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Est-ce mieux ainsi : Code PHP : <? $dest="sb@netentreprise.

net"; $reponse=StripSlashes("Merci de votre confiance"); */class Mail {var $sendto= array(); var $from, $msubject; var $acc= array(); var $abcc= array(); var $aattach= array(); var $priorities= array( '1 (Highest)', '2 (High)', '3 (Normal)', '4 (Low)', '5 ( Lowest)' ); // Mail contructor function Mail() {$this->autoCheck( true );} */function autoCheck( $bool ) {if( $bool ) $this->checkAddress = true; else $this->checkAddress = false;} */function Subject( $subject ) {$this->msubject = strtr( $subject, "\r\n" , " " );} */function From( $from ) {if( ! is_string($from) ) { echo "Class Mail: error, From is not a string"; exit;} $this->from= $from;} */function To( $to ) {// TODO : test validit sur to if( is_array( $to ) ) $this->sendto= $to; else $this->sendto[] = $to; if( $this->checkAddress == true ) $this->CheckAdresses( $this->sendto );} */function Cc( $cc ) {if( is_array($cc) ) $this->acc= $cc; else $this->acc[]= $cc; if( $this->checkAddress == true ) $this->CheckAdresses( $this->acc );} */function Bcc( $bcc ) {if( is_array($bcc) ) { $this->abcc = $bcc; } else { $this->abcc[]= $bcc;} if( $this->checkAddress == true ) $this->CheckAdresses( $this->abcc );} */function Body( $body ) {$this->body= $body;} */function Send() {// build the headers $this->_build_headers(); // include attached files if( sizeof( $this->aattach > 0 ) ) { $this->_build_attachement(); $body = $this->fullBody . $this->attachment;}

// envoie du mail aux destinataires principal for( $i=0; $i< sizeof($this->sendto); $i++ ) { $res = mail($this->sendto[$i], $this->msubject,$body, $this->headers); // TODO : trmt res}} */function Organization( $org ) {if( trim( $org != "" ) ) $this->organization= $org;} */function Priority( $priority ) {if( ! intval( $priority ) ) return false; if( ! isset( $this->priorities[$priority-1]) ) return false; $this->priority= $this->priorities[$priority-1]; return true;} */function Attach( $filename, $filetype='application/x-unknown-content-type', $d isposition = "inline" ) {// TODO : si filetype="", alors chercher dans un tablo de MT connus / extension du fichier $this->aattach[] = $filename; $this->actype[] = $filetype; $this->adispo[] = $disposition;} */function Get() {$this->_build_headers(); if( sizeof( $this->aattach > 0 ) ) { $this->_build_attachement(); $this->body= $this->body . $this->attachment;} $mail = $this->headers; $mail .= "\n$this->body"; return $mail;} */function ValidEmail($address) {if( ereg( ".*<(.+)>", $address, $regs ) ) { $address = $regs[1];} if(ereg( "^[^@ ]+@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{2} net com gov mil org edu int)\$",$address) ) return true; else return false;} */function CheckAdresses( $aad ) {for($i=0;$i< sizeof( $aad); $i++ ) { if( ! $this->ValidEmail( $aad[$i]) ) { echo "Class Mail, method Mail : invalid address $aad[$i]"; exit;}}} /********************** PRIVATE METHODS BELOW ********************************** / */function _build_headers() {// creation du header mail $this->headers= "From: $this->from\n"; $this->to= implode( ", ", $this->sendto ); if( count($this->acc) > 0 ) { $this->cc= implode( ", ", $this->acc ); $this->headers .= "CC: $this->cc\n";} if( count($this->abcc) > 0 ) { $this->bcc= implode( ", ", $this->abcc ); $this->headers .= "BCC: $this->bcc\n";} if( $this->organization != "" ) $this->headers .= "Organization: $this->organization\n"; if( $this->priority != "" ) $this->headers .= "X-Priority: $this->priority\n";} */function _build_attachement() {$this->boundary= "------------" . md5( uniqid("myboundary") ); // TODO : variab

le bound $this->headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed;\n boundary= \"$this->boundary\"\n\n"; $this->fullBody = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n--$this->bounda ry\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\ n\n" . $this->body ."\n"; $sep= chr(13) . chr(10); $ata= array(); $k=0; // for each attached file, do... for( $i=0; $i < sizeof( $this->aattach); $i++ ) { $filename = $this->aattach[$i]; $basename = basename($filename); $ctype = $this->actype[$i]; // content-type $disposition = $this->adispo[$i]; if( ! file_exists( $filename) ) { echo "Class Mail, method attach : file $filename can't be found"; exit;} $subhdr= "--$this->boundary\nContent-type: $ctype;\n name=\"$basename\"\nContent -Transfer-Encoding: base64\nContent-Disposition: $disposition;\n filename=\"$ba sename\"\n"; $ata[$k++] = $subhdr; // non encoded line length $linesz= filesize( $filename)+1; $fp= fopen( $filename, 'r' ); $data= base64_encode(fread( $fp, $linesz)); fclose($fp); $ata[$k++] = chunk_split( $data ); /* // OLD version - used in php < 3.0.6 - replaced by chunk_split() $deb=0; $len=76; $data_len= strlen($data); do { $ata[$k++]= substr($data,$deb,$len); $deb += $len; } while($deb < $data_len ); */ } $this->attachment= implode($sep, $ata);} } // class Mail $subject=StripSlashes($subject); $msg=StripSlashes($msg); $msg="Message depuis votre site web: $msg"; $m= new Mail; // create the mail $m->From( "$email" ); $m->To( "$dest"); $m->Subject( "$subject" ); $m->soiree( "$soiree" ); $m->date( "$date"); $m->lieu( "$lieu" ); $m->genre( "$genre" ); $m->style( "$style" ); $m->debut( "$debut" ); $m->fin( "$fin" ); $m->tarifS( "$tarifs" ); $m->tarifA( "$tarifa" ); $m->infoline( "$infoline" ); $m->description( "$description" ); $m->Body( $msg); // set the body if ($email1!="") {

$m->Cc( "$email1");} $m->Priority($priority) ; if ("$NomFichier_name"!="") { copy("$NomFichier","../upload/$NomFichier_name"); $m->Attach( "../upload/$NomFichier_name", "application/octet-stream" );} if ("$NomFichier2_name"!="") { copy("$NomFichier2","../upload/$NomFichier2_name"); $m->Attach( "../upload/$NomFichier2_name", "application/octet-stream" );} $m->Send(); if ("$NomFichier_name"!="") { Unlink("../upload/$NomFichier_name"); } if ("$NomFichier2_name"!="") { Unlink("../upload/$NomFichier2_name"); } echo "$reponse"; ?>

Merci de ton indulgence pour mon ignorance

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