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http://www.customerservicebasics.com/what-is-the-net-promoter-scrore.htm http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/alainthys-785291-serv004-netpromoter/ http://www.slideshare.net/MichaelWaltinger/net-promoter-score http://www.google.co.in/search?q=net+promoter+score&hl=en&client=firefoxa&hs=DGh&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:enUS:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=iY1KTrzxNMTsrQeGlPmaBw&ved=0CFQQsAQ &biw=1360&bih=544 http://www.satmetrix.com/net-promoter/net-promoter-score/ http://experiencematters.wordpress.com/2011/06/16/9-net-promoter-score-nps-recommendations/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_Promoter http://netpromoter.typepad.com/fred_reichheld/ http://www.netpromoter.com/netpromoter_community/tags;jsessionid=8D846CCE82F314493563535A DC384F03?


http://www.fredreichheld.com/theultimatequestion/measuring_netpromoter.asp?groupCode=2 Home Contact Bain.com

NetPromoter.com Visit the official website promoting the Net Promoter concept

Costco The economic power of high-quality relationships

Dell Word-of mouth economics

1. Ask your customers to vote don't just add the ultimate question on existing market research surveys

2. Measure at least 60% of your customers a sample is not enough

3. Tie each response to customers' profitability to understand how valuable the vote is

4. Hold employees accountable for how

customers vote align incentives with executive compensation: good profits + loyalty = bonus

5. Use the feedback to help convert detractors and increase promoters engage and empower the front-line to act

6. Publicize departments with high Net Promoter Scores share best practices and develop tools and training

Asking the ultimate question allows companies to track promoters and detractors, producing a clear measure of an organization's performance through its customers' eyes, its Net Promoter Score. Bain analysis shows that sustained value creators companies that achieve long-term profitable growth have Net Promoter Scores (NPS) two times higher than the average company. And NPS leaders outgrow their competitors in most industries by an average of 2.5 times.

NPS is based on the fundamental perspective that every company's customers can be divided into three categories. "Promoters" are loyal enthusiasts who keep buying from a company and urge their friends to do the same. "Passives" are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who can be easily wooed by the competition. And "detractors" are unhappy customers trapped in a bad relationship. Customers can be categorized based on their answer to the ultimate question. The best way to gauge the efficiency of a company's

growth engine is to take the percentage of customers who are promoters (P) and subtract the percentage who are detractors (D). This equation is how we calculate a Net Promoter Score for a company: P D = NPS While easy to grasp, NPS metric represents a radical change in the way companies manage customer relationships and organize for growth. Rather than relying on notoriously ineffective customer satisfaction surveys, companies can use NPS to measure customer relationships as rigorously as they now measure profits. What's more, NPS finally enables CEOs to hold employees accountable for treating customers right. It clarifies the link between the quality of a company's customer relationships and its growth prospects. How do companies stack up on this measurement? The average firm sputters along at an NPS efficiency of only 5 - 10%. In other words, promoters barely outnumber detractors. Many firmsand some entire industries have negative Net Promoter Scores, which means that they are creating more detractors than promoters day in and day out. These abysmal Net Promoter Scores explain why so many companies can't deliver profitable, sustainable growth, no matter how aggressively they spend to acquire new business. Companies with the most efficient growth engines companies such as Amazon, HomeBanc, eBay, HarleyDavidson, Costco, Vanguard, and Delloperate at NPS efficiency ratings of 50 - 80%. So even they have room for improvement. In concept, it's just that simple. But obviously, a lot of hard work is needed to both ask the question in a manner that provides reliable, timely, and actionable dataand, of course, to learn how to improve your Net Promoter Score.


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Net Promoter Services 5 Ways In Which We Can Support Your Net Promoter Efforts Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.

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20/01/2011 2. Our promise We bring you new profit opportunities Ways to make more from the customers you have today. Innovations to attract your customers of tomorrow. FUTURELAB

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20/01/2011 3 Asking for a score doesnt make you customer-centric The Core Issue The next competitive race will be won by the companies that are most able to connect to their customers. Net Promoter is a great framework to make this happen. But half-hearted measures wont cut it. To succeed, companies need to become truly customer-centric. This will not happen overnight. So you need to start today. Our Proposition The Urgency Net Promoter is Not for the Faint of Heart. We use Net Promoter thinking to rally your organisation around the customer and identify new profit opportunities for your business.

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20/01/2011 4 5 Ways In Which We Can Support Your Net Promoter Efforts. #1 Make the executive case for NPS. #2 Build a company wide roadmap. #3 Get your people to act on the customer voice. #4 Bridge NPS and human/social media. #5 Use Net Promoter as a driver for innovation.

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20/01/2011 5. #1 Build the Executive Case for NPS Our Response Your Win Demonstrate the customer imperative High impact presentations. Tailored dialogues. A challenge to support. Clarity on the degree in which your executive team will back you on Net Promoter. Clear boundaries and conditions to act on your Net Promoter mandate. A story to carry into your organisation. The Challenge Without executive support, even the best Net Promoter journeys are doomed. But convincing a cost minded C-suite to provide this support without the assurance of success can be a challenge. Our associates have designed and given presentations convincing hundreds of Senior Executives in Europe, Asia and North America to support Net Promoter initiatives.

#2 Build a Company Wide Roadmap :

#2 Build a Company Wide Roadmap 20/01/2011 6. The Challenge Our Response Your Win At the start, the scope of many NPS projects is either too large or too small. This can overwhelm those involved or disappoint the people they report to. Functional Pilot Business Pilot Business Integration Get a first feel in an isolated part of the business. Conduct a full pilot to to gain executive support. NPS as a discipline for the whole business. A NPS Roadmap Tailored to your Business Improved chances of success. More efficient/effective use of NPS resources. Enduring

motivation and drive for customer-centricity in your business. A pragmatic roadmap. Vendor selection, briefing & management. Organisational enrollment & enthusiasm.

#3 Get Your People to Act on the Customers Voice :

#3 Get Your People to Act on the Customers Voice 20/01/2011 7. The Challenge Our Response Your Win Getting the people in your business to act on the findings of your Net Promoter analysis takes more than presentation skills. Silo-structures, legacy processes and politics all prevent to do what is right for the customer. Cross-functional customer voice sessions. Closed loop processes & behaviour guides. Develop a customer advocacy movement. Process & systems Mindset & behaviour Build a Customer Advocacy Movement A balanced approach. Cross-functional involvement. Quicker results. Company-wide change. The challenge is to light the fire and get out of the way

#4 Bridge NPS and Human/Social Media. :

#4 Bridge NPS and Human/Social Media. 20/01/2011 8. The Challenge The fit between Net Promoter thinking and social media is both obvious and intuitive. But actually connecting the dots is anything but self-evident. Our Response Human Media Planning Reading tip: Recommendation Scores of Social Networks in China Request your free copy At info@futurelab.net Assess your online reputation. Set up digital response programmes. Activate Human Media. Your Win A consistent framework for managing for on- and offline recommendations. An NPS aware social media policy. A customer engagement policy built on relevance, engagement and reputation. Reputation NPS Relevance Engagement Activation Noteworthy I am the Media was the first publication to connect NPS to social media success (Futurelab, 2006). Research by:

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20/01/2011 9. #5 Use Net Promoter as a driver for innovation The Challenge Net Promoter is a great framework to listen to the customers voice and use this knowledge to continuously improve the business. But as a reactive measure, it is not immediately suitable as a driver for innovation. "If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse." Our Response Listen Beyond the Customer Voice Your Win Customer insights & behaviour. Customer Journey Scans. Cross-industry innovations. Additional customer insights. Link NPS to innovation/R&D. Extra opportunities to build profit and create loyalty. In-depth interviews. Observation research. Co-creation initiatives. Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.

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20/01/2011 10. How Futurelab Can Assist Recommend me... The Challenge Measuring NPS deceptively easy. Capturing the value of a well executed programme is one of the biggest corporate challenges around. Futurelab currently has 8 NPS capable associates as certified by Satmetrix, the Net Promoter Company. They have worked on NPS based projects affecting tens of thousands of employees in Europe, Asia and North America. Reading tip: Romanian NPS consumer brand benchmarks Request your free copy at info@futurelab.net Our Response Your Win We help you get it right Get C-Level executive support Identify, brief and manage the right vendors to make things happen Move your people to truly listen to the voice of the customer Establish systems, processes and measures that allow them to act on it A customer-centric business With more loyal customers Higher financial returns Less economic waste A stronger competitive position Net Promoter, NPS, and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.

Futurelab Credentials :
Futurelab Credentials 20/01/2011 11 Access to NPS community We are architects A WorldClass NPS Team Some relevant associate credentials (customer centricity & NPS related) In addition: BAT Japan, JTI Ukraine, GM Russia, American Express, Nestl, ... Futurelab associates have worked on some of the world's largest NPS projects in Europe, Asia and North America. They learned the NPS practice in the trenches. Many have completed this knowledge with a formal certification by Satmetrix.

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20/01/2011 12 Do you want to know more ? According to your geography and preference, the next step can be: An online presentation An informal cup of coffee A telephone conversation Reach out to Futurelab in your region via www.futurelab.net or get in touch with: Alain Thys E: ath@futurelab.net M: +32 497 403 415 Stefan Kolle E: sko@futurelab.net M: +32 473 888 996

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