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Team 7A Team Policies and Procedures

Quick Reference Sheet Contact Information

Ronica Cormier John Manias World Geography ext. 147 ext. 146 Pamela Lively ext.128 Brianne Lundsten

ext.127 Science

cormierr@duvalschools.org livelyp@duvalschools.org maniasj@duvalschools.org

English Language Arts(ELA) Pre-Algebra/Algebra

Parent Conferences please contact Ms. Cameron at 346-5650 ext. 114 between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Required Materials
Ms. Lively - 1 (1 inch) 3ring binder - Tab dividers - Hand-held pencil sharpener - College-ruled paper - 1 subject spiral notebook (collegeruled) - Pens and Pencils Ms. Lundsten - 2 3-ring binders - 2 packs of tab dividers - Mechanical pencils - Notebook paper - Basic 4function calculator - Graphing paper - Angle ruler Mr. Manias - 1 3-ring binder - Tab dividers - Notebook paper - Pens and/or pencils - Flash drive (at least 2 gig) Ms. Cormier - -1 (1 inch) binder - Tab dividers - College or wide ruled looseleaf paper - 2 composition notebooks - Pens, pencils, highlighter Team Supplies - Clorox Wipes - Paper Towels - Kleenex - 1 package of white copy paper (optional)

** Off Brand is okay

* Students may use one flash drive for all subjects and graph paper can be printed from tkawas@mathwire.com for free.

Grade book assignment definitions

Homework consists of any and all assignments that students complete outside the classroom, unless otherwise specified. These assignments include, but are not limited to, Class Chatter Live assignments, reading log entries, Compass Odyssey, assignments from textbooks etc. If an assignment is begun in class but finished at home then it is considered homework. Class work consists of any and all assignments that students complete inside the classroom (excluding tests, quizzes, final essays, projects and other forms of formal assessment). Quizzes/Mini-Assessments consist of short, mini-assessments that take no more than 20 minutes to complete. Tests/Projects/Final Essays consist of any assignment in which students have had long term exposure to the material. Tests are cumulative and are given at the end of each unit. Projects are assignments given over a period of ten days or more. Final essays are any formally written essay in which the student has done more than one draft.

Work Turn in Policies

(Regular Assignments, Late Work, Make-up work, Recycled assignments and Extra Credit) Required Daily Homework: The turn in policy will vary based on the teacher. Please see their individual syllabus for these instructions. Make-up work: Students are expected to use the blogs and teachers calendars to stay on top of assignments. If a student should miss class for any reason they are expected to use both of these avenues to find out what assignments were missed. ALL students with excused absences will be allowed the same amount of days as absent to make up ANY assignment. After this time the assignment will roll over into late work status. Late work: Students are expected to use the blogs and teachers calendars to stay on top of assignments. If a student is present on the day an assignment is due and he or she did not complete an assignment they

will only have three class periods to make-up an assignment with a 10% penalty each class day it is late, excluding assignments in which students had five or more days to complete. Recycled work: Please note that students will have only one opportunity to recycle an assignment in which they score less than a 70 percent. (Excluding assignments in which students had five or more days to complete.) Students who choose to recycle an assignment can earn up to half of the missed points. For example, if a student earns a 50 on an assignment then he or she may recycle for up to a 75. Recycling does not guarantee a student the maximum amount of points possible. (Meaning, the afore mentioned student is not guaranteed a 75, but can earn up to a 75 depending on the quality of work.) Extra Credit is a privilege, not a right and is not usually offered as students are given every opportunity to succeed in this class through regular assignments. There will be some times, at my discretion, when an extra credit opportunity will be given, but this is not promised. Students should work to complete all regularly assigned work to the best of their ability as a means to succeed in this class, rather than depending on alternative methods to obtain a desired grade.

Student Conduct and Team Correctives

Each policy and corrective mentioned below is carried out by EACH member of the team. As well, the team follows ALL school and district policies mentioned in the Student Code of Conduct. Student Conduct Cellphones: NO, NO and NO!!!! Students may not have them out at any time while participating in a school sponsored activity. Restroom: Students should use the restroom during breaks between classes only. Class Correctives If a student fails to follow the designated guidelines, policies and rules as stated by the classroom teacher, team and school/district then he or she will receive the corresponding corrective measure. For a majority of cases the correctives will follow the below order. However, based on the individuality of each situation the teacher has the right to skip correctives on a case by case basis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Look Verbal Reprimand Proximity Control Time Out* Student/Teacher Conference Parent/Teacher Conference Team Detention* ** Referral

* Three time outs in any class will result in an automatic team detention. A warning e-mail will be sent home after the second time out, unless the third time out happens the same day. ** A team detention is separate from the detention administered by the school. It does not go on the students record. Documentation is only kept amongst the team teachers and will merely be notated on the referral as an intervention should the actions reach that point. Team detention is held every non-early release Tuesday from 2 - 3:30. Arrangements will need to be made to pick the student up. If the student is to walk home or to any other destination a signed permission slip must be sent with the student. If the student fails to show up to detention he or she will receive an automatic referral.

Tutoring is available for each class but the policy is different for each teacher on the team. Regardless, the teacher MUST have 24 hours notice, the student MUST have a pass and the student MUST report to tutoring with a signed note stating their transportation arrangements. Both the parent and student must sign below. This document is due to Ms. Lively no later than August 29th. An electronic copy is available on each teachers blog and a hard copy can be sent home upon request. ___________________________________________________________ Guardian Signature _______________________ Date

___________________________________________________________ Student Signature

_______________________ Date

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