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What do we want?

Climate & Regional Pollution Modeling Analysis, Visualization, Spatial Data Management (GIS) Global

Systems Analysis for Policy

Impacts, Simulation Modeling



Impact assessment: top-down and bottom-up

top-down (scenario-based) SRES scenarios GCM selection Downscaling Sector Models Adaptation Options Economic Analysis bottom-up (Vulnerability Assesment) Urban characteristics vulnerabilities drivers of change governance
Image: www.cccsn.ca/.../Downscaling_html_m5385e5b8.jpg

Tools for Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessments

1.What is needed?
2.What is available?

3.How useful are existing tools?

4.How do we collectively make progress?

1. What is needed?

Assessments M&E


Iterative stages within a climate risk management framework
(based on Willows and Connell, 2003)

1. What is needed? We need tools to

Provide/generate climate information (including observations and future projections) Provide/generate socio-economic information (baseline and scenarios) Assess impacts and vulnerability in different sectors/communities (past, present and future) Effectively engage stakeholders Effectively communicate risk information

2. What is available? A huge amount is available, among others:

The IPCC Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA) [http://www.ipcc-data.org]

UNFCCC Compendium on methods and tools

Numerous adaptation knowledge platforms and networks

And many more

3. How useful are these existing tools? Inadequacy of applicable tools widely reported


Accessibility (including cost, IP issues)

Technical capacity

Learning opportunities enabling continuous improvement

4. How do we collectively make progress in developing and applying tools? We can all play a part

Practitioners: Policy makers: Researchers/scientists: Funding agencies/donors: Knowledge brokers:

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