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Introduction Signals and systems Signals and systems in a Feedback architecture Open vs. closed loop systems advantages and disadvantages Laplace transforms motivation, transforms for simple signals, properties (derivative, shifting etc), theorems, transforms of systems Fourier series fundamental frequency; trigonometric, polar and exponential series Fourier transforms general, sine, cosine Power spectral density formulae Modeling LTI models in time and Laplace domain, poles and zeros, simple 1st and 2nd order examples Impulse response function and convolution Block diagrams components, manipulation algebra A complete Feedback system representation using block diagrams characteristic equation, 6 important transfer functions, Complementary sensitivity and sensitivity functions Mechanical, Electrical and Liquid systems, C and R in liquid level systems Linearization Time domain analysis Motivation system ID, stability analysis First order system unit step, unit ramp and unit impulse response Second order systems closed loop poles; step response delay time, rise time, peak time, maximum overshoot, settling time, log decrement; impulse response Forced response of systems harmonic forcing Introduction to simple controllers on-off, P, I and D, roles of P, I and D Routh-Hurwitz stability test o Restrictions on coefficients all positive, imaginary roots o Actual test methodology if restrictions on coefficients have been met o Special cases zero entry in 1st column, row of zeros System types and internal model principle Root Locus Construction rules: o OL poles and zeros o Real axis portions o Asymptotes center and angles o Breakaway/break in points o Departure/ arrival angles o Imaginary axis crossings Stability concepts: Gain margin, conditional stability, NMP systems

Time-delay: Root locus branches construction, Effect on stability Root locus design Lead compensator o Find required CL pole location o Find angle deficiency o Find phase parameters (alpha and T) to compensate the angle deficiency o Find gain from magnitude criterion Lag compensator o Root locus of uncompensated system and find dominant closed loop poles o Determine beta from increase in Kv o Choose large T o New root locus and locate desired closed loop pole location o Find gain from magnitude criterion Lead-Lag compensator o Find required CL pole location o Find angle deficiency o Find lead phase parameters (alpha and T) to compensate the angle deficiency o For lag, choose large T o Obtain K from magnitude criterion o Obtain beta from increase in Kv Bode analysis Gain, integrator, differentiator First order and second order systems For a general system addition of asymptotes method Effect of adding poles and zeros Bode plots of time delay and non-minimum phase systems Freq domain stability criteria and gain and phase margins Nyquist Analysis Non proper systems derivative, first order zero, second order zeros General system effect of system type (low freq) and rel degree (high freq) Simple examples integrator, first order pole, second order poles Effect of time delay Conformal mapping and application to stability analysis (Z=N+P) Imaginary axis poles and zeros Gain and phase margins on the Nyquist plot Conditionally stable systems G and P margins Gain and Phase margin specs and bandwidth Frequency domain control design Motivation Freq domain identification Bode for design, Nyquist for stability analysis Lead compensator

o Purpose Increase phase margin, high gain at large frequencies, improved transience o Design finding K, find desired phase compensation amount (taking shift in gain crossover, i.e. safety margin), find alpha, find T from new crossover location Lag compensator o Purpose Increase phase margin, high gain at low freq, improved steady state, but can result in low gain at high freq so sluggish transience o Design finding K, finding new crossover freq from req PM, choose T, find beta from magnitude criteria Practical control design considerations: o Delays, phase lags, higher order dynamics, saturation PID control Model free PID : Ziegler-Nichols tuning o Goal o Methods, underlying formulae and assumptions o Limitations PID modifications o PI-D control or filtered derivative to avoid setpoint kick Saturation and anti-windup o Integrator windup problem o Anti-windup solutions Sensitivity and robustness Disturbances Modeling uncertainty Sensitivity and stability margin Noise Tradeoff between S and T transfer functions 2DOF Control Design Limitations of feedback only control in precision control Feedforward control via dynamic inversion Comparison of feedback and feedforward and 2 DOF controller Design of the feedforward and feedback constituents 2 DOF model reference control o Control architecture o Algorithm to find polynomials o Example

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