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the So So Def mogul
introduces 9th Ward & Nitti

9th wARd
Jermaine Dupris
Secret Weapon
Super Producer
your FavoriTE raPPErS FavoriTE MaGaZinE
A&R, Hypem
an, Artist, & Sean John m
l In

Fresher than Doug E.
Space Age Pimpin
Shows Us Why The
Hood Loves Him
9Th WarD
Secret Weapon
& niTTi
Super Producer

Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll J
+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll S
6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll !
8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll 9
I ll 0Z0NE hA6
PUBLlShERlElI0R-lN-ChlEl ll 1ulla Beverlv
hUSlC ElI0R ll Randv Roer
lEAIURES ElI0R ll Erlr N. Perrln
ASS0ClAIE ElI0R ll haurlre 6. 6arland
6RAPhlC ESl6NER ll avld KA
AVERIlSlN6 SALES ll Che 1ohnson
PR0h0Il0NS lRECI0R ll hallk Ahdul
SPEClAL ElIl0N ElI0R ll 1en hrKlnnon
LE6AL C0NSULIANI ll Kvle P. Klng, P.A.
SUBSCRlPIl0NS hANA6ER ll Adero awson
AhlNlSIRAIlVE ll Klsha Snlth
lNIERN ll Karl Bradlev
C0NIRlBUI0RS ll Alex Cannon, Bogan, Charla-
nagne the 6od, Churk I, Clerra hlddlehrooks,
estlne Ca|uste, Edward hall, lellta Knlght,
1arlnta howard, 1aro Varek, 1esslra Koslow,
1 Lash, 1ason Cordes, 1ohnnv Louls, Keadron
Snlth, Kelth Kennedv, K.6. hoslev, Klng Yella, Luls
Santana, Luxurv hlndz, harrus eWavne, hatt
Sonzala, haurlre 6. 6arland, herredes lStrlrtlv
Streets), Natalla 6onez, Rav Ianarra, Rlro a
Crook, Rohert 6ahrlel, Rohlt Loonha, Shannon
hrCollun, Slff, Stan 1ohnson, Swlft, Ihaddaeus
hrAdans, Wallv Sarks, Wendv av
SIREEI REPS ll Jrd Leg 6reg, Adan hurhv, Alex
harln, Al-hv-I, Benz, Blg Brd, B-Lord, Blg Ed,
Blg Iearh lBlg houth), Blgg V, Blark, Bogan, Bo
honev, Brandl 6arrla, Brlan Eadv, Buggah .
6ovanah l0n Polnt), Bull, C Rola, Cartel, Cedrlr
Walker, Chad 1oseh, Charles Brown, Chlll,
Churk I, Chrlstlan llores, anlelle Srott, 1 a,
ellght, errlrk the lranrhlse, 1 lnelere, 1
Lvte, olla Blll, orlan Welrh, wavne Barnun,
r. oon, vnastv, Ed the World lanous, 1
E-leezv, 1 ElN, Elsode, Erlr Crunkatlanta
haves, Erlk Iee, l+ Entertalnnent, 6 ash,
6-hark, 6eorge Loez, 6orllla Prono, hazlq
All, hezeleo, h-Vldal, hotglrl haxlnun, 1ae
Sllnn, 1annln 1av, 1anlro hawklns, 1arvon
Lee, 1av Noll, 1eron Alexander, 1LN Photogra-
hv, 1oe Anthonv, 1ohnnv ang, 1udah, 1udv
1ones, Kenneth Clark, Klarr Sheard, Kool Lald,
Kurtls 6rahan, Kvdd 1oe, Lex, Lun, Lutovua
Ihonson, harro hall, harlo 6rler, harlel har,
1 h.0.E., huslr 6 hore, Natalla 6onez, Nlkkl
Kanrev, 0srar 6arrla, P Love, Pat Pat, Phattll,
Pln 6, uest, 1 Rage, Rald Rlr, Rohert Loez,
Roh-Lo, Rohskl, Rohlt Loonha, Srorlo, Slr Ihurl,
Southaw, Sade Sot, Stax, Sweethark, Ieddv I,
I1s 1s, Iln Brown, Ionv Rudd, Ire uhh, Irll Wll,
Irlna Edwards, Irov Kvles, Vlrlous, Vlrtor Walker,
1 Vlad, Voodoo, Wlld Blllo, Wlll hustle, Wu Chang,
Young harlen, Yung VS
SUBSCRlPIl0NS ll Io suhsrrlhe, send rherk or
nonev order for SZ to.
0zone hagazlne, lnr.
Attn. Suhsrrltlons et
6++ Antone St. Sulte 6
Atlanta, 6A JJI8
Phone. ++-JS-J88!
lax. ++-JS-Z+9!
Wehslte. www.ozonenag.ron
C0VER CRElIS ll 1ernalne url, 9th Ward, 6
Nlttl hoto hv Ivson horne, henhltz hoto hv
Ivson horne, Cash honev throwhark hoto lthls
age) hv Klng Yella, h16 hoto hv Angela horrls,
YV hoto hv 1ulla Beverlv.
lSCLAlhER ll 0Z0NE hagazlne ls uhllshed IZ
tlnes er vear hv 0Z0NE hagazlne, lnr. 0Z0NE
does not take resonslhllltv for unsollrlted
naterlals, nlslnfornatlon, tvograhlral errors,
or nlsrlnts. Ihe vlews rontalned hereln do not
neressarllv refert those of the uhllsher or lts
advertlsers. Ads aearlng ln thls nagazlne are
not an endorsenent or valldatlon hv 0Z0NE
hagazlne for rodurts or servlres offered. All
hotos and lllustratlons are rovrlghted hv thelr
resertlve artlsts. All other rontent ls rovrlght
Z8 0Z0NE hagazlne, all rlghts reserved. No
ortlon of thls nagazlne nav he rerodured
ln anv wav wlthout the wrltten ronsent of the
uhllsher. Prlnted ln the USA.
monthly sections
16-19 RapquEst
88 CD REviEws
13 JBs 2 CENts
20 MathEMatiCs
22 ChaiN REaCtiON
21-37 phOtO GaLLERiEs
36-40 patiENtLY waitiNG
89 CaFFEiNE suBstitutEs
13 10 thiNGs iM hatiN ON
six year anniversary
67 EsG
61 uGK
58 BaBY
63 tRiNa
76 piMp C
65 LiL FLip
81 Fat JOE
85 Ja RuLE
81 BiG puN
83 OutKast
70 wiLLiE D
72 J pRiNCE
74 JuvENiLE
75 sCaRFaCE
68 DJ sCREw
62 LiL BOOsiE
77 RiCK ROss
79 LiL waYNE
60 sLiM thuG
80 GEtO BOYs
71 tRiCK DaDDY
82 MEthOD MaN
66 DaviD BaNNER
59 MaNNiE FREsh
82 JERMaiNE DupRi
84 RussELL siMMONs
0Z0NE hA6 ll II

, 9
, N
i P
IZ ll 0Z0NE hA6
l |ust wanted to tell vou how nurh l love 0Z0NE. lts the onlv nagazlne l
rant sto readlng. Everv artlrle and everv lntervlew ls so real and unrut.
Please kee dolng what vou do. Leave the nagazlne the wav lt ls and rettv
soon evervone wlll swltrh over to vou. ln addlrted. ln a erson that reallv
doesnt read a whole lot, hut ln dlssertlng everv 0Z0NE l get nv hands on.
Chrls hudd, lnrutsvahoo.ron
how hout dolng a sread on the wonen that hold down these wannahe ra
artlsts, ronoters, rodurers, 1s, and street tean workers! Plentv of forus
ls lared on the nan hehlnd the nuslr, hut how hout the wonen who glve
these nen the oortunltv to ursue thelr dreans whlle we stav at hone
foruslng on the honefront! Ihese guvs rlalnlng to he on thelr grlnd are
dolng lt herause thev need lnrone to suort a fanllv, who, whlle thev are
out on the road, ls helng taken rare of hv the wlfe or glrlfrlend at hone.
We glve then the suort and helleve ln what thevre dolng, whlle walt-
lng wlth then for thelr hlg hreak. half of the ronoters or artlsts ln thls
huslness wouldnt he ahle to do what thev do wlthout a ersonal asslstant,
who, nlne tlnes out of ten, haens to he the wlfev or glrlfrlend whose hraln
ls the entlre oeratlon. Wlthout ne, there ls no voul
Lvn, ellehlazehotnall.ron lIallahassee, lL)
l dont know lf theres heen a llfe-rhanglng event |ln hls llfe] or what ha-
ened, hut the last few entrles of Charlanagne Iha 6ods Chln Cherk have
heen sone of nv favorlte leres to readl ln the ast l have dlsagreed wlth
the thlngs he soke on, herause lt was alwavs hatlng or tearlng down sone-
one or sonethlng. l an antl-hatlng. But hls aroarh latelv has heen nore
lnslratlonal, naklng nuthafurkers aware of verv lgnored tolrs. Ihe Jrd
annual 1 lssue entrv strurk ne rlght ln the heart herause lt was so true. ln
horn and ralsed ln hattleshurg, hlsslssll, and as soon as l got the rhanre
to work at the loral radlo statlon as the nornlng show hoard oerator, l
|uned on lt, worked nv wav u to the #I nlght |ork ln the state lrherk the
ratlngsl), and lt alnt ahout the nonev or the loral fanel l got a honehov
that works at I.6.l. lrldavs that hrlngs hone nore nonev than ne. l do lt for
the love of nv rltv and nv nelghhorhood. l hear the sane shlt all the tlne
when l talk to other radlo ersonalltles. l |ust work here, As long as thev
rut the rherk and l alnt gonna lle, l have sald those thlngs too, hut l had
to ull nvself hark and renenher whv l reallv do thls. Ihe |radlo] av lsnt
enough to llve off of, let alone trv to halll So hlg us to Charlanagne and hls
Chln Cherklng. Sonetlnes the onlv wav to wake eole u ls to knork en
outl lve heen rolllng wlth 1B and 0Z0NE slnre lt was a JZ-age lrture fest
held together wlth stales. Kee golng ln the sane dlrertlonl Iheres stlll a
J+ ound hlark nan fron South hlsslssll who has vall harkl
1 Blg BR, llerharvahoo.ron lhattleshurg, hS)
hev 1B, vour Z Cents ahout the hooklng gane ls too real. l an also a hooklng
agent and have dealt wlth artlsts who have turned down S+, tours
whlrh wouldve nade nv I errent S+,. l have had artlsts derllne
S6, shows herause thev dldnt want to fv to Australla. Ihe artlsts are
had hut the ronoters are the worstl Pronoters sav thev have the nonev
readv, then as soon as vou send rontrarts, thevre nowhere to he found.
Ivler horgan, hlgtztnall.ron
ln glad the 0Z0NE Awards are gonna he ln nv honetown of houston thls
vear. l reallv hoe Lll lll dros sone new naterlal verv soon so he ran he
nonlnated for sonethlng or at least erforn. he shouldve heen nonlnated
for nost slet-on alhun thls vear. lll ls the South, what 0Z0NE nalnlv
res, and he denltelv ls houston. lf not, hev, he ran alwavs erforn an
R.l.P. Pln C trlhute. Slnre l rst heard of 0Z0NE ln Z+ l have gotten
suhsrrltlons rontlnuouslv and wlll rontlnue to do so. Kee u the good
Luls Reves, l.rev+!vahoo.ron lhlanl, lL)
l |ust got the lssue wlth Irlna and en lranrhlze Bovz on the rover and llke
alwavs lts a good nagazlne, even though theres stlll no Streetz 6 Young
eures. Ihe nade-u SldeklrklBlarkherrv ronversatlons are the hest thlng
Young eures, voungdeurestnall.ron lhllwaukee, Wl)
l thlnk next nonths I Ihlngs ln hatln 0n should he ahout these lane-
ass 1s. Ihev rlaln thev show love to loral artlsts, hut when vou take then
vour naterlal thev dont even llsten to lt to see lf lts hot or not. l was onre
told that voure not a 1 lf vou rant hreak a rerord. Ihese 1s onlv thlnk
ahout lavln these lane-ass lndustrv raers, who onlv talk ahout the
sane hullshlt, hut when soneone aroarhes then wlth sone real shlt,
thev dont wanna llsten. Ihev art llke nv struggle alnt shlt.
hurrlrane B1, nvsare.ronlhurrlraneh| lWest Paln Bearh, lL)
l lrked u the new lssue of 0Z0NE wlth Bun B and Wehhle on the rovers
and was sklnnlng through the ages and rane arross the artlrle ahout
Calvln Kleln. When l saw that lt was wrltten hv Wendv av, l rouldnt walt
to read lt, one herause of Calvln Klelns ast and, two, herause l knew that
Wendv would ask the questlons the readers want to know wlthout holdlng
hark. Ihe artlrle dldnt dlsaolnt ne one hlt, and the endlng ronnents
were the lrlng on the rake, where she stated, After hearlng slnllar storles
over the vears fron 1az-0, ehaven, Blggs, and anon ash, l lost the
stonarh to seak wlth New Yorks klng of ra. You reallv ut nv thoughts
and feellngs on aer wlth that statenent herause l was feellng the sane
wav as well. l wonder lf vou rould do the sane wlth all the ex-nenhers of
Ierror Squad, herause l hear the sane thlngs ahout lat 1oe. Wendv, voure
lnrredlhle ln vour work and what vou hrlng forth to the tahle. l arerlate
vour hard work and dedlratlon to the rulture.
Rav hatos, natosrZrornlng.ron
l read a ronnent fron a reader naned Beno ln the last lssue who sald that
0Z0NE ls kllllng the nagazlne gane rlght now, and l agreel All the other
nagazlnes are lled wlth |artlrles llke] hake Your Penls Blgger, have
6reat Sex, not to nentlon the hone sex ads. Ihls ls a nuthafurkln hl
ho nag that reorts hl hol lts all good, though. As long as those other
nagazlnes sell thelr I roles, 0Z0NE wlll he dedlrated to the readers of
real hl ho. l read the 1 lssue, and l need to send nad shouts to the e-
trolt 1s who werent nentloned. 1 I at W1LB and Suga Rae on hot IZ.!.
Erlr haves, nvsare.ronlrrunkatlantanuslr letrolt, hl)
Send vour ronnents to feedharkozonenag.ron
or hlt us u at www.nvsare.ronlozonenagazlne
0Z0NE hA6 ll IJ
Send vour ronnents to feedharkozonenag.ron
or hlt us u at www.nvsare.ronlozonenagazlne
he last nonth has heen a ronlete hlur hut ln rettv sure lt was
durlng a dlnner neetlng ln New York, sonewhere ln hetween off-
rolor |okes ahout the kunquat nartlnls, that nv favorlte exeru-
tlve ennark lwho onre lntrodured ne as Plnkv 6 the Braln, and
l love hln for that) asked the slnle hut rofound rhetorlral questlon
thats heen stlrklng ln nv head ever slnre. So, nlnetv errent of vour
|oh ls haslrallv gurlng out whos full of shlt! Ihe nore l null over
thls ln nv head, ves, lts true. No natter whether ln llstenlng to new artlsts
who want to he featured telllng ne that thevre the next hlg thlng, selllng
advertlsenents, hooklng artlsts for shows, or seeklng sonsorshls for the
0Z0NE Awards weekend, lts true. Nlnetv errent of nv |oh lnavhe even nore
than that) ls gurlng out whos full of shlt.
l read lnto Ihe Wlld on a flght thls nonth, a hook ahout a guv who ahan-
doned evervthlng he owned, hurned all hls nonev, and hld out ln the wllder-
ness ln Alaska. he dled of starvatlon, of rourse, hut thats heslde the olnt.
l trulv felt hln on that. Sonetlnes thls lndustrv hullshlt gets so had that l
fantaslze ahout destrovlng evervthlng l own and never seelng or seaklng to
another hunan helng agaln, ever, ln llfe, dlsaearlng lnto the wllderness. 1B
ls |ust the alter ego. Ihe real ne ls antl-sorlal as hell. l get too stressed out
over eoles hullshlt herause l take lt ersonallv. lf eole would |ust sav
what thev nean and nean what thev sav, wed all he hetter off.
lortunatelv, 6od has hlessed us all wlth gut lnstlnrts, and the nore we nake
use of our lnternal hullshlt detertor, the sharer lt gets l|ust llke gavdar, or
hlg dlrk radar). havhe l nake lt nore ronllrated than lt artuallv ls. Ihe rst
lnresslon vou get of soneone ls usuallv rorrert. No natter how nanv ron-
lses thev nake, lf lt sounds too good to he true, guess what! lt rohahlv ls.
lf a huslness roosltlon seens too good to he true lthe ronlse of seven
gures, or even elght gures, helng wlred lnto vour arrount at anv nonent,
fron a na|or rororatlon), thev wlll rohahlv dangle the rarrot ln front of
vour nose for a good nonth or two, |ust to entlre vou, hefore havlng thelr
lawver send vou over a lengthv rontrart denandlng a large lun sun u
front ln addltlon to lots of other harelv derlherahle legalltles.
lf the new guv seens too good to he true lrute, has a great hodv, has nonev,
arts llke a erfert gentlenan, and savs all the rlght thlngs) he rohahlv ls, ln
realltv, narrled wlth two rhlldren llts easv to look u narrlage llrenses these
davs, |ust 6oogle lt). hls wlfe rohahlv has a trarklng devlre ln hls hone
whlrh she uses to hunt hln down at wonens houses and assault then lves,
assault as ln, a hall hondsnan ls lnvolved) wlth hrass knurkles. She nlght
even drlve one of hls rars and snash lt lnto hls SUV lagaln) lf she reads thls.
lf a artv ronoter ls ronlslng a deal that seens too good to he true lfour
ronserutlve artles where vou |ust show u and get half the nonev), rhanres
are, after hes wasted vour tlne for a nonth and dlsaeared wlthout sendlng
rontrarts or deoslts, voull nd that he never even had the venues serured
and was slnlv naklng entv, hollow ronlses that neant nothlng. Slnllarlv,
lf voure asked to wlre SI8, to a ersonal arrount and lt doesnt seen
qulte rlght, lts vour own furklng fault when thev dlsaear wlth vour nonev.
Botton llne, nost lndustrv folks are ronletelv full of shlt. lf lt doesnt feel
rlght, lt lsnt. lf lt seens too good to he true, lt ls. Leave lt alone. Walk awav,
herause lts not worth the tlne and energv and effort. he, l want nv llfe to
he real. l want nv relatlonshls to he real and nv frlends to he real and nv
huslness to he leglt, and lf l ut nv word on sonethlng, lll do evervthlng ln
nv ower to follow through. Ihese values, eserlallv ln the nuslr huslness,
seen to ut ne ln the nlnorltv. So lf voure one of the I% lor less) who feels
llke ne, |ust do vourself a favor. go wlth vour gut.
- 1ulla Beverlv, |hozonenag.ron
jbS 2cents
Usher fl Bevonre 6 Lll Wavne Love ln Ihls Cluh Part ll
Klller hlke fl Shawtv Lo Z Sldes
Ihe Roots fl Chrlsette hlrhele 6 Wale Rlslng U
1arvls fl Ludarrls Prettv 6lrl
Bearh Z a Beans her lPod
Carlos Cartel fl Sark awg Cokarohlrs
Iean l.R.A.C. Pants Saggln
Phvzlral fl 1azze Pha Who Let En ln
I.l. No hatter What
Nas Be a Nlgger Ioo
Raer Blg Pooh Snlle
Parlr lvlslon Iaste
avld Banners hlrthdav
he, Ihe 1arka, 6 -Rav hls
vldeo shoot ln San lranrlsro

he, Chanllllonalre, 6 Irae
Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv ln

lke ls afrald to see ne on the
haskethall rourt

hv ronedlan Klana anrle
0R hASKlN6 IAPE I0 h0L lN Ih0SE R0LLSl
Sklnnv rhlrks, ln talklng to vou tool Yes, l
sald tael Yes, l have taed nv rohlen
areasl ont ask how l got out of the tael l
dont advlse talng, eserlallv lf voure dolng
lt vourself, hut l wlll endorse the good ol
glrdle or sanxl Ihe onlv rohlen wlth wear-
lng a glrdle ls that lt looks llke vou have on
a glrdle. lf vou need to |ust address a serlr
area, llke the tunnv lwhlrh nost of us do),
the antv glrdle nav he vour answer. Ihe
rohlen ls that vou wlll alnost alwavs have
the dreaded antv llnes. Ihls ls never, ever
rutel So, go to the store and get vourself a
sanxl lts llke a thlrk antvhose thatll hold
ln all vour rohlen areas and relleve vou of
anv antv llnes. Ihank vou 1esusl
l dont know ahout thls one. l love then
hoth, hut ln not sure lf l love then together.
he ls so slllv, hut rute, and she ls - well -
harlahl - a had, talented, rlrh l-N--E-P-E-
N-vall know the rest - wonanl What rould
she osslhlv need or want fron that llttle
hov! l guess when vou get lt ut down on
vou, narrlage and tattoos wlll follow. ang,
l need to get lt ut on nel Note to self. nd
sone good, voung lovel
J. PE0PLE IhAI SAY, hY EX lS A 600 hANl
Well, whvd vou leave that good nan!
l wont lle, l wear a weavelll l love lt herause
lts easv to nalntaln and ln alwavs readv
to klrk ltl lt onlv herones a rohlen when
the weather ls not wllllng to work wlth vour
glrl. l hought sone verv exenslve lndlan
halr, and aarentlv, lt doesnt raln where
thls rhlrk was, herause nv halr swelled u
llke Sohla fron Ihe Color Purle. Ihe worst
art ls, l had told nv new dude that thls
SIS.lounre halr was nlne. l was trlrkedl
Banhoozledl Now, l an ln a tangled, natted,
had weave that rost ne a thousand dollars,
and ln hanned fron the Koreans store
herause l arted a fool trvlng to get a refundl
No dlsresert, hut nv nana alwavs told ne
when grown folks are handllng huslness, to
shut ul l wlsh soneone would have told
Pastor Wrlght thatl l understand hls need
to defend hlnself and hls falth, hut we are
trvlng to get a BR0IhER ln the WhlIE h0USEl
Whlte folks rant handle too nurh aggresslon
fron hlark folks, edurated or notl hlgh vella
or notl oes the rest of the world need to
know that hls rrew ls so hood! No, not so
soonl Pastor Wrlght, let that nan handle hls
huslness and then vou ran do voul Slt vour
ass down, voure ahout to rost hln the rarel

Cheesln Weezv ln AIL
I+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll IS
I6 ll 0Z0NE hA6 I6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
E h
lIS Ih

harv 1. Bllge and 1av-Z shut down the heart of
the Cltv Iour wlth Kanve West, Ilnhaland, henhls
Bleek, and 1eezv hlesslng the stage. Bevonre,
uestlove, laholous, and harvs hushand Kendu
watrhed fron the Rorawearl99 1anz VlP sertlon
along wlth nel Ihe afterartv at Karu 6 Y was a
relehfest of artors, slngers, raers, NlL and NBA
lavers. Rlrk Ross and llo-Rlda hoth had alhun
slgnlng events at Best Buv where the suort was
J--S heautlful. llo-Rlda had a howllng afterartv
land l heat hln). hlanl nust he an lnslratlon for
Bevonre, 1anet 1arkson, Cee-Lo, Clara, Solange,
Charlle hustle, and Nlna Skv herause thev all
hooked out the studlos here.
- Sua Clndv lwww.hvsare.ronlSuadue)
SSU and E9J hlazed the alrwaves and ranus wlth
Srlng lllng, a week long hreak for Savannah State
ro-eds. Llovd and Shawtv Lo hrought Srlng lllng
to an end hut the artv ket golng. Blg 0 and
Rlrh Llfe have the rollege srene on lork wlth the
hottest artles of the season. Kaa Alha Psls
llngerle artv at lrozen was too hot for IV and the
greatest end to lt all ls Io ZS and lsland Breeze,
where A.h.l 6 Kaa Alha Psls Bennev 1av was
- Lurkv lLurkvCharnsEventsgnall.ron)
lnnerstate lke dros the hlghlv antlrlated alhun
Whales and Watergunz. 1ulox fron Uglv Azz Ent.
ls worklng on a new nlxtae ralled hv Z Week
Notlre. hln, Kevln Plstol, 6angsta head, Cltv of
the Snow, and Ivtanlk all have nlxes drolng
wlth 1 Ktone Ihe Iurf 1. 1 Bedz ls advanrlng
ln hls rareer, and KS I!.S hates lt. Cluh Ireo had
a no-show Battlerat artv, hut lt was arked as
hell. llrst Saturdavs at Blue lre starts ln hav, and
Chlngo Bllng ls ronlng to the town ln hav. Ihe
1azz statlon ls now hlstorv, and so ls Cluh Rlse
downtown. lts now ralled Beta, and lts heen o-
ln for the terhno heads.
- 1 Ktone lhvsare.ronld|ktonedotron)
Ihe streets are awaltlng the hlghlv antlrlated
nlxtae hv 1 Ierrah, Cut the Cherk or Cut the
Coversatlon Vol. Z. Slnre hA6lC II.J rerelved BS
status, ranklng lt 8J ln the rountrv, the rltv has
heen lnvaded hv vlslts fron Irlna, av Z6, hlke
1ones and rountless other suerstars. Ihe Venue
and Plasna stlll have the rluh srene on snash
for Saturdav nlghts, holdlng lt down for the hood
and rollege rrowds, resertlvelv. Artlsts galnlng
nonentun ln the streets are Ball 6reezv, 6rlnd
hode, and Blg Koon 6 hollvwood wlth thelr hanger
ln Leanln.
- 1ett 1arkson lgS|ettgnall.ron)
Ihe C0RE Street 1s |ust lndurted Averl hlnor, 1
Shotlne, 1 Krerfert, 1 Predator, and 1 Bonsu.
We had a great tlne at the C0RE Retreat ln New
0rleans along wlth C0RE 1 Lll 1ohn fron W6Cl.
Ihe rltv was well reed along wlth lnnlte hustle
Ent.s utrh lnero, hvnalava, 1 Young Shadow,
and Shahazz. hot Stvles had the #I rerord ln the
rltv wlth Lookln Bov featurlng Yung 1or. onskl
had a showrase at Ilnl hartlnl that hlghllghted
arts llke utrh lnero, hvnalava, Ihraxx, 1 Lvn,
Kurfew, and Ihe Cartel. No l and Iraxster have a
new hlogslte ralled Noldvstraxster.ron. Ihe hl-
ster novenent has taken over Chlrago wlth Cool
Klds and Kld Slster.
- 1anal hooks l1hookstnall.ron)
hore than I resldenres, hotels, and aartnents
ln 6reater Clnrlnnatl and Northern Kenturkv have
heen ralded slnre nethanhetanlne rst surfared
as a drug rohlen here ln Z. Ihe Clnrln-
natl Unlon Iernlnal, fornerlv a na|or sto for
assenger tralns, relehrates lts !Sth annlversarv
throughout Z8. NKUs wonens haskethall tean
ls ln the rerord hooks as natlonal rhanlons of
NCAA lvlslon ll. Slx-tlne 6rannv Award wlnner
Kanve West hrlngs hls 6low ln the ark Iour to U.S.
Bank Arena thls sunner, sharlng the sotllght
along wlth Rlhanna, N.E.R.., and Lue llasro,
- 1udv 1ones l1udv11onesent.ron)
Ihe SS has heen on re wlth ronrerts thls vear.
Kanve Wests 6low ln Ihe ark ronrert ls ron-
lng. arren Loez was naned the new Progran
lrertor for Klss 9!.J. Ioo Shorts ronrert ls helng
resrheduled. Raw ls hlttlng evervone over the head
wlth hls nultlle C releases thls vear. YLl wlll he
taklng over Iha Lah hl ho Store. Erlr hartlnez
fron Power hoves Entertalnnent resented on
the Iastenakers Panel at Sha honev XLs Produrer
Conferenre ln Arlzona.
- Beno lBenoeadvnuslrgrou.ron)
Avrh defeated New 1ersev raer h.l.L. on BEIs
I6 and Park and earned a trl hark ln hav. 1ook
nuslr loneer Iana Ionv rerelved a llfe sentenre
for ossesslon and ronslrarv to dlstrlhute lhut ls
stlll allve and well, deslte runors that he ron-
nltted sulrlde). Ihe nlxtae srene heats u wlth
nultlle releases of 1 Slnatlks Street Runnaz se-
rles. 6rannv Award wlnnlng rodurers 1.U.S.I.l.C.E.
League and BhU hrare for the release of Z Plstols
dehut alhun. Ihlrd Leg 6reg returns to WlL 98.!fn
on weekends. Buhha Sarxxx oened Iwlre on
Sundavs Rerordlng Studlo.
- Sllrk Worthlngton lSllrkWorthl8IJgnall.ron)
Ihe Iexas Urhan huslr Sunnlt lIexas U.h.S.)
harked hv the C0RE 1s ls ronlng to rltv earlv
sunner. PPI |ust droed thelr alhun engllsh. l
told Blg Chlef l was sleelng on hln and he told
ne lve got to wake u. Ihe wav he fls through
the rltv, hes rlght. Cherk out 6o harda and Su-
astarz at nvsare.ronlhlrhlefa. Blg oughskl 6
ls ln the streets wlth hls new nlxtae 1ust leel he
Bro whlle Lll lred Rerords ls keelng Young Nlno
and hothov Starr grlndlng. 9!.9s Lvte and E-
Class are llve at Rhvthn Cltv everv Saturdav nlght.
hS got transferred to Seagovllle, stav strong, nan.
- Edward Pookle hall lurhansouthgnall.ron)
Arll saw Blg Sld relehrate hls +th Annual Blrthdav
Bash Conrert at Wlldrose ln San Angelo. Slln Ihug
headllned the event wlth serlal guests Plavaz
Cholre, 6erald 6, 6rlt Bovs, Ist Class, and Slaughter
house. Ahllenes weekend starts olng Ihurs-
davs wlth 1 Skld at 0Kellvs Co-Ed Ihursdavs,
lrldavs wlth Ladv Vlne at El Sltlos hl ho
lrldavs, and Saturdavs at hldnlght Rodeo J wlth 1
1ale on the Is and Zs.
- Chrlstlan llores lrdogradloahllene.ron)
Snoke and Pav of Cluh hvnotlr teaned u wlth
Starr 6 0 of J6 hood Ent., Alexander of Stand-
alone Ent., and B I6.J to hrlng arts llke Paul Wall,
hvLvfe Rerords, 6reen Cltv, 6utta of harks 0n
Iha Rlse, Swlsha house, Kvle Lee, and 6rlt Bovs.
hs. Rlta and oza on IV got lentv of footage.
lrtv B, Lonestar, led S, and KIraln of ledtvnes
slngle hake hoves gets heavv radlo rotatlon.
Lennle B own and Advkted Sol oened Cluh
Karhlng wlth Blg Brad of Srorlon Rerords and Lll
Sean of Karhllng erfornlng. 6reta held a Celehrltv
B-Ball gane ln Waro.
- Ire uhh ltreduhhhotnall.ron)
lre Cuhe, Bun B, avld Banner, N.E.R.., Cllse,
Ludarrls, hannle lresh, Iallh Kwell, Roh 6, Chlngo
Bllng, Ierh N9ne, and nore were all ln town for the
Z8 SXSW lSouth hv South West) huslr lestlval.
Loral and area artlrlators lnrluded 6erald 6,
Challe Bov, Plnln Pen, 0n Ihe Llne Rerords, 1-
Kaone, Puhllr 0ffenders, Set + Llfe, Bavu Blakes,
uestlon, ro|o, C.0.. and nore. 1 Rald Rlr and
Challe Bov are releaslng Versatlle Chlld Z. Return of
the Versatlle Chlld. Plthull rane to town for a show
at Paradox wlth Ihe Beat I+.9.
- 0.6. of Luxurv hlndz lwww.luxurvnlndz.ron)
0Z0NE hA6 ll I! 0Z0NE hA6 ll I!
B.E.I.s Srlng Bllng lnvaded West Paln Bearh
and the rltv was huzzlng. Ihe weekend started
wlth a erfornanre hv Brlsro at Cluh Phanton.
0Z0NE hagazlne ket the weekend golng wlth a
grown and sexv artv at R1s Lounge. 0n Saturdav,
llvtvne harketlng 6 Pronotlons teaned u wlth
hlrage 6entlenens Cluh to hrlng Srlng Bllngers
a glrl-on-glrl freak show. Entrereneur Enter-
talnnent and Carheen huslr have teaned u to
herone the nuslral owerhouse ln Paln Bearh
Countv. Wlth Irlle 1s alhun I Ioes own alreadv
ln the streets and nlxtaes hv 6-Bol, Vandan, and
Ioedown on the wav, thev wlll surelv he solldled
ln Paln Bearh.
- 1ulre wlth llvtvne harketlng lLadvKlllaEnt
lke 6 Shvst of hazardous took hone Best 6rou
of the Year at the Carollna Underground huslr
Awards. Real vnanlte was nonlnated for Best
Slngle of the Year and word ls thevre slgnlng wlth
Asvlun. Ihe Endzone Lounge got Saturdav nlghts
on lork ln the Ralelgh Cltv. Io those hlue and
red hovs, vall need to sto the hullshlt and get
nonev. Ihe 0thaz are holdlng lt down ln 6-horo.
P-Wonda ls on the new vldeo shoot wlth Rlro.
Wenons Enowernent was a great surress for
Radlo 0nes W0K and Kathv hughes. Ihe llrenan,
a.k.a. Y-Nastv, stlll has the rltv on lork.
- Yung llv 0hana 1r. lwqok9!Svahoo.ron)
Ihe loral hl ho IV show a Show has heen
on snash wlth loral vldeos, lntervlews, and llve
erfornanres. hake lt Raln Ent. hrought Shawtv
Lo to 1ln Porters and lt was hot. hurrlrane Chrls
rane through EXP0 S and erforned for a less
than arked house. lather 1ah droed hls hlghlv
antlrlated alhun Phllosohles of a hodern av
hasternlnd wlth features fron h-I, Natlve, Nav
Roots, Iavlor havd and others. Ihe Kenturkv erhv
and KYhP Kan Awards were rrazv.
- lvlne a lnstagata l0uttaaShoEnthotnall.ron)
Produrer PC fron lnkster, hl worked wlth C-Bo and
Young Burk thls nonth. AL Nuke was rohhed of a
vlrtorv on BEIs I6 and Park. 0ne Be Lo rontlnues
to tour overseas. Ihe Bullfrog ln Redford, hl ls the
lare to erforn at. Buff I was naned Best etrolt
Raer. Street Lord 1uans alhun Lord Status ls
hlghlv antlrlated hv the streets. Readv Ror Re-
rords ln Ysllantl was shut down after a drug rald.
hade West Entertalnnent rontlnues to hold down
the streets. Blar-E-Blar hooked u wlth C-hurders
Iru Puhllshlng. Zraw+fn.ron launrhed lts wehslte
wlth a artv.
- A1 ltheJIJreortvahoo.ron)
Wvnette Lll Bana 6url Newhv, an u-and-ron-
lng artlstlvldeo dlrertor, rreated a V entltled
Welrone to the ot. lt raught the attentlon of
loral authorltles as well as the nedla. Ihe V
sotllghts the resldents of the rltv showlng how
thev do then. Loral ollre helleve lt ronoted
gang afllatlon and weaon usage ln the rltv.
Soul|a Bov was a no-show at hls own ronrert,
whlrh dlsaolnted over a thousand ronrert goers.
Lurkllv fenale raer Skvvlevel fron Iallahas-
see, lL oened the show and got the rrowd rrunk
hefore attendees learned ahout the headllners
- 1 Akll l1.Akllvahoo.ron)
Cone Claln the hlr huslr Conferenre was a great
surress. Blood Raw vlslted the haglr Cltv. hes also
featured on the B.A. Bovs new slngle. Shawtv Lo
rane to the rltv ronotlng Unlts ln the Cltv. 1 C.
Ross hlessed the streets wlth hls new Showtvne
nlxtae serles whlrh features artlsts surh as
Young Cash, Alfanega, 9th Ward, Corev Barhar, Rlrk
Ross, Attltude, and 6orllla Zoe. Ron Whlte rontlnues
hls nonthlv R.W. Rerord Pool at hlkes Crossroads.
Srarfare and Bun B vlslted Cluh Platlnun. Iefon
has a new slngle on radlo whlrh features Blrnlng-
han 1. Ihev rerentlv shot a vldeo for lt.
- K. Blhhs lAll0rNothlngPronohotnall.ron)
Pravers go out to the fanllles afferted hv the
tragedles that have heen haenlng here. l dont
even want to get dee lnto lt, hut lets |ust sav
Colunhus nade CNN two weeks ln a row. Rlrk Ross
held an alhun release artv at Cluh Rltno. Cash P
held an alhun release artv at hls tattoo sho. 1
Stvlz of loxle IS ls hostlng the Urhan Cafe, whlrh
hrlngs a nurh-deslred alternatlve for those that
are on thelr 6rown and Sexv. lt features raers,
oets, ronedlans, and nore. Kendrlrk hlgh glrls
won the State Baskethall Chanlonshl.
- Sllrk Sevllle lSllrkSevlllegnall.ron)
1ln 1ones and Shelst Buhs rotege K |ust
released hls new street alhun lts All Ahout he.
Although he res Baltlnore, Ks huzz ln New York
a roule of vears ago was too heavv to lgnore.
Ihe lset fanllv nenhers Purle Cltv slgned the
voung enree to thelr lnrlnt and lnnedlatelv
released Klng he, Ihe Kav SlavlShelst Buh nlxtae
whlrh garnered natlonal arrlaln for K. Crltlrs
evervwhere were huzzlng. Now he ls hark wlth
even nore rrark as the new alhun features Young
1eezv, Kanve West, and rodurtlon hv 9th Wonder.
Ihe alhun avallahle on Purle CltvlBahvgrande
Rerords at www.nvsare.ronldk!J.
- arkroon Produrtlons lIhearkRoonlnrvahoo.
Rerentlv lreewav, l-Wavne and Wavne Wonder,
Shawtv Lo, Lll Wehhle, B.E.I.s 1 +S, Lll Boosle,
Irlna, Sean 1av, Rlrk Ross, Ihe lranrhlse Bovs,
I-Paln, Crlne hoh, Pleasure P. all vlslted the rltv.
Ihe honetown radlo statlon swltrhed fron 9Z.! to
9J.J wlth the sane llne-u featurlng 1 r. oon,
I-Rov, and Easv E. Blgga Rankln threw a hlg uval
All-Stars artv featurlng sone of 1arksonvllles
to artlsts surh as Young Cash, hustle house, P.l.I.,
Lovaltv Ent., Sua Chlno, 1 Kool Ald, and Swordz.
Runor has lt our own hldget har wlll he featured
on a new VhI realltv show thls sunner.
- Lll Rudv lLllRudvRuvahoo.ron)
Wlrks alhun release artv for Cltv of Wlrks Volune
Z went down earller thls nonth. lrank Llnl rontln-
ues to nakes the streets huzz wlth hls lvrlral stvle,
hes denltelv Southwest llorldas nost unslgned
hve. Rlskavs Who You Creeln Wlth, rodured
hv IS.Ss own 1 uest, rontlnues to rlse ln the
rharts. Yes, lts onlv the rst quarter of the vear
and the IJth grow house ln Lee Countv has alreadv
heen husted. See all the rettv green!
- 1ae Rae l1aeRaeISSaol.ron)
I8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
Las Vegas ls known for Z+ hour artvlng and gan-
hllng. Ihls nonth were known for nuslr vldeos.
Lll Wavne raltallzed on the Vegas llfestvle ln hls
new vldeo Lolllo. Snoo ogg, Ioo Short, and
hlstah l.A.B. also shot the Llfe of the Partv vldeo
here. Seaklng of Ioo Short, hls hlrthdav artv
went down ln Vegas. lgltal Underground ald
a vlslt to Poetrv Nlghtrluh and took lt hark wlth
the fanous huntv anre. Wlth Shorts hlrthdav
artv, 1av-Z and harv 1.s ronrert, and Kanves
6low ln the ark tour, lts husv ln Sln Cltv.
- Portla 1arkson lPortla1srlnt.hlarkherrv.net)
Were seelng a trend for L.A. raers lf vou want
to lav ln the hlg leagues and vour nane lsnt
Snoo, Cuhe, 6ane, or re then vou hetter llnk u
wlth a heavv hltter fron the South. halllng fron
Watts Nlrkerson 6ardens Pro|erts rones 1av Rork
wlth a street hanger ralled All hv Llfe featurlng
Lll Wavne. Also fron Watts, 6lasses halone slgned
to Cash honev and droed a heater featurlng
Akon entltled Certled. lts rurrentlv kllllng the
Power I6 alrwaves. Seaklng of KPWR, thelr #I 1
lelll lel slgned a rodurtlon deal wlth So So ef
and released a nega-slngle that hoasts raneos hv
Kanve, laholous, Ne-Yo and 1.
- Ant Wrlght of Swag, lnr. lwww.hvsare.ronlant-
Ihe Sar hl ho srene has heen rettv qulet.
Evervone seens to he on edge wlth the hlg eler-
tlon ronlng u. lorner Phoenlx Suns laver and
0ak Park natlve K1 ls runnlng for navor - go Kevln
1ohnson. 6ood Lurk to oev Rork on hls rerent re-
lease 9I6 Unled. Plnkvs ls the new loral hl ho
venue and Center Court has 6rown 6 Sexv hl ho
everv lrldav. lf vou havent heen to the lstlllerv
wlth 1 Elr on Ihursdav, voure nlsslng out.
- Zav lzaenalgnall.ron)
Produrer Cozno ls slowlv ronlng out of the wood-
works wlth hangers for San ulnn, Bun B, and 1odv
Breezes uronlng ro|erts. 0ne thlng ahout lrlsro
artlsts ls that thev stav grlndlng llke Pahlo lettl
lIhe 6ane lz U + 6rahz), Ya Bov lln Ahout to
hurder Shlt nlxtae) and Ballv lWork the haglr).
- Kav Newell lkavozonenaggnall.ron)
lresh off thelr hIV Anerlras Best anre Crew wln,
Ihe 1ahhaworkeez are geared u to wrerk stages
arross the rountrv. Z9 res for a rrazv nonth
of shows and ls even taklng lt arross the horder
wlth Plthull. Watrh vaself ln Il|uana though, dont
want anv of that artv rrowd heronlng one of the
lnfanous I1 kldnalng vlrtlns.
- Ant Wrlght of Swag, lnr. lhvsare.ronlantsandg)
Keak the Sneaks hlghlv antlrlated alhun
eed lKorh) nallv shows slgns of llfe wlth a new
vldeo for Ihat 6o. Ervkah Badu and Ihe Roots
erforned llve at the Paranount Iheater. 1. Stalln
droed a YouIuhe vldeo for the street slngle
Palnt the Iown to go along wlth hls latest ro|ert
Sla Sho Ents nlxtae Welrone to a Sla house.
6o to nvsare.ronlneownlxtaes and rherk out
hla heows nuslr. Shes feedlng llsteners a taste
of the fast llfe ln the town. 6eorglas rst ladv of
ra Rasheeda fees ln fron the shawtv raltol for a
serlal aearanre at 0aklands Studlo +Zlhld-
town Ballroon.
- Kav Newell lkavozonenaggnall.ron)
Portlands hl Rollerz Rerords rontlnue to nake a
nane for thenselves vla the nlxtae gane. lts
runored that thevve slgned 0lvnla reresenta-
tlve and Sourre Unslgned hve alunnl l1an. 8)
Slo Poke, a.k.a. SP, and are worklng wlth hls tean
Ihe Real Llfe Cllrk fron Larev, Washlngton. Lawal,
ldahos 1 Iee, known as Natlve Anerlras #I 1,
droed another gen for the streets |ust ln tlne
for sunner wlth hls Natlve Anerlran ldol serles.
Where are Ihe U-Krew and Nu Shooz! Ihevre sone
of Portlands nest for real.
- Luvva 1 lhvsare.ronlluvva|)
Allrla Kevs erforned llve for one nlght onlv at
the hP Pavlllon and Kanve was hark for a serond
round wlth hls 6low ln the ark tour. lor those
that wanna feel llke thevre hallln, sho at West-
eld Vallev lalr Sholng Center lLouls Vultton,
harvs, Ihe Cheeserake lartorv, and wav nore).
Wlld 9+.9 and artv 1 1ose helendez donlnate
the South Bav, artlrularlv at Iaste Ultra Lounge
on Iuesdavs, lrldav, and Saturdav nlghts. lf vou
thev wont let vou ln, go to Vlvld Ultra Lounge for
an ultra-sexv rrowd and nuslral nlx of Io +lhl
- Kav Newell lkavozonenaggnall.ron)
St Patrlrks av nav he lnternatlonallv relehrated,
hut where hetter to he ln the nonth of harrhlArll
than uhlln, lreland! We took a trl hark to the
nlnetles thls nonth wlth Bovz ll hen and Naughtv
hv Nature hravlng a vlslt to the land of hoozers
and hrawlers, to he net hv stage lnvaslons and
heavv hangovers. Rlhanna waved her unhrella
through the streets of uhlln wlth a Chrls Brown
lookallke hldlng underneath. Loral hov arren
Sutherland hoxed hls wav to the 0lvnlrs and
Rhasodv was the latest of the rerent sate of
rluh rlosures.
- Kev Storrs lkevstorrsgnall.ron)
Alwavs glvlng honor to the 06shav Blrthdav to
halroln X lhav I9). Look for 06 Wo|arks lCrlnlnal
Natlon fan) new, as-vet untltled, ro|ert ln lall
Z8. Ihere are also runors of a new Crlnlnal
Natlon ro|ert. Ihe Z6 Zulu Natlon ls throwlng
lts annual Zulu 1an at the end of hav ln Seattle.
0narl Sallshurvs enltlon Wlreless ls hlowln u
on the huslness front. Cherk for 0lvnlas Roval
Lounge on lrldavs rorkln evervthlng fron Al 6reen
to 6uns 6 Roses and Run hC.
- Luvva 1 lhvsare.ronlluvva|)
0ver the last nonth relehrltles surh as laholous,
Ihe rean, Young 1eezv, 1ln 1ones, Ioo Short,
Shawtv Lo, Wehhle, Lue llasro, hlllarv Cllnton, and
Barark 0hana have nade lt through the C0. We
were fresh to def at Power I!.Ss I vear annlver-
sarv artv and lt was arked. 0ur honles llv Unlon
llnked u wlth nlxtae naster hlrk Boogle for a
roule exrluslve trarks on hls new Cs. ZB and the
rest of hardllfe Ent. oened u for 1eezv and 1ln
1ones. Seen Anerlras Next Io hodel latelv! Ihe
heautlful glrl wlth the attltude ls none other than
C0s own onlnlque.
- Blg Yogl llnagelnqgnall.ron
I8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
Ihanks to Ihe llrn, Ihe Plare, Zen, Sensatlons,
Rhvthn Kltrhen, and Suer s the rltv ran nallv
en|ov a varletv of venues. Ihe 1s are hoonln too.
C-Lo ls gearlng u for a new nlxtae serles, hB ls
stlll uttlng ln work, Whltev |ust slgned wlth ef
1an to do exrluslve nlxes, and 1 lnfanous and
Slr Swlft gear u to dro thelr authorlzed Cashvllle
hlxtae Serles. Seaklng of Cashvllle, havstak
ls stlll novlng na|or unlts and Platlnun Bound
Rerords ls hark wlth a new loratlon ln Antlorh.
- 1anlro l1anlrosouthernentawards.ron)
Srarfare gave the 06s a reason to rone out
for a herk of erfornanre. Artress and nodel
helvssa lord was a no-show for a srheduled
hostlng event, aarentlv the wlnd raused a flght
rohlen. Boosle and Yo 6ottl hlt the rare trark,
hrlnglng ln over 6, eole. Lll C fron Battleeld
ls reortedlv the next hest hood artlst leadlng
lnto the sunner. Staxs 6th Annual Blrthdav Bash
durlng henorlal av weekend had the streets
huzzlng. Lvfe 1ennlngs ut ln work, hanglng out
two erfornanres at two dlfferent loratlons ln less
than four hours.
- Ianhra Cherle lIanhraCherleaol.ron) 6 Stax
99.!fn Kh11 was awarded Best Radlo Statlon ln
Anerlra hv Radlo 6 Rerords hagazlne. Ihe sta-
tlon rearhes Arkansas, 0klahona, and half wav
to houston, Iexas. Caurrlno gets the norn-
lng started hondav-lrldav 9 Ah to Z Ph, and
Saturdavs Z Ph to 6 Ph. hotsaure heats u the
evenlng hondav-Saturdav 6 Ph to I Ph. Young
Nlsa sedures the late nlghts hondav-Ihursdav
I Ph to Z Ah, and Sundavs Noon to + Ph. E Law
rranks u Saturdav nornlngs fron I Ah to Z Ph.
C har grooves the evenlng everv Sundav + Ph to
8 Ph. 0ther notahle rluhlunderground 1s lnrlude
Woodv, K-Rork, and Po.
- Cnar lrnarrunulus.ron)
Kanve West erforned at the lord Center ln
0klahona Cltv on Arll Z9th. Ihe after artv was
at Cluh e|a Vu. Presldentlal Ira house hosted a
release artv for thelr new artlst Cho Cho. Ihe
guvs had nad suort fron the rltv. 6unna and hs.
honevSlrrle erforned as well. 0n hav I8th, hon-
evSlrrle had her release artv whlrh was ronhlned
wlth the Ihl Bovz llstenlng artv.
- harshlvnn lharshlvnn.Boldenusrellular.ron) 6
PL lBeatBrokers!!vahoo.ron)
Sone verv deservlng artlsts got thelr rhanre to
shlne at the Beale Street huslr lestlval. Ihls vear
henhls natlves Al Kaone, Pro|ert Pat, Lord I 6
Elolse, and hurk Stlrkv were added to a llne-u
that lnrludes Ihe Roots, lergle, Aretha lranklln,
and nore. Llve hl ho hand lree Sol wlll hegln
rerordlng a new alhun thls vear wlth 1ustln
Ilnherlake. lree Sol rerentlv slgned to Iennnan
Rerords, whlrh was launrhed hv 1ustln Ilnherlake
hlnself. Raer + Kel has galned a lot of atten-
tlon hv dolng ra novle revlews everv lrldav on
I!.S and wlth hls new hlt song henhls Ilgers.
- eanna Brown leanna.BrownhenhlsRa.
Ihe rltv ls ronlng off lts uelelta week hlgh
and ls readv for Bruhfest lhason Week). Rerentlv
aearlng on Ra Cltv, 1 Sweats new nlxtae Ihe
hovenent, a ronllatlon of hlsslsslls hottest
artlsts, ls kllllng the streets. lt features all the
Sls reglons fron the lrtv elta down to the
Coast wlth artlsts llke XVll, 6hB, hugsv, Reek og,
hoodoo 6 Kllla, and nore. l.6. and Lll .P.s Il
Wltrha Bov ls nallv gettlng slns on the vldeo
rhannels. Young 1eezv got the huzz around town
wlth hls arrlval soon. And although ln hlg fan,
Wehhle stood the huh Cltv u agalnl
- 1 Blg Brd lllerharvahoo.ron)
I6.9 KhlIS hrought Bow Wow, Naughtv hv Nature,
and Cherlsh to town for thelr Srlng Bash Z8.
Loral Produrer 0-Bol galns exosure hv rodurlng
Stlll hlssln on llo-Rldas new alhun. 1 6ood
6round has heated u the streets wlth hls newest
nlxtae, Countrv Swagger Vol. I. Raer B.E. ls the
newest artlst on the grlnd wlth Sll N Sllde Re-
rords. Ihe alhun ls ralled Let he 6et he featurlng
hls hlt slngle hustlln wlth 6ator of C-Slde. lt wlll
he ln stores thls sunner.
- 1 Clvll Rlghtz lhvsare.ronl1ClvllRlghtz)
Irllllon Bllllon Beats, a.k.a. Kllla Squad, rodured
several slngles ln the street rlght now for artlsts
llke utrh 1arkson llurk a Lou), Yah ertv Zo
lIrlle Ste), Young lll lCherk he 0ut), Loule V
lLlke a hodel), and Cltv Bol l6ltrha 6ood). Ihev
also have a rredlt on Chlngvs new alhun and a
endlng lawsult wlth Bone Ihugs over 0rder of
hv Stes, whlrh was wrltten hv utrh 1arkson.
Ihe hot new alhuns ln the town are lanllv Affalrs
allv Sltuatlons and 6otta Be Karlns Bean Ple.
Countv Brown of Addlrted oeness ls SILs new
hlttnenn 1 re.
- 1esse 1anes l1esse1anesJI+aol.ron)
Ihls nonth was a surelv on re wlth shows fron
haklng the Bands av Z6 at Cluh Antro and Cluh
Planeta hexlro all ln the sane nlght. Io to thlngs
off, lt got reallv rrazv when the !th Annual Low
Low Car Show rane to town. Ihe stage was grared
hv none other than 6rannv Award wlnnlng artlst
and rodurers Ihree 6 haa. Roh 6 and a llst of
other loral talent also grared the stage.
- Blsho haxx lhlsho_naxxvahoo.ron)
6.B. the llv Bols slngle Ihlnk ln lrv ls kllllng
the radlo and streets. ragged U huslr oened
u lts serond Soundsran loratlon and klrked off
ragged U 1s. AIB Ent. has a new slngle featur-
lng Lll Boosle. 1 on on launrhed S.B. Ent. wlth
a nlxtae release and store oenlng. Bangln ln a
Irunk features Boosle, Wehhle, 01 a 1ulre, Lll Wvte,
6urrl hane, and Plles. vnastv halr Salon kees
all the ladles looklng fresh. Snogronrast.net
and Unorthodox hedla klrked off thelr ronanv.
Ihe hvnotlzed Iour left Consero lelldhouse.
Barark 0hana rane through. Katt Wllllans rorked
the hurat Iheatre three sold-out nlghts ln a row.
Shawtv Lo, Bun B, Srarfare 6 Wehhle nade trls to
Cloud 9 Bar 6 6rlll. Ihe new hr. ans at Kevstone
and lallrreek holds lt down wlth the Conevs and
Burgers late nlght.
- 1 Blark ld|hlarkhrtnall.ron)
I-Paln lrked u a 6rannv for Best Ra Song wlth
Kanve West for 6ood Llfe. I1s 1s was a surress
wlth the hel of artlsts surh as Shawtv Lo, Rlrk
Ross, Blood Raw, B.0.B, Prettv Rlrkv, Khla, Yung
1or, 6orllla Zoe, 6 1 Unk. hr. Buss lt Bahv hlnself
Plles returned to the rltv wlth a show at Ba|as
Bearh rluh. Lll Boosle showed u thls tlne to rl
u a sold-out rrowd at Ihe hoon. Ihe rean hlt
the rltv wlth verv short ronrert at Ba|as Bearh
Cluh. P. lddvs new haklng of Ihe Band artlst
av Z6 rane lnto the rltv to host and erforn at
llorlda A6h Unlversltv.
- 1 a l1a0nllnegnall.ron)
Arll 6th was 1 lrank Whlte and 6reg Streets rst
Alahana showrase featurlng guest |udges 6reg
Street, I1 Chanan, Chad Brown l1lve), Rlrh Bov,
and oughhov l9!.9 P). Rlrh Bov erforned sone
new nuslr. Ihe showrase wlnner was Ira house
6uns host hated Vol. S out now. Lll Chavs
Rollln ls off the rhaln ln the rluhs. 6urrl hane
rane through and lnstead of avlng hln, thev
should have ald hls hve nan herause he dld
all the work. Khla and hareo rane through and
erforned thelr new slngles for the rrowd. Long
honev Ent. ls runored to have slgned to Ilght to
ef lRaheen).
- lrank Whlte lwww.hvsare.ronld|frankwhlte96)
6 hot 6lrl haxlnun lhot6lrl.haxlnungnall.ron)
0Z0NE hA6 ll I9
Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
s nanv of vou know hv now, lts verv dlfrult to naneuver ln thls lndus-
trv unless voure ln the lnner rlrrle. Ihere ls a large rlrrle of eole who
all do huslness together, and gettlng lnto that lnner rlrrle ls never easv.
lts even gotten harder as the nuslr lndustrv ls naklng less and less nonev
these davs.
Ihe rool thlng ahout hl ho ls that we have never walted for an lnvltatlon,
and we dont rare lf vou llke us, we |ust hulldoze our wav lnto sltuatlons and
nake the hest of lt. l rall thls klrklng ln the door. We dont knork and walt
for an answer, we klrk that hltrh lnl Part of klrklng ln the door, ls knowlng
how, when, and whereand what, to klrk ln. An even larger art of that ls
naklng noves utlllzlng relatlonshls and ronnertlons. lf vou are nlsslng a
kev asert, vou need to he ahle to lrk u the hone and rall soneone legltl-
nate who has that arress or knows soneone else that thev ran rall to galn
arress. Ihat arress allows vou entrv lklrklng ln the door) to the lndustrv, and
arhlevlng surress wlll kee vou there. Surroundlng vou, everv ste of the wav,
are hullshlt eole who rlaln to have arress and ronnertlons, hut dont. At
hest, thev ran get a neetlng or a rall returned, hut thev rant rlose the deal.
Let ne he real frank here. lf vou are the tve of erson that eole do not
llke, or lf vou have anv asshole tendenrles llnrludlng an over lnfated ego),
vou should N0I he on the front llnes. llnd soneone ln vour ran who ls a
eole erson and ran klss a llttle hlt of ass to get what ls needed. lts not a
rohlen lf vou are not that erson, as long as vou dont trv to he sonethlng
vou are not. Peole see rlght through the hullshlt ln thls lndustrv verv qulrklv,
and we all talk to earh other lln fart, nale or fenale, we are llttle gossllng
hltrhes ln thls lndustrv, so exert had stuff to sread faster than a forest re).
Ihe hardest asert for vou to overrone, lf vou are N0I ln that lnner rlrrle,
ls knowlng who ls legltlnate, whon to trust, and to whon to turn when vou
need sonethlng arronllshed. Ihls lndustrv ls rle wlth sharks, snakes, sran
artlsts, and ldlots. And all of then have one goalto searate vou fron vour
nonev, eserlallv lf lt aears as though vou have a lot of lt.
ln the nuslr lndustrv, there are a LAR6E handful of rlueless eole who surk
at what thev do, hut wlll hallv rharge vou nonev. You wlll lose nonev lf
vou furk wlth then. You wlll also lose rredlhllltv wlth the legltlnate eole
lf vou furk wlth then. lnevltahlv, l get a handful of eole who rone to ne
everv week asklng ne to undo sone stuld shlt that another ronsultant
dld to furk u thelr ro|ert. lt ls ten tlnes harder to rlean u soneone elses
ness than lt ls to start a ro|ert fron srratrh, so exert to he turned down hv
the leglt folks, lf vour ro|ert ls alreadv a shanhles. l know l wont tourh lt.
0ddlv, the rlueless eole who surk at worklng other eoles ro|erts, seen
to he nasters of thelr own self-ronotlon. Not onlv are thev not too husv
to send out a rldlrulous nunher of enall hlasts talklng ahout thelr surress
on a ro|ert ll eserlallv L0VE the ones that rone through talklng ahout the
neetlngs thevve had that dldnt lead to anvthlng, hut thev sure have lrtures
of thenselves wlth fanous artlsts and CE0s who would never take thelr ralls
agaln), hut thev thlnk that dolng a llttle hlt of work ls the sane as nlshlng
a ro|ert fron A to Z, and thev un that u uhllrlv. l guess lts llke a llttle
kld learnlng the alhahet, where thev feel that lf thev ran rerlte the rst four
letters of the alhahet, lt glves then the rlght to rlaln thev know the entlre
alhahet. And then thev go hrag ahout lt.
l have sent the ast vear undolng lnrredlhle danage that one of these
naster self-ronoters has done to an artlsts rareer. And he or she ls stlll
out there rlalnlng to have hullt surress for thls artlst, when all that was ar-
ronllshed was a hlg ness for + other lndustrv rofesslonals to have to sort
out and rlean u. Everv tlne l rerelve an enall hlast fron thls ldlot talklng
ahout what a great |oh he dld hulldlng thls artlst, l rrlnge and roll nv eves ln
dlshellef. lts hard for ne to derlher lf he or she reallv feels that sonethlng
osltlve was arronllshed, or lf the goal ls |ust to rlaln surress to get rherks
fron other artlsts who dont know anv hetter.
Part of ne wants to exose the fraud, and art of ne wants to arret that
thls ersons lntentlons nav have heen good, |ust that lgnoranre ls hllss. 0n
a slnllar note, theres an artlst out there lnanv artuallv) who has hullt sone
llnlted surress on taklng others nuslr and selllng lt as hls own. 0f rourse,
ln thls lndustrv, exosure rones verv qulrklvvou get ahout a Z or J vear
run hefore evervone nds out what a fraud vou are. Ihls artlst rerentlv got
slgned and then droed fron a na|or lahel when lt was dlsrovered that he
has llnlted fans hut hodarlous self-ronotlon. Whv ls lt that other lndustrles
have Better Buslness Bureaus, Consuner Reort Agenrles, and Ralh Nader
tve whlstle hlowers to exose the frauds, hut ln the nuslr lndustrv we shrug
off the frauds who are |erklng eole out of nllllons of dollars everv vear!
l hear folks ronare the nuslr lndustrv to the streets and the drug gane
regularlv, hut lf that were true, wed have no srans herause the rlre of rl-
lng soneone off would he verv, verv hlgh.
Iheres an artlst ln lndlana, whose arents were hllked out of a quarter nll-
llon dollars that thev lnvested lnto thelr sons rareer lthe leds got lnvolved ln
thls one). A few guvs out of Chlrago wlth no trareahle trark rerord of surress
took these eole for a nanrlal rlde, ronlslng to hel thelr son arronllsh
hls drean of helng a suerstar rodurer. When l asked the arents what nade
then trust the guvs la 6oogle searrh turned u N0 lnfornatlon on then),
thev olnted out that these guvs rlalnlng to he nuslr lndustrv exerutlves
alwavs showed u to thelr hone ln a llnouslne, so thev assuned thev were
surressful. Classlr. 1lnnv lovlne, the head of lntersroe Rerords lone of the
nost surressful lahels on the lant) wouldnt even ull u ln a llno.
l renenher neetlng wlth a rharlsnatlr rodurer when l llved ln NY. he
few ln fron out of town. he ronstantlv rlted 6od for hls surress and even
rlosed our neetlng wlth nav 6od hless voul he had a heat C of lnrredlhle
nuslr. What l dld not know at the tlne was that thls heat C rontalned heats
of not hls own work, hut the rodurtlon of J or + other rodurers fron hls
honetown. Although l never dld huslness wlth hln, that rodurer went on
to get a uhllshlng deal for hls rodurtlon even though lt was not hls nuslr.
he never herane a suer rodurer herause the real rodurers hark hone
raught on to what he was dolng. Iwo of those rodurers who got |erked
hv thls hullshlt artlst have gone on to herone latlnun rodurers ln thls
lndustrv, and the hullshlt rodurer has |ust rerentlv heen exosed for helng
the shan that he ls. Couldnt haen to a nlrer guvll l hoe 6od hlesses hln
All thls to sav, when vou do other eole dlrtvlntentlonallv, or through
lnexerlenre and lgnoranre, there ls a rlre to av. Ihls lndustrv ls hullt on
ronnertlons and relatlonshls. 0nre vou hurn then out, theres nowhere else
for vou to go, hut down. And lt haens verv, verv qulrklv. And l an hallv
sreadlng the word.
Z ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZI
I ll Plavaz Clrrle, Chlngv, 6 Wlllv Northole hIV 1ans AIL Week lnlng lAtlanta, 6A) Z ll 6reenrltv Ihe Beat !IJ lhouston, IX) J ll Kennv Kennv 6 Coro Renae Southern
hustlln Iour lhanton Roads, VA) + ll Brandl 6arrla, guest, 6 6 ash Pashaa Ultra Lounge for Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) S ll Ihe BA Bovs 6 rrew Cluh Red for
the BA Bovs l Llke All Ihat vldeo shoot lBlrnlnghan, AL) 6 ll 1 B-o 6 Young Burk on the set of Bun Bs Ihats 6angsta lPort Arthur, IX) ! ll Seventeen 6 hana Wes Bar Rlo
for Bun Bs Z Irlll alhun release artv lhouston, IX) 8 ll Snoo ogg 6 Nnete 9!.9 lhouston, IX) 9 ll Plthull 6 guest on the set of wotes ont Wanna llght lhlanl, lL) I ll
BA Bov 6 ladles Cluh Red for the BA Bovs l Llke All Ihat vldeo shoot lBlrnlnghan, AL) II ll Klottl, ee honev, 1 ElX, Snlttv, 1 Storn, 6 guests Paul Walls hlrthdav ronrert
lhouston, IX) IZ ll Ladles Ihe harlln lhlanl, lL) IJ ll hlke Shernan, Rorsl 6 Iearanv Srlng Bllng lRlvlera Bearh, lL) I+ ll Pattv 1alne 6 1 Khaled hanslon for Rlrk Rosss
Irllla alhun release artv lhlanl, lL) IS ll 1 Prlnre 1r 6 Ieresa on the set of Bun Bs Ihats 6angsta lPort Arthur, IX) I6 ll hana Wes 6 Boho Lurhlano Bar Rlo for Bun Bs Z Irlll
alhun release artv lhouston, IX) I! ll Irlna 6 Iorrara Prlve for Irlnas alhun release artv lhlanl, lL) I8 ll Cherell, Snlttv, 6 1lnnv Bol Pashaa Ultra Lounge for Crlsro Kldds
hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) I9 ll 0nar 6 Bevonre Patrhwerk for Rlrk Rosss Irllla llstenlng sesslon lAtlanta, 6A) Z ll 1 Khaled 6 0rlando Wlldslash lIana, lL)
Photo Credlts. Bogan lI!), Erlr Perrln lS,I), 1 Lash l9), 1ulla Beverlv lJ,!,I+,I6,I9), Knowledge lZ,+,6,8,II,IS,I8), Luls Santana lZ), hallk Ahdul lIZ), hs Rlverrltv lI), Ier-
renre Ivson lIJ)
lahove L-R). Unrle Luke 6 Ioo Short Sohe Llve for Ioo Shorts hlrthdav artv ln hlanl, lL lPhoto. 1ulla Beverlv), Rav 1 6 Irae Ihe Beat rar show ln allas, IX lPhoto. Edward hall),
Yung 1or 6 Usher Lurkles for Bhl Urhan showrase ln Atlanta, 6A lPhoto. 1ulla Beverlv)
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZI
ZZ ll 0Z0NE hA6

hls rhaln rlght here ls new, lts a hood Luv he rhaln. lve
got sone tlghter stuff than thls, hut thls ls nv favorlte
rhaln herause lts got |nv lahel] So lrev on lt. Ihls ls the
one l wear everv dav.
lve got a roule of rhalns. l wasnt lannlng on wearlng thls one for
shows, l |ust wear lt everv dav to kee fron wearlng nv hlg stuff rause
thevre so hlg and hulkv. lts klnda rlunsv to walk around wlth so l wear
thls one rause |the rhaln] ls shorter. Evervhodv fell ln love wlth lt, and l
fell ln love wlth lt too.
|Ihe stones are] red ruhles and VVS whlte dlanonds. Ihls ls a whlte and
vellow rhaln. Ihe rhaln rost ahout SJ, and |the rharn] rost ahout
S!,, so the whole thlng ls ahout SI, easv. Plus, nv watrh rost
l dont ever nentlon nv |ewelers nane. Ihls shlt ls serlous. l an the kld
whos So lrev. Ihls alnt vour llttle raers rhaln vou have ln there. No
one ran furk wlth ne on the |ewelrv. None of vou raers. None of the
raers ran furk wlth ne on the |ewelrv gane, erlod. ll
Words 6 Photos hv 1ulla Beverlv

















0Z0NE hA6 ll ZJ
I ll I1 Chanan, Plavhov Ire, B0B, 6 Rlrh Bov on the set of haterz Evervwhere lAtlanta, 6A) Z ll I Cltv, Yung Berg, 6 6 han 9!.9 lhouston, IX) J ll 9th Ward 6 Nlttl 9J.J
lhouston, IX) + ll Llovd 6 a voung fan on the set of how We o lt ln Ihe A lAtlanta, 6A) S ll haltlan lreshs Zhl Srlng Bllng lRlvlera Bearh, lL) 6 ll Ioo Short 6 honlka
0llnlew Sohe Llve for Ioo Shorts hlrthdav artv lhlanl, lL) ! ll Carol Cltv Cartel 6 haltlan lresh on the set of haltlan lreshs vldeo lhlanl, lL) 8 ll Bvron Wrlght, Catherlne
Brewton, Bohhv Valentlno, 6 Lll Srrav Lurkles for Bhl Urhan showrase lAtlanta, 6A) 9 ll Rlrk Ross 6 Shawtv Lo Southern hustlln Iour lhanton Roads, VA) I ll 6reg Street
6 6lasses halone Cluh Crurlal for BloodRaws hlrthdav artv lAtlanta, 6A) II ll Slff, Cool, 6 1 Nastv hanslon for Rlrk Rosss Irllla alhun release artv lhlanl, lL) IZ ll 1-ue
6 Brandl 6rarla Warehouse Llve for Snoo oggs llstenlng artv lhouston, IX) IJ ll Yo 6ottl 6 1 Kool Lald Cluh lernler lCleveland, hS) I+ ll hodel searrh rontestants Studlo
lnr for 0Z0NE nodel searrh lIana, lL) IS ll 1ankv 1ohn 6 Young 1eezv lreelons l1arkson, hS) I6 ll Slln Ihug 6 Kelth Prlve for Irlnas alhun release artv lhlanl, lL) I!
ll Blgga Rankln 6 Rlrk Ross on the set of hon-E 6s vldeo shoot lKansas Cltv, h0) I8 ll 1ln Bean 6 ladles I-Palns 6rannv Arerlatlon ronrert l1arksonvllle, lL) I9 ll 6arv LaRo-
rhelle 6 herredes the C0RE 1s Retreat lNew 0rleans, LA)
Photo Credlts. Bogan lI6), Erlr Perrln lI), 1ulla Beverlv l+,6,8,9,II,I9), Knowledge lZ,J,IZ), hallk Ahdul l!), Ralh Snlth lIJ,IS), Ierrenre Ivson lS,I,I+,I!,I8)
lahove L-R). Slln Ihug 6 Snlttv Pashaa Ultra Lounge for Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv ln houston, IX lPhoto. Knowledge), Irlna 6 wote on the set of wotes ont Wanna llghtln
hlanl, lL lPhoto. 1 Lash), Nellv 6 Wehhle Skvhox ln St Louls, h0 lPhoto. Klng Yella)
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZJ
Z+ ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZS
I ll 1 6reg 6 6 Wes llf lron l0rlando, lL) Z ll Lll Peare 6 hoodklngs Rhvthn Cltv lallas, IX) J ll Wvrlef 6 0rlando Wlldslash lIana, lL) + ll Yung 1or Lurkles for
Bhl Urhan showrase lAtlanta, 6A) S ll Kllla Kvleon, Breneshla, 6 Young B Bar Rlo for Bun Bs Z Irlll alhun release artv lhouston, IX) 6 ll Cherell, Slln Ihug, 6 1ulla Beverlv
Pashaa Ultra Lounge for Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) ! ll Brandl 6arrla 6 Crlsro Kldd Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) 8 ll runna Bov, Rork Cltv, 1
Irauna, Akon, 6 Bennv 1Irauna.rons launrh artv lAtlanta, 6A) 9 ll Rlrk Ross, 1 Lash, 6 vldeo nodel on the set of Rlrk Rosss here l An vldeo shoot lhlanl, lL) I ll Ier-
renre Ivson 6 Ashlee lord Ihe harlln lhlanl, lL) II ll 1 Storn, 1lnnv Bol, 6 ee honev Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) IZ ll hurhv Lee 6 1 KIone Cluh olre
lSt Louls, h0) IJ ll Ied Luras, Askla lountaln, 6 Ne-Yo Patrhwerk for Rlrk Rosss Irllla llstenlng sesslon lAtlanta, 6A) I+ ll 1 ISI 6 1 Young Cltv Ihe Edge for 0Z0NE artv
lIallahassee, lL) IS ll 6uests Cluh Red for the BA Bovs l Llke All Ihat vldeo shoot lBlrnlnghan, AL) I6 ll 6-hark 6 1 hr Klng Vllla lontana for 6-harks artv wlth Bun B
lLoulsvllle, KY) I! ll All Vegas 6 nodels on the set of hls vldeo shoot lhlanl, lL) I8 ll 6reg Street 6 Paula hlrhelle on the set of haterz Evervwhere lAtlanta, 6A) I9 ll Ihe ladles of
College hlll Atlanta Srlng Bllng lRlvlera Bearh, lL) Z ll haddog 6 Young Cash Ihe harlln lhlanl, lL)
Photo Credlts. 1 6reg 6 lI), 1 KIone lIZ), Edward hall lZ), Erlr Perrln lIS,I8), 1 Lash l9,I!), 1ulla Beverlv lS,!,II,IJ), Knowledge l6), Luls Santana lJ), hallk Ahdul lI,I6,Z),
Ierrenre Ivson lI+,I9), Ihaddaeus hrAdans l+,8)
lahove L-R). Pos, Corev, 6 hana Wes on the set of Bun Bs Ihats 6angsta ln Port Arthur, IX lPhoto. Knowledge), Akon 6 Kardlnal 0fshal on the set of angerous ln hlanl, lL
lPhoto. Bogan), Yung Berg 6 Z Plstols Powerfest ln Augusta, 6A lPhoto. Ierrenre Ivson)
0Z0NE hA6 ll ZS
Z6 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z!
I ll Yung Berg 6 guest Lurkles lAtlanta, 6A) Z ll 1 B-o 6 llvah on the set of Bun Bs Ihats 6angsta lPort Arthur, IX) J ll Shaggv, Plthull, 6 halroln 1ones on the set of
wotes ont Wanna llght lhlanl, lL) + ll Ludarrls 6 Ehonv Steele Ihe Box rar show lallas, IX) S ll Rlrh Bov, hlss Allsha, 6 I1 Chanan Ihe hoon for I1s 1s lIallahas-
see, lL) 6 ll loxx 6 hls son SU Srlngfest lBaton Rouge, LA) ! ll BSU 6 1 Snallz Ihe Edge for 0Z0NE artv lIallahassee, lL) 8 ll 1 Ro 6 hannle lresh Ihe C0RE 1s
Retreat lNew 0rleans, LA) 9 ll Iral , henhltz, 6 frlends on the set of hot Stvlz Lookln Bov vldeo shoot lAtlanta, 6A) I ll 6uest, Ionv Neal, 6 hlrha Porat Ihe harlln lhlanl,
lL) II ll Skvvhlgh 6 Nlerv Koha for Ireals vldeo shoot l0rlando, lL) IZ ll honev harr, Blaze, 6 Klottl Pashaa Ultra Lounge for Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) IJ
ll Lue llasro wlth the 9!.9 Ihe Beat rrew lallas, IX) I+ ll Lun 6 Kadlfe Svlvester 9J.J lhouston, IX) IS ll Bankroll 1onez, Ieresa, 1ulla Beverlv, I1 Chanan, 6 Crlstal Buhhlln
Pashaa Ultra Lounge for Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) I6 ll Ierrl Ihonas 6 Nnete 9!.9 lhouston, IX) I! ll Kelth Kennedv 6 ladles Ihe Edge for 0Z0NE artv
lIallahassee, lL) I8 ll ueen, Bun B, 6 Breneshla Bun Bs Z Irlll llstenlng artv lhouston, IX) I9 ll Blgga Rankln, Young Cash, hldget har 6 6uest I-Palns 6rannv Arerlatlon
ronrert l1arksonvllle, lL) Z ll a Rvno 6 honev harr Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX)
Photo Credlts. -Rav lI), Lvte l+,IJ), 1 Who l6), 1 Lash lJ), 1ulla Beverlv l9,Z), Knowledge lZ,IZ,I+,IS,I6,I8), hallk Ahdul lI,II), hs Rlverrltv l8), Ierrenre Ivson
lahove L-R). Polow da on 6 Clara Lurkles for Bhl Urhan showrase ln Atlanta, 6A lPhoto. 1ulla Beverlv), Young Burk 6 Bun B on the set of Bun Bs Ihats 6angsta ln Port Arthur, IX
lPhoto. Knowledge), Il uttlng ln sone ronnunltv servlre hours durlng Rvan Canerons vouth golf rllnlr ln Atlanta, 6A lPhoto. Ihaddaeus hrAdans)
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z!
Z8 ll 0Z0NE hA6
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z9
I ll Kasa, 1 hlss Behavlor, 6 Blg Iearh Ihe hoon for I1s 1s lIallahassee, lL) Z ll Klottl, I1 Chanan, 6 Poe lanond Crlsro Kldds hlrthdav artv lhouston, IX) J ll Blg
Iearh 6 Averv Storn on the set of Rlrk Rosss here l An vldeo shoot lhlanl, lL) + ll Rorko 6 Pookle Rhvthn Cltv lallas, IX) S ll Ed the World lanous, 1 en, 6 1 Khaled
hanslon for Rlrk Rosss Irllla alhun release artv lhlanl, lL) 6 ll Lll Boosle 6 Bugg Kush Lounge for Slxteen Seventvs Lll Boosle show lCharleston, SC) ! ll 1 Es 6 1 +S
Ihe harlln lhlanl, lL) 8 ll Chaos of 6rlndhode 6 1 Khaled hanslon for Rlrk Rosss Irllla alhun release artv lhlanl, lL) 9 ll allas Austln 6 Catherlne Brewton Lurkles
for Bhl Urhan showrase lAtlanta, 6A) I ll Irlrk addv 6 Bahv on the set of unk Rvders vldeo shoot lhlanl, lL) II ll Rorrett 6 I-Balla 60 1 Conferenre lhouston, IX) IZ ll
Ionv Neal 6 haglr hlke Cluh estlnv l0rlando, lL) IJ ll 1 Khaled, Are 6utta, laholous, Bahv, 6 6ll 6reen on the set of Cashfow lhlanl, lL) I+ ll 6reg Street 6 Kasa Powerfest
lAugusta, 6A) IS ll 6urrl Poorhle, E-Class, 6 San Sneak on the set of hon-E 6s vldeo shoot lKansas Cltv, h0) I6 ll llend 6 KLC Lurkles for Bhl Urhan showrase lAtlanta, 6A) I! ll
1 hl-C reln Straed on the set of Bun Bs Ihats 6angsta lPort Arthur, IX) I8 ll 1 +S, lvorv 0rr, 6 had Llnx 0ra Lounge lhlanl, lL) I9 ll Ionv Neal 6 6ll 6reen on the set of
angerous lhlanl, lL) Z ll Stehanle B 6 1uvenlle the hvnotlzed Iour lAugusta, 6A)
Photo Credlts. Bogan lI9), Edward hall l+), 1 Lash lJ), 1ulla Beverlv lZ,S,8,I6), Knowledge lI!), Leon Llovd lI), hallk Ahdul l!,IZ,IJ), Ierrenre Ivson lI,6,I+,IS,I8,Z), Ihad-
daeus hrAdans l9), Ire uhh lII)
lahove L-R). Shawtv Lo 6 hlke 1ones Powerfest ln Augusta, 6A lPhoto. Ierrenre Ivson), hlstah lAB 6 1 1ellv WVEE ln Atlanta, 6A lPhoto. 1ulla Beverlv), Bun B wlth hls wlfe ueen
and nother on the set of Bun Bs Ihats 6angsta ln Port Arthur, IX lPhoto. Knowledge)
0Z0NE hA6 ll Z9
J ll 0Z0NE hA6
01 // Kadife Sylvester, 9th Ward, & DJ Fresh @ WHWT (Huntsville, AL) 02 // BloodRaw & Kim Ellis @ Club Crucial for BloodRaws birthday party (Atlanta, GA) 03 // Willy Northpole &
DJ Impact @ DTP (Atlanta, GA) 04 // TJ Chapman, DJ Miss Behavior, & Slim from 112 @ The Moon for TJs DJs (Tallahassee, FL) 05 // DJ Kut, Ebony Eyes & DJ Kay Slay @ DJ Technol-
ogy Retreat (St Louis, MO) 06 // C-Bo, Rocko, & Youngbleed @ The Beat car show (Dallas, TX) 07 // Ted Lucas, DJ Khaled, Ace, & Shakir Stewart @ Mansion for Rick Rosss Trilla album
release party (Miami, FL) 08 // DJ Irie & Qwote @ Hooters Beach Ball festival (Miami, FL) 09 // Jas Prince & Queen (Houston, TX) 10 // Grit Boys, Killa Kyleon, & Starchy Arch @ Paul
Walls birthday concert (Houston, TX) 11 // Maricia Magana & Cindy Hill @ the Houston rodeo (Houston, TX) 12 // MOE @ The Globe for Webbies release party (Jacksonville, FL) 13 //
Vonchell from American Idol @ the Babylon Boyz car show (Ft Myers, FL) 14 // Shane, Big Bodie, & Teddy T @ The Moon for TJs DJs (Tallahassee, FL) 15 // DJ Mars & Ciara @ Luckies
for BMI Urban showcase (Atlanta, GA) 16 // Ques @ Club Red for the BA Boys I Like All That video shoot (Birmingham, AL) 17 // C-Funk & A Bunny @ the Babylon Boyz car show (Ft
Myers, FL) 18 // Rick Ross & Lump @ 93.3 (Houston, TX) 19 // Smitty & DJ Storm (Houston, TX)
Photo Credits: DJ Fresh (01); Edward Hall (06); Eric Perrin (16); Johnny Louis (08); Julia Beverly (07,15); King Yella (05); Knowledge (09,10,11,18,19); Malik Abdul (12,13,17); Ms Rivercity
(03); Terrence Tyson (02,04,14)
(above L-R): TJ Chapman & Chilli @ The Moon for TJs DJs in Tallahassee, FL (Photo: Terrence Tyson); Young Buck, Mama Wes, & Seventeen on the set of Bun Bs Thats Gangsta in Port
Arthur, TX (Photo: Knowledge); Stack$ & Too $hort @ Sobe Live for Too $horts birthday party in Miami, FL (Photo: Julia Beverly)
01 // BloodRaw shares the love @ Club Crucial for his birthday party (Atlanta, GA) 02 // Fat Boy, Gucci Poochie, Bigga Rankin, Rick Ross & J-Baby @ T-Pains Grammy Appreciation
concert (Jacksonville, FL) 03 // Smitty, Dee Money, Scooby of the Grit Boys, & TV Johnny @ Paul Walls birthday concert (Houston, TX) 04 // Honee & her models @ The CORE DJs Re-
treat (New Orleans, LA) 05 // Ray Lavender & guest on the set of Rock Citys video shoot (Atlanta, GA) 06 // Shawty Lo & Dorian on the set of Foolish remix video shoot (Miami, FL)
07 // Nappy Roots @ Club Destiny (Orlando, FL) 08 // Gucci Mane & Boomtown @ Patchwerk (Atlanta, GA) 09 // Ace Hood & Commissioner @ The Moon for TJs DJs (Tallahassee, FL) 10
// Show, Wop, & DJ Raj Smoove @ The CORE DJs Retreat (New Orleans, LA) 11 // Haitian Fresh, Chef Creole, & CEO of Sak Passe Records on the set of Haitian Freshs video (Miami, FL)
12 // The Runners, DJ Nasty, Jay Love, KC, Bali, & guest @ The Roxy for DJ Nastys birthday party (Orlando, FL) 13 // Dreadlocks & Troy Marshall @ 93.3 (Houston, TX) 14 // T-Pain, Lil
Mama, & Malcolm Jones on the set of What It Is (New York, NY) 15 // Marlei Mar & guest @ Villa Fontana for G-Macks party with Bun B (Louisville, KY) 16 // Day 26, Blaze, & Kiotti @
Sharpstown Mall (Houston, TX) 17 // Yo Gotti & Southside Posse @ the Hypnotized Tour (Augusta, GA) 18 // Mannie Fresh, Mia X, & Wop @ The CORE DJs Retreat (New Orleans, LA)
Photo Credits: Julia Beverly (05,08); Knowledge (03,13,16); Malik Abdul (06,07,11,12,15); Ms Rivercity (10,18); Terrence Tyson (01,02,04,09,17)
(above L-R): Pleasure P & Yung Berg @ Club Level for The Beats birthday bash in Columbia, SC (Photo: Terrence Tyson); Lloyd & Ludacris on the set of How We Do It In The A in
Atlanta, GA (Photo: Julia Beverly); Mike Jones & VIC @ Funkmaster Flexs car show in Louisville, KY (Photo: Malik Abdul)
01 // CO & guest @ Prive for Trinas album release party (Miami, FL) 02 // Rock City & Ray Daniels @ The Moon for TJs DJs (Tallahassee, FL) 03 // Joe Hound with Cool & Dre @ Fashion
week (Miami, FL) 04 // J Xavier & Madd Hatta @ 97.9 (Houston, TX) 05 // DJ Irie & the Blissberry ladies @ Hooters Beach Ball festival (Miami, FL) 06 // Trae & Chamillionaire @ Pashaa
Ultra Lounge for Crisco Kidds birthday party (Houston, TX) 07 // Ace Hood, Tony Neal, & DJ Khaled @ Prive for Trinas album release party (Miami, FL) 08 // Young Buck & Krystal
on the set of Bun Bs Thats Gangsta (Port Arthur, TX) 09 // Pitbull, Nelly, Rick Ross, & Avery Storm on the set of Rick Rosss Here I Am video shoot (Miami, FL) 10 // Loaded &
Headkrack @ The Beat car show (Dallas, TX) 11 // Kiotti, The Dream, & Crisco Kidd @ 93.3 (Houston, TX) 12 // Homer Blow & Pill @ The CORE DJs retreat (New Orleans, LA) 13 // Bigga
Rankin, Mon-E G, Yo Gotti, & Rick Ross on the set of Mon-E Gs video shoot (Kansas City, MO) 14 // Edgerrin James & Steve Bellamy @ Northwestern High for Memorial Day celeb bas-
ketball game (Miami, FL) 15 // Catherine Brewton & Lil Wayne @ Luckies for BMI Urban showcase (Atlanta, GA) 16 // Smitty & Kiotti @ Paul Walls birthday concert (Houston, TX) 17 //
The DEY & DJ Coolaid @ Party 93.3 (Houston, TX) 18 // Tonya Terrelle & T-Balla @ GO DJ Conference (Houston, TX) 19 // Gucci Mane & Ms Rivercity @ Luckies (Atlanta, GA)
Photo Credits: Bogan (01,07): D-Ray (19): Edward Hall (10): Johnny Louis (03,05): Julia Beverly (12,15): J Lash (09): Knowledge (04,06,08,11,16,17): Ms Rivercity (14): Terrence Tyson
(02,13): Tre Dubb (18)
(above L-R): Don Cannon & Gucci Mane @ Luckies in Atlanta, GA (Photo: Ms Rivercity); Orlando & Ray J @ Studio Inc in Tampa, FL (Photo: Luis Santana); J Prince & OG Ron C @ GO DJs
Music Conference in Houston, TX (Photo: Lamont DeSal)
Words by rANdy roPEr
With an NFL team nicknamed Americas Team and
a success Mavericks basketball team that reached
the NBA Finals in 2006, Dallas, Texas is already
on the proverbial map. But aside from sports
franchises owned by Jerry Jones and Mark Cuban,
respectively, Dallas notoriety doesnt center on
much else, especially not rap music. Of course,
neighboring city Houston has a long lineage in
the rap game, and for the past few years, acts
like Big Tuck and Tum Tum were supposed to open
the food gates for Big D. While both artists have
had marginal success, its newcomer Lil Will thats
bringing the national spotlight to Dallas in the
tune of his hit single My Dougie.
The Dallas music scene is outrageous, its so much
talent there, Will says. As far as me bustin the
game open, I feel like honestly, I already did that.
Its time for me to plant my foot in the game and
bring the rest of the city with me.
Before throwing the city on his back, Lil Will, who
was born in New Orleans and moved to Dallas with
his mother at age 11, began rapping at an early
age. It wasnt until 2002, while living in Atlanta,
that he began to pursue his craft. He teamed
up with rapper Amaan and worked with Atlanta
hitmaker DJ Toomp. Besides a few mixtapes,
nothing major came of Wills work in Atlanta and
the youngster began losing interest in the mic.
After relocating back to Dallas, the shooting death
of Amaan in 2005 led Will to refocus on rap as a
tribute to his fallen cohort.
He began working with reggae artist Rudebwoy,
who made him the lead artist on Rudebwoy Ent.,
and with My Dougie, a song and dance inspired
by legendary NYC rapper Doug E. Fresh, picking
up spins across the country and climbing up the
Billboard charts, things are working out well for
the now 21-year-old rapper.
We all know the rapper, Doug E. Fresh, he
explains his hit single. I kinda just took his name
and made it into a terminology, a new word we
use around Dallas. Dougie. Dougie means your
whole personality, your swag, just everything that
makes you fresh. Thats your dougie.
Now that his dougie is right, Lil Will is set to
release his debut album through Asylum Records
entitled Dollas, TX, and if everything goes as
planned, Terrell Owens wont be the only Dallas
representer making headlines this year. //
01 // Ray J @ Studio Inc (Tampa, FL) 02 // Pleasure P @ Club Level for The Beats birthday bash (Columbia, SC) 03 // Pastor Troy & Rasheeda @ Powerfest (Augusta, GA) 04 // Mike
Jones, Funkmaster Flex, & DJ E-Feezy @ Funkmaster Flexs car show (Louisville, KY) 05 // Memphitz & Trai D on the set of Hot Stylz Lookin Boy video shoot (Atlanta, GA) 06 //
Young Buck on the set of Bun Bs Thats Gangsta (Port Arthur, TX) 07 // Lloyd @ Luckies for BMI Urban showcase (Atlanta, GA) 08 // Wes Fif @ Destiny for Dawgmans Crunkfest (Or-
lando, FL) 09 // Webbie @ Powerfest (Augusta, GA) 10 // 2 Pistols @ Powerfest (Augusta, GA) 11 // 9th Ward & Jermaine Dupri @ 93.3 (Houston, TX) 12 // Randy Roper & JR Get Money
@ Powerfest (Augusta, GA) 13 // Avant reppin OZONE (Miami, FL) 14 // Kid Capri @ Funkmaster Flexs car show (Louisville, KY) 15 // Baby & crew on the set of Foolish remix video
shoot (Miami, FL) 16 // Lil Will @ Party 93.3 (Houston, TX) 17 // Bankroll Jonez @ Kush Lounge for Sixteen Seventys Lil Boosie show (Charleston, SC) 18 // Bobo Luchiano @ The Beat
car show (Dallas, TX) 19 // Malik Abdul & Miss Bless @ Villa Fontana for G-Macks party with Bun B (Louisville, KY) 20 // Bohagon @ DJ Teknikz birthday bash (Macon, GA) 21 // Winky
Wright @ Janus Landing (St Petersburg, FL) 22 // DJ Joe Blaque, DJ Frosty, & Randy Roper @ Club Level for The Beats birthday bash (Columbia, SC) 23 // DJ Krunch One & C-Ride @
the Lexx (Miami, FL) 24 // Eric Perrin & the BA Boys @ Club Red for the BA Boys I Like All That video shoot (Birmingham, AL) 25 // Fabo @ Powerfest (Augusta, GA) 26 // Grind Mode
@ City Block for Static Major tribute (Louisville, KY) 27 // Gucci Mane & Shawty Redd @ Patchwerk (Atlanta, GA) 28 // Spark Dawg & Cy-Fyre @ The Beat 713 (Houston, TX) 29 // Jas
Prince reppin Strapped & Young B reppin OZONE (Houston, TX) 30 // Jizzal Man of Dem Franchize Boyz & Khao on the set of How We Do It In The A (Atlanta, GA) 31 // JR Get Money,
Big Kuntry, & Deon Grant @ Powerfest (Augusta, GA) 32 // Juvenile @ Society (St. Louis, MO) 33 // Redd Eyezz & Big Teach on the set of Foolish remix video shoot (Miami, FL) 34 //
Rocko @ Powerfest (Augusta, GA) 35 // Shawty Lo & Jim Jones on the set of Foolish remix video shoot (Miami, FL)
Photo Credits: Bogan (23); Edward Hall (18); Eric Perrin (24); Johnny Louis (13); Julia Beverly (05,07,27,30); King Yella (32); Knowledge (06,11,16,28,29); Luis Santana (01,21); Malik
Abdul (04,08,14,15,19,26,33,35); Ms Rivercity (20); Terrence Tyson (02,03,09,10,12,17,22,25,31,34)
(above L-R): YV with his OZONE cover @ City Block for Static Major tribute in Louisville, KY; Shawty Lo with his OZONE cover on the set of Foolish remix video shoot in Miami, FL (Pho-
tos: Malik Abdul); Bun B with his OZONE cover @ The Beat car show in Dallas, TX (Photo: Edward Hall)
Words by Ms rIVErCITy // PHoTo by JULIA bEVErLy
Originally seeking recognition as a hook writer, YV relocated to Atlanta from
Louisville, Kentucky to place some of his work in the right hands. It was a
move that eventually put him in front of Polow Da Don, who signed the young
talent to Zone 4 (Rich Boy, Keri Hilson). Polow encouraged YV to record a full
song. Even though it was his frst attempt at a single, I Got a Dollar turned
out to be hit material and is now receiving a widespread campaign.
While songwriting has always been YVs forte, the road to being an artist was
paved with uncertainty at times. In fact, YV had actually given up on being
in the spotlight prior to pairing up with Polow. When youre a producer, you
make beats; but when youre an artist, its so many things you gotta think
about. You gotta think about if the crowds gonna like it, if Im delivering the
verse right, YV explains. Thats why I fell back and looked into some other
lanes with music. I gave up because aint nobody understand where I was
coming from. The way to keep myself alive in music was by doing hooks.
Approximately two years after moving to the A to work with his producer Willy
Will, YV was earning a solid income from his ghostwriting abilities, but Polow
saw more in the 20-something year old. YVs vibrant personality was what
impressed Da Don the most. He looked at me and was like, You a star. He
looked at me more than he looked at the music. Its because of the way I talk,
the way I walk, the way I act. My style is wild.
Its this magnetic style that YV hopes will fnally shine light on his hometown.
R.I.P. to Static Major. He was one of our leaders in Kentucky, sighs YV. He
was a close friend to me. He was a special person. Even though hes passed
away, hes still the man. A lot of people went up and we thought Kentucky
was gonna blow and it just disappeared. I got a lot of stuff to carry on my
back. Im the voice of Kentucky. Im the Louisville Lip. Its time to move
Making moves with his new situation under Zone 4/Interscope is something
YV shows no hesitation on. He recently wrote hooks for E-40 and continues
recording songs with his new mentor. Following the success of I Got a Dol-
lar, YV and Polow plan to release a second singled called Stroke. Its a
dance record with an up-tempo beat, like some Florida stuff. I was actually
born in Tallahassee, Florida and raised in Kentucky so I like to give stuff to
people from both the states Im from.
To sum up the last few years of his career, YV states, Its a blessing. Its a lot
of money here [in Atlanta] if you stay on your job and youre really good at it.
A lot of people in Kentucky would love to be in my position right now.
YV believes that his blessings come from above, concluding, Its about how
I treat people. I got a couple of homies I looked out for over the years, and
family members. I try to do a nice deed every day. I dont pray every day, but
I try to. I know I need to thank the Lord for me getting a deal and money and
having a hot single in the streets. Its like, I did something good and now it
might have come back around. //
Louisville, KY
Words by ANTHoNy robErTs
With Florida thug ambassadors like Trick Daddy
and Rick Ross having laid a solid foundation be-
fore him, Ballgreezy is looking to take the baton,
or should I say mic, and run with it. The 20-some-
thing year-old rapper from the Sunshine State has
earned his share of stripes doing this and that
in the streets and is now set to earn stripes in the
rap game. With a loyal and continually growing
fan base, the Miami emcee is looking to prove
that, even though D. Wade and his squad may have
fallen off this year, the citys still got some serious
[Rap] was something I grew up around. One
day a nigga gave me a beat and dared me to do
something on it I did it so good that niggas
started saying I should take this seriously, he
says of his impromptu beginnings in the game.
He describes his style simply as real. Although
hes been spitting since the age of 15, it wasnt
until a number of years later that he released his
own Straight Drop mixtape. Though he attributes
the long layoffs to his unwillingness to divorce
himself from the streets, hes now focused on his
rap career 100% and is looking to milk the game
for all its worth.
Im versatile; I can do it all. I dont even know if
they have a category for me, boasts the dread-
headed rapper. This music shit is like this street
shit. You get out of it what you can while youre in
it. Rappers dont infuence me by what they say;
Im inspired by what they got. Im more impressed
with their status.
Having just released his Before The Deal mixtape,
which will serve as a prequel to his as-yet-un-
titled debut LP on Iconz Music Group, Ballgreezy
is aiming to have his name in lights and position
himself amongst the best dudes doing it, bar none.
With your frst album, you cant go wrong. Its
gotta be a classic. I want people to be like, Thats
a classic that nigga put out, he explained. I
wanna be able to compete with the best. Even if
youre not the best right now but youre on your
way, I can fuck with you. Watch your back; Im
TRick (THREE gOAlS iN ONE gAmE) iS THE ulTimATE HigH-
ligHT. iN BASkETBAll, THE 3-PEAT iS WHAT mAkE guYS likE
RuN-Dmc. DR. DRE, EmiNEm AND 50 cENT. AND if All gOES
Alright, this what happened, sighs Nitti, telling the story of a bus malfunc-
tion during their Southeastern promotional strip club tour. Our bus driver
did something with the bus where he turned on two many buttons and stuff.
When he turned them buttons on, it was like he blew something up. He blew a
battery up or something. We was stuck out there in Dallas. We couldnt leave
til the next afternoon. We had to end up paying about ten thousand dollars
in batteries and stuff. He blew up some batteries and blamed that shit on us.
But we aint tear the bus up, he wanna blame it on us, thats all. But we got
back to Atlanta and we got a new bus driver, so we good.
I was actually in the strip club waiting on them and they called us talking
about the bus was on fre, says Dupri. I think somebody turned the bus on
and it burnt out all the batteries on the bus or whatever. I dont know the
particulars but the bus was fucked up and they had to ride back with no air
conditioning. From Dallas to Atlanta with no AC? Thats nasty.
What were you doing when Katrina hit?
9th Ward: I was just in the bed and I saw the news. It was like mandatory
evacuation. We always get hurricanes in New Orleans. Some [outsiders] asked,
Why did people stay? We stayed cause its a normal thing to see a hurricane
coming our way. But this was the frst time it hit that hard. It wasnt really
the hurricane that hurt our city, it was the levees that broke. When the levees
broke, all the water from the Gulf of Mexico, the lake, and the Mississippi
River just came fooding into our city because our city is below sea level. The
water just started rising, rising, rising and it just set in there. It was the water
that devastated us. It really wasnt the hurricane; the winds and the rain.
When they told us to leave, we sat there. It wasnt nothing. Niggas sat there
and got caught up in the situation to where I was there. Everybody saw what
happened on TV, people holding up signs, stuck on roofs. I aint had none of
that to deal with. Luckily I was blessed to have a car, so I got away from a lot
of it, but I was stuck in a lot of traffc. I was stuck on the interstate when a
lot of the shit was happening but I had nowhere else to go. FEMA kicked in a
little late. It took seven days just to rescue people, that just wasnt overnight.
I was in Red Cross shelter for about two months in Baton Rouge. It was about
a thousand of us in there just sleeping on cots. We aint had nowhere to go.
Some people went to Dallas. [FEMA] few people anywhere; they were just
trying to get you out of there. The bulk of us went to Houston, but they were
fying you anywhere you wanted to go to get you out of the danger zone.
In New Orleans, the water kept rising. I was in Baton Rouge, sleeping with
thousands of people on a cot. Just watching on the big screen TV, one of
them projectors, like a movie. And we were watching the news all the time
just trying to see when we could go back to New Orleans. They wouldnt let
anybody go back. I aint get back to New Orleans for about three months. You
werent allowed to back into the city. Just imagine if you couldnt go home
for three months. If you out yo place, but you know deep inside you can go
home, its something different. But when youre out of your environment,
your element, and you know you cant go back, thatll fuck you up. And then
when you go back and see the devastation, thatll fuck you up even more.
When I fnally did get back to my house, my room was in my bed. And I had
just brought a brand new bed. I thought I could save something, but there
were looters. I had Gucci. I had jewelry. I had clothes. My shit was gone. One
of my cars was empty like a nigga done went
in there and took everything.
Were you always calling yourself 9th Ward?
Even before Katrina?
Nah. My nickname in the streets is Gucci.
9th Ward could be anybodys name [in New
Orleans]. So my name is 9th Ward Gucci. They
got 9th Ward Shawty, 9th Ward Phil. They got
bookoo 9th Ward people. When I came out to
Atlanta, they got Gucci Mane. Just to show
people I was different, we dropped the Gucci
and rolled with the 9th Ward but we worked
with Gucci [Mane] and everything. We got a
couple of songs together cause [my pro-
ducer] Nitti does a lot of his beats. We coulda
dropped the Gucci and went with a whole
nother name but I said, Nah, Ima go with
9th Ward, because I think 9th Ward stands
for something now. It stands for when the
levees broke in the 9th Ward. Thats where
most of the damage happened. It means
overcoming the storm and the weather, liter-
ally, but I use it in a spiritual sense, ya dig?

What were you doing prior to rapping?
I was rapping but not seriously. One of my
cuts is named You Cant Compare Me To No
Rapper. I just write stories. Most of the time
I rap about life, but I really wasnt a rapper.
I was hustling and I had my own studio. I
moved all my equipment in a building and it
was a hang out spot. One of my big homes
who rapped got shot and paralyzed so he
started rapping more. Being around him, he
just told me to spit something, thats how I
started writing and rapping. This was in 2002.
I was fucking around and niggas was telling
me I could fow, I knew nothing [about how
to rap]. I went to Guitar Center and got ev-
erything there. I still remember the guy who
helped us, white boy Bill. I told him I wanted
to be a rapper, what I need to get to re-
corded. So we got a MPC, modules, blue mics.
I bought a whole studio, just fucking around.
I want to be the best. I hate when rappers
come out and say theyre the best and make
garbage. What you wasting peoples time for?
I told myself Im not gonna be that person.
So I listen to the radio and compare it, and
say, Nah, my shit aint hot yet.
Where does that humbleness come from?
I think God just blessed me with an understand-
ing. Like dawg, do my shit really sound like 50
Cent? No. I really started taking rap serious after
the storm because I had nothing to lose. I was
fucking around with the rap, I had the equipment
so I just started doing it. I took the equipment I
had in Louisiana and put it in my hotel in Atlanta
when FEMA kicked in. I had a studio in Metairie,
outside of New Orleans, so my equipment was
safe. Thats a blessing, to lose everything but
that. Thats a sign. I was recording in the FEMA
hotel, rapping and chilling. Theyd have open mics
in Atlanta. I was like, I can do this shit. I ran
into an A&R for Nitti and Playmaker and she took
my CD to him. He sat on it for like 6 months. I was
back in New Orleans by that time. I was watching
Rap City and Nitti was on there. They asked Nitti
about his upcoming projects. He said he was
gonna sign 9th Ward Gucci. Who, me? I aint talked
to this nigga in six months. But that let me know
he was thinking about me. So I went back to
Atlanta, found his crib, and knocked on his door.
I thought it was Hollywood talk at frst, but shit,
he shouldnt had said that. Im here now, nigga,
where the contract at? But I didnt want the
[advance] money yet. I said, Just sign me, dawg.
Just put me in a position to make my own money.
Im a hustler. I want to be in that position.
iNg, DEAliNg WiTH 9TH WARD Of-
fROm liSTENiNg TO Him TAlk. iTS
I was watchIng
Rap cIty and nIttI
was on theRe. they
asked nIttI about
hIs upcomIng pRoj-
ects. he saId he was
gonna sIgn 9th
waRd guccI. who,
me? I aInt talked
to thIs nIgga In
sIx months. but
that let me know
he was thInkIng
about me. so I went
back to atlanta,
found hIs cRIb,
and knocked on
hIs dooR.
- 9th waRd
BuT likE i SAiD, im HiP HOP, i DONT
NiTTi ADDS, WHEN i mET Him, i HAD SEc-
lOOk likE HE migHT DO SOmETHiNg TO
uP, gOT THE gOlDS iN HiS mOuTH, SO im likE, DO i NEED TO TRuST THiS
WAS A liTTlE BiT TRickY BEcAuSE i WAS likE, YOu cANT gO Off THE im-
cOmE TO mE AND TEll mE THAT, im likE, AigHT, SHOW mE.
Everyone knows that youre the head honcho at Island Def Jam now. Tell me what was so at-
tractive about this Playmaker and 9th Ward situation?
Jermaine Dupri: Nittis been down with So So Def [for a while]. I signed Nitti back when people
was frst hearing him. So I signed him as a producer back when he did Stop Playin Games for
8Ball. Thats one of the frst times I was paying attention to him making beats and Im like, I
like this dude. I dont know if people really know our relationship, but hes been down with
me for a minute. So through the whole Yung Joc thing, he was down with So So Def. With my
producers, Im always looking for them to go and fnd talent the same way I used to, so he
found 9th Ward. I heard it, and it was poppin.
What stood out about the music that made you want to work with them?
I like records that sound like I dont need to touch them. The majority of the artists that I sign,
I didnt produce, I put their records out like the way the come, like Bonecrusher or J-Kwon.
Their records were done. Rockos record was done [when I signed him]. I only produced one
song on Anthony Hamiltons record. He aint need me to produce none of his records to be-
come the person that everybody know. It just needed somebody like myself to put the records
out. After that, I started learning about the person. When you learn about [9th Ward] and what
he had to go through, thats a hard life. Hes only been rapping a short amount of time, but
theres people who have been rapping ten years and aint have to uproot they life and lose
they whole hood. Its a lot of craziness that went on and I think it got him [thinking] real seri-
ous like, If I wanna rap, I need to really, really get on this. From me hearing that story, you
can just hear the pain in his voice, and when you talk to him you can tell its a serious situa-
tion. Not that all other emcees arent serious, but with [9th Ward], hes got a lot of other stuff
going on in his life that makes his story really more complex and compelling to me.
What was it like working with an artist from New Orleans? Forgive me if Im wrong, but I dont
recall you working with a lot of New Orleans artists in the past.
Its different. Im a person that studies where people [are] from. I dont try to make everybody
uproot and come to Atlanta; its other things going on besides Atlanta. Ive always been trying
to push everybody to come to this city, but I mean, he named himself after a hood out there,
right? So my thing was, lets go to New Orleans and make sure that the people of New Orleans
support you, as opposed to whats going on in Atlanta and what I got going on. If something
happened to me, the representation hed get from Atlanta is based off of me, but where youre
from, you gotta get that on your own. Its tough because I dont know nothing about New Or-
leans. I just know from listening to Cash Money and Master P. So its crazy for me to run around
the city with him and try to fgure out the right things and the wrong things to do when youre
in unknown territory. But thats part of my job so I have to do it.
Did his music remind you of that early P and Cash Money?
Yeah, 100 percent. When you listen to 9th Ward, he sounds like New Orleans. What I know New
Orleans to sound like, thats what he reminds me of, the early days when we frst started hear-
ing Cash Money, the frst Juvy album, all that. It just sounds like a more up-to-date version [of
New Orleans] with a little twist on it, from what Nittis doing with him and what Im doing with
him. We loved all that music, everything that came from New Orleans. We was on that hard, at
least here in Atlanta. When I frst heard his record, Nitti didnt even play it for me. I heard it
playing and I was like, Who the hell is that? Thats another reason why I wanted to sign him,
because it sounded right coming out of the stereo without people pushing it on you. You usu-
ally got the introduction, like, My dude will make you money and hes the best rapper, I aint
get all that [with Nitti and 9th Ward]. I just caught the song.
What song was it?
My Choppa. I think thats the frst one we heard. And just from that song alone, it didnt
sound like he was trying to convince nobody of nothing. Hes not trying to make these quick
records that you put out. With a record like My Choppa, he was trying to let people get to
know him as an artist. You can tell hes trying to make records that represent how he really
feels and whats going on in his life as opposed to thinking, I need to make a dance record or
something people can dance to so I can go to Atlanta and try to get on. I think its important
that we have artists that make people understand
that again.
With the listening public now, it seems like
everybody wants the single and sometimes they
might not even want something thats too hard or
abrasive. What do you look forward to the most
dealing with 9th Ward in the market now?
Like I said, Im me. Im looking forward to break-
ing rappers the way Ive always been known to
break rappers. Rap is street. Rap is underground.
Rap is mixtapes. Rap is OZONE Magazine. If you
can get above all the stuff that youre sup-
posed to, youre more than successful if you start
getting bigger than that; but for the most part
when you young and growing up, listening to rap
music, learning about rap music, you wanna be
in the same realms that you know rap is about.
I aint never seen Rakim on too many magazine
covers, but it wasnt nowhere I could go where
I wouldnt hear his record, people wouldnt be
quoting his raps and people didnt know who he
is. Thats basically the same lifestyle I think this
guy should take. He should defnitely be on that
page, where its not even about your frst album. I
think thats another thing people focus on wrong
in rap. You can make more albums. If you can be
50 Cent or Snoop Dogg on your frst album, then
youre blessed, but everybody aint getting that.
Everybodys gotta work and grow into who theyre
[supposed] to be. Tupac wasnt Tupac on the frst
album. He grew into Tupac, and I think thats what
made people like the artist he grew into. It makes
it harder for the artist if they come out and blow
right up to the top; it aint really nowhere else for
them to go. Then, the whole country is looking at
you like, He gonna fall off next time. I betcha his
next album is gonna be whack. Its the same way
with Lil Wayne. He was at Cash Money forever. He
wasnt the Lil Wayne that he is now, but we like
him more because we saw him grow and turn into
the animal that he is today. If he woulda came out
[that way] from the gate, he wouldnt have this
buzz thats got. We like those rappers the most [for
their growth].
Is this gonna be a situation where you look from
the skybox instead of trying to be the coach on
the court?
Hell no. Im on the tour right now. Were doing a
strip club tour. Were going to all the strip clubs in
all the Southern cities. Im on the tour right now,
right there with him. One thing about [9th Ward]
is, hes young. Hes young to the industry and Ive
seen a lot of artists get on the road who cant deal
with a lot of stuff thats going on. Like now, hes
getting a cover, [but] a lot of people dont even
know him. People might be like, What the fuck?!
Im beside him so he can understand how to deal
with that; riding with him. [If I was] watching from
the skybox, that aint gonna work.
Whats it been like being on tour? Is it bringing
back memories of when you frst started?
Its funny, because people always ask me that like
Ive never done it before. Every artist that I ever
brought out that was successful, I always was on
the road with them frst. Whether it be [Da] Brat,
Bow Wow, Xscape, or Anthony Hamilton. When I
frst brought Anthony out, wed go do shows and
it might be 200 people in the audience or even 50
people, just to see him. And wed keep going. And
every time Id go to do a show with him, one or
two people would be like, This guys incredible.
Ima tell my friends. So the next time we came
back to the same city, itd be like fve hundred
people. And by the time his album came out,
wed come back again and it was 2,500 people.
I believe that this is how youve gotta break
records. I believe the record companies try to sell
music to people who dont wanna buy music, so
youve gotta go to the places where people are
showing that they still wanna buy. In the strip
clubs, niggas are buying mixtapes. Niggas like it
when you give them mixtapes. They enjoy coming
to the club and listening to the music. The girls
in the club know all the lyrics. You gotta go to
the places where people enjoy whats going on. I
dont believe in selling 9th Ward in places where
Im just trying to sell him to people and you dont
even know if they like the music. Ima always
do that. Ima go on the road with my artist and
really show them and make them understand my
way of thinking. If not, you can get lost and learn
other peoples way of thinking. Not to say my way
is right, but if youre on my team, Ima be Phil
f JD Is the PhIl Jackson of thIs
oPeratIon. that woulD make
nIttI eIther kobe or mIchael Jor-
Dan. the show can run wIth out
hIm. he sets the tone anD acts as
the conDuIt between the coach
anD the rest of the Players. thIs
tIme arounD, nIttI the Player wIll
be makIng moves In the offIce as
well as on the court.
as ceo of Playmaker musIc, nIttI
has createD hIts for boyz n Da
hooD, guccI mane anD most
notably yung Joc wIth Its goIn
Down. hIreD as more of a musIcal
assassIn for hIs hIt-makIng Prow-
ess, nIttI wIll also be wearIng
the executIve hat for 9th warDs
wearIng the executIve hat Is Def-
InItely a challenge, aDmIts nIttI
about hIs latest venture, a JoInt
Deal between Playmaker anD so
so Def through IslanD Def Jam. at
the enD of the Day, youre sPenD-
Ing money. when youre oPeratIng
a comPany Its more than Just you
goIng In here slangIng a beat
or two. If you Dont slow Down,
you Done sPent bout a quarter
mIl real quIck on some bull. you
gotta be smart.
How did this whole situation happen?
Nitti: I did the deal last year and I also did a label
deal last year at Warner Brothers, so it took a
while to fnd some artists that I believe in. I dont
want one-hit wonders. As a producer, I got tired
of seeing a lot of acts come in and sell 100,000-
200,000. A lot of labels wonder why they only
sell 20,000 or 30,000 thousand copies in the frst
week. When you look at the big picture, it might
boil down to the type of artist and the types of
albums that people [are] putting together now. I
always look at the big dogs like [Dr.] Dre and a lot
of those cats. How do you go back to selling three
or four million? Thats what I wanna know. Thats
what I wanna do with any artist that I sign.
How did you come across him?
I came across him through one of my A&Rs. She
was in the club and she into 9th Ward, and brought
me his CD. I sat on it bout six months and I aint
even listen to it.
Why did it take you so long to listen to it?
Honestly, I get a gang of CDs. Im not one of
those producers that doesnt really go through
music and listen to it. I really listen to it. I was so
backed up with CDs, but [during] the time that I do
take to listen to music, I happened to pick his up. I
hadnt heard nothing I liked, but once I got to his
music I started to play it. Repeat it, repeat it. I im-
mediately wanted to sign him. JD had just got the
position over there [at Island Def Jam]. I had just
done a label deal over at Warner Brothers but they
had a gang of stuff going on, so I thought it was
a better home for him to be over in the Universal/
Island Def Jam system. Theyve been doing a lot of
rap stuff and aint nothing wrong with the Warner
system, but I think that at the end of the day, I
wanna win. I think Def Jam is where he belongs.
What stood out to you about his music?
His originality, and being able to keep my atten-
tion. His songs that made me wanna hear the sec-
ond and third verse verses. He kept my attention,
and thats hard to do, because I hear so many
rappers. I signed him and didnt look back; then JD
gave me a deal over at Island Def Jam.
As a producer, did it sound raw or polished
With him, hes real raw. Youve gotta let artists be
creative. I let him go in the studio, and get the
beat that I want him to rap on. He goes in the
studio and he puts everything he wants to put
into that record. I dont have to babysit him, I just
go in there and critique him. Once I hear what
I wanna hear, I edit it and mix it. Hes real, hes
experienced, he knows what hes doing. Thats
something that I havent really come across in
a lot of new artists. Im like, Did this dude have
a deal or something I didnt know about? You
come across a diamond and youre like, How did
everybody overlook this? Hes so raw that people
looked at him like, Oh, hes a street cat, but they
didnt take the time to listen to what he had to
When you frst got together to sit down and talk,
did you feel like it was instant chemistry?
Once I put him in the studio, he made song after
song after song, good records. I was like Damn,
when is he gonna mess up? but dude kept coming
with hot records. He sold me.
When you say mess up, what do you mean?
Make a bad record. Dude made damn near sixty
records, and I wanted to hear all of them. He did
all this in three months and I havent heard a bad
record come out of him yet. Hes not perfect, of
course, nobody is, but he makes good records that
will keep your attention. Everybody tries too hard
to have swagger. Remember when everybody was
trying to sound like T.I. a few years ago? At the
end of the day, T.I. the only one still standing. Be-
ing original is what sold me on 9th Ward. He was
original; he wasnt trying to be like nobody, and
thats what I respect.

What was it like working with an artist that was
not really from the same background? You usually
work with Atlanta artists.
It was a challenge. I think Ive got Atlanta riding
with me. I know Ive got my city behind my back,
so I decided to go get an artist outside of Atlanta
and show people what I can do. Its the same
thing producers like like [Dr.] Dre did. Dre went
and got Rakim. He went and got Busta. He went and got Curtis [50 Cent]. Eminem. They were all
outside of [Los Angeles]; he just put his own blend on there and didnt look back. With [9th Ward], I
like his character, and his delivery is one of a kind. Youre gonna know him when you hear him. Hes
not trying to be out here to be the richest or [claiming to have] sold the most dope. Understand, he
did what he had to do in the streets. I can relate to him because I was the same dude. The music
saved me. God blessed me with a talent, and God blessed him with a talent. It just takes somebody
to give you a hand. When I started off, I was out here grinding. JD came to me and he signed me as
a producer in the beginning. And then eventually, once I got out of my producer deal, I started my
own company called Playmaker. Me and JD, over the years, developed a big-brother, little-brother
type relationship so anywhere he goes, Im good. Were gonna keep everything rolling.
How hands-on are you gonna be on the music side? Is his debut album gonna be all Nitti beats?
Its not gonna be like that. Im here to sell records. Im dont wanna drown a project with all Nitti
beats. Ive been hearing a couple albums out with 10 beats from the same producer on there, and
then niggas wonder why they aint selling no records. Tou got the same producer on your whole
album, nigga. No wonder your album isnt selling. People dont wanna hear all that. When you look
in your closet, you dont want all Nikes. You want some Adidas over here, you might want some
Pumas over there. With 9th Ward, Im not doing the whole album. Im overseeing the album, but Im
not gonna produce the whole album. Youre gonna know I had something to do with it.
Have you had a chance to see where hes from and meet his people?
I met his mother; everybody. Ive been down there [to New Orleans]. Dont listen to nothing you
hear on TV. Its still messed up down there. Its something you wouldnt believe was still going on
in 2008. How long ago was Katrina? Its been three years and people down there still messed up.
People down there still aint got nowhere to go. Their houses and stuff still messed up. Its real
down there.
Do you think thats played a part in you being able to make sure you got the best product out of
That helps cause thats motivation to see, he actually went through it. He was homeless. He went
through that. By him to go through something like that, and still at the end of the day he was able
to come out and express himself on a mic, I wanna hear that. I wanna hear what that does to a
human mind. Im not glad that the hurricane happened, but everything thats meant to happen, it
happens. With him, people are defnitely gonna hear a solid album from a talented dude who loves
music. Thats all that matters.
th warDs humblIng Image Is sure to work In hIs aDvantage. beIng
able to make both Party anD gangsta musIc, anD Do It well, Is a
harD-to-fInD skIll. he hoPes to offer the worlD both sIDes of hIm
In aDequate Doses on hIs yet-to-be-tItleD Debut album.
Do you think your rough exterior is going to resonate with fans?
9th Ward: Yeah. I think it will, but Im more than that. I tell people the truth. Ive worked at the mall
before. Everything Ive done, I rap about. Ive popped bottles and been in the shelter, so Ima I rap
about that. Im not gonna kill you on every song. If you rap about women and money, you really
cant go wrong, but if you rap about shooting and killing, its hard to win.
Do you feel a pressure or responsibility to rap about Hurricane Katrina in your rhymes, or is that
something youd rather not talk about at length?
Not all the time, but I need to talk about it. Wayne got a song called Georgia Bush that was good.
Its probably hard for some of those artists to rap about it because they werent really there and
they could replace some of what they lost because they were fnancially straight. But, Juvy lost his
whole projects. Me, I cant take my son back and tell him that was my home. My son is a Katrina
What should we expect from your album?
I think the album is classic. Niggas are checking for the album; they get psyched when they hear it.
This is a Jay-Z, Kanye, 2Pac album. I know a lot of people say that, but you will see that this album
goes in a completely different direction from the single Add Me Up. Its gonna give you goose
bumps. If I fuck up in the booth and Im breaking down, I tell them to keep it. I want people to feel
my pain. I really think this album should be the number one album in 2008. I call myself the Chris
Paul of the game. Baby-face, nobody knows me so theyre underestimating me, but Im ballin. He
shouldve been MVP, so Ill be MVP instead.
Was it hard for you to gain peoples trust in Atlanta? New Orleans natives kind of got the reputation
of being grimy when you all started moving to other cities after Katrina.
Nah, it was easy. Niggas felt sorry for us. Dont get me wrong, we did bad stuff. But, they saw some
good in me. I aint gonna lie, I used it to my advantage. Id be telling folks, Cmon, Im a Katrina
victim, man. I used sympathy to my advantage. Not to take advantage, but for my advantage. But
JD and Nitti, they get it. I recorded over 240 songs. I aint know no better. I thought that was my job.
I tell folks that if I write 240 songs and cant pick 17 hot ones, I need to quit.
People say your voice and sound reminds them of classic New Orleans Hip Hop, or early Cash Money.
Soulja Slim even. Would you say youre trying to bring a certain sound back?
I dont try to bring back no sound, I just rap, Im from New Orleans. Im a little older [than most rap-
pers] and Ive been in New Orleans for a long time, so that why my sound is what it is. Im just tired
of popping folks CDs in and wasting my $12. I coulda bought a dimebag of fucking weed with that
money. Some CDs I cant even get home from the store without being mad. //
Mickey MeMphitz Wright (shown at left wIth hIs hItz commIttee
busIness Partner glenn DelgaDo) Is not the tyPIcal Person you woulD
see on the cover of a magazIne. he Isnt InvolveD In any sex taPe
scanDals. hes not a teen PoP star recoverIng from a crystal meth
aDDIctIon, anD he can easIly go to sleeP wIthout worryIng that
PaParazzI are burrowIng through hIs bushes. In fact, you Probably
know nothIng about the mans Personal lIfe, but lIke It or not,
memPhItz Is nothIng short of a mogul In the makIng.
WORDS By Eric Perrin
As a former football standout, Mickey Wright had
a promising future. He excelled on his high school
team and later joined the Memphis Samurais, a
semi-professional team in the North American
Football League. He had dreams of progressing
in his career and was poised to make it to the
next level, but unfortunately he suffered a major
setback along the way.
I had a tryout to go play for the Oklahoma Wran-
glers, an arena league team, but right before the
tryouts I fucked up my groin, Memphitz laments.
They offered me another opportunity to tryout at
the next training camp, but that was right around
the time my dad had got murdered and it was
then that I realized my dreams of going to the NFL
werent a reality.
With this epiphany, Memphitz packed his bags and
left Memphis for Manhattan. He enrolled in IAR,
an engineering school where he spent 18 months
learning the intricacies of recording and studio
work. Though he graduated from IAR, being an
engineer was never his intention. Immediately
following his commencement, Memphitz became
intern at Arista Records.
My counselors were like, You just went to school
for 18 months for engineering. Why do you want
to work at Arista? remembers Memphitz. But the
real me was not behind that board. I couldnt do
that. I knew I could make it if I just got in the door
[at Arista]; I didnt care what I was doing. At frst
I was just dubbing videotapes, but it wasnt long
after that when everything started happening.
Everything really started happening for Memphitz
when he met his future business partner, attorney
Glenn Delgado, who was then the Vice President of
Business Affairs at Arista and secretly wanted to
start his own label.
I was looking at how labels were run, and I said
to myself, I know I can do this better, recalls
Delgado. I saw Memphitz running around Arista,
doing his thing, so I pulled him in my offce and
said, Look, Im trying to start a label. I think you
have the same passion as I do. I need you on the
creative end, and you need me on the business
end. Why dont we partner up?
Within a week of their initial meeting, Delgado and
Memphitz not only partnered up, but had already
conceived a company name, a roster of artists, and
a budding musical empire. Today, four years since
the two combined to form Hitz Committee, the
company is reaching success of great magnitude,
and largely due to the Memphitz success as an
A&R (with the likes of T-Pain, Huey, Chris Brown,
UGK, The Youngbloodz, J-Kwon, and Asia Cruz,
among others) HC is now in a great position for
negotiating the type of situation Delgado says will
be a historical, industry precedent-setting deal.

Whats been the most challenging part of your
success thus far?
Probably the politics of the game. Now Im bet-
ter at it than I was, but its been challenging.
Everything from getting features to clearances, to
all types of stuff. Its just a lot of politics in this
What frst got you interested in working in the
entertainment industry?
Back in Memphis, me and a couple of my homies
would be at the house trying to rap and shit. Re-
ally, all I did at home when I was back in Memphis
was look at videos and listen to the radio. I was
just a radio head. Thats all I used to do; watch
and listen to music. My dad was like, Do you ever
watch the news? Theres more to life than what
youre watching. And I was like, Nah, but this is
what Im doing. I started gearing up to get in the
game that way. By the time I left home and moved
to New York, I went to this engineering school,
IAR, and from there I interned at Arista Records.
Thats where I met [my business partner] Glenn,
thats where my frst success happened with The
Youngbloodz, so thats kinda how I got in. When
I went from the internship to the Arista doors, it
was a long road, but when I fnally got there, a lot
of stuff started happening.
Is there one thing that you wish wouldve known
back during your days at Arista?
Yeah, I wish I knew that Arista was gonna fall
apart. (laughs) But even though it fell apart, Im
happy it fell apart, because otherwise I probably
wouldnt be here talking to you right now. At frst
it was like a comfort zone for me, and then it fell
apart, and that kinda made a man out of me. I
didnt have that umbrella over me. I didnt have LA
Reid or any of the other people that were sort of
like my protectors. I had to prove myself all over
How did you go about proving yourself again?
Obviously it was successful.
I went and had a conversation with LA Reid, and
he was telling me that because of the contractual
obligations that he had to live up to, he couldnt
really talk to me about coming to Def Jam. It was
something called a non-poaching clause, so I
got together with an attorney, Steve Shapiro. He
kinda got my name out there and let people know
that I really was the person behind the records I
did. At frst my company was called Hustle Child,
but that name was already trademarked, so I
had to fnd another name. I had already had this
custom-made HC chain on my neck, so I decided
to name to company Hitz Committee. The main
reason I went to Jive was because Barry Weiss, my
boss, was the person that was really into my idea
of having my own label, and after the signing of
T-Pain, my deal got better. Then I signed Huey,
and that project proved to be successful, and then
the next T-Pain album was successful, so that
kind of put us in the bracket to where we could
get serious about negotiating a deal. Now were
getting closer and closer to full ownership of our
company. Neither [my business partner] Glenn or I
really wanna work for anybody. Glenn covers the
business angle and I cover the creative angle, so
together were building this company. Im the CEO
and Chairman of the company, and Glenn is the
Why do you think so many record labels have been
failing lately?
Theyre not developing artists the right way. Its
the record labels job to not only put out great
music, but to also make sure people love that
artist as a person; thats just as important as the
records or the quality of music. If people dont
love your artist you could get a hit, but its also
a miss at the same time. The artists that were
around when I was growing up are still around
to this day, because they had such great artist
development and we were made to love them,
not just their music. And thats what this business
is all about. People arent fans anymore, and if
theyre not fans then they dont really care. As a
fan myself, I know what needs to be done for that
artist and their music to touch my soul to where
I could download their music, but since I am a
fan of that person Id rather go out and buy that
project. Its like a plant. You gotta plant the seed.
You gotta water the shit, and watch it grow. Thats
what marketing is, making sure muthafuckas love
the shit.
Whats the biggest project youre working to
develop right now?
Asia Cruise. Its gon be a shock to people who
only think Hitz Committee is a rap company. Were
not only a rap label, were just a company that
puts out great music.
That Asia Cruise record is defnitely catchy.
Yeah, and just from my experiences over the
years, if a record gets stuck in my head, then its
gon get stuck in everybody else head. Thats my
gift, my ears. When I hear something, my ears are
automatically tuned like a radio. When I hear a
record, I can tell you right off if its gonna be hit.
What was it about T-Pain or Huey that made you
realize they were capable of making hits?
It was their ability to hook a persons ear, to hook
a persons attention. Thats all this is about. Are
you able to get peoples attention for them to
listen to you and at the same time want to take
their hard-earned money out of their pocket and
buy your art? Im always looking for different
sounds and different music to hook my ear, hook
my interest, hook my soul. If you have that ability
I dont care about anything else. All that other
bullshit is lame.
How did you frst discover T-Pain?
TJ Chapman. When I was in Miami TJ played Im
Sprung for me, and he was like, If this aint a
hit, dont ever call me again. I called him back
immediately after I heard it. Then TJ called me one
day when he was in St. Louis and he told me about
this rapper [named Huey] who had a dance that
was big out there in St. Louis, and that I need to
go check it out. So I went and checked it out and
I started listening to the record. At frst I didnt
really like [Pop, Lock and Drop It], but I saw the
movement, and after a few days it grew on me. So,
much love to TJ. He also has an incredible ear for
good music.
Aside from music, you also have a venture in
manufacturing baseball caps. Tell me about that?
Me and my homies were in the kitchen talking
about side hustles or whatever, and I was already
thinking about doing something with New Era
because Im a cap dude, and Im always wearing
somebody elses baseball cap. Whenever I travel
I was always disappointed that I couldnt rep
Memphis. Memphis doesnt have a baseball team,
so theres no reason for us to have our own cap.
I knew some people at New Era and I told them
I wanted to do a Rep My City series, with just
the area code. So we designed an M, slapped it
on with a New Era fag, and put the area code on
there. I made them in as many colors as I could,
just so there werent any color issues. Im bringing
it out for cities that dont have New Era caps, like
Whats the next city youre going to introduce the
line to?
I was thinking about Miami, the 305. I think that
would be huge, but if people reading this want
to request a cap for their city, they can hit us on
Myspace, at www.myspace.com/iam901.
Where can people buy the hats?
Right now, its really just an online company. Even
though business is good, were still in the testing
stage. So you can either go online to buy them or
call 1-877-79-I AM 901, and the website is www.
iam901.com. Eventually were probably going to
have them for sale at stores in Memphis, but for
now its just direct sales.
Okay, now youve also got a CD youre com-
ing out with. Whats up with that?
Yeah, its a compilation album. Once I get
all my artists out and they made their own
name and hits, Im gon do a compilation
album with everybody. Im gonna be head-
ing the album, and Im calling it Nothing
But Hitz. You not gon know whats on it, it
might be rap, it might be rock, it might be
pop. You might hear some T-Pain songs, you
might hear some Huey songs, some Asia,
some Chris Brown, you might even hear
some UGK songs. Whatever it is, its gon be
12 to 14 straight up Hitz.
I know you do a little rapping yourself.
Are you getting in the booth to hop on the
project as well?
Like I said, at home when I was younger I
was trying to rap, but it wasnt really a real
thing, because really, I was just trying to do
whatever I could to get up outta Memphis.
When I moved to New York, rap was kind of
being pushed on me. I was trying to explore
my options with it because I felt I could do
it, but I just aint never really did it. I kinda
just fell into this A&R thing. I didnt wake up
one day and say, I wanna be an A&R. When
I frst get to Arista I didnt even know what
an A&R was. Somebody explained to me one
day that A&R meant Artist & Repertoire, and
I was like, What the fuck is repertoire?!
That shit didnt sound good, but I ended
up being good at it, and I enjoyed the ride,
but I am getting more into the forefront of
things now. Im modeling my career after
people like Puff, and Irv Gotti, Jermaine
Duprithe kinda guys who are the faces
of their companies. I dont really watch
rappers, because thats not really what Im
trying to do. I know thats an art form, and
even I may feel like I can do that art form,
at the same time we live in a real world
where there are bills, and as businessman,
its more lucrative for me to be the boss of
my own company than it is to rap.
Okay, so what else are you working on?
Well theyre trying to do a reality show on
us right now called Making Hitz. They
basically follow me around, watch me and
Glenns interactions, watch me and my
homies who I moved into my house, and ba-
sically its like watching the real life aspect,
and the business aspect, going from an A&R
to a CEO. Eventually, Im trying to take this
music thing into making movies. I fgure if
I can put music together, I can put movies
together. I got so many movie ideas that are
in my head, and I dont really wanna talk
about it, but we got a movie right now were
working on. Music is of course my nucleus,
but ultimately I wanna get to the point
where movies are just are big a part of my
life as music. //

The artists that were around
when I was growing up are still
around to this day, because they
had such great artist develop-
ment and we were made to love
them, not just their music.
takin it to the
space age
What have you been doing since you were last on the scene?
Just been off in the lab working out. Weve been doing the 8Ball & MJG thang.
The last thing, you know, was [our] Bad Boy situation. But other than that,
man, weve just been staying at it. Over the last couple of years, Ive been
getting my label together. Its always been something that I wanted to do,
but Ive just been working on doing that. Ive got a couple artists, been
grooming them and just getting things together like that, and trying to look
at things from a CEO perspective, as well as artist.
So, youre no longer with Bad Boy at all?
What was the situation with that? Why did you leave?
Well, it was just one of them thangs that was a good experience while it
lasted, but basically it was just time to move on to another level. We had a
couple good records there, and like I said, it was a good experience to be
able to work with somebody like Diddy. And for him to allow us to be able to
work with him, everything was cool. We just had to be move on to another
The last two 8Ball & MJG albums; were you guys satisfed with what yall put
out on Bad Boy, or was there too much infuence on the Bad Boy side?
You know, it really wasnt. We had a lot of creative control over there at Bad
Boy. We were just working with different producers, and trying to reach out
and work with a couple producers we had never worked with before. So we
kinda used that opportunity. But as far as the producers that we were work-
ing with, it was still all about what we picked and what we wanted. It wasnt
really a big, big difference. It was just a couple of different producers that we
never worked with but you know it was all cool, cause we were able to pick
and choose how we want it.
Whats been your secret for having longevity in the game?
Just try to stay fresh and young and hard about the love that we got for the
game. Try to have the same love and respect for the game that we had when
we came in. Its just hard work, other than that, but hard work yields good
results. Other than that, we just keep the love of the game genuine and thats
what really fuels us to go on and on.
How do you keep the 8Ball & MJG sound and still be relevant as the game and
sound changes over the years?
Stick to just kinda doing you, because if a fan or person likes your stuff, then
it had to be some uniqueness about it to make them like it. So, we just try to
stick to doing us. But at the same time just come up with new ideas for doing
us and incorporate it into our music. Thats why we always say space age.
We have been saying that for a long time because weve been trying to not
only be cool for the time, but kinda make people focus on what was ahead,
too. So, its like speaking for now and the future, so it kinda put a little bit
ahead of the game. But not too far, we dont wanna seem like we futuristic or
nothing but at the same time we trying to be aware of whats going on now
and whats to come.
Do you feel the game gives you the respect you deserve?
Yeah, man. I feel just for me to be able to be here, sound mind and body, able
to still continue to do this. I believe the game showed me enough respect,
just that fact there alone.
Youre considered a living legend. What do you think makes a living legend?
It was a tag that a lot of our fans put on us cause its still kinda hard for me
to actually say it. I could say that it was easy to say it, but really, Im not that
arrogant. But weve had a lot of friends, partners, fans and family say, Man,
yall [are] like some living legends, man. We just kept hearing it so much.
You dont normally hear that about people til after they die or something
happened to them, or they 100 years old or something. We wanted to be like,
Since we hear that a lot, lets embrace it now while were alive. Lets just
say were living it. Most legends arent legends until after their gone.
You and Ball have always been space age pimps. Many people say they
learned how to pimp from yall. How do you feel about that?
It makes me feel good, as long as theyre really getting they pimpin on, in
whichever way that they see ft, and look at it like a positive thing. Gettin
your pimpin on means youre gettin your money and your whole attitude can
be pimpin. I spit a lot of pimpin, been around it and also had my hands in it.
Thats the reason you hear me say pimp type a lot. A lot of folks think I be
saying pimp tight but I be sayin pimp type. My whole lifestyle, my whole
swagger, everything I do my life and speak in my lyrics is sort of pimp type.
Im not necessarily saying Im just a full time pimp and thats all I ever did.
Im known amongst all the other pimps for pimpin hoes or whatever, but my
whole swagger and style is sort of pimp type. I just got that type of pimpin
edge about me. Im just a pimp type kind of guy.
Do you think a lot of the people out here got the whole pimp thing miscon-
In this day and time, its about getting your money. Its always been about
getting your money, but a lot of cats out here are really on the pimp game
hard and really are career pimps with hoes. I aint been no career pimp with
them hoes. Like I said, I really had my hands in the game but thats not
exactly what Im claiming. Like I said, Im pimp type. If that had to be an area
that I had to cover or if I had to, or if that music wasnt here, then it might
be a different story. But a lot of cats its really not in them. I know about the
game because Ive been around career pimps. A lot of cats are screaming
pimpin, but honestly, for me, I do too much music. I stay in the studio too
much for me to have time to be pimpin some hoes. If they want to bring me
something, its all good. They can bring it and Ill accept it in a real pimpin
type of way. But really Im 110% bout my music. And Im just a pimp type kind
of guy. If a pimp could do music, he would wanna be me, basically.
Why did you decide to put out another solo album instead of doing another
8ball & MJG album?
I just felt like it was that time. Im normally working on a lot of stuff, whether
its a Ball & G record or some stuff I might be working on with my artists on
MJG Muzik. I got a lot of stuff in the vault as far as records by myself but I
just dont be moving as fast like that, cause I like to get deep with my stuff,
make sure that its there and I be a lot more focused. I be having fun doing
the 8Ball & MJG albums, but I just felt like its that time right now. I just feel
like the game needs me.
Whats the title of your album?
This Might Be The Day. This might be the day for a whole new change. This
might be the day that everybody been waiting on. Actually, I dont wanna be
too arrogant and say this is the damn day right here, which it pretty much
could be but this might be the day.
What do you have on the album?
I got one cut on there called Shades, thats the frst single. Its basically
about me and my love affair with shades. I got another song on there called
Its Been So Long and thats a song featuring 8Ball. Its about life on the
road or life away from home, and wanting to get back home. Got another
song on there called Dangerous thats featuring Gucci Mane. Its about
females who dangerous and bad, but in good way. Like, she can go to school,
work, or take care of the house, kids, cook, clean. Handle up on hers if she
had to with the strap, shoot dice, drink beer and the whole nine yards. I got
another song on the album called Big Time and its just about doing things
thats all good and doing things big time with this sweet little tender that
you just met or youve been wanting to get with, and youve noticed she
looking good and you just letting her know that if she get with me everything
gonna be all goodcause we do it big time. And thats featuring Pleasure P
from Pretty Ricky.
For people who have already heard 8Ball & MJG and know what youre bring-
ing and your style, whats gonna be different on this album?
Well, you will know for sure that its up-to-date, fresh material; its new
thoughts. On the lead song, This Might Be The Day, Im also singing on
that track. And thats another thing I pretty much have done, throughout my
whole career on a lot of our older stuff, Ive written a lot of our older stuff
or either sung on some of it or a lot of it. I also produced a lot of our tracks,
our classic stuff that we are known for. Ive been kinda underground getting
my whole thing together to let the world know that Im really not only an
artist, Im a writer. I sing, I produce, I do it all. And thats basically what MJG
Muzik is about. [Im] not calling it MJG Muzik because its me on a song. The
whole concept, the ideas, the music, some of the singing, the singing that
other singers are singing on there and everything is all from input from me.
Its stuff written by me and produced by me, and thats what MJG Muzik is all
about. So that would be a lot of difference, but from the sound, a lot of stuff
will probably sound similar because Ive always had a big input on our music.
So, most defnitely [youll] hear different stuff. It wont sound like everything
else thats out and you will be able to hear that its not the same old, same
old and Im doing different stuff. But at the same time, Im still keeping it MJG
but its just newer, fresher MJG and MJG in maybe a couple of different ways
you havent heard him. //
eats and lyrics are always going to be the driving force in Hip Hop. Its the two things
that people remember about their favorite artists and songs. Even the ones they
dont like. But pictures play an equally important part in driving the culture forward
without its past being forgotten.
Sure, you probably have Pimp Cs verse on Tell Me Something Good memorized, but the
image of him rocking an all-white mink coat with a hat to match is etched in your memory
Yeah, you can beatbox Mind Is Playin Tricks On Me in your sleep, but you cant forget the
image of Willie D and Scaface wheeling a one-eyed Bushwhick Bill down the hospital hall on
a stretcher on their album cover.
For the last six years OZONE Magazine has captured some of the crowning moments in
Southern Hip Hop. From Lil Wayne personally rapping I Miss My Dawgs to B.G. in Tampa
to Bun B doing his frst show after Pimp died, weve been there. From Webbie writing hits for
his frst solo album to David Banner laying down vocals for his latest one, we were there.
The following collection of pictures is not a countdown or top list. It is simply a trip down
memory lane, highlighting moments that you might have missed or not realized. Lil Wayne
with just one tattoo. Rick Ross with no beard. We even came across rare and popular photos
of 2Pac and Big Pun just to show you that OZONE doesnt discriminate.
To those who arent seen, dont consider them left out or forgotten. We just had to leave
some for next time.
When B.G. quipped that Cash Money was highly respected without a major deal he had to be
alluding to CMRs lavish lifestyle pre-Wendy Day and Universal; a lifestyle that had been promoted
mainly by the labels co-CEO, Brian Baby Williams. The fashy yin to his brother Ronald Slim Wil-
liams yang, Baby has always been recognized more for his appearance than his rap skills.
Celebrating more than a decade in the spotlight, Baby has been one of the few personalities in Hip
Hop that has been able to both start and hop on trends to stay relevant. If its hot, Baby is on it,
often times making every picture you see of him feel like a time capsule.
While Baby may be a 5-Star General rocking Gucci and Prada now, there was a time when FUBU and
Soulja Rees (Reebok Classics) was the #1 Stunnas favorite uniform.
When Young Buck said you probably seen me with Cash Money from back in the days, on G-Units
Stunt 101, you had every reason to be confused. Buck never dropped any guest verses on their al-
bums and he didnt drop any albums with them. But for a brief moment, Buck was indeed a Cash Money
Millionaire. Let this picture and his brief cameos in the Big Ballin and Ha videos serve as evidence.
Buck joined Juvenile when he left CMR in 2002 and then signed to Juvis UTP Records. The brief
business relationship lead to Buck appearing on Blood Hound from 50 Cents Get Rich Or Die Tryin
album. He eventually signed with 50s label.
Of course everyone remembers Mannie Fresh. Sadly, everyone remembers his bitter divorce from the la-
bel as well, taking his trademark sound with him. Thats probably what makes this picture more special
than whatever day it was taken: the fact that the two men posing in front of the labels airbrushed logo
backdrop are no longer affliated with the camp.
SLIM ThUG, 1999
When Pimp C said that Texas had their own stars, he was obviously referring to independent artists like
Slim Thug. Coming up through the underground ranks in H-Town, Thugga always stood out because of
his distinct voice and obvious height. But at the same time, he blended in with his audience, making
them relate even more, driving them to buy all of his records in the process.
From the North Side braids to the cowboy belt buckle to the starch-creased jeans, Slim truly represent-
ed his audience and only cared about pleasing them, even if it was at the expense of national fame.
In 2005, convinced hed done all he could do independently, Slim opted to sign on with Interscope
Records through Pharrells Star Trak imprint. The relationship resulted in Slims Already Platinum album
that embarrassingly struggled to go gold. Since then, Slim has gone back to his roots to release inde-
pendent music to make music for the people who truly love him, record deal or not.
UGK, 1999
warehouse district (houston, tx)
Photo BY deron neBLett
even before the career-altering summer of 2000 where they saw two songs they were featured on (Jay-Zs Big
Pimpin and three 6 Mafas sippin on syrup), become hit singles, you got the sense that uGK would still be
happy only being known in their underground circles, where fans and friends outnumbered pen-wielding critics. it
was there that people listened to their music because it defned them, not just because it was the popular thing to
listen to.
Perhaps thats why when all of the fame and accolades came their way, uGK opted to keep it street and continue to
work with the same people theyd been working with, and making the same music theyd been making.
their middle-fnger attitude towards the industry is probably best defned by the quote on Buns da Link went t-shirt
in this photo: fools trade their souls for gold, in an attempt to take hold of things they cant control.
LiL Boosie, 2003
For MY thuGs video shoot (Baton rouGe, La)
Photo BY KinG YeLLa
coming up in southern hip hop o.G. c-Locs concentration camp, Lil Boosie has never really been
a lil guy. From the jumpstart of his career hes been surrounded by grown men, which is why you
can hear a certain maturity in his music. when he and his rhyme partner webbie received a Pimp c
co-sign on their 2003 Ghetto stories album, it only made him more offcial.
reminiscent of the little dude with heart image that 2Pac made popular, Boosie has birthed a
fan base that resembles the crowd behind him in this photo: a usually rowdy bunch of followers
who understand that true strength is in numbers.
Trina, 1996
MiaMi KniGhts (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
coming into the rap game at a time when most media outlets idea of giving a southern rapper props was to label them
an down south version of [insert new York rapper], trina constantly found herself getting compared to Lil Kim, even
before she had an album out.
her strong showing on trick daddys nann nigga surprisingly catapulted her past other femcees like Mia x and Gangsta
Boo and whetted appetites for her eventual debut, the Baddest chick. a pretty face, ample ass-ets and sexually charged
lyrics proved to work, as the album went gold on the strength of her single Pull over.
as her career progressed, trina became known less and less as a rapper and more of a personality. that really cant
considered a bad thing, since most rappers wind up using hip hop as a launching pad for other ventures anyway.
Camron, 1999
onYx (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
in 1998 camron was perhaps one of the most hyped new artists in hip hop. he was golden
boy Ma$es childhood friend. he was from harlem. he was supposed to be in a mega group
with Biggie, Jay-Z and charlie Baltimore. Love him or hate him, cam has been one of the more
colorful and innovative voices in hip hop.
You can call him the frst rapper to market his music as a movement. You can say hes the
reason why roc-a-Fella appealed to rap fans who didnt live on the east coast. You can say
hes the guy who invented the worn-out phrase no homo. You can say hes the man who had
dudes rocking pink in 2003 and purple in 2004. You can say hes the reason why his now-dis-
tant friends Jim Jones and Juelz santana are stars today.
unfortunately now, you can also say that hes missing in action.
LiL FLip, 1999
LucKY charMs aLBuM cover shoot (houston, tx)
Photo BY deron neBLett
the Leprachaun album is what put Lil Flip on the map, made him a successful independent artist and had major labels knocking at
his door. nobody, especially the fans who went out and bought it, seemed to mind his outft. But when Flip grew out of his regional
stardom and into national superstardom, the image that introduced him wound up being the same one that ruined him.
in retaliation for Flip allegedly speaking unfavorably of t.i. at an atlanta concert while t.i. was away serving a jail sentence, tip resur-
faced publicity shots of Flip in his Lucky charms costume. to a bandwagon-jumping public that only knew of Flip though songs like
Like a Pimp and Game over, the pictures gave them reason to desert Flip the same way fans deserted Ja rule when 50 cent
attacked him.
since the beef, Flips career hasnt been quite the same as hes gone back to the underground and fell out of the public eye. all but
completely left out of the houston hip hop takeover of 2005, Flip never got his just due for playing a part in introducing the main-
stream to screw music and houston in general.
DaviD Banner, 1999
JacKson, Ms
Photo BY Picture Man
Fans and music listeners alike complain about the mixed messages david Banner often con-
veys, but all can agree that he knows how to get his points across in photographic form.
american fag. Middle fnger. angry black man. Gun. those elements make this picture worth
more than a mere thousand words. hell, a thousand words may be saying too much. after
seeing how the united states government responded to communities effected by hurricane
Katrina, Banner probably has even more reasons to feel the way hes portrayed in this picture.
e.s.G., 1998
houston, tx
Photo BY deron neBLett
e.s.G. is a voice thats been around to see southern hip hop go from slept-on to blown-up. hes also a voice that was
instrumental in showing the world that houston hip hop extended beyond the rap-a-Lot tree. But at the end of the day,
he may be remembered as the everyday street Gangsta that never got as much national recognition as his peers.
after dropping ocean of Funk in 1995 e.s.G. got locked up and could only hear about how his second album sailin the
south was doing in the streets. when he got out three years later he hit the streets hard and helped birth the careers of
both Lil Flip and slim thug; two rappers that he eventually would end up feuding with years later.
true to the underground in every sense of the word, you probably wont hear the original Freestyle King complain about
not getting major deals or nationwide commercial radio play, as hes considered a living legend in texas.
DJ sCrew, 1997
houston, tx
Photo BY deron neBLett
Like so many other hip hop icons, dJ screw didnt receive worldwide appreciation until he wasnt
around to bask in it. rarely photographed or interviewed, people didnt start learning about screw and
his contributions until after he passed and his many disciples started to spread his gospel.
in a day where rappers and other personalities in hip hop love to display their lives, habits and vices,
screw was rarely captured sipping the concoction he made popular. Perhaps this photo can be indica-
tive of a time where a true underground culture still existed; a culture where you had to be in it to
understand it or speak on it.
death and tragedy have become mainstays in the deceased dJs screwed up click, with fve members
dying in the past 10 years. equally symbolic and eerie, the spinning ceiling fan above screws head
could be mistaken for a halo. From houston to heaven, screw and his legacy will continue to live on.
neLLy, 2000
the warehouse (st. Louis, Mo)
Photo BY KinG YeLLa
of course hip hop had to exist in st. Louis before nelly even picked up a microphone, but you really cant fault anyone
that wants to believe that Mr. country Grammar was the frst rapper from the city. hes damn near the only one you can
when he exploded onto the scene in 2000 with his sing-songy pop appeal raps, many signaled it as the end of non-com-
mercial rap. his busting out of the gate with a 9x platinum debut put his city on the rap radar and ushered in an era where
hip hop artists became megastars who were able to sell multi-platinum albums, before technology made it possible for
listeners to download music from the internet. You can also say it gave record labels reason to believe that any artist on
their label, new or old, dope or whack, was a failure if they didnt move major units.
hardly heard from nowadays, nelly has his hands into restaurants, hotels, clothing and even owns stake in an nBa team.
wiLLie D
Photo BY deron neBLett
even in his days as a younger rapper, willie d still sounded like an angry elder. whatever he may have
lacked in witty lyricism or fow patterns, he made up for with intense, straight-to-the-gut parables.
with scarface being the front man and Bushwick Bill being the attention getter, willie d was often
disregarded but in actuality, he should be considered the anchor that held the Geto Boys down. sure,
he may have left the group at one point, but it doesnt get more Geto than songs like Bald headed
hoes, Play witcha Mama, and it gets no realer than Guess My religion and Fuck rodney King.
even against critics advice, willie continued to release music well into the 21st century. why? Be-
cause he wanted to, not because he needed to. aside from rapping, willie is still swinging on suckers
as an amateur boxer and currently lives in the Middle east, far from the Geto, in azerbaijan, where he
is a real estate agent.
TriCK DaDDy, 1998
the roLLexx (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
when trick daddy surfaced in the mid-90s with a feature on Lukes scarred, no one could have predicted that he would be-
come one of the leading voices in southern hip hop. Most people to this day, discounting people who live in Miami, probably
didnt realize that was him on that song until years later.
when his 1997 Based on a true story album hit stores, it didnt make a lot of noise on the national music scene. But his
nc-17-rated dialogue with trina on 1998s nann nigga made him a household name and xxx-rated songs like suckin
Fuckin made him well known in the strip joints. while he made songs like change My Life, people didnt open up to hear-
ing trick speaking on lifes struggles or politics until later in his career. Known for both his vivid tales of reality and his frank
sexual boasts, tricks lyrics are always worth hearing.
FLoyD mayweaTher & James prinCe, 2000
raP-a-Lot video shoot (houston, tx)
Photo BY deron neBLett
hip hop is probably the most competitive genre of music that exists. its the only form of music
where the artists go directly at each other. so it was only ftting that perhaps the best fghter of his
generation, Floyd Mayweather Jr., aligned himself with someone entrenched in the industry.
after fring his father as his manager, Mayweather hired rap-a-Lot records founder James Prince.
the relationship must be fruitful, as Mayweather has managed to become the only superstar in the
dying sport, generating publicity (and money) everywhere from dancing with the stars to wrestle-
Foxy Brown, 1998
onYx (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
when Foxy Brown entered the rap game in 1996 appearing on a string of singles with the likes of LL cool J, toni Braxton, case
and Jay-Z, many thought the 17-year-old was acting too grown for her age. regardless, the years that followed defnitely made her
grow up fast.
though she enjoyed one gold and two platinum albums between 1997 and 2001, her personal and legal issues since then have
defned her career. spitting on hotel employees because they didnt have an iron, drug addiction, assaulting police offcers and
manicurists, and scuffing with Miami rapper Jacki-o in a recording studio are just a few of the many instances that have marred
Foxys image over the years.
her skids hit a new low when she was diagnosed with sudden hearing loss and then sentenced to prison over an assault charge
a year later. she has since been released and her most recent project Brooklyns don diva has been panned by not only critics,
but Fox herself.
JUveniLe, 1998
ha video shoot at MaGnoLia ProJects (new orLeans, La)
Photo BY KinG YeLLa
as cash Money records frst star, Juvenile helped the label usher in the new orleans sound that
Master P and no Limit sometimes vacated. his distinctive drawl showed that southern hip hop
had different sounds and dialects within itself.
while he may have participated in cash Moneys blinged out imagery, Juvys albums always had a
little bit more to offer, making his eventual break up with the label and transition into a stand-alone
career without them a little less diffcult.
any photo of Juvenile alone during this time period is hard to fnd. cMrs early existence was built
upon a brotherhood that often had them seen anywhere and everywhere together. as Juvy rocks
the cash Money medallion, notice the absence of a cash Money tattoo. unlike his younger peers,
Juvy probably knew that this relationship, like most, would not last forever.
sCarFaCe, 1998
houston, tx
Photo BY deron neBLett
around the time scarface dropped his double-album compilation My homies, the
music-buying public just couldnt seem to get enough rap music. double-albums
were dropping left and right, every tuesday guaranteed at least 4 new albums and
most importantly, the majority of the product was good.
this is also around the time Face started to fex his business acumen, putting
the album together himself and acting as somewhat of an a&r. his executive
talents would been seen at the next level two years later when he was named
President of def Jam south, where hed go on to sign a then-unknown radio per-
sonality turned rapper named Ludacris.
pimp C, 1999
warehouse district (houston, tx)
Photo BY deron neBLett
From the crushed velvet baseball jersey to the one-of-a-kind hat bearing his namesake, Pimp
c is a once-in-a-lifetime personality. who would have thought that a rapper with high-pitched
vocals who wore glasses would be considered one of the trillest of all time.
to the people that knew him, Pimp was both a jokester and a truth teller. some would say that
it was hard to tell if he was being serious or funny because either way, whatever he was saying
always had truth to it.
its well documented that he served nearly four years in prison as the southern hip hop empire
he helped build reached its peak. But he immediately made up for his absence by dropping a
solo album and another uGK album with Bun B. But, eerily similar to 2Pacs rants before his
death, Pimp c took to airwaves and magazines with his staunch opinions on lying rappers and
homosexuality, in addition to his infamous atlanta is not the south statement. the atlanta
comment would be the only one he retracted before his death in december 2007.
riCK ross, 1998
oPiuM Gardens (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
Youve probably heard that real hustlers move behind the scenes. Before his huge single hus-
tlin became the anthem of 2006, rick ross was doing just that. entering the rap game under
suave house and then slip-n-slide, ross used to be the unknown guy at all the video shoots rub-
bing shoulders with all the stars. Perhaps he preferred it that way back then, since hes covering
up his face in the photo.
But, just like he said in a freestyle years ago, ever since Khaled been shouting my name, hoes
at the fea market dont look at me the same. now known one of the most recognizable fgures
in hip hop, rick has no problem showing his face. Judging from his behavior as of late, he
doesnt mind showing off his body either.
GooDie moB, 1996
MiaMi KniGhts (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
cool Breeze invented the term dirty south but since the song derived from the phrase was
a Goodie Mob song, credit often goes to them. not saying they dont deserve it. the G-Mo-B
introduced a rare blend of spirituality, socio-political awareness and raw lyricism that has yet to be
duplicated. Beyond that, their ability to connect directly with both book readers and block bleeders
is what made them stand alone. what other group do you know of that could share stages with the
roots in new York and uGK in the rural south?
the groups diversity and perhaps imminent split is well captured in this particular photo. the ec-
centric cee-Lo and Big Gipp lean forward rocking colorful outfts, subtly demanding attention, while
the more low profle t-Mo and Khujo keep their hat low leaning back in attire more ftting of the
laid-back southern lifestyle.
while both of their frst two albums achieved gold status, their true impact wasnt completely real-
ized until after the group disbanded and each member embarked on solo projects.
six years ago, in May 2002 [when oZone was founded], i was probably just going on that cash
Money tour or the ruff ryder tour, one of those tours. the tour captivated my life at that point.
[My daughter] reginae was three [years old], and i got a spot in houston during that time. My
daughter is nine now, so since then, shes had to go through a lot of changes by switching cities and
states and stuff like that. thats big for her.
For me, during that time, ive moved. ive been to school. i re-enrolled in school in houston and then
switched to Phoenix online. i was living in houston and then i moved to the beautiful city of Miami,
and now im spending a whole lot of fucking time in atlanta.
career-wise, ive gotten better [in the last six years]. i work a whole lot harder now. My work ethic
is crazy because now i know where i want to be later, so i know how hard i have to work now. the
females have changed. the money changed; i get different checks now. i dont even look at certain
people no more now. i dont even have to go into certain parts of universal [records] now; things
like that. its fun.
in six years my daughter will be, like, 15. im shooting any [boys] that come by my house playing
with my daughter. (laughs) nah, i think in six years, shes gonna be in this business doing what the
hell she wants to do. shes gonna be known already. she wants to be an actress; she wants to do
six years from now, i would love to be a respected actor. not a great actor or a well-paid actor; a
respected actor. i would love to be the owner or part-owner of a sports team. i would love to be
respected as a humanitarian. i would love for somebody to say, You know, you used to be the best
rapper alive. i dont want to be the best rapper [in six years] because that might mean that the
game just totally sucks if im [still] the best rapper.
But, um, what do i want to be in six years? alive. thats it.
- by Lil wayne, as told to Julia Beverly
LiL wayne, 1998
JuveniLes ha video shoot at MaGnoLia ProJects (new orLeans, La)
Photo BY KinG YeLLa
GeTo Boys, 1996
the coMPound - raP-a-Lot headquarters (houston, tx)
Photo BY deron neBLett
in the mid-90s rap music was at a crossroads where the generally underground genre was start-
ing to receive not only larger mainstream attention, but acceptance. it was also a time when rap
groups proved to have equal if not bigger voices than soloists. scarface, willie d and Bushwick Bill
opted to put their differences to the side, reuniting with their 1996 classic the resurrection.
with rap slowly trading in political stances for jiggy dances, the Geto Boys kept the reality rap fag
fying with songs like the worlds a Ghetto, Geto Fantasy and Point of no return.
the reunion would be short-lived as GBs next album dropped sans Bill, and the one that followed
was only done to fulfll contract obligations. either way, even though it came out that none of the
members of GB were the closest of friends, they still put out music that proved a fst is stronger
than a fnger.
FaT Joe & BiG pUn, 1999
oPiuM Gardens (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
Big Pun was one of the few examples of a sidekick rapper who
eventually outshone the man who put him on. introduced as Fat Joes
associate, Puns debut capital Punishment, alongside albums from
dMx, n.o.r.e, camron, Busta rhymes, canibus, Jay-Z, redman, the
Lox and Ma$e served as one of the cornerstones of east coast hip
hops 1997-98 relevance in the midst of no Limit records reign of
dominance. one of the few lyrically inclined rappers who was able to
blend comedy with harsh reality, Pun became the frst Latino rapper to
go platinum.
even though he was known to the general public as a member of Fat
Joes terror squad, most of the clique was made up of Puns own Full
a clips crew who came along with him when he chose to align himself
with Fat Joe in the mid-90s.
hoping to duplicate the success of his frst album, Pun was set to
release his sophomore effort Yeeeah Baby. on the lead single its
so hard, Pun, who had well-documented bouts with weight gain,
exclaimed i just lost a hundred pounds, im tryin to live, i aint goin
nowhere. im stayin, alive baby! unfortunately a fatal heart attack
and respiratory failure claimed his life in 2000 before the song and
album were released. Being that he was the proverbial glue that held
the clique together, ts began to slowly crumble in the years following
his death.
claiming to be a mix of G. rap, Pac, Master P/all balled up with a
twist of Marc anthony, Pun was a rare breed of emcee who was able
to introduce listeners to a new culture and remind others of theirs all
at the same time. he opened doors for other rappers like Pitbull to
take Latino rap worldwide.
meThoD man & Jermaine DUpri, 1998
how can i Be down? Music conFerence (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
as the most recognizable member of the wu-tang clan, Method Man helped make east coast hip
hop relevant again when he hit the scene in late 1993. it became apparent that he was also the
most commercially viable and versatile member of the crew, gaining acceptance on all coasts.
on the other end, Jermaine dupri helped make atlanta the music mecca that it is today, although
some in the city felt that he didnt do enough to help local hip hop artists get put on, instead opt-
ing to work with rappers from other cities.
this picture captures two fgures who show that hip hop shouldnt be about where youre from, or
where youre at, but how you come.
oUTKasT, 1995
MiaMi KniGhts (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
though they did all they could to put their city on the map, there was actually a time when atlantans
did not support outkast. infatuated with whatever death row or wu-tang was putting out at the
time, a lot of atlantans turned their noses up at Big Boi and dre when they frst came out.
while it cant be confrmed that thats what was on their minds in this photo, the somber looks on
their faces as they await to walk through what looks to be a closed door is truly symbolic of the
obstacles the duo had to overcome in order to become one of raps greatest groups.
rUsseLL simmons, 1996
house oF BLues (Los anGeLes, ca)
Photo BY J Lash
People like to refer to russell simmons as the Godfather of hip hop. through his work in
breaking acts like run-dMc, the Beastie Boys and Kurtis Blow, he literally built the rap game
from the ground up. and even beyond music, hes proven himself a successful entrepreneur.
Pictured here in clothes from his Phat Farm line, simmons made it possible to look like a mil-
lion bucks wearing a baseball cap. in fact, hes admitted to wearing his baseball cap to bougie
shindigs just get under peoples skin.
as far as rushs contributions to southern hip hop are concerned, you can thank him for
launching def Jam south. even though the label is vaguely mentioned in the grand scheme of
things, the imprint birthed the careers of Ludacris and Young Jeezy and planted a fag in the
ground that most southern hip hop artists could aspire to wave someday.
Ja rULe, 1998
onYx (MiaMi, FL)
Photo BY J Lash
People with a good memory remember that Ja rules career dates back to at least 1994 when he emerged as a member of the cash
Money click, a irv Gotti-produced group that enjoyed a very brief stint at the now-defunct tvt records. though they only managed to put
out two singles, Ja rules undeniable presence led to him getting a deal at def Jam years later.
while he enjoyed immense success during the early part of his career, Ja was often vilifed along the way. First he was called dMx-impos-
ter, then a 2Pac-biter, then a fake r&B singer. in hindsight, he probably didnt help matters by constantly screaming its murdaaaa! over
tracks that resembled love ballads.
in perhaps the best display of rap fans fckleness, most of the rap world turned their backs on Ja when his neighborhood-turned-industry
rival 50 cent led an all-out attack against Ja and his accomplishments. Ja fought back but eventually faded into near-irrelevance, instead
focusing his energies on his family and entrepreneurial endeavors.
2 Pistols should be forever indebted to the
J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League for supplying his debut
album with head-nodding production. 2 Pistols
average fow and repetitive money, hoes, cars
and street life content is less than impressive.
But he banks off high-powered production and
catchy sing-along hooks, similar to the Trap Or
Die format Young Jeezy wrote the blueprint for.
Death Before Dishonor doesnt offer anything
that will change the game, but it does have
tracks that will bump in the whip this summer.
Randy Roper
Coming into the music industry at the young age
of 18, Lil Mama still carries a lot of weight. Her
debut album Voice of the Young People brings
out her emceeing skills that can indeed catch
some ears. On One Hit Wonder, Lil Mama spits
that she doesnt ft the title and can rhyme
sicker than your average teenage girl. Catering
to her youthful audience, she does score big
on Truly In Love, speaking on the true love
emotions that teenagers experience coming up.
Overall, Lil Mama has a voice and since its just
right for her targeted crowd, she could defnitely
be the voice of Hip Hops young generation.
Quinton Hartfeld
Benisour has been paying his dues in the Miami
rap movement for a while and with his latest
mixtape, Bosses Only Vol. 1, he shows why its
his time to see dividends. With a strengthening
Miami movement, Benisour capitalizes on his
citys success by bringing a solid mixtape which
includes tracks like Shining featuring Junior
Reid. While most tracks are decent, his delivery
could use more energy. Rohit Loomba
Many felt that Mobb
Deep was fnished
after Blood Money, but
Hav and P have both
proved through solo
efforts that their QB
swagger hasnt gone
anywhere. Ps H.N.I.C.
Pt. 2 may not neces-
sarily offer the P that
we heard on Infamous,
but the grimy P double
is defnitely back. Just
hope there are more
tracks like these to
hold us down while P
serves his 3-year bid.
Rohit Loomba
LA the Darkman is no
stranger to the Gangsta
Grillz series, with Drama
slipping an LAD track
or verse on most recent
editions. Now with his
own installment to the
series, LAD fnally gets
a chance to shine, and
he does. Despite for the
few repeated tracks,
this mixtape is fresh,
featuring LAD on a
variety of tracks without
him faltering on much
of anything. A true test
will be to see if LAD can
keep this up or if this
was a little more of that
Gangsta Grillz magic.
Rohit Loomba
2 Pistols/Death Before Dis-
lil MaMa/vYP: voice of the
Young PeoPle/Jive/ZoMBa
Benisour & DJ gQ
Bosses onlY vol. 1
ProDigY/h.n.i.c. Pt
la the DarkMan & DJ
notorious l.a.D.
88 //
Bun B/ii trill
With the tragic loss of his UGK
brethren, Bun B had no choice but
to go for self. On his second solo
album the Port Arthur, TX veteran carries the UGK leg-
acy through 18 trill tracks. On Youre Everything, Bun
teams up with 8Ball & MJG, Rick Ross and David Banner to declare their
love for the South. He takes turns going bar for bar with Lil Wayne (Damn
Im Cold) and Lupe Fiasco (Swang On Em), and takes time to shed light
on political and social subjects (Get Cha Issue and If It Was Up II Me).
Angel In The Sky is a heartwarming tribute to his UGK counterpart, while
the Mouse-produced Pop It For Pimp featuring Juvenile and Webbie will
have women bouncing like Sweet James Jones would have wanted them
to. II Trill could have done without a couple fllers but this album is a
must-have for any Southern rap fan. Randy Roper
the roots/rising Down/Def JaM
Though it seems longer than two
years since their Grammy-nomi-
nated project Game Theory hit
stores, The Roots are back in full
force. The Hip Hop super group has reunited to bring
back heavy break beats and social relevance as only
they can. Rising Down has a dark sound with a political stance that re-
fects urban America at its current best and worst. This album shines with
a few surprises and single worthy selections. Within the 16 song track list,
Rising Up stands out with its heavy Go-Go infuenced rhythm and guest
appearances by Chrisette Michelle and Wale. Jared Anderson
ace hooD & DJ khaleD
ace wont folD
DJ Khaled presents Ace Hood on
Ace Wont Fold, a mixtape which
seems to have more of Khaleds
shoutouts than Hoods talent. While Ace shows versatility
on this mixtape, there isnt much that necessarily sets
him apart from other rappers. Ace does have shining moments, though, and
this mixtape isnt one to completely write off, so give it a chance and see if it
really was worth the listennnnnnn! Rohit Loomba
attituDe & DJ sMallZ
keY 2 Da streets vol. 2
DJ Smalls and the Birmingham,
Alabama native Attitude have
crafted the latest edition of the
Key 2 Da Streets mixtape franchise. After listening to
his hometown anthem, A-L-A-B-A-M-A, the poten-
tial Timbaland must have seen to have signed him to his since defunct
label Beat Club was evident. Ima Champion features The Dream, which
makes it an automatic must listen and single worthy song. While some
music is hit or miss there is potential for Attitude to stand out and make a
household name for himself. Jared Anderson
lil Boosie, DJ sPinZ & DJ JaY-o
the hooD chaMP
Capitalizing on the popularity of
the Independent single with
Webbie, Lil Boosie has staked his
claim as the Champion of the Hood with this collaborative
mixtape from DJ Spinz and DJ Jay-O. Boosie keeps it street
throughout the whole mixtape with cuts like Product of My Environment and
Thuggin featuring Webbie. While his stories of street life and hard times fll
the album, Lil Boosie did not forget about ghetto love, speaking to the ladies
on Aint Comin Home Tonight and Gangsta Bitch. This mixtape holds true to
the streets and confrms his status as Hood Champ. Jared Anderson
1. DJ Mr. King Southern Smothered & Covered 11.5 Hosted by Filthy www.myspace.com/djmrking
2. DJ Chuck T & 50 Cent Invincible: The Lost Tapes Disc One www.djchuckt.com
3. DJ Spinz Southern Swagger 9 www.myspace.com/dj_spinz
4. DJ B-Lord Bike Week 2008 www.myspace.com/scdjblord
5. The DBoy Movement & Young Money Records Life On Weezy Street djkillak@tmail.com
6. DJ Bobby Black Crack Addiction: B.G. & Webbie
7. DJ A-Smooth Class Is In Session www.myspace.com/djasmooth
9. DJ Black Bill Gates & MLK King Shit 23 www.myspace.com/theblackbillgates www.myspace.com/mlkng
10. DJ 1Mic & DJ DVS-1 The League Leaders Vol. 1 Co-signed by Billy Danze www.myspace.com/dj1mic www.myspace.com/themixtapemilitia
11. DJ Slikk & DJ Testarosa Get Down or Lay Down www.myspace.com/djslikkrick www.myspace.com/djtestarosa
12. DK Delz Love In The Club Part 2 www.myspace.com/djdelz
13. DJ 4Sho Rumble In The Concrete Jungle 3
14. DJ Curren$y Southern Swagga www.myspace.com/djcurrensy
16. DJ Spree Slow Jams Vol. 1 www.myspace.com/djspree
15. DJ Nik Bean, DJ Felli Fel & DJ Drama Streetz of LA 4 www.mixtapebuzz.com
17. Real Muzak Vixens A Vixen Affair Vol. 1 Hosted by DJ Gloss www.myspace.com/djgloss
18. DJ Rhude We Got Now Part 4 www.myspace.com/djrhudemusic
19. Jay Force Next Factor www.nextfactormixtape.com
8. DJ Scrill S.U.A. Mixtape Radio Most Requested Hosted by Blood Raw www.myspace.com/scrilla05
the eMPire
southern slang voluMe 10
20. DJ Teknikz If You Buyin We Sellin 16 www.myspace.com/djteknikz
Southern Slang Volume 10 has more new and
exclusive music from the Souths elite emcees
than the mixtape circuit has seen in recent
months. Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross
and Ludacris are all featured, but its brand
new music from T.I. that makes this mixtape a
DJs, send your mix CDs (with a cover) for
consideration to:
Ozone Magazine
644 Antone St. Suite 6
Atlanta, GA 30318
Southern Slang Volume 10 has more new and
exclusive music from the Souths elite emcees
than the mixtape circuit has seen in recent
months. Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross
and Ludacris are all featured, but its brand
new music from T.I. that makes this mixtape a
DJs, send your mix CDs (with a cover) for
consideration to:
Ozone Magazine
644 Antone St. Suite 6
Atlanta, GA 30318
end zone
ThrowBaCK eDiTion
DiDDy circa 1997
onYx (MiaMi, FL)
Photo: J Lash
Back when sean combs was still calling himself Puff daddy, you could catch him in both
hollyhood and hollywood as he did everything he could to keep his Bad Boy brand alive in the
midst of losing the B.i.G. star on his label.
during the no way out era he had a roster that included Ma$e, the Lox, and Black rob. all
three acts had moderate mainstream successes, with Ma$e enjoying the most. outside of him,
though, Bad Boy had a relatively street-skewered crew. Perhaps that explains why a man of
Puffs stature is seen here in club that could be considered modest for his expensive tastes.
although he will never be known for his lyrical skills, his marketing genius cant be questioned.
in 1997 he had everyone screaming no way out. ten years later, he has people rocking no
Bitch ass ness t-shirts.

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