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Electric Power Systems Research, 14 (1988) 23 - 33


Power Flow Analysis of Unbalanced Multiphase Radial Distribution Systems

R. P. B R O A D W A T E R , A. C H A N D R A S E K A R A N , C. T. H U D D L E S T O N and A. H. K H A N

Center for Electric Power, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38501 (U.S.A.)
(Received August 19, 1987)


A n alternative algorithm for power flow solution in radial distribution systems is presented. The algorithm uses a quartic equation o f bus voltage magnitudes at the ends o f a distribution section in a forward bus trace sequence, and the total power flows are summed up in a reverse component trace. A versatile implementation o f the algorithm for the analysis o f multiphase unbalanced distribution systems is described. Results o f example problems solved using the algorithm are presented. A comparison o f some o f the special features o f the algorithm with other methods reported in the literature is included.


The p o w e r flow problem in radial distribution systems presents totally different features from the conventional load flow analysis in transmission networks. Even though there is only one source bus, the radial topology, distributed nature of loads, multiphase possibilities and widely varying types o f loads are some o f the special aspects requiring a different approach to the solution. The sheer size o f the bus models of some distribution systems also plays a very important role in the development o f suitable algorithms. An early approach to radial p o w e r flow analysis utilized linear network theory b y approximating all the constant power loads as admittances calculated corresponding to assumed bus voltages [1, 2]. Network reduction techniques axe used to get an equivalent circuit and new bus voltages are calculated b y 'unfolding' the network. The process is iterative and repeated until convergence. A more recent solution takes advantage of the structure o f the radial system and is referred

to as the ladder network approach [3]. In this method, iterations are started with estimates of ending bus voltages and a reverse trace is then performed+ for determining the various bus voltages leading to a calculated value of the source voltage. New estimates for the ending bus voltages are determined based on the mismatch between the calculated and specified source voltages. Iterations axe continued till the specified source voltage is obtained b y calculation within a required accuracy. The ladder approach is very simple to implement for large systems, b u t when there are 'laterals' in the network, additional subiterations for the lateral sections are required [3 ]. Application of Newton's m e t h o d is also mentioned in the literature [4], but fast decoupled methods are inapplicable t o distribution systems. The complexity in programming Newton's method to account for mutual coupling is considered a major disadvantage. The need for the development of alternative algorithms for the solution of power flow in radial distribution systems is well brought o u t in a recent study b y Stevens et al. [4]. In this paper, N e w t o n - R a p h s o n , Gauss-Seidel and a ladder technique [3] are chosen for comparison, with respect to processor time and m e m o r y usage. The ladder technique is found to be the fastest b u t did not converge in five o u t of twelve cases studied. With increasing emphasis on the more efficient operation of distribution systems, alternative methods of power flow analysis need to be tried for better performance. The alternative algorithm presented in this paper takes into account almost all the special aspects of multiphase distribution system analysis and should provide good insight into system operation. An alternative algorithm for solving radial power flows in distribution system analysis is
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24 presented. The method described is part of the microcomputer-based Electrical Distribution Analysis Software [5] being used b y the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association (TVPPA). The power flow program is written entirely in Fortran 77. The program can handle single-phase, two-phase, and threephase distribution. Mutual coupling between phases and unbalanced loads are included. Voltage regulators and both fixed and switched shunt capacitors are also modeled. In introducing the basic features of the algorithm, the starting point is a single-phase system model used only for clarity in presentation. The relevant equations are written for a typical distribution section. The general multiphase model is next described and the steps o f the algorithm for the complete system are given in detail. Results of a multiphase distribution system obtained using the algorithm are included, and a comparison of the algorithm with other algorithms reported in the literature is made in the conclusions. A summary of information on various systems successfully run is presented. A mathematical analysis of the convergence characteristics o f the algorithm is presented in the Appendix. Numerical results for representative cases indicate good convergence characteristics. The equivalent circuit model of a typical section of the distribution system referred to as the kth section connected between buses and ~ is shown in Fig. 1. The notation used in Fig. 1 is first explained. V~ and V~ are the input and load end voltages and I~ is the line current in the section. Yk = G~ + jBk is the admittance of the line section. There are four types of actual or equivalent loads represented as being connected at the end of the section: (1) actual constant power load Sc~ ; (2) actual impedance t y p e load represented by its admittance YL~ = GLk + jBLa ; (3) equivalent constant power load STk representing the sum of all the loads connected on the 'downstream' side of section k; and (4) equivalent constant power load Ssk representing the sum of all the system losses in all the sections connected on the 'downstream' side of section k. Note that Sck, STk and Ssk are all complex numbers in general. The magnitudes of complex values are represented b y the modulus notation as, for example, [ V~ 1, II~ 1, and I Y~ 1.

2.1. Load flow equations Let

Sk -- 8 C k + 8 T k + SSk --

Pk + JQk


2. SINGLE-PHASE SYSTEM MODEL A typical balanced distribution section is considered as the starting point in the presentation. The corresponding positive sequence model is shown in Fig. 1. This does not reflect on any limitations of the algorithm as explained later in 3 on the multiphase system model. The purpose is to keep down the cumbersome details in presenting the equations and simplify the notation.
Y~ ~, ss k

The power flow into the ending bus is then given b y

V#Ik* = Sk + [V#[ 2YLk*

and the line current b y


Ik = Yu(V~ -- V~)


Substituting the conjugate of (3) into (2) and rearranging,

8k = Y k * V a * V # - (YLk* + Yk*)IV~I 2
Separating parts, (4)


into real and imaginary

Pk =--(Gk + G,,k)IV~,I 2+ [IYklIV~IIV~I

x cos(~ - ~ ~k)] (5)

~k ~

Yk L
Qk = (Bk + BLk)IV~I 2 + [IY~i iV~l iV~l
X sin(6~ - - 6~ - - @~)] (6)

-ZFig. 1. Single-ph~e section model.



= iv

= Iv l


Yk = [Y~[ / ~ k = Gk +jB~ Solving for the cosine and sine terms in (5) and (6), and then squaring and adding the resulting equations results in [6]
A[V~[" + B I V , I2 + C = 0

due to a bad number in a data base or in a system expansion study. In this event, there is no real steady state solution. Thus, there is a direct check for insuring a real solution to the problem.
2.2. Iterative algorithm A brief description of the algorithm for a single-phase system model is given here. Complete details of the multiphase system algorithm are presented later. With the source voltage being given, a reverse trace of the distribution system is first made and the section loads and system losses supplied at each bus are calculated using a fiat voltage profile. A forward trace is next executed beginning from the source bus and the voltage magnitude at every bus is calculated using eqns. (9) and (10) for every section. Alternate reverse and forward traces are carried o u t with a convergence check at the end of the forward trace. A mathematical analysis of the convergence characteristics of the algorithm is developed in the Appendix. It is observed from the numerical results of the analysis that the algorithm is robust and promising. The single-phase system model used till now is not representative of the actual multiphase distribution circuit in m a n y aspects. Mutual coupling between the phase conductors in a section and unbalanced loads connected in a wide variety of ways are two of the most important characteristics t h a t need to be taken into consideration in the multiphase system analysis. An appropriate model is described in the next section.


where A = (Gk + GLk) 2 + (B~ +BLh) 2 B = 2(Gk +

C = p2
GLk)Pk --

2(B~ + BLk)Q~

IYhl21V~l 2 + Qk2

We define D = [V~[2 Then D and [V~[ m a y be calculated as --B + (B 2 -- 4 A C ) 1/2 D = 2A [V~[ = D 1/2 (8)

(9) (10)

In (9) the choice of the plus sign on the radical results in a reasonable voltage magnitude for normal operating conditions. Choice of the minus sign can result in voltage magnitudes which are very low. Consider (7) - (10). The variable D must be real and positive since it is equal to a magnit u d e squared. For D to be real, the following must be satisfied:
B 2 - 4AC>1 0



Since A > 0 and C > 0, this means t h a t B 2 > 4AC Further, B < 0 (13) (12)

for D to be positive. Relationships (12) and (13) must be satisfied for a physically possible solution to exist. Combining (11) and (13) into one inequality,
- - 2 ( A C ) */2 <. B <. 0


Inequality (14) will fail to be satisfied if the line loading is too large. This may happen

The actual distribution system may consist of single-, two- or three-phase sections. Multiphase means that any one of the following seven phase combinations m a y be present in a line section or component: ABC, AB, AC, BC, A, B, and C. Whatever the combination, a single-phase representation that is an extension of the model shown in Fig. 1 is first derived for each phase of a distribution section. The mutual couplings between the phase conductors in a section are modeled as current-dependent voltage sources in series with the self-impedance of the phase. Depending


upon the number of phases present in the section, there can be two, one or zero currentdependent voltage sources. Intermediate bus voltages need to be calculated as a consequence of the series-connected voltage sources. Various types of load connections are considered next. Three-phase balanced loads and loads connected between the phase and ground return are easily accounted for as before. Other types of loads are first convetted into equivalent constant power loads in each phase of the section during the reverse trace and lumped with the actual constant power load of the phase. A phase-to-phase load between A and B for instance is treated as follows. A load current IAB is first calculated using the current values of the phase voltages and the specified load. The constant power injections at phases A and B are next determined as VAIAB* and --VBIAB*, respectively. Three-phase unbalanced wye-connected impedance type loads with isolated neutrals can be converted into the equivalent deltaconnected configuration. However, threephase unbalanced wye-connected constant power loads with isolated neutrals need special consideration with the neutral voltages being calculated separately. The return path for the relevant loads may be composed of just the neutral wire or just the earth return or the parallel combination of both. The unbalanced nature of the multiphase distribution system may also be caused by c o m p o n e n t imbalances. Asymmetrical conductor configurations are one example of unbalanced network elements. Multiphase components are not necessarily of the same type. For instance, phase A of a line section may be copper wire and phase B may be aluminum wire. Originally, all of the line section may have been copper. Phase B may have burned d o w n during a faulted condition, and the decision made to rebuild with aluminum. The system model for one phase of a multiphase distribution section is shown in Fig. 2 with series-connected current<lependent voltage sources added. Since these voltage sources in any phase are determined b y the currents in the other phases, proper phase relationships have to be maintained when calculating the






J +


[V~ I~


Fig. 2. Three-phase section model.

voltages of the intermediate buses. The following additional equation for the phase angle is used with eqns. (9) and (10): ~ = ~ + ~k + t a n - l [ Qk --(Sk +BLk)IV~I 2]

The multiphase distribution system is thus represented by three individual single-phase radial systems with series connected currentdependent voltage sources in the sections representing the mutual coupling.


In order to organize the iterative sequence in an efficient way, it becomes necessary to determine trace sequences describing the topology of the distribution network. The problem is further complicated owing to the presence of multiphase sections and lateral branches.
F o r w a r d and reverse traces

A radial trace is a sequence of numbers which represents an ordering of the buses (components) in the radial system [7]. The ordering may represent the buses (components) which are encountered in going from one bus (component) to another bus (component) in the radial system. However, in what are referred to as circuit traces, this need not be the case. Consider the single-line diagram of the sixbus system shown in Fig. 3. Component numbers are enclosed in circles, and the only components shown in the Figure are line sections. Loads are represented by arrows. A single number is used to represent a three-phase,

27 TABLE 1 Starting and ending bus numbers for each component of Fig. 3

Component No.

Starting bus No.

Ending bus No.

1 2 3 4 5

1 4 4 5 5

4 9 5 7 3




Fig. 3. Single-line diagram for multiphase six-bus system. two-phase, or single-phase bus (component). For instance, bus 1, the source bus, is composed of nodes 1A, 1B, and 1C. The terminology of node will be used to refer to a particular phase at a bus. In Fig. 3, three-phase components are indicated by three slashes, two-phase components by two slashes, and single-phase components by one slash. With a two-phase component, either phases A and B, or A and C, or B and C are present. This is indicated in Fig. 3 by a labeling o f the phases n e x t to the slashes. The single-phase components are similarly labeled. For instance, bus 5 is composed of nodes 5A and 5B, but there is no node 5C. Only phase B is present for component 4. Table 1 shows the starting and ending bus number for each component shown in Fig. 3. All trace sequences to be described may be built from Table 1. A reverse bus trace sequence traces through the bus numbers from an ending bus to the source bus. The three reverse bus trace sequences for the circuit of Fig. 3 are {9, 4, 1}, (3, 5, 4, 1}, and {7, 5, 4, 1}. Note that trace

sequences are actually multiphase trace sequences. Reverse component trace sequences are defined likewise. The reverse c o m p o n e n t trace sequences for Fig. 3 are (2, 1}, (4, 3, 1}, and (5, 3, I}. The reverse bus (component) trace sequence for a circuit can be combined into a single non-unique forward circuit bus trace sequence which traces from the source bus (component) to an ending bus (component) and which contains each bus (component) number in the circuit only once. For Fig. 3, one such forward circuit bus trace sequence is given by (i, 4, 9, 5, 3, 7}. The corresponding forward circuit component trace sequence is (I, 2, 3, 5, 4}. The corresponding reverse circuit component trace sequence is (4, 5, 3, 2, 1}. The combination of a forward circuit bus trace sequence (referred to as forward trace for short) and a reverse circuit component trace sequence (referred to as a reverse trace) is used in the performance of one iteration of the power flow. The forward circuit trace defines the order in which ending bus voltages are calculated in terms of starting bus voltages. The reverse circuit trace is used to determine system loads and losses being supplied by each bus. Consider Table 1 and the reverse trace sequence. The power flow through bus 5 is determined by summing the load at bus 7 and the losses in component 4 plus the load at bus 3 and the losses in component 5. The summing of loads and losses may be performed by following the ordering of the components in the reverse trace sequence, summing loads at ending buses and component losses to provide total system loads and losses supplied by each bus.


The power flow algorithm for the multiphase system consists of a reverse and a forward trace in each iteration for each phase. While system loads and system losses supplied b y each bus and section currents are determined in the reverse trace, bus voltages and current-dependent voltage sources are evaluated in the forward trace using eqns. (9), (10),

and (15) and the mutual impedance between the phases. A flow chart o f the multiphase power flow is shown in Fig. 4. Consider the initialization phase. A set of initial guesses for bus voltages is used to calculate load currents, and then a reverse trace is used to generate c o m p o n e n t currents. A choice is then available in the initialization as to whether or not c o m p o n e n t losses should be considered in initializing total system power flows supplied b y each bus. If

Gather Data from Interactive User Inputs and Data Base

Initialize Bus Voltages

Convert All Loads to Constant Power Loads Connected to Phases

Perform Reverse Trace Determining Component Currents

Determining Total Systen I Loads Supplied by Each



Perform Forward Circuit Trace Determining Mutually Induced Voltages, Intermediate Voltages, and Ending Bus Voltages


Convert All Loads to Constant Power Loads Connected to Phases Perform Reverse Circuit Trace, Determining Component Currents, Component Losses, and Total System Loads and Losses Being Supplied by Each Bus

Determine Settings for Voltage Regulators and Capacitors

Check Convergence yes

Fig. 4. Flow chart of multiphase power flow.


bus voltages are far from nominal, initially neglecting system losses can result in more rapid convergence. N o w consider the iteration loop indicated in Fig. 4. First a forward trace is performed during which new estimates are generated for all bus voltages. Then, prior to the reverse trace, admittance and phase-to-phase loads are approximated as constant phase power loads. During the reverse trace, c o m p o n e n t currents, c o m p o n e n t losses, and the total system loads and losses being supplied b y each bus are calculated. An additional feature is incorporated into the algorithm for taking into consideration the determination of appropriate settings for voltage regulators and capacitor banks installed for voltage and power factor control. The new settings, if required, are evaluated before a forward trace is initiated. Convergence is checked for in three levels. On the first level, a check is made as to whether or n o t any voltage regulator or capacitor bank setting has changed during the past iteration. If any setting has changed, then another iteration is performed. Also in the first level the number of iterations is checked against the maximum number of allowable iterations. If no setting has altered and the maximum number of iterations has not been exceeded, then the second level convergence check is performed. In the second level check, the total p o w e r being supplied at the substation for each phase must be within a specified tolerance o f the total losses and loads. Once second level convergence has occurred, t h e third level is performed. In the third level, the m a x i m u m voltage magnitude and angle differences performed over all buses b e t w e e n : t h e previous two iterations must be less than specified tolerances. Voltage regulators and switched capacitors for voltage and p o w e r factor control can be modeled in a number of ways. A means for detecting oscillations due to setting changes during the iterative calculations and mitigating them is included in ref. 8.

loads have been solved and in all instances convergence has always occurred. The software is under continuous use and the experiences with :the convergence have been very good. Even t h o u g h exact comparisons with other algorithms available are not possible, a 34-bus example given by Kersting [9] was run using the algorithm described in this paper The system and the results obtained are given in Fig. 5. The 34-bus system shown in Fig. 5 has converged in 14 iterations using the algorithm described in this paper. The results for


2 10

4 "-i





I I I I. I




19 24 29 34











Voltages Bus Bus Bus Bus Loads

1: 14: 29: 21:

128 V 125.3 127.4 124.8

balanced V, 125.8 V, 125.6 V V (phase C) V (phase A)

To t al so u r ce

Phase A 3342 kW 1885 kVAR Phase B 3185 kW 1795 kVAR Phase C 3044 kW 1705 kVAR

System losses

Phase A 107.88 kW 82.82 kVAR Phase B 88.19 kW 87.72 kVAR Phase C 93.32 kW 68.22 kVAR 0.42 kW 0.33 kVAR 14

Max. power mismatch

The algorithm described has been tested using a number of examples. Systems of varying size with heavy, light and normal

No. o f iterations

Fig. 5. Example 34-bus system and some results.


the same system using Kersting's algorithm reported b y Monserrate [9] show a total number of four iterations with 364 subiterations. No power mismatch figures are, however, given. The convergence criterion was on voltage magnitudes only, whereas the results obtained with the algorithm presented in this paper include bus power and voltage convergence. A summary of information for a wide variety of systems solved b y the program is shown in Table 2. The results compare very favorably with the data provided b y Stevens et aL [4] and the biggest system in ref. 4 contained only 97 buses.
TABLE 2 Summary of systems solved Size of system Type of system Loading No. of iterations for convergence 2 6 14 19 12 38


HominaIly Loaded System Heavy Load Hear Source I~d Heavy Load at End Bus B and C Include Voltage Regtdator Action





t' I. l, I'


c o . . . .



Single-phase No laterals Multiphase 21 laterals Multiphase 60 laterals Three-phase 19 laterals

Nominal Heavy inductive Nominal Nominal Nominal Heavy








Fig. 6. Convergence of 200-bus system solution.

34-bus 123-bus 200-bus


In general, it is observed that with increase in size of the system, the number of laterals and the total loading, the number of iterations for convergence tended to increase. As an example, the convergence characteristics of a 200-bus three-phase system for various loads are represented in Fig. 6. At the source, the secondary voltage was 128 V. For the nominally loaded system, the minimum secondary voltage was 117.7 V, and for the heavily loaded case with the heavy loads at the ending buses the minimum secondary voltage was 80.4 V. The 123-bus c a s e of Table 2 is a power flow study for Fort L o u d o u n Electric Cooperative in Fort Loudoun, Tennessee. Both capacitor and voltage regulator action were involved in the power flow study results reported in Table 2.

A comprehensive algorithm for solving the power flow problem in a multiphase unbalanced radial distribution system has been described. The algorithm uses a reverse trace o f the system to sum up the power followed b y a forward trace solving a quadratic equation for the square of the voltage magnitude. A mathematical analysis investigating the convergence characteristics of the algorithm is given in the Appendix. A summary of information for some distribution systems solved b y the algorithm is also presented. A comparative assessment of the algorithm with reference to the methods presented in the literature is made here to bring out some of the features of the algorithm. Gauss-Seidel and N e w t o n - R a p h s o n algorithms developed for interconnected system analysis have been applied directly for distribution systems and found to be wanting in many aspects [4]. Even though it is recommended that the N e w t o n - R a p h s o n algorithm be modified to include the special nature of the radial systems, no such algorithm has so far been reported. Kersting's ladder technique [3] is


widely used and is available in customized form. Hence the comparison of the algorithm presented in this paper is restricted to the ladder technique only. The t w o important aspects of comparison of algorithms for computer implementation are the m e m o r y usage and central processor time. The algorithm presented in this paper needs almost the same data as for the ladder technique, and there is no significant difference in the m e m o r y usage. Central processing time demands can be compared more appropriately by looking at the arithmetic operations required in any one iteration cycle. In the ladder technique, phasor currents are evaluated in any section and phasor voltage drops are then calculated. The algorithm presented in this paper requires only the magnitudes of the currents in the section if no mutual coupling between the phases exists. Also, only t h e bus voltage magnitudes are calculated in the forward trace. Thus the arithmetic computations needed in a single iteration cycle are reduced if there are a number of sections with no mutual coupling between the phases. The ladder technique itself is basically a Gauss-Seidel formulation and no mathematical analysis o f the convergence characteristics is reported. Stevens et aL [4] reports t h a t in five o u t of twelve system studies the ladder technique did n o t converge. Further, a voltage correction calculated on the basis o f source voltage mismatch needs to be applied in every iteration, and this may cause difficulties in convergence. The algorithm presented in this paper is based on a fourth-order formulation, and the mathematical analysis carried o u t brings o u t the robustness o f the algorithm. No arbitrary correction is applied to the voltages. Each lateral and sublateral section is handled b y subiterations in the ladder technique. In the implementation of the ladder technique, there is a limit on the depth of sublaterals that can be dealt with. No subiterations are required in the algorithm reported in this paper, and there are no limitations on the depth of sublaterals. In the ladder method, voltage corrections need to be applied to all ending buses at each iteration. In the algorithm presented here, all voltages are calculated starting at the r o o t bus. One of the main features of the algorithm is the evaluation of power losses in any

section twice in an iteration. A better estimate of the losses is of significant influence in the final convergence of the algorithm. Several case studies have been solved using the algorithm r e p o r t e d here. The algorithm has converged even in the most heavily loaded cases. More experience is being obtained from the actual use of the algorithm b y the members of TVPPA. Studies are currently being carried o u t with regard to the influence of phase-to-phase loads on the convergence behavior. Design and development of a data base for performing wide ranging economic studies on distribution systems forms the main effort of current research, and a reliable power flow program is the basis for such research.


1 R. Berg, Jr., E. S. Hawkins and W. W. Pleines, Mechanized calculation of unbalance load flow in radial distribution circuits, IEEE Trans., PAS86 (1967) 415 - 421. 2 C. E. Prince, Jr., Radial load flow problems in distribution circuit analysis, Division of Engineering, Lafayette College, Easton, PA, September 1972. 3 W. H. Kersting and D. L. Mendive, An application of ladder network theory to the solution of threephase radial load flow problems, IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, 1976. 4 R. A. Stevens, D. T . Rizy and S. L. Purucker, Performance of conventional power flow routines for real-time distribution automation application, Proc. 18th Southeastern Symp. on System Theory, IEEE Computer Soc., 1986, pp. 196200. 5 Electrical Distribution Analysis Software User's Guide: Version 1.0, Tennessee Valley Public Power Association, 1201 Chestnut Street, Chattanooga, TN 37402, June 1986. 6 A. H. Khan, Convergence analysis of a chain-rule based radial load flow algorithm, M.S. Thesis, Tennessee Technological University, June 1986. 7 S. P. Deolankar, Load flow analysis for a multiphase unbalanced radial power distribution network with random node numbering, M.S. Thesis, Tennessee Technological University, March 1984. 8 R. P. Broadwater, A. Chandrasekaran, M. D. Hamidreza and A. H. Khan, Algorithm for detection and elimination of hunting in power system control devices, Southeastern Simulation Council Conf., Fort Walton Beach, Florida, October 1986. 9 J. L. Monserrate, A radial power flow program for personal computers, M.S. Tech. Rep. in Electr. Eng., New Mexico State University, July 1 9 8 6 . 10 P. A. Stark, Introduction to Numerical Methods, Collier-MacMillan, Canada, 1970, pp. 126 - 130.

Section 1 Section 2

Mathematical analysis o f convergence characteristics In order to investigate the convergence characteristics of the algorithm presented in the paper, a mathematical model is developed here and numerical studies are conducted on small representative radial systems. A threebus two-section system shown in Fig. A-1 is taken as the study system. Let V 1 be known. The system losses in section 2 can be expressed in terms of IV2[, IV31, 82, and 8 3. The voltage IV21 itself and its phase angle 8 2 can be considered as functions of the system losses in section 2. Let us write the functional relationships as
IV2l = F2(IV2I, IV3l, 82, 83) 82 = T2(IV2], [Val, 82, 83) The values of IV31 and expressed as the functions IV3l = F3(IV2I )




Fig. A-1. Three-bus system for convergence analysis: R I - - R 2 = 0 . 0 7 2 2 7 3 ~ ; X I =X 2 = 0 . 4 0 3 1 1 7 ~ ; VI = 10 000 V.

The following conditions are found to be true: 0F2

aT 2




(A-2) 8 3 can also be (A-3) (g-4)

a82 083 Equations (A-7)- (A-10) can be used to eliminate A]V3[ and A83 from (A-5) and (A-6). The resulting two equations in AIV2[ can be considered as the equations to be solved at the ith iterative step to get the corrections for the (i + l)th step and are written as follows:


63 = T3(IV2I,

IV3l, 82)

The actual functions F2, T2, F3, and T3 are first written in terms of the given system loads and parameters and IVll. For determining the convergence behavior around an estimate point for IV2I, IV3l, 82, and 83, linearization around the point is made using the linear terms of the Taylor series expansion o f the functions (A-l) to (A-4) as follows:

A8 2 J

LM21 M 2 2 ] l h 8 2 J




+ 0F2 082

A8 2 +

- -


AIV31 (A-5)

The coefficients M11 , M12 , M21 and M22 are obtained as expressions in terms of IV21 and 82 for a given system. At any iteration step t h e y can be evaluated by substituting the current estimates of IV2[ and 82. A sufficient condition for the convergence of the iterative solution of (A-11) is given by the following as developed in ref. 10:

0F2 ~



0T2 ASz------

0 T2

0T2 AIV2I + ~ A8 2 + 0 T2


AIVsl (h-6) (h-7)

al Voltage 10000V

082 AIV31 OF 3

A8 3


0T 3 0T3

A83 ~ 0IV21 AIV21


Itw~om Fig. A-2. Convergence inductive loading.




33 IM,~I + IM211< M <



IMt21 + IM221~ M < 1

Simulation studies have been performed for constant power inductive and capacitive loads and for impedance t y p e loads and in all instances the coefficients were evaluated. In all cases where eqn. (14) was not violated, the

sufficiency conditions o f (A-12) and (A-13) have been satisfied [6]. As for the rate of convergence, the number o f iterations for normal system loading has been small, but heavy loading conditions increased the number of iterations required. A representative plot of convergence behavior for a heavy inductive load is shown in Fig. A-2.

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