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The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Peace is a calm feeling we have when things do not go our way.

Draw a picture of working together with a friend.

Color the fruit Peace

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011. All rights reserved.

Matt. 5:9 says, Blessed are the peacemakers..

Draw a time when you made someone angry.

A peacemaker will not argue and fight with others.

Write how it made you and your friend feel when you got in a fight.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011. All rights reserved.

Draw a gift to give to someone who made you angry.

we are peaceful. He approves of this kind of behavior and will honor us when we are peacemakers.
Write or Draw something that happened this week that you will do better at the next time.

A peacemaker will not seek to have their own way all the time. Jesus will bless us when
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011. All rights reserved.

God wants to help us be peaceful with our family members. He wants us to be kind to them even when we do not feel like it. Gods way is always best, and His way is peaceful!
Write the names of you family members down.

Jesus has promised us a home in heaven when we are peacemakers. We must have His help.
Write a prayer asking God to help you be a peacemaker.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011. All rights reserved.

Thank you, God, for the joy, peace, and love you give to us. Help us to be God is LOVE and HE gives us JOY. When we confess our sins, believe Jesus died for our sins, and trust in Him, He will forgive us, and give us peace. He will help us to be peacemakers for Him.
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh August 2011. All rights reserved.

peacemakers with each other.

Write something that you learned in this lesson. Say Matt. 5:9 and tell what it means to you.

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