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Week of August 21-27

Welcome Back to School means different things for different people. One of the best ways to get over the anxiety that we face is to focus on others and being a blessing. Remind folks, ITS NOT ABOUT ME. Recognize guests who may be in attendance. Opening Prayer God is in the process of telling His Story in our life. Thank God for seeking us out and saving us from our sin. Ask God to help us see people in our neighborhood through the eyes of Christ.

Family Time What is the most exciting news you have ever had the opportunity to share? (have 2 people answer) How did it make you feel to get to share that news? (have 2 people answer) How did it bless the person that you were able to share that Good News? (have 2 people answer) Do We See the Gospel as Good News? I give away my faith to fulfill Gods purposes. (Read out loud) Eph. 6:19,20 The Bible tells us to ask the Spirit of God for the words to share without fear, when we are telling others about the hope we have in Jesus as our savior. Kids Time Why do we sometimes get nervous when we are about to do something really good or important like pray in front of a group? (Let each kids share) (Thats right! Its not the normal thing we do.) The Bible says we need Gods help when we are doing something SUPER IMPORTANT like telling others about Jesus. Write the names of 3 people that you know you need to tell them about Jesus. Draw a picture of what Gods love looks like or a picture of you sharing with a friend how much God loves them. Now lets each pray for God to help us share without fear that He loves them. Adult Time In Matthew 9:37 Jesus says the harvest is plentiful . . . . Do you truly believe that the harvest is plentiful? Why is it that you rarely see new believers? Jesus said it was because the workers are few. There is not a lack of desire in the Father to save the lost (to bring about the harvest), there is a lack of obedience on behalf of Christ-followers to share the gospel (to be willing workers). This is why Jesus says, Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field (9:38). Would you be willing to pray that prayer for your neighborhood, your workplace, your childs local school? If the Lord so called you, would you be willing to be that worker who leads the harassed and helpless (9:36) to the Chief Shepherd? (On a 3X5 card) Make a list of the harvest fields in which you regularly find yourself. It may be your office, the gym, your neighborhood, your childs school or a shop you frequent. (take 5 mins.) Ask the Lord to send workers into these areas who will share the good news. As you pray, request that our Lord would give you the compassion of Jesus (9:36) so that when He calls, you will be ready to faithfully serve without fear. Prayer Time * Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of people in community with you. Ask God to help people see their sin & a true need for a Savior. * Pray for your group to experience true abiding intimacy with Christ. Pray that our group will be broken hearted for the lost. Pray that people will come to know Jesus as their Savior as we truly love each other as Christ loved the Church.

Beyond (Evangelism)
Community Calendar Most schools have started classes. Get the names of teachers at your schools in your neighborhood and divide them up in your Home Group. Pray for these teachers by name to come to know Christ & model Him in their classrooms. Church Calendar Did you know that every PBC Home Group is doing the same things that you are being asked to do for the next 5 weeks. That is unity in the body! Just think about how AMAZING it would be if we were all obedient to Christ in these few things.


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