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Introduction 1. What is the DNA Architecture. 2. What is the dll Hell? 3. What is .net. 4.

What are the different flavours of the framework? What is the difference between them? 5. What do you understand by managed and unmanaged code. 6. Compare the compilation process of C.. with .net. How would you deal with qts related to compilation process in Java 7. List the features of .net 8. Advantages of .net over Java 9. Elements of the CLR 10. What are the different types of JITters, in what way are they different from each other? 11. What is ngen.exe, check on this command line utility. 12. What do you understand by the code manager in .net? 13. What is the Garbage Collector? How does it work? 14. What is the job of the COM Marshaller? 15. What does the thread manager do. Who creates the threads, .net or the OS? What is the job of the thread manager? 16. What do you understand by the Type verifier/ Type checker? 17. What is the job of the Exception Manger 18. What is the job of the debugger? 19. What is the security manager? What is CASPOL.exe, how does .net manage security. 20. .net does all the jobs of an OS like memory management, security etc so why .net? 21. What are the compilers that ship with VS 22. Approximately how many languages does .net support as of now? 23. What is CLS and CTS explain with examples ? 24. Can anyone write their own compiler for .net? 25. What is a .net assembly? 26. What is ILDASM? 27. What is a PE? 28. If you can see the code in ILDASM then how do I ensure that the code is not copied by others. So how do software companies deal with this. 29. What is a private assembly and a shared assembly. What do you understand by the GAC. Where is it located on the machine. 30. Can I open a .dll from the c:\windows\assembly folder. 31. Check how is it organized on the disk?

Language features OOPs concepts 32. What is a namespace 33. Is it compulsory to write a class in a namespace. 34. Write a simple helloworld.exe through notepad. 35. What do you understand by value types and reference types? 36. Explain Object as the base class for all classes 37. Explain boxing/unboxing what do you understand can you explain with an ex. 38. Keywords in c# - out, param, const, readonly etc 39. Classes explain with an example 40. Field 41. Constructors 42. Need for a static member, what is a static constructor 43. What do you understand by constructor chaining. 44. What are the keywords used to pass parameters to the base class and how do I invoke other constructors. 45. Destructor syntax for a destructor, can a destructor have an access modifier? Can a destructor be called from the client code? When does the destructor get invoked? What do you do if you need to forcefully collect objects. 46. What do you understand by the Finalize method? 47. Properties i. Readonly, writeonly, read and write properties syntax. Can I have a different access modifier for just a get / a set 48. What are indexers. Syntax for indexers. 49. Methods Inheritance 50. What is inheritance? Explain the need for inheritance. Syntax for inheritance, 51. how do you invoke the constructor of the base classs 52. Method overriding Vs method overloading 53. What is the difference between the new, virtual, override keywords Abstract 54. Create a need to write an abstract method. 55. Rules attached to abstract methods. 56. Can you create an object of an abstract class? Polymorphism 57. What is polymorphism? Explain with an example. 58. Explain runtime polymorphism

Delegates and events 59. What is a delegate, explain with a diagram 60. Steps to create a delegate 61. Why use a delegate 62. What is an event? What is the difference in implementing an event and implementing a delegate. 63. What happens with event and inheritance? 64. Can you invoke an event from the derived class? 65. Example of an event Interfaces 66. What are interfaces? Need for an interface. What is IDisposable. Understand the why of IDisposable when the garbage collector is there. 67. If we inherit from 2 interfaces which have the same method names what happens. 68. What do you understand by implicit implementation and explicit implementation 69. What can an interface include eg. Properties, methods etc 70. Can the methods in the interface be marked with a access modifier? 71. How do you invoke the method of an interface for a interface specific implementation 72. Work on the simple example to get code examples 73. what is the difference between interfaces and abstract classses Exceptions 74. What is an exception. How can you write an exception. Code example to be given for an exception. 75. Where do you write the throw statement? 76. What happens when the exceptions get nested. Serialization 77. What do you mean by serialization 78. What are the different forms in which data can be serialized? 79. What do you understand by formatters 80. What do you understand by streams 81. Can an event be serialized? What would you do? 82. How do you achieve custom serialization 83. What do you understand by ISerializable? Reflection 84. What is reflection? 85. What do you understand by the Type class 86. How do you get information about an assembly. Code examples 87. How do you invoke an object and a method at runtime 88. What is the method that you would write to call the method.

Windows applications 89. What is docking and anchoring. What is the difference between the two 90. can you inherit from a windows form

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