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Para se compreender um texto em ingls, no preciso conhecer todas as palavras do texto. s vezes, basta ter conhecimento de algumas palavras e de tcnicas de leitura. Vejamos abaixo como isso pode facilitar a compreenso:

Skimming uma leitura rpida para se obter a idia central do texto. Scanning uma leitura com objetivo de encontrar algumas informaes especficas no texto. Selectivity leitura seletiva. Isto e, selecionar onde se quer encontrar uma determinada informao. (pargrafo, por exemplo)


Prediction Significa deduzir o contedo de um texto por meio de um conhecimento prvio sobre o tema (background); contexto semntico (palavras de um mesmo grupo, como: Hospital, nurse, medication, doctor. etc); contexto lingstico (pistas gramaticais); contexto no-lingstico (gravuras, grficos, tabelas, nmeros, etc.); conhecimento sobre a estrutura do texto (layout, ttulo, subttulo, diviso de pargrafos, etc.).

Exerccios Leia este texto em portugus e tente achar palavras adequadas para substituir as estranhas que encontrar.


Ontem eu estava na baca de mena zunica quando algo muito charocado me aconteceu. Estvamos em uma boletinha, quando resolvi ir ao tineiro;

Cognates So palavras de origem grega ou latina que tm semelhana com as do portugus. Ex: Different Diferente, Infection Infeco. Porm, devemos tomar cuidado com os falsos cognatos, pois estes, embora parecidos, no tem mesmo significado em portugus. A nica forma de verificar se uma palavra ou no falso cognato, observando se a palavra se encaixa no contexto do texto. Ex: Pretend Fingir e no pretender. Repeated Words Se uma palavra aparece repetidas vezes em um texto, pode significar que ela importante para a compreenso do mesmo. Typographical Evidences Smbolos, letras maisculas, negrito, itlico, dentre outras, no so colocadas ali por acaso. Portanto, podem dar dicas teis sobre o texto. Dictionary O dicionrio deve ser o ultimo recurso para se descobrir o significado de uma palavra ou expresso desconhecida.

quando voltei percebi que todas as pessoas sulupiavam para mim e binavam; no me dolotei e continuei laminhando. J tinha lotuado uns dois cricks e laminhado por toda a dara, quando uma zunica se aproximou e tritou que eu havia farenido de telar o clter da malta quando fui ao tineiro; o pior de tudo que eu estava felhando uma fubpa xelena!
(adaptado do livro Ingls instrumental: estratgias de leitura, Mdulo I de Rosngela Munhoz)


Qual a idia central do texto?

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Agora vejamos como isso funciona com um texto em ingls.

Text 2: I want to be six again (ITA/2003)

A man asked his wife what shed like for her birthday. Id love to be six again, she replied. On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a local theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear everything there was! Wow! Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her head reeling and her stomach upside down. Right to a


PROF. HENRIQUE PINTO McDonalds they went, where her husband ordered a Big Mac for her along with extra fries and a refreshing chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie the latest Star Wars epic, and hot dogs, popcorn, Pepsi Cola and M&Ms. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed. He leaned over and lovingly asked, Well, dear, what was it like being six again? One eye opened. You idiot, I meant my dress size. The moral of this story is: if a woman speaks and a man is there to hear her, he will get it wrong anyway. 5) 2) Qual a idia central do texto? A) B) C) D) 3) Que outro ttulo voc daria ao texto? E) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ E) D) C) B) 4) A)

INGLS PARA CONCURSOS E PR-VESTIBULAR Segundo o texto: O marido em questo tem por costume proporcionar esposa experincias que a fazem sentir jovem e feliz. Voltar a ser criana era o desejo da referida esposa no dia de seu aniversrio. A esposa em questo do tipo de pessoa que come compulsivamente. No aconselhvel tentar repetir, na idade adulta, o padro de atividade fsica exercido na infncia. Os homens nunca entendem o que as mulheres pretendem comunicar-lhes.

O texto revela uma mulher: imatura. jovial. rancorosa. de mal com a vida. preocupada com a forma fsica.



INGLS PARA CONCURSOS E PR-VESTIBULAR d) There are situations in which a person smiles and cries at

1. According to the story above why cant Charlie Brown play with his friends? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

the same time. e) Smiling is different from laughing because one is silent and the other is noisy.

5. In order to be sure if a man shows surprise, anger or 2. Why do Charlie Browns friends want him to play? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ fear, you should be: a) placed at a distance. b) not easily seen by him. c) considerably far from him. 3. What kind of game are they playing? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 6. (UFPA) What's in a smile. Smiling is... Universal. In his travels, Charles Darwin discovered that smiling is the only facial expression which was recognized instantly all over the world. Easy to see. It is possible to recognize a smile on someone's face at a distance of 45 meters. You'd have to be much closer to decide whether the person was showing surprise, anger or fear. Simple. You only use one facial muscle to smile. This is the zygomatic major muscle, which reaches down from the cheekbone to the corners of the lips. To look sad or angry, you need to use at least two muscles. Good for you. Studies in the USA have shown that when you smile your heart rate slows down, your blood pressure goes down and the body begins to relax. This happens whether you are feeling happy or not. In fact, if you're feeling unhappy, the simple act of smiling is the first step to feeling better. Attractive. According to American dentists Melvin and Elaine Denholtz, an attractive smile should show most of the upper teeth, at least two thirds of the length, and just the tips of the lower teeth. PERFECT TEETH 7. Researches in the United States have shown that: a) it is very difficult to smile when people have contradictory feelings. b) smiling is healthy because the blood pressure falls and then you become less tense. c) the eyes are more expressive to demonstrate feelings than smiles. d) people who suffer from heart diseases should refrain from smiling overmuch. e) funny jokes always make people laugh spontaneously. According to the text, when people smile they: a) become pale whenever they are afraid. b) make an involuntary noise with the mouth. c) do not change their facial expression. d) use just an upward curve of the mouth, provoked by the zygomatic muscle. e) need to use several muscles to show sadness and bitterness. d) as far as you can. e) quite near him.

4. The text informs. a) Charles Darwin believed that people who had smiling expression were best adapted to new situations. b) Happiness is the most difficult feeling to hide. c) Darwin found out that smiling was a human being's reaction, present in every culture. MDULO I: TCNICAS DE LEITURA DE TEXTOS EM INGLS

Would you like perfect teeth? Do you want to protect your children's teeth? Two scientific teams are developing liquids which will stop tooth decay; an American team in Boston and a British team in 3

PROF. HENRIQUE PINTO London. The two treatments are very different though they both identify streptococcus mutans, a microscopic bacterium, as the cause of tooth decay. The bacteria stick to your teeth and convert sugar into lactic acid. Prof. Hillman, the Americans' chief researcher, has developed GM Mouthwash. The mouthwash contains genetically modified streptococcus mutans so it does not produce lactic acid and therefore does not cause tooth decay. The treatment will cost around $100 and be definitive. The British team's chief researcher, Professor Kelly, has a different approach: "The bacteria use a special protein to recognise teeth. We have identified this protein and can stop it." Researchers are testing the liquid for application in toothpastes and mouthwashes. Both products are still at the development stage and have some problems. The American GM Mouthwash must also overcome public resistance to genetically modified products. The British solution is a natural derivative of the tobacco plant, so this is not a problem, but the effect lasts only three to four months and you must repeat the treatment.
Matria publicada na revista Speak Up edio 220 - setembro/2005

INGLS PARA CONCURSOS E PR-VESTIBULAR 10. According to the text which one is not correct: A) The two treatments are completely different, but both identify the bacterium streptococcus mutans. B) Two scientific teams are developing liquids which will stop tooth decay. C) Both products are still at the development stage and have some problems. D) The American Mouthwash has overcome public resistance to genetically modified products. E) The British product is a natural derivative of a plant.

11. The word decay on the text is the similar in meaning to: A) cavity B) detachments C) treatment D) mouthwash E) researcher


In accordance to the text

A) Two scientific teams in the U.S. are developing a liquid. B) The two treatments are similar one to the other. C) Both treatments identify the bacterium that causes tooth decay. D) The products are already available to the general public. E) Both treatments are definitive and only once you need to do the treatment.


How does the bacterium causes tooth decay?

A) It sticks to your teeth and convert sugar into gum. B) The bacterium sticks to your tongue and converts food into lactic acid. C) The bacteria go to the intestines and produce acid. D) The bacteria produce acid from the stomach. E) It sticks to the tooth and converts sugar into lactic acid.


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