take the 1pt of damage.
appear unusual with the knuckles enlarged and somewhat Note: The injectors only ever do 1pt PEN Damage. What is
blocky or metallic. This only applies to hand-strike damage. increased is its PEN Value. The A-Cost of the injectors are
The same can be purchased for feet separately. added to that of the toxin.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Reach Dmg Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Reach Dmg
Knuckles L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5 Short 19 IMP Injector 1 8 AP 8 AP S 5 Short 35 PEN Val
Knuckles L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5 Short 11 IMP Injector M 8 AP 8 AP S 5 Short 30 PEN Val

CyberClaws [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber

Unit Cost L1: 1.1 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
Description: You are fitted with re-tractable armor piercing
claws! They do Armor Piercing damage (so if the armor
save fails armor drops to 0). The PEN Value of the claws is
3x the Base Damage.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Reach Dmg
C-Claws L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5 Short 9 PEN
C-Claws L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5 Short 7 PEN

Pneumatic Rams [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber CyberFlamer [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber
Unit Cost 2.8 DMG per AP 1.8 DMG per AP Unit Cost L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 9 DMG per AP
Description: You have bio-metallic rams built into your Description: A cybernetically mounted flame thrower! It
limbs that add to your strike damage! These take 5 REA to burns on a hit by 4+ (same damage next Round with the
charge up (creating a loud hissing noise). While active the original Damage Modifier). It comes on a standard Cyber
character will have a hard time using their hands and feet Mount. When deployed it glows and burns slightly but
for anything other than striking (although they can jump quite visibly.
somewhat better). Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Rng Dmg
Flamer L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/6y 13 IMP
Ground move is reduced to Running Speed (no Sprinting) Flamer L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/6y 9 IMP
and nothing can be held or handled effectively (as the
pressure-sensitive ram will explode out when anything CyberGun [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber

Ranged Cyber Weapons

touches the hands).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Reach Dmg Unit Cost L1: 1.9 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
Rams L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 5 Short 22 IMP Description: A standard internal-mounted (Regular Cyber-
Rams L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 5 Short 14 IMP Mount) clip fed weapon.

Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Rng Dmg
C-Gun L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/10y 15 PEN
RANGED CYBER WEAPONS C-Gun L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/10y 9 PEN
These are built in ranged weapons, usually housed in
the arms (but possibly in the body or even the head). CyberMissile [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber
Unit Cost L1: 3.3 DMG per AP L+: 2.3 DMG per AP
Coil Gun Harpoon [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber Description: A cybermissile is a 1-shot explosive weapon
Unit Cost L1: 3.4 DMG per AP L+: 2.1 DMG per AP usually fired from a deployable shoulder mount. A cyborg
Description: A penetrating weapon that is fired by use can only carry one at a time (otherwise use “Rocket Pack”)
of magnetic acceleration. A cyborg carries two harpoons and it takes 5 Rounds to reload.
in the magazine and it takes 5 Rounds to reload it. The Damage is Explosive (IMP). It is deployed as a Heavy
Coil Gun is deployed as a Regular Cyber Mount (5 REA to Weapon (limited movement and no AGI Bonus when ready
deploy and -1 AGI Bonus when ready to fire). to fire).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Rng Dmg
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Rng Dmg
Harpoon L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/15y 27 PEN
C-Missile L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/25y 26 X
Harpoon L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/15y 17 PEN
C-Missile L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/25y 18 X

CyberCannon [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber Flash-Bang Launcher [8 AP]* L1/ L+

Unit Cost L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 1 DMG per AP Cyber
Description: A heavier frame full-auto cybergun deployed
Unit Cost L1: .34 INT per AP L1: 1.9 INT per AP
from a Heavy Cyber Mount.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Rng Dmg Description: The character deploys a grenade launcher
C-Cannon L1 1 8 AP 8 AP Auto 5 -1/20y 13 PEN that fires “flash-bang” grenades. It deploys on a Heavy
C-Cannon L+ M 8 AP 8 AP Auto 5 -1/20y 8 PEN Cyber Mount. The grenade explodes on impact.
Attack Strength C Delivery Type 5 Area
CyberDart [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber Fail No Effect
Unit Cost L1: 4.0 PEN per AP L+: 3.0 PEN per AP Standard -3 visual modifier for next 3 Turns and Dazed.
Major -3 visual modifier for next 3 Turns and Dazed at -2 to recover
Description: A Cyberdart is a wrist-mounted assassin’s
Critical -6 visual modifier for next 3 Turns and Dazed at -4 to Recover.
weapon. It fires a drug-filled dart at the target. The dart Target is blinded for some time. Potentially permanently.
is Armor Piercing: if the target fails an armor-save, armor Catastrophic
Rendered Unconscious for 2 hours.
drops to zero. To deliver its toxin, the target must both fail Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
an armor save and take the 1pt of damage. Flash Bang L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 27/15 12
Note: The cyberdart only ever does 1pt PEN Damage. -1/10y 5 1x
What is increased is its PEN Value. The A-Cost of the dart is
added to that of the toxin.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Rng Dmg
Personal Rail Gun [8 AP] L1/L+ Cyber
C-Dart 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/10y 32 PEN Val Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
C-Dart M 8 AP 8 AP 1x 5 -1/10y 24 PEN Val Description: You have a cybernetic magnetically driven
side-arm. After two Rounds of fire it requires 1 round of
cool down. It uses a standard Cyber Mount.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Rng Dmg
PRG L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S 5 -1/50y 16 PEN
PRG L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S 5 -1/50y 12 PEN

Ranged Cyber Weapons

CYBER-TOXINS Evolved Boomslang Venom [8 AP]* L1/L+

These are some toxins that might exist in a Cyber world. Cyber
Unit Cost L1: 7.9 INT per AP L+: 4.4 INT per AP
Chemicals listed as Resisted Attacks that are not
Description: Called “Boom Juice” on the street, evolved

toxins may be purchased as Utility Powers. They

boomslang snake venom is a brilliant, greenish deadly
are still subject to A-Cost reduction! poison. The evolved form of the venom is used to augment
PEN-damage weapons by making the subject suffer
Anesthetic [2 AP] U Cyber additional damage if they fail a Resisted roll.
Description: Instead of doing damage, an anesthetic hit Note: The APs in Boomslang Venom are added to the A-
(and this is a super-tech cyber drug) delivers painkiller Cost of the envenomed weapon.
and “bio-stabilizers.” The character gets 1 ADP per point Attack Strength C Delivery Type Blood Toxin (3)
of damage taken up to the listed max. They also lose any Effect Result
Condition Level modifiers. Administering the dose is a Fail Target likely feels ill.
Target suffers 2x damage dealt by the en-venomed weapon. This is
5 REA Medium Action. Standard applied immediately but as a second attack (forcing a second CON roll
Trait Buy Cost ADP if one is called for).
Anesthetic M 2 AP Up to +16 Major As above, but3x dealt damage.
Critical As above, but 4x the dealt damage.
Class Five-Neuro-Tox [8 AP]* L1/L+ Catastrophic As above, but 6x the dealt damage.
Cyber Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Boomslang Venom L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 63/35 12
Unit Cost L1: 3.4 INT per AP L+: 3.0 INT per AP Rng REA ROF
Description: Class 5 Neuro-Toxin is one of the more Varies Varies Varies
“common” of the deadly toxins. The stats here are for a
blood-toxin version. “K-Smart” (Smart Ketamine) L1
Attack Strength A Delivery Type Blood Toxin (3) Tranquilizer [8 AP]* L+ Cyber
Effect Result
Fail Target likely feels ill. Unit Cost L1: 3.9 INT per AP L+: 2.6 INT per AP
Standard Target must make a Major Wound roll. Description: K-Smart is a nano-virus infused ketamine dose
Target makes two Major Wound rolls, one immediately and one at
Major that is designed to keep any dose “safe but effective” by
the start of the Round two Rounds later. The second is at -2.
The target makes two Major Wound rolls (immediately, start of monitoring bio-signs and decaying the chemical when the
Critical Round 3) both at -2. At the start of Round 5 they must make a subject starts to die. This makes it an ideal “knock-out” agent.
Critical Wound roll. Attack Strength B Delivery Type Blood Toxin (3)
Catastrophic As above but the rolls are at -3 and the Critical Wound roll is at -2. Effect Result
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power Fail Target likely feels sleepy.
Class-5 Toxin L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 27/24 12 Standard Target is Dazed for two Rounds, then unconscious.
Rng REA ROF Major Character is Dazed for one Round, then Unconscious.
Varies Varies Varies Critical Character is Unconscious.
Catastrophic Character is Unconscious.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
K-Smart Tranq L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 31/21 12
Varies Varies Varies

Necro-Tox (White-Tailed Smile-5 Narcotic [8 AP]* U Cyber
Spider Venom) [8 AP]* L+ Cyber Unit Cost
Unit Cost L1: 6.3 INT per AP L+: 3.5 INT per AP Description: A very powerful narcotic that can create an
Description: This toxin breaks down biological systems instant buzz. Its main utility is in being used as a “weapon”
quickly. It is based on the venom of the White-Tailed (at the higher levels it can subdue targets) or to negate
spider. It can cause skin to decay rapidly and internal pain (or emotional suffering).
damage to appear quickly. Attack Strength D Delivery Type Blood Toxin (3)
Effect Result
Attack Strength B Delivery Type Blood Toxin (3)
Fail Target likely feels happy and buzzed.
Effect Result
Standard Target is very happy and gregarious. May make bad decisions.
Fail Target’s
Target suffers [Intensity/10] damage per Round at the start of the Target feels loved by the universe and important. May be followed
Round until they make a CON -3 roll. Note: This will be suffered Major by a crash. Unless presented with a clearly hostile situation the

Ranged Cyber Weapons

Standard character will generally be friendly and happy.
immediately on being hit and then each Round thereafter with
the roll-to-avoid coming first. As above BUT the target will overlook being shot. If the person
Major As above, but [Intensity/5]. dosing them means harm or serious damage, the target may
Critical As above, but [Intensity/2]. Critical
respond in an aggressive fashion—but otherwise will be

Catastrophic As above, but [Intensity].
inclined to “get along” if possible.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Necro Toxin L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 50/28 12 Target is “blissed out” and may be unable to take much
Rng REA ROF Catastrophic
decisive action. Will still fight if attacked.
Varies Varies Varies Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Smile-5 L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 90/42 12
Sequenced Acalyotiophis L1/ Rng
Venom [8 AP]* L+ Cyber
Unit Cost L1: 4.9 INT per AP L+: 3.4 INT per AP The Absolute Truth (Serum)
Description: The “spiny-headed” sea-snake, one of the [8 AP]* U Cyber
deadliest known to man, may be extinct—but its venom
Unit Cost L1: 4.9 INT per AP L+: 3.4 INT per AP
has been created from sequenced DNA. Note: This cost
generally assumes that (a) the anti-venom is not that hard Description: A “working truth serum” that interferes
to get and (b) the symptoms are understood by medical with the parts of the brain that allow fabrication while
professionals. also working on the parts that inhibit talking and provide
Attack Strength B Delivery Type Blood Toxin (3) willpower. This makes the subject inclined to tell the truth
Effect Result under questioning. Note: This is purchased as a Utility
Fail Target likely feels ill. power rather than a Combat one, even though it has L1/L+
Target is Dazed for their next Turn (and can recover the Round after Cost and requires a blood-toxin style delivery.
Standard that). However, they are poisoned and will feel sick for days (-3 to all
Attack Strength B Delivery Type Blood Toxin (3)
skill and most stat rolls. -1 to CON rolls).
Effect Result
Target is Dazed for three Rounds and envenomed. Without the
Fail Target likely feels sleepy.
Major anti-toxin they will show symptoms in 2 hours and likely die eight
Target feels “woozy” but can focus through it if in combat or
hours later.
otherwise agitated. It is hard to fabricate things though. If a clever
Critical As above, but target is Dazed for their next Round and then unconscious. Standard
Catastrophic As above, but target is Dying instead of unconscious. lie is thought of that does not require fabrication or heavy amounts
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power of omission, that can be +2.
Seasnake Venom L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 39/27 12 Major As above, but the roll is at +-2 or +0.
Rng REA ROF Critical As above, but the roll is at -4 (no bonus for clever).
Varies Varies Varies Catastrophic As above, but the roll is at -6.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Truth Serum L1/L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 39/27 12
Varies Varies Varies

Ranged Cyber Weapons



Immuno-Boost [1 CP] U Genetic

While most (or “almost all”) cybernetics are purchased Description: You get +3 to CON rolls against diseases
with APs there may be some games where certain and +1 against Toxins due to genetic enhancements
kinds of augmentation are available to almost against disease. The +1 applies against Resisted Attacks.
everyone. These can be purchased with CPs or APs. In (The +3 will apply against Resisted Attacks if they are
the case of APs, one AP gives 8 CP worth of cybernetic disease based.)
upgrades from this list. Trait Buy Cost $ Cost
Immuno-Boost 1 1 CP $500
Dollar Costs are given in equivalents of modern USD.
Usually (for most of these) the cybernetics are applied Optical Tattoo [1 CP] U Cyber
in an outpatient procedure. We think, however, that Description: Your irises blaze with a favored corporate or
these are mostly pretty expensive modifications. sports team logo! You can get other symbols in there as
Usually cost isn’t a factor for most games but we could well. Personalize your look!
see characters with cash getting some of these for just Trait Buy Cost $ Cost
Optical Tattoo 1 1 CP $30
the $ value.

Ear Jack [1 CP] U Cyber Party Glands [1 CP] U Cyber

Description: You no longer wear a head-piece for your Description: You have a drug factory in your body. This
phone. It’s built in. For the whole phone being built in, allows you to get buzzed on command by the use of
that’s a heavier procedure. (Rumors about your carrier internally generated narcotics. As each gland only does
causing phone-induced psychosis if you try to switch are one kind you will usually want to sample others. At the
totally unfounded!) dealer level, others can get high—off your blood. (This may
Trait Buy Cost $ Cost be illegal or, at least, highly controlled.)
Ear Jack 1 1 CP $75 Trait Buy Cost $ Cost
Cyber Phone 1 2 CP $300 Party Glands 1 1 CP $400
Dealer 1 2 CP $1500

Head’s Up Display [1 CP] U Cyber

Plastx Surgery [1/2 App Cost] U Cyber
Description: Your “field of vision” and “area around it” can
display data! This usually includes things such as: Description: You can get “the look.” Plastx Surgery “bars”
and “salons” are everywhere now using bio-plastics to do
™™ Time and date. quick mods. Get yourself “monstered out” (horns, forehead
™™ Location and maps (the HUD has a maps package ridges, spines down the back) or otherwise altered (higher
and gets GPS). cheekbones, re-do the nose) quickly and cheaply.
™™ Information that other people are “displaying about
themselves.” This counts for either Exotic or Attractive—or Ugly. It sells
™™ Mind-ver-tisements: broadcasts that the cyber-HUD for half the cost since a lot of people can tell the look is
can pick up—special promotions at nearby bars, cheap Plastx Surgery. If you get Ugly you get double the
sales at shops, etc. points for it due to having “done it to yourself.”
Trait Buy Cost $ Cost Trait Buy Cost $ Cost
HUD 1 1 CP $150 Plastx Surgery 1 * $150

Healing Augmentation [4 CP] U Genetic Skin Port [1 CP] U Cyber

Description: You naturally heal 1/5th DP per day instead Description: You have a “USB Port” in your skull right at the
of 1/10th. You also experience “dampened” pain which back bottom. You can plug in a variety of devices such as:
doesn’t have a direct impact on combat but means that ™™ A cable to a computer to “drive it” hands-free.
in the aftermath you don’t suffer nearly as much (the ™™ A cable to a TV or camera to “view” pictures off it—
character gets +3 to WIL rolls to endure pain). You will not while your eyes are still fully usable.
bleed out: dying results are treated as Internal Damage. ™™ A portable music machine—so you can listen
Trait Buy Cost $ Cost without putting things in your ears.
Healing Aug 1 4 CP $2500
™™ Sense-X tape deck: which allows various sensations
to be “played” into your body with a video/audio/
electro-magnetic stimulator feed.
Trait Buy Cost $ Cost
Skin Port 1 1 CP $500

Sound System [2 CP] U Cyber CONCLUSION
Description: You can play music as a cybernetic “boom This concludes our Augmentation/Cybernetics section.
box.” This also gives you a ‘Public Address’ system to Remember when building these characters to look at
amplify your voice. You can play music silently in your head GATS or Innate Abilities for common things that can be
as well. The character can have a massive library of music. re-cast as technological upgrades.
Trait Buy Cost $ Cost
Sound System 1 2 CP $150.00

Vampire Glands [1 CP] U Cyber

Description: Special glands give you the ability to stay
awake for several days straight (after which you crash hard
for about 24 hours). These are favored by people who love
the night-life. They give you reddish eyes and a pallid skin
tone, leading to the name.

Trait Buy Cost $ Cost
V-Glands 1 1 CP $250


Fast Company is the name we’re using for a set of abilities that create “action heroes.” These char-
acters are larger-than life heroes who may not precisely have super powers (although they can) but
are definitely far above the capabilities of normal men. They can come through a hail of gunfire
with only grazes, fight with steel blades as effectively as with their bare fists, and may well be super
detectives, costumed crime fighters, or super-spies.
Fast Company characters have reflexes that are far above those of normal humans and may often
have exotic training, equipment, and physical toughness.


In this chapter we’ll cover:
1. The Fast Company Vibe: What are Fast Company games and characters generally like? How

Fast Company
do you use them in a campaign and who has these Traits?
2. The Fast Company Traits (Levels 1-4): There are four “levels” of Fast Company allowing the

Fast Company
creation of characters from exotic to virtually super-heroic.
3. Bullet Time (How It Works Mechanically) and Other Rules: Levels 3 and 4 of Fast Company
have a special ability that gives them an “extra Round” for every round “normal people” get.
This is called the “bullet round” and is a way of making Fast Company characters faster than
mere mortals!
4. Other Traits/Martial Arts Moves: Additional traits calibrated for Fast Company games (but
can be used elsewhere).

Fast Company


Fast Company

The world of Fast Company is that of cinematic super-spies, costumed crime fighters, and extreme martial artists.
Fast Company characters are designed so that:
™™ They’re Fast: They have higher Initiatives, more REA, and sometimes even “extra time” that ordinary char-
acters don’t get.
™™ They Fight as Effectively Armed as Unarmed: At least against each other, using a sword, your gun is a
reasonably even decision. This is because Fast Company characters tend to take less damage from weapon
attacks (PEN damage) and deal more damage with unarmed attacks (even if they do not explicitly have
martial arts). This makes, for many purposes, the decision to use weapons or not a style issue rather than
one of effectiveness.
Fast Company characters usually know they are exceptional but will not generally believe they are “super human.”
The standard convention of the games we’ve used these in is that they still “fear” guns but recognize that they can
handle themselves against a weapon (you will see how Fast Defenses make guns far less effective against them
than they might be). Here are some example point totals.
Game Characters Notes Example Fiction
The characters are costumed crime
fighters who each have some kind of
special origin and motivation (whatever
caused them to become crime fighters).
Costumed Crime Watchmen, Batman, Blind
32 AP (L2), 50-75 CP Some may have special gear or even
Fighters unusual capabilities like (perhaps) low-
Fury, Remo Williams
level psionics—but none of them are
flashy, car-throwing, ‘four-color’ super
The characters are members of an elite
secret government team who have Mission Impossible, Bourne
Super Spies 24 AP, 75 CP extensive exotic training and weapons. Identity, Kim Possible (Family
They usually handle missions that even Friendly Fast Company!)
“ordinary” special forces can’t manage
The characters are extreme examples of
Captain America, The Matrix,
Super Warriors L3 or L4, 50 CP peak-human-performance and can, as a
very small group, turn the tide of a war.


In the “Basic” Fast Company game every character is expected to have either:
• A 4 AP handgun (9mm)
• A 4 AP melee weapon
• Their bare hands (which deal +7 damage)
If a character wants to wield heavier weapons they usually pay for the upgrade out of their GAT or other points.
However, there are some modes of play where the characters may carry much heavier weapons. If, for example,
the characters are “Fast Co Mercenaries” they might well just have “whatever gear they can lay their hands on.”
That could include shotguns, machine guns, rocket-launchers, and so on. In these conditions:
1. The characters get a -10 Damage Modifier from any long arm (rifle) or explosion. Heavier weapons may be
far less effective at killing these characters than lighter ones …
2. A Dodge attempt against any heavy weapon (more than 30 PEN damage) gets +4.

Designer’s Note
In games where the characters might be Fast Company—but might also be something else (mutants? Telepaths? Super heroes?)—the above
defenses are usually not in play. The purpose of having those rules is so that if you are playing a pure Fast Company game where the PCs are
allowed to or expected to carry heavy ordinance it doesn’t become a massacre.

We’ve broken the traits down into four basic levels from “very tough” (level 1) to “virtually super-heroic” (level 4).
We’ll describe each of these Traits and what the specific abilities mean.

Bonus Type Applying The Bonus

Fast Company have extremely good senses, instincts, and reflexes when it comes to avoiding damage. They can
Dodge Ranged
dodge ranged attacks at no negative. Note: They also get 8 CP in Acrobatics (which will likely give them Level 3, 13-
Attacks Acrobatics with which to dodge for only 3 REA instead of the normal 5 REA).
Full AGI Applies
Most characters only get half their AGI bonus rounded down against ranged attacks but Fast Company characters get
Vs. Ranged their full AGI Bonus (AGI-10) applied to both HTH and Ranged attacks).
Fast Company characters are extremely good at avoiding damage and get negative damage modifiers applied against
incoming attacks. These are:
™™ Damage Mod -8 against PEN damage attacks (swords, knives, bullets, etc.)

Fast Company
™™ Damage Mod -4 against IMP damage attacks (HTH, blunt weapons, falls, etc.)
™™ Optional: Damage Mod -10 against long arms (rifles, heavy weapons) and explosions. Note: The Explosion mod

Fast Company
only applies to area-damage. If hit directly with an explosive beam the character only gets the -4 Damage Mod
for Impact Damage.
These damage modifiers are applied before checking for PEN Doubling (so a gun shot that hits by 9 goes to a hit by 1
and does not double). The optional defenses make the character very resistant to heavy weapons and may be more
Fast Defenses suitable for L3 and L4 style games (where the characters may be literally expected to take on the army—although even
then, probably, not directly).

SUPER: The SUPER version of Fast Company gives -8 Damage Mods vs. ALL attacks (-8 DM vs. IMP, -8 DM vs. PEN,
-10 DM if using optional rules). It is more appropriate for more ‘extreme’ super heroes (especially those without any
armor or Force Fields). The TAP Cost is +.10 above the regular cost.

Extra: Hard to Hit With Weapons. For an extra cost a Fast Co character exchanges -8 Damage Mod vs. Pen to -4 DM
vs. Pen and -4 to be hit by Pen attacks (this stacks with AGI and applies in full vs. Range).
Fast Company characters have innate balance and reflexes and get 8 Character Points in Acrobatics skill. They are
Natural Acrobat encouraged to buy Level 3 so as to take advantage of their Dodge vs. Ranged Attacks.
Extra Initiative All Fast Company characters get +5 Initiative.
Some Fast Company characters get +3 REA as well as the +5 Initiative. Note that REA also adds to Initiative so a L2 Fast
Extra REA Company character with 13 REA would get +3 REA (total of 16 REA) and then +5 Initiative for an Initiative roll of a 21-!
Extra Damage
Fast Company characters are tough and get extra Damage Points.
Fast Company characters deal extra damage with unarmed combat. Note: This is Impact Damage that is added to
unarmed blows. It does not add to any weapon attack (including clubs or staves). This does add to Offensive and
Techniques Defensive Grapple scores as well as damage done by Grapple attacks, however.
Some characters get a “Bullet Round.” This represents extraordinary speed and has several game effects. The short
effect here is that characters with a Bullet Round get an entire extra round of action with full REA before each normal
Bullet Round round in which characters without a bullet round may only dodge/block if they choose. We’ll explain how this works in
more detail in a special section below.
Fast Company characters are expected to be extraordinary in other ways too and most of these packages come with
APs in GATS specific APs for the character to spend on Generic Archetype Traits. These may further raise the damage the character
does (or increase speed, give 1 REA attacks, etc.) These GAT points are “built in” to the total cost.
Defense Against Fast Company characters get +Level of Fast (1-4) to any stat (usually CON or WIL) for purposes of resisting a Resisted
Resisted Attacks Attack.
Fast Company characters can sometimes heal any amount of damage below Injured Condition (especially if it is not PEN
Rapid Healing/ damage) between scenes—especially with “medical attention.” This is a genre-convention issue and is ultimately up
Long Life to the GM to determine. Fast Company characters also tend to “age well” and can be very physically powerful even at
advanced age (again, the specifics are up to the Game Master).

Fast Company
Fast Company


These are the four levels of Fast Company.

Fast Company Level 1 TAP [.40] +11 Fast Company Level 3 TAP [.58] + 21
Description: You are an action hero of some sort! You Description: You are nearing the level of super powered.
are recognizably mortal but can probably handle two or At this level you get a Bullet Round which effectively
three semi-trained opponent tough-guys without breaking doubles your REA! You are an elite fighting machine.
a sweat. You might be an elite special forces agent, a Possible examples:
wandering martial arts master, or an exotically trained
™™ Ozymandias of the Watchmen, V, The Bride
assassin. Possible examples:
™™ Indiana Jones, John McClane, Members of GI Joe? Cost in (parens) is for 128 AP (it is not available at 64 AP)
Bonuses Notes Bonuses Notes
Dodge Ranged Attack YES Dodge Ranged Attack YES
Full AGI Bonus vs. Ranged Attacks YES Full AGI Bonus vs. Ranged Attacks YES
FAST Defenses YES -8 PEN/-4 IMP FAST Defenses YES -8 PEN/-4 IMP
Natural Acrobat YES 8 CP in Acrobatics Natural Acrobat YES 8 CP in Acrobatics
Extra Initiative YES +5 Initiative Rolls Extra Initiative YES +5 Initiative Rolls
Extra REA NO No bonus to REA Extra REA NO No bonus to REA
Extra Damage Points YES +10 Damage Points Extra Damage Points YES +14 Damage Points
Combat Techniques YES +6 HTH, A-Cost +3 AP Combat Techniques YES +7 HTH, A-Cost +4 AP
Bullet Round NO No Bullet Round Bullet Round YES Bullet Round
GAT APs YES 4 APs in GATs GAT APs YES 12 APs in GATs
Trait A-Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Trait A-Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Fast Co L1 +4 AP — — 21 24 27 31 34 37 Fast Co L3 +4 AP — — — — — — 53 58
L1 SUPER +4 AP — — 23 27 31 35 39 43 L3 SUPER +4 AP — — — — — — — (180)
Hard to Hit [ .05 ] — — +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 Hard to Hit [ .05 ] — — +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Fast Company Level 2 TAP [.50] +16 Fast Company Level 4 TAP [.60] +26
Description: You are a superior action adventurer. You can Description: At level 4 you are the outer-limit of human
handle multiple tough opponents and excel in “doing the potential (in fact, when this gets mixed with four-color
impossible.” Possible examples: supers the AP-cost chart will be extended out to 128 AP
or more!). You are a blur of attacks and defenses. Possible
™™ James Bond, Jason Bourne, Khal Drogo, most of the
Bonuses Notes ™™ Neo, Batman, Doc Savage, The Shadow
Dodge Ranged Attack YES Cost in (parens) is for 128 AP (it is not available at 64 AP)
Full AGI Bonus vs. Ranged Attacks YES Bonuses Notes
FAST Defenses YES -8 PEN/-4 IMP Dodge Ranged Attack YES
Natural Acrobat YES 8 CP in Acrobatics Full AGI Bonus vs. Ranged Attacks YES
Extra Initiative YES +5 Initiative Rolls FAST Defenses YES -8 PEN/-4 IMP
Extra REA YES +3 REA Natural Acrobat YES 8 CP in Acrobatics
Extra Damage Points YES +12 Damage Points Extra Initiative YES +5 Initiative Rolls
Combat Techniques YES +7 HTH, A-Cost +4 AP Extra REA YES +3 REA
Bullet Round NO No Bullet Round Extra Damage Points YES +16 Damage Points
GAT APs YES 8 APs in GATs Combat Techniques YES +7 HTH, A-Cost +4 AP
Trait A-Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Bullet Round YES Bullet Round
Fast Co L2 +4 AP — — — 32 36 40 44 48 GAT APs YES 16 APs in GATs
L2 SUPER +4 AP — — — — 40 45 50 54 Trait A-Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Hard to Hit [ .05 ] — — +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 Fast Co L4 +4 AP — — — — — — — 64
L4 SUPER +4 AP — — — — — — — (116)
Hard to Hit [ .05 ] — — +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Possible Examples
We’re aware that we could spend the rest of our
lives arguing about whether the specific examples
make sense (is James Bond actually a tough guy like
Khal Drogo or Jason Bourne?). We picked these to be
somewhat relevant (and some of them are showing
our age) and to be interesting. If you don’t feel they
belong there, that’s fine—it certainly isn’t scientific.

Here are some additional notes to follow up with.


The Fast Company ‘Bullet Round’ capability requires some further explanation. Here is how it works:
Before each “normal Round” there is a Bullet Round (and, if playing with optional/advanced rules, possibly more
than one). Anyone with a Bullet Round can take a full Round’s worth of actions normally during that Round. Other
characters can only take defensive actions: Blocks or Dodges.
If only one character in the battle has a Bullet Round then it’s easy—they just get to take a full Round and then they

Some Additional Rules

roll Initiative like everyone one else for the “normal Round.”
If several characters have Bullet Rounds then there is a Bullet Round Initiative and everyone with a Bullet Round
rolls Initiative and they all take their Turns normally and then they do it all over again for the “normal Round.”

Fast Company
The key thing to understand is that in terms of “in-game reality” this Bullet Round happens ‘really fast’ in the same
time frame as the ‘normal Round.’ This in effect can:
™™ Double weapon’s apparent rates of fire (if the Bullet Round character fires both on the Bullet Round and the
normal round)
™™ Double Bullet Round character’s movement rates (they can move normally on both rounds)
™™ Allow characters with Bullet Rounds to “get things done” at twice the normal rate (at least in combat)


If I have a blast that requires a Round of Charge Up it’ll charge during my Bullet Round. If I throw a Cross during my
Bullet Round I’ll lose the negatives when I get to go on my normal round (and vice-versa: if I throw a cross on my
Normal Round it’ll re-set during my Bullet Round next Round).


If a character with a Bullet Round is surprised (meaning that an attack happens before they get to react other than
to defend themselves) or chooses to Wait rather than taking immediate action on their Turn, they can use their
entire Bullet Round on their Turn, taking “two Turns” in a row. They can also use REA from the Bullet Round to
Block, Dodge, or otherwise defend.

Example: Declaring A Held Bullet Round

A character with a Bullet Round goes both decides to ‘hold it’ and then goes first (gets higher Initiative) than his
opponent in the normal round. The opponent gets to declare and makes a Long Move up to the Bullet Round
character. The Bullet Round character responds to the 8 REA Long Move action by saying “I will now take my Bullet
Round” and is allowed a single 5 REA Response action. He uses to Step away from the incoming attacker. This Step
action, however does not put the Bullet Round character beyond the Long Move distance of the attacker and the
attacker is allowed to adjust his trajectory to catch up to the Fast Company character.
The Fast Company character THEN gets the rest of his Bullet Round and his normal Round. When he makes an 8
REA Long Action to open the distance, though, the attacker gets an unmodified INIT roll to be able to respond. He
makes the roll and is allowed a single outgoing strike at the Bullet Round character who is opening the distance.

If you are knocked unconscious the Fast Company defensive modifiers still apply for the same Round no matter
what. If a Fast Company character is already unconscious or entirely restrained in some way (a Hold won’t do it but
being completely tied up might) they get the Fast Company negative damage modifiers unless an attacker takes an
8 REA Long Action (if in combat) to Aim or declares a “carefully aimed attack” outside of combat (simply shooting

Some Additional Rules

a Fast Company hostage in passing will give them the defensive modifiers—saying you place the gun to their head
Fast Company

and pull the trigger, if the character is unconscious or helpless, will bypass them).


You don’t fall twice as fast though—during a Bullet Round you won’t fall. Cars don’t move during Bullet Rounds
(generally—that’s optional if the driver has a bullet round and the game wants to make a distinction between Fast
Co drivers and normal drivers—but that means the car is “effectively moving twice as fast”).


Fire will “burn” during a Bullet Round and poison, if there is continuing damage, will go during the Bullet Round.
As an advanced rule, however, the group can only run those effects during a Bullet Round if they came from a
source with a Bullet Round. This gets complex. The rationale behind having a continuing effect strike during a Bullet
Round is because we think it’s easier to play that away.


Moving past an opponent (taking a Long Move) during a Bullet Round still allows them to respond with an attack if
they can make an unmodified REA roll. Similarly, some martial arts moves like Counter Strike are allowed by non-
Bullet Round targets if they make an unmodified REA roll.


Bullet Rounds are a meta-game rule: there is no specific in-game explanation for them. Perhaps if the game is very
metaphysical the character is literally “outside of time” a bit—but otherwise the explanation is simply that the
character is very, very fast and the game rules are constructed to support that. In other words, don’t get hung up
on it.


Fast Company defenses: the negative damage modifiers against PEN and IMP attacks are meant to represent a
combination of extreme mobility and the ability of Fast Co characters to innately sense incoming damage. If the
character is caught “with a gun to their head” they might not get that bonus (same if they are held completely still).
Our general ruling is that if a character is “caught by complete surprise” they lose their negative Damage Modifiers
and AGI Bonus against 1 shot until there is some kind of diversion. This construct allows Fast Co characters to be
captured until they can come up with a distraction to escape.
This works well so long as everyone involved understands the conventions at play: in a gritty more realistic game
where capture is going to lead to swift execution we would expect the GM or Players arranging “complete surprise”
so they can shoot other Fast Co characters in the head to be extremely difficult.
Similarly, if the character hugely restrained (under a pile of security guards or ankle cuffed with hands also locked
behind their back?) then they would likely lose the bonus—but, again, this is intended to support genre conven-
tions and we think the group needs to be on the same page with respect to what everyone thinks is fair (the GM
will make the ultimate decision).


Super Spies and costumed crime-fighters may have things like special weapons, exotic security-defeating devices,
or even things like ultra-lightweight body armor. It is certainly acceptable to use the GAT points for this buying off
the gear list or buying other abilities and making them into gear.
However, in many games characters will have the choice of whether or not to carry “normal” weapons. In these
games the characters are generally not paying AP for weapons but might pay APs for exotic or upgraded weapons.

Gun Fu is our term for a specific set of Traits that revolve around the “extreme use of firearms.” This includes things
like hitting bullets with bullets to block incoming fire and using controlled ricochets or even changing bullet trajec-
tories in mid-air to shoot around corners. Clearly these are not intended to be realistic in the least.
In these cases the character will get to carry a 4 AP Gun Kata [4 AP] L+ GAT
weapon (a hand gun, a sword, a staff?) for “free.”
Description: You are trained in a form of combat move-
If they wish to spend APs to upgrade their weapon,
ment that makes you harder to hit in a gun fight. The
that’s fine. They might also be allowed to carry exotic character’s full AGI bonus and Dodge apply against ranged
weapons or have other 4 AP attacks (so long as they attacks. The character also gains a damage bonus due
don’t add to the unarmed damage). to precision shooting. You can also use the gun as a HTH

Some Additional Rules

weapon, striking with it with Firearms skill (+2 IMP damage
Auto-Fire [TAP .13] Combat GAT instead of +1 PEN) and blocking HTH attacks at Firearms
Description: You can use a normal weapon and, due to skill +0.

Fast Company
extreme skill, auto-fire it. This could be something “real- Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Damage
Gun Kata 1 4 AP +1 AP +8 +1 PEN
istic” like highly accurate “bump-firing” a semi-automatic
or it could be two-gun-blazing hails of bullets. In “realistic”
games this will empty half the magazine (and requires a Pistol Whip [4 AP] L+ GAT
12-round magazine at least). Description: You are trained/experienced in using firearms
Note: This can be applied to HTH (Armed or unarmed) as HTH weapons for specific strikes that use the gun
attacks as well—it gives the Auto-fire bonus: +2 to hit (a (pistol-whipping). The character strikes in HTH combat
real +2 to hit) and 1.5x damage with only 1x PEN Value. using Firearms skill as a HTH attack. The use of a gun as a
It costs 8 REA and is all the character can do with the weapon usually does +3 IMP damage if HTH weapons are
weapon (or attack) that Round. not being tracked for cost.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Damage
Auto-Fire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pistol Whip M 4 AP +2 AP +8 +3 IMP

Block a Bullet L+ GAT Ricochet [4 AP] L+ GAT

with a Bullet [4 AP] Description: You can shoot around cover by either use
Description: You can block incoming fire by shooting down of the gun (as with some paranormal skill) or controlled
the bullets! This provides the character with a Block Roll ricochets. This allows you to ignore cover for 1 shot each
based on Firearms skill against incoming bullets or other Round (with extra shots available for more AP).
projectiles that can be shot. The shot still expends a bullet, Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Ricochet 1 4 AP 0 AP +8
is a 3 REA Short Action, and blocks at +0 to Firearms skills. +1 Shot M 1 AP 0 AP +2 DP
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Bullet Block 1 4 AP 0 AP +8
Bullet Ballet [4 AP] L+ GAT
These are some additional Traits only available to Fast
Description: You are trained in a form of shooting that
Company characters.
takes shots of opportunity sometimes firing from behind
the back, over the head, etc. This is often combined with
the GAT: Mass Attack allowing the character to take 1
Extra Agile [TAP .13] Combat GAT
REA attacks against separate opponents. The Bullet Ballet Description: The character gets +2 AGI Bonus.
Shots do extra damage with each shot provided the shot Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
is against a separate opponent (i.e. Bullet Ballet can do Extra Agile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
its extra damage more than once a Round provided it is
against separate individuals). Heightened Def [TAP .13] Combat GAT
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Damage
Bullet Ballet M 4 AP +2 AP +8 +3 PEN
Description: When you take any active defense (Block,
Dodge) against an attack, if it hits you, you get -6 (IMPact)
or -10 (PEN) Damage modifiers against it.
Golden BB [TAP .25] Combat GAT Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Description: When active, one shot per round from a Heightened Defense 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
gun ignores armor. The ability has an activation roll of a
9- each Round.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Golden BB 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Some Additional Rules


Fast Company

Quick-Draw [2 CP] Move

Not all special gun-skills are bought with Archetype Description: You are a trained expert at quick-draw-and-
Points. These can be purchased with Character Points. fire shooting. This works with the Fast Draw rules—but on
any Round in which a Fast Draw roll is made, the character
Instant Reload [2 CP] Move gets +4 Initiative for purposes of shooting only (this can be
Description: You reload a gun for 0 REA. For guns that have declared during Initiative).
a very long reload time, it should reduce them to either Note: If the character wishes to instantly holster the gun
5 REA or about half the normal speed, whichever is more. after shooting in order to use this again next Round, that
Note: This applies to any magazine fed weapon or the use can be done—but it requires a Firearms roll and, if failed,
of speed-loaders—it does not allow, for example, a musket the character pays 5 REA (if the character does not have
to be instantly reloaded. 5 REA that Round, they will pay it the next Round).
Cost Notes Cost Notes
2 CP Instant Reload. 2 CP +4 Initiative for purposes of shooting only

Kill Shot [4 CP] Move Two-Gun [1 CP] Move

Description: You have exotic sniper training. When taking Description: You can use one gun in each hand with no
an Aim action, you get +1 additional Damage Modifier on penalty.
any hit per level of Aim (so an 8 REA Aimed Shot gets +3 to Note: This does not give extra attacks or any other
hit, and if it hits, gets +3 Damage Mod). This damage modi- advantage beyond (a) using a different weapon and/or (b)
fier is added before doubling. not having to reload as often. This is useful in adventure-
Note: Usually this requires a rifle or at least a scope of games where the character may have multiple one-hand
some sort to take advantage of. weapons and does not want to switch between them.
Cost Notes Note: Any GAT that uses the term “two-gun” or implies the
4 CP +1 per Damage Mod after bonus added use of two guns automatically provides this bonus.
Cost Notes
1 CP Use two guns with no penalty.

Weapon Swap [1 CP] Move
Description: You can swap weapons once per Round for a
0 REA action. This involves holstering your current weapon
and drawing and readying another weapon. Usually this
costs 5 REA for a L3 character with Fast Draw and 10 REA
for a less experienced one. Alternatively, a character can
drop their current weapon for 0 REA.
Note: If the weapon being holstered can be Quick Drawn

Special Martial Arts Moves

(see below) they must make a Firearms roll or pay the
5 REA.
This is of primary use in adventure games where the
character may have several weapons they wish to deploy.
Usually there is a limit of 3 weapons that can be swapped
easily (other weapons carried are considered “stowed”). If

Fast Company
the weapons are limited to pistols, the number can be 5.
Cost Notes
1 CP Instant change-weapon once per round.


This section lists a number of special martial arts moves that are purchased with Character Points. You do not have
to be Fast Company or even be special in any way (other than having had some specialized training) to purchase
these moves). They are meant to give more flavor and color to the existing styles and to construct more “idealized”
versions of “real world” martial arts.

These are usually available in “any game” and can be had in games that are pretty mundane (any game where
the GM would allow high martial arts skills or highly trained characters). At the lower-point totals some of these
abilities are not even exotic and could simply be an area of focus for a realistic fighting-style.


Special Martial Arts moves have the following ratings:
1. Name: The name of the move. These are meant to be generic and the player can customize the name or
specific description (so long as it’s clear what was actually purchased).
2. Cost: The cost is listed in Character Points (CPs).
3. Description: The description of the move itself.
4. REA: The REA cost for the move. Here are some notes:
a. Strike + X: This move can be added to any strike (Kick, Cross, Punch), special martial arts strikes like
the Boxing Cross, etc.
b. Kick + X: The REA cost can be added to any Kick.
c. Punch + X: The REA cost and the move can be added to any Punch or Cross (but not a kick).
d. Block + X: The move can be added to any Block (possibly also a Dodge).
5. To-Hit: Here are some of the rules for the to-hit modifiers.
a. Normal Kick: Hits at -1 unless thrown by a Tae Kwon Do expert.
b. Normal: To-hit roll is unmodified.
c. +/-X: The attack gets some + or – to hit.
6. Damage: The special move does extra damage (or less damage).
a. Strike +/- X: The damage can be added to any HTH strike. (also Normal +/- X).
b. Kick/Punch +X: Extra damage is added to a Kick or Punch as noted.

Warrior GAT


Fast Company

Block/Dodge Ranged Attack [1 CP] Move

You might, if you were making yourself as a character Description: Your Block/Dodge roll applies against Ranged
have one or more of these moves—but just because Attacks at -1 instead of -4. Despite the low cost this is
you trained in a move that has the same description highly unusual/exotic.
or name as one of these doesn’t mean you “have the Cost REA Def Roll
1 CP Normal -1
special move” (if that were the case, many martial
arts would be 100s of CPs). In order to “qualify for the
move” it usually means that the character special- Breaking Blow [1 CP] Move
izes in a highly effective form of the move. In other Description: Your training has deep focus for the purposes
words, many, many martial arts teach a “back kick” or of breaking things and inflicting deep trauma.
“crescent block” but to actually have a character with ™™ The breaking blow can be used with any strike. It
the move on their character sheet that character must costs +3 REA.
be trained in an extremely effective form of it—some- ™™ If the total REA is 8 or above the move is Long.
thing that is unusual. Cost REA To-Hit Damage Notes
1 CP Strike +3 Normal Strike +2 Long if 8+ REA

WARRIOR GAT Circular Block [1 CP] Move

There is a set of Generic Archetype Traits that specifi- Description: You are trained in circular/crescent blocking
cally give you CP for special moves! motions that cover many lines of attacks!
™™ The circular block ignores -2 points of modifier
Warrior [TAP] Combat GAT caused by a feint.
Description: You are a trained combatant who has been ™™ It ignores -1 point of modifier from a Kung Fu strike.
taught special hand-to-hand combat moves! This Trait Cost REA Def Roll
gives extra DP, Strike Damage, Grapple, bonuses to a 1 CP Normal Normal
Martial Art or other combat skill, and extra CP just for
special moves. Clinch Block [1 CP] Move
Level DP Strike Damage Grapple Martial Art Moves CP Cost
Warrior +8 +3 IMP +5 +2 Roll 4 CP [.13]+7 Description: You are trained to fight from a “clinch.” If
Elite Warrior +16 +6 IMP + 10 +4 Roll 8 CP [.25] +14 you have your opponent grabbed you get +1 to Block
Trait A-Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ their attacks.
Warrior +2 AP 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cost REA Def Roll Note
Elite +4 AP N/A N/A 20 22 24 26 28 30 1 CP Normal +1 Must have Grab/Grapple

Crane Stance [1 CP] Move

Description: You stand in a way that minimizes avenues of
These moves cost 1 Character Points. Most of them attack but limits some mobility.
are considered somewhat unusual but not extreme
or exotic. ™™ If you have an 11 or lower AGI you get +1 to all
Blocks. If you have 12+ AGI you get +2 to all Blocks.
™™ Your AGI Bonus drops by 2 (going no lower than +0
Back Kick [1 CP] Move
to be hit).
Description: You are trained to throw a powerful kick ™™ It is a 5 REA Medium Action to enter the Crane
either to rear or by turning slightly to throw it in any direc- Stance. It is a 0 REA Medium action to drop it (it can
tion needed! only be dropped on your Turn).
™™ It may be thrown at no negative to the rear (normal Cost REA Def Roll AGI Bonus
1 CP 5 to Enter +1, +2 -2
strikes are at -4 to throw at opponents who are
behind you).
™™ The attacker may change facing when throwing the
™™ The kick leaves the character at +1 to be hit and -1
to block until their next turn.
™™ It is at +1 to hit if thrown as the response to a Long
action move towards the kicking character (i.e. in
response to a charge).
Cost REA To-Hit Damage Notes
1 CP Kick Normal Kick +1

Face Smash [1 CP] Move Kidney Punch [1 CP] Move
Description: You perform a brutal move in Close Combat Description: You strike to vital locations in combat.
that involves hitting a target’s face with a knee or elbow.
™™ You must be in Close Combat (usually a Grab/
™™ You must have a Grab or Grapple. Grapple—or have stepped to Close range).
™™ You ignore any Close Combat negative-damage ™™ You ignore modifiers due to Close Combat.
modifiers. ™™ It gets a +4 Damage Modifier.
™™ You make a successful Grapple Roll and consult the ™™ You may only throw one Kidney Punch per Round.
chart below. Cost REA To-Hit Damage Modifier
™™ The target can try to Block. Their Block roll must 1 CP Hand Strike Normal +4
be equal or more than the Damage Modifier to be
successful. Knee/Elbow Strike [1 CP] Move
Grapple Result Damage Modifier Description: You can strike in close range with knees and
Missed None
+0 to +3 +2 DM elbows!
+4 to +6 +4 DM

Fast Company
™™ You can kick in Close Combat.
+7 to +9 +6 DM
+10 or more +8 DM Cost REA To-Hit Damage
Cost REA Damage T-Hit 1 CP Normal Strike -1 to hit Strike +1

Warrior GAT
1 CP Strike Strike +2 None: Grapple Roll
Leopard Fist [1 CP] Move
Grabbing Block [1 CP] Move Description: You are trained in a fairly exotic fast strike that
Description: You are trained to grab incoming attacks! When hits with the second two joints of the fingers instead of the
you declare a Grabbing block and either successfully block knuckles (usually directed against the ribs, throat, etc.) and
(or the attacker misses—in which case the block is deemed is designed to cause internal injury.
automatically successful) you immediately may make a Grab ™™ If it hits by 4+ after all to-hit modifiers and
(Grapple) roll to hang on to the limb attacked with. damage modifiers are taken into account it gets an
Note: The character can ignore the -1 by spending +1 REA. additional +2 DM. It can be thrown once per Round.
Cost REA Def Roll Note Cost REA To-Hit Damage
1 CP Block/Dodge+1 -1 If the REA is +2, the defense is NOT at -1 1 CP Hand Strike Normal Hand Strike, +2 DM if hit by 4+

Haymaker [1 CP] Move Power Block [1 CP] Move

Description: You can throw a devastating, looping punch. Description: You are trained in a “cross armed” block that
can defend against powerful strikes!
™™ The Haymaker is at +2 to be Blocked or Dodged.
™™ It may be thrown off a Punch or Cross. ™™ The block gets +1 to its roll for each +1 point of
Cost REA Damage Note damage the strike does after the first +1 (So a cross
1 CP Hand Strike +2 Hand Strike +3 gets no bonus but a kick gets +1 to be blocked and
used against special moves it can get even more).
Immovable Stance [1 CP] Move Cost REA Def Roll Notes
1 CP Block +1 Varies +1 per point of damage after 1st +1
Description: You are trained in a stance that “roots you” to
the ground! This is often combined with Crane Stance.
Power Uppercut [1 CP] Move
™™ It is a 5 REA Medium Action to enter the stance Description: You can throw a devastating upwards punch.
and a 0 REA Medium Action to drop it (it must be A character hit with the Power Uppercut gets a -1 to
dropped on your Turn). You cannot take any Move their CON roll for purposes of being Stunned, Dazed, or
actions while in the stance. Unconscious.
™™ You lose all AGI Bonus while in the stance. Cost REA To-Hit Damage
™™ You gain 2pt of Armor, no PEN Defense, while in the 1 CP Cross +2 Normal Cross+1
™™ You get +3 Defensive Grapple until taken down. You
will not be knocked down by Daze results or Sweep
™™ You get +5 BLD against being Knocked Back while in
the stance.
Cost REA AGI Bonus Note
1 CP 5 to Enter 0 2 Armor, +3 Def Grapple

Warrior GAT
Fast Company

Sacrifice Throw [1 CP] Move Sweep [1 CP] Move

Description: You know a Judo-style throw that will cause Description: A knockdown move using the leg to off
both you and the target to fall. balance the target or simply take them off their feet. It
is not as damaging as a kick and can be done without
™™ You must have a martial art that grants the Throw
damaging the target.
grappling move.
™™ Both characters fall. If the Sweep hits by 3+, the target must make an AGI or
™™ There are two versions—the character knows both Acrobatics roll at -3 to stay standing (L3 Acrobatics ignores
for the 1 CP. this modifier).
Version REA OFF Grapple Damage Cost REA To-Hit Damage
Version 1 Throw -1 (or -10%) Throw +2 1 CP 7 REA Normal +0
Version 2 Throw +2 (or +20%) Throw +0
Takedown Defense [1 CP] Move
Serpent Kick [1 CP] Move Description: You have been trained specifically to avoid
Description: You know a deceptive serpentine kick that is being taken down. You get +4 Defensive grapple against
hard to block! any Throw or Takedown attack—this does not count
™™ The kick is at -3 to be blocked (this adds to Kung Fu against Grabs, Grapples, etc.
Cost REA Def Grapple
modifiers if any). 1 CP None +4 vs. Takedown attacks
™™ If the kick is thrown over two consecutive rounds
against the same opponent it loses its modifiers for
the rest of the fight. Vertical Fist [1 CP] Move
Cost REA To-Hit Damage Description: You throw a specialized punch that strikes
1 CP Kick +1 Kick Normal with a vertical fist. It strikes with exceptional speed. It costs
-1 REA but can only be thrown on Rounds where the Initia-
Slap-Block & Strike [1 CP] Move tive roll for the character was an 8-.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
Description: You are skilled in slapping down a punch and 1 CP Hand Strike -1 Normal Normal
returning a counter-strike. Both strikes must be hand-
strikes. The move is declared at Block time. This can only
be done on Rounds where the character’s roll for Initiative Whirlwind Dodge [1 CP] Move
has been a 9 or less. If the block fails, the strike misses. Description: You are trained in expert body-motion. You
Cost REA To-Hit Damage can make one Dodge per Round at +2.
1 CP Block + Hand Strike -1 Normal Normal Cost REA Dodge Roll
1 CP Normal +2
Spinning Back Fist [1 CP] Move
Description: You can throw a spinning punch. ADVANCED MOVES (2 CP)
™™ This acts as a cross (-1 to block, +1 to be hit until These are fancier and less common and may indicate
next Turn). more exotic training.
™™ You can do a free step action with this attack.
™™ If thrown twice over two consecutive rounds, the Advanced Immovable Stance [2 CP] Move
opponent gets +2 to Block it.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
Description: Same as Immovable Stance but:
1 CP Punch +1 Normal Punch or Cross +1 ™™ +5 to Defensive Grapple Roll.
™™ +15 to BLD for purposes of Knockback.
Submission Hold [1 CP] Move ™™ +1 damage while in the stance.
Description: You know a “full body” attack hold (spinal ™™ 3 Armor (no PEN Def).
compression? Abdominal Stretch? Etc.) that causes ™™ Cannot take any Step or Move action without
damage. breaking the stance. Stance is also broken if knocked
down or back.
™™ You must have a Hold or Lock on the target. Cost REA Grapple Defense Damage
™™ As a 7 REA action you make a Grapple roll to do 2 CP 5 to Enter +5 Grapple Def +1 to all Strikes
Grapple Result Damage
Missed None
+0 to +3 Base Damage, +2 DM
+4 to +6 Base Damage+2, +4 DM
+7 to +9 Base Damage+3, +6 DM
+10 or more Base Damage +4, +8 DM
Cost REA Damage T-Hit
1 CP 7 Above None: Grapple Roll

Cobra Strike [2 CP] Move Jump Kick/Punch [2 CP] Move
Description: You are trained in unleashing a lighting fast Description: You throw a leaping strike!
strike that is hard to block.
™™ The attack is an 8 REA Long Action which terminates
™™ The strike is at -1 to be blocked. in a strike.
™™ No counter-moves can be thrown off it (including ™™ If the target chooses to defend against the attack
Block-Grab, Slap-Block/Strike, etc.) they may not attack the character on the way in.
™™ Each Cobra Strike the character throws after the first ™™ The range is an 8 REA move.
in a Round costs +1 REA (not cumulative). Cost REA To-Hit Damage
Cost REA To-Hit Damage Defense 2 CP 8 REA Long Normal Kick
2 CP Normal (for first) Normal +1 -1 to Blk/Dodge
Jump-Spin Power Kick [2 CP] Move
Combination Strike [2 CP] Move Description: You throw a devastating leaping spin kick!
Description: You are trained to throw two strikes in rapid
™™ The kick is a Long Action which allows the target to
succession for less REA than the two would normally cost.

Fast Company
attack you if they are within 5 Initiative of you.
You choose either Punch-Punch or Kick-Punch (the kick
Cost REA To-Hit Damage Defense
must come first) and you can throw the combo for 8 REA 2 CP Kick +2 Long Action Normal Kick +2 -2 to be blocked
(Medium Action).

Warrior GAT
If the first attack misses, is blocked, dodged, or otherwise One Inch Punch [2 CP] Move
does not land, the second automatically misses. If thrown Description: You can throw a powerful punch at almost
in reaction to a Long move, the first blow lands during the zero range.
move—the second after—(so the target gets a chance to
block that one). ™™ The punch ignores all negative modifiers due to
Cost REA To-Hit Damage grappling, close in targets, being tied up, etc.
2 CP 8 REA Normal Normal Cost REA To-Hit Damage
2 CP Punch +2 Normal Punch+1
Counterstrike [2 CP] Move
Description: You are trained to block and counter attacks. Perfect Back-Fist [2 CP] Move
Any time you block an attack, if you are within 5 Initiative Description: You can throw a tricky “back-fist” jab, hard.
of your opponent, you may immediately strike (for normal
™™ For +2 REA the attack is at -3 to block. This adds to
REA cost). The target may block/dodge this attack normally
Kung Fu bonuses.
if desired.
™™ If used twice over 2 consecutive rounds the modifier
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
2 CP Normal Normal Normal goes away and the attack is at +1 to be blocked.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
2 CP Punch +2 Normal Punch+1
Float Like a Butterfly [2 CP] Move
Description: Any time you spend 5 REA or more for a Step Power Kicks [2 CP] Move
or Move action (i.e. a free step does not count) you get +1
Description: You are trained to throw kicks that are hard
AGI Bonus.
to block because of their extreme power! You can only
Cost REA AGI Bonus
2 CP Normal Move +1 use the Power Kick move when your Initiative Roll was a
9 or under (see “Activation Rolls”). Power Kicks are at +1
for Damage and -1 to be blocked (no effect on Dodges,
Hurricane Kicks [2 CP] Move however).
Description: You can throw a flurry of kicks! Cost REA To-Hit Damage
2 CP Normal Normal Kick+1
™™ You must declare you are “saving” 4 REA on one
™™ On the second Round the 4 REA becomes 6 for Punch-Grab [2 CP] Move
purposes of throwing a kick if you throw at least Description: You are trained to hit and covert the blow into
one other kick that Round. It can only be sued for a grab. If the blow lands, immediately make a Grapple Roll
kicking. to establish a grab.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage Cost REA To-Hit Damage
2 CP Normal Normal Kick 2 CP Hand Strike +1 Normal Normal

Warrior GAT


Fast Company

Punch-Throw [2 CP] Move

Description: You are trained to throw a punch that These moves represent elite and unusual training!
converts to a throw. If the punch misses for any reason These are possibly “secrets” of the martial arts world.
(roll to hit fails, is blocked or dodged, etc.) the throw will
not go off. Advanced Counterstrike [4 CP] Move
Cost REA To-Hit Damage Description: When you dodge or block an attack you can
2 CP 8 REA Normal Normal
perform an Advanced Counter Strike. The counter-strike
is at -3 to be blocked and is thrown for 1 less REA than
Reverse Punch [2 CP] Move normal.
Description: You are trained in a powerful “traditional” Cost REA To-Hit Notes
karate-style punch that uses the power hand, full hip rota- 4 CP Strike -1 N/A -3 to be blocked
tion, and usually targets the solar plexus. This punch can
only the thrown on Rounds where the character’s Initiative Blind Fighting [4 CP] Move
Roll has been an 8 or less (see “Activation Roll” for more Description: You can fight as though you could see, even if
details). you can’t. This allows the targeting of ranged weapons.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
Note: The character can walk through rooms without
2 CP Normal Hand Strike Normal +3
hitting things and otherwise can “Basically see” to a
degree—but they must touch text on a page (and it must
Side Step [2 CP] Move be slightly raised) to read it. They can’t usually drive very
Description: You are trained in slipping and head move- well at all, and can’t, for example, tell what is going on
ment. When you spend 2 REA as a Short Action you get +1 with a TV show with the sound off. They perform as though
AGI Bonus for the rest of the Round. sighted for almost all combat purposes—but are not.
Cost REA To-Hit AGI Bonus Cost REA To-Hit Notes
2 CP 2 N/A +1 AGI Bonus 4 CP Normal Normal Allows you to navigate as though sighted

Sliding Delivery [2 CP] Move Lightning Block [4 CP] Move

Description: You can slide forward with any strike. You get Description: You can throw a super-fast block or dodge. It
a free step action with any Strike moving in the direction of costs 1 REA, may be done once a Round, and can be done
the Strike (you may only do this once per Round). during the commission of a Long Action. You can block
Cost REA To-Hit Notes Advanced Counterstrike attacks at no negative. You can
2 CP Normal N/A Step Action block or dodge characters who are 5 Initiative more than
you without having to make an REA roll.
Spinning Heel Kick [2 CP] Move
If done when someone makes a Long Action Attack (like
Description: You can throw a devastating spinning heel Pounce or Jump Strike) you can use this block and still
kick! This may only be used when your Initiative Roll is an 8 attack on the way in as well.
or under (see “Activation Roll” for more details). Cost REA DEF roll Notes
Cost REA To-Hit Damage 4 CP 1 REA Normal Can be done during a long action
2 CP Normal Kick Normal Kick +2

Photographic Reflexes [4 CP] Move

Sting Like a Bee [2 CP] Move
Description: You can use any of these moves that are used
Description: You are trained in throwing a light, fast jab. against you for the remainder of the fight (this includes
The most damage this punch can do is 3 points. You may defenses).
only throw it once per Round. Cost REA To-Hit Damage
Note: If damage comes from Archetype Abilities (including 4 CP As move As move As move
extra STR) the punch does half normal punch damage.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
2 CP 3 REA Normal 3 pts Max

Stop Kick [2 CP] Move

Description: You can throw a kick to “block” a Grapple or
other Takedown attack. The kick must hit by 3+ and will
stop the target at Medium Range. If there is no reasonable
model for stopping the attack (a hit by a car, a giant, etc.)
the kick simply hits for +2 damage.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
2 CP Normal Kick Normal Normal (or +2)

Power Techniques [4 CP] Move CONCLUSION
Description: You can use breath control and muscle This is the end of the Fast Company rules section.
tension to generate power. To use this: Remember to look at these rules when emulating
everything from superheroes (especially more human
1. Before your Initiative Roll declare the use of it and
ones) and action heroes. These will also work with
the level. Any character with Power Techniques
can use any level of this—it just determines how Chi Abilities (Domain Control Chi) to create mystical
much Init/REA they wish to spend each Round. martial artists!
2. This lowers your Initiative and REA but gives you
more “Strength” for that entire Round.
3. This “Strength” adds to everything you could use
Strength for including Grapple and lifting things.
Level Init Cost REA Cost STR Increase
Level 1 -2 0 +1
Level 2 -3 0 +2
Level 3 -4 1 +3

Fast Company
Level 4 -5 2 +5
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
4 CP See Above Normal See above

Pressure Points [4 CP] Move
Description: You strike vital areas hitting nerve clusters and
so on!
Pressure Points adds “phantom damage” to any strike. So
long as the target takes 1pt of real damage the Phantom
Damage is then added on top. The Phantom Damage only
effects for purposes of forcing a Wound Roll—it does not
add up, etc.
Pressure Point Strikes are at pluses to be blocked unless
the striker is using Tai Chi, Jujitsu, or Wrestling. They are
always at negatives to hit.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
4 CP Normal -2 +8 Phantom Damage

Thunder Punch [4 CP] Move

Description: You can throw a punch once per round that
does extra damage.
Cost REA To-Hit Damage
4 CP Normal Normal +3 Damage

Fast Company
Warrior GAT
Psionics are things like Extra-Sensory Perception, Telepathy, Telekinesis, and other such


In this chapter we’ll cover:
• Extra-Sensory Perception
• Telekinesis
• Telepathy
• Astral Travel
• Empathy

There are a couple of approaches to Psionics in this book. The first is the “Super-Psionic” model
where characters with these abilities have super-powers. Telepathy can be used to fry brains, teleki-
nesis can be used to knock someone out or even lift a car, etc. The other aspect we’re paying some

attention to is the “realistic” Psionic game where the abilities are much more subtle: telekinesis can
be used to gently push small objects or bend spoons; telepathy, instead of frying brains, may be able

to “pick up stray thoughts;” and ESP can be used to solve murders but it doesn’t give you the ability
to “see through walls to shoot targets” or explicit things like that.
We’ve tried to include aspects of both of these to handle various sorts of games.

Extra Sensory Perception Traits


Psionics in fiction often have no visible component (other than, for example, a levitating rock if you are using Tele-
kinesis). Our default for these abilities is that if they affect someone else they are “visible.” This is either literal (a
beam of light from the head of the telepath to the other person) or conceptual (people can feel the telepathic wave
and know something is happening).
This can be varied from game to game depending on how dominant the genre wants PSI to be. Even if Psionics are
not visible they can often be detected by people with certain GATS, their own Psionic abilities, or electronic detec-
tors (if those exist).
We have paid special attention to mind reading where most forms of “mind-raiding” feel very explicitly like having
your mind cracked open and rummaged through—and you get a good sense of who is doing it! This is because
we feel that, in our experience, “silent reads” tend to be bad for role-playing. (Why interact with an NPC if you
can quietly gaze at them and get all the information you need?) With this default in mind, the GM can make mind
reading more subtle if the game/genre calls for it.

Trait Type Applying The Trait
Most Psionic Traits have some relation to the character’s WIL. For devices that don’t use a human factor
this may default to 11. If some ability gives extra POWER this adds to WIL—either to a character’s WIL or
the device’s. Thus, a person with a low WIL (a spoiled child) could be a very powerful PSI with an increased
POWER score.
One of the ways we prevent players from “never making a move” until they have used ESP to know
everything is to limit its uses per-session of gaming. This means you get limited utility (which can usually
be increased by buying more levels). Depending on how the game is structured and how the participants
react, this can be removed and the price can be doubled. It is also possible that the group might distinguish
between “minor uses” (such as the equivalent of parlor tricks) and major uses where things are really at
stake. This is more meta-game than we like but would accomplish something similar.
Negative SPs are a defect where the GM gets a bank of SPs to spend against you. These SPs will
essentially be used to either enhance a rival’s roll or detract from a roll you make. The GM can choose
to spend them as fit or, if wishing to make it a somewhat random chance, pick any roll and assign an 8-
Negative SPs
chance of spending the SPs on it. Finally, the SPs can simply be banked and spent when their total would
cause a roll to fail. The GM may reserve the right to hold onto the SPs if the roll in question, being a
failure, will not produce interesting results.

It is quite possible that Psionic abilities will require training to use. Most of the rolls allow a RES, WIL, or skill roll to
be made. In these cases the skill is a normal skill based on either RES or WIL. If it can be used to hit then it must pay
the Combat skill price.


ESP combines things like Clairvoyance, “Psychic Advisor,” and so on. A good selection of these is given in the GATS
because they show up even in situations where there is not a heavy emphasis on psionics. For the same reason, we
go into somewhat deeper detail with these.

Both fiction and real life give us some ESP Archetypes to look at.

ESPer Type Common Abilities (ESP and GAT) Notes

The Psychic Detective may be contacted by the police

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

to help with crimes—or be driven to get involved by
Reader (GAT) visions or dreams.

Knowing (To scan people or places) Usually a psychic detective will be able to provide
data that leads to the capture of the criminal (or
Psychic Detective
finding the lost child, etc.) but rarely do they simply
Psychometry (To locate missing people) get a full “crime report.”

Visionary/Dreamer Consider taking various kinds of actions (visiting

scenes of crimes, etc.) in order to gain more SPs in the
Spiritual Intuition Commercial Psychics use Spiritual Intuition,
Mediumship, and sometimes Precognition, to give

Commercial Psychic/ their subjects good advice. The use of Psychology and
Mediumship (Channeling)
Spiritual Advisor Showmanship with a little Occult or Con Artist can
fake this admirably. The use of those skills can also add
Precognition SPs to the real attempt.
These (we think) don’t generally exist in “the real
Strategic Intelligence world;” although, depending on what you believe,
some organizations have come close. They would
Strategic Psi Knowing Things be used by governments, armies, and corporations
to gather specific strategic intelligence and to
Scry run interference to keep others away from their
employer’s secrets.

One of the hallmarks of ESP is that the information gained is not treated as the kind of information you would
get from fully examining something or studying it. Instead, what you tend to get is partial information so that you
might, for example, know that the subject’s first name begins with an E and is four letters long.

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

Handling ESP
The way we think handling ESP revelations works the smoothest is to provide “summary data” to the player. It is
possible to come up with riddles or puzzles based on limited knowledge; if you can do this, it can be fun or it can
be frustrating, depending on the group’s dynamic. We think the easiest way to do it is to decide what you’d tell
them if they got “everything” and then provide them with the “actionable” data.
LOW INFORMATION: Either not especially actionable or it would take luck to make it so. This is distinguished
from a failure in that it provides something and that something can be leveraged later if things go correctly.
Examples: a generic description of a person—but one that does add some information; a look at a room from a
weird angle that doesn’t show you what you want to know but gives you an indication that (perhaps) the room is
unguarded; a description of a conversation that tells you the topic when what you wanted was the outcome.
AVERAGE INFORMATION: Actionable—but you don’t know everything. Usually this “gets you what you wanted
to know” but not as clearly as you might have wanted. If you needed a specific exact number, this may not be
enough—but it gets you close to it. If you are “guessing a card,” this gives you the card value. Note: Average
information may also give you a specific next-step to giving you what you want to know. (For example, you learn
the winning lottery number will be in the next fortune cookie you get from your favorite Chinese restaurant.)
HIGH INFORMATION: You pretty much get what you needed as clear as it needs to be. This may also give you
additional valuable information such as interesting follow-up questions. Note that while you get the information
“you need” this may fall short of “everything.”

The basic way to handle using ESP is a 3-roll drama using either WIL, RES, or ESP Skill (or a 12 if nothing else is

Based: WIL

Type: Normal
Description: The character has training with ESP and related abilities. The exact level-effects of the skill will
be based on the specific discipline of ESP in use but usually the character gets -1 SP at L1, +0 SP at L2, +3 at
L3, and +6 SP at L4.

ESP Drama Notes

Type 3-Roll Drama against the target number as defined below.
0 – 7 SP: Low information. Fuzzy pictures, missing value. This is similar to a failure (NO
information) but the data could become actionable later. If leg-work will help, a LOT of leg
work can make this pay off.

8 – 22 SP: Average Information. You succeed in the attempt and generally get what you
wanted—but not all of it and not all of it is right. This will usually get protected information
or secret information but not grossly compromising or highly protected information.
Target Numbers If further investigation will help, a medium amount of leg-work can make this level of
information pay off.

23+ SPs: High Information. Mostly everything you need for action. This level will reveal
damaging secrets or highly protected information. This level of work usually needs little leg-
work (or none) to take action against.

Note: Security or secrecy (see below) may give the rolls a negative modifier.
If you get something related to the topic, go to a place closer to the topic, or otherwise take
Action: Get Harmonic an action to improve your relationship to it so you can get +1 to +3 SPs. Usually you get
more SPs for more dramatic action taken.
Ritual/Ceremony You get +2 SPs for using the Arcana of ESP (Séance, Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls, etc.)

You get +1 to +4 SPs for taking drugs, doing meditation, or otherwise achieving an altered
Altered States state. Usually you get +1 for things that are not very inconvenient. You’d get +3 or +4 for
hours of monastic meditation or experimental psychedelics.
The more you know about something the better your clarity will generally be. If you want
to use Precognition to know what hotel the bad-guys are hiding in, Average Information will

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

give you the hotel (“The Bluebird Inn”)--but not the room number. If you don’t even know
if they are IN a hotel (“Where are the bad guys?”) then Average Information might give you
“A Hotel With A Bird Symbol.” The character will then have to start looking at all hotels with
a bird symbol or name.


We have done a lot of thinking on how best to model ESP-type abilities in a gaming session and here is a list of our
best practices.

Using ESP to learn things sometimes depends on how protected the information is. Usually “protection of informa-
tion” requires specific physical actions taken on the part of someone to protect it—putting a document inside a

safe makes it harder to read with ESP than if it is laying out on a table—even in a locked room. Having a card face
down on a table isn’t protected by its nature (nor is having a driver’s licenses in a wallet) but if the person dealing
the cards has a screen between the ESPer and the themselves or the wallet has some kind of high security coating,
it will be a little harder to read. General levels of protection:
1. Basic physical security. Clean-up of a crime-scene, keeping an eye on things, a sealed envelope, or simple
physical barriers like a locked door can result in a -1 to -2 to the rolls. Anything that would require some
degree of sneakiness or breaking some well-known rules can be considered basic security.
2. Private Information. Things that a person would generally keep to themselves (such as being a jealous
person) can be considered “private” if they are not things “everyone knows.” The GM can determine just
how private some trait is and assign a -1 to -4 modifier, requiring High Information to acquire something
really damaging.
3. Secrets not told. If something has happened and the person involved has not told anyone (or only people
directly involved—a small group) then it can require High Information and get a -2 to -4 to the rolls if truly
damaging. If security has leaked, however, this can reduce the negative to -1 or even no negative and be
accessible on only Medium Information (although the picture may not be as clear).
4. High physical security. Several locked doors, guards, safes, and so on can give a -2 to -5 to attempts to see
the information, person, etc.

Question Negative Notes
Bike theft is usually not a critical secret. Assuming the bike was taken where “anyone
could see it” this is somewhat in the realm of “public knowledge.” The crime is
probably not covered up (unless it was stolen in the dead of night by intelligence
specialists). Low Information: Some vague view of the person, a time when it was
Who Stole My -1 as it is a stolen (so maybe you could ask questions), some fragments of name or possibly a
Bike? “secret” location where the person might hang out from time to time. Medium Information:
Enough to track the guy down. Maybe the location of the bike? High Information:
Enough to find the guy. Note: Trying to “scry” the person is much harder if you don’t
know who they are—but using Knowing Things and getting a Medium Result allows a
Scry to see specifically where they are “now.”
People are protecting their cards and such so that’s a negative one. Low Information:
-1 for basic Enough to win more often than you should—but only a little. Medium Information:
Playing Poker
security Dominate the game if you have any decent poker skills. High Information: You have to
play worse than you might or you’ll give away your power!

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

If the person is an “ordinary citizen” they are at -0 to get a basic run-down on. If
they are a criminal or other shady person they could be at -1 to -2. If they are a spy,
master criminal or their persona is a well-constructed lie, as in witness protection,
they could be at -3 to -4 or more. Low Information: You get what you’d have
-0 to -4 gotten as a co-worker. Some basic insight, name, etc. Nothing secret or damaging.
Using ‘Knowing depending Medium Information: You have more insight as a friend might. You may know some
Things’ On a on level of moderately damaging things (or very damaging things if they are “out in the open”).
Person secrecy in High Information: You have insights into deeper secrets and might know key pieces
their life. of information or powerful insights. This will give you damaging, compromising data.
Optional/Advanced [Master Mind Modifier]: It may be acceptable to give a -1 per 8
AP the target has (if known) or provide an additional negative for those that hold very
powerful positions (such as a -16 for the presidency of the US). This negative assumes
that the person in question is being appropriately careful with their secrets.
A password that is strong, not shared between sites, and is not written down might
be -3 to -4. If the character must break 2-factor authentication then it’s probably -6. If
-2 to -6
Trying To Guess the password is easy to guess or is written down or shared it becomes a -1 protection.
depending on
a Password Low Information: Probably one or two letters or some clue as to what the word might
password and
(Knowing Things) be (an “important number”). This is usually not enough to get it right then and there.
Medium Information: Most of the passcode or a very good clue (the daughter’s
birthday). High Information: The password itself in one or two tries.
Scrying a Head of -3 for security The person is under high security which makes a “clear picture” harder to get than for
State (usually) an ordinary person.
If you are meeting someone who might be dangerous and want to use precognition
to get a sense of how the meeting will go it is at -0 for a planned meeting in a public
Trying To place. Low Information: Might get a sense of foreboding or shadowy images of threat
if there is potential threat. Medium Information: A vision of how the meeting might
Determine Danger -1 to -3 if the
go from a distance. They might see either a potential bad outcome or perhaps get
In A Coming other party is
a vision of someone watching. At Medium Information there is enough to know if
Meeting With careful
something bad could happen and some indication as to what it is. If the other party
Criminals (Precog) is very careful at planning an ambush it could be -1 to -3 however. High Information:
Determine what security the other side has planned. Images of ambushes are likely if
they exist.
If the spirit knows who killed it, and wants to tell, there is no negative. If the spirit
would not know (shot in the back) then it can be harder. Low Information: The spirit
Ask Who Killed
-0 conveys some general facts about the killer but nothing overly concrete. Medium
You (Medium) Information: The spirit can give actionable information but perhaps not a direct Id.
High Information: The spirit can give names, descriptions, etc.
While ESP may not always see the future, if it can or there is a current plan in
Where / When
existence, knowing the specifics could be from -0 (rank amatures) to -3 for a careful,
Will Crime -0 to -5
professional plan. A crime of passion could be -0 while a complex bank job (or
Happen? government Spec-Op) could be -5.

ESP generally gives you “visions” that may or may not be directed. If the player has a specific question in mind it is
generally a good idea to answer it if they either get High Information on the Drama or it is deemed the sort of thing
an ESPer should be able to get an answer to. It is quite acceptable to always hold things back.
It is also acceptable to reward SPs for questions that the GM deems unavailable to be answered through ESP. The
usual reward is 2 SPs—but, if the drama yields High Information and the GM does not want to answer, it can be higher.

Some things are not generally available through ESP. Using ESP to try to find out “what happens to us after death”
is often out of the question and there are other conditions that can hinder ESP. Characters who take precautions
against ESP can shield themselves. As per the “Secrets” section above, keeping information close to your vest, using
physical security, and so on can make you hard to “see.”

There are also procedures, less well known, that can make you even harder to compromise with ESP. These include
things like specific OCD-Style patterns of behavior and the use of meditation and, depending on the game world,
the application of “magical symbols” that can create interference. Not all targets may be equally compromised—
especially if the target has knowledge of ESP.

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

A common theme for mediums is that they don’t use their powers to win the lottery because “it’s forbidden.” If
you wish to have poor ESPers in your game it is generally acceptable to say that ESP starts to fail when you use it for
personal (monetary) gain.
The default assumption, however, is that characters with Precognition or Advisor can use the ability to make a
successful living if they are able to dodge legal implications. If you use ESP in Las Vegas you will get kicked out and
banned after making some money (say 10k—there are specific limits but they can vary). If you use ESP to play the
stock market you can come under investigation and they will generally not believe you have a psychic power.
We believe that if the PC wishes to be extremely wealthy in the game because of their ESP it should be required
that they buy that with Character Points. Note: Precognition or Advisor will double any CP spent on Wealth making
it fairly cheap.

Note: The Probability Control Domain power Beat the House is the preferred way of making huge sums of money
gambling or in the market. Psionic methods are often detectable to other ESPers as well as some technologies.


Often in games the GM may have very little idea what the future holds—especially if the reading is done for an NPC
who the GM has not thought much about. We have provided a method of determining “the future” for purposes of
giving advice that the GM can employ for any character. It involves drawing from a deck of cards. There is an online
“draw a card at random” website here: http://www.random.org/playing-cards/ that uses atmospheric “noise” to
give you a random card!

The basic method is to randomly draw one card from a 52-card deck and use the below interpretation. Note
that the GM may interpret the card differently from the fortune teller. The fortune may manifest itself “strongly”
meaning that the card’s interpretation is very literal and happens rather quickly or more obliquely, meaning that
something vaguely fitting the interpretation of the card happens…eventually. If the GM decides on a very weak
interpretation they may inform the character it is a weak reading and assign an SP.

Often when people ask about the future they have a specific question in mind. We have broken up the meanings by
™™ Relationships: Usually romantic—but could be family, friends, etc. (Business relationships are usually covered later.)
™™ Money: Usually related to how I will get the money I need—or will my venture be successful?
™™ Life/Business: Separate from “money” in that it tends to revolve more around the specifics of working rather than the
™™ Conflict: This category deals with people who have (or, maybe, are about to be in) a conflict with someone.
™™ Dark: A Dark-Reading is a kind of sabotage against the subject. It represents a fortune where things only go wrong.

Extra Sensory Perception Traits


Card Relationship Money Business Conflict Dark

A lifting of troubles. A ring or paper money. A sudden favorable Domestic
Harmony in the home. A message about shift in the troubles.
Ace Common ground. A
Rejoicing. A love money. Usually good environment. Enmity with a
common foe?
letter. news. Opportunity. loved one.
An ally—but
An attractive
Passion. Usually A benefactor but perhaps one who is
rival or enemy
associated with fair- with strings attached. over enthusiastic. A good judgment
appears or gains
King haired men. Can be a Someone will offer you A high level advisor from a court. Help
an advantage.
rival in romance or an money for something but their advice from the law.
An old enemy
object of affection. you don’t want to do. should be carefully
looks you up.
Heart-breaker. You
have a romantic Someone is competing Your rival has a
A family
interest you should for money—but there Betrayal. Especially relationship you
Queen member is
stay away from! Could is opportunity for both from a woman. can use against
jealous of you.
also be a friend. A of you. them.
love interest is cruel.
Wing-man. A friend
A rival makes a
can help in your A person (usually
Junior Partner: newbie mistake.
relationship. Or young) can bring A con-man or
someone who is A new, callow
Jack a person (usually money from an a younger rival
inexperienced is on rival appears.
fair-haired) can unexpected source. An lover.
to something. Your enemy gets a
provide unexpected unlikely opportunity.
Conflict over the
Marriage. (Yours? dinner table. A bad message
A friend’s?) Long Spend money to make Wine and dine your (Domestic?) during dinner.
10 lasting relationship. money. An opportunity business partners Arguments over Health
Relationship to invest! for success. drinks. Be on alert problems (esp.
strengthens. when eating with due to food).
You may
accidentally say
Advantage. something that
Modest fortune in
An unexpected gift You have an offends a close
Good news—good business. Now is
7-9 or visit from a close opportunity for relationship.
pay-off. the time to push
relation. advantage in a (This can involve
conflict. misspeaking or
blurting out the
Your weaknesses will Bad news for a
make a relationship Small unexpected rival. (You may not
4-6 Good news for you. misfortune or
harder. A warning windfall. be able to capitalize
card. on it—but enjoy!)
Be careful how you
A new minor
spend your money Serious
Temptation: a bad conflict may arise.
in the near future. A Anxiety at work. romantic or
2-3 choice in love will It can be avoided if
small but unexpected Some extra risk. relationship
arise. you are careful and
expense or a bad embarrassment.

Card Relationship Money Business Conflict Dark
Change: a relationship Great loss—
Windfall. Lots of Opportunity with Sudden challenge.
ends, a new one usually
Ace money, riches. Often great risk—and Events come to a
begins—or a big financial. Could

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

with a price. great reward. head. Blood.
change in one. be “ruin.”
A man of authority, Change in new A wealthy
Wealthy benefactor
status, or influence business partner Gain an ally from enemy or,
appears (usually male,
interferes with the (usually for the position of power perhaps, an
King graying). Can also be
relationship. Or, could good). Could be or wealth in the enemy gets
a sugar daddy or man
be the subject of the getting a new conflict. sudden riches
buying favors (bribes?)
relationship. business partner. or fortune.
Very skilled or able
Gossip lands in your Female authority figure unexpected
ally appears (think
favor but be careful: (Mom?) interferes by Good advice from ambush, attack,
the Chess Piece
Queen people are saying use of purse-strings an unlikely source. or sabotage
Queen). Aid is not
untrue things about (could be in your life or Take it. (attack from
you. in a friend’s) unexpected

Sell-Sword: you can
Uniformed person, A young man
A junior partner hire or otherwise
often young, may be A relative needs wants a fight
screws up. Costs entice a valuable
Jack a rival. Or may have money. This is someone with you. He’s
money. Watch your ally to help you.
unpleasant news you like. skilled enough
people carefully. Expensive but
about a relationship. to be troubling.
worth it.
An expensive gift goes
You can get a new something is
a long way with a New resources in
client or revitalize stolen—your
relationship! Maybe, Windfall: you get an a fight or spending
10 your business house is broken
a relationship is going unexpected sum! resources has a big
by paying close into (or maybe
to spend money on pay-off.
attention. a friend is
Unexpected visit Good fortune. May disadvantage
Minor advantage
from a relation or a not just “be money” An important happens.
appears. It is
7-9 good time to take a and may be minor— message is coming. Car failure is
transitory so move
relationship to the but something good Be ready. common. Home
next level. happens. Good luck. repairs, medical
bills, etc.
Pull out of an
Your affair or Bunker mentality: Exposure:
investment before it’s Big down-turn
relationship is about an attack or conflict some secret or
4-6 too late. Or, if you loan coming. Shelter
to go BAD. Get out is rising. Play weakness gets
money you’ll never see everything.
now! defensively. exposed.
it again.
Nasty rumors from Loss! Investment goes An ally is laid up or Someone you
2-3 important quits or
your friends! down. unavailable. trust lets you
gets sick.

Extra Sensory Perception Traits


Card Relationship Money Business Conflict Dark

Sudden end of a Foe—a new foe Stalked:
relationship. Does not Sudden large bills Fired. Maybe laid appears or an old someone
have to be death but arrive. off. one comes back dangerous is
can be. stronger. hunting you.
A dark, angry man Misfortune: death A devious
(dark can refer of a partner, loss person (male)
A fight—usually
to appearance, Loss of money—theft, of a business, a is trying to
King with a man. Usually
demeanor, etc.) with major repairs, fire. major investment get close to
means and a bit of turns sour. This will you with bad
danger. threaten the firm. intentions.
A waking
Death or medical A lawsuit— nightmare.
Conflict with a problems (with bills especially a vicious (Can mean
Ambush or
powerful woman. associated). Be careful one. Often there evil spirits or
betrayal. Often
(Your mother?) of accidents. There is something more mundane
Queen with a female
Secrets come out. is an undiscovered hidden that you vengeance from
component in some
(Yours? Someone condition that is in play should research “beyond the
else’s?) here or some symptom to understand the grave.”) Or just
that has been hiding. ramifications. a weird, bad
New weapons
Down-turn. But (which can be A new rival
A young man who is Robbery or theft. there can also be physical weapons, appears—
Jack hostile and jealous Also, possibly, a young the possibility for new gossip, etc.) someone you
appears. beggar or street urchin. advancement in a are available—but have to watch
crisis. can be used against out for.
Worry: someone An unpleasant
in the relationship Business concerns: development in the
Money worries: A bad fear
will have a worrying there are signs/ conflict. Possibly
10 something bad looms becomes
problem. It may be omens of bad an enemy finds you
on the financial front. realized.
hard to do much things coming. or some weakness
about. may be uncovered?
Vital shot.
You will suffer
Hard hit. Some
Expect to pay a little Trouble with a specific,
A fight/domestic spat. specific point of
more than you thought influx. A bad week. particularly
7-9 Could be minor but conflict will be a
you would. Small bill Someone on staff painful “injury.”
stormy. little worse than
pops up. (Repairs?). leaves? (Could be
physical, to
reputation, etc.)

Mortal Danger:
Someone is trying A major hit financially is Someone in your there is a
Look out for an
to break your coming—but there will business is working threat or freak
ambush or surprise
relationship or be a warning sign and against you or the accident that
attack. Your conflict
4-6 break IN to your if you are cautious you firm. There’s a will threaten
has a hidden

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

relationship. Shut can avoid or minimize mole or traitor or your life.
danger you can be
them out before they it. Could be health or someone giving (Falling pianos?)
alert to.
get too far! accident related. info to competitors. Be very aware
and cautious.
secondary conflict.
You have lost money
Infidelity, separation. Fire, flood— Someone you trust
and don’t know it. Crime: Possibly
Loss. Can also be the disaster at the has a problem with
Check accounts, robbery,
2-3 appearance of the office. Loss of you in the midst of
savings, etc. Maybe mugging or
above but not the records. Back up your other conflict
someone is stealing even blackmail.
actual thing. your network! or someone you
from you.
know feels crossed
by you!

Card Relationship Money Business Conflict Dark
There is important
information you
don’t have about a Paying attention to
Information: you Knowing is half the There is a key
relationship. Could advice will save or
have information battle: research secret (perhaps
be a message, gossip, make you money. Talk
Ace THEY do not or vice your conflict, study a terrible one)
something in personal to your advisors and
versa and it gives or train to come that is about to
email? You should listen to what is being
an edge. Find out out ahead. explode.
get it to forestall a said carefully.
what it is!
problem or seize an
A large, or fat, Money is coming—but Your opponent You have a
The next
dark haired man so is a chance to lose it gains skill or powerful
is important or all and more. Be alert backing. A harder undiscovered
King Don’t take it—it’s
interfering. Often to both (and maybe battle than foe who is
a wolf in sheep’s
jolly—but dangerous lucky) to come out expected due to moving against
if crossed. ahead. outside forces. you.
You are being
A dark haired You can get financial A rival (esp. female) Something in your secretly
confident/learned help from friends and has an opportunity plan (equipment?) watched by
woman. May give community. Be open you can both share has a failure someone with
you good advice but and welcoming. (Host in. Be open to it— coming. Double bad intentions
also judgmental with a neighborhood BBQ? but there is also check everything— (surveillance?
power over you. Make new friends?) risk. have a contingency. Stalker?
You will have a
You can get an
A promotion is chance to recruit You have a
A young enthusiastic especially good price
coming when the someone (either challenger who
person. Possibly an selling something you
company does well by paying a price is inexperienced
Jack admirer is involved. own or taking financial
(near future) put or by winning them but enthusiastic
This could be good— (or other, such as legal)
your name on the over). If you fail … and possibly
but also disruptive. risks. You might also
list. they may well go to vicious.
find bargains.
the other side!

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

You know something There is a problem

One of your secrets Someone is
that can be used to with your business
Secrets threaten a may be about to going to gain
make money. It might and it’s secret or
10 relationship you care come out—or blackmail
be a person, a fact, hidden. Find out
about. there may be a bad information
something about a what it is before it
rumor in the works. over you.
stock? explodes!
Something you
You will have
have said or
Misunderstanding. An unexpected expense A new cost appears difficulties
done is going to
Someone in a is higher than it needs and if you don’t coordinating things
7-9 come back hard
relationship takes to be. Get a second act quickly it may in your conflict.
on you—even if,
things the wrong way. opinion—don’t panic. double! Maybe an ally
or especially if,
won’t be there?
it isn’t fair.
You will suffer
Minor mishap or embarrassment
Cost increase Minor set-back.
embarrassment or humiliation
Small unexpected bill somewhere Your opponent
4-6 gets blown out of in a social
comes in. or damaged gets a moderate
proportion. Try to context. Not
equipment. advantage.
keep a level head. traumatic,
There is cost—but
Pay close attention:
There is money to be there’s also an
someone is telling Look for an
found (maybe literally). opportunity. You’re You may suffer
you important things. unexpected attack;
2-3 Pay attention; it’ll going to get hit a sickness or
If you miss the cue it may well reveal a
more than cover an with the cost; talk set-back.
you’ll hurt your weakness.
upcoming bill. to contacts for your


We have tried to make this both “generic” and interesting when at all possible. We have also tried to be “true”
to real-world fortune telling with this sort of thing. As a result the utility of this may change a lot from real-world
people (who often ask about relationships, money, and business) to hard core adventurers (who may be hundreds
of miles from any relationship, get their money through combat with monsters, and aren’t really in business unless
you count selling treasure at the town store). The GM will need to adjust as necessary.
Here are a few pieces of advice:
1. Treat a good card as SPs and a bad card as “Negative SPs.” Usually 4 SPs for an Ace, 3 for a Face Card, 1 for
everything else.
2. Draw a card randomly for the group or for each PC and keep it hidden—use the information as input to
upcoming situations. If they get their fortunes told, reveal the card so they know what’s coming.
3. Creatively interpret cards. They may not be “about the character” but can be about others “near them.”
4. Use the most fitting result from any of the categories (excluding Dark, usually). Even if the character asks
about “money,” the GM may reply the results for “Conflict.”

Blind Spot [4 AP] U Mind Clairvoyance [6 AP] U Mind
Description: You are hard to track with ESP (and some Uses Single Roll
other methods as well). A character with APs in Blind Spot Description: You can use a form of psionic sight to “see
gets a -4 SP Modifier per level for any ESP powers directed through things” and otherwise know things a normal
at them or their plans. They also get: person could not!

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

™™ 8pts of Telepathic Mind Shield per level. Clairvoyance gives you the ability to “scan an area or
™™ +8 Resistance for purposes of fending off Resisted thing” getting a sense of what you are looking for even if
Attacks against WIL per level (this does not go the data is not 100% accurate.
™™ A -1 per 8 AP of the character against showing up on To use Clairvoyance, take a 5 REA Medium action and
Telepathic scans. state: The character makes a WIL +2, RES +2, Psionic Skill,
Trait Buy Cost DP Uses or Perception roll and determines.
Blind Spot M 4 AP +8 N/A
1. What is being scanned: a person? A place?
2. What is being looked for specifically, such as,
“What is in the board room?”
The use of Clairvoyance gets close-to-correct information
and can improve with practice (Psionic skill). The character

usually gets a visual or auditory-sense of what is going
on but, for example, might get “summary information”
instead of hearing a conversation.
A successful roll gives mostly correct information and
counts as a Use. A failed roll may give very murky infor-
mation. Rolls made by +5 or better give almost complete
If scanning a driver’s license (in someone’s wallet) they
would get most of the letters and numbers right—but not
all (so using it to guess their name might get close but
not exact).
If the target being looked for is not in the area, the char-
acter will usually know. The range of Clairvoyance uses
the Domain Control Range Scale with the character’s WIL
as Power (so a 10 WIL character can scan a stadium-sized
area and a 12 WIL character can scan a neighborhood).
Clairvoyance has a limited number of uses per game-
session: usually 3 per level. Using it after that incurs a -4
perception roll.
Clairvoyance does not give a constant “video stream”
of information but it will provide a “short window” of
information on on-going events. If the character is trying
to track a situation in progress, each “use” will give about
10 minutes of information (so all 3 uses can get 30 min of
Trait Buy Cost DP Uses
Clairvoyance 1 6 AP +8 3x

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

Knowing Things [6 AP] U Mind Medium [6 AP] U Mind

Uses Three Roll Drama Uses Three Roll Drama
Description: You can get information about a person, Description: You can call on spirits to answer questions.
place, or thing using your 6th sense. The three-roll drama Calling on a spirit requires a drama (often with a cere-
is used to get information about a topic/area of interest. mony) and some link to the deceased is usually necessary
(remains, pictures, prized possessions, or, most often, a
Knowing usually applies only to the past and present but
family member).
may provide images of the future at the GM’s discretion.
If the topic has an element of the future involved, the Low Information: The spirit doesn’t come or you get the
roll is usually at -4 (use Precognition). The ESPer does not wrong one (or you get the right one with a lot of interfer-
automatically get to ask a specific question but may focus ence.) In any case you get answers to questions that are
on one to let the GM know what is of interest. pretty basic or simple and that someone who knew the
person would usually know.
1. Low Information: Material is easily known or
found out. Public information of the sort you Average Information: You get good, if partial, information
might get from Google or from visiting the place about complex questions. If not a solution, at least a good
(or examining the thing). This can, however, pointer is given. This will not get secrets the spirit would
include “what is currently happening” (so long as not want shared or very private information. It will get
it is not secret). access to things the deceased would clearly have known
2. Average Information: You get more detailed with enough data to make it better than a guess.
information. This will not get secrets or
High Information: The ESPer may get secrets or deep,
compromise targets but (a) can point in the “right
complex data from the spirit. This can lead to the spirit
direction” for truly valuable information and (b)
speaking through the medium. It can also manifest itself
can get information (partial—but still useful) about
on this level.
things that are not common knowledge. Usually
information gained will be important data to a Note: Most spirits are not dangerous (see Death Control
person (data about a relative that’s in their mind, for information on what a spirit may be—an “after image”
their job if it’s key, etc.) or valuable to the asker of the person in question). However (A) some spirits are
if it’s about a place or thing (what is valuable at a dangerous. Mediums may take a risk in contacting things.
location or where can a thing be found or what is Also (B) some spirits are “easier” than others. A spirit may
surprising about a place or thing, etc.). simply be unavailable or harder to contact for no reason.
3. High Information: The ESPer gets compromising Some spirits are also easier to contact. If a spirit is trou-
data; they may still not get all of it—but enough to bling a person the Medium may be able to resolve it by
be useful. This can include secrets, vulnerabilities, figuring out what the spirit wants.
etc. If the object is in a safe, for example, it would
get the (secret) combination—or most of it. This In a few cases the “spirit” will be something else entirely
could directly locate a kidnap victim or, if not that, and contacting it may be either very dangerous or otherwise
put the ESPer very close on the trail. very different from a simple question and answer session.
Trait Buy Cost DP Uses For +2 AP the character may get the GAT Sensitive at the
Knowing Things 1 6 AP +8 3x
Extra Power +4 SP M 4 AP +8 N/A
4 AP level.
Trait Buy Cost DP Uses
Medium 1 6 AP +8 3x
+ Sensitive 1 2 AP +2 N/A
Extra Power +4 SP M 4 AP +8 N/A

Precognition [6 AP] U Mind Psychometry [6 AP] U Mind
Uses ESP Three Roll Drama Uses Three Roll Drama
Description: You get visions of the future! Using the Description: You can determine things about an object by
ability requires a 5 REA Medium Action (although taking handling it and using a mystical sense. Things you might

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

more time can provide more information—see the drama learn:
system). If the GM decides the future is not available for
™™ If the object was used in a murder and, if so, some
whatever reason, the character gets 2 SP.
information about the murder and the victim.
Precogntion can also be triggered by events (such as ™™ Information about the owner of the object including
meeting someone) or provide the character with visions of things like general location (direction, general
warning. Precognition contrasts to Knowing Things in that distance) or state of health. Name and address (at
Knowing Things is more about the present than the future. least partial) may be gained.
It does not take negatives for looking into the fure. ™™ How the owner is likely to die (if there’s a strong
chance of a particular way).
Precogntion is often slightly vaguer than Knowing Things--
™™ What an object is, how it works, or at least some
even at High Information, it can show a range of possibili-
general information.
ties (especially if the information in question isn’t heavily
™™ If an object is dangerous or not and some insight as
nailed down in the GM’s opinion). There may not be “High
to how the danger might be triggered.
Information” available. Trait Buy Cost DP Uses

Note: Precognition can be used to “make money” but is Psychometry 1 6 AP +8 3x
Extra Power +4 SP M 4 AP +8 N/A-
not as good as the Domain Control Luck power Beat the
House at it. The character will get a general winning streak
of 30% profits per “Use” (each Use represents a few hours
of play) per day. This will lead to the character being kicked
out of Casinos. For playing markets, see “Wealth” below.
Wealth: This doubles any CP spent on Wealth if ESPers
are allowed to get rich using their powers. If no points
are spent on Wealth the character may make a successful
living off the power but trying big moves may have
in-game legal consequences or difficulties.
Trait Buy Cost DP Uses
Precognition 1 6 AP +8 3x
Extra Power +4 SP M 4 AP +8 N/A

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

Scry [6 AP] U Mind Spiritual Advisor [2 AP] U Mind

Uses Three Roll Drama Uses Three Roll Drama
Description: You can remotely view others—this includes Description: You can read fortunes and tell the future.
seeing their plans or what they are doing or, in some cases, This usually involves the Telling the Future method above
have done. Scrying produces visions about a person. and can simply be run that way. The futures will generally
come to pass and there may be the concept of “weaker or
A 3-roll drama is commonly used to determine what the
stronger” that the advisor feels, based on whether the GM
ESPer sees:
can think of a way to integrate the fortune or not.
1. Low Information: This can show a hazy picture
The 4pt version of this gives the target SPs when they get
of where the subject is “now” (or blackness/
their fortune read. This version has limited number of
something disturbing if they are dead). It can show
Uses. The character gets the card/fortune and gets 2 SPs.
something very difficult to decipher pertaining to
They can only have one fortune active at a time, plus the
plans dealing with the ESPer’s areas of interests—
GM can declare the card null and void at the end of the
small pieces of information, comments, etc. It can
session if they do not feel like dealing with the fortune. An
show some time-period within the last day that
Advisor is permitted to draw for themselves.
is “typical” for the subject (perhaps giving some
insight into their personality). Cast Dark Fortune: With this, the character can sabotage
2. Average Information: A reasonably clear picture people whose fortunes they tell. This can be done in two
of where they are now—often with enough ways: the first is that the character simply tricks the target
information to make an educated guess as to the into having a fortune cast by them.
location. It can show a time period within the Secondly, the character manages to get the target to,
past week that pertains to their plans concerning unknowingly, either:
the ESPer’s “area of interest.” It can show some
revealing (although not secret) scene that gives ™™ Eat carefully prepared food which the character has
insight into their character/personality. imbued with the fortune or…
3. High Information: This could give a very clear and ™™ Carry about a prepared token or bag (usually a
meaningful picture that helps locate or place the small pouch containing animal bones and teeth and
target. It can give a picture within a week that herbs/incense) for 24 hours. If the bag is secreted in
shows key information about plans pertaining their bedroom or car it must be for 48 hours.
to the ESPer’s “area of interest.” This can reveal A target can only have one Dark Fortune going at a time.
secrets about the plan. It may reveal personal This adds to the cost of Spiritual Advisor.
secrets, showing a scene within the past week that Trait Buy Cost DP Uses
reveals a vulnerability. Often the exact scene with Spiritual Advisor 1 2 AP +4 N/a
full information will not be shown (at the GM’s Spiritual Advisor Adv (SP) M 4 AP +4 3x
discretion). Cast Dark Fortune 1 +2 AP +2 N/A

Note: If the ESPer does not know exactly who the person
is—but instead uses topics like “the person who stole my
bike” or the person who I will be meeting, the GM can
impose negative SPs (usually -4 for a pretty specific refer-
ence, -8 for a very poor idea of who they might be dealing
with, and -16 for a completely wild spread of possible
people, such as, “Let me see the person most important to
my future.”).
Trait Buy Cost DP Uses
Scrying 1 6 AP +4 3x
Extra Power +4 SP M 4 AP +8 N/A

Strategic Intelligence [6 AP] U Mind Visions [2 AP] U Mind
Uses Three Roll Drama Uses Three Roll Drama
Description: Your ESP abilities let you have visions of those Description: You get visions, unbidden, about things you
who are plotting “against you and your interests.” When are “supposed” to do. These may be things in the present or

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

using the ability it takes a few hours of concentration and future. You may not be sure which will allow you to prevent
provides a GM-selected vision. This can include: bad things from happening (or which may, darkly, further
the aims of something/someone who might be bad).
™™ Visions of key enemies which will usually give
identifying clues at Low Information, information Usually you cannot control the visions per-se but you can
on the nature of the enmity at Average Information, provoke them through mediation, drugs, or other tech-
and data about specific plans at High Information. niques. You may also be able to “seek further information”
It may identify new enemies or provide insight into with a Drama Roll. Exactly what is available is up to the GM.
how “hot” known enemies are for the character. At Running A Vision: A vision will usually be a tool for the GM
Average or High Information it will usually start with to provide information or stimulate a campaign. It might be
the most threatening or active plan. visions of a murder that has happened, or will happen, or
™™ Identify key situations which hold a high risk for the visions of an accident or something in “tomorrow’s paper.”
character. At Average or High information describes
how these might play out or be avoided. Usually a vision will have some specific clue as to how
™™ Let the character know about actors who are the ESPer is expected to proceed with that. There may be

betraying them or are double agents. more than one vision in a sequence that would lead the
™™ It can grant visions of what is happening in the character around.
character’s domain that is contrary to their It is possible for the character to have visions related to
interests. other people, possibly on request. Usually the nature of
™™ Battle plans, future events that would bear on a the visions will be, again, something they are “supposed”
physical conflict (wind/weather? Presence of an to do. This can be added to the 2 AP version of Dreamer
enemy force where one is not expected, etc.) (the GAT) to provide more specific dreams and waking
The usual net results are either: experiences.
Trait Buy Cost DP
1. Gaining of 1, 4, or 6 SPs for a conflict per use for Visions 1 2 AP +5 DP
Low, Average, or High information. Extra Power +4 SP M 4 AP +8 DP
2. Learning who is an enemy and (at high or maybe
average information) what, in general, they plan to
do so you can “see them coming.” These versions of ESP allow for tactical assessment of
3. Gaining a key piece of strategic insight to an threats or are directly useful in combat!
upcoming conflict.
4. Get a “report” on important people “on the Precognitive Fighting Style Combat
playing-field.” [TAP .58] +5
Note: The character’s “interests” can be those of the char- Description: You can see the future moments ahead and
acter or group specifically, or those of a client. use it to fight. This grants:

Note: If the other side has seers as well, they can use their ™™ A -4 Damage Modifier against all incoming attacks.
ability to work against each other. Each level will grant the ™™ +2 to any Combat Skill.
other side a -4 SP result if a Use is burned to work against ™™ +2 to any Dodge or Block roll—and your full Dodge
them. or Block works against Ranged Attacks.
Trait Buy Cost DP Uses ™™ You get +4 Damage due to precision striking/
Strategic Intelligence 1 6 AP +8 3x shooting (+3 with PEN firearms).
Extra Power +4 SP M 4 AP +8 N/A ™™ You get +8 DP.
™™ +2 INIT (Expert timing).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Precog — 14 19 24 28 33 37 42

Extra Sensory Perception Traits

Situational Awareness [6 AP] U Mind

Description: You have “perfect awareness and recall.” You
can detect subtle details, patterns, and clues in the envi-
ronment others would miss.
™™ You will automatically spot characters within PER,
RES, INT, or WIL x 5 yards radius (or 60 yards,
whichever is higher) with visible line of sight.
Stealth, Invisibility, darkness, and other means of
concealment do not work.
™™ You get +6 to Perception rolls to notice non-
concealed objects, clues, etc. This allows rolls to
track targets, make deductive leaps, etc.
™™ You get +4 to Perception rolls to notice actually
concealed objects, traps, sleight of hand, etc.
™™ You get +2 to see through emotional/intellectual
deception such as con-games, acting rolls used to
feign emotion, etc.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Situational Awareness 1 6 AP +0

Threat Assessment [8 AP] U Mind

Description: The character has a “radar screen” of
information around them out to WIL, RES, INT, MEM (all
x 5) or 60 yards, whichever is better. The sense will show
general terrain and individuals. Threats will “light up” with
additional information. If the a threat has some kind of
interference a PER, WIL, RES, or MEM roll may be used.
The character will detect:
™™ All enemies—or people who mean the character
harm (or will if they know he is there). The test for
this is “Would the subject attack the character on
sight--or would the character attack them on sight.”
Thus: Assassins targeting the character will show as
would an ambush. Shady people might appear as
very low-level threats.
™™ Extremely unusual / powerful characters. Potential
threats well beyond normal may show up.
™™ Weapons or characters with extreme training will be
™™ Threat Assessment provides a “dossier.” This is
knowledge of them similar to what would be on a
‘police report.’ A brief sense of their capabilities and
power-level, very high level/vague past history, and
some sense of M.O.
™™ Threat assessment lets the character target threats
as though they can be seen (i.e. in darkness,
through walls, etc.)
Trait Buy Cost DP
Threat Assessment 1 8 AP +0

Telepathy is the capability of mind-to-mind communication, attack, reading, and control. Telepaths can range from
those simply able to hear and communicate intentionally shared thoughts to those able to read innermost secrets
and slave targets to them.


In this section we cover:
™™ Basic Telepathy: communication, mind scanning, etc.
™™ Telepathic Combat: Mind Shields and Telepathic Attacks.
™™ Mind Control, Mind Reading, and other forms of telepathic interference.

Basic Telepathy allows for the detection of complex minds (human, alien, some animals) and basic “radio like”
communication. There is also slightly more advanced abilities to “hear some thoughts” and also to “scan a mind” to
learn things about it. This form of telepathy has little by way of powerful attacks (although it does have some).

Telepathy provides the character with the ability to both “analyze minds” and hear thoughts. The basic description
of the ability only allows the telepath to hear thoughts that are intentionally sent—but there are cases where that
is not so.

When a telepath is “looking at a mind” if it is not protected by a Mind Shield (see below) the mind will appear
as a unique set of shapes and conditions. A well-ordered “military mind” might appear as a set of stacked cubes.
Someone who was traumatized might seem to have terrible dark rifts in their “mind sphere.” Highly charged
emotions can show up as colors (anger, of course, is red—a very placid mind could radiate a light blue. Sadness
could be a deeper blue).
Scanning a mind could tip you off if the person is clearly looking for trouble, highly scared, etc. This provides infor-
mation a psychologist would get from a basic interview if the person were truthful.

Telepaths will often hear thoughts of those around them—to an extent that it can be a problem! For the basic
Telepathy power this is very different than mind reading. What most telepaths get are snatches of thoughts that
radiate out from an unguarded mind. Here are some categories of thoughts and how they can be picked up with
basic telepathy:

Thought Type Notes

If someone is “thinking at” the telepath they can be heard loud and clear. Usually this
Intentional Projection requires visual contact but can be heard through walls up to WIL x 2 yards. Trying to
“get someone’s attention” will almost always work if that person is a telepath.
When emotionally charged and out of control the telepath can hear thoughts that they
may rather keep to themselves. Usually this is the sort of thing “you might be able to
Emotional Force
guess anyway.” A person with clenched fists stalking towards you will convey exactly
what the telepath hears: “the person is coming for a fight.”
It is hard to lie to a telepath. Characters may make a WIL roll at -1 per point of the
Telepath’s RES to try to get away with a lie. Actor or CON artist will substitute instead. If
Lies the character is otherwise very collected and not nervous, highly trained, or simply, for
some other reason, a very experienced liar (a diplomat, for example) they can get +1 to
+4 to their roll.


If a character is shocked they may unintentionally give something away. Rattling the
target while they are concentrating on a thought may result in compromise. Another
example could be a surprise (unpleasant?) meeting with the Psi where the target lets
slip a “loud thought” they’d rather have kept to themselves.
Most people leak thoughts anyway a little bit. When a telepath meets their date’s
parents they may get an ear-full of thoughts even if the parents are making nice (this
will not happen if the parents are highly trained agents, of course). Sitting on a crowded
bus, the telepath may hear all kinds of snippets of daydreams, work-related material,
Seepage and so on. Sub vocalization counts as seepage (if someone is quietly “repeating” their
security code you would probably get it—but not if they are simply remembering it and
typing it in). People with neurosis also project thought-seepage even if they are not
overly emotional about it. You may not get detailed information about what they are
thinking but you will get a general idea.
Basic Telepathy will generally not get thoughts the subject is trying to protect without
putting pressure (surprise, stress, making them emotional, etc.) Things like passwords,
Protected Thoughts
dark secrets, and so on can be suppressed deep down making them hard to get without
Mind Reading or Mind Probes or the like.
For game purposes a character’s “Internal Monologue” is everything they are thinking
about what they are doing at the time. This is even “more” than you are probably aware
of—it includes all, or almost all, of the context for what you are thinking. Without Mind
Reading and a Mind Link you do not hear a character’s Internal Monologue. Characters
listening in to an Internal Monologue will know, for example: if someone is lying—and
what the truth is as well as what the target thinks of the situation as it evolves. If the
Internal Monologue
target is dealing with secret information, the telepath will get the secret (or at least
a lot of it). Stuff even the thinker has suppressed will be available but murky. If the
thinker is focused on something strongly (such as doing math problems to avoid giving
away secrets) it may come down to a Resisted Roll Drama; but if the target is simply
going about normally while someone is reading their mind, the Internal Monologue will
be very revealing.
Things that the subject is not aware of or things in their past they are not thinking
about now are counted as deep thoughts, memories, and suppressed things. These
can be read by a telepath but usually getting memories requires one of the following:
a Mind Probe (in which case the telepath rummages around in the target’s memory for
Deep Thoughts/Memories
the specific data); asking the subject to think about the memory while Mind Reading
them (in which case it may well come up as they remember and consider it); or using
Psychology Skill rolls (with the help of Telepathy) to analyze the target to determine
what the subconscious drivers are likely to be.

The key to remember about these kinds of non-mind reading communication is that (a) the telepath cannot direct
the questioning without actually talking to the person and (b) they don’t get complete sentences and ongoing
monologues in most cases. A telepath may get a lie—and get some of the truth—but with nothing but the basic
power that’s all they get.
There are advanced powers that allow for better mind reading.
As a rule of thumb:
1. With nothing but basic Telepathy the telepath gets a little information about what the target is thinking
“right now” and can get more if they can put pressure on the target (telepathic interrogators with a lot of
time, having stressful conditions to work with, can be very effective).
2. Mind Reading allows real-time compromise of the target. It won’t dredge up memories but it gets complete
information and exposes not just the presence of lies—but also the truth.
3. Mind Probe can be used to analyze memories of the target and get information on things going on both
“under the surface” and data that is not happening “right now.”

As noted above, it’s hard to lie to a telepath even if they are not “mind reading” you. The difference between using
Mind Reading and basic Telepathy is that with Mind Reading the telepath will “hear you compose the lie” and

generally know the truth. Usually a telepath gets a RES 1. They have telepathy: then it is obvious—all
or Telepathy Skill roll (if they have that) at -1 per point telepaths can “see” the link.
of Target’s RES-10 to detect a lie (but not the truth, 2. They have Sensitive or any other GAT, ESP
which they may well get with Mind Reading). ability, or sense that allows them to detect
unusual occurrences. Usually even abilities
like Knowing Things or Visions or Dreamer will
let a subject know when a Mind Link has been
A Mind Shield is a defensive field around a mind. established.
When active, each point of Mind Shield adds to the 3. The subject has had special training. With very
character’s DP against any WIL Roll Resisted Attack special training subjects may even have Mind
(all Telepathy attacks, attacks from Domain Control, Shields.
Empathy effects, and so on). Psychoactive chemicals In the above cases, as soon as you launch an attack
are exempted. through a Mind Link its presence becomes obvious
When a character has points in a Mind Shield they (and they will know when it is broken, as well).
are defended from Mind Scans and having their
thoughts read (the mind appears as a “featureless gray To-Hit: Psionic Skill or RES.
sphere”). A Mind Shield also reduces any damage from REA: 5 REA Medium Action.
a Telepathic attack by 1pt per point of the shield: each

point of damage removes 1pt from the shield. A Mind Resolution: A Resisted Roll between the Telep-

Shield regenerates after about 4 minutes of rest. athy Intensity and the target’s DP with a STAT
of WIL for each. The results range from either
Damage: None no link (or an easily broken one if the target is

To-Hit: None compliant) to a “Psi Hold” which freezes the

Defenses: None target’s physical body.
REA: 3 REA Short Action Defenses: Break Mind Link or Telepathic Block
Description: A Mind Shield can be raised as
a defensive action. It will remain active until Description: A Telepath establishes a Mind
either destroyed or the Psi drops it intentionally Link with a target and can then do things like
(a 0 REA Medium Action). Mind Read, use secure telepathic communica-
tion, or a variety of Resisted Attacks (like Mind
Control, etc.)
A Mind Link can be established on a person Missed 0–3 4–6 7–9 10+
with a Mind Shield but you cannot scan through Psi Hold (if no Psi Hold (if no
No Link/Easily Broken Mind Link Mind Link
it. You also cannot hear thoughts through it: a Mind Shield) Mind Shield)
mind with even 1pt of Mind Shield is silent. You
can Manipulate Memory or use Psionic Attacks Effect: Targets can engage in Psi Combat.

(Mind Control, Burn Mind) but the shield This includes: Mind Strikes, Break Mind Link
degrades these attacks by adding its points to Attempts, and Psi Hold attempts. It also allows

the character’s DP for purposes of Resisting. the use of Telepathic Resisted Attacks.
Thus, characters may wish to knock down the
Mind Shield with mental strikes before using Defenses: Break Mind Link will break a link
Mind Control, etc. the other party wishes to hold. If both parties
agree to simply drop a Mind Link it is a 0 REA
Medium Action.
An important part of Telepathic Combat is the
establishment of a Mind Link. This is done by using
Telepathy and a to-hit roll. It creates a “secure link”
between the target and the telepath. Before it can be
used to read thoughts it must knock down any Mind
Shield in play (see Mind Shield).
A target will usually not know they have had a Mind
Link established if the Psi doesn’t want them to. That
is unless:


To-Hit: Marital Arts skill, Telepathic Combat Damage: None.

Skill, or RES.
To-Hit: None.
Defenses: Block Roll from Martial Arts or Tele-
Defenses: None.
pathic Combat skill or a WIL roll to Block.
REA: 5 REA Medium Action.
Damage: WIL-10 Base Damage + Martial Arts
or Telepathic Combat Skill bonuses. Impact Requires: A Mind Link with the target.
Damage, ignores Armor, Force Fields, and


Description: A Psi Hold is a sort of freezing

Power Fields.
of the body by “holding” the mind. When
REA: 5 REA Medium Action (can also do “cross” successful:
and “kick” style moves.
™™ The target cannot take any Move
Requires: A Mind Link. Actions, they lose all their AGI Bonus,
and get a -4 to any Defense Roll (Dodge
Description: The character lashes out with
or Block) requiring physical action.
their mind! This deals IMP damage using
™™ They may still attack. They take a -4 to-
WIL (instead of STR) but gets bonuses due to
hit penalty and a -4 Damage Modifier to
martial training. The attacker’s physical body
all attacks that do hit.
usually does not move (although it may as
Missed 0–3 4–6 7–9 10+
though doing “kata”). No Effect No Effect Psi Hold Psi Hold Psi Hold

Damage: None. ATTACKS WITHOUT Generally we require you to have a Mind

BUYING PSIONIC Link established and Telepathy in order
To-Hit: None.

to do Memory Manipulation or Mind


Defenses: None. Control. This is not strictly required,

however. If you wish to buy those abilities
REA: 5 REA Medium Action.
as straight up resisted attacks you can.
Description: The attacker gets a Resisted Roll
Use the chart below:
using DP or Telepathic Intensity (whichever is
better) against the target’s DP or Telepathic
Intensity (whichever is better). If successful, TELEPATHY TRAITS
the Mind Link is Broken. This will also break a
Psi Hold. Telepathy has a native “attack capability” but it is
listed as a Utility Power because it tends to do little
damage and is considered a “Psionic equivalent”
Roll: WIL, Martial Arts, Telepathic Combat Skill to the character’s own physical capabilities. Note,
REA: 3 REA Short Action. however, that additional levels have an A-Cost and are
combat abilities.
Requires: A Mind Link with the target.
Note: Telepaths will usually buy Telepathy, Mind

Description: The Psi can block physical or Reading, and Mind Probe as a group for a total of 20
telepathic attacks from someone they are AP.
Mind Linked with. The Psi makes a simple
physical gesture (or even none at all) and
the attack misses due to interference at the
telepathic level.

Mind Probe [4 AP] U Mind Telepathy [12 AP] U Mind
Requires: Telepathy Description: Telepathy (Basic Telepathy) gives you the
ability to establish a “Mind Link” as well as to broadcast
Description: The telepath can rummage through the
and receive thoughts from others.
target’s memories looking for specific things and can “ask
questions” which are answered by the content of the Thought Radio: When a telepath is paying attention they
subject’s mind. This is usually not subtle—it is unpleasant can “hear” thoughts directed “at them.” These are only
and the subject will know what is being done (and they will thoughts the thinker wishes to share and are considered
likely try a Break Mind Link move). Usually each question sort of “loud thoughts.” They can also broadcast thoughts
and answer is a 5 REA Medium Action. Questions must to other minds like normal talking but on a “telepathic
usually be somewhat specific and the Psi may get a sort frequency.” This applies only to those within WIL x 5
of “card catalog” of information of important topics to the yards range and they must be able to see the target. The
subject. A Mind Probe can reveal things such as: telepath may establish who, without Telepathy, hears them
and who doesn’t—but anyone with Telepathy in the range
1. What happens in regards to X-event? will hear a broadcast thought.
2. What was the source/nature of an apparent Mind Link: The telepath can establish a Mind Link. This is
trauma? a roll to hit based on either Telepathic Skill or RES. It has
3. Who are you and what do you do? a range of -1/50y and works through line of sight. Once a
4. Where do you live? mind link is established, communication will be possible
5. What is the truth about X? What is going on with Y? up to a WIL x 10 yard range and is protected from other

Trait Buy Cost DP telepaths listening in. This is also used for setting up Mind

Mind Probe 1 4 AP +0
Mind Scan: Taking an 8 REA Long Action will allow the
Mind Reading [4 AP] U Mind telepath to pick up any human-style or large animal minds
Requires: Telepathy within a WIL x 5 yard radius. This gives direction and
Description: Mind Reading requires a Mind Link. It allows distance similar in concept to a “radar screen.” It does not
the Telepath to hear the target’s “Internal Monologue” show anything other than minds, however. Most minds
making lying impossible and getting deeper insights. It also appear identical but the telepath will recognize those of
allows the Telepath to ‘ride along’ with the target rather people they know.
than hearing only what they “broadcast.” Unlike Thought Levels: The basic Telepathy power does not have addi-
Radio, Mind Reading hears thoughts the target does not tional levels. More Intensity, Mind Shield, and so on is
wish to broadcast. Establishing a Mind Reading lock is a 5 purchased with the combat ability Telepathy Levels.
REA Medium Action. Trait Buy Cost DP Mind Shield Intensity
Trait Buy Cost DP Telepathy 1 12 AP +4 WIL 2x WIL
Mind Reading 1 4 AP +0

Overmind [TAP] Combat

Requires: Telepathy
Description: You are a formidable combat telepath—prob-
ably trained. Overmind gives the character multiple attacks
with Telepathy for 1 REA and extra Initiative only for use
with Telepathic attacks. It also gives:
™™ A negative Damage Modifier for non-telepathic
attacks from anyone a Mind Link is established with
(if it’s through the Mind Shield). The telepath is “too
bright to look at” (this is a mental effect, not literal
™™ Strk: Extra Mind Strike Damage.
™™ Shld: Extra Mental Shield.
™™ Tele: Extra Telepathy Intensity.
Level Attacks Strk Init Shld DM Tele Cost
L1 Overmind +1 +1 +2 +4 -4 +2 [.22]
L2 Overmind +2 +2 +3 +8 -4 +4 [.39]
L3 Overmind +3 +6 +4 +16 -8 +8 [.52]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
L1 Overmind — 4 6 8 10 11 13 15
L2 Overmind — — 11 14 17 20 24 27
L3 Overmind — — — 20 24 28 33 37


Telepathy Levels [4 AP] L+ Mind Cumulative Effects: A character will NOT suffer cumula-
tive effects from this attack with regards to WIL loss. If
Requires: Telepathy the character has already suffered -1 WIL from a Standard
Description: This is how you buy more levels of Telepathy. Effect during a combat, subsequent Standard Effects will
Unlike the basic Telepathy Trait, this is a combat ability. not further reduce his WIL. The telepath must score a
T-Path adds to the Intensity of Telepathy. Major Effect or better to further reduce WIL.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Strike Shield Intensity DP
Telepathy Levels M 4 AP +2 AP +2 +2 +5 +2 Subsequent hits can still cause Dazed, Stunned, etc.
A character can choose to inflict a lower result’s WIL
MIND MANIPULATION reduction if desired -- a character whose first achieves
Basic Telepathy lets you communicate, read, and a Major Effect reduces the target’s WIL by 2. If net turn,
probe minds. It lets you “strike” in a way that deals the telepath scores another Major Effect, he can choose
damage. This section goes into advanced capabili- a Standard Effect, further reducing the target’s WIL by 1
ties that allow you to manipulate the target’s brain in (total of -3 WIL). The attack would still Daze the target as a
other fashions than simply damaging it. Major effect.
Traumatize: If you are playing a darker game, as an
To use any of these the Psi must have a Mind Link and optional rule, burning someone’s mind can have serious
the target must not have a Mind Shield. after-effects. If the group wants to play with Traumatize
results then Burn Mind can warp a subject’s personality for
a period of time (usually this persists for no more than a
INTENSITY few hours or at most, days).
These attacks use the telepath’s Intensity plus some
Usually traumatic results will not happen unless the Psi
number based on the AP’s spent. They add their declares they are trying for them. Trying for them adds
A-Cost to the A-Cost of Telepathy Levels. +25% to the Intensity of the attack.

Note ™™ A -1pt Trait is something that shows up in every-day

activity. Slightly irrational behavior, OCD, or some
We are including rules for Stand Alone Attacks. This annoying tic would be an example.
is the case where the character has the attack but ™™ A -3pt Trait will cause problems for a long time
does NOT have Telepathy. In these cases the char- and can make life difficult. Examples: agoraphobia,
acter can attack against a Mind Shield but the Mind pervasive delusional beliefs, paranoia, heavy
Shield is added to the character’s DP for resistance. depression, etc.
™™ At -5pts the character is incapacitated nearly
instantly (curled up in a ball laughing) and, once
Burn Mind [8 AP] L+ Mind they recover somewhat, will be almost completely
UC Psi Standard L1: 4.3 INT per AP L+: 2.9 INT per AP impaired for normal social functioning. Examples:
extreme hysteria, debilitating suicidal depression,
UC Psi Traum L1: 3.5 INT per AP L+: 2.4 INT per AP
hebephrenic schizophrenia, extreme random
UC Non-Psi Std L1: 2.8 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP aggression, etc. It can also be something sinister
like psychosis that drives the target to kill as a serial
UC Non-Psi Traum L1: 2.5 INT per AP L+: 1.6 INT per AP
killer, etc.
Description: You can burn out the target’s will-to-live and Attack Strength B Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
disrupt higher cognitive functions! Burn Mind lowers the Effect Result
subject’s WIL. If it goes to 7 or below, the target becomes Minor No Effect
Standard -1 WIL, Stunned.
a drooling, unmotivated, seemly sedated subject. If it
Major -2 WIL, Dazed, -1pt Trait
goes below 5, each point of WIL removed inflicts a Minor Critical -4 WIL, Dazed at -2 to recover, -3pt Trait
Wound on the subject. The target’s WIL returns at 1 per Catastrophic -6 WIL, in a torpor (unconscious), -5pt Trait
hour of rest. During this time, if the subject’s WIL is lower Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Traumatize
than 10, they will require a WIL roll to do any task that Burn Mind L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 34/23 28/19
requires motivation or concentration. Stand Alone L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 22/15 20/13
The attack does not miss (as it hits through the Mind Link). N/A 5 S

Slumber [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind (panic, anger), buying a house (massive financial
outlay, anxiety), falling in love (love, passion, deep
Unit Cost L1: 8.8 INT per AP L+: 4.1 INT per AP emotional connection), and so on are much harder to
UC Non-Psi L1: 5.6 INT per AP L+: 2.6 INT per AP erase than boring memories or insignificant ones.
Description: Slumber puts the target into a deep sleep. If Usually erasing or modifying very important memories
the Psi uses it at half intensity it can be used subtly; the will have the effect of simply disorienting the char-
target will not realize they have been attacked! Every use,
acter: they will know something is very wrong and,
even if subtle, after the first in the same scene will give the
target a cumulative +2 Perception roll to realize that they with some thought will realize their memories are
are under mind-attack and who is doing it (even if they bad. As realizing there is a problem is the first step to
don’t know exactly what that is!) curing it, telepaths who wish to go around modifying
Attack Strength D Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam) memories and getting away with it usually need to
Effect Result stay away from powerful memories and focus more on
Minor No Effect
Sleepy: if the target was sleepy already, they will doze off and less powerful ones.
will be difficult to awaken. If they were wide awake and alert this
makes them drowsy: -2 to Perception Rolls and other rolls requiring
More powerful memories will require higher levels
concentration. of success to modify or erase. The below chart is a
Dozing: the target will fall asleep. If they were trying hard to stay guideline.
Major awake this will be a light sleep (Perception rolls to wake up). If they

were not very alert, it will be a heavy one. Example Memory Power

Slumber: the character drops into a deep sleep and is very hard to
awaken. Knowing your wife or other
Catastrophic Target falls into a several days sleep—possibly a coma. immediate family.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Slumber 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 70/33 Buying a house. Critical
Slumber Non-Psi L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 45/21
Being attacked (but not severely
Rng REA ROF Major
N/A 5 1x injured).
Seeing something disturbing but not
personally destructive or personal to Standard
Memory Manipulation is one telepathic ability that
has several different uses. It takes the form of a Being robbed or conned. Major
Resisted Attack (like all of these, the target must have Someone being rude or threatening
no active Mind Shield and there must be a Mental (but not overly so).
Link). Meeting a friend in the supermarket
(boring, common).
Memory Manipulation [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind
A bad day at work. Minor
Unit Cost Varies by attack
Memory of getting fired. Major
Description: You can alter and insert memories in targets
playing with their brains! You buy this ability once and Memory of getting yelled at by your
then can use the specific abilities outlined below. boss.
The character puts APs into Memory Manipulation and Memories of good friends. Critical
gets ALL the listed Resisted Attacks below for that price. If Memories of your favorite car
the character does NOT buy Memory Manipulation these Major
(assuming you really like your car).
can be bought separately as individual Resisted Attacks.
Attack Strength varies Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam) Memories of an attack where you
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity were injured or a loved one was hurt.
Memory Manipulation M 8 AP 8 AP Varies
Rng REA ROF Memories of being betrayed by a
N/A 5 1x friend.
Memories of being betrayed by a
Memories come in different grades of power and Memories of something you did that
importance. The primary measure of a memory’s you are VERY ashamed of.
power is its emotional and/or material impact on Memories of something you did that
the character. Memories of things like being attacked Critical
you are ashamed of EVERY DAY.




When manipulating memory there are a few ways it A False Memory is one the subject “makes up” to
can go. The first is a memory hole: when memories cover a Memory Hole. An Inserted Memory is one
are destroyed the character will have a “blind spot” the telepath inserts into the subject. It can either
in their memory. Like a “blind spot” in your vision, “replace an existing memory” (or modify it) or simply
you will not be aware of it until you specifically try to be “added on.”
remember something from that time frame and can’t:
Doing catastrophic things with Inserted Memories
missing time!
(and this includes altering subject’s memories whole-
A False Memory, on the other hand, is when a sale) requires catastrophic results. It is usually easier
memory is altered and you fill it in with something to do things like insert memories that have a more
that “makes sense to you.” Then, when you try to subtle influence or to alter things slightly so that the
remember something from that time you just “make subject’s personality isn’t out of synch with their
something up.” A False Memory is a better result for memories.
an erased memory than a Memory Hole since, unless
something happens to disprove the false memory, the Note
character will not know anything is wrong. If a telepath does manage to really alter someone’s
Wiping memories is fairly easy for trivial short-term memories they may not simply become a “product
events: if something happened recently and did not of those new memories” but will, more likely, cease
have much impact on the character it’s easy to wipe to function well. They may become disordered,
out. However, the more important, emotionally highly confused, or otherwise behave unpredictably.
charged, or lengthy the memory, the harder it is to get
rid of.
It is also hard to wipe a memory when there is Events usually build on each other. The day you got
evidence to the contrary around: this prevents false hired at your job leads to many days of work there,
memories from forming and can have other problems meeting new friends, nights out with those friends,
as well. discovering a new restaurant with those friends, etc.
Recovering lost memories usually requires either We call these “linkages.” A memory that is highly
“memory repair” by a telepath or psychological coun- linked (or one that ought to be in the case of false
seling and hypnosis. Lost memories can also come memories or memories inserted by a telepath) is more
back with repeated focus and (especially) evidence of complex than stand-alone events which you might also
what actually happened. Recovered memories may remember. (An example of a stand-alone event would
always be fragmented or dream-like. be, for example, getting gas at a service station. While,
yes, you do remember doing some driving without
Note having to refuel, the impact of that event is negligible
Erasing memory will not necessarily erase emotional compared to events like getting a job, buying a house,
associations with the Psi or material. It may subdue or being attacked.)
them—but if you attack someone and then leave a
When a telepath interferes with a memory that has
memory hole where the attack was they may still
had lots of long term impact and, therefore, other
not trust or like you (and may not know why).
memories linked to it, the results can be strange.
This can lead to things like partial amnesia where, if a
memory with lots of linkages is removed, the char-
acter becomes very confused about other things, such
as, “Where did I meet you? How did I find this restau-
rant—where are we?”
It is also likely that when memories have a lot of link-
ages the mind will repair itself faster—either returning
those memories or ejecting a false one that doesn’t
support them.
The more linkages a memory has, the better the
success to modify or insert it.

Example Memory Linkage PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY
Meeting your wife—linked to Characters with Photographic Memory get to use their
many memories of being married, Catastrophic MEM instead of WIL for purposes of Resistance.
memories of kids, etc.
A one night stand with no (as yet) MEMORY MODIFICATION WITHOUT
known consequences. MIND PROBE
Buying something in the grocery It is quite possible to do Memory Modification without
store. Mind Probe—but if you are going to insert/replace
memories you will usually need it to find the memory
Buying a new TV (many memories
in question, analyze it, and then know how to over-
of the TV—but usually not highly Major
write it.
Going to work on a day when nothing Forget Me [N/A] L1/L+ Mind
major happened. Requires: Memory Manipulation (or buy Stand Alone)
Going to work Wednesday when you Unit Cost
L1: 6.3 INT per AP L+: 3.5 INT per AP
gave a major presentation that led Memory Manip
to your boss complimenting you and Unit Cost Stand

L1: 4.0 INT per AP L+: 2.3 INT per AP
your co-workers cheering you on. Alone

Going to work yesterday when you Description: You can perform a wipe to make people
forget they saw/interacted with you. It will block a single,
got promoted: note—because it was
relatively short encounter.
yesterday there is not a lot of time
for there to be linkages formed. It How hard a memory is to wipe will be determined by how
might be Major in power but is only strong the emotional content of the encounter was.
Class C
Standard in linkages. Effect Result
A traumatic horse riding accident as Target will forget a trivial encounter—the sort of thing one might forget
normally. This can include: a standard transaction at a store or shop, passing
a child that led to a lifelong fear of Major Minor
on the street without incident, etc. The character will have a False Memory
horses. of the event.
The target will forget a somewhat unusual encounter (being asked a ques-
Being beaten up as a child—but it tion, seeing something unusual or frightening. It will not erase something
didn’t have much impact on your Standard that had a dramatic impact materially on the subject (such as their being
behavior or memories going forward. robbed or wounded). It will erase memories of the character, for example,
breaking the law or the use of supernatural powers so long as they were
Your third birthday-party which was not used on the subject.
enjoyable but not earth shattering: The target will forget a serious encounter with the Psi. This can be combat
it might or might not be emotional Standard related but not if the after effects are permanent or tragic. The character
will have a Memory Hole around the event. This is required to erase a
but it did not lead to a slew of related combat encounter.
birthday-party driven events. The target will have a Memory Hole surrounding the meeting—this can
be an extreme event—almost anything can be done. The effect of a
Memories of a good friend from Critical
severe memory wipe will be that the target is Dazed for two Rounds being
years ago. disoriented and not knowing what happened.
Catastrophic As above.


Insert Memory [N/A] L1/L+ Mind Suppress Long Term Memory L1 / L+ Mind
Requires Memory Manipulation or buy Stand Alone [N/A]
Unit Cost Requires Memory Manipulation or buy Stand Alone
L1: 2.6 INT per AP L+: 2.4 INT per AP
Memory Manip Unit Cost Memory
L1: 6.3 INT per AP L+: 3.5 INT per AP
Unit Cost Stand Manip
L1: 1.6 INT per AP L+: 1.5 INT per AP
Alone Unit Cost Stand
L1: 4.0 INT per AP L+: 3.5 INT per AP
Description: You can insert memories into the target. This Alone
is tricky as the insertion of a memory usually does not Description: You can make the target forget a single long-
have the “cascade effects” (linkages) that one might expect term memory. This will erase a block of time up to WIL
a real-world event to have. hours in length (the telepath’s). It will leave a Memory
Note: This ability can be used to “repair” memories. If the Hole. If the events following that time-frame are heavily
level is greater than the level of success of a memory wipe influenced by the event erased the memory hole will be
or alteration it can put memories back right. very apparent.
Class A The subject can choose a memory to be erased by
Effect Result
Minor No Effect
focusing on it (or, the Psi can do it by doing a Mind Probe
Can insert/replace a memory of low “power” and no “linkages.” This will and uncovering the memory). If the memory erased is a
cover up for events that were annoying or unpleasant but not seriously troubling one, this can give a level of solace to the target.
upsetting. (If the character would still be thinking or talking about it an Note: If the Psi can “name the memory” well enough that
hour later this level will probably not cover it up.) the subject would recognize it, this can be done without
You can insert or replace/alter memories that require Major power or the Mind Probe.
Major Linkages—but not both. You can replace or inject relatively recent Class C
memories that have some serious impact. However, doing things like: Effect Result
making someone think a loved one has betrayed them (when there is no This will work for memories that the subject didn’t attach a lot of value to
evidence of that) or having a memory that is simply at odds with what the Minor
(a long, boring meeting), etc.
target knows of reality will not work at this level. This will erase a memory that had some impact but not extreme impact
At the critical level you can create or replace a memory that requires both on the character. You could erase the memory of a bad date—but not
Critical Major Linkages and Major Power. You can change a memory that impacts that of buying a house or being attacked. If physical evidence of the
Critical Linkages or Critical Power. Not both. memory remains it can come back fairly easily.
Catastrophic You can insert memories of Critical Power and Critical Linkages. This will erase an important memory or one with significant impact
(combat? Buying a house? etc.). It will not erase the “links” to that
Major memory (i.e. the character will still know they own a house—just not
Short Term Wipe [N/A] L1/L+ Mind remember buying it—a character wounded will have a concept that he
Requires Memory Manipulation or buy Stand Alone was wounded in a fight but will not remember the fight).
At this level, the links become weaker as well. A character who had a
Unit Cost
L1: 4.3 INT per AP L+: 2.9 INT per AP memory of their buying a house erased might not remember for sure if
Memory Manip they own one (although being in one, they would probably know it was
Unit Cost Stand theirs). If you erase a memory of being hired by a company the character
L1: 2.8 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP Critical
Alone might be unsure as to whether they work at that company. With some
evidence the linked memories come back quickly—but the event will
Description: You can wipe out 10-15 seconds of memory
remain missing.
leaving the subject dazed and unaware of what is going on.
Note: In a fight this simply acts as dazed—the character This can cause short term (one or two days) “Soap Opera Style” amnesia.
will still be in “combat mode” (flooded with adrenaline, The Psi can cause a complete cut-out which may be disorienting and
etc.) and will fight reasonably effectively. distracting. When erasing a memory of an event that led to other events,
Class B the character may simply be confused when confronted with memories
Effect Result of those other events (so the character might not recognize the house
Will erase time the subject was not focused on. It won’t work if something they live in if the event of buying it was removed). Usually these links
Minor Catastrophic will be reconstructed fairly easily—when the character sees it’s their
really got the subject’s attention.
Standard The character has a memory hole and will be treated as Dazed. house they’ll regard that as true—but the character can appear quite
The character has a false memory for the time (treat as Dazed in combat) brain-damaged for quite some time.
Major so long as the events were not extremely important (combat, the
character was wounded, etc.) Note: This can also cause long-term “Soap Opera Style” amnesia that is
Critical As above. long lasting.
As above. May get False Memories for combat or other extreme events—
but the character may realize the memory is “patchy” on examination.

Here are some examples of implanted memories When a character is mind controlled by some method
and what they would likely require on the part of the they may usually “fight back.” The basic format for this
telepath. is as follows:

Example Memory Requires Level Control Note

Implanting memory of meeting the Moderate Target can be forced
telepath long ago and being somewhat- damage to do things that are
friends with him for many years. Note: (financial), somewhat damaging
The target will still not emotionally trust Standard Moderate or somewhat
Critical objection objectionable but not
the telepath and may begin to suffer
(harm but not strongly so. If they are,
problems—especially when evidence kill). they may Fight Back.
surfaces that the character was not in
The order can be to
their life.
fight against allies but
Memory implant that changes who the not close friends or
target saw committing a crime that did Standard loved ones. It can be
not directly impact the target. to provide any piece of
Major damage or

gear that will not kill
Memory implant that changes the objection.

the giver. It can be to
commission of a crime that did impact work against purposes
the target (but did not wound or ruin but not to commit
them). atrocity.
Memory implant changes a detail of an The target will fight
event (who was driving a car or who was Attack friends,
and kill for the telepath
at a party). The change is of material Critical if necessary. They will
importance but not greatly so. not kill loved ones or
commit suicide.
Memory implant that the telepath has
Standard Target will do whatever
paid for something.
Catastrophic Anything. is asked, including
Memory implant that the telepath commit suicide.
has paid for something of great value.
(Note: If the implant if of the telepath Fighting Back means making a WIL roll when the
say “buying the victim’s house” the Critical command is given. If successful:
memory will fall apart rapidly when 1. If the command is at the level of mind control,
paperwork, money in the bank, etc. fails the target still carries out the command but
to materialize.) can do this at -2 to the rolls.
2. If the command is 1 level below the control,
the character does nothing for that Round. Can
MIND CONTROL roll again next Round. If they win 3 in a row,
There are several different disciplines of Mind Control they break the hold.
that characters can use. 3. If the command is 2 levels below the control,
the character does nothing that Round and can
roll again next Round. If they make the second
roll, they break the control.


Charm [8 AP] L1/ L+ Mind Dominate [8 AP] L1 /L+ Mind

Unit Cost Tele- Unit Cost Telepathic L1: 3.9 INT per L+: 2.6 INT per
L1: 2.6 INT per AP L+: 2.4 INT per AP
pathic Attack Attack AP AP
Unit Cost Stand Unit Cost Stand L1: 2.5 INT per L+: 1.6 INT per
L1: 1.6 INT per AP L+: 1.5 INT per AP
Alone Alone AP AP
Description: Charm makes the target love the telepath. This is a Description: The target will carry out orders as expressed.
form of control where the target feels a need for approval, seeks They will be somewhat “robotic” with their “rational mind”
closeness (possibly intimacy) and will do whatever is necessary
working perfectly and their personality and emotions shut
to get it, usually carrying out orders. Unlike some of the other
control forms, the target will use their fullest abilities.
down. They will use their abilities but may lack passion.
Note that because of the telepathic link, the target will
Note: The ability to Fight Back is reduced by one level (Standard generally obey the spirit of the order and will use their
control is treated as Major). reasoning abilities to adapt to changing circumstances (so if
Obedience/Loyalty Conditioning: A more “Sci-Fi” variant of this ordered to guard a person, they would do a reasonable job
is some kind of chemical (or otherwise) conditioning that makes staying with them, finding them if they go missing, etc.)
the subject either loyal or, at least, required to follow given
commands. In both cases the target will carry these out to the Note: The ability to Fight Back is reduced by one level
best of their ability. This is usually a Medium Defect as the target (Standard control is treated as Major).
isn’t quite as pro-active. If it takes a good deal of time to enact Attack Strength B Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
(special gear, etc.) that can be a 2x Large defect. Effect Result
Attack Strength A Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam) Fail No control established.
Effect Result Standard One set of commands (cannot be open ended). Lasts 4 hours.
Fail No control established. Major Control for 4 hours, any commands.
Standard Charm lasts 4 hours. Critical Control for 24 hours, any commands.
Major Charm lasts 24 hours. Catastrophic Control for an indefinite time period.
Critical Charm lasts 4 days. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Catastrophic Charm is indefinite. Dominate Psi L1/ L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 31/21
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Dominate Non-Psi L1/ L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 20/13
Charm L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 21/19 Rng REA ROF
Charm Non-Psionic L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 13/12 N/A 5 1x
N/A 5 1x
Influence [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind
Delusion [8 AP] L1/ L+ Mind Unit Cost Telepathic L1: 9.6 INT per L+: 4.5 INT per
Attack AP AP
Unit Cost Tele-
L1: 1.9 INT per AP L+: 1.8 INT per AP Unit Cost Stand L1: 6.4 INT per L+: 3.0 INT per
pathic Attack
Alone AP AP
Unit Cost Stand
L1: 3.9 INT per AP L+: 2.6 INT per AP Description: Influence is a subtle form of manipulation—a
mental whisper or “urge” in a certain direction. The key
Description: The telepath implants a delusion into the to Influence is that it treats the suggestion as though “the
target which dictates their behavior. To a certain degree target had thought of it themselves.” In many cases the
this is mind control: the target’s short-term behavior will thought may be “heard” and discarded—however, it can
be predictable to the telepath as they carry out the actions also be acted on.
(i.e. “Your friends are trying to kill you—you must kill them
first” would result in the character initiating combat). The telepath not only “places the thought” but can
“verbally” encourage it. If the GM rules a short statement
On the other hand, the long-term effects can be very accompanying the thought makes it more or less attractive
unpredictable. to the target they can give a +1 or +2 (or -1 or -2) to the
Note: The ability to Fight Back is reduced by one level POWER of the attack (thus changing the roll by +1 or +2).
(Standard control is treated as Major). Influence works best for snap decisions, short courses
Attack Strength A Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
Effect Result
of action, and things that involve temptation. Characters
Fail No control established. will not do things like empty their bank accounts or go off
Adopts a behavior for up to 10 minutes, then recovers. The behavior may on long journeys because of Influence (unless they were
Standard not be highly at odds with the character’s personality (a pacifist will not about to anyway). It just gives a “push” in a given direction.
kill, etc.) Attack Strength D Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
Adopts a specific behavior for up to 10 minutes—then delusion remains for
Major Effect Result
30 minutes. (but may be unpredictable) The target will still “hear the thought” but will have absolutely no urgency
Up to 2 hours of “predictable” actions. Delusions remain for days … about it and may quickly discard it. Note: Even with a failed roll, if the
Critical Fail
possibly weeks. “suggestion” is clearly considered a “good idea” by the target they can
Catastrophic Predictable time frame is 1 day. Delusion is semi-permanent. still act on it.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity The target will make, at most, a minor lapse in judgment. If they were
Delusion Psi L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 23/20 Standard
inclined to act on the thought anyway, they will.
Delusion Non-Psi L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 15/14
N/A 5 1x

The target feels a sense of urgency or pleasure along with the thought. Attack Strength A Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
It’s subtle but can cause minor lapses in behavior. Effect Result
The target feels a strong sense of urgency with the thought. They will still Fail Trigger fails to implant. Can’t keep trying (leave it for a few days).
Critical exercise some judgment but will behave as if they are mildly drunk or Standard Trigger implants. Will work once.
otherwise suggestible. Trigger implants. Will work 3 times if desired. Target will have vague
Character will exercise outright bad judgment around the suggestion. recollection after the first time.
Critical Trigger implants. Permanent.
They will still not do anything against their character and will not typically
Catastrophic Catastrophic Trigger implants. Permanent.
jeopardize things dearly held—nor take long courses of action—but
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
they will be highly subject to temptation. Trigger Psionic 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 23/20
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Trigger Non-Psionic 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 15/14
Influence L1/ L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 77/36 Rng REA ROF
Influence Non-Psi L1/ L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 51/24 N/A 5 1x
N/A 5 1x
Puppet Master [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind
Mind Trigger [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind Unit Cost Telepathic L1: 3.8 INT per L+: 2.6 INT per
Unit Cost Tele- Attack AP AP
L1: 2.9 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP Unit Cost Stand L1: 2.5 INT per L+: 1.6 INT per
pathic Attack
Unit Cost Stand Alone AP AP
L1: 1.9 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP Description: The telepath takes control of the subject’s
body and can use it as though it were their own. The

Description: The character can set up a “trigger” in the
telepath spends REA normally but can use either their own

subject. When a certain event happens (which can be a
certain period of time passing, a catch phrase, etc.) the body or the target’s.
character will become a “sleepwalker” and carry out a If REA is spent for a body on a defense, the body gets an
given task. AGI bonus against that attack. Otherwise, whichever body
Tasks must be easily understood, must not involve too has the majority of the REA spent on it gets the AGI bonus
much decision making (give the target a 9- chance to make (if the REA is yet to be spent, the controller can decide
a correct decision any time brain power is called for). If the which body will get the AGI bonus for that Round and must
tasks involve communication, they will be carried out in a spend the majority of their REA on it).
“zombie like” fashion. Note: Any turn the target is controlled they lose their
On the other hand, any action other than self-harm, is actions for that turn, even if control is dropped or broken.
possible. Targets may carry out shootings, plant bombs,
etc. Combat rolls will be at -2. Initiative rolls at -3.
Other telepaths can detect the trigger and remove it with
Mind Manipulation.
The successful level of the implant will determine how long
it lasts and whether the subject is aware.
The target will generally not remember taking the
actions—but may have flashbacks, dreams, etc.
Note: This trance state does NOT allow for “Fighting Back.”


Attack Strength B Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)

Effect Result Proto-Telekinesis [2, 4 AP] U Mind
Fail No control established. Description: If you are playing in a game where very, very
Standard Control for 3 Turns not counting the Turn control was established. weak TK is allowed (but not full TK) or you want to simu-
Major Control for 10 minutes.
late some very weak TK abilities, this is available.
Critical Control for 2 hours.
Catastrophic Semi-permanent control. The character can generate small amounts of kinetic force
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Puppet Master Psi L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 31/21
for short periods of time. This comes in two forms: Basic
Puppet Master Non-Psi L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 20/13 and Advanced.
Rng REA ROF Basic Proto-TK [2AP]: You can push or pull small items—
N/A 5 1x usually no heavier than a key or pencil. The Basic TK-Push
moves 15 grams (about the weight of 2 quarters) about
8 inches. This requires a successful WIL roll and an 8 REA
TELEKINESIS Medium Action. With a roll made by 5+, this can cause
Telekinesis is the ability to move objects and generate more movement or even the object to leap up into a
kinetic force with your mind. This section has not only nearby hand.
Telekinesis but some related abilities. This can snuff a candle flame, create a feeling of a tap on
a shoulder, and so on. Doing it through glass can create a
psychological barrier to success and a less skilled/experi-
BASIC TELEKINESIS enced Psi must make the roll at -3 with a barrier or under
The basic TK power acts as a sort of invisible, intan- test conditions. Often, for inexperienced Psis, failure can
gible limb between you and your (single) target. increase stress which can result in more negatives.
You can use it through glass—anywhere within line of The character can soften metal in small objects, making
sight—and it allows a single object to be manipulated. it pliable and easy to bend. They can jiggle lock mecha-
The object can, however, be twisted, turned, etc., as nisms getting a RES roll to pick a basic lock (takes about
though being held by “a number of hands.” 10 minutes) without tools or +2 to Locksmith skill.

The character can lift themselves with TK but it is a

slow matter to float that way: they move at Grapple/
(BLD/5) yards per second. When doing so they have no
AGI Bonus.

Advanced Proto-TK [4AP]: At the 4 AP level, the Psi can ADVANCED TK TECHNIQUES
generate about 20 lbs of force. It takes a WIL roll at -2 These Traits provide additional techniques or capabili-
to “levitate objects” for more than a moment (roll every ties for the telekinetic. They may represent specific
Round). This requires Sprinting Endurance.
training or just a different base ability.
For an 8 REA Medium Action they can generate a “TK
Ball” between their hands which can be projected (5 REA Lockdown [8 AP] L+ Mind
Medium Action) for a strike using WIL as STR (so a 13 WIL Unit Cost L+: 1.0 GRAPPLE per AP
hits for +3 Damage). This hits at -1/5y range and can use
COR, AGI, RES, or any Combat skill. If they have a L2 Martial Description: Lockdown is an “area of effect Hold” wherein
art it gets a +1 damage bonus, +2 at L3, and +6 at L4. the Psi uses their TK to freeze an area. Each target within
the area will be subject to a Hold attack. The Psi can
They can snatch small objects from a range of WIL yards, choose to exclude friends. The Psi may add the Grapple
and do things like turn doorknobs or push lamps off tables. score from their TK. If the character has sufficient TK to
The character can bend heavier bars (a standard metal bar match it, this will double to the parentheses number.
has 30 DP, 9 Armor) given several minutes. They can open The Lockdown effect gets a +4 Large Weapon Bonus to hit
most mechanical locks and tumblers with an RES roll at +2 and has a radius of Grapple/2 yards. Using Lockdown is an
(takes an 8 REA Long Action). 8 REA Medium Action.
Trait Buy Cost DP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost REA Grapple
Basic 1 2 AP +4 Lock Down M 8 AP +8 AP 8 +8 (16)

Advanced 1 4 AP +8

TK Ballistic Shield [8 AP] L+ Mind

Telekinesis [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind
Description: TK is especially good at stopping projectiles. A
L+: 0.8 GRP TK Ballistic Shield acts as a Force Field only against physical
Unit Cost Grapple L1: 1.6 GRP per AP
per AP projectiles. It can be “retracted” to cover only the Psi or
L+: 1.0 DMG “expanded” to cover a POWER yard radius around them.
Unit Cost Damage L1: 1.5 DMG per AP
per AP
When expanded the shield works both ways taking hits
Description: You can move things with your mind! Basic
from weapons fired within it and outside of it (if they pass
telekinesis has the following capabilities:
through). Other TK’s can “feel the shield.”
1. Strike. A TK blow hits for listed IMP damage. This is
Expanding the shield is a 3 REA Short Action. Keeping it up
a 5 REA strike that hits at -1 per 5y. It can use AGI,
and expanded costs Running endurance.
COR, RES, or any combat skill.
Trait Buy Cost POWER DP
2. Lift. Each point of Dmg lifts 75lbs. TK Ballistic Shield M 8 AP 17 +8
3. Block. A TK block is based on COR, RES, or AGI, or TK Ballistic Shield ½ M 4 AP 9 +4
any combat skill and works at no negative modifier
against Ranged attacks (nor HTH attacks).
TK Slam [8 AP] L+ Mind
4. Grab/Grapple. It uses the listed Grapple Score. It
can perform a Hold immediately (it does not need Unit Cost L+: 0.5 DMG and 2.0 GRP per AP
to Grapple first). Description: A TK Slam is a specific kind of attack. When
5. Break Grab/Grapple (using the Grapple score plus a target of a TK attack is hit by a TK attack, and the attack
the character’s Grapple score). wins a grapple roll, they will be knocked backwards and
6. With experience the character can add their Dmg held against the wall or floor.
to any HTH strike giving the A-Cost a ‘+’.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Dmg Grapple This does not count for the Psi’s manipulation—it is
Telekinesis L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 12 IMP 21 automatic (i.e. the Psi is not consciously holding on to the
Telekinesis ½ L1 1 4 AP +4 AP 6 IMP 16 target).
Telekinesis L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 8 +6
Telekinesis ½ L+ M 4 AP +4 AP 4 +3 The TK Slam adds to the damage from regular TK and
the grapple roll. To see if the target is slammed use both
regular TK and the TK Slam; but once the target is down,
the hold is only the TK Slam’s Grapple. Keeping the Target
in the Hold is a Running Action.
Other parties can use their grapple scores to break the
grapple (working against the TK Slam’s grapple) in the form
of “ripping the target out of the energy field holding them.”
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost IMP Grapple
TK Slam M 8 AP +8 AP +4 IMP 16


Tractor Beam [8 AP] L+ Mind Telekinetic Bomb [4 CP] TK

Unit Cost L+: 3.0 GRAPPLE per AP Description: You can “detonate” a Telekinetic “bomb”
which hits an area but distinguishes friend from foe.
Description: Telekinesis can, among other things, pull
The blast works like an explosion with a +4 to-hit and a
items in or push them away—but a tractor beam does only
minimum Damage Modifier of +4. It has a Range of -1/10y
that, and does it better.
and a radius of Damage/2 yards.
Targets hit with a Tractor Beam are pulled forward or
It costs 5 REA to “charge” and 5 REA to throw (both
pushed back at Grapple/(BLD/5) yards per second. The
Medium Actions). The damage is determined by using the
Tractor Beam’s power adds to the TK Grapple (if any).
A-Cost of the user’s TK.
Targets caught in a Tractor Beam are not held: they can Cost REA L1 L+ Notes
generally move about freely (if the Psi has Telekinesis they TK Bomb 5 10 per 8 A-Cost 8 per 8 A-Cost Explosive, IMP
can use that Grapple to apply a Hold). Targets do lose their
AGI Bonus and mobility however, and dodge at -4. Telekinetic Talent [2 AP] L+ Mind
If a target does not resist, all that is necessary is to hit. If Description: The Psi has “natural talent” or training in
they do resist they must win a Break Grapple. The beam the use of Telekinesis. This gives 8 CP for the purposes of
must win a Grapple attack when it hits to “lock on.” buying TK abilities.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Rng ROF REA Grapple Trait Buy Cost CP DP
Tractor Beam M 8 AP +8 AP -1/10y S 5 24 TK Talent L1 1 2 AP +8 +4
TK Talent L+ M 1 AP +4 +0

TK TECHNIQUES TK Blade/Razor Ball [4 CP] TK

These techniques are paid for using Character Points Description: You have honed your TK strength to a “blade.”
as they usually represent some form of training. They This allows you to convert your Strike damage to PEN
can, however, just be innate abilities. damage. Use the A-Cost for TK to determine the damage.
A “spinning blade” of TK force is called The Razor Ball. It
Multiple TK “Arms” [1 CP] TK takes a 5 REA Medium Action to create and can then be
Description: You can divide your TK into several different thrown for 5 REA (Med). It hits at -1 for 10y.
“limbs” allowing multiple objects to be held/lifted. Each Note: A Razor Ball can be blocked and redirected by
point of Damage lifts 75 Lbs. The character’s Grapple-10 someone who can block ranged attacks (or by an ordinary
can be divided as well for purposes of holding multiple block by a character with a Force Field or Power Field). The
opponents. character must successfully block and then pay +2 REA.
Each division of Grapple gets +10 added to it. So if a They may make a to-hit roll with whatever skill they used
character has 21 TK Grapple, they can divide up 11 (21-10) to Block to redirect the attack.
points of that—say into a 5 and 6 grapple “arm.” This Cost REA L1 L+ Notes
TK Blade 5 12 per 8 A-Cost 9 per 8 A-Cost PEN
becomes a 15 and 16 Grapple attack respectively.
Ghost Blade 6 8 per 8 A-Cost 6 per 8 A-Cost Ignores Armor
There is no REA cost for assigning TK Strength or Grapple Razor Ball 5/5 13 per 8 A-Cost 8 per 8 A-Cost Ignores Armor
Cost REA TK Healing [Varies] TK
1 CP 0
Description: You are adept at providing first aid and even
more advanced healing with Telekinesis. This allows the
Ranged Melee [2 CP] TK doctor to do things like “reach inside” if only for a few
Description: You can fight at range with a melee weapon. inches) to stop bleeding and so on.
Without this, strikes with a melee weapon are at +2 to TK First Aid [2CP]: The character gets +2 to First Aid rolls
be blocked and are slightly clumsy. (Note: The melee but can automatically stop bleeding, including internal
weapon can be hurled for normal damage at no modifier.) bleeding by using their TK “internally.” They must usually
With Ranged Melee, however, you can use the weapon as touch the target and concentrate (8 REA Medium Action).
though it were being held. This will stabilize Dying targets and provide a +4 to Doctor
L1 rolls.
It strikes using Melee weapon skill and adds the charac-
ter’s IMP damage to the weapon damage. TK Internal Medicine [4CP]: The Psi can use TK to “probe”
the patient. This gives +2 to Doctor rolls where applicable.
Note: When facing a TK-manipulated weapon, attempts to It can be used once per wound to heal 2 DP.
hit the weapon are at -2; it can block attempts to grab it; Trait Cost
and if hit most melee weapons have 6 armor and 20 ADP. TK Healing L1 2 CP
Trait Cost Internal 4 CP
Ranged Melee 2 CP

TK Kill [8 CP] L+ Mind Unlock [4 CP] U Mind
Description: The Telepath uses their ability to stop the Description: You can use your TK to automatically open
target’s heart, crush their windpipe, etc. TK Kill requires a mechanical locks. This involves using TK to sort of “reach
5 REA Medium to-hit action to “lock on” and then it can inside” going vaguely where you can’t see (TK is usually
start doing damage with additional 5 REA actions. This limited to line of sight). This automatically opens any door
damage ignores armor and is not modified by Damage which could be manually unlocked from the other side.
Modification Rolls. It just does the listed damage each It can remove chains and bars. Using Unlock is an 8 REA
action and may force Wound Effect Rolls. Medium Action.
The “grip” can be broken by a Break Grapple Roll against Against tumbler mechanisms and dual-side key locks and
the TK Grapple (the subject can feel the energy field infil- the like it acts as 14- L3 Locksmith that can be done at
trate their body). range (line of sight) or adds +4 to the user’s roll if they
Attack Strength C Delivery Type 4 Beam have the skill.
Effect Result Trait Buy Cost
Fail No effect. Unlock 1 4 CP
Standard Intensity/2 Damage.
Major Intensity/3 Damage.
Critical Intensity/5 Damage.
Catastrophic Intensity Damage FORCE FIELD MANIPULATION
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity A sub-discipline of Telekinesis is the ability to manipu-

TK Kill 1 8 AP 8 AP TK Grapple
late and create Force Fields. Characters who want this

Rng REA ROF Squeeze
-1/10y 5 1x to lock 5 REA per squeeze are encouraged to buy Force Field from the Innate
Powers section. If they have both Force Field and TK
TK Sense [8 CP] U Mind they can use some of the tricks below.
Description: Telekinesis usually provides only minimal
“tactile” feedback to the user—being mostly visual in work TK Armor [8 CP] TK
(it can work behind the user but is usually fairly restricted Description: You can coat yourself—or another—with
to targeting within “line of sight.” glowing “force field” armor. This involves using not only
the Force Field but the TK as well. The TK adds 1 point to
With this ability the character can emit a sort of “blanket
POWER of the Force Field per AP (so a 16 AP TK Power
of TK” that will flow around objects, through doors, etc.
would add +16 Power to the Force Field). (If someone else
It provides a sense of the terrain and people in it within
is using the armor, the character cannot defend them-
30 yards of the character.
selves with it.)
Activating TK Sense is a 8 REA Medium Action—the Psi
Moving points of Telekinesis into the Armor or out of it is a
must remain still for a moment, sensing. It will tell things
5 REA Medium Action. The Armor (really a Force Field) can
such as:
be activated on another character as a 5 REA Short Action.
1. Where people are—but generally not who they Trait Cost
are within that range. If they are physically very TK Armor 8 CP
distinctive it may provide that data (or if very well
known to the Psi). TK Object [2 CP] TK
2. It can identify specific key objects if they are in Description: You can create basic objects using TK. These
key places: weapons in hand, a specific object usually glow or sparkle like a Force Field but are real,
being sought (find my cell phone, find the remote cast shadows, etc. Usually the character cannot create
control), weapons in holsters. machines or electronics—but can create fairly ornate
3. It will find hidden people and can distinguish well “solid objects.” Keeping an object created is a Running
between foliage and people. Action for Endurance purposes. Objects are almost weight-
It can be used more specifically to “touch a single less but may be moved with the character’s TK force (or
person.” In this mode it performs a “touch-less pat held down with it, simulating gravity).
down,” can “go through the target’s pockets,” and can, to Usually a character can create only one object per “TK Arm.”
an extent, “read faces.” Trait Cost
Trait Buy Cost TK Object 2 CP
TK Sense 1 8 CP

Astral Projection



TK Wall [2 CP] TK
Description: You can use your TK to throw up a “Force
Wall.” This is a Force Wall that can fill a doorway or arch, Astral travel occupies an interesting place in Psionic
making it impassible without breaking it. Keeping a TK Wall games: Astral projectors make decent (although not
up costs Running Endurance. perfect) espionage agents. They can gather informa-
Trait Cost tion quickly and safely.
TK Wall 2 CP
There is, however, potential for a different kind of
game where all the characters are astral travelers (or
ASTRAL PROJECTION at least one is a guide and the others are “dreamers”).
Astral Projection is the psionic discipline of sending In this game the characters spend a lot of time adven-
the “spirit” from one’s body to either traverse the turing in the astral world.
world or travel “deeper” into the afterlife (whether
this is literally what is happening or even possible is up For these games the rules for traveling in “The Deeps”
to the nature of the game world). will be expanded to allow for safe transit so long as
the characters do not use their teleportation-style
Astral Projectionists can, as their primary ability, travel abilities to walk/fly everywhere they need to go. The
astrally (as a disembodied spirit). While projecting, deeper realms will also have more attention paid to
they either appear as themselves or in another form— them.
an “Avatar.” At the higher levels they can manifest this
form around themselves in the “real world.” In a normal game where Astral Projection is of limited
importance, the Deeps can be left as dangerous (due
to danger of getting lost) and mysterious as desired,
since, for the most part, characters will not be there.

THE ASTRAL WORLD and the traveler will be lost—sinking out of the astral
The astral world starts out looking much like ours—but realm to the lower ones.
can become different very quickly. At its most basic Astral bodies, by default, have the same clothing and
(or “shallow”) reality seems insubstantial. A traveler gear their owners do when they transform to their
who tries to pick up a coffee cup will simply pass their astral state. In some cases the astral form is significantly
hand through it. They may interact with other spirits or different. It may have specific clothing or a specific
stranger things (which are usually invisible to the real “look” to it. It may, in some cases, be wildly inhuman.
world) but it’s the real-world itself that seems to be the
ghost. That said, the floor will still hold and travel in
vehicles is still possible—but the artifacts will be intan- SENSORY DRIFT
gible and subject to all but the lightest of touches. When in “shallow” astral space the character will
experience “reality” but things are not always exactly
As things get “deeper” that will change. In some as they seem. What appears to be a clear picture can
places there may be extra things that those in the real often be misleading or wrong. Fine details will be

Astral Projection
world can’t see or interact with—additional rooms, scrambled or illegible or just different. As such:
shops, or even buildings. These may be inhabited by
the dead (or maybe things that have never lived at ™™ Looking over someone’s shoulder as they enter
all). These can be dreams, hopes made incarnate, a password or PIN may only get some of it

places from the past…maybe even the future. In these right.
places things are usually physical, interactive, and ™™ Reading documents from astral space will
seem more “real.” convey a good sense of the document (even if
some of the writing is nonsense) but does not
Deeper still and you are in the dream lands between give all the fine points.
our world and the afterlife. Here, reality breaks down ™™ Clocks, dates on newspapers, and instrumenta-
altogether. Things may be fanciful, dark, dangerous, tion are often “scrambled.”
and bizarre. There are some permanent structures ™™ While building floor-plans are usually identical,
(travelers speak of Xanadu, Shangri La, and Kadath) or the lengths of halls, sizes of rooms, and so on,
just shifting dreams. may be experienced differently on the astral
Beyond the dream lands—some say—is the afterlife. plane than they are in the real world.
Few can reach these depths and return; therefore,
those who claim they have been there and returned ASTRAL COMBAT WITH REAL THINGS
are viewed with suspicion. While it’s the ultimate advantage to be able to lash
out at targets that are not able to hit back, astral
THE ASTRAL BODY forms usually can’t do that. Here are some notes:
The astral body is an incorporeal energy mass that is 1. The combat form of Push (the ability to strike
usually invisible to the untrained eye and most sensors. real-world things from an astral place) should
However, with the right equipment (or training in be monitored. It may well not be available for
viewing auras) you can see it. It shows up on telepathic many games.
scans, is viewable by Sensitives, and so on. 2. Telepathic combat usually goes both ways.
If the game contains a lot of psychics—and
Astral bodies can interact normally with astral things: the serious contenders are expected to have
two astral travelers can get into a fist-fight with each Telepathy—then it can be okay for that game
other! Astral forms can move through walls but this to allow astral bodies to telepathically assault
takes time and is very hard to do through floors and non-astral people. In a more diversified game,
other thick, solid objects. It is easier to go through though, it would not be.
doors, even if the body can’t actually open them. 3. Some attacks—strange ones and magical
Although the astral form usually can’t interact with ones—can hit astral bodies “natively.”
things in the real world, sometimes, under some 4. There may be wards and charms that ordinary
circumstances (or with the right training) you can push people with Occult skill can put up to keep
things or generate breezes, etc. astral travelers out (maybe they get stuck in
The astral body is almost always tethered to the body the dream-catcher?)
by means of a “silver thread” visible to other travelers.
If the thread is severed, it is said the body will die

Astral Projection



Safe Paths
Moving in the astral plane is done one of two ways: There are safe paths that appear as roads or high-
1. In the basic form of Astral Travel you tend ways or footpaths which can lead travelers back to
to move by intent, sort of floating and safety. If a character sticks to these, they will always
then teleporting around—and even then be safe, regardless of depth of time spent traveling.
somewhat randomly. This is very dream-like—
but fairly safe. This is the “realistic” version of
2. The Master Level allows the character to either It is rare to die in the astral space. Usually taking
walk/float around as an invisible, intangible damage “wakes you up.” Any character suffering
astral spirit or to “teleport” across vast an Unconscious or worse result will awaken if they
distances or to deeper realms. are not Lost. Any character who is not Lost can take
an 8 REA Long Action to wake up.
Astral Navigation requires a Three Roll Drama. This is
made against WIL, RES, or a normal WIL-based skill. Damage will translate to actual DP points Lost but
wounds usually do not. If a character’s body dies while
Rolls must be made when:
they are absent it, they become Lost. They can be
1. The character exceeds their safe time or recovered by another Astral Navigator and may spend
distance from their body (see Astral Travel). some time as a “ghost body.” (There may be other
2. The character exceeds their safe “depth.” (See means to inhabit bodies if such a thing is in scope for
Astral Travel.) the game.)
The character must make a roll each “Distance Unit”
(see Astral Travel) or each “Scene” they spend in astral ASTRAL PROJECTION TRAITS
form after their safe time. Going “Deep” counts as Astral Projection is the basic ability to separate one’s
three distance units immediately if the character’s spirit from one’s body and move about on the adja-
safe-depth is not “Deep.” cent-to-reality astral plane.
Drama Type: Three Roll Drama Without Astral Navigation (“advanced”) the character
Target Number: Based on time, distance, and depth is limited to a certain dream-like mobility (flying high
Roll: WIL, RES, or a Psi Skill over a city—or popping into the room where a loved
Time Between Rolls: Usually several minutes one is—while having a hard time controlling where
one goes). With advanced Astral Navigation, the char-
Units of Distance From Safe Target Number acter becomes a fairly accomplished spy since they
1 4 can astrally eavesdrop and can see things happening
2 6 at a great distance.
3 8
Astral Avatar [Varies] L1/L+ Mind
4 10
Description: You have a different form in Astral Space.
5 12 Buying any abilities (most commonly Innate Powers) that
+1 +2 change your form (such as being in the form of your “spirit
animal”) gets a 3/4ths cost reduction assuming that Astral
If failed, the character is lost. They cannot find their Travel is only a moderate part of the game. If the GM/
way home. They will spend hours wandering disjoint- Participants rule that “most of the game” or a “big part of
edly in the astral world and may try again 8 hours later it” takes place in astral space the cost reduction may only
with the Distance increased by +1. be 1/4th or 1/2 cost.
Trait Buy Cost
Avatar M Varies
Another character can go into astral space, find
them, and bring them back. They can be found by
“following the silver cord” that extends from the
body to the traveler (to the lost traveler, unless the
cord appears tangled and does not lead “home”).

Astral Crypt [2 AP] U Mind Astral Navigator [2 AP] U Mind
Description: The character has set up a special “sleep Requires: Astral Projection
crypt” which has them surrounded with money, gear,
Description: Astral Navigation is what allows the traveler
weapons, and so on. To set one up is complicated and
to move with ease through the astral plane. Each level
requires Occult L3 and some pretty good rolls, time, and
allows a better depth and distance.
money, such as the AP cost (unless it is used in a game
Trait Buy Cost DP Safe Range Depth
where APs are not paid for gear). Astral Navigator L1 1 2 AP +2 WIL x 10 yards Reality
Astral Navigator L2 1 2 AP +4 WIL x 100 yards Reality
The crypt has up to $20,000.00 or more worth of gear Astral Navigator L3 1 2 AP +4 WIL miles Dream
that the user “takes with them” into astral space. This can Astral Navigator L4 1 2 AP +4 Indefinite Afterlife
include weapons, armor, vehicles, radios, and so on.
For Crypts to continue working they must be relatively Astral Projection [4 AP] U Mind
inviolate. The owner will want to keep interlopers out so Description: Astral Projection at the basic level allows for
they will not disturb things which must then be “cleansed” a difficult-to-control astral projection. The character can

Astral Projection
and put back, just so. There is usually one “sarcophagus go into a relaxed trance-state and then release their astral
sleeping area” but it may have a few more for fellow trav- form from their physical body.
elers. Often these crypts are pyramid shaped inside.
Trait Buy Cost DP Safe Range: The character moves in a dream-like state,
Astral Crypt 1 2 AP +4 usually flying or teleporting. Within the same room they

can float about normally but outside of that things are
Astral Domain [2 AP] U Mind fairly random. The character usually cannot become lost
but may be very disorientated (usually resolved by “waking
Description: The character has a “bubble reality” that
exists in astral space. The character can enter it at anytime
from anywhere in astral space provided they are not lost. Safe Depth: The character can choose to “go deeper” but
They will return to wherever they entered from or can their exploration of the dream-lands or (rarely) the afterlife
re-enter their body. is very limited. They are prone to “wake up” quickly and
often cannot get reliable information.
It is furnished as desired and can have fantastical
elements. It has food and water and can actually sustain The utility of Astral Projection without Astral Navigation is
the living body indefinitely. It is sealed; usually only those to a large extent based on what the GM will allow. Some
who the owner wishes can enter. uses are:
(There may be some ways to break into an Astral Domain 1. Eavesdropping nearby (one room away). An astral
but it is complex.) form can often leave the immediate area without
losing control and drifting around.
Within an owner’s Astral Domain they take a -8 Damage
2. Visiting loved ones. The astral body can “teleport”
Modifier from all attacks.
to the vicinity of those they share a bond with or
There are rumors that the domain persists after death and know very well. This can also apply to places of
some “ghosts” reside in them permanently. significance (places of work, childhood homes, etc.)
Trait Buy Cost DP 3. Visiting entities that will receive you. If you,
Astral Domain 1 2 AP +4 through occult methods or otherwise, happen to
know an Arch Duke in Kaddath or some demon
Astral Guide [2 AP] U Mind prince you may be able to visit them astrally. This
does not guarantee safety.
Description: The character can take others with him.
Trait Buy Cost DP Safe Range Depth
Everyone has to be asleep or very relaxed and in close prox- Astral Projection 1 4 AP +8 Special Special
imity. Then the Astral Traveler can take the group with them.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Astral Guide 1 2 AP +7

Astral Projection

It is possible for the traveler to alter their appearance in the dream and
Broadcast Empathy [8 AP] L+ Mind ask questions; but, because of the nature of dream manipulation, this is
Unit Cost L+: 2.8 INTENSITY per AP Standard hard to achieve unless they get very lucky. The traveler can often calm
down nightmares or otherwise aid a troubled dreamer which can help in
Description: The character can project emotion into the real life.
target. This is not mind control. For the most part the The traveler can introduce (a) characters into the dream and (b) some
empath will need to be subtle and a little clever about modification of situation. This modification must usually still fit with the
how this is used. The target will roleplay the emotion. For Major general nature of the dream. This can make interrogation easier, for
PCs and Named NPCs only Critical or Catastrophic effects example. Note: Introduced characters are run by the dreamer, not by the
should be used to enforce some kind of action. Usually traveler, and may behave unpredictably.
without a Catastrophic effect the target will not do things Control: The traveler can control the dream’s situation in most respects.
This can allow for some manipulation if done carefully and subtly. It can
that are self-destructive in any event unless otherwise Critical
produce a severe nightmare but not a heart-stopping one. It can also be
inclined to. used for various kinds of therapy.
The effects usually last several seconds up to several Inception: The traveler can implant ideas that take hold in the waking
world, can induce terrifying dreams that can be impactful upon waking,
minutes and gradually diminish over a few hours.
and so on. This is not so much “mind control” as it gives a strong push in
We cover several different emotions as different types some direction and the GM determines how this happens. It can also be
of RA’s. Usually a Broadcast Empath can use any of these used to manipulate the dream-space dramatically in a variety of ways
(hold interviews in dreams, etc.).
emotions; double the effective Intensity if the character
can only use one.
Push [4 AP] L1/L+ Mind
Note: If a target is suffering a conflicting emotion the GM
Description: You can reach out from the astral plane to
should treat a result as a push along the scale rather than
strike targets in the real world! A Push attack allows the
an absolute result. For example, if a target just had their
character to use their WIL as STR to strike targets. Usually
family die and are in extreme grief, a Standard result of
this takes two 5 REA Medium Actions: one to concentrate
Joy (feeling content) will not override that but may simply
and one to strike. In this case, the character makes a WIL
mitigate it somewhat.
Attack Strength C Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
roll each time for the first action. If made by 5+ they can
Effect Result then strike, push, hold things, etc. for the remainder of the
Fail Depends on the emotion in question. combat (or 60 seconds if out of combat).
Standard Depends on the emotion in question.
Major Depends on the emotion in question. Note: This is not reduced by A-Cost rules.
Critical Depends on the emotion in question. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rch REA DMG
Catastrophic Depends on the emotion in question. Push 1 4 AP +0AP * Short * WIL-10
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Touch M 8 AP 8 AP 40
Beam M 8 AP 8 AP 37
Aura M 8 AP 8 AP 30
-1/5y 5 1x

Dream Walker [2 AP] L+ Mind

Description: You can enter another’s dream. If you do not
have Astral Travel you must generally be sleeping in the
same room (or very close) or have some item particularly
prized by them (that is “resonant with their energy”).
If you can Astral Travel to them, you can enter their
In dreams you can communicate, interrogate, and other-
wise interact. Usually a dreamer’s guard is down and the
experienced Astral Traveler may be able to exercise some
control over their target’s dream-environment. Usually this
is handled as a Resisted Attack where the Dreamer’s DP +
4x level of Astral Navigator is used.
If you die in a dream you wake up.
Attack Strength * Delivery Type *
Effect Result
Dreamer is in the target’s dream and things are fairly disjointed. The
traveler can usually inspire lucidity which will make the target aware of
Fail them—but also put them on their guard. In many cases, once the dream
becomes lucid, if the dreamer is inexperienced, they will wake up quickly.
Often, however, there is enough time to, for example, deliver a message.

EMPATHY Empathy [2, 4 AP] U Mind
Empathy is the psychic manipulation of emotions as Description: Empathy is the basic ability to read an
well as the detection of them. emotional state at a range through mental detection. The
basic ability gives the character a WIL+2, RES+2, or 13- roll
Emotional Vampire [8 AP] L1/ L+ Mind to determine the basic emotional state of a target. This
Unit Cost L1: 6.4 INT per AP L+: 3.0 INT per AP does not read thoughts but it will:
Description: You “feed” off of the negative emotions in ™™ Allow the roll to detect lies (it can be made against
others: when those ‘close to you’ suffer you gain Success WIL, Con Artist or other skill rolls meant to disguise
Points (and possibly nourishment as an “emotovore!”). the emotion).
™™ It will give an automatic detection of a target’s state
™™ When someone near you has a bad day and you get
which can be visibly and clearly seen (someone
to “bask in their misery” (by having conversations or
sobbing, for example). It will also provide some
“comforting them” when you actually do nothing of
basic clues as to how to approach them including,
the sort) you gain 1 SP. You can only gain, at most,
possibly, the general topic they might be emotional
1 SP per person per day this way. Note: You need to
make things worse if only mildly (by making subtle
™™ An empath can tell if a person is “generally angry,”
cutting remarks?).
has “self-control issues,” and can detect the
™™ When you “attack” someone the general form
existence of trauma and other major emotional
is by you “dumping your problems on them” or

influences even if they are not fully present. This
“emotionally abusing them” in some way. In order
gives +2 to Psychology rolls.
to get a RA attack against the target you must take

time and be subtle or else they will simply leave. Advanced Empathy [4AP]: The character can detect
™™ Simply being near people and using your negative emotions as though with a “radar” sense. This gives a
aura can work, even in a completely friendly and WIL+2 or RES+2 (or 13-) roll to detect ambushes or other-
actually helpful interaction. The roll is at -2 to your wise the presence of “high emotions” within a 100 yard
WIL but it need not involve much/any interaction. radius. It can determine targets of emotions or the reasons
™™ If allowed to be an “emotovore” (GM decision) behind them (through pictures and symbols—not words or
you gain nourishment from other’s emotional concrete thoughts). It can read stress levels and determine
misery. Gaining 1 SP removes the need for you to physical health to a degree. The character gets a RES+4 or
eat that day! WIL+4 or 15- roll to detect lies (this may be made against
™™ Telepaths and other characters with psionic senses Con Artist or WIL).
Trait Buy Cost DP
will “see the attack.” Others may come to intuit Empathy (Basic) 1 2 AP +2
it. Most people will, eventually, notice a trend of Empathy (Advanced) 1 4 AP +4
feeling worse when being the target of an emotional
Harmony [8 AP] L+ Mind
™™ If the vampire is feeding on multiple people they
only gain SPs for the highest roll for the day. Unit Cost (beam) L+: 4.3 INTENSITY per AP
Usually feeding on one person takes 2-4 hours of Description: Harmony creates a sense of calm and commu-
interaction/being nearby. nity in the targets. It works either on one person or as an
Attack Strength D Delivery Type Mind Attack (Radius) area of effect. It is a 5 REA action to activate and is subtle:
Effect Result
Fail No effect. it will calm down targets and may make them passive.
Feel Bad. Target feels depressed. Take -1 to all skill rolls requiring ™™ The empath can exempt individual targets—
Standard concentration for that day. May also suffer -1 to CON checks for health however, if any person launches an attack against
over the long haul. Vampire gains +1 SP.
someone effected by Harmony that has any result
Feel Worse: Target feels very depressed. Take a -2 to most concentra- (i.e. is not restrained or blocked) the effect is
tion rolls and the target may need to make several rolls when one
Major negated for the target of the attack and their allies.
might not be called for normally (getting out of bed?). Vampire gains
+2 SP. ™™ Grappling attacks done with the intent to peacefully
restrain a person do not count (so long as the
Feel Terrible. Rolls are called for to do all kinds of things and all the
rolls are at -2. Rolls for concentration are at -4. Target may need to end result of the grapple is not clearly a big deal).
Critical Grappling someone to “take them to jail” is
make WIL-2 rolls to do necessary things for the day (Note: Combat
rolls are at -1 due to adrenaline). Vampire gains +3 SP. restricted.
Feels Awful. Target feels absolutely horrible. WIL rolls at -4 to do ™™ Harmony can be used to let someone escape—but
Catastrophic anything but stay in bed. Combat rolls at -2 if attacked. Target could be it cannot be used to “get someone killed.” If inaction
self-destructive if inclined to that. Vampire gains +4 SP. due to pacifism will clearly result in the death of
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity allies, loved ones, or otherwise people the targets
E-Vamp L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 51/24 care about, the Harmony effect is irrelevant.
Rng REA ROF Radius ™™ The creator can lift the Harmony effect as a 0 REA
10y 5 1x
Medium action. This lifts it for everyone.


Attack Strength D+ Delivery Type Mind Attack (Radius)

Effect Result Fear [8 AP] L+ Mind
Fail No effect. Unit Cost L+: 4.6 INTENSITY per AP
Targets feel a sense of calm and community. In order to attack/take offen-
sive action, a character must gain 5+ SPs on a series of WIL rolls (failed Description: The target feels sudden fear of the subject.
Standard rolls gain 0). If the character makes more than 5 rolls they are stuck for Fear usually provokes a “protective” reaction—either
the duration of the effect. Note: Once an attack is launched the target and moving away from a subject, not taking risks (refusing to
their allies are freed from the results. One roll is allowed per Round. speak in public), or suffering worse performance when
Major As above, but the target number is 8. afraid.
Critical As above, but the target number is 12.
Attack Strength B+ Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
Catastrophic As above, but the target number is 18.
Effect Result
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity
Fail No effect.
Harmony M 8 AP 8 AP 34
Target feels worry, stress, a sense of danger from the subject. They
Rng REA ROF Radius
N/A 5 1x Intensity/2 Yards Standard may perform at -2 to rolls (not to combat skills, but other skills), or may
choose avoidance altogether.
Target feels fear. They will generally avoid the subject. They may shake,
Positive Energy [4 AP] U Mind startle, or gasp. If required to interact with the subject of fear they will
Description: You generate good feeling and emotional Major suffer -2 to all skill rolls, to-hit rolls, and initiative rolls dealing with the
subject until the third Round of combat (i.e.,only in the first and second
energy! You and your entire group get to share a 4 SP pool
that regenerates each play session (or during a play session Terror. The target will flee the subject. They may possibly faint (if
if a few days pass). When you are in a good mood you inclined to). If the subject cannot flee or otherwise totally avoid the
exude even more positive energy for the group. This gives Critical
subject of the terror they will operate at -4 to all skill rolls, to-hit rolls,
+1 to rolls that require extensive concentration (research, and initiative rolls dealing with the subject.
programming, etc.). Catastrophic
Absolute terror. The subject may collapse or flee—but the most
common result is “catatonic terror” (curled into a ball, screaming).
You are immune to negative-energy attacks and you will
have a boomerang effect on Emotional Vampires (they
Joy [8 AP] L+ Mind
suffer the negatives you get the SPs).
Trait Buy Cost DP Unit Cost L+: 4.6 INTENSITY per AP
Positive Energy 1 4 AP +4
Description: The target feels happy!
Attack Strength B+ Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
Effect Result
EMOTIONS Fail No effect.
These are some of the emotions that can be created Content, pleased. The target feels at ease and satisfied. This may give
by Broadcast Empathy. Others are possible and should Standard +1 or +2 to various psychology rolls, calm bad situations or help to
be modeled after these. mitigate grief.
Happy! The character feels buoyant, optimistic, and joyous. This can be
Major worth a +1 or +2 towards an NPC being influenced (they’re in a good
Anger [8 AP] L1/L+ Mind mood!). It may lead to greater risk taking.
Unit Cost L+: 4.6 INTENSITY per AP Euphoric. The character is serenely happy and utterly un-bothered. They
Critical may have a hard time being coaxed to take action. Other motivations
Description: The character can influence the feelings may not seem as important. This can be addictive.
of anger in the target. Usually anger appears when the Catastrophic Blissed Out: the character is so happy almost nothing else matters.
target feels they are not getting what they deserve to get
(whether it be respect, anger at being cheated, etc.). It can
also be a response to a threat. The empath can specify a
subject of the anger as well.
Attack Strength B+ Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
Effect Result
Fail No effect.
Frustration. The effect is to add “frustration” or indignation on top of
whatever is going on with the target. They may well vent or get exas-
perated with the subject—but unless prone to violence or the situation
is already very physically tense they will not usually attack.
Anger. The target feels outright anger towards the subject. This can
manifest as a raised voice, getting red in the face, clenched fists, etc.
Rage: At this point the target feels “out of control anger” at the subject.
If they are physically inclined to fight, they probably will.
Blind Rage. The target attacks the subject: usually physically but could
be verbally.

Sadness [8 AP] L+ Mind CONCLUSION
Unit Cost L+: 4.6 INTENSITY per AP This concludes the JAGS Psionic abilities list. We have
tried to include a variety of “real-world” levels of the
Description: The target feels sorrow. Usually this is a debili-
ability as well as the more fantastical ones. Keep this
tating emotion.
Attack Strength B+ Delivery Type Mind Attack (Beam)
in mind when determining where to focus games. We
Effect Result think that the basic levels of many of these abilities
Fail No effect. could be allowed in many “realistic” games if the
Depression. The target feels “down” or generally somber. This will tend to
suppress positive action and may lead to delays in getting things done.
group is agreeable.
Sadness. The target is prone to become “very sad.” This may lead to
tears. It will not cause incapacitation during combat or high-stakes
activity however it can lead to a -4 to many rolls for skill checks around
Debilitating Sadness: the target feels a powerful, painful sadness. This
can be treated as incapacitation. It lasts for 2 Rounds in combat situations
(being hit will “break the spell” even though the target still feels sad). The
pain and trauma can last for days.
Crippling sadness: the target is essentially “unconscious,” (in the throes
Catastrophic of terrible sorrow). This lasts for several minutes or hours. The trauma
may be much longer lasting.


Domain Control

Domain Control

This section covers “control powers”—the ability to manipulate elements (fire, water, etc.), energies
and forces (light, electricity, magnetism) and even more abstract concepts such as love and hate.
Each category of powers is called a “domain.”
While Domain Control powers are broken up into many different domains it should be noted that any
character can have some, all, or none of these abilities. They can be mixed and matched as needed
(also with Generic Archetype Traits, Innate Abilities, or anything else). They should be considered
“stand alone” with regards to making characters.

Domain Control


Domain Control

In this chapter we’ll cover:

™™ Fire Control ™™ Body/Chi Control
™™ Air/Wind Control ™™ Technology Control
™™ Metal/Magnetic Control ™™ Animal Control
™™ Water Control ™™ Life Control
™™ Earth Control ™™ Love/Hate Control
™™ Gravity Control ™™ Probability Control
™™ Light/Darkness Control ™™ Void Control
™™ Ice Control ™™ Summoning
™™ Time Control ™™ Illusions
™™ Sound Control ™™ Plant Control
™™ Lightning Control ™™ Abstract Domains
™™ Death Control (Hearts, Clubs, Spades, Diamonds)
™™ Weather Control


First and foremost, Domain Control groups are just that: groups of abilities that we think logically go together. In
places where an ability could go more than one place we’ve simply made a choice and put that ability there (which
means, for example, if you are looking for Death Touch it’s under Death Control and not Chi/Body Control powers
even though it could logically go either place).
Like Innate Powers there are conceptual ratings for these along the lines of Natural, Extreme, and Super/Mystic.
While we have decided to list all of these as DOMAIN for the rating, they should be considered either Super or
Mystic depending on the nature of the character using them (so if you are building a character in a game where
only Natural or Extreme abilities are allowed almost all of these would not be available).
Secondly, many of the Domains have a “rating.” A Rating is a numerical score which lists the “power” of some
“element” in the environment. Take Sound Control: the Rating, called SOUND (Ratings are in ALL CAPS) is a
measure of how loud (or quiet) the natural environment is. This tells us how a character with Sound Control can,
for example, quiet down an airport if they choose to, and so on.
Not every Domain Control listing has a Rating Scale—only where we thought one was useful. The Rating Scales are
also done as a sort of “general measure.” They are not intended to be specifically scientific or all-encompassing
(the Electrical Power scale, for example, doesn’t measure Watts or Amps or Volts—but a sort of combination of all
of those).


Some Rating scores (and Control Traits that give Rating values) add to attack damage or Resisted Attack Intensity
but do not increase A-Cost (nor are they reduced by A-Cost). This is intentional. The amount they add per AP is
quite low and the decision has been made to allow them to increase damage or intensity while not being cost-
reduced by A-Cost rules.

Example characters with these abilities would be:
™™ Super Heroes: often super heroes will be able to control domains of energy and have a suite of related powers.
™™ Wizards: Some of the domains (Fire, Air, Earth, and Water) are alchemical in nature. The origin of these abilities
does not have to be mystical in nature but it can be. This can be used to create “fire mages” or the like.
™™ Psychics: We have named the abilities ‘Domain Control’ as it seems to fit with certain kinds of specific
capabilities related to telekinetic or mental control. Some of the domains (Technology) are fairly specific and
would seem to be related to a specifically human-understanding of the area being manipulated.


Before we get to the specific powers, here are some rules that apply to many of the domains powers.

Domain Control
Domain Control

Domain Control
Domain Control

Trait Type Applying The Trait

Several domains have powers that allow a character to telekinetically (or otherwise) reinforce
and animate material. These rules describe the common “basics” of animating objects. Domain-
specific rules (e.g. animated fire can burn you, animated water can drown you) are given in the
individual domain power descriptions.

Material Availability
Animation powers generally require that a certain amount of material be present – most
animation generally powers do not create the material although they may “amplify” it (e.g.
animated grass can “grow” into grasping vines). Also, the character may be able to create his own
or, like Air, it may be common in most instances.

Exactly how much is required? That’s very flexible. As a general rule, assume a cubic meter of
material will work (so a camp fire is good for animating fire, but a match wouldn’t be) or about 50
lbs. of mass, for more solid things like dirt or metal.

Animated Actions & Maintaining Control

Animated creations usually require 5 REA concentration action to activate and then the controlling
character must spend at least 5 REA per round to maintain the Animation.

“Maintenance REA” can be spent by the animation to move, attack, etc. If the animation is to take
other actions, the controlling character must provide REA for those as well: Animations are not
independent actors—they only take action when the owning character spends REA).

The controller must invest at least 5 REA in the creation per Round. This is declared and set aside
during Initiative (“I will maintain the control”). If the controller has no action they wish to take with
the controlled material the 5 REA is simply expended to keep it animated.
Animate Material
If the controller is Dazed or worse and cannot spend the REA when it is their Turn the control
collapses and material reverts to inanimate form. To reanimate it, control must be re-established
whenever the character has the REA to spend.

Animation Statistics
STR (for purposes of carrying things, or forcing open doors) is usually 10 + the listed STRIKE
damage (it may vary by construct). STRIKE damage is as listed.
BLD BLD is usually calculated as “5” but, again, this may change by Rating.
CON None. The constructs have ADP. Until that is gone, the Construct is not affected by damage.
COR As per the controller.
REA Constructs have 0 REA. Any actions are paid for by the controlling character.
AGI 10 (AGI Bonus +0). This may change if the construct is very large or small.
INT Constructs have no INT, are immune to Telepathic attack, etc.

Figured Stats
• No PEN Damage: Constructs treat all damage as Impact.
• Ground Move: Constructs usually have a Ground Move of 3 yards STEP and 5 yards Run (no
Sprint). This may be adjusted for very large constructs.
• ADP: Constructs have ADP based on their nature. When this is gone, the construct collapses.
• Grapple: Usually Rating +10. Note: Constructs do not “calculate” their Grapple based on STR
and BLD. Also, they have the same Offensive and Defensive rating.
• Sensory: Constructs have no sensory or perception. The controller can sense damage to them
but cannot see through them or, really, feel through them.
• Reach: Constructs have Medium Reach strikes. They can grab/Grapple and Hold.

Several sets of effects are “Continuing” (or “Streaming”). Examples include things like fire
“continuing” to burn, or a water cannon attack that “streams” into targets constantly. Continuing
effect rules:
1. The attacker must be expected to set-aside 5 REA at the beginning of the Round to keep
Continuing Effects the effect going (after Initiative the owning character says “I continue using the ability”).
2. The REA that is set aside may still be used for whatever actions the ability allows (attacks,
blocks, movement, etc.). But it cannot be spent on anything else.
3. If the character is Stunned, Dazed, or otherwise cannot pay the REA the ability deactivates
(usually that means that it must be re-activated).

Intensity rating describes how much of an element is currently available in the environment – for
example how much fire there is, or how powerful magnetic fields are in the immediate vicinity are.

Domain Control
This is useful in two ways: firstly, to determine if a character is powerful enough to control it
(a bonfire is easier for a Fire Controller to manipulate than a raging, multi-state forest fire) and

Domain Control
secondly to help the GM determine how the presence of the element affects the characters. The
following sections contain rules for inclement weather, high intensity winds, fire, and so-on.

A character can control an intensity level equal to their Control Power level. Each type of Domain
Control has its own Control Power “stat” so a character with both Fire Control and Magnetic
Intensity Rating, Control will have two different Control Power stats based on how much he has spent on each
Environmental Rules control power and which control Traits he has purchased.
and Control Power
Control powers are usual listed as the name (or an abbreviation) in all caps, so fire control power is
listed as FIRE, gravity control Power is listed as GRAV, and so-on.

Not all of the abilities in this section increase a character’s Control Power level – the ones that do
are explicitly state it. If a character has multiple abilities that add to a control power for the same
element the power increases are additive.

Final note: The GM will determine the intensity rating of the elements in any given situation.
Character behavior may modify this of course (if the characters set a lot of fires, the intensity will
go up), but the GM is the final arbiter of environmental conditions.

Domain Control
Domain Control

Some domain control powers affect a wide area around the character. Air, Water, Earth, Weather,
and Plant control are all in this category; others may be included at the GM’s discretion (e.g. Fire
control may be able to affect all the fire in a wide area if the character is powerful enough).

Power Level Environmental Radius Example

1 5 yard radius Room
2-3 10 yard radius Small house
4 20 yard radius Baseball diamond
5-7 Combat area (50 yard radius) Football field
8-11 500 yard radius Huge stadium
12-15 1000 yards/1 sq. mile Neighborhood
16-23 2000 yards/4 sq. miles Downtown area
24-39 4000 yards/16 sq. miles Half of Manhattan
40-63 8000 yards/65 sq. miles Big town
64-127 16000 yards/260 sq. miles City (e.g. Lexington, KY)
128-255 32000 yards/1000 sq. miles Big city & surrounding area
256-511 64000 yards/4000 sq. miles County
512-1023 128k yards/17,000 sq. miles Small state (Maryland)

Area of effect • A character with 8 AP in Wind Control has Power 8 Wind control and can, on demand, create
a windstorm 500 yards in radius. (The size of a large building) or calm winds in the same area.
• A character with 16 AP in Earth Control could protect a downtown area from a quake (~4
square miles).
• A water mage with 4 AP in Water Control can keep the sea calm around a small boat during a

Trading Time for Space

Domain control effects start immediately when the character spends 5 REA to assume control.
A character can increase the area affected by delaying the onset of control effects – usually this
would be “allowing a storm to build” or “seeing tides rise slowly.”

As a general rule, the character can increase size one row on the table by taking a day to invoke
the effect, and two rows on the table by taking a week. Larger effects may be generated at the
GM’s discretion.

Example: Hurricane Hal (16 AP in Weather Control) wants to threaten Coast City with a category 1
storm that will hammer about 65 square miles in radius.
• Hal (power 16) can call up a 2000-yard radius storm on demand.
• If Hal spends a day concentrating, he can rev up a 16 sq. mile storm that would threaten
Coast City’s downtown business distract but that’s not enough…
• He can spend a week, building power for a much larger storm (65 square miles).
• To get a full-sized hurricane with a 100 mile radius of hurricane-force winds and a 300-400
mile radius of gale-force winds, he would need to boost his power considerably – well beyond
what he can do with pure concentration and time.

How much damage do these storms do? See below!

Some domain control powers give characters of sufficient power the ability to cause a significant
degree of structural damage over a wide area. Specifically, Air control (wind storms), Water control
(tidal waves to damage coastal areas), Earth control (earthquakes) and Weather control (storms)
all explicitly allow a character to inflict property damage.

At the GM’s discretion, and depending on the situation, other domain controls can be used this
way as well (e.g. using plant control to – over time – damage structures in an area by having plants
grow through them). Plant control, fire control, and ice control may be used this way at the GM’s
discretion, although they may take longer to inflict harm.

Domain Control
Harm to Individual Characters
These effects usually do not damage characters directly – they do not make direct attacks on
people within the damaged region – but they may cause harm or death from secondary effects

Domain Control
(drowning, etc.) as the GM sees fit. Using these powers on an area primarily causes damage to

Damage to Structures
Structures in the affected area may be damaged lightly, moderately, or severely.
• Light Damage – The structure is still usable, but must be cleaned up. Windows may be
broken. There may be significant cosmetic damage. People and objects inside will not be
damaged unless they are unadvisedly near windows or in other, unstable areas.
• Moderate Damage – The structure is still standing, but must be repaired before it can be used
for its primary function. People inside may be injured during the event (9- roll).
• Severe Damage – The structure is essentially unusable (considered destroyed). Depending on
the nature of the damage and the GM’s discretion it may be literally caved in, washed away,
Property Damage or ripped from the ground. People inside will be injured, in some cases badly, on a 14- roll.

Determining Damage
The table presents guidelines for the GM to use to determine how buildings in the area may be
affected. If damage to a specific building (e.g. the one the characters are weathering the storm in
or the bad guy’s headquarters) needs to be determined, the specific building should make a saving
throw against the structural damage rating of the attack.

Values are given in % Lightly damaged/% Moderately damaged/% severely damaged or destroyed.

Structural Hardened
Damage Houses, Brick Buildings, Buildings,
Rating/ Vehicles, Power Commercial Sky Scrapers, Bridges,
Example Lines, etc. Space Factories Hospitals
1 30%/25%/20% 20%/05%/— 05%/—/— —
2 40%/35%/25% 30%/25%/20% 20%/05%/— 05%/—/—
3 20%/55%/25% 40%/35%/25% 30%/25%/20% 20%/05%/—
4 05%/45%/50% 20%/55%/25% 40%/35%/25% 30%/25%/20%
5 —/20%/80% 05%/45%/50% 20%/55%/25% 40%/35%/25%
6 —/05%/95% —/20%/80% 05%/45%/50% 20%/55%/25%
7 —/ —/ 100% —/05%/95% —/20%/80% 05%/45%/50%
8 —/ —/ 100% —/ —/ 100% —/05%/95% —/20%/80%
9 —/ —/ 100% —/ —/ 100% —/ —/ 100% —/05%/95%

Domain Control
Domain Control

Rolls For Any Individual Building:

% of Damage Light Medium Severe
30%/25%/20% 8+ 10+ 12+
20%/05%/— 11+ 13+ None
05%/—/— 15+ None None
40%/35%/25% 2+ 9+ 13+
20%/55%/25% 1+ 7+ 12+
05%/45%/50% 1+ 6+ 11+
—/20%/80% 0 1+ 7+
—/05%/95% 0 1+ 4+
—/ —/ 100% 0 1+ 2+

• A Category 1 Hurricane (Structural Damage Level 2) hits a costal area with houses, brick
Property Damage buildings, and a hospital.
cont. ◦◦ 40% of the houses will sustain light damage, 35% will sustain moderate damage,
and 25% will be destroyed. None of them will remain undamaged.
◦◦ Of the brick buildings (school, courthouse, etc.) 5% will be undamaged. 30% will
sustain light damage, 25% moderate damage, and 20% will be destroyed.
◦◦ The hospital and any other significantly re-enforced structures will do better. 75%
will be undamaged (minor cosmetic damage). 20% will sustain light damage, with a
5% chance of sustaining moderate damage.
◦◦ The PCs are in a brick building which has 30%, 25%, and 20% (light, medium, and
heavy) for Damage Level 2. The GM makes a roll for the building and rolls a 9. This is
above an 8—but below a 10: the building sustains light damage.
◦◦ The building is then hit by a Level 5 Tornado. The stats are 05%/45%/50%. The GM
rolls for the building and, again, rolls a 9. This is above a 6 but below 11: Medium
damage. The GM can roll individual to see if PCs inside are damaged by flying/
falling debris.
• A super villain unadvisedly builds his base near a coastline. Tsunami-Girl hits it with a Structural
Damage Level 4 tidal wave. It is a hardened, re-enforced structure, and has a 25% chance of
coming through the attack unscathed, with a 30% chance of sustaining light damage, a 25%
chance of sustaining moderate damage, and a 20% chance of being washed away.

Several domain abilities allow the character to
AVATAR summons or create independent beings that do their
If you embody a cosmic force or, otherwise, have the bidding, including fighting or taking serious risks.
potential to become incredibly powerful once in a There are several different variations on this and we
(fairly long) while, you can buy Avatar. This increases want to discuss the basic spread of possibilities.
your Scale Number (see the Scale rules in the back of
the book) when the conditions are met. The generic
conditions are once every 10 sessions of play (or WHEN DO YOU PAY APS FOR NPCS?
some other suitable time based on what your group is The general rule is that you only pay Archetype Points

Domain Control Traits

like) or when a (rare, hard to engineer) Trigger condi- for NPCs when they are an extension of your character
tion is met. rather than an independent character.

Domain Control
When the Trigger Condition is met, you can change You probably do not pay APs for allies if:
into your Avatar Form. When the timetable is met, you
1. The ally/NPC has an independent role in the
get a “charge” which allows you to do so when next
game beyond the PC.
you feel like it.
2. The ally/NPC has a primarily non-combat role.
The character will stay in Avatar form until the 3. The ally/NPC is substantially independent and
immediate crisis is passed, or about 30 – 60 minutes. the character generally does not get to make
The character will not change back in the middle of a decisions for the ally.
pitched battle or while carrying armfuls of refugees, 4. Is the ally is not easily replaceable and the
or whatever, but outside of a crisis situation, the state character would feel a sense of loss if the ally
will not last longer than about an hour. were hurt or killed.
The effects of Avatar Form involve: You (almost) always pay APs for NPC allies when:
4. The character becoming much more powerful 1. They are essentially combat machines.
as per the Scale Rules. 2. They can be ordered on suicide missions
5. The character’s eyes may glow, they may without causing the player/character much or
change color, crackle with energy, etc. any concern.
6. They may grow during the scene (changing 3. If killed they can be regained quickly and easily.
from normal size to, potentially, much larger). 4. They have little or no personality.
Changing size is a 5 REA Medium action. 5. They are viewed as an extension of the PC, a
duplicate of the PC (meant literally or almost
Avatar [TAP .12] +1 Combat Domain literally), or exist in the game almost purely to
Description: You can power-up immensely very rarely amplify the combat power of the PC.
(one time per 10 game sessions) or under a specific, rare,
trigger condition. You get Scale Number of 10 or 2 for one A FEW “EDGE” CASES
scene when either the time-table is met or the trigger
conditions are. While we think those tests will take care of most of
Trait Cost 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ the cases, before we do some examples, we want to
Avatar x10 [.12]+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 look at a few cases where things might not be clear
Avatar x2 [.06]+1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 and bear more discussion:
• Extraordinary and unusual friends
• Powerful (loyal) allies
• Sidekicks and adventuring companions
• Agents henchmen, and bodyguards

Domain Control Traits

VERY STRANGE CHARACTERS If you have a billionaire ally and get into legal trouble,
Domain Control

Being friends with extremely strange (for the game if you paid AP for it, they’re probably right there trying
world) characters may be worth some points. If you to help you out with the best lawyers money can buy.
have a “robot butler” in a game that is “generally If you didn’t pay AP for the relationship you probably
modern-day, very little weird stuff” that’s (a) maybe shouldn’t rely on that.
plausible for a genius/billionaire inventor type and (b)
really strange, you might need to pay some AP. If you SIDEKICKS AND COMPANIONS
know a wizard in a game with very little magic, that’s It is our opinion that PCs usually do not pay AP for
weird (if it’s even allowed) and could well cost some sidekicks and companions even if these characters
APs. The GM is allowed to charge AP (usually 2 AP) fight well (or almost as well) as the PC in question
for cases where the player is introducing something (or, at least, as well as the other PCs). If the NPC is
strange to the game that is mold-breaking. treated as “another PC” for most purposes and their
loss would be felt if they were gone then our take on
VERY POWERFUL VERY LOYAL ALLIES it is that they’re just like any other PC who goes along
Let’s say your uncle runs a mercenary company? Or with the party—they were just suggested by a player
you’re best buddies with a billionaire? Or your friend instead of the GM. That’s fine.
is a champion mixed martial arts fighter? In those A key element here is that we expect the other
cases the GM and other Players should decide if the players to have a say in this, the character should
friendship is appropriate and, if so, allow the inclusion not, as above obviate the need for any existing PC,
of the NPC … usually for 2 AP (or so). and the NPC is expected to be self-motivated, run by
When you pay AP for a character relationship there the GM, and otherwise not be an “extension” of the
is a general expectation that that the NPC will be PC. They may be generally loyal but will act as neces-
loyal and, while they may get into trouble, will not be sary while keeping within character (i.e. if mistreated
“more trouble than they are worth.” They’ll usually be will leave, etc.).
available (although they need not/should not always
be with the character if that isn’t appropriate). AGENTS, BODYGUARDS, AND HENCHMEN
The included character must not step on any of the Characters who “do the will” of a PC or NPC are
other PCs in any significant way. If the group has an sometimes paid for and sometimes not. In general, if
inventor or genius in it, you can’t have your best friend you have a character capable of hiring bodyguards or
who is better brought in as an NPC. This should be henchmen, or running an organization with agents,
worked out and agreeable to all the participants. you can do so without paying AP. However, doing
that usually comes at a higher price and with more
It is of equal importance that the appropriateness headaches than paying AP for the characters. If the
of the NPC be discussed with the GM. If the game is character pays AP for their allies the character’s
really not much about combat having a good friend/ loyalty and truthfulness is usually not in question.
body-guard who is an ex-Navy SEAL or MMA fighter is They will usually act in ways the player would approve
maybe okay. If the PCs are playing small time smug- of—and, to a certain degree, the player may even get
glers trying to make it, having a best friend who is a to play their NPCs (this can be done literally if it works
billionaire who can just fund them, probably isn’t. for the group).
Note Essentially, if you pay AP for bodyguards you have a
much stronger expectation that they will be there
It might be okay for the characters to, for example,
for you than if you just pay in-game money for them.
know a billionaire who could, for example, give them
You should expect far fewer headaches from their
money for missions. Having a patron who sends you
behavior, and so on. If you have a cadre of agents and
on adventures and/or sometimes bails you out of
pay AP for them, you can expect them to generally act
trouble is just, in our opinion, part of roleplaying.
with your best interest in mind. Henchmen bought
You generally don’t pay points for that. It’s the high
with AP won’t turn on you and won’t mistreat pris-
level of access and high level of loyalty that you do
oners, wildly misunderstand orders, or “go rogue.”
pay for.

TYPES OF MINIONS This refers specifically
Here’s a list of the various “types of minions” we have to combat-enhancer
identified. “allies.” An example
would be robot-
How You Get bodyguards. These
Type Them Notes allies are (a) almost
always with the
These represent scores, character and (b) exist
hundreds, or even to a large degree to
thousands of people aid them in combat.
who really like you! Combat Allies Minion Trait Usually they are
They can be called

Domain Control Traits

easy to replace, are
on to help, to donate considered expendable

Domain Control
money, or support a (summoned monsters,
cause. Usually these robots, or humans
are relatively “normal who are willing to
people” and you die to fight with you
don’t have a personal count) and represent a
relationship with all significant fraction of
of them. If you don’t the character’s combat
pay AP for them—but potential.
your character is the
sort who “would have A “Battle Beast”
them” (a rock star (there’s actually a
character, for example) trait by this name)
Fans, Believers, represents a single
GAT Traits then you do have the
Etc. fans—but they are not attack-creature who
as easy to activate or fights for you. It is
Battle Beast
mobilize and they can Battle Beast your primary means
turn on you, have high of combat power. It is
expectations, etc. Note built with most of your
that fans and believers points and is an equal
cannot usually be sent of the other PCs. You
on “specific missions” are significantly less
as a resource the powerful.
character can draw on An unusual ally is any
(if individual NPC fans character who is very
meet and trust the strange for the game,
character they might more powerful than
be asked to go on a the PCs, or highly
mission but will not specialized beyond
usually have the kind what a normal PC
of specific training that Unusual Ally Unusual Ally would be. They
Agents do). are subject to the
Agents are bought guidelines above and
with GAT traits and should only be included
are usually talented when they meet the
“normal people.” rules (especially about
They can be sent on not conflicting with
other players).
Agents GAT Trait “missions” which can
involve combat, crime,
or danger (usually fans
and believers will not
take on dangerous or
illegal missions).

Domain Control Traits

Domain Control

Allies [TAP Varies] Combat Varies

Description: Allies represent combat characters who will The rules for Agents (or Fans, etc.) generally assume
travel with and fight with you. They are usually there with human entities—but they don’t have to be. If you have
you and may represent summoned beings, robot body- the AP to spend you can have legions of robots or the
guards, and so on. dead or whatever.
Trait TAP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
5x 1/5th AP [.20] 2 3 5 6 8 10 11 13
3x 1/3rd AP [.33] 3 5 8 11 13 16 18 21 Spending AP on Powers
2x ½ AP [.41]+1 4 8 11 14 17 21 24 27 Generally your agents get about 1/10th your AP.
This can be used to buy non-human attributes and
Battle Beast [.75] Combat Varies the like. Minions can also have specific defects for
Description: When you choose a “Battle Beast,” the more AP and, if the GM and other players work
“beast” has the same AP as the rest PCs do and you have it out, there may be some significant variance
1/4th the number of APs. You can play both—although between minions (some might be a few more AP if
the Battle Beast is usually lacking in initiative or planning
others are less).
compared to the character who paid for it.
Usually “Battle Beast” allies are permanent fixtures that Here are some specific traits that you might also buy.
travel with the character but they may have some other These may be paid for out of the Minion’s AP or by you.
features. If a Battle Beast is killed the character usually
cannot get another for the rest of the session and gener- Disposable [2 AP] U Domain
ally must have a scene without it.
Description: The minion is imminently disposable for some
Note: Battle Beasts can be almost anything but are gener- reason. This can apply to a master that doesn’t care about
ally NOT “worn armor” or “part of the character.” They are losing people but more likely applies to robotic minions or
generally separate entities of some sort and may act as a some other less depressing trait.
body guard but not “armor” for the character. Trait Buy Cost Note
Disposable 1 2 AP Minion can be lost and easily replaced
Complete Control/Driver [2 AP Utility]: The character has
complete control of the “Battle Beast” and can detect what
it sees and feels. Generator [4 AP] U Domain
Highly Skilled [2 AP Utility]: The Battle Beast is usually Description: You can quickly “generate” your minions.
built on the same or fewer CP as the character and usually Maybe they teleport in or you can build them out of mate-
has skills the owning character might have. With Highly rial or some other instant creation. Usually you can get no
Skilled the Battle Beast may be a few more AP than the more than 10 minions this way in any one scene. It is an
character (discuss with the GM) or have exotic skills to the 8 REA Long Action to generate minions. If it takes longer (a
character. workshop to “create them”?) then it costs 2 AP.
Trait Buy Cost Note
Instantiate Battle Beast [2 AP Combat]: The battle beast
Generator 1 4 AP Generate Minions
can be “created” as a 5 REA Medium Action. It appears Generator – Long 1 2 AP A few hours
with its full REA and can act 1 Initiative after the creating
character. It generally must appear within 4 yards of the
creating character. If killed the Battle Beast is gone for the
Psi-Link [2 AP] U Domain
rest of the scene. Description: You have a “telepathic” link with your
Expendable [2 AP Utility]: The Battle Beast can be “regen- minions. This is usually not full telepathy but allows a
erated” relatively quickly (next scene). It does not “suffer” general sense of where they are and what condition. You
and does not resent being killed. It can be “abandoned” can usually establish communication with a specific minion
and may self-destruct, die, etc. (With GM permission it through this. You may well suffer when one is killed (Dazed
might ‘return to its home dimension’ or simply ‘go on its result) and you are linked to them.
Trait Buy Cost Note
way’) Psi-Link 1 2 AP Communicate with Minion
Trait TAP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Battle Beast [.75] 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48

Unusual Ally [2 AP] L+ Domain FIRE CONTROL

Fire is a dynamic and complex thing. It can grow,
Description: An Unusual Ally could be characters who are shrink, and move. Fires in a house can get exceedingly
non-human (in an almost-all-human game), richer or more
hot (over 1100 degrees—and even nearby rooms can
powerful in a meaningful respect than the PCs, or highly
specialized in some useful area to a degree greater than reach 300 degrees which will melt plastic and kill).
the PCs generally are. Worse, fires come with deadly gasses and can set
Trait Buy Cost targets on fire or kill with super-heated air.
Unusual Ally 1 2 AP

The rules do not try to simulate the complexities of Fire Rating/AP Description
fire, but rather to give some basic rules for using fire in
Match/Lighter: 1 IMP damage.
common role-playing situations.
Likely to go out if not protected (12-
Reliably setting a fire using fire control powers usually chance if used as an attack). Can do
requires either a 10 REA Long Action to set a fire 3 IMP damage if held against the
equal to 2x the damage of an attack or a to-hit roll to target (target must be grabbed or
grappled, immobile, etc.)
set a fire equal to the damage of an attack. Properly
prepared kindling can double or quadruple the fire’s Torch: Torches burn for about 3 IMP
2-3 FIRE/2-3 AP
damage (or more, if the target is, say, doused with damage, no to-hit roll
jet fuel). Likewise, simply using fire in an area with Campfire: A campfire burns for 5

Domain Control Traits

flammable materials can result in an accidental fire IMP damage, hitting on a 6-
without specific action or REA at the GM’s discretion.

Domain Control
Bonfire: Bonfires burn for about 8
5-7 FIRE IMP damage each round, hitting on
a 6-
House Fire (small): A room which
Environmental rules for fire provided here include: is “partially” burning can deal 12
• How much damage a fire does points of damage striking with a
• How to determine the effectiveness of com- 9- roll each Round on Initiative 0
(or immediately when someone
mon fire-fighting techniques
moves into the fire area). Each
• Very basic rules for how fire spreads 8-11 FIRE “square yard” of burning area burns
for 8 IMP individually. This could
Characters that are in environments that are also apply to a “wall of fire” that

on fire (e.g. in a burning building or forest) will someone needed to run through.
take damage based on the intensity rating of Hits by 4+ would cause continuing
the fire. burn. Heat is typically ~500 C to
800 C
House Fire (large): a room that is
‘on fire’ will deal 18 IMP damage,
Generally burning areas will have a damage rating striking with a 16- roll each Round
on Initiative 0 (or immediately when
and a roll to hit determined by the fire’s intensity (see
someone moves into the fire area).
the table below). Anyone moving into the area will be Each “square yard” of burning area
immediately attacked by the fire, so if your character 12-15 FIRE
burns for 12 IMP individually. Hits by
runs through the camp fire, the fire will make a 6- 4+ would cause continuing burn. A
to-hit roll, and if successful, striking for 5 IMP damage. structure that has several rooms, all
of which are burning would have a
A character that ends their move within the burning collective FIRE score of 27 per room.
area or takes a long action within it will automatically Heat is 800 C – 1000 C
be hit with a minimum of a +4 Damage Modifier – so
Class A Fire covering up to .25
standing in the bonfire will do 5 IMP damage each Acers. Damage = FIRE rating + 10 at
round with a 4 Damage Modifier until the character the core of the fire (18- to hit). At
wises up and exits the flames. 16-23 FIRE the periphery, fires may extend at
half damage and 12- to hit, quickly
The bigger the fire, the more damage it does. Note
becoming part of the main burn.
that fire damage is based on the size of the entire Heat is 1000 C – 1200 C
fire – so if a single room of a house is on fire, it does
Class B Fire covering up to 10 Acers.
about 18 points of damage to anyone in the room. If
24-39 FIRE Damage = FIRE rating + 20 (44 – 59).
an entire five-room house is burning, the fire in each
Flame walls over 30’, heat ~1400 C
room is hotter and more intense and could do 28 to
30 points of damage. Class C Fire covering up to 100
Acers. Damage = FIRE Rating + 30
40-63 FIRE
Truly massive fires (a “towering inferno” or a forest (70 – 93). Flame walls over 50’, Heat
fire with walls of flame 30’ high) can easily do over 1500 C
hundreds or thousands of points of damage.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Class D Fire covering up to 300

64-127 FIRE Acers. Damage = FIRE Rating + 40
(104 – 167)
Class E Fire covering up to 1000
128-255 FIRE Acers. Damage = FIRE Rating + 50
(178 – 305)
Class F Fire covering up to 5000
Acers. Damage = FIRE + 60. Heat
256-511 FIRE
averages over 2000 degrees Celsius
Class G (10,000 Acers and up).
512+ FIRE
Damage = FIRE + 100

Extinguishing Fires
Taking a 5 REA Medium Action to try to
smack out a flame will usually reduce the
FIRE score by 2-4: take a “Base Damage”
Beating Out
of 2 and make a Damage Modification roll
Flame at +2. If the character does not equal or
exceed the Fire Score they will suffer the
Base Damage to their hands.
If a character takes an 8 REA Long Action Animate Fire [4 AP] L+ Domain
Stop, Drop,
to roll, they will extinguish with a Base Description: You can use telekinetically controlled flame
and Roll Damage of 6 and a DM of +2. to grab, hold, and manipulate things. This creates a Flame
8 REA Long Action on the part of two Construct.
people (The burning character and ™™ The construct (see above) is created as a 5 REA
Fire Blanket
another). Smothers 12 points of blaze Medium Action. There must either be existing
with a +2 DM. flames to animate or the character must create
5 REA Medium Action to arm, 5 REA some. The FIRE score of the construct can’t exceed
Medium Action to fire (can be fired the character’s FIRE score—but if the available
Extinguisher several times per Round). Extinguishes flame is less, it is limited to what exists (the
10 points of blaze with a +4 Damage character can use Control Fire to increase an existing
Modifier. fire prior to animating it if wanted).
™™ The fire construct has physical strength and can take
Submersion in water or use of a hose
Fire Hose/ actions as described above.
can extinguish 20 points of Fire with a +4
Jumping In ™™ The Fire Construct has the following statistics:
Damage Modifier each Round as an 8 REA
Water Long Action. FIRE (a FIRE of 12 strikes for 12 damage).
This is burn damage. Anything hit by 4+ will
suffer a Continuing BURN for 1 Round (See
Fires may grow or shrink. The GM may assign a

Fire damage rules)

CON roll (usually 10) and each few rounds make
a roll is missed a fire may diminish, each time STR 8 + 1/3rd FIRE (a FIRE of 6 is a 10 STR)
the roll is made, the fire may grow. Firefighting Fire Constructs have a Step of 4y and a Run
will reduce the fire’s effective CON. of 6y
Any unarmed blow that hits a FIRE creation
Defense will suffer a -2 DM hit for FIRE/2 Burn
Damage (no chance of continuing Burn)
Grapple is 10 + FIRE/2. Any creature
Grappled will suffer a +4 DM attack for FIRE
damage for 0 REA each Round at the start of
the controller’s Turn
ADP Fire Creations have 2x FIRE ADP
Moving around a Fire Creation will leave
flames in its path. Usually FIRE/2 level Fires
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost
Animate Fire M 4 AP 0 AP

Azure Flame [8 AP] L1/L+ Mystic Burning Man [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.5 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 DMG per AP Unit Cost L1: 1.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
Description: You can exhale an eerie blue fire that can pass Description: Your body burns! All targets within Medium
through armor. Reach will suffer damage at the beginning of the Round.
™™ Azure Flame ignores armor. ™™ Activating this is a 5 REA Medium Action. It costs
™™ The flame blast gets a +2 Large Weapon bonus. Running Endurance to keep going. When turned on
™™ It does a continuing Burn when it hits a target by 4+ there is an immediate damage effect for all those
(counting the +2 LWB). close by.
™™ Breathe Fire has a 1 Round Charge Up. ™™ Any character within Medium Reach will be attacked
™™ Breathe Fire has a 9- Activation roll meaning that it as a 0 REA action at the start of the burning

Domain Control Traits

cannot be used until both 1 Round has passed and character’s Turn. The roll to hit is:

Domain Control
then any Round thereafter when the Activation roll ◦◦ Medium Reach: 10- to hit
is successful. ◦◦ Short Reach: 12- to hit
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG ◦◦ Close Reach: 14- to hit
Azure Flame L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 12 IMP
Azure Flame L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 5 IMP ◦◦ The attack can be Dodged or blocked with
a shield or Force Field—but not by a small
weapon or unarmed block
Breathe Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
™™ If the target is hit by 4+ they will burn again next
Unit Cost L1: 2.1 DMG per AP L+: 1.4 DMG per AP Round at the start of the Round with the same
Description: You can exhale flame! Damage Modifier.
™™ The damage is resolved before the burning
™™ The flame blast gets a +2 Large Weapon bonus.
character takes any action.
™™ It does a continuing Burn when it hits a target by 4+
™™ This will tend to set fires and destroy the
(counting the +2 LWB).
surrounding area. It can be “dialed down” so that
™™ Breathe Fire has a 1 Round Charge Up.
the character is simply “smoldering” and does no
™™ Breathe Fire has a 9- Activation roll meaning that it
damage. This costs Walking Endurance and it can be
cannot be used until both 1 Round has passed and
re-activated for a 3 REA Medium Action.
then any Round thereafter when the Activation roll
™™ Anyone moving in to Medium Reach will take an
is successful.
immediate attack before they get any other actions.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Breathe Fire L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 17 IMP ™™ If the burning character moves, no one will take
Breathe Fire L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 11 IMP damage until the burning character comes to a stop
(then all characters within Medium Reach will suffer
an immediate attack).
™™ The burning character can strike or kick, hitting for a
separate amount of damage with whatever Damage
Modifier the strike hits by.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Tag Reach Damage
Burning Man L1 1 8 AP 8 AP E Short 14 IMP
Burning Man L+ M 8 AP 8 AP E Short 12 IMP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Control Fire [4 AP] U Domain Fire Lance [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain

Description: You can control and command flame. Unit Cost L1: 2.4 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
™™ You get the listed Fire armor against fire attacks. Description: You can release a “fiery lance” to incinerate
™™ You can add or subtract the listed FIRE score from targets.
any environmental fire (not fire damage done
™™ The lance gets a +1 Large Weapon bonus.
by an attack). This costs 5 REA and may be done
™™ It does a continuing Burn when it hits a target by 4+
repeatedly to subdue or increase a fire. Each time
(counting the +1 LWB).
more than 8 FIRE is added to a given blaze it will
™™ It has a 1 Round Cool down (it is inactive any round
increase in size.
after which it has been used).
™™ With a 3 REA Action you can add ½ your FIRE score
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
to the base damage of a Fire Attack for one attack Fire Lance L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 19 IMP
(you must still pay normal REA to launch the attack). Fire Lance L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 8 IMP
This “power up” must be done on the same Turn or
the Round before the enhanced attack is made. Fire Shield [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
™™ You can keep fires burning nearby you or even on
your person. You will have no trouble kindling fire Unit Cost L1: 1.1 DMG per AP L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
and can hold fires in your hands without ill effect Description: You have flames dancing on your body or
(usually a held fire burns for 5 IMP). arms. When struck at, the flames can leap up in your
™™ Around you fires will tend to do your will. defense, burning the attacker.
Environmental fires may not roll to attack friends
(but would roll to attack foes). Fire might stop ™™ The character gets a Block Roll using any combat
spreading. Note: Fires are temperamental and skill that provides a block or dodge.
destructive by nature—a character with Control ™™ If they block successfully an unarmed attack will
Fire can influence a fire but may not be able to suffer damage from striking into the flames!
“command it” (that takes Animate Fire). Note: If ™™ If you block by 4+, the target will be set on fire and
playing in a more fantastical game, a campfire might burn for the next Round.
spark or “pop” if danger was approaching. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Fire Shield 1 8 AP 8 AP Def Block 3 9 IMP
™™ You are immune to the effects of smoke, CO, and Fire Shield M 8 AP 8 AP Def Block 3 6 IMP
other dangerous gases.
™™ You can shield others from Fire up to FIRE Armor
with a 5 REA Medium action (extending the Fire
Fire Starter [1 AP] L+ Domain
Resistance is a Walking Endurance action). Description: You can create flames like a butane lighter.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Fire Armor FIRE
Control Fire M 4 AP +0 AP +4 +24 4
™™ The flame is a 5 REA Medium Action to create. Once
created it may be used as a weapon:
™™ With a normal 5 REA Strike it does 1 IMP flame
Fireball [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain damage.
Unit Cost L1: 2.4 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP ™™ If the target is Grabbed (or Grappled or Held, etc.) it
Description: You create a glowing fiery energy ball that you can do 3 REA Flame Damage with a 5 REA Action.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Rng REA DMG
then unleash for explosive damage. Fire Starter 1 1 AP 1 AP +2 Short 5 1 or 3
™™ Firing the fireball is an 8 REA Long action. The
designated target or anyone in the blast radius will Flame Thrower [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
get a Response.
Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 DMG per AP
™™ Will burn on a hit by 4+ which, it being explosive,
gives it an automatic +4 DM (so unless the target Description: You can fire bursts of fire from your hands!
has DM reducers it will always Burn for 1 Round). ™™ The attack will do continuing damage on a hit by 4+.
™™ The fireball is Explosive. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
™™ The fireball costs 8 REA per attack. Flame Thrower L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 10 IMP
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG Flame Thrower L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 5 IMP
Fireball L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 8 19 IMP
Fireball L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 8 9 IMP

Heat Ray [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Inferno [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
L1: 1.0 DMG Unit Cost L1: 3.0 DMG per AP L+: 2.0 DMG per AP
Unit Cost Standard L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
per AP
Description: The character can cause areas to burst into
L1: 0.8 DMG flame.
Unit Cost NAPALM L+: 0.6 DMG per AP
per AP
Description: You fire a beam of energy that burns what- ™™ Activating Inferno is a 10 REA Long Action. It
ever it hits. This will produce a Continuing Burn result on hits a specific (human sized) target at +4 due to
any hit (not just by 4+). combusting the entire area.
™™ When activated a Damage yard Radius will be “set
™™ The NAPALM version burns for 3 Rounds instead of 1. on fire” (during the Long action the area will start
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG to smoke and smolder). Targets within the area will

Domain Control Traits

Heat Ray L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 8 IMP immediately take the damage with a +4 Damage
Heat Ray L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 6 IMP

Domain Control
NAPALM L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 6 IMP Modifier.
NAPALM L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 5 IMP ™™ Thereafter, anyone within the burning area will
suffer a 16- to-hit roll for half the damage. On a hit
Ignite [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain by 4+ the target will suffer a Continued Burn (See
Fire attacks).
Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP ™™ The ability has a 2nd Cool Down time when used.
Description: Your gaze can set things on fire. Unlike Immo- ™™ If the area is normally combustible (a standard
late this simply combusts them on the surface. office or home interior, wooded area, etc.) it will
probably continue to burn.
™™ Ignite must be activated after which it can be used Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
for the remainder of the combat (treat as Sprinting Inferno 1 8 AP 8 AP D1 -1/20y 10 24 IMP
Endurance if kept active). This is a 10 REA Long Inferno M 8 AP 8 AP 1 -1/20y 10 16 IMP
Action. The character’s eyes may glow red or flash
with fire. Jet of Flame [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
™™ It costs 5 REA per attack once activated. L1: 1.0 DMG
™™ It will Burn for 1 Round on any hit. Unit Cost Standard L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
per AP
™™ It does not miss: when directed to hit, roll against
either RES or a weapon skill but the minimum L1: 0.8 DMG
Unit Cost NAPALM L+: 0.6 DMG per AP
Damage Modifier (if the roll is missed) is a +0. per AP
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG Description: You can direct a cone of fire from your
Ignite L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 10 IMP fingertips!
Ignite L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 8 IMP
™™ The Jet of Flame gets a +2 Large Weapon Bonus.
™™ It costs 5 REA per attack.
Incinerate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain ™™ It will Burn for 1 Round on a 4+ hit (counting the
Unit Cost L1: 3.4 DMG per AP L+ 0.9 DMG per AP +2 LWB).
Description: You concentrate deeply on something and it ™™ The NAPALM version will burn for 3 Rounds on a hit
bursts into flame! The target burns from the inside out! by +4.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
™™ Incinerate has a 1 Round Charge Up. Jet of Flame L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/3y 5 8 IMP
™™ It costs 10 REA per attack. It can only be fired once Jet of Flame L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/3y 5 6 IMP
NAPALM L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/3y 5 6 IMP
per Round.
NAPALM L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/3y 5 5 IMP
™™ The attack ignores armor.
™™ It will Burn for 1 Round on any hit.
™™ It does not miss: when directed to hit, roll against
either RES or a weapon skill but the minimum
Damage Modifier (if the roll is missed) is a +0.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Incinerate L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 10 27 IMP
Incinerate L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 10 7 IMP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Phoenix Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Sense Potential (Fire) [1 AP] U Domain
Unit Cost L1: 2.1 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP Description: You can “smell” things that have the capability
to burn. This operates at WIL, CON, or FIRE x 10 (if you
Description: You can self-immolate and emerge from the
have Fire Friend or Manipulate Fire) yards of Range. The
ashes later. This can happen as a natural event in your “life
character will be able to sense explosives, fuel, kindling,
cycle” but can also be used as an escape tactic.
and so on with a perception roll.
When activated for 8 REA as a Long Action, the character Trait Buy Cost DP
immolates doing Fire Damage with a +4 Damage Modifier Sense Potential 1 1 AP +3
to anyone touching them (in a grapple or Close Combat).
If the fire deals a Minor Wound or more, the character Throw Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Super
suffers Continuing Burn. L1: 1.4 DMG
Unit Cost Standard L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
The immolated character “ceases to exist” burned to per AP
ashes—but can re-form later in any suitably big bonfire or L1: 1.1 DMG
Unit Cost Azure L+: 0.5 DMG per AP
the like (the bonfire must be created for the purpose of per AP
bringing them back, be near the same spot, or they must Description: You concentrate and your hands burst into
know where suitable area of fire is.). flame—which you can then throw as fire-bolts!
This effect will also be triggered on an Unconscious or ™™ Activating the ability is a 10 REA Long Action and
Dying/Dead result at the owning character’s wishes— costs Sprinting endurance.
however the return takes 1 month. ™™ Once activated the cost is 5 REA per attack to use
the fire-bolt.
Note: The DP is only had for each FULL 8 AP Level.
™™ The bolts have a continuing burn on a hit by 4+.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Damage
Phoenix Fire L1 1 8 AP +8 AP +5 17 IMP ™™ The AZURE version of this ignores armor.
Phoenix Fire L+ M 8 AP +8 AP +5 12 IMP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Throw Fire L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 11 IMP
Throw Fire L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 6 IMP
Ring of Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Super AZURE L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 9 IMP
AZURE L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 4 IMP
Unit Cost L1: 2.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.4 DMG per AP
Description: You can create a burning “ring of fire” that Wield Fire [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
will damage anyone who goes through it. Creating the Ring
(or Wall) of Fire is an 8 REA Long Action. Anyone nearby Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
can take a Step action to be on either side of it. Description: You light your hands on fire and can strike for
Once established, the Fire burns so long as the character damage (this can apply to any HTH strike).
pays Endurance (Running endurance). The radius of the ™™ Igniting your hands is a 5 REA Medium Action. Once
circle is either WIL or CON/2 or FIRE yards. This can also be lit you can strike for the listed damage. A hit by 4+
the length of a “wall of fire.” The distance at which the fire results in a continuing Burn for one Round.
can be created is equal to the Radius (a wall can be created ™™ The fire damage can simply be added to any HTH
starting at that distance or a circle can be created centered damage done (although the Continuing Burn should
at that point). be calculated off only the Fire Damage). Only one
The fire may appear to have a narrow width of burn L1 ability can be included (so if you have L1 Super
but will “flare up” covering about a yard of flame when Strength you should just buy L+ Wield Fire).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
crossed. It automatically hits anyone moving into the area Wield Fire L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S HTH HTH 11 IMP
getting a +4 Damage Modifier. Wield Fire L+ 1 8 AP +8 AP S HTH HTH 8 IMP
When a character is damaged, if they suffer a Minor
Wound or more they will suffer a Continuing Burn for the
next Round.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Ring of Fire L1 1 8 AP 8 AP * * 8 18 IMP
Ring of Fire L+ M 8 AP 8 AP * * 8 11 IMP

Wild Fire [8 AP] L1/L+ Super Note
Unit Cost L1: 1.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP Wind Control usually has a smaller radius of impact
Description: You project gouts of fire from your hands. You than Weather Control and does not bring clouds,
can hit multiple targets: rain, or thunder. It is usually faster to take effect—
but the durations are shorter lived.
™™ The first Wild Fire attack each Round costs the
normal (5) REA. However, if the attack hits, the
character can continue striking, hitting other targets WIND STORMS
(but not the same target more than once) for an
additional 1 REA.
When dealing with an existing wind storm the GM will
™™ Each additional attack is at a cumulative -1. usually:

Domain Control Traits

™™ The Range of Wild Fire is fairly short: -1 per 3 yards. 1. Call for rolls when appropriate (i.e. for powers

Domain Control
™™ If a target is hit by 4+ it suffers a Continuing Burn.
under “Gale Strength” a roll might be called
™™ If used more than 1x per Round with an initial attack
it has a 1 Round Cool Down (it may be used once a
for each minute) to see if a character is pushed
Round for 5 REA each time, not counting additional around, etc.
attacks)—but if used more than once a Round it 2. Call for a Structural Damage roll for the entire
may not be used on the next Round. storm effect (usually only once per Duration of
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG the power).
Wild Fire L1 1 8 AP 8 AP * -1/3y 5* 14 IMP
Wild Fire L+ M 8 AP 8 AP * -1/3y 5* 10 IMP
The environment will have a “natural” WIND rating.
AIR/WIND CONTROL Increasing or decreasing that with Air Control is a
The character can manipulate and create Air and 5 REA Medium Action and the character can usually
Wind. Wind Control can be used to create breezes to apply all their WIND at once if they want to.
propel a ship, to send or deprive an area of oxygen,
and to use air to push things around in the form of
strong winds or gusts.
Unlike telekinesis, Wind Control cannot be used to
just hold people down or levitate objects in place—
but it can be used to send a strong push or create a
These rules can also be used to determine how char-
acters and objects behave in natural winds.

Wild Wind (128 AP / 50 AP Super Hero)

lbs. Blood Type: B
Air Control 28 AP (Utility) Wind Powers 28 AP
Hard Wired Reflexes TAP [ .25 ] Cyber-Dodge 24 AP
Aerobatics TAP [ .16 ] Improved Movement 15 AP
Defensive Moves TAP [ .11 ] 20 /8 SP Dodge Pool 10 AP
Vibratory Bolt 32 AP 38 IMP (Ignore 16 Armor) 32 AP
Wind Bolt 8 AP 17 IMP, 27 Grapple Stream (24 AP)
Wind Flight 6 AP (Utility) Group Flight 6 AP
Damage Pts 2 AP +8 DP 2 AP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

The character creates a violent somewhat A Wind Attack is a blast of air that pushes the
chaotic swirl of winds around them. Once target. They may be “Undirected” in which case
created the character can use this to push they are “naturally” occurring or “Directed,”
around other characters and to disrupt ranged in which case a character with Air Control is
attacks. directing the flow.
The shape of a Wind Storm is either (roughly) REA: 5 REA Medium Action (for Directed)
circular or tear-drop shaped covering a
To-Hit Roll: COR, RES, or Ranged Combat Skill.

90-degree arc.
Grapple Power: WIND+5
REA: 5 REA Medium Action
Range: Within Wind Storm (Storm must be
Roll To Hit: None if circular and the character
is centered. If Teardrop shaped, the gener-
ating character must roll to hit (COR or Ranged Effect: The target takes a Grapple Attack against
Combat Skill) at +4 if the target is within a Step the WIND Score. If the target can grip some-

distance of the “edge” of the effect (GM’s call if thing (and takes a 5 REA Short Action to do so)
not using a battle map—but usually the case if they get their Offensive Grapple.
Defenses: Dodge. Against an Undirected Wind
Max WIND: The character can use their full Attack the to-hit roll is 14- but it is dodged at
WIND score immediately +4.
Radius: WIND x 5 yards Effect Result
Duration: WIND Rounds (unattended). Each use Target is buffeted by the winds. Movement
counts as Sprinting endurance. is halved if against the wind (roll 1-4 on a
single die roll). Target must make AGI rolls
Effect: Increases WIND score within that radius. Standard
(or Acrobatics) at +2 or fall. Things may
This will give listed Environmental Modifiers be blown out of hands if careless, hair is
and will, if WIND is 12 or above, cause an messed up, etc.
Undirected Wind Attack Roll on each character Target is blown around badly. Lose 5 REA
within the radius (other than the generating steadying self or fall down. Attempts to hit
character who is immune to their own Wind). are at -2 for HTH and an additional -2 for
Ranged attacks.
Defenses: None. Characters can Dodge a Wind
Target is blown back WIND/(Target’s
Attack (see below).
Catastrophic BLD/5) yards. Must make AGI (or
Acrobatics) roll at -1 per yard traveled.
Target is picked up and carried by the wind.
They move as above but, unless they can
win a Break Grapple against the WIND
score at the beginning of each Round they
will continue to be carried. They are at -4
Critical to all rolls to target anything in addition to
environmental modifiers. Their movement
is pretty much a straight line and they will
stop when they hit a wall taking 1 IMP
damage (+4 Damage Modifier) per y/s they
were moving.

Characters with Air Control can generate tornadoes The rating scale for Air is WIND. This represents the
and use them do deal damage (or play defense, etc.). force of the wind as a Grapple Score. It is also propor-
Creating at Tornado is slower than creating a Wind tional to the environmental modifier that Ranged
Storm. Each 8 REA Long Action will move the charac- Attacks will take in the wind zone.
ter’s WIL in WIND into the forming Tornado. Once fully
created (at whatever WIND the character wishes to Wind Rating Description
put into it) the Tornado will start being effective and 0 WIND Still air.
can be moved. 1 WIND Light breezes at 1-4 MPH. Leaves rustle.
Breezy – anything from a breeze to strong

Domain Control Traits

REA To Create: Tornadoes are created as a series of 2-3 WIND
8 REA Long Actions to increase the WIND power by wind (4-8 MPH). Paper is blown around.

Domain Control
WIL each Round. Windy. Leaves and small twigs constantly
moving, light flags extended. 8-12 MPH.
REA To Move: 8 REA Long Action to Move the 4 WIND
-1 Environmental Modifiers to ranged
To-Hit: COR or Combat Skill +4 if the target is within a Winds 15-25 MPH, with gusts higher.
Step Distance of the edge of the effect. If the target’s 5-7 WIND Branches of a moderate size move. Small
Step cannot get away from the radius of the Tornado trees in leaf begin to sway. -1 Modifiers
they are automatically hit.
High Wind: sustained winds of up to
Defense: Move or Dodge for 5 REA if your Step 30 MPH, which will make umbrella use
distance can get you out of the radius of the Tornado 8-11 WIND
difficult, overturn empty bins, etc. -2
(if the Tornado has a 10 yard Radius you must have a Environmental Modifiers
Step of more than 10 yards).
Gale force winds up to 40 MPH, which
Movement: The Tornado moves at 15 yards per 12-15 WIND may force cars off the road or impede foot
second. traffic. -3 Environmental Modifiers
Radius: The Tornado has a radius of WIND yards. Violent Wind Storm. Whole trees in
motion. Effort is required to walk around
Tornado Creation: Tornadoes can be created indoors 16-23 WIND against the wind. Road signs & temporary

by Wind Control (but not by Weather Control). construction may be blown over. -4
Effect: At the controlling character’s option (for Environmental Modifiers
Wind Control—for Weather Control it is automatic) Violent storms that can cause damage
everything within the Tornado takes WIND Impact over a wide area. Structural Damage
24-39 WIND
Damage with a +4 Damage Modifier on the control- Level 1, and -5 Environmental Modifiers
ling character’s turn and the tornado will inflict its within the area
listed structural damage on buildings. 100 MPH Winds (Category 1 Hurricane)
The character will also suffer a Grapple Attack of over a large area, or more intense
WIND vs. their Defensive Grapple (unless taking a 5 winds (F2 Tornados) over half the area.
REA Short action to hold something in which case 40-63 WIND Homes will be severely damaged and
they can use their Offensive grapple). larger buildings may be lightly damaged.
Structural Damage Level 2 or Level 3 for
If successful (to any degree), the character is caught half area, -6 Environmental Modifiers
up in the Tornado and will be held there, taking
110 MPH winds (Cat 2 Hurricane) over a
damage, until they are able to break out or the
wide area, or much stronger F3 Tornados
controlling character throws them out (flying WILD/ 64-127
over a much smaller area. Structural
(BLD/5) yards). WIND Damage levels 3 or 4 accordingly. -6
Breaking Out: If a character caught in a tornado Environmental Modifiers
wishes to escape they can make a Break Grapple
roll against the WIND effect. If successful, they can
“swim” to the edge and land within a Step distance
of any part of the tornado.
Attacking From Inside A Tornado: You take a -8
environmental modifier to hit anything while caught
in a tornado.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

120 MPH winds (Cat 3 Hurricane) over a Control Air [4 AP] U Domain
wide area, or much stronger F5 Tornados
128-255 Description: You can raise and lower winds in a large area.
over a much smaller area. Structural The air patterns will also tend to conform to your will,
WIND Damage levels 3 or 5 accordingly. -7 mood, and wishes.
Environmental Modifiers
160 MPH winds (Cat 5 Hurricane) over a ™™ The character is resistant to winds. They lower the
wide area, or much stronger F3 Tornados effect of winds on themselves by 3x their WIND
256-511 score. This does not directly apply to Wind-based
over a much smaller area. Structural
WIND Damage levels 5 or 6 accordingly. -8 attacks.
Environmental Modifiers ™™ The character can Block any Wind-based attack with
a combat skill roll (for whatever REA their defense
Super tornadoes. The character can create naturally takes).
512+ WIND very destructive F4 or F5 (Structural Level ™™ Set Sail: The character can accelerate (or decelerate)
8 or 9) wind-powered vessels the same way water control
can (+/- 5% speed per point of WIND).
Animate Air [4 AP] L+ Domain ™™ Air Bubble: The character can take a “sphere” of
air into otherwise airless environments (into space,
Description: You can use telekinetically controlled Air
underwater, into toxic environments). The character
to grab, hold, and manipulate things. This creates an Air
can take 15 minutes worth of air per point of WIND.
If the character can also create air, he can provide
™™ The construct (see above) is created as a 5 REA life a sustaining atmosphere indefinitely. At 24 AP
Medium Action. and up, the character can control the temperature
™™ Each buy allows one Air Construct to be created (all of the air to keep it generally livable while the air
are created for the same 5 REA Action). Although lasts.
each costs REA to command, once Holding a target ™™ Call/Calm Winds (Small Radius): As a 5 REA Medium
(Grappling, etc.) they can maintain the hold for 0 Action the character can raise or lower Winds by the
REA. WIND score (adding or subtracting to the Grapple
™™ The air construct has physical strength and can take Strength of the Winds) in a WIND x 5 yard Radius.
actions as described above. This will tend to violently affect the entire area. This
™™ The Air Construct has the following statistics: lasts as a Walking Endurance action for calming but
a Running action for Raising and Sprinting if the
Strike WIND/2. A hit by +4 will have a knock-back character is using 80% or more or of their WIND
effect. power.
STR 8 + 1/2rd WIND (a WIND of 4 is a 10 STR) ™™ Call/Calm Winds (Large Radius): as a 10 REA Long
Action the character can raise or lower the Grapple
Move Wind Constructs can fly (“step or run
strength winds by ½ WIND score over a WIND mile
vertically). They have a STEP of 6y and a RUN
radius. This lasts as a Walking Endurance action
of 12y.
for calming but a Running action for Raising and
Defense Air Creations have a -4 Damage Modifier. Sprinting if the character is using 80% or more or of
Grapple Grapple is 10 + WIND/2. If a Pick Up move is their WIND power.
successful, the Air Construct can fly upwards ™™ Shield Other. The character can defend other
with the subject! persons from the effects of winds with a 3 REA Short
action. The WIND effect is reduced by 2x WIND
ADP Wind Creations have 2x WIND ADP
value for that person for that Round (or until the
Other Air Constructs are visible as whirlwinds. next roll is called for).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ™™ Shape Air. The character can shape smoke artistically
Animate Air M 4 AP 0 AP (within broad limits) controlling about 1 cubic foot
of air for 1 WIND. They can also create “specific
winds” that can, for example, push over a coffee
cup or ruffle papers without otherwise affecting the
™™ Purify Air: Air can be made breathable for 1 person
per 2 WIND as a Walking Endurance action.
Trait Buy Cost DP WIND
Control Air M 4 AP +4 +4

Create Air [1 AP] U Domain Whirlwind Defense Combat Domain
Description: You can generate breathable air. This is not [TAP .12]
pure oxygen but rather a general oxygen-nitrogen mix. Description: You can create a defensive whirlwind around
Activating the ability costs 5 REA and they create enough yourself.
air to fill a small room. Keeping the oxygen clean and fresh
is a Walking Endurance action. ™™ Any ranged attack coming in gets a -4 environmental
modifier against being hit (this is in addition to AGI
This ability will disperse wind-borne toxins almost imme- bonus but is modified by L3 Weapon skills).
diately. The character can also detect any toxins in the air ™™ Reaching the target requires an Offensive Grapple
and sense general air quality. roll against a Grapple Score of the targets’ Total AP
Trait Buy Cost DP (so a 24 AP character has a Whirlwind Grapple of

Domain Control Traits

Create Air 1 1 AP +3
24). If failed, the incoming character is rebuffed. The
Whirlwind works out to Long Reach.

Domain Control
Mini-Tornado [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain ™™ The character can use any combat skill to make a
Unit Cost L1: 3.0 DMG per AP L+: 2.3 DMG per AP 3 REA Block against ranged attacks.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Description: You create a whirlwind of damage-dealing Whirlwind 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
winds. Note: This is different than the larger and less
directed attack you get with Wind Control or Weather
Wind Blast [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
Control (although they are similar). This ability could repre-
sent weather-control phenomena or other kinds of attacks Unit Cost L1: 1.1 DMG per AP L+: 0.5 DMG per AP
(such as telekinesis). Description: You project a powerful blast of wind that
™™ Creating the Whirlwind is a 5 REA Medium Action. knocks the target back.
It is then moved up to 20 yards per Round as a 5 ™™ The Wind Blast is a streaming attack. If the target is
REA Medium Action. Keeping it running is a Walking hit at all they will be knocked back (usually around
action. It stays next to the creator until used. Damage/(Target’s BLD/5) yards).
™™ When targeted against a person, it makes a to-hit ™™ If they were hit by +4 they can be trapped and held
roll at +4. It can roll to hit every target within by the Wind Bolt (the character continues firing).
Damage/4 yards of the target. Note: It does not hit The attacking character can continue to damage
every target “in the way over” (it is simply a ‘strong them for 5 REA using the original To-Hit roll as the
wind’ until it lands). After one use, it dissipates and Damage Modifier.
must be re-created. ™™ The held target takes a -4 to-hit to attack the blaster
™™ It does the listed damage and throws the target(s) in (this is reduced by L3 skills).
a random direction (roll 1 die using 1 as “towards” ™™ The attack has a Grapple of 10+Base Damage. A
the controlling character) Damage/(Target’s BLD/5) Break Grapple roll will free the target.
yards. Note: It can be used for “no damage” and still ™™ With a 3 REA Short Action the character can add
have the “throw effect.” their WIND score to Damage and Grapple for their
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG next attack (this “charge up” lasts only for the Round
Mini-Tornado L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S * 5 24IMP
Mini-Tornado L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S * 5 18 IMP
the REA is paid or the very next one).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Wind Blast 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 9 IMP
Wall of Air [2 AP] U Domain Wind Blast M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 4 IMP
Description: You can throw up a wall of solid air. The wall
will appear as translucent glass and can fill a doorway or Wind Block [8 AP] L+ Domain
other similar space. Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
Creating the wall is a 5 REA Medium Action. The Wall has Description: You can emit a wind blast that can damage
Armor equal to WIND/2 or 4 (if the character does not have and possibly knock back anyone whom you block.
Control Air) and has ADP equal to either 12 or WIND x2.
™™ The damage-effect may be combined with any Block
The wall must be moored to two points on either side. (or Dodge).
Trait Buy Cost DP ™™ The amount that the Block/Dodge roll exceeds the
Wall of Air 1 2 AP +0
target (hit-by) number is the Damage Modifier.
™™ If the block roll succeeds by 4+, the target will suffer
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
Wind Block L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 11 IMP
Wind Block L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 6 IMP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Wind Flight [Varies] U Domain MAGNETIC/METAL CONTROL

Description: You create and control a guided tornado that You can control magnetic force and, in general cases,
is capable of lifting you. Wind Flight can be used to carry metal. Note: In this case the ability is assumed
others with you: each level gives 2x the number of riders to operate on almost any conventional metallic
who may join if the character wishes. Note: The tornado substance including lead. Whether there is some
effect is very disruptive but is controlled enough not to be pseudo-science explanation (lead, used in bullets, is
dangerous. If an attack power is required, look at Tornado diamagnetic and the character can both generate a
under Wind Control.
magnetic field and manipulate/enhance the counter-
Picking up characters is a 5 REA Medium Action. Every magnetic field thus manipulating the material) or not
willing character within (AP-Cost of the Wind Flight) + is up to the participants.
Wind Control yards radius who is not restrained can
be lifted. Taking a character against their will requires Magnetic Control can be used to manipulate metal,
a successful Pick Up Grapple move using Wind Control immobilize cyborgs and robots, and otherwise act as a
Power (if any) + (AP-Cost of the Wind Flight+10) as an Grapple attack against metallic targets. It can be used
Offensive Grapple Score. The flying character can roll to immobilize metal weapons and control metal doors.
against every eligible target in the vicinity for a single 5 It can deflect bullets and metallic weapons as well as
REA Action. detect the presence of any metal.
Characters carried do not get their AGI Bonus and Dodge
or Block at -2 during Rounds where the flying character
moves (but if Hovering, they can Dodge or Block normally).
Firing from within the Wind Vortex (when moving) is at -2.
Characters attempting to move around inside the Wind
Vortex must perform a Break Grapple against the Offen-
sive Grapple (a 5 REA Action) and can then either ‘swim to
another location’ or drop out/escape.
If a character wishes to use Wind Flight to “fly by” and
pick up a bunch of people without stopping, this is 5 REA
plus the REA to keep or start moving. They must roll to hit
unwilling characters using AGI or any combat skill.
Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover
Wind Flight 1 1 6 AP 8y/s 45y/s 1000ft Med Yes
Wind Flight 2 1 7 AP 10y/s 60y/s 1000ft Med Yes
Wind Flight 3 1 8 AP 12y/s 80y/s 1000ft Med Yes
Wind Flight 4 1 10 AP 20y/s 120y/s 1000ft Med Yes

Wind Tunnel [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain

Unit Cost L1: 3.0 GRP per AP L+: 2.0 GRP per AP
Description: You can create a powerful force of wind that Metal Head (128 AP / 50 AP Super Hero)
moves in a certain direction. This usually comes from you
in a several yard front. The wind blows away from the
B Weight: 185 lbs
character making it hard to approach.
19 year old mutant rock-star with fan-club following
™™ Activating the wind is a 10 REA Long Action. The
Metal Control 40 AP (Combat) Telekinesis vs. Metal 40 AP
wind will start at the end of it.
™™ It is either WIND or 4 yard across coming in Power Field 30 AP (Combat) Damage resistant force field 30 AP
a 180-degree arc from the character. It goes Soak 10 AP (Combat) Extra Damage Points 10 AP
Grapple/2 Yards and then halves the Grapple power Lightning 15 AP (Combat) Electrical Attack (45 AP effect) 15 AP
each [Remaining Grapple]/2 yards after that (or, for
Cleave 24 AP (Combat) Weapon-based IMP Cleave 24 AP
simplicity just have it stop after that).
™™ Anyone within that area will suffer a Grapple roll. If Mag-Lev 4 AP (Utility) Magnetic levitation 4 AP
they are pushed back or picked up, they will move Fan Club 4 AP (Utility) Followers 4 AP
Grapple/(BLD/5) yards away from the character. Money/Toys 1 AP (Utility) Successful musician 1 AP
™™ Keeping the wind going is a 5 REA action. The REA
must be paid during the initiative phase of the Round.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF REA Grapple
Wind Tunnel L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1 5 32 Grapple
Wind Tunnel L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1 5 +16 Grapple

RATING: MAG Animate Metal [4 AP] L+ Domain
The rating scale for Magnetic Control is MAG which Description: You can use telekinetically controlled metal to
is a rating of Grapple and STR that is used for deter- grab, hold, and manipulate things. If you have MAG (from
mining if a magnet can lift, pull, or repulse something. Control Magnetics) you do not need this ability separately:
these are the rules for animating metal without MAG
MAG Rating Description specifically. This creates a Metal Construct. Keeping an
Refrigerator Magnet (50 Gauss) to Animation costs Walking Endurance.
powerful home magnet ™™ A metal object which can be lifted (75 lbs per MAG)
Powerful magnet (neodymium-iron- is targeted as a 5 REA Medium Action. The character
2-3 MAG boron) which can lift 9kg and erase can distribute their MAG through constructs (so

Domain Control Traits

credit cards (12.5 kilo Gauss) a character with 20 MAG could have two 10 MAG
Constructs or 1 20 MAG Construct, etc.)

Domain Control
™™ The character spends REA to manage the contstuct.
5-7 MAG Industrial Lifting magnet ~500lbs It can warp and move in ways that seem congruent
8-11 MAG 526 lbs - 825 lbs with its appearance or operation (a statue can walk,
a car can open and close doors). They can ‘squirm’
12-15 MAG 826 lbs - 1125 lbs and deform a bit--but too much will break them.:
16-23 MAG 1126 lbs - 1725 lbs
Strike MAG
24-39 MAG 1726 lbs - 2925 lbs
Lifting magnet ~4000 lbs (car) (approx.
40-63 MAG Move Character’s move, as per vehicle, or, if very
1T). Also: MRI machines.
large, GM can assign ‘stride.’ Small items
64-127 MAG 4726 lbs - 9525 lbs (smaller than 1 cubic yard) move at about
128-255 MAG 9526 lbs - 19125 lbs 8y/s in general.

256-511 MAG 19126 lbs - 38325 lbs Defense 9 Armor

Grapple MAG + STAT (RES, WIL, CON, or 10)
512+ MAG 38326 lbs -38400+
Trait Buy Cost MAG A-Cost
Animate Metal M 4 AP 6 4 AP
Metal Head’s Chain
Metal Head, a rock-star super powered magnetic
control character, has a dock-yard chain and hook
that he uses in combat. The chain is equipment he Determining if a Character Is Metallic
does NOT pay for. Why not? Being metallic can be a disadvantage in games
where Lightning and Metal Control are in use.
Usually if you have any kind of unusual useful gear
Cyborgs with robotic limbs or artificial organs could
in a super-hero style game, you have to pay AP
be metallic or (possibly) use bio-tech depending on
for it. In this case, though, he does not. Why? The
the technology in play.
reason is that Control Magnetics assumes that there
will be metal in the environment: it requires, unlike As an Optional Rule, being Metallic is a [-2 AP]
normal Telekinesis, that the PC spend 5 REA to grab Defect which can be applied to any character within
hold of metal and start using it. This is factored into reason (cyborg, robot, power armor, etc.). Other-
the cost. In the case of Metal Head, his taking metal wise, the assumption is that all modern weapon
with him (a snake of dock-yard chain with a hook) is gear other than Impact Weapons, any character
simply mitigating the risk that there is no metal in with Cyber Limbs or Cyber Armor, Power or Medi-
the area. This does not cost points. eval Armor, and Robot Body are metallic.
It also does things like make him harder to hide
(he can’t have a secret identity with a heavy chain
following him around). It costs him Walking Endur-
ance to keep animated. He uses its heavy head
as his Cleave Weapon. NOTE: weaponizing the
Cleave has a minor cost modifier that we HAVE NOT
included here.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Control Magnetics [4 AP] L+ Domain Surge [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain

Description: You act as a magnet drawing or repel all metal Unit Cost Beam L1: 7.4 INT per AP L+: 5.0 INT per AP
within the radius of effect.
Unit Cost Area L1: 4.3 INT per AP L+: 2.9 INT per AP
™™ This acts as Telekinesis: Only against metal objects.
Description: You can cause a massive Electro Magnetic
™™ Mag Weapon Strike: Hits using COR, AGI, or any
Pulse is target electronics.
combat skill. Costs 5 REA per attack. Hits vs. Full
AGI and can be blocked as a HTH attack. If used to ™™ Surge acts as a Resisted Attack against the target
hit a target harder than the weapon (usually more object (or character, if the character is a cyborg).
than 9 armor) the weapon itself will take damage Usually home electronics get a DP of about 4-10
(Advanced Rule, see back of book). for purposes of withstanding an EMP. Hardened
™™ Ranged MAG Strike: Use a metal object as a systems can have much more.
projectile. Hits as a Ranged Attack (1/2 AGI, can’t be ™™ The Surge is a 5 REA Medium Action. It has an ROF of
blocked, dodged at -4). ROF of 1, -1/10y. REA cost 5. 1x per Round. It can be used in either Beam or Area
™™ Gripping a metal object is a 5 REA Medium Action. mode (Beam is more powerful).
Control Magnetics gets a +3 Large Weapon Bonus to ™™ Note: Only being used against inanimate objects or
hit magnetic objects (or characters) robots/cyborgs is a 2x LARGE defect.
™™ Objects are weilded with MAG Strength. The MAG ™™ MAG power levels above 40 can enhance the
force has a Grapple of MAG+STAT (RES, WIL, CON, Surge’s intensity.
or 10) if anyone else is grappling with an object in Attack Strength B Delivery Type 5 (Area), 4 (Beam)
control. Effect Result
™™ This can be used to hit (and shut down) metallic Fail No Effect.
Damaged. The piece of gear smokes. This is a STUN effect for Cyborgs or
weapons (including HTH weapons, freezing them) at Standard
Robots. It means the system loses some functionality for other pieces of gear.
-2 to hit the weapon (reducing the LWB to +1) Major Fried. A character is Unconscious. A piece of gear needs repair.
™™ Metalic objects can be moved as per TK. They can Critical Smoldering: Characters will be unconscious. Gear will be destroyed.
be flown onif their BLD is 1/5 or more that of the Catastrophic On Fire: Characters will be unconscious. Gear will be destroyed and burnt.
character’s. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
™™ Detect Metal / Current. The character can detect Surge Beam L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 59/40 12
Surge Area L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 34/ 23 12
metal, current, batteries, etc. at MAG yards x5
Radius. -1/10 5 1x
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP MAG
Magnet M 4 AP 3 AP +4 +4
Mag Attack ROF RNG REA Cost Damage
HTH S -1/10y 5 REA MAG IMP or PEN if wpn is sharp WATER CONTROL
Ranged 1 -1/10y 5 REA MAG IMP or PEN if wpn is sharp You can create and control water. Basic water control
gives the character the ability to manipulate water to
Mag Lev [4 AP] U Domain do things like generate tidal waves, swamp boats, or
Description: You can fly by means of magnetic force. This create whirlpools.
is a relatively slow form of flight but it allows hovering. The
character must have enough MAG to lift themselves (1 per
Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover The rating for water is a measure of quantity and, for
Mag Lev 1 4 AP 5y/s 40y/s 1000ft High Yes
seas, roughness. Roughness of seas will give modifiers
to boating (Vehicle Operations) rolls. This can also be
Metal Shield [4 AP] L+ Domain modified by the size of the boat. Small craft may add
Unit Cost L+: 1.4 Force Field per AP an additional -1 to -6 (or more) in the presence of
Description: You can use magnetic force to shield yourself high seas (and very large ships could ignore -1 to -6 or
from metal attacks. This is a “Force Field” that only applies more).
to metallic attacks.
Trait Buy Cost POWER
Mag Shield M 4 AP 11 Force Field

Sense Magnetic Fields [1 AP] U Domain

Description: You can sense metal, magnetic fields, batteries,
live circuits, etc. This works within a WIL, CON, or MAG x 5
yard Radius. Strong sources may be detected passively but
anything weak will require a 5 REA action to “sense.”
Trait Buy Cost DP
Magnetic Sense 1 1 AP +3

SWAMPING BOATS To create a Tsunami the character “energizes

One of the things a high sea can do is sink boats. This the water” by putting in WIL points of WATER
is handled as a Grapple roll of the WATER score of the each round as an 8 REA Long Action up to a
sea against the boat. Grapples scores are fairly low total of their WATER score. When the effect
and are being compared to WATER scores and not to reaches the desired level (or they have no more
character’s grapple scores (the measure is one of how WATER Rating) they release the wave.
well the craft performs on the seas and not how well it
It arrives 2 Rounds later dealing the listed Struc-
performs in a wrestling match).
tural Damage for its level.
The WATER rating is essentially a Grapple Score where
a boat has a Grapple Score and the WATER is used to

Domain Control Traits

Each point of WATER the character spends

roll against it. If a Grapple Roll is lost by the boat it will
creating a tsunami will prevent another tsunami

Domain Control
generally not sink (unless it is beaten by 10+) but may
from being created for 1 hour (thus, to create
take on water, go off course, etc.
multiple tsunamis within one hour you must
™™ 3-6y Boat: Raft or row-boat. Seats one or two “pay off” all the WATER score that came before).
people (but not “comfortably”). Grapple score
of “3.”
™™ 7y Boat: a small craft for personal enjoyment):
About 2 passengers. Grapple score of “6.”
™™ 8-14y Boat: Large personal craft. Reasonably
luxurious. About 6 passengers. Grapple score Example
of “23.” A character has 255 WATER score and a 12 WIL and
™™ 15-24y Luxury Vehicle (or working boat): 7+ wishes to create several SD 4 tsunamis. The first
Passengers. A Fishing Trawler could be 20-24 one costs 64 WATER and takes 6 Rounds to create (it
yards long. Grapple Score of “25-35.” lands on the 8th Round).
™™ Small Tramp Freighter: 200-500 yards. Grapple
The next costs 128 WATER (paying off the 64 initial
Score of “40-80.”
and another 64 WATER tsunami). The third costs
™™ Commercial Fishing vessel, huge tramp
192 WATER (paying off tsunami’s 1 and 2 and then
freighter: Up to 1200 yards. Grapple of “85-
paying for a 3rd). He comes up just short (1 WATER
short) of creating a 4th as it would cost 256 WATER
™™ Cargo Ship/Cruise Ship: 15,000 yards long.
and he only has 255!).
Grapple Score of “155+” (Avg 200).

TSUNAMI 250 yards per pt. of SD or 1 yard per


Water Control can be used to destroy coastal areas WATER, whichever is more.

or otherwise wreak havoc if large enough bodies of

water are available.
Being hit with a tsunami is like falling to cement or
being hit with a sledgehammer. What comes next is
drowning, undertow, and large quickly moving debris
(like cars).
Against fixed structures like buildings tsunamis are
devastating. For characters or objects that are mobile
the damage is that of a powerful impact and then the 500 yards per SD or WATER x 20, whichever is

risk of drowning and being bludgeoned. more.

SD x 15 Yards (or WATER yards, whichever is



Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

• Tsunamis deal their SD damage to struc- Example

tures, decreasing by 1 each 250 yards A SD 6 Tsunami with 300 WATER hits as:
(so an SD 3 tsunami deals SD3 to the
first 250 yards of buildings, SD2 to the • 1320 yards inland
next from 251-500 yards, from 501 to • Is 3000 yards across
750 yards inland. • Reaches 90 yards in height
• Characters hit by a tsunami will suffer: • It deals BLD x2.5 IMP damage to any non-
◦◦ Impact damage of 1 IMP (+4 fixed target within the first 250 yards and
Damage Modifier) per 2 WATER up forces a CON roll at -6 if they fail a Grapple
to a maximum of BLD x 2.5 (a 50 Roll on the Major Wound table.
WATER tsunami will do 25 IMP to • It deals up to six hits to a character (assum-
a 10 BLD character). The character ing they were caught in the first 250 yards
must win a Grapple Roll against and never managed to break out).
the water or be caught up and will • Hit 1: Max of 150 IMP (a 60 BLD character. A
take additional damage. 10 BLD character takes 25 IMP). Grapple of
◦◦ The character will suffer the 160 to break out.
Max Damage +10 in a Grapple. If • Hit 2: Max of 75 IMP (to a 30 BLD character.
the tsunami wins, the character A 10 BLD character takes 25 IMP). Grapple of
85 to break out.

is dragged along and will take

additional hits for each SD level • Hit 3: Max of 38 IMP (to a 15 BLD character.
(an SD 3 tsunami will hit 3 times). A 10 BLD character takes 25 IMP). Grapple of
◦◦ These “additional hits” have a 48 to break out.
12- to hit—but the character gets • Hit 4: Max of 17 IMP to any character (10
no AGI bonus. The character can BLD character takes 17 IMP). Grapple of 27
make Sports rolls (Swimming) or to break out.
AGI-3 rolls to try to dodge if they • Hit 5: Max of 9 IMP to any character (10
are conscious. BLD character takes 9 IMP). Grapple of 19 to
◦◦ The additional hits will be for -64 break out.
WATER rating each time. • Hit 6: Max of 5 IMP to any character (10 BLD
◦◦ If the character is capable of takes 5 IMP hit). Grapple of 15 to break out.
drowning, the character must
make a CON roll on the Major Quantity of Water
Wound table at -1 per SD level A person can survive, for a
of the tsunami (and must make while, on 2-8 oz of water per
one once per SD level—so an Glass of water (8 Oz)
day (these are dying-at-sea
SD tsunami will force three CON conditions—not healthy ones).
rolls at -3, -2, and -1). An Internal A “healthy” amount of water
Damage or worse result will have for a person (around 10 glasses
the character drown. Approx. 80 oz water per day). Whether or not you
can get by on less question for
nutritionists, not game rules.
A sufficient quantity of water to
Bathtub (50 gallons)
bathe, etc.
Swimming Pool
Enough water to swim in.
(15,000 gallons)
Small lake (600ft
x 1200 ft, x 8 feet: Enough water to maybe fish in.
43,000,000 gallons)

Water Rating Description Animate Water [4 AP] L+ Domain
1 WATER Perfectly calm. Description: You can use telekinetically controlled Water
to grab, hold, and manipulate things. This creates a Water
2-3 WATER Faint ripples.
4 WATER .1 to 1.25 waves
™™ The construct (see above) is created as a 5 REA
Moderate waves up to 2.5 yards. -1 to Medium Action. Water must already exist or be
boating rolls. created.
Rough: up to 4 yard waves. -3 to ™™ The water construct has physical strength and can
8-11 WATER take actions as described above.
boating rolls.
™™ The water construct has the following statistics:
12-15 WATER

Domain Control Traits

16-23 WATER Structural Damage Level 1 tsunami WATER/2. Any hit will cause a knockback

Domain Control
High Seas: up to 9 yards wave. -4 to -6
24-39 WATER boating rolls. Tsunamis generated do STR 8 + 1/2rd WATER (a WATER of 4 is a 10 STR)
Structural Damage Level 2 Water Constructs move normally on land but
Move can move at 4x their listed movement in the
40-63 WATER Structural Damage Level 3 tsunami
Very High: up to or exceeding 14
Air Creations have no armor or special
yards. -7 to -10 or more to boating Defense
64-127 WATER defense
rolls. Structural Damage Level 4
tsunami Grapple is 10 + WATER/2. A Water Hold
causes a Drown Attack (see the Resisted
128-255 WATER Structural Damage Level 5 tsunami
Grapple Attack) and will have the subject unconscious
256-511 WATER Structural Damage Level 6 tsunami in CON Rounds if the controller wishes it (the
512+ WATER Structural Damage Level 7 tsunami face is not necessarily covered)
ADP Water constructs have WATER x 4 ADP
Sea rolls are usually not called for each Round.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost
Waves may come in several Round increments (say, Animate Water M 4 AP 0 AP
every 3-10 Rounds for a fairly rough sea). The crew’s
skills can help improve any reduced Grapple scores
by bailing water, repairs, etc. The Captain may also
use rolls to reduce sea-levels by 10-30% by making
successful rolls.

Grapple Effect On Ships

Ship is buffeted. Crew may fall or slip.
Standard Waves may wash over and do some
damage. Everyone gets wet.
Ship is swamped. Takes on water.
Reduces Grapple by 10% for next check.
Ship is sinking. Reduce Grapple by 50%
for next check.
Critical Ship is swamped and sinks.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Control Water [4 AP] U Domain Drown [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain

Description: The character can raise and calm seas by Unit Cost L1: 3.5 INT per AP L+: 2.4 INT per AP
their WATER score. This requires an 8 REA Long Action and
Description: You can create water inside a target’s airways.
covers a WATER mile radius. It requires Walking Endurance
This is a Resisted Attack. It has a 1 Round Cool Down,
to keep running.
unless it achieves a Major or better success in which case,
If the calming effect is limited to one water-craft, double against the target affected, it can be Continued (5 REA Each
the WATER score. Round) to continue holding water in the target’s airways
Diving Bell: The character cannot breathe water, but can and lungs.
create a pocket of air capable of sustaining one human for ™™ The Drown attack has a range of -1/10y, an ROF of
15 minutes per point of WATER (a character with 4 WATER 1, and a Cool Down of 1 Round. It costs 5 REA per
could sustain four people for 15 minutes, or one for one attack.
hour). Attack Strength B Delivery Type 4 (Beam)
Purify: You can remove impurities or toxins from water for Effect Result
1 person per day per 2 WATER. Minor No Effect
Standard Coughing: Character is Stunned.
Aquatic Propulsion: The character can move quickly in Coughing: Dazed. If the attacker chooses to Continue (5 REA Each Round)
water. A water controller can propel himself at 1 y/s per Major they may roll again (no additional roll to hit) hoping for a better result. This
2 WATER. Propulsion can also be used to accelerate a boat may be done once a Round.
the character is riding in by 5% of it’s unmodified speed per Drowning: Character is Dazed but WILL NOT Recover. They will go Uncon-
point of WATER (speed can be doubled for every 20 WATER), scious in CON Rounds. They will die shortly thereafter. The attacker must
usually with an upper limit of about 4x current speed. pay 5 REA Continuing cost as above to keep the water in the target’s lungs
for each Round.
Tsunami: If high seas are directed against a shoreline, the
Drowning: Character is treated as Unconscious. They will die shortly there-
character can call a wave. See the Tsunami rules above. after. The attacker must pay 5 REA Continuing cost as above to keep the
Maelstrom/Undertow: The character can create a whirl- Catastrophic
water in the target’s lungs for each Round. If the REA is not paid, the target
pool or undertow in a body of water which can be used is still unconscious but will not die.
to grapple characters who are submerged or standing in Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
the water. To grapple characters out of water, or with less Drown L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 28/19 12
water available, the character must have animate water,
but against targets in more than 15,000 gallons of water Liquid Armor [4 AP] L+ Domain
(about a swimming pool) the character’s WATER level
Unit Cost L+: 7.5 POWER FIELD per AP
can be used as a Grapple. The Grapple must score a Hold
or better to pull the target under and begin drowning. Description: You create a layer of protective water over
Grappled characters can be dragged through the water at yourself.
WATER/(BLD/5) up to a maximum of 15y/s. ™™ The Water acts as a Power Field.
Manipulate Water: With Animate Water the character ™™ It must be activated for 5 REA Medium Action and
can actually shape water and strike with it. But with Water can be refreshed for 5 REA (to be reconstituted).
Control the character can still generate waves, cause pipes ™™ Keeping the armor up is a Running Action for
to burst, etc. Within WATER x 5 yards range the character purposes of Endurance.
can cause existing water to splash, swell, or spray. It can ™™ The ability creates the water. If the character is
deal WATER damage to containers or pipes (it is about already in water or there is a large source nearby
9 pts of damage to break a pipe, assume 4 Armor, 5 ADP (1 gallon per point of Power Field) it can be created/
and takes about 1 damage to destroy a bowl or glass). The refreshed for 3 REA.
character can make puddles ripple or move around and Trait Buy Cost Power Field
otherwise control water in a “bulk” fashion. Liquid Armor M 4 AP +30
Sense Water: The character can sense water and its level
of purity within a WATER x 10 yard radius or WATER x
50 yard cone if looking for water underground. This will
only detect standing water—it will not detect humans or
other life even though it is “90% water.” Note: This sense
capability can be used to target water for Manipulation
(so a character could stand outside a building and scan it,
determining where the pipes were and then systematically
burst them). Also note: This sense will target other people
using Water Control or Animate Water.
Trait Buy Cost DP WATER
Control Water M 4 AP +4 +4

Water Cannon [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain EARTH CONTROL
Unit Cost L1: 1.9 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP You can control the domain of Earth (rock, soil, sand,
Description: You project a powerful blast of water that
knocks the target back.
™™ The Water Blast is a streaming attack. If the target is
hit at all they will be knocked back (usually around
Damage/(Target’s BLD/5) yards).
™™ If they were hit by +4 they can be trapped and held
by the Water Blast (the character continues firing).
The attacking character can continue to damage

Domain Control Traits

them for 5 REA using the original To-Hit roll as the

Domain Control
Damage Modifier.
™™ The held target takes a -4 to-hit to attack the blaster
(this is reduced by L3 skills).
™™ The attack has a Grapple of 10+Base Damage. A
Break Grapple roll will free the target.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Water Blast 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 15 IMP
Water Blast M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 8 IMP

Water Horse [1 AP] U Domain

Description: You can create a horse-shaped wave that you
can ride across a body of water. Although the rider will get
wet they will not be completely drenched. The wave can
move at about 20 y/s (40 mph) and keep one person easily
above water.
Water Horse 1 1 AP +3 The EARTH score is the measure of the amount of
earth you can affect. Usually this comes into play in
Water Movement [2 AP] L+ Domain the following ways:
Description: You can move underwater using self-created
jets of water and having the water ahead of you “move 1. Volumes of earth moved (using dig/tunnel
out of the way.” You can move at a speedy 15y/s (30mph) abilities).
underwater for Walking Endurance. You can breathe, if a 2. Weight and size of stones affected.
little poorly (buy Deep Dive from the Innate Powers list if 3. Surface area of ground covered by effects like
you want to breathe underwater well) for CON minutes.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Water Movement 1 2 AP +5
The EARTH rating is a Grapple Score that is rolled
against target Grapple Scores to determine the effects
Water Sense [1 AP] U Domain of the earthquake. The STANDING roll is an AGI or Acro-
Description: You can sense water and determine its batics roll to remain standing in the earthquake area.
quality. This works within a 12, WIL, CON, or WATER x 5
mile radius. The character will generally know: EARTH Rating Description
™™ The direction to a stream or lake. The direction of Cause a faint tremor that can be felt
the nearest ocean. 1 EARTH
outdoors, in the immediate area
™™ The quality of drinking water.
Cause a faint tremor that can be felt
™™ Depth of water they are nearby. 2-3 EARTH
outdoors, in the immediate area
™™ Some sense of what, if anything, is in the water
(they would detect large creatures, such as sea Cause a shock in the character’s
monsters, and might know if water is toxic or immediate vicinity. Only felt outdoors
inhabited by dangerous creatures without knowing or in very poorly made structures.
the exact nature of the creatures). 4 EARTH Forces a Standing roll at no negative,
Trait Buy Cost DP once within a combat (afterwards,
Water Sense 1 1 AP +3 character are no longer caught by

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Faint shaking felt within a structure. Animate Earth [4 AP] L+ Domain

5-7 EARTH House or other simple structure. Description: You can use telekinetically controlled Earth
Standing roll once, at no negative to grab, hold, and manipulate things. This creates a Earth
A 1-4 Richter Scale quake. Can cause Construct.
noticeable shaking/rattling noises. No
8-11 EARTH ™™ The construct (see above) is created as a 5 REA
significant damage. Standing roll once,
at no negative Medium Action. Earth must already exist or be
Can cause damage to poorly ™™ The earth construct has physical strength and can
constructed buildings and mild take actions as described above.
damage to well-designed buildings. ™™ The earth construct has the following statistics:
12-15 EARTH
Richter scale round 4 to 5. Structural
Damage Level 1, Standing roll at – Strike Earth
(EARTH/4) STR 10+ EARTH (an EARTH of 4 is a 14 STR)
Can cause damage to well-designed Move Earth Constructs move normally
structures. Richter Scale: 5 to 6.
16-23 EARTH Defense Earth Creations have EARTH/2 Armor
Structural Damage Level 2, Force
Standing Roll at –(EARTH/4) Grapple Grapple is 10 + EARTH
Can cause damage to well-designed ADP Earth constructs have EARTH x3 ADP
structures. Richter Scale: 6-7.
24-39 EARTH Trait Buy Cost A-Cost
Structural Damage Level 3 Force Animate Earth 1 4 AP 0 AP
Standing Roll at –(EARTH/4)
Can cause damage to well-designed Control Earth [4 AP] U Domain
structures. Richter Scale: 7-8. Description: You can manipulate earth.
40-63 EARTH
Structural Damage Level 4 Force
Standing Roll at –10 ™™ You can cause Earthquakes, doing structural damage,
and control them well enough to spare areas in your
Can cause damage to well-designed immediate vicinity. This is an 8 REA Long Action and has a
structures. Richter Scale: 7-8. 2 Round Cool Down. You are not affected.
64-127 EARTH
Structural Damage Level 5 Force ™™ You can dig. Each point of EARTH can remove a cubic
Standing Roll at –10 yard of earth in 1 minute. This can also be used to create
standing tunnels. Moving earth at this rate costs Running
Can cause damage to well-designed Endurance (it can be done for CON Minutes) or, if 1/3rd
structures. Richter Scale: 7-8. EARTH is moved per minute, Walking Endurance.
128-255 EARTH
Structural Damage Level 6 Force ™™ Sand Castle: You can shape earth and sand in an artistic
Standing Roll at –10 fashion (use an Artist skill). This still is not instant but
you can get earth and sand to cohere as though you had
Can cause damage to well-designed water (without it). Usually you can make a 1 cubic yard
structures. Richter Scale: 7-8. sand sculpture per point of EARTH in 1 minute for Running
256-511 EARTH
Structural Damage Level 7 Force Endurance. You can also use this to build utilitarian
Standing Roll at –10 structures (e.g. shelters, basements, etc.)
™™ Purify. Impurities and toxins can be removed from EARTH
Can cause damage to well-designed
cubic yards per second as a Running action.
structures. Richter Scale: 7-8.
512+ EARTH Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP EARTH
Structural Damage Level 8 Force Control Earth M 4 AP +0 AP* +4 +4
Standing Roll at –10
Earth Sense [1 AP] U Domain
Description: You can analyze the structure of an object.
This will give basic strength and thickness. A successful skill
or perception roll will find secret doors or hidden rooms.
You can also act as “deep ground sonar” finding buried
pipes and so on. Using the sense is a 5 REA Medium action,
covers an EARTH yard Radius, and penetrates EARTHx20
feet through natural earth and rock. You can identify rocks
and gems (if exposed to the rock and told its name you will
be able to recognize it immediately thereafter).
Trait Buy Cost DP
Earth Sense 1 1 AP +3

Rock Armor [4 AP] L+ Domain Uplift [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
Description: The character can summon “stone armor” Unit Cost L1: 3.0 DMG per AP L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
around themselves. The character may instantiate 1 level
Description: You can call up a rock from the depths of the
for 5 REA or all levels for 8 REA as a Long Action (the first
earth and it will penetrate the ground with enough force
half appear instantly, the second after). This lasts until the
to damage opponents.
character either rests or it is destroyed.
™™ This must be used outdoors. Usually the convention
™™ Rock Armor gives both Armor and ADP. When the
is that city streets or paved roads still counts as
ADP is gone that level of Rock Armor is gone (it may
be re-created).
™™ The REA is paid when the attack is made. The result
™™ Rock Armor is heavy and a bit cumbersome. It
usually comes up the Round after.

Domain Control Traits

removes 1 AGI Bonus when the character has armor
™™ The roll to hit is made for 0 REA the Round after
in effect.

Domain Control
by the attacking character. This is done during the
Trait Buy Cost Armor ADP
Rock Armor M 4 AP 3/10 10 Uplifting character’s Turn.
™™ The hit is from below. An Uplift attack can be
Dodged by not Blocked. It gets a +2 Large Weapon
Subterranean Support [2 AP] U Domain Bonus to hit.
Description: You will not suffocate from being buried Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
alive (you can shut down your need to breathe for CON Uplift 1 8 AP 8 AP 1 -1/10y 8 24 IMP
hours and, indefinitely, if in rock, earth, or soil) and can Uplift M 8 AP 8 AP 1 -1/10y 8 16 IMP
dig through earth at Earth yards per minute for Sprinting
Subterranean 1 2 AP +3 You can manipulate and control the force of gravity.

Throw Boulder [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain

Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.4 DMG per AP
Description: You create and throw a large, spinning ball of
earth and rock.
™™ The “boulder” is about the size of a beach ball and
travels rapidly (but much slower than a bullet). It
can be blocked by any character who can block
weapon strikes.
™™ It gets a +3 Large Weapon Bonus.
™™ It usually requires a gesture with both hands to
create and throw.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Throw Boulder 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 16 IMP
Throw Boulder M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 8 11 IMP

Gravity Girl (128 AP / 50 AP Super Hero)

Type: A+
earth forces against an alien attack and is stranded in‘the past.’
Gravity Control 40 AP (Combat) 3000 Lbs Weight 40 AP
Anti Gravity 4 AP (Utility) Flight 4 AP
Quantum Beam 14 AP (Combat) Ignores Armor (42 AP effect) 14 AP
Quantum Torpedo 8 AP (Combat) Ignores Armor (24 AP effect) 8 AP
Gravity Field 4 AP (Combat) Area Gravity Slam 4 AP
Force Field 44 AP (Combat) Defensive Field 44 AP
Telekinesis 8 AP (Combat) Manipulate (24 AP effect) 8 AP
Damage Pts 6 AP (Combat) Extra DP 6 AP

Domain Control Traits

Domain Control

GRAV Rating Description

Gravity control is rated in GRAV. 1 GRAV Modify weight +/- 75 lbs.

When GRAV is used to increase gravity, it effectively 2-3 GRAV Modify weight +/- 76 - 255 lbs.
increases the weight of the target. Each point of 4 GRAV Modify weight +/- 226 - 300 lbs.
GRAV increases effective weight by 75 lbs. This has a
5-7 GRAV Modify weight +/- 301 -525 lbs
variety of effects:
8-11 GRAV Modify weight +/- 526 - 825 lbs
• Targets caught in a Gravity Field are subject
to a ‘Gravity Grapple’ attack. This applies a 12-15 GRAV Modify weight +/- 826 - 1125 lbs.
level of encumbrance to them. The Grapple 16-23 GRAV Modify weight +/- 1126 - 1725 lbs.
score is equal to the GRAV score + (Target’s
BLD / 5) + STAT (WIL, RES, CON, or 10) Up to 24-39 GRAV Modify weight +/- 1726 - 2925 lbs.

Double GRAV score. 40-63 GRAV Modify weight +/- 2926 - 4725 lbs.
• When hit abruptly, at the attacker’s option,
the target of the ‘Gravity Slam’ suffers Crush
64-127 GRAV Modify weight +/- 4726 - 9525 lbs.
Damage as listed (Impact). Crush Damage 128-255 GRAV Modify weight +/- 9526 - 19125 lbs.
ignores armor and Force Field (Power Fields
256-511 GRAV Modify weight +/- 19126 - 38325 lbs.
will still apply). The Crush can be reapplied
(keep the DM) for 5 REA each Round. 512+ GRAV Modify weight +/- 38326 - 38400 lbs.
• On the other hand, the target’s hand-to-
hand damage is calculated as if he were
heavier. Every 5 (round normally) extra GRAVITY GRAPPLE
points of effective BLD add an additional +1 When a character is subjected to high gravity they
base damage. make a Grapple Roll against the GRAV Grapple (GRAV
• Falling, collision damage, and other values + (Target’s BLD / 5) up to 2x GRAV.
calculated by weight are affected as indi-
Gravity Beams are disruptable—they can be
When GRAV is used to decrease gravity, “attacked.” This allows the target to uses their
each point subtracts 1 BLD from the target’s A-Cost as Grapple Defense if they so choose (the
effective BLD. For purposes of most calcula- same way that one can use A-Cost as Grapple
tions, BLD cannot go below 1, but if the GRAV Defense against a normal HTH Grapple).
level is equal than the target’s BLD + (weight
carried/15) the target will float as if weightless.
GRAV used to reduce the character below that Example
will cause the character to accelerate away A 12 STR, 15 BLD (15 Defensive Grapple) man is
from the planet at 1 yard per second per point hit by 3 with a 20 GRAV Gravity Beam. The Grapple

of GRAV above BLD + (weight carried/15) and if of the Beam is 20+3 for the man’s BLD + the GRAV
not stopped, the target will eventually leave the controller’s WIL (12). He suffers a +3 Damage Mod
solar system (not really – the GRAV effect will 20 IMP damage hit. The attacker can spend 3 REA
wear off over time or at range away from the each Round to ‘maintain’ the Gravity Grapple.
Gravity Controller).
Gravity Grapple
• Jump distances are increased by the Target is slowed. They lose their AGI Bonus
% effective BLD is reduced. If a char- and each physical action becomes 1 Endurance
acter’s effective BLD is halved, jump level harder (Sprinting actions accumulate 2
Effect Endurance each round). Crush Damage: 1/2,
distances are doubled. If decreased by
GRAV. Damage mod based on initial hit.
90% (brought to 1 for a normal BLD 10
human) jump distances are increased Stuck. Knockdown if target fails a CON roll at
-2. If knocked down, +5 to be hit until they win
by 90%. a Grapple Roll to stand.The character requires
an 8 REA Long Action to move a Step action.
Major Effect All physical rolls (including attacks) get a -3
modifier. Attacks take a -3 Damage Mod. Crush
Damage: 1x, GRAV. Damage mod based on
initial hit.

Automatic knockdown (must break grapple to darkness—Light Control by removing light and Dark-
stand). They are at +5 to be struck. All physical ness Control by “increasing darkness”). Light Control
Critical Effect rolls get a -6 modifier. Attacks, if successful, is reasonably “scientific.” Darkness Control is more
take a -4 Damage Mod. Crush Damage: 1.5x,
GRAV. Damage mod based on initial hit.
mystical. A character may have abilities from both or
either—but they have somewhat different ideologies.
Target is immobilized and unconscious. They
Catastrophic will die in a few hours from the high gravity
Effect stress. Crush Damage: 2x, GRAV. Damage mod RATING: LIGHT
based on initial hit.
At low levels (negatives) the LIGHT scale is a visual
modifier. At high levels it is the Intensity score for a
Anti Gravity [8 AP] U Domain
Resisted Blind Attack.

Domain Control Traits

Description: You must have at least 4 GRAV. If you can get
to -4 GRAV (4 GRAV over your BLD/5) this can be had for

Domain Control
4 AP instead of 8 AP.
Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover
Anti-Grav 1 8 AP 25y/s 120y/s Edge of Space High Yes

Gravity Control [4 AP] L+ Domain

Description: You can lower and increase gravity. Changing
something’s Gravity is a 5 REA Medium Attack action
with a ROF of S and a range modifier of -1/20y. Once hit,
the character can add or subtract their GRAV score from
the Gravity acting on the target. If increased, this results
in a Gravity Grapple. Holding one target in a GRAV field
(Grapple) requires an on-going 3 REA Short action each
Objects can be lifted by the character as though their STR
was GRAV. This is done by “reducing the weight” of the
object rather than raw force so the character cannot punch
with the Gravity Attack.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost GRAV
Control Gravity M 4 AP +4 AP +4
LIGHT Rating Description
Gravity Field [4 AP] L+ Domain Very dim lighting. Small candles. -3
Description: You can create a high gravity field around you. Perception modifiers
This costs a 5 REA Medium Action to activate and applies Candle light—several candles. A dive
half the character’s GRAV score in a Gravity Grapple with a 2-3 LIGHT
bar at night. -2 perception modifiers
GRAV yard Radius to everyone around them.
Slightly dim light (torches, lanterns).
™™ There is no roll to hit. 4 LIGHT A room lit buy a hearth. -1 Perception
™™ This is a Continuing effect and costs 5 REA per Round modifiers
to keep active. The 5 REA maintains the Grapple: if it Average daytime room (no perception
cannot be paid it is immediately broken. 5-7 LIGHT
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Grav Field 1 4 AP +4 AP 1 RAD 5 GRAV Brightly lit. A standard flashlight within
8-11 LIGHT
a 5 yard beam
A powerful flashlight with a 30 yard
You can control and manipulate light. This is closely Top of the line flashlight with a 100
related to the domain Darkness (both can generate 16-23 LIGHT yard beam. Painfully bright glare could
be 15+
Super flight lights. Flashes from Flash-
24-39 LIGHT
Bang grenades are around 30 LIGHT
40-63 LIGHT Looking into the sun/Spotlights
Usually solar illumination over 100s of
64-127 LIGHT

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

128-255 LIGHT Solar level illumination over miles Hologram [4 AP] U Domain
Solar illumination visible for hundreds Description: You can create semi-realistic images using
256-511 LIGHT light. Very unrealistic images can be done with Light
of miles
Illumination visible from deep space Control. Holograms allows the following:
512+ LIGHT
with the naked eye ™™ The creation of pre-determined moderately sized
images that can only react along a specific path.
Darkness [TAP .25] Combat Domain These images will be realistic if they are created by
the user either looking at real things or very life-like
Description: You can create an area of darkness which you
images of real things (if the character is an artist
can see through normally.
they can make rolls to create hologram art).
™™ The darkness causes a -6 visual modifier for ™™ It can allow the creation of holographic objects.
everyone who cannot see through darkness. These will essentially be “floating” where created.
™™ Creating the darkness is a 5 REA Medium Action. The character can create these—they will not move
™™ Light sources can penetrate the darkness: subtract nor react. Placing the hologram “over” an object will
the brightness of any lights from the character’s not be convincing if it is inspected closely by touch.
LIGHT score. The resultant score must be -6 or ™™ The size of the holograms can be LIGHT cubic yards.
below for darkness to be complete. If the character ™™ Creating a motion-hologram usually takes several
does not have a LIGHT score, it is presumed to be minutes if they can use a pre-existing image or
their WIL or CON. several hours if they need to generate the images,
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ etc. separately. Usually creating more than one
Darkness 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 object is hard. Give hologram viewers a perception
roll to detect things every time a new object is
Dazzle [8 AP] L1/L+ Super integrated into the illusion.
™™ Holograms can give 3points of Cover if the character
Unit Cost
L1: 2.5 INT per AP L+: 1.6 INT per AP has enough 8 LIGHT or more. Creating a block for
“cover” is an 8 REA Long Action. The cover will not
Unit Cost move with the character.
L1: 3.1 INT per AP L+: 2.1 INT per AP
Spotlight ™™ Holograms can conceal the character. It is an 8 REA
Description: The Dazzle is a sudden burst of light which Long Action to create a holographic shield (from the
blinds everyone within range. Effected targets may take inside it can be seen out of).
a 3 REA ‘close eyes or look away’ action which involves ™™ A character can create guided holograms (which can
making an REA roll against the Dazzle attack’s to-hit roll. be moved in real-time) so long as they clearly look
Sunglasses or other forms of optical protection will act as fake. They can produce about as much light as a
+8 DP or more. lantern or normal flashlight.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost
™™ The character can add ½ LIGHT score to the
Hologram 1 4 AP +0 AP
™™ The character can use the attack as either a
spotlight (one target as a beam) or burst (area).
™™ The “Area” can be a cone effect covering a
90-degree arc if wished.
Attack Strength B Delivery Type 5 Area
Effect Result
Fail No Effect
Standard -3 visual modifier for next 3 Turns and Stunned.
Major -3 visual modifier for next 3 Turns and Dazed.
Critical -6 visual modifier for next 3 Turns and Dazed at -1 to recover.
Target is blinded for some time. Potentially permanently. Target is Dazed
at -2 to recover.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Dazzle L1//L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 20/13 Area 12
Spotlight Rng REA ROF 25/17 Spotlight
-1/10y 5 1x

Illuminate [Varies] U Domain Light Show: The character can create colored lights and
change colors of light. This has fire-work like effects or can
Description: You can create light/spotlights (as per a flash-
be used more subtly (stage lighting). The light-show effect
light, etc.). This can be done with Light Control but allows a
does not look “real” (it does not create the illusion of
cheaper method for characters who just want lights.
actual objects)—but can be quite spectacular. A light show
Note: The illuminate effect WILL dazzle if used to hit a effect costs 5 REA, is a Medium Action, and can cause a -3
target (5 REA action to activate, -1/10y). HOWEVER, it has Visual Modifier within a LIGHT yard radius. Artistic skills
a POWER of 8 instead of 12 making it less effective than a can be used for finer manipulation.
Dazzle attack. Trait Buy Cost DP LIGHT
Trait Buy Cost DP Light Light Control M 4 AP +4 +4
Flashlight 1 1 AP +3 11 (Flashlight )
Super Light 1 1 AP +2 16 (Super Flashlight) Microwave Storm [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain

Domain Control Traits

Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP

Domain Control
Laser [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Description: You can unleash an area-of-effect attack
Unit Cost L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
(centered on yourself) which fries targets through armor.
Description: You can create a powerful laser beam. The
laser has a 5 REA activation cost (to power up) and is then ™™ The Storm has a 1 Round Charge Up.
available for fire for the rest of the combat (costs Sprinting ™™ It costs 5 REA to charge on the Round before it can
Endurance to hold it charged). be used. It costs 8 REA on the Round when it is
™™ With a 3 REA Short Action the character can add ½ ™™ The Storm ignores Armor.
LIGHT to the damage caused by the next shot of the ™™ It hits all targets within the area dealing Impact
Laser. This “power up“ only lasts for one shot and Damage through Armor with a +4 Damage Modifier.
must be used on the Round the REA is paid or the It has an Area of WIL, CON, or LIGHT x3 Yards.
next one. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG M-Wave L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1 Area 5/8 24 IMP
Laser L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/30y 5 13 PEN M-Wave L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1 Area 5/8 16 IMP
Laser L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/30y 5 9 PEN
Shine [1 AP] U Domain
Light Control [4 AP] U Domain Description: You can make objects glow for a period of
Description: You can control light. time. For LIGHT hours an object touched can provide LIGHT
Bring Shadow: The Intensity of light can be lowered within (maximum 12 LIGHT) illumination.
Trait Buy Cost DP
a LIGHT x 10 yard radius by LIGHT points. Note: Actu- Shine 1 1 AP +3
ally causing darkness is a separate ability since the cost
assumes the character will be able to see in the darkness
it is a substantial combat advantage. The character can X-Ray Laser [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
lower the light level only to 2 using this ability. It is a 5 REA Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
Medium Action to activate and requires Walking Endur-
Description: You fire a powerful beam of “high frequency
ance to adjust the light level.
light” which deals PEN damage and ignores Armor.
Brighten: The character can add their LIGHT score to the
LIGHT Level within a LIGHT x 10 yard radius (5 REA Medium ™™ The X-Ray Laser takes 1 Round to Charge.
Action, Walking Endurance). ™™ It costs 5 REA to fire at Half Power or 8 REA Long to
fire at full power.
This can also be used as a “flashlight” effect creating a Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
beam of light that will allow the character to see normally X-Ray Laser L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/30y 5/8 16 PEN
in a 90-degree arc at 2x LIGHT level. X-Ray Laser L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/30y 5/8 10 PEN

If the character raises the light to an uncomfortable level

>30, Light control can have a Dazzle effect, potentially
blinding targets without protection. Dazzle intensity is
These powers tap into a mystic/mythic interpretation
(1/2) LIGHT - 10. A character with LIGHT of 60 would have
a free dazzle effect of 25 Intensity. of Darkness.

SHADE is a measure of “Darkness” which is also
covered under low-levels of light. Light control can be
used to lower the levels of light in an area—Darkness
Control can create “unnatural shadows.”

Domain Control Traits

SHADE is applied against LIGHT. Ambient light in an

Domain Control

-24 to -39 LIGHT Terrifying Darkness. Darkness

area is usually 5-8 points (See the LIGHT scale above). at this level and above causes
If light is reduced to 4 or less, characters in the area
characters subjected to it. The
will take perception modifiers to their actions. intensity is (SHADE – LIGHT)/8.
It effects once upon entering
SHADE/NEGATIVE Description the darkness. Other modifiers
LIGHT Rating (as above) also apply.
4 LIGHT Slightly dim light (torches, -40 to -63 LIGHT Living Darkness. Darkness
lanterns). A room lit by at this level and above is
a hearth. -1 Perception metaphysical in some way.
modifiers. Characters who fail WIL rolls
2-3 LIGHT Candle light—several candles. after prolonged exposure may
A dive bar at night. -2 be changed permanently in
perception modifiers. some ways. Characters may
be rendered blind after being
1 LIGHT Very dim lighting. Small
exposed, and are subjected
candles. -3 Perception
to Aura attacks as described
0 LIGHT Dark. Light is extinguished.
Perception modifiers at -4. -64 LIGHT and below Darkness levels below -64
Perception rolls required LIGHT are left up to the GM.
navigate a room (shapes of Supernatural darkness may
furniture, entry points, exit act as a gate for spectral
points can be seen). or demonic beings, may
-1 to -3 LIGHT Inky Night. Light is spawn living shadows, etc.
extinguished. Perception Characters should purchase
modifiers at -5. Perception rolls appropriate abilities based
required see anything. on discussions with the GM.
-4 to -7 LIGHT Pitch Black. Normal characters
cannot see at all. Perception Shadow Scale
rolls (at -6) required to use
other senses to fight, navigate, Normal: A LIGHT score of 6-10 or a SHADE of -1
etc. SHADE is -1 give “normal conditions.”

-8 to -15 LIGHT Primal Darkness. The darkness At a SHADE of 0 (LIGHT 0-5) the room is
is “unnatural” and can be shadowed. Unmodified perception rolls
terrifying. Animals will avoid it may be called to notice fine details or
of 0 things at distance. A gloomy afternoon
if possible. Characters without
Darkness Control powers could be a shade of 1.
who exposed to it may begin Shadowed: At this level perception rolls are from -1
to have disturbing thoughts SHADE of 1-4 to -4. At -3 this is “night time” darkness.
or hallucinations (1 WILL roll
per hour; failure indicates a Dark: SHADE
Dark. At -6 the area is “pitch black.”
disturbing reaction). of 5-6
-16 to -23 LIGHT Suffocating Darkness. Darkness Each point of SHADE above 6 is another
at this level forces WIL rolls “level of darkness.” At this point the
every 15 minutes, and for darkness becomes “unnatural” and will
“unnamed” NPCs may require a suppress sound (each 1pt of SHADE
Inky Dark:
WIL roll to enter. It muffles and above 6 gives a -1 to hearing and smell
Shade of 7+ rolls). Depending on the mythology of
distorts other senses (sound,
smell), lowering perception the game, areas in unnatural darkness
rolls to -7. may be gateways for ghosts or other
beings to enter the world.

Characters who wish to buy darkness control must Darken: They can remove 2xSHADE from the Light Level in
buy DARKNESS power (listed under light powers), a SHADE yard radius. Against light created by Control Light
allowing them to create a region of “anti-light” with or other Archetype based power effect, the character gets
-6 perception modifiers. 1x Shade (unless the APs are paid for a “mundane” piece
of gear).
Animate Shadow [4 AP] L+ Domain Trait Buy Cost DP SHADE
Darkness Control M 4 AP +4 DP +4
Description: You can create animate shadows that attack.
Animate shadows can only exist when the ambient light
(LIGHT, 5 for a normal room) – SHADE is 5 or lower (so Hide in Shadows [2 AP] U Domain
in bright light conditions, say 12 LIGHT, a SHADE of 8 is Description: You can “slip into the shadows.” In any condi-
needed to animate shadows). tion where there is a -1 or more perception modifier, the

Domain Control Traits

character can take an 8 REA Long Action and become a
Strike SHADE ‘spot of darkness.’

Domain Control
STR 10+ SHADE (a SHADE of 4 is a 14 STR) This gives the character a -3 Perception modifier to be
Move 8 yards per second. Cannot go into seen in addition to other modifiers (so a -2 mod dim room
bright lights (a “brightly lit” room) would be a -5 to be seen) so long as they are still.
Defense SHADES take a -4 Damage Modifier Attacking from the darkness, moving, or speaking will
“break the spell” making them suddenly obvious. Bright
Grapple Grapple is 10 + SHADE
colors will give an additional +1 to +2 to be seen. Dim
ADP Shadow constructs have SHADE x1 ADP colors, a brown cloak, and so on can give an additional -1.
Shadow Teeth Animate Shadows can grow sharp, Trait Buy Cost DP
Hide In Shadows 1 2 AP +3
pointy fangs. In this case they strike at
-1 to hit and deal 8+SHADE PEN damage
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost
See in Darkness [1 AP] U Domain
Animate Shadow M 4 AP 0 AP Description: You can see normally in any condition where
your sight is not actually interdicted (such as smoke). You
Cloak of Shadows [1 AP] U Domain can see colors, read, etc.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Description: You can “wrap yourself in shadow.” In any See in Darkness 1 1 AP +2
condition where the character’s face may be obscured
(a dim room, a hood, night), the character may wish to
Shadow Block [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
appear “shadowy.” This gives anyone trying to recognize
them a -6 Perception modifier. Unit Cost L1: 1.1 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 DMG per AP
This is difficult to discern as paranormal (and, in fact, Description: You use whirling shadows to deal damage to
depending on how “meta” the game is, may not be). Note: an opponent when you deflect their attacks.
Being under a tree on a sunny day is not enough—but ™™ The shadow-effect may be combined with any Block
wearing a hat with a brim on a cloudy day would be. The (or Dodge).
cloak can obscure features—but not height and usually not ™™ The amount that the Block/Dodge roll exceeds the
gender. target (hit-by) number is the Damage Modifier.
Trait Buy Cost DP ™™ The damage done ignores armor.
Cloak of Shadows 1 1 AP +3
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
Shadow Block L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 9 IMP
Darkness Control [4 AP] U Domain Shadow Block L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 5 IMP
Description: You can control darkness. You must buy the
Darkness Power (under Light Control) in addition to Dark-
ness Control.
Shape Shadow: The character can warp and shift shadows
to a remarkable degree. Usually one square foot of shadow
per point of SHADE can be modified.
Unnatural Shadow: If the character’s SHADE is greater
than the Light score involved, they can cast a shadow “into
that light.” If they have a SHADE 6 or greater than the
LIGHT level, they can “extinguish” the light in question.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Shadow Boxing [TAP .24] Combat Domain Silhouette [4 AP] L+ Domain

Description: In combat you can create a storm of shadows Description: You can cloak yourself with a “darkness force
around yourself giving high negative visual modifiers to field.” Activating the power makes the character appear
target you. black, featureless, and nearly two-dimensional (at least at
a distance). Turning it on is a 5 REA Medium action for the
™™ Activating Shadow Boxing is a 5 REA Medium Action
Force Field or an 8 REA Medium Action (or an additional 3
and takes Running Endurance.
REA Medium Action) for the Power Field as well.
™™ When active, the character gets a -5 Perception
modifier from anyone trying to attack them. Keeping the effect running is a Running Action unless there
This applies even at very close range (but not in is only one level going (in which case it is Walking but
grappling). adding more works as above).
™™ If the ambient light conditions are more than 3x Trait Buy Cost Force Field Power Field
SHADE, this will not work. Silhouette M 4 AP 5 Power +5
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
S-Boxing 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 15 Wall of Night [2 AP] U Domain
Description: You can create a pitch black wall or ring
Shadow Strike [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain that can obscure part of a room. It is SHADE yards in
L1: 1.5 DMG square footage and will apply SHADE x 4 against any light
Unit Cost Unarmed L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
per AP attempted to be shone through it. It can provide 3 points
L1: 1.1 DMG of Cover. As a circle it is SHADE/2 yards in diameter and
Unit Cost Armed L+: 0.9 DMG per AP SHADE yards high.
per AP
Description: Your hands (or weapon) are encased with Creating the Wall of Night is an 8 REA Long Action. It must
shadow. Your strikes ignore armor. be moored on one side. It does not appear solid (it looks
The character may add their basic HTH damage to their like unnatural inky blackness).
Shadow Strike damage. If the character is using other The Wall of Night will also lower sound. If the SHADE score
abilities that increase HTH damage they should add the is 8 or higher sound will not pass through. The creator can
A-Cost of whatever they are using to the A-Cost of Shadow see out normally.
Strike and use the combined A-Cost as Shadow Strike (if it Trait Buy Cost DP
is active). Wall of Night 1 2 AP +2

™™ Activating Shadow Strike is a 5 REA Medium Action

and costs Sprinting Endurance. LUNACY
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF DMG
Unarmed Shadow Strike L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 12 IMP These are a subset of Night/Lunar powers associated
Unarmed Shadow Strike L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 9 IMP with Darkness Control.
Armed Shadow Strike L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S 9 PEN
Armed Shadow Strike L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S 7 PEN
Armor of Night Combat Domain
Shadow Walk [4 AP] U Domain [TAP .20] +4
Description: When activated the character appears
Description: You can enter shadows in one location and
covered in a dark armor or armored cloak. Parts of it are
exit in another. This is a form of Teleport. Entering the
either utterly stygian black or perhaps show vistas of the
Shadows is an 8 REA Long Action. No one without the
night sky, space, nebulas, etc. These “plates” (Coverage 3)
ability Shadow Walk may be observing the character when
are actually holes. Any attack hitting them will “miss” the
this happens.
character. Any (small) object thrust into them will vanish
The Range is about WIL, CON, or LIGHT x 3 Miles. The char- (perhaps drifting in deep space).
acter will be aware of dark, unwatched shadows in that
This acts as a Force Field (for which more levels can be
radius. If they know of the shadow from first-hand experi-
ence (i.e. the dark area under a known bridge) they will
know the specifics of the location. Otherwise the shadow The initial level comes with a 5 POWER Force Field. Each
location may be surprising. +4 AP adds +5 POWER.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
A shadow walk takes 10 Rounds and has a 10 Round cool- Night Armor 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 17
down (the character must spend a minute in the location +5 FF POWER +4 AP
before walking again).
Trait Buy Cost
Shadow Walk 1 4 AP

Lunar Strength [4 AP] L+ Domain Sandman (Sleep) [8 AP] L1/ L+ Domain
Description: Your strength and physical durability varies Unit Cost L1: 7.3 INT per AP L+: 3.4 INT per AP
with the phase of the moon. This ability will either grant
Description: The character can cause sleep/dreams. It
the base amount, double the amount (waxing), 4x the
usually appears as a handful of golden dust thrown into
amount (Full Moon), or none (New Moon). Note: The char-
the target’s face.
acter can reverse Waxing to Waning and Full to New.
™™ ROF is 1x per Round
How To Use This In Game: The most obvious way to do
™™ REA is 5 to “create the sand” (which can be carried
this is using the real-life phase of the moon when the game
but must be carried in a hand) and 5 to throw it
is being played. If this suits everyone, it would be fine
™™ This attack may be subtle. If operated at half
(in-game only one night a month can be a New or Full Moon
intensity the target must make a perception roll at

Domain Control Traits

so the rest of the in-game time will be Waxing or Waning.
-3 to notice the “sands” blown into their face. It can

Domain Control
Alternate Way: If this does not suit, the GM can make a only be attempted in “subtle” mode once per target
random roll. 05- New, 6-10 Waxing, 11-15 Waning, 16-20 per day
Full. Attack Strength D Delivery Type Long Reach HTH
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR ADP Effect Result
Lunar Strength - Unarmed M 4 AP +2 AP +3 +11 On a -1 to -3, If the character is drowsy already, this will push them to
Lunar Strength – Armed M 4 AP +2 AP +2 +10 sleep “naturally.”
Sleepy. In a few minutes the character will become very tired and sleep. If
the character is on guard duty or with someone keeping them awake this
Lunatic [2 AP] U Domain Standard
may not happen—but if they are in any way allowed to nod off, they will.
Description: The character has a special sense of “commu- Dream input may be suggested by the attacker.
nion” with the moon. When invoked, they go into a “sleep Major
Sleep. The character will fall asleep two Rounds later and dream with
state” wherein they either receive guidance or get 1 SP. specific scenes from the character. These dreams will be reasonably vivid.
Deep Sleep. The character will fall asleep instantly (the fall will not wake
The guidance can be in the form of a clue, a revelation, etc.
them) and will sleep for several hours and be hard to awaken. Dreams can
The sleep state lasts 23 hours and the character will babble Critical
be vivid and inspiring, disturbing, or just incredibly vivid. The sandman can
randomly during that time. direct the dreams.
Trait Buy Cost DP Slumber. As above but: the character may not wake for several days and
Lunatic 1 2 AP +2 might require medical attention. The dreams can be directed with “fine
control” by the sandman allowing potential psychological manipulation
Nightfall [1 AP] U Domain (Damage? Training? Therapy?)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Description: When creating “Darkness,” everyone within Sandman L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 58/27 12
the radius will actually see the night-sky, the moon, etc. ROF RNG
Nocturnal animals in the radius will become active. Note: 1x Long Reach
The character only needs to take the darkness to a -3
perception modifier to get this effect. If the character has Total Eclipse [4 AP] L+ Domain
enough LIGHT or SHADE to negate bringing the modifier
Description: Once per every 10 hours of game time (and
above -3, they can allow extra lighting.
it may not be used until 10 hours into the game) the char-
In this case, the characters using the lights get the benefit acter may summon a “total eclipse of the sun.” The visual
from it—but to their perception (and actuality) they seem effect is only for those within SHADE miles of the character
to be using the lights at night. and, when darkness falls, the character gains +20 AP in
A-Cost for an specific attack and +120 ADP for 8 Rounds.
As an example: If a room has a LIGHT rating of 5 (average-
lit room) and the character uses Nightfall with a SHADE Note: At the GM’s option, taking certain actions can
4 using Darken to remove “8 Light” the room is still lit— re-charge this sooner. Usually these actions would be
however, outside, away from the light sources, it appears to when something specifically important or dramatic
be night time. Thus, everyone can see normally within the happens to the character.
room but, away from the lights, suffer a -3 Perception roll.
If the game is handing out Success Points as “treasure”
Trait Buy Cost DP
Nightfall 1 1 AP +2 (as opposed to SPs from a Pool or Archetype Trait) then
using 10 SPs (variable as to the rate of the game) may also
“recharge” the Total Eclipse power.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Total Eclipse M 4 AP +0

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

ICE/COLD CONTROL Aura of Cold [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain

You can generate and control ice and frost. This Unit Cost L1: 0.8 DMG per AP L+: 0.5 DMG per AP
domain has a gradient of effects from the more
Description: You create a damaging field of cold around
scientific (Cryokinesis—the ability to freeze things with
you. When active, this hits everyone within either CON,
your Domain) to things like Breathe Frost where you WIL, or FROST x 3 yards of the character.
“encase targets with ice as a weapon.” Which abilities
from this section are appropriate for a given character ™™ It is an 8 REA Long Action to activate and costs
can vary a lot. Sprinting Endurance to maintain. After that, it costs
no REA to continue. If stopped, it has a 10 Round
(1 min) Cool Down time.
RATING: FROST ™™ It automatically hits, getting a +4 Damage Modifier.
™™ The damage ignores armor. The damage is IMP.
Frost is a lower-end temperature scale measure. At
™™ It carries the Frost Freeze Effect with Delivery Type
its most basic, it is a measure of “exposure damage” 1: 2 Intensity per A-Cost + ½ the character’s FROST
that a cold environment can do (this is handled as a score.
Resisted Attack). ™™ Note: This adds to Ice Control for purposes of A-Cost.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
When implemented in the game, if using the Frost Aura of Cold L1 1 8 AP 8 AP * Area 8 6 IMP
Damage effect (a more “mythic” or mad-science-y Aura of Cold+ M 8 AP 8 AP * Area 8 4 IMP
interpretation as per ‘Freeze Ray’) the Frost Rating can
be converted into Intensity for the Frost Effect. Breathe Frost [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 2.5 DMG per AP L+: 1.3 DMG per AP
Frost Scale
Description: You can exhale snow and frost in a howling
Body temperature (98.6 F, 37 C) to “hot
Hot freeze damage breath weapon!
bath” (104 F, 40 C). A “very hot day” is
FROST: -6 to -8 around 97 F. ™™ Breathe Frost has a 9- Activation roll.
™™ Breathe Frost has a 1 Round Charge Up (after the
Warm Up to 86 degrees F (39 C) (“Beach
charge round it may be used on any round when the
FROST: -1 to -4 weather”).
activation roll is met).
About 73 degrees F (23 degrees ™™ Breathe Frost has a +2 Large Weapon Bonus.
C). Most people are more-or-less ™™ The Freeze effect has an Intensity of 20 per 8 AP
comfortable at this temperature for (2.5 Intensity per AP).
FROST: 0 long durations. ™™ The Freeze effect happens on a hit by 4+ including
Cool temperatures range from the large Weapon Bonus (so a hit by 2+).
72 F (23 C) down to 50 F (10 C). At Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Cool Breathe Frost L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 20 IMP
this temperature people without
FROST: 1-8 some (mild) protective wear may be
Breathe Frost L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 10 IMP

Cryogenic Freezing [2 AP] U Domain
Cold temperatures go from
Description: You can enter, and put others into, “Frozen
around 49 F (9 C) to below freezing
Sleep.” This takes an 8 REA Long Action and can place the
-10 F (-23 C). At these temperatures
Cold target, indefinitely, into a “stable death state.”
Frostbite can occur in 30 minutes (even
FROST: 9 to 15 assuming no wind-chill) and characters Characters can be awakened by a time-period, a Percep-
without heavy winter gear will be very tion-roll based stimulus (“when the vault is opened”), or
uncomfortable immediately. by warming them/medical attention. They may appear
At -11 to -50 F (-45 C) characters will frozen/dead but medical investigation will reveal they are
Very Cold suffer frostbite in 10 minutes. Extreme alive.
FROST: 16-29 cold weather gear is needed for active Waking up is slow, usually taking a 20 minutes per day they
work. were under (with a maximum of 2 days to recover). This
Below 50 F, frostbite can occur in can be bypassed if a character with Suspended Animation
Extreme 5 minutes or less. Significant exposure revives them (they will be stiff for several minutes but
FROST: 30+ (especially with water or wind) can that’s it).
lead to unconsciousness in minutes. Trait Buy Cost DP
Cryogenic Freezing 1 2 AP +4

Freeze [8 AP] L+ Domain Ice Armor [4 AP] L+ Domain
Unit Cost L+: 2.5 INTENSITY per AP Description: The character can summon ice around them-
selves to act as armor. The character may instantiate 1
Description: The Freeze Effect listed here will slow and
level for 5 REA or all levels for 8 REA as a Long Action (the
eventually immobilize the target. The visual effect is the
first half appear instantly, the second after). This lasts until
target covered with frost and icicles!
the character either rests or it is destroyed.
Attack Strength C
Effect Result ™™ Ice Armor gives both Armor and ADP. When the ADP
Fail No Effect
Standard -5 REA for the next Turn, -3 Init for 2 Turns after that
is gone that level of Ice Armor is gone (it may be
Major -5 REA for 3 Turns re-created).
Critical -10 REA for 3 Turns ™™ Ice Armor is heavy and a bit cumbersome. It

Domain Control Traits

Catastrophic Immobilized for several minutes in a block of ice removes 1 AGI Bonus when the character has armor
AP Cost Intensity in effect.

Domain Control
8 AP 20 Intensity (for 8 AP) Trait Buy Cost Armor ADP
Ice Armor M 4 AP 2/10 30
Freeze Ray [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
Description: You fire a blue beam of energy that freezes
the target. While the frost effect is often mystic in origin,
the Freeze Ray may be the result of super science.
™™ The Freeze effect has an Intensity of 20 per 8 AP
(2.5 Intensity per AP).
™™ The freeze effect happens on a hit by 4+.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Freeze Ray L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 10 IMP
Freeze Ray L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/10y 5 6 IMP

Frost Bolt [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain

Unit Cost L1: 2.5 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
Description: You can fire a blue-white burst of frost-
damage from your hands! This is a powerful attack that
takes time to throw (8 REA Long action to charge up) and
can only be used every other round. It also ignores the
target’s armor!
™™ The Freeze effect has an Intensity of 20 per 8 AP
(2.5 Intensity per AP).
™™ The freeze effect happens ANY hit.
™™ The Frost Bolt is an 8 REA Long Action.
™™ The Frost Bolt has a 1 Round cool Down.
™™ The Frost Bolt damage ignores armor.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Frost Bolt L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 8 20 IMP
Frost Bolt L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 8 8 IMP
Ice Bomb [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
Description: You can create an explosion of frost around
™™ Ice Bomb has a 1 Round Charge Up.
™™ The Freeze effect has an Intensity of 20 per 8 AP
(2.5 Intensity per AP).
™™ It hits everything within a WIL yard radius of the
™™ The Freeze effect happens on any hit.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Ice Bomb L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 16 IMP
Ice Bomb L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 5 9 IMP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Ice Control [4 AP] U Domain Ice Surfing [Varies] U Domain

Description: You can control ice and cold. The character Description: You create “ice slides” and ramps you can
can use FROST to: “ski” on (pulled along by the creation of the ice).
™™ Freeze existing water extremely rapidly. Each point 1. The character can move on a vertical access but
of FROST can, with a 5 REA Medium Action turn 1 does not accelerate the way the flight rules work.
gallon of water to ice. In terms of game mechanics, it is like running.
™™ Cool a location: Within a FROST x 10 yard radius, 2. As per Running, the character will have a 1st round
the character can increase the FROST rating by their speed and then a full speed—which they may take
FROST x2 score (so a 0-degree room temperature after. The character moves the listed yards (or less)
can be brought to 50 degrees F if the character has a and not 3x that amount.
FROST rating of 4). 3. The “ice slides” are presumed to melt normally
™™ Ice Sculpture: The character can mold and shape ice and quickly without much drama. Generally no
telekinetically. It is an 8 REA Long action to sculpt ice. other character can use them and attacking the
™™ The character adds their ½ FROST to the Intensity of slide doesn’t have much effect—it does not send
any FROST using attack. the surfing character plummeting to the ground.
™™ The character is immune to FROST x 5 freezing 4. If the character stops moving (stops paying REA)
temperatures and can impart to others with a 5 REA the slide will start collapsing and the character
Medium action for Walking Endurance (there is will drop (safely) to the ground. This allows the
no limit on how many people can be treated—it character to “hover” so long as they pay 5 REA
requires touch to confer the resistance). each Round to do so.
Trait Buy Cost DP FROST Trait Buy Cost 1st Round Top Speed Ceiling
Ice Control M 4 AP +4 DP +4 Ice Surfing L1 1 3 AP 15y/s 25y/s 2 stories
Ice Surfing L2 1 4 AP 20 y/s 40 y/s 4 stories
Ice Surfing L3 1 5 AP 20 y/s 60 y/s 8 stories
Ice Storm [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 per AP
Description: You can generate a whirling wind of ice and TIME CONTROL
snow centered on the character. It hits once per Round at Time control deals with the manipulation of the
the start of the character’s Turn. passing of time both in game terms and, sometimes,
in real-time.
™™ It takes a 10 REA Long action to charge up after
which it may be activated instantly if centered
In-Game time is the theoretical passage of

on the character or thrown at a distance for an

additional 5 REA Medium Action (-1/5y), gets +4 to time the characters experience. If the GM says
hit a “general area.” “Two years pass in the kingdom” the characters
™™ The Ice Storm hits everything within a WIL, CON, or presumably experience two years while the
12 yard Radius (whichever is higher). players experience a second or two.
™™ It gets a +4 Damage Mod (there is no roll to hit).
™™ The Freeze effect happens on any hit.
™™ The Freeze effect has an Intensity of 20 per 8 AP
Real time is what the players experience. A

(2.5 Intensity per AP).

™™ It is centered on the character or may be thrown “at combat may take 90 minutes to play out but
a distance.” only run 5 Rounds (30 seconds) of in-game time.
™™ Running the effect is a Sprinting level action.
™™ Once running the additional effect costs 0 REA. The
effect does not move.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Ice Storm L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 10 13 IMP
Ice Storm L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/10y 10 5 IMP

Double Time [TAP .75] Combat Domain Duplicate [TAP] Combat Domain
Description: You have twice as much time (or more ) as Description: You can multiply yourself! When activated,
other people. the character summonses 2 or 4 duplicates of themselves
from “alternate timelines.” Note: The original character
™™ You get two Bullet Rounds. Read the Fast Company
“themselves” will count as a duplicate.
rules for Bullet Rounds—but in short, you get to two
entire Rounds at the beginning of each Round with When active, the character will only die permanently if all
which to take full actions. Targets can block your the duplicates are killed. If one remains, they can deacti-
attacks—but no one else can take any actions until vate the power and dead duplicates will simply cease to
the “normal rounds” start. exist.
™™ You can do tasks in 3x the normal rate. When in
Activating Duplicate is 5 REA Medium Action. The dupli-

Domain Control Traits

“Double Time” you appear as something of a blur
cates appear within Medium Reach of the character’s
(you can run at triple the rate, etc.).

Domain Control
original location (Note: At the player’s option, the original
™™ You get +4 to Dodge Rolls and can apply your
character can vanish and the duplicates appear around the
Dodge against ranged weapons if attacked during
original spot). The duplicates appear with full REA and can
the normal Round. If attacked by someone with 1
act one Initiative after being created.
Bullet Round you get +2 to Dodge, and +0 if attacked
during the 2nd Bullet Round. The player will handle all duplicates unless the group
™™ When in Double-Time you have a hard time dynamic dictates some will be NPCs (the character with
interacting with and being understood by normal Duplicate should not do 2x to 4x as much roleplaying as
people (you appear as a hyper-fast moving blur). the other players—that may not be fair).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Double Time — — 18 24 30 36 41 47 Duplicates usually dissolve after a scene change or after
several hours of in-game time.
Duplicates appear with all the current gear the original
is carrying with a few exceptions: most printed materials
will be slightly randomized making duplication of money
difficult. Rare items or items just picked up don’t count
(usually only things AP was paid for get duplicated).
Number of Duplicates Cost
1 Duplicate (2 characters total) [.41]
2 Duplicates (3 characters total) [.57]
3 Duplicates (4 characters total) [.72]
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
1 Duplicate 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26
2 Duplicates 5 9 14 18 23 27 32 36
3 Duplicate 6 12 17 23 29 35 40 46

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Hidden Ace [N/A] L+ Domain Notes: As per many of these abilities, their inclusion in the
campaign will necessitate some discussion with the GM.
Unit Cost L+: N/A Usually this ability should be able to:
Description: When taking action that directly disables an
1. Get rid of a weapon if the Resisted Attack works,
opponent using Hidden Ace, treat as a Resistance Roll. The
replace it with a non-working replica (so long as it
Intensity is 120% of the character’s AP (128 AP = 156 INT).
Attack Strength C Delivery Type Beam
has not already been fired in the current scene).
Effect Result Trait TAP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
On -1 to -3: Character can have researched some relevant facts, might Hidden Ace 1x .18 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12
Fail know more than they did previously, etc. No direct effect on target or Hidden Ace 2x .22 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14
environment. Hidden Ace 3x .28 2 4 7 9 11 13 16 18
Gain an advantage. Choose one that makes sense. Hidden Ace 4x .33 3 5 8 11 13 16 18 21
™™ Gain a helpful device (key? Weapon? Food/water? Phone?) that is
suddenly strategically hidden in the nearby environment. Rewind (Save Point) [TAP] Utility Domain
Standard ™™ Have examined immediate area thoroughly. Description: You can “run time backwards” to undo
™™ Have left an instruction (hidden) that can be revealed (i.e. in a sealed
mistakes. To use this ability, the character declares a
™™ Have a “crash pad” set up if the fall can be somewhere reasonably “save point” is created and then sets a stop-watch for
discreet. 10 minutes. During the next 10 minutes of real-time all the
Gain a significant advantage events are “optional.” At the end of the 10 minutes (or at
™™ Disable an opponent’s weapon, communications devices, vehicles, any time during it) the character can declare a “Rewind”
computer systems, etc. (“I loaded your gun with blanks”). which takes them back to the “save point.” If the time
Major ™™ Have an exotic piece of gear (tracker device?). runs out, the character can choose to “keep the events” or
™™ Have examined larger area (installation) well enough to know where restart.
everything is.
™™ Target can suffer up to a Minor Wound in damage. The character will retain knowledge of the future and
Gain an overwhelming advantage: other characters nearby (within the “time bubble”) will
Critical ™™ Target can be ensnared in traps also have some dream-like memories (this facilitates
™™ Target can suffer up to a Major Wound in damage (the gun explodes?) roleplaying—if the group wishes to drop this aspect, that’s
Catastrophic As above—but can inflict a Critical Wound. fine).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Hidden Ace 1 — — 120% TAP 12 The power represents either an actual re-wind of time or,
Rng ROF possibly seeing the future (a potential future). Even if the
Special Special Time Controlling character is killed, the player will still get
to “restore” to their save-point.
Hidden Ace [TAP] Combat Domain Usually a character with this ability can only use it once
Description: You can travel back in time and change per game session.
things—so long as no change contradicts what is already Ultra Rewind: This option allows a 1x per 10 hours of play
known. When you end the travel, you will snap-back to the the character to roll back a few minutes without a “save
present with the knowledge of what changed. point.” Usually this will allow the characters to undo one
Usually this is not played out: the player simply invokes action (if used immediately) or to re-start a combat or a
the ability to have “changed something.” As stated, it can’t given Round of combat. Ultra Rewind includes the regular
alter what is already known to exist. Rewind ability as well.
Trait Cost
Usually this is done to gain an advantage, position a Rewind [.45]
hidden asset, or otherwise get the character out of a sticky Ultra [.50]
situation. Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Rewind 4 7 11 14 18 22 25 29
™™ The ability may be used once per session per level. Ultra Rewind 7 10 14 17 21 25 28 32
™™ Invoking it is a 0 REA Medium Action (the
declaration is done on the Players Round but there
is no charge).
™™ The “reveal” should be expected to happen quickly.
™™ What can be done is up to the GM to a degree (and
the level of credibility of the campaign). However,
trying to use it to defeat an opponent is handled
as a Resisted Attack against the target’s RES,
Perception, WIL, or CON as the GM sees fit. See

Slow Others [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Stasis Field [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost Unit Cost L1: 3.9 INT per AP L+: 2.6 INT per AP
L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP
Description: You can create “bubbles” of Stasis that stop
Unit Cost Area L1: 3.4 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP time. A Stasis Field usually appears as a reflective sphere—
Description: You can envelope others in “slow time.” This although depending on the methodology used, it can
costs the target REA (or even whole Rounds). Keep in mind appear as a strange “glaze” over an object or person.
that if the character is attacked by someone 5 REA faster A target inside a Stasis Field is invulnerable—they are
than them they must make an REA roll to even be able to outside of time. They do not age or experience the passage
block. of time in any way. Stasis Fields decay, usually over a few
Note: If a target of the attack also has Slow Others they minutes or hours—but some can last much longer.

Domain Control Traits

can add the Intensity of their power to their DP for Stasis can be used by the owning character to take them-

Domain Control
purposes of defending. selves out of time (often in combat) for a pre-set period of
Attack Strength C Delivery Type Beam or Area
time. Using this is a 5 REA Medium Action.
Effect Result
Fail No effect. It can also be used to put someone else in Stasis. This is
Standard The target takes a -4 Initiative and -1 AGI Bonus moodier.
an 8 REA Medium action and is fired as a beam weapon.
As above but -8 Initiative and -2 AGI Bonus. The character adds +1 REA
Cost to every action they take. Their attacks are at +1 to block or dodge. A target in Stasis is trapped in a small silvery bubble. It
As above but the character adds +2 REA to every action they take. REA
is difficult to see what is inside (the light coming from
Critical rolls to be able to block are at -3. Their attacks are at +2 to block or inside remains as a faint after-image on the event-horizon
dodge. surface). Bubbles can be moved but they move slowly
The character loses every other Round. On Rounds they are able to take (about 2 yards per second no matter how much force is
action: As above but the character adds +5 REA to every action they applied—but collisions with them will tend to deform
take. REA rolls to be able to block are at -5. Attacks made are at +3 to them and bleed velocity into “null space” rather than
block or dodge. doing much damage to the impacting object).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Slow Others Beam L!/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 36/20 12 In the case of a character placing themselves in stasis—or
Slow Other Area 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 27/15 12 a willing target with about a minute to set up the field, the
Rng ROF time period can be almost indefinite. If used as a weapon,
-1/10y 1x
treat as a Resisted Attack.
The Minimum cost for Stasis is 2 AP.
Attack Strength B Delivery Type Beam
Effect Result
Fail No Effect
Target is trapped in stasis for 3 Turns (if they have taken their Turn this
Round, their first Turn in Stasis happens next Round).
Major Target is trapped in stasis for up to 1 hour (attacker’s choice).
Critical Target is trapped in stasis for up to 1 week.
Target is trapped indefinitely (however the GM can declare it is no longer
than a month or so).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Stasis Field L1/ L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 31/21 12
Range ROF
-1/10y 1x

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Time Stop [.22] Combat Domain Tourist Mode: You can go forwards or back in time and
observe/interact but once the effect ends nothing changes
Description: You can stop time and move around freely.
in the present. If you are able to stay, you may live as a
When time is stopped you cannot damage items and
“temporal expatriate” in another time. This is the listed
moving things is quite difficult—it is like they are attached
cost. The character may make multiple jumps per scenario.
to rubber bands and can be moved a short distance (such
as opening a door) but moving them further quickly Time-Gate: You can open a gateway that allows others to
becomes impossible. follow you. This is a comparatively inexpensive power since
having the whole-group time travel is usually better for the
The basic Time Stop Attempt is: game than having one character travel around alone.
™™ An 8 REA Long Action. Once Time is Stopped, only Back To The Future Mode: This form of Time Travel
characters in the vicinity with the ability will move allows the character to go back in time and change things.
normally. Creating paradoxes will either (a) reverse all the time
™™ Unless otherwise noted the effect lasts for WIL, RES, travel changes and lock the character out of being able
or CON minutes. to try that time-jump (or anything similar) for the rest of
™™ The character appears to vanish and then reappear the scenario or (b) create some kind of temporal disaster.
wherever the time stop ends. Usually we would go with (a) but it’s up to the specifics of
™™ Exiting a Time Stop gives a single blow that is at the game. This has a +8 AP Cost to the below choices. It is
+3 to hit due to surprise (the character seems to still very limited in what it can change because of para-
suddenly appear with a blow about to land). doxes. The character is usually limited to one “jump” per
scenario. It comes with the Time-Gate ability or is only +6
Freeze Block: A character with Time Stop can use it in a
AP. The GM and group must be consulted before taking
defensive capability to freeze time for a moment to get
this ability.
out of the way of an incoming attack. This may be done
instinctively. Using Time Travel: Using Time Travel is usually an 8 REA
Long Action. The character going back and forth remains in
™™ For 5 REA, unless the attacker also has Time Stop, the same place in space (although a “view of the landing
the attack automatically misses. This can only be pad” will prevent the character from trying to TT into a
done once per Round. solid object. If the character moves around back in time
™™ For 3 REA, the character gets a Perception Roll +3 as they can essentially disappear from one location and
a block against incoming attacks. re-appear in the other.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Time Stop 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 16 Precise time travel requires a RES or some kind of skill roll
to get perfect. With Precise time travel a RES, WIL, or Skill
Time Travel [TAP] Utility Domain roll will get the time correct to the day. With a roll at -5
they can get the time specific to the hour or minute.
Description: You can travel in time—and maybe take your
friends. The precision of time travel makes a big difference If jumping back to the start “of a combat” they can simply
as to how valuable it is. If you can go back to the exact do that with Precise Time Travel.
time of a murder, for example, that’s more valuable than
With Coarse Time Travel the character can use a roll to get
being able to travel backwards in 100-year chunks.
a jump back within a 10 year window (granularity of less
™™ Precise Versions: This designation allows the than 10 years requires a better roll). Rolls at -3 to -5 can go
character to travel to a specific moment (if done in within that—but usually no finer grained than a year.
combat, to the beginning of a specific Round—but
Usually there is only one or two Time Travel attempts
usually just to the beginning of the combat unless
allowed per scenario—although that can change a lot
the group can reverse engineer what damage was
depending on the specifics.
taken, etc.)
Ability Cost
™™ Coarse Grained: This designation allows the Precise Travel [.20] +4
character to go back in fairly coarse and somewhat Coarse Travel [.30] +4
random steps. Usually the character can be pretty Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
precise (to the day or month) if the travel is back Precise Travel NA 7 9 10 12 14 15 17
more than 10 years. Trying to jump a few days back Coarse Travel NA 9 11 14 16 18 21 23
Time Gate +2 AP
is usually impossible. The GM may call for RES or Back Future +8 AP
WIL rolls to adjust the time (precision time jumping
with a coarse time travel power requires a -5 roll to
get the day right within 10 years and you probably
only get one shot).

SOUND CONTROL Sound waves are a shattering
The character can control sound and vibrations, using roar; create blast overpressure of
them to attack, move so on. approximately 1lbs/square inch
64-127 SOUND
• Structural Damage Level 1
RATING: SOUND • SOUND/5 @ L+ Rate to Sonic
SOUND is a measure of loudness of ambient noise. At Scream
higher levels it can deafen. The “Real-world” score is Sound creates 2lbs/square inch blast
in decibels (dB). overpressure. Structural Damage
128-255 SOUND
Level 2, SOUND/5 @ L+ to Sonic
SOUND Rating Description Scream

Domain Control Traits

1 SOUND Sound creates 4lbs/square inch blast

Domain Control
Roughly 0-30 dB. A whisper-quiet overpressure. Structural Damage
256-511 SOUND
2-3 SOUND library is around 30 dB. Perception Level 4, SOUND/5 @ L+ to Sonic
rolls to hear are at -4 to -6 Scream
Roughly 31-85db. A normal Sound creates 8lbs/square inch blast
conversation is around 60 dB, City overpressure. Structural Damage
512+ SOUND
4 SOUND traffic inside a car could be 85. At the Level 8, SOUND/5 @ L+ to Sonic
low end, Perception rolls to hear are Scream
at -3 (as high as-0)
Around 90dB (Train whistle at 500’) to Amplify Voice [1 AP] U Domain
115dB (motorcycle, Power saw, loud Description: You can speak as though through a Public
5-7 SOUND rock concert 115, night club: 110). Address system. Note: This can be done with Sound
Permanent hearing loss can occur if Control, but if you just want this aspect of it, this ability
sustained by itself will work. Your voice gets a Sound Level of 8 or 9
From around 116 dB (pain begins when wanted.
at 125 dB) to 140 dB (short term Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Amplify Voice 1 1 AP +0 AP +3
exposure can cause permanent
8-11 SOUND
damage). Examples would be a
pneumatic riveter at 4’ (125 dB) or a Echolocation [1 AP] U Domain
jet engine at 100’ (140dB) Description: You can “see in the dark” and get a sense of
dB levels from around 140 to 159 the surrounding area by reading sound waves. This can be
cause extreme discomfort, short-term enhanced by the character using “sonar” but can also just
12-15 SOUND be done passively by listening. It covers a SOUND x3 yard
hearing loss, and ultimately long-term
damage radius and will go through walls.
A shotgun blast is 165 dB. At 180 dB Echolocation will only resolve object’s basic shapes and
this causes death of hearing tissue. movement—it will not tell you who the person is, what is
16-23 SOUND written on paper, etc.
Characters subjected to this may be
permanently deafened
It will allow the character to fight in the dark.
Sound waves above 180 cause Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
24-39 SOUND
permanent hearing damage Echolocation 1 2 AP 0 AP +2
Sound waves capable of causing
physical trauma and death. Lung Mimic Voice [1 AP] U Domain
rupture and embolism due to air blast Description: You can mimic any voice or “play back” animal
can occur sounds with your own voice. This can also be done to
40-63 SOUND disguise your voice, sing perfect opera, etc.
• Character gets SOUND/5 in Sonic Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Scream bought at L+ (13 IMP at Mimic Voice 1 1 AP 0 AP +2
40 SOUND, 25 IMP at 63 SOUND)

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Razor Wind [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Sonic Force Field [4 AP] L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.0 DMG per AP L+: .5 DMG per AP Description: A Sonic Field requires a 3 REA Short Action and
then protects for the remainder of the Round (if established
L1: DMG x2 on 6+ L+: DMG x3 on 6+ last Round, the 3 REA can be paid during Initiative to keep it
Description: You use slicing beams of sound to dismember running). If knocked unconscious, the field will drop.
targets. The attack looks like semi-visible scythe-like Trait Buy Cost A-Cost POWER
“blades of sound” hurled at targets. Sonic Force Field M 4 AP 0 AP 8 FF POWER

™™ The Razor Wind attack is Armor Piercing: If the

Sonic Scream [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
target fails an Armor Save, Armor’s DR is reduced to
0 against the attack. Unit Cost L1: 3.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.6 DMG per AP
™™ Razor Wind is “ultra-sharp.” If the attack hits by Description: Your shriek can rip metal and obliterate
6+, it gets the Ultra-Sharp damage bonus added enemies.
to its Base Damage. This is done before checking
for PEN (so good hits by Razor Wind are especially ™™ A Sonic Scream costs 8 REA to fire.
damaging). So, for example, if you have 16 AP of ™™ Sonic Screams have a 1 Round Charge Up.
Razor Wind, it does 12 PEN on a hit by 0-5 and ™™ Sonic Screams get a +2 Large Weapon Bonus.
40 PEN on a hit by 6+. ™™ Sonic Screams do double Base Damage to the
™™ Razor Wind has a 1 Round Charge Up time between undead and non-living targets (robots, walls, doors,
uses. etc.)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG ™™ If the character has SOUND > 39, Add SOUND/5 at
R-Wind L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 8/16 PEN L+ rate (a character with SOUND 40 would add 13
R-Wind L2 M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 4/12 PEN IMP to Sonic Scream damage.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Shockwave [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Sonic Scream L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 8 29 IMP
Sonic Scream L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 8 13 IMP
Unit Cost L1: 2.5 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
Description: You can fire a cone of devastating
™™ Shockwaves have a Rate of Fire of 1x per Round.
™™ Shockwaves get a +2 Large Weapon Bonus.
™™ Shockwaves have a 1 Round Cool Down.
™™ Shockwaves do 4x Base Damage to structures and
can force “CON Rolls” for them to remain standing
at the GM’s discretion (to knock down a solid
building the character must usually do at least half
the structure’s Damage Points—but a Shockwave
can break glass and knock paintings off walls
throughout a structure with far less damage).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Shockwave L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/7y 5 20 IMP
Shockwave L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/7y 5 12 IMP

Sonic Flight [Varies] U Domain

Description: You can ride on a sound-wave, reaching high
speeds. Sonic Flight moves you at the speed of sound but
it always costs 8 REA per second (it never reduces to 5 REA
for a continuing move).
Trait Buy Cost ACC Top Speed Ceiling Man Hover
Sonic Flight 1 6 AP 30y/s 700y/s 1000ft Med No

Sound Control [4 AP] U Domain Sound Sense [2 AP] U Domain
Description: You can control Sound in the environment. Description: You have “super hearing” or can otherwise
“key in” to certain sounds miles away. Sound Sense
™™ Quiet: The character can decrease the Sound level
is usually keyed to hearing cries for help, emergency
in the area covering SOUND x10 yards in Radius and
beacons, and other things the character might “really
decreasing it by SOUND x 2 points.
want to know about.” Usually the GM will simply inform
™™ Create Sound: The character can create noises,
the character they hear “cries for help” or “an emergency
including music, chatter, etc. These have a
beacon” or whatever it is. The abilities natural mechanics
loudness of SOUND. This can be used to amplify
usually filter out noises the character doesn’t care about.
the character’s voice. Created sounds will only
have “realistic fidelity” if the character practices Sound Sense operates over CON, WIL, or SOUND x3 miles

Domain Control Traits

with them or if they are amplified from a source in radius.
the character is listening to: if you are listening

Domain Control
It also allows you to “throw your ears” by creating a point
to music over your headphones you can “play it
somewhere distant where you can listen. Picking a point
loud”—but if you wish to play “air guitar” without
that cannot be seen requires a RES, WIL, COR, or Skill
actively listening, artistic skill rolls will be required.
(Ranged Attack) roll to get perfectly. The character then
To exactly mimic someone’s voice requires a special
hears as though they were there.
skill or a lot of practice (Disguise skill).
™™ Sonic Illusion: The character can set up and direct a The character gets +3 to all hearing Perception rolls
“pre-recorded” sound which will last 1 min per point including any called for to hear “key events.”
of SOUND not used to create it. This may either Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
play once or play over and over for its duration. The Sound Sense 1 2 AP 0 AP +2
distance it may be projected and the area it may
cover use the Domain Control Area rules. Note: Each Thunder [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
point of SOUND used to project it some distance
cannot be used to increase the loudness or the Unit Cost L1: 3.4 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP
Area (so a character with 8 SOUND could create a 4 Description: You create a stunning, deafening roar of
Sound Illusion at 2 Range covering 2 Area). sound. It might sound like thunder or something else.
™™ Mute: The character can use their SOUND reduction
™™ Thunder costs 5 REA and has a Cool Down of 1 Round.
against a single target rendering them silent (or
™™ If the character has hearing protection it reduces
softer). This gets 2x SOUND score, costs 5 REA,
the Intensity by around 5 points for minor ear-plugs
and hits as a Ranged Attack (-1/15y). Once hit,
to 20+ for extremely good hearing protection.
the character can maintain the effect for Walking
™™ The character can add their ½ SOUND score to the
™™ Privacy Screen: With enough SOUND x2 to cover
Attack Strength C Delivery Type 5 Area of Effect
a conversation (4pts will cover up to a Loud noise) Effect Result
the character can create an environment where Fail No Effect.
two people can hear each other normally and The character is Stunned and deafened: they must make Perception rolls to
everyone else either hears nothing of something hear normal things.
entirely different. Getting the “something different” Major The character is dazed and deafened for several minutes.
to be complex is quite hard (use Artistic skills at -3 Critical
Dazed at -2 to recover and deafened for hours. Some permanent damage
for a complex conversation and -8 for a complex may result.
conversation that mimics everyone’s voices Catastrophic Unconscious—deafened for hours.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
perfectly) but things like music, silence, or white- Thunder L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 27/15 12
noise take no roll. Rng ROF
Trait Buy Cost DP SOUND -1/10y 1x
Sound Control M 4 AP +4 +4

Throw Voice [1 AP] U Domain

Description: Your voice (or other self-generated sound)
can seem to come from an area distant from you. This can
be done with Sound Control, but this ability allows you to
buy it without purchasing that Trait. It can throw the char-
acter’s voice up to WIL, CON, or 12 x 10 yards.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Throw Voice 1 1 AP +0 AP +3

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Vibratory Bolt [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain CHARGE Rating Description

Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP 1 CHARGE
Description: You project shattering vibratory bolts through Minimal charge up to that of
your hands that penetrate easily through armor. “standard battery power.” A point of
CHARGE will do 1 Electrical Damage
™™ A vibratory bolt ignores 1 Armor per full 2 AP of
2-3 CHARGE or run a small device (a flashlight)
A-Cost of the bolt (may be less than AP’s actually
for 12 hrs (consumer batteries can
last in a flashlight between 6 and
™™ Vibratory bolts do double damage to the undead
24 hrs).
and non-living targets (robots, walls, doors, etc.)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG From 1 Milliamp (mA) to 20 mA.
Vibratory Bolt L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 10 IMP Target will feel a tingling to a
Vibratory Bolt L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5y 5 7 IMP “mild shock” (which is definitely
unpleasant). Most “heavy”
Vibratory Field [4 AP] L+ Domain appliances (dishwasher, stove, etc.)
Description: You create a humming field of vibratory force! take 4pts of CHARGE per hour to
This can be used to deal extra damage in HTH combat as run. Light appliances (toaster) run
well as to protect yourself. It functions as a Power Field on 1-2 CHARGE for an hour.
defensively (each point adds 1pt of PEN Defense and 2 A to 4 A. A wall socket at
each hit reduces the number of points at 1 per point of 240 volts is 4.1 amperes running
damage). While active, it deals the listed damage with HTH from a socket to a 1KW space
attacks. Turning on the field is a 5 REA Short Action that
heater. Death is a very real
cost Walking Endurance. possibility touching this. This output
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Field Damage will run a home for 1 hour.
Vibratory Field M 4 AP +2 AP +10 PF +4 IMP
Vibratory Field M 2 AP +1 AP +5 PF +2 IMP 5-10 A. Cardiac arrest and severe
8-11 CHARGE burns is possible. An electric chair
could use 7 Amps (as an estimation).
Above this, power sources start to
The character can control and direct the elemental be in the range for a town or city.
force of lighting! To a large extent this is a damage- Generally each 8 CHARGE will power
dealing set of powers but there are a few defensive a home for an hour. So if a character
16-23 CHARGE
maneuvers—as well as some just-plain unusual ones. can produce 40 Charge they can
power 5 homes for an hour.
Electrocution attacks force a CON roll at -1 by the target.
600 kW – the power of an industrial
24-39 CHARGE
diesel generator.
RATING: CHARGE 1000 kW/1 MW – a high-powered,
40-63 CHARGE
CHARGE is a measure of the electrical energy in a emergency industrial generator.
system. Real world measures of electricity (amps, 64-127 CHARGE 50 Megawatt power station.
volts, capacitance, load capacity) are quite complex.
Emergency Power Station
CHARGE focuses on: 128-255 CHARGE
(100 Megawatts).
™™ How much power output the character or a Coal Power Station
256-511 CHARGE
source can provide (600-700 Megawatts).
™™ How much damage a lightning bolt of the listed Nuclear Power Station
CHARGE would do 512+ CHARGE
(900-1300 Megawatts).
Electrical control can also generate large amounts of
energy – at higher levels enough to power a building,
a town, or even a city or region. Generally speaking
this power is not easy to convert directly into combat
damage, but with the right preparation, it can be,
yielding substantially more damage than the basic
“charge” attack.

Chain Lightning [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain Ion Field [4 AP] L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP Description: You can create a glowing defensive field of
Description: You fire lightning bolts—and when you hit,
you can continue the fry the target. ™™ It is a 3 REA Short action to activate the Ion Field. It
costs Sprinting Endurance.
™™ Chain lightning costs 5 REA to Activate after which
™™ Once activated it cannot be reactivated for
it may be used for the rest of the combat for the
10 Rounds (1 minute) but will remain active so long
normal REA cost with the listed Rate of Fire.
as Endurance is paid.
™™ Chain lightning costs 5 REA to throw. When a hit is
™™ It acts as a Power Field.
scored by 4+ the character can “lock on.”
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Power Field
™™ Once a lock on is achieved the attacker can hit again,

Domain Control Traits

Ion Field M 4 AP 0 AP 30 Power Field
using the same to-hit modifier as was rolled when Ion Field M 2 AP 0 AP 15 Power Field

Domain Control
lock-on was achieved for 5 REA (no roll to hit).
™™ To break lock-on the target must either break line Lighting Bolts [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
of sight or make a dodge (or block if they can block
ranged attacks) against the original to-hit roll. Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG Description: You can throw lightning bolts from your hands!
Chain Lightning L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 13 IMP
Chain Lightning L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 9 IMP Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Lightning Bolts L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 11 IMP
Lightning Bolts L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15y 5 7IMP
Electrical Control [4 AP] U Domain
Description: You can create and control electricity. Lightning Breath [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
™™ You can create CHARGE output of power from Unit Cost L1: 2.5 DMG per AP L+: 1.4 DMG per AP
your body for Walking Endurance, 2x CHARGE for
Description: You exhale a storm of lightning bolts.
Running Endurance, and 4x CHARGE for Sprinting
Endurance. You can provide ½ your CHARGE ™™ Lightning Breath has a 9- Activation roll.
indefinitely. ™™ Lightning Breath has a 1 Round Charge Up (after the
™™ You can shock touch someone for CHARGE damage. charge round it may be used on any round when the
™™ You can nullify charge in an area, reducing your activation roll is met).
CHARGE from the power system. This hits as a 5 REA ™™ Lightning Breath has a +2 Large Weapon Bonus.
Ranged attack (-1/15y) and, for example, 8 CHARGE Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
will shut down a house. 2-4 CHARGE will shut down Lightning Breath L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 20 IMP
Lightning Breath L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 11IMP
most individual devices.
™™ They can add their CHARGE score to Magnetic
Control’s Surge power (which they may also buy). Lightning Strike [4 AP] L+ Domain
™™ They receive CHARGE armor against electrical Description: Your hand-to-hand attacks hit for more
attacks. damage due to Lightning-enhanced strikes. This power
™™ They can impart CHARGE armor to electrical attacks simply adds to Impact Damage done with any strike when
as a 5 REA Continuing action costing Walking active and gives a -1 CON roll if the damage added by
Endurance (if they want to protect more than one Lightning Strike is ¼ or more of the total Base Damage.
person, they may divide up their CHARGE as they
wish). ™™ Activating Lightning Strike costs 5 REA and costs
™™ They can sense active circuits, batteries, and so on, Running Endurance. Once activated it can be used
determining how much they are charged and so on. for the entire fight.
A perception roll will notice things like cell phones Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Strike Damage
Lightning Strike M 4 AP +4 AP +5 Damage
(-4 for things like hearing-aid batteries and the like).
They can tell where cyborgs are without seeing
™™ They can make a RES, WIL, CON, or combat skill
roll to deflect up to CHARGE x 5 points of incoming
electrical damage as a 3 REA Block action.
Trait Buy Cost DP CHARGE
Electricity Control M 4 AP +4 DP +4

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Shock Block [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Travel Through Phone Lines U Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.8 DMG per AP [8 AP]
Description: You can emit an electric shock that will Description: You can dissolve your body into electricity and
damage anyone who you block. travel along the phone lines. This is Teleportation through
any call that you place that lasts longer than 40 seconds.
™™ The shock effect may be combined with any Block
(or Dodge). ™™ Disappearing and re-appearing is an 8 REA Long
™™ The amount that the Block/Dodge roll exceeds the Action.
target (hit-by) number is the Damage Modifier. ™™ This requires a land line.
™™ Damage is electrical. ™™ You can use this to hide in a battery of sufficient size
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage (a car battery or larger for a normal person).
Shock Block L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 11 IMP ™™ You can enter a wall-socket and emerge from any
Shock Block L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 6 IMP other known wall socket (or one “at random” in the
same manner.
Taser Shock [8 AP] L1/ L+ Domain Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Electrical Travel 1 8 AP 0 AP +0
Unit Cost L1: 3.1 INT per AP L+: 2.1 INT per AP
Description: Your hands produce a high-voltage shock
effect like a Taser! DEATH CONTROL
The domain of Death gives control over a variety of
™™ Taser Shock costs a 5 REA action to activate (the
character’s hands crackle with electricity) and every ways of killing and some alternatives to dying.
strike performed while active has the Resisted
Attack Taser effect.
™™ Keeping Taser Shock active costs Sprinting
Attack Strength B Delivery Type Touch
Effect Result DEATH is a measure of just “how dead” someone or
Fail No Effect
Standard Character is Dazed at -2 to recover.
something is. As a rule it is composed of (a) how long
Major Character is treated as unconscious for their next two Turns. they have been dead and (b) what state of decomposi-
Critical Character is treated as unconscious for 2 minutes. tion the body is in.
Character is unconscious for some time and may suffer more severe
medical consequences. For purposes of the “generic rule set” we make no
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Taser L1/L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 25/17 12
clear statement as to the exact nature of spirits, the
Reach ROF REA afterlife, or anything else. We do, however, posit that:
Short S 5
1. There is a realm called “the shadow lands” that
exists between this world and the afterlife (if
Thunderbolt [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain
there is one) where people go immediately
Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP after they die—but are only there for a short
Description: You can throw a powerful lightning strike. time. It appears differently but one version is
™™ The Thunderbolt has a 1 Round Charge up. a dark forest with a barely seen sun that looks
™™ The Thunderbolt has a 1x ROF. like it is always eclipsed (a shadow sun with
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG a corona of light around it). The newly dead
Lightning Bolts L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 22 IMP may spend a few moments or even hours here
Lightning Bolts L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/15y 5 12 IMP
before “moving on.”
2. Ghosts or spirits may be sort of computer-
program-like impressions of their former selves
that can make some basic decisions and take
some autonomous actions but are otherwise
essentially mechanical in nature.
3. The longer someone has been dead the harder
they are to talk to or locate. The more a body is
destroyed the harder it is to connect a “spirit”
to it.
DEATH Rating

The subject is alive—but is dying Dead for years. Unless buried there
rapidly. This is usually the result of a will be no remains. Cremation and
40-63 DEATH
Dying Wound Effect—but could also scattering the ashes will produce this
be due to a rapidly killing terminal level of death as will disintegration.
disease. If the character will be dead Dead for decades. Each year of death
in a few hours without extreme 64-127 DEATH
counts as a year.
medical attention they have a DEATH
score of 1. 128-255 DEATH Dead for up to 255 years.
A character who either just died 256-511 DEATH Dead for up to five centuries.
(within the past minute) or is “dead” 512+ DEATH Dead for over five centuries.
and “frozen” (or otherwise might be

Domain Control Traits

in a “very deep coma” is at DEATH 2.
2-3 DEATH At this level doctors can revive the Cold Heart [TAP .22] +10 Combat Domain

Domain Control
patient with a Doctor roll at -2 if they Description: The character is room-temperature and has
have good equipment. This is the pale skin. They are undead (either through “awakening
case of being “clinically dead” for a from death” or some necromantic/alchemical process).
few seconds. The character:
The character may be revived by a ™™ Does not suffer PEN doubling (they can still take PEN
Doctor roll at –DEATH. The character damage though).
4 DEATH has been dead 1 to 12 minutes ™™ Has no mortal weaknesses (they may “rest” for
(or so). The body is still in savable a couple of hours a night or go into suspended
condition. animation for a pre-set time). They do not breathe,
Dead 3-6 hours. The character is age, get sick, bleed, suffer from toxins, or need to eat.
dead but still appears mostly whole. ™™ They get +2 CON.
(Damage is below Injured Condition) ™™ They get +5 STR, +20 ADP. The ADP can be
5-7 DEATH This could be the case of DEATH replenished instantly by drinking small quantities of
hours of death. Within 3-6 hours blood from the living or newly dead.
rigor mortis will set in and the body ™™ They get +4 to all psychology categories other than
will cool to room temperature. intimidate due to their cold, perfect appearance.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Dead 8-12 hours. Damage is below Cold Heart NA 13 15 17 18 20 22 23
Serious. Around 8 to 12 hours after
death the body reaches full Lividity
8 – 11 DEATH
(under “normal” conditions) this
imparts a purple-blue hue to the
Dead 13-36 hours. Damage is above
Serious Condition but below 5x DP.
Bloating of the face and trunk is
12-15 DEATH evident. Skin shows “marbling” at
the abdomen. This can also apply to
a body suffering significant trauma
Dead 37-72 hrs. Body in the wild
will be almost completely eaten by
16-23 DEATH animals and insects. Severe trauma
can cause this level (beheading). The
body will be skeletonized.
Dead several months. In the wild only
bones will remain. This can also apply
24-39 DEATH to burning, taking 5x DP or more
from explosive or similar damage,

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Death Control [4 AP] U Domain Death Ray [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain

Description: You can affect death within your level of Unit Cost
L1: 2.8 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP
domain. Death Ray
™™ Halt Dying. The character can stave off any level of Unit Cost
L1: 2.8 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP
Death of 3 or below. This is a 5 REA Medium Action Death Touch
and the character must have line-of-sight to the Unit Cost
L1: 1.4 INT per AP L+: 1.0 INT per AP
dying target. Halting Death will stabilize the body in Death Aura
a coma from which they will eventually recover. If Description: You fire a black beam of shadow that causes
the character continues to sustain damage it must cell death in the target. The target takes the listed DP in
be stopped each time until 5x DP is reached (the damage and must make the listed Wound Effect roll. If the
body is effectively destroyed). character has Death Control, add 1/4th DEATH to their
™™ Last Image. Remains can be examined for their “last Intensity score.
image seen” if the character’s DEATH control is Attack Strength B Delivery Type Beam, Touch, Aura
equal or greater than the DEATH of the body. Effect Result
Fail No Effect
™™ Speak with Dead: The character can have a brief
Target Suffers a Minor Wound’s worth of damage ignoring Armor, Force
(silent) conversation with the dead by holding the Standard
Fields, or Power Fields (but not ADP).
remains so long as the character’s DEATH equals or Major Target Suffers a Major Wound’s worth of damage as above.
exceeds the DEATH score of the body. Note: Dead Critical Target Suffers a Critical Wound’s worth of damage as above.
characters can lie or refuse to talk but usually will be Catastrophic Target Suffers a Critical Wound as above. Roll at Con-2.
able to answer some quick questions and will more Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Death Ray L1/ L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 22/15 12
often than not be truthful (if a large bribe would Death Aura L1/ L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 22/ 15 12
make the character talk when alive, they will usually Death Touch L1/ L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 11/8 12
speak plainly when dead). The character may well Rng ROF
be speaking with a “spiritual construct” rather than Ray -1/10y 1x
the “soul of the person.” The dead don’t answer Touch Short S
Aura 10y Rad 1x
questions about the afterlife or have any knowledge
they didn’t have in life. The character can get 2x
their DEATH score simply to “identify the body.” Death Walker [4 AP] U Domain
™™ Cause of Death. The character can determine the Required: Death Control L3.
cause of death if the DEATH score for their control is
Description: You can die and re-appear elsewhere after
greater than or equal the DEATH of the target. They
“walking in the spirit realms” (which generally appear
must be near the remains.
as a kind of empty shadowy limbo). The character can
™™ Sense Death. The character detects whenever
navigate either to places they know or to any place where
anyone dies within a DEATH x 100 yard Radius. If the
a death has happened or any dead body is nearby within
character is concentrating this can expand to DEATH
the character’s DEATHx2 score (so with a score of 4, the
Miles. The character will get a sense of who died
character could reappear at hospitals, with a DEATH of 8
and how. This may also detect people who are in
the character could likely appear at any graveyard).
mortal terror (and likely about to die).
™™ Banish. The character can banish any spirit of equal The character basically commits suicide and then re-forms
or lower than 10x DEATH (so a DEATH of 4 can banish with “basic clothing.” If the character destroys their gear
a spirit dead several years). Note: This applies to with a ritual they will be able to reappear with it. Other-
restless disembodied haunts, not physical undead or, wise they keep gear they paid AP for (which will break/
usually, highly aggressive/magical undead. vanish) but nothing else.
™™ The character gets DEATH armor against ghostly
attacks, can see and speak with ghosts and spirits, If the character is killed outright (by any means) by
and can inflict DEATH damage IMP on them (5 REA someone else, they can still Death Walk but will be stuck in
ranged attack) even if they are non-corporeal. the shadow-lands for 2 or more seasons. This is a form of
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DEATH DP immortality.
Death Control M 4 AP 0 AP +4 +4 Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Death Walker 1 4 AP 0 AP +0

Ghost Dance [TAP .14] +3 Combat Domain

Description: Bullets and other physical projectile weapons
pass through you. This has no effect on HTH attacks either
armed or unarmed.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Ghost Dance 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12

Life Leach [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Necro-Talons [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Utility Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP Unit Cost: L1: 1.6 DMG per AP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP
Description: You can suck the life-force out of someone Description: Your fingers rend flesh, ignore armor, and deal
with your necromantic touch! To use Life Drain: PEN damage!
™™ You must successfully hit with a Grab or Grapple. ™™ Necro-Talons require a 5 REA Medium Action to
™™ The attack is then used as a 5 REA Medium Action. activate: the fingers take on a bladed, skeleton-like
™™ It does not roll for damage or use a Damage appearance. This can be kept ready for 20 Rounds.
Modifier. It simply drains its damage from the target They give off a “cold aura” that can be “felt” by all
each time it is used. life forms within a 50 yard Radius. While active the
™™ The damage is treated as Impact for purposes of character is clumsy with their hands and they take

Domain Control Traits

healing, etc. about 10 minutes to re-charge.

Domain Control
™™ The damage ignores armor. It will not work through ™™ They strike for HTH PEN Damage ignoring Armor.
a Force Field or Power Field. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost REA Reach Damage
™™ Life Leach is ineffective against things with no Necro-Talons L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 5 Short 13 PEN
Necro-Talons L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 5 Short 8 PEN
biological weaknesses.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost REA Reach Damage
Life Drain L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 5 Close 16 IMP Necrotic Heart Combat Domain
Life Drain L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 5 Close 12 IMP
[TAP .16] +5
Description: You are undead—your body may appear
Necromantic Bile [4 AP] L+ Domain decayed or desiccated or otherwise deformed by death.
Description: You are filled with green glowing blood. You Despite this, you are quite strong.
may appear normal—unless cut (or you may glow slightly
green). You have no heartbeat but the bile may be warm ™™ A character with a Necrotic Heart has no biological
(or cold). You get: weaknesses (see Cold Heart).
™™ They suffer no Hurt Condition (until they reach
™™ +12 ADP Injured Condition, sub-Minor wounds will not be
™™ +4 STR Armed or +3 STR Unarmed treated as Minor).
™™ +1 CON (not per level, just once) ™™ They can regain ADP in combat by consuming living
™™ -1 AGI Bonus (not per level, just once) flesh (eating 1 DP regains 4 ADP).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP ™™ They do not suffer PEN Doubling.
Necromantic Bile M 4 AP +2 AP +12
™™ They get +6 STR.
™™ They get -5 BLD.
™™ They suffer from a -6pt deficit to all psychology
categories except intimidation due to their
unwholesome appearance. They get +6 to
™™ If dismembered, they can simply sew themselves
back together.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Necrotic Heart 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15
Dr. Death (128 AP / 50 AP Super Hero)
Type: None
NYC metro area in human identity.
Death Control L6 24 AP (Utility) Death Control 24 AP
Ghost Dance TAP [.14]+3 AP Immune to bullets 17 AP
Self Glamour 1 AP (Utility) Pass as human 1 AP
Power Beam 32 AP (Combat) High damage beam 32 AP
Death Ray 8 AP (Combat) 24 AP due to A-Cost 8 AP
Super Strength 12 AP (Combat) Cost reduced by A-Cost 7 AP
No Bio Weakness 2 AP (Utility) Doesn’t sleep, eat, bleed 2 AP
Armor 30 AP (Combat) Hard to hurt 30 AP
DP 3 AP (Combat) Extra Damage Pts 3 AP
Mesmerism 4 AP (Utility) Hypnotize 4 AP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Necrotic Rot [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain Re-Animate [6 AP] U Domain

Unit Cost L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP Description: You can “bring people back from the dead” as
undead. The process takes several hours and is somewhat
Description: Your touch carries a “death rot” that quickly
alchemical and necromantic in nature (the body must
decays the target!
be prepared, it is given injections of the character’s on
The Rot has a base damage (derived from the Intensity blood and/or green glowing fluids, there may be drawings,
of the attack, see below). The target will suffer the listed candles, lightning, etc.).
number of rounds of damage automatically with the attack
Not counting the time for the procedure, the character
hitting each Round during Initiative +0, and then they may
must have a DEATH score of equal or higher than the body
make CON rolls at the beginning of each additional Round
in order to re-animate it.
to shake off the effect.
Being re-animated usually returns the original character to
The Necrotic Rot does not roll for damage. It simply deals
their body however:
its damage and, if proper, provokes a Wound Roll.
™™ The character must buy Necromantic Bile (4 AP per
Automatic Rounds count the first Round of touch. This
level). They may, but are not required, to buy Cold
means Automatic Rounds of 2 will cause the damage
Heart or Necrotic Heart.
twice—once when the target is hit, once on the next
™™ The character must either pay the APs for this or
take enough of the below defects to make up the
A target can only suffer one Necrotic Rot effect at a time difference. Note: These may also be taken if the
but: re-animator does not have sufficient DEATH to
reanimate a body (use the numeric score as DEATH
a. If the target is hit in combat they will take “one or “AP value.” Also note: These defects only apply
hit” of the Necrotic Rot effect, even if they are to Re-Animates, they do not grant APs for other
already suffering continuing damage that Round. characters taking them.
b. If the target is hit for a better score that one will
be used instead of the previous one for the next The character is driven by
Automatic Damage round. unknown forces that may force
The attack must either: them to behave in a complex and
Deranged 4
malign way. The character may
1. Touch skin (or clothes). If the subject has a full- be “possessed by a demon” or
body armor the Necrotic Rot must be delivered as otherwise compromised.
a “blood toxin.”
2. Be “exhaled into the mouth” of the subject: This The character hungers for human
requires a Grapple (a Grab, alone will not do). If flesh and blood. They must
the target has protective breathing gear this will Life Hunger 4 consume 10 DP worth of flesh/
not work. blood per week or slip into a
3. The Rot is not a “disease” or “toxin” per se but torpor.
it will not work on things immune to biological The character must consume a
weaknesses. Brain Hunger 8 human brain once a week or slip
Attack Strength C Delivery Type Touch into a torpor.
Effect Result
Fail No Effect The character hates and fears the
Damage is Intensity/5. Automatic Rounds are 2. CON roll to stop taking sun. They will suffer -5 rolls in
damage is at +2. Sun Fear 4 sunlight and physical pain (5 REA
Damage is Intensity/5. Automatic Rounds are 3. CON roll to stop taking Stun each round) after a time, they
damage is at +0. will die.
Damage is Intensity/3 (Round normally). Automatic Rounds are 3. CON roll
to stop taking damage is at +-2. The character is rotting (but will
Damage is Intensity/3 (Round normally). Automatic Rounds are 4. CON roll Rotting 4
Catastrophic never rot away).
to stop taking damage is at +-5.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power You are under command of the
Slave 4
Necrotic Rot L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 36/20 12 re-animator.
Short S 5 Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Re-Animator 1 6 AP 0 AP +4

Smell Death [1 AP] U Domain Summon Skeleton [4 AP] L+ Domain
Description: You can “smell death” on someone or Description: You can call forth an animate skeleton with a
something. The character must have Control Death at L1 sword to fight for you.
or higher. Usually a Perception roll made by 0-3 will give
Animate Skeletons do the mental bidding of their creator.
minor details or just a sense. A roll by 4-6 will give signifi-
They last for 12 hours and can understand commands to
cant details. A roll by 7-9 will give video style details and a
move, attack, guard, and retrieve objects that can be seen
roll by 10+ will give full details.
(you cannot have an animate skeleton go to another room
™™ You can detect when someone has killed another and make a sandwich). They can see anything their creator
person if the victim’s DEATH by time is less than sees.
or equal to the character’s DEATH x2 score. A

Domain Control Traits

successful Perception roll will give the character PHY STR 12 BLD 05 CON —
information about the death (or deaths) and some REF COR 12 REA 12 AGI 12

Domain Control
sense of who the victim was, and so on.
™™ You can detect when someone is suicidal or having INT RES 00 MEM 00 WIL 00
thoughts of death. +6 PEN Damage, Med Reach, 5 REA, 13- to-
™™ You can smell when someone is “about to die.” hit, block 12-
This is generally probabilistic but can be limited
Armor 1 (Takes no PEN Damage)
to serious diseases if the GM has problems
determining who might be “about to die.” This can ADP 1 (any hit for damage destroys)
be used to warn people taking serious risks (the Move 4/5/6
drunk people at the next table are getting ready to
leave—and you sense death about them? Call them When destroyed the character must wait 10 Rounds before
a cab—it might help.) re-creating one. Creating Skeletons is an 8 REA Long action:
™™ You can detect dead bodies and can tell if a room the character may create as many as they can summons.
has had a death in it if your DEATH x2 score is higher The skeleton must be created within Long Reach of the
than the length of time. A Perception roll will give character and anyone within Step range may respond by
details. attacking the skeleton on creation (it gets no block).
™™ You can distinguish objects and weapons. A fighting Trait Buy Cost A-Cost
Animate Skeleton M 4 AP 0 AP Each 4 AP gets 1 skeleton
knife would have a faint ‘sense of death’ (even if it
was never used). A neutron bomb radiates high-
intensity strange-frequency death. Wear Corpse [2 AP] U Domain
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Description: You have the unsettling necromantic ability
Smell Death 1 1 AP 0 AP +3 to “wear” a corpse. This is done by procuring the corpse
and having enough DEATH to equal or exceed its value (or
Soul Jar [2 AP] U Domain it must be in embalmed condition or otherwise virtually
Description: You can remove your soul and place it in an intact). The character will look and sound like the character
egg, crystal vial, or other “container.” When removed, whose “visage” they are wearing.
you cannot be killed unless the container is destroyed ™™ A “worn” corpse does not visibly decay for DEATHx4
(it is quite easy to smash). Any result that would kill the or 12 hours. Even then it will smell (vaguely) first,
character will be treated as unconscious. If the character’s and then slowly fall apart over time. It may attract
body is destroyed, it will re-form in a month around the some flies, etc. Keeping clean, using perfume,
container or nearby. keeping it cool can keep a worn corpse going almost
If the container is destroyed the character instantly dies. indefinitely.
Note that while a character with a Soul Jar will feel pain ™™ If the character has Death Control and enough
they will not sustain “deep trauma” from being killed or DEATH to wear the corpse, it appears perfect. If not,
damaged. Being tortured would hurt—but not nearly as the visage will appear pale and unhealthy and show
much as it would in real life. signs of death (bullet holes, etc.).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP ™™ The “wearing” is mystical in nature—the character
Soul Jar 1 2 AP 0 AP +0 “bonds with/shape-changes into” that of the corpse.
When released, the corpse will reappear near the
character, having been “shed.”
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Wear Corpse 1 2 AP 0 AP +4

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

WEATHER CONTROL Cloudy. More than 70% of the sky.

You can control the weather. 4 WEATHER May be light rain (2.5mm/hr—
sprinkling) and gentle breezes.
WEATHER is a rating of the ambient strength of Overcast. Moderate Rain. Entire
the weather. This includes the wind rating scale sky is covered with clouds.
from Air Control but also tracks, specifically, Strong winds (4). Rain is 7.5mm/
lightning and rain. 5-7 WEATHER hr (it will get you wet quickly).

Temperature may drop 1 degree

™™ Although it will not allow pin-point F. -2 Environmental Modifiers for
cryogenic freezing like Ice powers do, ranged attacks
it will allow for making the ambient Heavy Rain. Rain is more than
temperature a lot hotter or colder. 7.5mm/hr. You will be soaking
™™ It does not allow for as fine control wet in seconds. Temperature may
8 – 11 WEATHER
of winds as Air Control (although the drop 2 degrees F. Wind is 5. WIND
character may buy some wind attacks if is at 5 (25 mph) -3 Environmental
Modifiers for ranged attacks
wanted) but can raise or lower ambient
winds. Thunder storms. Rain is heavy and
in sheets. Lightning strikes are
probable. Temperature may drop
Weather Rating 3 degrees F. WIND is 11 (30 mph)
Calm. The air is still, there are no 12-15 WEATHER -3 Environmental Modifiers for
1 WEATHER Ranged Attacks
(or few) clouds in the sky.
Partly Cloudy. 30-70% of the sky is
2-3 WEATHER covered with clouds. There may be Can generate F1 Tornado for
still air or a light breeze. Structural Level 1 Damage

Severe Thunderstorms. Can trigger CREATING TORNADOS
flash floods. Heavy driving rain. Tornados may appear naturally as a consequence of
WIND is 16. -4 Environmental storms but if the character wants to create and use
Modifiers for ranged attacks. one, doing so requires an 8 REA Long Action and has
16-23 WEATHER Structural Damage Level 1
the same dampening effects on the area (WEATHER
mile radius) as the creation of other storms.
Can generate F1 Tornado for
Structural Level 2 damage
Blizzard [2 AP] U Domain
Gale. Rainfall reaches 50mm/ Description: You can call down cold-fronts to chill the area.
hr which will create floods even A blizzard will have hail, freezing rain, and even snow.
in non-flood zones. WIND is 23.

Domain Control Traits

The WEATHER score divided by 2 acts as FROST (from Ice
Visibility is shot: -6 Environmental Control) lowering the temperature in a large area. Unlike

Domain Control
24-39 WEATHER Modifiers. Structural Damage Ice Control, Blizzard does not provide pin-point control.
Level 2
The change is reasonably abrupt but not instant. Usually
Can generate F2 Tornado for an area of WEATHER miles in diameter will begin cooling
Structural Level 3 damage by 4 FROST per minute.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Category 1 Hurricane or Blizzard 1 2 AP None +6
F3 Tornado. WIND is 40. -6
Environmental modifiers. Call Down Lightning L1/L+ Domain
40-63 WEATHER Structural Level 3
[8 AP]*
Can Generate F3 Tornado for Unit Cost L1: 4.0 DMG per AP L+: 2.0 DMG per AP
Structural Level 4 Description: If the weather level is 4 or higher the
Category 2 Hurricane or F3 character can call lighting from the sky. This only works
Tornado. Wind is 60. Structural outdoors and only with a WEATHER score of 4 or greater.
64-127 WEATHER
Damage 4. F3 Tornado for ™™ The attack is “indirect fire” coming from the sky.
Structural Damage 5 ™™ The roll to guide the bolt in is done as a normal
Category 3 Hurricane WIND is ranged attack with the listed range modifier.
100. Structural Damage is 5. Can ™™ The bolt lands immediately when thrown.
128-255 WEATHER
generate F4 Tornado for Structural ™™ Call Down Lightning has a 2 Round Cool Down time.
Damage 7 ™™ The damage is electrical (-1 to CON roll).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Category 3 Hurricane. WIND is 200.
Call Lightning L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/30 5 32 IMP
256-511 WEATHER Structural Damage 6, F4 Tornado Call Lightning L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 1x -1/30 5 16 IMP
for Structural Damage 8
Category 4 or 5 Hurricane. Heat Wave [2 AP] U Domain
512+ WEATHER Structural Damage is 7 or F5
Description: You can bring in very warm weather. Your
Tornado for 9
WEATHER score divided by 2 acts as reverse FROST (from
Ice Control) raising the temperature of a large area. Unlike
WEATHER AS A WEAPON Ice Control, Heat Wave does not provide pin-point control.

When a major change is done to the weather it is The change is reasonably abrupt but not instant. Usually
harder to manipulate weather within that area for an area of WEATHER miles in diameter will begin warming
a period of time (it requires a very high WEATHER by -4 FROST (getting warmer) per minute.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
score to continuously create hurricanes, for example). Heat Wave 1 2 AP None +6
Usually any given use of WEATHER will create “nega-
tive WEATHER” of half that for 1hr per point of
WEATHER spent after the storm ends.
For example, if a character uses 64 WEATHER to create
a category 2 Hurricane to send against an army, after
it blows out, there will be -32 WEATHER for the next
32 hours preventing additional manipulation (the
character can summon a Gale with their 64 WEATHER
as it will only act as 32.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Storm Horses [4 AP] L+ Domain Weather Control [4 AP] U Domain

Description: You create massive, dark, angry horse-shaped Description: You can manipulate and control the weather.
clouds (this can have other visual effects: perhaps a great The character can:
dark bird?) that “ride out, trampling down from the sky
™™ Raise or lower the WEATHER conditions by their
against a target vicinity.” This is essentially a directed storm
WEATHER score. This takes 10 REA of concentration
used as a weapon. This is used to attack a town or perhaps
and lasts for WEATHER hours.
a military formation. The storm is summoned and then
™™ Direct Weather: The character can either exempt
released. It hammers an area of WEATHER/10 miles across.
people within WEATHER yards from the impact of
The storm can be directed to strike anywhere within
WEATHER points of effect or control destructive
WEATHER x 10 miles.
weather (of up to their WEATHER) to send it against
The storm is of WEATHER x2 Intensity (often in the form of structures or towns.
tornados as the hooves striking). The storm lasts WEATHER ™™ Rain Window. The character can make it rain or
minutes causing two Grapple rolls for destruction on any make it dry by WEATHER points within a WEATHER
target along the length. yards radius (this will also reduce or increase winds
in that area).
This is quite taxing and takes a while to set up. Usually only
™™ Cloud Shaper: Although not able to do “fine work”
one such attack can be done per 4 days.
the character can mold clouds allowing for forms
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Storm Horses 1 4 AP None +0 of sky-writing or other phenomena. This can allow
dramatic beams of sunlight to break through
overcast days on cue if the character has WEATHER
Tornado [8 AP]* L1/L+ Domain equal to or greater than the current condition.
Unit Cost L1: 4.0 DMG per AP L+: 2.0 DMG per AP ™™ WEATHER immunity. The character can remove
Description: You can summon a whirlwind to battle your WEATHER points from WIND attacks (this grants
opponents. WEATHER armor as well) and lightning.
™™ The character can detect and locate Weather
™™ Creating the Tornado is an 8 REA Long action. It is Control within a WEATHER x 5 mile radius.
approximately 2 yards in diameter and functions as ™™ The character can predict the weather WEATHER
follows: days out with excellent accuracy.
™™ For a 5 REA Long Action the creator may move it ™™ Mood Weather. The weather may match the
over a person’s location. It will execute a “Pick Up” character’s mood unless they are consciously
Grapple move against them automatically (it does controlling it.
not have to Grapple or Grab). Trait Buy Cost DP WEATHER
™™ If successful, the character can either be held or Weather Control M 4 AP +4 DP +4
™™ The Grapple and STR of the Tornado is listed as the
™™ If wanted, the controller can just deal STR Damage You have control of Chi energy and the various
with a +4 Damage Modifier for 5 REA with the “morphic fields” that control and make up your body.
™™ A picked up character is at -6 to hit anything and -4 Air Run [2 AP] U Domain
to be hit (they are swirling around in the tornado).
Description: You can run across water so long as you
They can try a Break Grapple move to get down.
are sprinting, move over sand or snow without leaving
™™ The Tornado moves at 18 yards per second.
footprints, and even, for a short time, run vertically! With a
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA STR
Tornado L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S * 5 32 STR sprinting action you can move 1 second’s worth of yards up,
Tornado L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S * 5 16 IMP focusing your chi so that even air molecules support you!
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Air Run 1 2 AP None +0

Armor Block [TAP] Combat Domain Chi Attack [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Description: You focus your Chi Energy to become hard Unit Cost Bolt L1: 1.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
as stone for a moment. This gives you armor when you
block—if the block fails you apply the armor. Unit Cost Strike L1: 2.3 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
Description: You can gather your personal energy either
The amount of Armor is based on your character’s Total AP
hurl a Chi Bolt or super-charge a strike with your personal
Cost and the multiplier.
power! The strike can be used every round or it can be
1. Take the Total AP of the character and divide by “charged” for up to two rounds if wanted.
8 (so a 64 AP character has a basic armor level of
™™ Throwing the Bolt is a 5 REA Medium Action. It has
8 Armor).
a -1/5y Range Modifier. It may be thrown 1x per
2. Multiply that by the Block multiplier (x2, x4, x8).

Domain Control Traits

So for a 64 AP character with x4 Armor Block they
™™ Throwing a Chi Strike is done as a normal strike with

Domain Control
get +32 Armor when they try to block and fail. PEN
extra damage. If a Chi Strike is blocked, the blocker
Defense is TAP number x the number after the “/”.
still takes 1 damage (but not if it is dodged).
(So if it’s x2/5, then the PEN Defense for a 64 AP
™™ “Charging” the Bolt is a 0 REA action that can only
with a x4/10 multiplier is 80 PEN Defense).
be done in combat or with obvious concentration.
3. You must buy the type of Block you wish to use
the Armor effect with. The ability does not give Note: Chi attacks may be able to hit phased out things
you fast or vs.-Ranged blocks. So if your character (especially if they can affect non-phased out things in any
has no special blocking abilities (not Fast and not way) and otherwise damage things that are very unusual
versus Ranged) then you buy at the Normal level. or even “immune” to normal damage. This is at the GM’s
If you have Fast (1 REA) blocks that DO NOT work discretion.
vs. Ranged OR you have 3 REA blocks that do work Trait Buy Cost A-Cost R0 Dmg R1 Dmg R2 Dmg
vs. Ranged then you by the Fast OR Ranged blocks. Chi Bolt L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 14 22 32
If you have Fast Blocks that work vs. Ranged and Chi Bolt L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 9 11 21
Chi Strike L1 1 8 AP +8 AP 18 25 36
wish to use the Armor Effect with them then you Chi Strike L+ M 8 AP +8 AP 12 13 24
buy the Fast AND Ranged version.
Note: Unlike normal Armor, Armor from an Armor-Block is Chi Leaping [TAP .12] +1 Combat Domain
applied BEFORE any other defense (such as a Power Field). Description: You can make quick explosive leaps. You may
Level Armor REA Vs. Rng Cost make a 5 REA you can make a Long Action Sprint move
L1 Normal TAP x 2/5 3 No [.04]
L2 Normal TAP x 4/10 3 No [.08] (this does not move you 3x Sprint, just 1x Sprint—but you
L3 Normal TAP x 8/20 3 No [.19] can go straight up as well) to leap explosively into combat
L1 Fast OR Ranged TAP x2/5 1 OR 3 Maybe [.09] (or out of it). For Rounds on which you do this, you get:
L2 Fast OR Ranged TAP x 4/10 1 OR 3 Maybe [.12]
L3 Fast OR Ranged TAP x 8/20 1 OR 3 Maybe [.16] ™™ +2 to Block or Dodge rolls and the full roll applies
L1 Fast AND Ranged TAP x2/5 1 Yes [.22] against Ranged Attacks.
L2 Fast AND Ranged TAP x 4/10 1 Yes [.48] ™™ +2 AGI Bonus and your full AGI Bonus applies
L3 Fast AND Ranged TAP x 8/20 1 Yes [.94] against Ranged Attacks.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
L1 Normal 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 ™™ You may fall any distance, landing safely.
L2 Normal 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 ™™ You can also take a 5 REA Dodge action and get the
L3 Normal 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 above bonuses for the remainder of the Round.
L1 Fast 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
L2 Fast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Chi Leaping 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
L3 Fast 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
L1 FR 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14
L2 FR 4 8 12 15 19 23 27 31 Chi Stealth [2 AP] U Domain
L3 FR 8 15 23 30 38 45 53 60 Description: You can “detect” where people’s field of view
is, even if you cannot see the person (for example, you
can tell that an area “around a corner” is being watched
by two people). You can also tell if you have been heard
and if they strongly suspect someone is there. This gives
+4 to Stealth rolls and +2 to Spy craft rolls around shad-
owing and surveillance. It also gives you the ability to
tell if there are unwatched ways into an installation and
otherwise move about with some warning before you are
seen (detect the presence of guards around corners and
the like).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Chi Stealth 1 2 AP None +0

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Chi Strength [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Reflection Block TAP Combat Domain
Unit Cost L1: 3.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP [.20] +1 ([.25+2] )
Description: When you gather your Chi energy you Description: When someone attacks you with a ranged
become almost super-humanly strong! attack you can “hit it back at them.” Any time you Block an
incoming ranged Attack you may immediately spend 3 REA
™™ Activation is a 10 REA Long Action. and make a to-hit roll using your Martial Arts skill to “fire
™™ Once activated the strength lasts for the remainder the attack back” at the target.
of the combat.
This ability provides the capability of blocking ranged
Note: The ability can be used “out of combat”—it will last attacks using any normal block.
for a matter of Rounds. When activated, the character may Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
actually appear to “bulk up” with muscles pumping up and Reflection Block 3 4 6 7 8 11 12 14
rippling as the character inhales and exhales. Taking this versus Anything 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
action will be clear to any observer that the character is
“readying themselves.” Round 2: FIGHT! [TAP] Combat Domain
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR Description: Once per session you can “instantly heal.”
Chi Strength L1 1 8 AP +8 AP +24
Chi Strength L+ M 8 AP +8 AP +12 This restores a Major Wound’s worth of Damage Points
and negates the Wound Effect.
Endurance [1 AP] U Domain This may be declared at any time—but if declared imme-
Description: You can use a sort of meditative trance-state diately after a Wound Effect is rolled, the Wound Effect
to burn endurance from physical activity more slowly. This becomes “no effect.”
allows the character to: Round 3: FIGHT! Allows the character to do this 2x per
™™ Perform Walking activity as though their CON was session. The character also gets +8 Damage Points.
doubled. Note: The use of this heal (called “burning it”) is often
™™ Perform Running activity as Walking. used to “unlock” other abilities (see below).
™™ Perform Sprinting activity as Running. Trait Cost
Round 2 Fight! ( 1 healing charge) [.14] + 2
This ability only applies to physical activity—not to main- Round 3 Fight! (2 healing charges) [.22] +2
taining abilities. Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Round 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
Endurance 1 1 AP None +2 Round 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 14 16

Golden Bell Technique [2 AP] L+ Domain Suspended Animation [1 AP] U Domain

Description: You can organize your Chi to make yourself Description: You can shut down your body’s natural func-
difficult to injure! tions and go into a death-like state. You can awaken with a
perception roll on a given set of triggers (someone enters
™™ The power requires 5 REA Short action of
the room, I hear something, etc.) You will be aware of your
concentrated mediation each Round.
body and can wake up instantly if you take damage.
™™ The character gets the listed ADP any round this
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
is active (the ADP will regenerate fully in about Suspended Animation 1 1 AP None +3
10 minutes).
™™ If the REA is not paid the character does not access
it (damage goes directly to the character).
Technique Training [2 AP] U Domain
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP Description: You have been trained in special martial arts
Golden Bell M 2 AP +0 AP +20 techniques! You can purchase 8 AP worth of special moves
from the list in the Fast Company section of the book.
Harmonic Field [TAP .18] Combat Domain Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP

Description: You create a resonance that causes firearms

to fail to fire. This generally works only on “gun-style”
projectile weapons. Activating it is a 5 REA Medium Action
and it lasts for WIL Rounds.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Harmonic Field 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12

Technique Training 1 2 AP None +4 Dragon Glow M 4 AP +2 AP +10 +2

Vanish [4 AP] U Domain Iron Fortress [2 AP] L+ Domain

Description: You can ‘vanish into thin air’ when someone Unlock: Round 2: FIGHT!
isn’t looking at you! You may make a nearly instant and
Description: Your body becomes impenetrably hard! When
completely silent Long Move once per Round for 8 REA.
activated (it is unlocked by Round 2: Fight) you develop the
This can be done in an instant when someone looks away.
listed amount of armor.
You may take no offensive actions for the rest of the
Round after the move (if in combat). Getting someone to ™™ Once unlocked, the armor may be activated as a
look away can be done with various skills for misdirec- 0 REA Short action. The character’s skin usually
tion including an Intimidation roll, Showmanship, or even appears metallic or stone-like.

Domain Control Traits

something like saying “look over there.” ™™ The armor lasts 2 Rounds including the one that it
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP was activated on.

Domain Control
Vanish 1 4 AP None +8 ™™ The character need not activate all their armor at
once but must wait for the currently active armor to
Walk Through Wall [3 AP] U Domain “time out.”
Description: Walls do not really exist … if you don’t believe ™™ Each level of Iron Fortress gives a small number of
in them (and it helps if others don’t either). When faced DP that the character always has.
with a wall or door that is not observed by anyone without Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Armor DP
Iron Fortress M 2 AP +0 AP +4/10 +2
Walk Through Wall, you can take an 8 REA Long Action to
step through it. Again: this will not work if the other side is
observed (electronic surveillance counts). My Turn Now! [TAP] Combat Domain
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Unlock: Round 2: FIGHT!
Walk Through Wall 1 3 AP None +0
Description: Once unlocked the character gains a Success
Point Pool to use for the rest of the combat. The SPs may
ROUND 2: FIGHT! UNLOCKS be spent for any roll the character makes. The notation is
[number in pool]/[max that can be spent on any one roll].
These abilities are only usable after the character has Trait Cost
burned a Round 2: Fight heal during the combat. It Level 1 (10/4) [.05]
should be noted that, as this is a 0 REA action, a char- Level 2 (20/8) [.14]
Level 3 (40/8) [.31]
acter could hypothetically burn their R2-Fight imme-
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
diately at the start of combat (before any damage was SP 10/4 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
taken, etc.). This is allowable if tactically questionable. SP 20/8 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
SP 40/8 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20
Death Dance [TAP . 18] Combat Domain
Unlock: Round 2: FIGHT!
Second Wind [2 AP] L+ Domain
Description: You unleash a barrage of strikes! The char- Unlock: Round 2: FIGHT!
acter gets +4 attacks for 1 REA each. They may take an Description: You gain ADP useful only after burning
additional +2 attacks for 1 REA if striking targets that have Round 2: Fight.
not already been attacked this Round. This ability has a
2 Round Cool Down after use.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Death Dance 1 3 4 6 78 9 10 12

Dragon Glow [4 AP] L+ Domain

Unlock: Round 2: FIGHT!
Description: Your body is suffused with an unearthly glow.
™™ You get +10 Power Field and +2 STR.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Power Field STR

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP

Second Wind M 2 AP +0 +12 HACKING
Technology Control can make characters much more
efficient and effective hackers. This section provides
Tornado Blocks [TAP] Combat Domain
basic rules for hacking as well as instructions for how
Unlock: Round 2: FIGHT! Technology Control can help.
Description: The character unleashes a whirling burst of
blocks and dodges. This is usable once per combat per Basic Hacking: Characters with Computer Skill L2+ or
“charge” (see below). When burning a use: Hacker at any level can attempt to penetrate, control,
or shut down computer systems and networks.
™™ The character gets one +16 Block or Dodge against
1 attack. Basic hacking is a 3-roll drama where the character
™™ Every other block or dodge that round goes at +3. attempts to get enough Success Points to achieve his
™™ These defenses work against Ranged Attacks, even if desired effect for the system to be compromised.
the character normally cannot block/dodge ranged
attacks. • The GM determines the Security Level of the
Trait Cost system attacked.
Tornado Blocks x1 [.12] • The hacker determines the degree of compro-
Tornado Blocks x2 [.12] +2
Tornado Blocks x3 [.12] +4 mise desired.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ • The hackers can use hacker tradecraft to get
Tornado Blocks 1x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 additional Success Points.
Tornado Blocks 2x 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tornado Blocks 3x 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 • Defenses may alert the authorities hacking has
taken place, or even trace the hacker.
Water Technique Combat Domain System Security Level: Smaller, personal systems are
[TAP .18] +4 easier to compromise than complex, well-defended
Unlock: Round 2: FIGHT! ones, as a general rule. It is quite possible to have
Description: The character can use their Water Technique
a personal device that is highly secure, or a large
after unlocking it. This gives: corporate network full of holes. The GM should use
his discretion.
™™ A -4 Damage Modifier against all attacks for the rest
of the fight. Security Level Description
™™ A -8 Damage Modifier against any attack the
character attempted to Block or Dodge but hit Personal computing devices such as
anyway. desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile
™™ A free Step Action towards an opponent every phones. These devices usually have
Round (this is not combined with the free step with Level 1 basic password protection as part
attack for making an Init roll by 5+). of their operating system and may
™™ One +4 Dodge or Block for the remainder of the have limited file encryption. Simple,
combat. intelligent household robots are level 1.
™™ One auto-success with a Break Grapple attempt for Small commercial websites. This
the combat. includes sites for small businesses,
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ high schools and colleges, most forum
Water Technique 5 7 8 10 11 13 14 16 communities, BBSs, and so on. It also
includes corporate intranets for small
and medium companies. A well-
TECHNOLOGY CONTROL Level 2 defended PC with enhanced security,
You can manipulate and control technology. This 3rd party encryption, etc. might qualify.
applies to both electronic and mechanical systems. Includes poorly defended utilities and
When dealing with electronic and computer systems factory control systems. Commercial
the character can use a form of “electronic Domain security systems and CCTV systems for
houses, cars, and small businesses are
control” to influence the system. When working with a
usually in this category.
machine (such as an original Model T car) the char-
acter is essentially telekinetically controlling it.

Major Internet sites and e-businesses. Operate basic
Large corporation Intranets. Smaller 16 23 30
functions (e.g. 6 SPs 9 SPs
networks run by elite computer SPs SPs SPs
turn on/off)
professionals fall in this category.
A laptop owned by a L4 computer Install/
16 23 30
programmer, loaded with security uninstall user 6 SPs 9 SPs
hardware and software might reach applications
Level 3 level 3. Control systems for cruise Turn on
ships, medical systems, and other 16 23 30
camera/ 6 SPs 9 SPs
mission-critical civilian systems usually SPs SPs SPs
fit this category. Physical security microphone

Domain Control Traits

systems for banks, ATMs and so-on Trace User 16 23 30 37
9 SPs
are usually Level 3 – but are protected ID’s/Locations SPs SPs SPs SPs

Domain Control
by locked doors and other (non-
electronic) control measures. Find Secret 16 23 30 37
9 SPs
Documents SPs SPs SPs SPs
Professionally hardened systems that
expect regular and on-going attacks. Limited time
23 30 37 44
This includes bank networks, military super user/ 9 SPs
networks, super villain mainframes, root access
casinos etc. This also includes
Install system
networks that run war ships, nuclear 23 30 37 44
software/ 9 SPs
Level 4 power plants, etc. Alien mother SPs SPs SPs SPs
ships. Cybernetics and life-sustaining malware
devices (e.g. space suits) will be in this Capture user
category, even if they are not designed 30 37 44 55
actions/log 9 SPs
with “network security” in mind. SPs SPs SPs SPs
Military drones and robots are often
level 4. 30 37 44 55
Wipe system 9 SPs
The networks of large intelligence
services, artificially intelligent Persistent
Level 5 30 37 44 55
computer systems, etc. PC robots control; install 9 SPs
would be level 5. a back door,
Higher levels of security are left up to Issue
Level 6+ 16 23 30 37
the GM’s discretion. destructive 9 SPs
Degree of compromise: The more the hacker wants commands
to accomplish and the GM determines the associated Cripple/DOS 16 23 30 37
9 SPs
difficulty level. In general stealing information is easier Attack SPs SPs SPs SPs
than establishing on-going control.
Compromise A serial killer posts a taunting message on a private
desired L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 forum bulletin board system. Hacker characters try
Get/Change to infiltrate the system and trace back the killer’s
16 23 30
User Info (not 6 SPs 9 SPs physical location. A private BBS is level 2 security.
monetary) Accessing user logs and finding the IP address of the
Get Credit 16 23 30 killer’s log-in will require 16 SPs.
6 SPs 9 SPs
Card Info SPs SPs SPs
“User Level” 16 23 30
6 SPs 9 SPs A teenager attempts to hack into the high school
access SPs SPs SPs
computer network and change his grade. The high
Take over/ school network probably has level 2 security (a
16 23 30
modify user 6 SPs 9 SPs small network) and changing non-monetary user
acct information will require 9 SPs.
16 23 30
incriminating 6 SPs 9 SPs

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Example Example
A well-coordinated team of hackers plans to rob The teenager changing his grades above knows
millions from a small bank through a series of where they write the password (it’s “pencil”), and
electronic funds transfers. Banks, even small ones, gets +6 SPs to his attempt. He will only need to get
usually have level 4 security, they will need total a trivial 3 SPs in his three roll drama to log in and
control (for a limited period of time) to move funds compromise the system (Note: This assumes the
without restrictions, and will need 37 SPs to control password does not simply give full read/write access
the system. They will probably need to use hacker to all student accounts. If it does, no rolls would be
tradecraft. required).

Hacker Tradecraft: Hackers can use a variety of tricks,

tools, and supporting skills to get additional SPs. A
sample of potential techniques are listed here. The team attacking the bank above is led by a L3
Hacker (+3 SPs for being L3) with a 15- skill. They
Technique, Tool, Mechanics/Skills can assume he’ll get 18 SPs with a standard 3-roll
etc. SP Bonus required drama (3 rolls with an avg. of 10 for an average of
Additional L2 5 SPs per roll, +3 for being L3 = 18). To reach the
Time/Team +2 or more hackers may give required 37 SP, they will need an additional 19 SPs.
+1, L3 hackers +2
• There are 2 other L2 hackers providing
+1 per +2 SPs (Team), and take several weeks for a
Social Engineering
success Charisma Roll meticulously planned assault (+2 SPs, Time)
(Charisma) level
• They conduct extensive research on the
Inside Job +3 or more N/A bank’s network and security approach for
Bot Net +1 - +3 Streetwise/Hacking +4 SPs
• They acquire time on a “bot net” of
+1 - +4 N/A compromised PCs from which they will
Connected System
launch the attack (+2 SP)
Research the • They discuss the attack plan with experts in
+1 - +4 Research Skill Roll
infrastructure, etc. the electronic underground learning what
Favors/Connections they can from peers (and taking risks that
from electronic +1 to +4 Hacking/Charisma could expose them) for +3 SP
This planning and tradecraft gives them an addi-
Cyber weapon/ tional 13 SPs—combined with what they can expect
+1 to +8 Hacking -8
worm/Phishing to roll (15 SPs + 3 for a Level 3 leader), they can
Streetwise/ expect a sum total of 31 SPs – a few SPs short of
Zero Day Exploit +4 or more
Computer their goal. Despite everything they will need to get
Elite hacking tool lucky to pull this off. Banks are hard.
+1 Hacking roll @ -3
Know a high-level Detecting/Tracing the Hacker: Tracing the hacker
password/psychic +2 to +6 Psionic Drama would be handled as a Computer skill roll by the
help defenders, or with a drama. In general each SP over
If character built
and above what is required to succeed makes the
Designed system +6 hacker harder to trace or detect.
Professional Black Out [2 AP] U Domain
+16 Must be installed
Description: You can shut down machines and power-
grids. (Note: This power may be had by Electrical Control
as well.) When activated this will shut down every elec-
tronic device within a 12 yard Radius (doubles each level)
will shut down.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost RAD DP
Black Out 1 2 AP +0 AP 12 y +2
Extra Radius M 1 AP +0 AP +12 y +3

Ghost in the Machine [4 AP] U Domain M-Path (Machine Empath) U Domain
Description: You are invisible to technology. Monitoring [Varies]
and detection technology will not detect or record you. Description: You can access and operate computers
Monitoring anklets will not correctly report location. and other electronic devices at a range and invisibly. To
Motion detectors look right through you. Either you don’t take control of devices with passwords or other security
show up on (electronic) camera or, if you take actions that features, you will need to hack them unless you know the
are recorded, the camera will get static during the action. password. Note that Technology Control provides SPs for
Tape recorders get static, and so on. Note: a Polaroid instantaneous hacking; depending on the device and what
would work. A turn of the century analog sound recording you want to do, you may require additional skills, time or
would work. Electronic tape, though, will show a blank. effort.

Domain Control Traits

Any electronic records the character generates will vanish Connecting of a device, system, or network requires a
over time. Emails sent will “self delete” from the sending 5 REA Medium action, and an interface must be within WIL

Domain Control
server. yards (an “interface” could be a web browser for systems
The character generates false identities at will. These will on the internet, or a terminal for a mainframe). The char-
pass a civilian background check with no alarming results. acter must be able to see the device or detect it with TECH
The character can use or own credit cards with “limited” control.
lines of credit for electronic purchases: assume 400 USD If the character has Computer skills and Hacker they can
per week of ‘free credit.’ make rolls as though they were there and had the appro-
Security personnel get Perception rolls (or Spycraft) at -4 priate level of access (and they can work at 2-10x normal
to notice something is wrong if they are not directly paying speed).
attention. If they are directly monitoring the character they M-Path Level 1: You can scan and read devices as an oper-
will notice almost immediately that something is wrong— ator. Observers watching the system will see it working
but it will show up more as a constant failure of devices as if you were touching it (i.e. they may see files open,
more than “invisibility” (heavy background noise, cameras mouse pointers move, etc.). The system will still need to
constantly going out, etc.) scroll through the same screens, get past password protec-
tion, etc. that a normal user would need to. The M-Path
Ghosts In The Machine get +2 to Perception, Security, or “sees” the screen as though they were looking at it, even
Hacker rolls to detect monitoring devices and techniques though the monitor may be facing away. The character
(they can tell if a computer is being traced even though can perform all basic functions including turning on or off,
keylogging software will fail to track their keystrokes). simulating the pushing of any buttons (e.g. taking a picture
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP with a camera phone), etc.
Ghost In The Machine 1 4 AP +0 AP +3
M-Path Level 2: You can access devices without changing
the user interface and can do so very quickly. The device
in question will seem (to any analyst watching) to have
another “monitor device and peripheral device set” that is
receiving input and providing output (this is the telepathic
interface the character has). The character still cannot
bypass security—but no one looking at the machine will
realize anything is happening. Furthermore, this is very
fast—allowing access and scanning at 10x the normal rate.
Text on a computer is “downloaded” into the character’s
memory at speed-reading rates. You require hacking skills
to access a network (usually a roll at -3 will get you onto
most civilian networks). A character with “user access”
to a system can – given time – conduct “research” on the
system to help with further hacking or control rolls.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

M-Path Level 3: You can access data “directly.” So long as Mechakinesis [4 AP] L+ Domain
data is not encrypted you can read it. You can holistically,
Description: You can control machines. This allows you
and very quickly understand all the data and function-
to ‘tele-operate’ machines as though you were “standing
ality of any device you have user account access to. This
there.” It does not allow the machine to take an action it
gives you a good sense of things like what information is
normally could not (a door cannot fold over) but it does
available, what the system is used/has been used for, who
permit the machine to move within its normal limits (the
the users are, what they do, where they log in from. You
character could remote-control a car as though they were
will need no training to operate the system; it will react
to your desire. Further, you can modify account access,
locking anyone or everyone (even super users) out. Future ™™ Locking on to a machine is a to-hit roll with a -1/15y.
attempts to hack the system are at +6 SPs – you have inti- It is a 5 REA Medium Action. There may be size
mate knowledge of the system “as if you had designed it.” modifiers (-3 to hit a handgun). Once locked on, the
This plus is in addition to any information gained by other character must spend 5 REA to take actions with the
research. machine—but they can “freeze it” for 0 REA.
M-Path Level 4: Full insight on any system you have “user ™™ Once locked on, the character is essentially “in a
access” to. You have full access to all data, encrypted or grapple” with the machine and the operator (if any).
otherwise on the system. You will continue to know how The Mechakinetic is aware of the “state” of the
the system is being used, and can continue to operate it machine, if it is damaged, what is turned on, fuel or
at range, even when you are no longer directly connected. ammo status, etc. They can manipulate any piece of
The system may behave in ways to protect you – alerting it as though they were “standing there.” Thus, a gun
you if it is used in ways you would disapprove of, or could not aim at targets—but if someone is aiming
crashing, erasing data, or otherwise working in your best at the character they would need to win a Grapple
interests. Future attempts to hack into the system are at contest to pull the trigger.
+25 SPs. ™™ If someone is fighting for control they must win a
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Break Grapple move and, if broken, can then take
M-Path L1 1 2 AP +0 AP +2 action. Break Grapple will cause the Mechakinetic to
M-Path L2 1 3 AP +0 AP +3 need to re-establish lock-on.
M-Path L3 1 4 AP +0 AP +3
™™ To lock on, the character must either have line of
M-Path L4 1 6 AP +0 AP +4
sight or have “Detected” the machine using a special
™™ The character can divide their Grapple amongst
more than one machine if they wish to control more
than one.
™™ Usually a machine requires a minimum of 7 Grapple
to operate.
™™ The character will need 4 APs of this to auto-open
mechanical locks, start cars, etc.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Grapple DP
MechaKinesis M 4 AP 4 AP 22 Grapple +2

Sense and Analyze Tech [2 AP] U Domain

Description: You can detect and analyze technology. This
applies to machines or computers. The device will be
understood in terms the character is roughly familiar with.
Magical, haunted, anachronistic and otherwise “wrong”
devices will show up to them as strange. The character will
automatically detect large devices, computer networks,
and so on—but may need to take a specific action to
detect cell phones and the like.
Range is Tech x 10 yards or WIL, CON, or 12 yards in radius.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Sense and Analyze Tech 1 2 AP +0 AP +3

Spoof Computer [Varies] U Domain Technical Omniscience [Varies] U Domain
Description: You can create “computerized hallucinations” Description: You can see through the “eyes” of cameras
in the memory of computers and electronic devices. This and listen through “cell phone microphones” and so
allows the character to alter any kind of data records. on over an area gaining an understanding of what is
The character must have sufficient M-Path to access the happening there. This also filters the data, applies facial
system. This extends M-Path by allowing the character to recognition, and otherwise makes sense of the vast deluge
make the system show things that are essentially “lies” of data the character gets to provide a sense of “what is
without having to alter the code as a programmer or worth looking at.”
hacker would. Monitor [2AP]: At this level the ability is “active only.” The
Level 1: Basic Logs and Memory. The character can order character picks a location within range (WIL x 50 or WIL x
the computer to remove evidence of actions from the logs M-Path x 50 yards) and monitors that location and an area

Domain Control Traits

and can alter existing logs (so that the character could alter around it. This can view entrances to buildings, and so on.

Domain Control
a cell-phone’s memory to show calls from someone who It can be used to follow people. It can be used to instantly
never called or change the times of calls, etc.) “see what is going on” in any reasonably public space.
Level 2: Electronic Delusion. The character can make the Search and Filter [4AP]: At this level the character gets
machine show things that are not true in real time. This passive bulletins of any sort of information they “have a
level prevents the character from creating phantom audio filter for.” This can be “give me crimes in progress” or “tell
or video but it could, for example, make the character’s me if person X shows up anywhere” and so on. It will cover
bank account show as full after being cleaned out or make a major metropolitan area.
the character appear rich. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Monitor 1 2 AP +0 AP +3
Level 3: Domination. The character can whip up audio
Search and Filter 1 4 AP +0 AP +3
or video logs that are faked. Usually this is an artistic
endeavor and will not look all that convincing without an
L3 Artistic skill and some time—however, the character can Technology Control [4 AP] U Domain
do a few things very easily: Description: You can control and command technology.
This ability groups several below abilities if the character
1. They can have video show “nothing” or show wishes to buy them as a whole.
something that the character can see right now
such as merging video from two sources. ™™ Each level of TECH gives +1 SP to hacking attempts.
2. They can have non-specific voices or images of ™™ The character can detect electronic devices
people appear (especially if the video is grainy). within WIL yards with a perception roll and can
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP understand their function. For devices that are
Level 1 1 2 AP +0 AP +2 concealed or hidden (e.g. bugs), each level of
Level 2 1 4 AP +0 AP +2 TECH control reduces negative modifiers by 1 (a
Level 3 1 6 AP +0 +2
hidden microphone with a -6 perception modifier
to be seen would be detected at no negative by a
Summon Device [2 AP] U Domain character with TECH 6 or higher).
Description: You can summon a technological device. ™™ The character gets +11 Grapple of MechaKinesis
This will create a temporary handheld device of the sort with each Level.
that would be available for sale in a major metropolitan ™™ The character gets 1 level of M-Path for the first
area. Legality is not an issue per-se and the device will level purchased and level 2 M-Path for the second
have network access and other required functions. The level.
device can be loaned, etc. It will last several hours or until ™™ The character can Sense and Analyze Technology
dispelled. with a Range of TECH x 10 yards.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP ™™ The character can perform Black Out at TECH x 10
Summon Device 1 2 AP +0 AP +3 yards Radius.
™™ The character gets L1 Tele-Mechanics and Heal
™™ At Level 2 the character gets Upgrade. At Level 3,
the character gets Summon Device.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost TECH
Technology Control M 4 AP +0 AP +4

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Usage #1 – Security Camera Usage #2 – ATM Machine

A runaway teenager with L2 Computer skill on a 13-, Now that the camera is turned off, the character
Technology Control TECH 8, and Level 3 Machine wishes to instruct the ATM machine to empty itself
Empathy wishes to shut down a security camera into a bag (the ATM machine is in a mall and has
watching an ATM machine. ~$50k in it).
The camera is a bank CCTV system and is Level This requires a one-time super-user access, and
3 Security, requiring 16 SPs to simply turn off is significantly harder even though the machine is
(“operate basic functions”) without raising an alert. Level 3 security, the same as the camera. One-use
super-user access requires 30 SPs. The character will
Normally, shutting down the camera would require
need to take additional measures.
the character be in the control room with physical
access to the camera system’s computer console but First the character attempts to get “user level”
with Machine Empathy, the character can detect access to the system. This only requires an easily
and access the camera merely by being in its vicinity rolled 16 SPs, and with Level 3 Machine Empathy,
(WIL yards) and can make initiate a 3-roll drama to the character gains a thorough, holistic knowledge
take control of its basic functions. of the ATM machine and its network. This gives
future rolls a +6 SP effect.
3 Rolls of 13- will probably yield 9 SPs. The char-
acter can add his TECH level 8 to that for a total of The character can rely on 23 SPs (9 for his skill + 8
17 SPs – more than enough to tell it to shut down. for TECH 8 + 6 for having detailed knowledge of the
This would take approximate 2-3 seconds – a 5 REA system) but that’s still well shy of what the character
medium action. needs.
Machine Empathy Level 2 (which is included in the
character’s Level 3) allows research over “time.” The
character spends several hours standing in front of
the machine, learning its ways, and gains an addi-
tional +4 to any attempt to control.
The character has +4 (research) +6 (Holistic Under-
standing) and +8 for TECH 8. He’ll get 18 SPs plus
whatever he gets from three Computer skill rolls. If
his collective SPs are 12 or more, he’ll have the 30
SPs he needs to be showered with money.

Tech Support [1 AP] L+ Domain

Description: You can repair computers with a touch or a
look. This will fix any software problem and most hardware
problems so long as the damage is not too severe. It will
clear viruses, and so on. The character must have at least
one level of M-Path.
Note: There may be some viruses or other conditions that
are hard to heal (truly insidious ones). If the game involves
these the character will need Control Technology and treat
the virus as a Resisted Roll against the character’s TECH.
Really bad viruses might have a score of 1-5. Even a score
of 1 would usually indicate a virus that a professional
would want to format-reinstall to get rid of.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
Tech Support 1 1 AP +0 AP +3

Tele-Mechanics [Varies] U Domain HORDES/SWARMS
Description: You can repair machines just by looking at Large groups of small animals (like packs of rats or
them. Without the Regenerate version they will not actu- swarms of ants or spiders) need special treatment
ally “come together” in a visible fashion—however, the use under the rules. Note: These rules deal with human-
of Mechanic can keep a machine running well past when it sized targets being attacked by numerous smaller
would normally break. animals—adjust for size: if everyone is playing giant
Level 1: At level 1, Tele-Mechanics will repair damage city-stomping monsters (Kaiju) then a ‘swarm of
that is not extreme. The vehicle will behave as though all hippos’ might use these rules.
its belts are in perfect working order, it will act as though
perfectly lubricated, batteries will behave as though fully
Swarms and Hordes are largely immune to
charged, and so on. So long as the machine is mostly

Domain Control Traits

intact, it will run. A use of Level 1 Tele-Mechanics lasts WIL
weapon attacks that do not have a “large
weapon bonus.” They are generally treated as

Domain Control
or TECH x 4 hours.
Level 2: At Level 2, Tele-Mechanics will actually regen- a damage-dealing area-of-effect attack that can
erate a machine. It will seem to un-dent, un-corrode, only be dealt with by:
and come back together. Minor parts will regrow. If the 1. Leaving the area and cleansing oneself
Tele-Mechanic spends about 1 minute per DP repaired (so
of any remaining attackers.
a character might spend a few hours re-growing a badly
crashed car) the effects are permanent. If the character is 2. Using an attack that the swarm is
much faster at 1 Round per DP repaired the effects last WIL vulnerable to and eradicating the
or TECH x 4 hours before the vehicle falls apart. attackers.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP 3. Using an attack that the swarm is
Tele-Mechanics L1 1 1 AP +0 AP +3 vulnerable to and disposing of or
Tele-Mechanics L2 1 3 AP +0 AP +3
disrupting the attackers.
Upgrade [2 AP] L+ Domain Swarm Statistics:
Description: You can permanently enhance an existing 1. Damage: Usually a swarm hits for some
consumer electronics device by touching it. This will bring
kind of damage each Round. It does
a device to “deluxe level” status with all the bells and whis-
tles that a device of similar make would have. This upgrade not roll to hit but rather gets a Damage
is generally permanent but the character must “keep it in Modifier based on the conditions.
Domain” for a few hours to let it “set”—so mass-producing 2. ADP: Swarms have an ADP number
upgraded devices this way is a bit difficult. and, when it is gone, it is sufficiently
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP disrupted or destroyed.
Upgrade – Small Device 1 2 AP +0 AP +6 3. Move: Either ground move or flight
Upgrade – Large Machine 1 3 AP +0 AP +6
Upgrade – Network/Site 1 4 AP +0 AP +6 speed. How fast the swarm moves.
4. Notes or other effects: Swarms can
have poison effects. They can also be
ANIMAL CONTROL terrifying. A swarm may get an added
Animal Control comes in two major forms. The first Terror Attack where the GM thinks it is
is where the character can control or communicate appropriate.
with all animals and the second is where the charac- 5. Swarm Immunity: Swarms usually get
ter’s control is limited to a specific variety of animals. Swarm Immunity. See below.
Controlling a limited domain of animals is cheaper
than having wide-ranging animal control and these
abilities are handled somewhat separately.

Domain Control Traits

Domain Control

REA: 5, allows move as well

Most of these rules and the Nature Sense GAT assume
To-Hit: When a Swarm moves into an area it
that animals will not “attack” a perceived as friendly
gets a roll to hit at +4 (16-, if otherwise unde-
character (which characters with Animal Empathy or
termined) to hit characters within it that are
Nature Sense will be). This is not always the case: Apex
intended to be targeted. If a character is not
predators and some violent herbivores may still have a
moving or using a dodge action they are auto-
bad disposition towards such characters and should be
matically hit.
treated as potentially hostile—but possibly placated
The Swarm attack starts with a +2 Damage (a character with Animal Empathy or communication
Mod (the to-hit roll does not matter) and this is skills could, for example, talk to and possibly placate
increased +4 the next Round. an angry Hippopotamus even if it is immune to the

calming effects of Empathy).

It gets +2 per Round after that, however, to hit
“around plates.” What animals are available will vary a lot based on
the game and specific environment. The current costs
Even full coverage armor which is not sealed
assume that about once per 10 hours of play (some-
can be ignored after Round 3 (starting on Round
times this is explicit) the character will have access
4, the Swarm ignores any worn armor which is
to some kind of large powerful animal of the GM’s
not designated as fully sealed).
discretion that could serve as an ally and the rest
Defense: A retreating Dodge can move a char- of the time large terrifying animals are pretty rare.
acter out of the area if their Step is sufficient to If the character can engineer encounters with large
overcome the Swarm’s move distance. animals that’s fine—but if the condition is permanent
for some reason, the PC should be expected to buy
Swarm Attack: A swarm attack multiplies the
Animal Allies.
AP cost by 1.5. It can hit everything in the area
but is selective (i.e. if a character is controlling
the swarm it will hit only characters the swarm ABUSING ANIMALS
wishes to hit). The default assumption is that these abilities are
innate and that the character bears some responsi-
bility for the protection of nature and the animals
NATURALLY OCCURRING ANIMALS they control—and that abusing that trust could result
in the loss of abilities. However, this need not be the
These rules make a distinction between “monsters”
case: if the abilities come from a technological device,
or “unnatural animals” and naturally occurring
for example, the character might control a squad of
animals. In some games (such as extremely magical
dolphins wired with suicide bombs.
or engineered environments) this line may be blurry.
Monsters usually cannot be out-right controlled by Usually if the ability is designed in such a way that the
characters with Animal Control abilities but may, if PC has responsibility not to abuse animals (eating for
they are still animal-like be less aggressive to the char- food is okay as is using animal companions in a real
acters (a chimera, for example, could still count as an fight—explicitly using animals to suicidally find traps,
animal—a golem would not). for example, is not) then the character can get a -2 CP
Trait that they have “Responsibilities to Nature.”
The general assumption these rules make is that the
character may more-or-less summon (magically create)
an animal ally or companion. This is literally applicable RATING: ANIMAL
to mystical games but not for games where these abili- The rating for Animal Control is expressed in Damage
ties are telepathic or of other origin. In these cases the Points/BLD (the size of the animal where approxi-
GM should provide as much latitude as possible when mately 1 BLD is 1 DP). While “any size” is appropriate,
the character calls for animal aid (in an urban environ- the numbers are fairly straightforward. Each AP of
ment the character might get wolves, huge rats, etc. ANIMAL is 4 BLD (60 lbs) and 4 DP.
They might access “exotic pets” and so on.)
If the nature of the game is going to make it very diffi-
cult to get ally animals the discussion should be had
before play starts.

Note A Grizzly Bear or bull clocks
in at 1500lbs. A Rhino is
The ANIMAL scale is simplified here making a ANIMAL: 25-58 2420lbs.
variety of assumptions. For one thing, it does not
A hippo is 3500 lbs. A huge
“pay for the damage” the animal does for being that
great white shark: 4400. An
size. Secondly, as pointed out in the rules for Animal COLOSSAL: 233-922
Asian elephant? 5250lbs.
Construction in Innate Powers, how much 1 BLD ANIMAL: 59-230 At 933 BLD is the T-Rex at
of “Animal” costs depends on the body-type of the 14000lbs.
animal in question. However, the rating ANIMAL is
used here because it (a) simplifies things and (b)
assumes the animals in question will, largely, not be LEVELS OF CONTROL OF ANIMALS

Domain Control Traits

the character themselves but rather allies. There are a few ways characters can have “animals

Domain Control
under control.” These are:
Animal Scale 1. Animal Companion (the GAT): In this case the
Flight: +4 ANIMAL. If the animal is a friend. The character does not pay
animal can fly its ANIMAL is AP directly proportional to the cost of the
increased by 4 animal (you can have a pet elephant or T-Rex
for 4 AP if the group okays it). If the animal dies
Chemical Attack: If the you may not easily get another one—you are
creature has venom or other expected to protect the animal as a friend.
Animal Bonuses Resisted Attack, its ANIMAL
2. Animal Ally: This ability means the animal will
value is +4
fight and die for you. You treat the animal “as
a battle beast.” If it dies you can rather quickly
Powerful Senses: If the
creature has more than 1 AP and reliably get another one. You pay AP
in senses, its ANIMAL value directly proportional to the cost of the animal.
is +1 3. Controlled Animals (using Animal Control):
The animal is insect sized (or
What you can get is up to the specifics of
MINISCULE: BLD 1 the environment and they may be a while in
smaller). These animals are
ANIMAL: 0 suitable for swarms. coming (and you cannot simply call animals
hours before you might need them). Secondly,
The animal is 15 lbs down
MINUTE: BLD 1 if mistreated they may become hostile.
to 1lb or so. Rats and small
ANIMAL: 1 dogs fall into this category. 4. Domain Control. Some of the Domain control
abilities (not these) may allow control of
The animal is around
TINY: BLD 2-4 30 lbs or so. This could be a an animal. It will usually be clumsy and
ANIMAL: 1 medium sized dog or bald communication may be ineffective (also:
eagle. attempting Domain control usually puts you in
immediate combat with the animal).
SMALL: BLD 5 The animal is around 35 to
ANIMAL: 2 75lbs. A wolf would fit here.
Within the “normal human
range” (if barely at the lower
ANIMAL: 2-4 end). Up to almost 300lbs.
BIG: BLD 20-27 A big Gorilla (300lbs) would
ANIMAL: 5-7 fit here.
LARGE: BLD 28-39 A male lion has a 28 BLD and
ANIMAL: 7-9 can weigh 415lbs.
A tiger (40 BLD) weighs
HUGE: BLD 40-52
600lbs. A giant Squid can
ANIMAL: 10-13 weigh 660.
A large American Alligator
weighs 800 lbs. A Moose
ANIMAL: 14-24 weighs 1300.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Animal Aspect [4 AP] L+ Domain Animal Spies [4 AP] U Domain

Description: You can “adapt” to take any “aspect” from an Description: You have a network of animals that send you
animal you want! This usually does not allow a wholesale information! Animal Spies mean that groups of animals
change in shape but allows: over a wide area—often small ones (rats, birds, rats,
snakes?—usually not insects) keep watch, notices things,
™™ Breathing under water, growing fur, senses, etc.
and send in reports (sometimes through other animals) to
™™ Growing bio-weapons.
the character.
™™ Using “Animal Movement Powers.”
™™ Larger Size for whatever Bio Form the character is This gives the character a Perception Roll to know things
normally. about what’s going on in the area (which can range from
the town, to a forest, to the kingdom depending on what
The character can grow any Natural power using the
is purchased). The animals do not follow or do surveillance
Effective APs to buy and change those powers. Changing
on targets but will act more or less naturally.
or adapting a power is a 5 REA Medium action to move
APs around. Note: Although it can be used to grow bio- The character’s perception roll starts at a 12- to have “heard
weapons, the ability is not treated as A-Cost (its cost is not something” about an event. This gets pluses or minuses.
reduced and does not count for purposes of A-Cost unless Usually there is a -4 for occurring indoors, however, beyond
the character has no another attack in which case their that the character can know things such as:
A-Cost is however many APs they have invested in a bio-
1. Who important people met with or where they
weapon at the time the question “What is the character’s
traveled (+2 if they travel with an entourage, -1 to
A-Cost” is asked).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Effective APs
-4 for covert meetings).
Animal Aspect M 4 AP +0 AP 2 APs 2. Troop movements are known almost automatically
3. Where a fugitive is hiding (-1 to -4).
Animal Empathy [4 AP] U Domain
4. Who comes and goes from a specific location (+0).
Description: You have a telepathic or mystical bond with 5. Where secret paths or hideouts might be found
animals and nature. This acts as the Upgraded Nature (-0 to +2).
Sense GAT with the additional notes: 6. Activity like battles (even small ones—banditry)
1. Animal Empathy allows the character to “scan will be known with a +3.
for animals” detecting any animals of note (that How Extensive the Spy Network Is
includes food or fur animals if the character is in Level 1: For a town or small area. This usually gives the
need) that are within WIL miles). character ability to ask questions about otherwise nonde-
2. The character may call on animals to aid them script townsfolk.
gaining temporary animal allies or having animals
Level 2: A large forest or city. The animals will not usually
“come to their rescue” (this works passively:
know specific people unless they are important or flam-
the character could be unconscious). Once per
boyant or otherwise physically noticeable.
10 hours of play this can be a powerful apex-
predator type animal (or large, dangerous Level 3: The “kingdom” or large “state.” This limits people
herbivore, etc.) Unless this is simply not feasible who may be asked about to the very important or VERY
(the game takes place on a space station) the GM flamboyant.
should provide latitude in having large animals aid Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
the character. Animal Spies L1 1 4 AP +0 AP +5
3. The character will be able to medically assess any
animal encountered, determine gender, etc. Battle Beast [.75] Combat Varies
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP Description: When you choose a “Battle Beast,” the
Animal Empathy 1 4 AP +0 AP +5
“beast” has the same AP as the rest PCs do and you have
1/4th the number of APs. You can play both—although
the Battle Beast is usually lacking in initiative or planning
compared to the character who paid for it.
The battle beast (for Animal Control) must be built as a
“real animal” (it can be larger than “real animals” of that
type get—but not much larger). The character is in control
of the animal telepathically and can give it orders to guard,
scout, etc.
If killed, the character can “call for another one” which will
come but may take several days.
Trait TAP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Battle Beast [.75] 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48

Control Animal [4 AP] L+ Domain See Through Animal’s Eyes [4 AP] U Domain
Description: You can control a specific type of animal. Description: You can see and hear through (and “drive”)
The most common categories are listed below. Within the any animal you have animal you have under control (via
specific category, the character can: Animal Control) or otherwise have paid points for (Animal
1. Summon Animals nearby. The character gets
ANIMAL points of AP in summoned creatures. ™™ The cost of the ability depends on what animals may
2. Control ANIMAL points of any naturally occurring be used and their size (being able to “pilot a gnat” is
animal as a 5 REA Medium action (the points of more expensive than having to use a wolf).
ANIMAL can be broken up for multiple animals). ™™ If the animal is killed or suffers more than a Major
3. Detect animals. The character will be able to take a Wound the controller is Dazed.

Domain Control Traits

5 REA Medium action and know the basic kind and Trait Buy Cost A-Cost DP
general location of any animals within ANIMAL x5 See Through Animal – Very Small (Gnat, Insect) 1 8 AP +0 AP +0

Domain Control
See Through Animal – Ground animal (Rat, Mouse, ferret, etc.) 1 4 AP +0 AP +0
See Through Animal – Small Flying (Bat, Bird, etc.) 1 6 AP +0 AP +0
4. Communicate with animals. The character See Through Large Animal (Wolf, Dog, etc.) 1 2 AP +0 AP +2
can “speak” with any animal. The amount of
communication is limited (most animals have very
limited comprehension of events and time from
Swarm [25 AP] L+ Domain
a human perspective)—however the character Description: This is used to buy “swarms.” It gives them a
may be able to get a feel for “What is wrong” or certain amount of ADP and an attack form. This A-Cost can
“where something is.” be swapped out for other attacks (venom for insects, biting
Animal Combatants for rats, etc.).
Called/Controlled animals will fight for the character— Note: Swarms usually do PEN damage if they are things
however: animals called will usually only come for a like rats or piranhas. They may do Resisted Attack toxin
specific purpose and will leave after. Keeping called/ damage for insects (or they may do some of both if they
controlled animals around for “more than one purpose” are especially aggressive insects). Swarm Attacks generally
or “for a long time” will become unstable (and may leave, take a 1.5 divisor as they hit an Area (treat as Explosive: +4
misbehave, or, if being placed in danger, even attack the to hit) but are selective (they only attack targets the Swarm
controlling character). Examples of a “single function” are: wants to attack).
™™ Called less than an hour before a combat. Not Flying Swarm: The rules below assume the Swarm can fly
retained after the fight (you cannot just go around at around 8 yards per second (flight speed of a wasp or
with controlled animals). bee).
™™ Moving something heavy or doing a couple hours Limited Movement: If the swarm is slow and ground based
physical work. (around 4 yards per second) or can only swim or is other-
™™ Escort through a specific area (about 2 hours of wise limited in movement some way, give it +3 AP at the
travel). full level, +2 AP at the half-level, and +1 AP at the quarter
™™ Carry the character from one location to another level. This bonus can be added to A-Cost or +6 ADP per AP.
(1-4 hours). Insects vs. Animals: Swarms of rats or piranhas have a STR
Control Specific Type of Animal and Grapple naturally. This is equal to A-Cost x2.5. Swarms
If the character can only control some “types” of animals of Insects do not natively have any grapple (some of the
they get more ANIMAL for the points. A-Cost can be spent to buy spider-webs or similar). Animal
Swarms tend to be slower and usually cannot fly.
™™ Insects or Spiders: +6 ANIMAL per level. Note: Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ADP
Summoning a swarm gets one level of Swarm per Swarm M 25 AP +6 AP 12 ADP
Round and is limited to “available insects” (which, ½ Swarm 1 12 AP +3 AP 6 ADP
often, does not include deadly toxins, masses of ¼ Swarm 1 6 AP +2 AP 3 ADP
wasps, etc.).
™™ Sea creatures: +8 ANIMAL per level.
™™ Birds: +6 ANIMAL per level.
™™ Category like Mammal or Reptile: +5 ANIMAL per
™™ Very rare or “generally useless” Animal: +12 ANIMAL
per level (example: Penguins).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ANIMAL DP
Control Animals M 4 AP 0 AP +4 +2

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Swarm (Immunity) Combat Domain Instant Cure [2 AP] U Domain

[TAP .69] Description: You can stop and undo effects of toxins and
Description: You are a swarm of smaller creatures. As such diseases. When used the character can undo—literally
you do not take damage “normally.” roll-back—any effects of a toxin or disease that happened
in the last Round. This includes death (although not
1. Swarms are at -4 to be hit by Ranged and HTH disintegration).
attacks (or use the AGI bonus if the Swarm has
one). The character adds the Instant Cure bonus to their DP and
2. Swarms take 1pt of Damage from any successful re-rolls the last roll taking the better of the two results.
hit with a PEN or IMP weapon that has a striking Note: This represents a “cure.” If the result of the “disease”
surface like a fist or bullet. For blast-style attacks, was something like “a limb falls off” it will not magically
they take negative damage modifiers (see below). attach itself (although a shriveled one would “re-inflate”).
3. They get a -2 Damage Modifier against fire attacks. Similarly, death can be counteracted so long as it is done
4. They get a -6 Damage modifier against most fairly quickly: the cure will not save a body that is clearly
energy attacks. decayed.
5. They suffer a +4 Damage Modifier against any Trait Buy Cost Cure Bonus DP
damage-aura attack (Burning Body, etc.). Instant Cure M 2 AP +20 Resistance +2
6. Against Large Weapons they get the following –
Damage Modifiers: Life Control [4 AP] U Domain
a. +3 LWB: -0 Damage Modifier
b. +2 LWB: -2 Damage Modifier Description: You control the essence of Life itself. This has
several effects:
c. +1 LWB: -4 Damage Modifier
7. An 8 REA Long Action attack using the hands can ™™ Healing. You can heal LIFE DP per person, per day.
inflict Base Damage 2, Damage Modifier -2 by This takes a 5 REA Medium action and touch.
swatting at creatures on the character. ™™ You can ignore a Dead or Dying result for any target
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ within sight range who has DP equal to LIFE x 5 (or
Swarm Immunity 6 11 17 22 28 33 39 44 fewer points). This is a 5 REA Medium action and is
applicable any time within LIFE Rounds of the result.
It will work for characters who have taken 5x (or
LIFE CONTROL more) their DP so long as the character’s LIFE x5 is
You can control the aspect of life. more than the total damage taken. The target will
be “alive” and will eventually recover—but will be
Cure [1 AP] U Domain reduced to Injured Condition and unconscious if
Description: You can cure diseases and stop toxins. The they were hurt worse.
use of the ability will give +2 to CON Rolls against disease. ™™ The character can “detect life” getting a general
Usually this requires an 8 REA Long Action. If “Under the sense of type, size, and general direction and
care” of the healer, the character can get +4 to their CON distance of major life forms (the character can
Roll. The healing takes place “at the speed of the disease” specify the size) within LIFE x5 yards.
meaning that if the disease (or toxin) is killing quickly the ™™ The character can diagnose targets, seeing their
CON roll will be immediate. For a slower disease it might aura and giving a sense of what is wrong where. If
take the character a day to make a roll. For a slow disease the character has medical skill the sense will act as a
it might take a few days for the “cure” effect to kick in. full MRI, X-Ray, blood-test.
Trait Buy Cost DP ™™ Oppose Resisted Attacks (usually of the chemical
Cure 1 1 AP +1 or biological variety). The character can, with a
3 REA Short action, add their LIFE to the character’s
Healing Touch [2 AP] U Domain DP for purposes of making the Resisted Roll. They
always get their LIFE score added to their DP for
Description: You can “lay hands” on people and heal them.
this purpose.
This is a 5 REA Medium Action. It will heal the listed DP Trait Buy Cost DP LIFE
worth of damage or double that of ADP once per person Life Control M 4 AP +4 DP +4
per day.
Trait Buy Cost DP Healed
Healing Touch M 2 AP 16 DP

Life Sense [8 AP] U Domain LOVE RATING
Description: You have an innate and very keen sense for We track four “levels” of love ranging from “Friend-
life. This sense gives not only the location and type of life ship” to ‘Total Devotion.’ These levels are used to help
forms within the radius (LIFE x5 or WIL, RES, or CON x5 determine how characters under the influence of Love
yards) but also: Powers interact.
™™ Position (facial expressions, etc.) • Love powers are not Domain-control – the tar-
™™ Health and medical diagnosis including things like get will not obey the commands of the object
cybernetics, special (biological) powers, etc. of their affections but rather will act in what
™™ Vital stats which can give an indication of emotional
they see as their best interest.
state and a Perception roll against the character’s
• Characters under the influence of love control

Domain Control Traits

WIL (or other skill such as Con Artist) to detect lies
if the stakes are high (due to things like blood- powers will attempt to reconcile competing

Domain Control
pressure, etc.). loves/duties, if at all possible. Placing them
™™ It can collect information on unfamiliar life forms in a hard-to-reconcile (e.g. having to choose
giving deep biological and bio-chemical data with between financial solvency or helping a loved
a 5 REA “scan” of the target. This will show general one who wants money) situation may result in
weaknesses or lack-thereof. misery and inaction, rather than compliance.
™™ The character can “lip read” to a degree by focusing • Influenced characters will love as they under-
on a target within the radius.
stand it. This may be protective and nurturing,
™™ Life Sense will detect ambushes and should
otherwise act as a kind of limited omniscience for but it may also be controlling, over-bearing, or
anything “of interest” going on with a life-form in even harmful (Warped characters, for example,
the area. may love in strange ways).
Trait Buy Cost DP • Love and affection generated by these pow-
Life Sense 1 8 AP +4 ers are founded on some aspect that is shared
(telepathically) when the influence of Love
Resurrection [6 AP] U Domain is established. Targeted characters will learn
Description: You can infuse someone with life, brining something about the Love Controller’s charac-
them back from the dead. If your LIFE score is equal or ter that they identify with and respect. They
higher than their DEATH score (see Death Control) you can will also gain an understanding of the Genera-
“reconstitute them.” This is a 5 REA Medium action and
tor’s world-view and history. This “sharing” will
can usually only be done once per session (or once per
week) without having some kind of significant negative
not generally expose secrets but will give the
consequence. influenced character a pretty good idea of how
the Generating character thinks and operates.
Note: This will “rebuild a body” if necessary. • Love does not create trust. A character that
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost
Resurrection 1 6 AP +0 AP believes they are being lied to or betrayed will
protect themselves. Characters with a history
of enmity or who clearly recognize their op-
LOVE CONTROL ponents as ideological enemies will experience
Love and Hate control represents both the control emotional dissonance and will seek passive
of human emotions and the control of a theoretical options (e.g. retreat from combat rather than
metaphysical energy or cosmic balance around them. fight, negotiate, etc.).
• Love does not preclude resentment. Once love
These control powers are often – but not necessarily – is established misbehavior can break the rela-
associated with other domains such as Light/Darkness tionship (and make a subsequent one harder
or Life/Death. In some cosmologies they may be linked to establish).
to Good and Evil as well, but the basic rules make no • Love may be platonic or romantic depending
assumptions about this. A good character can control on the nature of the characters involved.
hate, a bad one, Love.
Love Level
Control of Love and Hate allows a character to create
Affection and attraction. Character
these feelings (or enhance or suppress them where may take risks, but will not act in ways
they already exist) as well as to be inspired or empow- 1-
that would cause serious problems or
ered by these primal sources of personal motivation. Friendship embarrassment. In general character will
not commit crimes or betray his employer.

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Strong attraction. Character will place the All You Need Is Love Combat Domain
well-being of the object of his affection [TAP .19]
Friendship ahead of his acquaintances, co-workers, etc.
Description: You have a 10 SP Success Point Pool which
Character will place support for the can spend 4 SPs on any one roll. It recharges between play
3- Love character ahead of many (but not all) sessions and allows SPs to be spent on any type of roll and
personal concerns. to be lent to friends, allies, and anyone you feel connection
4- Total Character will make significant personal or attachment to.
Devotion sacrifices for the person or people he loves. Once per play session, the character can spend an addi-
tional SP (max = 5) by reciting a lyric, line of poetry, quote,
A few “signpost” examples:
or other emotionally charged line associated with their
• In combat, an opponent affected by Level 1 or understanding of the Power of Love.
2 Love might re-consider requests to negotiate Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
AYKIL 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12
(choosing a “wait” maneuver over making an
attack) or try to initiate a compromise. At level
4 (total devotion) a character might turn on his
Bitter Rejection [4 AP] L+ Domain
allies in support of his new love. Description: You can channel the “force of rejection” as a
physical manifestation. This works in two ways:
• A guard or policeman might require a connec-
tion of Level 2 or above to allow a criminal to 1. Defensively Bitter Rejection functions as a Power
escape; at level 1, they would ensure a captive Field.
was comfortable and treated well. 2. The character can “burn” points of the Power
• Likewise, characters asked to provide pass- Field to create a repulsion “knock-back” or Break
Grapple effect.
words, keys, or other access to restricted areas
would require at least a Level 2 or above (and Repulse (Grapple): You can “burn” one point of Power
Field for +5 Offensive Grapple for a Break Grab/Break
Level 3, if they have a strong duty or responsi-
Grapple attempt or +5 Defensive Grapple. This is a 0 REA
bility involved). Short Action.
• A character asked for money in an emergency
Repulse (Knock-Back): You can “burn” one point of Power
situation would give the money in his pocket Field to do an Area of Effect “Repulsion Attack.” This is a
at level 1 or 2, and would provide funding from 5 REA Medium Action.
savings at level 3. At level 4 a character might
give a substantial portion of his life savings or ™™ The damage is 2 IMP per point burned.
™™ The burning is a 5 REA Medium Action.
render other kinds of assistance.
™™ The Area is 2 yards per point of Damage.
Note about Love Power Attacks ™™ The Damage Modifier is +4.
™™ Any character hit will be knocked back for Damage/
Love powers can do damage – the (Target’s BLD/5) yards. This will require AGI or
Power of Love can pulverize moun- Acrobatics rolls at -1 per yard knocked back or the
tains – but it will not result in death target will fall down.
without the consent of the wielder. Trait Buy Cost Power Field
Effects Rejection Field M 4 AP 16 Points
The wielder can choose to treat any
Wound Effect worse than unconscious
as unconscious.
If a Love Attack would destroy a living
target (bring cumulative damage to
5x DP
more than 5xDP), the wielder can
choose to do less damage as desired.

Change a Hawk to a Little White Dove Charm/Seduce U Domain
L1/L+ Domain Unit Cost L1: 6.4 INT per AP L+: 3.0 INT per AP
Unit Cost L1: 4.8 INT per AP L+: 2.3 INT per AP Description: You create a bond of love between you and
Description: You create an “aura of love” which pacifies the target. The power inspires the target to feel a strong
everyone influenced by it in the vicinity. It can only be tried sense of affection and connection (and in some cases
once during a combat. attraction) to the character and these feelings are – to
some degree – reciprocated.
™™ Once someone is attacked or at the GM’s discretion,
clearly going to be attacked (or otherwise damaged) Unlike many Domain-control or influencing abilities, Charm
the spell is broken. In order to gain the immunity, creates a sense of responsibility on the part of the user.
characters who are not affected must not take This effect only lasts so long as the controller is not acting

Domain Control Traits

violent action against others. A plan for characters in a way that is directly contrary to the target’s interests.

Domain Control
less influenced to gang up and 1-by-1 attack In a real sense Charm works on both parties. This means
characters who are would count as breaking the that if it is used in a combat situation, for example the
spell for everyone. Charming character cannot (will not) attack the charmed
™™ Setting a bomb to go off when one group has left character.
would count as well. Charm is subtle—while it has a visible effect a character
™™ Retreating, freeing hostages, or otherwise leaving affected by it will not remember being hit or influenced
a group in a bad tactical situation does not count. (his team-mates and other observers will). There is a
A character with this running could go into a bank momentary disorientation. The character will remember
hostage situation and walk out with all the hostages. events leading up to the attack – if used in combat, the
™™ The cognitive effect of CAHTALWD is a bit like being most likely result will be an attempt to call a halt to fighting
stoned for those not well familiar with it—the and work out an agreeable solution, or escape. Targets
targets are overwhelmed with good feeling and a that are clearly over-matched will surrender at higher
shared sense of community. Unlike purely chemical levels and probably seek a justification for changing sides.
effects, if capitalized on, this can last after the effect
wears off. Psychic defenses (Mind Shield) will prevent this from
™™ The effects last so long as maintained (Walking working unless they are knocked down by some other
Endurance) and within the radius of effect. power (e.g. Telepathic assault).
Attack Strength D Delivery Type Area Of Effect Attack Strength D Delivery Type Beam
Effect Result Effect Result
Fail No Effect Fail No Effect
Pacify: The targets are pacified and will have a spirit of mutual apprecia- STUN + Friendship. Charmed characters will not attack each other, but
tion and harmony. The character will become relaxed and pleasant—they trust is limited
Standard Major STUN + Close Friendship
cannot initiate any aggressive or violent action and will not take steps to
directly hurt another person or significant living thing. Critical DAZE + Love
Catastrophic DAZE + Love
Major As above.
Love In: The characters are so struck by the common-bond of all humanity Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Critical 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 51/ 24 12
that they may do things like hold hands, sing songs, etc.
Catastrophic As above. Charm L1/L+ ROF REA Range
1x 5 -1/8y
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
1 8 AP 8 AP 38/18 12
Change A Hawk ROF REA Range
1x per combat 5 Area (Intensity yard radius)

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Cupid’s Arrow/Love Potion #Nine [8 AP] Find True Love [4 AP] U Domain
L1/L+ Domain Description: The character can identify and directionally
L+: 10.1 INT per find a highly compatible “match” for an individual. This
Unit Cost Potion L1: 21.6 INT per AP works over space and time, and provides a description of
Unit Cost an individual who will be inclined to quickly develop love
L1: 7.3 INT per AP L+: 3.4 INT per AP and possibly Total Devotion to the target character and
vice versa.
Description: The character can deliver a resisted attack
that makes the target feel a strong romantic affection/ Note that this power may, in some interpretations, actually
attraction (or even fall in love) with the first appropriate create True Love, possibly by manipulating a character
subject they meet. and even (in some interpretations) by physically creating
a compatible individual or manipulating circumstances
This can be used as a beam attack (“Cupid’s Arrow”) or which bring the True Love into near physical proximity.
inflected into pure water to create a love potion that must
be imbibed to be effective. A few notes: The True Love will be available within 30 days
of the use of the power and within reasonable travel
Note: This will not compel behavior for PCs or Named distance from the target character. The Love Control char-
NPCs, but if they choose to have it affect them, they acter will be able to describe where to go and when and
receive 4 SPs as a one-time bonus. Once affected, failing provide a physical description of the True Love. The True
to pursue, leaving or otherwise terminating the relation- Love will have a strong and immediate positive reaction to
ship before the time period is up will result in depression the target character.
lasting for about a month. Trait Buy Cost DP
Attack Strength D Delivery Type Beam, Drink Find True Love 1 4 AP +2 DP
Effect Result
Fail On 0 to -3: Mild disorientation and a pervasive feeling of desire
Standard Friendship and a desire for more with next appropriate target for 30 days Flower Power [TAP] Combat Domain
Major Love for next appropriate target lasting 30 days
Critical Love lasting indefinitely
Description: You can transform violent attacks made by
Catastrophic Total devotion lasting indefinitely weapons into bursts of flowers that result in no damage, a
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power beautiful spectacle, and a pleasant, even romantic ambi-
Love Potion L1/ L+ 1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 173/81 12 ance. Sword blows still land, but do no damage; guns fire
Cupid’s Arrow L1/ L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 58/27 12 streams of petals instead of bullets, etc.
1 5 -1/10y Flower Power acts as a 1 REA Block (as many as you can
afford per Round) that can be used against any attack
Don’t Need No Credit Card U Domain within line of sight and requires no physical action on the
to Ride This Train [1 AP] of the character at all.
Neutralize Weapon: If the amount of APs spent on
Description: The character generates an aura of love,
Flower Power is greater than the A-Cost of a device-based
which inclines people to be generous, nurturing, and
blocked, then the weapon is neutralized for the remainder
supportive so long as his behavior gives them no reason
of the encounter (it will only produce bursts of flowers).
not to be. The character gets +1 to persuade and charm
rolls and can live very comfortably on the spontaneous Enhanced Flower Power: This version comes with a
generosity of others (they routinely receive free food, 10/4 SP Pool for spending on the Flower Power blocks. It
offers of lodging, etc.). In a pinch the character can support recharges between battles.
his friends as well (up to about 4 people). This effect will Trait Cost
Flower Power [.13]
not work on people the character intends to harm or steal Flower Power Enhanced [.22]
from or whom the character considers an enemy. Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Trait Buy Cost DP Flower Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DNNCCTRTT 1 1 AP +2 DP Enhanced 2 4 6 8 9 11 13 14

Give Love a Bad Name [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Heart of Gold [4 AP] L+ Domain
Unit Cost 1.1 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP Description: The character’s has a reserve of ADP and/
or Power Field, which may be shared with characters for
Description: The character can generate a long bow and
whom they feel affection.
arrows made of the devastation of Love Betrayed, Love
Rejected, Love Corrupted, Love Unrequited, and Love ™™ +1 CON (no matter how many levels).
Lost. They are physical manifestations of the Worst Case ™™ Take Wound: for 3 REA the character can take an
Scenarios that come from opening one’s heart to another attack aimed at an ally. In this case, the damage
person, and strike directly at terrible, human vulnerability. done (past armor – DP or ADP taken) to the target is
Those hit by them relive the sharp agony of their own applied to the Gold Heart past any defenses. Taken
experiences and feel the combined weight of unwise or Wounds bypass ADP as well and go against the

Domain Control Traits

unlucky lovers down the years. character’s DP.
™™ Immortality/Ignore Death.

Domain Control
The dark arrows are shot with Bow Skill (and which follow
™™ Shareable ADP/Power Field: You can give your ADP
all the rules about long-bows). The arrows are armor-
or sharable Power Field through touch, conveying
piercing (enhanced PEN effect) and double on a hit by 3
any portion the defense to the target character for
instead requiring 4 (they tend to aim for the heart…)
a 5 REA action. ADP returns to the Heart of Gold at
These arrows will not work on characters who are Innocent the normal healing rate (often the end of a scenario
(see the Love Hurts power) – those who have never known or encounter).
Love’s dark sting are immune to this attack.
Example: A character with 20 points of Shareable ADP
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA PEN Dmg
Bad Name L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 +8 9 PEN could give 10 points each to two friends. At the end of the
Bad Name L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 +8 7 PEN next battle those points would “evaporate” from the allies
and return to the Heart of Gold Character whether or not
Healing Love [4 AP] U Domain they were damaged in combat.
Trait Buy Cost Shareable ADP Shareable Power Field
Description: The character can heal damage of friends, Heart of Gold M 4 AP 8 15
allies, and lovers. It can be used once per day per target.
It works at up to WIL yards range (or 10, whicher ever is Heart to Heart to Heart Combat Domain
beter). It also stops bleeding and stabilizes the character
healed. Healing can be used on one’s self. It will not cure [TAP .24]
diseases but will repair damage done by them. Characters Description: Identical to All You Need Is Love, but works
under the care of a healer get a +2 to CON rolls to recover over arbitrary distances for characters which the Love
from severe injuries. Healing will not regrow lost limbs. controller has established a Love Connection with.
Trait Buy Cost Points Healed
Healing Love M 4 AP 8 DP A Love Connection is a persistent psychic link that lets
the character know what those he is connected with are
thinking and experiencing (it only shares what they wish
to share).
A character that can establish Love Connections can act as
a “hub” connecting multiple characters. Establishing a Love
Connection requires ascent by all the characters involved
and the connection persists until a character chooses to
break it. Characters connected will be able to telepathically
communicate, share what they see and hear, and provide
information about their condition (if they unconscious or
dead, other characters in the network will know).
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
H2H2H Love 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15

Lion Heart [4 AP] L+ Domain

Description: “Being deeply loved by someone gives you
strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Lion Heart gives you strength (STR) and courage (armor).
Lion Heart also gives a single SP (no matter how many
levels purchased) that restores once per play session and
which may be used for any action involving personal risk to
the Lion Hearted Character.
Trait Buy Cost DP Armor STR (A/U)
Lion Heart 1 4 AP +2 DP +2/5 +1 Armed or +2 Unarmed

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Love Bomb [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain Love Hurts [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 2.0 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP Unit Cost L1: 2.8 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP
Description: The character can create a heart-shaped, fist- Description: Love, under some circumstances, can be used as a
sized “icon” which can be thrown for effect. Love Bombs weapon. This power works on the target’s empathy cosmic rela-
can have two possible effects: tionship with the Power or Force of Love.
The power of the attack depends on the history and background
• They can do damage (IMP, Explosive) with an over-
of the target, and falls into one of four categories.
whelming wave of emotion or…
• They can heal all characters within their radius Innocent, Selfless: Target does not have a history of hurting
(friend or foe) people and may be largely or completely innocent. It may also
represent a “normal” person in a care-giving profession This
Love Bombs are (literally) thrown weapons and hit with category typically includes children, people who do regular charity
AGI or thrown weapon skill (note – because they are explo- work, and so on.
sive, they hit with a Large Weapon Bonus which makes Normal Person: Most people fall into this category and have done
them effective even without special skills). things that have emotionally and physically hurt people in their
life, but have not committed major or dramatic atrocities. Most
A Love Bomb must be instantiate for 5 REA by the char- PCs would fall into this category. Characters who use violence
acter. It can then be carried until used (if put down or professionally (soldiers, police officers) will fall here, so long as
otherwise separated from the character it dissolves within they have adhered to the moral codes of the profession and have
six seconds). It can be thrown about 15 yards easily and acted to minimize the harm from their actions.
uses explosive rules.
Bad Guy (Ruthless, Very Selfish, or Criminal): Character has
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage Healing
committed acts which have badly hurt people outside of miti-
Love Bomb L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 22 IMP X 16 DP
Love Bomb L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 16 IMP X 12 DP gating circumstances. This includes virtually all acts of illegitimate
coercive violence (e.g. torture), as well as any violence directed
against innocent people or indiscriminate violence resulting in
harm to innocents. People who work for criminal organizations
or who are willing to “do anything” often fall into this category.
Most “bad guys” fit this category, even if their actions have some
degree of mitigating circumstances.
Complete Monster: Character has a history of acting in terrible,
cruel ways. Character is responsible for major atrocities, has badly
hurt and betrayed those who trusted him for personal gain, or
otherwise committed morally unforgivable crimes.
A note on relative morality and guilt: This write-up assumes that
there is some objective morality in play that does not completely
prohibit use of force. In this framework the character’s inner reac-
tion to his past may mitigate the effects of the attack (a character
who feels honest contrition and has repented or made amends
may be “more innocent” than his objective past would indicate.
Usage: The initial attack against the target determines the base
damage (IMP) of all subsequent attacks for that encounter, based
on the table below. The target experiences these attacks as incar-
nations of retribution for the damage inflicted. In some cases, this
may feel cathartic.
Animals, artificially intelligent robots, and things with non-human
moralities count as Normal people.
Example: An attack scores a Standard result on a minion of the
Evil Overlord (a “bad guy”). That attack and all subsequent ones
will act as 24 IMP beams.
Attack Strength B Delivery Type Beam
Effect Result
Innocent Normal Bad Monster
Fail 0 0 0 0
Standard 0 6 24 32
Major 2 12 36 64
Critical 4 18 48 128
Catastrophic 8 24 56 256
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Weaponized Love
1/ M 8 AP 8 AP 22/15 12
5 S -1/8y

Love Shield [TAP .12] Combat Domain Stronger Than Steel [4 AP] L+ Domain
Description: You can shield yourself or another with the Description: The character’s skin is permeated with a
power of Love. This is a 3 REA Short Action and functions stable, iridescent manifestation of the Power of Love.
as a block (using any skill you have that provides a defen-
The character gets an automatically successful armor save
sive action). It may protect you or another person.
against any attack that does less than 2x PEN Defense if
If successful, the attack hits the “love shield” and they recite a line of poetry, lyric, etc. about the Power of
disperses. If the block fails the target gets the the Love Love.
Shield’s TAP/8 Armor against the attack (with 10 Pen Def Trait Buy Cost Armor
per each 4 full points of armor). So a 128 AP character with Metallic Love Armor M 4 AP 4/8
LS would deliver 16 / 40 Armor.
Summer of Love L/L+ Super

Domain Control Traits

Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Love Shield 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Unit Cost L1: 5.6 INT per AP L+: 2.6 INT per AP

Domain Control
Pompatus [8 AP] L+ Domain Description: The character can generate a field (or cloud of
pheromones) that creates sexual arousal in those affected
Description: You are, in some sense (or can become) a
by them. This results in a lowering of inhibitions, distrac-
living avatar of the Power of Love. This provides:
tion, and a generally poor judgment on the part of those
™™ Extra Damage Points and Armor: The Pompatus of affected.
Love is tougher than normal. The Pompatus gets
Note: This does not allow repeated attempts within the
+8 DP and 2/5 Armor.
same scene—however combining the effects with other
™™ Love Radar: You can detect and “read” strong
drugs or some serious change in circumstance (the charac-
emotions related to LOVE at WIL x 10 yards range.
ter’s “crush” arrives) could call for a re-roll.
This includes: Love, True Love, concern about loved
Attack Strength D Delivery Type Area
ones, strong desire or frustration, and attraction Effect Result
(normal attraction might be at -1 to -4 to pick up). Fail No Effect
You can sense love that is “unhealthy” and might be -2 to Perception Rolls to notice threats (no affect in combat). -4 to attempts
able to detect stalker activity and the like. Standard to resist Persuade, Charm, or Recruit attempts from characters attractive to
™™ Understand Mysteries of Love: You get 4 CP in the affected characters.
As per Standard, and affected characters must make a WIL roll at -2
Psychology to understand a subject’s love life. You to avoid active “romantic” pursuit of characters they find attractive. Charac-
can invoke the power to give good advice, profile a ters in immediate peril or on “high alert” will respond normally. Characters
“dream lover,” and so on. You know who is a good Major
who are involved in romantic or sexual activities will be at -4 to notice
match for whom. approaching danger, people sneaking past them, etc. (no roll necessary to
™™ Object of Desire: You get +3 to attempts to Charm notice direct threats or attacks).
and Persuade. As above, but the desire to pursue the object of their attraction will
Critical override all but the strongest duties or most immediate threats. WIL rolls
™™ Find True Love: You have the Find True Love ability
are at -4.
as listed in this section. Catastrophic As above but WIL rolls to avoid pursuit of attractive characters are at -8.
Trait Buy Cost DP Armor Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Pompatus M 8 AP +8 2/5 Summer of Love L1/ L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 45/21 12
1x 4 Area
Power of Friendship [4 AP] U Domain
Description: The character can summons his close,
personal (usually PCs and major, recurrent NPCs) friends to
Tough Love [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
his side, teleporting them in. This only works if the Friends Unit Cost L1: 1.5 DMG per AP L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
are physical free to travel – friends who are in jail, trapped, Description: The character can fire rays of pure Love
or otherwise unable to move (e.g. unconscious, restrained, energy that can stun, incapacitate, or knock out, without
grappled) cannot be summonsed. Likewise, friends must maiming or killing. Tough Love can score no higher damage
agree to be summonsed. than Unconscious and the damage will be restored fully
Each level summonses 1 friend. Calling them is a 5 REA when the character wakes up. Further, Tough Love beams
Medium Action. The friend must land within 12 yards of will stabilize dying or injured characters (they can be fired
the caller. for no damage. It still kinda hurts though).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Damage
Once per play session the character can gain a +1 to Tough Love L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 12 IMP
any skill or combat role for each close, personal friend Tough Love L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 9 IMP
supporting them (Friends must make a medium 5 REA
action to express their support). This plus is declared
before the roll is made.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Power of Friendship M 4 AP +6

Domain Control Traits

In this case, the player may reduce the costs of attacks

Domain Control

Tougher Than Diamonds [4 AP] L+ Domain

(especially) or specifically aspected armor if they are
Description: You can create a white-light force field: the
only useful against things they hate. In that case the
physical manifestation of the power of love!
GM must make a determination how commonly the
This acts as a standard Force Field which can be reinforced hated specifics will be appearing in the game. We
once for free (0 REA) by quoting lyrics, poetry, philosophy, distinguish between objects of hate that are “objec-
or otherwise expounding on love. tively uncommon” (such as people who kill with
Trait Buy Cost POWER
Tougher Than Diamonds M 4 AP 4 guns—a hopefully rare occurrence in your life) and
Tougher Than Diamonds M 2 AP 2 those which are either ‘easily engineered’ or apply to
a common situation in roleplaying (people who kill
with guns might be very common if the campaign is
HATE CONTROL set in a modern war—or if the character hunts street
Hate, as the inverse of Love, represents energy of gangs, most of whom will be armed).
dislike that becomes so intense it borders upon obses-
sion. Hate can be personal, or it can be aimed at a Common Targets of Hatred:
group, organization, or country. ™™ Users of Violence: While not “common” they
are common to many role-playing scenarios
In general, Hate is harmful to both the target and the and, most importantly, are the kinds of people
hater – although no specific moral judgment is made you would generally “want to attack.”
here, Hate, as a power is often self-destructive. ™™ Members of a Common Racial, Religious, or
Ethnic Background: If you hate the race that
is in the majority that’s common. If you are
commonly attacking/attacked by members of a
race even if they are not “in the majority” that
can be common too (Note: Racial Hatred is
usually only suitable for villains save for some
Fantasy games where certain races, like Orcs
might be ‘actually evil’).
™™ SUV Drivers (or ‘Conspicuous Consumption):
If you target a specific mode of behavior that
many people fall under that is “common.”
™™ People Who Upset Me on the Internet: If you
hate people who you encounter commonly or
have a low threshold for hatred then this can
count either as common or as no cost-modifier
at all (people who I am fighting is no modifier).
Uncommon Targets of Hatred:
™™ Authority Figures: If your powers work against
the government, the police, or other authority
figures that’s treated as uncommon.
™™ Criminals/Violent Criminals: If you can use
your powers against specific crime types
(murders) or large categories of crime types,
for example that counts as uncommon.
NOTE: TARGETS OF HATRED ™™ Firearms users/people who kill with guns:
If your hatred is for a specific “mode of
The basic game rules assume that “anyone you are
behavior” that is uncommon (or, in this case,
in combat with is a subject of hatred.” The additional
“rare” but not uncommon to RPG play) it
default assumption is that anyone who takes these
counts as uncommon.
abilities “hates easily” or is a “hater” in general. As
™™ Minority or Rare Races (or Rare Religious/
such, the costs here allow anyone who buys the ability
Ethnic Background): If you target races or
to use them as “they see fit.”
ethnic backgrounds that are not common then
However, the more interesting interpretation is that that’s Rare (again, this is a villain designator).
the character has specific things or people they hate.

Rare Targets of Hatred: Dig Two Graves [4 AP] L+ Domain
™™ Rare or Specific Crimes/Vendetta: If you have
Description: When you designate a target of your hatred
a specific thing that you hate or a personal
and vengeance you can hit them back with damage they
vendetta against either some entity or some do to you.
specific group that is not “the government”
or “Society” that can count as rare. Examples 1. Using Dig Two Graves starts as a 5 REA Medium
would be “Violence against women/Domestic Action to hit and “lock on” to your target.
2. Once lock-on is established you can use a 5 REA
abusers,” “violence against the criminal group
Medium action to deal any hit sustained to the
that killed my family,” etc. Hatred of people target. This does only the damage you actually
who illegally download music would be took (to DP or ADP) and does not count damage

Domain Control Traits

absorbed by Armor, Force Fields, or Power Fields.
™™ Rare Trait or Condition: Hatred towards people 3. The damage to the target is dealt through any

Domain Control
who have allowed someone to die (when they Armor or Force Field but is applied to Power
could’ve helped) would be an example of a Fields, ADP, and DP in that order.
rare trait/condition. 4. The character can only apply one hit once—but
can choose which hits to apply to their target.
Subject of Hatred Effect Modification 5. The connection is broken when the combat ends,
when the target moves out of 100 yards range,
Common: Either easily Modifier of 1.10 (multiplier or one of the characters is killed. It does not end
engineered situationally for armor or attack when the character owning the ability is knocked
common. damage). unconscious or otherwise badly injured.
Uncommon: Either specific Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Dmg
to a certain behavior, a Modifier of 1.25x damage Dig Two Graves 1 4AP 4 AP S -1/10y 5 Special
specific personality type, or or armor/defense granted.
circumstance. Execration [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Rare: A small proportion of Modifier of 1.45x damage Unit Cost L1: 2.8 DMG per AP L+: 1.5 DMG per AP
the time/hard to engineer. or armor./defense granted.
Requires: Get Your Hate On (active)
Description: The character builds energy by violently and
Black Heart [4 AP] L+ Domain vociferously cursing the target in a way that builds to a
Description: You have a black heart filled with hatred crescendo with the attack, itself (manifested as beams of
burning in your chest. Black Heart beats and generates dark energy). The attack requires an 8 REA Long Action,
power based on nursed resentments. It provides normal during which the character must be visibly, verbally
ADP. excoriating the target (Note: If the character is unable
™™ Once per play session, it can regenerate all damage to speak the attack still works – the character must be
(including DP) taken with three 8 REA long actions making his best efforts). This must be sincere, but need
(18 seconds, or three rounds of combat for most not be extremely loud (it can be mumbled, said under the
characters) if the character recites a litany of wrongs breath, etc.)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Damage
he has sustained and never forgiven! Execration L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 8L 22 IMP
Trait Buy Cost ADP Execration L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 8L 12 IMP
Black Heart 1 4 AP 24

Eyes of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain

Blades of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 1.0 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 DMG per AP
Unit Cost L1: 1.3 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
Description: You project red, corrosive beams of energy
Requires: Get Your Hate On (active) from your eyes. These will “burn” on any hit dealing the
Description: You can manifest dark green energy blades damage done with the same to-hit modifier during the
of solid “hate” energy. Each time the target is struck they attacker’s Turn next Round.
increase their PEN Value by 1x (so on the first strike PEN Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Damage
Value is equal to Damage, on the second hit, it is double Eyes of Hate L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 8L 8 IMP
Eyes of Hate L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 8L 5 IMP
damage, etc.). This lasts for one combat and applies sepa-
rately to each target.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach REA Damage
Blades of Hate L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Med 5 10 PEN
Blades of Hate L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Med 5 7 PEN

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Fists of Hate [4 AP] L+ Domain Hate the Player [TAP .06] Combat Domain
Unit Cost IMP L+: 1.0 DMG per AP Description: When you strike a target you create great
enmity between them and you! The first time (in an
Unit Cost PEN L+: 0.8 DMG per AP encounter) when an enemy is hit by one of your attacks
Requires: Get Your Hate On (active) (any attack, including ranged, psionic, or hand-to-hand)
the target must roll to see if they are affected by the Hate
Description: The character’s hand-to-hand impact or
penetrating attacks do extra damage against targets that
are “hated” or who are attacked as part of an agenda Targets that are affected are filled with a passionate
hatred (e.g. most targets of violence can be assume to disgust and fury at the character and are at -4 to attack any
fall into this category – even inanimate objects can be a other target but the Hate Controller who hit them.
stand-in for a hated enemy or destroyed to further a cause
driven by hate). ™™ The -4 modifier can be affected by L3+ skills
(allowing a character with a L3 skill to ignore up to
Once per combat, the character can invoke a focus of his 3 points of negative).
hatred (giving voice to his anger, reciting a line of poetry or ™™ If another target hits them for more damage than
otherwise invoking the depth of his abhorrence) to strike a the Hate Controller then the Hate effect dissipates
single time with a +4 damage modifier. immediately.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost IMP Damage PEN Damage ™™ The Hate effect lasts until one of them falls or 4
Fists of Hate M 4 AP +4 AP +8 IMP +6 PEN Rounds pass.
Characters hit must make a WIL roll against the Hate
Get Your Hate On [4 AP] L+ Domain
Controller’s WIL + 4. The hate generated is based on how
Description: You can summons the Power of Hate to infuse the target views the Hate Controller and may include
and inspire yourself with its destructive energy. Getting factors that are invented and untrue (he may believe that
Your Hate On requires a 5 REA Medium action to activate, the Hate Controller is a member of a hated political party,
wherein the character focuses on things he hates and for instance, even if this is not the case).
draws the energy into himself. This can only be done in Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
combat. If done out of combat, the effect dissipates after a Hate the Player 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4
single action is taken. The basic effect of Get Your Hate On
is to give the character a Power Field but it is also required Hate Vision [4 AP] U Domain
for several other Hate Powers to work.
Description: You can determine what another character
Visually, having one’s Hate On manifests in a way that is hates by sight. This will often reveal things like the charac-
indicative of the character’s relationship to the Power of ter’s political and national affiliation. If the character has
Hate. It is usually ugly and ominous – the character may enemies or estrangements these may be observed. It can
appear to be wreathed in green fire, wrapped in black also identify characters who are intensely angry, resentful,
briars, or wreathed in rusted barbed wire. or otherwise emotionally unstable.
Trait Buy Cost Power Field
Get Your Hate On M 4 AP 30 Hate Vision requires a perception roll and will not work on
characters with a Mind Shield. Characters who are used
to deception (con-artists, spies, police who have worked
Hate the Game
undercover or as detectives, etc.) may make an appro-
Description: It’s too complex and has too many fiddly rules priate skill roll to block being scanned (they do not need to
and powers. It also takes way too long between updates. be aware of the attempt to scan them to resist it). If they
Anyway, it’s just another generic heartbreaker. I’ll go play a make their roll by more than the character scanning no
real game! information is gained.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Trait Buy Cost DP
Hate the Game Hate Vision M 4 AP +8

Hate Worm L1/L+ Domain Perfect Crystalline Contempt L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP [4 AP]
Description: The character can infect a target with hatred. Description: The character can summons a crystal coating
This requires a successful touch attack during which a of armor which works against attacks from any enemy for
green glowing “worm” enters the target’s body and begins which he can feel and express contempt for or superiority
to travel toward his heart. Characters infected with a Heat to. The character must express this contempt if given
Worm will begin to feel a growing resentment and enmity the opportunity (e.g. through a 0 REA speaking action
toward the people in their lives. During this time, they will or expression). If he’s not sure who is attacking him (e.g.
be sensitive toward perceived slights, lack of consider- a sniper), he can express contempt that the attacker is
ation, etc. They will also feel enhanced feelings of shame cowardly, etc. If the attacker is someone whom the char-
acter sincerely respects the armor will not protect him.

Domain Control Traits

and anger at those around them.
Perfect Crystalline Contempt requires a 5 REA action

Domain Control
If any result is achieved, the target will forget the specific
attack that launched the worm (they may remember being to summons and it remains for the remainder of the
touched). encounter.
Trait Buy Cost Armor
In an extreme form, the Hate Worm will drive them toward Perfect Crystalline Contempt M 4 AP 5/10
violence or betrayal, especially if they have legitimate
grievances (well treated characters will be hateful. Poorly Purity Test [Attack + Type Cost] U Domain
treated characters will tend to act out).
Unit Cost L+: 6.4 INT per AP L+: 3.0 INT per AP
Hate Worms generally last about 30 days before they burn
Description: With a visual scan (0 REA Medium Action) you
themselves out. During this time, effects listed below will
can “test” a target for their historical “purity” against a
manifest when the character has an opportunity to do so.
given criteria.
Attack Strength C Delivery Type Touch
Effect Result Cost: The cost is based on both the power of the scan
On a -1 to -3: Character must make a WIL roll to avoid general dissat- (which is purchased as a Resisted Attack (against WIL)—but
Fail isfaction with people in their life and will engage in damaging gossip,
is treated as non-combat) and the type of Purity tested for.
bad-mouthing, etc.
Character may commit minor betrayals – stealing office supplies from Purity costs are listed below:
employers, avoidance or fighting with friends and romantic partners. • 8 AP Compliance with the law (Detect Criminal Be-
Standard Character will appear to be in an increasingly dark mood. Tendencies to
get angry will be badly exacerbated. Minor slights will be nursed into
full-fledged grievances. • 8 AP Fidelity to an organization, state, or country
The character will be motivated to commit some major betrayal. At (Detect Traitors)
work this may include sabotage. Friends may find confidences betrayed. • 4 AP Compliance with professional ethical standards,
Romantic partners may be cheated on. The character feels he is the victim codes of conduct (detect cheaters, detect liars)
and his behavior is completely justified. • 4 AP General ethical behavior patterns (cruelty, self-
Character will commit a major betrayal and may behave violently. ishness, etc.)
Characters affected by a Hate Worm with a Critical effect will probably • 4 AP Compliance with a narrow range of illegal or un-
irreparably damage existing relationships and commit crimes (assault, ethical behavior (detect philanderers, detect muggers,
embezzlement, etc.)
detect tax evaders)
Character is consumed with hate for those around him, and will plan and
• 2 AP Compliance with narrow social codes (-isms,
Catastrophic execute homicidal or filicidal behavior. The character’s perceptions and
sense of entitlement are extremely distorted. religious codes, etc.)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power • 1 AP Compliance with extremely strict and generally
Hate Worm L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 36/20 12 un-enforceable codes for which almost everyone but
REA ROF RNG zealous converts will fail (veganism, aestheticism)
5 S Touch
Untestable Characters [1 AP]: The test (in theory) senses
some kind of “stain” left by the acts. For some characters
this may not apply. Examples could be extra-dimensional
beings for whom the test is “not applicable.” For 1 AP any
character may be untestable. Character gets 3 DP. If the
character can fool the test, they get 1 DP.
Attack Strength D Delivery Type 4 Beam
Effect Result
Standard Detects serious breach of codes/no adherence.
Major Detects any breach of codes. Will distinguish between major/minor.
Critical Gives insight into any serious breach (visions, some data).
Catastrophic Gives full list of breaches and significant data about them
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Purity Test L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 0 AP 51/24 12
1 5 No to-hit roll

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Rage Bank [TAP .23] Combat Domain Two Minute Hate [4 AP] L+ Domain
Description: The character stores up hatred and rage to Requires: Get Your Hate On (active)
use it as energy and inspiration. Rage Bank is a 10 SP Pool
Description: The character is inspired by an all-consuming
of which a Maximum of which 4 SP can be spent for any
hatred. Two Minute Hate takes an 8 REA action to activate,
one roll.
during which the character concentrates on his intense
It recharges normally (every session), but can be recharged hatred for his enemies, and then manifests as extra STR
faster and can even exceed its limits (going above 10 SP and ADP for the remainder of the combat.
stored) – every time the character takes a Minor Wound
The character must maintain an enraged emotional state –
or greater from a hated enemy, the character gains an SP
if the character engages in non-combat activities or rage is
in the pool. These SPs will remain until spent. The Pool will
replaced by some other emotion, the character must make
not “recharge” above 10 SPs.
a WIL roll or lose the Two Minute Hate ability.
Attacks or damage dealt from friends or opponents for that Trait Buy Cost +STR (U/A) +ADP
the character does not feel intense enmity do not count. Two Minute Hate M 4 AP +4/+3 +16

Example: A character who has spent 1 SP has 9 remaining

in the pool. He takes two Minor Wounds in combat with PROBABILITY CONTROL
a hated enemy. The first recharges the pool to its natural Thousands or millions of tiny influences that combine
maximum (10 SP) and the second adds an additional SP to
in unpredictable determine the course of the world.
the pool. Once spent, the additional SP is gone for good
(the pool will not recharge above 10). Scientists call this “Chaos Theory” and say that it limits
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ our ability to predict or control things like weather, the
Rage Bank 2 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 stock market, or the expansion of the universe.
Even on a small, day-to-day basis, invisible factors
Shards of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
impact our lives – sometimes profoundly. We think
Unit Cost L1: 0.9 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 DMG per AP of these as luck (good or bad) or fate or destiny and
Requires: Get Your Hate On (active) consider them unpredictable.
Description: The character can manifest and fire (or throw) The Domain of Probability gives a character control
knife-sized blades of Hate energy (often appearing as over the invisible and the indefinable. The character
green crystal or rusted, corrupted metal). Shards ignore can create outcomes that appear to emerge magically,
armor, but not force fields or power fields.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Damage
from random chance, but are really engineered by the
Shards of Hate L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 7 PEN subtle, simultaneous and usually unconscious manipu-
Shards of Hate L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 5 PEN lation of hundreds of millions of variables.

Spines of Hate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain To the outside observer, the Probability Control Expert
appears impossibly lucky – his random guesses are
Unit Cost L1: 0.9 DMG per AP L+: 0.6 DMG per AP correct far more than they should be. Things that
Requires: Get Your Hate On (active) seem beyond his control or understanding somehow
Description: The character instantiates broken-glass-sharp, work out in his favor. Dramatic coincidences that
dark-emerald spines from his or her body. These act as a would never be credible in fiction (where coincidence
“damage field,” injuring anyone who touches or grapples is considered the sign of a weak story and the last
them. Spikes ignore armor. resort of a desperate author) occur regularly.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Reach REA Damage
Spines of Hate L1 1 8 AP +8 AP S Med 5 7 PEN
Spines of Hate L+ M 8 AP +8 AP S Med 5 5 PEN

Beat the House [4 AP] U Domain Fortune/Bless [TAP .08] Utility Domain
Description: The character can make money by being Description: The character can “Bless” a character. This
lucky. This is also called “Game the Market,” and refers to results in a confluence of events that will result in some
being able to consistently make money from manipulating major positive outcome in his life in the next 30 days.
odds and luck, either through investments (Market) or
Blessings can be done once per game session and usually
gambling (House).
only once per week or so for in-game time. A given person
The character will have the following characteristics: can only receive one blessing per month. Attempts at
“over blessing” (several blessings per week or more than
™™ 8 CP in Gambling Skill (Usually L3) – not from
5 a month) can start having negative effects at the GM’s
knowing the rules or the strategy, but from simply
option for either the blessing character or those receiving
getting amazingly lucky at games of chance.

Domain Control Traits

™™ 4 CP in wealth from investments, lottery winnings,

Domain Control
or gambling activities. The character does not Blessings have the following effects:
generally need to work and may make money
1. If the character sustains an injury worse than
without even being involved in his financial
Unconscious the injury will have no effect worse
than Unconscious and the Blessing will have no
™™ Sense Market Manipulation. The character will be
further effect.
able to determine if someone else is manipulating
2. The character draws a card from a regular deck of
the market and gain a reasonable idea of who it is
cards. Depending on the card drawn, the effects
and how effective they are.
™™ Market Manipulation Drama using Gambling Skill. In
cultures where there is a stock market he character Hearts - Lucky In Relationships: The character’s relation-
can manipulate that to help allies and harm ships (especially romantic ones) improve or, if the char-
enemies. In general this is used to enrich friends, acter Is not in a romantic relationship, a viable candidate
impoverish enemies, and help or harm institutions appears in favorable circumstances. Characters who are
relying on the market. It can also be used for or not romantically inclined may find platonic friendships
against Casinos. improving or may find opportunities to improve relation-
ships with family members or other associates.
Market Manipulation: 3 Roll Drama using the character’s Diamonds - Lucky with Money: The character’s finances
Gambling Skills. If there is an enemy with Probability improve. The effects vary – odd cards tend to represent
control working against them, use the net-positive SPs. windfalls (character receives a cash bonus) while even
Note: The character must have “stakes” to engage in this cards represent some long-term improvement in over-all
drama. The exact amount of money necessary to buy in financial health (a debt is reduced, the character gets a
can change a lot: The GM and players will determine what raise at work, etc.). Amounts vary, but usually amount to
seems reasonable. about 10% of the character’s net worth.
5 SPs: Total Loss. If the character does not get at least 5 Spades - Lucky in Conflict: The character gains an advan-
SPs they lose their money. tage in either the next conflict or against an existing
enemy. This can also result in bad luck for a character’s
10 SPs: Break Even/Small Profit. The character makes a
enemies or rivals. Even cards tend to indicate surprise or
small profit. Target organizations take a small loss.
that the character has the initiative. Face cards indicate
15 SPs: Profit: the character makes a 100% profit. intelligence about the enemy (learn their plans, where-
abouts, capabilities, etc.) Other outcomes may indicate a
20 SPs: Break the House. The character cripples the target fight in an advantageous location.
organization, makes a 500% profit or more (or less if that’s
Clubs - Lucky at Work: The character has successes at his
all they can pay out).
job or in other areas where he has a duty or responsibility.
Cheating: Taking a risk is cheating, usually with legal In addition to having a potential financial impact (e.g.
consequences. a raise or bonus), the character is perceived as reliable,
effective, etc. The character may be promoted or given
Kicked Out: Between rolls organizations may get “Percep- increased responsibilities and trust.
tion rolls” (or similar) to notice something strange is
happening. This may give them a chance to physically “hit
back” at the character doing the winning. If the character
can deal with the resistance they can keep playing. Usually
the Perception roll is at -4, +1 per SP generated (so a roll
that generates 10 SPs is a +6 Perception roll to spot a
coming issue).
Trait Buy Cost
Beat The House 1 4 AP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Special Case Cards Harmony with the Tao Utility Domain

™™ Ace of Spades: Catastrophic bad luck for an enemy [TAP .20]
or rival. Death or failure haunts them. Description: You are attuned to a universal force that
™™ Queen of Hearts: Perfect romantic companion guides you from strategic inaction to decisive action. It has
arrives. The character meets his or her “dream several advantages:
partner” who is highly attracted to them. If the
character is unromantic, the character gains an ™™ Hear the Flow of the Tao: Once per game session
attractive, affable companion. the character can meditate (15 minutes of focused
™™ King of Clubs: The character gains a powerful ally – concentration and an INT roll) to receive insights
a “Friend in High Places” with connections, wealth, and information about what is going on with their
and other useful influences. life. This can provide (usually vague) warnings
™™ Ace of Diamonds: The character finds a treasure about forces working against them. It may provide
map – either literally, or the character identifies a clues about directions or actions they could take to
clue that will lead to fortune (maybe only a modest advance their goals. If the GM has no clear view of
one, but still)… that can be had if one braves the how the Tao would advise them, they get an SP.
peril guarding it. ™™ Inaction to Decisive Action: 10 SP success pool. A
™™ Four and Six of Any Suit: The character finds a maximum of 1 SP can be spent on any given roll, but
treasure map – either literally, or the character this maximum increases for each round or roll in
identifies a clue that will lead to fortune (maybe which the Pool is not used, and no offensive action
only a modest one, but still)… that can be had if one is taken. In practice this means:
braves the peril guarding it. ◦◦ If the character waits 60 seconds (10
™™ Joker: Draw Three Times and use the Cursed table rounds) the character can spend all 10 SPs
for the outcome. on any attack or damage roll.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ ◦◦ In a Three Roll Drama the character can
Fortune 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 spend a maximum 2 SPs on the first roll, or
4 SPs on the second or 8 SPs on the final
roll. They can only spend SPs from the pool
on one roll.
◦◦ For skill rolls, the character can choose
to “take extra time” and increase the
maximum SP spend by one point for each
period of time spent doing nothing related
to the skill execution. For example, if a
character is picking a lock, and picking a lock
typically takes 10 minutes, the character
can sit and stare at the lock for an hour (60
minutes) and then spend up to 6 SPs on the
Lock Pick roll.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Harmony with the Tao 2 4 6 7 8 10 12 13

Jinx [TAP .09] Combat Domain

Description: The character has an SP Pool of 10 SPs of
which 4 can be spent on any specific roll made by another
character to make them fail.
Each SP spent reduces the roll, reducing the effectiveness
of the character they are spent against.
Jinx recharges every play session.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Jinx 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6

Luck [TAP .12] Combat Domain Lucky Guess [4 AP] U Domain
Description: Once per play session the character can have Description: The character can guess things that would
any roll made by them or against them re-rolled 3 times otherwise be impossible or improbable to guess with an
taking the best of the results. This may be invoked after INT roll.
a roll is made and failed (or not made by enough) and if
™™ Guess someone’s name. Must be meeting them
none of the three re-rolls are acceptable the character may
in person, shaking their hand or otherwise within
choose to take the original.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
touching distance).
Luck 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ™™ Guess if someone is guilty (of a specific crime).
Character must be in the presence of the suspect (or
suspects). Guessing specific facts about someone’s
Lucky Dodge [TAP .16] Combat Domain

Domain Control Traits

past generally requires a roll made by 6 to get
Description: You can manipulate probability when being unambiguous confirmation. Rolls made by less than

Domain Control
attacked to make it less likely to hit! The Lucky Dodge that may result in clues or directional information.
works like a normal dodge but: ™™ Guess what’s in a pocket (or what’s in an envelope,
™™ It only costs 3 REA (even if you don’t have L3 etc.) Provides a general description of the object
Acrobatics). secured out of view. Must be close enough to touch
™™ You get +2 to Dodge or Block moves and the dodge the container.
works against Ranged Attacks. ™™ Guess which card I chose or which card is coming
™™ -4 Damage Mod if the defensive move fails. next (+2 to Gambling Rolls).
™™ Guess password or PIN. Must be in front of a web
Note: If using a Block roll the above modifiers still apply console and must know the account owner’s user
save for the +2 to roll. name or identity.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ ™™ Guess which way someone went. Must be following
Lucky Dodge 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 their trail and guessing directions. Trails more than
an hour old are at -2, more than a day old, at -4, and
more than a couple of days are beyond the scope of
the power.
There are some limits:
™™ The character must be physically close to the thing
guessed about. This does not allow you to guess the
address of a fugitive an unknown distance away or
to guess the location of buried treasure.
™™ Each subsequent attempt to guess or ask the same
(or very similar) question gets -2 to the roll.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Lucky Guess 1 4 AP +0

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Lucky Me [TAP .12] Combat Domain Spades - Unlucky in Conflict: The character is at a disad-
vantage or an enemy gains a substantial advantage. This
Description: The character has an SP Pool of 10 SPs of
may also indicate legal trouble.
which 4 can be spent on any specific roll (including rolls
that other characters are making). This represents the Clubs - Unlucky at Work: The character’s work, career, or
subtle manipulation of the circumstances to have things reputation suffers. The character may be fired or demoted
work out in his favor. or generally perceived to be ineffective and unreliable.
Special Case Cards
It recharges every play session.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ ™™ Ace of Spades: Catastrophic bad luck for the
Lucky Me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 character. Often damage inflicting a Major Wound
as its Base Damage.
Lucky Shot/Strike [8 AP] L+ Domain ™™ Queen of Spades: An enemy with very similar
capabilities appears (or, if that seems impossible,
Unit Cost PEN L+: 3.0 DMG per AP
some specific nemesis).
Unit Cost IMP L+: 4.0 DMG per AP ™™ King of Clubs: A powerful person in the
Description: You have a “bank” of “extra damage” that you establishment takes a dislike to the target.
can tap into due to lucky hits. This bank recharges every ™™ Ace of Diamonds: The character is either sued
combat. You declare the use of the damage when you make or pursued legally. Alternatively they may have
the attack (before rolling). This adds to the base damage. someone seriously libel them in a way that hurts
Once used, for the duration of the combat, it is gone. their reputation.
™™ Four and Six of Any Suit: Health problems for them
Note: This must be used with another attack (even if it is or people they care for.
just an unarmed basic HTH strike). The PEN or IMP can ™™ Joker: Good luck: Draw Three Times and use the
apply to either ranged or HTH attacks (so PEN can apply to Blessed table for the outcome.
a gun or sword, IMP can apply to a punch or blaster shot). Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
The damage bonus has the REA, ROF, and Range character- Transactional 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
istics of whatever attack it is attached to. Evil Eye 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage Pool
Lucky Shot PEN M 8 AP +8 AP 24 PEN Probabilistic Accuracy Combat Domain
Lucky Strike IMP M 8 AP +8 AP 32 IMP
[TAP .20]
Description: When you unleash your luck you get +2
Nemesis/Curse [TAP .08] Utility Domain
to hit with any attack roll and a 10/4 Offensive SP Pool
Description: You can “Curse” a target. This results in a (recharged at the start of each combat). Activating this
confluence of events that will result in some major nega- ability costs +2 REA for an attack roll and lasts the rest of
tive or harmful outcome in his life in the next 30 days. the combat.
Curses can only be launched about once a day and can Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Accuracy 2 3 5 7 8 10 11 13
only be used on a specific person once per month. Cursing
a target involves a physical “transaction” of some sort or
the “evil eye.” In the first case the target must eat or drink
something the curser has made, take a “token” from them,
be touched in a meaningful way, draw a deck of cards or
otherwise have a “fortune told” or, otherwise take part in
some activity that could be at least mildly suspicious.
Evil Eye curses hit as ranged attacks but have no damage. A
target of the Evil Eye will be “aware” of the cursing even if
they cannot fully explain it rationally (They will know who
did it, see it happen—others will see the look, etc.).
Hearts - Unlucky In Relationships or Health: The charac-
ter’s relationships (especially romantic ones) get worse
or fall apart. In general this manifests as envy, jealousy,
resentment, or betrayal by those close to the character.
Romantic partners may cheat or be dissatisfied. Parents or
friends may express disappointment and so on. Characters
may also get sick or injured.
Diamonds - Unlucky with Money: The character’s finances
suffer, usually losing anywhere between 10% and 50% of a
character’s net worth.

Random Walk [4 AP] U Domain Abnegate L1/L+ Domain
Description: Once per play session the character may Unit Cost L1: 1.6 INT per AP L+: 1.5 INT per AP
gain insight into some matter of personal importance by
Description: The Character causes bolts, dark lightning, or
performing a “random walk.”
tendrils of nothingness to engulf the target, attempting to
This means literally traveling around the neighborhood, draw it off, into nothingness.
interacting with the people and things found there in an Attack Strength A Delivery Type Bean
appropriate and engaging manner (in a library, it might Effect Result
Fail Damage is equal to Intensity/2, no Damage Modifier, ignores Armor
mean randomly selecting books and reading passages from Standard Damage equal to Intensity, +4 Damage Modifier
them). Major Disintegrated
Critical Disintegrated
The character focus on some question or person that he

Domain Control Traits

Catastrophic Consumed (may destroy even immortal characters)
is seeking information about will either get a clue or gain Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power

Domain Control
2 SPs depending on the Game Master’s decision. Poorly Abnegate L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 13/12 12
formed questions or questions with no answer (i.e. “Who REA ROF Rng
is responsible for my dog’s death?” when it was a natural 5 S -1/20y
death), will result in hazy sense that the question is
improper and the allocation of SPs. Maelstrom [8 AP] L+ Domain
Blocking OCD Unit Cost L+: 1.3 INTENSITY per AP
It is possible to hide one’s self, one’s plans, or other Description: The character opens a hole in space and
information from the Random Walk. The mechanisms for everyone around it (3 meter area of effect per level) is
this are not well understood, but characters that engage affected except for the character.
in repetitive, superstitious “rituals” are hard to find out
about, find, or influence through Random Walk. The Maelstrom sucks matter in and consumes it. It acts as
Trait Buy Cost DP a Super Grapple Attack on all characters in range, hitting
Random Walk 1 4 AP +6 with a 14- skill +4 Large Weapon Bonus (e.g. 18- to-hit).
The Grapple Score is equal to the attack’s Intensity.
Characters that are grappled will be pulled toward the
VOID CONTROL center of the Maelstrom and those in the center will take
The first four elements are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. damage as per the Abnegate Effect above until they break
The Fifth is Nothingness, also known as The Vacuum free or are consumed.
and The Void. It is the most abundant thing in the
The Maelstrom core can be attacked and is treated as
universe and one of the most mysterious.
a force field of AP equal to the Maelstrom’s AP cost.
The Void is a real thing – the fabric of reality, which fills Damage through the field has no effect (it goes ‘into the
cold space – but it is also a metaphysical thing repre- void’) but when the field, itself is down, the maelstrom
senting Negation, Antithesis, and the number Zero. ceases to exist.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Intensity
Characters that can command the Void can summons Maelstrom L+ 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 10
it as a potent weapon, use it to hide, conceal, or trap
things, and even use it to subtly manipulate those
around them – The Void is fascinating and darkly

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Pocket Universe [2 AP] U Domain Sphere of Oblivion L1/L+ Domain

Description: The character can create a doorway to a small Unit Cost L1: 1.4 INT per AP L+: 1.3 INT per AP
area of space that exists outside of the regular space-time
Description: The character creates a dark hole in space
continuum. It is accessible through an opening that can
that attempts to consume and destroy everything it its
be as small as a thimble or as large as the character has
radius. It acts as an area-of-effect Disintegration effect and
power to create.
continues (hitting once per Round on Initiative +0 or when
The basic pocket universe is about as large as a two- any object or character moves into its radius) for Walking
bedroom apartment and can comfortably house 2 to 4 Endurance.
people. It has the following characteristics: Attack Strength A Delivery Type Area
Effect Result
™™ Power, heat, and plumbing – It generates a Fail No Effect
reasonable amount of power and water. These Damage equal to Intensity, +4 Damage Modifier. Ignores armor., power
fields, force fields, etc.
cannot be drawn on indefinitely (you can run Major Disintegrated
extension cords into the Pocket Universe and power Critical Disintegrated
things on the outside, but this will drain the power Catastrophic Consumed (may destroy even immortal characters)
quickly. Likewise, if you turn on all the faucets, you’ll Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Sphere L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 11/10 12
eventually get enough water to fill a small swimming
REA ROF Rng Area
pool before you run out.) 5 1x -1/20 Intensity/4 yards radius
™™ Air and climate control – It’s livable. Comfortable,
even. If your space craft is depressurizing, you can
take shelter in your Pocket Universe.
™™ One way in. One way out. With an 8 REA Long
Action, the character can open a portal to the
Pocket Universe at his current location. If he has
opened a previous portal, it will vanish. The portal
is usually anchored to something (e.g. a wall,
another door, etc.). If it isn’t the portal appears as
an opening in the air and can be moved by people
outside the Pocket Universe. No one within the
Pocket Universe can move it.
™™ Pretty good, but not absolute security. Unwanted
people cannot easily enter the Pocket Universe.
Breaking in is difficult (the door should be treated as
a 30 POWER Force Field).
Void Palace: Characters can buy larger spaces for more AP.
For every AP spent after the first, the volume of the Pocket
Universe doubles. At 8 AP, the pocket universe is palatial,
exceeding 64,000 square feet and can be considered to
be furnished with first class luxury as well as laboratory,
and medical facilities, a full kitchen, etc. It may have more
exotic properties as well.
Deep Pockets: A cheaper version of the Pocket Universe
can only open portals about the size of a clenched fist –
too small for most characters and items to get through.
The character can access whatever is inside, however,
allowing the character to carry a huge volume of small
goods. Deep Pockets is good for stage magicians.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Pocket Universe M 2 AP 2
Deep Pockets 1 1 AP 4

Troll Void [4 AP] U Domain Void Bolts [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Description: Everything that is consumed by the void may Unit Cost L1: 1.0 DMG per AP L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
still exist—somewhere. The character can “fish” for items
Description: The character can throw black bolts of noth-
others have condemned to the void (most will be angry
ingness. Void Bolts ignore armor and tend to make things
living combatants, but hey, you can’t be choosy. When the
hit with them implode. They also make a disturbing “anti-
power is used, the character makes a WIL roll and medi-
sound” explosion that sounds a bit like an echoing gulp.
tates for 1 hour per point the roll is made by.
If Void Bolts hit by +6 they act as an Abnegate effect
Each hour, the character has 1-2 chance of getting some-
(see above) in addition to damage done by the bolt. The
thing from the void.
Intensity is equal to the damage done. The Abnegate effect
The GM determines what it is. Mostly these will be is applied before the damage is applied (so any ADP the

Domain Control Traits

random objects—but they can come from anywhere, any target has still remains).

Domain Control
time. It should not be misconstrued as a treasure hunt. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Damage
Luck and other magical enhancers don’t work for this, and Void Bolts L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 8 PEN
Void Bolts L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 6 PEN
usually the items returned will be under 1 BLD and won’t
be valuable. Try the below table for some attempts:
Void Gate [4 AP] U Domain
0-4: Valuable piece of technology or magic from another
Description: The character can travel into the void and
time or a far removed alternate reality.
emerge elsewhere as per the teleport power. You can
5-8: Semi-valuable piece of tech or magic from a “similar” create a black portal as an 8 REA Long Action and enter it.
alternate reality. Others can follow you. The exit coordinates can be set as
well, however, it must be a place you have already been.
9-10: Random “normal” object.
Travel through the void involves walking through a vast
11-12: Random “normal object with some minor differ- blackness on what feels like a disturbingly narrow plank of
ence about it” (dollar bill with Adams on it). darkness.

13-14: Personal artifact (diary, etc.). It is possible to encounter things in there although the
exact nature of this will be left to the GM. It usually takes a
15-16: Dangerous object or being (radioactive bullets from few minutes of travel in the void to cover several miles (it
gulf-war, cloud of mustard gas, etc.). is not instant).
17-18: Very dangerous object or being (assault robot, Trait Buy Cost
Void Gate 1 4 AP
minor daemon, 5 void tentacles).
19-20: Character goes into the void! Something that looks Void Prison [2 AP] U Domain
like the character, has his memories, and has the stats of a
Description: Void Prison is similar to Pocket Universe,
Major Daemon replaces him. This Voidling will assume his
except it is exceptionally hard to exit from and the inside,
identity for WIL days after which he might be returned at
while livable, is Spartan.
Serious condition or . . . might not. . .
A character must be unconscious for more than a minute
Anything is possible.
to be put into a Void Prison. To be retrieved, the char-
Trait Buy Cost DP
Troll Void 1 4 AP +4 acter must release them, although in some cases killing
or rendering the imprisoning character unconscious will
release captives. Likewise, it is possible for sufficiently
Void Blades [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain advanced magic or technology to open a Void Prison, but
Unit Cost L1: 0.9 DMG per AP L+: 0.5 DMG per AP the specifics are left up to the GM. Likewise, breaking out
Description: The character fights with elementally “sharp” of a Void Prison is challenging but possible. They cannot
lines of pure nothing that slice through whatever they hit. be teleported out of, and breaking the portal with force
They ignore armor and deal double base damage on a hit is beyond most characters (as a general rule, the portal’s
by 4+. They have a Long Reach range. “door” acts as a force field with POWER based on the
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rch REA Damage imprisoning character’s total APs – so a 40 AP character’s
Void Blades L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S Lng 5 7 PEN Void Prison has a force field wall with 40 APs spent).
Void Blades L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S Lng 5 4 PEN
A Void Prison has one “cell” – a utilitarian room with basic,
minimal facilities for one person – per AP spent.
The imprisoning character may communicate with the
prisoners, opening a portal and speaking to them through
it (this typically reveals some information about where the
imprisoning character is and so on).
Trait Buy Cost DP
Void Prison M 2 AP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

SUMMONING The world is “like our own.” It

Summoning is the domain of calling forth things may be slightly more advanced or
(usually magical beings) from alternate realities. It is far less advanced (possibly with
also the Domain used to create characters who are magic to make up the difference)
but is otherwise comparable (the
“extra dimensional beings.”
inhabitants tend to be “human”—or
whatever is normal for the game
Alternity 0 AP
HOME DIMENSIONS world). Presumably this “Alternity”
knows about dimensional travel (or
The term “Home Dimension” is used as a generic term maybe it’s a government secret).
for the alternate reality the character comes from This can be -1 if the Alternity is
(or goes to, etc.). It is imperative that the player clear generally nastier or +1 AP if the
whatever is intended with the GM before selecting Alternity is generally nicer than
these abilities. “reality.”

Typically if the dimension is simply “another place”

there is no cost associated with the character coming Note
from there—however, if it has special properties (such Usually traffic to and from another dimension is
as advanced technology the character can avail them- limited in some fashion. Devices from one dimen-
selves of) there may be a cost. sion may not function for long in another if they
“rely” on their home dimensions’ superior tech-
Dimension Cost Notes nology or magic.
The realm of the “newly dead”
which appears as a dark forest with
a ring of fire for the sun. It is a quiet, In short, the expectation is that generally the char-
Shadow placid place and the real world is acter travels back and forth—if characters go with
0 AP them into the other dimension they can receive aid
Lands seen through mirrored pools on the
ground. The dead inhabit this place (or, possibly, be threatened), and it is a fairly major
for a few minutes or hours before event to have an assault team from another dimen-
“moving on.” sion show up with the PC unless they paid for allies.
A “Hell” Dimension with suffering,
torment, and dangerous jailers
who keep the place running. It may
-2 In some cases characters who are Extra Dimensional
Tartarus or may not be an “after-life” but,
instead, may be a nasty alternate Beings can simply pop into “reality” whenever they
dimension (perhaps with invasion need to. Exactly what they can see from their “home
plans). dimension” is not stated in the rules but usually they
A place of great solace. A Utopia will are limited in terms of what intel can be gathered.
have extremely advanced healing
Utopia 2 AP On the other hand, the more general case is that there
available and can usually provide
good advice. has to be “rifts” or holes in reality for characters from
another dimension to come through. This is “tradition-
A dimension where the inhabitants
have extremely advanced ally” done through magic or super-science. In these
technology or magic and are cases it may be that the character is from another
generally personally very powerful— dimension but cannot easily get back (or, if they can go
Pinnacle 4 AP appearing as the mythological back, must be re-summoned in order to appear again).
gods. Usually this place is difficult
to get to—but it may be able to This should be worked out with the GM ahead of time
confer some advantages in terms of and the traditional rule is that it takes some period of
assistance or information. time (usually a week if the character was not “killed”
or a month if the character “was”) to re-appear.

Aura of Awe/Fear L1/L+ Domain Extra Dimensional U Domain
Unit Cost L1: 2.1 INT per AP L+: 1.4 INT per AP Being Class 2 [8 AP]
Description: You give off an aura of awe (or terror) that is Description: Your life force exists in another dimension.
striking. This is usually rolled for once when the character If killed you will return to your home dimension, taking
either appears or “reveals themselves.” The Intensity is at least a month before you can come back (and usually
doubled against non-Named NPCs. you have to be summoned back—which could take quite a
Attack Strength C Delivery Type Aura while). This is a form of inconvenient immortality.
Effect Result
Fail No Effect ™™ You can choose to kill yourself or “phase out” (an
Standard Target is stunned. Target is at -2 to attack the character for the encounter. 8 REA Long Action) if not bound by a rule. Class 2
Target is Dazed. Target is at -2 to attack the character for the encounter and EDBs are usually “rule bound.”

Domain Control Traits

may flee (if a non-Named NPC). ™™ These creatures are often Rule-Bound (see the Trait).
Target is Dazed for 4 Rounds. Target is at -3 to attack the character for the Trait Buy Cost DP

Domain Control
encounter. EDB Class 2 1 8 AP +0
Target is treated as Unconscious unless “released” by the character (if the
Aura is FEAR, the target may faint).
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power Extra Planar Teleport [4 AP] U Domain
Aura Fear L1/L+ 1/M 8 AP 8 AP 17/11 12
REA ROF Rng Area
Description: You can travel from one level of reality to
5 1x None Intensity yard radius another. The teleport action itself is an 8 REA Long Action
and the character and anyone grappled will vanish from
one realm and appear in another.
Eviscerate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Unit Cost L1: 0.6 DMG per AP L+: 0.5 DMG per AP Depending on the world this may be quite limited with
specific “landing pads” in the alternate dimension and/or
Description: You can call on “extra-dimensional blades” rules about how the character can enter “reality” as well.
(or gears or knives or metal hooks attached to chains, etc.)
to tear a target to pieces. This is a horrifying and painful Usually if the character leaves reality it is at least 24 hours
method of attack that may be of use in dimensions where before they can return and while they need not return in
death is not permanent (Tartarus). the same place, they must return to a known location (or
through some specific conduit).
Eviscerate bypasses armor, dealing PEN damage. The
Rainbow Bridge [+2 AP]: This version of the ability allows
Damage Bonus listed is applied when the attack hits by 6+.
the character to bring others through an open portal.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA Dmg Bon
Eviscerate L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 5 PEN +4 PEN Usually the portal closes 10 Rounds (1 min) after the
Eviscerate L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/8y 5 4 PEN +2 PEN character goes through (only willing, unconscious, or Held
characters can be dragged through the portal).
Trait Buy Cost DP
Extra Dimensional U Domain Extra Planar T-Port 1 4 AP +8
Being Class 1 [6 AP] Rainbow Bridge 1 6 AP +12
Description: You exist outside of “reality” but extend into
it with your “avatar”—the thing most denizens will recog-
nize as “you.”
™™ Your avatar can be killed (disintegrated, etc.) and
you will simply grow a new one. This makes you
immortal to all attacks save for some very strange
one (Chi Death Touch or Death Control’s Death Ray
might work).
™™ When destroyed it usually takes you a month to
regrow your avatar.
™™ Your avatar will feel pain and won’t like it—but it’s
not traumatic. Your avatar cannot do you actual
psychological damage through most torture.
™™ You can abandon your avatar, having it die. It takes
you a month to grow a new one. The new avatar
enters reality wherever is appropriate.
™™ Your avatar does have biological weaknesses—but
you do not. You can think on problems while your
avatar sleeps, for example, or converse with other
Trait Buy Cost DP
EDB Class 1 1 6 AP +8

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Protection Circle [Varies] U Domain Extra Dimensional Etiquette: Some laws of behavior are
actually “physical laws” for you. Some examples:
Description: You can create a radius of “protection.” This
radius will detect and stop certain kinds of intrusion. In a ™™ Cannot Enter a Home Unless Invited In [-1 AP]:
high-tech application this may be screening against Out of Someone who owns the house or legitimately lives
Phase intruders, Teleportation, etc. If magical it may be a there must invite you in.
literal magic circle of protection. Note: Rule Bound crea- ™™ Must Keep Oath [-2 AP]: Once you swear you’ll do
tures can’t cross a hand-drawn circle of the right type (use it, you’ll do it—to the spirit of the oath. Anything
of Occult Skill, the Trait Witchcraft/Warlock, or Mysticism, that “looks like swearing an oath” is.
etc.). This represents a more powerful protection. ™™ Cannot Harm An Innocent/Cannot Harm The Truly
Evil [-1 AP]: The GM determines what is a “true
™™ Circles take an 8 REA Long Action to create. Any
innocent” or “true evil.”
character within a Step move may take a 5 REA
Trait Buy Cost DP
action to move across the boarder either way. Rule Bound 1 Varies +0
™™ Circles provide a Resistance Score equal to their
creator’s AP Cost. Any being of lesser AP cannot
cross them (see below). Attacks from that character
Step “Outside” Utility Domain
will not cross the circle either. Items thrown across [TAP .30] +6
the barrier take a -10 Damage Modifier. Description: You can “shift” to an “adjacent dimension” or
™™ The radius is either WIL, CON, or 12 yards “higher plane.” This place “adjoins” reality and allows you
(whichever is best) or, Range based on the to see in. This may or may not be your “home dimension”
character’s Total AP/8 and the Domain Control Area but is really a “passage behind the walls.”
Note: As an Advanced Rule, any character trying to cross a This makes you effectively invisible and phased out—you
Protection Circle can make a single Resistance Roll of their can only be detected by those with Sensitive or other
Total AP/8 vs. the Creator’s Total AP/8. The Creator gets a abilities that use magical detection. Telepathy will not
“WIL” or “CON” or 12 of +2 for a Basic Circle or +4 for an work (and most detection abilities that give range/distance
Advanced Circle. won’t either as the character is “outside” normal space)
but senses that give a “feeling of being watched” will
Basic Circle [2 AP]: A ‘basic circle’ will stop Out of Phase trigger if the character is watching them. Most defenses—
characters, Teleportation, and any being that is Rule even high technology ones such as force fields—will not
Limited. impede such a character.
Advanced Circle [4 AP]: Advanced Circles will stop all
forms of entry including Step Outside. The character will Stepping Outside is an 8 REA Long Action. When the
be invisible to ESP. character activates it they are limited to a radius using the
Trait Buy Cost DP Domain Control Area of effect rules based on the their
Basic Circle 1 2 AP +2 Total AP Cost/8 from their initial location in “real 3D space”
Advanced Circle 1 4 AP +4 (they may be able to move “further” in whatever outside-
space they move into—exactly what this is like is up to the
Rule-Bound [Varies] U Domain Game Master and the specific rules of the universe).
Description: Some things from other dimensions have In addition to “binding to the location they were in”
“rules” that circumscribe them. Here are some rules you (when the ability activated) they may bind to a person or
might need to follow: an object—but if the person or object is killed/destroyed
Name Bound [-6 AP]: If someone knows your True Name they will be trapped Outside for roughly a month. People
they can command you to do anything but kill yourself. “bound to” will feel watched/haunted. Certain Occult
Circumscribed [-2 AP]: You cannot cross portals or lines rituals can be used to break this binding as well, banishing
marked with inscriptions which are inimical to you. This the character even longer.
includes attacking across them or doing anything but Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
communicating. The spirit of the law is as important as the Step Outside 8 11 13 16 18 20 23 25
rule of it (you can’t throw things across it because the rock
“isn’t you.”). If the line is broken or erased, you’re free.
Certain Sigils or symbols will repel you.
Summoned Bound [-2 AP]: Someone is able to control you
for one “mission.” You’ll do your best. You can do things to
mess up their plan so long as those things do not interfere
with the spirit and the law of the mission (so if you are told
to rescue a hostage you must do so—including getting the
hostage back unharmed—but you might choose not to kill
the kidnappers and tell them who sent you—so long as
you don’t actually jeopardize the rescue mission).

Summons Being Combat Varies Friendly [+2 AP]: If the creatures are friendly but will not
die for you and must be well treated you get +2 AP worth
Description: Summonsed beings have a TAP cost based
per creature.
on the AP of the character. The cost can then be modified
based on how “under control” the subject is. Neutral [+4 AP]: If the creatures must be convinced to
work for the character (bribed, etc.) the power is +4 per
Summoning a being is an 8 AP Long Action. The creature creature.
appears within 4 yards of the character. You can only Hostile [+8 AP]: If the creature is hostile to the character
summon one being per time this is bought (if you invest you get +8 AP per creature.
8 AP in the creature you can get one. If you spend 16 AP Trait Buy Cost DP
you can get two 8 AP beings, etc.). Summons Being M Varies +0
Note: All beings must be okayed by the GM.

Domain Control Traits

Wrong [1 AP] U Domain
A character pays the cost for the most expensive

Domain Control
Description: You do not belong in the game’s standard
summons s/he has and then pays +2 AP per additional
“reality.” Lights may flicker around you, air turns cold.
summons ability.
Audio and video equipment may warp or show interfer-
Summon Warrior: The character can summon a 50 CP ence. You get:
1/5th TAP “warrior.” They do not exist until the start of
the battle and calling each one is a 5 REA Long Action. The ™™ +4 points to Intimidation Score
character can field up to 5 at once. They last for the “dura- ™™ -2 points for Charm
tion of the battle” and will follow simple orders to attack ™™ Get a perception roll to notice anything that is
or defend a target (they cannot be ordered to “answer the paranormal, extra dimensional, etc.
door” but can be ordered to “defend a hallway”). They can Trait Buy Cost DP
recognize friend and foe. Wrong 1 1 AP +2

If they have gear, it disappears with them after the combat ILLUSIONS
and they must pay their AP for it. The “Warrior” need not You have control of phantasms and illusions.
be human and can be an animal, monster, etc.
Summon Daemon: The character summonses a “servant” Note
who is intelligent and self-motivated. It can be highly
treacherous and is a Class 2 Extra-Dimensional Being There are potentially more complex rules for illu-
(usually Rule-Bound). They are usually Contract-Bound sions than this section will cover—these rules are
and must be summoned, contained, and negotiated with. meant to give a basic capability.
Usually they wish some form of payment for a term of
service. They are built on the character’s same CP or 50
(whichever is lower) and have AP equal to the character’s.
Note: If killed—but unpaid, an attempt to re-summon will
result in the next summoned servant requesting payment Basic illusions are mystical effects that appear and can
(and knowing the payment was unmet). even feel real but:
Guide/Teacher: The character can summon a being that is
1. Can do no actual damage (although they can
knowledgeable and can be persuaded to answer questions.
Trait TAP 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ cause Wound Effects—see Phantasms.
Warrior [.15] 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 2. Can look, sound, and even feel real—but, if
Daemon [.25] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 touched with disbelief or pushed hard on, will
2x ½ AP [.41]+1 4 8 11 14 17 21 24 27
collapse and vanish.
3. Can usually mimic objects or, in some cases
Summons Being [Varies] L+ Domain create optical illusions—but cannot “fill the
Description: You pay for Summoned beings as per Minions entire sky” or be arbitrarily big. They cannot
(see Minions and Allies). That is the maximum number of
generally be “so bright as to blind” (or too
things you can call on if they are under control.
loud, and so on).
Summoning a being is an 8 AP Long Action. The creature 4. The character creating them usually has to
appears within 4 yards of the character. You can only “concentrate on the image” to bring it into
summon one being per time this is bought (if you invest existence. This can be from something seen
8 AP in the creature you can get one. If you spend 16 AP
before, an image carefully studied (ideally from
you can get two 8 AP beings, etc.).
several angles), or created artistically in the
Note: All beings must be okayed by the GM. moment. Usually we treat the illusion as being
Under Control [+0 AP]: If the summoned being is under created by a “powerful artistic tool” which gets
your control, will die for you, the cost is as listed. things like shadows and the like correct—but
some very complex things may be hard to

Domain Control Traits

create if the spell does not actually include

Domain Control

Basic Glamour [2 AP] U Domain

that effect.
Description: You can cloak something in an illusion of
5. While illusions/phantasms feel real, they
another, much finer thing. A glamour can make the
cannot lift things, open doors, or take action character appear dressed in fine clothes, more attrac-
on physical objects. tive (+1 Level of Attractive or Exotic), can make a dirty
6. Illusions can sometimes “cloak” another object character appear clean, can mask some smells (as though
but they cannot make things invisible (they do with perfume—some hint may be visible), and can make a
not do a good job of “showing what is behind broken or damaged object appear whole.
something else”). Thus one cannot make an It can also make a bauble appear to be expensive jewelry, a
illusion of a door opening if the door is shut. junker appear to be a sports car, and so on.
They could make a convincing illusion of a
door-knob turning as that does not involve an A Glamour will not seem to greatly alter the size or shape
of the object: a man will still seem to be the same size
appearance of an open door. An illusion of a
man—just better dressed. If the match is close but not that
scene through a window would not appear to close, anyone interacting with the glamoured object will
be deep and 3D unless it was, for example, an get a perception roll every time they might notice some-
illusion of a brick wall a couple of yards away thing is wrong.
(in which case the image would be 3D).
Creating the Glamour is a 5 REA Medium action and it lasts
7. Illusions can generate light but even if
for WIL hours before collapsing. If the target is clearly not
“appearing bright” will only remove -3 points performing as the glamour suggests it should, it may lead
of visual modifier (so in pitch darkness a to disbelief and (then) collapse.
glowing illusion will still be pretty dark).
Similarly they can “sound loud” but even a A Note on Counterfeiting: The Basic Glamour can be used
to counterfeit money—but tests such as a pen or other
loud illusory noise will not carry further than
careful examinations count as “disbelief” so it is best
loud talking. to glamour small bills. It also helps to start with actual
money: if the basic material is simply paper of almost the
PHANTASMAL DAMAGE right cut, the target will get a perception roll.
Phantasmal Damage is treated as normal damage (roll Usually a character can have one Glamour going per point
to hit, roll to defend, PEN doubling, etc.); however, of WIL above 10.
the target does not lose damage points. They feel a Trait Buy Cost DP
“sensation of damage” and suffer a Wound Effect roll. Glamour (basic) 1 2 AP +3
Usually this ends at Unconscious (the target faints)—
although a weak target or a very powerful phantasm Disguise [1 AP] L+ Domain
could do worse. Description: You alter your appearance in a random
fashion. This makes you appear nondescript and not “like
Advanced Glamour [6 AP] U Domain you.” The character is not fully in control of the effect and
Description: You can cloak yourself or something else in it can change based on many factors. It will not change
a convincing illusion of something very different. This can gender or have a great effect on height or weight.
be used to “change identities” (including looking like a The disguise is very subtle: when seen the onlooker will
specific person). It can be used to disguise the character simply “not recognize” the character or will decide they
as, for example, a trash can—or some other object—very “do not have the traits being sought.” If the character is
convincingly. Otherwise it works as above. stopped and examined—if the onlooker has reason to be
Trait Buy Cost DP suspicious, for example, the illusion will quietly collapse
Glamour (advanced) 1 6 AP +3
and the onlooker will realize that is the person they are
looking for!
This will not hide gear (although gear may be hidden
“normally”). It will disguise wounds or things like dye-
packs however these will give +2 to perception rolls to
notice “something is wrong.”
Usually a perception roll with no reason to think “some-
thing is wrong” will be made at -5.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Disguise 1 1 AP +1

Distract [1 AP] U Domain Illusions [4 AP] U Domain
Description: You create an illusory distraction. The exact Description: You can create moving illusions. This creates
nature of this can change but the creator is only partially in illusory objects (or illusory animals or people) that are
control of what it is—the target influences what it is. This under the control of the creator. There are some specific
is something that will: rules about how Illusions work.
1. Get the target’s attention (such as a ringing phone, 1. The character envisions the object and then it
a voice from a door-way, etc.). appears. The object cannot be larger than the
2. Draw their vision away from whatever it was on power of the illusion (2 cubic yards—or person
(if a ringing phone won’t take the target’s eyes off sized—per level). If making a larger, “thinner”
their current target, it won’t be a ringing phone). object, assume that the illusion can, at most

Domain Control Traits

stretch to a half yard of depth (so you could get a
Once the target is distracted the illusion vanishes. This
rectangle of 4x4x.5 yards).

Domain Control
effectively lasts 1 Round. It usually requires a subtle
2. The motion and capabilities of the object are
gesture on the part of the illusion creator. Note: Other
whatever they would normally be plus some
characters will see/hear the distraction but it will seem less
more fanciful ones if those are detailed at
compelling and slightly less real.
the time of creation. Usually one “abnormal”
A RES roll or Perception roll may be made at -3 if the target capability can be added per level of Illusions and
is alert. If the target is extremely focused they may get a +1 an additional one for each point of RES, MEM,
to +5. If the target is combat, fear for their life, or other- or WIL above 10. Examples of abnormal abilities
wise extremely occupied it may not work at all. would be things like: non-flying things flying,
Trait Buy Cost DP objects exploding or bursting into flame, a person
Distract 1 1 AP +2 “turning into a bat,” etc.
3. The illusion can be directed as an 8 REA
Draw [2 AP] U Domain Long Action where the creator stands still,
concentrating on controlling it.
Description: You create an illusion that will draw the target
4. The illusion can be given a pre-determined circuit
to it. The character is only somewhat in control of the illu-
and behavior which it can execute or execute in
sion: the exact nature of it depends more on the target.
a loop. If something interferes with the loop (an
The effect is to create something that will “interest” the object is in the way, for example) the illusion will
target and draw them towards it. This could be anything collapse.
from a dollar bill on the ground to a wonderful smell or a 5. Creation of the illusion is a 5 REA Medium Action.
ringing pay phone. As an object it must be small and will Illusions will usually not be able to attack and if
not appear “alarming” (a twenty dollar bill is okay, the struck will collapse.
Hope diamond in an alley way is not). 6. The character can create one “illusion” per level
at a time. Illusions appear within 4 yards of the
The illusion may be placed anywhere within line of sight
of the creator (it requires a subtle gesture). It will imme-
Trait Buy Cost DP
diately get the attention of the target. How they react will Illusions M 4 AP +4
be up to them—however, it will usually have some sense
of urgency (the dollar bill is blowing away?) and will be
reasonably convincing.
It will not draw a target into obvious danger or, for
example, off a cliff. If the target is alert they can get a
Perception roll at -3 to notice “something is not right.”
Trait Buy Cost DP
Draw 1 2 AP +5

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Illusory Double [TAP .08] Combat Domain Self Glamour [1 AP] U Domain
Description: You create an illusory duplicate of yourself Description: You can cloak yourself in a glamor. This
while stepping to the side. This illusion will do almost does not allow you to change your appearance to that of
exactly what you do and can speak / make noise. An another person; however, you can:
opponent must either determine which is real or attack
1. Appear clothed even if naked—rags can appear as
one, wasting the attack if it is fake (if it hits, it destroys
finery. You can change your clothing at will.
the illusion though). Defenders defend at -4 as they are
2. You can appear in a “normal form” even if
attacked from two or more directions at once (if they have
damaged, ill, etc. If you have a deformity or appear
not determined which attacker is real).
“abnormal” your Glamour Form can appear
Determining if an illusion is real requires the observer to normal/human.
pick one ‘opponent’ and make a Perception roll against 3. You get 2 CP worth of some appearance in the
the creator’s RES (or applicable Magic / Artistic skill) at -5. Glamour form.
The observer gets +3 if they take a 3 REA Short Action to Trait Buy Cost DP
examine the two or +5 if they take a 5 REA Medium Action. Glamour (self) 1 1 AP +3
If the roll is made the observer will know if the ‘opponent’
is real or not. Steal Visage [4 AP] U Domain
Attacks from the illusory image will seem to all “hit the Description: You can take the appearance and voice of
same place” making it hard to detemrine which attacker is another person and “wear it” as an illusion. This hits as a
real and which isn’t. An attack which hits the illusory target 5 REA Medium Action attack. It costs Walking Endurance
will destroy it and automatically miss the real person. to maintain. The rules function as a Glamour but with a
Targets can dodge (if the creator pays for a dodge) but single specific use (taking another’s voice and appearance).
cannot block. The character will appear to wear the clothes of the target
but can change clothes normally (if they change outfits the
Creating the illusion is a 3 REA Short Action and keeping illusion will not be disrupted).
them costs Sprinting Endurance. A character can create
more than one. If the target is physically very different (the target is a 6’3
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ fat male, the character using steal visage is a 5’0 female)
Double 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 those interacting will get Perception rolls at +1 to +3 (the
above would be +3) to realize something is wrong. If the
Light Tricks [1 AP] U Domain target is hugely different (a centaur when the user is
human) then it may well not work at all.
Description: You can make colorful illusions or small, Trait Buy Cost DP
clearly illusory objects. This can be used for entertainment Steal Visage 1 4 AP +3
or demonstration.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Light Tricks 1 1 AP +2 Vanish Item [Varies] U Domain
Description: You can make small objects disappear or
Phantasmal Attack [4 AP] L+ Domain “reappear.” You can also do this with yourself (at higher
levels). The basic version will make a small, unconnected
Description: You can create a convincing illusion of a
object invisible until touched by anyone but the vanisher.
dangerous animal or trap. The illusion, when created (or
This can be done at range.
triggered if it is set up as a trap), appears suddenly and
“attacks” with a 14- roll-to-hit. It can be blocked or dodged The greater version can be done on oneself. When done,
as it appears. If it hits, it deals 12 IMP or 8 PEN per level of the invisible character cannot attack or even touch another
Phantasmal Damage. person, move an object or take any action other than
moving around (but without opening doors) without
Usually after being triggered the phantasm vanishes. This
“breaking the spell.”
can be thrown at an opponent as a fire-ball or fired as a
gun (the effects vary) or it can be “set” and triggered when Becoming invisible is an 8 REA Long Action. If you decide to
someone comes close or takes a simply described action attack, you will become visible moments before the attack,
near it (opening a door, picking up an object, pressing a suddenly being noticed by those nearby.
button, etc.). If left as a trap the Phantasm last WIL hours. Trait Buy Cost DP
There may be ways to make this permanent. Vanish 1 1 AP +3
Vanish Self 1 8 AP +0
It costs 5 REA as a Medium action to deploy the phan-
tasmal attack and has a range of no more than WIL yards
(but does not hit at negatives). If used as an attack the
attacker can use a ranged combat skill.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
Phantasmal Attack M 4 AP 4 AP 12 IMP or 8 PEN

PLANT CONTROL Become Tree [4 AP] U Domain
You can control plants and interact with them in Description: You can turn into a tree. This is an 8 REA
supernatural ways. The character can create mobile Long Action. When formed as a tree you are hard to hurt,
carnivorous plants using the Agent rules. age as a tree (approximately 1/6th normal aging rate),
are never bored, tired, etc. It can be a way to hide, to
Naturalist is included here for reference—but may be enter “suspended animation,” and so on. As a tree you
purchased as a GAT. will still have a strong sense of what happens within your
sight range.
Animate Plant [Varies] L1/L+ Domain
This can also be defensive: You get DP x 4 in ADP and 4/10
Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP pts of armor vs. PEN and 6pts vs. Impact damage. You do

Domain Control Traits

Description: You can use plants to bind or strike at targets. not take PEN doubling. If damaged you should convert
Animating a plant will usually grow it in size and cause it Damage Taken as a Tree/4 back to DP and make a CON roll

Domain Control
to move to attack. If there are no plants handy, it will not if that reaches any Wound level.
work well.
While being a tree the character can move slightly (nod,
Plants controlled by Animate Plant have the following wave branches slowly, etc.) to communicate. Characters
statistics: with an emotional bond to the tree-character may recog-
nize them.
• Strength as listed (Damage +10) Trait Buy Cost DP
• Grapple: Damage +10 Become Tree 1 4 AP +8
• Damage Points: 4 ADP per AP in Animate Plant
Using the ability “animates” all the plants in an area so, if Camouflage [2 AP] U Domain
there is moderate foliage (a lawn will work) the character Description: You can “hide amongst plants.” This is an
can direct attacks against anyone within reach (on the 8 REA Long Action and you are at -8 to Perception rolls if
grass or within 4 yards of it)—each attack does not have to standing still or at -4 if moving through underbrush. This
be the same plant. stacks with Stealth modifiers.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Plants strike or grab using the character’s combat skill. Camouflage 1 2 AP +3
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
Animate Plant L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 12 IMP Strike
Animate Plant L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 8 IMP Strike Commune with Plants [2 AP] U Domain
Description: You can “speak with plants.” This allows you
Bark Armor [5 AP] L+ Natural to determine (a) comings and goings of people (although
Unit Cost Armor 5 AP per level plants usually cannot distinguish people individually) (b)
the ability to find natural trails and the like and (c) have a
Description: You have thick tree-bark for armor. This makes warning if people are coming within Power (or WIL) yards.
your skin relatively unappealing to the touch but provides Communing is a 5 REA Medium Action.
a good defense against Impact Damage for the points. A Trait Buy Cost DP
character with Bark skin usually cannot easily wear normal Commune 1 2 AP +2
clothes or other armor.
5 AP
Armor v. PEN
Armor v Impact
6 DR
Forest Walk [1 AP] U Domain
Description: You and your group (up to about 10 people
or so) can move at full speed through heavy vegetation
(forest, swamp, or jungle) unimpeded. You can move at
Running Speed for Walking Endurance. Travel will leave very
little trace (-4 to a Survivalist skill roll to track the party).
Trait Buy Cost DP
Forest Walk 1 1 AP +2

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Mutate Plant (Para-Botanist) U Domain Plant Control [4 AP] U Domain

[4 AP] Description: You can change how plants grow and even
Description: Given time, concentration, and possibly a bit how they move to a degree. This is not the same as animate
of “alchemy” you can grow mutant plants. These plants plant—which is a different power. Plant control can:
can have a variety of characteristics. Here are examples of • Help or hinder movement through woods, swamp,
custom mutant plants: jungle, etc. For each point of Power you can cover
• Custom toxins with an Intensity of their DP, a a 4 yard front and either allow normal movement
Power of their WIL, and any effects around A-level through heavy undergrowth or treat moderate
for ingested or C level for being blood toxins. Cre- growth as heavy.
ating a custom toxin takes about 8 hours of work • Improve or kill crops. Each point of Power will af-
over 4 days and gets three doses. fect 1 acre of land. This will either produce double
• Guardian plants. These are based on 1/10th the the amount of crops, the usual amount in half
AP of the character and must have Plant Biology the time, or have the crops refuse to grow. This
(-6 AP). They are non-mobile, but generally have requires the character actually tend the crops.
Long Reach and can guard a portal or portion of a • Kill Plant. A character with Plant Control can kill
room. The character can have several of these— POWER points of BLD of plants per Round. If the
but they must be in a garden or establishment plants are intelligent, treat this as Death Ray, Area
where the character cares for them over time. of Effect as a 5 REA Medium Action each Round.
Usually a base will have 1 Plant Guardian per • Grow Giant Plants. The character can grow a single
month of establishment up to the Total AP of the plant with +25% regular size per point of POWER.
character/8 (so a 16 AP character can have 2 Plant • Regenerate Plants. The character can heal POWER
Guardians of 8 AP each if they have spent at least points of damage per Round for 5 REA if within
2 months in the base). POWER yards of the plant.
• Alarm Plants. The character can grow plants that • Analyze Plant. You can determine the properties
will raise an alarm. of a plant and determine what it needs to grow.
• Assistant Plants. Plants can, while non-mobile, act You can determine the health of plants within
as assistants giving the character tools, food, etc. a POWER x 10 yard Radius and, if something is
Trait Buy Cost DP harming them, have an idea of what. Note: This
Mutate Plant 1 4 AP +8 does not give the effects of a plant on a person.
That requires Naturalist.
Naturalist [4 AP] U Domain • Plants can be grown artistically and in specific
Description: You have an extreme affinity for plants.
Trait Buy Cost DP Power
You can determine the medicinal impact of any plant by Plant Control M 4 AP +4 DP +4
examining it. You have a green thumb and, given normal
care for plants, will grow healthy ones even in adverse
Plant Wall [4 AP] U Domain
Description: You can cause plants to grow quickly in a
You will not get lost in the woods, maintaining a sense of barrier. This can be accomplished with Plant Control and
direction and have the ability to find edible plants, clean several weeks—but Plant Wall can do it in combat. The
water, adequate shelter, etc. wall is thorny and tough—-it acts as a hedge and can be up
This may qualify as a GAT for some games. Usually the to POWER (If the character has Plant Control) + WIL yards
character must roll against RES+2 or Perception +2. Natu- in length. The wall has 16 ADP per yard and 4/10 Armor
ralist abilities include: (no PEN doubling) vs. PEN attacks and 6 armor vs. Impact.

• Healing. Given an hour to find medicinal plants Creating the wall is an 8 REA Long Action. Anyone within a
you can heal 3 DP of damage with a wrap. Step distance on either side can take their reaction to move
• Stop poison. You can counteract long-term toxins or fire across it. This ability will allow the character to open
(most natural toxins) with a Perception roll (and gaps as an 8 REA Long action to let people in or out.
Trait Buy Cost DP
‘available plants.’ Generally in an area of vegeta-
Plant Wall 1 4 AP +4
tion there will be appropriate plants).
• Create medicines. These can aid sleep, improve
wakefulness, cause calm, or act as poison.
• For poisons, a toxin with an Intensity of the char-
acter’s DP doing 4, 8, 12, or 16 damage can be cre-
ated and placed on a weapon. It will lose potency
within 24 hours. If ingested, double the intensity
and the damage (and it will stay potent until used).
Trait Buy Cost DP
Naturalist 1 4 AP +8

CARD SUIT DOMAINS I’m Your Rock [4 AP] U Domain
These next ability sets need a little explanation: they Description: Your touch can lend party members ADP
are named after the suits of cards. The reason for which remains for one combat. Each touch is a 5 REA
this is that we had, because of the way JAGS evolved, Medium Action. The ADP goes away at the end of a
groups of powers that we wanted to keep separate combat and otherwise lasts four hours. The reserve
from specific in-game rationales. These are things recharges once per day.
like “buffs” which increase “the whole party” and Lending a bleeding character ADP will close the wound and
some mind-control style powers that exist separate of stabilize them but will not reverse wound effects beyond
telepathy, and so on. If you don’t like having card icons Dying or improve Condition Level.
be the power groupings, feel free to change them as Trait Buy Cost ADP Reserve

Domain Control Traits

I’m Your Rock M 4 AP +18 ADP
suits you.

Domain Control
Lend Strength [4 AP] L+ Domain
HEARTS Description: Your glowing touch infuses your target with
Hearts contains lots of buffs that tend to have to do extra Strength! You have a Strength reserve and as a 5 REA
with defenses and tend to benefit the whole party. Medium Action you can touch a person and “lend it to
them” (any amount—you can divide up your reserve as you
Big Tent Extraction [2 AP] U Domain see fit amongst friends or yourself). This lent strength last
Description: You can teleport yourself and the party to four minutes and they will have a faint aura glowing aura.
safety. This is a 5 REA Medium Action and works on all Note: As the character can lend STR to themselves, the
party members within WIL x 5 or 50 yards (whichever is A-Cost is added to any HTH attack the character has that
better). It has an Activation roll of a 4- unless someone is could use the STR.
badly hurt (Serious Condition or Internal Damage or worse) Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR
as the result of accident or enemy action. It will take the Lend STR M 4 AP +4 AP +4
group up to a mile away with a “safe landing” (not in
water, etc.). The exact location is unpredictable (GM’s deci- Radar Love [4 AP] L+ Domain
sion). If the character is not in combat they can still use it
Description: You can “beam” Success Points to a party
to teleport away from serious danger (erupting volcanoes,
member (you can also allocate them to yourself). Sending
etc.). This can be done with a roll once per minute with an
the points is a 0 REA Medium Action (you do it on your
automatic success if there is some likely danger within the
Round) and you start each combat with the listed reserve
next 60 seconds.
of SPs.
Big Tent Extraction will take everyone the character would Trait Buy Cost SPs DP
be able to reach with a Long Action move. It will not take Radar Love 3 4 AP +4 SPs +0
characters the teleporter could not touch (i.e. characters
behind locked doors, etc.) Suit of Cards: Hearts [1 AP] U Domain
Trait Buy Cost DP Description: The character can instantly change into a
Big Tent Extraction 1 2 AP +4 DP
specific uniform (in the literal case, here, with hearts
iconography—but it can really be anything). This
Healing Aura [2 AP] U Domain uniform conforms to all their powers, will self-repair if
Description: You exude a soft red light which heals your ripped or removed, and is self-cleaning. Changing is a 0
friends. Healing Aura takes a 5 REA Medium Action to REA Short Action and it “stores their original clothing”
activate and lasts 3 Rounds or WIL-8 Rounds, whichever extra-dimensionally.
is more. During that time, anyone who is a friend and
Note: We have created 4 different “outfit” powers (Suit of
within 100 yards range (or WILx10, whichever is more) can
Cards) for each suit and they can be exchanged as wanted
draw from the Damage Point Reserve to heal themselves.
(the hearts suit can easily use the spade’s power).
Drawing is a 3 REA Short Action. Healing Damage will
Trait Buy Cost DP
improve Condition Level but will not stop Wound Effects. Hearts Suit 1 1 AP +3 DP
Characters within the zone can “drain” one DP from the
reserve to stop dying or dead results even if unconscious
(this is done “automatically”). This will “stabilize the
character” but will not actually heal damage. If there is
a conflict over how to draw points, the owing character
resolves it.
The reserve recharges each day.
Trait Buy Cost Reserve
Healing Aura M 2 AP +8 DP

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Take the Hit [2 AP] U Domain Sometimes I Think I’d Like L1/L+ Domain
Description: You can absorb a hit for one of your party to Watch It Burn [Varies]
members. This is a 0 REA Short Action, declared after Unit Cost L1: 0.8 DMG per AP L+: 0.5 DMG per AP
damage has been determined. You will take the damage
your friend would have taken (your armor and defenses do Description: You burn with a green fire and your party
not apply). If this is declared after a Wound Result you will members can as well. When activated as a 10 REA Long
suffer the Wound Result as well as the damage rather than action you and every willing member of your party gets a
getting to make your own CON roll against it (Note: If you green fire attack.
are immortal or otherwise immune to some wound effects As with fire, any hit by 4+ will burn for the next round.
that’s fine). Green fire produces very little smoke and will burn things
Note: You must be within 100 yards or WIL x 10 yards to that are not normally combustible.
Take The Hit. Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Rng ROF Damage
SITILTWIB L1 1 8 AP 8 AP -1/8y S 6 IMP
Trait Buy Cost
SITILTWIB L+ M 8 AP 8 AP -1/8y S 4 IMP
Take The Hit 1 2 AP

Suit of Cards: Spades [1 AP] U Domain

SPADES Description: The character can instantly change (0 REA
Spades abilities tend to deal with war and chaos. Short action) into one of several themed outfits. With
specific insignia or logos/symbols (literally the spades
Dai Katana, Sucker! Combat Domain symbol—but it can be anything). As with the Hearts outfit,
these are self-repairing, self-cleaning, etc. and store the
[TAP .10]
character’s clothes extradimensionally.
Description: You must have some form of hand-to-hand
attack. When DKS is activated, it becomes a huge, out- Note: We have created 4 different “outfit” powers (Suit of
sized version of itself striking for 4x damage for the rest of Cards) for each suit and they can be exchanged as wanted
the combat! (the hearts suit can easily use the spade’s power).
Trait Buy Cost DP
DKS becomes ‘available’ every 4 play-sessions (you don’t Spades Suit 1 1 AP +2 DP
start with one). Once available it can be activated in any
combat for 5 REA (Medium) and lasts the entire combat. Summon Gun [Varies] L1/L+ Domain
NPCs with this have a 30% of having a DKS available.
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ Unit Cost L1: 1.4 DMG per AP L+: 0.9 DMG per AP
DKS! 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 Description: You can call a gun (or other weapon) to your
hand. Summoning the gun is a 5 REA Medium Action or a
Dark Aura [6 AP] L+ Domain 0 REA Medium Action with a weapon skill roll.
Description: You create a smoky dark aura around you and Note: This is the “cost” of Gun with the Super Tag.
your teammates that improves damage with attacks. Each Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage
member of the party gets +4 AP A-Cost at L+ levels. This Summon Gun L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 11 PEN
takes a 5 REA Medium Action to turn on and lasts until the Summon Gun L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 7 PEN
end of one combat or about 4 hours. It can be used once
per day.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost AP Added
Dark Aura M 6 AP +4 AP +4 AP

Pass Locks [4 AP] U Domain

Description: You are unimpeded (or less impeded) by
doors and locks. On approach any unlocked door will
open and then close for you. With a gesture you can open
and unlock any small case or object within sight distance.
Vaults, safes, and high-security doors, and, especially,
magical locks may be assigned a Resistance Value equal
either to that of the character who created/locked them or
a general 2 (wall safe), 3 (higher security office/gun safe), 5
(vault), 8 (magical or extreme vault) and the character can
make a Total AP/8 Resistance roll against the lock to open
Trait Buy Cost DP
Pass Locks 1 4 AP +4

Wrath [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain DIAMONDS
Unit Cost L1: 1.0 DMG per AP L+: 0.8 DMG per AP These abilities are similar to some Psionic/Mind
Control capabilities but have different (simpler) rules.
Description: You can call down white-light destruction on
your enemies. The “Wrath” attack begins when the Activa-
I’ve Got My Mind Set Utility Domain
tion Roll is met and lasts for the rest of the combat.
on You [8 AP]
The Activation Roll is a 6- and it increases by +1 per Round
Unit Cost L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP
(roll at the start of the Round) and, with a 5 REA Medium
Action the character can add +2 or the amount a WIL roll is Description: When you focus on someone you can get a
made by to the Activation Roll. good sense of their psychological needs and desires. This is
a good way to manipulate them and understand what they

Domain Control Traits

When active the Wrath effect is a Ranged Attack with a 14- see as desirable. The use of this ability, once, on a target is
to-hit that comes from the sky or the air near the target subtle.

Domain Control
arcing towards them like a cross between a lightning bolt
and a laser beam. It takes no Range Modifier and hits as a The target gets the advantage of double their WIL-10 when
L2 attack. resisting this roll. Against Named NPCs and PCs this simply
reveals some information. Against NPCs the results can act
It costs 0 REA and fires on the character’s Turn. The Player as a Charm or Persuade attempt of the same result level if
may roll the to-hit dices. the character acts on their psychological insight.
Note: The Wrath effect lasts until the combat is over, the Attack Strength C Delivery Type 4 Beam
Effect Result
target is more than 100 yards away from the character, or Fail No Effect
the character is unconscious or worse (the owner can call Character understands the current mind state and knows how the target
it off too, if they want). Standard
feels about them in particular.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage Character gets a sense of how they can present themselves in order to
Wrath L1 1 8 AP 8 AP 8 PEN Major seem appealing, especially with some specific insight as to being attractive
Wrath L+ M 8 AP 8 AP 6 PEN or persuasive.
Character actually knows a set of “exact right moves” to make to “connect
with” the target.
Character has insight into how to create a long-standing connection and
appear attractive/interesting. This may include small snippets of knowl-
edge (without the back story) that will get the target’s attention and provide
clues as to what the target finds fascinating, etc.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Set on You M 8 AP 8 AP 16 WIL
5 1x WIL yards

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Land of Confusion [8 AP] L1/ L+ Domain Sedate [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain

Unit Cost L1: 3.1 INT per AP L+: 1.7 INT per AP Unit Cost (Beam) L1: 4.1 INT per AP L+: 2.3 INT per AP
Description: You create, at range, a “blast radius” of confu- Unit Cost (Area) L1: 2.9 INT per AP L+: 1.6 INT per AP
sion. This tends to daze and disorient people in its radius.
Description: You can calm someone down or even knock
They may not be aware they are under attack.
them out. When used, it is subtle: the character can
Attack Strength C Delivery Type 4 Beam (Area)
Effect Result reduce the effect to simply calm tense situations. It can be
Fail No Effect used on crowds in the Area mode.
Targets are distracted. They get -4 to Perception Rolls to notice things that Attack Strength C Delivery Type 4 Beam
Standard Effect Result
are not flashing, going off like a siren, or on fire. This will last 5 minutes.
Targets are disoriented. They will be treated as Dazed for a Round and Fail No Effect
then operate at -2 for the rest of the fight. Out of combat they will lose Standard Target feels calm and pleasant. Will calm an angry person.
Major Target feels sedate and relaxed. Will calm an irate person.
their train of thought, stare off into space, or speak randomly. If walking
Major Target feels drowsy and may fall asleep if not kept awake. Treat as Dazed
or driving they may head off in a random direction (although they would
Critical and then at -5 to take any serious action and having to make WIL rolls to
be unlikely to crash a car in light traffic). The “dazed effect” can last
stay awake.
10 minutes. Target drops quickly into a deep (but natural) sleep (may simply lay down
Targets are disordered. They are unable to act effectively in combat for Catastrophic
on the ground).
3 rounds (treat as Dazed but with a chance of friendly-fire if they attack Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
and at -4 to hit anything). They will then be at -4 for the rest of the Sedate M 8 AP 8 AP 33 / 18 WIL
combat. Lasts 20 minutes. Area REA ROF Rng 23 / 13
Targets are “essentially unconscious.” They may stare off into space, 5 1x -1/10y
babble, or otherwise fail to recognize the area around them.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Confuse M 8 AP 8 AP 25 /14 WIL Shocking Thought! [8 AP] L1/ L+ Domain
REA ROF Rng Area Unit Cost Beam L1: 4.5 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP
5 1x -1/10y Intensity/2 yards
Unit Cost Area L1: 3.1 INT per AP L+: 1.7 INT per AP
Pass Unnoticed [2 AP] U Domain Description: You project a shocking, disturbing mental
Description: You can “pass for normal” even if you clearly image or thought into the target which can incapacitate
are not. This is a kind of “psychic haze” that makes them. You can choose to use this in Mind Grenade mode
people treat you as though you belong in an area and are where it hits a blast radius.
not noteworthy. It will work even if you are extremely Note: The player may actually come up with the thought.
abnormal looking—but it will NOT conceal behavior. If you If the dynamic is considered good for the group, the GM
are acting in a threatening or suspicious way the effect will may award +2 Power (+2 to the roll) for a thought that
be broken. legitimately shocks. If this is not what the players want,
So long as you are not (a) having an alarming or very don’t do it.
unusual interaction with someone (b) in a private area Attack Strength C Delivery Type 4 Beam
where, for example, only family members would be Effect Result
Fail No Effect
expected to be, or (c) specifically drawing attention to Standard Targets are stunned.
yourself people will treat you like an ‘average looking Major Targets are dazed. Need “brain bleach.”
person’ of roughly appropriate specifics. Note: This will Targets are incapacitated for an entire Round and must make WIL rolls at
not get you past check-points that are actually guarded. Critical the start of each Round to recover. May be haunted by the thought and
Guards will still ask for ID. However, you can usually walk may wish to act on it if possible/appropriate.
past reception stations so long as they are not serving a Targets are incapacitated for entire Round and must make WIL rolls at -4
single office. Catastrophic at the start of each Round to recover. May be haunted by the thought and
will likely act on it if possible/appropriate.
Characters that are “on alert” for something can get Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Perception rolls at -4 if the concealed character comes into Shocking M 8 AP 8 AP 36/20 WIL
contact with them. Psychic senses can detect the distortion REA ROF Rng 25/14 (Area)
5 1x Voice
field as can various GATs like Mysticism, Witchcraft, and
Trait Buy Cost DP
Pass Unnoticed 1 2 AP +2 DP

Suit of Cards: Diamonds [1 AP] U Domain Voice of Command [8 AP] L1/L+ Domain
Description: The character can instantly (0 REA Short Unit Cost L1: 2.8 INT per AP L+: 1.9 INT per AP
action) change into an outfit. As with hearts, this is self-
Description: You can compel targets to obey simple
repairing, self-cleaning, conforms to powers, etc. The
commands. The player may roll the result before issuing
“Diamonds” power will allow the “outfit” to conceal the
the command. Each point of WIL above 10 counts double
character’s identity even if “it shouldn’t.” This can cause
against this attack.
substantial cosmetic changes to the character when “in
uniform” (usually they will appear to be the same gender, The target, unless a PC or Named NPC, will generally not
etc.) respond badly to the command or realize there was an
unusual power involved. In some cases, the target’s mind
Note: We have created 4 different “outfit” powers (Suit of
will be “clouded” so they may obey the command but not

Domain Control Traits

Cards) for each suit and they can be exchanged as wanted
be entirely sure why they did or, in some cases, exactly
(the hearts suit can easily use the spade’s power).

Domain Control
what they did. The command cannot last for more than a
Trait Buy Cost DP
Diamonds Suit 1 1 AP +2 DP few minutes.
“Give me all the money in your wallet” would work (prob-
The Absolute Truth [8 AP] U Domain ably Major) but “Empty your bank account” would be too
Unit Cost L+: 1.9 INTENSITY per AP complex (although at the Critical level you could get them
to give you all the money allowed from an ATM.
Description: You can compel targets to speak the truth, Attack Strength B Delivery Type 4 Beam
the whole truth (generally), and nothing but the truth in Effect Result
response to a simple question. If the question is badly Fail No Effect
phrased or unclear the target will simply say why it Target will do things that they are inclined to do anyway that do not cost
them much.
doesn’t apply.
Target will do things that cost them a bit. Some embarrassment, a little
Attack Strength B Delivery Type 4 Beam
Major bit of money, some time or effort, and so on. A credulous target may
Effect Result
allow themselves to be put in danger .
Fail No Effect
Standard Target can be compelled for a question that will not get them killed or jailed. Target will do things that cost them humiliation, a good deal of money, or
Major Any question that does not betray a loved one. put them in danger. They might risk their job, etc.
Critical Any question. Target will take heavier risks, will take (single) attack actions, and so on.
Catastrophic Any question. Catastrophic Pretty much any short, simple command that does not kill the target or
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power one they love will work here.
Confuse M 8 AP 8 AP 15 WIL Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
REA ROF Rng Aura M 8 AP 8 AP 22/15 WIL
5 1x Voice REA ROF Rng
5 1x Voice

Another collection of abilities.

Battle Buddy [4 AP] U Domain

Description: Every round you are in combat you generate
1 SP per level that can be saved (for the duration of the
combat) or spent as wanted. These can also be given to
any member of your group. As noted, all SPs generated by
this method are gone at the end of the combat. The SP is
generated at the beginning of the Round.
Note: You do not get to “fake combat” in order to increase
SPs. If the battle is not a real one you don’t get the bonus.
Trait Buy Cost DP
Battle Buddy M 4 AP +4

Domain Control Traits
Domain Control

Clone Powers L+ Domain Locator [4 AP] U Domain

Unit Cost Clone L+: 1.9 INTENSITY per AP Description: You have an ESP-style sense that allows you
to attune to things and then locate them. There are a few
Unit Cost Absorb L+: 1.3 INTENSITY per AP versions of this.
Description: You can clone—or even absorb—someone
Usually Location is a 3 Roll Drama with the roll being
else’s power or powers! Clone Powers hits as a Resisted
WIL+1, RES+1, CON+1, or 12 with +4 SPs per Level of
Attack and, based on the level of success, allows you to
Locator. The Target Number to get a fix is:
move APs in Clone Powers into their powers.
• 10 for something that is not lost or hidden
If you have a choice of which powers to take or not
• 12 for something naively hidden (stuffed under
(depending on the level of success and what they have
a bed)
shown already) you can power them as you wish—but you
• 20 for something well hidden/well protected (a
can “clone” no more than their level of whatever you take.
witness being held at a safe house)
As an example, if a target has 16 AP in a defense and 16 AP
• 32 for something expertly hidden and well protect-
in an attack and a 4 AP Non-Combat ability and you have
ed (a person in the witness protection program)
24 AP in Clone Powers, if you get a choice of all three you
• If the person or object sought went into hiding in
could either choose the 4 AP power or not (all or nothing)
the last 24 hours the difficulty is lowered by 4
and then choose to divide your remaining 24 AP however
• If the person or object sought is more than 100
you wish—but with no more than 16 AP in either the
miles away the difficulty can be increased by 4
attack or defense.
• If the locator has a very good idea of where it may
You usually cannot clone GATs and must choose either be this can decrease the difficulty by 8
Cybernetics or Mystical abilities as out of scope unless you Trait Buy Cost DP Notes
take a Medium Enhancement. Can locate anything touched and inspected
Locator M 4 AP +8
(3 minutes).
Clone Powers: In this case you scan the target as a 5 REA Can locate people given an “important item” of
Medium Action (a beam at +4 to hit). People Finder M 4 AP +8
theirs to “scan.”
Absorb Powers: When you do this, they lose the use of the Can locate an item given access to the owner
Recoverer M 4 AP +8
of the item.
ability for the time it is cloned. Can locate items or people “who can help”
Attack Strength C/A+ Delivery Type 4 Beam given a description of the problem. Note:
Effect Result This will not find a specific person or item
Fail No Effect
You can clone any power you have seen. The transfer lasts 10 minutes or Seeker M 4 AP +8 (the problem cannot be ‘where is Person-X’).
Standard Usually the difficulty for this can increase by
until dropped.
You can clone all abilities (in scope) which the target has. The transfer 10 to 20 based on the difficulty of the problem
Major in general.
lasts 1 hour or until dropped.
You can clone all abilities (in scope) which the target has. This lasts 1 day
or until dropped.
You can clone all abilities (in scope) which the target has. Lasts until
Positive Feedback Loop [Varies] L+
dropped. Domain
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power
Clone 1 8 AP 8 AP 18 Clone WIL
Unit Cost L+: 0.8 DMG per AP
REA ROF Rng 10 Absorb Description: You can create an “energy loop” that allows
5 1x -1/5y you to fire a blast that gets stronger the longer combat
goes on. The first Round the blast is used it does listed
Get a Clue [2 AP] U Domain damage and adds the damage each round (so 16 AP does
Description: Perhaps as a result of powerful, deductive 12 damage the first Round, 24 on the second, and 36 on
reasoning, once during a session you can either “get a clue” the 3rd).
as to a particular question or point of inquiry or get 1 SP Positive Feedback Loop does not need to be used each
which you can keep or distribute to another party member. Round to get the bonus
Trait Buy Cost Trait Buy ROF Range Cost A-Cost Damage
Get A Clue M 2 AP Positive Feedback Loop L+ M S -1/10y 8 AP 8 AP 6 IMP

Rage [5 AP] L+ Domain What Doesn’t Kill Me [4 AP] U Domain
Description: You get stronger the longer combat goes on. Description: When you take a wound you gain SP which
In theory there is no end to how strong you can get, in can be saved or given to other Party Members (at the
practice you get one L+ Level of STR each Round for each time of being taken). Note: These must come from “real
level you have bought. You get your bonus at the start of combat” and not from “intentional friendly fire.”
the Round, starting with the first Round.
™™ Minor Wound: 1 SP. You get 2 SP if you suffer an
Note: You do not get to “fake combat” in order to build STR. Unconscious or worse result.
If the battle is not a real one you don’t get increasing STR. ™™ Major Wound: 2 SP. You get 3 SP if you suffer an
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR Unconscious or worse result.
Rage – Armed M 5AP +5 AP +2 STR (PEN) ™™ Critical Wound: 3 SP. You get 4 SP if you suffer an
Rage – Unarmed M 5 AP +5 AP +3 STR (IMP)
Unconscious result or worse.
Trait Buy Cost DP

Domain Control
Rock [5 AP] L+ Domain What Doesn’t Kill Me 1 4 AP +5
Description: You get harder and more difficult to hurt
the longer combat goes on. Starting with the first Round
you get the listed Armor and ADP and it adds each round
(theoretically indefinitely). This concludes the Domain Control section. Keep in
mind that the abilities here are meant to be indicative

Note: You do not get to “fake combat” in order to increase
toughness. If the battle is not a real one you don’t get the of what a character with control over a specific subject
bonus. are might have but will not be complete. As such the
Trait Buy Cost ADP Armor group/GM may need to create other abilities with
Rock M 5AP +6 APD +2/5 Armor these as a guideline.

Suit of Cards: Clubs [1 AP] U Domain

Description: The character can instantly change (0 REA
Short action) into one of several themed outfits. With
specific insignia or logos/symbols (taken literally the
spades symbol—but it can be anything, depending on the
character). As with the hearts power, this is self-cleaning,
self-repairing, conforms to powers, etc. The Clubs version
allows the character to grant the outfit to other team-
members (up to 5).
Note: We have created 4 different “outfit” powers (Suit of
Cards) for each suit and they can be exchanged as wanted
(the hearts suit can easily use the spade’s power).
Trait Buy Cost DP
Clubs Suit 1 1 AP +2 DP

Modifying Abilities


JAGS Revised Archetypes lists, literally, hundreds of different abilities—but even that may not be
enough for a given game. As such, we are providing rules for the modification of the abilities listed so
that you can “create your own” through modifying the existing list and customizing various powers
to suit your needs.
Why modify powers?
Here are some common reasons:
1. The power comes from a device instead of being inherent to the character (this is common
and covers everything from powered suits of armor and magic wands to mundane hand
2. You want to simulate a real-world ability or item that is less capable or convenient than
the native ability described in the book (e.g. a revolver that must be reloaded after firing six
3. You want to enhance an existing power to make it more capable or versatile (e.g., create an
‘armor piercing’ laser by modifying the basic laser power.
4. You want to model powers in fiction (e.g., a character has mind control that causes him to
take damage when it’s used).
5. You want to create fundamentally new powers or devices (e.g., a character wants to build a
tornado factory that could threaten a town. There’s no ‘call tornado’ power, but one could be
developed by modifying weather control).
These rules exist to help the Game Master get the point costs for those powers right. If you’re not
playing a game where that’s important, these rules could be avoided entirely at the GM’s discretion.


Herein we cover:
• The basic concepts for ability modification
• The math for how modifiers work
• Some example common devices (weapons and armor)
• A large list of modifiers and modifier types
• More detailed rules for device modifiers


Modifiers change the cost of a power by multiplying its AP Cost by a percentage. Here’s an overview;
we’ll give examples and more detail as well.
Enhancement Modifiers: Enhancements make a power better in some way. They make a power
more expensive by multiplying its AP Cost by a percentage greater than 100%.

Defect Modifiers: Defects make a power worse in some way. They make the power less expensive by
multiplying its AP Cost by a percentage less than 100%.
Multiple Modifiers: If a power has more than one modifier, the modifiers are applied sequentially, in
no particular order.
Fractional APs: If the modifier math makes a power cost come out to a fraction of an AP, then the
cost rounds normally (fractions less that .5 round down to the nearest whole AP. Fractions of .5 or
more round up to the nearest whole AP).
Optional rules give or take Damage Points (DP) for fractional APs
Modifying a TAP Power: to modify a TAP power, apply the modifier % the total cost (both the % cost
and any fixed AP Cost).

MATH FOR A SINGLE MODIFIER A character buys 8 AP of the power Laser that he
Modified AP Cost = Stock AP Costs x wants to define as a handgun. A one-handed device
Modifier Percentage is a small defect (it prevents the character from
carrying anything in that hand while it’s drawn).
Fractional AP Costs are rounded normally.
One-handed device is an 95% defect so the modified
cost of the laser power becomes
For multiple modifiers, simply apply each modifier to 8 AP (stock cost) x 95% = 7.6 AP rounding to 8 AP; the
the cost of the stock cost. cost does not change
If the character purchased 12 AP, he would get a cost

Modified AP Cost = Stock AP Costs x Modifier1 x
Modifier2 x … x Modifiern break:
Fractional AP Costs are rounded normally. 12 AP x 95% = 11.4 AP which rounds down to 11 AP,

Modifying Abilities
reducing the cost by 1 AP


Non-Combat abilities with low AP Costs (i.e. costs Multiple Modifiers Example 3: Armor Piercing Bullets
under 8 APs) may not change cost when most modi- A character wants a heavy handgun that shoots
fiers are applied. As an Optional Rule, if the GM wishes armor piercing bullets. He buys 12 AP of the basic
to reflect the modifier in game terms, Damage Points Gun power and adds the modifiers
(DP) may be substituted for fractional DP as follows:
• One-handed device (defect, 95%)
• If an enhancement increases AP Costs by .01 • Armor piercing (enhancement, 130%)
to .24, the character would be “charged” 1 DP
The cost of the power becomes
(i.e., deduct a Damage Point from the charac-
ter’s total) 12 AP (stock cost) x 95% x 130% = 14.82 which rounds
• If an enhancement increases AP Costs by .25 to up to 15 AP
.49, the character would be charged 2 DP
After some consideration he decides he wants a
• Enhancements that increase AP costs over .49
revolver, which adds a 95% defect because it requires
would round up to a whole AP
a reload after 6 shots. The modified cost becomes
• Defects that decrease the AP Cost of a power
by .01 to .24 do not change the AP cost of the 12 AP x 95% x 130% x 95% = 14.08 which rounds
power but add 1 Damage Point to the charac- down to 14 AP
ter’s total
• Defects that decrease the AP Cost of a power Example 4—TAP Cost: Cloak of Invisibility
by .25 to .49 do not change the AP cost of the
power but add 2 damage points to the charac- A character wants a cloak that can make him fully
ter’s total invisible. Having a power that comes from a cloak is
a 95% defect (a very small change in the cost)—using
the power takes a short action to put on the cloak in
EXAMPLES addition to the 8 REA long action required to activate
Enhancement Example 1: Lendable Flight the Invisibility.
A character buys Powered Flight for 8 AP that he Invisibility is TAP .61—meaning the power costs 61%
can lend to his friends and teammates. Only one of the character’s total AP. If a 24 AP Character buys
character can use the ability at a time, and must Invisibility it costs 24 AP * 61% = 14.64 AP, which
touch physically to transfer it. This is the “medium rounds to 15 AP.
enhancement” lendable. Modified the cost is
Lendable is a 115% enhancement, so the modified 24 AP * .61 TAP * 95% Defect = 13.91 AP, which
cost of flight becomes rounds to 14 AP
8 AP (stock cost) x 115% = 9.2 AP, rounding to 9 AP Making the power a cloak saves the character 1 AP.

Defect Example 2: Laser Gun

Modifier List


Semi-Auto Handgun 94%

We’ve included a list of modifiers that serve both as Double Barreled Shotgun 73%
a “menu” of standard options for characters and to
Pump Action Shotgun 84%
serve as examples for players who want to design
custom modifiers. Musket 34%
Satchel Charge 23%
This list includes both Attack and Utility Modifiers and
Surface-Air-Missile 62%
is grouped by “theme.” Specific descriptions follow:
Air-Ground Missile 108%
Machine Gun 118%
1. Weapons List Knife L2 99%
2. Defense Modifications Knife L3 321%
3. Devices & Device Form Factors Grenade 55%
4. Charges, # of Shots, Rate of Fire, Endurance Molotov Cocktail 94%
Melee Weapon 1H 97%
5. Targeting & Fire-Control Modifications
6. Range & Blast Radius Modifiers Melee Weapon 2H 94%
7. Activation Times, Warm-up, Charge-Up, Cool- Mortar Shell 41%
Down Fencing Weapon 108%
8. Activation Triggers & Rolls
Flail 112%
9. Cybernetic Weapon Mounts
10. Environment & Conditional Modifications
11. Usage & Scope Limits DEFENSE MODIFICATIONS
12. Power Links & Power Combinations These modifiers can be applied to defenses (mostly
13. Requirements & Side Effects Armor—but they could apply to other defenses).
14. Power-Up! Enhancements
15. Lendable Powers Note: A Medium Action activation means that the
16. Breaking Things Modifications character can be hit in combat before their Turn
17. Trumps comes and they can activate the ability. If activation is
a Short Action, it can be raised as a defense. Leaving
powers requiring Activations running usually costs
Sprinting Endurance unless the power itself, such as
WEAPON LIST Force Field, notes otherwise.
This is a list of weapon modifiers. The weapon tables Armor Mods Modifier
(where real-world weapons are described as traits)
3 REA Short Activation 90%
follows—but these modifiers can be added to other
attacks to make things like a “Plasma Bow and Arrow” 5 REA Short Activation 85%
or “Quantum Beam Six-Shooter.” 5 REA Medium Activation 65%
Coverage 2 60%
Weapon Modifier
Coverage 3 67%
Shoulder Rocket Blast 47%
Coverage 4 80%
Shoulder Rocket PEN 49%
Coverage 5 87%
Revolver -1 Recoil 82%
Coverage 6 93%
Revolver -2 Recoil 80%
Coverage 7 95%
Revolver -3 Recoil 80%
Coverage 8 97%
Long Bow 83%
Bulky/Hot 97%
Short Bow 86%
Fine Quality (extra PEN Defense) 115%
Boomerang/Throwing Stick 92%
Low Quality 93%
Assault Rifle 123%
Takes time to get into 85%
Sub-Machine Gun 95%
Flexible 95%

DEVICE FORM FACTORS Cyber Mounts Modifier
These are modifiers for turning abilities into devices Cyber Mount 75%
(giving them a form-factor).
Heavy Cyber Mount 64%
Devices & Device Form Factors Modifier Arm Replacement 85%
Super-serum/Power pill 97%
Magical/Super-Tech Worn Device 97% POWER LINKAGES & SIDE EFFECTS
Returns to Hand 103% A Power Linkage means that a given ability only acts
Concealed (Stealth) 103% in concert with another ability (such as an Area Blast
that activates only when the character Teleports). The

Collapsible 103%
GM and Player work to judge if the linkage is seen as
1H Device (Gun, Wand) 97% inconvenient, advantageous, or really bad.
2H Device 94%
2H Unwieldy 90%
Links & Combinations Modifier
Inconvenient Link 85%
Large 85%
Advantageous Link 145%

Modifier List
Requires Wall Power 70%
Really Bad Link 55%
Very limited battery life: 30s to 1 min usage 65%
Limited battery life. 6 hrs standby,
30 min usage 85% Side Effects Modifier
Suit (Time to Put On) 94% Unpleasant Side Effect 95%

Cheap 95% VERY Unpleasant Side Effect 80%

Expensive 95% Very Noticeable 95%

Crew Served/Heavy Mount 85% Beatific/Angelic 103%


SHOTS, ETC. Conditional Usage/Power Ups means the power
(or some portion of it) only works under certain
These modifiers determine how often an attack may
be used.
Condition Modifier
Charges, # of Shots, Rate of Fire,
Endurance Modifier Very Common Condition 95%
Reload (8 REA) Each Use 70% Common Condition 80%
Draw Each Use 90% Uncommon Condition 70%
1 shot per combat 50% Rare Condition 30%
2 shots per combat, ROF 1 33% Very Rare Condition 10%
2 shots per combat, ROF 2 36%
Rate of Fire = 1 65% LENDABLE/SHARABLE
Six Shots (then Reload) 95% If an ability can be temporally given away to another
2 Shots (then reload) 83%
character (Lend) or shared with others (Shared) you
use these modifiers.
1 Shot (then reload) 80%
1 REA Attack, 1 ROF 125% Lendable Modifier
3 REA Attack 134% Lend Power 115%
3 REA Attack, ROF 1 87% Share Power 220%
Share with Whole Team 500%
These are covered in detail in the Cyborg chapter but
are listed here for completeness.

Modifier List



Sometimes abilities take time to activate, warm up, Trumps are the term for modifiers that give an ability
or cool down. These usually only apply to attacks. If an unusual advantage over others. For example, a
Utility Powers take time to “rev up” knife with Trump: Immortality would be able to kill
even characters with the Immortal trait.
Activation Time, Charge-Up, Warm-Up Modifier
The Ignore Defense power gives the ability to ignore
Activate (5 REA) Attack 85%
a specific kind of defense (including ADP) other than
Warm Up (10 Min) 70% Damage Points (Armor, Force Field, Power Field, etc.).
Activate (8 REA) 68%
Trumps Modifier
One Round Charge Up 57%
Trump: Immortal, Invulnerable, No-
Two Round Charge Up 84% 130%
One Round Cool Down 80%
Effects Phased Out/Unusual Body Character 110%
Activates After Five Rounds Of Combat 60%
Ignore Armor 130%
Activates After 8 Rounds 40%
Defensive Trump 130%
Fused 90%
Attack From Out of Phase 300%


Sometimes powers automatically turn on under some
condition. Other times they don’t seem to work when Scope limits reduce the options an ability has or give it
you need them. Triggers have two modifiers: the first “blind spots” or “holes” in its utility.
to make it an “instant on” power and the second for
Limited Scope Modifier
when that happens.
Minor Limit 97%
Instant On Cost Modifier Limit 70%
3 REA Defense +6% Major Limit 20%
5 REA Medium Action +0% Critical Limit 10% or less
8 REA Medium or Long Action +40%
5 REA Activation +15% TARGETING TYPES
8 REA Activation +20% Targeting types alter how an attack hits or, in some
ROF 1 +40% cases, under what conditions it can be used to hit.
Move Action Varies
Targeting & Fire Types Modifier
Targets Around Corners/Indirect 130%
Condition Modifier
Doesn’t Miss 110%
Very Common Condition 95%
Autofire 130%
Common Condition 80%
Recoil (-1 to -3) 97%-90%
Uncommon Condition 70%
Large Weapon Bonus Varies
Rare Condition 30%
Explosive 125%
Very Rare Condition 10%
Area Effect 145%

BREAKING THINGS Area Effect Persistent 174%

These modifiers enhance attacks in certain ways. Area Effect, Selective 400%
Gas 125%
Breaking Things Modifier
Gaze 450%
Armor Piercing 130%
Reactive Armor/Damage Shield Varies
Ignores Armor 148%/170%
Requires Grapple 70%
2x Damage vs. Inanimate 110%
Requires Grab 93%

Burn Varies
Range Modification Varies
Requires Lock-On 85%
Requires Demolitions Skill 90%
Full Power Only 97%


These modifiers apply to armor and other defenses.

Armor Mods Modifier Notes

The defense takes a 3 REA Short action to activate. It costs Sprinting Endurance to
3 REA Short Activation 90% keep active unless the ability is otherwise specified. It may be activated as a Defensive

Modifier List
Action (or simply activated during Initiative for 3 REA).
5 REA Short Activation 85% As above, but the cost is 5 REA.
5 REA Medium As above, but the action is Medium. This means that the character will not be able to
Activation activate their defense (if they do not already have it up) until it is their Turn.
Coverage 2 60% See Coverage rules.
Coverage 3 67% See Coverage rules.
Coverage 4 80% See Coverage rules.
Coverage 5 87% See Coverage rules.
Coverage 6 93% See Coverage rules.
Coverage 7 95% See Coverage rules.
Coverage 8 97% See Coverage rules.
Usually applied to Armor and combined with Worn Suit. The armor is not well suited
Bulky/Hot 97%
for long-term wear. The character may have trouble in tight spaces, is not stealthy, etc.
Fine Quality
115% +30% PEN Defense.
(extra PEN Defense)
-30% PEN Defense. Also will fall apart over time if a device (if an exact rule is needed,
Low Quality 93% the character will need to replace the armor on a 7- roll after any combat where they
were hit. This gets +1 per Armor Save that failed.)
This assumes Worn Suit as a defect. The defense (usually Armor, possibly Power
Takes time to get into 85%
Armor) takes about 10 Rounds to get into).
-25% PEN Defense—but, when applied to worn armor (a device) it is comfortable and
Flexible 95%
flexible. This is used to make devices like “leather jackets.”


Archetype abilities are assumed to be natural and generated by the character. Abilities that are granted by a device
are a defect—devices can be taken away, they can be difficult to use, etc. Devices that are large or unwieldy may
be impossible to conceal or difficult to bring-to-bear in some situations. Devices can be broken or disabled in ways
that naturally occurring powers usually cannot be.
JAGS assumes that in most games character’s devices will not be taken away in most cases and that characters
will not spend a great deal of time imprisoned or in other circumstances that would neutralize device-generated
powers. JAGS also assumes that devices that are lost or destroyed are relatively easy to rebuild. In games where
device-generated powers are a more significant defect, GMs may want to increase the level of defect provided.

Modifier List

Devices & Device Form Factors Modifier Notes

The character must take a pill or serum regularly to have the
ability. The character is assumed to carry some with him and
Super-serum/Power pill 97%
to be able to resupply or, given some resources, manufacture
The ability comes from a small, easily carried or concealed
device and is operated mentally. An example would be a
Magical/Super-Tech Worn Device 97% magic ring, necklace, or other piece of jewelry. A trivial defect
because the power, for most purposes might as well be
A power that already has a device-related defect can have an
additional (trivial) Enhancement if the device can, on its own,
Returns to Hand 103%
return to the user’s hand (either by flying back, teleporting
back, or through some other means).
An ability that is provided by a device can be enhanced so
Concealed (Stealth) 103% that it is at -4 to be detected by normal attempts to detect it
(i.e. a metal-detector or pat-down) as a trivial enhancement.
An ability that is provided by a device can be enhanced so
that it can be folded down to small size for transport. A
Collapsible 103% collapsible device takes an additional 5 REA action to unfold
after being drawn. Very large objects made collapsible may
take longer.
A device that requires one hand to use such as a handgun
1H Device (Gun, Wand) 97% or flashlight is a small defect. These devices must be drawn
before they can be used (a 5 REA action).
The device requires two hands to use properly but is
2H Device 94% reasonably balanced and fairly light. Most two-handed
weapons are 2H.
The device is unwieldy. The character may suffer a -1 AGI
Bonus and/or get -1 to AGI rolls or Acrobatics rolls when
2H Unwieldy 90%
wielding the device. An example could be a large, bulky fire-
The device is about the size of a refrigerator. It can be moved
Large 85%
but it is heavy and not well suited to being taken places.
The device requires wall power and must be plugged in to
Requires Wall Power 70%
Usually applicable to UTILITY powers, this represents a device
Very limited battery life: 30s to 1 min usage 65%
with a limited battery life. Recharges usually take 30 min.
Usually applicable to UTILITY powers, this represents a device
Limited battery life. 6 hrs standby, 30 min usage 85%
with a limited battery life. Recharges usually take 30 min.
The character must take an 8 REA Long action to suit-up
(some suits, like power armor may take longer). The suit must
Suit (Time to Put On) 94%
be carried: it can fold up fairly small—but this will not fit into
a slim briefcase (if it will fold up like a handkerchief it’s 97%).
This refers to a device that has a tendency to break when
under heavy use. The GM can call for a 9- roll any time
but the first use—and may modify that upwards for bad
Cheap 95% conditions. If it fails the device either breaks or is degraded in
some way. Usually this can be repaired in a Round or two—
but a roll made by 5 or more can indicate a permanent break.
This can be increased over time.

The opposite of cheap. The device will not break under
Expensive 95%
adverse conditions.
This is for a weapon and it means it must either be mounted
on a vehicle and/or requires 2-3 other people to operate.
Usually only one person fires it—but another must carry the
Crew Served/Heavy Mount 85%
ammunition. Setting up a crew-served weapon usually takes
10 Rounds. If the full crew is not available the weapon may
need to be reloaded for 4 Rounds after 2 Rounds of fire.


Weapon form factors are collections of modifiers that simulate weapons operations; we’ve put them together for
convenience. There are two ways to use these:
1. They are powers in their own right: you can buy “8 AP of Hand Grenade” and we’ll tell you how much
damage that does.
2. They are collections of modifiers and special rules that can be applied to other powers—so you can apply
the Grenade modifier to the Tranquilizer toxin to create a “sleep gas grenade.”

Modifier List
Weapon form factors covered in this section include:
• Thrown weapons
• Hand grenades
• Shoulder launched missiles & rockets
• Bow & arrow
• High explosives
• Artillery or mortar shells


These rules cover hand-held weapons, which must be drawn, armed, and thrown. Examples include weapons like
knives, darts, and boomerangs.


JAGS covers three kinds of thrown weapons: Throwable melee weapons, exclusively thrown weapons, and
grenades. Grenades are covered in the next section.

Throwable Melee Weapons

Hand-to-hand weapons which can also be thrown (Examples: Throwing Knives, Hatchets).
The weapon is purchased as a hand-to-hand weapon with a minor Enhancement “Throw-
able” which allows the weapon to be used at-range.
• Throwable Melee weapons are purchased as regular melee weapons with a 105%
enhancement for being “throwable”
• Throwable Melee Weapons add the thrower’s base damage to both hand-to-hand
and thrown damage
• Throwable is similar to making a weapon long range PICTURE

Modifier List

Throwing Weapons
Weapons that are only effective if thrown (Examples: Boomerangs, Darts, Baseballs thrown to hurt
people, etc.)—while it is technically possible to use these in hand-to-hand combat, their utility is
marginal. The weapon is purchased with a defect reflecting the difficulty of having to draw and
throw each time.
A. Making a Ranged Attack “Thrown”: Buy the ranged attack with the defects “Draw for Each
Use” and “Slow/Short-Range Missile.” The attack hits with Thrown Weapons skill. The attack
should not buy Throwable.
B. Making a Hand-to-Hand Attack “Thrown”: Buy the hand-to-hand attack with the defect
“Draw For Each Use” and “Throwable” as described above. PICTURE

Throwing Knife/
Throwing Axe L1/L+ Weapon
L1: 1.6 DMG
Unit Cost (HTH) L+: 1.1 DMG per AP
per AP
Description: The character carries knives or hatchets that
can be thrown or used to attach in melee with. The charac-
ter’s Base Damage adds to damage done, either hand-to-
hand or at-range. Range for hand-to-hand damage is Close.
Build: Blade Damage (L1 = 12 PEN, L+ = 9 PEN)
™™ Medium -> Short (97%), Short -> Close Range (97%)
™™ One-handed device (95%)
™™ Throwable (105%)
Modifier total = 97% x 97% x 95% x 105% = 94%
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Throwing Knife L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5 5 13 PEN
Throwing Knife L1+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5 5 10 PEN

Throwing Stick/
Boomerang L1/L+ Weapon
L1: 1.9 DMG per L+: 1.3 DMG per
Unit Cost (HTH)
Description: The character carries a blunt thrown weapon
that cannot be used effectively in hand-to-hand combat.
The character is assumed to carry several, but must draw
another one each attack.
Build: Blast Attack (13 IMP L1, 9 IMP L+)
™™ One-handed device (95%)
™™ Draw for Each Use (95%)
™™ Slow/Short Range Missile (95%)
Modifier total = 95% x 95% x 95% = 86%
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Boomerang L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5 5 15 IMP
Boomerang L1+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/5 5 10 IMP

Grenades are a special case of thrown weapons because
1. They have special rules for arming, delayed fuse, and explosive payloads.
2. Unlike knives and boomerangs and baseballs, their damage is note dependent on the strength of the
Grenade modifiers are added exclusively to ranged attacks. Typical grenade modifiers include
• Draw for Each Use (95%)
• One-Handed Device (95%)
• Slow, Short-Range Missile (95%)

Additionally, Grenades often take
• Arm Action Required (95%): Grenades require an action to arm them (pull the pen) this is a 5 REA Medium
action that must be taken in addition to the 5 REA required to draw and the 5 REA required to throw. Fast
Draw actions will, however, both draw and Arm the grenade for no additional REA.
• Fused (90%): A Grenade will explode 4 Initiative ticks after it is armed. Anyone who gets to go during that

Modifier List
time can take their entire move and may do things like jump to safety or pick up (5 REA) and throw back
(5 REA) the weapon.
• Limited Carry (95%): Most grenade carriers carry 3-5 Grenades which can’t be resupplied without a return
to base.
• Explosive (125%): Most grenade attacks are explosive, or cover an area.

Fused Weapon Example

A Fused weapon “goes off” after the Turn of the attacker who used it, but usually within the same Round. Fused
weapons have a “number of initiative” that count off – usually 4 – before they activate/detonate.
Example: Three characters are in a battle and they each roll initiative at the beginning of the Round.
• Character A makes his roll by +2
• Character B makes his roll by 0
• Character C misses his roll by -3
Character A throws a grenade with a Fuse Count of 4 during his turn. Because his Initiative is +2, the Grenade will
detonate on Initiative +2 – 4 = Initiative -2.
Character B will get to act in Initiative 0, and can take his entire turn including actions that would get him away
from the Grenade (A step of a long move) or grab the grenade and throw it back (5 REA to grab, 5 REA to throw
The Grenade will, however, detonate before Character C gets to move.
If Character C throws a Fuse Count 4 grenade, it will go off at Initiative -7, long after everyone else has already
completed their turns.

Modifier List

Fragmentation Grenade L1/L+ Weapon

Unit Cost Fused L1: 1.6 PEN per AP L+: 1.1 PEN per AP
Unit Cost Smart L1: 1.4 PEN per AP L+: 1.1 PEN per AP
Description: Fragmentation grenades kill with sharp frag-
ments of their casing and therefore do explosive, pene-
trating damage. Most

Grenade Modifiers: Grenades use GUN (11 PEN L1, 9 PEN

L+) and have the following modifiers
™™ Draw for Each Use (95%)
™™ One-Handed Device (95%)
™™ Slow, Short-Range Missile (95%)
™™ Arm Action Required (95%)
™™ Fused (90%):
™™ Limited Carry (95%)
™™ Explosive (125%)
Modifier total = 95% x 95% x 95% x 95% x 90% x 95% x
125% = .87%
Smart Grenades: Smart grenades are high-tech grenades
that know when to detonate. They are not fused, but go
off immediately when they are thrown. You can also use
these if you find the fusing rules annoying.
Modifier total = 95% x 95% x 95% x 95% x 95% x 125% =
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng REA DMG
Grenade Fused 3x L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S Throw G 13 PEN
Grenade Fused 3x L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S Throw G 10 PEN
Grenade Smart Many L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S Throw G 11 PEN
Grenade Smart Many L1 M 8 AP 8 AP S Throw G 9 PEN


A shoulder-launched missile is a missile carried by a single person and fired while held on one’s shoulder. This
includes both recoilless guns (with a large back-blast) and rocket propelled grenades.
In general, shoulder launched rockets are inconvenient and slow to use compared to guns and rifles—they must
be readied (put on the shoulder), armed (pins pulled, sights put up), and they are often either disposable or take
significant time to reload.
Shoulder Launched Missiles use the Heavy Weapons skill.
Typical modifiers that apply to most missile systems
• Two handed weapon (85%)
• 8 REA to Ready (65%)
• 8 REA to Draw after Each Use (90%)
• Requires 5 REA Aim Action (90%) or -5 to hit
• 5 REA Long Action to Fire (90%)
Total Modifier = 40%
Soldiers will realistically carry only one of these, bringing it down to about 14%.

Using a Shoulder Launched Missile
1. The character must have both hands free
2. Draw Action (5 REA Medium) or make a L3 fast draw roll against Heavy Weapons skill to draw for 0 REA
3. Ready Action (8 REA Medium) to bring it up to his shoulder and activate the sites. He must do this each
time he fires it
4. Aim Action (5 REA Medium) action or take a -5 to hit
5. Fire Action (5 REA Long) allowing other characters to react, including to return suppressive fire to try to
force the missile character to abandon the shot
Note that during Aim and Fire actions the character must be at least partially exposed. If the character readies

the weapon while behind full cover, some kind of movement will be required.
Total Actions: 4 (Maximum) Total REA: 23 (Maximum)

Shoulder Launched Missiles may carry any kind of ranged-attack warhead, but realistic ones will often carry a
shaped charge.

AT Rocket

Modifier List
with Shaped Charge L1/L+ Weapon
Unit Cost
L1: 1.6 IMP per AP L+: 1.1 PEN per AP
Unit Cost L1: 2.4 PEN per AP L+: 2.4 PEN per AP
Description: A generic, single-use man-portable rocket
used against lightly armored vehicle or civilian fortified
The AT Rocket carries a small shaped charge—an explo-
sive warhead designed to penetrate armor with a focused
These weapons have both an explosive blast and an Armor
Piercing Vital Strike which affects the target on a hit by 6+.
Shoulder Launched Rocket Modifiers:
™™ Two handed weapon (85%)
™™ 8 REA to Ready (65%)
™™ 8 REA to Draw after Each Use (90%)
™™ Requires 5 REA Aim Action (90%) or -5 to hit
™™ 5 REA Long Action to Fire (90%)
Modifier total = 85% x 65% x 90% x 90% x 90% = 40%
Modifier total for Single Use: 40% x 36% = 14%
Explosive Warhead
™™ Blast, explosive (125%)
™™ Total Modifier = 125% x 40% = 50%
™™ Total Modifier for Single Use = 125% x 14% = 18%
Vital Strike
™™ Armor Piercing (130%)
™™ Total Modifier = 130% x 40% = 52%
™™ Total Modifier for Single Use = 130% x 14% = 18%

Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng Explosive Vital Strike

Shaped Charge L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15 13 19 PEN AP
Shaped Charge L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15 9 19 PEN AP
Shaped Charge L1 x1 Use 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15 46 28 PEN AP
Shaped Charge L+ x1 Use 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15 25 28 PEN AP

Modifier List

A single-shot 32 AP Anti-Tank Rocket would do 121 IMP Explosive and an additional 112 AP PEN with a +6 Vital


Revolver (Single Action)

-2 Recoil L1/L+ Weapon
Unit Cost L1: 1.8 PEN per AP L+: 1.1 PEN per AP
Description: This represents a heavy caliber six-shot
single action revolver. It takes a long time to reload (5 REA
to draw each round and 5 REA to slot it in—this can be
reduced to 5 REA per shot at L3 and 5 REA TOTAL at L4). It
has a -2 Recoil (-2 to-hit for every shot each Round after
the first).
Shoulder Launched Rocket Modifiers:
™™ 1 Handed device (.94)
™™ 6 Shots, Slow to reload (.80)
™™ Full Power Only (.97)
™™ Recoil (-2)
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost ROF Rng Damage
Single Action Revolver L1 1 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15 14 PEN
Single Action Revolver L+ M 8 AP 8 AP S -1/15 9 PEN


These defects apply mainly to attack abilities, and limit how frequently they can be used in some fashion:
• Limited “charges”: the ability can only be used so many times per time-period (minute, hour, day, or “com-
• Limited “shots”: the ability can only be used so many times before a “reload” action must be taken
• Limited Rate of Fire (ROF): the ability can only be used once or twice per turn (i.e., once or twice in a six-
second period)
Attack abilities are defined as abilities that do damage and include all kinds of blasts, resisted attacks, and hand-
to-hand damage-doing abilities. Applying these modifiers to defenses or to non-combat abilities will require GM
discretion and may give very different numbers.


These modifiers determine how often a device can be used (either in a combat Round or in general). Exactly what
constitutes “one combat” has some flexibility. Short periods of time between Initiative rolls where the characters
are still on alert and may be attacked usually “continue” the combat condition.

Charges, # of Shots, Rate of Modifier Notes

Fire, Endurance
Reload (8 REA) Each Use 70% The character must spend 8 REA to reload each use.
The character must draw each use (as with a thrown weapon). If L3 the weapon
Draw Each Use 90%
may be Fast Drawn.
An attack ability can only be use once in an entire combat. In real-terms, this
usually means once per 5 minutes (50 combat rounds). The GM may also define
1 shot per combat 50%
it as “recharging” after 10 consecutive rounds (1 minute) of no combat action
(e.g. no fighting, no running or sprinting, etc.).
2 shots per combat, ROF 1 33% The attack has 2 shots per combat and an Rate of Fire of 1.
2 shots per combat, ROF 2 36% As above, but, the Rate of Fire is 2.
Rate of Fire = 1 65% The attack has a Rate of Fire of 1 shot per Round.
Six Shots (then Reload) 95% Every six shots the character must take a 5 REA Medium action to reload.

2 Shots (then reload) 83% Every two shots the character must take a 5 REA Medium action to reload.
1 Shot (then reload) 80% The character must take a 5 REA Medium action to reload every shot.
1 REA Attack, 1 ROF 125% The attack costs 1 REA but may only be used 1x per Round.
The attack costs 3 REA (Medium Action) to use. It may be used as many times
3 REA Attack 134%
per Round as its ROF (and the character’s REA) allows.
3 REA Attack, ROF 1 87% The attack costs 3 REA to use and has a Rate of Fire of 1 shot per Round.


Cybernetic weapons often are housed in, or partially in, the body and must be extended and deployed to be used.
This costs REA and, in the case of deploying a “heavy weapon” can slow the character and reduce AGI bonus while
the weapon is out.
These mounts can be applied to many different attack forms (see the rules for ability modification). In these cases
we have said when we applied the rule here.

Modifier List
Cyber Mounts Modifier Notes
Deploying is a 5 REA Medium Action and the character loses 1 point of AGI Bonus when it
Cyber Mount 75%
is deployed.
Deploying is a 5 REA Medium Action and the character loses all AGI Bonus when
Heavy Cyber Mount 64%
deployed and cannot move more than a Step Action.
In some cases (usually as a field modification or a street modification) the character’s
entire arm is replaced with a weapons mount. This looks badass (+2 or more to
Arm Replacement 85% Intimidation), but prohibits the character from using his arm for anything but shooting
(or clubbing) people with. Weapons that require a Heavy Mount can have an Arm
Replacement mount instead.


Links/Combinations mean that when one ability is activated the other goes off as well (possibly in some pre-deter-
mined way). Usually for a link:
• The powers cannot be used separately.
• The REA cost is only paid for the most expensive.
• Usually, but not always, do both abilities get the modifier (one may get more than the other). Linking one
attack power to another usually only changes the more expensive power.
• Often there is a concept of one trait being bound to another. In this case one ability can be used “freely” but
the other is limited to being used when the first one is. In this case the bound ability may have a Really Bad
modifier while the free one may have a minor modifier or no modifier at all.
• Just linking powers doesn’t necessarily give a modifier at all. Having a healing power which is usually used
outside of combat that activates when you raise your Force Field (and the character can raise and lower it at
will outside of combat) doesn’t really alter the usefulness of the ability in most respects.
The test for “inconvenient” is that, during common play, the character would like to use the abilities separately but
can’t—or, the character uses an “inconvenient” power less often than they normally would.
The test for “really bad” is that the use of the ability is seriously curtailed in situations where the character would
like to use it.

Modifier List

Links & Combinations Modifier Notes

Inconvenient Link 85% The link is inconvenient for the power in question.
If a link reduces the REA cost of a power this is an advantage. If, for example, an
attack is Linked to a Blocking ability and the block costs 3 (or 1) REA, the Attack
Advantageous Link 145% gets the Advantageous modifier. The block would, likely, get NO modifier unless,
for example, the attack has a blast radius (then it would be inconvenient to block if
there were targets nearby the character didn’t want hit).
Really Bad Link 55% The link substantially limits how the linked abilities can be used.

“Detonator” has Teleport linked to an Area Blast: when he teleports there is an explosion at the landing zone.
• Both powers get the Really Bad Link: there are probably many times he would like to teleport (such as to
the aid of a companion) where he does not want to destroy the surrounding area.
• The REA Cost is only paid for the Teleport (8 REA Long Action) and the (5 REA Medium Action) cost for the
attack is not paid when he teleports.
If he can choose to “Detonate” (area blast) without teleporting then only Teleport gets the Link modifier.

Side Effects are things that happen when you use the power that make you not want to use in situations when you
might want to. A classic example is a flight power that does minor damage to things around the take-off zone: it
means people need to stand back when you take off—but doesn’t completely curtail the use, usually.
When Side Effects actually reach the level of other powers (i.e. a Power Blast that leaves Radiation Zones) the GM
needs to work with the character to determine if a second power (Radiation attack) needs to be bought or not.
Usually if the Side Effect is a Trait rated at 1/10th the APs in the power it counts as a defect (see Side Effects Table)
and should not cost the character extra points.

Side Effects Modifier Notes

The side effect is socially uncomfortable for the character. This could be things
like a loud noise that persists when the power is in use, a bad odor caused by it,
etc. Note: the key here is that it doesn’t really limit the use of the power most
of the time—it just creates an added hassle for it. Examples:
Unpleasant Side Effect 95% • Minor disruption in the room due to high winds when the power is
turned on.
• Power causes a negative sensory effect (loud noise, smell, etc.).
• Power is “spooky” and can make others nervous.
At this level, the character will often decline to use the power when it would
make sense to because of the social ramifications.
• Power causes real damage to the immediate area (usually 1/10th the
power cost in attack that is randomly disbursed).
VERY Unpleasant Side Effect 80%
• Power creates a (mild) hazard (such as radiation): 1/10th power cost in the
effect which is persistent.
• Power creates a mess of some sort that is difficult to clean up.
• Power usage is literally illegal for some reason.
Power use is “more obvious than normal” and gives away the character
Very Noticeable 95%
(example; glowing trail that the character leaves when flying).
If the power gives off a celestial aura it may incur an additional cost. This may
be waived if the character themselves is of a type that would have it (GM’s
Beatific/Angelic 103% discretion). Otherwise the character may take the enhancement. This adds +2
to Psychology rolls where appropriate (including Intimidate if the opposition
will be intimidated by such).

The modifiers change when a power (or some of it) can be used.
Power Ups are APs spent on a power that only activate in some conditions (so that when that condition is hit you
get more power than normal). The Power-Up modifier only applies to the specific APs spent on powering it up.
Power Limits determine when a power can be used at all. The GM should work with the player to keep the intent
of these modifiers in mind: powers like “Breathe Water—Only Underwater” don’t make sense and wouldn’t get the

Condition Modifier Notes

The character’s ability works most of the time and the character can generally
create the condition under which it works without too much difficulty:
• Power works when in “super hero” form. The change might cost REA—BUT
(a) the character can change at will and remain changed indefinitely and (b)
the super-hero form is NOT a substantial defect (turning into Mega-Man is not
a big defect, turning into a hideous monster or werewolf form might well be

Modifier List
Very Common Condition 95%
• Only when flying (assuming the character can fly and that the form of flight is
not highly limiting).
• Only when talking on cell phone (assuming the character has a cell phone and
can generally call someone on it).
• Only after taking a sub-minor wound.
• Only on dry land (assuming that the game takes place on dry land).
The situation is in the character’s control (or very common) but has some
drawbacks associated with it:
• Only “during the day” (assuming that this means during the hours most of
the game generally takes place). Only in “direct” sunlight’ could be 75% if it
requires being outside or near a large window.
• Only in ‘monster form’ (where the form is seen as aggressive and disturbing
to many people.
• Only between midnight and 5 AM: While the character can’t control this, it
Common Condition 80%
happens daily. If the character restricts their activities that would use the
power to this time, they can be fairly assured it would work.
• Only in loud environments (loud city street, noisy auditorium, bar with very
loud music). If the character can create their own noise this counts as VERY
common (if the noise level is SO high that it will create serious problems for
the character otherwise this might be Uncommon).
• Only when at Hurt Condition.
• Only when plugged into a wall-socket (limited extension cord).
The situation is NOT common AND the character usually can’t control it.
Alternately, if the character can control it, it has serious drawbacks.
• Only in EXTREMELY loud environments (rock concert, airport landing area).
Uncommon Condition 70% • Only in a burning building (or with a lot of fire around otherwise).
• Only when at Injured Condition.
• Only under water (assuming this means submerged in enough water to swim

Modifier List

The power is useful only rarely (usually about once every three play sessions, if
• Only above cloud clouds (for flying characters—where most of the game takes
Rare Condition 30% place on the ground and the ability ISN’T something like RADAR which needs
to be used high up).
• Only when unconscious (assuming the power triggers on the character being
The power is almost never useful—the conditions are either very rare or have such
drawbacks that the character would curtail its use.
Very Rare Condition 10%
• Only in radiation or toxic zones (assuming the character could create those
but would almost never want to).

If an ability can be temporally given away to another character (Lend) or shared with others (Shared) you use these

Lendable Modifier Notes

As a 5 REA Medium Action you can give the ability to another character via touch. It
will remain there for the rest of the scene (or about 2 hours) unless recalled as a 5 REA
Medium Action by the lender. When “lent” the power cannot be used. Note: TAP
Lend Power 115% abilities can only be lent to others with the same or lower total AP Cost.

If the points add to an attack or defense the character already has, though the
enhancement is 160%.
The ability can be shared with one other character as above (but both parties can use
Share Power 220%
it). This is 270% if it adds to abilities the character it is being shared with has.
The character can share their ability with the entire team as above. This goes to 550%
Share with Whole Team 500%
if the ability adds to one the character already has.

Combat powers (attacks, as well as defenses) that take time to get started or which require time to cool down after
being used, before they can be used again have some common defect modifiers.
A few general notes:
• Activation Costs are REA that the character must pay before they can use the ability. Outside of combat,
activation costs are usually a negligible annoyance, but in combat they can cost precious REA and actions at
the start of a fight.
◦◦ They represent several seconds of concentration during which the power starts up.
◦◦ A character must pay endurance (usually sprinting) to keep the power active. In most cases this means
that a power can only be kept active for a few combat rounds before a character is tired.
◦◦ When a character activates a power everyone can tell and characters who wish to respond violently
can do so; activating a power counts as the initiation of a combat action.
• Charge Up means a certain amount of time (usually 1 round—about six seconds) must pass before a power
can be used again. The ‘Charge Up’ costs no REA, but means that the ability cannot be used during the first
round of combat. The player should declare that the power is “charging” and this will generally be visible in
some way to opponents.
◦◦ Charge up time must pass after each round in which the power is used before it can be used again.
Charge Up powers MAY NOT be used on the first Round of combat.
◦◦ The power can be used normally during the round in which it is charged. Powers with Rates of Fire
greater than one can be fired multiple times.
◦◦ As with Activation, Charge Up alerts those nearby and may start combat.

• Cool Down is the inverse of Charge Up: A power can be used at any time, but the Cool Down period must
pass before it can be used again. Cool Down powers MAY be used on the first Round of combat.

Activation Time, Charge-Up, Modifier Notes

Warm-Up, etc.
The attack requires a 5 REA action to activate. Leaving it running costs
Activate (5 REA) Attack 85% Sprinting Endurance unless otherwise specified (in an existing Power
Activate (8 REA) 68% As above, but the cost is 8 REA.
Utility powers take 2 min to “warm up” after which they can be used

Warm Up (12 Min) (Utility) 70% for “a while” (think of it as driving a car). Usually Warm Up powers cost
Walking Endurance.
Attack powers cost One Round to Charge Up. Charging does NOT cost
One Round Charge Up 84%
REA but must take place during combat.
Two Round Charge Up 57% As above, but Two Rounds.
One Round Cool Down 80% Cool down for 1 Round after use (power is useful on Rounds 1, 3, 5, etc.)

Modifier List
Cool Down for 2 Rounds after use (Power is useful on Rounds 1, 4, 6, 8,
Two Round Cool Down 56%
Activates On Five Rounds Of Combat 60% The ability “comes online” following the 5th Initiative Roll of combat.
Activates On 8 Rounds 40% The ability “comes online” following the 8th Initiative Roll of combat.
The attack effects 4 Initiative points after fire (this usually applies to
explosives only). If used on Initiative +0, characters with Initiatives of
-1, -2, and -3 can act before the explosion happens. Note: Attacks that
Fused/Delayed 90% don’t explode, if “fused” will be “fired” for their REA Cost and then roll
to hit on the Fused Initiative (so if the character is calling down lightning
or something, it’ll come down and roll to hit the target if they are still in
range and accessible 4 Initiative points later).


These modifiers only apply to attack powers and effect how they hit. Many of them do not apply to Strength or
hand-to-hand attacks, in general (those that do, note it).

Targeting & Fire Types Modifier Notes

Applies to ranged attacks. The attack ignores Cover bonuses and can even
attack characters who are completely hidden behind cover (so long as
they are within range). The character must have a means of seeing the
characters, or the attack is at -4 to hit, anyway.

Targets Around Corners/Indirect 130% Note: this can be used to shoot into places you cannot see or
“materialize” attacks inside locked rooms, etc. In addition to any range
modifiers you take a -6 to hit targets you cannot see. Even getting
“forward observation calls” don’t count for this (an observer will allow
you to know if your target is within a given zone allowing a roll-to-hit
period and can be used to “walk fire in” to stationary targets).
Applies to ranged and HTH attacks. The attack doesn’t miss and can’t
be Dodged. It can be Blocked, however (assuming the defender can
block attacks of that type). If the roll misses, the attack hits but with a -1
Doesn’t Miss 110% Damage Modifier for each point it missed by. As an Optional Advanced
rule, you can deduct 1 DM from the hit-by amount for each point
the dodge roll exceeded the to-hit roll—but the attack still hits. The
maximum range is 6x the Range modifier.

Modifier List

Attack uses the automatic fire rules (8 REA for Full Auto, +2 to-hit, can be
Autofire 130% used to hit multiple targets, etc.). Note: If the weapon can only be fired
full auto at a single target the modifier is 78%.
Subsequent shots of an attack power after the first in a single turn take
successive, increasing negative to-hit modifiers (-1, -2, or -3) due to the
Recoil (-1 to -3) 97%-90% movement or recoil of the weapon. Recoil modifiers reset to zero at the
end of the turn without any action or REA spend. Recoil modifiers do not
apply to the first shot in a turn.
The attack gets a bonus to hit that does not affect the damage modifier.
An attack that would miss except for the Large Weapon Bonus hits by
zero for purposes of damage modifier. LWB’s effect negative modifiers
103% - (e.g. AGI bonus, range), and help to hit around Coverage Armor.
Large Weapon Bonus
107% • +1 LWB: 103%
• +2 LWB: 105%
• +3 LWB: 107%
An attack is explosive, meaning:
• A miss by 1 or 2 counts as a hit, but damage modifier is always +4
• People and structures near the hit will take “blast damage,” but less
than the main target
Explosive 125% • Blast damage = Base Damage x (1/(yards distance/2)2
◦◦ Example: a 50 point explosive blast does 50 points at
“ground zero.” A target 6 yards away would take 50 x (1/9)
= 4.5 = 5 Impact Damage

A target 2 yards away would take 50 x (1/1) = 13 Impact Damage

The attack blankets an area without reducing effectiveness. The attack
Area Attack 145% gets a +4 Damage Modifier hit against everyone in the Area for full
damage. The Area is generally Base Damage /4 Yards.
The attack hits an area and continues to effect it. This automatically hits
anyone moving into the area (+4 Damage Modifier) and will hit targets
remaining in the area each Round after the Initiative roll (before any
action—but not before Bullet Rounds take effect). The length of time
Area Attack Persistent 174% this lasts varies (toxic gas can last a while) but is generally 10 Rounds (1

Note: A “low-level” 1/10th Residual effect is generally considered a

DEFECT rather than an enhancement. See Side Effects.
The attack hits a radius of Base Damage/4 yards but only targets
“enemies” as defined by the attacker. Note: It may not leave the terrain
Area Attack, Selective 400%
entirely unscathed (even a gas attack will leave residue) but it doesn’t
have notable negative impacts.
A gas jet gets a +2 Large Weapon Bonus and hits a 4 yard radius (it can hit
Gas 125%
two characters if they are a yard apart).

A Gaze attack hits any time the attacker sees a target. It hits
automatically (no dodge/no block). This is a zero REA action. If not always
on, it is a 5 REA Medium action to activate it. Determining if a character
sees a target is usually:
• Automatic if they are aware of each other and not obscured.
• Requires a Perception roll (vs. Stealth) if the gaze-character is not
aware of the target and they are sneaking up
Gaze 450%
• Allows a “Dodge” if the character has Coverage 3 (+1 to Dodge roll
per additional Coverage) if they go behind a barrier. If the gaze-
character is still looking, though, and they come out to attack, they

will automatically be hit first.

Note: Gaze attacks only hit each character 1x per Round. It does not miss
and cannot be conventionally blocked (although Chi Bock will still work).
The attacker must establish a Grapple. Then the attack can be used for
Requires Grapple 70% 5 REA (there is no additional roll to hit, use the original to-hit roll or +4,
whichever is better.

Modifier List
The attack cannot be used until the attacker has established a Grab
against the target (meaning both that the grab attack hit and that the
attacker won the initial grapple contest). Once the grab is established, the
Requires Grab 93% attacker may attack on his turn by spending the required REA. In general
a to-hit roll is not required; the attack will use the amount the Grab
hit by. Some attacks (such as bites) will hit along with the grab without
requiring a separate expenditure of REA.
Burn attacks represent setting the target on fire (or, perhaps, being
splashed with acid). The attack will continue to do damage on
subsequent turns after the initial hit. The burn effect uses the same hit-
by modifier and base damage on the next round on the attacker’s turn.
Burn modifiers vary based on how good the hit must be to achieve the
Burn Varies burn effect and how many rounds the burn effect lasts
• Burn effect only on a hit by 4+, burn 1 round: 125%
• Burn effect only on a hit by 4+, burn 3 rounds: 135%
• Burn effect on any hit, burn 1 round: 145%
• Burn effect on any hit, burn 3 rounds: 158%
Makes a hand-to-hand attack “throwable” while still being a normal,
effective melee weapon. This allows the character to hit at range (-1/5
yards) with the weapon. It acts as a Slow Missile (see above) and can be
blocked or dodged. Targets get their full AGI bonus against it. Throwable
Throwable 105% implies that the character expects to throw the weapon and carries
several backups.

The character must use Thrown Weapons skill to hit with thrown
weapons. If he does not have it, he may use COR.

Modifier List

Where Range varies from what is specified in the book, use these rules:
• Standard: -1/5y to -1/10y (100%). If reducing range: 97%
• Medium Range: -1/11y to -1/25y 106% (94% if reducing range)
• Long Range: -1/26y to -1/50y 109% (91% if reducing range)
• Very Long Range: -1/51y to -1/150y: 112% (or 91% if reducing)
Range Modification Varies
• Extreme Range: Several miles. Convert yards to miles. 115%.
Character usually needs some long range sense to target outside of

No Range: 90% for abilities that usually have range. Gains Hand-to-Hand
Lock On is a separate 5 REA Medium Action taken to “acquire lock-on”
with the target. Firing the attack is an additional 5 REA Medium Action.
Once a character is Locked On, the attack will use the original to-hit roll
Requires Lock-On 85% when it is fired (no additional roll is necessary). The target can try to
Dodge either before the attack is fired (trying to Break Lock On) or when
it is fired. In both cases the attempt to Dodge is at -2 if Lock is already
This is used for placed charges or other attacks that require a skill to
Requires Demolitions Skill
properly utilize.

The attack is only usable against flying targets (usually reserved for
Only vs. Airborne Targets 60%
The attack is only usable at 100% Damage (the character cannot, at
Full Power Only 97%
attack time, decide to do less damage). This is most applicable to guns.
An attack gets innate to-hit modifiers.
• -1 or -2 to hit (92% or 86%). Weapons skill DOES negate these
Accuracy Modifiers Varies
• +2 to hit 118% (MP) 130% (PEN)
• Requires Aim: 5 REA Aim Action or -5 to-hit (Aim brings back to
normal, additional Aim actions give regular bonuses): 75%
An attack power is only available to the character on a roll of a 9- each
Round (roll when you roll for Initiative). If active, it can be used for as
9- Activation Roll 53% many attacks as its ROF allows for (and the character has REA for). Things
like Cool Down and Charge Up still apply (and if the attack is not active,
the charge/cool still counts).


Activation triggers and rolls are modifiers (usually defects) applied to combat powers (attacks and defenses) to
determine when they are available for use. As triggers turn on powers “automatically” this can create questions
about how to handle powers with activation costs and REA costs.
This is done in two steps: The character buys a modifier based on the REA Cost of the ability (to give it the “instant
on” characteristic) and then buys a modifier for the condition under which turns on.
If the power’s use is limited to the trigger condition then they also get a Conditional Usage modifier (see Condi-
tional Usage).
Note: Triggers are generally indiscriminate. The character may be able to ‘turn off a trigger’ by concentrating but
they don’t usually “aim at bad guys”—they usually apply to whatever triggered the character.
In the event of several things triggering the character at once, a trigger will generally apply to all of them—but this
may have a higher cost (see below).

Instant On Cost Modifier Notes
A combat power defense (i.e., not a Block/Dodge) that is normally a Short
3 REA Defense 106%
Action becomes a 0 REA Short Action to activate.
See Trigger Condition (below). If the attack is a 5 REA Medium action with no
5 REA Medium Action +0%
special activation, the cost is as listed.
See Trigger Condition (below). If the attack is a 5 REA Medium action with no
8 REA Medium or Long Action +40%
special activation, the cost is +40% (so 155% becomes 195%).
5 REA Activation +15% If the attack has a 5 REA Activation cost, the cost is as Trigger Condition +15%.
8 REA Activation +20% If the attack has an 8 REA Activation cost, the cost is as Trigger Condition +20%.

If a combat power has a Rate of Fire of 1 but that doesn’t count for purposes of
ROF 1 +40%
the Trigger, the cost is as Trigger Condition +40%.
Automatic movement (or Phasing Out) can happen automatically for 0 REA—but
still as a long action or, if purchased, as a Short Action (0 REA):
Move Action Varies • Costs the character normal REA: +0% (it is declared out of Turn)
• Remains Long Action: +50%

Modifier List
• Instant 0 REA Short Action: +150%

Trigger conditions usually happen during someone’s action (such as a Damage Shield hitting a character who strikes
the character protected by the shield) or during the character’s own Initiative. For powers that activate “instantly”
under “some condition” (such as “being in combat”) they will get a +5 Initiative bonus over the character’s (so a
character who rolls a +1 Initiative roll for a Round of combat would have a trigger go at +6).
Most trigger events only activate once per Round (Damage Shields happen any time the character is struck).
Detecting the Trigger Event: NOTE that usually a trigger requires that the character be able to detect the trigger
event even if they technically are not aware of it consciously (that is: they must have the senses and ‘line of sight’
necessary to tell that whatever-it-is has happened).
The character can enhance this perception with an additional “detection sense” that allows the character’s power
to respond to things outside the normal scope of their perceptions. This, in essence, becomes a “new sense” for
the character as they realize the condition has occurred when whatever power is triggered comes on. This sense is
bought as a separate power.

Modifier List

Trigger Sense U Innate

Description: You have a “sense” that can distinguish when
certain conditions have happened.
Note: This is very open-ended but the intent here is not
to have things like Detect Enemies (for which powers like
ESP and Generic Archetype Traits) work—but rather some
more “security scan” style powers.
Area Sense [2 AP]: The character can set up detection on
a given area and know when a person or larger animal
enters it. This usually gets a Perception roll at +2 (or a 14-
roll, whichever is higher).
Aspect Sense [2 AP]: The character/trigger can detect the
presence of “aspects” (the exact nature of which depends
on the world). These have to be concrete adjectives/
descriptors a person or object can have. Examples are
“Magic,” “Evil,” “A specific race, sex, etc.” Wound status,
general level of health, and so on. So long as the aspect is
(a) pretty clear and (b) not generally a private mental trait,
it will work. It can’t detect ‘bad intent’ or “treachery.” It
must usually be something you could detect with investi-
gation or scientific tools. The roll is Perception +2 or 14-,
whichever is higher.
Detect Specific Threats [1 AP]: Detecting ambushes is a
GAT and costs 4 APs—but for 2 APs you can:
™™ Detect poisons (a 16- perception)
™™ Detect mystical threats, curses, etc. (16- perception,
gives area of threat but not the nature of it)
™™ Weapons (assuming they are metallic, explosive, or
otherwise clearly a weapon)
Trait Buy Cost
Trigger Sense 1 1 or 2 AP

Trigger Condition Modifier Notes

When the character is struck the attack hits:
• If the Damage Shield attack has Range, the modifier is 155% and it
can “retaliate” at range.
• If the Damage Shield only effects bare-handed HTH attacks (or very
small weapons like brass knuckles) it is 145%.
• If the Damage Shield only effects bare-handed or Medium Reach
attacks the modifier is 145%.
When Hit in Combat (Damage Shield) Varies • If the Damage Shield only effects when a block is used, it is a 125%
• If the Damage Shield only effects when an attack Penetrates and
does 1pt of Damage it is either a 110% Enhancement or a 70%
Defect if the character can’t otherwise use the attack (this covers
‘Acid Blood’ and the like).

The Damage Modifier is: +0 for a strike or shot, +2 for a Grab, and +4 for
a Grapple.

The power instantly activates when the character suffers some amount
of damage or reaches a listed condition:
• Sub-minor wound or greater:90%
• Minor Wound (or greater): 80%
• Major Wound (or greater): 30%
When Damage is Suffered Varies
• Critical Wound (or greater): 10%
• Character is Stunned: 75%%
• Character is Dazed: 70%
• Character is Unconscious: 20%

• Character suffers internal damage, dead, or dying: 5%
The power activates under some condition in a way that is disruptive
but not intensely damaging or problematic. Examples are a power that
Disruptive Trigger 90%
has an emotional trigger that is embarrassing, threatening, etc. but not
actively harmful.
The power triggers in a way that is generally explicitly useful: a

Modifier List
defensive power activating under a threat or an attack power acting in
• Pre-emptive Attack: 200%. The attack triggers when a character
declares an attack on the target.
Useful Trigger Varies
• Defensive Action: 120%. The power triggers in a way such as to
defend the character (a move action? Teleporting away?).
• Appropriate Response: A power that activates to provide some
beneficial response (turning lights on when movement is detected)
is a 110% modifier.
The trigger event causes significant problems for the character—but
does NOT force them have to leave society. For example, a character
with a fire attack that goes off at a low level when they are angry,
starting small fires, is a Dangerous Trigger. If it blew up the room,
Dangerous Trigger 80% which would be a ‘Catastrophic Trigger’ and would generally make
the character unplayable (in these cases the GM should work with the
player to determine how the character will work). Dangerous Triggers
often call for clean-up or for the character to take significant action—
but do not wreak havoc.


Breaking Things Modifier Notes
The attack gets 2x normal PEN Value. If armor fails its Armor Save, its Damage
Armor Piercing 130%
Resistance drops to 0 against that attack!
The attack ignores armor. This is 148% for IMP and 170% for PEN. Note: this
Ignores Armor 148%/170%
counts as a Trump (see Trumps).
The attack does 2x damage to inanimate objects (doors, walls)—but also
2x Damage vs. Inanimate 110%
undead like skeletons and zombies.

Trumps and other special attack modifiers mean things like the attack can ignore certain kinds of defenses such as
immortality, invulnerability, and so on. They can also get around certain kinds of defenses such as armor.
Trumps can be purchased more than once either as an offence or a defense and whoever has more levels of the
Trump applies it (usually no more than 3x, tie goes to the defense).


Trumps Modifier Notes

Trump: Immortal, Invulnerable, The attack ignores Immortality (it can kill immortals normally), Invulnerability,
No-Weakness and things like No Mortal Weakness (i.e. alien physiology vs. toxins).
The attack will hit Out of Phase characters or Gas Bodies (or other unusual
Effects Phased Out/Unusual
110% forms) normally. Such an attack can hit Astral characters if they can be targeted
Body Character
(usually this is 1 form of body per Trump).
Ignore Armor 130% After the first level (Breaking Things) additional levels of the Trump are 130%.
Defensive Trump 130% This trump allows a defense (such as Armor) to resist “Ignores Armor.”
The character can launch attacks at normal people while Out of Phase (could
Attack From Out of Phase 300%
also be Astral, etc.). This must be cleared by the GM.

Scope limitations limit what a power can do. For example, if a character can Detect Life—but it is limited to insect
life, that’s a Scope limitation. The difference between Conditions and Scope is that Scope limits usually mean the
power always works—but is missing some “standard” benefit it has.

Limited Scope Modifier Notes

The limitation removes a minor benefit of the ability or confers a rare limitation. During
most games, most of the time, there is no impact. When there is impact, it is rarely
Minor Limit 97% severe. Usually this does NOT apply to a combat ability.
• Rare blind-spot for a detection ability.
• Paranormal movement form doesn’t work through some common material.
The limitation is substantive but mostly does not interfere with the ability.
Limit 70% • An ability to make sounds can’t mimic music but can do other noises.
• An ability to make realistic illusions can’t do convincing people or animals.
The limitation is serious and substantial. It almost always interferes with the power’s
Major Limit 20%
• An illusion ability can only make architectural features.
• An ability to detect when/how someone will die can only see murders.
The limitation makes the ability severely limited in scope:
Critical Limit 10% or less • An illusion ability only creates luminous spheres.
• Telekinesis only applies to holding doors shut.

Gear is the term for abilities which come from devices (but are still sometimes paid for with APs). The above rules
give most of the building blocks for creating armor and weapon devices from the basic attack powers. This chapter
goes a bit deeper into how gear works, when you pay APs for it, and how devices other than weapons and armor
might work.
Here we cover:
• Weapons
• Armor
• Other kinds of “ordinary gear”
• Special Gear Powers (Rocket Packs)
• Power Armor
• Inventor Rules

The basic rule is that you pay Archetype Points for gear when that gear “is a special power.” The most obvious
answer is that a super hero will pay APs for power-armor, magical wrist-bands, or whatever. Such a character would
still, likely, not pay APs for the car they drive in their mundane life.
We have a more complex break down, however, and there are some rules that allow characters to pay AP for gear
even when they are not paying for “powers.”

Game Description Gear Rule Notes

The characters are 30 CP

academics at a small college
who will come into contact
This is a game that focuses
with mind-searing horrors.
strongly on the horror of
The characters have zero AP
being “disempowered.” The
and are generally considered
characters are weak (30 CP
weak and relatively
Eldritch Horror: NO HEROES! No AP is paid for anything. for adults will produce very
ineffectual (no characters
mundane characters) and the
will have guns, few may
lack of APs means that there
have any combat skills at
will be no innate unusual
all). The players are focused
on making very flawed, very
unprepared characters who
may well die (or worse).

In this case, while there are
some GATS that represent
weapons and armor they are
pretty much off the table.
After an almost-total-party-
The characters do not pay AP
kill, one character is left alive
for guns—they simply select
but insane. The players make GATS are limited to “natural
them from a list based on
new characters with 75 CPs abilities.” Characters are
what their character would
Eldritch Horror: TAKE THAT! and 8 APs for GATs. These allowed to have weapons
have. If someone wants
are a team of expert, bad-ass up to “shotguns and rifles”
something weird (like a
paranormal investigators without paying APs.
sword), so long as it’s within
responding to the events of
the “general range” it’s fine
the first game.
(if the characters are allowed
shotguns, a sword is no
problem. A flame-thrower
might be).
The GAT rules have Armor
as one of the offerings so
that’s easy to figure out. As
The GM allows the Armor
for “upgrading” the gun, the
A player wants to spend his and Weapons rules to be
character buys Gun at L+ for
APs on a bigger gun and used from the GATS. The
4 APs and simply adds that
Eldritch Horror: BIG GUN body armor. The GM revises player spends 4 AP on Body
damage to the damage for
the rule to allow that: it’s Armor (4/10) and spends 4
the Shotgun (+4 PEN). Note:
balanced. AP “upgrading” a shotgun
if using advanced ability
with “incendiary rounds.”
modification rules they could
tweak this a good deal (get a
4/16 vest, for example).


In this case the decision to

charge AP for the vehicle is
When one PC upgrades their purely a GM call. There is
armor and weapons, another no way the characters could
player asks for a “hijacked afford the RV’s “Tank Gun”
urban assault vehicle from but they don’t have to—it’s
The character is allowed to
Eldritch Horror: URBAN the movie Stripes.” Basically not a personal power, it’s
pay 4 AP for an “unusual
ASSAULT! an RV that “turns into a tank.” very hard to bring into play
It’s silly, but the group thinks (the target must be outdoors,
it would be cool and after where the tank can target
the dismal horror of the first them, etc.) and it’ll have
game, the GM agrees. ramifications if used too
much (the authorities will
come looking).
The characters use the
Ability Modification Rules
to turn various abilities
into gear and buy armor
and weapons using APs. If
After defeating the challenge they decide to “keep the
from the first game, the The characters can take any shotguns” that’s fine—but it
GM proposes a follow-up ability from the book (within costs the APs for the shotgun
where the characters have reason, with explanation) now. If they decide to go
Eldritch Horror: Costumed with GATs, that’s fine too.
“leveled up.” They are 40 and are expected to “make
AP characters modeled after it gear” since the characters
street-level super-heroes are not literally super- The RV might still be
who “fight things that man human. allowed in since, while it’s
was not meant to know.” not balanced and these
characters are going to be a
lot more combat-balanced
than the previous group, it’s
still hard to bring to bear in
most situations.


The example above illustrates the gradient of how games could handle gear. Here’s where we spell it out.


The simplest way to handle gear is how it’s handled in the basic book: there is no AP cost. The GM sets limits on
what is generally available (possibly with prices) and the players determine what they have based on their money
and other resources.
Game Notes
In games with no or very few APs then gear is just a function of “what the character would
Ordinary People Games
normally have.”
In these games the characters will have “standard issued gear” and then may have a lot of
APs in abilities. The Fast Company rules are an example of where a character can choose to
Agents With Issued Gear
carry a “standard” gun or melee weapon or go bare-handed without compromising their
combat effectiveness.
In a game where everyone was playing a wizard they would pay APs for magical abilities but
Fantasy Wizards would, presumably, have “normal stuff” for free. That would include whatever armor they
could find or buy and weapons (if any) as well.

The next simplest way to handle gear is to simply charge APs to “own something unusual.” In this case it is likely to
be very unusual for the adventure. Keep in mind that allowing special weapons/armor can be unfair if other char-
acters are paying AP for things in that spectrum. Our example, a tank-like vehicle, was deemed reasonable in that
game (although very silly) because it’s hard to use and usually irrelevant to most combats (which will take place
unexpectedly, in doors, etc.).
Here are a few guidelines:

Example AP Cost Notes

A PC is allowed to have an elephant
Since a shotgun is already pretty damaging at that power scale,
gun in a game where characters are
2 AP allowing an elephant gun in does not severely change the power-
allowed shotguns for no cost and are
balance. Most PCs can’t stand up to guns anyway.
built on 50 CP/8 AP
One of the super racecars could be 1 AP (note: you can sort of
“design” a car with the Power Modification rules). A really nice car is
Super-Car (ultra hot-rod) 1 AP to 2 AP
cool but does not “unbalance” the game. The PC having something
that is so extreme that it strains belief would be 2 AP.
Note: the actual ability Thought-Radio might cost more than this—
however, the point is NOT that it costs “as much as the power” in
Telepathic Communication Device in
2 AP the book—it’s about how weird the device is (very, in this case) and
an other-wise modern-day game
how good (not that good). Assuming the device does NOT give you

mind-scanning or mind reading abilities, this may be a fair price.
This is good—quite good—but not all that weird and does not,
for example, deal with security systems. It does, however, greatly
Skeleton Key Device for Any Lock 1 AP
devalue any natural lock-picking skills so that should be taken into
account when deciding if it’s legitimate.
Assuming that the robot servant is not easily replaceable, is not
Robot Servant In A Modern Day
armed/armored, and that the character has “invested in the skills to
Game. The Character has L3 17- 1 AP
build it” a 1 AP cost is fine. If the GM thinks it’s excessively weird it
Engineering Skills
could go up to 2 AP.
We have chosen 4 AP because a flamethrower—a military grade
Flamethrower in a modern day game weapon—is still hard to use, very illegal, impossible to conceal. It
where the characters usually have 4 AP will let the character virtually dominate any fight where they can
access only to handguns bring it and use it but it is still limited in scope to outright assaults
and the like.

The cost for the gear should take into account how good it is and how weird the gear is. Other players should
be aware of what is being discussed.

Gear that is paid for in this way should not make other characters obsolete.


In many games the PCs will get some gear “for free.” An example would be a secret-agent game where every char-
acter is assumed to have a handgun and bulletproof vest. If the PCs have some Archetype Points to spend they can
choose to use that to add to what they already have (creating a bigger handgun or stronger vest).
The most common way that this will happen is with Equipment modifiers (explained in this chapter).


Game Example
Character are playing
One character plays an inventor and pays AP with gear and device modifiers for upgraded
paranormal investigators
sensory gear with Sensitive (ability to detect ghosts) bought as a device.
with 8 AP
The APs can be spent in order to upgrade guns. The characters probably get “standard
Characters are playing
weapons” for “no cost”--but they can be expressed in terms of AP cost making upgrades
“spies” with 12 AP
calcuable. If the character buys stealth for a gun it can go through metal detectors.
AP’s can just be spent on gear directly if the GM allows. Usually this refers to gear that isn’t
Big Gun: A character wants available “at any price” in the game--but can also apply to gear that technically could be paid
a larger weapon and better money for (such as a bigger gun) but is only allowable to the PCs if APs are used. In the event
armor. Characters have 8 AP that better weapons or armor become ‘commonly available’ the points are returned or can be
used for further upgrades.


In any game where the gear in use is treated similarly to innate abilities and APs are paid for all innate abilities, gear
will be paid for as well (see Adventure Games for an “exception case” to this). In this case the PCs are expected to
take standard abilities and “turn them into gear.” This can be done using the device modification rules for more
detail or just by saying “it’s gear” (which will work for most circumstances).

Game Example
If players are playing “standard” super heroes and one person wants a suit of power-
Super heroes armor you start by buying armor and then “turn it into a device” (either using the rules
in the back of the book—or, more simply, just saying it is).
In a Fast Company game the characters are given 32 AP for Fast Company Level 2 and
then are given 8 AP specifically for special gear. They can use this for body armor,
weapons, etc. If they do not want to spend AP on weapons they can go unarmed or
carry a “standard service 9mm.”
Super Spies
Note: This construct plays fast-and-loose with the rules around total AP Cost by dividing
up the points for Fast Company and the points for Gear. That’s okay—you can do that.
So long as there isn’t a whole lot of points in Gear it won’t affect things (it just makes the
real total AP value of the characters a little higher than 32+8 = 40). The easiest way to
make this work is to disallow TAP-cost traits to be defined as Gear.
In a game with 16 AP, a character buys 8 AP worth of Inventor abilities and then spends
4 AP (with some specific “gear-related” defects on an “energy blaster”) and 4 AP (with
some specific gear-related defects) on a force field!
Action Hero-Inventor: Ultra Tech!
Note: The player should absolutely discuss this with the group and get the GM’s
permission before doing this—the game may not be the sort where “advanced
technology” is appropriate.


In the back of the book section we discuss so-called ‘Adventure Games,’ modeled after Massive-Multiplayer Online
RPGs, where the characters (a) have “levels” (each level is ‘8 AP’) and (b) are expected to adventure around and
find treasure and fight things and explore and “go up in levels.” In these games there will be characters who are
“gear users” and characters with “innate abilities.”
For the “Gear users” for each level they get a few APs to spend on innate abilities but the rules also say how many
APs in gear they are expected to have. Innate characters get almost all of those 8 APs for abilities but have a few set
aside for the (rare) gear they can use. A given character might have more APs in gear than the “expected” for their
level if they’ve been lucky and skilled at finding treasure. They might have less good gear if they haven’t been as
lucky and skilled. In any event, you’ll want to read those rules if you are running that kind of game.

But the upshot is that no one directly pays AP for gear—you pay in-game money or find stuff.


If you read the section above, it’s clear that sometimes you pay AP for gear, sometimes you don’t, and a given game
can have characters who paid for gear, characters who didn’t, and characters who got gear “for free” and then
enhanced it with APs.
When a player has paid APs for gear the expectation is usually that:

Common Devices: Weapons

1. It won’t be permanently taken away or destroyed—the character can get new gear fairly quickly and easily.
They may be “disarmed” if captured, told to leave their guns outside of an establishment, and so on—but

they will not be permanently gone, stolen, etc.
2. Gear that is paid for may be “supernaturally” tougher than gear that isn’t. While devices certainly can be
broken by falls and so on, we would expect gear that is paid for with APs to be given the benefit of the
doubt when checking to see if it survives something (and the same for “if the character remembered to
grab it before running out the door, etc.”).
In other words, while abilities described as gear still will have a failure rate, can get “clogged with mud,” and so on,
it should be treated as “more a part of the character” than gear that was not paid for.


This section lists common weapons that characters may have with the math “already done.” Note that specific
weapon types such as Shoulder-Fired Missile, Revolver, or Sword are both modifiers (Revolver with -2 Recoil is 80%)
and Powers/Traits. The difference is that the power takes the modifier and applies it to a basic damage type (hence,
the math is “already done”).
However, if you want a ‘Quantum Revolver’ you can take the Quantum Beam power and the Revolver Modifier and
have a 6-shot heavy recoil gun that shoots blue-glowing beams through armor.
These powers represent the “basic form” of the power.

Weapon Modifiers Mod L1 L+ L1/8 L+/8

• Requires Lock (85%)
• Extreme Range (115%)
Air-to-Ground Missile 108% 12 IMP 8 IMP 1.5 IMP 1.0 IMP
• Armor Piercing (130%)
• Heavy Mount (85%)
• 2-Handed Device (95%)
• Automatic Fire (130%)
Assault Rifle • Recoil -1 (97%) 123% 9 PEN 6 PEN 1.1 PEN 0.7 PEN
• Extended Range (106%)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• 2-Handed Device – Unwieldy (90%)
• One Shot/Reload 8 REA Long Action (80%)
• Draw Each Use (90%)
• Requires Aim (5 REA Medium) (75%) 47% 28 IMP 19 IMP 3.4 IMP 2.4 IMP
Rocket (Blast)
• Long Action to Fire (5 REA Long) (80%)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Explosive (125%)
• 2-Handed Device – Unwieldy (90%)
• One Shot/Reload 8 REA Long Action (80%)
Shoulder-Launched • Draw Each Use (90%)
Rocket (Armor Piercing • Requires Aim (5 REA Medium) (75%) 47% 28 PEN 19 PEN 3.4 PEN 2.4 PEN
Vital Strike) • Long Action to Fire (5 REA Long) (80%)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Armor Piercing (125%)
• One Handed Weapon (97%)
Boomerang • Throwable (105%) 92% 13 IMP 9 IMP 1.6 IMP 1.1 IMP
• Draw Each Use (90%)

Common Devices: Weapons

• 2-Handed Device – Unwieldy (90%)

Bow (Long Bow) • Extend Range (103%) 83% 13 PEN 8 PEN 1.6 PEN 1.0 PEN
• Draw Each Use (90%)
• 2-Handed Device (95%)
Bow (Short Bow) 86% 13 PEN 8 PEN 1.6 PEN 1.0 PEN
• Draw Each Use (90%)
• One Handed Weapon (97%)
Flail (Impact) • Medium Reach (106%) 118% 14 IMP 8 IMP 1.7 IMP 1.1 IMP
• -2 to Block (115%)
• One Handed Weapon (97%)
Flail (Penetrating) 112% 11 PEN 7 PEN 1.3 PEN 0.9 PEN
• -2 to Block (115%)
• One Handed Weapon (97%)
Foil (Fencing Weapon) • Fast Moves (120%) 108% 11 PEN 7 PEN 1.4 PEN 0.9 PEN
• Poor Blocks (93%)
• One Handed Weapon (97%)
• Thrown Weapon (90%)
• Draw Each Use (90%)
• Explosive — Fragmentation (120%)
Grenade 53% 21 PEN 13 PEN 2.6 PEN 1.7 PEN
• Fused (90%)
• Requires Arm Action Each Use (5 REA Medium Action)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Limited Supply (95%)
High Explosive (Satchel • One Handed Device (97%)
Charge) • Requires Demo (90%)
22% 60 IMP 41 IMP 7.4 IMP 5.2 IMP
• Requires 1 Min+ to Arm, Each Use (20%)
• Explosive (125%)
• One Handed Device (97%)
Knife • Throwable (105%) 99% 12 PEN 8 PEN 1.5 PEN 1.0 PEN
• Short Reach (97%)
Knife (Used by L3 • As above (99%)
132% 9 PEN 6 PEN 1.1 PEN 0.8 PEN
Character) • L3 1 REA Attacks (134%)
Knife (Used by L4 • As above (99%)
168% 7 PEN 5 PEN 0.9 PEN 0.6 PEN
Character) • L4 1 REA Attacks (170%)
• Heavy Mount (85%)
• Extended Range (110%)
Machine Gun 118% 9 PEN 6 PEN 1.2 PEN 0.7 PEN
• Automatic Fire (130%)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Slow/Short Range Missile (90%)
• Draw Each Use (90%)
• Requires Arm Action Each Use (5 REA Medium Action)
Molotov Cocktail • Fragile (95%) ??% 14 IMP 10 IMP 1.7 IMP 1.2 IMP
• Explosive (120%)
• Burns on Any Hit (158%)
• Limited Supply (95%)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Crew Served Weapon (85%)
• Long Action to Fire (8 REA Long) (50%)
Mortar/Artillery • One Shot/20+ REA Reload (50%)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Explosive (125%)
• 2 Handed Device (95%)
• One Shot/20+ REA Reload (50%)
Musket 35% 32 PEN 20 PEN 4.0 PEN 2.5 PEN
• Requires Aim (5 REA Medium) (75%)
• Full Power Only (97%)
• 1 Handed Weapon (97%) 82% 13 PEN 9 PEN 1.7 PEN 1.1 PEN
• Full Power Only (97%)
Revolver 80% 14 PEN 9 PEN 1.7 PEN 1.1 PEN
• 6 Shots (Slow Reload) 90%
• -1, -2, or -3 Recoil (97%,95%,90%) 76% 14 PEN 9 PEN 1.8 PEN 1.1 PEN

• 2 Handed Device (95%)
• 2 shots and Reload (83%)
Shotgun (double
• +1 Large Weapon Bonus (102%) 74% 15 PEN 9 PEN 1.9 PEN 1.2 PEN
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Recoil -2 (95%)
• 2 Handed Device (95%)
• 5 shots and Reload (90%)
Shotgun Automatic • +1 Large Weapon Bonus (102%) 80% 14 PEN 9 PEN 1.7 PEN 1.1 PEN
• Full Power Only (97%)
• Recoil -2 (95%)

Common Devices: Weapons

• One Handed Device (97%)

• Automatic Fire (130%)
Submachine gun • Recoil -1 (97%) 122% 9 PEN 6 PEN 1.1 PEN 0.7 PEN
• Extended Range (103%)
• Full Power Only (97%)


If you decide to do a seriously “gear-head” game, you can use these rules for special ammo types.

Ammo Type Modifier Effect Notes

Military rounds tend to have metal
jacketed tips. These limit the ability of
FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) 115% +50% PEN Value
the bullet to expand in the target but
increase penetration.
+1 Damage Modifier (added before
Hollow point rounds are designed to
Hollow Point 115% Doubling so +3 goes to +4 and
expand maximally in the target.
doubles). Lose 30% of PEN Value
Overloaded rounds exceed the gun’s
Additional -2 to Recoil. Will damage general safety parameters and can
Overpressure +P+ Rounds 90% the gun on a 14+ roll to hit (Jam takes have negative effects. They decrease
1 Round to clear) the cost of the gun making it do more
damage for the same cost.
Armor piercing rounds go beyond
2x PEN Value and if armor fails its
simply being “steel jacketed”
Armor Piercing Rounds 130% save, its Damage Reduction drops
and have very hard, sometimes
to 0
sharpened tips or high density cores.


Pistols AP Cost Effective AP DMG Range Recoil Shots
.22 Ruger Pistol 2 2 0 -1/4y -0 10 rnds
.32ACP Walther PPK 3 3 4 -1/5y -0 10 rnds
9mm Glock 4 4 6 -1/5y -0 9 rnds
10mm Glock 5 5 7 -1/7y -0 9 rnds
Colt .45 Revolver 5 6 8 -1/8y -1 6 rnds
Colt Python .357 8 10 13 -1/10y -2 6 rnds
.44 Automag 13 15 17 -1/12y -3 7 rnds

Sub Machine Guns Cost Effective AP DMG Range Recoil Shots

Uzi 9mm 5 4 6 -1/15y -0.5 30 rnds
Skorpion Machine Pistol 4 3 4 -1/13y 0 20 rnds

Common Devices: Armor

MAC-10 .45 ACP 6 5 7 -1/12y -1 30 rnds

H&K MP7 5 4 6 -1/13y 0 30 rnds
.45 Thompson 6 5 7 -1/14y -1 30 rnds

Rifles & Machine Guns Cost Effective AP DMG Range Recoil Shots
M16 Series 22 16 18 -1/70y 0 30 rnds
AK-47 24 19 21 -1/50y -1 30 rnds
.30-.06 Rifle 27 31 31 -1/70y -2 5 shots
Sniper Rifle 70 68 64 -1/150y -1 8 shots
M60 Machine Gun 34 31 31 -1/70y -1 Belt Fed
.50 Cal MG 120 115 105 -1/150y -3 Belt Fed


Here are some real-world armors (the last set would be for super-agents or street-level super heroes).

Fantasy/Historical Mods AP Cost Armor

• Worn (97%)
Leather Cv 6 2 2/6
• Cv 6 (93%)
Leather Full • Worn (97%) 2 2/5
• Worn (97%)
Leather Jacket Cv 3 • Cv3 (67%) 1 2/3
• Flexible (97%)
• Worn (97%)
Breast Plate & Gauntlets Cv3 4 6/15
• Cv 3 (67%)
Brigandine • Worn (97%) 4 4/10
Scale Armor • Worn (97%) 3 3/8
• Worn (97%)
Chain Shirt Cv 4 • Cv 4 (80%) 4 5/11
• Flexible (97%)
Chain Mail • Worn (97%) 4 4/10
Plate Harness • Worn (97%) 6 6/15
• Worn (97%)
Fine Plate 7 6 /20
• Fine (115%)

Modern Vests AP Spent Armor

• Worn (97%)
Type 1 Vest (Early fibers) Cv 4 • Cv4 (80%) 2 3/5
• Flexible (97%)
• Worn (97%)
Type II-A (help 9mm FMJ-Civilian) Cv 4 3 4/10
• Cv4 (80%)

• Worn (97%)
Type II Cv 4 4 5/13
• Cv4 (80%)
• Worn (97%)
Type III-A (Police Style) Cv 4 • Cv4 (80%) 4 4/15
• Fine (115%)
• Worn (97%)
Type III (Military) Cv 4 • Cv4 (80%) 12 13/44
• Fine (115%)
• Worn (97%)

Type IV (Heavy Military) Cv 4 • Cv4 (80%) 19 21/69
• Fine (115%)

“Costumed Hero” AP Spent Armor

• Worn (97%)

Power Armor
Light Armored Vest Cv 3 • Cv3 (67%) 2 3/9
• Fine (115%)
• Worn (97%)
Light Armored Jump Suit 3 3/9
• Fine (115%)
• Worn (97%)
Bulky Armored Jumpsuit 4 4/12
• Fine (115%)
• Worn (97%)
Armored Trench Coat Cv 5 • Cv5 (87%) 4 4/13
• Fine (115%)

Power is a worn suit of armor (usually technological—but could be mystical) that increases the user’s STR as well
as providing protection. Power Armor has a specific rule (Systems ADP) that allows it to have “integrated systems”
that can be shut down when the armor is damaged.


The expectations for Power Armor are that they are:
• Power Armor is highly visible and is clearly weaponized. If you are in a place where it is inappropriate to
wear weapons, power armor will clearly stand out. It is not subtle.
• Generally “climate controlled” and sealed. The wearer is immune to gas attacks (they have, at least, a few
minutes air supply—for more buy some of the Innate abilities) and protect from sun and rain. Insect swarms
can’t generally get to people in Power Armor.
• They use the wearer’s Endurance—throwing a punch in Power Armor amplifies the punch but still uses all of
your muscles as well.
• They require support. Usually there is some kind of rig or garage that is associated with them. They can take
two Rounds (or more) to get into. They don’t usually “heal naturally” but instead have to be repaired by
someone with L2 Engineering skill or better.
• They are fairly comfortable and designed for long wear. The user can keep them on “24/7” if necessary and
sleep (uncomfortably) in them.
• They do not use fuel, but instead use some kind of either very, very efficient battery or nuclear fuel-cell that
may take time to “recharge” but does not (generally) run dry.
Power Armor is an 85% Modifier

Power Armor

POWER ARMOR MODIFICATIONS Endurance (and can only run one Walking Endurance

A character with Power Armor may build a bunch power at a time).

of other “powers” into it (such as flight systems, Powers that do not normally cost Endurance (such
weapons, senses, and so on). These are purchased as senses) can get the modifier if they cost Running
normally and generally get the worn-device modifier Endurance.
(97%). There are also a few ways to link powers to the
armor in such a way as to get them a larger cost modi- Power Supply Power Supply Modifier
fier. These are: Large 14 106%
• Systems ADP: The battle suit has a listed Medium 12 100%
Systems ADP number. When that damage is Small 9 97%
gone, any power linked to it will be lost until it
Very Small 6 90%
is repaired. Systems (powers) listed as Fragile
may be lost (with a roll) much sooner. Example: A Power Armor suit has a Very Small Power
• Power System: Usually a suit will use the supply (this means it has “power problems”—it may
wearer’s Endurance (this may not make a be a prototype). It has both a sensor and a projectile
lot of sense but it’s a simplification in most weapon built into it. It gets:
cases). However, the suit can have its own
• A 90% modifier for the sensor and the projec-
power-plant. In this case (a) Endurance is spent
tile weapon
against the suit’s Endurance score and (b)
• A 90% modifier for its A-Cost (its Strength
some powers can have an additional draw on it
(making them cost less).
When in combat, it can only fight at full power for 6
SYSTEMS ABLATIVE DAMAGE POINTS Rounds before it has to stop.
Some of the Power Armor listings give Systems
ADP. This is treated as ordinary ADP but, when it is POWER ARMOR TRAITS
gone, any Trait that was linked to it is lost until it can
be repaired (usually about an hour or so after the Advanced Mechanics/
combat). Big Generator [8 AP] L1 Gear
Description: Any suit can use Advanced Mechanics (or Big
Systems ADP has the following rules:
Generator, take your pick)! It increases the strength of the
suit using L1 STR.
Power Type Modifier Fragile
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR DP
Attack or Defense 90% 85% Adv Mech L1 Unarmed 1 8 AP +8 AP +16 +4
Adv Mech L1 Armed 1 8 AP +8 AP +12 +2
Utility Power 97% 90%
Cyber Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear
FRAGILE SYSTEM Description: The Cyber-Suit is an advanced-engineering
A power linked to Systems ADP can be declared “body suit” that uses micro-motors to enhance strength
fragile. This means it is even more likely to break. Any and power. It may be worn by elite operatives as advanced
battle gear. It is often outfitted with sensory capability
time the power armor is hit for 1/3rd its total (max)
and stealth suites and may also be paired with built-in
ADP, every fragile system must make an 11- roll. If
made, it is still active. If missed, it is down for the char- Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD Arm Plate S-ADP
acter’s next 3 Rounds. If the roll is a 14+, the system is U-Armed M 16 AP +4 AP +5 +0 7/25 4/10 Cv2 25
lost until it can be repaired. Armed M 16 AP +4 AP +4 +0 7/25 4/10 Cv2 21

Heavy Metal [16 AP] L+ Gear

A Power Plant replaces the wearer’s CON with the
score for the suit. The cost modifier is applied to
every Endurance using power that draws off the suit’s
Power Supply. The Endurance pool recharges in 10
minutes (walking-Endurance use allowed). When the
suit is out of Endurance it only functions at Walking

Description: The ‘Heavy Metal’ battle-suit is a huge bulky Description: The “Power Suit” is an earlier generation of
industrial war-machine. Weighing over 200lbs at its first the Hyper-Suit: more or less form-fitting but bulkier and
level, it is as much a machine as a suit of armor. Heavy clearly mechanical. It comes with Systems ADP.
Metal is Slow and Clumsy:
™™ Initiative: Is reduced by 3 when worn.
™™ AGI Bonus: Is reduced by 2 when worn (the Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD Arm Plate S-ADP
character is at +2 to be hit). U-Armed M 16 AP +4 AP +5 +5 8/20 None 42
Armed M 16 AP +4 AP +4 +5 8/20 None 42
™™ Initiative: Is reduced by 3 when worn.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD Arm Plate S-ADP
U-Armed M 16 AP +7 AP +7 +15 7/18 None 45
Armed M 16 AP +7 AP +5 +15 7/18 None 45 JET PACK/FLIGHT RIG/DRONE
A Jet Pack is a back-pack sized (or ruck pack sized)

Hyper Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear device that uses chemical fuel to propel the user. The
Description: A Hyper Suit is super-advanced technology: original models had a very, very limited range. Note:
form-fitting power armor! This model of power armor We are tagging this as Gear but it is in the category
gives no Systems ADP—just armor and strength! of Extreme for the “real” models and Super for the
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD Arm Plate DP “advanced” models (i.e., ordinary people do not own
U-Armed M 16 AP +6 AP +8 +0 8/20 None 18
jet packs).

Power Armor
Armed M 16 AP +5 AP +7 +0 8/20 None 18

Integrated Hyper Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear EXPECTATIONS FOR JET PACKS
Description: This model of Hyper Suit comes with Systems Jet Packs are usually:
ADP so you can build systems into it.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD Arm Plate S-ADP • They usually weigh about 10lbs or more and
U-Armed M 16 AP +6 AP +8 +0 8/20 None 46 are the size of a backpack or large “ruck sack.”
Armed M 16 AP +6 AP +7 +0 8/20 None 46
• Models that have limited range or heavy fuel
use have been reduced in cost appropriately.
Power Carapace [16 AP] L+ Gear
They are noted with an “F” in the hover cat-
Description: The Power Carapace is a looming, bulky suit egory and Ceiling becomes RANGE.
of battle armor! It typifies far-future battle armor. Power
• Refueling takes several minutes and there must
Carapace is Slow and Clumsy:
be something to contain the (volatile) fuel.
™™ AGI Bonus: Is reduced by 2 when worn (the
character is at +2 to be hit) Drone [Varies] U Gear
™™ Initiative: Is reduced by 3 when worn. Description: This refers to a vehicle (usually a small
DP: The Power Carapace usually doesn’t come with built-in aircraft) which is remote piloted by the character.
systems so it grants DP. Personal Drone [2 AP]: A Personal Drone is launched
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD Arm Plate DP from the character as an 8 REA Long Action and flies at
U-Armed M 16 AP +7 AP +7 +10 7/18 5/13 Cv3 14 around 30mph. It has audio/visual recording and is remote
Armed M 16 AP +7 AP +6 +10 7/18 5/13 Cv3 10
controlled but can be set to fly a pattern. Basic drones are
about model plane sized (-4 to hit due to size), move at 15
Power Mail [16 AP] L+ Gear y/s (30 mph), can fly for about 2 hours, and have 5 ADP if
Description: Power Mail is gleaming, super-tech “plate hit (no armor). One will fit in a standard backpack.
armor.” It features a leaner protective body-suit with heavy
Piloting the drone is a 5 REA Medium Action if the char-
plates and an external “motor-chassis” for strength ampli-
acter is steering it.
fication. It might be found in a post-apocalyptic wasteland
or worn by a super-hero. Note: Presumably the character can continue to get/build
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost STR BLD Arm Plate S-ADP drones. There is no limit to how many can eventually be
U-Armed M 16 AP +4 AP +4 +5 6/15 7/18 Cv4 24 built but, presumably, the character has two currently
Armed M 16 AP +4 AP +4 +5 5/15 7/18 Cv4 24 constructed.
Large Drone [1 AP]: Large Drones are small plane-sized,
Power Suit [16 AP] L+ Gear need a run-way, move at 40 y/s (80 mph), can fly for
around 24 hours, and have around 40 DP (they are fairly
fragile for their weight). It is at +2 to be hit due to size.
Hover Drone [2 AP]: A Hover Drone is the same thing as a
Personal Drone except it can hover, moves at 10 y/s, has 3
ADP. They are slightly smaller and two can fit in a standard

Power Armor

Enhanced Sensors: Senses scan be added at half-cost to Super Glider [2 AP]: A Super Glider is a para-glider that:
the Drones the character has. If the sense costs an odd
™™ Unfolds as a 5 REA Short Action.
number of APs, the difference can be made up in Damage
™™ Refolds as an 8 REA Long Action.
Points with 1 AP = 4 DP (that is: a 3 AP sense becomes 1 AP
™™ Fits very snugly against the character’s back (it can
and the character pays 2 DP).
appear as a cape).
Armed Drones: Attacks that are fired from the Drone get ™™ Flies like a glider but does NOT require skill rolls to
a 115% Enhancement for being drone-mounted (i.e. the land or maneuver.
owning character is not in danger). ™™ Can “cruise” at the altitude launched from
Trait Buy Cost Device DP
Drone 1 FREE Yes None
™™ Provides AGI bonus and uses any combat skill to
Jet Pack [Varies] U Gear Trait Buy Cost ACC top Speed Ceiling Man Hover
Description: Jet packs are personal flight systems. The Super Glider 1 2 AP 5y/s 50y/s High Med No
original model could go 500 to 1500 feet (and 120 to 250 Para-Glider 1 FREE 4y/s 40y/s High Low No
Parachute 1 FREE N/A 5-8y/s Drop Low No
feet up) and had a max-speed of around 70-80 mph. They
had 30-50 seconds of flight time (10 Rounds) and required
The Modern Pack can fly for 9 minutes before refueling. This section covers things like shields, restraints, etc.
Both require a 5 REA Medium Action to control, even if
“hovering.” Restraints L+ Weapon
L+: 4.0 GRAPPLE and 1.0/1.5 ADP
The “Blast Pack” is a “Steampunk” chemically fueled Unit Cost Metal
Armor/ADP per AP
jet pack. It requires Acrobatics or Vehicle Operations to
control it (a failed roll will not necessarily mean a crash— L+: 4.0 GRAPPLE and 0.5/3.0 ADP
Unit Cost Plastic
may mean a very rough landing in the wrong place). Armor/ADP per AP
Description: Restraints are exemplified as handcuffs, twist
The Hover Pack is an advanced-technology flight system ties, manacles, and knotted ropes. Putting someone in
that may have anti-gravity technology. It does not need restraints usually has a Grapple which, if they can break,
fuel. they can break the restraints. They also have an Armor and
Trait Buy Cost ACC top Speed Ceiling Man Hover ADP for attacks on the restraints.
Original Model 1 1 AP 4y/s 8y/s 80y Med Yes F
Modern Pack 1 3 AP 6y/s 15y/s Low Med Yes, F Being restrained usually takes an 8 REA Long Action
Blast Pack 1 2 AP 8y/s 20y/s Low Med No, F and some compliance on the part of the person being
Hover Pack 1 3 AP 12y/s 35y/s Low Med Yes
restrained. They can be lightly restrained (hands cuffed
in front), strongly restrained (hands cuffed behind), very
Para-Glider [FREE] U Gear strongly restrained (hands cuffed, feet shackled), or
Description: The Trait Para-Glider refers to a collection of completely restrained (tied to a board).
pieces of gear from hang gliders to parachutes and so on
™™ Lightly Restrained: Takes 1 Round (8 REA Long
(including parachute-capes).
Action). -4 Damage Mod to attacks, -2 to hit with
Hang-gliders can get pretty high up but must be launched hands, -2 to block.
from either a high place, from behind a car, a balloon, or ™™ Strongly Restrained: Takes 2 Rounds unless target is
other complex situation. Furthermore, they can only climb fully compliant (then 1 Round). –4 Damage Mod to
under some conditions (thermals) and are very subject to attacks, -4 to hit with kicks—cannot hit with hands,
weather as to distance and landing. Usually they will go No block, -2 to Dodge.
down one yard for every 20 yards forward and have an ™™ Very Strongly Restrained: 4 Rounds. -8 Damage Mod
average forward speed of 40mph (max. around 80). They with attacks, -6 to hit with any attack (-4 with a
require Vehicle Operations skill rolls to maneuver safely. head-butt), Cannot block or dodge.
™™ Completely Restrained: 6 Rounds. -10 Damage Mod
Parachutes are fall-control systems which are very bulky,
with attacks (usually can only hit the restraints). -8
require training to pack correctly, and usually only work
to hit anyone nearby, No defensive actions.
from high altitudes. It requires a Vehicle Ops skill roll to
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Grapple Armor/ADP
land safely and in a specific place. Metal 1 8 AP 8 AP 32 8/12
Plastic 1 8 AP 8 AP 32 4/24
When flying the character has no AGI bonus but may
dodge with a skill roll.

Shield [Varies] Combat Gear “NORMAL” EQUIPMENT TRAITS
Description: A shield acts as an AGI bonus, replacing the These traits represent “Utility Gear.” To a degree this is
user’s. Usually we do not track Shield Damage (if a shot is “common stuff” and in some games may not be paid
blocked by the shield it is counted as a miss) however, in for at all (many Fast Company super-spy style games
high powered games many attacks could go right through a could just have the characters being issued gear
shield. The way this works is that the shield counts as PEN without tracking any AP cost whatsoever). However,
Defense and the attack makes a roll against it. If the roll for some games, in some cases (street-level supers?)
succeeds the shield counts as armor (this is optional: the
the characters may be expected to pay for “unusual”
standard simple rule will be that the shield does not count
at all—which is the rule for things like shooting through
equipment and this covers some of the material.
walls or something). Note: Some of this gear is rated as costing less than

Armor is rated at a multiple of the character’s total AP and 1 AP. In these cases, if it is even tracked with cost
PEN Defense is 4x that number. at all, it can be had for a handful of the character’s
Super Shields: Super Shields can use their full AGI bonus Damage Points where 1 AP = 4 DP (that is, a piece of
against ranged attacks. Unbreakable shields cost +1 AGI gear costing 1 DP could be purchased for 1 AP with
Bonus. the character getting +3 DP—or the character could

Power Armor
Enhanced Shield Blocks: Shield skill provides a block using just reduce their total DP count by 1 DP and have the
Melee Weapons skill at +1 over what a weapon would gear).
provide. A 1 REA Shield Block can be bought up to 3 times
for 1 AP each. Access [2 AP] U Gear
Shield AGI Bonus Armor Cost Notes
Small +2 TAP/4 [.09]
Description: You can open locked doors, bypass security,
Medium +3 TAP/3 [.14] and otherwise gain physical or electronic access to a
Large +4 TAP/2 [.21] secure place. As a device this may be a key-card, key, or
Trait 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+ other electronic bypass device. As an innate power it can
Small Shield 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 be something like a magical ability to open locks or an
Medium Shield 2 3 5 7 8 10 11 13
“adjustable retina to bypass bio-metric scans” (or some-
Large Shield 2 5 7 9 11 14 16 18
thing like that).

Tear Gas [8 AP] L1/L+ Weapon Usually the access ability, to be worth APs, works on any
of a given type of lock (One Type, such as a key lock or
Unit Cost L1: 3.4 INT per AP L+: 2.5 INT per AP
combination access, or key-pad). The “Category” type will
Description: Tear Gas stimulates the corneal nerves in the work on either all physical or all electronic. If you want to
eyes to cause pain, mucous, tears, and, to a degree, blind- be able to bypass either sort, buy the ability twice.
ness. The effects last for several minutes after exposure.
Attack Strength C Delivery Type Gas/Spray Note: In terms of Electronic entry this will bypass physical
Effect Result security items like key-pad consoles, and bio-metric scans
Fail No Effect but will not allow access to web pages or other password
Pain, difficulty breathing. The character suffers a -2 environmental modi- protected systems.
Standard fier. Characters may have to make WIL rolls to stay in the area (PCs and
named NPCs can overcome). Note: Access Keys for a specific lock (or even a set of locks
Pain, difficulty breathing. Character is treated as Dazed and suffers a -4 as in a master key) are Free. This refers to access devices
Major environmental modifier. WIL rolls at -2 to stay in the area (PCs and Named that work over “any” lock of the type.
NPCs can overcome). Trait Buy Cost Type Device DP
Critical -6 Environmental modifier. Dazed. WIL rolls are at -4. Access Device 1 3 DP One Type Yes None
Blindness, choking. The character is incapacitated or, at least, at -8 percep- Access Device+ 1 1 AP, 2DP Category Yes None
tion modifiers due to blindness and pain. Innate 1 1 AP One Type No +1
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Intensity Power Innate+ 1 2 AP Category No +2
Tear Gas M 8 AP 8 AP 27/20 12
1/5y 1x 5

Power Armor

Clothing [FREE] U Gear Fire/Light [FREE] U Gear

Description: Clothing usually exists either as protection Description: The ability to create fire/light is often useful.
from the elements, for style, or as some kind of armor. The basic “power” form of this is covered under Light
This entry covers clothing which is specific to some specific Control and you should look there for specific terms.
function. Note: Basic clothing is free. Flashlight [FREE]: Light creation in a high tech-world gets
Style: Good clothing can add points to Charisma rolls you a 12 LIGHT flashlight for FREE. Each level of quality
(usually Charm or Persuade—but could be Recruit or Intim- adds +10 LIGHT per DP.
idate as well). Each level of Quality adds +1 to the specific torch [FREE]: In lower-tech environments a torch or
score. Note: You can have stylish clothing that adds pluses lantern is free (around 6 to 10 LIGHT). A Lantern costs
without paying DP for them if you are rich enough to more in-game money and is not expendable. A +1 DP
afford quite expensive clothes (or make a one-time spend). Lantern generates 15 LIGHT.
Protective Clothing: Extreme weather will be treated as Fire [FREE]: Lighters are free. Usually non-weaponized
a Resisted Attack. Usually free “protective” clothing will fire-creation tools (butane lighters or portable incinerator
protect against weather in the usual range (rain storms, units) can generate around 8 IMP damage fire without
snow, lots of heat/sun). When you start paying DP for them costing DPs (they are heavy, use fuel, don’t project the
you are at the top range of protective gear and maybe flame, etc.). A good candle burns for 6 hours and will
even environmentally sealed gear. produce about 3 LIGHT.
Trait Buy Cost Bonus Device DP Trait Buy Cost Uses Device
High Style 1 2 DP +2 Yes None Fire 1 FREE Varies Yes
High Quality Appliance 1 1 DP +3 Yes None
Protective 1 2 DP N/A Yes +6 ADP vs. RA
Medical [Varies] U Gear
Communications [FREE] U Gear Description: Emergency medical gear usually takes the
form of things like pressure bandages or coagulants. It can
Description: Communications devices are usually free. The
also represent medicine (which is handled the same way as
standard for modern games is the cell phone where the
Protective gear as diseases are treated as Resisted Attacks).
slightly more expensive model is the smart phone. Quality
More substantial medical devices can be represented as
and features could include things like very powerful
tools (pluses to Doctor rolls) or Sensors (which tell the
computers, satellite communication, very powerful encryp-
technician what is wrong).
tion (or untraceability) and so on.
Pressure Bandages/Coagulant [FREE]: A very good medical
Communication with equipment is usually a 5 REA action kit can be used to stabilize a Dying person, stop bleeding,
to deploy the phone/radio (you can get hands free and etc.
voice-dialing if you want) and then a 5 REA action to
initiate communication. ™™ At Normal or Hurt condition no skill is necessary.
The application of the material will stop bleeding.
For radio transmission the range comes standard at 1 mile. ™™ At Injured Condition, using medical gear will stop
For cell phones, the range is unlimited if you are in an area bleeding. A Dying result may require a Doctor L1
with coverage. roll. Good medical supplies get +2.
Security [+1 or +2 DP]: Encryption is an “Improved” ™™ At Serious Condition, even with gear, a Doctor roll is
(civilian) or Valuable (military) feature. Otherwise commu- usually required to stop death.
nication can be heard with the right sensors. Medicine [FREE]: Expendable doses of medicine usually
Availability [+1 or +2 DP]: Communication is generally add +12 ADP per DP with a starting power of +8 (Free) for
ubiquitous but if you want true global communication purposes of resisting diseases.
that’s +2 Feature (satellite com). If you can broadcast Trait Buy Cost Uses Device
without needing a satellite (shortwave) that’s +1 if only a High Quality First Aid 1 1 DP 6 Uses Yes +2 to roll
Innate 1 1 DP N/A No Stabilize
limited number of people (shortwave listeners) can receive Quality Medicine 1 1 DP 6 Uses Yes +20 ADP
it. Innate Medicine M 1 DP N/A No +12 ADP
Unusual Band [+1 DP to +4 DP]: If you can listen in and
transmit on unusual bands (police) that’s +1 DP. If you can
listen to even civilian-level secure channels that’s +4.
Trait Buy Cost Device DP
Comm 1 FREE YES None

Pain Killer [2 AP] U Gear Recording [FREE] U Gear
Description: You have anesthetic pills or injections! These Description: The standard recording device is the audio/
have the following effect: video recorder the size of a cell phone. Quality can
improve the picture and sound.
1. They take a 5 REA Medium action to “draw” and a
5 REA Medium action to use. If innate they don’t Hover Cam [2 AP]: “Fantastic” modification that allows the
require a “Draw.” recording device (and possibly sensor devices) to fly and
2. They can be given to other characters. The dose track targets by remote control. The basic model is fairly
regenerates each day (or trip to the supply). Giving fragile: -5 to be hit but 2 AP, 1 Armor.
them away requires a 5 REA Medium action on Comp-Scan [2 AP]: This records electronic media. Inserting
someone’s part (either the giver or the receiver). the device takes an instant snapshot of the system.

3. They remove the effects of Condition Modifiers. Trait Buy Cost Device DP
Recording 1 FREE Yes None
4. They give you ADP up to their maximum—but only
as much as damage you’ve taken (so if you have
suffered 10 DP of damage, the most ADP you can Repair [2 AP] U Gear
get is 10 ADP). Description: Repairing things is usually the purview of
5. Taking them more than once in a scene causes a tools and skill. This ability allows for very, very fast repairs
Resisted Attack of the ADP they added x2 against

Power Armor
of machines or objects. When done as a device it usually
your DP. If you fail the roll you are unconscious. If comprises several tools or materials (duct tape, basic
you fail it by 10, you will be in a coma (and maybe tools, clamps, and so on)—all working as per some kind of
die). portable “machine shop.”
Trait Buy Cost Doses Device ADP
Pain Killer M 2 AP 3x Yes +24 As an Innate Ability, Telemechanics can “psionically fix”
Innate M 2 AP 3x No +18 machines and computers.
The Repair ability gives +4 to Engineering rolls to fix
Protective Gear [FREE] U Gear machines or can repair them “automatically” on a 12- roll.
Description: This can cover anything from sunglasses to a Using Repair at the Natural level takes a few hours—but if
gasmask or spacesuit. This acts as extra ADP only for use the characters are allowed Extreme it can fix most prob-
against specific Resisted Attack types (such as Dazzle for lems in 10 Rounds (1 minute). If allowed Super, it can fix
sunglasses). The “Free version” is +1 to +6 ADP. After that, things in 1 Round (they just fly back together).
they start costing DPs.
DP: This is a measure of how many DP can be repaired for
Protective Masks [FREE]: A heavy protective mask takes
an object. Usually an object has 1 DP per 15lbs of weight.
a Round to put on, obscures vision and hearing (-2 to
The size of the Repair device is usually that of a large
Perception rolls), and will give +24 ADP against gas attacks.
Filter Mask [FREE]: Lighter than the Pro-Mask. It gives +8
Defense. It does not interfere with senses. Note: Standard repair facilities and tools are free. This
Sealed System [2 DP]: If the system is truly sealed the refers to very extreme and convenient versions.
Trait Buy Cost DP Device DP
character gets defense against any gas borne attack.
Portable Shop M 2 AP 50 DP Yes None
Anti-toxin [FREE]: Most “real world” venoms take a while Innate M 2 AP 50 DP No +3
to effect (we don’t spend a lot of time on that in the
game—but it does make them “much cheaper”). An anti-
toxin forces a re-roll against the venom with the new ADP
added. The right anti-venom adds +30 ADP and +18 ADP
more per +1 DP.
Trait Buy Cost Device DP
Protective 1 FREE Yes None

Power Armor

Sensors [FREE] U Gear Swing-Line [2 AP] U Gear

Description: Sensor equipment is largely covered under Description: You are able to cover substantial urban
senses in Innate Abilities—but there are a few that make distances by “swinging from building to building.” A swing-
sense to do here. line is a combination super-grappling hook (with automatic
Global Positioning and Maps [FREE]: GPS is free (0 AP). rapid lift-retractor) and bungee cord which, in expert hands
If it’s linked to your brain or something, though that may (which the character automatically is with the Trait—but
cost DPs. we recommend Acrobatics as well).
Metal Detector [FREE]: Metal Detector units tend to be It is a 5 REA Medium action to draw and ready the swing-
moderately large and only operate at fairly close ranges. line. It can be fast-drawn with an REA roll at -2 (0 REA), an
They are useful for detecting weapons. Acrobatics roll, a COR roll, or a ranged attack skill roll.
Radiation/toxin/Etc. Detector [FREE]: Sensors that
Step “Swing” Action: This is a 5 REA Medium Action and it
can pick up dangerous things in the atmosphere get, in
moves the character “1 second’s worth” of movement. It
general, a 14- roll. Hard to find things may be at -1 to -8
can also be used to:
but usually these will tell you if there’s a hazard shortly
before it becomes an issue. ™™ Stop a fall (grab onto a building or ledge).
Parabolic Microphone [FREE]: Acts as though you are ™™ Catch a falling person if they are willing or
much closer to the conversation (about 30 yards for a unconscious (requires a to-hit roll or COR roll). It will
small one, 100 yards for a large one). not stick to a person who can resist.
Trait Buy Cost Device DP ™™ Move ½ a second’s move up or 2x a second’s move
Sensor 1 FREE Yes None down with a controlled fall.
Swing Action: A Swing Action is an 8 REA Long Action and
Stealth Suit [Varies] U Gear moves the character up to 3-seconds of move (45 y/s).
Description: The most common form of this an extremely Rope/Grappling Hook [FREE]: There is no charge for tradi-
tight suit of some high tech material that makes you “invis- tional rope climbing equipment.
ible” to sensors. An even higher-tech version is Active-
Cameo which alters the pattern on the suit to try to make Rope has numerous uses from climbing to tying down
you invisible to everyone. Neither of these produce actual boats or tents—and even use as a restraint. Here are a
invisibility but they do create perception modifiers. Note few modifications that might be used on Rope. One inch
that most sensors (heat, electromagnetic, motion, etc.) thick nylon rope has a “safe load” strength of about a ton
have a 14- roll to detect people. (1850 lbs) meaning it takes about 24pts of damage to snap
Trait Buy Cost Per Device DP Notes it (a character with a 34 STR can break it pretty easily).
Stealth Suit 1 1 AP -2 Yes None -2 visual, -8 sensors More common, half-inch rope can sustain 6 pts of pulling
Innate Stealth Suit 1 1 AP -2 Yes +1 -2 visual, -8 sensors damage before breaking (about 470 lbs—or a 16 STR).
Active Cameo 1 2 AP -3 Yes None -3 Visual, -8 Sensors
Innate Active Cameo 1 2 AP -3 No +1 -3 Visual, -8 Sensors Note that actually cutting through rope is much, much
easier: most rope has about 16 ADP per inch of thickness.
Each DP the character spends on quality will multiply DP of
the rope and STR by 5.
Trait Buy Cost Move Device DP
Swing Line 1 1 AP 10y/s Yes None
Speed Line 1 2 AP 15 y/s Yes None
Super Swinging 1 3 AP 15 y/s No +2

Tool/Appliance [Varies] U Gear

Description: tools (or appliances) are devices that either
allow some action to be taken that is impossible or very
difficult without tools (or an appliance)—or they give
bonuses to the skill roll.
Appliances are usually large (think “stove”) and largely
Note: Basic tools which allow rolls or make common tasks
go faster/easier are free. Things that provide a roll bonus
represent the highest-end tools or appliances you can get.
Trait Buy Cost Bonus Device DP
Hand tool, High Quality 1 2 DP +2 Yes None
High Quality Appliance 1 1 DP +3 Yes None


Inventions (Super Science/Mad Science)

Description: A tracking device is a dime-sized device that Some characters can build gear during the game.
you can place on a target (it adheres) and can track them This is done by buying the Super Science, Brainiac, or
and report sound back. This requires a touch to the area Inventor GATs and then using those APs to create gear
tracked (the device can be easily secreted). during play. This is ideal for characters with some sort
If this is an innate ability, that means one of three things: of workshop or lab who can make custom devices.

1. The character can create biological trackers that

only they can detect/hear. INVENTIONS RULES
2. The character has a tracking sense—once Usually, in order to create an invention:
they touch a person they can then track them

“telepathically” anywhere within 100 miles. 1. The character must have appropriate science
3. The character has a ranged tracking sense which skills (usually at L3).
allows them to track someone they just meet (no 2. If the device uses “advanced technology”
touch required). (usually things like Force Fields or Teleportation
Trait Buy Cost Audio? Device DP or the like) the character must have Super
Tracker 1 1 AP Yes Yes None
Bio-Tracker 1 2 AP Yes No +2 Science or some other applicable Trait.
touch Track 1 2 AP No No +0 3. It is presumed that the character will have
Tracer Sense 1 3 AP Yes No +2 basic resources to work with. If resources are
very scarce the GM can impose negatives on
Vehicle [FREE] U Gear skill rolls, require skill rolls to create the device
Description: A Vehicle in Trait terms is some kind of at all, or disallow creations altogether.
conveyance which has: 4. When a device is created some or all of the
1. DRIVE (see the Back of the Book). It does not cost character’s Device APs are invested into it.
the driver REA to continue moving (although it Until those APs are removed no further devices
may go out of control if the driver doesn’t have can be created using them. Removing the APs
any REA to control it. usually means deconstructing the device—but
2. A movement form (flight, wheels, treads, etc.) this may not always be literal (it could just
3. It may or may not have a “cabin” (a car does, a be shelved). In any event, in no scene (and
motorcycle does not).
generally during a given adventure) APs can
Standard vehicles operate very badly inside structures exist in two devices at once.
and most simply can’t fit indoors. They generally provide
a small amount of armor for someone in their cab and At its most basic, the player must make an appro-
may provide Cover otherwise. The basic vehicle provides priate science skill roll (usually Engineering) to create
Ground Movement (through wheels), requires fuel, and a device. This is done at no negative if the technology
operates well only on roads. and resources are appropriate. The player then creates
Note: This is not a “vehicular construction system” and is
the device using the available APs and the rules in this
not meant to be (those rules can be provided later). This is chapter.
meant to provide a framework for buying some common
vehicles with room for expansion.
Fast! [Quality +1 DP to +4 DP]: The vehicle has speed
above its normal parameters (or acceleration, or both).
Usually a character will want to put some Defects on
Usually +1 DP gives a +20% top speed bonus to whatever their created devices in order to amplify their effec-
the “standard” speed is for the vehicle. tiveness. This is done through the use of Lab Scenes
Treads [Unusual, +1 DP]: The vehicle can go off-road and Science! Dramas. A “Lab Scene” is when a char-
without difficulty. acter goes to a workshop or lab for a period of time
Handling [Quality +1 DP to +4 DP]: The vehicle gets +1 to which allows other PCs to carry out actions. Taking
+4 to control rolls that allow handling bonuses. This is not this time to construct the device is considered a 65%
the same as adding +1 to +4 to Vehicle Control skill—it modifier.
may, however, remove negatives, etc.
Trait Buy Cost Having to go back to the workshop (rather than
Vehicle 1 0 AP building things closer to the scene of the action) is also
a 65% modifier.

Inventions (Super Science/Mad Science)

Thus, if a character has a lab (which they are LAB SCENES AND LABORATORIES

presumed to) and goes to it, taking a “Lab Scene” they Any adult, reasonably well funded scientist character
get, immediately, 42% modifier for their efforts. (L2 or L3 science skills) can be assumed to have a
They can amplify this further with Science! Dramas. workshop or lab if they have any Trait that gives them
A Science! Drama is a 3-Roll Drama from one or more APs. At its basic level this is a university or commercial
science skill that attempts to hit a Target Number for location with moderate security (heavy locked doors,
the Defect wanted. This can be done using several security systems) and enough resources to convert
science skills so long as the player can make an APs into devices.
attempt at explaining why they are appropriate. The character may have some material in a “mobile
Failing a Science! Drama can result in a roll on a lab” if wanted (and appropriate to the game) but it
Random Defect table. does not get the 65% “workshop” Defect if used.
If the character chooses not to have a Lab Scene,
creating the device still usually “takes time”—but it
is generally handled with a single skill roll and can
be assumed to take minutes or (maybe) a couple of
hours—but the point is that it doesn’t take significant
time out of the game. The device is more or less ready
when it’s needed.
If this strains credibility, the GM can require the “Lab
Scene” modifier.


Inventions (Super Science/Mad Science)

A Science! Drama can be done with any science skill roll and if the character has more than one science skill they
can bring multiple skills to bear so long as they can be explained. If the character has an assistant, one additional
Science! Drama can be had from outside help.
• The character gets +3 SPs for an L3 skill
• The character gets +8 SPs for an L4 skill (requires GM permission)

Defect Target Number Notes

90% Modifier 21 SPs This assumes the character has L3, 16- Rolls to make this on average.

85% Modifier 30 SPs A difficult drama for characters without L3 or L4 skills to make.
50% Modifier 36 SPs Almost impossible without taking errors.

During a drama the player can declare the device construction has “a complication.” This gives +5 SPs and requires
a roll on one of the tables.
Any character may take:
• Needs Funds once per Drama. This will entail going out for additional money (from a crime, favors, etc.).
• Once per drama a roll can be taken on the General Defects list.
• If the character has Mad Science, once per Drama they may take a roll on the Mad Science chart.
• If the character has Super Science, once per Drama they may take roll on the Super Science chart.

Any character may take Needs Funds once during the Drama—in this case the character must acquire funds well
beyond what they normally can apply. This often means robbing a bank or doing dangerous favors for unsavory


For mad scientists, here are some potential errors.

Roll Defect Notes

The device has an innate dangerous nature. It may be artificially intelligent, hostile,
1 Psychotic etc. It does not necessary dislike the creator—but everyone else is fair game. If it can
possibly escape, it will. Note: it still works for its primary purpose.
The device requires a human brain (usually to “govern the control fields” or
2 Needs Brains
something). This must be a fairly “fresh” one (no older than 24 hrs dead).
The device gets a 1-level reduction in Endurance cost—but it opens gateways to
other realities. These are generally small and invisible—but with more use things will
3 Dimensional Power Source
leak out. They may not be exactly around the device either—but possibly where it is
The device generates a field that tends to work on its user like a drug (you can make
4 Madness Inducing up Resisted Attacks if necessary). The user will act “drunk” afterwards with lowered
social inhibitions and, possibly, some over-confidence and mania thrown in.
The device has some very disturbing side-effect. Maybe it laughs manically when
5 Disturbing operated? This side effect is usually linked to some actual effect as well (which may
be subtle).
Use of the device creates a radiation that may catastrophically mutate the user. This
6 Mutation Inducing
usually precludes use by anyone but a henchman.

Inventions (Super Science/Mad Science)


Here are some more general super-science style errors.

Roll Defect Notes

The device has some unintended side effect which the GM may keep secret. This may
1 Side Effect operate at 2x to 6x the AP of the device itself. Examples could be changing weather
patterns, signaling aliens, etc.
The device requires a rare, illegal substance which must be acquired—often with a
2 Requires Wonderflonium
The character must acquire another unusual invention. This can come from a fellow
3 Requires Flux Capacitor super-scientist, the government, Hanger 51, etc. Usually the character knows where it
is and has some idea of how to get it.
The device emits dangerous or potentially dangerous radiation or other waves (such
4 Disruptive as very strong “magnetic whirlwinds”). When used it tends to cause disruption and
damage over the immediate area.
The device requires an exotic energy source. The character will need to tend it and,
on a roll of a 9- after heavy use, it will either shut down for several hours or, if the roll
5 Unstable Reactor is a 6-, go critical and explode like a bomb if the character can’t make a Science roll at
-7 (three tries—if the 3rd fails they are caught in the explosion). Usually the blast is 10
IMP Explosive per AP in the device.

Any character may take a roll on this table.

Roll Defect Notes

The invention needs to be larger. It is at least refrigerator sized. If larger than that it can get an
1 Size Increase
additional modifier.
The device has a very limited battery life or requires wall power (or its own generator). Usually
2 Power Problems
this means an Endurance of about 6 (but the GM can adjust appropriately).
The device is touchy. The character will need to be constantly recalibrating it. It requires a skill
3 Temperamental roll to start up (usually the Engineering or Science skill used to create it—otherwise just a 9- roll
for anyone else).
The device has some kind of unpleasant side effect (noise, exhaust, etc.). The GM can also
4 Side Effect
decide this is “poor performance” (a communicator could have poor audio).

Welcome to the “Back of the Book” chapter. When we realized that we had a lot of new rules and a
lot of changes to existing rules we recognized that we were going to need a lighter overview up front
and then we could move to the heavier rules explanations in the back so that we didn’t choke people
who were trying to play with too many new rules and new concepts.


Here’s an overview of what we’ll be discussing:
1. Rule Changes: Modifications to existing rules from JAGS Revised.
2. Resisted Attacks: The new rules for Resisted Attacks get their own chapter.


3. Success Point Rules Changes: An expansion on the basic rules.
4. Power Modification: How you “change” an existing power or create a new one.
5. Levels: Rules for playing JAGS with “levels” like an MMO.
6. New Rules in Depth: Some notes about how the rules discussed up front might function in

Rules Changes
different games.

In the five years since we published JAGS Revised we’ve had a lot of experience and some feedback
which has led to rules changes. Most of these are to combat rules but some are to character genera-
tion rules.



We have decided to alter the cost of skills somewhat. One of the reasons was to better reward stats
of 12 as; with Archetype Points being revised we were playing, often, with lower CP totals.
Expensive NOT Linked
Roll 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20-
Cost 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 9 13 21 29 37 45

Expensive Linked
Cost 0.5 1 2 3 4 8 12 20 28 36 44 52 60

Standard NOT Linked

Roll 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22-
Cost 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 6 9 12 18 24 30 36 42

Standard Linked
Cost — 0.25 0.5 2 3 4 5 6 11 17 23 29 35


Hard Sciences are now Standard Cost. The original assumptions about how useful hard science skills
would be compared to other standard cost skills was re-evaluated. There is no reason it should cost a
great deal to play a scientist or engineer.

In our tests, Kung Fu fared badly compared to some other martial arts. The new rules are:
1. +2 to Block at L3 for Unarmed Attacks.
2. +1, +2, +3, and +5 Defensive Grapple at each level.
3. At L2 and higher, Kung Fu gets Counterstrike: if an attack is blocked, a Kung Fu strike (kick, punch, cross, etc.)
can be launched immediately and “off Round” for normal REA. The Kung Fu attacker pays normal REA for
this and it may be blocked normally by the target. This allows Kung Fu fighters to go, at times, “before their
Initiative indicates they would.”

This Trait keeps the same rules but is, instead, called Dual Wield (meaning you can use two weapons at once). It is

Back of the Book

quite possible to be skilled with both hands for less than 12 CP.
If you wish to carry two weapons and use them without an off-hand penalty (but you don’t get extra/cheap attacks)
the cost is 2 CP.

Rules Changes
The INIT bonuses from Natural Fighter do stack with bonuses from Archetype Traits. This is, we think, already
implied but because two (for example) INIT bonuses from different AP traits do not stack with each other, we
wanted to call it out here.


We have made a number of tweaks and explanations to the combat rules.


If you are on the ground:
1. You are at -2 to hit and -2 to block. You have no AGI Bonus unless you have Ground Fighting.
2. You may make a L3 Combat Skill roll (including, especially, Acrobatics) to stand up with a strike for +1 REA. If
you fail the roll, you still pay the REA (and strike from the ground).

This clarifies some of the Combat Modifier (to-hit modifier) rules:
1. A L3 HTH combat skill ignores up to -3 points of Size Modifiers.
2. Being Grabbed or Grappled drops any positive AGI bonus to 0. It does not remove pluses to be hit (either
from an AGI that is less than 10 or large size).
3. If someone is prone, on the ground, or Low to the Ground (see the Trait in Innate Powers) you get no
negative to kick them. It turns out the best time to kick a man is when he’s down.
4. L3 Skills do not reduce Cover Modifiers.
5. Large Weapon Bonuses do count for hitting around Plate Armor.


Shooting into a Hand to Hand battle gives a 2, 3, or 4pt Cover Modifier to the target. Usually a battle at Long
Reach range gives 2 Cover, at Medium Reach gives 3 Cover and at Short or Close Reach gives 4 Cover. If shooting at
someone “on the ground” with someone else “on top” (in a Hold, Mount, etc.) or if the target is smaller than the
other party(s) then the modifier can be a 5.
The GM can assess cover modifiers for groups of people attacking a target and someone standing back shooting.
If your friends are all up in front in hand-to-hand combat with “the boss” and you are hanging back sniping … you
could have 3 to 5 points of cover from your friends.

Rules Changes

If you miss with the shot because of cover you hit the other person/target using the amount of Cover-1 as the
Back of the Book

Damage Modifier.

Striking into a grapple can also give “cover” against the blow. Usually 2 points for Close Combat and

3 points for actual Holds or Mounts or Locks. If the GM declares that the target and attacker are mostly

not moving the +5 to-hit bonus for the target being stationary will count to help hit around the cover.

There have been several changes to the Grappling Rules.
1. Defensive Grapple Bonuses: Any “Defensive Grapple Modifier” can be added to Offensive Grapple for
purposes of Breaking or Resisting a Grab or Grapple.
2. No Throws from the Ground: You cannot Throw a Prone person and must be standing to Throw anyone. If
someone is prone/otherwise on the ground you can do a Pick Up move and, with any success, then perform
a Throw.
3. [Optional Advanced] Being on the Bottom/“Position of Disadvantage”: If you are ruled to be “on the
bottom” (or “in a position of disadvantage”) in a grapple (meaning your opponent(s) is on top of you), you
suffer a -2 Initiative Modifier.
Being on the Bottom: Usually this is determined because you were the subject of a successful Takedown/Flying
Tackle or Throw where the person Throwing went down after you. In other cases it can happen when:
1. Both parties are down and an opponent wins a Grapple Roll against you to Hold and wins by +4 or more
indicating they have gained the position of advantage (being on top).
2. You have a Mount successfully against you.
3. An opponent makes a specific Grapple Roll and is successful to “get a position of advantage.”
If you make a successful Break Grapple roll you are no longer in a Position of Disadvantage. If you are in a Hold or
Mount this means you must break the Hold or Mount.


You can use any attack power (your A-Cost) to help break or resist a Grab or Grapple. You can add A-Cost /.70 to
any “defensive” Grapple Score (this will be your Offensive Grapple for purposes of Break Grab, for instance). As an
optional rule, the grappling character can choose instead to take an automatic hit at +5 Damage Modifier from the
attack (no roll to hit and no REA cost to use). This represents using the attack in some way to disrupt the grapple—
but it is also done for game balance (we do not charge extra for STR or BLD because they help you in a Grapple).


We have changed our thinking substantially around Holds and Pins. The current theory is that there is never a level
of “being tied up” that prevents you from attacking period. They can add negative damage modifiers and nega-
tive to-hit modifiers but usually unless completely immobilized to an absurd degree, they don’t take that away. If
characters are, in fact, completely tied up, the GM may rule that someone is shut down—but the standard attacks
and hold won’t cause that.

There is no longer a “Pin” in the game. Instead there is the highest level of Hold which does a great deal to shut
down most opponents.


A Hold is a move that keeps the status quo. When you have someone in a Hold:

1. The person Held takes negatives to hit and negative damage mods if they do hit.
2. Usually the person Holding takes similar ones.
3. The person Holding does not have to spend REA to maintain a Hold but it is much easier to break out of if
you do not.
4. The person Holding gets +3 to Block any attack launched by the Held party (including ranged attacks).
This means that a Hold is a good way to shut someone down—but it is not a good way to beat them up or hurt
them (in most circumstances).
Missed +0 to +3 +4 to +6 +7 to +9 10+
Hold Fails Hold Fails unless a Super Hold Hold Succeeds Hold Succeeds Hold Succeeds

Back of the Book

-4 to hit (held) -4 to hit (held) -4 to hit (held) -4 to hit (held)

-4 to hit (holding) -4 to hit (holding) -4 to hit (holding) -4 to hit (holding)

No Hold

Rules Changes
-4 DM (both parties) -4 DM (both parties) -6 DM (both parties) -8 DM (both parties)

+3 to Block (Holder) +3 to Block (Holder) +3 to Block (Holder) +3 to Block (Holder)

A Lock functions as a Hold except that it trades the +3 to Block for Damage dealing capability via squeezing/
Missed +0 to +3 +4 to +6 +7 to +9 10+
Lock Fails Lock Fails Hold Succeeds Hold Succeeds Hold Succeeds
-4 to hit (held) -4 to hit (held) -4 to hit (held)

-4 to hit (holding) -4 to hit (holding) -4 to hit (holding)

No Lock
-4 DM (both parties) -4 DM (both parties) -4 DM (both parties)

Damage +4 DM Damage +6 DM Damage +8 DM

This works as it does in the basic book: if you get the same level of success, you move up a level. If you

get a better level of success you keep that. If you get a worse level of success you ignore it.

There is a rules change: a character in a Hold can try an Arm Lock move (an arm or leg lock) in addition

to Break Grapple. However, their level of success is shifted down one level.

There is a rules change: a Break Grapple move will automatically move the Hold down a level unless

the person applying the Hold uses a Resist Grapple Move for 3 REA. This encourages characters holding
targets to use Resist Grapple Moves each Round.

Rules Changes

Back of the Book

Performing a Break Grapple attack on someone you are not grappling with is possible. You must Grab/Grapple and
then make a Break Grapple roll against whatever level of Hold, Mount, etc. they have. If successful, you reduce
their level of Grapple accordingly.


It’s hard to use weapons in a grapple. Suffer a -2 to hit for each level of Reach above Short.

The “Hold Result” is the standard +4 to +6 Hold result at all levels of success.


You can perform a Throw at L1 Judo/Jujitsu.


If armor has partial coverage and the subject takes a fall, they get a roll of 8+ Coverage to see if the plate applies.
This rule applies to Throws, Takedowns, Slams, etc. as well.


The rules are not completely clear about how to apply positive damage modifiers to large amounts of damage.
Here’s some explanation:


Any +/-X result (+1, +2, +3, -1,-2,-3) is always that number or that % whichever is greater. So if the character’s Base
Damage is 20, a result of +3 is 26 points of damage.
The two basic attacks: Kick and Cross do +20% and +10% Base Damage respectively.
The Full Strike Move does +20% with a weapon.
All other bonuses or negatives, including those from special Martial Arts moves in the Fast Company chapter are
added to Base Damage before the calculation is performed.
Weapon Bonuses that add to Base Damage are added normally, not as percentages.
So a special jump kick that does +4 Damage does: Base Damage + 4 + 20% (for being a kick).
If you had special magical boots that did +20 IMP damage with a kick, again the damage would be Base Damage
+20 + 20% (for being a kick).

Automatic fire is now an 8 REA Medium Action that:
1. Gets a full +2 to hit. This is not a Large Weapon Bonus. It’s +2 to hit to simulate the chances of an aimed
burst of autofire striking multiple vital areas.
2. The PEN Value is that of a single bullet (whatever that is).
3. The Base Damage is 1.5x that.
Automatic Fire can be distributed between multiple targets.
1. For an 8 REA Medium Action the character can engage 2 or more targets.
2. Each target is hit at +1 to skill.
3. The character suffers double any Recoil Modifier between shots (this may overwhelm the +1).

4. The number of characters who can be targeted this way is usually 2-4 (for very high rates of fire it could
be more). The attacker can’t skip potential targets between the intended ones (so if there are innocents
between two of your targets, they count and roll to hit them).
5. Each target may only be hit once. The damage is 1x the single bullet damage for the weapon.
This works for any Rate of Fire above “S” and is generally not changed for SMG’s vs. Assault Rifles. For super-high
rates of fire (mini-guns) other rules may need to be used.

We have a few new rules to discuss here.

Back of the Book

This section includes surprise rules as well as some specific initiative conditions.

Rule Effect Conditions

An ambush where the target team has
Someone “auto-wins” initiative either their or
weapons drawn “at the ready” but their
their group going first. Initiative can be rolled
First Fire (Group) leader/scout did not make a Perception roll

New Rules
but all the winning team go first in their init
or, otherwise, the surprise is not deemed
order followed by the “losing” team.
Whoever initiates the combat takes a single
Single Attack, Then
Medium Action attack. Then Initiative The classic condition is the “gun to the head.”
Initiative happens as normal.
One person/team gets a full Round of attack
Full Round of Attack, (in Initiative order). The target(s) can take Ambush where the targets are caught very off
Then Initiative defensive action but can’t attack. Then guard.
Initiative is rolled for the next round.
This can be where one team has weapons
ready and the other team has the weapons
One group gets +2 (advantage) or +4 (very in hand but “down.” It can happen in the case
Initiative Bonus
dominant) to their roll. where a team with guns out—but not pointed
is surrounded/caught by surprise by a team
with guns drawn.


When looking for traps, in our adventure games, we have assigned two numbers: a number to find the trap and a
number to disarm it (this can be applied to Security System rolls or Computer Skill/Hacker rolls looking for moni-
toring and the like). The idea is that the modifier for detecting things is less than for diffusing. Usually we use one
roll for both: if a trap is at -2 to detect and -5 to disarm, a roll by 2,3, or 4 will find it—but not disarm it. A roll by 5
or more will both find and disarm it.


If playing with hand grenades and you want a “realistic fuse time” you can have the grenade detonate at INIT-10
when the pin is pulled (5 REA to pull the pin, 5 REA to throw). If the character holding the grenade wants to wait to
throw it, that’s fine (but other characters may get to go while waiting).
If it lands with some “time left on it” and a character nearby goes before the -10 INIT is used up, they can pay 5 REA
to grab it and 5 REA to throw it back.

Resisted Attack Rules


Back of the Book

In the Basic Book rules we have the concept of a machine having “CORE” damage. CORE was a handful (often
1/10th total DP) that the machine could take before being destroyed. In the new rules, CORE, per se, is gone—but
vehicles still have DRIVE which represents the specific components necessary to move the vehicle.
They are still nominally 1/10th the DP of the vehicle and treated as ADP. Hits by 4+ against the vehicle go against
DRIVE if the attacker wishes (this indicates shooting at a tire or hitting the drive-train/engine). When all the ADP is
gone, the vehicle will stop.
Machines (Vehicles … or characters) with DRIVE will move every Round based on the speed of the object rather
than “the driver’s” Initiative. As a rule of thumb, start with an Initiative of -2 and add +1 for each 10 mph of speed
up to +4 for 60mph (after that, add +1 for each 30mph).
The key thing to understand here is that shooting out a vehicle’s motive power is easier than destroying the whole


If a character suffers whole-body damage (explosives, falls, etc.) Plate Armor gets an 8+Cv roll to determine if it is in
play (so Coverage 3 plate armor gets an 11- roll to be in effect against falling damage).

Hits to DRIVE may have to go against more armor than hits to the rest of the vehicle (and that armor may have
coverage) and they do NOT force Wound Rolls (the damage is treated as ADP).

When attacks “blow up an area” or senses “scan an area” or there are questions about range or what have you,
here are some general rules that should be applied.
Tactical Areas: For things that “blow up” or effect an area, the general rule is POWER/INTENSITY is halved every
4 yards (Advanced: Use explosive rules for inverse square). Thus, a 32 IMP damage blast does 32 at the point of
contact, 16 damage from 1-4 yards away, 8 damage from 4-8 yards, 4 damage from 8-12 yards, and so on.
Strategic Areas: To have things with really, really large areas of effect or for things that don’t have a “power rating”
(or exact listed distance rating) you can buy extra Range. This uses the Areas described in Domain Control and
you pay 1 AP per 4pts of Strategic Area and get +1 DP. This always requires permission from the game master and
discussion with the other players.
For example, if you want Darkness that can cover half of Manhattan that’s 24 Area (see the rules for Area at the
beginning of the Domain Control section) and costs an 6 AP in addition to the cost of the Darkness. You get +6 DP.


We have altered the Resisted Attack rules substantially from the Basic Book. The thinking is this: a tranquilizer-dart
that would knock out an elephant would, likely, kill a human. Likewise, a Taser that will drop a human won’t work
well on, say, a bear. Why is that?
It’s because larger things—or, in this case, things with more Damage Points—get better defenses against Resisted
Attacks. This also means that your arch magi will be harder to drop with a sleep spell than your apprentice (as we
assume arch magi will have more Damage Points … generally).


Resisted Attacks now have an Intensity and a Power rating. The Intensity is usually a large number and the Power
Rating is almost always 12.

When hit with a Resisted Attack you make a Resistance Roll comparing your DP to the Attack’s Intensity score. This
roll is then modified by +/-1 for each point your stat is over/under the Power of the RA. Usually the Player involved
makes the roll. If two Players are using RAs on each other, the defending Player will make the roll.

A Sleep Dart has an Intensity of 18 and a POWER of 12. It hits a Player Character with DP 14 and CON of 13. The
Resisted attack is a 6- against the PC (18 vs. 14 = 6- roll) but the PC gets a +1 because his CON is higher than the
POWER of the attack. So he has a 7-.
He rolls a 10, taking a Standard Effect (slowed down).

Back of the Book

Resisted Attack Rules
Any Ablative Damage Points the character has add to their DP for purposes of calculating the Resisted Roll. This
means, if fighting something with a lot of ADP you may want to knockdown its ADP before trying a Resisted Attack
on it.


One of the things about how we’ve decided to price and sell Resisted Attacks is that you can “swap the effects” of
one for another. For example, if you buy a dart-gun that fires a sleep toxin, you can purchase a neurotoxin load as
well (for 1/3rd the points, using the A-Cost rules) or instead.
How does that work?
The answer is that the Intensity score for the neurotoxin is going to be a lot lower than the Intensity for the sleep
toxin. Resisted Attacks are given a letter grade of A to D and a delivery mechanism (a beam, a dart/blood toxin, a
gas, etc.). This determines how much Intensity the character gets for each AP spent.
Here are the charts:


This chart takes you from A+ (Death Ray) to D (weak tear-gas) in terms of effect. It gives you a listing of what the RA
might be and the basic Intensity at 8 AP invested for a “beam” of that type (the standard delivery mechanism). The
levels of effect show the “general result” for each effect level for that grade of attack.

Standard Major Critical Catastrophic

Grade Type L1 L+ Fail (+0 to +3) (+4 to +5) (+6 to +9) (+10)
A Powerful, but NOT lethal (Tranq) 1.9 1.7 N/A U X X X
B Deadly (Taser, High Damage) 2.8 1.9 N/A D-2 U U X
C Moderate: Incapacitates (Damage) 4.5 2.5 N/A S D D-2 U
D Weak, no Minor Effect 6.4 3.0 N/A N/A S S D

For these:
• X: Death or worse (controlled?)
• U: Incapacitated or close to it
• D or D-2: Dazed or Dazed, recover at -2. This represents seriously diminished—although perhaps for a
short time
• S: Stunned or similar

Resisted Attack Rules

• N/A: Usually “No Effect” but if it is the result of a Standard roll it can be some “minor effect”
Back of the Book

The Delivery Type shows how the Intensity is modified by the way it is used.

Type Modifier Notes

An Aura Attack is activated for a 5 REA Medium Action (usually having Sprinting
Endurance cost) or, if always on, has no endurance cost (and makes the
Aura 350% character generally unplayable). Any character within the area (usually Damage
/ 4 yards) will be hit with the attack automatically (no dodge, no block) during
the Initiative Phase of the Turn for 0 REA.
A Gaze attack hits any time the attacker sees a target. It hits automatically
(no dodge / no block). This is a zero REA action. If not always on, it is a 5 REA
Medium action to activate it. Determining if a character sees a target is usually:
• Automatic if they are aware of each other and not obscured.
• Requires a Perception roll (vs. Stealth) if the gaze-character is not aware of
Gaze 450% the target and they are sneaking up
• Allows a “Dodge” if the character has Coverage 3 (+1 to Dodge roll per
additional Coverage) if they go behind a barrier. If the gaze-character is still
looking, though, and they come out to attack, they will automatically be hit first.
• NOTE: Gaze attacks only hit each character 1x per Round. It does not miss
and cannot be conventionally blocked (although Chi Bock will still work).
Eye-Rays 120% Auto-Hit, Cone of Effect, 5 REA, 1x per Round
90% Area of Effect, ROF 1x, not vs. Gas-Masks
Beam 100% 5 REA, ROF 1x
Touch 100% 5 REA, no-range. ROF S
Blood Toxin 60% Must hit with PEN attack, Armor Save must FAIL, must do 1pt Damage
Must … eat. How likely is
Ingested 10% that? Maybe works vs. Bite

Example: Death-Ray Quills

A character has a mutant with Quills coated with a horribly deadly neuro-toxin! The character buys Quills from
Innate Abilities and wants to trade out the Grade “C” quills for far more deadly ones! You just take the grade of
Toxin (A) from the list and apply Blood Toxin 60% cost.

You can also change various “delivery types” of Resisted Attacks as necessary. The “delivery type” as discussed
above is how the attack gets to the target. While the Trait description will usually specify one (or more) types
where we’ve done the math for you, if you want “Death Gaze” instead of “Aura of Death” or “Death Touch” you can
simply alter the delivery type and modify the Intensity appropriately.

These rules expand on the basic rules for Success Points. We want to distinguish between certain types of Success
Points for a variety of reasons. Here are the basic distinctions:
1. ‘Drama Points:’ In a Drama (3-roll or otherwise) each point you make your roll by is now called a Drama

Back of the Book

Point to distinguish between Success Points (SPs) that characters collect in order to modify rolls. So if a
player is in a Drama to disarm a security system and has 3 rolls to reach a Target Number of 12 points, each
point they make the roll by is called a Drama Point now, not a Success Point. If the player wants to spend
Success Points from their saved-up total, that’s fine: each SP they spend during the drama increases the

Success Points
amount the roll was made by and becomes a Drama Point to get the security system disarmed faster.
2. General Success Points: “General Success Points” are what was defined in the basic book. You get them
during the game (either as a reward for completing missions, found “as treasure,” for using certain kinds of
Traits, etc.). In this case, once they’re spent, they’re gone—and you need to get more through the normal
course of play. There are a few “different kinds” of these depending on what kind of game you are playing.
3. Success Point Pools: In this case some Traits (or kinds of magic items, etc.) can give you “Success Point
Pools.” These are usually (a) recharged each combat, session, or by some event and (b) have a limited
amount of types of rolls they can be spent on (such as “only to-hit rolls”). In this case each pool represents a
separate group of SPs that has limited uses. Usually you can spend SPs from both a pool (if applicable to the
roll type) and from your general cache if you want to modify a roll.


We have identified several “kinds” of SPs. The rules don’t (generally) distinguish them by name but, instead, where
you get them or how you get them.

Type How You Get Them Basic Description

These are “as described in the basic book” for the
most part.
a) They can only be spent when a roll is made
unless playing with the Optional Rule that
These are basic SPs that you get for: allows an additional (+1) SP to be spent to
allow further spending if a roll is failed.
1. Using an ability/Trait that says you get SPs
b) They can usually only be spent on either
(Slacker: gives SPs for losing/being humiliated).
rolls you make or rolls that are made
2. Using a Trait that offers a ‘consolation prize’
directly against you.
Standard from the GM. There are several abilities that
c) If the pool is described as X/Y the X value
will give you a clue or SPs. Success Points you
Success Points is the total points in the “pool” when fully
get this way are “Standard.”
charged and the Y is the most you can
3. Awarded in an adventure. In some games you’ll
spend on any one roll..
get SPs “as treasure” in other cases you’ll get
d) Standard SPs can be spent after a failed
them “as experience.” You can get awarded an
Armor Save to turn it into a “made” one.
SP for being very funny or clever or brave.
They can be spent against a target’s Armor
Save to turn it into a missed one.
e) Standard SPs can be spent to lower a
Wound Effect roll, even if the CON roll was

Success Points
Back of the Book

They are like Standard Success Points except:

Gold Success Points are “treasure” in certain kinds
of games (Adventure games where SPs are part a) When one is spent it allows other Standard
Gold Success (or Gold) SPs to be spent to affect other
of the “Treasure” economy). You get them for
Points completing missions, taking down bosses, and character’s rolls (or rolls against them).
otherwise accomplishing significant things. b) You can spend Gold SPs to go above +4
Damage Modifiers points.
A Platinum SP can be spent as a Gold SP—but it can
also be spent to:
a) Automatically “make” or “miss” any one
roll. This will be declared after the roll
is made and will result in the “level of
success” needed to accomplish the task
These are given out as Gold Success Points but up to +10 (if the GM deems that an event
Platinum represent “even better treasure.” They might be would require a better success than +10
Success Points given out for an extremely significant achievement they may declare that even a Platinum SP
or at the culmination of a multi-scenario arc. will not do it).
b) To reduce any Wound Effect roll on any
player to No Effect. The target will still take
the damage and, if the damage total is 5x
or more DP, they will be, at best, rendered
unconscious and still are probably dead
(GM’s discretion).
Pool SPs are spent as Standard SPs but with limits
You have a Trait that gives you a “Pool of Success on what rolls they may be spent on.
Points.” Usually these pools are limited to certain
Pool SPs kinds of rolls (such as “Offensive or Defensive
Combat Rolls”). Some SPs from SP Pools can be The exception is on Damage Modifier rolls where, if
spent on other people’s rolls as well as your own. the amount spent is 8, the character can spend up
to +8 SPs from the pool.


Standard Success points can be spent on “any roll the character has made” to improve the amount it was made by.
In the case of certain combat roles there are specific rules:
1. If the SPs are spent after the to-hit roll, but before any Defense Roll, they improve the Damage Modifier and
make the roll harder to block/dodge (as though the character had “hit by” more).
2. If the SPs are spent after a defensive roll they do not improve the Damage Modifier and only serve to negate
the defense.
3. SPs spent defensively against a To-Hit roll will reduce the Damage Modifier it gives but will NOT make it
miss. In order to be missed by an attack with SPs, you must take a defense against it (Block, Dodge) and
then spend enough SPs to overcome the to-hit roll. Points spent against the to-hit roll can drive it into
negative modifiers (if a character is hit by 4 and spends 6 SPs, the Damage Modifier becomes -2. ALSO Note:
SPs spent against a to-hit roll DO NOT make it easier to block or dodge. In the above example, a Block or
Dodge roll would STILL have to be made by 4+ to avoid the attack, even if its Damage Modifier was -2.
4. SPs spent to increase the to-hit roll in order to hit around Armor Plate can be countered by the defender
lowering the to-hit roll. In the event that the defender spends more SPs to get to-hit modifier lower than
the Armor Coverage the attacker keeps their to-hit modifier. Example: A Defender has 8 Coverage Bullet
Proof Skin and 8 SPs. An attacker (also with 8 SPs) hits by 4 and spends 4 SPs to “hit around the armor”
(getting a to-hit of, effectively, +8). The Defender spends 1 SP to drop the to-hit number to +7 (not enough
to avoid the Armor Plate). The Attacker lets it stand and gets a +7 Damage Modifier against the Armor Plate.

Standard SPs can usually only be spent when a roll is successful. The two exceptions to that are:
1. Armor Saves. Standard Success Points can be spent after an Armor Save (by the owning character) to turn it
from a missed to a made one. They can be spent against a target to turn a made roll to a missed roll.
2. Damage Modifier Rolls: Up to 4 SP can be spent to improve Damage Modifier rolls. If spent on the Damage
Modifier roll they do not count for purposes of doubling.

Allow SPs to be spent on missed rolls by spending an extra SP. This will be used when SPs are in the game

(in our adventure game we often found SPs as “treasure”) and it makes them more relevant and valuable.

Back of the Book

Inanimate Objects
The two basic kinds of SP Pools are Offensive and Defensive Pools. These allow:
1. Offensive Pools:
a. To-Hit rolls
b. Points spent to circumvent a defense
c. Damage Modifier Rolls
d. Points added to the to-hit roll to get around Armor Plating
e. Points may be spent to lower the roll necessary for a target’s Armor Save
2. Defensive Pools:
a. To reduce the amount an attack hit by (Note: as stated previously, this can lower the Damage Modifier
but will NOT make the attack actually miss).
b. To improve the amount a Bock/Dodge roll was made by (if the defender is out-spent so that the attack
still hits, both sets of SPs are still spent).
c. Points spent to cause a failed Armor Save to be made
d. Points spent to lower a Wound Effect roll (even if the CON roll was missed)


Success Points are spent (usually) following a given roll and before the same player has made another roll (or any
other roll directly impacts the first one). Success Points can be spent by any party who is involved in the rolling and
if both parties are spending SPs (presumably to contradict each other) it can lead to bidding where one party says
“I’ll spend an extra SP” and either it stands or the other party puts in one or more to counter.

We have made some changes to the way inanimate objects and damage to them (especially to machines) are


Now (and more simply) machines will take damage like characters. The exception being that most machines cannot
suffer a Minor Wound until at Injured Condition. They suffer Wound Effects with the exact effects changed by the
machine type. Here are some examples:

Small devices will simply have a few points of ADP instead of “Damage Points” and are more likely to be
destroyed by taking damage than broken (if you really need to roll to see how badly a dropped cell phone was
broken, treat taking all ADP as a Critical Wound and roll for effect).

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
Back of the Book

Wound Effect Car (Vehicle) Electronics Industrial Machine Robot

Temporary jam or
-2 to the next Vehicle Control
Cracked case, stuck stoppage. The machine
Roll. Could also mean the Stunned as per human
Stunned button, etc. Possible can be un-jammed
loss of minor functions effect.
loss of a feature. with a 5 REA Medium
(radio, air conditioning, etc.).
Device is disabled
-4 to the next Vehicle Control
temporarily. It must Stopped. It takes
Roll and/or “out of control”
be shut down and 1-5 minutes to get it Dazed as per human
Dazed for one Round. This can also
re-started. It may lose working. It may lose a effect.
lead to a significant reduction
a significant piece of piece of functionality.
in top speed or acceleration.
Vehicle is decelerating rapidly Broken. The device
and at -4 to next roll. It might may not be a total
Broken. Takes about an Unconscious as per
Unconscious move again—but not well, loss but the screen is
hour to repair. human effect.
usually 1/10th maximum cracked or otherwise
speed (and limited distance). needs serious work.
Vehicle comes to a quick and Broken. The device
Internal sudden halt. Essentially a requires serious Broken—needs a few Unconscious and may
Damage crash. People inside may be repairs. May be in hours of repairs. have lost a limb.
injured. more than one piece.
Unconscious. Possibly
Destroyed. Vehicle may burn Destroyed. Cannot be Destroyed. Cannot be
Dying or Dead destroyed—but “brain”
or explode. repaired. repaired.
may be intact.


When you sit down to run (or play) a JAGS game with Archetype Points we want you to be sufficiently armed with
information about how we envisioned this stuff working so that you can approach the game and point totals in a
sophisticated fashion. Let’s do it!

We’re going to talk about:
1. Archetype Points and Character Points
2. Utility Archetype Points
3. A-Cost (“Attack Cost”)
4. TAP Cost (“Total Archetype Point Cost”)

The JAGS Basic Book lets you make a pretty complete “normal character” using Character Points. When we started
trying to rationalize all the stuff we’d done that was “super powered” (or mutant abilities or what-have-you) we
already knew we wanted a second kind of points (there are reasons for this and it’s discussed on the JAGS Blog).
We already knew that these would be points used to buy special abilities that were used to create fictional “arche-
types”—hence APs.
1. We wanted to play with relatively low numbers. We liked numbers that were divisible by 4 (or 8) and so we
settled on multiples of 8. This was because we saw abilities being priced on a scale where 8 APs (or 12 APs)
was a “really good one” and 2 APs was an “okay one.” A power that was 1 AP (or less) was basically “nothing
all that special.” Thus you could have 1 really good power or four “okay powers” for the same price (or two
4 AP “nice powers.”)
2. We determined that a standard weapon (a 9mm handgun or a broadsword) clocked in at 4 APs. A
“good weapon” (a 2 handed sword, a .357 magnum) was 8 APs. Clearly, though, this could go “all the way

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
3. We decided that action heroes were around 16-24 APs and street super heroes should be around “32 APs.”
We didn’t think numbers above, say 128 APs made a lot of sense (see the Scale Number rules). We felt/
hoped that on 128 APs, especially with a Scale Number multiplier you could play anything you wanted.
As we’ve done our best to keep abilities in the 1, 2, 4, and 8 AP costs (there are some that are odd numbers—but
not many) if you play with a round number you should, usually, not have points left over.
We centered in 50 Character Points for most games—it makes flexible, competent characters with a good split
between Stats and Skills. However, we have used the rules to play on 30 (for students) up to 150 (for super martial
arts types) so you have a good spread.

Damage Point Padding

Many abilities give you extra Damage Points in addition to whatever else they give you. There are a few reasons

Back of the Book

for this that we wanted to discuss here.

Less than 1 AP Cost Traits

We don’t deal with fractional AP Costs so when we have a power like “night vision” that’s less than 1 AP in cost,
we “make up the difference” by throwing in some Damage Points.

Making It a Bigger Chunk of the Character

There are a few cases where we decided that while an ability cost exactly 1 AP (or 2 AP, maybe) we didn’t want
to sell it for less than, say 4 AP. An example of this is the +2 CON ability. While testing additional CON in our
simulator suggests that it’s not as good as maybe you’d think, we know that characters likely to buy it may well
already have high CON’s and therefore we didn’t want to make it “cheap.” Rather than just arbitrarily inflating the
cost, we added Damage Points to the package to make it less likely to be bought “on a whim.”

Character Points vs. Archetype Point Buys

There are a few abilities that can be had with either Character Points or Archetype Points. Mostly these are in
the Innate Power rules and apply to abilities real world animals have. We wanted you to be able to, for example,
build a turtle on nothing but CP’s if you wanted to for aesthetic reasons. In these cases the CP-version of the
ability does not come with Damage Points while the AP version does.

Fractional AP and Math

We decided not to deal with fractional AP and to sell abilities in, if we could, 8 AP chunks. If you look at the attack
powers you will see that we sell them by the 8 AP chunk so, for example, “Laser Vision” does 11 PEN damage for
each 8 AP (after the first 8—see L/L+ below for more explanation).
However, you’re allowed to spend 1 AP on Laser Vision if you want—or 4 AP, or 7 AP—whatever. In this case you
will just have to “do the math.” This means [(11/ 8) x However Many AP You Spend] = Damage Done. You round
normally: if I spend 3 AP on Laser Vision (L+) I get 4 PEN damage. If I have 19 AP to spend on it I get 26 PEN
We don’t like math, much less fractional math—but we decided it was better than rounding damages to 1 AP
so that we could avoid it (saying each AP of every attack power does an Integer amount of damage) because it
would tend to make many, many abilities do exactly the same damage even when they were very different. The
Java Character Workbench program we plan to release for free with this book should do the math for you.


One of the things we noted when running computer-driven simulator tests of JAGS characters was that even a
4 AP difference at 64 AP total could make a reasonably significant difference in the chance of one guy or the other
winning. It wasn’t huge—but over 5000 combats it was noticeable (around 7%, depending). For lower values, it was
even worse.

Archetype Points (and Character Points)

So we decided that if a character had one “pretty nice ability” (4 AP) and the other guy didn’t have anything but
Back of the Book

combat stuff, the other guy was gonna win often (especially if the characters were on, like, 16 to 24 APs). We didn’t
like that—it seemed harsh.
Our solution was to designate some abilities Utility Powers—meaning they weren’t directly influential over the
combat mechanics (although some of them are, for example, Flight—which can be a huge edge in a fight) and we
said “if you set aside some APs for nothing but Utility Powers you can have those ‘nice abilities’ and not lose to
your peers all the time.”

Utility Points can only be used to buy any abilities marked with a “U” (for Utility). Regular APs can be used to

buy both combat abilities and abilities marked with a U (i.e. any abilities in the book).

When computing the cost for TAP (Total Archetype Point) Costs Traits, always use the character’s combat

total even if the ability is listed as a Utility Power.

Our experience says that you can give characters either:

™™ No specific Utility Power APs (this is for “standard games”)
™™ 1/8 of their Combat APs in Utility Power APs (this is the “low rating”) –or—
™™ 1/4th of their combat APs in Utility Powers (this is the “high rating”)
When might you do this?
™™ No Utility Power APs: Games that have very low AP totals to begin with (8 AP games, for example) might not
have any, even if you generally like the rule. Games using the Fast Company and Generic Archetype Rules—
and nothing else—no super powers, no mutations, and so on, would not likely benefit much from adding
Utility Powers. Finally, it’s just more complex. If you don’t want that, don’t do it. Adventure games: Fantasy
or Post Apocalypse style or games where you use the Leveling Up rules are also examples of this.
™™ Super Spies or Mystical Martial Artists (Low): The character will have some abilities like Fast Company or Chi
Powers or what-have you (minor mutations? Some limited psychic powers?) but if they want to buy Utility
Powers those come off their regular points or from a very limited Utility Point pool. They’re not supposed to
have stuff like Flight or Teleport unless it’s a big deal.
™™ Super Heroes (High): The games where you’ll want this distinction are games where there are a lot of differ-
ent abilities and you want a lot of color. Super heroes games are the classic example of this.

A special discussion on buying attack powers is called for because we have made some specific rules around how
these are purchased, balanced, and tracked. These are:
1. Punch, Gun, Blade, Blast: The four basic “types” of Attack Powers (all attack powers are modifications of
these). These are Impact Hand-to-Hand (Punch), Penetration Hand-to-Hand (Blade), Penetration Ranged
(Gun), and Impact Ranged (Blast).
2. Level 1 and Level +—How Attack Powers are Sold: Attack Powers are sold in 8 AP “chunks.” The first 8 AP
you spend do more damage per AP than each 8 AP thereafter. Note: You are free to spend any amount of
AP you want—you will have to do some math to calculate the exact damage.
a. Not All Traits Have an L1 and L+ Cost: Some abilities, especially the Generic Archetype Traits, don’t give
you an L1 and L+ Cost. They just give you L+. This is done because they are expected to add to some
other attack which, presumably, was purchased starting at L1. We’ll explain in the section below.

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
b. Attack Chains: Many abilities “stack” their damage like Super Strength, the Generic Archetype Trait
Precision Striking, and weapons like Claws (or a sword). These all “work together” (stronger characters
trained in precision striking and equipped with claws are scarier than characters with just one or two
of those traits). We call this an “Attack Chain” and understanding how those work can help you build
more efficient characters. You pay full points for your most expensive “Attack Chain.”
c. Armed vs. Unarmed Strength: When buying things like STR and BLD we generally list two costs:
Armed and Unarmed. If your character commonly uses a bladed weapon (a sword, knife, bio-
weapon like claws or teeth, etc.) then you get the Armed version since your Base Damage is usually
Penetration Damage. If you don’t (or can’t) use bladed weapons then you can get the Unarmed
version (which does a little more damage).
3. A-Cost (“Attack Cost”): Attack Cost is the total number of AP spent on an attack or Attack Chain. You only
pay full points for your most expensive attack and every other attack gets a cost break. This makes having a

Back of the Book

character with multiple attacks cheaper than it would be otherwise.
a. Reducing the Cost of Attacks: The rule that you only pay full cost for your most expensive attack
sounds pretty simple and often it is—but there are some finer points. Firstly, your “most expensive
attack” applies to Attack Chains (combinations of Traits that all add up). Secondly, when buying Traits

that mix attacks with other things (such as super strength which gives you STR and Damage Points) if
the Trait/Attack Chain is not the most expensive your character has, you get to reduce the cost of the
part of super strength (or any other trait) that represents the attack. We’ll give you some examples to
show how that works.
b. Effective Archetype Points: In a few cases some Trait will add damage “only sometimes.” An example
is a Cleave Trait which gives you a stronger strike once per Round (instead of every attack). In this
case we have some special rules if you are adding that damage to a special kind of attack (such as
adding damage to a disintegration ray which is much more effective than a regular blaster). This rule
(and some of the other rules for A-Cost) help maintain balance when mixing various kinds of Traits
and Attacks.

When we started looking at how we wanted to “construct” attacks in JAGS Revised Archetypes we started with four
“basic” configurations. These were:

Archetype Points (and Character Points)

1. Hand To Hand Impact: “Punch.” This ‘type of attack’ defaulted to Short Reach—but at Medium Reach could
Back of the Book

be, for example, a club or Level 3 Martial Arts kick. The term “punch” is just used for convenience.
2. Hand To Hand Penetration: “Blade” (also “Sword”). We defaulted this to Medium Reach (like a sword) but
could also be a knife or one of several bio-weapons.
3. Ranged Impact: “Blast.” This would be an “energy blast” or various other kinds of ranged Impact Damage
(thrown blunt objects).
4. Ranged Penetration: “Gun.” This represents a firearm or laser beam or other forms of ranged PEN Damage
(arrows, thrown knives, etc.).
In each case our standard configuration was as follows:

Type Range/Reach Rate of Fire REA Per Attack

Punch (HTH IMP) Short S 5 REA Medium
Blade (HTH PEN) Medium S 5 REA Medium
Blast (RNG IMP) -1/5y S 5 REA Medium
Gun (RNG PEN) -1/5y S 5 REA Medium

™™ Range/Reach: This deals with how close the attacker has to be to hit “normally.” A handgun is usually
-1/5y range, a punch is Short Reach and a hand-to-hand weapon is usually Medium Reach.
™™ Rate of Fire: The “S” stands for “Standard” meaning “you can fire as many times per Round as you have
REA for. Contrast to some attacks which are, for example, “1x” meaning that no matter how much REA
you have you can only fire once per Round.
™™ REA per Attack: The 5 REA Medium Action is “standard” for JAGS attacks. Some attacks cost more. In
many cases a character may have special abilities that let them launch a 5 REA attack for only 1 REA.

These attacks are the “building blocks” of all the other attacks in the game. When we start modifying them, the
damage dealt and cost changes (for example, a fire attack that has a continuing burn effect does fewer points of
damage per AP than the basic “Blast” attack since it is better). We’ll discuss this modification in more detail down


When buying a damage-dealing attack ability (whether it is a gun, super strength, laser vision, etc.) the first 8 AP you
spend does more damage per AP (i.e. L1: the “first level”) than each 8 AP thereafter (L+: each “additional level”).
Let’s take a look. Here is an attack power: Laser Vision
The things we want to focus on here for these purposes are:
1. The “General Cost” (8 AP)
2. The L1/L+ lines

General Cost
As we noted above, while we “suggest” that you buy powers in 2, 4, or 8 AP chunks, you don’t have to. It’ll
require some math but, as you can see with Laser Vision (L1), for 8 AP you get 16 PEN damage. If you spend only
4 AP? 8 PEN Damage. 2 AP? 4 points of PEN Damage.

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
L1/L+ Notation
This shows that for the first 8 AP (or fraction thereof) that you spend you get 2 PEN damage per AP. After that,
you get 11 PEN Damage for a full 8 AP (or 1.375 PEN Damage per AP).

So let’s look at three examples:

Example: 6 AP Spent on Laser Vision

A character invests 6 AP in being able to “shoot laser beams out of his eyes!”). Until the character starts spending
more than 8 AP they are buying at the L1 rate so this will do 12 PEN damage per shot.

Back of the Book

Example: 9 AP Spent on Laser Vision
The player decides he will invest 3 more AP in Laser Vision. What’s the damage now? The damage is 17 PEN per
shot. How’d we get that? The answer is: the first 8 AP gives 16 damage (the L1 rate). The last AP spent, however,
is buying at the L+ rate: 1.375 PEN damage per AP. Rounding normally, this is only +1 PEN. So the damage total is
16 PEN (for 8 AP at L1) + 1 PEN (1 AP at L+) = 17 PEN Damage per shot.

Example: 24 AP Spent on Laser Vision

The player later decides to invest a full 24 AP on Laser Vision! What’s the damage now? The answer is 16+11+11
= 38 PEN. How’d we get that? Well, the player is spending 24 AP, each 8 AP is “one level” and looking at the cost
chart at the bottom we see that the first level (L1) gets 16 PEN Damage. Each 8 AP after that (L+) gets 11 PEN
Damage. So “Level 3” Laser Vision deals 36 PEN Damage per shot.

Why L1 and L+?

Why did we do something so confusing? The answer is that our experiments with the simulator code (a java soft-
ware project that sets up JAGS battles and runs thousands of them per second to tell us what abilities are worth)
suggests that this, or something like it, is what’s “correct.” One of the reasons for this is that all characters start
with 50 Character Points spent on Damage Points, CON, and AGI (and so on) making them moderately tough for
0 APs (a character with 0 APs can still have a 12 CON, 14 Damage Points, and a -2 to-be-hit AGI Bonus).
Before any APs are spent, they are still “kind of tough.” So the first few APs invested in an attack have to balance
against the “basic character.” After that, though, if you keep adding APs and don’t add any more CPs to the char-
acter the return-on-investment kind of evens out.
A simpler way of saying this is that the first few APs you spend are less efficient (so you get more damage per
point) than those after. Our decision making split the difference at the 8 AP level.

Let’s expand that table of basic attack types to show the basic damage for each kind of “basic” attack:
Basic Attack Costs and Effects
Type Range/Reach Rate of Fire REA Per Attack Level 1 Level +
Punch (HTH IMP) Short S 5 REA Medium 16 IMP 10 IMP
Blade (HTH PEN) Medium S 5 REA Medium 12 PEN 9 PEN
Blast (RNG IMP) -1/5y S 5 REA Medium 13 IMP 9 IMP
Gun (RNG PEN) -1/5y S 5 REA Medium 11 PEN 9 PEN

Archetype Points (and Character Points)


Back of the Book

When you look at the Generic Archetype Abilities list (GATs) you’ll see abilities like this:

Armed & Dangerous Level [4 AP] L+

Description: You have extra damage, extra armor, and
some additional resilience. The armor will add to any worn
(or purchased) armor and may even apply (depending on
the level of meta-rules) if the character loses all gear.
Trait Buy Cost A-Cost Damage Armor DP/ADP
Gunslinger (RNG PEN) 1 4 AP +3 AP +3 PEN None +4 ADP

In this case each 4 APs of Gunslinger gives you +3 Ranged PEN (Gun) damage and +4 Ablative Damage Points (so if
the character invests 8 AP in Gunslinger they’ll do +6 PEN with any gun and get +8 ADP as well).
Note the “L+” designation in the top bar. This means that all Gunslinger damage is sold as L+ damage. This is
because (a) all levels of Gunslinger do the same thing (they all add the same amount of damage) and (b) the char-
acter is expected to have a gun to use it with. Whether the character paid AP for the gun or not (whether or not
characters pay AP for gear greatly depends on the game type), guns (and most weapons) start buying damage at L+.
So do powers like bio-weapons and super strength and the like.
Abilities marked with “L+” instead of ‘L1/L+’ are meant to be purchased to enhance damage done by other weapons.
When a character combines Traits bought at L1 or L+ with other Traits bought at L+ costs, this is called an “Attack
Note the A-Cost column in the stat-block. See how it has the ‘+’ sign? That means that the A-Cost of this ability is
expected to add to another ability—an Attack Chain of some sort (in this case, usually a gun). If the A-Cost does not
have a ‘+’ sign in front of it, that usually means the ability may or may not add to the damage done with an Attack
Chain (for example, the gun would not have a ‘+’ in front of the A-Cost because it’s quite possible to have a gun
without Gunslinger—but characters who buy Gunslinger usually must have a gun or other ranged PEN attack).

If the A-Cost of an ability has a “+” in front of it, that means it usually adds to some other attack. For hand-
to-hand attacks (Traits that enhance STR, BLD, or give some bio-weapon) they almost always have a “+” for

their A-Cost because they add to each other. Ranged attacks usually don’t—although some Traits which
specifically give more damage to ranged attacks like Gunslinger do have the “+.”

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
As noted above, a group of powers that “work together” (add their damage to each other resulting in more power
per attack) is called an Attack Chain.
Here is an example:

Example: Strong, Trained, Wasteland Mutant

The character is a mutant in a post-apocalyptic wasteland who is stronger than normal (Built) with bulging
muscles, trained in focused striking for more damage, and has a natural-weapon blades that extend from his
hands! All of these abilities “work together” to deal more damage per strike than any one of them would alone.

Back of the Book

Here’s how the character spends their AP:
Big, Strong, Trained Mutant
Ability Cost A-Cost Damage
Built (Armed) 8 AP +5 AP +5 with PEN Weapon
Focused Strike Half-Level (HTH-PEN) 4 AP +3 AP +3 with PEN Weapon
Bio-Blades 8 AP +8 AP 15 PEN
Totals 20 AP 16 AP (Attack Chain) Total Damage: 23 PEN
Remember that A-Cost is the total number of AP spent on an attack or Attack Chain. In this case, since these all
work together, the AP Cost is 20 and the A-Cost is 16. Why are they different? Because in addition to all the damage
these powers do the character also gets:
™™ +1 CON (from Built)
™™ +10 Damage Points (from Built)
™™ +5 Damage Points (from Focused Strike)
This makes up the difference.

We call sets of combat Traits where the damage adds together a “Chain.” As above, this is most common

with Traits that increase STR and BLD and bio-weapons—but it can also come from things like “Precision
Shooting” and ranged attacks (and other things).


When combining sources of damage in a chain as we did above it’s very important that only one (usually the
weapon involved) have L1 Damage costs. You cannot buy L1 super strength and L1 bio-blades, for example. This
is why the Generic Archetype Abilities usually are sold as L+ so that they are easier to combine with other attacks
(which will presumably be bought at L1 costs).

For any given chain of attack powers that add together in any way, you can only have one L1 ability in the

chain. All the other abilities have to be purchased at the L+ damage rating.


If you look carefully at the above, you’ll notice that we have focused on a case where a character with extra STR
and BLD (which adds to HTH damage) is using a penetrating weapon to do PEN damage. If you look up the power
(or squint at the image above) you will notice that after the word Built in the stat-block is the notation (Armed). We
have removed the “Unarmed” version for simplicity.
What’s going on?

Archetype Points (and Character Points)

Well, Penetration damage is better point-for-point than Impact damage, right? And if I pick up any Penetrating HTH
Back of the Book

Weapon—a sword—or even a knife—all my Base Damage (STR and BLD) suddenly becomes PEN damage. I not only
get the extra damage for the knife (+3 for a big one) I also turn my Base Damage (STR and BLD) into PEN. That’s
pretty nice.
It works for basic characters because of the way CPs are spent and because, when you are not playing with Arche-
type Points (or, at least, not a lot of them) you want a knife to be a big advantage of bare-handed damage: it sure
is in real life (we acknowledge that some players might not want that for all games—and that’s fair—but let’s limit
this discussion, currently to conditions where verisimilitude is favored just for the time being).
But let’s look at games where Archetype Points are being paid for combat-effectiveness: imagine a super-strong
super villain who invests a lot of SPs in Super Strength. He hits for Impact Damage. Now, he invests 1 AP in “knife.”
Suddenly all that Strength is amplified by one AP spent on a Penetrating-doing weapon! That isn’t balanced—
everyone would have to do that to keep up.
Because we expect Archetype Point spending to be reasonably balanced (it’ll never be completely balanced) we
can’t allow that. We also know this is complex enough already. So here’s what we did: We sell Strength/BLD in
“Armed” and “Unarmed” configurations.
Armed Strength (whether it comes from Super Strength, Built, or what have you) is cost-factored for doing PEN
damage. Unarmed Strength is cost-factored for doing IMP damage (and, therefore, will do a few points more
usually). When you build your character, determine which is more appropriate.

If your character commonly (or could commonly) use a PEN damage HTH weapon of any sort you must buy
Armed Strength (pick that version). If your character pretty much only fights barehanded (and does not

have some special ability that lets them do PEN damage that way) or only uses IMP weapons, you can get
Unarmed Strength.

Thoughts on Armed Strength

We know that this is a “meta-game” style rule. There are a few clear-cut cases where characters “cannot” use
PEN weapons—super heroes in a game where super-heroic conventions are in play (very few “brick” type charac-
ters in the comics use blades, for example) and some mystical martial arts style games where the characters are
explicitly bare-handed fighters. However, since using guns doesn’t count for this (your STR or BLD doesn’t add to
gun damage) super-spies could, for example, use Unarmed Strength if they simply abided by the convention that
they’d never use knives to fight.


If you look at some abilities you will see an A-Cost rating in addition to the AP Cost. This is the “Attack Cost” of the
power or, put more clearly, the amount of Archetype Points in the ability that are spent on doing damage. In the
case of powers that are just attacks, such as Plasma Blast, the entire AP Cost is also A-Cost (that’s all it does, really:
In the case of some other abilities, such as the Generic Archetype Ability “Built” (being hugely muscled and strong)
it’s only a portion: For every 8 AP spent on a level of being Built, only 5 AP of that are spent on “doing damage.” The
rest are spent on stuff like extra CON and Damage Points.
Why did we do this and what does it mean?
The reason we did this was because of a very specific realization: if a character has more than one attack, although
they get some advantage (in most cases) for being more flexible, since they can (generally) only use one attack at a
time, they are far, far less efficient in combat than a character with all their AP spent on just one attack that they do
over and over. The classic example is a guy with “laser vision” and “super strength.” If he has 16 AP spent on doing
damage and splits it 8 AP (super strength) and 8 AP (laser vision) he will lose something like 80% of the time to a
guy with just laser vision or just super strength at 16 AP. This is true even if the battle starts at some distance where
the guy with the split powers gets a shot or two as they close distance.

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
We decided that having characters with more than one attack was good for the game so we wanted to penalize
such characters less than the raw numbers implied. We also liked having abilities (such as Built) that mixed attacks
and defenses (this also applies to things like some armors that make the character heavier and therefore hit harder
in addition to providing damage resistance) and didn’t want to make players who chose them suffer if they also had
other attacks.
So we think it’s a good thing—but there are a few complexities to be examined.

You only pay full price for your most expensive attack. Other attacks pay 1/3rd the AP Cost. If I have a 6 AP

attack, for 2 AP I can have another 6 AP attack. For 1 AP invested in an alternate attack I get 3 AP worth of
damage out of it.

Back of the Book

Example: Built, Focused Strike, and Bio-Blades (and Laser Vision)
A post-apocalypse mutant who has been trained in the use of their bio-weapons is thickly muscled (Built, L1, for
8 AP, A-Cost +5 AP), has been trained in Focused Striking (4 AP, A-Cost of +3 AP), and has a Bio-Blades L1 (8 AP,
A-Cost: +8 AP). They also have Laser Vision … but have not decided how many AP to spend on it.

Ability Cost A-Cost Damage

Built (Armed) 8 AP +5 AP +5 with PEN Weapon
Focused Strike Half-Level (HTH-PEN) 4 AP +3 AP +3 with PEN Weapon
Bio-Blades 8 AP +8 AP 15 PEN
Totals 16 AP Total Damage: 23 PEN

Laser Vision 5 AP 15 AP 26 PEN

How does this work? Well Built, Focused Strike, and Bio-Blades are all one “chain” adding up to 16 AP spent on
attacks. This means that any attack (or other attack chain) that is less than or equal to 16 AP can be had for 1/3rd
the cost. So when the player invests 5 AP in Laser Vision, it counts as 3x that or 15 AP!
Could the Player invest 5.3 APs in Laser vision becoming a full 16 APs? The answer is “yes” as an Optional Advanced
rule (playing with fractional APs). That would get them an extra +1 PEN damage.

Archetype Points (and Character Points)


Back of the Book

Suppose in the above example the Player decides to invest 20 AP in Laser Vision, making it the most expensive
attack in his list. What happens to the costs of Built, Focused Strike, and Bio-Blades? The answer is that their
A-Costs are all reduced to 1/3rd (rounding normally). It looks like this:

AP in Attack New Cost

Ability Original Cost A-Cost (Adjusted) (Char Pays) Damage
Laser Vision 20 AP 20 AP 20 AP 20 AP 33 PEN
Built (Armed) 8 AP +5 AP 5/3 = 2 AP ( 8 – 3 = 5 ) 5 AP +5 with PEN Weapon
Focused Strike 4 AP +3 AP 3/3 = 1 AP ( 4 – 2 = 2 ) 2 AP +3 with PEN Weapon
Bio-Blades 8 AP +8 AP 8/3 = 3 AP ( 8 – 5 = 3 ) 3 AP 15 PEN
Totals 40 AP 16 AP 6 AP 30 AP Total DMG: 23 PEN
So let’s look at this:

Original Cost: This column shows what everything would cost if there were no A-Cost reduction rules in effect.
A-Cost: This is the “effective APs” in each attack. It’s unchanged. Just because the character didn’t pay full price for
those attacks, the A-Cost of the attack isn’t altered.
AP in Attack (Adjusted): On the other hand, we are playing with A-Cost reduction rules. The APs paid for the Built-
Focus-Blades attack chain is reduced! In this case it is reduced from an original 16 AP down to 6 AP. You can see
that the A-Cost for each ability is divided by 3 and rounded normally.
New Cost (Char Pays): This is what the character actually pays for each ability in the chain. The math is (Original

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
Cost – Amount of Reduction) Final Cost. So for Built, the original cost was 8 AP. The reduction was 5 of those APs
reduced to 2 APs so that’s -3 APs off the price bringing it to a total of 5 AP.
Damage: The damage is unchanged even though the actual price paid goes down.


Armed and Unarmed STR is only one part of the puzzle, however. There are some conditions where it’s more
complex than that. Consider a hypothetical “extreme case.” A super hero character buys super strength and puts 32
AP into extra STR—they go ahead and buy the Armed version. They then spend 1 AP to purchase special “Nano-
Sharp-Claws” which not only completely ignore armor and do PEN damage but also do even more damage when
the character gets a hit by 6+! The character’s hand to hand damage is now way better than even Armed STR cost
accounts for!

Back of the Book

What do you do?
Well, what you do—the “correct thing” to do—is to take the total A-Cost of the attack: in this case 32 AP (STR) and
1 AP (Nano-Sharp-Claws) and apply it to the most powerful form of attack in the chain (in this case: the claws). So
it’s like the character had 33 AP worth of Nano-Sharp-Claws!
This guarantees that the damage will be “correct” and prevents players from trying to figure out how to best divide
up APs to game the system (assuming we’ve gotten the damage/cost right for ‘Nano-Sharp-Claws,’ of course).
Moreover, if you are willing to do the conversion, you can get rid of Armed/Unarmed Strength altogether: you just
buy the Unarmed Version and instead of counting the number of points of damage it adds, if you pick up a PEN
weapon just add its A-Cost to that of the weapon and use that to calculate the damage.
We recommend you do this when: (a) you really care about balance, (b) you are playing with at least 16+ APs so the
numbers change enough to be significant, and (c) you aren’t worried about stopping to do the calculation. You also
have to know or at least have some idea of what the weapons you’re using are like power-wise: if the GM makes up

some new weapon you pick up you’ll have to know how to convert A-Cost to damage to do the math.

Damage for each attack can be calculated separately by adding up the A-Costs of the relevant traits in its
chain. If it is deemed too complicated to separate L1/L+, the A-Cost can be applied as though the entire

chain was purchased from L1 on up. The only damage from the character that is added is that which was
purchased with Character Points.

Archetype Points (and Character Points)
Back of the Book

A character with a 12 STR and 10 BLD has one level of Unarmed Built (the Generic Archetype Trait) Built has a
5 AP A-Cost. At some point the character picks up a 3 AP Blade (short sword?). The damage is calculated at 8 AP
L1 for a total of 12 PEN. The character then adds their STR/BLD that was purchased with Character Points for a
total of 14 PEN damage (+2 for STR, +0 for BLD). The character’s Punch uses the Unarmed Built stats of +7 Base
Damage (+5 STR, +2 for BLD) for a total of 9 IMP damage with a punch.
Note: If we wanted to get really “accurate” we would count the 5 APs from Built as L+ (since that’s how Built is
sold) which is +5 PEN and 3 APs at L1 (which is +4.5 PEN) for a total of 9.5 PEN which rounds up to 10. Meaning
that the character would only do 5 PEN (5 APs of Built at L+) + 4.5 PEN (3 APs of Blade at L1) + 2 (for CP-based
Strength) = 12 PEN (instead of 14). This is even more complex than we usually want to get.

If we haven’t lost everyone with the above, we want to look at the “flip side” of this effect. Some abilities add
damage under “rare conditions.” For example, a Cleave Generic Archetype Trait or a Vital Strike Archetype Trait has
an A-Cost but it adds “comparatively more damage” than you would normally get per AP. Why? Because they are
used less often (in the case of Cleave it’s once per Round, for example). Here’s an example:
We can see that Armed Cleave (Hand-To-Hand PEN Damage) adds +9 PEN damage for only 6 AP—that’s a great
deal. The question is: what if you use Armed Cleave with “Nano-Sharp-Claws”—a hypothetical attack that is much
better than normal armed damage. Or, what happens, if you use it with some attack that, say, costs 8 AP per strike
and, when you do it, takes away all your AGI Bonus? That attack is much worse than regular Armed Damage.
The answer is that you do the same thing “in reverse.” You add the A-Cost of Cleave but you multiply it by 1.5 (that’s
our standard rule). So if you had 8 AP (“one level”) of Armed Cleave and used it with something that was “much
better” (or much worse) than regular Armed Damage (for example: Cybernetic Armor-Piercing Claws) you would
ignore the +9 Damage and just add +9 AP worth of Cyber-Claws for that one strike per Round with your cleave.
Here’s an example using Cyber-Claws: Note that the A-Cost is marked with a “^” instead of a “+” because it’s an
attack that is significantly better than regular bladed damage.

Example: Cleave and Cyber Claws

A character has one level 8 AP of Armed Cleave (+6 A-Cost) and 8 AP (one level) of Cyber Claws. The “advanced
optional” damage calculation is as though the character has 17 AP of Cyber Claws. Why? 8 AP (Cyber Claws) and
(6 x 1.5 APs = 9 of Cleave). The damage is: 9 Super-Armor Piercing PEN for the claws, but once per round the
character can hit for an additional +8 Super-Armor Piercing PEN Damage with the Cleave.

When using enhancements that are worth less than “standard attacks” (which are 5 REA attacks that can be

used as many times per Round as you have AP for and hit using your normal skill roll) or when adding those
traits to an attack significantly better than a “standard attack” you multiply the listed A-Cost by 1.5.


The final part of this chapter covers Traits whose costs are based on your character’s Total Cost (Total Archetype
Points or “TAP”). What exactly does this mean? Let’s look at an example: a -4 Damage Modifier against all attacks.
This is a special ability that, whenever you are hit, the amount you were hit by is reduced by 4, thus reducing the
damage you took.
What’s that worth? It turns out, via simulator testing, that it’s worth about 1/4th of your character however much
that is. So if we sold it for, say, 10 AP, it’d be exactly right for 40 AP characters and too expensive for 16 AP charac-
ters and a bargain everyone over 40 AP ought to get! That’s not good—so we had to do something.

It gets a little more complicated though: most things—their percent of your character? It does go down a bit as
your character cost goes up. Not a lot—and it varies fairly significantly from ability group to ability group—so we
did some testing and made some estimations. Here’s what we wound up with:

Dual Wield TAP [.38, .28, .22]

Description: You fight with two weapons at once! The
character gets two 1 REA Attacks per Round.
Trait Attack 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64+
Dual Wield +2 3 6 8 9 10 12 14 14

In this case the example shows that two attacks each Round for 1 REA each is worth somewhere between 38% and
22% of your character points. Here’s how you read the ability:
The three numbers after TAP are what we tested (or estimated) the cost at for our test-suite. It has 16 AP, 32 AP,

Back of the Book

and 64 AP characters. If you are built on more than 64 AP, use the last number to see how much of your AP the
ability should cost. Round normally.
However, for values between 8 and 64 AP we’ve already done the math. You can just pay the listed cost in the
bottom row. If you are a 32 AP character it costs 9 AP to “dual wield.”

Scale Rules
The exact cost of a TAP power can be taken by multiplying the relevant cost value by the total number of APs

the character is built on. For AP values between the listed values, use the closest figure.

If I have a 256 AP character and want to buy Dual Wield for him? The cost is 56 AP (it’s 256 x .22 = 56.32, rounds
to 56).

Sometimes in addition to the % cost there are also a “flat value” of APs added. This could be because the Trait
mixes things (such as extra DP which just have a straight cost) or because we assigned it a minimum cost for some
reason. In either case, based on the ability, you may have to add some number to the % value to get the final cost.

The Scale rules are a set of mechanics that allow you to play very powerful characters without playing with
hundreds or thousands of APs. We recommend that, in general, you play with no more than 128 Archetype Points
as, above that level, things with a fixed cost become closer and closer to “free.” That’s okay—if you really want to
play with 500 or 2000 AP, go ahead: the system ought to work—but if you want another method, we have one.

The idea of Scale is this: take all your attributes that are open ended (such as armor, damage, and damage points)
and multiply them by a “scale number” (2x? 5x? 200x?). This allows you to be, for example, a super hero or an
intelligent T-Rex without having to have the 100’s of points in APs. You just buy whatever traits you want and then
the multiplication does the rest.

Every PC in the game will have the same Scale Number. So will any NPC who is expected to be “on the same

scale” as the characters.


As you will see, because (generally) all scalar values are multiplied by the same number it is possible to then just
“ignore the scale number” when two characters of the same scale are fighting. Thus, if you have two characters
who hit for 20 points Impact and are at Scale Number 200, although they are hitting each other for 4000 IMP each

Scale Rules

punch, you can “ignore that” and just use the 20. Now, if they try to pick up a car or something, you’ll want to use
Back of the Book

the actual values.


The first step in using these rules is picking a Scale Number. What number you choose will be determined by what
kind of game you want to play. Here are some examples:

Game Scale Number Notes

At Scale Number 10, a “pretty standard” 20 IMP punch hits for 200 Damage.
Four Color Super
10 A character with a normal-scale 18 STR goes to 90 STR and can easily lift a
Heroes: 64 AP car.
A Scale Number of 2 leaves most characters within the “believable” range
Powerful Heroes: 12 AP 2 but makes them quite powerful. Instead of just doubling the number of APs,
this approach leads to simpler characters.
Taking an SN of five puts characters into the “military weapons” zone. It
Military Cyborgs: 48 AP 5 won’t let them take hits from artillery or tank shells but it will let a 7 Armor
cyborg take a hit from a light machine gun.
This sort of “maximal” game means that the “normal world” is almost
World-Class Heroes:
100-200 or more meaningless. They can tear through steel like tissue paper, level skyscrapers,
128 AP and so on.

Other possibilities for using Scale:

™™ Level Up! We have an Adventure-Game level system which works—but you could also use Scale Numbers
(especially fractional ones: although you’ll want to use the Character Workbench program to do the math)
to level characters up.
™™ Power Up! Similar to Level Up, but if you are playing a game where a character can become a lot more pow-
erful under rare conditions, Scale Number is a good way to handle that (although, again, you’ll want to use
the Character Workbench program).


Once the Scale Number is decided on, you then multiply every “scalar value” the character has by it, rounding
normally if it is a decimal. You do not change non-scalar values like skill rolls, AGI Bonus, and so on.
Scalar Stats (Partial List)
™™ Damage Points and Ablative Damage Points
™™ Armor (both Damage Reduction and Pen Defense)
™™ Damage
™™ Strength and Build* (these have special rules, see below)
™™ Rating for Control Powers (such as Domain Control’s Fire Control)
™™ Intensity for Resisted Attacks
™™ Power for Force Fields and Power Fields
™™ Grapple Scores
Non-Scalar Stats (Partial List)
™™ AGI Bonus
™™ Skill Rolls
™™ Initiative
™™ Negative Damage Modifiers

When playing characters using the Scale Rules you may not wish to have every human character turn into a
monstrous hulk because their BLD was multiplied. This can also be true for Strength. As such, we allow you to
adjust your STR and BLD as you see fit while keeping the multiplied Base Damage.
Here are the rules:
1. What gets multiplied is Base Damage. After that you can modify STR and BLD to make that “make sense”
or not (depending on the character conception—high scale characters may be of “average Strength and
Build”—they still do additional damage.).
2. When multiplying STR by the Scale Number, you multiply STR above 10 only. So a 14 STR at SN 2 becomes
an 18 STR.
3. When multiplying BLD by the Scale Number, you multiply BLD above 10 only. So a 15 BLD SN 2 becomes a

Back of the Book

20 BLD.
4. You can choose not to multiply your BLD (or STR) and still keep the multiplied Base Damage. So if a
character has a STR of 15 and a BLD of 15 and they are Scale Number 2 they would hit for 6 (original Base
Damage) x 2 (Scale Number) = 12 Base Damage.
a. Keep STR and BLD unchanged but still hit for 12 Base Damage (inexplicably).

Scale Rules
b. Multiply STR but not BLD and still hit for 12 Base Damage. This would give them 20 STR, 15 BLD.
c. Multiply BLD but not STR and still hit for 12 Base Damage. This would be 15 STR, 20 BLD.
d. Multiply both STR and BLD and still hit for 12 Base Damage. This would be STR 20, BLD 20.
e. The character could choose any value for STR or BLD so long as it is less than STR 20, BLD 20—and,
again, this does not modify their Base Damage.
5. You will calculate your Grapple Score by multiplying the original value by the Scale Number (Note: This will
be slightly different than calculating it “normally” from the revised values).


A 10 STR, 10 BLD character with Scale Number 10 has a Base Damage of zero. What happens when they hit
someone empty-handed for +1 Damage? The answer is that a character’s minimum Base Damage becomes the ½
Scale Number of the campaign. Their Base Damage becomes 5.


Ranges for attacks are usually multiplied by Scale Number and movement rates are usually increased when Scale
Number goes up as well. If it makes sense to multiply Top-Speed by SN, do so: if playing “super powerful heroes” it
can make sense to have them fly or teleport great distances. It may make sense to multiply Flight’s Acceleration by
½ Scale Number.

When dealing with characters who are exceptional even by JAGS standards, we have included a mechanic for modi-
fying the cost of Total AP Cost Traits so that a character can have more of them. When you have a Scale Number of
more than 1 you can choose to half it (and half it again, and again if you want) and reduce your Total AP Number
for purposes of calculating TAP Cost by that divisor.

In a 128 AP (Super Hero-Level) game the characters have a Scale Number of 4. If a character wishes to have two
TAP abilities of [TAP .50] and [TAP .60] this is normally illegal. The character would pay 64 + 77 APs = 141 APs—
which is more than 128 and too much.
However, he can choose to reduce his Scale Number to either 2 or 1 and calculate the cost from either 128/2 = 64
or 128/4 = 32 APs! If he does the latter (reducing his Scale Number to 1) he would pay 16 AP + 19 AP = 35 AP out
of his 128!
He can be super fast, hard to hit, and have all kinds of other powers (of course he won’t stack up too well to a
Scale Number 4 bruiser—but that’s kind of the point).

Adventure Games

This is called “Base Line” because it changes the ‘base line’ from which you calculate Total AP costs and can be a
Back of the Book

good way to create characters with exceptional groups of powers such as Fast Company and Success Pool groupings
which are normally too expensive.

We wanted to touch on a specific kind of play here because the rules have been developed to support it even
though it isn’t integral to understanding how to use them (future JAGS world books will go into more detail). What
we’re talking about here are “Adventure Games” which we mean, in capital letters, to mean games that kind of play
like computer Massive Multiplayer Online games … or, uh, classic RPGs. Specifically:
1. You “level up” and your character can be expressed in terms of a level. Your character may have a “Class”!
2. You often find and use gear rather than paying AP for gear. You may have special abilities and gear.
3. You sometimes fight “bosses” which are opponents designed to handle many characters at once.
4. You get a semi-regular cadence of experience which can include Character Points, Archetype Points, and
Success Points.


Unlike “regular JAGS” in an Adventure Game you’ll have a Class and a Level. The Level is basically the number of
APs of strength your character is likely to represent and the Class determines how many of those APs you got to
spend vs. what you (hopefully) found and used. Let’s take a look:

Each Level represents 8 potential Archetype Points. A player may not have full discretionary power over

spending each of these points as some may be expected to come from gear.

A character’s Class represents how many of those APs are expected to come from found gear vs. discre-

tionary spending.

For the basic explanation there are only two classes: Gear Users and Innate. In a specific game this could be
Warriors (using weapons and armor) and Wizards (casting spells which are innate). It could be Space Ranger (uses
gear from ‘Star Command’) and Alien (has innate abilities due to their alien-ness) and so on.
The things to look at are:
1. Level: You start at Level 1 (generally) and that may mean you, if you are a gear user, get no Discretionary AP
to spend on your character.
2. Discretionary AP: This is how many AP you get to spend yourself, from the list.
3. Expect to Wield/Wear: This is how many APs you are expected to have from gear in offense (Wield) and
defense (wear). We’ll explain that more later.
4. The Total Effective AP adds up Discretionary and Gear (Wield/Wear).


These are the characters that will get the most out of finding gear. They can use almost anything they pick up (there
may be some exceptions in a more complex game—but the idea is that pretty much if you find it, you can use it).

Level Total Effective AP Discretionary AP Expect to Wield Expect to Wear

1 8 0 4 4
2 16 4 6 6
3 24 8 8 8
4 32 12 10 10
5 40 16 12 12

6 48 20 14 14
7 56 24 16 16
8 64 28 18 18
9 72 32 20 20
10 80 36 22 22
11 88 40 24 24

These characters get most of their “oomph” from their natural abilities. Note: They get some gear—but gear that

Back of the Book

an “Innate” can use is usually far weaker and specially noted. An “Innate” character can spend their discretionary
points however they want—but if they put all of them in, say, Offense, keep in mind that they can’t use most armor

Adventure Games
they find—and if they can (it’s listed as “Innate Useful”) it usually isn’t all that powerful.

Level Total Effective AP Discretionary AP Expect from Gear

1 8 8 0
2 16 15 1
3 24 22 2
4 32 29 3
5 40 36 4
6 48 43 5
7 56 50 6
8 64 56 7
9 72 66 8
10 80 71 9
11 88 78 10

TAP Cost is computed from Total Effective AP—NOT Discretionary AP.



Remember that in Adventure Games you are expected to maybe go into a set of caverns and fight monsters and
get magical treasure. Maybe you’re raiding a corporate installation to bring back bleeding edge prototype tech? Or
crossing a radioactive desert to look abandoned post-apocalyptic ruins? Whatever the case, some of you, likely, will
bring back gear—and not just radios and whatever—we mean guns, power armor, magical swords—like that.
So let’s discuss gear. In a point-buy game, how do you handle that? The answer is that the GM should include gear
(treasure or stuff you can buy) that is generally “level appropriate” and spec’d out in terms of AP Cost. It is fine for
stuff that is harder to get to be more than the “Expected” values for whatever level the characters are at. It’s okay
to use random tables to determine what’s where—and have those stray a bit from the mean—but in general, if
you are in a “first level” area most of the gear you find will be around 3-5 AP worth, centering on 4. That goes for
weapons and armor.
It is fine to say that some gear can only be used by a specific level character (if you find the “death blade” you must
at least Level 4 to use it) and it’s okay to say that some gear doesn’t necessarily play well with other gear. Usually
you can only use one weapon in each hand if you have spent 2 CP on “Ambidextrous” (see rules-changes above). A
character might have a limited number of pieces of magical jewelry they can use so if they already have an amulet
and they find another? They have to choose which.

Adventure Games

And so on. Specific adventure books will go into this in you can make the guys who don’t hit so hard
Back of the Book

far more detail. irrelevant. That’s not, per se, a problem but
it can be boring. If you give your boss a lot
Note of ADP they can last several rounds “taking
These rules can be used for non-Adventure games damage” to no effect which can be good for
as well. If you are playing “Super Spies” you might the game.
set the characters at Level 8 Gear Using Class and 5. Too Many Damage Points Can Suck: If a good
inform them that they can have 18 AP worth of hit by an average party member does not do
stuff for attack and defense that comes from gear enough damage (after all ADP are gone, after a
and have 28 APs from innate abilities. This would Force Field is down, after Armor, etc.) to inflict
provide a mix of gear and innate powers that a Minor Wound on at least +2 or +3 Damage
could help the genre even if the super spies don’t Modifier then what you’re going to get are a
commonly “level up” or find loot. lot of Minor Wounds that don’t become Major
Wounds when the boss hits Injured Condition.
Having the Boss be Dazed all the time for
BOSSES several Rounds is, in our experience, pretty
The concept of bosses is that there is one character boring.
that can effectively fight the “whole party.” In practice
we recommend that it be “one boss with a couple EXPERIENCE POINTS
of “retainers”” to send against the “whole party” When playing an adventure game you want a cadence
because that seems to be a little more interesting. of advancement that isn’t too fast or too slow. Using
Whatever you choose, though, if you decide to build a 8 AP levels (you can use 4 AP levels, if you want,
boss character, here are some guidelines. for more leveling up with less effect) you get pretty
powerful pretty fast. The charts go to 11 and you can
1. The bosses’ Total AP Cost should be about extrapolate them, but around Level 10 you start being
that of the party added together or less. If you extremely powerful and if you have a game at Level 20
exceed that, unless the points are not spent (160 AP) that’s quite high (we think).
very aggressively you can have someone that
very much overpowers the group. Here is what we did for our 2-year running play-test
2. The bosses’ A-Cost should be in the 50% to (post apocalypse genre).
75% of the PC’s total cost for attacks which 1. We went in “dungeons”—but they were big
are expected to hit pretty hard but not totally (multiple play-sessions) and hard. Each (large)
overwhelm the characters. level of the dungeon we completed got us 1
3. To have one character (the boss) fight many Level.
you will want to make the boss use REA 2. We got Character Points for doing stuff in the
efficiently. There are several ways to do this. above world at a rate of 1-2 CP per play session
Some of them are: (generally). Even fairly tough things in the
a. GATS that let characters attack for 1 REA “above world” didn’t get us AP and didn’t get
and GATS that give the boss more REA to us much CP.
use. 3. We found Success Points as treasure pretty
b. There are GATS that make attacks hard often but also had a mechanism where we
to block. This good if the boss only gets could get one at the end of a session as a kind
a few attacks each Round and you want of “experience” up to a maximum of 4 SPs that
them to land. way. You could give out SPs for each player
c. There are GATS that give multiple 1 REA saying what their character does “after the
attacks against separate characters. This adventure” or saying something about their
is a good thing for 1-vs-many characters. past … in our case it was a riddle or joke (which
d. SP Pools can be good for Bosses since was supposed to be “in character” but was
they get spent over time it makes the often only loosely so—and that was okay).
boss more effective in the early rounds
and less effective in the later rounds.
4. Avoid Armor Dumps and ADP is Your Friend:
If you have characters who just don’t hit as
hard as others and you spend a lot on Armor

Index I-1

A Aquatic�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84
Archetype Point Cost����������������������������������������������������� 7
Abnegate��������������������������������������������������������������������� 303
Archetype Points�������������������������������������������������������� 381
Access�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 360
Armed & Dangerous���������������������������������������������������� 27
Acid Blood��������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Armed & Dangerous Level����������������������������������������� 387
A-Cost (“Attack Cost”)����������������������������������������������� 389
Armed vs. Unarmed Cost��������������������������������������������� 14
Adaptation�������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
Armed vs. Unarmed Strength��������������������������������������� 9
Advanced Counterstrike�������������������������������������������� 162
Armor����������������������������������������������������������������������93, 94
Advanced Glamour����������������������������������������������������� 310
Armor Block��������������������������������������������������������������� 271
Advanced Immovable Stance������������������������������������� 160
Armored Bio-System���������������������������������������������������� 94
Advanced Mechanics/Big Generator������������������������� 357
Armored Lungs����������������������������������������������������������� 136
Advanced Size Rules����������������������������������������������������� 64
Armor of Night����������������������������������������������������������� 248
Adventure Games: Finding Gear������������������������������� 351
Artificial Reflexes�������������������������������������������������14, 132
Aerobatics������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Artilect������������������������������������������������������������������������ 140
Agents��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
Astral Avatar��������������������������������������������������������������� 202
Air Run������������������������������������������������������������������������ 270
Astral Crypt���������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Air/Wind Control������������������������������������������������������� 227
Astral Domain������������������������������������������������������������ 203
Albino��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
Astral Guide���������������������������������������������������������������� 203
Alien Biology���������������������������������������������������������������� 84
Astral Navigator��������������������������������������������������������� 203
Allies��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Astral Projection�������������������������������������������������������� 203
All You Need Is Love�������������������������������������������������� 288
Athletic������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
Amplify Voice������������������������������������������������������������� 257
AT Rocket with Shaped Charge��������������������������������� 334
Analyze Opponent������������������������������������������������������� 32
Attack Cost (A-Cost)������������������������������������������������������ 9
Anesthetic������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
Attack Power���������������������������������������������������������������� 12
Anger�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Attack Powers������������������������������������������������������������� 383
Animal Aspect������������������������������������������������������������ 284
Attack Powers: Level 1 and Level +������������������������������� 8
Animal Body Type Powers������������������������������������������� 52
Attack Tails����������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Animal Companion������������������������������������������������������ 36
Aura of Awe/Fear������������������������������������������������������� 307
Animal Control����������������������������������������������������������� 281
Aura of Cold���������������������������������������������������������������� 250
Animal Empathy�������������������������������������������������������� 284
Auto-Fire��������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Animal Mind���������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Automaton������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Animal Spies��������������������������������������������������������������� 284
Avatar�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 217
Animate Air���������������������������������������������������������������� 230
Avian�����������������������������������������������������������������������63, 71
Animate Earth������������������������������������������������������������ 240
Azure Flame���������������������������������������������������������������� 223
Animate Fire��������������������������������������������������������������� 222
Animate Metal������������������������������������������������������������ 233
Animate Plant������������������������������������������������������������ 313 B
Animate Shadow�������������������������������������������������������� 247 Back Kick�������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Animate Water����������������������������������������������������������� 237 Back Up Plan���������������������������������������������������������������� 40
Annoying/Unpleasant�������������������������������������������������� 92 Bark Armor����������������������������������������������������������������� 313
An Overview of Some Special Rules for Animal/Non- Basic Ability (Fixed Cost)��������������������������������������������� 12
Humanoid Characters�������������������������������������� 50 Basic Glamour������������������������������������������������������������ 310
Antennae�������������������������������������������������������������������� 120 Basic Telekinesis��������������������������������������������������������� 196
Anti Gravity���������������������������������������������������������������� 243 Basilisk������������������������������������������������������������������������ 104
I-2  Index

Battle Beast��������������������������������������������������������220, 284 Burn Mind������������������������������������������������������������������ 188

Battle Buddy��������������������������������������������������������������� 319 Burst of Speed������������������������������������������������������������ 114
Beak���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Beast of Burden������������������������������������������������������������ 79
Beat the House����������������������������������������������������������� 299
Call Down Lightning�������������������������������������������������� 269
Become Tree��������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Camouflage����������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Believers����������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
Carapace������������������������������������������������������������������������ 95
Belly Mouth���������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Carnivore���������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Big Tent Extraction���������������������������������������������������� 315
Categories of Resisted Attack Charts������������������������ 376
Bio-Blades������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Cell Decrypter������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Bio-Defenses����������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Centaur������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
Biped����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Chain Lightning��������������������������������������������������������� 261
Bitter Rejection���������������������������������������������������������� 288
Change a Hawk to a Little White Dove��������������������� 289
Black Heart����������������������������������������������������������������� 295
Charges, # of Shots, Rate of Fire,
Black Out�������������������������������������������������������������������� 276
Endurance Mods��������������������������������������������� 335
Blades of Hate������������������������������������������������������������ 295
Charm������������������������������������������������������������������������� 194
Blind Fighting������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Charm/Seduce������������������������������������������������������������ 289
Blind Spot������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
Chemical Communication����������������������������������������� 121
Blizzard����������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
Chemical Sprays��������������������������������������������������������� 103
Block a Bullet with a Bullet���������������������������������������� 155
Chi Attack������������������������������������������������������������������� 271
Block/Dodge Ranged Attack�������������������������������������� 158
Chi Leaping����������������������������������������������������������������� 271
BLOC Technology������������������������������������������������������� 129
Chi Stealth������������������������������������������������������������������ 271
Bloodhound���������������������������������������������������������������� 121
Chi Strength��������������������������������������������������������������� 272
Blubber������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
Circular Block������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Body/Chi Control������������������������������������������������������� 270
Clairvoyance��������������������������������������������������������������� 177
Bodyguard�������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
Classes������������������������������������������������������������������������ 397
Bosses������������������������������������������������������������������������� 399
Class Five-Neuro-Tox������������������������������������������������� 144
Brachiate��������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Claws & Teeth������������������������������������������������������������� 101
Brainiac������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Cleave���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Brass Knuckles����������������������������������������������������������� 142
Climbing��������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Breaking Blow������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Clinch Block���������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Breaking Things Modifications���������������������������������� 346
Cloak of Shadows������������������������������������������������������� 247
Breathe Fire���������������������������������������������������������������� 223
Clone Powers�������������������������������������������������������������� 320
Breathe Frost�������������������������������������������������������������� 250
Clothing���������������������������������������������������������������������� 361
Breathe Water/Air�������������������������������������������������������� 79
Club Hands����������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Broadcast Empathy���������������������������������������������������� 204
Clubs��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 319
Bronzed������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
Cobra Strike���������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Buffs������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26
Coil Gun Harpoon������������������������������������������������������ 143
Built����������������������������������������������������������������� xlviii, l, 27
Cold Blooded���������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Bullet Ballet���������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Cold Heart������������������������������������������������������������������ 263
Bullet Proof Skin���������������������������������������������������������� 95
Combat vs. Utility Powers��������������������������������������������� 8
Bullet Rounds��������������������������������������������������������������� 91
Combination Strike���������������������������������������������������� 161
Burning Man�������������������������������������������������������������� 223
Combined Ability��������������������������������������������������������� 14
Index I-3

Come Back�������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Cybernetic Jump Jets������������������������������������������������ 135

Commander������������������������������������������������������������������ 32 Cybernetic Weapon Mounts�������������������������������������� 336
Comm Scanner����������������������������������������������������������� 139 CyberSaw�������������������������������������������������������������������� 142
Commune with Plants����������������������������������������������� 313 CyberScythe���������������������������������������������������������������� 142
Communications�������������������������������������������������������� 361 CyberShell������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Complications������������������������������������������������������������ 366 Cyber-Sick������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
Compound Ability�������������������������������������������������������� 13 Cyber Suit������������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Computing Damage Modifiers���������������������������������� 373 Cyber-Toxins��������������������������������������������������������������� 144
Continuing Attacks Generally Do Go During a Bullet
Round�������������������������������������������������������������� 154
Control Air������������������������������������������������������������������ 230
Control Animal����������������������������������������������������������� 285 Dai Katana, Sucker!���������������������������������������������������� 316
Control Earth������������������������������������������������������������� 240 Damage from Throws and Falls
Against Plate Armor��������������������������������������� 373
Control Fire���������������������������������������������������������������� 224
Dark Aura������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Control Magnetics������������������������������������������������������ 234
Darkness��������������������������������������������������������������������� 244
Control Water������������������������������������������������������������� 238
Darkness Control�����������������������������������������������245, 247
Cool Gear���������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
Dazzle������������������������������������������������������������������������� 244
Counter Puncher���������������������������������������������������������� 28
Death Control�����������������������������������������������������262, 264
Counterstrike������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Death Dance��������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Crane Stance��������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Death Ray������������������������������������������������������������������� 264
Create Air�������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Death Walker�������������������������������������������������������������� 264
Cryogenic Freezing���������������������������������������������������� 250
Defender����������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Crystalline Body����������������������������������������������������������� 85
Defensive Moves���������������������������������������������������������� 32
Cupid’s Arrow/Love Potion #Nine���������������������������� 290
Delusion���������������������������������������������������������������������� 194
Cure����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 286
Dense Physique������������������������������������������������������������ 90
Curses������������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Desert/Arctic���������������������������������������������������������������� 92
CyberArm������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Detect������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
CyberCannon�������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Detonate��������������������������������������������������������������������� 107
CyberClaws����������������������������������������������������������������� 142
Diamondoid Shell��������������������������������������������������������� 95
Cyber-Cult������������������������������������������������������������������ 129
Diamonds������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
CyberDart������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Digigrade Legs������������������������������������������������������������ 115
CyberEye��������������������������������������������������������������������� 137
Dig Two Graves���������������������������������������������������������� 295
CyberEye Modifications��������������������������������������������� 137
Disease Carrier����������������������������������������������������������� 123
CyberFlamer��������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Disguise���������������������������������������������������������������������� 310
CyberGrid������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
Disposable������������������������������������������������������������������ 220
CyberGun�������������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Distract����������������������������������������������������������������������� 311
CyberHand – Engineering����������������������������������������� 134
Do I Pay Archetype Points for Equipment?������������������ 6
CyberHand – Medical������������������������������������������������� 134
Dominate�������������������������������������������������������������������� 194
CyberHand – Spider Drone���������������������������������������� 134
Don’t Need No Credit Card to Ride This Train��������� 290
CyberHeart����������������������������������������������������������������� 136
Double Time��������������������������������������������������������������� 253
CyberKidneys and Liver��������������������������������������������� 136
Dragon Glow��������������������������������������������������������������� 273
CyberLegs������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
Draw���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 311
CyberMissile��������������������������������������������������������������� 143
Dreamer������������������������������������������������������������������������ 43
I-4  Index

Dream Walker������������������������������������������������������������� 204 Extra Agile������������������������������������������������������������������ 155

Drive Anything������������������������������������������������������������� 40 Extra Dimensional Being Class 1������������������������������ 307
Drone�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 358 Extra Dimensional Being Class 2������������������������������ 307
Drown������������������������������������������������������������������������� 238 Extra Planar Teleport������������������������������������������������� 307
Dual Wield������������������������������������������������������������32, 394 Extreme Free Running����������������������������������������������� 115
Duplicate��������������������������������������������������������������������� 253 Extreme Resistance���������������������������������������������������� 118
Extreme Vehicle����������������������������������������������������������� 38

E Eyes of Hate���������������������������������������������������������������� 295

Eye Stalks�������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Eagle Eyes������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Ear Jack���������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Earth Control������������������������������������������������������������� 239 F
Earth Sense����������������������������������������������������������������� 240 Face Mutations����������������������������������������������������������� 124
Echolocation��������������������������������������������������������������� 257 Face Smash����������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Electrical Control������������������������������������������������������� 261 Facial Recognition Scan��������������������������������������������� 138
Electric Shock��������������������������������������������������������������� 98 Fans������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
Elephant Ears������������������������������������������������������������� 121 Fast Company and Weapons������������������������������������� 150
Emotional Vampire���������������������������������������������������� 205 Fast Company Level 1������������������������������������������������ 152
Emotions�������������������������������������������������������������������� 206 Fast Company Level 2������������������������������������������������ 152
Empathy��������������������������������������������������������������������� 205 Fast Company Level 3������������������������������������������������ 152
End of CyberEye Enhancements������������������������������� 139 Fast Company Level 4������������������������������������������������ 152
Endurance������������������������������������������������������������������� 272 Fast Company Packages��������������������������������������������� 152
Energy Body����������������������������������������������������������������� 86 Fast Runner���������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Energy Defenses����������������������������������������������������������� 97 Fear����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Energy Fists���������������������������������������������������������������� 107 Feeling of Being Watched�������������������������������������������� 44
Energy Torpedo���������������������������������������������������������� 107 Find True Love����������������������������������������������������������� 290
Engineer����������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Fireball������������������������������������������������������������������������ 224
Ergovore����������������������������������������������������������������������� 83 Fire Control���������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Esoteric Knowledge������������������������������������������������������ 40 Fire Lance������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
Eviscerate�������������������������������������������������������������������� 307 Fire/Light������������������������������������������������������������������� 361
Evolved Boomslang Venom��������������������������������������� 144 Fire Shield������������������������������������������������������������������� 224
Example Racial Traits�������������������������������������������������� 50 Fire Starter����������������������������������������������������������������� 224
Examples�������������������������������������������������������������������� 324 Fists of Hate��������������������������������������������������������������� 296
Execration������������������������������������������������������������������� 295 Flame Thrower������������������������������������������������������������ 224
Executioner������������������������������������������������������������������ 32 Flash-Bang Launcher������������������������������������������������� 143
Exoskeleton������������������������������������������������������������������ 80 Flicker������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Exotic (Bio-Mech?)����������������������������������������������������� 129 Flight��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Exotic Energy Attacks������������������������������������������������ 111 Float Like a Butterfly������������������������������������������������� 161
Exotic Movement & Teleportation��������������������������� 116 Float Pod��������������������������������������������������������������������� 114
Exotic Training!������������������������������������������������������������ 33 Flower Power�������������������������������������������������������������� 290
Experience Points������������������������������������������������������� 399 Flurry of Strikes����������������������������������������������������������� 33
Expertise����������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 Focused Strike�������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Explaining the Bullet Round������������������������������������� 154 Followers���������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
Extendable Arm��������������������������������������������������������� 134 Force Attacks�������������������������������������������������������������� 108
Index I-5

Force Beam����������������������������������������������������������������� 108

Force Bubble��������������������������������������������������������������� 109
Hacker Suite��������������������������������������������������������������� 140
Force Field�������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Hacking����������������������������������������������������������������������� 274
Force Hammer������������������������������������������������������������ 109
Hard Core���������������������������������������������������������������22, 33
Force Punch���������������������������������������������������������������� 109
Hardened Bone Structure������������������������������������������ 133
Force Sphere����������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Hard Questions���������������������������������������������������������� 170
Forest Walk����������������������������������������������������������������� 313
Hard to Hit������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
Forget Me������������������������������������������������������������������� 191
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 1������������������������������������������� 136
Fortune/Bless������������������������������������������������������������� 299
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 2������������������������������������������� 136
Four Arms������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 3������������������������������������������� 136
Fragmentation Grenade��������������������������������������������� 333
Hardwired Reflexes Mk 4������������������������������������������� 136
Freeze�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Harmonic Field����������������������������������������������������������� 272
Freeze Ray������������������������������������������������������������������ 251
Harmony��������������������������������������������������������������������� 205
Frost Bolt�������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Harmony with the Tao����������������������������������������������� 300
Fur��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
Hate Control��������������������������������������������������������������� 294
Hate the Game����������������������������������������������������������� 296
G Hate the Player����������������������������������������������������������� 296
Gas Body����������������������������������������������������������������������� 87 Hate Vision����������������������������������������������������������������� 296
Gear: Wield and Wear������������������������������������������������ 398 Hate Worm����������������������������������������������������������������� 297
General Errors������������������������������������������������������������ 367 Haymaker������������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Generator�������������������������������������������������������������������� 220 Head’s Up Display������������������������������������������������������ 146
Genetic Muscle Therapy��������������������������������������������� 132 Healing Augmentation����������������������������������������������� 146
Get a Clue������������������������������������������������������������������� 320 Healing Aura��������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Getting Rich��������������������������������������������������������������� 171 Healing Factor������������������������������������������������������������ 118
Getting Up Off the Ground��������������������������������������� 370 Healing Touch/Love�������������������������������������������286, 291
Get Your Hate On������������������������������������������������������� 296 Heart of Gold�������������������������������������������������������������� 291
Ghost Dance��������������������������������������������������������������� 264 Hearts������������������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Ghost in the Machine������������������������������������������������ 277 Heart to Heart to Heart��������������������������������������������� 291
Giant Brain����������������������������������������������������������������� 124 Heat Pit����������������������������������������������������������������������� 121
Give Love a Bad Name����������������������������������������������� 291 Heat Ray��������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Glowing Eyes�������������������������������������������������������������� 122 Heat Wave������������������������������������������������������������������� 269
Going Unconscious���������������������������������������������������� 153 Heavy Fuel (Artificial Blood)������������������������������������� 136
Golden BB������������������������������������������������������������������� 155 Heavy Metal��������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Golden Bell Technique����������������������������������������������� 272 Heightened Def���������������������������������������������������������� 155
Grabbing Block����������������������������������������������������������� 159 Helpless���������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
Grappling Rules���������������������������������������������������������� 371 Herbivore���������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Gravity Control��������������������������������������������������241, 243 Hidden Ace [N/A]������������������������������������������������������� 254
Gravity Field��������������������������������������������������������������� 243 Hidden Ace [TAP]������������������������������������������������������� 254
Ground Move������������������������������������������������������������� 115 Hide������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 95
Gun Kata��������������������������������������������������������������������� 155 Hide in Shadows��������������������������������������������������������� 247
Highly Visible��������������������������������������������������������������� 92
High Range Hearing��������������������������������������������������� 121
Hologram�������������������������������������������������������������������� 244
I-6  Index

Hop/Jump������������������������������������������������������������������ 115 Intuition����������������������������������������������������������������������� 43

Horns�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103 Inventor������������������������������������������������������������������������ 41
Hover�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 114 Investigator������������������������������������������������������������������ 41
Humanoid��������������������������������������������������������������������� 72 Invisibility������������������������������������������������������������������� 119
Hurricane Kicks���������������������������������������������������������� 161 Inv Threshold������������������������������������������������������ xlix, 118
Hydrostatic Skeleton��������������������������������������������������� 80 Invulnerability������������������������������������������������������������ 119
Hyper Running����������������������������������������������������������� 116 Ion Beam��������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Hyper Strength������������������������������������������������������������ 90 Ion Field���������������������������������������������������������������������� 261
Hyper Suit������������������������������������������������������������������� 358 Ion Lance�������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Iron Fortress��������������������������������������������������������������� 273

I I’ve Got My Mind Set on You������������������������������������� 317

Ice Armor�������������������������������������������������������������������� 251

Ice Bomb��������������������������������������������������������������������� 251 J
Ice/Cold Control��������������������������������������������������������� 250 Jack of All Trades��������������������������������������������������������� 41
Ice Control������������������������������������������������������������������ 252 Jaws����������������������������������������������������������������57, 58, 101
Ice Storm�������������������������������������������������������������������� 252 Jet of Flame���������������������������������������������������������������� 225
Ice Surfing������������������������������������������������������������������� 252 Jet Pack����������������������������������������������������������������������� 359
ID Tattoos������������������������������������������������������������������� 129 Jet Pack/Flight Rig/Drone����������������������������������������� 358
Ignite��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 225 Jinx����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 300
Illuminate������������������������������������������������������������������� 245 Joy������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 206
Illusions��������������������������������������������������������������309, 311 Jump Kick/Punch������������������������������������������������������ 161
Illusory Target������������������������������������������������������������ 312 Jump-Spin Power Kick����������������������������������������������� 161
Immovable Stance������������������������������������������������������ 159
Immuno-Boost����������������������������������������������������������� 146
I’m Not Left Handed���������������������������������������������������� 34
Kidney Punch������������������������������������������������������������� 159
Impenetrable���������������������������������������������������������������� 95
Kill Shot���������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Imprison��������������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Knee/Elbow Strike����������������������������������������������������� 159
I’m Your Rock������������������������������������������������������������� 315
Knowing Things���������������������������������������������������������� 178
Incinerate�������������������������������������������������������������������� 225
“K-Smart” (Smart Ketamine) Tranquilizer��������������� 144
Inferno������������������������������������������������������������������������ 225
Influence��������������������������������������������������������������������� 194
Infra Skin�������������������������������������������������������������������� 135 L
Injector Talons������������������������������������������������������������ 142 Lab Scenes and Science! Dramas������������������������������� 364
Ink Spray��������������������������������������������������������������������� 103 Land of Confusion����������������������������������������������������� 318
Insectoid����������������������������������������������������������������������� 72 Larger Body Types�������������������������������������������������������� 77
Insert Memory����������������������������������������������������������� 192 Larger Humanoid (Giant)��������������������������������������55, 77
Installation������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Larger Insectoid����������������������������������������������������������� 77
Instant Cure��������������������������������������������������������������� 286 Larger Pisciform/Avian/Serpent���������������������54, 58, 77
Instant Reload������������������������������������������������������������ 156 Larger Quadruped Herbivore/Insectoid���������55, 56, 77
Integrated Hyper Suit������������������������������������������������ 358 Larger Quadruped Predator/Insectoid�����������������62, 77
Internal Armor����������������������������������������������������������� 135 Larger Quadruped Predator/Insectoid –
Internal Computer����������������������������������������������������� 141 Bite Only�����������������������������������������������������57, 77
Intrusion Expert���������������������������������������������������������� 41
Index I-7

Laser��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245 Mad Science Errors���������������������������������������������������� 366

Laser Vision���������������������������������������������������������������� 111 Maelstrom������������������������������������������������������������������ 303
Lend Strength������������������������������������������������������������ 315 Mag Lev���������������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Leopard Fist���������������������������������������������������������������� 159 Magnetic/Metal Control�������������������������������������������� 232
Lethal Neurotoxin������������������������������������������������������ 112 Major Weakness��������������������������������������������������������� 125
Life Control���������������������������������������������������������������� 286 Manic���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Life Drain���������������������������������������������������������������������� 83 Manna Organ������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Life Leach�������������������������������������������������������������������� 265 Many Mouths to Feed������������������������������������������������ 124
Life Sense�������������������������������������������������������������������� 287 Mass Attack������������������������������������������������������������������ 34
Light Control������������������������������������������������������243, 245 Massive������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Lighting Bolts������������������������������������������������������������� 261 Mastermind������������������������������������������������������������������ 42
Lightning Block���������������������������������������������������������� 162 Math for a Single Modifier���������������������������������������� 324
Lightning Breath�������������������������������������������������������� 261 Math for Multiple Modifiers������������������������������������� 324
Lightning Control������������������������������������������������������ 260 Mechakinesis�������������������������������������������������������������� 278
Lightning Strike��������������������������������������������������������� 261 Medical����������������������������������������������������������������������� 361
Light Tricks���������������������������������������������������������������� 312 Medium���������������������������������������������������������������������� 178
Limited Scope������������������������������������������������������������� 347 Memory Palace������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Lion Heart������������������������������������������������������������������ 291 Mesmerism������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
Liquid Armor�������������������������������������������������������������� 238 Metal Shield���������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Liquid Body������������������������������������������������������������������ 88 Metamorphosis���������������������������������������������������������� 124
Locator������������������������������������������������������������������������ 320 Microwave Storm������������������������������������������������������� 245
Lockdown������������������������������������������������������������������� 197 Millimeter Wave Scan������������������������������������������������ 139
Long Lived�������������������������������������������������������������������� 80 Mimic Voice���������������������������������������������������������������� 257
Long Range Senses����������������������������������������������������� 121 Mind Control�������������������������������������������������������������� 193
Loser����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Mind Manipulation���������������������������������������������������� 188
Love Bomb������������������������������������������������������������������ 292 Mind Probe����������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Love Control��������������������������������������������������������������� 287 Mind Reading������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Love Hurts������������������������������������������������������������������ 292 Mind Trigger�������������������������������������������������������������� 195
Love Shield����������������������������������������������������������������� 293 Minions and Allies����������������������������������������������������� 217
Low to the Ground������������������������������������������������������� 81 Mini-Tornado������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Luck����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 301 Minor Weakness��������������������������������������������������������� 125
Lucky����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Mobile��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Lucky Dodge��������������������������������������������������������������� 301 Mobility Soak��������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Lucky Guess���������������������������������������������������������������� 301 Modifier Descriptions������������������������������������������������ 328
Lucky Me�������������������������������������������������������������������� 302 Modifiers for Bigger and Smaller Characters�������������� 59
Lucky Shot/Strike������������������������������������������������������ 302 Modifiers to Hit���������������������������������������������������������� 370
Luminescent����������������������������������������������������������������� 93 Modifier Themes�������������������������������������������������������� 325
Lunar Strength����������������������������������������������������������� 249 Money������������������������������������������������������������������� xlvi, 38
Lunatic������������������������������������������������������������������������ 249 Money and Toys����������������������������������������������������������� 38
Movement Around Opponents in a Bullet Round��� 154

M M-Path (Machine Empath)���������������������������������������� 277

Multiple Eyes�������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Machine Arm�������������������������������������������������������������� 134
Multiple TK “Arms”���������������������������������������������������� 198
Machine Legs�������������������������������������������������������������� 135
I-8  Index

Mutant Appearance��������������������������������������������������� 124 Overdrive Glands������������������������������������������������������� 133

Mutant Skin����������������������������������������������������������������� 93 Overmind������������������������������������������������������������������� 187
Mutate Plant (Para-Botanist)������������������������������������ 314 Oversized Eyes����������������������������������������������������������� 122
Mysticism��������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Overwhelm������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
My Turn Now!������������������������������������������������������������ 273

N Pain Killer������������������������������������������������������������������� 362
Narcotic���������������������������������������������������������������������� 112 Parabolic Mic�������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Natural Attacks and Preferred Bio-Weapons�������������� 53 Para-Glider������������������������������������������������������������������ 359
Naturalist�������������������������������������������������������������������� 314 Paralysis Venom��������������������������������������������������������� 112
Natural Talent�������������������������������������������������������������� 40 Partial Phase��������������������������������������������������������������� 116
Necromantic Bile�������������������������������������������������������� 265 Particle and Quantum Beams������������������������������������ 110
Necro-Talons�������������������������������������������������������������� 265 Particle Beam�������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Necrotic Heart������������������������������������������������������������ 265 Particle Bolt���������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Necrotic Rot��������������������������������������������������������������� 266 Party Glands��������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Necro-Tox (White-Tailed Spider Venom)������������������ 145 Pass Locks������������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Need Funds����������������������������������������������������������������� 366 Pass Unnoticed����������������������������������������������������������� 318
Negative Point Traits��������������������������������������������������� 49 Paying AP for Gear����������������������������������������������������� 351
Nemesis/Curse����������������������������������������������������������� 302 Paying APs for Exceptional Gear������������������������������� 350
Neo-Adrenaline���������������������������������������������������������� 133 Perfect Back-Fist�������������������������������������������������������� 161
Neonium Plates������������������������������������������������������������ 96 Perfect Crystalline Contempt������������������������������������ 297
Neural Disruptor�������������������������������������������������������� 111 Perfect Hearing���������������������������������������������������������� 122
Neurotoxin (Incapacitating)�������������������������������������� 112 Personal Rail Gun������������������������������������������������������� 143
New Skill Cost Tables������������������������������������������������� 369 Petrification���������������������������������������������������������������� 105
Nightfall���������������������������������������������������������������������� 249 Phantasmal Attack����������������������������������������������������� 312
Night Vision���������������������������������������������������������12, 122 Phase��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116
No Arms or Hands������������������������������������������������������� 81 Phoenix Fire��������������������������������������������������������������� 226
Nocturnal���������������������������������������������������������������������� 81 Photographic Reflexes����������������������������������������������� 162
Non-Human Humanoid����������������������������������������������� 93 Picking a Scale Number��������������������������������������������� 395
No One Pays for “Standard” Gear������������������������������ 349 Pincer Claw����������������������������������������������������������������� 102
“Normal” Equipment Traits��������������������������������������� 360 Pisciform�����������������������������������������������������������������54, 73
No Vital Organs������������������������������������������������������������ 89 Pistol Whip����������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Now I’m Really Angry�������������������������������������������������� 29 Plant Biology���������������������������������������������������������������� 81
Nullifier/Power-Drain������������������������������������������������ 105 Plant Control������������������������������������������������������313, 314
Plant Wall������������������������������������������������������������������� 314

O Plasma Blast���������������������������������������������������������12, 107

Plasma Bolt����������������������������������������������������������������� 108
Odor���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Plasma Breath������������������������������������������������������������ 108
Omnivore���������������������������������������������������������������������� 81
Plastx Surgery������������������������������������������������������������ 146
One Inch Punch���������������������������������������������������������� 161
Plates���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
Optical Beams������������������������������������������������������������ 107
Playing Very Large and Very Small Things����������������� 64
Optical Tattoo������������������������������������������������������������ 146
Pneumatic Rams�������������������������������������������������������� 143
Optional Rules for Fractional AP Costs�������������������� 324
Pocket Universe���������������������������������������������������������� 304
Index I-9

Pompatus�������������������������������������������������������������������� 293 Quadruped – Herbivore����������������������������������������������� 74

Poor Senses������������������������������������������������������������������� 82 Quadruped – Predator�������������������������������������������61, 74
Positive Energy����������������������������������������������������������� 206 Quantum Blade���������������������������������������������������������� 110
Positive Feedback Loop���������������������������������������������� 320 Quantum Torpedo����������������������������������������������������� 110
Power Blast����������������������������������������������������������������� 108 Quick��������������������������������������������������������������� xlvi, 13, 91
Power Block���������������������������������������������������������������� 159 Quick-Draw����������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Power Carapace���������������������������������������������������������� 358 Quick Strike������������������������������������������������������������������ 35
Powered Flight������������������������������������������������������������ 115 Quills (Spines)�������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Power Field������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Power Kicks���������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Power Links, Power Combinations, and Side Effects336
Rabbit’s Foot���������������������������������������������������������������� 46
Power Mail������������������������������������������������������������������ 358
Radar Love������������������������������������������������������������������ 315
Power of Friendship��������������������������������������������������� 293
Rad Field��������������������������������������������������������������������� 111
Power Plant���������������������������������������������������������������� 357
Radial Symmetry���������������������������������������������������������� 82
Power Suit������������������������������������������������������������������� 358
Radioactive����������������������������������������������������������������� 130
Power Techniques������������������������������������������������������� 163
Radio Hearing������������������������������������������������������������ 122
Power Uppercut���������������������������������������������������������� 159
Rage���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 321
Precognition��������������������������������������������������������������� 179
Rage Bank������������������������������������������������������������������� 298
Precognitive Fighting Style��������������������������������������� 181
Random Walk������������������������������������������������������������� 303
Predator Senses������������������������������������������������������������ 82
Ranged Melee������������������������������������������������������������� 198
Prehensile Tail������������������������������������������������������������ 123
Range Finder Laser���������������������������������������������������� 138
Pressure Points����������������������������������������������������������� 163
Rating Scales, Attacks, and A-Cost��������������������������� 210
Prey Senses������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Rattlesnake Venom���������������������������������������������������� 112
Probabilistic Accuracy������������������������������������������������ 302
Razor Tail�������������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Probability Control���������������������������������������������������� 298
Razor Wind����������������������������������������������������������������� 258
Protected Information����������������������������������������������� 169
Reader��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
Protection Circle�������������������������������������������������������� 308
Re-Animate����������������������������������������������������������������� 266
Protective Gear����������������������������������������������������������� 362
Recording�������������������������������������������������������������������� 362
Proto-Telekinesis�������������������������������������������������������� 196
Reflection Block TAP�������������������������������������������������� 272
Psi-Link����������������������������������������������������������������������� 220
Reflective���������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
Psychometry��������������������������������������������������������������� 179
Regeneration�������������������������������������������������������������� 119
Punch-Grab����������������������������������������������������������������� 161
Regenerator���������������������������������������������������������������� 137
Punch-Throw�������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Regrowth�������������������������������������������������������������������� 120
Puppet Master������������������������������������������������������������ 195
Rejection Psychosis���������������������������������������������������� 129
Purify Air�������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Remove Curse������������������������������������������������������������� 105
Purify Earth���������������������������������������������������������������� 241
Repair�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 362
Purify Water��������������������������������������������������������������� 238
Resistance��������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
Purity Test������������������������������������������������������������������ 297
Restraints������������������������������������������������������������������� 359
Push���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 204
Resurrection��������������������������������������������������������������� 287
Reverse Punch������������������������������������������������������������ 162
Q Revolver (Single Action) -2 Recoil����������������������������� 335
Q-Beam����������������������������������������������������������������������� 110 Rewind (Save Point) [TAP]����������������������������������������� 254
Quadruped – Bite Only������������������������������������������������ 73 Ricochet���������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
I-10  Index

Ring of Fire����������������������������������������������������������������� 226 Shadow Boxing����������������������������������������������������������� 248

Robot Body������������������������������������������������������������������� 89 Shadow Strike������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Rock���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 321 Shadow Walk�������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Rock Armor���������������������������������������������������������������� 241 Shape Shift����������������������������������������������������������������� 125
Rocket Flight�������������������������������������������������������������� 115 Shards of Hate������������������������������������������������������������ 298
Rock Star����������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Sharp����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Role Model�������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Shield�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 360
Round 2: FIGHT!�������������������������������������������������������� 272 Shielded���������������������������������������������������������������������� 130
Rule-Bound����������������������������������������������������������������� 308 Shielded Eyes�������������������������������������������������������������� 122
Rules����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50 Shine��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 245
Shock Block���������������������������������������������������������������� 262

S Shocking Thought!����������������������������������������������������� 318

Shockwave������������������������������������������������������������������ 258
Sacrifice Throw����������������������������������������������������������� 160
Shooting Into Combat����������������������������������������������� 370
Sadness����������������������������������������������������������������������� 207
Shooting Spines��������������������������������������������������������� 102
Sandman (Sleep)�������������������������������������������������������� 249
Short Lived������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Scalar and Non-Scalar Stats��������������������������������������� 395
Short Term Wipe�������������������������������������������������������� 192
Scale Number������������������������������������������������������������� 394
Shrink������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
Scavenger���������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Side Step��������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Schematics Database�������������������������������������������������� 138
Silhouette������������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Science Agent Class Delta������������������������������������������ 132
Situational Awareness������������������������������������������������ 182
Science Agent Class Epsilon�������������������������������������� 132
Size Table���������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
Science Agent Class Omega��������������������������������������� 132
Skeletal Lattice������������������������������������������������������������� 96
Science Agent Class Omicron������������������������������������ 132
Skill Change: Kung Fu������������������������������������������������ 370
Science! Dramas��������������������������������������������������������� 366
Skill Cost Change������������������������������������������������������� 369
Scry����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 180
Skill Load�������������������������������������������������������������������� 141
Second Wind��������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Skin Port��������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
Sedate������������������������������������������������������������������������� 318
Skin Toxin��������������������������������������������������������������������� 99
Seduce��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
Skunk�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
See in Darkness���������������������������������������������������������� 247
Slap-Block & Strike���������������������������������������������������� 160
See Through Animal’s Eyes���������������������������������������� 285
Slick Skin�������������������������������������������������������������������� 137
Self Glamour��������������������������������������������������������������� 312
Sliding Delivery���������������������������������������������������������� 162
Sense and Analyze Tech��������������������������������������������� 278
Slime Thrower������������������������������������������������������������� 113
Sense Magnetic Fields������������������������������������������������ 234
Slow Others���������������������������������������������������������������� 255
Sense Potential (Fire)������������������������������������������������� 226
Smaller Body Types������������������������������������������������������ 75
Sense Trap/Ambush����������������������������������������������������� 44
Smaller Size (All)����������������������������������������������������63, 76
Sensitive����������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
Smell Death���������������������������������������������������������������� 267
Sensors������������������������������������������������������������������������ 363
Smell Trouble Coming�������������������������������������������������� 45
Sensory Mesh������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Smile-5 Narcotic��������������������������������������������������������� 145
Sequenced Acalyotiophis������������������������������������������� 145
Snatch������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
Serpent������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Snatch Resisted Attack���������������������������������������������� 117
Serpent Kick��������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Soak������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Sessile��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Sometimes I Think I’d Like to Watch It Burn������������ 316
Shadow Block������������������������������������������������������������� 247
Index I-11

Sonar Sense���������������������������������������������������������������� 122 Suit of Cards: Clubs���������������������������������������������������� 321

Sonic Flight����������������������������������������������������������������� 258 Suit of Cards: Diamonds�������������������������������������������� 319
Sonic Force Field�������������������������������������������������������� 258 Suit of Cards: Hearts�������������������������������������������������� 315
Sonic Scream�������������������������������������������������������������� 258 Suit of Cards: Spades�������������������������������������������������� 316
Soul Jar����������������������������������������������������������������������� 267 Summary Tables��������������������������������������������������������� 325
Sound Control����������������������������������������������������257, 259 Summer of Love��������������������������������������������������������� 293
Sound Sense��������������������������������������������������������������� 259 Summon Device��������������������������������������������������������� 279
Sound System������������������������������������������������������������� 147 Summon Gun���������������������������������������������������� xlvii, 316
Spades������������������������������������������������������������������������� 316 Summoning���������������������������������������������������������������� 306
Specific Questions������������������������������������������������������ 170 Summons Being��������������������������������������������������������� 309
Spectral Skin����������������������������������������������������������������� 96 Summons Being [Varies]�������������������������������������������� 309
Speed����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Summon Skeleton������������������������������������������������������ 267
Spending Rules: Standard Success Points����������������� 379 Super Science Errors�������������������������������������������������� 367
Sphere of Oblivion����������������������������������������������������� 304 Super Science/Mad Science����������������������������������������� 42
Spikes���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 99 Super Sized������������������������������������������������������������������� 78
Spines of Hate������������������������������������������������������������ 298 Super Speed������������������������������������������������������������������ 91
Spinning Back Fist����������������������������������������������������� 160 Super Strength�������������������������������������������������������14, 90
Spinning Heel Kick����������������������������������������������������� 162 Suppress Long Term Memory����������������������������������� 192
Spiritual Advisor�������������������������������������������������������� 180 Surge��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Spoof Computer��������������������������������������������������������� 279 Surprise, Waiting, and the Bullet Round������������������ 153
SP Pools: Offensive and Defensive Pools������������������ 380 Suspended Animation������������������������������������������������ 272
Stacking and Non-Stacking Bonuses�������������������������� 10 Swarm������������������������������������������������������������������������� 285
Standard Size Body Types�������������������������������������������� 71 Swarm (Immunity)����������������������������������������������������� 286
Stasis Field������������������������������������������������������������������ 255 Sweep�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Stealth Suit����������������������������������������������������������������� 363 Swift������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 91
Steal Visage����������������������������������������������������������������� 312 Swing-Line������������������������������������������������������������������ 363
Steel Mind�������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Systems Ablative Damage Points������������������������������ 357
Steel Skin���������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
Step “Outside”������������������������������������������������������������ 308
Stinger Tail�����������������������������������������������������������56, 106
Tactical Analysis��������������������������������������������������������� 138
Sting Like a Bee���������������������������������������������������������� 162
Tactical ESP���������������������������������������������������������������� 181
Stop Kick��������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
Tactical Scan��������������������������������������������������������������� 139
Storm Horses�������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Tactical Teleport��������������������������������������������������������� 117
Strategic Intelligence������������������������������������������������� 181
Tags��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Strategic Teleport������������������������������������������������������� 117
Takedown Defense����������������������������������������������������� 160
Strategist���������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Take the Hit���������������������������������������������������������������� 316
Strength Boost������������������������������������������������������������� 90
Talons�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 103
Stretching Body������������������������������������������������������������ 89
Tank������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29
Striking Eyes�������������������������������������������������������������� 122
TAP Cost����������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
Striking Tail���������������������������������������������������������������� 106
TAP Cost (Total Archetype Points)���������������������������� 393
Stronger Than Steel���������������������������������������������������� 293
Targeting & Fire-Control Modifications������������������� 340
Submission Hold�������������������������������������������������������� 160
Target Lock����������������������������������������������������������������� 140
Subterranean Support����������������������������������������������� 241
Taser Shock����������������������������������������������������������������� 262
I-12  Index

Tear Gas���������������������������������������������������������������������� 360 TK Object�������������������������������������������������������������������� 199

Technical Omniscience���������������������������������������������� 279 TK Sense��������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
Technique��������������������������������������������������������������������� 35 TK Slam���������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
Technique Training���������������������������������������������������� 272 TK Techniques������������������������������������������������������������ 198
Technology Control��������������������������������������������274, 279 TK Wall����������������������������������������������������������������������� 200
Tech Support�������������������������������������������������������������� 280 Tool/Appliance����������������������������������������������������������� 363
Telekinesis������������������������������������������������������������������ 197 Tornado���������������������������������������������������������������������� 270
Telekinetic Bomb�������������������������������������������������������� 198 Tornado Blocks����������������������������������������������������������� 274
Telekinetic Talent������������������������������������������������������� 198 Total Eclipse��������������������������������������������������������������� 249
Tele-Mechanics����������������������������������������������������������� 281 Tougher Than Diamonds������������������������������������������� 294
Telepathy�������������������������������������������������������������������� 187 Tough Guy�������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
Telepathy Levels��������������������������������������������������������� 188 Tough Love����������������������������������������������������������������� 293
Teleport Portal����������������������������������������������������������� 118 Toxic Cloud����������������������������������������������������������������� 104
Tentacles��������������������������������������������������������������������� 123 T/Phase Dodge����������������������������������������������������������� 117
The Absolute Truth���������������������������������������������������� 319 Tracking Device���������������������������������������������������������� 364
The Absolute Truth (Serum)�������������������������������������� 145 Tractor Beam������������������������������������������������������109, 198
Theme Song������������������������������������������������������������������ 46 Trait: Ambidextrous��������������������������������������������������� 370
The Nature of Thoughts��������������������������������������������� 183 Trait Natural Fighter�������������������������������������������������� 370
Thermal Tactical Vision���������������������������������������������� 138 Trait Tags���������������������������������������������������������������������� 49
The Simple Way���������������������������������������������������������� 394 Translucent������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
The Simulator����������������������������������������������������������������� 2 Transmutate��������������������������������������������������������������� 106
The Telepathic Mind Link������������������������������������������ 185 Transmutate Power-Up���������������������������������������������� 106
Things Re-Set During a Bullet Round����������������������� 153 Travel Through Phone Lines�������������������������������������� 262
Third Eye��������������������������������������������������������������������� 122 Trigger Sense�������������������������������������������������������������� 345
Threat Assessment����������������������������������������������������� 182 Troll Void�������������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Throw Boulder������������������������������������������������������������ 241 Trumps����������������������������������������������������������������������� 346
Throw Fire������������������������������������������������������������������� 226 Trunk�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
Throwing Knife/Throwing Axe���������������������������������� 331 Two-Gun��������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Throwing Stick/Boomerang��������������������������������������� 331 Two Minute Hate������������������������������������������������������� 298
Thrown Weapon Rules & Modifiers�������������������������� 330 Types of Cyber-Tech��������������������������������������������������� 128
Throw Voice���������������������������������������������������������������� 259
Thunder���������������������������������������������������������������������� 259
Thunderbolt���������������������������������������������������������������� 262
Ultra Cameo��������������������������������������������������������������� 120
Thunder Punch����������������������������������������������������������� 163
Ultrasound Weapon Scan������������������������������������������ 140
Thunder Tail��������������������������������������������������������������� 106
Unarmed�����������������������������������������������������������������22, 31
Time Control�������������������������������������������������������������� 252
Unblockable������������������������������������������������������������������ 35
Time Stop������������������������������������������������������������������� 256
Undying������������������������������������������������������������������������ 83
Time Travel����������������������������������������������������������������� 256
Unlock������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
TK Armor�������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
Unlocks������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
TK Ballistic Shield������������������������������������������������������ 197
Unusual Ally��������������������������������������������������������������� 220
TK Blade/Razor Ball��������������������������������������������������� 198
Unusual Animal Powers����������������������������������������������� 83
TK Healing������������������������������������������������������������������ 198
Unusual Eyes�������������������������������������������������������������� 122
TK Kill������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
Unusual Fingers��������������������������������������������������������� 123
Index I-13

Upgrade���������������������������������������������������������������������� 281 Wear Corpse��������������������������������������������������������������� 267

Uplift��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 241 Weather Control�������������������������������������������������268, 270
Urban Tracking������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Web Spinnerets���������������������������������������������������������� 113
Using AP to Enhance Gear����������������������������������������� 350 Web Thrower��������������������������������������������������������������� 113
Utility Archetype Points�������������������������������������������� 382 What Doesn’t Kill Me������������������������������������������������� 321
What’s in the Back of the Book Chapter?��������������������� 2

V What the Future Holds���������������������������������������������� 171

When SPs Are Spent�������������������������������������������������� 380
Vampire Glands���������������������������������������������������������� 147
Whirlwind Defense���������������������������������������������������� 231
Vanish������������������������������������������������������������������������� 273
Whirlwind Dodge������������������������������������������������������� 160
Vanish Item���������������������������������������������������������������� 312
Wield Fire������������������������������������������������������������������� 226
Vehicle������������������������������������������������������������������������� 364
Wild Fire��������������������������������������������������������������������� 227
Vertical Fist���������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Wind Blast������������������������������������������������������������������ 231
Vibratory Bolt������������������������������������������������������������� 260
Wind Block����������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Vibratory Field���������������������������������������������xlvi, 13, 260
Wind Flight����������������������������������������������������������������� 232
Video-Link������������������������������������������������������������������ 138
Wind Tunnel��������������������������������������������������������������� 232
Visions������������������������������������������������������������������������ 181
Wings�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 115
Vital Strike��������������������������������������������������������������22, 30
Witchcraft/Warlock����������������������������������������������������� 43
Vital Strike – PEN Only����������������������������������������������� 30
Wrath�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 317
Voice of Command����������������������������������������������������� 319
Wrong������������������������������������������������������������������������� 309
Void Blades����������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Void Bolts������������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Void Control��������������������������������������������������������������� 303 X
Void Gate�������������������������������������������������������������������� 305 X-Ray Laser����������������������������������������������������������������� 245
Void Prison����������������������������������������������������������������� 305
Vulnerable������������������������������������������������������������������ 126
You Don’t Fall Twice as Fast�������������������������������������� 154
Walk Through Wall����������������������������������������������������� 273
Wall of Air������������������������������������������������������������������� 231
Zen Strength���������������������������������������������������������������� 30
Wall of Night�������������������������������������������������������������� 248
Warm Blooded�������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Warrior����������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
Water Cannon������������������������������������������������������������ 239
Water Control������������������������������������������������������������� 234
Water Horse���������������������������������������������������������������� 239
Water Movement������������������������������������������������������� 239
Water Sense���������������������������������������������������������������� 239
Water Technique�������������������������������������������������������� 274
Weapons����������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
Weapons and Armor���������������������������������������������������� 31
Weapons Training�������������������������������������������������������� 40
Weapon Swap������������������������������������������������������������� 157

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