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Choose the freedom of will to move and control all to enable YOUR free will acco mplish.

We know that within our one single brain exist many foggy minds that at times co nnive and at time are at loggerheads to each other for the same issue. Between t hese warring factions of all messy minds within us there also exists the emanati on of the effulgence of our pure existence. This emanation (generally known as inner voice or tence has a meaningful purpose it is actually the s. We address this emanation within as freedom of reedom of will with the freedom to desires the d a will is on the count of its birth. call) sourced to our pure exis real manifesto before our live our will. Do not mistake the f basic difference between a desire an

A desire is an entity prone to countless changes... it may stick and sway ones e xistence and it may even become surpassed b another contender being just left as rendundant. Whereas the eruption of a will are the whispers of a soul that when heeded to navigate the soul to its basic purpose of life Generally most beings experience their life as Creeping amidst several contradic tory minds is any ordinary being merely swinging to the whims of those rowdy tur bulent states but once ascertained about the deeper purpose of ones life irrespecti ve of its definition (deeper purposes of life could find their definition to any realm; like ones career, spiritual growth, social cause etc). How does one realize about ones own free will well that is a matter of giving ones own self a greater concern. These words though appear bit ridiculous but they ho ld absolute truth; since most of us pay all attention to the concerns of our sen sory organs but it rarest that we ever choose to pay some concerns towards the m aster of those sensory organs that irritably keep us involved into their service . And the manner to pay concerns to your own true self shall only happen when you confine to a secluded corner far away from the madding crowd outside and with th e ladder of silence gradually traverse within. The moment you climb the ladder within amidst the surround of tranquility the in ner voice gathers some audibility to your inner senses. Those deeper understandi ng then reveal before you the purpose that your soul aspires to accomplish throu gh this present birth a purpose that so far has remain unnoticed the more you submit our faith to that inner resolve the more it gathers the strength and arise as yo ur free will and Not a raging thoughtless impulse Those who are able to cover the distance towards realization of their free will are the fortunate ones that shall now be able to cherish the same with certitude provided they regulate i.e. control their inner and outer weather in order to p rotect the young sapling of their free will. Arouse a desire that can lead you towards realization of your will for that is t he true journey named desire2will a journey that establishes a fact that you are a being with a specific purpose and not another vegetable that shall decay in some period of time biologically. WWW.desire2will.com. Dinesh kumar (learning under discipline)

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