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UNIT - I OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1. AX is a 16-bit _____________________2. Segment register contains_____________ bit segment base addresses. 3.

Size of physical address in 8086 _______________ 4. Index registers are used as____________ registers. 5. SI register is used to store______________ 6. 8086 Flag register contents indicates the ______________ in ALU. 7. 8086 architecture is divided as ___________ and___________ 8. Precoding instruction byte queue is__________ size. 9. Size of RAM in 8085__________________ 10.Size of RAM in 8086_______________ 11.The complete memory in 8086 is divided into____________ segments each of ________ bytes. 12.16 bit flag in 8086 is divided as ___________ and _________________ 13.Direction Flag in 8086 is used for________________ 14.Trap Flag in 8086 is used for______________ 15.Addressing mode indicates the way of locating _________________ or ________________ 16.In register relative addressing mode data is available at _________________ 17.In Index addressing mode offset of the operand is stored in_____________ 18.In relative based indexed addressing mode effective address is formed by_________ 19.Short jump lies in the range of_____________ 20.Different data group of transfer instructions are______________ 21.XLAT means______________ 22.LEA means_______________________ 23._________ Instruction is used to find out the 2s complement of a given data. 24.In LDS ________ and ____________ registers are used to load instructions. 25.DAA instruction is used for_______________26.CWD means____________27.TEST instruction is used for______________ 28.DB is used for____________ 29.ENDP means_____________ 30.Function of LABEL is to_____________ 31.Procedure directive marks the start of_______________ in a statement. 32.The type operator directs the assembler to decide the_____________ of specified label. 33.The instruction used for writing to an output port is _______________________ 34.DAS instruction means__________________________ 35.SAHF directive means __________________________ UNIT II 1. The instruction that performs right shifts on the operand word or byte is ___________ 2. REP instruction is used as a __________________ to other instructions 3. MOVSB instruction means 4. The instruction used to compare two strings of bytes or words are _________________

5. The LODS instruction loads the AX register by the content of a string pointed to by ____________________ register pair 6. Control transfer instructions are _________________ and _____________________ 7. __________________ instruction is used to call a subroutine from a main program 8. For Near CALL displacement is ______________ 9. RET instruction means _______________________ 10.Whenever a CALL is made ___________________ instruction also needs to be called 11.When overflow flag is set __________________ command is executed 12.The operation of JNGE is ___________________________ 13.Wait instruction is used for _______________________ 14._____________ instruction stores AX register contents to a location in the string poined by ES:DI pair 15.Number of interrupts in 8086 _______________ UNIT III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Different clock rates 8086 can support are __________________ Number of address lines in 8086____________ Number of time multiplexed address and status lines in 8086 are _________ BHE signal is used to ________________ Interrupt request is a ________________ input. ________________ status line is equivalent to S2 status in max mode HOLD pin is used for ________________ Operation of 8086 in min mode is done by strapping ________________ to logic 1. 9. Latches are generally buffered outputs________________ type input. 10.Timing diagram is min mode categorized as ________________ 11.Operation of 8086 in max mode is done by strapping ________________ to logic 1. 12.The number of signals in RQ/GT are __________________________ 13.The significance of the MCE / PDEN output depends on the status of _______ Pin 14.SRAMs are available as ___________ dimensional arrays of memory locations 15.A 4K byte memory has ____________________ locations 16.In SRAM, output of decoding circuit is connected to ___________________ 17.EPROM is a _____________ type of memory 18.Size of Each register in DMA is ___________________ 19.DMA means _______________________ 20._________________ stores the address of the starting memory location 21.__________________ register ensures the stop of execution of instruction after a limited number of DMA cycles 22.Mode Set register is used for _____________________ 23.Number of Data Request signals in 8257 are ______________________ 24.DACK signals is used for ____________________ 25.Enabling Read/Write operations in 8257 is done using __________ signal UNIT IV 1. 8255 is known as ____________________

2. 8255 supports ____________ bit processors 3. Number of I/O lines in 8255 is _____________ 4. 8 bit data bus buffer in 8255 is controlled by _________________ 5. Mode 0 of 8255 is known as _________________ 6. Number of ports available for I/O operations in mode 0 of 8255 is ____________ 7. Mode 1 of 8255 is known as _________________ 8. In mode 3 of 8255 the number of I/O ports available is __________________ 9. STB pin in mode 1 of 8255 is used for ___________________ 10.An example of ADC circuit is _________________ 11.ADC is treated as _____________ by 8086 12.The time taken from the active edge of SOC pulse till the active edge of EOC signal is called _____________ 13.0808 ADC applies ____________________ method of conversion 14.An example of a basic DAC is _________________ 15.Size of output that can be taken at the edge of DAC is ______________ 16.The actual operating frequency of DAC7109 is calculated by _____________ 17.AD 7253 is a _________ pin DIP 18.The angle at which a rotor can rotate in stepper motor is given by __________________ 19._______________ is a device to obtain an accurate position control of rotating shafts 20.The count for rotating the shaft of a stepper motor is calculated by ______________

Question Bank UNIT I

1. Explain with a neat diagram the architecture of 8085 microprocessor 2. Explain with a neat diagram the architecture of 8086 processor 3. Explain the different general purpose registers of 8086 4. What is the purpose of flag register in 8086. Explain the different bits of flag register in 8086 5. Explain briefly the addressing modes of 8086 with an example each 6. The contents of different registers are given below. Form effective addresses for different addressing modes. a. Offset (Displacement) = 5000H b. [AX] 1000H, [BX] 2000H, [SI] 3000H, [DI] 4000H, [BP] 5000H c. [SP] 6000H, [CS] 0000H, [DS] 1000H, [SS] 2000H, [IP] 7000H 7. Explain the different Data copy / Transfer instructions of 8086 with an example 8. Explain the special functions of general purpose registers of 8086 9. Explain the different arithmetic instructions of 8086 with an example each

10.Explain the different logical instructions of 8086 with an example each 11.Explain the different string manipulation operations of 8086 with a example each 12.Explain the different control transfer / branching instructions of 8086 with an example each 13.Explain different assembler directives and operators of 8086 in brief 14.Define a Macro. Explain the procedure involved in passing parameters to a macro with delay 15.What is a Procedure? What is the difference between a NEAR and FAR procedure?

1. Write an ALP to Add the contents of memory location 2000H:5000H to contents of 3000H:0600H and store the result in 5000H:0700H 2. Write an ALP to find out the largest number from an unordered array of sixteen 8 bit numbers stored sequentially in the memory locations starting at offset 0500H in the segment 2000H 3. Write a program to move a string of data words from offset 2000H to offset 3000H the length of the string is 0FH 4. Write an ALP to arrange a given series of hexadecimal bytes in ascending order 5. Write a ALP to find out whether a given byte is in string or not. If it is in the string, find out the relative address of the byte from the starting location of string 6. Write an ALP for addition of two 3X3 matrices 7. Write an ALP to find whether the parity of a given number is even or odd 8. Write an ALP to convert a 16 bit binary number into equivalent BCD number 9. Write an ALP to find out the number of even or odd numbers from a given series of 16-bit hexadecimal numbers 10.Write an ALP that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication and division


1. Explain with a neat pin diagram the architecture of 8086 and explain the different pins of 8086 2. Explain with a neat diagram the Minimum mode 8086 system and timings 3. With neat waveforms explain the Read and write cycle timing diagrams for minimum and maximum mode systems of 8086 4. Explain with a neat diagram the Maximum mode 8086 system and timings 5. What are the different types of memory interfacing available to 8086. Explain each of them in brief. 6. Interface two 4K X 8 EPROMs and two 4K X 8 RAM chips with 8086. Select suitable maps. 7. Interface a 4K X 8 EPROM, one chip of 8K X 8 RAM, two chips of 8K X 4 RAM with 8086. The map should be given as a. EPROM FF000H FFFFFH b. One 8K X 8 RAM 00000H 01FFFH c. Two 8K X 4 RAM 05000H 06FFFH 8. Explain with a neat diagram the operational internal architecture of DMA controller 8257. 9. Explain the different signals / Pins of 8257 with a neat pin diagram 10.Explain the procedure involved with DMA transfers and operations with a flowchart 11.With a neat diagram explain the process involved in interfacing 8257 with 8086 12.Explain with a neat block diagram the operational internal architecture of 8237 13.Explain the complete register organization of 8237 14.Explain briefly the pins of 8237 with a neat diagram 15.What are the different modes of transfer in 8237. Explain each of them briefly.

Unit IV
1. Explain in detail with a neat diagram the internal architecture of 8255 PIO 2. Explain the functionality of different pins in pin architecture of 8255 3. Explain the different modes of operation in 8255

4. Interface an 8255 with 8086 to work as an I/O port. Initialize port A as a output port, Port B as input port and port C as output port. Port A address should be 0740H. Write a program to sense switch positions SW0-SW7 connected at port B. The sensed pattern is to be displayed on port A, to which 8 LEDs are connected, while the port C lower displays number of on switches out of the total 8 switches. 5. Explain in detail the architecture of 8279 (Keyboard / Display controller) with a neat diagram 6. Explain with neat pin and logic diagrams the different pins of 8279 7. Explain in detail the different modes of operation of 8279 and also explain the different command words of 8279. 8. Interface keyboard and display controller 8279 with 8086 at address 0080H. Write an ALP to setup 8279 in scanned keyboard mode with encoded scan, NKey rollover mode. Use a 16 character display in right entry display format. Then clear the display RAM with zeros. Read the FIFO for key closure. If any key is closed, store its code to register CL. Then write the byte 55 to all the displays and return to DOS. The clock input to 8279 is 2MHz, operate it at 100KHz 9. Explain with a neat schematic the internal of a stepper motor with windings and write an ALP to rotate a shaft of a 4 phase stepper motor 10.Explain with block, pin and timing diagrams the functionality of ADC 0808 11.Explain the different pins of a dual slop 12-bit ADC 7109 and draw the individual block diagrams of analog and digital sections for the same. 12.With a neat diagrams explain the interfacing of an DAC7523 with 8086


1. Draw the architectural diagram of 8085 and explain the function of each block in detail? 2. Discuss about Multiplexing in 8086 microprocessor. 3. Discuss the general functions of all general-purpose registers of 8086?

4. Explain the Special function of each resister and instruction support for these functions in 8086. 5. What is the use of segmentation? Discuss one application area? Explain how Segmentation provides client task switching mechanism? 6. Theregistercontentsof8086isgivenbelow. CS=5000H,DS=6000H,SS=A000H,ES=B000H,SI=2000H,DI=3000H,BP=1002 H SP=0002H,AX=0000H,BX=5200H,CX=2000H,DX=2000H. Calculate the effective address and physical address of the following instructions. (a)IMUL AX, [BP+BX-8D] (d)AND AH, [SI+42D] (g)XOR DH, [DI+8D] (b)SBBAL ES:[SI+5D] (e)CMP SB (h)DIV AX, [SI+2] [16] (c)PUSH AX (f)CMP DX, [SI]

7. Is it necessary to check whether the word stored in location 4000H: A000H is positive number or not? Show all possible ways of testing the above condition and store 00H if the condition is satisfied in location 3000:2002. Otherwise store 0FFH. [16] Unit II 1. Describe the following addressing mode switch some examples. i. Indexed addressing with displacement ii. I/O port addressing 2. Develop an 8086 assembly language program that reads a key from the andconvertsittouppercasebeforedisplayingit.Theprogramneedstoterminate on typing the Crtl +C key combination. 3. how An external near procedure is called in main program? (b)Discuss the assembler directives with examples? 4. (a) Using REPEAT-UNTIL construct, develop a sequence of 8086 instructions That reads a character string from the keyboard and after pressing the enter key the character string is to be displayed again. (b) What is a procedure? Give an example to declare a procedure as near? Make This procedure as PUBLIC procedure? 5. (a) Explain in detail the coding template for 8086 MOV instruction? (a) Explain with example how a far procedure is declared as PUBLIC? Show keyboard

(b)Write briefly about i. PUBLIC directive ii. EXTERN directive 6. Explain the meaning of the following 8086 instructions i. mov [3845h], bx ii. add ax, [si] iii. mov bx, 2956h iv. adc ax, bx Unit III 1. (a) Write an ALP in 8086 to count number of positive and negative numbers from an array of 8-bitintegers (b)Write an ALP in 8086 to exchange a block of N bytes of data between source and destination DTR and DEN pins of 8086? 2. (a) What is the purpose of ALE,BHE,DT/ their timing in the system bus cycle of 8086? (b)Show the complete design to generate system address, data and control buses Using the above pins, latches an dram receivers 3. (a) What is the purpose of ALE,BHE,DT/ R and DEN pinsof8086?Show their timing in the system bus cycle of 8086? (b) Why 8086 memory is mapped into 2 byte wide banks? What logic levels are found with BHE and A0 when 8086 reads a word from the address 0A0AH? 4. Why do we prefer interrupt driven data transfer than programmed I/O transfer? Show the complete hardware design to resolve the multiple interrupts based on priority? 5. (a) What is the purpose of ALE,BHE,DT/ R their timing in the system bus cycle of 8086? (b) Why 8086 memory is mapped into 2 byte wide banks? What logic levels are found with BHE and A0 when 8086 reads a word from the address 0A0AH? Unit IV 1. (a) Explain how static RAMs are interfaced to 8086. Give necessary interface Diagram as summing appropriate signals and memory size (b) Explain the need of DMA. Discuss in detail about DMA data transfer method


Explain why 8255 ports are divided into two groups? Discuss how these groups are controlled in different modes of operation? Explain different control signals and their associated pins for bi-directional I/O mode of operation?


Interface a 12-bit DAC to 8255 with an address map of 0C00H to 0C03H. The DAC provides output in the range of +5V to -5V.Write the instruction sequence. (a) For generating a square wave with a peak to peak voltage of 4V and the Frequency will be selected from memory location F. (b) For generating a triangular wave with a maximum voltage of +3V and a minimum of -2V.


Interface an 8-bit DAC to 8255 with an address map of 0100H to 0103H. The DAC Provides output in the range of +5V to -5V.Write the instruction sequence for the following (a) For generating a square wave with a peak to peak voltage of 2V and the Frequency will be selected from memory location FREQ (b) For generating a triangular wave with a maximum voltage of +4V and a minimum of -2V.


(a) What is BSR mode operation? How it is useful in controlling the interrupt initiated data transfer for mode1and2? (b) Explain the transistor buffer circuit used to drive7-segment LEDs?

Assignments - Unit I 1. Draw and discuss the internal block diagram of 8086. 2. Explain the concept of segmented memory, what are its advantages. 3. Draw and discuss the flag register of 8086 in brief. 4. What do you mean by pipelined architecture and how it is implemented in 8086. 5. Draw and discuss the read and write cycle timing diagram of 8086 in min mode and max modes. Unit -II 1. State and explain different instruction format of 8086. 2. What do you mean by addressing modes? What are the differs addressing modes supported by addressing modes? 3. What are the different instruction types of 8086? 4. How does a CPU identify between 8and 16-bit operations? Unit-III 1. Draw And Explain The pin diagram of 8086? 2. Explain the working of 8086 in maximum mode with timing diagram? 3. Explain the working of 8086 in minimum mode with timing diagram? 4. Deign a one unit 14 segment alphanumeric display and write a program to display an alphanumeric character of which the code is in AX .? 5. What are the advantages of DMA controlled data transferred over interrupt driven or program controlled data transfer? Unit IV 1. Interface a 8 X 8 keyboard using two 8255 ports and write a program to read the code of the pressed key 2. Interface a typical 12-bit DAC with 8255 and write a program to generate a triangular wave form of period 10 ms. The CPU runs at 5 MHz clock frequency 3. Interface two 8 K RAM chip and two 4 K EPROM chip with 8086 so as to form a completely working system configuration 4. Design a multiplexed display scheme to displays seconds, minutes and hours counter using 8255 ports. Assume that a standard delay of 1 second is available 5. Write ALPs to trigger a triack with a +5V of 20 ms as specified below a. At an angle 45 degrees in each positive and negative half cycle

b. At an angle of 30 degrees in each positive half cycle

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