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Title: General-Specific Model of Quality of LIfe (Figure 1) (White Male) Data: File ='D:\Life\Analysis\Data\GS\PresentHealth.dat'; Format is 2(f6.2), 20(f2.

0); Variable: Names are globa1 globa2 support soclchg soclunc diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Usevariables are diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Analysis: Estimator is ML; Type is meanstructure; Iterations = 1000000; Model: General by diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Cogni by diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc; Vitali by tired enrgtic wornout peppy ; Mental by atpeace@1 feelblue*-1.5 happy nervous*-1.5 down; DisWorry by afraid frust hlthwry; General with Cogni@0 Vitali@0 Mental@0 DisWorry@0; Cogni with Vitali@0 Mental@0 DisWorry@0; Vitali with Mental@0 DisWorry@0; Mental with DisWorry@0; Output: Sampstat standardized;

Title: Second-Order Model of Quality of LIfe (Figure 2) White Male Data: File ='D:\Life\Analysis\Data\GS\PresentHealth.dat'; Format is 2(f6.2), 20(f2.0); Variable: Names are globa1 globa2 support soclchg soclunc diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Usevariables are diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Analysis: Estimator is ML; Type is meanstructure; Model: Cogni by diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc; Vitali by tired enrgtic wornout peppy; Mental by atpeace feelblue happy nervous down; DisWorry by afraid frust hlthwry; Second by Cogni Vitali Mental DisWorry; Output: standardized;

Title: Full Second-Order Model of Quality of LIfe (Figure 3) Data: File ='D:\Life\Analysis\Data\GS\PresentHealth.dat'; Format is 2(f6.2), 20(f2.0); Variable: Names are globa1 globa2 support soclchg soclunc diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Usevariables are diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Analysis: Estimator is ML; Type is meanstructure; Model: Cogni by diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc; Vitali by tired enrgtic wornout peppy; Mental by atpeace@1 feelblue*-1.5 happy*-.3 nervous*-1.8 DisWorry by afraid frust hlthwry; Second by Cogni@1 Vitali Mental DisWorry; Second by diffeas@0 sloract confsed forget diffconc !must fix to tired@0 enrgtic wornout peppy !must fix to atpeace@0 feelblue happy nervous down !must fix to afraid@0 frust hlthwry; !must fix to Output: standardized;


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Title: Incomplete General-Specific Model of Quality of Life (Figure 4) Data: File ='D:\Life\Analysis\Data\GS\PresentHealth.dat'; Format is 2(f6.2), 20(f2.0); Variable: Names are globa1 globa2 support soclchg soclunc diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Usevariables are diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Analysis: Estimator is ML; Type is meanstructure; Model: General by diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc tired enrgtic wornout peppy atpeace feelblue happy nervous down afraid frust hlthwry; Cogni by diffeas sloract confsed forget diffconc; Vitali by tired enrgtic wornout peppy; DisWorry by afraid frust hlthwry; General with Cogni@0 Vitali@0 DisWorry@0; Cogni with Vitali@0 DisWorry@0; Vitali with DisWorry@0; Output: standardized;

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