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Saint Albert the Great Parish

All are

In this house of God



Keys hold great significance for those who carry them. They represent the trust and authority of the owner when given to another person. We may give our house key to a trusted friend to take care of our matters while we are away. We may give keys to someone responsible for maintaining or working in a particular building. Keys to vehicles are given to people who have proven themselves responsible drivers. The readings today focus on this kind of trustthe trust that conveys authority and responsibility. In the first reading, the symbol is specifically that of a key; but the second reading and the Gospel also speak of trust and leadership as they refer to the earthly church that Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth Jesus established. Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
RECTORY ...(708)423-0321 PLEBANIA (po polsku)...(708)423-0321 For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, parish registration, convert instruction, prolonged illness at home. PARISH WEBSITE www.stalbertgreat.com E-MAIL StAlbert@archchicago.org PARISH BOUNDARIES North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett, South-87th St. Cicero to Austin) 83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett) MINISTRY OF CARE.(708)423-0321 Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr. PRAYER NETWORK....(708)966-4068 Mrs. Marlene Rybicki SCHOOL..(708)424-7757 Mrs. Marilyn Kurowski, Principal 5535 West State Road http;//home.comcast.net/~st.alberts/ CCD OFFICE...(708)636-0406 Mr. Kevin Wiseman, Coordinator 5535 West State Road

shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19

MASSES SATURDAY 5:00 PM (Sunday Obligation) SUNDAY 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 1:30 PM AND 5:00 PM POLISH MASSES WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday) 6:30 AM AND 8:30 AM SATURDAY MASS 8:30 AM HOLY DAYS (Except Christmas and New Year) Vigil Mass - 5:00 PM (evening before Holy Day) 6:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 6:00PM - 7:30 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM Baptismal Preparation Class Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM Parish registration and attendance at the Baptismal Preparation Class are required Prior to Baptism. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All wedding arrangements must be made with a parish priest at least 5 months prior to scheduled date. All couples are required to participate in a marriage preparation program. Parish registration is a requirement. Times of marriages are as follows: Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM Sundayno weddings

R . C. I . A . . . a Jou r n ey o f Fa i t h
R i t e o f C hr i s t i a n I n i t i a t i o n f o r A du l t s What is it? Who is it for? RCIA is a preparation of adults seeking full membership in the Roman Catholic Church. Do you know someone who is interested in becoming a Roman Catholic or would like to explore the possibility of joining our faith? Maybe you know someone who is baptized but not confirmed and is looking to be confirmed? The R.C.I.A. team is ready to meet these people and to walk with them on their journey to becoming Roman Catholic. To join the 2011 2012 R.C.I.A. you must be 18 years or older; either not baptized or baptized in a nonCatholic denomination; interested in joining the Roman Catholic faith or just want to find out more about us; in need of any Sacrament of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, or Confirmation. Meetings begin September 6th. The group will meet every other Tuesday from 7:00 to 9:00p.m. and every other Sunday at various Masses. If you or someone you know would like more information please call Deacon Pete at the rectory (708) 423-0321.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2011 7:30-For the Parishioners, Innocenza Sturino 9:00-Jacob & Genevieve Klumbis, Robert OGrady 10:30-Czaja Family, Maryann Froemel -Czeslawa Klinowska, Andrzej Klinowski 12:00PM-In reparation for abortion -Jozef Garb, John Bourke 1:30PM-POLISH MASS -Maria Kurczak, Lucyna Adamczewski -Boleslaw Cudzich 5:00PM-POLISH MASS -Edward Berdowski MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2011 6:30-Steve Lucas & Family 8:30-Ron Mroz TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 2011 6:30-Mitchell Oleksy, Steve Lucas & Family 8:30-Emily Sekan WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2011 6:30-Souls in the Purgatory 8:10-MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH 8:30-Victoria Layman THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2011 6:30-Viola Fredricks 8:30-Patricia Ciemny FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 2011 6:30-Kelly & McGarry Families 8:30-For the Parishioners SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2011 8:30-Stefan Rapacz 20th Anniv. of Death -Hank Cook 12:00PM-Wedding: Mariusz Zubek & Karolina Stopka 5:00PM-Nick, Mildred & Greg Smiciklas SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 2011 7:30-For the Parishioners, Innocenza Sturino 9:00-Joseph & Janina Umpirowicz -Kenneth M. Keselica Sr., Ruben Martinez 10:30-Deceased Members of Slavic Family -Patricia Seiler, Phyllis Crowe 12:00PM-John Heniff, Mitchell Oleksy 1:30PM-POLISH MASS -Maria Kurczak, Lucyna Adamczewski -Boleslaw Cudzich -Marek & Ewa Szulc 5th Wedding Anniversary 5:00PM-POLISH MASS -For the Parishioners

IMPRESSIONABLE When we try to make an impression, thats exactly the impression we make. Anonymous

LET US PRAY For the sick: Theodore Boyko, Michael Mazurek, Walter Rombach, Daniel Stopka, Anthony Shalton, Greg Brynda, Bill Lyons, Harriet Madey, Richard Polancyk, Timothy Polancyak, Andrea Pellicano, Christina Gazda, Sister Patricia Labuda, Cooper Grant, Jeffrey Andrews, Carol Berghuis, Johana Pusateri, Janelle Demski, Walter & Betty Anderson, Denis Hedderman & Family, Loretta Paulus, Shirley McVane, Catherine, Katie & Lucy Hedderman, Marilyn Buchalski, Rose Thomas, Don Kupiec, Cheryl Korosa, Betty Anderson, Carol Mariano, Penny Prokop, Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Emil Hodul, Emiliano Hernandez, Krzysztof Iwan.


Bishop Andrew Wypych

Bishop Alberto Rojas

Most Rev. Andrew P. Wypych and Most Rev. Alberto Rojas were ordained as auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of Chicago on August 10, 2011 in a ceremony that took place at Holy Name Cathedral, State and Superior Streets. Francis Cardinal George, OMI, Archbishop of Chicago, served as consecrator and principal celebrant of the Mass. Ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Krakow in Poland in 1979, Bishop Wypych, 55, came to Chicago in 1983 and was incardinated in this Archdiocese several years later. Prior to becoming pastor of St. Francis Borgia Parish in 2002, he served in a number of parishes in the Archdiocese, including Five Holy Martyrs, St. Giles, St. Ladislaus and St. Pancratius. Bishop Rojas, 46, studied for the priesthood in his native city, Aguascalientes, Mexico, and in
WEEKLY OFFERING AUGUST 14, 2011 ENVELOPES 686 CONTRIBUTION $13,933.00 5:00PM.........$2,545.00 7:30AM.......$1,934.00 9:00AM.........$2,087.00 10:30AM......$1,909.00 12:00PM.........$1,821.00 1:30PM......$1,910.00 5:00PM.........$1,013.00 MAIL IN.......$ 692.00 Children Envelopes....$ 22.00 Thank you to all parishioners who consistently give their share to support our parish.

the Archdiocese of Chicago, where he was ordained a priest in 1997. He served at St. Gregory the Great and St. Ita prior to being named pastor of Good Shepherd Parish in 2010. Both bishops have served as pastors and associate pastors. Bishop Wypych has also served as a Dean, and Bishop Rojas was a member of the seminary formation faculty at University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary. As new bishops, Wypych and Rojas enter the ranks of those who are successors of the apostles in the Church. At their ordination, they received the office of teaching, governing and sanctifying as a bishop. They will exercise their ministry in union with the Pope and their fellow bishops throughout the world. Bishops Wypych and Rojas now hold the title of auxiliary bishop, meaning they will assist Cardinal George in the pastoral administration of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Bishop Wypych, who was the pastor of St. Francis Borgia Parish in Chicago, will serve as Cardinal Georges vicar for Vicariate V of the Archdiocese and as liaison to Polish Catholics; Bishop Rojas, former pastor of Good Shepherd Parish in Chicago, will serve as the Cardinals vicar for Vicariate III of the Archdiocese and as liaison to Hispanic Catholics.


III-Mariusz Zubek & Karolina Stopka II-Christopher Kowalczyk & Anna Szymczak II-Grzegorz Wilczek & Iwona Kozicka I-Ryszard Naglak & Caryn Urbaniak I-Karol Adamski & Renee Salamon
HAPPY PEOPLE The happiest people dont necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Anonymous



Registration packets are available in the school office and also at the rectory. Please pick up a pocket ahead of time to speed you through the registration process. For additional information, please call the school office at 708-424-7757

***We are currently celebrating 58 years of academic excellence.***

Once again we are asking the Wonderful Bakers of St. Albert to help fill our Bakery Booth with fresh baked goodies for our Carnival from August 25th to 28th. NO whipped cream or custard. Please bring baked goodies right to the Carnival Bakery Booth right at the Carnival grounds. Thank you very much! Andy Magda

Come, Spirit! The presider at the Eucharist can choose from among a number of different Eucharistic Prayers, all of which follow a similar pattern. Almost always, they begin with an epiclesis, a Greek word that means invocation upon or calling over here. At this moment in the prayer, the priest calls down the Holy Spirit upon the gifts of bread and wine that we have brought to the altar: Father, we bring you these gifts. We ask you to make them holy by the power of your Spirit, that they may become the body and blood of your Son (Eucharistic Prayer III). The words of the prayer are accompanied by the ritual gesture of the laying on of hands, the ancient sign of the gift of the Spirit, which is also used in most sacramental celebrations, from the rite of confirmation to the ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops. Liturgists sometimes call this first epiclesis the epiclesis of consecration. Later in the Eucharistic Prayer, there will be another epiclesis, the epiclesis of communion, as the priest asks that the Holy Spirit be sent upon us to transform us. Grant that we, who are nourished by his body and blood, may be filled with his Holy Spirit, and become one body, one spirit in Christ (Eucharistic Prayer III). Corinna Laughlin, Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. August 22 August 27 at St. Alberts
Monday, August 22 7:00 pm Catechists Meeting Tuesday, August 23 7:00 pm Bingo Wednesday, August 24 6:00 pm Boy Scouts 6:30 pm St. Vincent De Paul Thursday, August 25 6:00-10 pm Parish Carnival Friday, August 26 3:00-11 pm Parish Carnival Saturday, August 27 3:00-11 pm Parish Carnival

The following babies became members of Gods Family here recently: Dalyla Andrade, Anna Mulica, Alina Maria Nawojowski, Fabian Wladyslaw Mietus, Alex John Kreil, Cameron Alexander Miarka, Ethan Daniel Crawhorn, Ewelina bryja, Nicole Pochron, Jakob Eugene Rzepka, Lilly Rose Kubowicz, Terezia Majercak, Maksym Kolodziejczyk,

We extend our best wishes and pray that what has begun in them will be brought to perfection.

Archidiecezja Chicago ma dwch nowych biskupw: obaj s ksimi naszej archidiecezji i obaj s imigrantami. S oni dowiadczonymi, znanymi tutejszym kapanom i wiernym ksimi. Mianowany na biskupa ks. Andrzej Wypych przyjecha do Chicago w 1983 roku, cztery lata po otrzymaniu wice kapaskich w archidiecezji krakowskiej. Ksidz Alberto Rojas natomiast, zosta ksidzem Archidiecezji Chicago w 1997 roku, po ukoczeniu Ks. Biskup Ks. Biskup studiw w seminariach duchownych w Meksyku i Mundelein. Andrzej Wypych Alberto Rojas Nowo mianowany ksidz biskup Andrzej Wypych bdzie odpowiedzialny za Wikariat V, obejmujcy gwnie poudniowozachodnie tereny archidiecezji, jak rwnie bdzie delegatem kardynaa Francisa Georgea ds. tutejszej Polonii. biskup Alberto Rojas bdzie sprawowa piecz nad Wikariatem III, obejmujcym okolice zachodnie, rodkowy poudniowy zachd oraz pnocny zachd Chicago i bdzie delegatem kardynaa dla wiernych hiszpaskojzycznych. biskup Andrzej Wypych podzikowa papieowi i kardynaowi za okazane zaufanie. Obiecuj lojalno wobec Jego witobliwoci i to, i zachowam go w mojej modlitwie powiedzia biskup elekt Andrzej Wypych. Stwierdzi on rwnie: Nie dostpibym godnoci biskupiej bez duszpasterskiej opieki Jego Eminencji Kardynaa Francisa Georgea roztaczanej nad ca Archidiecezj Chicago, a szczeglnie nad jej integraln czci, jak stanowi Koci polonijny.

EGZAMIN DOJRZAOCI Dla wielu Chrystus by pytaniem i zagadk. Urodzi si w maej miecinie. Uwaano Go za syna cieli z Nazaretu i by z zawodu ciel. Nie uczszcza do adnej szkoy, nie sucha wczesnych mistrzw Prawa, a zna je lepiej ni oni. Niczego nie napisa, tylko naucza, a uczy jak majcy wadz. Nauk swoj poruszy ca Jude i Galile. Nadesza wreszcie chwila egzaminu, podczas ktrego by On zarwno egzaminatorem, jak i tematem, gdy skierowa do apostow pytanie: Za kogo ludzie uwaaj Syna Czowieczego? Piotr w imieniu wasnym i pozostaych odpowiedzia: Ty jeste Mesjasz, Syn Boga ywego. Egzamin wypad celujco. Piotr syszy sowa pochway i wyrnienia, a potem zapowied przyszej wadzy. Samo przekazanie wadzy nastpi pniej, po Zmartwychwstaniu Pana. Piotr i apostoowie musz do tego czasu jeszcze duchowo dojrze. Zwaszcza Piotr, ktry bdzie musia przej przez prb wiary i mioci. (Ks. Z. Godlewski - Czasopismo Dzie Paski)

Zapraszamy na Karnawa !!!

w dniach od czwartku 25-go sierpnia do niedzieli 28-go sierpnia.Niedziela jest Dniem Polskim od godz. 2-giej do 6-tej a w programie zespl K B Elements, zespoy pieni i taca, polska kuchnia Mabenka, loteria fantowa z gwn nagrod $10,000.00 i wiele innych atrakcji dla dorosych oraz wesoe miasteczko dla dzieci i modziey.
Po wicej informacji prosimy o telefon na nr. 708-423-0321

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