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Пройдите один из наших бесплатных
личностных тестов, многие из
которых основаны на рецензируемых
научных исследованиях, и все они
разработаны экспертами в области

Случайный тест Тест на познание

Нажмите, чтобы получить Вдохновленный индексом
доступ к случайному тесту. когнитивного стиля (CSI),
тест аналитическо-
интуитивного познания
оценивает когнитивные
области, связанные с
когнитивными стилями.

Испытание духа Тест на отчуждение

Тест на духовное животное Тест на отчуждение
определит, какое животное измеряет, испытываете ли
будет вашим проводником вы негативные симптомы
в духовном мире. вследствие чувства
изоляции или
оторванности от общества.

Ориентационный Тест на антагонизм

тест Основанный на
Основанный на работе исследованиях
психолога Майкла Стормса, Университета Джорджии,
тест на сексуальную тест на трудную личность
ориентацию определит измеряет, легко или трудно
вашу сексуальную с вами ладить.
ориентацию в соответствии
с небинарным подходом к

Пух тест Тест на гнев

Основанный на работе Этот научно
профессоров доктора Сары подтвержденный тест,
Э. Ши (доктор медицинских основанный на работе
наук) и Кевина Гордона доктора Джудит М. Сигел,
(доктор медицинских наук), неоднократно
тест на патологию Винни- демонстрировал свою
Пуха сопоставит вашу надежность и
личность с одним из достоверность, а также
персонажей Винни-Пуха . хорошо учитывал многие
аспекты этой сложной

Тест в стиле DSM Гендерный тест

Стили личности Этот научно
представляют собой более подтвержденный тест,
подвижные и динамичные основанный на работе
аспекты личности, чем доктора Сандры Бем,
статические черты, неоднократно
измеряемые большинством демонстрировал
тестов. Этот тест определит поразительно высокую
ваш стиль личности. вероятность определения
вашего пола.

Хогвартс Тест Политический тест

Тест «Хогвартс-Хаус» — это Этот тест позволит
ненаучный тест «для измерить ваши
развлечения», который политические взгляды в
приобрел удивительную соответствии с
популярность благодаря беспристрастным и
успеху франшизы о Гарри свободным от повестки дня
Поттере. набором вопросов,
который использовался
университетами и
политическими партиями
по всему миру.

Тест на любовь Тест темного ядра

Тест стилей любви — это Основываясь на работе
популярный способ исследователей Машагена,
определить, какие способы доктора философии,
выражения любви больше Хилбига, доктора
всего находят отклик у философии, и Зеттлера,
человека. Этот тест даст вам доктора философии, этот
ваш. тест покажет, есть ли в
вашей личности темное

Типовой тест Юнга Тест РАС

Наша версия самого Этот тест на тревогу-стресс-
популярного в мире теста депрессию даст вам
личности, основанного на представление о ваших
работах Юнга, Майерса и текущих уровнях тревоги,
Бриггса. Этот тест даст вам стресса и депрессии,
представление о вашем измеренных в соответствии
типе личности. со стандартными

Тест психопата Тест по шкале

Основанный на работе
доцента Майкла Р. Основываясь на работе
Левенсона, тест на исследователей Кинси,
психопатию представляет Помероя и Мартина, тест
собой научно Шкала Кинси даст вам
подтвержденный результаты по Рейтинговой
инструмент для измерения шкале гетеросексуалов-
степени психопатии гомосексуалов, также
человека. известной как «Шкала

Тест на Тест на аутизм

выравнивание Тест спектра аутизма
Возникнув в ролевой игре объединяет несколько
D&D, 9 моральных других показателей аутизма
мировоззрений, которые в единый инструмент,
описывают моральные и предназначенный для
этические взгляды анализа симптомов аутизма
человека, стали в 10 различных областях.
культовыми в Интернете.

Тест на симпатию Тест на любовь

Основанный на Тест на способность любить
исследованиях, которые — это инструмент,
расширяют шкалу предназначенный для
привлекательности анализа степени
Рейсена, Тест приятного способности человека
человека измеряет, легко любить в 6 различных
или трудно с вами ладить. областях.

Тест темной Тест 8 значений

триады Тест восьми ценностей —
Нарциссизм, макиавеллизм это популярный тест, целью
и психопатия считаются которого является
«темными» чертами измерение политической
личности, но люди с этими позиции человека в
чертами также соответствии с восемью
воспринимаются как политическими
лидеры. Этот тест измерит ценностями.
ваши темные черты.

Тест на свет/ Зодиакальный тест

темноту Тест на истинный зодиак —
Тест Свет/Тьма объединяет это ненаучный и
темную и светлую триады предназначенный только
личности, объединяя два для развлечения тест,
известных теста в единую который определит, каким
общую структуру. должен быть ваш истинный
знак зодиака.

Левый / правый Гендерный тест

тест Этот тест на гендерные
Основанный на научной координаты, основанный
работе Джона Р. Хиббинга, на работе исследователей
Кевина Б. Смита и Джона Р. Хейлмана и Пеуса,
Алфорда, этот тест призван определит, как люди могут
угадать вашу политическую воспринимать вашу
ориентацию на основе гендерную идентичность.
вашего образа жизни.

Тест на темные Тест на коммунизм

черты Этот тест определит,
Тест Big Tent Dark Traits согласны ли вы с
анализирует ваши коммунистическими
склонности к доктринами, используя
макиавеллизму, классическое марксистское
нарциссизму, психопатии, определение коммунизма.
злобности, жадности,
перфекционизму и

Тест Поттера Злодей Тест

В этом тесте используется Этот тест сравнит вашу
методология профессоров личность с печально
доктора Сары Э. Ши (доктор известными диктаторами и
медицины) и Кевина террористами, используя
Гордона (доктор уникальный гибрид теории
медицины), чтобы личности Юнга и научной
сопоставить вашу личность системы Большой пятерки.
с одним из персонажей
Гарри Поттера.

Пограничный тест Тест на расизм

Тест пограничного спектра Этот тест, основанный на
объединяет несколько исследованиях
других инструментов в Университета Мэриленда и
один тест, Калифорнийского
предназначенный для университета Санта-
анализа пограничных Барбары, определит вашу
симптомов в 10 различных степень расизма.

Тест эквалайзера Тест на психопатию

Этот тест EQ использует Основанный на работе
личностный подход к советника ФБР Роберта
эмоциональному Хэйра, Контрольный список
интеллекту и измеряет ваш психопатии является одним
EQ в 15 различных из наиболее широко
областях. используемых
инструментов в
психиатрической оценке

Проверка Тест Роршаха

привязанности Тест Роршаха — один из
То, как мы привязываемся к наиболее часто
опекунам, отпечатывает в используемых
нас модель управления психологических
отношениями, которая проективных тестов в мире.
сохраняется во взрослой Его можно использовать
жизни. Этот тест определит для проверки того,
ваш стиль привязанности. нормальны ли ваши
мыслительные процессы.

Тест интеллекта 4-осевой тест

Основанный на работе Тест «4 оси» — это
доктора философии популярный,
Говарда Гарднера, тест разработанный
множественного сообществом тест, целью
интеллекта определит ваши которого является
наклонности по девяти измерение четырех
различным способностям. основных аспектов

Тест на феминизм Потенциальный

Люди часто говорят, что
«феминизм просто Основанный на
означает равные права», но исследованиях
на самом деле существует Массачусетского
множество определений университета, тест
феминизма. Этот тест «Сдерживание себя»
измеряет, какой вы позволяет определить,
феминисткой, используя являетесь ли вы своим
пять шкал. злейшим врагом.

Тест на СДВГ Sexual Test

The ADHD Spectrum Test Based on the work of
combines several other psychologists Hendrick,
measures into a single Hendrick, and Reich, the
instrument intended to Sexual Attitudes test will
analyze ADHD symptoms discern your attitude towards
across seven diQerent sex across four empirical
domains. domains.

Homophobia Test Bipolar Test

Based on the work of Based on the work of Dr.
psychologists Wright, Adams, Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, M.D.,
and Bernat, this scientiWcally this test screens for bipolar
validated test measures your disorder and can be taken in
level of homophobia. 3 minutes while retaining
good scientiWc validity.

Potter Test Fascism Test

The Harry Potter Character The word fascism has been
test is an unscientiWc and robbed of meaning due to
“just for fun” test that will overuse in recent years. This
match your personality with test relies on the historically
one of seven main characters accurate deWnition to
from the Harry Potter determine how much of a
franchise. fascist you are.

Food Test IQ Test

Based on research from the IQ is broadly agreed to be the
University of Pennsylvania, most eQective way of
the Food Social Class Test will measuring intelligence. This
determine your social class test uses data from the SAPA
based on simple food and ICAR projects to deliver
choices. an IQ test that is scientiWcally
and statistically validated.

Depression Test Lifetrap Test

Based on diagnostic criteria Drawing on breakthrough
in the DSM-5 and research insights from cognitive
related to the PHQ-9, this therapy, psychologists JeQrey
scientiWcally validated test E. Young, Ph.D. and Janet S.
screens for depression in Klosko, Ph.D. developed the
adults. concept of lifetraps. This test
will give you yours.

Hot/Crazy Test Sociopath Test

The Hot/Crazy Scale Test is an Based on the work of Dr. John
artifact of internet pop M. Grohol, Psy.D., this
culture; some claim it is sociopath test can be taken in
pseudoscientiWc, while others 3 minutes while retaining
maintain that it’s backed by good scientiWc validity.

Asexuality Test Enneagram Test

Based on the work of Dr. Many Enneagram tests are
Morag Yule, Ph.D., this based on no more than the
asexuality test can be taken personal intuition of their
in 6 minutes while retaining authors. This version of the
good validity. Enneagram test is based on
real psychometric data.

Functions Test Multiphasic Test

At more advanced levels, Based on research from the
Jung's theory of personality University of Minnesota, this
also deals with the concept of test will give you your scores
cognitive functions. This test on the famous 10 Multiphasic
will give you an indication of Personality Scales.
your cognitive functions.

Morality Test Depression Test

This test will measure your The Beck Depression Test is a
moral instincts on six classical and time-honored
foundations and use them to instrument in psychology,
predict your political measuring a person’s
orientation. The test is based depressive symptoms.
on peer-reviewed research
from top universities.

Sexism Test Hierarchy Test

Based on the scientiWc work The idea that people can be
of Peter Glick and Susan sorted into distinct
Fiske, this test determines archetypes in the masculine
levels of prejudice toward social hierarchy has become
women. a piece of modern internet

ADHD Test Psychopathy Test

Based on the DSM-5 The Psychopathy Symptoms
diagnostic criteria, this Test combines several other
scientiWcally-validated test psychopathy measures into a
screens for signs and single instrument that
symptoms of ADHD. analyzes psychopathic
elements across 8 diQerent

Partner Test Parenting Test

Based on the scientiWc work The Negative Parenting Test
of social scientists is an instrument intended to
Hassebrauck and Schwarz, analyze what negative
this test will predict whether patterns you might be stuck
you are male or female based in due to bad parenting.
on the qualities you seek in a

HSP Test Enneagram Test

Based on the work of The Enneagram is a model of
psychologist Elaine Aron, this nine personality types. It is
test assesses whether you commonly used in self-help,
qualify as a highly sensitive business management, and
person (HSP). spiritual development.

Borderline Test Toxic Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Toxic Masculinity Test
Mary C. Zanarini, Ed.D., this combines the research of
Borderline Personality several other Toxic
Disorder test can be taken in Masculinity measures into a
3 minutes while retaining single instrument that will
good validity. determine your level of Toxic

Narcissism Test Avengers Test

This classic test, the The Avengers Test is an
Narcissistic Personality unscientiWc and “just for fun”
Inventory (NPI), is one of the personality assessment that
most widely used in will determine which of seven
psychology. It is designed to characters from The Avengers
measure subclinical you resemble the most.
narcissism in the general

Eating Test Faces Test

Based on the scientiWc work Based on peer-reviewed
of psychologists Fairburn, research, this test will ask you
Cooper, and O’Connor, this to judge people based on
scientiWcally validated test their faces. The results reveal
screens for signs and how comfortable you are with
symptoms of eating dominance and aggression.

Sexy 7 Test Gender Test

The Sexual Dimensions (or This Gender Dysphoria Test is
“Sexy Seven”) Test was based on the scientiWcally
developed by D.P. Schmitt, validated GIDYQ-AA
Ph.D. and D.M. Buss, Ph.D. to instrument, which screens for
measure personality variation gender dysphoria in adults.
along sex-speciWc and

Freud Style Test Toxic Test

The study of personality Based on the work of
styles was initiated by Freud Quintero and Long, the Toxic
and modern psychology still Positivity test will determine
owes much to Freud's ideas. whether you have an
Who would you be in Freud's unhealthy tendency to
original system? construe things as overly

Autism Test Marvel Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Marvel Test is an
Sarah L. Barret, Ph.D., this unscientiWc and “just for fun”
autism test can be taken in 3 personality assessment that
minutes while retaining good will determine which of seven
validity. characters from the Marvel
universe you resemble the

Islam Test BMI Test

Muslims and non-Muslims Body Mass Index (BMI) is a
alike disagree on whether convenient rule of thumb
Islam is a peaceful or used to broadly categorize
repressive religion. This test people as underweight, of
measures your conception of normal weight, overweight, or
Islam and pegs it to the obese.
ongoing debate.

Morality Test South Park Test

The Moral Vignettes Test is an The South Park Test is an
expanded version of the unscientiWc, “just for fun” test
Moral Foundations Test, to match your personality
measuring your proWle across with one of seven characters
10 diQerent moral concerns. from this popular franchise.

Faces Test Paranoia Test

Based on the work of social Based on the work of Dr.
psychologist Nicholas David Rawlings, D.Phil., this
Holtzman Ph.D., this test Paranoid Personality Disorder
determines whether you are Test can be taken in 3
able to identify dark traits in minutes while retaining good
people. validity.

BLM Test Masochism Test

This test will determine how Based on the work of Dr.
much you agree with the Thomas Schill, Ph.D., this
aims of the Black Lives Matter Masochism Test can be taken
movement, using the in 3 minutes while retaining
organization’s stated beliefs good validity.
and demands.

Feminist Test Stress Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of Dr.
Nancy Henley, Ph.D., the Sheldon Cohen, Ph.D., this
Feminist Perspectives Test stress test can be taken in 3
will determine your attitude minutes while retaining good
towards several strands of scientiWc validity.

Loneliness Test Gilmore Girls Test

This scientiWcally validated The Gilmore Girls Character
test, based on the work of Dr. Test is an unscientiWc, “just
Davis P. Tharayil, will for fun” test to match your
determine to what degree personality with one of six
you feel lonely and socially characters from the popular
isolated. series.

Depression Test Sadism Test

Based on the work of Dr. Kurt Based on the work of Dr.
Kroenke, M.D., this Rachel PlouQe, Ph.D., this
depression test can be taken Sadism Test can be taken in 6
in 3 minutes while retaining minutes while retaining good
good scientiWc validity. validity.

Hogwarts Test Twilight Test

This version of the Hogwarts The Twilight character test is
House Test was made by an unscientiWc, “just for fun”
combining input from the test to match your
scientiWc Big Five, HEXACO, personality with one of seven
and Dark Triad models of characters from the popular
personality. franchise.

Anxiety Test Big Five Test

This test combines Wve This test will measure your
scientiWcally validated anxiety personality on the Big Five,
tests into one composite test which is the gold standard in
that screens for anxiety in science. It can be taken in one
adults. minute or less while retaining
good validity.

Anorexia Test Philosopher Test

Based on the work of Dr. John The Philosopher Test
F. Morgan, M.D., this anorexia measures which of seven
test can be taken in 3 philosophers you resemble
minutes while retaining good the most.

Avoidant Test Transgender Test

Based on the criteria of the Based on data from the PEW
American Psychiatric Research Center and the
Association, this avoidant Human Rights Campaign, this
personality disorder test can test will determine your
be taken in 3 minutes while attitude to transgenderism
retaining good validity. based on issues that
currently divide the public.

Identity Test Conservative Test

The 7 Identities Test is a This test will determine
communally developed test whether you agree with
to help people determine conservative sensibilities and
their characteristics in the doctrines, using a composite
new matrix of gender empirical method.

Narcissism Test Star Wars Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Star Wars Character test
Robert Raskin, Ph.D. and is an unscientiWc and "just for
Calvin Hall, Ph.D., this fun" test that will match your
narcissism test can be taken personality with one of seven
in 3 minutes while retaining characters from the Star Wars
good scientiWc validity. franchise.

Psychopath Test Eating Test

The Movie Psychopath Test is Based on the work of Dr.
an unscientiWc and “just for Barry K. Herman, M.D., this
fun” test that will match your Binge Eating Disorder test
personality with one of six can be taken in 3 minutes or
psychopathic Wlm characters. less while retaining good

Wednesday Test Self-Esteem Test

The Wednesday Test is a “just Based on the work of Dr.
for fun” test to determine Morris Rosenberg, Ph.D., this
which character from the self-esteem test can be taken
Wednesday television series in 3 minutes while retaining
you most closely resemble. good validity.

ADHD Test Color Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of Swiss
Lenard Adler, M.D., this psychotherapist Max Lüscher,
ADHD test can be taken in 3 the Color Test reveals an
minutes while retaining good individual’s psychophysical
scientiWc validity. state based on their color

Partner Test GoT Test

The Healthy Partner Test is an The Game of Thrones
instrument intended to character test is an
analyze whether you are unscientiWc and “just for fun”
likely to be toxic or test that matches your
wholesome in a relationship. personality to one of seven
characters from the Game of
Thrones series.

Dom/Sub Test Psychosis Test

The dominance/ submission The Psychosis Spectrum Test
test combines triadic combines several other
measures of these traits, psychosis measures into a
uniting the two tendencies in single instrument intended to
a single joint framework. analyze psychosis symptoms
across 10 diQerent domains.

Attachment Test Libertarian Test

Attachment styles are one of Libertarianism has often
the most important concepts been called the "third force"
in psychology. This test will in politics - an alternative to
determine your attachment the traditional left and right.
style with greater precision This test determines how
than most. much of a libertarian you are.

Big Five Test EN-T Test

This test will measure your The EN Temperament Test
personality on the Big Five, was developed by H.J.
which is the gold standard in Eysenck, Ph.D. It measures
science. It will also match Extroversion and
your scores with Professor Neuroticism, and pegs them
J.A. Johnson's Big Five to the ancient theory of the
personality types. four humors.

Career Role Test Masochism Test

This test will give you an The Masochistic Personality
indication of which career Spectrum Test combines
role you are likely to thrive in. several other measures into a
Employers and employees single instrument intended to
can beneWt from taking this analyze masochistic
test together and discussing symptoms across 8 diQerent
the results. domains.

Schizoid Test Black / White Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on a large poll by the
Octav Sorin Candel, Ph.D., Pew Research Center, this
this Schizoid Test can be test will ask you questions on
taken in 3 minutes while race relations in America and
retaining good validity. use your answers to
determine whether you are
black or white.

HEXACO Test Big Five Test

Based on the scientiWc work The Big Five is the gold
of psychologists Ashton and standard in science. It is the
Lee, the Dark HEXACO test most widely used personality
will measure your dark side in test in scientiWc research. This
the HEXACO system of test will give you your scores
personality. on the 30 Big Five subscales,
while retaining a length of
only 50 questions.

Fashion Test Fascism Test

Based on research from the The Fascist Elements test
University of Pennsylvania, combines several other
the Fashion Choices Test will measures into a single
determine your social status instrument intended to
based on simple fashion analyze agreement with
choices. fascism across 10 diQerent

Anxiety Test Manipulation Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of Dr.
Robert L. Spitzer, M.D., this Richard Christie, Ph.D., this
anxiety test can be taken in 3 Machiavellianism test can be
minutes while retaining good taken in 3 minutes or less
scientiWc validity. while retaining good validity.

Star Trek Test Gender Test

The Star Trek character test is Based on the work of Valerio
an unscientiWc and "just for Capraro, Ph.D., the Gender
fun" test that matches your Game Test will determine
personality to one of seven whether your decision-
characters from Star Trek: making is masculine or
TNG. feminine.

Disgust Test Career Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the RIASEC model
Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D., Dr. of career types, this
Clark McCauley, Ph.D., and personality-based test will
Dr. Paul Rozin, Ph.D., the determine what type of job
Disgust Test measures you are best suited for.
responses to seven types of

Chaos Test Abuse Test

The Chaos Powers test is an Peer-reviewed research
unscientiWc and “just for fun” suggests that as many as
test that compares your three out of four people will
outlook on life to that of the experience abuse from a
four Chaos powers from the partner at least once in their
Warhammer universe. lives. This test will gauge the
extent of abusive dynamics in
your relationship.

President Test Car Test

This test will give you your This test, based on the work
personality scores in the Big of the psychologists
Five system of personality, Rammstedt, John and Miller,
which is the gold standard in aims to predict your taste in
science. It will also compare cars using only 10 questions
you to the scores of U.S. and the scientiWc Big Five
presidents. framework.

Identity Test Generation Test

Intersectionality is a Based on research from the
controversial idea. This test Pew research center, this
will determine whether you Millennial or Zoomer Test will
are privileged or marginalized determine which of the two
based on a matrix of generations you resemble the
intersecting identities. most.

Mindset Test Morality Test

Based on the work of Dr. This test will measure your
Carol Dweck, Ph.D., this test moral instincts on three
will determine whether you foundations and use them to
have a growth mindset or a predict your political
Wxed mindset. orientation. The test is based
on peer-reviewed research
from top universities.

F-Scale Test Socialism Test

This historically signiWcant The Socialism Test combines
test was designed by Theodor several other measures into a
Adorno and associates in single instrument intended to
order to measure analyze agreement with
authoritarian and fascist socialism across 6 diQerent
tendencies in the general domains.

Breakup Test Star Wars Test

Based on the scientiWc work Based on the work of
of John Gottman, Ph.D., this psychiatrists Dr. Ryan C.W.
test predicts whether your Hall (M.D.), Dr. Susan H.
relationship is likely to end in Friedman (M.D.) and
a breakup. associates, the Star Wars
Pathology test will match
your personality with one of
seven Star Wars characters.

Impostor Test Dirty Dozen Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of
Pauline Rose Clance, Ph.D., researchers P.K. Jonason and
this Impostor Syndrome test G.D. Webster, the Dirty Dozen
can be taken in 3 minutes test is a shortened version of
while retaining good validity. the Dark Triad test, which
measures three dark traits.

Gender Test Schizotypy Test

One of the current fronts in Based on the work of Dr.
the culture war is over the Meinte G. Vollema, Ph.D., this
conception of gender. This schizotypy test can be taken
test will determine whether in 3 minutes while retaining
your conception of gender is good validity.
binary or progressive.

Conspiracy Test Psychopathy Test

Based on the work of Inspired by the work of Dr.
researchers Brotherton, Scott Lilienfeld, Ph.D. and
French, and Pickering, the colleagues, the Psychopathy
Conspiracy Test will Matrix Test measures
determine your degree of whether you have
conspiracist beliefs. psychopathic traits.

IQ Test Smart BMI Test

IQ is broadly agreed to be the Smart BMI is a dynamic and
most eQective way of improved measure of BMI
measuring intelligence. This that factors in the test taker’s
IQ Test is based on the work age and gender. This test will
of Alfred Binet. determine your Smart BMI.

Privilege Test Bipolar Test

The TikTok Check Your The Bipolar Spectrum Test
Privilege Challenge is a combines several other
popular variant of the bipolar measures into a
platform's widespread "put a single instrument intended to
Wnger down" game that analyze bipolar symptoms
highlights discrimination. across 10 diQerent domains.

Brain Test Zodiac Test

Based on the work of Helen The True Chinese Zodiac Test
Fisher, Ph.D., this Brain is an unscientiWc and “just for
Chemistry test links fun” test that will determine
personality traits to various what your true Chinese
chemicals in the brain. zodiac sign should be.
Asperger Test Patronus Test
Based on the work of Dr. The Patronus Test is an
Brenda Myles, Ph.D., this unscientiWc and "just for fun"
Asperger Syndrome test can test that has achieved
be taken in 3 minutes while surprising popularity through
retaining good validity. the success of the Harry
Potter franchise.

Masculinity Test EQ Test

This test will let you Wnd out This Emotional Intelligence
whether you are a mature test measures your ability to
and balanced man, according recognize and process
to the work of Jungian emotions constructively. It
analysts Robert L. Moore, uses a personality-based
Ph.D. and Douglas Gillette. approach and four scales.

Anxiety Test OCD Test

Based on research from the Based on the work of Dr.
American Psychiatric Wayne K. Goodman, M.D.,
Association, this scientiWcally this OCD Test can be taken in
validated test screens for 3 minutes while retaining
common indicators of good validity.

Movie Star Test Dependence Test

This test will give you your Based on the work of Dr. John
personality scores in the Big M. Grohol, Psy.D., this test
Five system of personality, screens for dependent
which is the gold standard in personality disorder and can
science. It will also compare be taken in 3 minutes while
you to the scores of famous retaining good validity.
movie stars.

Brain Test Dissociation Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Depersonalization-
Loren D. Crane, Ph.D., the Derealization Test analyzes
Left-Brained/Right-Brained the self-reporting of
Test will determine your sentiments related to
dominant brain hemisphere. alterations in perception
associated with
depersonalization and

Politics Test Aggression Test

This test measures your This Aggression Test, based
political standpoint on the on the work of researchers
basis of a predictive theory Bass and Darki, intends to
coined by Hans Eysenck, analyze aggression indicators
Ph.D. across 8 diQerent domains.

HEXACO Test Eating Test

This test will give you your Based on the work of Dr. Jim
personality scores on the Gormally, this test will
HEXACO test, which is a measure whether you
proposed innovation of the struggle with an impulsive
scientiWc Big Five system of eating disorder in 3 minutes
personality. or less while retaining good

Greek Loves Test Transphobia Test

Modern pop culture tends to The Transphobia Test
speak of love as if it were just analyzes whether you have
one thing, but people express negative prejudice
love diQerently. This test will concerning transgender
measure your take on love in individuals.
relation to the four
archetypal forms of love.

Borderline Test Generals Test

Based on the diagnostic The WW2 Generals Test uses
criteria in the DSM-5, this a composite model of tactical
scientiWcally validated test attitudes and personality
screens for borderline traits to determine which of
features in adults. six World War 2 generals you
would be.

R&M Test Ilvermorny Test

This test will let you discover The Ilvermorny House Test is
which character from the an unscientiWc and “just for
popular show Rick and Morty fun” test that will determine
you most closely resemble in what house you belong to in
terms of personality the Ilvermorny school of
pathologies. magic from the Harry Potter

KUWTK Test Team Role Test

This Kardashians test will This test will measure your
match you with one of six aptitude for diQerent team
personalities from Keeping behaviors. Team Roles
Up with the Kardashians. modelling is one of the most
widely used measures in
organizational psychology.

Autism Test Adversity Test

Based on the Ritvo Autism Based on peer-reviewed
Asperger’s Diagnostic Scale, research, the Adversarial
the short form version of the Heterosexual Beliefs test
Autism Test assesses autism measures whether you have
across Wve diQerent domains. a stereotypical view of gender
roles and whether you have a
hostile view of men and/or

Biden/Trump Test Friends Test

Based on data from YouGov This test will determine which
and the scientiWc Moral of the characters from the
Foundations Theory, this test television show Friends you
will determine whether you resemble the most, using the
are more likely to support scientiWc Big Five system of
Biden or Trump. personality.

Food Test Light Triad Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Light Triad Test is a
Christina Hartmann, Ph.D., counterpart to the Dark Triad
the Food Disgust Sensitivity Test. It measures the
Test measures elevated prosocial traits of empathy,
responses to possible compassion, and altruism.
contaminants in one’s food.

Intelligences Test Values Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the Portrait Values
Howard Gardner, Ph.D., the Questionnaire developed by
Intelligence Type Test will Shalom H. Schwartz, the
discover the ways in which Human Values Test will
you are smart. determine your scores on 10
universal human values.

PTSD Test Islam Test

Based on diagnostic criteria Based on the inventory
in the DSM-5, this developed by ImhoQ and
scientiWcally validated test Recker and improved by
screens for PTSD in adults. Crane and Bano, this test will
determine whether you are
prejudiced towards Muslims.

Masculine Test Cats/Dogs Test

Based on the work of Jungian Based on the scientiWc Big
analysts Robert Moore and Five measure of personality,
Douglas Gillette, this test will this test will determine
allow you to discover your whether you are more likely
masculine energies and to be a dog person or a cat
archetypes. person.

Trump Test Cat Test

This completely unscientiWc Based on the work of Dr.
and "just for fun" test will ask Rebecca Evans at Liverpool
you to rate your level of University, the Cat
agreement with some of Psychopathy Test will
Trump's most colorful measure whether your cat is
statements through the a psychopath.

Maladaptive Test Jung Type Test

Based on research from the Another take on the world's
American Psychiatric most popular personality
Association, the PID-5 Test is test, based on the work of
a novel way of measuring Jung, Myers, and Briggs. This
personality maladaptations. test will give you an indication
of your personality type.

Succession Test Music Test

The Succession Test is an Based on the work of
unscientiWc and “just for fun” sociologist Clayton Childress
test to see which character and colleagues at Duke
from the TV show you University, the music taste
resemble the most. test will measure your
presumed social status based
on your taste in music.

Perfection Test Jealousy Test

Based on the work of This scientiWcally validated
psychologists Dr. Paul Hewitt test, based on the work of
and Dr. Gordon Flett, this Doctors PfeiQer and Wong,
scientiWcally-validated test has been shown to have good
measures your perfectionist validity and to account well
tendencies. for the many facets of this
complex emotion.

Apology Test Hierarchy Test

The Apology Languages Test That people can be sorted
is a popular way of gauging into masculine archetypes in
which ways of expressing the social hierarchy has
apologies resonate with a become part of modern
person the most. This test will internet culture. This test also
reveal yours to you. includes subtrait scoring.

Histrionic Test Sizeism Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the AFA, ATOP, and
Christopher Ferguson, Ph.D., BAOP inventories, this test
this Histrionic Personality screens for weight-related
Disorder Test can be taken in bias and discrimination.
3 minutes while retaining
good validity.

Privilege Test Extroversion Test

The Power/Privilege Wheel Based on the work of Dr.
Test is used to give a person Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this
an idea of their power or extroversion test can be
marginalization according to taken in 3 minutes while
an intersectional framework. retaining good validity.

PEN Test Narcissism Test

The PEN model is a biological The Covert Narcissism Test
and behavioristic framework analyzes the self-reporting of
developed by H.J. Eysenck, feelings and behaviors
Ph.D. It measures the top- associated with maladaptive
level traits of Extroversion, covert-vulnerable narcissism.
Neuroticism, and

Simpsons Test Narcissism Test

Using the methodology of The Narcissism Spectrum
Professors Dr. Sarah E. Shea Test combines several other
(M.D.), Dr. Kevin Gordon measures into a single
(M.D.), and associates, this instrument intended to
test will match your analyze narcissistic
personality with one of seven symptoms across 8 diQerent
Simpsons characters. domains.

Love Test Jung Type Test

The Cyberculture Love Styles A modern rendition of C.G.
Test is a modern variant of Jung’s personality theory,
the classical Love Styles Test, which constitutes the
speciWcally centered around framework for the most
internet culture. popular and widely used
personality test in the world.

Empathy Test Dark Dozen Test

The Empathy Test combines Based on the work of Dr.
several other measures into a Tayler Truhan, Ph.D. at
single instrument intended to Belfast University, the Dark
analyze the nature and Dozen Test explores the 12
structure of a person’s subtraits of the popular Dark
empathy. Triad Test.

Stress Test Mentality Test

Based on the work of Based on research from the
psychology professor University of Cincinnati, this
Sheldon Cohen, the Personal test will determine whether
Stress Test is one of the most you tend toward optimism or
widely used psychological pessimism.
instruments for measuring an
individual’s level of stress.

Dependent Test Eating Test

The Dependent Personality The Eating Disorders
Spectrum Test combines Indicators Test is an
several other measures into a instrument that analyzes
single instrument intended to eating disorders indicators
analyze dependency concerning anorexia, bulimia,
symptoms across eight and binge eating.
diQerent domains.

SCZ Test Depression Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Depression Spectrum
Nancy Coover Andreasen, combines several other
M.D., this Schizophrenia Test measures into a single
can be taken in 3 minutes instrument intended to
while retaining good validity. analyze depression
symptoms across 8 diQerent

Gender Test Dark Quad Test

Based on the work of The Dark Quad test is a
researchers Heilman and proposed innovation on the
Peus, the 4 Identities Test will Dark Triad Test, which
determine how people are includes the element of
likely to view your gender sadism along with the
identity. traditional Dark Triad traits.

OCD Test Mindfulness Test

The Obsessive-Compulsive Based on the work of Dr. Kirk
Spectrum Test combines Brown and Dr. Richard Ryan,
several other measures into a Ph.D., this mindfulness test
single instrument to analyze will determine your inherent
compulsive symptoms across levels of mindfulness.
7 diQerent domains.

Self-Esteem Test OYcer Test

The Self-Esteem Test The German general Kurt von
assesses personality traits Hammerstein-Equord
related to positive self- believed that all oucers could
concept across Wve diQerent be characterized according to
domains of contentment and a simple measure of
self-worth. personality.

HPPT Test Electability Test

Based on the work of Based on the work of Aubrey
researchers MacRae and Immelman, Ph.D, and
Furnham, the High Potential Theodore Millon, Ph.D, DSc,
Personality Test will this test predicts whether you
determine whether you are could be president of the
Wt for high performance. USA.

Wealth Test Numeracy Test

The Money Making Traits Test People who are good with
will determine if have the numbers also tend to make
combination of traits that is better decisions. This
commonly found among numeracy test, developed by
people who are good at scientists at Tilburg
making money. University, will determine
how numerate you are.

Career Test Bulimia Test

Based on the RIASEC model Based on the work of David
of career types, this interests- M. Garner Ph.D., this Bulimia
based test will determine test can be taken in 3
what type of job you are best minutes while retaining good
suited for. scientiWc validity.

Potter Test Values Test

This test uses the Based on the World Values
methodology of professors Survey and the Inglehart–
Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and Welzel Cultural Map, the
Kevin Gordon (M.D.) to match Civilizational Values Test will
your personality with one of determine where in the world
seven minor characters from your values belong.
the Harry Potter franchise.

Introversion Test True Colors Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of the
Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this personality theorist Don
introversion test can be taken Lowry, the True Colors Test
in 3 minutes while retaining postulates that human
good validity. temperament falls into one of
four categories.

Death Eater Test Hunger Test

The Death Eater Test is an The Hunger Games character
unscientiWc and "just for fun" test is an unscientiWc and
test that predicts whether “just for fun” test to match
you would have joined the your personality to one of
Death Eaters in Harry Potter. seven characters from the
Hunger Games franchise.

Star Wars Test Cat Test

This test will give you your Based on the work of Carla
personality scores in the Big LitchWeld and colleagues at
Five system of personality, the University of South
which is the gold standard in Australia, the Feline Five test
science. It will also compare will measure your cat’s
you to the (presumed) scores personality.
of Star Wars characters.
Narcissism Test Food Test
Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of
Jonathan M. Cheek, Ph.D., this sociologist Clayton Childress
Closet Narcissism test can be and colleagues at Duke
taken in 3 minutes while University, the Food
retaining good validity. Preference Test will measure
your presumed social status
based on your taste in food.

Left Values Test Privilege Test

The Left Values Test is a The Privilege Fingers Test is a
variant of the popular 8 shortened version of the
Values Test that seeks to classic Privilege Walk
measure a person’s political exercise, which is commonly
standpoint according to 14 used in sensitivity training at
political priorities. educational institutions and
in workplaces.

Corona Test Ghosting Test

Coronavirus anxiety is a new Based on the work of Peter
type of mental health Jonason at Padua University,
phenomenon. Based on the the Ghosting Test will
scientiWc (DSM-5) criteria, this determine whether you are
is the Wrst test of its kind that likely to end a relationship
screens for coronaphobia. through silence.

Food Test Alt-right Test

Based on a recent YouGov Based on the research of
survey, the Italian Food Test Forscher & Kteily, this test will
measures whether you are determine whether you are
preparing and eating Italian liberal, conservative, or alt-
cuisine like a true Italian. right.

Morality Test Gender Bias Test

Based on research from Based on the work of Dr.
Oxford University, the Maura Mills and associates,
Morality-as-Cooperation Test the Gender Stereotype Test
is a proposed innovation on measures whether you have
the classic Moral Foundations a conventional view of gender
framework. roles.

Negativistic Test Gossip Girl Test

Based on the work of Dr. Lee The Gossip Girl Personality
Anna Clark, Ph.D., this Test is a “just for fun” quiz to
negativistic/passive- match your personality to
aggressive test can be taken one of seven characters from
in 3 minutes while retaining the popular novel and
good validity. television series.

Politics Test Sadism Test

Based on the work of Marta The Sadistic Personality
Fraile and her colleagues at Spectrum Test combines
the Spanish National several other measures into a
Research Council, the Political single instrument intended to
Priorities Test will decipher analyze sadistic symptoms
your political gender. across 8 diQerent domains.

Schizoid Test Grit Test

The Schizoid Spectrum Test is Based on the work of Angela
an instrument that analyzes Duckworth, Ph.D., the Grit
schizoid personality features Test will determine your level
across eight diQerent of passion and perseverance
domains. for long-term goals even in
the face of adversity.

Positivity Test Anxiety Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Beck Anxiety Test is a
Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., classical and time-honored
this Positive Psychology Test instrument in psychology that
will measure your levels of measures a person’s anxiety
happiness, gratefulness, and symptoms.

Hypomania Test Fragility Test

Based on the work of Dr. This test will determine
Jules Angst, M.D., this whether you agree with
Hypomania Test can be taken Robin DiAngelo and the
in 3 minutes while retaining claims in her book, White
good validity. Fragility.

Movie Test Sociality Test

Based on the work of Based on the work of Silvera,
sociologist Clayton Childress Martinussen, and Dahl, the
and colleagues at Duke Social Intelligence Test
University, the movie taste analyzes prosocial
test will measure your characteristics across three
presumed social status based diQerent domains.
on your taste in movies.

Transphobia Test Mentalization Test

The Internalized Transphobia The Mentalization Test
Test, meant for transgender assesses psychological
individuals, analyzes whether features related to
you have internalized mentalization across seven
society’s normative gender diQerent domains.

GoT Test Empathy Test

This test uses the The 4 Empathies Test will
methodology of professors measure whether your
Dr. Sarah E. Shea (M.D.) and empathy is predominantly
Kevin Gordon (M.D.) to match physical, cognitive, emotional,
your personality with one of or intuitive.
the Game of Thrones

PCPP Test Greed Test

Based on the work of Based on the work of Dr.
researchers Neduva, Marcel Zeelenberg, Ph.D., this
Kanevsky and Lerner, the Greed Test can be taken in 3
Political Correctness minutes while retaining good
Personality Pattern Test will validity.
determine your attitude
toward political correctness,
based on your personality.

Resilience Test Sexism Test

Based on the scientiWc work Based on the scientiWc work
of psychologists Friborg, of psychologists Glick and
Barlaug, and associates, the Fiske, this test determines
Resilience test will determine levels of prejudice toward
whether you are capable of men.
positive adjustment in tough


Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of
Andrew Przybylski, Ph.D., the psychologists William M.
Fear of Missing Out Test can Marston and Walter V. Clarke,
be taken in 3 minutes while the DISC measures
retaining good validity. dominance, inwuence,
steadiness and compliance. It
is one of the most widely
used tests in organizational

Sapiosexuality Test Workplace Test

Inspired by the work of Dr. Based on the standards of
Gilles Gignac, Ph.D., the Mental Health America
Sapiosexuality Test will (MHA), this test will
discern your level of determine whether your
attraction to others based on workplace is toxic or
their intelligence. wholesome. It can be taken in
3 minutes while retaining
good validity.

Lion King Test Charisma Test

The Lion King character test is Based on the work of M.
an unscientiWc and "just for Shashkin and W.C. Morris, the
fun" test that matches your Charisma Test analyzes
personality to one of eight characteristics of charisma
characters from Lion King. across 6 diQerent domains.

Ageism Test AQ Test

Based on the scientiWc The Autism Quotient Test is
research of Katie E. Cherry, created by Simon Baron-
Ph.D. and Erdman Palmore, Cohen, Ph.D. to assess the
Ph.D., this test will determine manifestation of autism
your degree of ageism. spectrum traits on a single

Cipolla Test Ideologies Test

The Italian economist Carlo Leading social scientists like
Cipolla believed it was Niall Ferguson and Francis
possible to explain human Fukuyama once declared
temperament using non-liberal ideologies dead,
economic logic. This test will but recent developments
pinpoint your temperament. have proved them wrong.
This test will determine your
ideological foundations.

Mean Girls Test Humor Test

The Mean Girls Character Based on the work of Dr. Rod
Test is a “just for fun” quiz to Martin, the Humor Styles Test
match your personality to is an instrument intended to
one of seven characters from analyze one’s use of humor
the popular teen comedy across 4 diQerent domains.

Avoidant Test Buddhist Test

The Avoidant Personality This test uses a personality
Spectrum Test combines system, which was developed
several other measures into a by the Indian monk
single instrument intended to Buddhaghosa and is more
analyze avoidant symptoms than 1500 years old, to
across 8 diQerent domains. determine which of three
personality types you are.

Feminism Test Histrionic Test

People often say that The Histrionic Spectrum Test
"feminism just means equal is an instrument that
rights," but in reality there analyzes histrionic
are many deWnitions of personality features across
feminism. This test measures eight diQerent domains.
what type of feminist you are,
using three scales.

Happiness Test Morality Test

Inspired by the work of Dr. Based on polling data from
Martin Seligman, the Cato Institute and YouGov,
Happiness Test analyzes your this test will measure your
prerequisites for happiness moral foundations on the
across eight domains. basis of real-world political

Envy Test Critics Test

Based on the work of Dr. Jan The Inner Critics Test intends
Crusius, Ph.D., this malicious to analyze self-sabotaging
envy test can be taken in 3 thinking patterns across 10
minutes while retaining good diQerent domains.

President Test Big Five Test

Based on the research of Dr. This test will measure your
John M. Berecz, Ph.D., this personality on the scientiWc
test will match your Big Five Test, using a
personality with one of seven dichotomous approach and
U.S. Presidents. the popular axial system.

Science Test Hypomanic Test

People often appeal to The Hypomanic Spectrum
science as if it were one thing, Test combines several other
but according to Nobel measures into a single
Laureate Wolfgang Pauli, instrument intended to
science is split between two analyze hypomanic
conceptions of it. This test will symptoms across 8 diQerent
determine yours. domains.

Paranoia Test Victimhood Test

The Paranoid Spectrum Test Based on the work of Rahav
combines several other Gabay and research from Tel
measures into a single Aviv University, the
instrument intended to Victimhood Test measures
analyze paranoid symptoms your tendency to perceive
across 8 diQerent domains. yourself as a victim.

Philosopher Test Series Test

The Philosopher Test #2 Based on the work of
measures which of seven sociologist Clayton Childress
philosophers you resemble and colleagues at Duke
the most. University, the TV Series Test
will measure your presumed
social status based on your
taste in series.

Food Test Complexes Test

This Food Addiction Test, Based on the work of Dr.
based on research from Yale Theodore Millon, and
University, will determine compatible with the DSM
whether you fulWll the criteria system, this test will measure
for food dependency. your personality complexes.

Defenses Test Open DISC Test

The Defense Style Test The DISC one of the most
analyzes your self-reporting widely used tests in
of sentiments related to organizational psychology.
defensive functioning and The Open DISC Test was
coping styles. created as an alternative to
the classic DISC Test.

Collectivism Test Authority Test

Nazism and fascism are Based on the scientiWc survey
usually believed to be on the developed by R. Altemeyer,
right whereas communism and further improved by
and socialism are thought to Conway, Houck, and
be on the left. But how associates, this test will
diQerent are these ideologies determine whether you are
really? an authoritarian.

16PF Test Word IQ Test

The 16 Personality Factors (16 IQ tests for diQerent abilities,
PFT) Test is an instrument verbal ability being one of
that analyzes personality them. This vocabulary test
features across 16 diQerent will determine the verbal
domains. ability subset of your IQ.

SRPP Test Men/Women Test

Based on the work of This Implicit Association Test,
psychologists Henry and developed using theory from
Sears and data from the Harvard University, will
ANES studies, the Symbolic determine if you have a bias
Racism test will predict which in favor of women or men.
factions in society you feel
warmth towards.

Wealth Test EQ Test

Based on a national survey The RULER EQ Test uses
from the Cato Institute, this professionally crafted items
test aims to guess your to determine your proWciency
political leanings based on across Wve domains of
your conception of wealth emotional intelligence.
and work.

Cravings Test Guardians Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Guardians of the Galaxy
David Garner, this test will Test is an unscientiWc, “just
measure your level of late- for fun” test to match your
night cravings in 3 minutes or personality with one of six
less while retaining good characters from this popular
validity. franchise.

Community Test Disgust Test

Based on the scientiWc work An expanded version of Dr.
of Matt Motyl, Ph.D., J.P. Bunmi O. Olatunji’s 3 Disgusts
Prims, Ph.D., and Ravi Iyer, Test, the 4 Disgusts Test
Ph.D., this test aims to guess analyzes disgust sensitivity
your political leanings based traits across four domains.
on your taste in

Morality Test Annoying Test

The 6 Foundations Test is a The Annoying Person Test is a
popular, community- communally-developed test
developed test that seeks to to measure whether you are
decipher a person's political a person who is likely to
orientation based on their disgruntle others.
moral foundations.

Hoarding Test Grief Test

This Hoarding Disorder Test, Based on the work of Dr.
based on the work of Dr. Holly Prigerson, Ph.D., this
David F. Tolin, Ph.D., can be Complicated Grief Disorder
taken in 3 minutes while Test can be taken in 3
retaining good validity. minutes while retaining good

Relationship Test Popularity Test

Bassed on the work of Blaine The Popular Person Test will
Fowers, Ph.D., The determine whether you have
Relationship Quality Test is an the personal qualities that
instrument intended to are likely to make you socially
analyze an individual’s popular.
relationship across 4 diQerent

SatC Test Welfare Test

This test will determine which The neurobiology researcher
of the characters from Sex Adam Perkins has found that
and the City you resemble the many welfare claimants are
most, using a mix of diQerent characterized by certain
personality models. traits. This test will determine
if you have those traits.

Compassion Test Autism Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the Ritvo Autism
Kristin NeQ, the Self- Asperger’s Diagnostic Scale,
Compassion Test analyzes a the Autism Test assesses
person’s degree of self- personality traits and
compassion across 6 functioning related to autism
diQerent domains. across Wve diQerent domains.
Agreeable Test Control Test
Based on the work of Dr. The Locus of Control Test is
Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this an instrument intended to
test will measure your levels analyze whether you believe
of Trait Agreeableness in 3 you have control over the
minutes while retaining good outcomes of events in your
validity. life.

Neo-Sexism Test LOTR Test

The Neo-Sexism Test The Lord of the Rings Test is
combines several measures an unscientiWc, “just for fun”
of sexism into a single test to match your
instrument intended to personality with one of seven
analyze modern sexism characters from this popular
across 6 diQerent domains. franchise.

Self-Esteem Test Gilmore Guys Test

Inspired by the Collective The Gilmore Guys Test will
Self-Esteem Scale (CSES), the determine which of the male
Social Self-Esteem Test characters from Gilmore Girls
assesses personality traits you are the most romantically
related to collective self- compatible with.
esteem across four diQerent

Sexism Test Bias Test

Based on the work of Janet Left-wingers and right-
Spence and associates, this wingers mutually accuse each
test determines levels of other of being biased, but in
overt and covert prejudice reality, both parties have
toward women. their own political biases. This
test will determine yours.

Strengths Test Happiness Test

Inspired by the work of Dr. Inspired by the work of Dr.
Christopher Peterson, the 24 Martin Seligman, the
Strengths Test measures your Happiness Motives Test
strengths and virtues across analyzes your prerequisites
24 diQerent domains. for happiness across Wve

Workplace Test Shyness Test

The full version of the Toxic Based on the work of Dr.
Workplace Test, based on the James McCroskey, the
standards of Mental Health Shyness Test will determine
America (MHA). your degree of social
inhibition around others.

WIL Test Schizotypal Test

Based on a large poll by the The Schizotypal Spectrum
PEW Research Center, the Test is an instrument that
Women in Leadership test analyzes schizotypal
will compare your views on personality features across
female leaders with those of eight diQerent domains.
the general population.

Liberalism Test Blood Type Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Japanese Blood Type Test
Robert McCrae, Ph.D., this is a youth craze from Japan
test will measure your levels that links one’s postulated
of Trait Liberalism in 3 blood type to a series of
minutes or less while personality traits.
retaining good validity.

Loneliness Test Negativistic Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Negativistic Personality
Daniel Russell, this test will Test is an instrument that
measure your levels of analyzes negativistic
loneliness in 3 minutes or personality features across
less while retaining good eight diQerent domains.

Faith Bias Test Corona Test

This Implicit Association Test, This Coronavirus Science
developed using theory from Knowledge Test, developed
Harvard University, will by scientists at the University
determine if you have a bias of Chicago, will determine
in favor of Christianity or how much you know about
Islam. the new disease.

House Test Socialism Test

The Hogwarts/Ilvermorny The left-wing politician Sahra
Test is a composite test that Wagenknecht has caused a
assesses allegiance to each of stir by pitching traditional
the eight houses from these socialists against what she
schools of magic in the Harry calls lifestyle socialists. Which
Potter universe. one are you?

Gaslighting Test Biden/Trump Test

The Gaslighting Victim Test This Implicit Association Test,
will determine whether you developed using theory from
are being manipulated to Harvard University, will
doubt yourself and your determine if you have a bias
perception of reality. in favor of Biden or Trump.

Learning Test Alt Five Test

The Learning Styles Test Based on the work of Dr.
measures whether you are Marvin Zuckerman, the
auditory, kinesthetic, or visual Alternative Five Model of
in your learning style. Personality Test measures
your personality across 5
diQerent domains.

Work Ethic Test EvoPsych Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of
Herbert Mirels, Ph.D. and Dr. professor of psychology
James Garret, Ph.D., this test David M. Buss, the
will determine your level of Evolutionary Psychology test
Protestant Work Ethic. measures your attitude
toward the evolutionary
approach to psychology.

Spiders Test Outlook Test

Fear of Spiders Test, based According to the journalist
on the academic Fear of George Packer Americans are
Spiders Questionnaire (FSQ) split between four ideas of
by Szymanski and what their nation’s purpose is
O'Donohue. like. Which American outlook
do you have?

Climate Test Bubble Test

Peer-reviewed research has Based on the work of Charles
found that even climate Murray, Ph.D., the Social
scientists diQer on the issue Bubble Test will determine if
of climate change. This test you are part of America’s new
will place your views on upper class.
climate change in the midst
of the discussion.

RWA Test Feminist Test

Based on the scientiWc survey This version of the famous
developed by Dr. R.A. Feminist Perspectives test is
Altemeyer, Ph.D., this test will the historical (non-updated)
determine whether you are a version of the instrument
right-wing authoritarian. that Nancy Henley, Ph.D.
devised in 1998.

Mindfulness Test Multiphasic Test

This scientiWcally validated Based on research from the
test, based on the work of Dr. University of Minnesota, this
Ruth Baer, will determine to test uses the famous
what degree you are mindful Multiphasic Scales to give you
and self-aware. a description of the
pathological side of your

Mindset Test Anger Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of Dr.
Christian Busch, Ph.D., the William E. Snell, Ph.D., the
Serendipity Mindset Test Clinical Anger Test combines
measures your ability to several other measures into a
create and amplify your own single instrument to analyze
luck. anger symptoms.

LWA Test Primadonna Test

Based on the scientiWc survey The Primadonna Test is a
developed by L.G. Conway, communally-developed test
Ph.D. and S. Houck, Ph.D., that seeks to determine
this test will determine whether you have an
whether you are a left-wing outsized ego and personality.

Climate Test Basterds Test

The American Psychological The Inglourious Basterds test
Association has identiWed is an unscientiWc and "just for
climate anxiety as a new type fun" test that will match your
of mental health personality with one of seven
phenomenon. This test characters from the Wlm
measures your level of “Inglourious Basterds.”
climate anxiety.

X-Men Test Mindsets Test

The X-Men test is an Drawing on insights from
unscientiWc, “just for fun” test corporate psychology, the 6
to match your personality Mindsets test will determine
with one of seven characters if you have the 6 Mindsets
from this popular franchise. necessary for success.

Eating Test EQ Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Emotional Intelligence
Kristin Bohn and Dr. Test measures a person’s
Christopher Fairburn, the emotional functioning across
Eating Disorders Test 5 diQerent domains.
measures impairment related
to eating disorders.

Aggression Test Magic Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Winds of Magic Test is an
Christian G. Schanz, the unscientiWc and “just for fun”
Passive Aggression Test test to determine which wind
assesses covertly sabotaging of magic from the
behaviors across two Warhammer universe you
diQerent domains. channel the most.

Cockroaches Test Philosophy Test

Fear of Cockroaches Test, Knowledge of ancient
based on a scientiWc philosophy was once
questionnaire by researchers considered the hallmark of a
JeQ Szymanski and William O' Western gentleman and
Donohue. scholar. This test will
determine the extent of your
knowledge of ancient

Codependent Test League Test

Based on the Friel Co- The Justice League Test is an
Dependency Assessment unscientiWc, “just for fun” test
Inventory, the Co- to match your personality
Dependency test will with one of seven characters
determine whether you from this popular franchise.
enmesh yourself with
powerful others.

Gratitude Test Dosha Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Dosha Test is an
Phillip Watkins, Ph.D., the instrument intended to Wnd
Gratitude Test analyzes your body type, as
characteristics of determined from Ayurvedic
thankfulness across 4 literature.
diQerent domains.

Disgust Test Global Test

Based on the work of Dr. Based on the work of
Bunmi O. Olatunji, Ph.D., the researchers Reysen, Larey,
3 Domains of Disgust Test and Katzarska-Miller, the
measures your sensitivity to Global Citizen Test will
sexual, moral, and pathogen determine how connected
disgust. you feel to humanity.

Abundance Test Stalling Test

The Abundance Mindset Test Based on the research of
is an instrument intended to Murray Stainton and
analyze whether you embody colleagues, the
positive beliefs that will lead Procrastination Test will
to success. determine whether you have
a tendency to postpone your

Buddhism Test Values Test

Buddhism has been called Based on the work of the
"the most philosophical Human Sciences Research
religion" and "the hardest Council, the Values Scale Test
religion to understand." This analyzes a person’s work
test will determine the extent values across 22 diQerent
of your knowledge of scales.

Status Test Money Test

Based on the work of David This scientiWcally validated
Buss and colleagues at the test, based on the work of Dr.
University of Texas at Austin, Adrian Furnham, will
the Social Status Test will determine your attitudes
determine your social status about money on Wve distinct
based on evolutionary scales.

Learning Test Typology Test

Based on the work of Dr. Rita Many people claim to be
Dunn, the Learning ProWle experts on Jung's theory of
Test expands on the classical personality while having only
framework of Learning Styles a meager and superWcial
by including a fourth style grasp of the system. This test
and the concept of learning will determine the extent of
orientation. your knowledge of Jungian

Dependent Test Watchmen Test

Based on the work of Nicole The Watchmen Test is an
M. Huber, the Dependent unscientiWc and “just for fun”
Personality Test will measure test to determine which of
whether you are shy and seven characters from the
overly reliant on others. Watchmen franchise you
resemble the most.

Win-Win Test Bitcoin Test

The Win-Win Mindset Test Tobias Huber at the ETH
measures whether you have University of Zurich has
a frame of mind and heart observed that there are many
that seeks mutual beneWt for aspects of Bitcoin that can be
those involved in interactions likened to a religion. Are you
with you. a Bitcoinian?

Mobile Test Snakes Test

Based on the work of Fear of Snakes Test, based on
researchers Yildirim and a scientiWc questionnaire by
Correia, the Nomophobia researchers JeQ Szymanski
Test will determine whether and William O'Donohue.
you have a fear of being
without your phone.

Star Trek Test Christmas Test

The Star Trek Test is an Based on the book of J. James
unscientiWc and “just for fun” and J. Moore, the Christmas
personality assessment that Type Test determines what
will determine which of seven type of Christmas celebrant
characters from The Original you are.
Series you resemble the most.

Dune Test Life Speed Test

The Dune Test is a “just for Based on research from the
fun” test to determine which University of Arizona, the
major character from the Pace of Life Test assesses
Dune franchise you most personality and functioning
closely resemble. related to life history strategy
across eight diQerent

Willpower Test Privilege Test

The Willpower Test measures Based on the work of
your ability to persist to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
success using four statistical and Peggy McIntosh, White
subscales. Privilege Test analyzes special
treatment in relation to skin

Nature Test Anna Test

Based on the work of Dr. The Inventing Anna Test
Cynthia Frantz, the measures whether you are
Connectedness to Nature like Anna Delvey from the
Test will determine whether streaming series Inventing
you feel a sense of belonging Anna.
to the natural world.

Downton Test Culture Test

The Ladies of Downton Test is The Organizational Culture
a “just for fun” test to Test will measure your Wrm or
determine which major organization's culture using
character from the Downton 10 diQerent scales.
Abbey franchise you most
closely resemble.


When Wrst looking into Jung's When Wrst looking into Jung's
theory of personality, it is theory of personality, it is
normal to feel torn between normal to feel torn between
two types. This test will give two types. This test will give
you an indication of whether you an indication of whether
you are ENTP or INTP. you are INTP or INTJ.


When Wrst looking into Jung's When Wrst looking into Jung's
theory of personality, it is theory of personality, it is
normal to feel torn between normal to feel torn between
two types. This test will give two types. This test will give
you an indication of whether you an indication of whether
you are INTP or INFP. you are INFJ or INTP.


When Wrst looking into Jung's When Wrst looking into Jung's
theory of personality, it is theory of personality, it is
normal to feel torn between normal to feel torn between
two types. This test will give two types. This test will give
you an indication of whether you an indication of whether
you are INTP or ISTP. you are INTJ or INFP.


When Wrst looking into Jung's When Wrst looking into Jung's
theory of personality, it is theory of personality, it is
normal to feel torn between normal to feel torn between
two types. This test will give two types. This test will give
you an indication of whether you an indication of whether
you are INTJ or INFJ. you are INTJ or ISTJ.


When Wrst looking into Jung's When Wrst looking into Jung's
theory of personality, it is theory of personality, it is
normal to feel torn between normal to feel torn between
two types. This test will give two types. This test will give
you an indication of whether you an indication of whether
you are ENFP or ESFP. you are INFP or INFJ.

ENFJ or ESFP Test Тест ISTP или ISFP

При первом знакомстве с При первом знакомстве с
теорией личности Юнга теорией личности Юнга
нормально чувствовать нормально чувствовать
разрыв между двумя разрыв между двумя
типами. Этот тест покажет типами. Этот тест покажет
вам, являетесь ли вы ENFJ вам, являетесь ли вы ISTP
или ESFP. или ISFP.

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