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Workout Series:


The Strongman Curl

2. dumbbells at shoulder height, arms held straight out and parallel to the floor, palms facing the ceiling
3. slowly curl the dumbbells in toward your head. Reverse the motion to return to the start. Repeat five times 4. Overhead Tricep Extension Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent, and hold a pair of dumbbells overhead, arms straight, elbows close to your ears.

5. Slowly bend your elbows, lowering the weights behind your head, then extend your arms overhead to return to the start position. Repeat five times. 6. Upright Row Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent, and hold a pair of dumbbells close together in front of you, palms facing your thighs. 7. Lift the dumbbells up toward your chin, leading the motion with your elbows and keeping your shoulders down and back. When the weights reach your collarbone, slowly reverse the motion to come back to the start. Repeat five times 8. 90-Degree Chest Fly Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent, and hold a pair of dumbbells with your arms bent 90 degrees, elbows raised to shoulder height. 9. Squeeze your chest and bring your elbows together in front of your body at shoulder height. Open them back to the start and repeat five times 10. Basic Reverse Lunge Stand with your feet and knees together, hands on your hips. 11.Take a large step backward onto the ball of one foot, balancing your weight between both legs. Your back heel should remain lifted off the floor. Bend both knees and lower your hips toward the floor until both of your legs make 90-degree angles. Straighten your legs, stand back up to the start, and repeat, alternating back foot, five times on each side. 12. Close Squat Stand with your feet and knees together, hands on your hips.

13.Slowly squat toward the floor, bending your knees and kicking your hips back as if you were sitting in a chair. Lower as far as possible without lifting your heels off the floor, then press through your heels to stand back up to the start. Repeat five times. 14. Close Squat with an Overhead Press Stand with your feet and knees together, arms raised to shoulder level and bent at elbows holding weights by ears. 15.Slowly squat toward the floor, bending your knees and kicking your hips back as if you were sitting in a chair. Lower as far as possible without lifting your heels off the floor. Now raise arms overhead in a parallel position. Press through your heels to stand back up and lower arms to start position. Repeat five times. 16. Beginning Side Lunge Stand with your feet and knees together, hands on your hips 17.Take a large step with your right foot to the right side and lunge toward the floor. Make sure your right knee does not extend past your toes, and try to keep your entire left foot on the floor. Push off through your right foot to return to the start, and repeat, alternating, five times on each side 18. Side Plank Lie on your left side with your left elbow placed underneath your left shoulder. Extend your legs away from you, hips and feet stacked, right hand on your hip. 19.Lift your hips so your body makes a straight line through your shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. Hold here for five seconds and breathe. Repeat on the other side. 20. Plank Lie facedown on the floor with your legs extended. Line up your elbows underneath your shoulders and press your palms together underneath your chin. Turn your toes under and lift your torso, hips and thighs off the floor, balancing your weight between your forearms and your toes, and tightening your abs and glutes for stability. Your head, shoulders, hips and heels should all be in a line. Breathe and hold this position for as long as you can. To take a break, drop your knees to the floor for a moment, then raise back into position again.



Happy Baby Pose It will stretch the spine while loosening up the adductor muscles and the hamstrings, Lie on your back with your knees bent toward your chest. Grasp the outside of each foot with your hands, allowing the knees to drop down toward the floor. Align your ankles with your knees so that the shins are perpendicular to the floor. Apply downward pressure with your hands to encourage deeper opening. You can allow the tailbone to curl up off the floor slightly to decompress the lower back. Hold the pose for three to five minutes. Pelvic Tilts Pelvic tilts give you a bonus of core strength and strengthening the lower back. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Raise your pelvic region in a straight line like a bridge. Hold your abdominals in while you tighten your glutes and push your inner thighs toward each other. Slowly lower to the floor and repeat, 20 to 25 reps, if possible Squats make sure your heels stay on the floor as you sit on an imaginary chair, she explains. The lower you squat, the more you recruit your glutes and reap the benefits. Push off from your heels and hold your abdominals in tightly [as you return to standing position]. Do them slowly, aiming for 15 to 30 reps. Biceps Curls Grab your hand weights and work in 15 to 20 reps of biceps curls!




Ballet workout for the abs 5.

Extended Lateral Leg Lifts A Stand with heels together, toes a few

inches apart. Extend right leg straight in front of you and lift it as high as you can. Lift your right arm overhead (hold on to a chair for support) and contract your abs.


Extended Lateral Leg Lifts B Using the strength of your core and legs

and keeping your torso facing forward, move right leg to the right until its in line with your right shoulder. Move the leg back to the front. Without lowering it to the floor, repeat 8 times. Switch sides and repeat.


Standing Oblique Pass Lifts A Stand on your right leg and bend your

left knee to the side, resting left toes on right shin. Extend arms overhead in a rounded position, fingertips almost touching.


Standing Oblique Pass Lifts B Bend your upper body to the left and lift

the bent left leg as much as you can so that your elbow and knee approach each other. Return to start and repeat 10 times. Switch sides and repeat.


Side Plank Leg Lifts A Kneel on floor.Keeping left knee on floor, lift right

leg off floor, extending it straight out to side at hip level. Keep left hand on floor directly below left shoulder and extend right arm straight overhead. Contract your abs. In this position, move right leg up and down about an inch 10 times.


Side Plank Leg Lifts B Then move your right leg forward until the sole of your foot faces straight ahead and leg is in line with hip in front of your body. Lower leg to the floor and then lift it slightly higher than your hip 10 times. Switch sides and repeat. Lower Abdominal Hip Lifts Lie faceup on floor with both legs extended


straight up in the air and arms at your sides on the floor. Point your toes and draw your abs in and up. Without straining your neck or shoulders, lift your hips 2 inches off the floor, then lower. Repeat 8 times at a slow, controlled pace. Then repeat the movement a little more quickly 16 times.


Leg Lifts Lie faceup and place your feet on the floor hip-width apart

with your legs bent. Tuck your hips under and lift them off the floor as far as you can without straining your back or neck. Extend the left leg straight up overhead, toes pointed, and lift up onto ball of right foot. Hold this position.


Leg Lifts B Keeping the heel of your right foot off the floor, flex your

left foot and lower the left leg until its about parallel with your right knee. Now point the toes and lift the leg back to start. Repeat 8 times. Then do another 8 a little faster. Switch sides and repeat


Parallel Straight Legs Sit with both legs extended straight in front of

you, toes pointed. Pulling your abs in and up, round your torso so you have a small Cshaped curve in your back. Spread your fingers apart and press the majority of your body weight forward into the fingertips, relaxing the shoulders. Keeping your belly button pulled toward your spine, open and close your legs 12 times. If possible, lift your legs slightly off the floor as you open and close.

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